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Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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I saw a pretty good amount of ECW with me being born in 91..

ok well if now I'll say TNA but of all time my favorite and one I think the best even thought its dead is WCW..

Moonlight Drive

Well from what I've known and seen of ECW, it was all hardcore matches, I've never watched a non-Hardcore ECW match. It had decent storylines and the hardcore matches were off the chain, I suppose it's just not the sort of style I'm into. Nothing wrong with it, but I honestly don't think it could be called the best wrestling company. The effect it has had on wrestling though is huge, and it had great workers.

Blaze has not offered any valid reasons why Raw, SD and ECW are boring while TNA is not. And I don't think he ever will.

Nancy Di Loreto

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Feb 19, 2007
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Well from what I've known and seen of ECW, it was all hardcore matches, I've never watched a non-Hardcore ECW match. It had decent storylines and the hardcore matches were off the chain, I suppose it's just not the sort of style I'm into. Nothing wrong with it, but I honestly don't think it could be called the best wrestling company. The effect it has had on wrestling though is huge, and it had great workers.

Blaze has not offered any valid reasons why Raw, SD and ECW are boring while TNA is not. And I don't think he ever will.

Then don't make accusations that all did was practically this :giljotiini:

If it wasn't for ECW, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Misterio Jr., Psychosis and Chris Jericho would never had been considered as World Champions, or even looked at by WCW.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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I offerd my views but supposly I can't judge them if I don't watch them..

and I didn't say SD was boring ok..SD is the best of the 3 WWE Shows and I can't watch it now.

and what I've said about Raw since of the WWE shows only one I watch(would watch SD but can't) The Diva matches bore me...Jericho keeps talking about the same thing week after week after week*yawn*Batista(enough said),and the only thing on Raw I still like is Santino and Charlie Hass coming out as random wrestlers from WWE(past and present).

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps


I offerd my views but supposly I can't judge them if I don't watch them..

and I didn't say SD was boring ok..SD is the best of the 3 WWE Shows and I can't watch it now.

and what I've said about Raw since of the WWE shows only one I watch(would watch SD but can't) The Diva matches bore me...Jericho keeps talking about the same thing week after week after week*yawn*Batista(enough said),and the only thing on Raw I still like is Santino and Charlie Hass coming out as random wrestlers from WWE(past and present).

Of course you can't judge a show if you don't watch it. It means you know nothing about it. I don't say, "Z0MG, EYE DNT WACH BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD BUT IT SUX~!" It makes no sense. You cannot judge something without knowing it.

The diva matches bore you? Then why is TNA better than Raw? They feature their women more prominently than Raw does. Jericho cuts the same p[romo? It's called having a character. Shit, he isn't going to come out and say something completely different each week, otherwise his gimmick is wrecked (unless you're Charlie Haas >_>). Your arguments there is completely stupid.

So you make a yawn comment about Batista, yet there's not a single wrestler who you see on SmackDown! that you don't like? If there is, then your argument against Raw is once again flawed.


Truthfully, Blaze, if you make comments that you, as far as I can see, have just made up, then you will get bagged. Also, I rofled at you saying one show being good can't cut it, correct me if I am wrong but isn't TNA only one show?

Anyhoo, ECW > All IMO. ECW has top quality matches and promos are quick a nice. I LOVE it.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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Truthfully, Blaze, if you make comments that you, as far as I can see, have just made up, then you will get bagged. Also, I rofled at you saying one show being good can't cut it, correct me if I am wrong but isn't TNA only one show?

Anyhoo, ECW > All IMO. ECW has top quality matches and promos are quick a nice. I LOVE it.

ok if you got three shows and only one is good thats not cutting it

if you got one show and its your good thats cutting it.

and no one better bring up ratings to me because as I said I hate ratings ok..

I don't base whats good and whats not on ratings..

If them dumb WWE Marks would watch TNA they would see its good.

and also no one give me that crap where they don't know what it is because any loyal WWE Mark knows what TNA is back from there days on Spike TV about to be moving to the USA Network from where TNA was moving to Spike...

During Raw you seen TNA coming to Spike TV Ads..

There fans out there who think of no if I watch TNA then WWE might die..

but w/e so yeah I don't want ratings or none of that bullcrap...

I still stand with TNA is my favorite of the two current promotions.

Moonlight Drive

ok if you got three shows and only one is good thats not cutting it

if you got one show and its your good thats cutting it.
How the fuck does that make any sense? WWE usually puts on 3 decent to average shows every week, while TNA hardly even puts on a good show every month.

and no one better bring up ratings to me because as I said I hate ratings ok..

I don't base whats good and whats not on ratings..

If them dumb WWE Marks would watch TNA they would see its good.
Why do you hate ratings? Because the point out that TNA hasn't had an increase of more than .1 in god knows how long?

I am one of the 'dumb WWE marks' I assume, since I watch all WWE programming, and I also watch TNA. And it is not that good, often there is 5 minutes of wrestling in one hour, with tonnes of run-ins, stupid gimmicks and matches with no reason.

and also no one give me that crap where they don't know what it is because any loyal WWE Mark knows what TNA is back from there days on Spike TV about to be moving to the USA Network from where TNA was moving to Spike...

During Raw you seen TNA coming to Spike TV Ads..
Since every WWE fan is American and was watching in 2005. :rolleyes:

There fans out there who think of no if I watch TNA then WWE might die..

but w/e so yeah I don't want ratings or none of that bullcrap...

I still stand with TNA is my favorite of the two current promotions.
What the fuck. I have never, and I mean NEVER, heard anybody use the WWE dieing as an excuse not to watch TNA. And what a stupid excuse, TNA could never kill WWE :roflmao:


Its pretty obvious at this point. TNA Wrestling: CROSS THE LINE

Why? The shows are fast paced and fun to watch, the storylines and feuds are awesome, and the product gets you hooked almost immediately. The wrestling is great, and the PPVs deliver. It has it's problems, but overall TNA > all atm

Headfirst For Hardcore

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Feb 8, 2007
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Honestly, I really don't think there is no "best" wrestling company currently. It seems like all wrestling promotions have been lackluster, even from Japan and Mexico. I don't think I'm the only one who thinks this either, just look at the ratings. Wrestling just isn't exciting right now.

the WWE is OK now, but there's so much that can be done to improve it. 2/3 shows are ridiculously boring, and you can take your pick to what I'm talking about. There really isn't anything exciting or awe-inspiring happening now, they're just decent. things could be improving on Raw with Cena & Orton coming back, but the lower card on all 3 shows just seems boring.

TNA is TNA. things are starting to improve, but they're a long way away from being "good." it's watchable, but things still can be improved. there aren't any stars rising anymore, and the veterans are just in a waiting period. I'll admit that TNA does have some good ideas sometimes, but there's more bad than good most of the time.

I normally would say ROH, but things have gotten so boring and unexciting, it's kind of disappointing. the match quality is still the same as before, but it's just like people don't seem to care anymore. that shows how much a storyline/feud means for ROH now, even though they're known for their wrestling.


Its pretty obvious at this point. TNA Wrestling: CROSS THE LINE

Why? The shows are fast paced and fun to watch, the storylines and feuds are awesome, and the product gets you hooked almost immediately.

If that was TRULY the case, don't you think thy'd be kicking ass in the ratings?

Additctive? I watch TNA a lot, TRYING to get into it, and it fails me every time.

I watched the special where Foley was announced as part owner and I couldn't believe how 'more WWE than WWE' it was... There was prob about 20mins wrestling in the whole damn show.

As already noted, this thread isn't really much of a place for opinion; it's just an exercise in objectivity. The above shows NONE.


Ok lets go.

Currently, and this is my opinion totally, TNA is the best company going around MAINSTREAM. Why?

Well, for one, I can actually watch their shows. They put on some decent matches and can be fairly entertaining. They obviously overkill with the gimmick matches and the comedic parts, but WWE never gets hate for their comedy, do they?

When TNA can get something right, it usually ends up being pretty damn good. Example of this is the Main Event Mafia. Although it's copied from like WCW 00, it's still a great idea having the experienced guys like Sting/Angle/Nash/Steiner/Booker T going at it against much younger guys like Creed/Young/MCMG/Joe/Styles + Others I can't remember. Although guys like Joe & AJ don't really need this, guys like Creed and that can hugely benefit being involved in a story line being involved with around 7 of the biggest names in the company.

Ok, now lets move on to WWE.

Right now, I cannot watch anything in WWE besides a little bit of ECW. It is unbelievably stale, boring and predictable. They are refusing to take any risks whatsoever. Example here is Jeff Hardy. Of course he's fucked up a fair few times, BUT, he gets some awesome reactions. It's a risk, of course, but imagine if it had paid off. The crowd would love it, alot of guys on the internet would be happy and we would have no more boring, shitty face Triple H as the champ.

Now with RAW. It's exactly the same. Boring, stale and predictable. Worst thing about RAW, is the way that they are supposed the be the "A" brand, yet are putting show after show of total CRAP. I mean, it was a horrible decision to give Batista the title anyways, but AT LEAST give him a decent reign as champ. He held it for what, a month? It shows a lack of confidence in both Jericho and Batista if they have them trading the title like that.

Now, the only half bearable show. ECW. This show is currently the pick of the lot. It's easily the most entertaining of the three shows, with new, exciting superstars debuting all the time (besides Ricky Ortiz >_>). It has shown that guys don't need to be established names to get over and become the face of the brand. Examples are CM Punk & Evan Bourne. Punk was quickly the biggest guy on ECW after he's debut, and it has obviously paid off. ECW Champ, WHC and current Tag champ. Not bad for 2 years. But WWE made a great decision in calling up Evan Bourne to the brand. He is the single reason I watch ECW every week. This guy is exciting to the max, and while it might now me Matt Sydal ROH matches, WWE allowing him to do the SSP shows a real confidence in the man.

So to sum up, TNA is currently the best brand going around right now because of the Main Event Mafia. WWE's stale ass booking and unwillingness to take a punt also bumps up TNA.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Kiz, Bourne is out inured. So there goes ECW for you.

And Batista held the title for .... 8 DAYS~!


Oh that's right, he won it at Cyber Sunday.

I never watched it. Mostly due to Batista being in a title match. That threw any prospect of me watching it completely out the window.

You could also have a bit more input for the best post I have ever made.