WWE Forums Turns Two Years Old!

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Active Member
Apr 21, 2013
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The United States of Ambrose
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Ly too<33, team PTS for life.

First, I'd like to say congratulations on the two years! I've been here for the majority of eight months now, and I can easily say that these past eight months have been my favorite time I've spent on the internet. I'm real glad to be apart of this forum, it's definitely the best forum I've been part of. The community here make everything fun and great, and we all seem like one big family. Coming here is somewhat like a daily habit of mine now, instead of Facebook, or Twitter this forum is the first place I pull up on my screen. I've also said before that I wish I would've been a whole lot earlier and that couldn't have been a truer statement.

Now, I suppose I'm gonna take the rest of this post to give my thanks and thoughts on fellow members whom have been active during my stint here. Btw, I'm not gonna tag anyone, that way they have to look for their name. :russo: I'm such a hipster.
Crayo- CoD sucks.Seriously though, you've done a great job on the forum. The way you interact with the community like you're just a regular member already makes you better than most forum owners out there.
Hell, if it wasn't for you I would've never been apart of this site, so I can't thank you enough for that. Also, I've enjoyed all the times we've talked both on the forum, and on Xbox. Here's to another year of WWEF!
P.S: Neither of us is the bigger Ambrose mark, we're equal. Love ya.<3

Xanth- Throughout my time here we've never really spoken until recently. You seem pretty like a pretty cool person, and it's hilarious when you discourage people on Xbox.
Keep up the good uh...work with the site.

Solidus- Like I've said to Xanth, we've never really came in contact except recently on Xbox. You seem like an awesome, knowledgeable person though.
Keep up the good work with the forum!

Big Hoss Rambler- The same could be said with you. We've never talked at all besides a brief PM I sent you a while back. You seem awesome as well.
By the way, I've recently been spending a ton of time on WatchWrestling and I love it. Keep up the good work on both the forum and your site!

Coon- What can I say? You're an A1 user and you helped build up the site which I'm thankful for. Keep up the swell work on the forum!

CM Punk- Haha,where do I start? We never really spoke when I first joined but, boy that has changed these past couple of months.
I enjoy playing games with you on the reg and you're an awesome person to talk to.
Punk, you're definitely one of the few people I can trust. I love you, man.

Stopspot- Stopspot, you're a very knowledgeable, and funny member. I've enjoyed our recent discussions on here and I hope there's plenty more to come in the future.

Seabs- Seabs, like I said about Stopspot, you're a very funny, and knowledgeable member. I always enjoy your posts and you're awesome to talk to.

Rainman- Rain, I really enjoy discussing things with you whether it be about TNA or just every day life. You're awesome man.

GrammarNazi- Nazi, you're an all around thrill to talk to and you're just great in general. You remember that thread about Ambrose you made? Yeah, I saved it in the fap folder.

Testify- You've been an awesome person to talk to and I enjoy discussing things with you, especially TNA.

Dolph'sZiggler- While we don't talk much on the forum, I enjoy when we do. You're a funny, and cool user man.

Farooq- Man Farooq, I think you were the first person I really talked to besides Crayo when I originally joined. I've enjoyed our discussions and when we play GTA together.
Also, I commend you on your music taste and I envy your afro. Never shave it, ever.

Aids- You were also one of the first users I talked to, I thought you were pretty darn funny. We haven't really talked in a while though besides minor Skype chats. Hit me up more often.

Rhod- I haven't chatted with you in a while, you rock and you oughta be on more often. Edit: Glad to see you back dude.

Danielson- Danny, you're the first person I ashley like legit talked to. You're pretty cool to talk to on Xbox. On the forum you're just as cool and it's fun to discuss stuff with you.

CrayJ Lee- You're awesome to talk to, but you really haven't been around these past few weeks. You really oughta be on more. Edit: It's glad to see you back, we still haven't really talked though.

Jonathan- Jono, you've been awesome to talk to, and you're also cool to game With. Well, when we're killing Adam and you're not blowing up my car. I enjoy all of our discussions and I hope there's plenty more to come in the future.
Love ya<3

Dat Kid- Kid, it's been awesome talking to you, and you always manage to make me laugh. Also, it was fun to team with you during my first stint in IWT.
I hope you do good in the movie business one day man.<3

Britanica- You're more racist than any person I've ever meant and you fucksuck so much. Yeah,that's it,so, don't expect to hear anything nice from me.
Seriously, you suck.
I'm serious.
Why do you keep opening these?
You're pretty cool, I guess. You still suck though.

Lady Deathbane- You were awesome to talk to, so stop eating cats and get back on the forum asap.

KLockard- I haven't gotten the chance to really talk to you, but you're a very knowledgeable person and I enjoy reading your in depth posts.

Senhor Perfect- We don't talk much but I think that you're a witty person and a really good user.

Leo C- I don't really talk to you outside of the Showoff section, but I think you're a pretty knowledgeable user. Also,

DK James- You're funny and you've been a cool user here. We haven't talked in a while though which sucks.

Ryan- I haven't really talked to you on the forum, but you seemed pretty cool from when we have spoken on Xbox.

deth- Well, I think pretty funny and you have an awesome taste in music.

Cloud- You're a really nice person and you're a good user.

Robbie Coletrain- I haven't spoken to you much besides when we've talked about Breaking Bad, I hope that'll change though.

Adam- You're pretty cool, and you've been able to cope with jokes lately which is good. Keep it up.

David- I haven't talked to you in a while besides Skype here and there. You've been a cool user here though.

THG?- I haven't talked to you in a while either. You've been awesome here and you oughta get more active.

Trip in the Head- You've been a pretty cool user and it's been fun to play Xbox with you.

B.Dazzle- I haven't really talked to you much, but you seem pretty cool.

Nick- I haven't really talked to you either, you seem cool as well.

Gohan- I love you babe<3
Alright, now that's done, I'd like to thank the WWEF community as a whole for making this a great forum to take part in!
Here's to another year of awesomeness, and great discussions!<333
Last edited:

Shadie T

New Member
Apr 20, 2013
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<3 ya Shadow


New Member
May 13, 2013
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If it wasn't for Puls3 rage quitting MP I wouldn't be here in the first place.... Funny how these things happen!

Happy I'm here now though, really enjoy the community here, and the majority of MP's best members have joined here anyway e.g. @THG?

It's great that this forum has already been going for 2 years, hope there will be many more <3

p.s. I would do shoutouts but fuck that, I'm not THAT sentimental!
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The Artiste
Sep 21, 2012
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Happy anniversary!!!!! I think ive been here just over a year now ,you guys did make me feel welcome when I first joined and well I hope I can continue to be a small part of this great community.
Anyway enough rambling from me :) lets see what 2014 brings to the forum :)


Emma Watson ♥ ♥ ♥
Dec 21, 2011
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365 * 2 = 730
730/17 (number of suarez's goals) = 43
user 43 = @Zach
Zach's favorite animal is sea otters
sea otters has 8 letters
wwe forums has 8 letters
43/8 = 5.375
crayo has a 5.375 inch penis
crayo = illuminati
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
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Buffalo, NY
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Ah, well haven't even been here for a year but I have been around long enough to know just about everyone. Don't think I've pissed really any respectable members off which is good, yet at the same time I'm a dude that likes to have fun, and this site is a lot of fun.

Didn't want to do this but why the hell not.
Rainman- The first member that I liked on here and you've been one of the coolest dudes ever since. Great to talk to about NFL, TNA, and you know my fantasy football troubles.
GN- Another one of the first members I liked. Great in LDs, funny as hell, just great to talk to.
Shadow- I miss ya babe. We got a lot in common and we never went on our first date. hmu
Frie- Signed up wayyy later than I wanted you too but you know you're one of my best bros and I'm glad people are starting to talk a liking to ya.
David- You're cute, you're voice soothes me, stick around.
Aids- Ah, whatta guy. You began to like me in one of my first LDs, NWO was the first group I was a part of and I'm glad we've been able to have sick IWT matches and joke around with each other.
D'Z- Probably burns you up inside to be mentioned in any posts but without you this site sometimes bores me. You piss some people off and it's great, but at the same time you have great insight to everything wrestling/football.
deth- So glad your name is back to deth :)
Britanica-Super nice, great random threads, funny as hell with her emoticons.
Testify- Took a bit till you finally let me into Deadman's hand but I gotta say that's been one of the most fun places to be on this site. I love TNA, everyone in there loves TNA, and there's a bunch of random talk which I love.
Geekgoddess-Well I don't know why i put you right in the middle of the list but you're great. Your IWT character amazes me, you're funny as hell on skype and we can both be bullies together.
Black jesus- MY MAN. Funny as hell, one of my favorite dudes to ever talk to on skype, fun to talk to about really anything.
Danny(If he were here)-Great member all round. Fun, chill.
Roray-You know what I think of you, my long lost brother.
Hoff- You're underrated. I like how you cut down on the hoff gimmick and you're great to talk to and funny as hell sometimes. Keep doin it bro.
Adam- You're chill most of the time, good insight on most things. Thanks for liking me.
ArabHammer-Great great great new member. We havent talked one on one much but I dig your posts and your sense of humor. You're badass lookin too.
Nick- You're a great dude, great in IWT and awesome to talk to.
Farooq-Funny as hell, sweet to talk to almost anything about and likes a lot of my shit which I can approve of.
Dat Kid- Not as active as you were when I joined which saddens me but you're an overall funny and chill dude.
Coon- Amazing.
B.Dazzle-Another good new member, fun to be around in threads.
THG-Never used to get along and it sucks I didn't realize to put this near the top of the list but you're an awesome dude imo. IWT, you keep that shit goin. Great in threads and I dig your sense of humor and your maturity.
Jono-Despite what everyone thinks I think you're doing a pretty good job with IWT as of late. You deal with a lot of shit but you're still a cool dude. Keep it up.
Crayo-Amazing job of creating this place, keeps it in order, never had an issue with you and I think you're a boss.
Seabs/Stopspot/Hoss/Senhor/Xanth-Never talked to you guys much but you're great at keeping shit in order and when you guys do post on topics, usually funny as fuck and insightful.

Hope I got about everyone. But yea, love this place and it's always been my favorite forum that I've ever been on. Glad most people think I've been a chill dude, it's what I aim to be. Let's keep this shit rollin.


Walking the King’s Road
Dec 18, 2011
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God's Country, Sheffield UK
Agreed completely. I remember the first discussion thread where it was just me and you like it was yesterday baby. Commenting on Nash/HHH at TLC from two years ago. Fitting that it's TLC tonight :).

ly xox

Shitting on H and marking the fuck out for Bryan, yeah shit never changed <3


Chairwoman of The New Day
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Well, I'll put in my post now.
Now my forum history was poor before entering here. I got ganged up by members and a power abusing mod on one forums, another forums was completely dead and the actual one that I did enjoy ended up being deleted by the owner. Eventually I just gave up on forums. Now the reason I turned to forums was because my parents were huge Christians, and they schooled me at home past grade 7. I rarely got to communicate with people who had the same interest as me. Plus, the people at my Church would judge me if I tried anything they didn't agree with, and pretty much hiding who I am was like this for a couple of years. It made me angry, and just built in so many emotions since I couldn't even express who I was or do what I could since I had no one to talk to.

Fast forward, moving to California it changed up. My parents aren't as strict about Christianity at all, but I still needed people to talk to. I went on Google, thinking about joining forums, just one more time. I went to two places, WrestlingForums and WWEForums. I lurked, checking the activity. WF was way to active, and the activity in this place seemed just right. With that, I joined as Farooq WhoDat if I'm correct, which I would later ask Crayo to change to Farooq.

With that, I began to meet many different people on here, and it was very welcoming. It was odd, to see an active forums like this become so friendly and yet put on fun discussions. The first group of people I talked to a lot on here was Hannah, Matt, Kanenite and the guy who changed his name 9000000 times( :haha: ). Honestly, no matter what I'll never forget any of these members, whether we agree or disagree on anything, they were the ones that kept me here and made this forum fun for me at the start.

Fast forward to now, and there are many many many new members. Whether old or new members, this forums has really come a long way. Now, get ready you douche bags, I'm gonna try to write something for all of you :tough:

@Xanth- :eek:tunga: First. I know we talk every here and there, but you're one of the interesting members on here. The one of very few Zelda fans on here, and someone I did enjoy talking to on Skype for a bit ( :finger: for banning me that one time) and someone I enjoyed playing GTA with for a bit. Hope we can talk more, you need to post more or I'm gonna steal Crayo's name again :tough:

@Crayo- Honestly the first few times I saw you post, I thought you were just another member, possibly mod. Kinda blew my mind that you were the owner of the site seeing as though other owners never posted or bragged about being the owner. You just seem like another member, very chill and down to earth. Glad that I got to join, and glad that you own it. Very friendly, nice, chill and I'm starting to think that maybe you're stoned when you're on here :hmm:

@Champ Johnson- You get third place you fag. I'm glad they gave you a second chance here, the place was not the same when you left, even if you left on a bad note. I hope life is going great on your part too. I'm glad you came back, you're a very chill member to talk to at times. You're activity in the IWT is amazing, and I have seen many roleplaying groups before. Been apart, and even started a few. It's members like you that keep the group at it's peak and in check, even if you did leave once I'm glad you came back.

@Slim Shady- Just saw you tag me, so you're next! :goldberg: Even though people may mess with you a bit, I'm glad you joined and stayed. You are a good poster, not the best but you can add discussions to threads and you contribute. Glad you found a solid character for IWT too, really excited to see where it goes. Also enjoy playing GTA with you, even if you do shoot me and try to destroy my tires :aries:

@geekgoddess- It's all about...dat.....personality :jeritroll: Still waiting for the twerk off. Anyhow, I'm glad that you joined too. You're one of the members I continue to chat with on Skype, and you're a fun person to talk to. You are active, and not to mention one of the best people in the IWT currently. I'm glad we get to talk whenever we do, you're a great person, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise or I'll cut their hand off :tough:

@Dat Kid From Jersey- Mah smurf :obama: I'm writing this while looking in the mirror, so it feels like I'm talking to you(maybe I'm naked too). In seriousness, you're an awesome member. Pretty chill, a good poster and a very funny user. Your videos are awesome, and I hope everything goes great for you when you become a director. Glad to see you back in IWT for a bit, hope you can continue to stay onto the forums until next year, and beyond that too. Now keep doing good in school and make papa proud :tough:

@Zach you little tall fucker, you are one entertaining member. You better not leave these forums, you post some of the most random shit, and you know what. We need that random shit :tough: I hope you become more active in the wrestling section, but I'm still glad you're here babe.

My hands are starting to hurt.

@GrammarNazi82- Surprise! :yay: Glad to have you here, someone who's active in the TNA section and *coughCOLTCABANA!cough*. You're a fun person to talk to too, glad to see you become more active too. We need to talk more too :tough: Expect me to stalk your Skype for now on.

Now hold on, ya'lls avatars are good, but @Big Hoss Rambler has the best avatar of all time! All time! BHR, we don't talk much, but you upload lots of WWE content. And when you do post, it is something entertaining, glad that you're here. Would be GOAT if you could post more..... :please:

@Jonathan you fag, you're a great user. Even though you get some shit from members, I'll say that I appreciate you, as I'm sure a lot of people here do. You took control of IWT and you did stick with it. You organized it well, not just well but great. It's not perfect, but I think it's at it's near best and in a few months will bloom even more than it is now with you.

@Stopspot- One of the active indy fans I've seen on here, glad to have you here buddy. You produce high quality posts and threads, and contribute heavily to threads. Honestly, if there's a member of the year award, I would give it to you. Glad that you're still here, and will look forward to see what you do in the next year.

@El Homo YOU'RE GAY! :pipebomb: Now that's out of the way, you're a great and fun member too. I enjoyed watching your time in IWT, "B Dazzle why you no shazzle" will forever be imprinted into my brain. Glad to see you contribute to many wrestling threads too, hope that you'll be here for the next anniversary....homo :pipebomb:

@B.Dazzle and @gav the chav you two silly fucks. You two deserve to be heavily recognized for bringing tons of activity to IWT, even when it was near dead you two were posting. You guys are some of the funniest yet dedicated guys to have ever been in the IWT, and for that I do say thank you. I hope we all get to have a match someday, we'll tear this place up :tough:

@Coon- You silly raccoon, when are you gonna stop living with Brit and live with me :why: Still, you are a very fun member and funny too. You're random as fuck, but from what I hear you do help with the site a lot. Thanks bud, and that Coon header is the GOAT thing since cheez its(which I have too bby....pls....)

@Emperor Lelouch Britannia - :tough: Even though you annoy me at times, you are possibly the funniest member I have seen on any forums. You are quite interesting really, but when you're not complaining you are a cool person. Good luck with your videos, hope you succeed. :obama: Oh and...kamehamehaaaaaaaa :goku:

@Dolph'sZiggler - I didn't forget about you :tough: I'm still gonna show you...a whole lotta love. You're a cool member, I swear I thought you were staff when I first signed up still. You do bring humor to the forums, and you're a funny person when you post. I miss your reviews though, those were some of the GOAT things I ever read. Glad you decided to come back instead of staying in WF too :eek:tunga: Hope to see more stuff from you, and bring some suggestions for music everyonce in a while. I need some recommendations yo.

@Senhor Perfect you're a cool mod. One of the interesting ones, and we need to watch old school Raw together. Getting a lot of views on Mr. Perfect, can see why you like him :obama: You run the place good too, even if it is from all the way in Canada.

@Danielson I hope you see this thread if no one else showed you, but you're one of my favorite members. An awesome guy to talk to, very chill and can make some of the GOAT videos. Honestly, it hurt quite a lot seeing out of all the members that were saying they were gonna leave was you. I really hope you come back soon, but I'll still talk to you on Facebook or Skype, and you better see this post by today or I'll send it to you later dammit :tough:

@CM Punk you're next :hogan:

Now I know your problems are not related to these two, the reason I'm putting you here is because you said you were leaving too. I know we don't talk much, but you're still apart of this family. I don't know what's going on with your personal life, and whatnot, but I hope everything works out for the best. You're one of the funny members and in my opinion was a good mod. I hope you do come back here when you're done on your vacation, don't leave us with Senhor as the only Canadian member eh :upset: P.S. If you want to talk, then just PM me. I know we don't talk at all, but a brutha can try. (Yes these are copy and paste from past thread, this post is becoming a long ass work brothers.)

@Britanica ❤ Glad to have you back. Even if your threads are random as fuck, you're a very nice and sweet member and I'm glad you're back to stay. Ever need someone to talk to on here too, just PM me. I'll try to get back when I can yo chica. :razorramon:

@deth You're one random and sarcastic mother fucker, but that's why I love ya, you smelly fuck :eek:tunga: Glad to have met you, showed me to Rainbow and other stuff, honestly can say that you're one of my favorite members and glad to have you in Three Man Band. Come by Taco Bell sometime, I can hook you up :eek:tunga:


@Jose Tortilla I didn't forget about you buddy, we really need to talk more. Miss talking to ya, but I am glad to see you're okay when you come on here. Need more music from you too :tough:

@Trip in the Head You're one of the coolest new members I've talked to on here so far. You're pretty cool, random at times, but hell that's what makes this place so fun. Glad you signed up for IWT too, hope to see you with some gold in the next year :obama:

@Kassius HoHo All. Those. Threads. :eek:tunga: You are one awesome member for those..."special" threads you post. Keep up the good work, and know that there are people pulling down their pants for your work.

@solidius wait a second :notsure: I mean @Solidus. You're one of the most interesting members I've seen, even if we had a difference before. You contribute a lot to the forums behind the scenes, and for that thank you. Hope you're streaming videos pay off in all your games, and maybe someday we can find a way to bring Crimson back to TNA too :eek:tunga:

@Cloud you are the most awesome and most friendly member here. You also are one of my top members in Three Man Band, and is a avid music lover too. Really glad to have talked to you, I hope you continue to stay active for a long long while, really. You are fucking GOAT.

@DK James you are a great member. Very active, very friendly and very cool. I'm surprised you don't get more recognized for your contribution than you do. You deserve to win MOTM someday, and continue to keep up the good work :tough:

@JeebaK Fuck you

@BrockLesnarFanForLife :eek:tunga: Kelly Kelly sucks

@Deathclaw :eek:tunga: Natalya>AJ Lee

@Webx Where's the money?! :angry:

@leojay You aussie fuck, you are a pretty chill member. Hope you become more active again, it was a blast chatting with you on Skype in the past. Hopefully someday you'll mic up, and we can go trolling again with the others :tough: That's if...they aren't lazy, and they don't stay in bed :eek:tunga:

To the rest of the members I haven't wrote about, don't feel left out. I enjoy all of you here and appreciate you all. I'm glad that you all joined here, and increased the family that is WWEForums. This site can only go up from all these wonderful members and their contributions...now what I'm trying to say is, lets go out there and fuck shit up, like a family as we usually do :tough: We will all fight, there will be drama, sad events, and many other things. But I know we can pull each other up, and power through it all to make it to the next year. Now everybody, get to posting now!! :angry:

P.S. I'm black ranger


Resident Rodent
May 25, 2013
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I just have one question... When can we eat the cake? xD

What cake?


New Member
May 2, 2013
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Thought that I'd do this as well, cuz I'm a bandwagoner like that. I haven't even been on here for a year, in fact, I wouldn't even count the April-July time because I never posted. So anyways, here's the shit (not tagging anyone

Crayo - I haven't even spoken to you until like Friday night, but you know I'm the GOAT of this forum. So yeah, thanks for having this awesome site. PS: I'm sending some whipped cream and nail polish to you for Xmas xoxo

Solidus/Xanth - sorry that I suck so much dick at CoD

D'Z - I love you because we both equally hate the Jews. C'R Jew GIFS are GOAT. Keep pissing people off <3

Danielson - Come back man, we need to complain about the Giants and Knicks some more. We need to play Xbox together more, we haven't in a while

Dat Kid - Thanks for inviting me to DX and getting me started in IWT. You're my nig-... um... African American friend!

Britanica - dogs > cats :pipebomb: Accept my Xbox friend request :mad2:

Geekgoddess - Dat a$$ <3 Skype was fun last night :gusta: but thanks for inviting me to the group chat and stuff

Aids Johnson - the brewers suck. I'd write something longer but you're irrelevant :pipebomb:

Farooq - I bet you did not know this about me, but I'm a Farooq mark <3 And Dio and Buckethead are dope, so yeah... wait... you aren't Dat Kid?

Seabs - thanks for buying me legend bb

Trip in the Head - joined about when I started posting, and Xbox has been pretty fun with you

Deth - you're an alien. You're pretty awesome in the DX section, so keep it up

Big Hoss Rambler - I've never seen you post, but I love your avatar :lol1:

Coon - I love you

Gohan - bb you can try to keep our love a secret all you want, everyone knows about it.

Senhor Perfect - for an old man, you're an awesome mod. I'll send you some bacon for xmas

Shadow - we need to talk more. you suck at cod but I do too so it's all good

ArabHammer - one of my favorite new members, DX section is pretty good with you

Jonathan - dominos is terrible. Just thought you should know that. Get some real pizza, not dominos with their shitty crust! :tough:

DK James - our little feud in IWT a few months back really helped set stuff up and open some doors for us. That was fun, and so was the fantasy draft. Awesome member

BLFFL - I'll always love you bb

Deathclaw - you're a fucking weirdo. Stop hacking whenever I play 2k14 with you

B Dazzle - giants fan and a dope IWT character. Nothin bad to say :obama:

Adam - gingermania's running wild brother

KLockard23 - posts are so HQ it's ridiculous
If I didn't mention you it just means we haven't talked. There were people I thought about mentioning but I haven't spoken to enough so I couldn't really say anything. I still love you all <3


The Game
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
Funny how I just came to troll here when I first joined, but now I'm a generally OK user.

Few shoutouts:
Seabs: Very very very cool guy, posts good stuff, bought me legend, just awesome.
Adam: You've become OK to me lately, but other than that, I think you know me well enough.
Rhod: I love to hate you, but I like you at the same time, idk.
DZ: Dick, arrogant, but speaks a lot of sense, and I like him a lot now, good user.
Aids: Man you're just great champ, love you.
Shadow: Hi. How are ya? Miss talking to you too, because you're a great guy, and I'm glad I made up with you.
DKJ: Definitely become more likeable for me these past few months, chill dude.
Jennifer: You use to join some of our Skype calls, and tbh, you're a nice person.
Stopspot: Very knowledgeable and laid back, enjoy his indy wrestling posts.
Farooq and Dat Kid: Same person? Who's who? But yeah, two funny black guys that look like eachother.
gav the chav: Funny, and good fukn chav ye.
Crayo: We haven't spoken much, but I like you, best owner of any forum I've been on for sure. Cool that you were born in Spain.
Senhor: I dunno if I've mentioned this, but you're posts make me laugh the most out of everyone here tbh. Good mod I suppose.
Jonathan: Probably the only guy here who's never hated you. Great guy IMO.
Action Jackson: You post good shit.
Coon: Weirdly funny and geeky.
Trip and ArabHammer: Similar personalities and two good guys.
KLockard and Rainman: You post great shit.
BLFFL, Jeebak, Nero, Deathclaw, The Hoff: I don't like any of you guys tbh, hoff's alright, just slightly annoying. Rest can fuck off.

Also, can't forget of my MP crew, love most of them.
Happy anniversary WWEF.