World Wrestling Entertainment: The Second Coming

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The Rated R CMStar

BM: Uhmm, your matches were kind weird. Like I have said before, I like either full matches, or complete recaps, but I am not too fond with the in-between style. Anyways, all the winner decisions were good.

WM: The Same.

BP: I liked the opening one with The Rock, Taker and James Mitchell. Not too fond with Taker talking as he is still in his Deadman gimmick, but you save it by the "I don't talk much" line. I also like the sense of separation between Taker and James Mitchell. Rock used some words I didn't picture him using.

WM: Your promos are real highlights, so none.

AC: It was a good show, I am new to your shows, so forgive me if I got wrong with the whole Taker gimmick thing. It was a good show, and I'll be reviewing from now on. Great work.

Moonlight Drive

World wrestling Entertainment: The Second Coming

Monday Night Raw Preview
February 5, 2009

Last week, Rob Van Dam defeated the Rated R Superstar to get a shot at shawn Michaels WWE Championship. But Shane has decided this very special match deserves a very special referee. None other than Edge. Shawn and Rob have both have problems with Edge lately, will he call it down the middle? Or will he favour one man? Find out tonight!

Speaking of championships, Bret Hart. Tonight we will find out which title Bret Hart will challenge for, stick on Raw for the WWE Championship or head to Smackdown! This chucks up a HUGE list of Wrestlemania Main events, Hart VS RVD, Hart VS HBK, Hart VS Angle VS Joe, Hart VS Angle VS Jericho, Hart VS Angle VS Hardy or Hart VS Angle VS Kennedy. What title will he choose?

After last weeks first qualifyer, both Kofi Kingston and AJ Styles have been added to the MITB match at Wrestlemania. Tonight, the third competitor will be named, either Jay Lethal, or the Intercontinental Champion, Matt Sydal.

Brock Lesnar has made it clear he wants Randy Orton. But Orton has once again declined a match with the Next big Thing, but has offered something else. Tonight, Brock Lesnar will take on Shelton Benjamin. Can he overcome the odds and get to Randy, or are the numbers too much?

Known Card

WWE Championship
Special Referee: Edge
Shawn Michaels (c) VS Rob Van Dam

Bret choose his title shot

Brock Lesnar VS Shelton Benjamin w/Revolution

MITB Qualifying Match #2
Intercontinental Champion, Matt Sydal VS Jay Lethal

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

The Rock/Undertaker/James Mitchell promo: You are great at writing with The Rock, as you showed here. Wasn't a big fan of Taker talking, although at least he said he doesn't usually talk, and he just takes souls. Mitchell was good, and I am loving the growing conflict between him and Taker. Nice match announcement.

Jericho vs Mesias: Well I think you should go with a total recap, as this style just makes it seem like a tiny match. Anyway, I would have liked to see Mesias go further in, but at least it was Y2J he lost to.

Kurt Angle/Rey Mysterio/James Mitchell promo: Angle was awesome here, you are obviously great at using him too. Rey was good for his character, although I have never liked him on the stick. Mitchell was good, and two nice match announcements here, not only setting up tonight, but also next week.

Jeff Hardy vs Booker T: Result was right, as I don't like Booker as much without his King Booker gimmick. Read the first match about commetns on the match.

Samoa Joe vs Christian: Joe going through is good, but Christian deserves so much more imo. I guess you aren't a fan.

Samoe Joe promo: Too short IMO, but at least it was in character pretty well. Progresses the feud.

Kurt Angle/Rey Mysterio vs Umaga/Afa: Well the match wasn't great, but the booking was good. It makes Umaga look decent, and also adds fuel to the fire of Angle/Rey.

Mitchell/Undertaker promo: Not a big fan of Taker talking, but this was good, as it progresses the feud. I guess Miotchell has Taker's urn, or something like that.

Abyss vs Kennedy: Abyss is another guy who I would like to see more from. I rate him better than Kennedy, but again we obviously have different thoughts here.

The Rock promo: Awesome and in character. Nuff said.

The Rock vs Kane: Gayyyyy. lol. It builds the feud though.

AC: Sorry for the late review, I got sidetracked yesterday. Anyway, I think you need to find your balance as a booker with your match writing. Full on recaps imo, because as I said, you are just making it seem like really short matches. The only proper recap was Vader and Morrison, and that was a squash.


WWE Championship
Special Referee: Edge
Shawn Michaels (c) VS Rob Van Dam

Edge screws RVD, instand feud.

Bret choose his title shot

After last week's promo, it has to be Shawn.

Brock Lesnar VS Shelton Benjamin w/Revolution

Either via domination or DQ.

MITB Qualifying Match #2
Intercontinental Champion, Matt Sydal VS Jay Lethal

The match suits Sydal more, and he seems to be getting a bigger push.


Apr 26, 2007
Reaction score
RAW is turning out to look good, can't wait for it. Here are my predictions.

WWE Championship
Special Referee: Edge
Shawn Michaels (c) VS Rob Van Dam
I think the match will end up in a draw after Edge ends up attacking both Michaels and RVD.

Bret choose his title shot
I'm thinking he will choose to stay on RAW and challenge for the WWE title to face Shawn Michaels.

Brock Lesnar VS Shelton Benjamin w/Revolution
It should make for a great match, but I think in the end Lesnar will come out on top, despite interference from Orton.

MITB Qualifying Match #2
Intercontinental Champion, Matt Sydal VS Jay Lethal

I'll be reviewing

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
Reaction score
La Florida
WCW Rules' Review of HBK's Smackdown!

Yo, if ya ever need any banners for your thread, I'm here, buddy. Go easy on me, though. :p

The Rock was okay in this promo; you captured his character well, but as entertaining as he is, reading his catchphrases over, and over, and over again, can be a bore. The material you gave him was still pleasing overall, but I've been reading BTBs for 2 years, and nothing The Rock says will ever surprise me, unfortunately. I have to hear him in order to be thoroughly entertained. The Undertaker, though, was very... iffy. His character bounced from Bad Ass to Lord of Darkness all in a brief span of time. Not good, IMO. It'd be wonderful if you can go darker into his persona, more satanic and evil, since he is The Lord of Darkness, I presume. I did like the fact he had some mic time; then again, adequate execution was nill, unfortunately. Meh, no fan of Mitchell. Kane vs Rocky? Interesting match, to be sure. Rocky's final paragraph was priceless, though. He speaks the truth, TBH.

I like your matches being in recap, but I've seen the criticism leveled against this style of recap you're using, and I think the naysayers may have a point, albeit a minor one. If you're going to be writing in this manner, do so as follows, like I did before:

One or more paragraphs detailing the beginning of the match, then, inform us of the ending's approach; use either, Finish: or Finale: and just go through the ending of the match like you would. Here's a more clearer interpretation, if you're having trouble understanding;

Beginning action; use a paragraph or two, depending on your preference, to give the readers some idea of what's going one. Remember, this is the beginning of the match.

Finish: Here's where you detail the finish; remember to include a transitionary sentence curtailing the duration of the match from the beginning to this point, and go through the end like you would.

Should help you, IMO. Sucks Ricky Banderas (Judas Mesias, ugh, hate the name; El Mesias is much better) had to lose. I like Jericho though, so there's a balance. Since this is recap, there's really no need for me to go into detail of your match writing, but you should consider a few points; like I've mentioned to others, use more transition and antecedents, they help immensely. Go here, Transition Words Database and it takes you to categories of the types of words used; I implore you and anyone I've reviewed, USE THIS SITE! It'll be one hell of a friend. It might seem a little overwhelming at first, because of the sheer volume, but you'll get used to it, as will others who tread the deluge of pages.

Okay promo here, though I believe Angle was cut off far too early for my liking. No. I Contender's match should be good. Afa and Umaga vs Angle and Mysterio? Also sounds good.

BOO! Jeff Hardy defeating The Book Man? I call a foul! Oh well, looks like the druggie is continuing on, unfortunately. I don't think I need to reiterate the same points, so from here on, I'll just give my opinion of the occurences as opposed to grammatical structure and whatnot.

I didn't think Christian would win, and lo and behold, I was correct in my prediction. I loved the aftermath, though, as Samoa Joe OWNS! I like this Joe, as this character kicks ass, and he can KILL YOU! Nice to know he's a Heel as well.

LMAO! Vader squashes Morrison, and for good reason. Why? Well, Vader OWNS, of course! I never saw the big deal in the 'Shaman of Sexy,' so it was nice to see his hopes and dreams dashed by one of the greatest big men to ever grace a ring. Peeps should know, messing with Vader is a liability in itself. The man can wrestle, and I hope you utilize him well, as he can be go in the ring. The recap felt disjointed, however, in comparison to the others. This match seemed like a recap, while the others did not. You have to find your preference, and stick to it. Do not change it up as you go, as you'll lose some of your audience along the way.

Damn, three matches in a row? Well, Smackdown! is more wrestling, I guess. A rather well written match, and an entertaining one at that, I must say. I saw a bit of heelish tendencies in Mysterio though; are they intentional or no? TBH, a Heel Mysterio would OWN. I apologize for saying "OWN" once more, it's an addiction. Of all your matches, this'd probably be MOTN, and I can say that for certain. I knew there'd be some dissension between Mysterio and Angle, allowing The Samoans to pick up the win.

Though I'm no fan of Mitchell, I'm loving this power trip he seems to be on, especially when it concerns the Deadman. I do think you're making Undertaker a bit weak, though, in regards to him being The Lord of Darkness. I realize he's just a pawn in Mitchell's game of chess, but really, the Phenom would be more intimidating and darker than you're portraying him. Just something to consider, my friend.

Ugh, Kennedy. He bores me to an infinite river of tears. He's an overrated guy, one whom amasses so much undeserved praise. Pardon my bias, I digress. I'm no fan of Abyss either, so this match had no appeal to me. Not that it was bad, mind you, but sometimes, I have to take a liking to a particular wrestler for me to become interested in a match. Kennedy taking the victory was really no surprise, seeing as how he's overpushed in WWE and other feds involving him; hell, even I was going to have him as World Champ, if only because I was forced to by a bond I couldn't break and plans that needed to be seen through.

This promo made me LOL. You managed to make The Rock funny, so kudos to you, because it's rather hard to do so when you've seen it all. For the record, Ricky Banderas, or Judas Mesias, is Puerto Rican, not Mexican. I should know; I watch AAA. Minor mistake there, but nothing significant. Great promo, though. It thoroughly entertained me, and that's the point.

Hehe, Foley. Disqualification ends the match rather quickly, which was kinda expected. In typical fashion, The Rock is bloodied, battered, and nearly destroyed, which showcases The Ministry's clout. This is something similiar to what I had going on. Kinda generic ending though, but it was needed.

Overall, your promos were adequate, but some could use more zing and character, like your Undertaker promos. The Rock's promos were cool and in character, though, so kudos. I gave you some pointers on how to structure your recapped matches though so people won't give you such a hard time. All in all, a fine show, nothing of mediocre quality, though nothing too outstanding. The MOTN was the Tag Team Match and Promo of the Night was The Rock's ending one. Vader and Samoa Joe OWN, as you know; good stuff with 'em, IMO. My personal biased low points are; Kennedy and Jeff winning, Booker jobbing to a druggie, and Undertaker on the schtick.

Moonlight Drive

Monday Night Raw
February 5, 2009




JR: Welcome once again to the flagship program of the WWE, Monday Night Raw! Tonight’s show is almost bursting at the seams, the tension in this arena is ready to blow the roof! King, what have we got planned for tonight?

King: We have a WWE Championship defence, with Edge as the Special Referee. Bret Hart is here tonight and says he’ll decided who he wants to face at Wrestlemania, there’s the first MITB Qualifying match and a whole lot more!

Bret Hart comes down to the ring to a very awful ovation, the crowd booing him and throwing their drinks at him

Hart: See, that’s what I am talking about! The greatest WWE superstar, EVER, the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be, and I get beer thrown at me?


Hart: Whatever, I’m not here for you, I’m here about one thing: the Wrestlemania Main Event. Something I haven’t been a part of since Wrestlemania 12, and you know who the man I faced that night was? Shawn Michaels! That stupid idiot has been a cancer on my career since day one, and thank god the doctors have finally found a cure. That cure is Wrestlemania 25, when Bret Hart will regain the WWE Championship from Shawn Michaels!

RVD’s music hits as he comes to the ring

RVD: Whoa man, you need to slow down. You want Shawn Michaels, but you seem to be forgetting something. HBK might not be the champion come Wrestlemania. You know, he might not win tonight, so you’re gonna be facing Rob…Van…Dam!

Hart: Dear lord look what this business has become! We’ve got a stone facing off with a homo for our companies main championship! Maybe after tonight you and Shawn can go backstage and do a little ‘high flying’, as long as you don’t incorporate some driving into it!

Big ‘OHH’ from the crowd as RVD is visibly agitated. ‘Sexy Boy’ is heard as Shawn Michaels also makes his way down to the ring

Hart: Oh look who it is! Shawn Michaels, the Showstopper, The Main Ev-

HBK: Bret why don’t you just shut your damn mouth!

Massive pop

HBK: Bret, you just signed your own death warrant. With all due respect to you and your abilities, Bret, you are not going to be walking out of Wrestlemania on your own two feet when I’m done with you! You’ll be drinking soup through a straw while doctors go up your ass looking for the teeth I kicked down your throat on the biggest stage of ‘em all!

Metalingus plays suddenly as Edge comes and joins the other men standing in the ring, wearing a referee shirt.

Edge: Fellas, fellas, what’s going on? Bret, Shawn, you’re both washed up. RVD, you’re a stoner. I’m the only man in this ring who should be in here, and I have the control to decided who will be the WWE Champion, my title! The Rated R Superstar is-

Hart: Is probably the most disrespectful little brat I’ve ever seen!

Edge: Old man, don’t break a hip. Shawn may say he’s gonna kick your teeth down your throat, but if you don’t watch your mouth the Rated R Superstar is gonna shove your dentures straight up your ass!

HBK, RVD and Hart all look at each other, before looking at Edge. They tackle him to the mat and begin to attack him. Edge rolls out of the ring as HBK levels Bret with the Sweet Chin Music! Shawn stands over Bret when suddenly Van Dam hits him in the back of the head with the championship belt. Rob climbs up top before soaring down for the Five Star Frog Splash! Van Dam gets to his feet when suddenly he is hit with a huge spear from Edge!

JR: It’s straight-up pandemonium here on Raw!

King: This chaos is over, but there will surely be more to come after the break when Brock Lesnar takes on another Revolution member, Shelton Benjamin!

--|Commercial Break|--

Brock Lesnar VS Shelton Benjamin w/Revolution

JR: Brock has made it clear he wants to face Randy Orton after what happened at the Royal Rumble, but he’s going to have to battle another one of Randy’s Revolution cronies, Shelton Benjamin

The match starts with Carlito distracting Brock on the apron before Shelton comes up behind Lesnar and begins to assault his upper back with some clubbing blows. Brock though manages to knock Benjamin across the ring with a shoulder to the gut. Shelton runs at Brock who is leaning on the ropes, but gets back dropped up onto Carlito and Randy Orton to a huge pop.

Brock follows him outside the ring when he sees MVP coming up behind him, before he grabs Porter and powerslams him on the floor! Lesnar turns around and the distraction of MVP appears to have given Shelton enough time to recover as he gets irish whipped into the turnbuckle by Benjamin. The referee is at about 8 when Shelton rolls Brock back into the ring and follows him, before signalling it’s time for the Pay Dirt.

Shelton leaps up for the Pay Dirt-but Brock catches him and drops him down with a backbreaker across his knee! Lesnar picks up Shelton and slams him with a power bomb, followed up by another power bomb, dead lifting Shelton back up and finally delivering a THIRD power bomb! The crowd go berserk as Brock picks Benjamin up for the F5. Shelton though gets off and puts Lesnar in position for a T-Bone Suplex, but Lesnar counters and gets Shelton back on his shoulders!! F5! One, Two, Three!

Brock Lesnar wins by pinfall

Orton suddenly charges into the ring and drops Brock with an RKO! Carlito and MVP bring chairs into the ring, one for each Revolution member. They begin to repeatedly slam the steel into the body of Lesnar, who is laying out cold on the mat.

Orton grabs a mic

Orton: Brock, don’t you get it! You cannot win! Week after week, you get your ass beat up by Revolution. I am the Legend Killer, cross me one more time and your Legend will be killed once and for all!

King: What a sick display by Revolution

--|Commercial Break|--

World Tag Team Champions, Motor City Machine Guns VS The Dudley Boyz

Match-up starts with Sabin and Bubba locking up. Bubba takes Chris down to the mat with a headlock before Sabin fights his way back up and breaks the hold. Chris launches some punches to the head of Bubba Ray before bouncing off the ropes, only to get nailed with a hard clothesline from Bubba Ray.

Bubba tags in D-Von, before setting up Sabin for the Wassup Headbutt. D-Von comes flying down, but Chris uses his legs to flip Bubba over his head and D-Von crashes straight on top of him! Sabin crawls over to his corner and manages to make a tag to Shelley! Shelley gets the hot tag and begins to take down Bubba and D-Von. He gives Bubba a huge heel kick which takes him out through the ropes. Shelley tags in Sabin before putting D-Von on his shoulders. Sabin then flies off and hit’s a cross body to D-Von as Shelley falls backwards with the electric chair drop! One, Two, Three!

World Tag Team Champions, Motor City Machine Guns win by pinfall

JR: And that’s a move those two men like to call the Motor City Meltdown!

Shelley and Sabin celebrate on the turnbuckles when suddenly, the lights go out. After a few seconds, the light once back on and Sabin and Shelley are lying in the middle of the ring, bloodied. A man stands in the middle of the ring holding a steel chair. He’s wearing a pair of black jeans and a tank top, with long black hair similar to the old Kane, but sorter. He has strange black markings under his eyes and on his cheeks. The man suddenly turns his head sideways to the Dudleys laying on the outside of the ring. He begins to assault them with the chair, then delivers an Even Flow DDT to Bubba on the floor. The man rolls back in the ring and sits in the bottom turnbuckle, rocking back and forth nervously

King: What-or Who was that!

JR: I’m not sure King, but that was one of the most bizarre things I’ve seen over all my time here on Raw!

The man slowly begins to leave the ring, looking at the carnage he has caused with a twisted smile

--|Commercial Break|--

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match #2
Intercontinental Champion, Matt Sydal VS Jay Lethal

What has become a Wrestlemania Tradition will take to the ring for it’s 5th anniversary at Wrestlemania 25, the Money in the Bank Ladder match! It’s sure to be a blockbuster, after Shane McMahon announced that he thinks both Kofi Kingston and AJ Styles are in the match!

King: Not to mention, everybody who has cashed in that briefcase has won the title! CM Punk, Edge, Rob Van Dam all used the Money in the Bank to propel themselves through the glass ceiling, and that opportunity awaits at Wrestlemania for Matt or Jay!

Lethal and Sydal lock up and do the usual opening spot until Sydal nails Jay with a heel kick. Sydal goes for a standing moonsault but is hit in the gut with Lethal’s knees. Jay attacks Matt with a series of dropkicks, followed by a standing knee drop for a quick 2 count. Lethal lifts Matt up for the Lethal Combination, but after some elbows to the head Sydal break free.

The Intercontinental Champion then begins to get on a roll with some elbows and kicks. Sydal then hit’s a feint ensuing head scissors and a standing moonsault. Sydal goes up top-Shooting Sydal Press! One, Two, Three!

Intercontinental Champion, Matt Sydal wins by pinfall
Qualifying for MITB Ladder match: Intercontinental Champion, Matt Sydal


We go backstage and see CM Punk standing by with Maria

Maria: CM Punk, af-

Punk snatches the mic

Punk: Maria, I don’t have time for you to talk, no offense. I’ve got to get straight to the point, and that is Samoa Joe!

Punk: Joe, what you did to me last week and at the Rumble was a straight up coward act. My whole career, no my whole LIFE, people have said I was too small, I wasn’t big enough, I should just give up. But you know what? I stood up to those idiots like you and proved them all wrong! I’m still not cleared to compete, and hell, I’m not even meant to be here tonight. But I proved them wrong and showed I could be here tonight. I’m still no cleared to compete, but Joe, I’d be watching you back on Smackdown from now on. Because Punk is gonna kill you!

--|Commercial Break|--

Paul Burchill w/William Regal VS AJ Styles

Regal nails Styles in the back of the head before the bell rings giving Paul Burchill the early advantage. Burchill digs his knee into the shoulder joint of Styles, before puling it back. AJ though manages to get forward and grab onto the ropes, forcing Burchill to release the hold. Paul holds onto the 4 though and begins to argue with the referee. AJ is laying on the bottom rope as Regal runs through and gives him a running boot to the side of the head.

Burchill covers but it only garners a 2 count. Paul signals it’s time for the Twisted Sister as Styles gets up. Burchill runs towards him but AJ leaps up and hit’s a big Pele kick! Styles now waits for Paul to get up and runs at him, before clotheslining Burchill over the top rope onto Regal! AJ waits for The Empire to get up-before bouncing off the top rope and hitting both with a Shooting Styles Press! AJ now grabs Paul and throws him in the ring, before hitting the Style Clash! One, Two, Three!

AJ Styles wins by pinfall

JR: A strong showing by another Money in the Bank competitor, could Styles be the man to grab that briefcase?

--|Commercial Break|--

We are backstage as we see AJ Styles sitting in his locker room. Kofi Kingston walks into the room

Styles: What do you want?

Kofi: I’m here to congratulate you on your win man, you did good, but not great. And maybe give you some pointers

Styles: Not great? What would your ‘pointers’ include man, slapping my hands like a big baboon?

Kofi: Hey man, lay off the thunder clap. Just watch my match next week with the Big Show, then maybe you can be great. But still man, it was a good match

Kofi leaves as Styles sits angrily, muttering under his breath


Main Event
WWE Championship
Special Referee: Edge
Shawn Michaels (c) VS Rob Van Dam

JR: This is a HUGE Raw match-up here folks. This will determine the Wrestlemania Main Event! Who will the Hitman face, Shawn Michaels or Rob Van Dam?

King: It’s too close to call JR, but I’m sure that our ‘impartial’ guest referee will have something to do with it

Edge rings the bell and the match-up starts. RVD and Shawn lock up before Van Dam pushes HBK back into the ropes. Edge promptly runs over and pushes RVD across the ring. Van Dam gets up angrily and begins to argue with Edge, who says that Shawn got the rope. HBK runs through and hits RVD with a big clothesline while he argues with Edge. Shawn puts Van Dam in a one-legged Boston crab, but Rob manages to grip the bottom rope. Edge grabs HBK by the hair and drops him face first onto the mat.

Michaels now begins to argue with Edge, which gives RVD the chance to hit Shawn with a spinning heel kick. Van Dam bounces off the ropes for Rolling Thunder, but HBK lifts up his knees and they dig into the back of Van Dam. Shawn covers, but Edge counts extremely slowly, and Michaels only gets a one count. Shawn gets up angrily and yells at Edge who just smiles and sarcastically repeats ‘One’

Van Dam is up and cross bodies Michaels through the ropes. Edge doesn’t begin the countout yet though, as he perches himself up on the top turnbuckle and watches the carnage outside. Van Dam walks up onto the apron-then springboards from the second rope and catches Shawn with a moonsault! Edge begins to clap sarcastically before he begins a very fast countout. Rob manages to throw Shawn back in and roll himself back in just before Edge got to ten.

RVD now climbs up onto the top rope and flies off for a Frog Splash-but the champion moves out of the way! Shawn gets up and gets ready for it, tuning up the band for Sweet Chin Music! Shawn begins to step forward, but RVD dodges and sweeps Michaels leg out from under him. Van Dam waits for HBK to get up-but misses the kick and hits Edge straight in the jaw!! RVD is stunned and as he turns around gets hit with the Sweet Chin Music! One, Two, Three!

Shawn Michaels wins by pinfall
STILL WWE Champion: Shawn Michaels

JR: So there it is! A re-match that has been building up for more than a decade, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, the two greatest performers of all time, Wrestlemania 25!!

Shawn holds his championship up high as we walks down the ramp, leaving RVD in the ring. Edge is up though and he looks furious. He squats in the corner-and hit’s the Spear! But Edge isn’t done as he grabs two steel chairs. Edge puts them in the ring and hits Rob Van Dam with the Con-Chair-To! Edge stands over Van Dam before leaning down close to him and with that sadistic look in his eye mutters angrily to the unconscious RVD



March 25, 2009
LIVE from Sydney, Australia

Main Event
WWE Championship
Shawn Michaels (c) VS Bret Hart

Money in the Bank Ladder match
AJ Styles VS Kofi Kingston VS Intercontinental Champion, Matt Sydal VS ??? VS ??? VS ??? VS ??? VS ???

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Opening promo: I would have liked to see you have more Hart by himself at the start. Your promos are strong, but since this opened the show, I felt it could have been longer. RVD was good, as was Michaels. Edge sounded like he always does. Nice little sequence of moves.

Brock Lesnar vs Shelton Benjamin: I didn't like the finish. I don't see Benjamin getting out of the F-5 position after Lesnar has absolutely brutalised him with three straight powerbombs, and not given him any time to recover. Lesnar would have looked much more commanding with just the F-5, no counters. Anyway, the match itself was OK, you described everything well enough to me, although it wasn't anything spectacular. Based on my last review, you already know my feelings on how you are writing these matches, so I'm not going to repeat myself too often. At least I'll try not to. The after match assult was pretty predictable, considering the result, but alright none the less.

Randy Orton promo: I would have rathered him saying a few more lines maybe. But you put good emphasis on the aim of the promo being Orton killing his legend.

Motor City Machine Guns vs Dudley Boyz: I know that you are doing shorter match writing, but it would have been nice for either team to use a few more of their team moves, as it makes them seem like more of a .... well team. It's nice to see the champs go over, but I would like to see them get involvd in some kind of rivalry. Hopefully they will soon.

Random Assault: The return of Raven it seems with the DDT, and his rocking in the corner. Although I'm not sure why you didn't say the return of Raven, as he has been in WWE before. Maybe you are trying to set him up as a new character? Not sure.

Matt Sydal vs Jay Lethal: I feel Sydal was the right choice here, as I find him much more exciting in the ring, and he has credibility, being the Intercontinental Champion. I feel this finish could have benefited from maybe some reversals though, as Lethal shouldn't be too much weaker than Sydal, considering they are both mid carders.

CM Punk promo: It was a bit short, although I don't think that mattered really, as you got your point across well. The feud with Joe is good, as the two have pulled off many quality matches in the past, and I know you could have them pull off one more.

AJ Styles vs Paul Burchill: This match wasn't great, as the finish was pretty weird, and would never happen. Definitely go into a recap style, as this match highlights the problems with your current style. AJ used a Pele, a Shooting Star Press, a Braden Walker special, and the Styles Clash. That really isn't enough for a win, nor is it enough for a match as a whole.

AJ Styles/Kofi Kingston promo: This promo sounded the wrong way around. Kofi sounded like a cocky heel, while AJ sounded like a youngster. I know you were trying to be creative here, but it didn't come off so well, to me at least.

Shawn Michaels vs RVD: The match seemed rushed. Michaels missed his trademark offensive flurry. He has it in every match, so it seemed extremely weird without it. Once again, I think this shows that this style of writing hinders you. Sorry to sound like a broken record. The aftermatch was alrighty, and it builds possibilities for a feud, or even maybe a mini feud. We shall see what you are able to come up with.

AC: Well, I think the show was just alright. The promos weren't up to your usual standard, and one thing I really picked up on was the layout of the show. Try to transition things more with your commentators. Also, little things like wrestlers entrances are nice. It just adds to the presentation of the show. To me, it seemed you were a little afraid of overusing Maria, although anything will be better than just once or no times at all. Anyway, alright show, but you have things to work on.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BM: Has to be the main event. I liked this match a lot.
WM: Brock vs. Benjamin- it seemed like a squash, but it seemed really odd for Benjamin to try to pull off his finisher after recieving three powerbombs.
BP: The opener- This sets up for a lot of different ways to book this feud. Introducing Edge and RVD into it is a very interesting choice to me and I can't wait to see it play out.
WP: Kofi/AJ promo- Kofi came off as a heel. I actually like the idea of a Kofi heel turn, but it would have to be done just right for it to work.
AC: SD was a much better show than Raw this week. The matches and the promos were better. I'm not saying that this was bad, I'm just saying that you've done better.
Plug: Check out POI Episode 26 this sunday.

Moonlight Drive

Friday Night Smackdown Preview
February 9, 2009

As previously annoucned last week, tonights Main Event shall feature Rey Mysterio taking on the Undertaker. The winner will get themselves a World Heavyweight Championship match at No Way Out. Mysterio and the Deadman have had run-ins in the recent past, both competing for the title at the Royal Rumble. Can Rey once again overcome the odds, or will the Ministry's stranglehold on Smackdown be too much?

More major matches on this weeks Smackdown, the Road to Wrestlemania Tournament shall continue. The final matches, the two Semi-Finals, shall commence, with Samoa Joe taking on Mr. Kennedy and Jeff Hardy going one-on-one with Chris Jericho

There is also some tag team action, with the Canadian Bulldogs taking on the LAX. Neither have endeared themselves to American fans, but with the Motor City Machine Guns currently with no title challengers scheduled, the winner may put themselves at the front of the line.

Known Card

Winner faces Kurt Angle at No Way Out
Rey Mysterio VS Undertaker

Road to Wrestlemania Tournament
Samoa Joe VS Mr. Kennedy

Road to Wrestlemania Tournament
Chris Jericho VS Jeff Hardy

LAX VS Canadian Bulldogs

WWE Hotwire
News & Rumours

Quote the Raven Nevermore
The man who mysteriously appeared on last weeks Raw was indeed the man known as 'Raven'. The announces didn't immeadiately recognise Raven as of his changed hair style and face markings

WWE Worldwide
The WWE is planning on going more international with their programming. Kicking it off will be a month long tour of Down Under, including the Wrestlemania & Backlash PPVs, in Australia & NZ respectively. A tour of England and a tour of Japan are said to occur later this year​

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Winner faces Kurt Angle at No Way Out
Rey Mysterio VS Undertaker

The Rock interferes, handing Rey Rey a win.

Road to Wrestlemania Tournament
Samoa Joe VS Mr. Kennedy

Punk said he would be on SD. He will cost Joe this thing.

Road to Wrestlemania Tournament
Chris Jericho VS Jeff Hardy

Could go either way, but I see you going down the way of Jericho.

LAX VS Canadian Bulldogs

Purely a guess here. I'm thinking you will put LAX over the Canucks.


BM: Main Event easily grabs it. The excitement of this match was amzing.

WM: Brock and Shelton. Should not really be a squash and the match in all wasa not that great.

BP: Your promos are alot better than your matches and today they jus weren't as good as they usually are. Although they were still better than your matches. Anyhoo, your besst promo was the opener. Set up some interesting feuds.

WP: Easily Kofi and AJ. The charaters were completely moxed up. You can do better than this.

AC: Although this review seemed a bit harsh, it was a pretty good show. It is just it was not as good as it usually is. Check out my new BTB and review my next show which should be posted later today, thanks.

Moonlight Drive

An Update on The Second Coming

Well, I am going to fast forward to Wrestlemania 25. Afterwards, I'm going to leave Smackdown out in limbo and just write Raw. Their is going to be a roster merge or draft after Mania.

Wrestlemania Preview will be up after Preview Match Pics are made, and I promise this will be an awesome show. Make sure to check it out :)


Oh, lol, ok. But can you post the results of No Way Out then, just so we know what is going on. Looking forward to Wrestlemania.


May 26, 2008
Reaction score
Rating: 7/10

BM: Main Event
WM: MCMG vs 3D
BP: Opener with Hart, Van Dam, and HBK
WP: The Punk promo personally
AC: Good show overall. Work a little more on match detail
Plug: WNG. Check it out and leave so comments/reviews/ critism just let me know people read it

Moonlight Drive


Wrestlemania XXV Preview
March 24, 2009
LIVE from Sydney, Australia!



Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Winner gets a World Title Opportunity for One Year
Intercontinental Champion, MVP VS Jeff Hardy VS World Tag Team Champion, AJ Styles VS World Tag Team Champion, Kofi Kingston VS Rey Mysterio VS Abyss VS Mr. Kennedy VS Matt Sydal

Money in the Bank. A phrase which has become synonomous with breaking through the glass ceiling, reaching the top, and ultimatley, becoming a champion. Each of the 8 men in this match have held gold around their waist before, but every one wants to grab that briefcase and get the chance to become WORLD Champion whenever they see fit. They could cash it in this very night at Wrestlemania XXV, or even wait until Wrestlemania 26, it is up to them. They are the predators and the championship gold is their prey.

But there are many issues heading into this ladder match, maybe more than ever before. For the first time ever, both World Tag Team Champions will be competing in this match-up. The Jamaican Phenomenon as they are now known, never wanted to become a team, although a mighty team they have become. After a series of match-ups trying to best each other, they were placed into the tag division by Shane McMahon together. They got some big wins, every time one trying to outdo the other. And this week on Raw, even managed to defeat the Motor City Machine Guns for the titles they now hold around their waist. But many in the wrestling world fear the battle for who is the better will get the best of these two young superstars. Will they work together, or will the Jamaican Phenomenon have a Phenomenal implosion?

Then we come to another champion, MVP. 3 weeks ago, MVP beat Matt Sydal to once again become Intercontinental Champion. Porter has been on a roll ever since, and on Smackdown was the man who won the MITB Battle Royal, tricking his competitors by rolling under the bottom rope for most of the match. Abyss and Rey Mysterio have been at each others throats after a post-match assault by Abyss and the Ministry on Mysterio a few weeks ago. Can these two withold their anger and focus on the briefcase, or will emotions boil over?

Everybody in the match has something to lose and a lot to gain, who will cash their ticket and with the lights on bright become Mr. MITB?


Interpromotional Match

Raven VS Mick Foley

At Wrestlemania XXV, two Hardcore icons shall clash in the centre of the ring in what is sure to be one of the bloodiest, most brutal matches in Wrestlemania history.

Raven made his presence known immeadiately in the WWE, mysteriously appearing after matches and assaulting the competitors. On Raw the night after No Way Out, in a special Wrestlemania Re-Match, Mick Foley took on the Rated R Superstar, Edge. Rob Van Dam interfered on Foley's behalf and gave Edge the DQ victory before leaving the ring. Foley himself tried to leave the ring, when he become another of Raven's victims!

The following Smackdown, Mick decided enough was enough and told Raven he was coming to Raw on Monday to sort this out. On Raw, Foley invited Raven into the ring to speak about what and why he was doing what he was. Raven refused to speak, before nailing Mick with a kick to the groin, then giving him the Raven Effect DDT onto a pile of thumbtacks! broke the news, Mick Foley of Smackdown! would take on Raven of Raw at Wrestlemania XXV, in a Hardcore match! Raven continued to harass Foley, but refused to speak. This Sunday, it's time to put up or shut up. Raven takes on Mick Foley, and both men want blood!

Also, Raven will speak for the first time since his arrival? What will he have to say!


Interpromotional Match
'One More Time'

Samoa Joe VS CM Punk

One More Time these two will clash. After many battles in RoH, going one-on-one for sixty minutes, these two will lock horns for the first time in WWE, and what a place to do it, Wrestlemania 25!

Our tale of rivalry long brewing began at the Royal Rumble. Punk eliminated Joe, enraging the Samoan Submission Machine. Joe yanked Punk off the apron subsequently eliminating him, before giving him a Muscle Buster on the floor!

Joe once again brutally attacked CM Punk the following night on Raw, not enabling Punk to compete for close to a month. Joe continually refused a match, saying he had bigger and better things to do than constantly destroy Punk. However, Joe would change his tune at No Way Out. Joe was facing off against Chris Jericho, with the winner getting an opportunity to face the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania. Punk hit Joe with the GTS when the referee was down, followed up by a Lionsault from Jericho. The referee revived and counted the three, Punk screwing Joe out of a championship match

The next night on Raw, Joe and Punk brawled all around the arena after Joe laid down the challenge, which Punk accepted. These two have been at each others throats for so long, be sure to see them face off One More Time


United States Championship
Steel Cage
Umaga (c) VS Christian

The Instant Classic faces one of his biggest challenges to date, and that is toppling the Samoan Bulldozer and current United States Champion, Umaga.

This David VS Goliath battle all began at No Way Out. Christian had earnt himself a shot to face the Samoan Bulldozer, and this time Umaga's crafty manager, the re-instated Armando Estrada, was banned from ringside. Christian and Umaga duked it out for 15 minutes, until Christian lay battered in the centre of the ring. Umaga delivered a big splash off the top rope, but the Instant Classic kicked out! Umaga then proceeded to go berserk, before grabbing his championship belt and knocking Christian out with it, getting himself disqualified and Christian getting robbed of the belt.

The following Smackdown Christian got a re-match. Even though Armando Estrada was at ringside for this battle, Christian still fought off his attempts to thwart Christian's victory. Christian came close on many ocassions, but the finish of the match left a sour taste in everybodies mouth. After umaga missed a splash on Christian on the floor, Christian got counted out when Armando distracted him enough for the referee to count to ten.

Finally, Christian was to get one more match for the United States Championship. This time, there would be no countouts, no DQ's, no interference. He and Umaga would be locked inside a 15 foot high steel cage to settle there differences once and for all. Who will stand tall and reign as the United states Champion after this brutal battle is said and done?


World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle (c) VS Chris Jericho

The opportunity Chris Jericho has waited 7 LONG years for. The opportunity to Main event Wrestlemania once again, the opportunity to get another shot at the World Heavyweight Championship, can Jericho climb the mountain once again?

Jericho won his shot at No Way Out, where with some help from CM Punk, defeated Samoa Joe. Kurt Angle defeated Rey Mysterio later on in the nights Main event, thus locking in Smackdowns Wrestlemania Main event. A match of epic proportions, the Wrestling Machine VS Y2J, with the World Heavyweight Championship on the line!

But Chris Jericho has a huge task in front of him if he wishes to become champion. Kurt Angle is a wrestling machine who has downright dominated the competition since his WWE return. Jericho fought through many a man to earn his chance, but Angle still believe Jericho will always be known as the man who ALMOST beat Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania.

Y2J begs to differ, declaring soon the World Heavyweight Championship will be his. Who is right? Will Jericho once again become World Champion as he claims? Or will he always be the man that came up short?

Find out at Wrestlemania XXV!


First Time Ever
Brock Lesnar VS Randy Orton

Brock Lesnar and Randy Orton, two men who have almost paralelled each other. Both shot to the top very quickly and established themselves as the future of the WWE. In fact, these two are the youngest WWE Champions in history.

Orton and his Revolution stable have been dominating Raw since their inception, but one man has stood in their way. At the Royal Rumble, Lesnar eliminated 3 members of Revolution, one of those being the Legend Killer himself. Orton didn't take to kindly to this, he and Revolution going back into the ring and eliminating Brock, before attacking him brutally.

Brock would go onto defeated all 3 other members of Revolution in sucession, Randy constantly backing down from facing the Next Big Thing. Finally, Randy agreed to face Brock if he could win a 3-on-1 Gauntlet match against MVP, Shelton Benjamin & Carlito. Lesnar won and the match was signed the following week, where Randy received an F5 through the table!

Orton has backed away from Brock at every physical confrontation, using his lackies to hide behind. But with Revolution banned from ringside, we will finally see the classic first encounter we deserve between the Legend Killer and the Next Big Thing


No Holds Barred
Rob Van Dam VS Edge

Often feuds boil over, and a simple one-on-one match-up cannot contain the hatred and emotion the men sustain towards other. Feuds like this often need to be settled in a match where there are no rules, no restrictions, no boundaries, No Holds Barred!

Edge and Rob Van Dam's rivalry began the night RVD beat Edge to earn a shot at the WWE Championship the next week on Raw. Edge was controversially named the Special Referee for the championship match, and the Rated R Superstars lived up to that moniker. Edge cost RVD the match, before delivering a sickening Con-Chair-To, almost giving Van Dam a severe concussion. Since then RVD and Edge have been at each others throat, becoming violent and more violent towards each other every week.

This Sunday, at Wrestlemania, these two men shall clash in what is sure to be a 5 star No Holds Barred match. The question is, will the Ultimate Opportunist once again get one over RVD, or shall Mr. Monday Night exact his revenge?


Legend VS Legend
The Rock VS Undertaker

Finally...The Rock returns to Wrestlemania! But his opponent is definitely a formidable one, the Deadman, the man who is 16-0 at Wrestlemania, the Undertaker!

The Rock made his Friday Night Smackdown return the night after the Royal Rumble and immeadiately was face to face with the Undertaker. The Great One and the Phenom wanted to go at it there and then, but it was James Mitchell who put a stop to it, instead placing The Rock in a one-on-one match with Kane.

The Ministry of Darkness brutally attacked Rocky in this match, thus causing a DQ. But Rocky got his revenge, costing Undertaker a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship the next week. James Mitchell said Rock and 'Taker would go one-on-one at Wrestlemania IF The Rock could defeat Abyss at No Way Out. The Rock went into No Way Out, and despite interference from the Ministry, The Rock beat the Monster.

The Undertaker and The Rock have been forbidden to get into a physical confrontation until the show, and tempers have been at a fever pitch. The Rock has commanded the Ministry keep away from ringside, but they say they will stand by his side no matter what. the Rock has been chomping at the bit to get his hands on the Deadman, and he gets his chance at Wrestlemania XXV! The Streak and the Great One, who will prevail?


Main Event
WWE Championship
Shawn Michaels (c) VS Bret Hart

The most personal feud in WWE history comes to a head at Wrestlemania. 12 years after their Ironman classic, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels once again clash in the Wrestlemania XXV Main Event, a match guaranteed not to disappoint.

Bret Hart made a surprise return at the Royal Rumble, going onto win the match and his second Rumble victory. Hart and HBK immeadiately butted heads the next night on Raw. Bret still holds bitter feelings towards Michaels, while HBK feels Hart is disrespecting the business, the WWE and HBK by the way he is acting.

This confrontation erupted into a brawl which would mark the beginning of this feuds re-kindling. 2 weeks later Bret announced he would be challenging Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania, a match that the WWE Universe has wanted to see again ever since the controversial ending in Montreal 10 Years Ago.

Hart though hasn't managed to get a pinfall or submission victory over Michaels since his return. In tag team match-ups Bret simply could not keep HBK down. It has driven Bret to the point of insanity. Hart, in his eyes, believe Shawn Michaels should never even got a chance at the championship, and it should still be around the Hitman's waist.

This has the potential to be the most explosive, exciting and memorable match in Wrestlemania history. Be sure not to miss this incredible Main Event!