WWE: Era of '08 (Switchy Edition)

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Evil Austin

Announced Card:
Brian Kendrick Vs Charlie Haas
JTG/Jay Lethal Vs Shad/Chavo Guerrero
Lance Cade/Elijah Burke/Shelton Benjamin Vs CM Punk/Kane/Matt Hardy
MVP Vs ??? (Triple H chooses his opponent)
Triple H Vs ??? (MVP chooses his opponent)

Good card, Ill drop a review also check out WAW if you feel like it even though you know the ending :shifty:


Great Show, you have a new reader.

Quick Review

BM- Main Event, good storytelling and punishment for Orton & good promo aftr
WM- All good, Haas v JTG worst on card but still great match
BP- MVP/HHH Both were great and in charachter.
WP- N/A Chavo if I must choose


Brian Kendrick Vs Charlie Haas
JTG/Jay Lethal Vs Shad/Chavo Guerrero
Lance Cade/Elijah Burke/Shelton Benjamin Vs CM Punk/Kane/Matt Hardy
MVP Vs ??? (Triple H chooses his opponent)
Triple H Vs ??? (MVP chooses his opponent)

Check out WWE-Reaching for the top. RAW is posted

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The best match of the show for me is the Hardy/Punk vs. Burke/Benjamin one, it really flowed nicely and I enjoyed seeing all of them in the ring. The Main Event is great as well, with a surprise ending from Taker putting Cena at the Gogoplata (I can't imagine Cena on that hold :D) and what a surprise from Shawn Michaels being Jeff's replacement at the Fatal Four Way.

Worst Match: none at all

Best Promo: Cena's promo blew all! I am amazed and he's really in character! The Contract Signing is great as well.

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedback: Sorry for a late review here but I do really liked this show. It totally shaped up your storylines and feuds toward Backlash. I wanna see Shelton and Undertaker win the titles if possible. I'll try to check out your next show.

Cheap Plug: Well, Check out HEW if you want!


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Monday Night Raw
Last Chance to Shine

Raw comes on air to it’s usual pyro display and the crowd are going crazy and as soon as the pyro ends highlights of what happened at the end of last weeks Main Event come on and as soon as it finishes “Sexy Boy” hits as Shawn Michaels makes his way down to the ring in a cream suit and cowboy hat to a huge reaction from the crowd but a few of them are booing after what he did last week.

HBK: Well I came out here for a few reasons and after hearing a few of you guys booing my I think I oughtta explain to you guys that even if you do boo me I wasn’t the one in the wrong. You see when I got the call saying I was going to replace Jeff Hardy I was almost as shocked as all of you guys were when it was revealed that I was the fourth participant and when I kicked ‘Taker’s teeth down his throat it was because I needed to prove a point that I am still good enough to Main Event the PPV’s but I guess some of you didn’t like the way I went about it so I’m just gonna tell you why I done it. First of all, I’m not a big fan of the ol’ stare downs nowadays and I say if you wanna fight someone then fight them, don’t look at them for five minutes so when I came in the ring behind ‘Taker and he turned around there was nothing left for me to do but give him a good hard kick to his face. Now I have no grudge whatsoever against ‘Taker but I had to do what I had to do and I’m sure ‘Taker would’ve struck me if I never took him down. Another thing is if Randy Orton was down and out on the mat then I would’ve much rather gave him a good old kicking than The Undertaker but it just seems like ‘Taker was in the wrong place at the wrong time…

“Deadman” hits as The Undertaker makes his way down to the ring with his signature long coat and hat on with his World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder and HBK looks slightly intimidated

Undertaker: Shawn, please don’t worry. I am here not here to seek revenge but I am here to pass on a message from the “higher power”. You see it wasn’t your fault that you super-kicked me last week, God made you do it. Down here on earth it is known as fate and he realises that for you to kick me I will have to take revenge on you and that is because the lord wants you to join him Shawn. I’ve been instructed to spare your soul until Backlash but when we make it to this Sunday I’m afraid I’m going to get my revenge and send you up into the heavens above and fulfil my duties to the Lord. I have no problem with you but as I take the WWE Undisputed Championship…

“My Time is Now” hits as John Cena makes his way down to the ring wearing his signature baseball cap and T-shirt and HBK and ‘Taker look on and ‘Taker looks slightly pissed off after Cena interrupted his sentence

John Cena: Sorry to walk in on the OAP parade like this but I just couldn’t help overhearing you say that you were going to win the championship this Sunday. Now usually I wouldn’t have a problem with you saying that but seeing as I’m also involved in the match you are pretty much saying that you’re going to get through me as well to get that title. If that’s what you were thinking then I apologise but you’re 100% wrong. Now anyway if you don’t mind I’ll just be taking over this little soap opera going on between you two so I can add a little spice to the mix so I’m just gonna say a little somethin’ to each of you two. ‘Taker, you may have choked me out last week but I’m still not taking back what I said to you last week and I am still not afraid of you. You can have all your lights and all your little stage effects but we all know that’s just a front because you may say that you are superhuman but we all know there is a human inside there, ain’t that right Mr. American Badass?

Now you Shawn I actually have a great amount of respect for you and ‘Taker and all the sacrifices you’ve made inside and outside the ring to make the WWE what it is today but that doesn’t take away the fact that there is a new breed of superstars coming in and as you get older you will have to pass the torch eventually and at Backlash you have two choices, me or Randy. Now both me and Randy have beaten you before but you are a year older now and I think it’s about time you stepped down a bit and maybe go for CM Punk’s title or something. I’m not trying to build a little rivalry or anything I’m just saying as your getting older maybe it’s time to slow down a little…

HBK: Well I’m gonna tell you now that my buddy Ric Flair retired aged 58 and he was still at the top until the day he retired and if I last as long as him, you still got another whole decade and more to put up with me, so you better sit down, shut up and watch me win that World Title at Backlash!

“Burn in my Light” hits as Randy Orton makes his way down to the ring dressed in a black suit with his WWE Championship and as he enters the ring he walks past Cena and stares him straight in the eye and ‘Taker stares at Orton but Orton avoids him and Orton then gets in HBK’s face

Randy Orton: Don’t get too far ahead of yourself Shawn. To win that match you have to get past three other men, including myself and I’m not going to judge too much but I’d say you were the underdog going into this match. I mean I am the ultimate package, Undertaker as we all know is the big man and Cena here is than fan favourite and I guess compared to all that Shawn you haven’t got nothing.

HBK: Well you say all you like about me being the underdog because if there is one thing I do have over all three of you that is the fact I always perform on the big events. Now Orton, I’m just curious but why do you consider yourself the ultimate package?

Randy Orton: Just look at me. I have the looks and you know I also have the talent because I was the man who put you out of action last year with severe concussion, remember that Shawn?

HBK: Well actually with my religion I was ready to forgive and forget but now you want to bring up the subject and hold it against me I’m just gonna say the war is on. Randy there’s just something odd about you in my mind because it doesn’t matter how many times I kick your teeth down your throat I just want to do it again and again, over and over and you know what, I would never got bored and you know why that is? Because you are a cocky, arrogant son of a…

John Cena: Will you two ever shut up? Why are you arguing about something that happened a year ago when we could be talking about the ass-whooping I’ll give both you to and ‘Taker this Sunday! Now if you don’t mind I’ll just do a little talking about that because the fans are getting a little bored of you two and wants to listen to somebody that actually makes sense…

“Stronger” hits as GM Excell emerges from backstage onto the top of the stage holding a microphone

GM Excell: Well I’m happy you think so highly of me Cena but now I got a show to run and I can’t have matches in the ring if you four are going to be there the whole show arguing so I’m going to give you four a chance to have your time in the ring and seeing as everybody has a grudge against Randy Orton it will be the team of John Cena, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker up against Randy Orton and two partners of his choosing in tonight’s Main Event!

The crowd cheer wildly upon the announcement of the Main Event with all of three of their favourite superstars going against their least favourite superstar and “Stronger” hits again as GM Excell makes his way to the back


JR: Welcome back and what a start we just had for the show! I can’t believe all four men stayed in the ring with eachother for so long and no punches were thrown.
JBL: Well I’m pretty shocked too but as for the Main Event I wonder who Orton will choose as his tag partners. If I was still competing I would’ve volunteered myself just so I could take out John Cena.
Jerry Lawler: You’re never going to forgive him for taking your WWE title and then moving to Raw with it are you? Anyway now is time for the opening match of the evening.

“HooliganZ” hits as Brian Kendrick makes his way down to the ring accompanied by Paul London as he gets a good reaction from the crowd

Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring first accompanied to the ring by Paul London, he is… Brian Kendrick!

“Greatest” hits as Charlie Haas makes his way down to the ring to a silent reaction from the crowd

Justin Roberts:
And his opponent, he is… Charlie Haas!

Brian Kendrick w/ Paul London Vs Charlie Haas

Ding… Ding… Ding!

Kendrick and Haas circle around the ring a few times and eventually meet up in the middle of the ring and Haas tries to grapple up but Kendrick combat rolls past him and gets up and gives Haas a cocky smile as the crowd cheer on Kendrick and Haas looks slightly pissed off as he goes for another grapple but Kendrick combat rolls under his arm and passes him again. Haas then starts to get even more angry as he charges towards Kendrick, full of rage and as he reaches Kendrick, Kendrick side-steps him and hits takes him down with an arm drag but Haas gets straight back up and Kendrick takes him back down with a second arm drag and Haas gets back up and he then tries to predict Kendrick will go for another arm drag but Kendrick instead takes Haas down with a dropkick and quickly hooks his leg for the pin. 1… Haas kicks out quickly! Kendrick gets up to his feet and runs to the ropes and as he comes back towards Haas, Haas hits him with a strong lariat, flipping him over and sending him landing face-first on the mat! London looks worried from the outside of the ring as Haas rolls Kendrick over onto his back and hooks his leg for the pin. 1… 2… Kendrick gets his shoulder up! Haas’ look of anger now turns into a sadistic smile as he looks to inflict pain and suffering on Kendrick as he pulls Kendrick up to his feet and drags him over to the corner and starts to drive some strong shoulder strikes into the gut of Kendrick who is yelling out in pain and Haas then slaps him hard across the face to shut him up and then Haas grabs Kendrick by his hair and starts to punch him in the face repeatedly and he then drags Kendrick slightly out of the corner and he lifts Kendrick up for a suplex but he then puts Kendrick down so both of his feet are on the top rope and Haas is holding him in a DDT position and some of the crowd can’t look as they see what’s about to happen as Haas plants Kendrick head-first directly into the mat with a sickening thud! The crowd boo louder than they usually do at Haas as Haas then makes the cover on Kendrick and Haas places both of his feet on the ropes for leverage! 1… 2… The referee looks up as he’s about to make the three count but he then notices Haas’ feet on the ropes and the referee then has a word with Haas about it and tells him off and while Haas and the ref are debating, London checks up on his partner to see if he’s ok but the referee tells London to leave Kendrick alone as he turns back around so London reluctantly walks back over to the side of the ring he was on before. A replay then shows the DDT has delivered at a camera angle that shows even better how bad Kendrick’s landing was.

JR: How much more pain does Charlie Haas want to inflict on Brian Kendrick? If he never had his feet on the ropes it would’ve been a three count anyway.
JBL: Charlie Haas has been underestimated by many of his opponents and now’s his time to make his mark as a worthy competitor.
Jerry Lawler: I have to agree there. It is hard to make your mark after being out of contention for so long so you might have to break a few bodies on the way to get noticed.

Haas then gets up to his feet with his sadistic smile looking even more like you want to punch it off his face and Haas then walks around the ring cockily waiting for Kendrick to get up and then London gets the crowd to start chanting “Kendrick, Kendrick” to urge him up to his feet and it catches the attention of Haas who walks up to London and London doesn’t back down from the fight and climbs up onto the apron and he and Haas have a war of words and Haas then spits in the face of London and London tries to get into the ring but the ref jumps in and stops him but London shoves the referee off and starts to beat down Haas but the referee then ejects London! London refuses to go for the sake of his partner’s help but the referee calls officials down to the ring to escort London to the back and London has no choice. Haas then gets up to his feet, holding his jaw but he then turns around and cockily waves goodbye to Paul London which infuriates London even more as Haas turns around and sees Kendrick trying to get up to his feet so Haas then drags Kendrick up to his feet and he lifts him up onto the top rope and Haas then climbs up onto the second rope and he wraps his arms around Kendrick and looks like he’s going to go for a top rope belly-to-belly suplex but Kendrick manages to headbutt Haas repeatedly until he lets go and Kendrick then headbutts Haas a final time and Haas falls off the second rope and back-first on the mat and Kendrick then takes a few second to try and make a slight recovery and Kendrick then stands properly on his feet on the top rope and the crowd suddenly start to get louder as the cheer and Kendrick then leaps off of the top rope and goes for a Shooting Star Press but Haas gets his knees up and the knees go straight into the gut of Kendrick who rolls over and clutches his gut in pain! Haas then gets up to his feet, pulling himself up using the ropes and he then stalks Kendrick, waiting for him to get up to his feet and as Kendrick makes it to his feet, Haas then kicks Kendrick in the gut and tries to go for a Northern Lights suplex but Kendrick manages to turn his body around 180 before Haas can hit the Northern lights and he grabs the head of Haas and runs towards the ropes and hits Haas with the Sliced Bread #2 and he then pins Haas. 1… 2… 3!

Winner: Brian Kendrick

Kendrick quickly escapes the ring and runs up the ramp as Haas looks furious with Kendrick managing to get the upset win

JBL: How the hell did Charlie Haas lose that? He had that match in the bag, I mean he beat down Brian Kendrick so badly and he still loses the match.
JR: Well that’s what he gets for being to full of himself. If he just finished of Brian Kendrick and left Paul London he could’ve had the match won.
Jerry Lawler: Well Haas sure isn’t going to make his mark that way, that’s for sure. Anyway backstage we have Chavo Guerrero and his tag team partner for tonight, Shad with Todd Grisham.

Todd Grisham is backstage with Shad and Chavo Guerrero and Chavo has a confident look on his face

Todd Grisham: Hey Chavo, do you mind me asking what you are looking so happy about?

Chavo: This, my friend is not a look of happiness, it is a look of success. You see that’s the only standard in the Guerrero family, success and you know I thought I found it last week with Big Fatty V and the “World’s Heaviest Man” Mark Henry, who I must mention only lifts his own weight nowadays which is a task on it’s own but there was no success there because they couldn’t follow my orders but tonight my partner is someone who is in the greatest shape of his life and knows what it’s like to destroy bodies and that man is Shad.

Shad grabs the mic

Shad: The names not Shad no more, it’s Da Beast and to get things straight I don’t wanna be your partner so don’t act like I do. I’m in this because I was put in it and if you think I’m gonna take orders from yo little shrimp ass self then you better watch what happens. I’m not here to help you destroy Jay Lethal, I’m here to beat up that little punk JTG and prove that he’s nothing without me and that I’m everything without him. I’m going to prove to the whole world tonight that I could be a World Champion by now if he wasn’t holding me back and the thing JTG can’t take is the fact he knows that it’s true and that’s why he’s kept his mouth closed ever since I turned on him. Now Chavo if you or Jay Lethal stop me from getting to JTG then I’m going to be the better man and walk away but that’s not a let off for you Jay (JTG, not Lethal) because if I don’t get my hands on you tonight, I’ll save the beatings for our match at Backlash and the wait will make it just that extra bit sweeter when I do whoop yo ass.

Chavo jumps in

Chavo: Yeah, that’s right and the same goes for you Lethal!

Da Beast gives Chavo a look as if to say “What the hell are you doing?”

Da Beast: That’s all I came here to say so I’m out.

Chavo: Yeah! Let’s go partner!

Da Beast: What did I just say, I’m out or we’re out? Exactly.

Chavo: Come on please, you know you want to…

Da Beast walks off Chavo runs down the hall after him pleading with Beast to let him hang out with him


JR: Welcome back and did any of you notice Sha- I mean Da Beast’s new attitude?
JBL: Well I don’t know about you but I saw it coming since he attacked JTG. It wasn’t about jealousy, it was about Shad letting his inner beast come out.
Jerry Lawler: That probably explains the name change and I wonder if his new attitude will show any major differences in his in-ring ability.

“Huntin’ for Prey” hits as Da Beast makes his way down to the ring with a menacing look on his face as he gets quite a lot of heat from the crowd

Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring first in this tag team match… Da Beast!

“Ewww Chavo” hits as Chavo Guerrero makes his way down to the ring to a similar reaction to Da Beast

Justin Roberts: And his tag team partner… Chavo Guerrero!

“Pomp and Circumstance (Remixed)” hits as Jay Lethal makes his way down to the end of the rap, not entering the ring and he points at his Light Heavyweight Title and raises it high in the air as if to rub it in Chavo’s face

Justin Roberts: And their first opponent, he is the WWE Light Heavyweight Champion, Black Machismo… Jay Lethal!

“Bringin’ Da Hood to U” hits as JTG makes his way down to meet his partner at the end of the ramp and he gets a decent reaction from the crowd

Justin Roberts: And his tag team partner… JTG!

Da Beast (Shad) and Chavo Guerrero Vs Jay Lethal and JTG
Tag Team Match

Ding… Ding… Ding!

Lethal and JTG stand outside the ring for a few moments before Lethal counts down from three with his fingers and Lethal and JTG then burst into the ring and a huge brawl breaks out with Beast punching JTG out the ring through the middle rope and Lethal taking Chavo over the top rope with a clothesline and Lethal and Beast are then made the official legal men. Both men walk towards eachother and Lethal shows no signs of even wanting to back down against the much bigger man as the two grapple up and Shad shoves Lethal off of him with ease and he momentarily has a cocky grin on his face but he then switches to a look of rage as he charges towards Lethal and tears him in two with a clothesline making Lethal do a backflip and sends him landing on his face! Both partners are on their aprons now and Beast looks over at Chavo who asks for a tag in but Beast blanks him and he pulls Lethal up to his feet and Beast then pulls Lethal to the edge of the ring closest to JTG and Beast then whips Lethal to the ropes directly opposite JTG and as Lethal rebounds off the ropes, Beast throws him over the top rope and straight into JTG sending both men down to the arena floor in pain as Beast just laughs. A replay is shown of the move and as the camera goes back to the action Chavo is having a laugh at the expense of JTG and Lethal but Chavo quickly shuts up after Beast asks him “Did I say you can laugh?” and Beast then tags Chavo in with a hard slap to the hand and Chavo then runs across the ring and leaves the ring where JTG and Lethal are and Chavo acts like JTG isn’t even there and just goes straight for Lethal stomping on him and looks like he’s never going to stop but he does as he pulls Lethal up to his feet and he Irish whips Lethal back-first into the crowd barricade and he then tries to run towards Lethal but JTG manages to hit Chavo with a drop toe hold to stop him sending Chavo face-first into the arena floor. Beast looks pissed as he enters the ring and the referee tries to stop him getting to JTG but Beast shoves the ref aside and the ref doesn’t even attempt to try and shove back as Beast leaves the ring just as JTG gets back up to his feet and Beast shoves JTG, sending him a few steps back but JTG doesn’t back down and he walks up to Da Beast and gets in face to the crowds delight and Beast shoves JTG again and JTG walks straight back up to him and Beast goes for a cheap shot but JTG ducks and starts to come towards Beast with some strong right hands and Beast is actually taking the punishment but he then stops JTG with a knee to the gut and he then whips JTG towards the steel steps but JTG instead leaps up onto the steps and dives across and hits Chavo with a modified Thesz press!

JR: What great thinking there by JTG. He realised that the risk was worth taking and he executed the move to perfection.
Jerry Lawler: Forget the move, have you seen the amount of strength being shown by “Da” Beast? He must be one of the strongest competitors in the WWE.
JBL: He may well be the single strongest but as much as I like the guy it’s one thing throwing smaller people around like he’s doing but will he be able to throw around the likes of Triple H?

Beast looks mad that his move was countered and he tries to rush around to JTG but Jay Lethal then runs the opposite way over the steel steps towards Beast and goes for the exact same move as JTG did on Chavo but Beast catches him in mid-air and tosses him back-first into the steel steps! Lethal falls to the arena floor, clutching his back in agony and Beast then makes his way towards JTG and this time JTG runs into the ring, knowing Beast is in a very bad mood but JTG then goes for the baseball slide on Beast, sending Beast backwards and JTG, now back outside the ring starts to hit Beast with a string of right hands with the occasional left and he then goes for a few chops but Chavo then gets him in a full nelson from behind while Beast recovers and as Beast shakes off JTG’s punches, he starts to drive some strong blows to the chest of JTG while Chavo has him in the full nelson but JTG then kicks backwards and manages to hit Chavo where it hurts, forcing him to release the full nelson but Beast then takes JTG down with a clothesline before he can get away and he then rolls Chavo into the ring and Beast then pulls Lethal up to his feet and shoves him back first into the crowd barricade and then waits for Chavo to get up before rolling Lethal into the ring and Beast then goes back to his position on the apron as the illegal man. Chavo stomps repeatedly on Lethal to boos from the crowd and Chavo then pulls Lethal up to his feet but before Chavo can inflict any damage, Lethal manages to use a lifeline by hitting Chavo with a jawbreaker and Lethal then gets up from his knees to his feet and as Chavo turns back around, Lethal hits him with a step-up enziguiri to take him down to his knees and Lethal then crawls across the ring on all fours fairly quickly but JTG is still outside the ring, recovering on the arena floor, leaving Lethal no-one to tag in as Chavo gets the tag in on Da Beast! Beast slowly enters the ring and starts to stalk his prey as he slowly approaches Lethal and Beast looks over him with a half-grin on his face as he pulls Lethal up to a bent over position and drags him over to the centre of the ring and he then kicks Lethal hard in the gut and he then lifts him up for a dominator but Lethal manages to drop down the back of Beast and he then runs to the ropes and as he rebounds off of them he slides through Beast’s legs and makes the tag to JTG who is now on the apron!

Jerry Lawler: Wow! This is the first time these two have officially faced off in a ring since Shad turned on JTG.
JR: Well Beast may have the size advantage but you can’t rule out JTG in this fight.
JBL: Sorry but it’s Shad all the way. JTG may have speed but that won’t mean a thing when you’re trading fists with someone as powerful as The Beast.

JTG enters the ring though the middle rope with Beast waiting for him in the centre of the ring and JTG then gets in Shad’s face telling him to hit his hardest shot but Beast just shrugs him off and tags in Chavo which draws a lot of boos from the crowd. Chavo tries to enter the ring slowly but JTG is pissed at Beast leaving the ring so he grabs Chavo while he’s entering the ring and JTG drags him all the way to the centre of the ring and doesn’t give him a chance to get to his feet as he stomps repeatedly on Chavo and he then pulls Chavo up to his feet and tries to swing a punch but Chavo quickly escapes from the ring. Chavo then grabs Lethal’s Light Heavyweight Championship and starts to make a getaway up the ramp and Lethal tries to run after him but Da Beast stands in his way at the end of the ramp and JTG then takes Beast down with a stunning suicide dive and Lethal then chases Chavo again to the back and no cameras are available so a replay of the suicide dive is shown and a few seconds later Lethal is dragging Chavo back down the ramp and he rolls him into the ring and JTG then makes the cover on him. 1… 2… Beast pulls JTG out of the ring by his foot and takes him down with a single closed fist punch but Lethal then climbs to the top rope next to him and he takes down Da Beast with a diving crossbody! Lethal then gets up to his feet and he climbs onto the apron as Chavo makes it up to his feet and Chavo tries to punch Lethal off the apron but Lethal ducks and hits him with a shoulder to the gut through the second rope and Lethal then hits Chavo with a slingshot DDT and hooks Chavo’s leg for the pin but then realises he’s not the legal man. Lethal still decides to go to the top rope and he gets ready to go for his signature Diving Elbow Drop but Beast then comes back on the apron and he shoves Lethal off the top rope and down to the arena floor! Beast then tosses JTG into the steel steps and rolls him into the ring and Beast then goes over to his corner where Chavo tags him in straight away and Beast enters the ring and laughs as he watches JTG attempt to get to his feet and as JTG does get up, Beast instantly hoists him up for a Dominator and he walks around slowly in circles, holding JTG up to show his amazing strength before hitting him with a huge Dominator! Beast then rolls JTG over onto his back and pins him. 1… 2… 3!

Winners: Da Beast and Chavo Guerrero

The referee tries to raise the winners’ hands but Beast shoves the ref away and Beast then leaves the ring and Chavo tries to follow him but Beast then hits him with a strong punch, leaving Chavo laid out on the ramp as the crowd laugh at him

Jerry Lawler: Chavo doesn’t really know when to shut up with his tag team partners does he?
JBL: Well I think he will in future after what he’s experienced in the last couple of weeks.
JR: Well what I’m wondering is if Jay Lethal will be 100% going into Backlash after receiving the Dominator from Da Beast. Well anyway folks we have another match now with some more tag team action but this time with six men pitting the team of Matt Hardy, Kane and Television Champion CM Punk up against Lance Cade, Elijah Burke and Shelton Benjamin.

“This Fire Burns” hits as CM Punk makes his way down to the ring holding his Television Championship on Raw for possibly the last time in his title reign as he gets a stunning reaction from the crowd

Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring first, he is the WWE Television Champion… CM Punk!

“Live for the Moment” hits as Matt Hardy makes his way down to the ring and joins his partner as he gets a great pop from the crowd

Justin Roberts: And his first partner, making his way to the ring, he is the “man who will not die”… Matt Hardy!

“Slow Chemical” hits as Kane makes his way down to the ring and he doesn’t look happy at all as he enters the ring without acknowledging his partners as he also gets a great pop from the crowd

Justin Roberts: And the final member of the team, he is the “Big Red monster”… Kane!

“Don’t Waste my Time” hits as Elijah Burke makes his way down to the end of the ramp with his eyes on the Television Championship as he gets quite a bit of heat from the crowd

Justin Roberts: And their first opponent, he is the “Elijah Experience”… Elijah Burke!

“Ain’t no Stoppin’ me” hits as Shelton Benjamin joins Elijah Burke on the end of the ramp and he gets a pretty bad reaction as he talks tactics with Burke

Justin Roberts: And his first partner, he is the “Gold Standard”… Shelton Benjamin!

“Texas Cowboy” hits as Lance Cade makes his way down to join his partners, focusing on Kane as he gets a bad reaction for his beatdown on Kane last week

Justin Roberts: And the final competitor in this match, he is the “Lone Ranger”… Lance Cade!

CM Punk, Matt Hardy and Kane Vs Elijah Burke, Shelton Benjamin and Lance Cade

Ding… Ding… Ding!

CM Punk decides to start up against Lance Cade but once Kane realises that Cade is in, then he tags himself in but Cade instantly tags in Elijah Burke to make sure he prevents Kane from getting revenge. Burke enters the ring slowly and he approaches Kane with caution and Burke then suddenly lunges towards Kane trying to hit a combination of punches and Kane looks like the punches are doing no damage whatsoever on him and he then shoves Burke away from him and as Burke comes back towards him, Kane takes Burke down with a single strong right fist. Kane then tags in Matt Hardy who climbs into the ring and has a staredown with the man who is a potential threat to his title chances at Backlash and Matt and Burke then go nose to nose sharing words which cannot be heard to TV viewers but the two then decide to grapple up and both men try to out-manoeuvre one another but can’t until Matt eventually gets Burke in a side headlock and Burke tries to struggle out of it but can’t seem to find a way out of it until he manages to shove Matt off of him and into the ropes and Matt then rebounds off the ropes and takes Burke down with a shoulder block before he can even recover and Matt then tags in CM Punk, who enters the ring over the top rope and the crowd get louder as he enters the ring and Punk then looks around at the crowd before turning his attention to Elijah Burke as he gets up to his feet and Burke then has his second stare-down in less than two minutes and he then points to Punk’s Television Title and as Punk looks around at it, Burke strikes him with a cheap shot and he then starts to hit Punk with some strong blows and he then gets Punk in the corner and he hits Punk with a loud chop and Burke then hushes the crowd which makes them boo him even louder and Burke goes for another chop on Punk but Punk ducks and then turns things around by forcing Burke into the corner and Punk then hits three extremely swift chops on Burke and Punk then spins around 270 and hits Burke with a spinning kick straight to the side of the head! The crowd get even louder for Punk as a replay of the kick is shown and Punk then grabs Burke and drags him to the centre of the ring and hooks his leg for the pin. 1… Lance Cade comes in and breaks it up!

JR: Wow, what great ability by CM Punk there. I mean that guy has some of the best kicks in the world and I bet he’d give Jackie Chan a run for his money.
Jerry Lawler: Don’t go that far now, JR. We don’t want our Television Champion getting KO’d by Chan because of what you said.
JBL: Well Punk is 50/50 for me. I like his ability but he thinks he’s better than everyone else at the same time which makes me want to go in there and kick the crap outta him so I wouldn’t complain if Jackie came into the arena and did it for me.

Punk tries to start a fight with Cade but the referee steps between the two and Elijah Burke then rolls Punk up with a schoolboy. 1… Punk kicks out! Burke then gets to his feet and runs to the ropes and as he comes back off of them Punk tries to leapfrog him but Burke stops just in time and waits for Punk to come back down and Burke then hits Punk with a perfectly timed spinebuster! Burke then gets a grin on his face as he walks over to his corner and tags in Lance Cade who enters the ring and starts to stomp on Punk. Cade then hits Punk with a few repeated elbow drops and he then pulls Punk up to his feet and he drags him over to the corner and sits him up on the top rope. Burke then slaps Punk across the face and Punk tries to kick Cade but Cade catches his foot and warns him not to try it again and Cade then climbs up to the second rope and he sets up a superplex but Punk prevents it from happening by punching Cade a few times in the gut and Cade drops off the second rope but lands on his feet and Punk then climbs onto his feet up on the top rope and Shelton Benjamin walks across the apron but Punk manages to shove him away with his foot but the distraction is enough as Cade manages to crotch Punk on the top rope by falling onto the rope. Cade then tags Shelton into the match and Shelton walks across the apron and climbs up onto the second rope at an angle to Punk but Punk fights him off too with elbows to the gut and Punk then drags Shelton over towards him in a more reasonable angle and Punk then hits Shelton with a Russian legsweep from the top rope, with both men crashing down to the mat with a thud. Punk then gets his arm over the chest of Shelton for the pin. 1… 2… Cade breaks up yet another pin but straight after Kane runs into the ring and clotheslines Cade straight over the top rope! Kane then exits the ring and he and Cade then trade punches all the way up the ramp and eventually into the back and as the action returns, Shelton makes the tag in to Burke and Punk then makes the hot tag to Matt Hardy! Matt charges into the ring and takes Burke down with a lariat and he then takes down Shelton with a hip toss and as Burke gets back up, Matt hits him with a back body drop and as Shelton gets back up Matt tosses him over the top rope. Matt then drags Burke up to his feet and Irish whips him into the corner and Matt then charges towards him and hits him with a clothesline and then grabs his head and runs out of the corner and hits him with a bulldog! Matt then fires up the crowd and climbs up to the second rope

JR: Wow, Matt Hardy is on fire, he’s been impressive these past couple of weeks and CM Punk will need to watch out for him this Sunday.
JBL: Well yeah he has a good chance but what makes you think I won’t come out of retirement and beat all of those punks?
Jerry Lawler: you sure you can go up against some of those young stars, I mean you’re old enough to be some of their Grandad’s.

Matt then waits for Elijah Burke to get up to his feet and as Burke reaches his feet, Matt leaps off the top rope and goes for his signature elbow off the second rope but Burke manages to avoid it but Matt still lands on his feet and as Matt turns around, Burke kicks him in the gut and hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex and then pins Matt but before the ref even reaches one Matt grabs the bottom rope. Burke then drags Matt into his corner and he tags in Shelton Benjamin, who climbs into the ring and walks across to the middle of the ring and he then runs towards Matt and hits him with a stinger splash and he then starts to hit Matt with some punches in the corner but Matt then turns it around and he climbs up onto the second rope and punches Shelton repeatedly in the face with the crowd counting all the punches in unison and Matt then hits his tenth punch but he doesn’t stop there as he goes for a final, strong punch but Shelton bobs his head down to avoid it and he then hits Matt with a powerbomb while Matt’s on the second rope and Shelton then gets the pin on Matt and Shelton then puts both his feet on the middle rope for leverage and the ref doesn’t realise as he begins to count. 1… 2… 3!

Winners: Shelton Benjamin, Elijah Burke and Lance Cade

Elijah and Shelton celebrate on the ramp while there is still no sign of Lance Cade who is presumably still brawling in the back with Kane

JBL: Wow, now I have no clue who will walk out of Backlash as Television Champion. Everyone has proved why they can and there is no-one who has a greater chance than the other.
Jerry Lawler: Well the Lance Cade and Kane rivalry is also brewing and I can’t wait to see their match if they make it to Backlash.
JR: Well we have a short break up now but once we’re back we will try to update you with what has happened to Kane and Lance Cade so we’ll see you shortly.


Footage comes on off Kane and Lance Cade being pulled away from eachother with at least 10 security members on each man and GM Excell then appears on the scene

GM Excell: Oi, you two! You two have really pissed me off. Ok so at what time did I tell either of you two to abandon the match so you can brawl to the back, huh? Many fans pay to see yo especially Kane and you are MY superstar who people pay to see and if you go off fighting during your matches that doesn’t give MY show a good name, does it? Now I made a match for you two at Backlash so why brawl anyway when you have the chance against eachother one-on-one this Sunday. So here’s your warning, you do as I say, or you do nothing, which effectively would give me no reason to pay you two.

Lance Cade: Now you listen here, buddy boy. You send out all your warnings and say all you want about leaving me off of your show but I think you forgot that there is one man who can overrule every rule you put down and that is Vinnie McMahon so if you even try leaving me at home for having a good ol’ fight then I’ll just sell out on you. As for you Kane, I guess it will be Sunday I end your career, I don’t want to be left at home now do I?

Lance Cade walks off and Kane is still being held back by security

JR: Welcome back and it looks like GM Excell isn’t making any more friends after laying down the law just then.
JBL: Well I told you all along the man is an ass and I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody ends up leaving him lying in a pool of his own blood by the end of the year, if he lasts that long.
Jerry Lawler: I completely agree with you on that one. Anyway now is time for the first pick your poison match and here comes MVP ready for his match.

“I’m comin’” hits as MVP makes his way down to the ring with his usual cocky expression on his face as he gets a terrible reaction from the crowd

Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring in the first of tonight’s pick your poison competitions, he is the “Playmaker”… MVP!

“Time to Play the Game” hits as Triple H stands at the top of the ramp with his ring gear on holding a microphone

Triple H: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls I have the announcement of not only WWE’s newest signing but MVP’s opponent and trust me you won’t believe me when I say this but MVP, your opponent tonight is none other than the “Phenomenal One” AJ Styles!

MVP: How dumb do you think I am? I’m half man-half amazing and if WWE signed AJ styles and he’s going to be facing me I just have one question, where is he?

Triple H: Well, Montel, if you don’t believe me I guess you’re just going to have to find out for yourself…

MVP slams down his microphone and then turns around and AJ Styles appears out of nowhere and hits MVP with his springboard flying forearm!

JR: Oh my God! IT’S AJ STYLES!
JBL: Oh no, not another little wannabe I have to put up with week in, week out…
Jerry Lawler: This is HUGE! I mean this guy could be a World Champion, he has so much talent and could give the likes of Cena and Orton a run for their money with his highflying ability.

AJ Styles Vs MVP
Pick Your Poison: Part 1

Ding… Ding… Ding!

MVP quickly drags himself to the edge of the ring and then tumbles to the arena floor and gets up and looks up at AJ Styles in shock as the crowd are cheering louder than they have all month, chanting “AJ, AJ” and Styles then thinks for a moment before rebounding off the ropes and charging towards the ropes closest to MVP but MVP quickly dives over the crowd barrier before AJ has the chance to go for a dive. AJ then climbs up onto the second ropes and points at MVP and tells him to bring it and the referees count reaches 6 and MVP realises he must at least try and put up a fight as he climbs back over the guard rail but then reconsiders as the referee reaches eight and AJ then gets fed up and leaves the ring (restarting the ref’s count) and MVP then tries to get over the crowd barrier but AJ is too quick as he grabs MVP’s foot and pulls him back over and AJ then rolls MVP into the ring and MVP gets up straight away as AJ climbs up onto the apron and MVP tries to drive a shoulder into AJ’s gut through the middle rope but AJ dodges by performing a slingshot over the top rope and turning it into a sunset flip on MVP. 1… 2 MVP kicks out! AJ gets straight back up and runs to the ropes and as he comes back off of them MVP tries to go for a back body drop but AJ then acrobatically goes back-to-back with MVP and does his backwards roll over his head and MVP then gets up from his bent-over position and looks extremely pissed off and AJ has a huge grin on his face, knowing he has the mental edge over MVP. MVP shoves AJ and AJ just laughs in his face. MVP gets even more pissed and shoves AJ again and AJ looks around to the crowd and laughs but he then suddenly looks back at MVP with a serious look on his face and he swings a strong kick which hits MVP straight in the side of the head! MVP crumbles down to the floor AJ then pulls MVP up to his feet and Irish whips him into the corner and AJ then runs towards him but MVP moves but AJ just leaps onto the second rope and then the top rope and as MVP turns around AJ jumps off the top rope and goes for a diving crossbody but MVP ducks and AJ goes crashing to the mat and the whole arena gasp in horror. MVP then makes the cover on AJ, hoping he crashed and burned badly enough for a three count. The ref starts to count. 1… 2 AJ gets his shoulder up!

JBL: See, AJ is just another Jeff Hardy he can kill his opponents with a good move but most of the time he messes it up and nearly ills himself. Trust me this is the beginning of the end for AJ in this match.
JR: Nah, I completely disagree with you. Let me just ask you if you have ever seen an AJ Styles match before?
JBL: Yeah, of course I have. Who do you think I am?
Jerry Lawler: Well I’m just going to say AJ has got a lot of moves yet to perform but he may not have the chance if MVP can keep him isolated for the rest of the match.

MVP gets up and starts to stomp repeatedly on Styles and makes sure he stays on the ground so he can’t do any more damage and MVP continues to stomp on him but AJ then start to fight his way up to his feet and elbows MVP in the gut to slow him down and AJ then manages to finally make it up to his feet and he then runs to the ropes and comes back off of them but runs straight into a knee to the gut from MVP, flipping AJ over onto his back, down on the mat. MVP then hooks AJ’s leg for the cover. 1… MVP gets his foot on the rope! MVP then gets up and he waits until AJ is halfway up to his feet and MVP then drives the sole of his boot straight into the side of AJ’s head, sending AJ out of the ring through the middle rope. AJ looks beaten as he’s on the arena floor trying to get up and as the referee reaches five in his count, MVP climbs out of the ring and he pulls AJ up to his feet and he toys with AJ for a bit but he then drags AJ over to the steel steps and smashes his head straight into it at full force and MVP then lifts AJ’s head straight back up and smashes it down into the steel steps again and he then rolls AJ back into the ring. MVP then climbs into the ring and he waits for AJ to get up to his feet and as AJ reaches his feet MVP kicks him straight in the gut and the goes for the Playmaker but as he has his leg over the back of AJ’s neck, AJ gets up from his bent over position and sends MVP over the top rope and he takes an awkward landing on his shoulder. MVP looks in pain and the referee checks up on him outside the ring and as the referee turns around AJ spots MVP looking around without showing any pain in his shoulder and AJ realises the injury is fake so AJ leaves the ring and the referee (who still thinks MVP is injured) tries to block AJ off but AJ moves him aside and the referee trips up and as AJ gets closer, MVP suddenly pushes himself up to his knees and he hits AJ with a low blow! AJ crumbles down to the arena floor in pain and MVP just laughs at him and he then flexes his muscles on his “injured” arm and the crowd boo him even more loudly. The referee gets up and sees MVP and looks confused and asks MVP how he recovered but MVP just acts like he didn’t hear anything as he pulls AJ up to his feet and rolls him back into the ring. MVP then climbs into the ring, as does the referee and MVP then guides AJ slowly up to his feet and he hits AJ with a hard chop, sending him into the corner and MVP then continues to hit AJ with chops and MVP then takes four big steps backwards and he then charges towards AJ and goes for the Player’s Boot but AJ manages to move out of the way!

JBL: Damn! I would have paid good money to see MVP smash his boot straight into that little pretty-boy’s face.
JR: Oh well that’s just typical coming from you, isn’t it? You just can’t take the fact AJ Styles can move around the way he does and you can’t.
Jerry Lawler: Damn, that’s pretty personal stuff there. Did you really mean that JR?

AJ then waits for MVP to get both feet back on the floor and as MVP does so and turns around AJ then hits MVP with a snap suplex and goes for a quick pin. 1… MVP gets his shoulder up! AJ then gets up and he pulls MVP up to his feet but MVP then strikes AJ with a jab to the gut and he then hoists AJ up and drops him with an inverted atomic drop and he then grabs AJ by his bottoms and his hair and he then tosses AJ into the ring post shoulder-first and AJ lets out a yell of pain. MVP then lifts AJ up for a backdrop and holds him in mid-air for about 3 seconds before dropping him with the backdrop and he then sits AJ up while he’s down on the mat and MVP then takes a step backwards on his left foot and then steps slowly forward on the same foot and drives a strong kick straight to the spine of AJ using his right foot. AJ yells out in pain and MVP then kicks AJ mercilessly in the back again and again until AJ’s back is nearly completely red and MVP looks on as if he is proud of the damage he’s done. AJ then manages to get onto all fours but MVP then drives a hard kick straight into his gut and AJ then rolls over in pain as MVP then starts to stomp on him while he’s led out on his chest and MVP then grabs AJ’s right leg and locks him in a half-crab. AJ’s first reaction is to instantly try and reach the rope but he is unsuccessful as MVP takes a few steps forward, dragging AJ with him as they are now in the centre of the ring. MVP tries to apply as much pressure as he can and AJ is doing all he can to prevent himself from tapping out and he tries to drag himself towards the ropes but MVP has the advantage and drags him back into the centre of the ring with ease. AJ then realises that it’s near-impossible to get to the ropes so he takes the pain for a while as he tries to think of a plan and he then starts to wriggle his body a bit until he rolls over onto his back and he then uses the leg MVP isn’t holding to kick him in the butt and it sends MVP out onto the apron through the middle rope and AJ then does a kip-up back to his feet but walks straight into a rake to the eyes from MVP. MVP then climbs back into the ring and goes for an Irish whip on AJ, but AJ counters it into his own whip and MVP rebounds off the ropes and AJ leapfrogs him and MVP rebounds off the opposite ropes and AJ falls onto his chest to duck MVP, who rebounds off the opposite ropes again where AJ hits him with an amazing dropkick!

JR: Boy, this kid sure does have a lot of talent.
JBL: Yeah, yeah but what he needs is someone like Big Daddy V or Mark Henry to come out and show him whose boss.
Jerry Lawler: Haha, you still believe these days that just because a guy is stronger, they can beat the weaker guy up?

AJ then gets back up to his feet and does his signature pose with his arms outstretched and the crowd cheer even more loudly for him but AJ then gets slightly ahead of himself as MVP rolls him up with a schoolboy from behind. 1… 2… AJ kicks out! AJ and MVP both get up to their feet and exactly the same time and then two then slug it out trading punches left and right and MVP then gains an advantage over AJ but AJ then suddenly starts dodging and ducking all of MVP’s punches and MVP then tries to go for a kick but AJ jumps to avoid it and he then points in MVP’s face and laughs at him and the whole arena laughs with him but MVP then hits AJ with a headbutt straight to the nose and AJ then turns around, bent over clutching his nose as MVP looks on with a smile on his face but AJ suddenly recovers and nails MVP with a Pele kick! The crowd chant AJ’s name wildly as he hooks MVP’s leg for the pin. 1… 2… MVP kicks out! AJ then starts to gain even more confidence as he guides MVP up to his feet and goes for an Irish whip into the corner but MVP counters it into his own Irish whip and AJ jumps up onto the second rope and backflips over MVP’s head and hits him with his signature inverted DDT and now the crowd are going crazy! AJ then makes the cover on MVP again. 1… 2… MVP gets his shoulder up! AJ can’t believe it as he gets up to his knees and then up to his feet AJ then drags MVP by his leg away from the ropes and in-line with the turnbuckle and AJ then climbs out of the ring through the middle rope onto the apron and he then climbs up onto the top rope from there and he stands up tall on the top rope and takes a while to look around at the WWE crowd for the first time and he ten focuses back on MVP and looks ready to hit the Spiral Tap but MVP then grabs the bottom rope and drags himself outside of the ring which draws a lot of boos from the crowd. AJ climbs down to the second rope, warning MVP to get back into the ring but MVP just carries on walking backwards up the ramp saying “You ain’t makin’ me get back in that ring” as he continues to walk up the ramp and AJ looks pissed about his debut going this way and as the referee reaches his 10 count, AJ is announced the winner but is reluctant when his hand is raised in victory.

Winner: AJ Styles (Count-Out)

Jerry Lawler: Why does MVP have to do stuff like that? I mean, what’s wrong with losing apart from the humiliation and the loss of reputation…
JBL: Well I’m struggling to understand you two. I mean MVP is in the right from my eyes, why lose and end up being beaten down instead of losing and still having your health intact?
JR: Well if you listened to Shawn Michaels interview a few weeks ago then you would maybe learn a lesson about how to earn respect and if MVP took the beating like a man then he would’ve earned a slight bit of it. Anyway folks after the break we have MVP announcing Triple H’s opponent in the next part of tonight’s Pick your Poison challenge.


Randy Orton is in the interview area but Todd Grisham is nowhere to be seen

Randy Orton: Well I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands, I haven’t been getting enough TV time to be talking about what really matters because of the likes of AJ Styles waltzing into the company and taking all of “my” time. Now anyway, as I said I’m taking matters into my own hands and that’s starting here. I didn’t want to take it this far but GM Excell you just haven’t realised that I am the answer to getting ratings. So if you aren’t going to give me the time I’m just going to take it and make WWE better single-handedly and if you don’t give me the interviews and matches that I want, I will make you pay. With the WWE Championship over my shoulder this technically already makes me one of the most powerful men in this company so I am gonna make it clear that I am gonna do what I want, when I want and there’s gonna be nothing nobody can do to stop me. Now as you know for tonight’s Main Event I have to find two partners and I’ve got two partners who just like me have looks, ability and most importantly… Gold.

MNM V2 walk in

Orton: So Cena, ‘Taker, HBK I’m gonna go through you like a bulldozer tonight and whatever’s left of you I’ll destroy at Backlash. Now is there anything either of you two wanna say?

John Morrison: Yeah I do. Cody Rhodes, DH Smith you two think your smart don’t you with your little underdog tactics? Well me and Miz, we’re sick of it and at Backlash we’re challenging you to a match and we’ll even put our titles on the line to show you two a thing or two about what it’s like to be perfect.

As Morrison finishes talking, Orton walks off and Morrison and Miz follow behind him

JR: Welcome back folks and I wonder if this combination of three cocky, young superstars will work or will there be a clash of egos between Randy Orton and his troops.
JBL: This is an amazing combination if you ask me. I mean there’s no end to the place Miz and Morrison can go with Randy Orton as their leader.
Jerry Lawler: Well what’s got me thinking is that he is going to get what he wants in this company and won’t let nobody stop him. He’s already broken enough rules but now he wants to control the whole show.
JR: He can say all he wants but I can’t see Gm Excell letting that happen over his dead body.
JBL: You lot have yet to see the damage Randy Orton can do. What Orton’s done this month is like a trailer for a movie coming out soon, you have yet to see the real deal.
JR: Say what you like. Anyway folks I’ve had news backstage that AJ Styles has been escorted out of the building after going crazy backstage, trashing the backstage area after MVP “ruined” his debut.
Jerry Lawler: that kid needs to chill out, I mean he won the match by count out. Anyway here comes Triple H ready for his Pick your Poison matchup.

“Time to Play the Game” hits as Triple H makes his way down to the ring and he looks pissed after MVP managed to find a way out of his match and HHH gets an amazing reaction from the crowd

Justin Roberts: Making his way down to the ring for his Pick your Poison match, he is “The Game”… Triple H!

“I’m Comin’” hits as MVP emerges from the back with a microphone, still dressed in his ring gear

MVP: Well this may come as a pleasant surprise to you but your opponent is going to be… Matt Striker! Oh and if you don’t mind I’ll be at ringside to “monitor” the match.

“Somebody’s Gonna Get it” hits as Matt Striker makes his way down to the ring as half the crowd boo him and the other half laugh at him

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, chosen by Montel Vontavious Porter, he is the “Extreme Educator”… Matt Striker!

Triple H Vs Matt Striker
Pick your Poison: Part 2

Ding… Ding… Ding!

Triple H looks confused as he points at Matt Striker and he looks round at Striker and he starts to laugh and Striker then tries to prove that he’s not a pushover and he charges towards Triple H and hits him with a series of punches and after about 15 seconds he is out of breath and HHH just looks at him and starts to laugh again at his weak punches and Striker then tries to Irish whip Triple H and is pulling and pulling but HHH won’t budge and Striker continues to pull so HHH just gets fed up and takes Striker down with a clothesline. Striker gets back up, holding onto his chest and HHH then tosses him over the top rope and he then walks over to where MVP is sat at ringside and HHH shrugs his shoulders and asks MVP why he gave him such an easy challenge. MVP takes offence and gets up and climbs on the apron and starts to argue with HHH until the referee orders MVP to sit down in his seat and Matt Striker then rolls Triple H up from behind with a schoolboy. 1… Triple H kicks out! Matt Striker then quickly gets up to his feet and he starts to hit Triple H with forearms to the back as he’s getting up to his feet and HHH then slaps Striker in the face, as if he’s trying to slap some sense into him but Striker replies by raking Triple H in the eyes and Striker then backs into the ropes and rebounds off of them but then Triple H suddenly nails Striker with a Double A Spinebuster when he least expects it and Triple H then does his signature muscle pose in MVP’s face just to annoy him. Matt Striker then stays down on the mat, holding his lower back in pain and HHH can’t help but to laugh at Striker as he tries to get up to his feet. HHH waits for Striker to get up to his feet and as Striker does make it to his feet HHH whips Striker to the ropes and Striker then leaves the ring under the bottom rope but MVP quickly gets up and tells Striker to get back into the ring. Striker then climbs up onto the apron and Triple H drags him into the ring through the middle rope and HHH then shoves Striker into the corner and punches him repeatedly in the chest and stomach until Striker is left beaten down in the corner and Triple H does his muscle pose yet again. The crowd start to get louder for HHH as Striker charges towards him from the corner and HHH takes him down with a single punch and Striker gets straight back up and HHH takes him down with another punch and Striker gets straight back up again and Triple H runs to the ropes but MVP grabs his leg from the outside to distract him.

JBL: Is MVP thinking straight? Matt Striker? At least he’s trying to get some damage done I guess.
Jerry Lawler: If you knew how funny I’m finding this match you’d be laughing yourself.
JR: Well at least Triple H is trying to give Striker a chance to get in some offence.

Triple H then argues with MVP yet again and Matt Striker attacks HHH from behind and starts to hit him with forearms and he then hits Triple H with a European uppercut and Striker then whips Triple H to the ropes and he bends over to go for a back body drop but Triple H notices and as he rebounds off the ropes he hits Striker with his facebreaker knee smash and Striker then stumbles around for a few seconds and HHH backs into the ropes and he comes back towards Striker and hits him with a jumping knee to the face. Striker then falls down to the mat and he stalks Striker, urging him to get up and HHH looks to MVP and says “This’ll be you at Backlash” and he then looks back around as Striker gets up to his feet and he kicks Striker hard in the gut and he then hooks his arms and hits him with a Pedigree! Triple H then rolls Striker onto his back and pins him. 1… 2… 3!

Winner: Triple H

Triple H does poses on the second rope as his music hits but MVP rolls into the ring with a microphone to bring the celebrations to an abrupt end

MVP: Woah woah woah woah WOAH, cut this god damn music. Damn man Triple H you seriously need to get some 50 cent or somethin’, what is that shit?

Triple H: Montel, I know you aren’t just here to criticise my music so say what you gotta say before I punch the words out of your mouth.

MVP: Calm down, I only came in here to ask you why you’re celebrating. I mean, your challenge isn’t over yet.

Triple H: If you knew how predictable you were you’d shoot yourself. When I heard Matt Striker was my opponent I knew it was gonna be more than kicking another wannabes ass so Montel, tell me. What’s the catch?

MVP: Well I would’ve challenged you to a match but we can’t lay a finger on eachother until Sunday so I decided that I’m going to put you against someone who is far stronger than you and in fact he was once stronger than everyone in the world… Mark Henry.

Triple H: You know what? Put Mark Henry against me, I’m not bothered I will kick his ginourmous ass and then at Sunday I’m going to kick your ass and the thing that’s going to make Sunday that much more fun is that not only am I going to kick your ass, I’m gonna pull my sledgehammer out from underneath that ring when the match is over, lift up your lifeless body and smash that sledgehammer straight in your face and when your unconscious body falls down onto that mat I will stand tall over you with my newly won Money in the Bank briefcase and laugh as you lay in a pool of your own blood.

MVP: You sure have a lot to say but I’m just gonna introduce Mark Henry now to see if you got what it takes to back it up and I’m not gonna say what I’m gonna do to you at Backlash because Mark Henry is going to show you a little “preview”…

“Somebody’s Gonna Get it” hits as Mark Henry makes his way down to the ring and MVP has a huge grin on his face and Triple H just says “bring it” to Henry as MVP leaves the ring and Henry gets quite a lot of heat from the crowd

Triple H Vs Mark Henry
Pick Your Poison: Part 2.5

Ding… Ding… Ding!

Triple H looks as ready as ever for the match and Mark Henry notices that and he decides to take a slower, tactical approach to the match as Triple H goes down to a half-crouched position and he makes a “bring it” sign to Henry and Henry instantly scraps his tactical plans and he moves to the middle of the ring where he and HHH grapple up and Henry tries to use his strength to push Triple H but HHH stays in exactly the same position, not allowing Henry to move him and the two maintain the grapple and Triple H then shocks the whole crowd by overpowering Mark Henry and shoving him across the ring and into the corner and he then releases the grapple and he gives Henry a cocky smile and he starts to flex his muscles which gets cheers from the crowd. Henry then tries to match Triple H by doing an aggressive pose similar to one Hulk Hogan would use and he gets a far worse reaction than Triple H and HHH then gives Henry that signature cocky smile as if to say “you just can’t beat me”. Henry is starting to get pissed off and really wants to punch the smile off of Triple H’s face but MVP then calls Henry over and Henry then leaves the ring and he and MVP have a little talk about tactics. The referee starts to count Mark Henry and Triple H quickly decides to leave the ring and he runs up behind Mark Henry and he takes him down with a double arm takedown and Triple H then stares down MVP, knowing he can’t lay a hand on him because of the contract stipulation and MVP stares back at Triple H but Mark Henry then takes HHH down from behind and MVP was happy about providing the distraction. Mark henry then pulls Triple H and lifts him up onto his right shoulder and drives him straight into the crowd barricade! The crowd look on shock at the amount of damage HHH has taken from the move and MVP has a huge grin on his face as he applauds Mark Henry, who pulls HHH up to his feet and leaves part of his body sticking out on the apron and Henry then climbs into the ring and gets up to his feet and he grabs onto the top rope using both hands and he then stands over HHH before jumping up high in the air and lands on HHH’s stomach with a seated senton and HHH yells out in pain at the immense amount of weight coming down onto him like a ton of bricks. MVP continues his applauding for Henry as he starts to flex his muscles wile HHH is down and he then says something with spit flying everywhere but it can’t be heard properly and as Triple H starts to make it up to his feet, Henry takes a small run-up towards him and hits him with a knee to the side of the head knocking Triple H through the middle rope but he manages to keep himself on the apron.

JR: Bah Gawd. Mark Henry is dismantling Triple H right in front of our very eyes.
JBL: That’s what I like about Mark henry, his strength allows him to turn around a match using a single, high-impact move.
Jerry Lawler: And that high-impact move all was because of a distraction from MVP.

Triple H gets up to his feet on the apron but Mark Henry then charges towards him as soon as he makes it onto the apron and he barges HHH off of the apron and straight into the crowd barrier! The crowd look on in horror as a slow motion replay shows the collision with the barrier and Mark Henry laughs at HHH while MVP stands over him talking trash to him and Triple H starts to get up to his feet, clutching his shoulder in pain and MVP backs away and HHH then slides into the ring trying to use just one arm but Mark Henry pulls HHH up to his feet and he whips HHH to the opposite ropes and HHH is visibly slower after the damage he’s taken and as he rebounds off the ropes Mark Henry takes him down with a clothesline and makes it look effortless. Henry stands next to HHH for a moment looking down at him with a smile on his face and he then starts to flex his muscles like Scott Steiner and he then drops the elbow straight onto the chest of Triple H and Henry then pins him. 1… 2 HHH kicks out! Mark Henry gets up to his feet and walks towards the ropes nearest to the announce table and he raises his arms in the air to get heat from the crowd and MVP applauds him and Mark Henry then goes across to some more fans and raises his arms and he gets even more heat and he then goes across to some other fans and raises his arms to them as well and some of these fans are putting their fingers up at Henry who just spits towards the crowd and he then gets in a verbal altercation with a certain member of the crowd who manages to provide a distraction for Triple H, who rolls Mark henry up in a schoolboy. 1… 2… Henry kicks out! Triple H then gets up to his feet and Mark Henry also gets up around the same time as him and he tries to swing a punch but Triple H manages to duck down low and get behind Henry and he manages to lift up the big man and hit him with an atomic drop to make Henry groggy and Triple H then backs into the ropes and he comes back towards Henry and tries to hit him with a jumping knee strike but as he jumps, Henry catches him in mid-air and locks him in a Bear Hug! Triple H tries desperately to wriggle out but can’t find a way out of the grip of Henry, who swings HHH from side to side as if it’s nothing and Triple H then reverts back to his old dirty tactics in desperation and him bites on the forehead of Mark Henry and the referee doesn’t notice and HHH then manages to free his arm and he then starts to drive some fists into the head of Henry until he releases his grip. Triple H then grabs Henry’s head with his left hand and drives some strong fists towards him using his right hand and Triple H then takes a few steps backwards and he tries to drive Henry into the corner using his shoulder but Henry moves and Triple H accidentally crushes the referee in the corner!

JR: I hate to see what MVP has up his sleeve now that the referee is knocked out.
JBL: Calm yourself down, MVP can’t lay a finger on Triple H so you have nothing to worry about.
Jerry Lawler: Well even if he can’t touch Triple H it doesn’t mean he still has a plan, I mean look what he’s sitting on, a STEEL CHAIR.

Despite what Jerry Lawler said MVP remains seated and Mark Henry and Triple H have a huge brawl in the centre of the ring, using strong closed fist punches, knowing the referee won’t be up to stop them and Triple H then starts to take the advantage but then Big Daddy V comes and attacks him from behind and takes him down! BDV and Mark Henry then start to beat down on HHH, wearing him down with stomps and MVP in the middle of the ring co-ordinating everything but then AJ Styles runs down the ramp and slides into the ring and MVP flees immediately and AJ tries to chase him but Mark Henry grabs him by his shoulder from behind but AJ responds with a Pele kick! BDV then tries to fight with AJ but AJ still shows fury from the events of earlier tonight and he hits BDV with quick, strong punches to the face and he then takes BDV down to a knee with a strong dropkick to the right leg and he then climbs out onto the apron and he jumps up for a springboard but MVP grabs his leg from behind and pulls him down so he lands face-first on the apron! BDV then sees the referee getting back up and BDV flees through the crowd and MVP tosses AJ over the crowd barrier and sits back in his seat and as the referee gets back up it looks like nothing happened but Mark Henry and Triple H are both flat out on the mat, trying to get to their feet. Both men get up onto all fours at around the same time with MVP trying to urge Mark Henry to get up to his feet first but it doesn’t make him any faster as Triple H gets too far ahead of himself and tries to get up quickly but he collapses into the ropes soon after and it allows Mark Henry some extra time to get to his feet as HHH tries to regain his composure and Mark henry gets up to his feet and Triple H stumbles across the ring and walks straight into him as soon as he gets up. Mark Henry doesn’t take to kindly to HHH bumping into him and he shoves Triple H who goes all the way into the corner due to his lack of balance preventing him from stopping himself and Henry then takes some slow, menacing steps towards HHH and as Henry reaches the corner, he drives some repeated knee strikes straight into the midsection of HHH. Henry then continues to drives knees into the gut of HHH until he drags him out of the corner and Irish whips him to the ropes and Triple H rebounds off of the ropes and Henry goes for a back body drop, but HHH sees him bending over and hits him with his signature face buster knee smash before Henry can do anything and Triple H then acts fast and kicks Henry in the gut and hits him with a Pedigree! HHH then rolls Henry over onto his back and makes the cover. 1… 2… 3!

Winner: Triple H

Triple H celebrates in the ring signalling to MVP that he will end up like Mark Henry at Backlash and the MITB briefcase will be his but MVP just dismisses him and walks off to the back

Jerry Lawler: Wow, that match turned out way more exciting than I thought!
JR: Well I’m just glad that MVP didn’t put HHH against Big Daddy V but I’ll keep my mouth shut before I give him any ideas.
JBL: Why, oh why didn’t he ask me. I would’ve gladly jumped into that ring and hit Triple H with a good ol’ Clothesline From Hell.

The camera cuts backstage where the screen is split into four quarters with Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, John Cena and The Undertaker all making their way to their Main Event match


“My Time is Now” hits as John Cena makes his way down to the ring to a huge reaction from the crowd as he looks hyped for this match

Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring first in this six man tag team match… John Cena!

“Sexy Boy” hits as Shawn Michaels makes his way down to the ring to as many cheers as John Cena but he also receives a few boos as he joins Cena in the ring

Justin Roberts: And his first partner, he is the Heartbreak Kid… Shawn Michaels!

“Deadman” hits as The Undertaker makes his way down to the ring holding his World Heavyweight Title for the final time on Raw before the title becomes unified and he gets an even better reaction than Cena and HBK

Justin Roberts: And their partner from Death Valley, he is the World Heavyweight Champion… The Undertaker!

“Burn in my Light” hits as Randy Orton makes his way down to the end of the ramp holding his WWE title for the final time on Raw before it’s unified and he gets a huge amount of heat from the crowd

Justin Roberts: And their first opponent, he is the WWE Champion… Randy Orton!

“Ain’t no Make Believe” hits as MNMV2 make their way down to their ring, entering with Randy Orton with their Undisputed Tag Titles getting more heat than usual just for the fact that they’re teaming with Orton

Justin Roberts: And his tag team partners, they are the Undisputed Tag team Champions, they are the team of John Morrison and The Miz… MNM V2!
John Cena, Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker Vs Randy Orton, John Morrison and The Miz
6-Man Tag

Ding… Ding… Ding!

Orton and Miz leave the ring, leaving Morrison to reluctantly start the match and Shawn Michaels then walks into the centre of the ring, signalling that he’s going to start the match for his team. Morrison looks confident as he squares up to the seasoned veteran that is HBK and he shoves Michaels and HBK doesn’t respond well and he walks straight back towards Morrison and gets up in his face before slapping the taste out of his mouth! The crowd cheer for HBK after doing so and Michaels then goes up behind Morrison and goes for a quick schoolboy roll up on Morrison. 1… 2 Morrison kicks out! HBK quickly gets up to his feet and goes for a cheeky attempt at a Sweet Chin Music as Morrison is getting up but Morrison notices and manages to pull himself out of the ring. Orton and Miz then jump off the apron and have a little team talk with Morrison, giving him advice on how to dominate HBK and Michaels soon gets tired of waiting inside the ring and he then walks to the ropes and he leaps over the top rope and nails all three men with a slingshot crossbody from inside the ring and all four bodies (including HBK) are out on the arena floor! Cena applauds HBK from the apron, showing his respect for HBK’s abilities and ‘Taker just stares on at the bodies with a blank look on his face and as HBK gets back up to his feet he pulls Morrison up and rolls him into the ring and HBK then climbs up onto the apron to enter the ring but Orton then gets up to his knees and grabs HBK’s leg to stop him from moving and this allows Morrison time to get up and as he does he dropkicks HBK back off the apron. Orton then gets up to his feet and starts to stomp on HBK and Morrison does too as he leaves the ring and the assault becomes 3-on-1 after Miz gets up to his feet but John Cena and The Undertaker come round to even the numbers and the referee has to step in between the two teams to prevent a brawl from breaking out. Orton, Miz, Cena and ‘Taker all go back to where they’re supposed to be while Morrison pulls HBK to his feet and hits him with a single punch, sending HBK stumbling backwards into the crowd barrier and he then starts to drive a few kicks directly into the chest area of HBK and he then goes for a kick to the head but HBK manages to move and Morrison nearly ends up hitting a member of the crowd but he luckily manages to avoid them.

JR: Woah, as much as I hate to say it I would’ve loved to see Morrison hit that guy. You know why? So he could sue Morrison for every penny he has!
Jerry Lawler: What’s your problem with John Morrison. I mean, are you jealous or something, JR?
JBL: Haha, you didn’t need to point that out King but still I’m guessing that it’s true.

Morrison tries to recover from the initial shock of what he nearly did but he then calls the member of the crowd a moron but as he turns around HBK grabs him by his hair and hits him with a single strong punch, sending Morrison stumbling across the ringside area and HBK then rolls him into the ring. HBK then climbs onto the apron and he then walks across and climbs up onto the top rope and he notices Miz coming across to try and distract him so HBK jumps back down to the apron and knocks Miz off of the apron with a single punch and he turns around and Morrison comes towards him like he did earlier on but HBK ducks this time and drives his shoulder into the gut of Morrison and he then climbs into the ring and he walks towards Morrison and hits him with a inverted atomic drop and HBK then runs to the ropes and rebounds off of them, running towards Morrison who manages to counter HBK’s attack and lift him in a spinebuster-like position and then fall backwards sending HBK’s throat straight into the rope and HBK falls onto the mat, clutching his throat in pain. Morrison then looks over to his corner and sees Orton is desperate to come in now HBK is down and injured so Morrison tags him in and Orton quickly climbs into the ring and he rushes over to HBK and repeatedly stomps on him and he then drags HBK into the centre of the ring and he then starts to stomp on the head of HBK before slowly moving around the body, stomping on every part he moves around to and he eventually stops once he completes a full rotation around the body of HBK. Orton then feels he’s done all he needs to do and he tags in The Miz who enters the ring casually and he takes time to point and laugh at HBK and Miz then gets into a confrontation with John Cena and Miz spits in the face of Cena and Cena tries to get into the ring but the referee has to stand in his way and Morrison and Orton use the distraction to climb into the ring and ambush HBK and they quickly make an escape once they feel the damage is done. Miz then drags HBK across the ring a little bit and he then climbs up onto the second rope and Cena quickly charges across the apron to try and get a piece of him but Miz quickly scrambles over the top rope and the referee has to hold Cena back yet again. Miz then slides back into the ring and he trues to provoke Cena to get him annoyed and Miz then turns around and HBK rolls him up with an inside cradle. 1… 2… Miz kicks out!

JBL: What happened to the great veteran that was Shawn Michaels? By the looks of it he’s too much of a coward to have a proper one on one fight now and wants to take the easy way out.
JR: How can you even accuse anyone else of taking the “easy way out” when you and your cabinet cheated your way to victory every week not so long ago?
Jerry Lawler: Well I’m not gonna play referee between you two so you’re gonna have to sort this out between the two of you.

HBK then gets up to his feet and Miz does at around a second later and HBK tries to run across to make the tag but Miz takes his down with a drop toe hold and drags HBK over to his corner where he tags in John Morrison. Morrison climbs into the ring and he lifts HBK up and puts him against the ropes and Miz then runs to the opposite ropes and comes charging towards HBK and hits him with a spear like move but HBK doesn’t go down as he’s set up against the ropes. Miz then leaves the ring and Morrison shifts HBK over into the corner and he starts to swing some punches at him and HBK then fights back but Orton then distracts him and Morrison manages to take advantage again quickly and makes sure HBK stays groggy, repeatedly driving kicks into the stomach and gut and Morrison then hits a left footed kick to the head of HBK and then suddenly jumps up and completes a full corkscrew and hits HBK in the head with a stunning kick from the right foot! The crowd are in awe as Morrison tags in Orton and Cena is desperate to come in as HBK is being beaten down but it looks unlikely that he’ll be able to make the to any time soon as Orton comes in and instantly levels HBK with a strong European uppercut and Orton then stands still, holding HBK by the chin with a vicious look on his face and he drags HBK into the centre of the ring by his chin and HBK drops down to his knees after the beating he’s taken but Orton lifts him back up to his feet and he then quickly lets go of HBK and jumps up to go for an RKO but HBK uses all the power he has left to shove Orton away! HBK then falls flat on his face and Orton is also out on the mat and HBK realises he needs to make the tag but Orton is in between him and his partners and HBK gets up onto all fours but Orton, who still has more fuel in the tank manages to get up to his feet and as HBK crawls across the ring on all fours, he bumps into Orton, who stands tall over him with a cocky grin on his face and HBK has a look of dread on his face but Cena then calls Orton to divert his attention and as Orton turns around, HBK quickly crawl past him and dives across to tag in Cena! Cena comes in and is instantly on fire as he takes down Orton with a huge clothesline and Miz and Morrison come in to try and save the day but Cena makes quick work of Miz, throwing him over the top rope and he then ducks a clothesline from Morrison and runs to the ropes and takes Morrison down with a diving shoulder barge on his return and Morrison rolls out of the ring and as Orton gets back up Cena hits him with a back body drop and Orton gets straight back up and walks into a hip toss from Cena!

JR: Woah! Cena has one hell of a fire burning inside him and he’s letting it all out on the team of Orton, Miz and Morrison!
JBL: Don’t get to far head of yourself now, JR. I know Cena thinks he’s the “champ” and whatnot but if he carries on like this he isn’t going to last very long stamina-wise.
Jerry Lawler: Well Cena won’t need much stamina if he carries on beating up these three the way he’s doing. He made Miz look like a chump just then.

Cena then hooks the leg of Orton and goes for the pin. 1… 2 Orton kicks out! Cena gets up and as Orton gets up Cena starts to swing punches towards the hip area of Orton and Orton tries to go defensive but can so he grabs Cena by his shorts and falls backwards, sending Cena tumbling out of the ring through the middle rope. Orton then pulls himself up using the ropes and he points at his head, showing that he has a plan all thought up and that he is smarter than his opponents and Orton then takes a few steps back and as Cena gets up, Orton tries to go for a baseball slide but Cena sidesteps and Orton slides out of the ring and Cena quickly swings a punch but misses by an inch and Orton uses this opportunity to try and escape but as he runs around the ring he runs straight into The Undertaker and falls onto his ass and tries to back away, in fear of ‘Taker and he only backs into Cena who pulls Orton up to his feet and Cena punches him straight in the face and ‘Taker then punches him back towards Cena and the two quickly end up playing a game of tennis using Orton’s head as the ball and their fists as the rackets but they eventually stop as the referees count reaches six and Cena rolls Orton into the ring and Cena climbs into the ring and then tags in ‘Taker, who slowly climbs into the ring which gives Orton time to tag in The Miz. Cena talks tactics with ‘Taker and Miz runs towards ‘Taker and tries to attack him from behind but he literally bounces off ‘Taker and as Miz gets up and runs towards ‘Taker again, ‘Taker hits him with a strong uppercut taking Miz straight down. The crowd laugh at Miz’s terrible attempt at defeating the Deadman and ‘Taker then stalks Miz as he gets up and as Miz reaches his feet and ‘Taker slaps his hand straight across the throat of Miz for a chokeslam but Miz kicks ‘Taker in the gut to loosen his grip and kicks him in the gut again to release his grip and Miz then runs to the ropes and he comes back and goes for a leg lariat on ‘Taker but ‘Taker catches him and then shifts Miz around into a powerbomb position and he then gets ready to hit Miz with a Last ride but Morrison saves the day by taking ‘Taker down with a chop block and ‘Taker lands with his shoulders on the mat with Miz on top. 1… 2… ‘Taker shoves Miz off of him! Miz quickly gets up and as ‘Taker gets up onto one knee Miz hits him with a shining wizard and quickly hooks his leg for another pin. 1… 2… ‘Taker gets his shoulder up!

JBL: Well I have a lot of respect for The Miz after doing what he just done. I mean, he is a Light-Heavyweight and he stood up to ‘Taker like he was nothing. Not even our WWE Champion would willingly stand up to ‘Taker and that’s saying something.
Jerry Lawler: Well he did have a bit of an assist from his tag team partner, you gotta admit.
JR: Well I do agree that Miz showed a lot of courage in what he done but if you think that he can beat The Undertaker then you got another thing coming.

Miz gets up and he urges ‘Taker up to his feet and when ‘Taker gets up to his feet Miz gets too far ahead of himself and he tries to trade punches with ‘Taker and ‘Taker ends up embarrassing Miz, punching him all the way across the ring until the corner stops Miz from going any further and ‘Taker then continues to drive punches to every single part of the upper body of Miz and ‘Taker then drags Miz out of the corner by his arm and ‘Taker then twists the arm of Miz and he climbs up onto the top rope and walks across it, still holding Miz’s arm and he dives down and hits him with the old Skool! ‘Taker then walks across the ring and tags in Shawn Michaels, who has now recovered from the beatdown earlier on in the match and he walks towards Miz and as Miz gets up to his feet, HBK whips him to the ropes and as Miz returns off the ropes, HBK leapfrogs him and when Miz turns around, HBK hits him with a Sweet Chin Music! The crowd all suddenly jump out of their seats and are cheering wildly for HBK as he falls onto Miz for the pin. 1… 2… Morrison breaks it up just in time! As soon as Morrison breaks up the pin, Cena charges into the ring and he spears Morrison, sending Morrison and himself out of the ring through the middle rope and Orton steps away, trying to avoid all confrontation and HBK gets up and looks pissed at Morrison breaking up the pin and he sees Cena beating up Morrison so he decides to take out his anger on Orton and he walks over to Orton’s corner and he grabs Orton and tries to drag him into the ring but Orton manages to get HBK off of him by raking him in the eyes and HBK clutches his eyes as he walks back towards the centre of the ring, not knowing where he’s at and Miz then makes the tag to Orton, who runs into the ring and goes for a punt to HBK’s head but HBK notices just in time and he ducks down low to avoid Orton’s boot and as Orton turns around, HBK goes for a Sweet Chin Music on him too but Orton moves and he and HBK end up face to face and they realise they both know eachother’s moves too well so they decide they will have to settle it in a fist fight and the two trade punches like never before and Orton gets some good swings in on HBK and seems to take the advantage but HBK fights his way back into it and just as it looks like he’s getting back into the match, The Miz runs in and he hits HBK with a running neckbreaker from behind and Orton then makes the pin. 1… 2… HBK kicks out!

Jerry Lawler: I think we’re gonna need more than one referee to control all of this. There’s fighting going on everywhere between everyone. Only a few minutes ago we say John Cena spear John Morrison out of the ring in front of our very eyes.
JR: Well this is one slobberknocker of a match! I don’t know who is going to win and who is going to lose, all these athletes are putting on great performances.
JBL: You know what? This is stupid. How dumb can you get by giving your all right before a crucial title match?

Orton pulls HBK up to his feet and he tosses him shoulder first into the ring post to wear him down and Orton then tags in The Miz but the camera cuts to outside the ring where John Morrison counter John Cena’s Irish whip and he tosses Cena into the steel steps and the camera cuts back into the ring where Miz climbs up onto the top rope but HBK then climbs up onto the second rope and Miz starts to hesitate and he tries to swing some punches but messes them up and nearly ends up falling off the top rope without HBK even touching him but Miz manages to regain his balance but that isn’t enough as HBK gets ready to hit him with a superplex but Randy Orton comes in and pulls HBK off of the second rope. Orton hits HBK with a hard punch and then grabs HBK from behind and Miz then climbs down onto the second rope, not so comfortable about doing a top rope move and he goes for a diving fist drop but HBK moves out of the way and Miz hits Orton! HBK then clotheslines Orton over the top rope and he tags in The Undertaker, who climbs into the ring and this time Miz doesn’t seem so willing to fight him and Miz backs away from him and Miz then turns around to see John Morrison back in the corner and Miz quickly makes the tag to him and Morrison doesn’t seem too pleased and he refuses to enter the ring until the ref orders him to and Morrison slowly enters the ring and he walks up to ‘Taker trying to cover up the fear on his face and as ‘Taker makes the first move, Morrison does a matrix-like move to dodge his punch and he gets a big full of himself but ‘Taker then hits him with another punch while his attention is diverted and the crowd laugh at Morrison’s expense. Cena then returns to the apron with blood running down his head and he pleads with ‘Taker to tag him in and when ‘Taker makes the tag Cena runs into the ring straight after Morrison and Morrison tries to make an escape but Cena drags Morrison back into the ring by his legs after he tried to scramble out and Cena then goes for the FU on Morrison but Morrison manages to wriggle his way out of it as quickly as he can and he then tags Miz back in and Miz then tries to go on the offensive by attempting a clothesline but Cena ducks and when Miz turns around he walks straight into Cena, who lifts him up onto his shoulders and drops him down with a huge FU! Cena then walks towards Morrison and Orton’s corner and they both back away so Cena makes the cover on Miz. 1… 2… 3!

Winners: John Cena, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker

Cena and HBK celebrate while ‘Taker just walks away with his World Heavyweight Championship and the two men do poses for the crowd and then bump into eachother while walking backwards and this leads to a staredown between the two but the moment is short-lived as Orton, Miz and Morrison beat both men down with their title belts and then the ambush continues with the three men stomping on HBK and Cena and when Morrison lifts HBK up ready for Orton, the Second Generation Superstars rush down to the ring and chase away their rivals and Orton stays there, thinking the SGS wouldn’t go for him but they toss him over the top rope and they then check up on HBK and Cena

End of Show


BM: John Cena, Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker Vs Randy Orton, John Morrison and The Miz
Jeez, what a match that was. Taker, HBK, and Cena were a great team here, a little bumps along the way, but Orton was mainly pulling the opposition. Miz and Morrison faired better than I would have thought, it was a pretty good showing all around, but more so the winning team.

WM: Brian Kendrick vs. Charlie Haas
Just an average match. Nothing too special, just a start out to get the crowd hyped up. Pretty decent, nothing jaw dropping.

BP: Triple H and MVP were pretty good together, really liked this promo.

WP: Apart from the rest of the promo, which was good, I would say John Morrison. He usually has an awkward way of talking, with a lot of dull tone, but funny. Maybe add something with the Palace of Wisdom or w/e they call him now...the Medicine Man of Manipulation, I know...wtf. lol

AC: Pretty awesome show, I can see you did alot of work here which I am glad to see. Keep it up, thanks for the review btw.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Backlash Main Event promo: It had parts where it was good, but it also had parts where it dropped off. I mean, Undertaker should never speak that much. Nor should he be so religious. He went through the extremely religious stage many years ago. The conclusion of the promo was alright, it sets up a main event for you which is good. Decent start, but you could have had better.

Brian Kendrick vs Charlie Haas: You really went full out in making Haas heel here. You had him really cocky, which is cool I guess. London becoming pissed off at Haas added something that kind of made it differne t from other matches, which is also something that is good. Nice to see Kendrick pick up the w, as he has much more to gain than Haas. Kendrick could be looked upon as a serious contender for the tag titles. I can't say the same for Haas.

Chavo Guerrero/Da Beast promo: It seems you're high on Shad here, trying to make him look good. It seems that Chavo being mentally Blue (slight exaggeration) is his new gimmick. Entertaining seeing his big partners bully him around the past few shows.

JTG and Jay Lethal vs Da Beast and Chavo Guerrero So, a minorities tag team match, eh? Sticking them all in one match .... RACIST! :shifty: It seems like you did your best to make The Artist Formerly Known As Shad Gaspard look as strong as possible here. Did it work? Yes, IMO. It added an extra dimension to the match, on top of the two feuds that this match was about. Chavo looking like a tool was entertaining as well lol. "Did I say you could laugh?" :rofl:

Matt Hardy, CM Punk and Kane vs Elijah Burke, Shelton Benjamin and Lance Cade: Two tag team matches in a row? I would have had them at least seperated with a promo. With the heels picking up the win, it seems quite clear that one of the faces will win this Sunday. I'd say Punk. I really like how you have booked Cade vs Kane. You've put Cade over well, and it looks like a real battle of the beasts. The match all flowed along nicely, and the cheap finish harms no one. Good match.

GM Excell/Lance Cade promo: Kinda weak, because I don't see this threat to Cade and Kane going anywhere.

AJ Styles vs MVP: Interesting way to bring Styles in, although I think you would have been much better off having Triple H show a video of AJ. The fans would care much more in reality about him. They wouldn't have known who he was. Although, you did put him over well with this match, and he came out looking great. MVP backing out was good and heelish, while Styles looks strong, beating Mr MITB. Best match of the night, I really enjoyed it.

Randy Orton/MNM V2 promo: Orton didn't seem in character at all. Sorry, I thought he was way out of it. The same goes for Morrison.

Triple H vs Matt Striker: lulz for squashes.

MVP/Triple H promo: It had it's moments, but I thought the ending was kinda weak again.

Triple H vs Mark Henry: Meh, I can never get into a Henry match, even when written. He just sucks the interest out of me. At least it makes Triple H look strong heading into the PPV. Oh and this was very realistic. Triple H going through two men? Never :shifty:

Shawn Michaels, John Cena and Undertaker vs Randy Orton, John Morrison and The Miz: It was a nice, long main event match, as you would expect with that kind of talent in the ring. The thing that kind of took away from the match, at least to me, was knowing that either Miz or Morrison was going to take the pinfall, with the faces coming out victorious. The ending was kinda cool, as was the aftermath. Really emphasised the heelishness of Orton, Morrison and Miz. Smith and Rhodes taking it to Orton shows their gutsiness. Not quite as good as MVP vs Styles, but still good.

AC: It was a pretty good show for before the PPV, but I think you went a little heavy on tag matches. They dominated the show. Anyway, I'll drop a review for Backlash when you get it up.

The Rated R CMStar

Opening promo: It started good with HBK getting the fans back on his side and explaining his actions. Taker talking, and that much, took away from the promo a bit. Cena tried to save it but I was still in shock of seeing Taker speak so much and mentioning God and a lot more of things I just didn't wait from him.

Haas vs Kendrick: Way too focus on Haas, lol, not that it is a bad thing. Nah, good undercard match that was very special and good for what it was.

Guerrero/Da Beast: Good turn for Shad, and by the way he speaked, I am waiting big things for him. WTF was going on with Chavo Guerrero? lol.

Tag Team Match: Good match booking wise getting these feuds together and having Da Beast pin JTG. I guess JTG is in fact inferior. Actions flowed well and I liked that when Da Beast or Chavo were in the ring, the rhythm changed.

6man Tag Team Match: Meh, basic tag team match. I didn't like to have this tag team next to the previous one.

Kane and Cade promo: Uh?

AJ Styles vs MVP: First, I would have preferred announcers to not fully "know" AJ Styles. Have Lawler say: I have heard good things about him, but not go all crazy for him. It gives the WWE a bigger aura. The match was good, putting over AJ in his debut. It also made MVP a big heel.

Orton promo: I guess this is his new character? I don't like it. Since you posted it on the Chat Room, I didn't like the idea. IMO, Morrison wasn't that bad, but Orton wasn't...him.

HHH and MVP promos: I am sorry but they were awful. MVP saying shit? I don't want it PG 13 but MVP wouldn't bash HHH like that. HHH lines were also bad.

HHH vs Striker/Henry: Uhmm, good matches. HHH overcoming the odds of two opponents and tireness. It was a good move and really put MVP over.

Main Event: Good match. Nice main event ride for Mizorrison. I don't know but this match tells me that we will see Orton win the belt at Backlash.

AC: Good go show. Promos were off at times. I understand Orton "being out of character" as you are creating a new character for him, but I just don't like it. Backlash should be good.

Check out BTW, show has been posted


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
I don't really like posting in my BTB apart from when it's shows and previews and stuff and I also don't really wanna make excuses but that was like the first time I booked a proper show in ages so I was a little rusty (especially on my promos by the sounds of it) but some of the characters I am trying to evolve so their promos may not sound in character to you but I am trying to mould them into what I want them to be but after looking back at a couple of them, I have to admit they were pretty shit.

All reps and reviews coming as well :)