I got one so far. And Funk deserves it. Funk is probably one of the most underrated wrestling icons there is. His work, phenomenal. He wasn't the flashiest, he wasn't the most athletic, but DAMN ever match he was in you felt like it was a god damn fight! Like I think Chris said if you haven't watched Flair/Funk 89, watch the fucking matches. IMO, it's just as good as any of Flair's feuds, Sting, Steamboat, ANYONE. Not only that, but with how fucking crazy he looked and just how easy it looked for him to do who the hell knows how much of it was an act and that's just awesome to me.
Also, great to see Owen get in. I left him off my list of five because I really felt he wouldn't have needed my help to get in. What can you say positive about Owen that hasn't been said. He was amazing in the ring. He was good on the mic. In ever behind the scenes thing we have been shown he loved his family as much as he could.