WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

With only 6 days until WWE Summerslam, what will happen when the superstars of Raw go LIVE this Monday?

Last week, the Game Triple H, the World Heavyweight Champion, played match maker as he made Big Evil the Undertaker to take on the Intercontinental Champion Batista to take place this Monday Night as Undertaker’s “Boom or Bust†match, however the Undertaker countered Triple H’s proposal with a match of his own. He challenged the Game in the main event last week. Halfway through the main event Goldberg exploded out of the gate with a crutch after his beat down by the Game and Undertaker 2 weeks ago. Goldberg smacked Undertaker with his crutch behind the ref’s back handing the victory to Triple H and breaking the Deadman’s one on one undefeated Raw winning streak. After the match Triple H tried shaking Goldberg’s hand, but Goldberg wouldn’t have any of it. Triple H got angry and kicked Goldberg’s crutch out from under him and Goldberg went down. Triple H turned his back laughing and Goldberg got up without a problem and stared down Triple H. Goldberg turned around and Speared the Deadman a s Triple H escaped. With 2 of these three superstars secured for the chamber this Sunday, will the Deadman pull out the victory this Monday to join them?

In a shocking turn of events, by Stephanie McMahon threatening Eric Bischoff, the Raw GM had to have Jericho and Booker T’s “Boom or Bust†matches last week, but also have 3 Minute Warning defend their tag titles. Eric Bischoff made the match a Boom or Bust World Tag Team Championship match where 3 Minute Warning would take on Jericho and Booker T. After the dust settled Chris Jericho and Booker T emerged World Tag Team Champions. What will be the mindset of 3 Minute Warning going into the SmackDown! vs. Raw match with the Dudley Boys at Summerslam?

Raw has got a new GM, Co-GM, in Stone Cold Steve Austin. Vince McMahon made the announcement last week which crumbled Eric Bischoff’s tirade. Austin made 2 huge matches for Summerslam, the Intercontinental Champion Batista defending against Jeff Hardy in a Falls Count Anywhere match and HBK vs. Ric Flair, but with Stone Cold, himself, being the guest referee. What does Stone Cold have in store this week on Raw?

- Scott Steiner takes on Mark Henry in a rematch
- 3 Minute Warning in action
- Final “Boom or Bust†match

.All this plus much, much, more this Monday Night on Raw!


WWE Raw and SmackDown! present
WWE Summerslam
LIVE on PPV from Boston, MA!





Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Nice preview there, I have a feeling it should be a nice wrap up show for Summerslam. I really want to see what could happen with Goldberg, HHH and Undertaker, the stuff between them is really interesting. The Boom or Bust should be good. And I really like Austin as GM that should be really fun.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.

: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to WWE Flagship program! This is Monday Night Raw! Good Ol’ JR Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler here and boy King, Raw has been shaken up lately I tell you what!

Y2J’s music hits as the New World Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho and Booker T come down the ramp.

: You said it JR, not only did we get a new Co-GM last week, but we also saw the emergence of new World Tag Team Champions! Here they come!

JR: That’s correct, in a act of desperation by Eric Bischoff, he was forced to make the World Tag Team title match last week by Stephanie McMahon, SmackDown’s GM, plus the match also counted as Jericho and Booker’s “Boom or Bust†which means they killed two birds with one stone, picking up the World tag team titles and securing their spots in the chamber this Sunday!

King: I was totally shocked last week when they beat 3 Minute Warning JR! That was amazing! Talk about momentum with these two going into Summerslam in the Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight Championship!

Y2J: Ladies and gentlemen and Jerich-a-holics a like, I give to you your saviors of Monday Night Raw, the New World Tag Team Champions, Y2J Chris Jericho and the 5 time WCW Champion Booker T!!!! That’s right, the 10 ton terrors a.k.a. 3 Minute Warning, have been slayed of the World Tag Team titles once and for all.

Booker: Yo Jericho, that’s right dog, we came, we saw, we whooped they asses! Eric Bischoff, we all know last week wasn’t yo best, but we, as in Chris and yours truly, Booker T, have to thank you, because without yo stupid punkass move, we wouldn’t be standing here with this World Tag Team gold!

Y2J: Not only are we the World Tag Team champ, but in just 6 days at Summerslam, both of us, that’s right, B-Teezie or Y2-Jeezie can become the new World Heavyweight Champion!

Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine comes down the ramp.

: Sorry if I am raining on your parade, but since when did this show belong to you two clowns? Maybe you along with everyone else forgot, but I too am in the Elimination Chamber this Sunday and I think it’s about time you recognize that!

Jericho looks at Booker.

Book, can you believe this jackass? Listen Kane, I don’t think you want to tangle with the Sexy Beast, the man of 1,004 holds, the first ever Undisputed Champion, Y2J Chris Jericho, because last time you stepped into the ring with me, it didn’t turn out so well, but…but, but, but…I just happen to know a man who will more than likely except your challenge!

Kane: Who would that be?

Jericho looks at Booker again, and Booker hesitates and shakes his head.

: Don’t be so modest Book, come on, it’ll be fun! Kane vs. Booker T right here right now! Let’s do it!

JR: Wait, is this going to happen?

King: At least in Jericho’s mind it is!

Y2J: Let’s get a ref, it’s going down! Kane, B-Teezie is going to show you what it’s like to get beat by ½ of the World Tag Team Champions!

Kane vs. Booker T.
Booker argues with Jericho from the ring and Jericho keeps pushing him to do it. Booker takes a deep breath and gets a second wind. He marches right up to Kane and starts talking street to him. Kane grabs Booker by the throat shutting him up, but Booker counters and kicks him in the gut. Booker nails him with a back hand chop and whips him across the ring, but Kane counters and hurls Booker across the ring. Booker bounces back and looks for a clothesline, but Kane counters and Booker bounces back off the ropes again. Booker charges Kane, but Kane counters and hurls him up and over with a back drop. Booker gets up and Kane walks towards him, but Booker shoots off with a spin kick and topples Kane. Booker quickly covers Kane 1…kickout! Booker gets up and nails Kane with a chop. Booker goes for a follow up right, but Kane blocks it and nails a huge uppercut to Booker. Booker stumbles away from the big red machine, but Kane grabs him and hurls him across the ring. Booker bounces back and Kane goes for another backdrop, but Booker stops this time and kicks Kane right in the mouth. Kane flies back and Booker pulls him into a headlock. Booker follows through with the headlock takedown and singes the lock in deeper. Kane counters and nabs Booker with a leg scissors to the head. Booker quickly springs out and both men get to their feet to a huge ovation from the crowd. They circle the ring again and lock up. Kane gets behind Booker and nails him in the back of the head with a forearm. Book stumbles forward, but Kane pulls him back by the dreads and nails him with a clothesline to the back of the head and Booker goes down. Kane bounces off the ropes and looks for another leg drop. He goes for it, but Booker rolls out of the way and nobody home for the big red machine. Booker gets up as Kane rises to his feet holding his legs. Booker kicks Kane in the gut and then goes for a DDT, but Kane pulls Booker’s legs out from underneath him and Booker falls backwards. Kane keeps hold of Booker’s legs and slingshots him chest first into the corner. Booker crashes hard and Kane walks up to him and bangs his head off the top turnbuckle. Booker stumbles out and away from the corner and Kane scales the corner. Booker turns around and Kane jumps off nailing a huge top rope clothesline to the 5 time WCW Champ. Kane covers Booker T 1…2…kickout! Kane puts his forearm across the throat of Booker and starts to blatantly choke him. The ref counts 1…2…3…4…and Kane breaks the hold. Kane grabs Booker by the throat and pulls him up. Kane slings the arm over his back and lifts Booker up for the chokeslam, but Booker slides out of the back. Booker spins Kane around and kicks him in the gut. Booker bounces off the ropes and goes for the Scissors Kick, but Kane dodges. Booker turns around and Kane scoops him up for the Tombstone Piledriver. Jericho runs onto the apron and starts screaming at the Big Red Machine. Kane throws Booker down to the mat and makes a b-line for Jericho. Kane gets to the ropes and Jericho jumps down dodging Kane. Kane turns around to Booker on his feet. Kane charges Booker, but he walks right into a Book End by Booker T. The 5 time WCW Champ pins Kane 1…2…kickout! Booker gets up and can’t believe he kicked out. Booker drags Kane up and kicks him in the gut. Booker bounces of the ropes and goes for the Scissors Kick, but Kane beats him to the punch and grabs Booker by the throat on his way back. Kane hurls him up and drops him with a chokeslam from hell. Jericho gets back on the apron and this time Kane grabs him by the throat and chokeslams him off the apron onto the floor. Kane signals for the Tombstone. He picks up Booker T and hoists him up on his shoulder. Kane spikes Booker to the mat with the Tombstone Piledriver. He follows through with the cover 1…2…3!

JR: What a devastating Tombstone! Kane picks up the victory!

King: I thought with Jericho being at ringside, Booker would have had this early on, but Kane has sort of dismantled the World Tag Team Champions here, look at the carnage, that was a hard chokeslam Jericho took off the apron and Booker suffered a chokeslam and Tombstone? Kane was very impressive here, maybe that’s what he needs to win the Elimination Chamber this Sunday at Summerslam!

JR: We will just have to see to find out King!

Eric Bischoff paces back and fourth in his office and then turns towards 3 Minute Warning standing by the wall.

Bischoff: Can either of you tell me just what in the hell happened last week? What the hell happened?!?!?

Rosey: …

Bischoff: You know what, I don’t give a damn what happened, because I know exactly, I know exactly what happened last week. You two, my go-to guys…lost your World Tag Team Championships…to…Booker T and Chris Jericho. Of all people, but I am not blaming anyone else here, I am blaming you two. You are my top tear talent guys, I gave you VIP treatment, I let you live life in the fast lane, I didn’t even have you defend your belts, that’s how generous I was, but how do you repay? The one time I actually have you defend your titles, you lose them! What the hell is that? Can you please tell me?

Jamal: …

Bischoff: You know what, don’t answer that question. For the past week, my whole world that I knew is gone! You lose your belts, Vince appoints Stone Cold Steve Austin of all people, as the new Co-GM…

Stone Cold walks in.

: Sorry Eric, but I believe I heard my name. Eric, how the hell are you?

Bischoff: Well now that you ask Steve…

Austin: Shut it, I don’t even think these two big bastards care how the hell you are. I came in here with some “General Manager Management†business okay? I am trying to run a tip top shape show here Eric, god forbid I run a show like you did, I would probably fire myself. I hear we have this whole SmackDown vs. Raw thing at Summerslam? What the hell is that about?

Bischoff: Steve! I have it under control, can you just leave me alone in MY office!

Austin: Well, Eric, now that you said something, I also came in here to tell you something.

Austin pulls out Eric Bischoff’s hand and slaps a paper in it.

: It’s a special letter from everyone’s best friend Vince McMahon, you kind of got demoted, I get the big office, you get that little broom closet down the hall. Tough break kid…

Austin walks over to the desk and shoves everything off of it.

: Hey! Hey! Hey! Steve what the hell are you doing?

Austin: I am making this feel like home Bischoff, what the hell does it look like I am doing?

Austin throws a cooler on the desk and pulls out a beer.

: Hey Steve, I know this probably isn’t a good time, but can I have a cold one, I need to cheer myself up…

Austin: Cheer yourself up? What are you sad? Are you angry? Are you in pain? Sure as hell you are probably in pain kid, I would be in pain too if I had my head up my ass as long as you have, now get the hell out of my office, and go cry your eyes out in your own damn office!

Bischoff: Takes a deep breath and stops himself from saying anything and walks out. Austin turns and looks at 3 Minute Warning.

Austin: …now that I think of it, you two, I am not a big fan of yours, let’s get that straight, but if you by any chance lose at Summerslam like you did last week, I would think twice before coming back to Raw, because I don’t think you will like it when…I…am…angry! Now make like Bischoff and get the hell out of here! I got a show to run!

Steve Austin cracks open another beer and then puts his feet up on the desk.


Scott Steiner’s music hits as Big Poppa Pump comes down the ramp.

: Now here is a man King that seems to be taking Raw by storm. Scott has a huge fan base and has racked up two impressive victories since his return, and last week’s being against the World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry!

King: I am not a fan of Steiner’s JR, he thinks he is so much better than everyone else just because his muscles have muscles, and as far as last week’s match goes, Mark Henry still holds the title of World’s Strongest Man, no matter how Big Steiner’s guns are!

JR: Let’s see if Henry can rebound here King in a rematch from last week!

Mark Henry’s music hits as the World’s Strongest Man comes down the ramp.

Scott Steiner vs. Mark Henry

Mark Henry stares daggers at Steiner from across the ring. The fans chant STEINER! STEINER! STEINER! STEINER! They circle the ring and lock up. Scott tries to budge Henry, but Henry doesn’t give an inch. Henry tries to break Steiner down, but Steiner won’t budge. They unlock and stair at one another. Mark Henry gets pissed and bounces back off the ropes and goes for a shoulder block on Steiner, but Steiner doesn’t budge. Steiner doubles back off the ropes and goes for a clothesline to Mark Henry, but Henry won’t move an inch. Steiner kicks Henry in the gut and then hits him with a right, Henry rebounds and knocks Steiner with a left hook and then a quick but harsh headbutt. Steiner teeters and Henry kicks him in the knee. Steiner bends over checking his knee and Henry hammers his back. Henry whips Steiner off the ropes and across the ring. Steiner flies back and Mark clobbers him with a clothesline. Steiner goes down and Henry stomps the hell out of him. Henry picks him up and nails him with a chop to the chest. Steiner stumbles away from Steiner goes into the corner. Mark goes over to Steiner and plants him with knees to the gut. Mark Henry flexes his arms in front of Steiner, taunting him and Steiner fires back with a huge slap to the face. Mark goes for a right, but Steiner ducks and gets behind Henry this time getting him in the corner. Steiner unloads shots to Mark Henry right and left and then backs up. Scott charges Henry, but the World’s Strongest Man dodges Steiner and Steiner crashes in the corner. Steiner turns around and stumbles out of the corner right into a belly to belly suplex by Mark Henry. Mark Henry walks over and covers Big Poppa Pump 1…2…kickout! Mark sits Steiner up and wraps his tree limb size arm around the neck of Scott. He starts to put him to sleep and the ref checks if Steiner is conscious. He lifts his arm once…his arm falls. He lifts his arm twice…and his arm falls again. The ref is about to call for the bell as he lifts Steiner’s arm one more time and Steiner shows signs of life by holding his arm up. Steiner starts to feel it as he gets to his feet and elbows Henry in the gut over and over. Steiner kicks Henry in the knee and Henry falls to one knee. Steiner bounces off the ropes and clocks Henry with a boot to the face. Mark Henry falls to the mat. Steiner signals for it and gets on his back and locks in the Steiner Recliner. Mark Henry struggles and taps out.
WINNER: Scott Steiner

JR: Two weeks in a row! Steiner Recliner puts away Mark Henry once again King! Can you believe it?

King: Scott Steiner sure is on a roll JR, but that still doesn’t change my opinion on the man, but we will just have to see. If Scott Steiner keeps winning here on Raw, maybe I will change my tune, but until he, I don’t know, wins some gold, I still am not this guy’s biggest fan.

Scott Steiner gets up and motions he wants the World Heavyweight title. He gets a huge pop and walks back up the ramp

Coach is backstage with the World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H.

Coach: I am here with the World Heavyweight Champion, the Game, Triple H. Now, Triple H, come this Sunday you will be defending your World Heavyweight Championship inside the 10 tons of steel known as the Elimination Chamber. What are your thoughts?

HHH: Well Coach, it’s quite simple, I don’t even know why these idiots order PPV’s when they already know, but probably don’t want, the result. The outcome of every match that I am in is the same, the Cerebral Assassin stands tall. Every single damn time I walk out of the ring, my hand gets raised no matter what the situation. Just look at both Goldberg and Undertaker’s winning streaks, their streaks ended when they fought me. You can argue about interference all you damn want, but take a look at the record books Coach, and all you will see is my name, not Goldberg, not Undertaker, nobody. As far as the Elimination Chamber goes, 10 tons of steel doesn’t scare me and 2 miles of chain doesn’t scare me, I am not the World Heavyweight Champion for nothing Coach, and come this Sunday, I will prove once again why I am that damn good!

Undertaker walks into the picture.

: You are that damn good right? Sure you are Triple H, but how about you put your money where your mouth is and I take your ass on again right here tonight?

HHH: You know something Deadman, that’s what I just can’t get about you, does being in the ring with me make you feel better about yourself? Well, now that I think about it, I don’t blame you. If I were you in the ring with me, I would bow down at the feet of greatness!

Taker: Nice little dialogue Hunter, how long have you been working on that one, hell, but I believed I asked you a question Hunter, yes or no?

HHH: Are you brain dead Taker, you have your “Boom or Bust†match with Batista tonight, if I were you I would play my cards right because if you don’t, you won’t be in the Elimination Chamber come Summerslam.

Taker: How about you worry about yourself for once, I am a big boy, I can take care of myself, who knows, after I find Goldberg, and beat the hell out of that punk, if I have some free time to kill, who knows what kind of trouble I will find myself in, you might be the one not making it to Summerslam by the night, see you later Hunter.

Taker walks away.


Evolution’s music hits as Ric Flair comes down the ramp.

: Hey King, now that HBK and Ric Flair at Summerslam is official, how do you think that makes Flair feel?

King: Not good, not good at all JR, I am surprised he even showed up tonight! I can’t wait to see what he has to say!

Flair: For those who aren’t aware, this Sunday night at WWE’s biggest event of the Summer, Summerslam, the Nature Boy Ric Flair is set to collide with the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, one on one, that’s right, finally HBK gets his match. Well Shawn, you got me this time huh? Running up to Stone Cold Steve Austin and begging authority to make your match because you couldn’t do it yourself. Not only that, you made Stone Cold Steve Austin the special guest referee? Are you crazy!?! I am the Limousine Ridin’, Jet Flyin’, Kiss Stealin’, Wheelin’, Dealin’, son of a gun Shawn! I don’t need this match! That’s why I am asking you, in my old age, to call this match off for Summerslam.

The fans boo.

: Call it off? Is Ric Flair taking the back door out of Summerslam?

HBK’s music hits as Shawn Michaels comes down the ramp and into the ring.

: First of all, Ric, why do you think I went to Steve and ask for the match? When Steve announced our match last week, there was nobody more surprised than me. Second, I don’t beg anyone for anything. I get everything I want the hard way, there are no shortcuts in life, especially mine.

Flair: Spare me Michaels, we all know how big you are in the backstage politics, you probably had your hands in on this since day 1, you probably urged Vince to hire Austin in the first place!

HBK: Ric, I can’t believe I hear this coming out of your mouth. You talk about me begging and pleading like a little…you know…when you are the one that turns down every challenge in the book! You are getting on my back because you don’t want people to see your anger towards our match this Sunday!

Flair: You better shut your damn mouth Michaels if you know what’s good for you! Respect your elders!!!

Stone Cold’s music hits as Steve Austin comes down the ramp.

: I want both of you to shut your damn mouths before I heave; I thought this was Monday Night Raw. These people came for a fight and by god that’s what they’re going to get! Since Batista is going to lock up with Big Evil right here tonight, that doesn’t mean the rest of Evolution has the night off Ric, so right here tonight I am making a match…

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as Bischoff comes down the ramp

: Excuse me Steve, but last time I checked this is a two way street with you and me, and from what I have seen, it’s been all Austin all the time, and I have had enough of it. You seemed to have fun playing match maker last week, but it’s my turn tonight! You see because tonight Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels will be on opposite sides of this ring!

JR: Oh what a huge matchup! A Summerslam preview? Tough to say, but good call Bischoff!

Bischoff: However, it won’t be one on one. It will be the Nature Boy Ric Flair, the Legend Killer Randy Orton…and the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H! taking on the team of Shawn Michaels…and…well, it doesn’t matter which two losers you get because it won’t matter who you choose when going up against the most powerful group in professional wrestling today! EVOLUTION!

Austin:…how suspenseful Eric…well, sounds good to me, Shawn you have to choose two partners and good luck tonight.

Austin turns to go out of the ring and stops before he exits and just stares daggers at Eric Bischoff. Bischoff smirks and Austin shakes his head and walks up the ramp.

Austin is walking back to his office and is stopped by Randy Orton.

Orton: Gee Steve, it must really hurt getting out shined by Eric Bischoff doesn’t it?

Austin: “Gee Randy†I have no idea what the hell you are talking about kid, care to enlighten me…

Orton: Well…

Austin: Second thought, better not, I have wasted so much precious time shooting the breeze with you, I have just about had enough, so, if you’ll get the hell out of my way, I can be on my way…

Orton: Steve, all I am saying is, Eric Bischoff is trying to get in your head, he hit an all time low last week, and now he is making a positive into a negative, trying to screw the people who screwed him, I am just giving you a piece of advice…

Austin: Advice huh? Advice from you? I wouldn’t take any advice from the creepiest guy on the roster, would you?

Orton: Well, no, I only roll with the high class…

Austin: Now you know how I feel…

Orton smiles as Austin walks away. Orton gets confused…

Orton: Wait, did he mean me? Hey Steve!!!

Orton chases Austin down the hall.

JR: That’s the Texas Rattlesnake for you Mr. Orton!

3 Minute Warning’s music hits as Jamal and Rosey come down the ramp.

: Here comes the now former World Tag Team Champs, they are probably out for blood tonight JR!

La Resistance’s music hits as Rob Conway and Rene Dupree come down the ramp.

: Let’s see if La Resistance can bring themselves back up to where they were a couple months back in the tag team division here on Raw against the former World Tag Team Champions 3 Minute Warning!

3 Minute Warning vs. La Resistance
Jamal and Conway start off the match. Conway and Jamal lock up and Jamal lands a huge knee to the gut. Jamal takes Conway by the head and whips him backwards and Conway falls right on his head. Jamal gets up and raises her arm in pre-victory and drops a huge elbow to the chest of Conway. Jamal covers Rob Conway 1…2…kickout! Jamal peels Conway off the mat and hoists him up on his shoulders and nails him with a Samoan Drop. Jamal gets up and cockily covers Conway again 1…2…Jamal lifts Conway’s shoulder off the mat. Jamal lifts Conway up and drags him over the corner and tags in Rosey. 3 Minute Warning bounces Conway off the ropes and across the ring. Conway bounces back and both Jamal and Rosey nail a double back drop onto Rob Conway. Jamal goes on the apron as Rosey bounces off the ropes and nails a huge leg drop. Rosey gets up and drags Conway to his feet. Rosey hurls Conway chest first straight into the turnbuckles in the corner. Conway stumbles backwards out of the corner right into a huge German Suplex by Rosey. Rosey runs at Dupree on the apron and hurls him over the top rope into the ring as well. Dupree gets up and Rosey levels him with a clothesline. Jamal jumps off the apron and pulls out a table from under the ring. He slides it into the ring. Rosey picks up Conway and bounces him off the ropes. Conway comes back and Rosey shoots him up and spikes him down with a Samoan Drop. Rosey covers Conway 1…2…3!
WINNER: 3 Minute Warning

JR: 3 Minute Warning making short work out of the Frenchmen! However, I don’t think their work is done here King! Jamal has a table!

Jamal slides into the ring and sets up the table. Rosey picks up Rene Dupree and signals for the “3MW,†3 Minute Warning’s version of the 3D. Rosey hurls Dupree to the ropes, Dupree bounces back, and 3 Minute Warning drill Rene Dupree through the table with the 3MW. Jamal and Rosey gets up and raise their arms in victory to a horrible ovation.

The Dudley Boys’ music hits as the Dudley Boys run down the ramp.

Bubba Ray and Devon storm the ring and take down 3 Minute Warning. Bubba exchanges blows with Jamal on the mat as Devon rolls under the bottom rope and onto the floor with Rosey.

King: Oh JR! It’s really breaking down between these two teams! Their summer long rivalry will finally come to a head at Summerslam this Sunday! That’s if they are all in one piece after tonight!

Stephanie McMahon’s music hits as the SmackDown! GM comes down the ramp.

: Alright boys, let them go, you have done enough, we, as in SmackDown!, has to sell Summerslam, if you destroy 3 Minute Warning, we will be short a match. Now I know I wasn’t needed here tonight since Vince McMahon, my father, set Eric Bischoff straight last week by assigning a new Co-GM, but Eric, in all seriousness, I wanted to show you just how serious I am about Summerslam. I know the Dudley Boys are far more superior to 3 Minute Warning, as SmackDown! is far more superior than Monday Night Raw, and, Steve, trust me, no disrespect to you, but it’s not your fault you got placed on the show that was literally destroyed by Eric Bischoff. With all else aside, you can be Stone Cold Steve Austin or Eric Bischoff, but you are all considered Raw, and at Summerslam, to coin a phrase from the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, SmackDown! will lay the SmackDown! on your ass!


Coach is backstage with the Big Red Machine Kane.

Coach: Well Kane, we are 6 days away from WWE’s biggest event of the Summer, WWE Summerslam, in which you will be entering the most unforgiving structure in WWE history for the World Heavyweight Championship, the Elimination Chamber. Your thoughts?

Kane: Well Coach, this will be my second Elimination Chamber in my career and I have plans to walk in as the same old Big Red Monster, but I have plans of walking out…the World…Heavyweight…

You hear a voice from the distance.

: There his punk ass!

Booker T and Chris Jericho ambush Kane from behind.

: Yea beat this sucka down! That’s right!

Jericho and Booker stomps the hell out of Kane backstage and Jericho grabs a chair. Booker picks Kane up and hurls him into the set. Jericho runs in and smacks him across the face with a chair.

Jericho: See what happens when you mess with the new World Tag Team Champs ass clown?

Booker: Come on Chris, let’s pop this joint. One last thing, hey Kane, now can you dig that…SUCKA????

Evolution’s music hits as the Intercontinental Champion, Evolution’s Animal, Batista comes down the ramp.

King: Well, that was pretty hectic between Kane and the World Tag Team Champs moments ago JR, but here comes a man who has a very bright future in WWE JR, the Intercontinental Champion Batista! He was awarded that title by Eric Bischoff after an impressive match with the former champ, Jeff Hardy!

JR: That’s correct King, but Jeff Hardy gets a rematch this coming Sunday at Summerslam in a Falls Count Anywhere match for that belt! That is sure to be a slobberknocker!

Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil comes rolling down the ramp.

: Hailing from Houston, TX, it’s Big Evil the Undertaker! Last week the Deadman’s one on one undefeated streak was laid to rest when he fought the World Champ, the Game Triple H, although there was interference by Goldberg.

King: Don’t forget JR, this is also Undertaker’s “Boom or Bust†match, his Elimination Chamber spots is on the line!

Undertaker vs. Batista
Batista circles the Undertaker as the Undertaker shakes his arms warming up. Batista runs into the middle of the ring and locks up with the Deadman. Batista pushes Taker towards the corner, but Taker turns it around and pushes Batista into the corner. The ref makes Taker back up and then Taker goes back in and unloads his signature soup bowls to the gut of the Animal. Taker backs up again and builds steam and then runs to Batista in the corner for a big boot to the face. Batista dodges last minute and Taker hangs his leg up on the top rope. Batista runs back and nails a chop block to Taker’s other leg. Batista grabs Taker’s leg he chop blocked and delivers a straight elbow to the knee. Batista flips Taker over and picks Taker’s leg up and drops it straight on the knee. Batista walks away and watches Taker squirm. Taker gets to his feet and stumbles. Batista charges him from behind and kicks him in the back of the leg and Taker goes down again. Batista starts taunting the Undertaker.

Batista: You aren’t so bad Deadman! Where’s Big Evil? Where’s the Taker that I thought I knew, huh?

Batista slaps Taker while he is down and Taker shoots off and grabs Batista by the throat. Undertaker gets up and starts trash talking Batista while choking him. Batista gets out of the choke by leveling Taker with a solid right. Taker teeters and Batista unloads with rights and lefts on the Deadman. Batista pushes Taker off the ropes, but Taker counters and hurls Batista across the ring. Batista bounces back and Taker nails him with a big boot. Undertaker screams at Batista to get up. Batista makes it to his feet and Taker grabs him by the throat again. Taker whips the Animal into the corner and unloads some more soup bowls on him. Taker grabs Batista by the arm and twists it. Taker walks over to the corner and scales the turnbuckles. Taker walks the top rope and nails the Old School onto Batista. Taker quickly gets over to Batista and hooks the leg 1…2…kickout! Taker picks Batista up and hoists him up on his shoulder. Taker runs towards the corner for Snake Eyes, but Batista slips out of the back. Taker stops and turns around. Batista charges him and spears him into the corner. Batista follows up with shoulder thrusts to the gut over and over and walks away from Taker. Taker collapses in the corner. Batista grabs the top rope and puts his boot across the throat of Undertaker and starts to choke him. The ref can’t stop Batista and begins to count 1…2…3…4…and Batista breaks the choke. Batista lifts Taker out of the corner and drags him back to the center of the ring. Batista hoists Big Evil on his shoulder, but Taker shifts the weight back and lands on his feet and finds Batista set up for the Tombstone. Batista copies the Undertaker and pulls the weight back and manages to fall on the other side of the ropes on the apron. Batista lets go of Taker and Taker pulls Batista’s head down hangs him up on the top rope. Batista holds onto the top rope and teeters off the apron. Taker gets up and hurls him up and over the top rope. Batista gets up and Taker clotheslines him. Batista crawls over to the ropes and tries to pick himself up. Batista get up to his feet and Taker lands another running big boot and Batista flies up and over the top rope. Undertaker raises his fist to a mixed reaction.

Triple H’s music hits as the Game comes down the ramp with a sledgehammer.

: Wait? Triple H? What the hell is he doing here?

King: Didn’t you hear Taker literally threaten Triple H earlier JR? Looks like HHH is going to get to Taker before Taker gets to the Game!

Triple H walks down the ramp and Undertaker slides out of the ring and intercepts him at the foot of the ramp. They talk smack back and fourth. The ref runs up in between them and tries to maintain order. Batista runs up from behind and blindsides Taker. Batista stomps the hell out of Big Evil on the outside. Triple H bends down towards Taker…

HHH: Another place…another time…Deadman!

Batista picks up Taker and hurls him shoulder first into the steel steps. Batista slides back into the ring to a horrible ovation. Undertaker crawls on the outside floor and reaches up and pulls himself into the ring. Batista gets on Taker and lands mounted punches. Taker pushes Batista off of him. Taker gets up and Batista nails him with a right. Batista hurls Taker to the ropes and Taker bounces back right into a huge spinebuster by the Animal. Triple H cheers and slides the sledgehammer in the ring behind the ref’s back. The ref argues with Triple H as Batista picks up the hammer. Batista turns towards Taker.

Jeff Hardy runs through the crowd holding a steel chair and runs onto the apron, opposite side of Triple H.

Jeff hurls the chair at Batista and it cracks him straight on the forehead. Batista is busted open and drops the hammer and starts to teeter after the chair shot. Taker gets up. Hardy runs across the ring and up the ramp and Triple H chases after him. Taker kicks Batista in the gut and sets him up for the Last Ride. He hurls him up and drills him down with the Last Ride Powerbomb. Undertaker covers Batista 1…2…3!
WINNER: Undertaker

JR: Undertaker is now officially in the Elimination Chamber this Sunday Night at Summerslam! What a match this was and what a match the Elimination Chamber is going to be King!

King: No doubt about it JR!

Undertaker grabs the mic.

Now that I am in the Elimination Chamber, first on the list was to beat the crap out of Batista, done. As far as Triple H goes, his ass whooping comes this Sunday, but second on my list tonight was you…Goldberg! Get your bald headed ass down here boy and let’s finish this once and for damn all!

JR: Undertaker wasting no time in searching for Goldberg!

Taker: Come on boy I haven’t got all night!

Coach runs down the ramp and runs in the ring.

: Fine if you won’t come out, maybe you can’t walk with that “injury†of yours, well, that’s good with me kid, I will just come back there and find you!

Taker runs up the ring and through the curtain.

Undertaker walks through the hallways of the arena and stops at someone with their back turned drinking from the drinking fountain.

Taker: Hey buddy did you see Goldberg around here? I am kind of in a hurry!

The guy turns around and is Stone Cold Steve Austin.

: Goldberg? What the hell do you want with him? Am I not good enough to talk to Deadman? Let me ask you something, did you wrestle yet? You think I don’t know the answer to that? Of course you wrestled, I just saw the damn match, what kind of GM would I be if I didn’t even know who wrestles and doesn’t? If you wrestled already, I don’t need you causing trouble backstage, I think you need to get the hell out of here Taker!

Taker: Listen Steve, Goldberg beat my ass with a Spear last week, if that was you, wouldn’t you want to take your anger out?

Austin: Well you got a point there Deadman, so I will tell you what, we got a little six man dance coming up in just a few minutes, a little 6 man tag, Shawn Michaels needs 2 partners, now I don’t know if HBK found any or not, but if you want to take your anger out so bad, how about I sign you up for that match? You get your hands on the Game Triple H too, what do you say about that?

Taker: You got yourself a deal Steve…

Austin: Alright, I’ll go tell Shawn.

JR: Undertaker and HBK teaming up tonight? Oh boy I can’t wait!


Christian walks slowly up to Eric Bischoff office door and knocks on it. He looks to see if anyone is coming and then runs in his office and shuts the door.

King: What can Captain Charisma want with Eric Bischoff JR?

JR: Maybe it has something to do with their talk last week King!

Evolution’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H comes down the ramp with Randy Orton and the Nature Boy Ric Flair.

: Here comes one of the most impactful groups I have ever had the privilege of watching in this company, headed by the Game Triple H, the World Champion, this is Evolution!

HBK’s music hits as Shawn Michaels comes down the ramp.

: I am going to be on the edge of my seat here JR because this will be the first time in months HBK has been able to meet Flair on opposite sides of the ring for a match!

JR: It’s sure going to be something to see King, but who are HBK’s partners?

King: I know who one of them is!

Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil comes rolling down the ramp and then stops at the foot of the ramp next to HBK.

Undertaker questions who his partner is. HBK grabs a mic.

HBK: Now Taker, don’t get all hot with me alright, I chose this guy as my partner before Steve came to me…

Undertaker gets off of his bike and in HBK’s face.

Taker: Don’t you damn well tell me that our partner is…

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate and down the ramp and stands eye to eye with the Undertaker. HBK quickly gets between them and talks them into doing the match. Goldberg walks off and goes to the apron with HBK while Taker remains on the outside of the ring with his arms folded.

JR: Looks like Taker won’t do it King! He won’t go anywhere near Goldberg!

King: Sure he won’t, but if you leave those two in a room together, Taker would be all over Goldberg ripping that lunatic to shreds!

JR: If you ask me King, Taker looks like the lunatic as of now.

Triple H, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton vs. HBK, Goldberg, and Undertaker
HBK and Randy Orton start off the match. Orton and Michaels lock up. HBK quickly twists the arm and gets behind the Legend Killer. Orton shoots a back elbow to the face of HBK, but HBK ducks and Orton has him set up for a DDT, but HBK pulls the legs out from under Orton and connects with a bridge pin on Orton 1…2…kickout! Both men quickly get up and Orton goes for a clothesline on HBK, but HBK ducks and hooks the arms for the backslide on Orton pinning him 1…2…kickout! Orton gets spooked and quickly crawls over to his corner and tags in the Game. The crowd chants HBK! HBK! HBK! Michaels lounges on the top rope smirking at the Game. Triple H walks to the center of the ring and motions to HBK to bring it. HBK comes back to the center of the ring and they lock up. Triple H knees him in the gut and sets him up for a suplex. Triple H goes for it, but HBK blocks. HBK counters with a swinging neckbreaker on the Game. HBK gets up and taps his thigh. He runs and bounces off the ropes and then drops a huge knee to the Game. HBK covers Triple H 1…kickout! HBK jumps up and grabs the legs of the Game looking for a submission, but Triple H quickly kicks HBK away. HBK stumbles over to his corner and tags Goldberg in. Triple H turns around and Goldberg nails a running clothesline out of the corner. Triple H gets up and Goldberg nails the Game with a right hand. Triple H stumbles away backing away from Goldberg and Goldberg backs the Game into the corner. Goldberg shoots off some huge shoulder thrusts in the corner over and over breaking the Game in half. Goldberg grabs the Game by the throat and pulls him out of the corner. Goldberg hoists Triple H above his head and then drops him onto his shoulder and finishes off with a running powerslam. Goldberg pops up and roars to the crowd to a huge ovation. Undertaker walks up to the ring and onto the apron. Goldberg turns towards Taker and both men start screaming at one another. Goldberg moves towards Taker and Triple H ambushes Goldberg from behind with a forearm. Triple H drags Goldberg by the ankle into Evolution’s corner and tags in Nature Boy Ric Flair. Ric grabs Goldberg’s leg and repeatedly kicks Goldberg in the back of his leg. Ric drags Goldberg to the middle of the ring and nails a leg drop to the knee of Goldberg and then pulls his leg back locking in a leg lock. HBK get one leg in the ring scaring Flair and Flair breaks the hold and stands up backing up towards his corner wanting no part of HBK. Orton tags himself in and runs in to Goldberg, dropping a huge elbow to Goldberg’s back. Orton flips him over and pins him 1…kickout! Orton picks Goldberg up and delivers a forearm uppercut. Goldberg pushes Orton away. Orton charges Goldberg, but Goldberg grabs him by the throat. Goldberg hoists Orton above his head and drills him back down to the mat with a Gorilla Press. HBK leans over the ropes for the tag. Goldberg walks over to his corner with his eyes locked on Undertaker and tags in HBK. HBK climbs the turnbuckles. Randy Orton staggers up to his feet and HBK nails a top rope missile dropkick to the Legend Killer. HBK springs up and signals for Sweet Chin Music. HBK goes to the corner and tunes up the band. Ric Flair runs on the outside and grabs HBK’s leg. HBK tries to shake him off, but Orton charges HBK and sandwiches him in the corner. Orton guides HBK out to the center of the ring and goes for the RKO. HBK counters and pushes Orton forward to the ropes. Orton bounces off the ropes and HBK sends him up and over with a backdrop. Orton counters and lands on his feet behind Michaels and connects with his signature backbreaker. Orton rolls over and sets HBK up for the RKO. HBK staggers to his feet and Randy Orton plants him with an RKO. Orton covers Michaels 1…2…Goldberg comes in and stomps the hell out of Orton breaking the count.

JR: Goldberg making the save! Orton could have had that wrapped up for Evolution!

Ric Flair runs into the ring and HBK springs up and delivers Sweet Chin Music straight to the Nature Boy. Orton gets up and Goldberg spears him out of his boots. HBK climbs the corner and jumps off with a huge Elbow Drop. Triple H charges into the ring and Goldberg spots him. Triple H quickly high tales it out of the ring while HBK covers Orton 1…2…3!
WINNER: HBK, Goldberg, and Undertaker

King: What great teamwork shown by HBK’s team JR! He chose one hell of a team!

JR: Teamwork? As far as Goldberg and Michaels go, I agree 100%, but I am not too sure about Big Evil, he didn’t even get on the apron to be tagged in, this was more or less a handicap match just because Taker refused to tag with Goldberg!

HBK shakes Goldberg’s hand and slides out of the ring. Triple H grabs his World title and rounds up Evolution. Goldberg and the Undertaker remain while the fans chant GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Undertaker hops onto the apron and looks to be like he is going to fight Goldberg, but Taker shakes his head and flicks his hand at him. He hops off the apron and gets on his bike and leaves, leaving Goldberg in his dust in the ring. Triple H holds the World title up in the air as Goldberg looks at it from the ring and Taker turns his head back and stares at the Game from the top of the ramp.

JR: If I have to leave you with one statement here tonight that I am certain of King, it will be that the Elimination Chamber this Sunday at Summerslam is damn sure going to be heated! Jericho and Booker T the World Tag Team Champions took out Kane backstage, those 3 will be in the same 10 ton Steel structure along with Goldberg and the Undertaker, two of the biggest rivals Raw has ever seen, and the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H! It’s going to be like nothing else you have ever seen before! Summerslam this Sunday! Don’t miss it! Good night everybody!


WWE Raw and SmackDown! present
WWE Summerslam
LIVE on PPV from Boston, MA!





Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM: Undertaker vs. Batista. So much was advanced in this match from the Jeff Hardy-Batista match to the elimination chamber and even the main event for the evening.

WM: I'm sure you expected this but 3MW vs. the Quebeccers (I mean La Resistance). It was a basic squash. Good aftermath building the 3MW-3D match at SummerSlam

BP: Flair, HBK and the rest. Any time these two are in the ring with microphones it's gold. Their match at Summerslam should be quite good.

WP: None

AC: This Summerslam card is stacked from Top to Bottom. Elimination Chamber, Falls Count Anywhere Match. I expect nothing but great things from you.


bm: The main event was great, quite interesting and I also really liked Booker T vs Kane, good build ups for the PPV.

WM: The worst match was 3 minute warning but it gets them over a little more each time, worst but had a reason...

BP: I liked them all, Jericho/Booker was good and in Character. I also liked Austin/Bishoff and Austin/Orton, they were all great and in character. Nice job with those.

WP: They were all very good, so none.

AF: Good build up show leading into the PPV, the show was great esp the promo's. I am really looking forward to the PPV! I will be reading :)

CP: Check out my new BTB, YTW...first shows up :y:


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Best Match: The Undertaker vs Batista. The longest and the best, IMO. The main event was a pretty good one as well with Booker T and Kane. So much happened to advance the SummerSlam matches. Elimination Chamber, Falls Count Anywhere, etc...

Best Promo: I liked them all to be completely honest with you. Austin/Orton is getting interesting, Flair/Michaels was greatness, it should be a great match at SummerSlam.

Worst Match: 3 Minute Warning vs La Resistance or however you spell it, my bad. :p Just a short match to get 3 Minute Warning over.

Worst Promo: Honestly? I'd be lying if I said there was any.

Additional Thoughts: This was a great show heading in to SummerSlam, man. The matches and promos advanced alot for SummerSlam such as Elimination Chamber, Falls Count Anywhere, HBK/Flair, etc... Great show, man. I can't wait for SummerSlam.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
OMG XBA I can't wait for Summerslam.. Sorry I can't review RAW, but I will give a full review for Summerslam

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Undertaker vs Batista was great. It was the best match to read, and the interference was done at the right time, and it worked perfectly getting the storylines for Summerslam through.

WM - 3MW vs La Resistance was OK, but the aftermath with the Dudleys coming out with tables was another good hype for SS.

BP - I liked the segment with Flair and HBK and Steve Austin coming at the end, it was a fun promo to read with the dialogue between the two.

WP - N/A

AC - All the matches meant something coming in to Summerslam, and that was really great. There really wasn't any negatives in this show, all the matches were OK to great, and the promos were great as usual. I'll review Summerslam if I can.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Feedback on Raw

Haven't reviewed this BTB in a long while, and thought I must as well start my Reviews up again. So here goes. Really, nice way to set up a match quick and easy. Jericho and Booker were great on the microphone, but I don't think Kane was much in character. Good solid match, between Booker and Kane, really liked the finish as well. Awesome promo with Stone Cold and Eric Bischoff, really liked the flow of it and everything was in character.

Good that your not doing a better job with Steiner than they really did. Quick match that served its purpose well. Promo started off well with Triple H, but I don't think he would say: "idiot" and then when Undertaker popped up I didn't like it all. "Nice bit of dialouge there." I extremely doubt he would say that.

Great Promo between Michaels and Flair, Austin really asserted his dominance as GM early, and Bischoff asserted himself well as well. Funny Promo with Austin backstage, although I think it could have been used to Build Up the Boom or Bust Match with a Wrestler Promo. Very, quick squash match, didn't really do anything for me. Wow, shocked me by the entrance of The Dudleys, and Stephanie really built up the PPV match really well.

Really interesting action going on with the Champs and Kane, but I think Kane will get his revenge on Sunday. Great, Exciting Match, The interferences really built tension in the Match, glad Taker won. Great twist in the main-Event, really worked out well this Promo.

Fantastic finish, this match was easily the best match of the show. Another good twist between Undertaker and Goldberg.

I honestly cannot wait for Summerslam, you have built up all the Matches very, very well and if this is what happened in the real WWE, PPV ratings would be through the roof. I can't believe I haven't reviewed this in a while, but I'm pleased I did now.​

Cheap Plug: Check out TNA - We Are Wrestling iMPACT! 12.06.2008 is up.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: A tie between the main event and Batista vs Taker, but since I am more edged to singles matches, I am going with Batista vs Taker. Interference advanced both the IC and WHC title matches, so good work on that.

WM: Squash, but it the end, it made its point.

BP: I can say that finally, in your third or fourth attempt, not sure which one, you have managed to pull out Stone Cold Steve Austin in character. Every promo of his was in character, and all were fun to read. I would have liked more mic time for The Game though on the show.

WP: None, maybe Kane on the mic, but he gets free pass as when he talks he does't stablish a character.

AC: Great buildup for Summerslam, there are some matches that I can't wait to see, like the EC Chamber and HBK vs Flair, others that will be good to read, like Batista vs Jeff, and others that I am not that excited for, like Raw vs Smackdown. BTW, poor Bischoff, I hope somehow he turns it around, because he's getting owned by Austin week in and week out, same as Orton.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BM: Batista vs. Taker- it was a great match, your Batista matches always seem to be good.
WM: 3MW squash- for obvious reasons
BP: HBK/Flair- the promos that you write for these two are perfect.
WP: N/A- they were all good
AC: I was really suprised that Booker did the job... The SCSA/Bichoff promo was pretty good... Its hard to tell if Y2J and Booker are heels or faces... Another great show, can't wait for Summerslam
Plug: Please check out POI Episode 20


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
BM: Kane Vs Booker T, I wish those two could've had a decent feud in the real WWE beofre Booker left because I feel even though their styles are completely different they still seem to compliment eachother.
WM: 3 Minute Warning Vs La Resistance. Never like La Resisitance so you made me so damn happy by squashing them but it was still worst match.
BP: 'Taker/SCSA you played 'Taker as the angry dude who wants a fight to perfection and you also had SCSA in character while still performing his GM duties.
AC: I want more Y2J! Still though gotta love B-Teezie and Y2-Jeezie lol. Great overall show and I see you hyped the main feuds extremely well. Check out my show on WWE: Era of '08 if you got any time. :)
Apr 9, 2008
Reaction score
BM: Undertaker vs. Batista. it was so good. i cant wait for summerslam.

WM: la resistance was a squash match.

BP: i dont know.

WP: Na.

AC: your BTB is only the third i have read on iwf. keep it up. you blow my mind with your btb.



WWE Raw and SmackDown! present
WWE Summerslam
LIVE on PPV from Boston, MA!

Official Preview Guide

The superstars of Raw and SmackDown! heat it up this Sunday in Beantown. Boston hosts this year’s summer spectacular WWE Summerslam! With titles, pride, and brand supremacy on the line, anything and everything will happen this Sunday Night!


World Heavyweight Championship
Elimination Chamber
Triple H* vs. Goldberg vs. Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho vs. Booker T vs. Kane
In Raw’s main event of Summerslam, the Game Triple H looks to walk into Summerslam this year with the gold around his waist and walk out the same. However, this time there are 5 other men looking to take aim at Triple H’s Evolution Kingdom on Raw. This match came about after 5 superstars all thought they deserved a title shot against the Game. General Manager Eric Bischoff then announced that all 5 men and the Game would all fight for the gold inside of the Elimination Chamber this year at Summerslam, however each man had to prove themselves to the GM by winning Eric Bischoff “Boom or Bust†matches. Later that night Goldberg was up first and he took on his former rival Mark Henry, the World’s Strongest Man. Goldberg made quick work out of Henry, but he then had to face Big Evil and his brother Kane. After Goldberg got help from Y2J, who was later taken out by Booker T, as all the madness went down in the ring, the World Champion Triple H sat at the top of the ramp smiling while his competition tore each other apart. The following week it was Kane’s turn to “Boom or Bust†as he took on his former tag team partner and friend Mr. Monday Night RVD. In what was possibly the best match of the night, Kane came out with the victory solidifying his spot inside the 10 Ton Structure. Later that night Booker T and Chris Jericho ran into each other and trash talked each other about the upcoming Elimination Chamber and about how each other’s “Boom or Bust†matches were rumored to be the following week. As it happens, there is only one “Boom or Bust†match per week, this caused a conflict. Both men went to Bischoff the following week and questioned him about it. However, SmackDown! GM Stephanie McMahon was in the office grilling Raw’s GM about how 3 Minute Warning disobeyed the 30 day rule for defending their tag titles. Faced with a fine, Bischoff had to think fast and picked the first two guys he saw, Jericho and Booker; to meet 3 Minute Warning in the ring that night and at the same time the World Tag Title match would be their “Boom or Bust†matches as well. Both Y2J and Booker T had experience taking on 3 Minute Warning in handicap matches and miraculously pulled out a victory taking the World Tag Team Championship from the “Unstoppable†3 Minute Warning. The only man left standing whom hadn’t secured his spot was Big Evil the Undertaker, whom in a deal with Triple H himself, was scheduled to face the Intercontinental Champion Batista. Undertaker struggled and took on the Evolution’s powerhouse, but with interference from Triple H, stacked the deck against Taker even more than before, but with a little help from the former Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy, Undertaker secured his spot by nailing the Animal with a Last Ride. There isn’t one man in the Elimination Chamber who doesn’t have a conflict with another, all the ingredients are there, and when mixed with 10 tons of steel and 2 miles of chain, the Elimination Chamber this Sunday is bound to be a memorable one!

WWE Championship
Brock Lesnar* vs. Kurt Angle
In what many are calling the rivalry of our generation, Brock Lesnar is set to defend his WWE Championship against the Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle once again. This rivalry has embodied what SmackDown! has stood for since the Royal Rumble and now these former amateur wrestlers collide again for WWE gold. Kurt Angle received the opportunity by earning it in a match of the year candidate on SmackDown! 3 weeks ago. He defeated both Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit in a triple threat match to land him on a one way trip to Summerslam to face the champion Brock Lesnar. The WWE Champion could not wait to lock up with Angle at Summerslam so he took matters into his own hands and sought out the challenger. However, it was the challenger, Kurt Angle, who found Lesnar first and he brought along back up in his very own Team Angle. For 3 weeks straight Angle has gotten the drop on Lesnar early on, but Lesnar had the last laugh last Thursday night on SmackDown! when he took on all 3 men in a 3 on 1 handicap match. Lesnar tore through Team Angle by ramming Shelton Benjamin shoulder first into the stairs and then F-5ing Charlie Haas on the outside floor. Just when Lesnar thought he had Angle, Kurt high-tailed it out of the arena. The champion looks to have the advantage going into Summerslam, but anything can happen once the bell rings with the title on the line!


Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels
(Special Guest Referee Stone Cold Steve Austin)
From what started as a confrontation, to a friendship, to a screwjob, to a betrayal, HBK vs. Ric Flair has captivated the Raw audience to say the least. For weeks Shawn Michaels has just about had it with the Nature Boy after HBK challenged him for a match at Summerslam over and over with Flair refusing every single time. However, with the new Co-GM of Raw as the sheriff in town, he had the authority and made the match HBK vs. Ric Flair at Summerslam. However, with the recent involvements with Randy Orton in the past month, Stone Cold saw himself as a magnet to Orton, and since Orton is tight with the Nature Boy as Evolution, Stone Cold didn’t want Orton anywhere near the ring for this match and appointed himself the guest referee. The last time HBK and Ric Flair went one on one was at Backlash as the whole “HBK lays down for Flair†scenario played out, but this time, neither man will lie down for the other. It’s the Showstopper vs. The Nature Boy only at Summerslam!


Hulk-A-Mania vs. Hulk-A-Maniac
Hulk Hogan vs. Edge
At WrestleMania VI, a young Hulk-a-maniac, Edge, sat in awe watching his idol Hulk Hogan in action. More than a decade later, he would have never guessed he would go one on one with his idol. This Sunday at Summerslam, in one of the biggest matches SmackDown can offer, Edge takes on his childhood Hero Hulk Hogan in what is sure to be a classic. It’s Hulk-a-mania vs. Hulk-a-maniac this Sunday Night!


WWE Intercontinental Championship
Falls Count Anywhere

Batista* vs. Jeff Hardy
Moments after Jeff Hardy defeated Christian in a ladder match to win his Intercontinental Championship, he was brutally assaulted by a hooded figure in the parking lot. Weeks after, Batista comes out and says he knows who did it, but he wouldn’t blab without a price. Batista requested an Intercontinental Championship match at Bad Blood against the champ and then Hardy would get his answer. They fought to the death until Hardy got the win with the roll up. Batista flipped out after the match destroying Jeff Hardy. Moments before Batista walked through the curtain; he turned back and said he keeps his promises. He confessed that he was the one who destroyed Hardy in the parking lot. Ever since that day, both men have fought on numerous occasions, with Hardy getting the win every time. At Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II, both competitors battled in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Both men were tied at one a piece until Batista Batista-Bombed Jeff Hardy through the announcer’s table. Batista climbed back into the ring and won the third fall by count out. Batista thought he had the match won until the referee decided the title cannot be won by count out and therefore announced Jeff Hardy still the champ. Eric Bischoff then came down the ramp and stripped Hardy of the Intercontinental Championship because he couldn’t win the match. 2 Week later on Raw, both Hardy and Batista collided in a match where Batista defeated Hardy. After the match Eric Bischoff came down the ramp once again, but this time awarded the Intercontinental Championship to the Animal Batista. After being appointed Co-GM, Stone Cold Steve Austin wanted for Jeff Hardy to receive his rematch, therefore making the Falls Count Anywhere Intercontinental Championship match this Sunday. Will Jeff Hardy be able to regain gold, or will Batista’s reign continue?


SmackDown! vs. Raw
Dudley Boys vs. 3 Minute Warning
Ever since 3 Minute Warning defeated the Dudley Boys for the World Tag Team Championship, this rivalry has continued to grow. The Dudley Boys had one final shot to regain the World Tag Team Championships at Bad Blood, but failed, then were fired by Eric Bischoff the following night. Even after they got fired, their rivalry grew. SmackDown! GM Stephanie McMahon challenged Eric Bischoff to a match at Summerslam, a brand vs. brand tag team match which would pit 3 Minute Warning vs. a SmackDown! Team. Steph wanted an early warm up match against 3 Minute Warning and brought in Brian Kendrick and Funaki to take on 3 Minute Warning on Raw, but 3 Minute Warning made short work of them. Bischoff couldn’t get enough of it, but Steph would have the last laugh as the Dudley’s returned to Raw ambushing 3 Minute Warning from out of the crowd. After the Dudley Boys destroyed 3MW, they 3D’d Raw GM Eric Bischoff through a table. If that wasn’t enough, Steph then announced that the Dudley Boys were SmackDown’s newest acquisition and 3 Minute Warning’s opponents at Summerslam. Stephanie returned the following week and threatened Eric Bischoff with a fine since 3 Minute Warning failed to defend their Tag titles within 30 days, all title holders have to defend their belts within a 30 day limit, but 3 Minute Warning never defended the belts since they won them. Without thinking, and afraid of being fined, Bischoff made the match where 3 Minute Warning would defend against Booker T and Chris Jericho. In a shocking upset, Y2J and Booker defeated the champs, taking their belts. As the smile increased on Steph’s face, the anger in Bischoff built up bigger and bigger, now it all comes to a head as the battle of brand supremacy commences this Sunday at Summerslam!


WWE United States Championship
Big Show* vs. John Cena
SmackDown titans collide at Summerslam for United States gold as Big Show defends against the Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena. John Cena has shown his love for this business and his desire for success. He took the fight to the Big Show in the recent weeks by fighting in the ring, to throwing hands wrapped in a steel chain, all the way to FU’ing Big Show onto the hood of a car in the parking lot. Big Show wouldn’t stay down, however, Show came back the very next week and chokeslammed the Franchise Player onto the steel stairs. Both men have something to prove come this Sunday for Summerslam, will Cena walk out of his home town with gold, or will Big Show upset Beantown? Order Summerslam to find out!


WWE Women’s Championship
Molly Holly* vs. Gail Kim vs. Jazz
Molly Holly sneaked away still holding the Women’s Championship in her last defense against Gail Kim, but how will she fair against 2 challengers instead of one? Gail Kim had quite the run coming into Raw earlier this year, but couldn’t get the job done against Holly, and now that Jazz has come into the Women’s Division, what can happen next?

Order WWE Summerslam this Sunday Night LIVE! from Boston, MA!

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber-Triple H vs. Undertaker vs. Goldberg vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Booker T

WWE Championship-Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle

Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair

Edge vs. Hulk Hogan

Intercontinental Title-Batista vs. Jeff Hardy

Dudley Boyz vs. 3 Minute Warning

United States Title-Big Show vs. John Cena

Women's Title-Molly Holly vs. Jazz vs. Gail Kim