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Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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ECW always has three matches at the least. There aren't many promos on there. You're just proving that you don't watch it, so your opinion on it is worthless and uninformed.
Last time I watched it I saw 2 matches and some promo stuff that really kinda bored me to death.

You didn't put forth one argument or reason why TNA is better than WWE. You say Raw bores you, please explain to me why. You claim ECW sucks, where is your basis for that. You also didn't explain why Smackdown is appraently better than TNA. And if Smackdown is better than Impact, wouldn't that make WWE better than TNA?

ok lets see with Raw

Raw-Alright during certain matches like the diva matches cause lord knows most of the diva's they got can't wrestler.

ECW-The reason ECW sucks I done said that already

and I said one show is not gonna cut it.

I mean thats like saying if idk IWF had one forum and some crappy forum had a main forum and two other forums and only one of the forums were better then IWF and saying that other would be better based on one forum.

so its Smackdown>TNA>Raw>ECW

but rounded out TNA is 2 out of 3 better then WWE shows therefor making it better..but thats just my opinion

How is WWE crapping on ECW? It's a name, and ECW was never that great anyway. Hardcore match after hardcore match after hardcore match is a bad way to base your promotion, but that's just my opinion on the original ECW. WWECW may have one, two matches tops like you said (although it's often 3 or 4) which are often great matches with good performers. For a show which goes for one hour it's pretty damn good, a lot more action than TNA, Raw or Smackdown in that hour.

Well the fact they call it EXTREME championship wrestling is Blue when its no where near being extreme..

I admit TNA is not always Total Non-Stop Action either but the fact there taking a promotion that had a good fan base calling it that name and making it something its not its crapping on it...

if they wanna use the ECW letters make it something like idk

Entertainment Championship Wrestling..might not be true to everyone that its even entertaining but atleast it won't be crapping on a good promotion I once loved to watch.

Anyway, WWE > TNA in pretty much every aspect. They always have at least 1 out of 3 (if not 2 or all 3) great shows a week, while TNA often pulls out a less than stellar performance on Impact most weeks, although some episodes are pretty good every 3-4 weeks. TNA has wayy to many gimmick matches, stupid gimmicks, run-ins and just plain bad storylines, I'm not saying WWE doesn't, but those are the major flaws of TNA's booking. I for one don't want to sit down and wait for an hour for a match that will go 5 minutes and have 12 run-ins. WWE is far from perfect, but leagues ahead of TNA in every aspect.

Now lets take this one by one.

For me now I can only judge Raw and ECW now and as I said I hardly watch ECW unless nothing else is on and I got it DVR'ed and I might go watch it later if I read something in the results that seem pretty cool.If not I just remove it off the box to make room.

and this just my opinion..

Expect for the Sting parts on TNA(which are not all that bad but could better) its been better then Raw for the last 3 weeks IMO..

The run-ins yes suck but there not doing many on Impact lately and I think the only one at Bound for Glory was what the Joe match.

and yes in the Angle vs Jarrett match Mick got involved but anytime you have a special enforcer in a match you know he will get involved some way or another.

and as far as storylines go I like the main one TNA has going right now its way better IMO then any storyline WWE has going right now(remember SD I can't judge so if they have a great storyline don't bring that BS up because I have no idea what there doing)

TNA Talent > WWE Talent

TNA Knockouts > WWE Divas

TNA Programing> WWE Programing

Now if TNA had 3 shows like WWE had 3 shows then yes by the whole SD being better then TNA thing WWE would be better because then it would be

like TNA being better then 2 WWE shows and SD being better then 3 TNA shows but since TNA has one show its

TNA being better then 2 WWE Shows and then SD being better then TNA's only show..

but sadly I can't watch Smackdown anymore so meh I'm not like all over joyed for WWE anymore.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Last time I watched it I saw 2 matches and some promo stuff that really kinda bored me to death.
Good to know that you watch it regularly and have an updated opinion. :rolleyes:

If you don't know anything about the product, don't comment on it. You're only making yourself look stupider.

CT Styles

Blaze, just give up. It's fucking annoying now. You always get rolled.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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I love how I state my opinion and get hated on but I'm not hating on anyone's opinion...

So I guess the people who don't watch TNA regularly can't say it sucks..

and since I can't watch SD anymore I guess my opinion on it being better then TNA is out the window.

and ok so I just can compare TNA to Raw then ok then TNA still better then WWE.

CT Styles

You get angry over people who bag NASCAR who haven't watched it so we can hate you for bagging something you haven't watched.


^ Whats there to watch in Nas-Tard. I can watch a bus driver make a Left Turn~!

ECW is the best pure wrestling show. You will get to see the talent that deserves to be pushed but would not cut it on a regular ahow. You also get to see at least 2 good matches on each show, with 1 average match. It hardly ever gets stale, and its sad it gets no viewers.

Nancy Di Loreto

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Feb 19, 2007
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
ECW is the best pure wrestling show. You will get to see the talent that deserves to be pushed but would not cut it on a regular ahow. You also get to see at least 2 good matches on each show, with 1 average match. It hardly ever gets stale, and its sad it gets no viewers.

Exactly. Oh, and nice work double-posting!

It needs more, and the two good matches are very good at that. Plus the Hardy-Henry feud heading into SummerSlam was booked 100% right, but still had no buys :cryss:

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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You get angry over people who bag NASCAR who haven't watched it so we can hate you for bagging something you haven't watched.

Well for one its because people say its easy...If they said it sucked I'll be fine with it ok..

but this is not about Nascar its about the better promotion.

and also I've watched ECW from time to time just not on a weekly basicly because it in my opinion sucks..

in a month I say I watch ECW maybe once...during the summer maybe twice(only when I'm at my cousin for a week cause he watches so I watch it also)

I can't watch something that makes me wanna go to sleep.


I am still waiting to hear reasonable justification from you that ECW sucks. We have established that there are more than 2 matches and that there aren't many promos. Any actual reason.

Also, I edited the double post, I thought Nancy posted in between.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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ok well when I watched last I saw two matches not my fault..

I watched last and all the matches were

Evan Bourne vs Chavo Guerrero

Finlay vs John Morrison

the rest was that girl showing T-Lo her costume and at the start was Mark Henry and Tony Atlas complaning about how Mark Henry is not getting an ECW Title shot or something along them lines for Cyber Sunday.

the only match I liked of them 2 matches was the first one..the last one meh I changed the channel cause it got boring.

ok and then the ones I watch that have more then 2 matches only maybe 2 are good anyway..with TNA I watch it I see 3 maybe 4 good matches then some good stuff for there feuds..

maybe if ECW went two hours it might get better cause I'll admit when TNA was one hour I didn't like that much..

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
You can't just say ECW sucks. The new ECW never said it was going to eclipse the original, and saying it sucks with any actual reason is just silly. Let's just go back 13 years here...

ECW's champions were all home-grown. In fact, almost the entire roster was made by Paul E., and other men from WCW and few from WWF had quick stints in ECW to help the fed out. Now, who comes to mind when you think of the old ECW. Scott Hall? Course not, but he was there for a short while? Sid? No? He was there too.

It's the stars like Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman that found their fame and their niche in ECW, and many others like the Public Enemy and RVD.

It's practically the same then as it is now. Guys like Funk and Foley were nixing with young up-and-coming talent like Dreamer and Sandman. These days, it's Hardy and Dreamer with Bourne and Knox or Swagger. Sure these guys seem to be going no-where in the vast world of the WWE, but back then, I'm sure no-one could've expected Dreamer and Sandman to be as great as they are today.

ok well when I watched last I saw two matches not my fault..

I watched last and all the matches were

Evan Bourne vs Chavo Guerrero

Finlay vs John Morrison

the rest was that girl showing T-Lo her costume and at the start was Mark Henry and Tony Atlas complaning about how Mark Henry is not getting an ECW Title shot or something along them lines for Cyber Sunday.

the only match I liked of them 2 matches was the first one..the last one meh I changed the channel cause it got boring.

ok and then the ones I watch that have more then 2 matches only maybe 2 are good anyway..with TNA I watch it I see 3 maybe 4 good matches then some good stuff for there feuds..

maybe if ECW went two hours it might get better cause I'll admit when TNA was one hour I didn't like that much..

TNA struggle to string together a show and just barely scrape the floor of entertainment with two hours to do it's stuff, while ECW can do it in one.


EDIT: Hardcore match after Hardcore match after Hardcore match? You sir, never watched ECW.

As a 14yr old you were born no earlier than Nov '93.... You were only 7 or so when it folded. How can you have a view on what it was like as a whole bearing in mind the 'mature' nature of many of the storylines etc.?

Hmmmmm..... Rise & Fall of ECW DVD & Youtube? --->

p.s. Guys, guys, guys..... The thread says COMPANY (not TV show)....

ECW (pre 2001)

And the question said "so far".... That doesn't mean what is your current favourite or even what's your fave since you've been watching... Put simply What is the best COMPANY.... EVER?

Who's been going the longest, who's produced the most & biggest stars, who's grossed the most money, who's sold the most tickets...?

There's only one answer.

@ Blaze: Understanding the above would definately benefit you too.

I understand that for some people who were die-hard fans of the old ECW, AT THE TIME, it will never be eclipsed (even though some that WERE already admit that looking back it wasn't as good as it seemed at the time), but lets be honest it's influence on the wrestling world has ALREADY started to fade... (And despite popular belief they weren't the first company to feature blood, weapons and sick bumps).

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
As a 14yr old you were born no earlier than Nov '93.... You were only 7 or so when it folded. How can you have a view on what it was like as a whole bearing in mind the 'mature' nature of many of the storylines etc.?

Hmmmmm..... Rise & Fall of ECW DVD & Youtube? --->

p.s. Guys, guys, guys..... The thread says COMPANY (not TV show)....

ECW (pre 2001)

And the question said "so far".... That doesn't mean what is your current favourite or even what's your fave since you've been watching... Put simply What is the best COMPANY.... EVER?

Who's been going the longest, who's produced the most & biggest stars, who's grossed the most money, who's sold the most tickets...?

There's only one answer.

Yes, I was born in Nov '93, and do vaguely remember ECW PPV's from my childhood. Photographic memory you see :harhar:

But I do own practically all the ECW DVD's WWE and others have released. Both ONS's, Rise and Fall (And the even better book), Hardcore Homecoming...

WWE. Best. Company. Ever.

Close thread :jason2:


Yes, I was born in Nov '93, and do vaguely remember ECW PPV's from my childhood. Photographic memory you see :harhar:

But I do own practically all the ECW DVD's WWE and others have released. Both ONS's, Rise and Fall (And the even better book), Hardcore Homecoming...

So basically, you're like me then.... You never never saw enough of it when it was actually happening to form an informed opinion on the product as a whole. --->