I really don't understand the hype over Stacey's legs. Then again Legs do fuck all for me. She does have a nice ass though ,then again so does Trish
I really don't understand the hype over Stacey's legs. Then again Legs do fuck all for me. She does have a nice ass though ,then again so does Trish
errrrrr what? Legs do fuck all for a man? They spread. What are you 12?
Agree with the guy before me, Eve was hotter than the rest imo. It doesn't mean the rest were hideous in comparison, just an opinion. Don't get how this whole thing becomes a this one sucks because you like her better than the chick I like.
Well then wouldn't that mean your more interested in what's in between the legs than the actual legs themselves? Maybe it's just me but I honestly can't look at a girls legs and just her legs and think "fuck I wanna hit that":
Well it's easy enough to pay for tits. Natural is better and I think that those legs trump any boob related advantage Trish has.
Yea, okay. Legs, ass, face are all beautiful.
But its best body, Stacey just has one good body part. She's pretty scrawny, flatter than an ironing board up top. Im no Trish fan but at least she's blessed in the T (surgically) & A departments not just one of them and has enough meat on her bones to be more than a coat rack. Staceys bottom half is good, top half is meh.
He's worked his way through 99% of the women in Hollywood, it was just her turn, besides that doesn't magically give Stacy boobs.