WWE Forums Turns Two Years Old!

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Aids Johnson

The Beast
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Sure, why not?
Rainman - HEY RAIN! IT AID! YOU REMEMBER ME BRO! DO YOU! DO YOU REMEMBER ME BRO! - You are one of the people here that makes me click on threads the minute i see you posted. nWo was a blast, skype chat's are a blast, and thanks for always putting up with my bullshit, because it's all in fun. Your mom seemed interested.
GN - Ooooooh baby i love your way, every day. I randomly run across the stopspot smiley, and every time i do, i think of you and giggle. You talk dirty with the best of them, and my only hope is that when you see this, you're jilling off.
D'Z - Brother, buddy, pal. You forgave me almost too quickly, and even if thing's aren't the same, i'm thankful every time we joke around for you being the bigger man. I'm sure your dad really is proud of you, and don't think I'm coming to CA without finding out what store you work at. You'll see me come in and say to yourself "now that drunk is someone I could chill with," and i'll make obscene comments that make you immediately change your mind.
Danielson - Oh god, what can I say? You better be back here by Feb 15th, who the hell else am I going to mark out with over random MLB? Thanks for always having my back, even when I didn't deserve it, you know i've always got yours.
Dat kid - L4D2 bro!? You ready? It was a blast gaming with you, and i'm glad you're back in the IWT, the people demand the final match. My hand is still up.
Farooq - Fooq daddy, my favorite user. You are the best member on the forums, a blast to skype with, and your afro is amazing. Also, i will never eat at Taco Bell again, and for that alone you deserve 1000 thanks.
Xanth - Ohh, baby. Every time i see I have a random PM from you, i know i'm going to like what's inside. We have similar interests in tv, and you put up with random newfags hating on you like a boss. You wore lipstick pretty well, also.
Shadow - Shadox, Cherry Pie. I have a great time anytime we get to discuss anything, and our skype chat's were always fun as hell. I look forward to you being in any thread I go into, and you truly are the greatest Ambrose mark on the forum. Mark.
MARKYFUCKINGMARK - I mark every time i see dude in a LD, and dude enjoys the hell out of any match.
Jose Tortilla - Baby come back. lol hope all is well, the forum's aren't the same without you randomly posting how it's Ziggler's time.
Senhor Perfect - You may only be 2 years older than me, but you are this forum's resident grandfather. You love maple syrup, call canadian bacon "bacon" and your beard growing ability is nothing if not admirable.
CM Punk - I only don't like your character on IWT, all the random hate was just me being jelly. I so jelly bro. Don't leave IWT creative.
Deth - I will always view you as the Butthead pic I randomly replied with. Hilarious, manfriend stealer!
Jonathan - You run the IWT like a boss, and while I love taking my shots, i have to give credit where it's due.
Georgie Pie - You won't read this, but I love the fact any time i sign into skype, I can expect a random message before I return the favor.
Brita - You owe me nudes bby, don't let these virgins fool you into it before I can.
Crayj - VP, the apple of Aids eye, you make the IWT so great, and I have a lot more fun because you are there.
THG? - Such a damn boss. I could make a paragraph for you, but you already know how I feel.
Ovalhead - Every time you changed your avatar, i'd think to myself "Man that kid is weird, but those pictures are hilarious," only to find out it was JWAB. Your IWT stuff is hilarious, and you are an all around good dude.
Black_Jesus - You are so damn white....and so funny. Keep doing what you're doing.
DKJames - Whats up buddy? Just had a blast in the IWT title match with you, and love poking fun at your NY fanboyism. The bills suck dude, but you know that better than anyone.
Gav - GAV YOU MOTHER FUCKING CHAV! Dude your picture in FSW still make's me gimp out.
Dazzle - you're not a generic Rock character, Rock is a generic Dazzle character.
Seab - Japan loves Seab! You are the dude, dude.
Stopspot - I miss our fun chats on skype, and you sounding like the Swedish Chef only makes it 10x better. You make the Other wrestling section great, and are such a HQ staff member.
Testify - Those random pics you posted in nWo still give me nightmares, you fucking TNA mark you.
Solidus - I love to hate, because I so jelly bro. You do a ton of stuff for the site, and are always so quick to help when asked. Thanks.
Coon - Anon was better, but your posts are always so funny.
Nick, Trip, Arab, and the rest of the IWT buddies, thank's for making the section so damn fun.
Zach - I'm glad you came back, even if it is just to mark about how much soccer you watch.
Wacokid - Bro! You are awesome.
Jeebak - You would still be posting here, but I've heard where you are people can cut your hand off when they find you with their 4 year old son. Fucking pedo.
NEIL THORN! - you still owe me a pic of your face with permanent marker stating "Xanth top/Crayo bottom," and i'll demand it always
Klock - You smark mafk, who can even reply to a thread when you've already said anything that could be said? Great user.
David - Almost forgot our amazing X-division champion. You are an awesome user, and always awesome to skype with. We will have our match, someday.

And of course, last but so far from the least, Craydaddy - That nipple pic make's me laugh so hard. Seriously though, thank you a million times over for letting me back here, and it's awesome to have such a great owner. Any success this site has, you have earned. This place is more like a hangout for some of us, and I wouldn't rather be anywhere else...I hear WF is for WWEF rejects and TRAITORS!
And on that note -

ETA: OH HELL NO! I FORGET FRANCIS THE JOCK!? Dude will never read it so i'll just keep being a douche about it. Great member, amazing ego. The video stuff you did will forever be embedded in my mind with WWEF. You kicked out Brita and GN multiple time's thinking it was me, haha. Are we gonna fuck, or what?
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The Game
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
Sure, why not?
Rainman - HEY RAIN! IT AID! YOU REMEMBER ME BRO! DO YOU! DO YOU REMEMBER ME BRO! - You are one of the people here that makes me click on threads the minute i see you posted. nWo was a blast, skype chat's are a blast, and thanks for always putting up with my bullshit, because it's all in fun. Your mom seemed interested.
GN - Ooooooh baby i love your way, every day. I randomly run across the stopspot smiley, and every time i do, i think of you and giggle. You talk dirty with the best of them, and my only hope is that when you see this, you're jilling off.
D'Z - Brother, buddy, pal. You forgave me almost too quickly, and even if thing's aren't the same, i'm thankful every time we joke around for you being the bigger man. I'm sure your dad really is proud of you, and don't think I'm coming to CA without finding out what store you work at. You'll see me come in and say to yourself "now that drunk is someone I could chill with," and i'll make obscene comments that make you immediately change your mind.
Dat kid - L4D2 bro!? You ready? It was a blast gaming with you, and i'm glad you're back in the IWT, the people demand the final match. My hand is still up.
Farooq - Fooq daddy, my favorite user. You are the best member on the forums, a blast to skype with, and your afro is amazing. Also, i will never eat at Taco Bell again, and for that alone you deserve 1000 thanks.
Xanth - Ohh, baby. Every time i see I have a random PM from you, i know i'm going to like what's inside. We have similar interests in tv, and you put up with random newfags hating on you like a boss. You wore lipstick pretty well, also.
Shadow - Shadox, Cherry Pie. I have a great time anytime we get to discuss anything, and our skype chat's were always fun as hell. I look forward to you being in any thread I go into, and you truly are the greatest Ambrose mark on the forum. Mark.
MARKYFUCKINGMARK - I mark every time i see dude in a LD, and dude enjoys the hell out of any match.
Jose Tortilla - Baby come back. lol hope all is well, the forum's aren't the same without you randomly posting how it's Ziggler's time.
Senhor Perfect - You may only be 2 years older than me, but you are this forum's resident grandfather. You love maple syrup, call canadian bacon "bacon" and your beard growing ability is nothing if not admirable.
CM Punk - I only don't like your character on IWT, all the random hate was just me being jelly. I so jelly bro. Don't leave IWT creative.
Jonathan - You run the IWT like a boss, and while I love taking my shots, i have to give credit where it's due.
Brita - You owe me nudes bby, don't let these virgins fool you into it before I can.
Crayj - VP, the apple of Aids eye, you make the IWT so great, and I have a lot more fun because you are there.
THG? - Such a damn boss. I could make a paragraph for you, but you already know how I feel.
Ovalhead - Every time you changed your avatar, i'd think to myself "Man that kid is weird, but those pictures are hilarious," only to find out it was JWAB. Your IWT stuff is hilarious, and you are an all around good dude.
Black_Jesus - You are so damn white....and so funny. Keep doing what you're doing.
DKJames - Whats up buddy? Just had a blast in the IWT title match with you, and love poking fun at your NY fanboyism. The bills suck dude, but you know that better than anyone.
Gav - GAV YOU MOTHER FUCKING CHAV! Dude your picture in FSW still make's me gimp out.
Dazzle - you're not a generic Rock character, Rock is a generic Dazzle character.
Seab - Japan loves Seab! You are the dude, dude.
Stopspot - I miss our fun chats on skype, and you sounding like the Swedish Chef only makes it 10x better. You make the Other wrestling section great, and are such a HQ staff member.
Testify - Those random pics you posted in nWo still give me nightmares, you fucking TNA mark you.
Solidus - I love to hate, because I so jelly bro. You do a ton of stuff for the site, and are always so quick to help when asked. Thanks.
Coon - Anon was better, but your posts are always so funny.
Nick, Trip, Arab, and the rest of the IWT buddies, thank's for making the section so damn fun.
Zach - I'm glad you came back, even if it is just to mark about how much soccer you watch.
Wacokid - Bro! You are awesome.
Jeebak - You would still be posting here, but I've heard where you are people can cut your hand off when they find you with their 4 year old son. Fucking pedo.
NEIL THORN! - you still owe me a pic of your face with permanent marker stating "Xanth top/Crayo bottom," and i'll demand it always
Klock - You smark mafk, who can even reply to a thread when you've already said anything that could be said? Great user.

And of course, last but so far from the least, Craydaddy - That nipple pic make's me laugh so hard. Seriously though, thank you a million times over for letting me back here, and it's awesome to have such a great owner. Any success this site has, you have earned. This place is more like a hangout for some of us, and I wouldn't rather be anywhere else...I hear WF is for WWEF rejects and TRAITORS!
And on that note -

Love you. I lol'd at Ovalhead's thing you said that he kid in his avi was weird looking, only to find out it was Jwab. lmao


The Lunatic Fringe
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
Helsinki, Finland
All I gotta say is, @deth my bby gurl without you I would've prolly just left a week after registering. Best music taste in the whole internet. Also you're probably the only user who knows I exist.


The Artiste
May 13, 2013
Reaction score
Ly too<33, team PTS for life.

First, I'd like to say congratulations on the two years! I've been here for the majority of eight months now, and I can easily say that these past eight months have been my favorite time I've spent on the internet. I'm real glad to be apart of this forum, it's definitely the best forum I've been part of. The community here make everything fun and great, and we all seem like one big family. Coming here is somewhat like a daily habit of mine now, instead of Facebook, or Twitter this forum is the first place I pull up on my screen. I've also said before that I wish I would've been a whole lot earlier and that couldn't have been a truer statement.

Now, I suppose I'm gonna take the rest of this post to give my thanks and thoughts on fellow members whom have been active during my stint here. Btw, I'm not gonna tag anyone, that way they have to look for their name. :russo: I'm such a hipster.
Crayo- CoD sucks.Seriously though, you've done a great job on the forum. The way you interact with the community like you're just a regular member already makes you better than most forum owners out there.
Hell, if it wasn't for you I would've never been apart of this site, so I can't thank you enough for that. Also, I've enjoyed all the times we've talked both on the forum, and on Xbox. Here's to another year of WWEF!
P.S: Neither of us is the bigger Ambrose mark, we're equal. Love ya.<3

Xanth- Throughout my time here we've never really spoken until recently. You seem pretty like a pretty cool person, and it's hilarious when you discourage people on Xbox.
Keep up the good uh...work with the site.

Solidus- Like I've said to Xanth, we've never really came in contact except recently on Xbox. You seem like an awesome, knowledgeable person though.
Keep up the good work with the forum!

Big Hoss Rambler- The same could be said with you. We've never talked at all besides a brief PM I sent you a while back. You seem awesome as well.
By the way, I've recently been spending a ton of time on WatchWrestling and I love it. Keep up the good work on both the forum and your site!

Coon- What can I say? You're an A1 user and you helped build up the site which I'm thankful for. Keep up the swell work on the forum!

CM Punk- Haha,where do I start? We never really spoke when I first joined but, boy that has changed these past couple of months.
I enjoy playing games with you on the reg and you're an awesome person to talk to.
Punk, you're definitely one of the few people I can trust. I love you, man.

Stopspot- Stopspot, you're a very knowledgeable, and funny member. I've enjoyed our recent discussions on here and I hope there's plenty more to come in the future.

Seabs- Seabs, like I said about Stopspot, you're a very funny, and knowledgeable member. I always enjoy your posts and you're awesome to talk to.

Rainman- Rain, I really enjoy discussing things with you whether it be about TNA or just every day life. You're awesome man.

GrammarNazi- Nazi, you're an all around thrill to talk to and you're just great in general. You remember that thread about Ambrose you made? Yeah, I saved it in the fap folder.

Testify- You've been an awesome person to talk to and I enjoy discussing things with you, especially TNA.

Dolph'sZiggler- While we don't talk much on the forum, I enjoy when we do. You're a funny, and cool user man.

Farooq- Man Farooq, I think you were the first person I really talked to besides Crayo when I originally joined. I've enjoyed our discussions and when we play GTA together.
Also, I commend you on your music taste and I envy your afro. Never shave it, ever.

Aids- You were also one of the first users I talked to, I thought you were pretty darn funny. We haven't really talked in a while though besides minor Skype chats. Hit me up more often.

Rhod- I haven't chatted with you in a while, you rock and you oughta be on more often. Edit: Glad to see you back dude.

Danielson- Danny, you're the first person I ashley like legit talked to. You're pretty cool to talk to on Xbox. On the forum you're just as cool and it's fun to discuss stuff with you.

CrayJ Lee- You're awesome to talk to, but you really haven't been around these past few weeks. You really oughta be on more. Edit: It's glad to see you back, we still haven't really talked though.

Jonathan- Jono, you're awesome to talk to, and you're also cool to game with, well when we're killing Adam and you're not blowing up my car.
Love ya<3

Dat Kid- Kid, it's been awesome talking to you, and you always manage to make me laugh. Also, it was fun to team with you during my first stint in IWT.
I hope you do good in the movie business one day man.<3

Britanica- You're more racist than any person I've ever meant and you fucksuck so much. Yeah,that's it,so, don't expect to hear anything nice from me.
Seriously, you suck.
I'm serious.
Why do you keep opening these?
You're pretty cool, I guess. You still suck though.

Lady Deathbane- You were awesome to talk to, so stop eating cats and get back on the forum asap.

KLockard- I haven't gotten the chance to really talk to you, but you're a very knowledgeable person and I enjoy reading your in depth posts.

Senhor Perfect- We don't talk much but I think that you're a witty person and a really good user.

Leo C- I don't really talk to you outside of the Showoff section, but I think you're a pretty knowledgeable user. Also,

DK James- You're funny and you've been a cool user here. We haven't talked in a while though which sucks.

Ryan- I haven't really talked to you on the forum, but you seemed pretty cool from when we have spoken on Xbox.

deth- Well, I think pretty funny and you have an awesome taste in music.

Cloud- You're a really nice person and you're a good user.

Robbie Coletrain- I haven't spoken to you much besides when we've talked about Breaking Bad, I hope that'll change though.

Adam- You're pretty cool, and you've been able to cope with jokes lately which is good. Keep it up.

David- I haven't talked to you in a while besides Skype here and there. You've been a cool user here though.

THG?- I haven't talked to you in a while either. You've been awesome here and you oughta get more active.

Trip in the Head- You've been a pretty cool user and it's been fun to play Xbox with you.

B.Dazzle- I haven't really talked to you much, but you seem pretty cool.

Nick- I haven't really talked to you either, you seem cool as well.

Gohan- I love you babe<3
Alright, now that's done, I'd like to thank the WWEF community as a whole for making this a great forum to take part in!
Here's to another year of awesomeness, and great discussions!<333
You forgot me? I thought what we had was special.:((


Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
Feeling the love.

Great to see that other users love this place, as a staff member that means our job is worth it.

I joined up on the night of mania 28, no fuss just showing up in the live discussion, thinking I was just gonna hijack on it for the night, but I ended up staying. And here I am about 2 years later and I couldn't see myself not visiting this site now.
I love it on here and you'll see me here for a long long time coming.

I don't have a list so I'll just do the typical "nobody mentioned, nobody forgotten" thing. You're all great in your own ways. Might be a list later, might not be. Love you all either way.

Also love Dat Kid's vid. I'm the prettiest horse.


Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
Nashville, TN


Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
well, i am new here as a member but i am regular reader ot this forum since WWEF hosted with Mybb. i am watching wwe since 2007-9 and i can say that WWEF is best wwe forum around.keep growing and good luck for bright future.
  • Like
Reactions: Farooq and THG?

Jose Tortilla

Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
Indeed the Bound 2 thing was POTY..

Crayo, Seabs, Xanth, Stoppy, Aids, D'Z, Champ, Farooq, DKFJ, Testify, Rainman, Punk, Cloud, Deth, Leo C, Hoss and Jono...

My old school homeboys, this one is for you all..

With love..
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Dec 19, 2011
Reaction score
Indeed the Bound 2 thing was POTY..

Crayo, Seabs, Stoppy, Aids, D'Z, Champ, Farooq, DKFJ, Testify, Punk, Cloud, Deth, Leo C and Hoss...

My old school homeboys, this one is for you all..

With love..

  • Like
Reactions: Dat Kid1


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
Congrats on the two-year anniversary. Bet you silly moderators had no idea you'd last this long or turn out the way that it did. This place has grown and evolved into the strangest conglomerate of weird people you'll find anywhere. Always fun to talk about anything with you guys, from Orton's beard to AJ Green to the size of Brita's tinfoil hat to Cinnamon Toast Crunch to Xanth's dick.... hopefully those last two not at the same time. You people are just too awesome, a lot of the time it's nervewracking posting around here since your awesomeness is just too much to overcome. *Applause*

It's really grown into a community that goes beyond the forum walls. All these stories of everyone having each other on XBox is incredible, and spending non-forum time on Skype together (add me @Crayo xoxoxo). Hell, this place has grown to a place where you can even find romance on here, ask @Champ Johnson. Or @GrammarNazi82. Or @Testify for the hell of it, so he can find a clever new way to tell you to go fuck yourself that probably involves being bitten by snakes in a Lamborghini or some shit. Friends come and go in real life, but you faceless usernames are forever. <3

A big shout out to some of the underrated users that don't get much love around here, like @Kassius HoHo trying to keep live discussions on-topic while people like @Lady Deathbane (Miss you!) GN and I mess everything up. Also @pottsy946 for being awesome, despite you needing new socks. Great to see @Jose Tortilla back, and hope he doesn't leave again. Missed your random ass. Gotta throw a shoutout to @geekgoddess for her kick-ass boots and the massive burden on her shoulders of saving the good name of AJ Lee marks after Deathclaw did its best to ruin it forever, that can't be easy. @Emperor Lelouch Britannia for being one of the main members that keeps this place special, we may always give you a hard time, but we all love you. No homo... or at least we hope. @DK James for being one of the coolest guys I've met in a long, long time, @Shadow too. And even though he seems to be gone, @Danielson's gonna be a ball to talk football (not soccer, noobs) with on Skype for the forseeable future. Don't let me bore you too much. Congrats on the fantasy win, now take out Dolph's who isn't even worth tagging. He sucks. Speaking of sucking, @Slim Shady just HAD to leave DeadMan's Hand. You're toast. :tough:

Kind of a shame being the wallflower lurking around the corner of this community, as a lot of the time there isn't much to say. *wipes away tear* @Senhor Perfect, @Wacokid27 and @Seabs really are the perfect users, being incredible minds when it comes to wrestling before turning face on a dime and being the most random/perverted people imaginable yet still being truly something special. @Stopspot, @Leo C, and @KLockard23 for being the best wrestling minds on the internet, and @Farooq for being black.

Probably forgot a lot of people, but it's been a long 2 years on here. Feels like forever. So lets hope to spend another forever together.
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Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
no change in hell danny beats my team! i two time champion!