WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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Taker Vs Goldberg

Molly Holly Vs Gail Kim

Randy Orton Vs Jeff Hardy

the matches look great and so do all the other segments and everything, what a build up and I will be reading...

Check out TNE if you want, new show is up...

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
This looks to be a great show. The preview is appealing to me and I'll be checking this show out. Curious to see what Triple H has to say at the top of the show. And I'm also wondering what Christian has to say about Mark Henry's attack on Trish Stratus last week. Again, this show looks promising and I know you'll deliver so I'll definitely be checking it out.

Here are my predictions.

Taker vs. Goldberg= No contest

Molly Holly vs. Gail Kim= Molly Holly

Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy= Jeff Hardy

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: I liked both Triple Threat matches and good to see Undertaker vs. Goldberg next week. We haven't seen this in real, this could be a good match.

Worst Match: none

Best Promo: HBK and HHH

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Another great show XBA, I wonder what will happen next on Shawn Michaels. Is he done with Evolution? He and RVD could be a good tag team, maybe they could run as tag team champs, lol... I am checking out your next show and see who will win between Taker and Goldberg.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.

: Hello ladies and gentlemen and thank you for tuning into the place to be every Monday Night, that’s right here with us at WWE Monday Night Raw! JR Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler ringside and if you have tuned it, boy, are you in for a treat, tell them king!

King: Tonight right here on Monday Night Raw, the date has been set, it’s tonight, in our main event, first time ever, for the Number one contendership for Triple H’s World Heavyweight Championship next week at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II, it will be the two winners of the 2 triple threat matches last week, Big Evil the Undertaker taking on the Unstoppable Bill Goldberg! This is a match of the ages JR!

JR: No doubt about it, these two are set to collide right here tonight, I don’t know if the squared circle will be able to contain these two!

Triple H’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion the Game comes down the ramp alongside his fellow Evolution running buddy Ric Flair.

: Here comes our World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. For those who aren’t aware, Triple H reclaimed his World Heavyweight Champion from Shawn Michaels at Bad Blood a couple weeks back through one of the most controversial endings I have ever seen to say the least.

HHH: For those who have forgotten and for those who don’t want to believe, I am Triple H, I am the Game, I am your World Heavyweight Champion! For the past weeks, it seems like everyone has just forgotten! At Bad Blood I fought HBK with both of us bringing our A games, I get no congratulations, I get no good job, but if Michaels were to win that match he would have a parade with Moses, Abraham, and Jesus himself leading the damn thing!

JR: Now that’s just uncalled for King.

HHH: I come into work like any other guy in today’s corporate world, just with a slight yearning for some respect and a little pat on the shoulder and I get absolutely nothing. I get absolutely not respect, hell, I come in today thinking it might be a little different, but no, everyone backstage is talking about, not the World Champion, not the Cerebral Assassin, not Triple H, but Goldberg and the Undertaker. The Undertaker can’t even walk down the damn ramp without having to use a damn motorcycle let alone keep up with me in this ring. Hell, and Goldberg can’t wrestle his way out of a paper bag, I was the first man to ever defeat him right in this ring 2 weeks ago. As a matter of fact Nay-tch, I could care less who wins tonight, I can kick both of their pathetic asses, but I have a beef with someone else. Shawn Michaels, I didn’t like how you almost kicked my head off last week. Hell, of all people I would expect HBK, Mr. Religious Experience himself to give me a handshake after our match, but no, he kicked me straight in the face last week. So please, if you will, Shawn Michaels, get your ass down to this ring right now!

JR: Well if I were Shawn Michaels, I would definitely come out, Ric Flair is in that ring, HBK has been waiting to get his hands on Flair for…

HBK’s music hits as HBK comes out of the gate and stands at the top of the ramp.

: Now Triple H, you know me better than that. You don’t expect me to come down to that ring just because Ric Flair is that do you? Triple H, as much as I would love to come down there and kick both of your teeth down your throats, I don’t jump into things. Ric, I am talking to you partner, we need to get things out in the open, either you are here and I am not, I am in the house and you are mysteriously absent, we need to air out our dirty laundry, get it? So what I am proposing, right here, next week at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, we meet face to face in that ring, and we clean the air between us.

King: HBK looks to be making a peace treaty does he not?

HBK: However, when I say you and me, I mean no Triple H, no Randy Orton, and no Batista, and in return, I won’t bring the band, the band won’t be tuning up for their next performance next week, what do you say?

HHH: Ric, you don’t need to answer to him, you run with Evolution, everyone answers to us…

Flair: Hunter, calm down, Shawn, you got yourself a deal, next week, we are going to clear the air.

HBK: Alright, now that we got that out of the way, there’s no rule that the band won’t tune up right here tonight, but again, the Heartbreak Kid doesn’t go jumping into things, so I brought some back up!

Booker T’s music hits as the 5 Time WCW Champion Booker T comes out of the gate.

: Business is about to pick up! It’s Booker T!

Booker and Michaels rush the ring. HBK and Booker slide into the ring and Booker charges the Game and HBK charges Flair. Triple H and the Nature Boy hightail it and get out of the ring. The crowd boos as HBK and Booker signal for them to come back into the ring, but Triple H and Flair run up the ramp.

JR: Well, looks like HBK still won’t get his hands on Flair, but I wouldn’t mind seeing the Band tune up tonight, I say let them fight! Let’s get it on!

Coach is standing by with Randy Orton.

Coach: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am the Coach Jonathan Coachman here with Evolution’s Legend Killer, Randy Orton. Now Randy, last week you lost your triple threat match against Booker T and Goldberg, thus relinquishing the closest spot you have ever gotten into the World Heavyweight Title picture, what is going through your head?

Orton: What is going through my head? Coach, if you haven’t noticed, I am the most talented, most athletic, most handsome, man on this roster today, you don’t think I will get another title shot? Listen to the guys in the back Coach, every single one of them say the “Next Big Thing” isn’t Brock Lesnar, it’s me, right here, it’s Randy Orton! I might have lost last week to Goldberg and Booker T, but neither of those losers are worthy of facing the great Triple H anyways. I was the only one worthy of being in the presence of greatness, I have been trained and molded by the Game, I have all the qualifications to face Triple H for that World Heavyweight Championship, but it looks to me that my Destiny isn’t the World title right now; my Destiny is something much, much bigger! Destiny has a way with the World Coach, and I feel my Destiny is going to become reality, very, very, soon! However, as far as tonight goes, I got a mission to accomplish, I am representing Evolution here tonight and my duty is to “soften up” Dave’s opponent next week, Jeff Hardy. Batista, I am sorry to say it pal, but you better pray there’s something left for you next week, because when I step into that ring, anything can happen, and everything will happen!


Gail Kim’s music hits as Gail comes down the ramp.

: Well here we go, it’s time for a Bad Blood rematch, Gail Kim lost her Women’s Championship match at Bad Blood, but tonight she will get another shot at Molly Holly for the gold!

King: This is a huge, it broke earlier on WWE.com and ever since then, I have been anticipating this match all day! I can’t wait, plus I love it when Gail is in action, she is so hot JR!

Molly Holly’s music hits as the WWE Women’s Champion comes down the ramp.

: Here is one woman I would prefer not to meet in a dark alley; it’s our Women’s Champion Molly Holly.

WWE Women’s Championship
Molly Holly* vs. Gail Kim
Holly and Gail square off in the center of the ring. Molly sticks the title right in Gail’s face and starts talking trash to Gail Kim. Gail smiles and slaps the title out of her hands. Molly gets pissed and pushes Gail Kim. Gail stumbles back and charges Molly and takes her down. Gail maneuvers atop Molly and lands mounted punches. The ref tries to get her off, but Gail unloads on Molly and the ref is forced to count 1…2…3…4…and Gail gets up. Gail picks Molly up and whips her into the corner. Gail charges Molly Holly in the corner, but Molly gets her leg up and jacks Gail square in the jaw countering her offense. Gail stumbles back and Molly charges Gail and nails her with a running knee to the face. Gail stands up woozy and Molly takes her down with a headlock takedown. Molly singes the headlock in deeper and puts the pressure onto Gail. Gail shows her fighting spirit and gets up. Molly keeps the hold locked in and Gail powers out of it and slams Molly with a backdrop suplex. Gail quickly covers Molly 1…kickout! Gail gets up and grabs the legs of Molly looking for a double Boston Crab, but Molly slowly powers out of it and kicks Gail off and away and Gail flies back first into the corner. Molly gets up and charges Gail. She goes for a body splash into the corner, but Gail dodges and Molly crashes into the corner. Molly bounces out of the corner and Gail grabs her and throws her over the top rope. The crowd pops for Gail as she begins to climb the turnbuckles. Molly slowly gets up on the outside and turns up to see Gail on the top turnbuckle.

JR: Look out! Gail Kim is going airborne!

Gail Kim jumps off the top rope and connects with a huge moonsault out of the corner onto Molly Holly on the outside floor. The fans go crazy while Gail holds herself in pain on the outside floor. Gail gets up slowly at the same time as Molly and they exchange blows. Gail connects with a right, then Molly fires back with a right of her own, Gail strikes back with another right hook, as does Molly with yet another right. Gail nails a kick to the leg of Molly, but Molly fires back with a huge knee to the gut of Gail Kim. Gail pulls the legs out from under Gail and Gail falls back onto the floor. Molly pulls Gail by the legs right in front of the ring post and sets her up. Molly fires Gail straight into the steel ring post skull first. Gail covers up her face lying motionless on the floor as Molly Holly gets up and pats herself on the back. Molly drags Gail’s motionless body and hurls her into the ring. Molly steps on Gail’s chest pinning her cockily 1…2…kickout! Molly can’t believe she is still going and picks her up. Molly lifts her up and connects with a body slam. Molly bounces off the ropes and connects with double leg drop to the head and neck of Gail Kim. Molly hooks the leg for the cover on Gail Kim 1…2…kickout! Molly picks Gail up again and hoists her on her shoulder, but Gail slides out the back and hooks the legs to the shoulders rolling Molly to the mat 1…2…kickout! Gail gets up and Molly gets up at the same time, but Gail knocks her down with a vicious insuguri to the head. Molly holds her head while getting back to her feet. Gail bounces off the ropes and nails a huge bulldog onto the WWE Women’s Champion. Gail signals for the Happy Ending and tells Molly to get up. Molly crawls to the ropes away from Gail Kim. Gail stays on her as Molly turns over and kicks Gail in the stomach. Molly slides under the bottom rope and stands on the apron. Molly grabs Gail and looks for a suplex off the apron onto the floor, but Gail blocks and pulls Molly’s head down hanging her up on the top rope. Molly flies off the apron and falls to the floor. Molly gets up and Gail talks trash to her and Molly shakes her head and waves her hand at Gail and walks up the ramp. Gail shakes her head and slides out of the ring and runs after Molly. Molly sees her in the titantron and just as about Gail is going to nail Molly up the ramp. Molly snaps around and nails her with an earth shattering clothesline that turns Gail inside out. The ref appears to be at the 7 count on the ring out count and Molly laughs and runs to the ring. The ref continues the ring out …8…9…Molly slides into the ring…10!
WINNER: Women’s Champion Molly Holly

JR: Oh come on King, what the hell is that? What kind of win is that? Molly isn’t a champion!

King: Well JR, when it comes down to it, the champion is the person with the gold after the match and I guess Gail is just unlucky…

Molly smiles holding up her title as Gail lies motionless on the ramp. Gail slowly gets up and stares daggers at Molly Holly. Gail charges the ring and Molly hightales it out of the ring and runs through the crowd.

JR: Molly is running like a jackrabbit out of the ring, she doesn’t want any piece of Gail Kim today I reckon!

King: Gail Kim is not going to be stopped JR, she wants that Women’s title, and I think she is closer than ever to getting her hands on it!

Shawn Michaels and Booker T walk down the hallway talking about socking it to Evolution when Eric Bischoff confronts them.

Bischoff: Good evening gentlemen, I would just like to tell you that due to what transpired out there in that ring earlier tonight, you two will be taking on Triple H and Ric Flair in our co main event tonight, good luck, but, Shawn, if you would be so kind, I need to talk to Booker T for just a minute…

HBK: Hmm, urrr, okay…whatever, see you out there tonight Book.

HBK walks away and Booker rolls his eyes staring at Bischoff.

: Now Booker, remember our little talk we had last week? Well I have been thinking about a way you can fully repay me for your blatant disrespect. First I got a question for you Booker, what are you doing a week from tonight?

Booker: Well, dog, I got to…

Bischoff: Good, nothing on the agenda, just what I thought, since you have yet to be booked in a match at the historic Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II, I have taken it apon myself to make Cutting Edge TV once more and I have put you in a nice little match!

Booker: Alright, that’s cool dog, against who?

Bischoff: Well, you will certainly have your hands full with this, I don’t have this sort of time to be talking to a punk like you. I have wasted too much time, as a matter of fact, I have wasted, I’d say, about 3 Minutes…

Jamal and Rosey ambush Booker T from behind and beat the hell out of him. Jamal grabs Booker with both hands by the throat and hurls him into the wall. Rosey grabs a chair and clocks Booker across the head with it busting him open.

Bischoff: If you haven’t figured it out by now Booker, next week, you will be going against the World Tag Team Champions 3 Minute Warning in a handicap match!

JR: First Jericho, then Shawn Michaels, now Booker T will have to suffer a beating from 3 Minute Warning? This is getting sick King!


Jeff Hardy’s music hits as the Intercontinental Champion storms down the ramp to a huge ovation.

: Here is the only man I know who can get that type of ovation no matter where he goes, it’s the rockstar like Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy!

Evolution’s music hits as Batista accompanies Randy Orton down the ramp.

Randy Orton and Batista are the future of this business without a shadow of a doubt. These guys roll with class, not to mention Triple H and Ric Flair, these guys rule over Raw with an iron fist, and in addition to that iron, it’s about to be graced with gold, because next week Batista is going to beat the snot out of Jeff Hardy and take his title in a 2 out of 3 falls match!

Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton w/ Batista
Jeff Hardy claps his hand and gets the fans behind him. Orton tries to block out the fans, but feeds off it and throws his arms up and taunts the crowd who boo back at him. Hardy charges Orton’s corner, but Orton ducks and Hardy lands in the corner and Orton closes in on him. Orton lands shot after shot onto Hardy in the corner and lands a huge forearm uppercut onto Hardy. Orton drags Hardy out of the corner and hurls him across the ring. Hardy bounces back and delivers a flying clothesline straight to Orton. Hardy gets up as does Orton and Hardy kicks Orton, but Orton catches it and spins him, but Hardy counters into a huge dragon whip spinkick. Orton gets up and Hardy nails him with forearm shots across the back, but Orton picks Hardy up and rams him spine first into the corner. Orton backs up to a horrible ovation and charges Hardy. Orton goes for a big boot to Hardy, but Hardy ducks and Orton’s leg gets hung up on the top rope. Hardy gets behind Orton and rolls him up 1…kickout! Batista cheers Orton on as Hardy starts yelling at Batista. Batista laughs and tells Hardy to look behind him. He turns around and Orton charges him looking for a clothesline, but Hardy ducks and gets behind him and nails a huge inverted DDT. Hardy quickly covers Orton 1…2…kickout! Both men get up and Orton nails a kick to Hardy’s knee. Orton lands another kick to Hardy’s leg and then knees him in the gut. Orton sets Hardy up for a suplex. Orton hoists Hardy up and drops him down with a picture perfect delayed vertical suplex. Orton covers Hardy 1…2…kickout! Orton gets on top of Hardy and starts nailing him with blatant shots to the skull. Hardy reverses it quickly and gets on top of Orton and starts unloading on the Legend Killer. Orton pushes Hardy away and manages to get up. Hardy charges Orton, but Orton hurls Hardy up and over the top rope. Hardy lands on the apron facing Orton’s back. Orton turns around and discovers Hardy didn’t crash and burn onto the floor and charges him. Hardy pulls the top rope down and Orton flies up and over onto the outside floor. Hardy runs along the apron and scales the turnbuckles and connects with the Whisper in the Wind from the apron onto Orton on the outside floor.

JR: By God! What a maneuver! The Whisper in the Wind connected from the apron! How does he do it! Good lord what a match King!

Batista shakes his head and walks around to the other side of the ring where Hardy and Orton are. Both men are squirming in pain on the outside. The ref sees Batista and automatically confronts him. Batista argues with the ref while Hardy gets up behind the ref’s back. He grabs Orton, but Orton shoots up and lands a huge kick below the belt of Hardy. Hardy goes down hard. Orton picks Hardy up by the hair and throws him in the ring. Batista finally backs off and the ref goes back into the ring. Orton covers Hardy and the ref slides into the ring for the count 1…2….kickout! Orton can’t believe it. He slides around the mat stalking Hardy looking for the RKO. Hardy gets up and turns around. Randy Orton goes for the RKO, but Hardy counters and pushes Orton forward and Orton falls onto his back. Hardy runs over Orton’s body and up the corner and goes for another Whisper in the Wind on Orton. Orton quickly dodges and Hardy and Hardy crashes and burns. Orton covers Hardy 1…2…kickout! Orton picks Hardy up and sets him up for the RKO, but Hardy twists out of it and finds himself setting Orton up for the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Orton spins out and nails Hardy with the RKO. Orton covers Hardy 1...2…3!
WINNER: Randy Orton

King: What a thundering RKO by the Legend Killer in this match JR.

JR: Well Randy Orton sure showed he can throw with the best of them, I didn’t think Orton would get up after the Whisper in the Wind off the apron, but Orton sure impressed me here tonight.

Orton tells Batista that Jeff Hardy is all to Dave and Orton slides out of the ring. Batista yanks the Intercontinental Championship from the referee’s hands and stares down at Hardy in the ring. Batista helps Hardy up and Hardy stands on his own two feet and Batista appears to walk away, but he snaps back and levels Hardy with the Intercontinental Championship belt.

JR: Now talk about uncalled for, Batista is getting another shot, what the hell more does he want!

Batista picks Hardy up and sets him up and drills him down to the mat with a vicious Batista Bomb.

King: JR, you just don’t get it, this is probably the Animal tries to make friends!

JR: If that’s making friends you can call me the damn pope King!

PROMO: Stone Cold Steve Austin Returns at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II

Terri is backstage with Captain Charisma, Christian.

Terri: Last week Christian, was one of the most hard to watch moments in all of Raw history when Mark Henry, a 400 lb plus man, put his hands on a defenseless young woman, you girlfriend, Trish Stratus, I know you have been through a lot over the past week, but care to say anything?

Christian: True Terri, I have had a long week, but I think this one is going to be longer. You see a couple weeks ago I told Trish I had a huge announcement that I would reveal next week at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, but now I don’t even know if she’ll make it to Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II. Mark Henry, Teddy Long, Jazz, listen, you have messed with the wrong son of a bitch! Captain Charisma right here right now is challenging…you, Mark Henry, to a match next week at the 3 Hour Raw! Trish is my one and true love, she is my, everything, and last week, you almost took everything away from me, and now, I am going to take everything away from you! The Peepulation is not in a good state of mind, but who knows, that just might play to my advantage! Mark, bring T&B Enterprises, it doesn’t matter, bring the Nation of Domination if you could find their asses, I don’t care, because next week, you will fall at the feet of Captain Charisma!


Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes to the ring.

: Alright, alright, cut my music monkeys, I have something to say! As many of you Jericho-holics may know, the Sexy Beast lost his triple threat match last week which guaranteed him a spot in the number one contender’s match. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow, but that’s the way the world works. So, for everyone who knows me oh too well, you know I get right back on my feet after I fall down, the Ayatollah of Rock N’ Rollah has to continue to be the best he can be right here on Raw, and that means being in action right here in this squared circle. So, next week right here on Raw, Monday Night Raw, the WWE, and everything in between will make history once again as Raw presents it’s second 3 Hour Spectacular! As many of you may know, I have been having numerous run in’s with the Big Red Jackass over the past month or two and we have yet to square off one on one fairly without interference or some crappy stipulation or consequence put together by our General Manager Eric Bischoff, the ass clown that he is, so…

Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine Kane comes down the ramp.

: Hey speak of the devil, it’s the Big Red Machine Kane, I got to admit Kane you didn’t give me the chance to give you the proper entrance, but whatever Big Man, I got to admit, you aren’t looking too good these days, kind of fat, chunky, your hair is graying, you are slower than you have ever been in this ring, the total opposite of Y2J Chris Jericho. You see Kane, I am good looking, charming, have 0.5% body fat, have the greatest hair in this business, can get it done equally in the ring and in the bedroom, hell I can even put on a bigger rock concert than Metallica, but most of all, I am better than you Kane, that’s what I have been trying to get through that thick skull of yours, but I never got past the mask…

Kane grabs Jericho by the throat.

: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Kane has Jericho by the throat!

Kane hoists him up and drills him down to the mat with a tremendous chokeslam. Kane bends over and grabs the microphone.

Kane: Jericho, if you wanted me one on one in this ring next week, you could have just asked, I accept! Get ready for the beating of a lifetime you little loud…mouth…ass clown!

King: Looks like Kane just laid down the law to Chris Jericho here tonight!

JR: Well these two have been boiling over for awhile now King and next week they will finally collide! Jericho vs. Kane right here next week!

King: That’s next week though, what about tonight?

JR: Thanks for reminding me King, like I need to be reminded, right here tonight in our main event, it’s the biggest match in Raw history and it is to determine the number one contender to Triple H’s World Heavyweight Championship for a title match next week at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, it will be, for the first time ever, Goldberg vs. the Undertaker!

King: But don’t go anywhere, because coming up next it will be Ric Flair teaming with the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H and they will be taking on Shawn Michaels and Booker T!

Terri is backstage with HBK Shawn Michaels.

Terri: I am here with the Showstopper Shawn Michaels. Now earlier tonight Shawn you said that next week right here on Raw at the 3 Hour Spectacular you will be “cleaning the air” with Ric Flair. Care to enlighten us?

HBK: Sure Terri, next week at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, good old HBK Shawn Michaels will be airing out some dirty laundry with Ric Flair. All of our viewers are probably aware of my history with the Nature Boy, aren’t they? Sure, wrestling fans are the smartest fans in the world, hmm, well, whatever, Ric Flair and myself have been down the darkest of paths and the steepest of hills, but now, we find ourselves at a standoff. From me lying down for the Nature Boy all the way back at Backlash, to Ric Flair…screwing me…out of my World Heavyweight Championship at Bad Blood, we have basically been at the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, but now all I, and I think Ric himself, want to know is where we stand with each other, and that’s what we are going to find out next week. Now, if you know the Showstopper like I do, he always puts on a show, let’s not forget at the last 3 Hour Spectacular, I won the World Heavyweight Championship, and if you really, really, really, know the Showstopper, he can’t help but always try to top himself, why, because he can.


Triple H’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion HHH comes down the ramp with the Nature Boy Ric Flair.

: Here comes the World Heavyweight Champion alongside his mentor Ric Flair. These two men have made one of the greatest factions in wrestling history, Evolution, and they have been running ramped on Raw ever since their inception earlier this year.

HBK’s music hits as Shawn Michaels comes out of the gate.

: I sure hope HBK knows what he is getting himself into here, he has beef with both Triple H and Ric Flair, and I don’t even think his partner, Booker T, will be at 100% after that beatdown by 3 Minute Warning backstage!

Booker T’s music hits as the 5 Time WCW Champion comes down the ramp holding his ribs in pain.

: There you see it King, you were right, Booker T isn’t 100%, I am not even sure he is 50%, he doesn’t look to hot right here!

Triple H and Ric Flair vs. Booker T and Shawn Michaels
Booker T and Ric Flair start off the match. Booker circles the ring and closes in on the Nature Boy. They lock up and Ric gets behind Booker and kicks him behind the knee. Ric nails a chop to the back and nails another kick to the back of the knee. Ric throws Booker to the corner, but Booker counters and hurls Ric into the corner. Booker charges Flair in the corner and lands a huge clothesline. Booker grabs Ric’s head and shoots out of the corner with a bulldog to the Nature Boy. Booker quickly covers Booker 1…kickout! Booker picks Ric up and starts to drag him over to his corner to tag in HBK, but Ric panics and breaks away from Booker and jets over to his own corner and tags in the Game. HBK stares at Flair across the ring and shakes his head. Booker tags in HBK and HBK and The Game charge each other. HBK levels the Game with a clothesline. Triple H gets up and clobbers HBK with a clothesline of his own. Triple H picks HBK up and whips him towards the ropes. HBK bounces back and Triple H nails him with a face buster. HBK wobbles as HHH bounces off the ropes and nails HBK with a shoulder block knocking him down. Triple H bounces off the ropes again and lands a huge knee drop onto the Showstopper. Triple H takes a deep breathe and hooks the leg for the cover 1…2…kickout! Triple H picks HBK up and nails him with a hard chop. HBK takes it and fires a hard chop of his own back at Triple H. HBK kicks the Game in the gut and gets him in a front face lock setting him up for a DDT. He goes for it but the Game blocks and Triple H flips HBK up and over his head and HBK lands back first on the mat. Triple H turns around and picks HBK up and nails him with a sidewalk slam. Triple H gets up and gives the finger to Booker T. Booker explodes and runs into the ring, but the ref blocks and stops him. Booker argues with the ref while Flair grabs the sledgehammer from underneath the ring. Flair slides the hammer into the ring and Triple H picks it up. HBK low blows Triple H from behind and the Game drops the hammer. HBK picks up the hammer and looks at Ric Flair. Booker still argues with the ref while Ric enters the ring and starts talking trash to Michaels. HBK smiles and hands the hammer to Ric Flair and then lies on the mat. The ref turns and sees HBK laid out and Ric Flair standing in the ring with the hammer. The ref starts screaming at Ric Flair and pointing at Shawn Michaels. Triple H gets up and starts screaming at the ref. The ref forces Flair back on the apron and HBK shoots up while the Game turns back around and HBK lands Sweet Chin Music on the Game. HBK looks at the crowd, smiles, and shrugs his shoulders then covers the Game 1…2…3!
WINNER: Shawn Michaels and Booker T.

JR: HBK sure is a showstopper if I have ever seen one.

King: That was cheating JR plain and simple!

JR: It wasn’t cheating King, nobody ever got hit with the hammer did they?

HBK and Booker raise their arms in victory when Triple H rises up behind them. HBK and Booker turn to face the crowd when Triple H levels them both with a double clothesline. Triple H picks up Booker T and throws him out of the ring like yesterday’s news. He looks at HBK and then looks up at Ric and Flair is smiling. Triple H picks up HBK and nails him with a Pedigree. Ric Flair walks up and struts around HBK’s motionless body.

JR: What a blatant show of disrespect! This is terrible, Triple H was just a little pissed about losing, but that doesn’t give him the right to do this to two of the biggest legends in our business King!

King: That was pretty unexpected and uncalled for to say the least even for Evolution!

JR: Yea Triple H, you’re a big man alright, real badass, let’s see who has the last laugh next week when you defend your title!

King: I would be shivering in my boots because I would have to face either Goldberg or Undertaker; I hope Triple H knows what he’s doing!


JR: Well King, it’s main event time, it’s a big match atmosphere in this arena tonight and it has every right to be!

King: No denying that statement JR, this match is sure to be one of the greatest matches we will ever see on Raw.

JR: We have described this match as two semi trucks in a head on collision, that phrase doesn’t even scratch the surface, nobody really knows what will happen when Goldberg and the Undertaker meet face to face in that ring, let alone when the bell rings!

Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil rolls out of the gate and down the ramp.

: With his signature entrance music, Rollin’, Big Evil rolls down the ramp and into, quite possibly, the biggest mountain he will have to climb in his career to date.

King: Many people don’t really realize the meaning behind this match, Goldberg is no joke, and he will tear you in half, not taking anything away from Big Evil, because he will tear you in fourths!

JR: The fans here are hot in Boise tonight for what is going to be a hot main event, the rafters are rattling, the crowd is electric, and are now anticipating the arrival of The Man!

Goldberg’s music hits as the camera cuts backstage where Goldberg charges out of his locker room and makes it out to the tunnel. Goldberg explodes out of the gate to a thunderous ovation.

: Well JR, there he is, oh boy does Goldberg look wired up tonight!

JR: He damn sure should be, he got fired 2 months ago, got rehired, got his winning streak broken, he should be ecstatic that he finds himself within inches of the World’s title. Don’t get me wrong, Goldberg is long over due for this and I am not saying I am rooting for either man, but I am saying Goldberg damn sure deserves this.

Number One Contender’s Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Goldberg vs. Undertaker

The fans shake the stands as Goldberg and Undertaker stand across the ring from each other. Undertaker whispers something to Goldberg from across the ring and Goldberg smiles and then roars at the Deadman. The ref tells both competitors to meet in the cente r of the ring. Undertaker points on the chest of Goldberg and then shoves him. Goldberg gets nudged and then shoves the Deadman right back. Undertaker shoves Goldberg back with both hands. Goldberg fires back a strong right that almost knocks down the Deadman. Undertaker fires back with soup bowl after soup bowl, overhand rights and lefts blasting Goldberg. Taker backs Goldberg up to the ropes and bounces him off. Goldberg counters and hurls the Undertaker across the ring. Taker reaches the ropes and clings onto them stopping himself in his tracks. Goldberg signals to Taker to bring it and Taker walks up to Goldberg. The fans go crazy as Taker goes for a right, but Goldberg blocks and nails him with a forearm shot to the face. Goldberg knees Taker in the gut and then nails a strong forearm to the back of Big Evil. Undertaker cringes and stumbles away from Goldberg. Goldberg walks towards Taker, but Taker plays possum and picks Goldberg up and nails him with a sudden sidewalk slam into a pin 1…kickout! Undertaker shoots up ready to go to battle.

JR: What a shot of adrenaline from Big Evil King! He got up faster than a jackrabbit!

Goldberg gets up and Taker unloads with more soupbowls onto Goldberg backing him up into the corner. The ref tells Taker to stop, but Taker keeps going until the ref steps between Goldberg and Taker. Undertaker backs up and the ref steps aside. Goldberg grabs Undertaker’s throat with both hands and hurls him into the corner. Goldberg unloads onto the Undertaker with strong shoulder thrusts into the gut of the Deadman. Goldberg backs up and charges the Deadman and caps his combo up with one huge running shoulder thrust into the ribs of Big Evil. Goldberg backs up and Taker stumbles out of the corner. Goldberg grabs Undertaker and hoists him up on his shoulder looking for the powerslam, but Taker uses his large mass and easily escapes out of the back and pushes Goldberg forward. Goldberg snaps back and runs towards Taker but Taker crumbles Goldberg with a huge clothesline. Undertaker goes on the offensive and grabs Goldberg up. Undertaker kicks Goldberg in the gut and grabs his arm. Taker twists Goldberg’s arm and guides him over to the corner. Undertaker climbs the corner holding Goldberg’s arm and ascends onto the top rope looking for his signature Old School. Goldberg uses his brute force and hurls Undertaker up and off the top rope, across the ring, and Big Evil crashes on the mat. Undertaker shoots up quickly and charges Goldberg for a clothesline, but Goldberg ducks and jets across the ring and bounces off the ropes. Taker turns around and Goldberg nails him with a huge mid air shoulder block clothesline. The crowd pops as Goldberg gets up and gets on the back of Taker. Goldberg unloads huge knee thrusts to the shoulders of the Undertaker. Goldberg gets up and pulls Taker up with him. Goldberg hammers him across the back and sets him up for a suplex. Goldberg goes for it, but Taker quickly blocks. Goldberg snaps him back with a snap snare Suplex. Taker shoots back and charges across the ring and bounces off the ropes. Undertaker nails a huge leg drop onto Goldberg. Undertaker covers Goldberg 1…2…kickout! Undertaker quickly grabs the arm of Goldberg and slaps on an arm bar. Goldberg quickly gets up, still in the submission, and uses his strength to pick Taker off the mat and slam him back down on his head. Taker doesn’t budge still gripping Goldberg’s arm. Goldberg drags Taker to the ropes so Goldberg can reach the ropes to break the count. Taker breaks the hold and Goldberg clinches his arm in pain. Taker gets up and kicks Goldberg in the gut. Taker bounces Bill off the ropes and across the ring. Goldberg bounces back right into a Big Boot by the Deadman. Goldberg stumbles but doesn’t fall. Undertaker watches Goldberg wobble, then slaps him right on the neck for the Chokeslam. Goldberg hammers Taker’s arm and breaks the choke. Goldberg grabs Taker and hurls him across the ring. Taker bounces off the ropes and Goldberg goes for a back elbow, but this time Taker ducks and bounces off the ropes. Goldberg turns around and Taker goes for a clotheslines, but Goldberg ducks. Taker bounces off the ropes again and Goldberg runs and bounces off the opposite side and both men charges each other and clothesline each other.

JR: By God King! What impact, neither man would give an inch and it resulted in a vicious double clothesline!

King: I don’t think either man will get up from that one JR!

The ref starts the count 1…2…3…4…Goldberg starts to stagger up…5…6…Undertaker gets to his knees…7…8…Goldberg stands up…9…Taker stands up. Goldberg nails a right to Taker. Taker fires back with a right of his own. Both men take turns back and fourth with tremendous shots. Undertaker gets the advantage and kicks Goldberg right in the gut. Goldberg bends over and Taker nails a knee to the gut. Taker hurls Goldberg to the ropes. Goldberg bounces back and walks right into a choke by Taker. Taker grabs Goldberg by the throat and swings the arm over his shoulder. Taker hoists Goldberg up and throws him onto his back connecting with the Chokeslam. Undertaker makes the cover on Goldberg 1…2…kickout at the last second! Undertaker gets up and drags Goldberg up. Goldberg fires off with a quick forearm uppercut. Goldberg grabs Taker and hoists him up looking for a powerslam. Taker shifts the weight in his favor and falls backwards and reverses Goldberg’s hold and finds himself with Goldberg set up for the Tombstone Piledriver. Goldberg mimics Taker’s reversal and falls backwards and once again has Taker set up for the Powerslam. Goldberg nails a huge running Powerslam onto the Deadman. Goldberg gets up and roars to the crowd and gets a huge pop. Goldberg walks over to the corner and crouches down. Goldberg signals for Taker to get up. Taker slowly gets to his feet and turns around. Goldberg runs and Spears the Undertaker.

King: Oh boy JR! I think that Animal Goldberg just speared Big Evil right out of his boots!

Goldberg gets up and walks over to the Undertaker and hooks the leg for the pin 1…2…kickout! Goldberg sits up and shakes his head in disbelief. Goldberg pulls Taker up and sets him up for the Jackhammer. He tucks his head in, but Taker busts right out, and connects with a quick boot to the face. Goldberg gets knocked backwards and falls on top of the ropes and bounces back. Taker kicks Goldberg in the gut and sets him up for the Last Ride. Undertaker hoists him up for the Last Ride, but Goldberg sneaks out of the back. Goldberg lands on his feet and spins Taker around. Goldberg nails Taker in the gut and sets him up for the Jackhammer. Goldberg hoists Taker up, but Taker uses his weight and escapes out the back to land on his feet. Taker spins Goldberg around and hoists him up on his shoulder. Undertaker positions Goldberg and plants him with the Tombstone Piledriver. Undertaker sticks it and then falls onto the mat on his back. Both men lie motionless on the mat staring up at the lights. The ref starts counting once again 1…2…3…4…5…Undertaker starts to get up…6…7…Undertaker walks it off around the ring while Goldberg starts to rise…8…Undertaker leans on the corner taking a breather...9…Goldberg gets to his feet. Undertaker charges out of the corner looking for a Big Boot on Goldberg, but Goldberg ducks and keeps running. Goldberg stops in his tracks and doubles back. Taker turns around and Goldberg charges him and nails another Spear. Both men are drained and lie motionless on the mat. Goldberg springs up to a huge pop. Goldberg drags the Undertaker up in the middle of the ring and signals for the Jackhammer. Goldberg gets Taker in the front Face Lock but pauses and looks at the top of the ramp.

Triple H comes out of the gate holding a sledgehammer.

: Wait, come on! Triple H is a the titantron holding a sledgehammer, he better not do what I think he is going to do!

Goldberg throws Undertaker down onto the mat and tells Triple H to bring it. Triple H ascends down the ramp pointing the sledgehammer at Goldberg. Undertaker rises and looks at Triple H running down the ramp with the Sledgehammer. The Game slides into the ring and Goldberg charges him, but the Game nails Goldberg in the ribs with the hammer
WINNER: No Contest

JR: Oh come on! This was one of the greatest matches I have seen in years here on Monday Nights and Triple H just ruined it King!

Undertaker jets up and charges the Game, but Triple H levels the Undertaker with a sledgehammer shot to the shoulder. The Game does his signature pose with the sledgehammer as the crowd boos him out of the building. Triple H smirks and grabs Undertaker and nails him with the Pedigree. Triple H looks over at Goldberg and picks him up and nails him with a Pedigree as well. Triple H’s music plays as the Game grabs his sledgehammer and walks up the ramp.

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as the Raw General Manager comes out of the gate.

: I don’t know who the hell you think you are Triple H, but I am trying to make cutting edge TV, and from what I was seeing in that ring, that was one hell of a match that you just ruined! You know how bad that makes me look as a General Manager pal? Do you? You are probably bursting inside thinking you don’t have to defend your title now aren’t you? Well news flash Triple H, you didn’t get yourself out of that title defense next week, as a matter of fact, you just dug your grave deeper buddy, because next week at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, you, Triple H, will be defending your World Heavyweight Championship against the Undertaker!

JR: What, what about Goldberg?!?!?

Bischoff: And as much as this eats me up inside, I am throwing Goldberg into that snake pit too, it’s going to be a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship!

King: Oh boy, now that’s cutting edge TV if I have ever seen it JR!

JR: I am damn surprised Bischoff would give Goldberg the time of day let alone a World title match after everything that has happened between those two!

King: I don’t think I can wait until next week JR, it’s going to be great!

JR: Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels will clean the air, Jeff Hardy battles Batista in a 2 out of 3 Falls match, the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin returns, plus much, much more! It’s all next week at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II!

King: Don’t forget the Triple Threat match JR!

JR: Like I would do that, it’s all headlined by Triple H defending his World Heavyweight Championship against Big Evil the Undertaker and Goldberg! It’s can’t miss TV, good night everybody from Boise!


WWE Raw presents
Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II
LIVE on SpikeTV Next Week!









Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Looks like a very good show XBA. When I have time I will give you a review.


Looks like a very good show XBA. When I have time I will give you a review.
Wow, very well thought out post....
Seriously, why even bother posting that. If your not gonna review, dont, and if your gonna review later, post later, lol, no need for that...

Anyways, XBA...

Great show dude. Very solid and the 3 hour show should be good. Heres a review...

BM: Definately the main event. Shit, it was so good, but too bad it ended in a no contest. But it sets up some good stuff for next week at least. Orton/Hardy was good too.

WM: Flair/HHH vs HBK/Booker. This would have been good, but it was extremely short for such a big match.

BP: Jericho/Kane. The opening promo was good as well, but this one had both guys in character, and was well written.

WP: Christian. Not bad, sort of short, just wasnt as good.

A/C: Good show. 3 hour raw should be awesome next week. Everyone was in character on this show, good job.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Looks like a very good show XBA. When I have time I will give you a review.

Nice show. I'll give you a review later.

I just want to address this right now. MikeRaw has already done so but I just want to get the point across because this just bugs me.

If you're not going to review after reading a show, if you even do that, then don't post anything! It's that simple. I'm not trying to pick on either alexmoss or SmackDown's Dead Man but I seem to keep seeing people bump threads with useless replies/reviews. If you're not going to review the show then don't post in the thread that you will do so. It's spam. And MikeRaw just got done telling Alexmoss that it's useless then Smackdown's Dead Man comes in and says close to the same exact thing. Again, not an attack on either Alexmoss or SmackDown's Dead Man, I'm addressing everyone who sees this and does the same thing. Please don't do it.


Now on to my Raw review.

Best Match: Goldberg vs. Undertaker- This was a great match and it's a shame it ended in a no contest but it looks like my prediction was correct. lol...

Worst Match: Triple H/Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels/Booker T- This match had quite a bit of potential. Not to say it was a bad match but it could've been a bit longer for having such great talents involved.

Best Interview/Segment: The opening segment with HBK, HHH and Flair. It all blended well and they all seemed to be in character. This was a great promo.

Worst Interview/Segment: Christian's interview- It wasn't a horrible promo but it could've been a bit better IMO. It seemed a bit off to me.

Additional Feedback/Comments: All of the matches delivered, one way or the other though the tag team match could've been longer. The segments were on-point excluding Christian's which I felt came up a bit short but other than that this was another solid show from you, man. I'm loving the way your storylines are coming out and the three-hour special should be awesome. I'm definitely looking forward to it. Feel free to check out The Commencement sometime because the new Raw is officially up.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

Best Match: Undertaker vs Goldberg good job of showing the power of both men. Great counter wrestling too with Undertaker countering the Jackhammer, Goldberg countering the Last ride and Undertaker countering a second Jackhammer attempt into a tombstone. Didn't like that it didn't end with a clear winner but I can accept it since it was necessary to set up the triple threat match at the 3 hour special

Worst Match: All the matches were entertaining but if I have to chose I gotta go with HBK/Booker T vs Trips/Flair. I can understand keeping it short because of the attack on Booker T earlier. It was still a very good match with HBK taking a page out of Eddie Guerrero's book.

Best Promo: Tie between the opener and the Kane-Jericho promo. Both were in character and advanced both their storylines respectively.

Worst Promo: Christian's seemed flat and could have been longer.

Additional Comments: Some of the matches could have been longer but that sometimes gets sacrificed in the name of promos. It's a delicate balance. Three hour raw special looks to be very sweet indeed. I can't wait. cheap plug alert: Check out Chaos Theory Wrestling. Lonely at the Top is coming up soon.


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
BM: Undertaker vs. Goldberg. This was a great match and set up a huge match for the Three Hour Spectacular.

WM: There wasn't really a bad match, but if I have to, I would have to agree with Anigma and spiralshock an say the tag match. It could have been eally good, but it was a little short.

BP: I would say the opeing segment with HHH, HBK and Ric Flair. It was a great promo with for a great feud.

WP: Like the tag team match earlier on, the Christian promo could have been better, as it was pretty bland.

AC: This was another great show leading up to the huge 3 Hour show next week. I can't wait for the Triple Threat match and Stone Cold's return. I remember your last 3 hour show and that was great.

CT Styles

Best Match: Goldberg vs Undertaker. It was awesome, too bad it ended in No Contest.

Worst Match: If I had to pick one, Women's Match.

Best Promo: Opener maybe, all of them were good, probably the opener but just by a little bit. All were in character as well.

Worst Promo: You're XBA, of course it's N/A

Additional Comments: A great show and it hypes the 3 Hour Show well. I can't wait for the HBK/Flair one and the HHH/Taker/Berg one either. It's going to be great.

Cheap Plug: Check out UWA if ya want.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BM: I really liked the Orton/Hardy match. The main event was good, but IMO the Hardy/Orton match was more enjoyable to read.
WM: The tag match. This could have been a main event on it's own, but it seemed too rushed
BP: The opening HHH/HBK promo
WP: The Bischoff/Booker T promo. There was something about it that I really didn't care for.
AC: All around good show. Can't wait for next weeks 3 hour show.
Cheap Plug: Please check out POI, I need reviews.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: The main event, I like the exchange between Goldberg and The Undertaker, great mix of styles. HHH coming down make sense and funny how it all then backfired ending in a Triple Threat match. Good job. Randy Orton vs Jeff was also good and I am sure Hardy will defeat Batista considering the ending.

WM: I'll go with the Divas match, I just don't like them wrestling. The tag match made sense to be short, as Booker was in no condition to compete. You could have went with Booker injured and made it a Handicap Match

BP: The Highlight Reel, both were really in character. The lines if Y2J were just awesome. The opening promo was really good but the HBK/Flair thing of not wanting to lay hands was a little anticlimatic

WP: Booker and Bischoff. I didn't like what Eric said, I just wasn't appeal.

AC: Good setup for your 3hour Show next week.This time I don't know who will win the main event as you didn't spoil in your poster request, lol. Again great show and I will be reviewing.



WWE Raw presents
Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II
LIVE on SpikeTV

Official Preview Guide

Cincinnati, OH will get rocked this Monday Night as the biggest night on Network Television comes to the home of the Cleveland Indians when Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular returns to free LIVE television this Monday Night!


World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H defends against Goldberg and the Undertaker
Ever since the night after Bad Blood, the face of Raw has changed with the re-instating of Goldberg to Raw. In his first night back the chairman of WWE Vince McMahon put Goldberg in a match with the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. The previous night the Undertaker defeated Y2J Chris Jericho and Big Evil thought that would catapult him to main event status, but was dead wrong after Goldberg got a match with the champ. With a little help from the Undertaker Triple H defeated Goldberg that night thus ending Goldberg’s undefeated streak. Ever since then, Goldberg and the Undertaker have locked horns at one point or another. In a World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender’s tournament organized by Eric Bischoff, Undertaker defeated Chris Jericho and Kane to land himself a spot in the number one contender’s match and Goldberg defeated Randy Orton and Booker T to advance and face the Deadman. In a huge main event Goldberg and Undertaker squared off in a PPV Caliber match, that’s until the Game came out and demolished both competitors with a sledgehammer. Eric Bischoff wouldn’t stand for this and came to the ring and in an effort to produce “cutting edge†television, he made a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular. Who will walk out of this epic night at the World Heavyweight Championship? Tune in this Monday on SpikeTV!!!


WWE Intercontinental Championship
2 out of 3 Falls Match
Jeff Hardy defends against Batista
As Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II returns to Network TV, issues still haven’t been solved from the first 3 Hour Spectacular. After Jeff Hardy’s Intercontinental Championship ladder match with Christian where he won the title, he was ambushed in the parking lot by a hooded figure. In the later weeks, Batista said he knew who the attacker was, but it would cost Jeff Hardy a shot at the belt. Jeff Hardy agreed and the two battled at Bad Blood. Jeff Hardy got the sneak roll up on the Animal and quickly retained his title. However, a couple weeks later, they had a rematch and Hardy got the best of Batista once more with another roll up. Eric Bischoff then made the match at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular where Jeff Hardy would defend his title against Batista in a 2 out of 3 Falls match so there would be no quick victories. Who will walk out Intercontinental Champion at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular? This one might steal the whole entire show!


Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair “Clear the Airâ€
It’s no secret that Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels haven’t been on the same page ever since the night after WrestleMania XIX. Their emotional tug of war has sent shockwaves through the WWE for the past 4 months, from friendship to hatred, these two have been through it all. HBK laid down for Ric Flair at Backlash because HBK believed Flair when he told him to do it because Flair is HBK’s idol, but Flair soon turned on HBK once HBK accidentally hit Flair with a hammer in a Fatal Four Way at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular then went onto winning the World Heavyweight Championship. Ric Flair soon got back at Michaels at Bad Blood where he returned to the WWE only to screw HBK out of the World Heavyweight title thus giving it back to the Game Triple H. Now HBK Shawn Michaels only wants to know where he and the Nature Boy stand, therefore this Monday both of these legends will meet face to face without Evolution present and “clear the air.â€


Chris Jericho vs. Kane
For months these two individuals have had a war of words backstage. Chris Jericho took on Kane’s brother the Undertaker at Bad Blood and once the Undertaker won, Kane was spotted backstage with a smile on his face. Jericho couldn’t let this go and finally challenged Kane to a one on one match, Kane accepted, but accepted Jericho’s proposal by chokeslamming Jericho dead center in the middle of the ring. These two clash after a brutal war of words this Monday Night!


Booker T vs. 3 Minute Warning
For weeks Raw’s General Manager Eric Bischoff has been putting superstars in handicap matches against the World Tag Team Champions 3 Minute Warning as a form of punishment. HBK and Chris Jericho are just 2 names that fell pray to this punishment. However, after Booker T “disrespected†Eric Bischoff by aiding HBK in an attack on Triple H and Ric Flair, Bischoff decided to give the same fate to Booker T. This Monday Night Booker T meets 3 Minute Warning in a handicap match, can Booker T do what no one else has been able to do?


Christian vs. Mark Henry w/ Teddy Long and Jazz
Christian looks for revenge as last week on Raw where Mark Henry put his hands on and seriously injured his girlfriend Trish Stratus. Christian made a huge promise prior to this attack that he would have a huge announcement for Trish at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, but plans have shifted and Christian stepped up to the plate and challenged the World’s Strongest Man to a match, which was made official by Eric Bischoff. Will Christian get justice this Monday Night?


Stone Cold Steve Austin Returns
There have been many promotional spots advertising the return of the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin to Raw. As many of you know Stone Cold hasn’t been seen since his loss to the Rock last March at WrestleMania XIX. What kind of chaos does Austin have planned for the WWE this time? Tune in this Monday to find out!

All that plus much, much, more as Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular returns to LIVE free Network Television only on SpikeTV!

The Rated R CMStar

Triple H vs Goldberg vs The Undertaker
This ends in some sort of No Contest, draw situation, or The Game wins, leading to an exact rematch at Summerslam

Kane vs Y2J
Chris Jericho wins again. He has already done it twice, so Kane should win, but I see Y2J cheating to get the win

Jeff Hardy vs Batista
Hardy wins. Either this feud ends with the win or it leads to an even more hardcore rematch, but Jeff keeps the belt

Booker vs 3 Minute Warning
Total Anihilation. 3 Minute Warning win here in what I expect to be an squash. Booker will fell to the odds

Christian vs Mark Henry
Cage needs momentum leading to wherever his angle with Trish is going, so he will pick up the win

Good show, I predict some SCM from HBK on Flair and The Rock also coming back to confront the returning Steve Austin. Check out BTW, Souled Out PPV has been posted, and some news and rumors as well. Preview for next show is also posted