World Wrestling Entertainment: The Second Coming

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Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Royal Rumble review

Tag title match: It was a good match. The ending seemed kinda odd, winning with a splash just isn't seen much in wrestling today.

IC Title match: Good match. This really brought out the heel character of MVP well. Good to see Sydal pull out the win.

WHC match: A heel Undertaker is something that's not seen much in BTB's here, I like that you made him heel. Very good match, I thought Undertaker had the match won for awhile, I'm just glad Rey didn't win.

Random thought: It probably isn't the best idea to compare Ric Flair being attacked to the Twin Towers being attacked. That is a very touchy sublect and it really shouldn't be brought up at all.

WWE Title match: Great match, very detailed. The best non-rumble match of the PPV.

Royal Rumble: Good Santino promo. Wow, cool suprise entrant with Hart. Burchill pretty much played the jobber role in the match. Joe and Punk feud could be interesting. Afa jobbed out in the match too, it make him look weak, for future reference, do have guys come in and get thrown out right away. Another suprise with the Rock coming in at 30. Did not expect Hart to win. Very good match. has to be the best of the night.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
The Undertaker, and James Mitchell: This segment had me wondering on the outcome of the main event. Good little add on there.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: As much as I dislike Rey Mysterio this was a cool match, and had great action incorparated between the three.. I was right on how it would end :D lol. After the Undertaker promo I thought Micthell would screw him or something. Kurt Angle still champion is an AWESOME thing considering who won the Royal Rumble. I'm stoked!

Shawn Micheals Interview: Well I disaggree with what Comic said. It's not like he said anything bad. It's not like he was comparing the two in a negative way. Now if he meant it like "Oh you damn Cannadians did this!" then that wouldv'e been bad. Good interview

WWE Championship Match: Great build to the match. The build, and writting gives it the edge over the World Heavyweight Championship match. So I'm on the same page wioth Comic; this was the best Non Rumble match. I liked how you had HBK use the Figure Four Leg Lock on Edge which was pretty cool considering what happened with Flair. Awesome having HBK win, but after reading the ending I kinda wished Edge won it for a Cannadian vs. Cannadian Wrestlemania main event lol.

The Rumble match: I think that the interval's of when the guy's would come out shouldv'e been longer but its ok. A couple cool things that can setup rivalry's here. The Rock coming out at the end two get eliminated was kinda wierd, but it added to the suspense on if The Rock would win. Nice organization.. Overall it was a great match.. "The Hitman" winning it was cool considering the champions that are at hand. I mean both dream matches.. Kurt Angle vs. Bret Hart in a submission match.. And Shawn Micheals vs. Bret Hart in a Last Man Standing or an I Quit match.. Two AWESOME possibility's

Additional COmments: Great PPV.. A lot of great stuff here. Wrestlemania main event is going to be incredible.. Well good luck man..

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
MCMG vs Empire - A perfect way to start the PPV. I like both teams, and I wasn't expecting anything other than an MCMG win, because they're like the it boys in wrestling/BTB. Nothing out of the ordinary here, just a nice start.

Angle Interview - Quick way to show Angle's intensity and stubbornness.

MVP vs Sydal - it was good, but I only felt like it picked up at the end. Pretty surprising to see Sydal get the belt, but I don't think that's the last we'll see with MVP.

Angle vs Rey vs Taker - Of course Rey has to get beaten down, there's no way to get out of it. I was fine with that, because Rey got in some offense later. There were some really nice spots there, though some I couldn't picture. Overall, it was a nice match, and even with the beating, you made Rey look like a real Main Eventer while still losing. There could be Angle vs Rey later on, IDK.

HBK Interview - "How do I feel? How do I feel? :roll2: " This was another good promo with the face being booked 80's style, with the heel being made out to look like Satan.

HBK vs Edge - I thought this was one of the best matches on the show. The whole match kept on building and building, and made the ending very exciting. The SCM out of nowhere was kinda sick too.

Royal Rumble - Santino is awesome, good promo with him at the end. You set up lots of potential feuds in the match, which is good considering the few matches on the card. The one that stuck out to me most was Joe vs Punk, just because I put that match on the fucking map. Should be good. Bret Hart's entrance was pretty surprising, and having him at 7 was pretty wild too. The Rock there was pretty nice also, having him as #30 was a good job. Hitman winning was good, there's so much you can do with his character.

The Verdict - Good job on your first PPV. There were only a couple of matches here, but all of them were really good. You really have a good separation between heels and faces, which is good. There was lots of unexpected things too, especially the Rumble. This is a BTB to watch, it would be nice to see you get noticed here.

Moonlight Drive

Monday Night Raw Preview

The Hitman Returns!

In a seldom Raw occurance, the Main event will not be a match, but a return! That's right, tonight's Main event will witness the return of Bret 'Hitman' Hart, the 2009 Royal Rumble winner! What will Bret have to say about his return, his Wrestlemania opponent, and perhaps most imporatntly of all, what will Shawn Michaels have to say to Bret?

The Rumble Re-Ignited
Also on Raw, we shall see two return matches from the Royal Rumble, a re-match with Matt Sydal for MVP and The Empire getting another shot at the tag champs. Will MCMG continue their reign, will Matt Sydal be an asterisk on the career of MVP?

Huge Money Match-Up
Even if Bret Hart does decided on the WWE Championship, he may not have to face his long time nemesis Shawn Michaels. Edge and Rob Van Dam, two of Raw's top stars, will battle it out, with the winner facing HBK for the WWE Championship next week on Raw!

The Milan Miracle
Santino Marella, after a poor perfomance in the Rumble, is issueing an open challenge to the Raw locker room. Who shall answer the challenge?

Known Card

Main event
Bret Hart Return's To Raw

Intercontinental Championship
Matt Sydal (c) VS MVP

World Tag Team Championship
Motor City Machine Guns (c) VS The Empire

Winner gets a WWE Championship Match Next Week
Edge VS Rob Van Dam

Santino Marella VS ???

WWE Hotwire
All your news & rumours

Hot new signings!
The WWE can now confirm that two hot free agents, both veterans, have been signed! Former WCW Champion, Vader and ECW Original, Raven. Creative are still deciding who will go to what show.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

MCMG vs The Empire: Nice solid opener, as the action was oretty good, with a strong pshycology of working over the arm from The Empire, which is the normal style of both men. I thought you had Sabin getting beaten down a bit too early, but it wasn't a real bad thing. Pretty good start to the PPV.

Angle promo: Was well in character. Maybe hinting at The Rock vs Angle at WM? That is if The Rock comes back.

Sydal vs MVP: This match was pretty interesting, as Sydal came off looking like a major underdog. MVP hits his usual array of kicks, and the offense from both men was pretty much perfect. Interesting to see where you take Sydal.

Undertaker promo: Hinting at a possible feud with his own stable, The Ministry here. I really like how you have James Mitchell in a position of power btw.

Undertaker vs Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio: Followed the usual triple threat tradition of taking one man out through the table lol. Nice build up throughout the match, and it concluded with a nice rush of finishers. MOTN thus far.

HBK promo: Interesting promo. I really liked how you drew the feelings out of Shawn, based on what he thought attacking Ric Flair meant. Controversy creates cash after all :shifty:

Michaels vs Edge: This was probably just behind the Triple Threat imo. The match was solid, I just didn’t like the Spear from Edge, as I felt he recovered too quickly from Sweet Chin Music. Besides that the match was pretty good, and action packed.

Royal Rumble: Alright, this will basically be a running commentary of the match. The match started out nice and quickly, as I really liked who you chose to start with. AJ and Jericho will always start off with some entertainment. Santino’s promo was funny as hell. I loved you making Lesnar seem like an absolute beast when he came in. Bret Hart is an interesting surprise entrant to have. Burchill’s early elimination was expected, since he is a tag team man here. Didn’t really like AJ being gone so early though. Lesnar is still being booked like an absolute monster with these two eliminations, which I like though. Lesnar with another three eliminations is making him look awesome. Punk’s elimination was wrong, as you have to go over the top rope for a Royal Rumble, but it’s the only real flaw so far. Plus it looks like a nice way to start a Punk vs Joe feud. Three quick eliminations to Umaga is good. I also liked how it took so much from everyone to eliminate him. Can’t say I like Boogeyman looking strong tbh. Afa looked way too weak imo. You also had Jericho laying on the mat fatigued, and helping Jeff Hardy here lol. The domination of the stabe of Orton, Benjamin and Orton is nice to see. RKO onto the top rope sounds awesome lol. Jericho has hit the Codebreaker a lot too, and he is looking pretty good. Nice move in the corner. I think it’s called the tower of doom, though I’m not completely sure. The Rock is back, which is awesome. He had to be after that was what you had hyped. Nice teamwork to eliminate Kane from the two returnees lol. Nice final four for the Rumble. Orton being eliminated first from the four was pretty predictable, and Lesnar has to have like ten eliminations now. Lesnar being eliminated by Revoltuion sets up a Lesnar/Orton feud for WM. Hart winning wasn’t expected, but all in all it was a good match.

AC: This was a pretty good PPV, until the Rumble. The Rumble simply put, was as you would say; awesomeness in a can. But this time in a ring. I loved how you described everything so you could see it, you booked some people strongly, and made some feuds. Everything seemingly had a purpose. I don’t agree with having Bret Hart win the Rumble, as it seems like backwards booking. At the same time though, I see the Hart vs Michaels match as going to be huge, and I’m thinking you will probably make it an Ironman match, which I have no problem with at all. Great PPV.


I'll give my Raw predictions while I'm at it I guess.

Main event
Bret Hart Return's To Raw

Intercontinental Championship
Matt Sydal (c) VS MVP

Sydal can't lose his title straight away, so I see another win with a roll up.

World Tag Team Championship
Motor City Machine Guns (c) VS The Empire

Rematch from last night, with the same result imo.

Winner gets a WWE Championship Match Next Week
Edge VS Rob Van Dam

Edge seems like the more logical choice to me, because he has beef with Michaels.

Santino Marella VS ???

Santino is a comedy character, so I see a loss for him.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
What can I say... oh yeah my review:p

Taker and the Ministry: Good hype promo and was good overall. Seemed like Taker was pretty pissed and could be good to see him fued with Mitchell and the Ministry.

Triple Threat: This was a really good matchy with great psychology. It was perfect for these superstars aand sorta remings me of thwe WM 22 ME.

HBK: Really good promo and seemed really emotional. What else can I say.

WWE TItle. What can I say, very good match up and seemed verywell thought out. Some good spots as the kickout after finishes near the end.

Royal Rumble:Must I say, I loved this match. Good starting Point and you continued strong from there. You described what was happening and I like the Umaga dominance. Love the Revolution part of the match up where they where sitting at ringside. Santino proimo was Sick and funny and after entry 15 I knew it would be Hart and the returning superstar in the end. So I hope you continue.

AC: I loved this PPV and I am usually a Harsh reviewer when I actually review. Shows like these make me want to write so Thumbs up.

Moonlight Drive

Monday Night Raw
29 January, 2009

Quick Results

The show opens with Revolution. Orton and his stablemates go on a bit of a rant about how they were robbed as the Rumble. Enter Brock Lesnar, who comes onto the ramp saying it was actually he who should’ve won the Rumble, and he eliminated NINE people, including Randy. Brock then explains that his and Randy’s careers has paralleled each other, both being young world champions, but Orton was on his way up when Brock was on his way out. Lesnar challenges Orton to a dream match later tonight, which Randy accepts!

Matt Sydal def. MVP to retain the Intercontinental Championship. There was interference from Revolution in the match, till Sydal took them out with a Suicide dive. MVP worked on the knee in the match-up. Ending saw Matt Sydal hit the Shooting Star Press for the pinfall.

The next match-up was supposed to be Brock Lesnar VS Randy Orton, but Orton said he wasn’t medically cleared to compete, so he replaced himself with Carlito

Brock Lesnar def. Carlito by pinfall. Carlito got the advantage from a dominant Lesnar sometimes when Orton distracted Brock. Lesnar dominated, and the ending saw Brock catch Carlito in mid-air and deliver an F5 for the pinfall.

Santino Marella came to the ring, cutting a promo that he should’ve been the ‘Royal Rumbler’. Santino then calls out ‘DM Punk’ for his challenge, saying he was going to destroy the Straight Hedge superstar

CM Punk def. Santino Marella by DQ. Punk dominated Marella, until Samoa Joe came into the ring and attacked Punk. Joe assaulted Punk and then put him in the Coquina Clutch until CM passed out.

Edge was interviewed by Maria about his up-coming match with RVD. Edge said that he was robbed at the Royal Rumble and RVD was nothing but a loser who always flies ‘a little too high’

Rob Van Dam def. Edge by pinfall. The match went back and forth, Edge working over RVD’s lower back. Ending sees Edge miss a spear and hit the second turnbuckle, allowing Van Dam to hit him with the Five Star Frog Splash. After the match, Edge speared RVD and left him laid out in the ring.

The Empire come to the ring and cut on a promo on Americans and the Motor City Machine Guns, saying the World Tag Team Championship was coming back to the motherland

Motor City Machine Guns def. The Empire to retain the World Tag Team Championship. The Empire once again worked on Sabin’s arm, but the MCMG fought back with speed. Ending saw Burchill double drop-kicked over the top rope, before Regal got a Double Superkick to give the champions the pinfall.

Regular Show

Backstage, we see Rob Van Dam preparing to leave the arena, before he runs into the Rated R Superstar, Edge

What the hell do you want?

Jeez, settle down Rob, you won, you should be happy. But I’ve got news that should make you even happier!

And what’s that?

: I’ve been speaking with Shane, and he agrees, your WWE Championship next week is going to need a VERY special referee. That referee, is me! Have a nice drive home Rob, don’t fly too high

Edge saunters away as RVD angrily storms off

MITB Qualifying Match
Kofi Kingston VS AJ Styles

It’s time to see who will be the first man to qualify for the MITB Ladder match!

And these two guys are probably the most exciting young superstars on the roster, they’ll be giving their all tonight!

The match starts with a lock-up, before Kingston sends Styles into the corner with a heel kick. Kofi plays to the crowd as AJ holds his jaw angrily in the turnbuckle, before heading over to Kingston and nailing him with a Pele Kick. Styles now plays for the crowd in the turnbuckle as Kofi gets up angrily

Looks like we’re seeing a bit of one upmanship King!

AJ runs at Kofi, but he gets a dropkick to the jaw. Kingston goes off the ropes and goes for his ‘BOOM BOOM’ leg drop, but Styles moves out of the way before he goes and stands on the apron. AJ intends for a springboard forearm, but Kingston avoids it and AJ crashes straight into the mat! Kofi and Styles slowly get up Kingston slightly quicker, before he gives Styles a cross body through the second rope! The men slowly get up at about a 5 count, where Styles goes for a Styles Clash. Kingston though counters, and backdrops AJ before both men collapse on the outside floor. The referee is up to 8 when AJ & Kofi get to the apron, before they start trading punches. They are ignoring the count, and the referee counts both men out!

Double Countout

What? So who’s going to Wrestlemania?

JR: I don’t know King, but I bet both these young stars are disappointed

Kofi and AJ go back in the ring, before they begin to shove each other, blaming each other for the countout. Kingston and Styles stare down for a while before Kofi leaves down the ramp and AJ through the crowd, both very distraught they didn’t get one up on the other.

--|Commercial break|--

Main Event
Bret Hart’s Return to Raw

The Hitman’s music erupts over the speakers as he makes his way to the ring, barely even being able to hear the music over the crowd reaction as Hart steps into the ring and grabs a mic.

So now you people love me! Now shut up, this return is for me, not you, now listen to what I have to say!

The fans are a big surprised at what Bret said, and give him some heat

I didn’t come back for you people, I didn’t come back for everyone in the back, hell, I didn’t come back for the WWE, I came back for the Hitman! I saw what a joke this company had become, I mean, you just have guys flipping around the ring or big monsters clobbering around with their 3 moves. I am the definition of a professional wrestler, I WRESTLE, and I am the best at it, BAR NONE. Then I come back, and I finally get cheered? Where were those cheers after Montreal? They were gone. You listened to Shawn Michaels, to Vince McMahon, you believed in this ‘Bret screwed Bret’ bullshit that you were fed!

None of you WWE fans cared when Bret Hart had his career ended in WCW, he screwed himself. Nobody cared about the injustice in Montreal, because apparently it was my fault. No, it wasn’t my fault, I didn’t screw Bret, Vince, Shawn and the fans, you’re the ones who screwed Bret! You forced my hand, the WWE had to release me, I was willing to do that. But how did Vince handle it? Did he allow me to leave with my dignity and surrender my championship on Raw? No. He and that snivelling worm of a human being Shawn Michaels screwed me out of the belt, because they know nobody could beat the Hitman, the greatest WWE Champion of all time!

I’m back for one reason, and that’s to get what is rightfully mine-the WWE Championship. But people assume I want to Face Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania, this is not necessarily the case! I don’t see why he should even be in this company, and why I should waste my talent facing him. The hatred I have for that heartless bastard is incomparable, and I would much rather get in the ring with a real wrestler like Kurt Angle then him, but we’ll find out my decision on a later date-

Sexy Boy echoes throughout the arena as HBK comes down to the ring, WWE Championship in hand.

Bret, it’s obvious you have some bitter feelings towards me, the fans and the WWE..

You’re damn right I do-

Hold it Hitman, let me finish. Now all of this has happened, but we do all know what happened in Montreal. The simple fact is, Bret got screwed. And I for one, am willing to bury the hatchet, Bret, what do ya say?

Michaels extends his hand to Bret to a huge pop

Hart stares at HBK before spitting straight in his face

I will NEVER shake your hand you pathetic worm of a human being! You make me sick to my stomach

Well Bret, the same could be said about you! You hold onto a grudge against me, against Vince, against the fans, and you let it fester inside you for 10 years! This isn’t the Bret Hart of 1997, ask anyone backstage. This is a different Bret Hart, you’ve changed, you’re bitter, angry, aggressive and worst of all, you won’t recognise the fact that what happened had to happen because of YOUR unprofessional attitude, YOUR inability to do what was best for the company. So, let me say this again, it is YOUR fault, so the person you should be angry at isn’t me, it isn’t Vince, it’s you!

Oh, isn’t that classic Shawn. Shifting the blame, acting as if he is the prodigal son. Yay, you can do a moonsault and do your little dance, get these stupid fans to bounce around on their seats, but you know, deep down, you will NEVER be as great as the Excellence of Execution. The only thing you’ll be know as is the greatest waste of space, unprofessional, druggie this industry has ever seen!

Michaels is about to speak when Hart slaps him across the cheek, the crowd letting out huge heat

I’m not done! You are the sole reason Vince did what he did. You and your Kliq ruled backstage, you and your degenerate buddies were just a bunch of losers, unwilling to do what the company needed!

What the company needed! If anyone knows about not doing what the company needed, it’s you! You didn’t surrender the belt, you were going to take it to WCW! You are the reason that the WWE nearly fell off the face of the planet in the Monday Night Wars, I was carrying the company on my shoulders, and you just packed up and left to the big money. You have no sense of loyalty, you are a conceited, money-hungry, arrogant son of a bitch, you were willing to see the WWE drown just to secure yourself a bigger pay check!

Who do you think you are! I made the WWE what it was, and what do I get? I get screwed, ridiculed, released, WCW was where I had to go for ME! I don’t care about you or these people, it’s what matters to me!

And that seems to be the heart of the problem, isn’t that right Bret! It’s all about you, you aren’t here because you love to perform and wrestler, you’re out here to get a pay day, then you’ll leave as soon as you get a better offer! I have only worked for the WWE since they signed me, and that’s because I am loyal, I’m not just seeking money, I’m here because I love to entertain the fans, and as this belt shows, I am the best at it!

Shut up Shawn, the only thing you’re good at is overdosing! You think you’ve found God, but you’re still the egotistical asshole you were in the ‘90s! You’re now the best I AM!

Then why don’t we find out Bret? Wrestlemania, one more time, the Hitman VS the Heartbreak Kid, for the WWE Championship! You won the Royal Rumble, you’ve bad-mouthed me, the fans, this entire company, now put your money where your mouth is big man, and face the champion!

The crowd pops as Shawn and Bret stare down, Michaels holding the championship belt up high. Hart suddenly nails a stiff punch to HBK and the two begin to brawl all over the mat as the crowd goes berserk! Security sprints to the ring to separate them, until Shawn breaks free and dives at the Hitman and starts to unload on hart with fists, Bret retaliating with some of his own! Security are now the targets as both men begin to take them down with kicks and clotheslines, until the two are once again standing in the ring face-to-face. Shawn goes for the Superkick, but Bret dodges and picks up the championship belt, before slamming it into the back of Michaels head. Shawn is out on the mat as Bret stares transfixed by the belt, dropping it on the mat as the show fades


Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
it looked like a nice show if you had it written out in an extended review, too bad your comp spazzed out on you.

I had a feeling you were going to do Bret vs HBK, that struck me the first time I saw Bret's name in the rumble. It's surprising you have it early, but it's still good, because it's for WM. The promo itself was one of the best I've seen, I'll edit it into Promo of the Month award. It really showed, in character, the true hate and rivalry between Bret and HBK. It showed their history well, and it was nothing short of awesome.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
What HFH said. Well overall the show results where fairly good and looked like what would of been a good show. The MITB Qualyfying matchwas too quick but the Hart/HBK Promo was good and had the rivalry that has been building for years. I hope you keep this going to WM at least. I wanna read this match between Hart and HBK

Moonlight Drive

Smackdown! Preview

Finally…The Rock…has come back to Friday Nights!

At the Royal Rumble, the rumours were all confirmed, as The Rock returned to the WWE! This Friday night he makes his return, the Great One appears on Smackdown after a near 6 year hiatus, what will he have to say? Find out this Friday

The Road to Wrestlemania Tournament
Also this Friday, the Road to Wrestlemania Tournament begins! The winner will go onto the Wrestlemania Main Event to face Kurt Angle. The winner will still get their shot even if Bret Hart does choose to face Kurt Angle though, James Mitchell announcing he will simply make it a Triple Threat. Here are the brackets-

Chris Jericho VS Judas Messias

Booker T VS Jeff Hardy

Samoa Joe VS Christian

Mr. Kennedy VS Abyss

It’s Vader Time!
That’s right, the former WCW Champion, Vader, will be making his Smackdown debut! He will be facing John Morrison, who hasn’t won a match since November. Will this be John’s night, or will Vader make a strong debut?

Known Card

Road to Wrestlemania Tournament
Opening Round Match-Ups

Chris Jericho VS Judas Messias

Booker T VS Jeff Hardy

Samoa Joe VS Christian

Mr. Kennedy VS Abyss

The Rock returns to Smackdown!


WWE Hotwire
For all your Second Coming News and Rumours


WWE have announced that the King of the Ring will take place sometime in June-July. It will take the place of the Vengeance or Great American Bash PPV’s, depending on who is decided to win. Some front-runners at the moment are Vader, Umaga, John Morrison, MVP, Shelton Benjamin and Matt Sydal. More KOTR news as we get it.


Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
Chris Jericho VS Judas Messias

Booker T VS Jeff Hardy

Samoa Joe VS Christian

Looks good to me, interesting how two legends are returning on separate shows, will be good to see how it pans out.

Moonlight Drive

Friday Night Smackdown!
February 3, 2008




Cole: Hello Smackdown fans and welcome to another edition of Friday Night Smackdown! We have an epic show planned out for tonight, why don’t you tell them more Mick Foley!

Foley: Thanks Michael, we’re on the Road to Wrestlemania but there is going to be a pitstop at No Way Out! Tonight the Road to Wrestlemania Tournament begins, we’ve got the debut of Vader and we’re still all wondering will John Morrison EVER win?

Cole: And Smackdown also has there own epic return, the return of the Great One!

Foley: Here he comes now Michael!

The crowd erupts as The Rock himself comes down to the ring, savouring the walk. He grabs a mic, but pauses for a second as the crowd chant ‘Rocky’

The Rock: Finally…The Rock has come back to Smackdown!

HUGE pop

The Rock: And let The Rock set one thing straight, he’s not here to mess around, he’s not here to sit back and watch a bald headed bitch and a masked midget battle for the World Championship, The Rock isn’t gonna let a bunch of nerds who still think it’s Halloween run the show, The Rock is here, and he is going to lay the Smacketh down on ALL their candy asses!

The Rock: The last time The Rock was here in the WWE, was way back in 2004, at Wrestlemania 20! But don’t let that fool ya, The Rock is still ready to plough through the competition and let them know that the Great One is back! Whether it’s Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle, Undertaker, your grandma, your cousins baby brother, The Rock will take them all on to once again climb that mountain and become World Heavyweight Champion! If ya smelll-

The Rock is cut off by the Undertaker’s music, to a big cascade of boos

Undertaker: Hold it right there. You think you can just walk into MY yard, and pretend to be the champion?

Undertaker is cut off before his next word

The Rock: You think this is your yard?

Undertaker: Think? I know th-

The Rock: It doesn’t matter what you think!

Undertaker: Oh, I beg to differ. You see, me and my Ministry have complete control of this show, and if we don’t say so, you don’t get a title match, or any match for that matter!

The Rock: Your ministry? I’m pretty sure James Mitchell has usurped your power Deadman, you sold out, how much is he paying you, or are you just getting a big ol’ piece of his poontang pie?

Undertaker fumes as the crowd laugh

Undertaker: Alright, that is it. I usually don’t talk, because I don’t always have much to say. I don’t boast about taking souls, I jus do it! Do you wish to become another one of the sorry men who have tried to overtake my yard and been buried?

The Rock stares at the Undertaker and delivers a ‘Just Bring It’ hand sign

Undertaker: (evil chuckle) Rocky, prepare to REST…In…-

James Mitchell’s music hits as he walks out to the ramp with the remainder of the Ministry of Darkness

Mitchell: Undertaker, last time I checked, this was MY show, I make the matches and you keep your damn mouth shut. The Smackdown Minister has decided these people will….NOT see The Rock face Undertaker tonight


Mitchell: Instead…The Rock will take on Kane! I hope you have fun tonight Rocky, because you’re gonna be going through hell, fire and brimstone!

The Rock: Whatever, it doesn’t matter, because The Rock will always be, the trail-blazing, eyebrow raising, bald ass stomping, burger chomping, super quick, super strong, whip your mascara wearing candy asses all night long Peoples Champion! So you can bring, one, two, three, four, hell bring the whole twisted family tonight, because it don’t matter how many make-up wearing transvestite jabronis The Rock has gotta roll through, he will once again be the champion!

We go to commercial as James Mitchell and his Ministry walk backstage, Undertaker seemingly arguing with Mitchell

--|Commercial Break|--

Road to Wrestlemania Tournament
Opening Round
Chris Jericho VS Judas Messias

This is the first match-up in our Road to Wrestlemania Tournament!

Foley: And there is a final chance for the Smackdown superstars to get into the Wrestlemania Main event!

Jericho and Messias lock-up, before Judas backs Jericho into the corner. Messias runs at Y2J, but is back dropped onto the apron. Chris sees a chance and nails Judas with a Triangle Dropkick taking him down to the floor, to a big fan reaction. Jericho then prepares for a plancha onto Judas, but Messias rolls out of the way and Jericho crashes down into the mat hard. Judas grabs Jericho by the head and slams him into the ringpost, before throwing him back in the ring.

Messias begins to stomp on Chris before dragging him into the centre and covering him for a quick 2 count. Judas gets up and stalks Jericho, getting ready for the Straight to Hell. Chris counters though and drops Judas into the turnbuckle. Messias stumbles away and is hit by a running step-up enzuigiri from Jericho. Chris now goes for a Lionsault but Messias sticks up his knees. Judas and Chris slowly get to there feet, Messias slightly quicker. He walks over to Jericho, who quickly pulls Messias’ legs out from underneath him and puts him in the Walls of Jericho!! Judas has no choice but to TAP OUT

Chris Jericho wins by pinfall
Advancing to Semi-Finals: Chris Jericho

Cole: And Chris Jericho is the first man to advance in the tournament!

Foley: We’ll find out who his formidable Semi-final opponent will be a little later, Booker T or Jeff Hardy! We’ll be back after these commercials!

--|Commercial Break|--

We hear ‘Medal’ erupt over the loud-speaker as Kurt Angle, who is STILL World Heavyweight champion, makes his way to the ring to huge heat.

Angle: That’s right folks, Kurt Angle, IS the World Heavyweight Champion, it’s true, it’s DAMN TRUE! People claimed I couldn’t retain, I had the biggest and the smallest guys on Smackdown on my tail, but I still retained. Everybody should no longer have a doubt, Kurt Angle is plain unbeatable!

Suddenly, Rey Mysterio comes down to the ring

Mysterio: Hold it right there Angle! You think your unbeatable? You think you deserve to be the champion? I was one count away from becoming champion, after I managed to knock the Undertaker to the mat and get the 2 count.

Angle: That’s right Rey, a TWO count. I made you tap out!

Mysterio: Shut up Angle, let me finish! Then you, who had been sitting in the corner watching on like a little baby and put me in the Ankle Lock. You think you’re unbeatable Kurt? Why don’t you prove it, at NO WAY OUT!

Huge pop

Angle: No freakin’ way Rey! You tapped out, so put on your big boy pants and shuffle down to the back of the line, and wait another few years to get your match!

Before Rey can talk James Mitchell comes down to the ramp

Mitchell: Everybody here seems to be forgetting that I make the matches. And at the Royal Rumble, you two weren’t the only ones in the match. Undertaker, one of the MEMBERS of MY Ministry, not the leader, was the man who wasn’t included in the decision. So next week on Smackdown, we’re going to have a No. 1 Contenders match between Rey Mysterio and Undertaker, with the winner facing Kurt Angle at No Way Out for the World Heavyweight Championship!

Another big pop

Mitchell: But while ‘Taker will be having the night off, you two are going to be competing. It will be the Samoan Savages, Afa & the United States Champion, Umaga with their manager, Haku, taking on Rey Mysterio…


Mitchell: And his partner, the World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle! Have a nice night boys

Angle & Rey are both furious in the ring, as Mitchell laughs sadistically. Rey tries to reason with Kurt and say they need to work together. Angle reluctantly nods-before head butting Rey straight in the face! Kurt puts his partner in the Ankle Lock before leaving him laid out in the ring clutching his knee

--|Replays of what occurred|--

Road to Wrestlemania Tournament
Opening Round
Booker T VS Jeff Hardy

Cole: We’ve seen Chris Jericho advance to the Semi-Finals, and we have the 2nd of 4 Opening Round matches tonight right now, Booker T takes on Jeff Hardy, with the winner taking on Jericho next week for a spot in the Grand Final!

Match begins with Jeff offering a handshake, but Booker delivering a stiff forearm shiver sending Jeff onto the ropes. Booker begins to unload on Hardy with chops to the chest and fists to the temple. Booker bounces off the other side and sprints at Jeff, before delivering a huge clothesline. Booker covers but only gets a 1 count before dragging Jeff up by the hair.

Hardy quickly counters though with a jawbreaker to a big pop. Hardy hit’s a running lariat on Booker before he climbs onto the top rope. Hardy does his taunt before leaping off for a leg drop, but Booker rolls out of the way! Jeff clutches the back of his leg but gets up, before getting struck with a huge spinning heel kick from Booker.

Booker T now does a Spinaroonie, before nailing Jeff in the gut when he gets up. Booker goes for the Scissors Kick, but Hardy steps out of the way and hits Booker with the Twist of Fate! Jeff climbs to the top and does the Swanton Bomb!

Jeff Hardy wins by pinfall
Advancing to the Semi-Finals: Jeff Hardy

Foley: So there’s out first Semi-Final folks, Jeff Hardy VS Chris Jericho, and it’s sure to be a blockbuster!

--|Commercial Break|--

Road to Wrestlemania Tournament
Opening Round
Samoa Joe VS Christian

Cole: The tournament continues!

Foley: We saw Joe on Raw this week attacking CM Punk, perhaps this more intense Joe could win the whole tournament?

Christian and Joe lock-up and do the usual lock-up, knock down, rebound, leap frog spot until Joe nails Christian with a huge clothesline. Joe begins to stomp on the upper back of Christian before putting him in a Fujiwara Armbar. Christian battles to his feet before hitting Joe in the gut a few times, then managing to drill him with his signature Reverse DDT. Christian covers for 2, before he is tossed off by Joe.

Christian gets up and runs at Joe in the corner, before he is drilled in the STJoe! Joe now lifts Christian up and gets hit with an Exploder Suplex. Joe puts Christian in position for the Muscle Buster, but Christian manages to get off and hit’s a big neck breaker. Christian gets back to his feet first before going to the top rope and flying off for the Frog Splash, only to have Joe roll out of the way! Christian gets up but is jumped from behind and is locked in the Coquina Clutch! Joe adds in a body scissors and Christian has no chance but to tap out

Samoa Joe wins by pinfall
Advancing to the Semi-Finals: Samoa Joe

Joe grabs a microphone after his win

Joe: Now, as many of you may know, I was en route to winning the Royal Rumble on Sunday. But one man, one Punk, decided he’d try and put a stop to me. But as we can see, that was not the case. Roll the clip

--|A video package is shown, first of Joe taking out Punk and giving him the Muscle Buster on the floor, then Joe attacking Punk on Raw|--

Joe: CM Punk thinks he’s a champion, but he’s not. He thinks he can take me on? He can’t, nobody can. In fact, Punk is in a hospital bed at the moment, after what I did to him on Monday Night. He won’t even make it to Raw this week. But Punk let me tell you, you got off easy, because next time, JOE IS GONNA KILL YOU!

Big heat from the crowd as we go to commercial

--|Commercial Break|--

Vader VS John Morrison

Cole: Well it’s the re-debut I suppose tonight of the huge mammoth of a man they call Vader!

Foley: And will tonight be John Morrison’s first win in months?

Cole: I really don’t see it happening against someone the calibre of Vader

This match is a visible squash from the start. Morrison tries to get some offense in, but Vader quickly nullifies it with power moves. The match really showcases Vader’s power and agility, ending after a power bomb and Vader Splash.

Vader wins by pinfall

Cole: What an impressive debut for Vader!

Foley: And yet another unimpressive loss for the Guru of Greatness, John Morrison

--|Commercial Break|--

World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle & Rey Mysterio VS United States Champion, Umaga & Afa w/Haku

Cole: This match-up, made earlier in the night by our GM, has the potential to be very explosive!

Foley: Not just between the two teams, but between Rey and Kurt, who are supposed to be partners!

Umaga and Afa stand in the ring ready for Rey and Kurt. Rey gets ready to start, but Angle argues with him saying the champion should start. Mysterio argues back and forth with Angle till Mysterio floors Kurt with a right hand and goes onto the apron. Before Angle can get back at Rey, Afa mounts him and begins to slam him with a barrage of fists and elbows showing no mercy to the champion. Afa is forced off before he tags in Umaga and then holds Kurt down on the mat by the head, as Umaga soars off the second rope with a head butt to the champions ribs. One, Two-No! Kurt kicks out, much to Umaga’s dismay.

Umaga sets Angle up in the corner for a Samoan Wrecking Ball, but the champion moves out of the way before the United States Champion goes crashing into the turnbuckle, followed up by an Angle German suplex. Kurt crawls over to his corner and stares at Rey, before tagging Mysterio’s outstretched hand. Angle suddenly puts Mysterio in a front facelock and suplexes him into the ring, muttering ‘paybacks a bitch’ Rey doesn’t have time to recover as Umaga tags in Afa and is hit with a big overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Haku claps his team on as Afa tags in Umaga, who suddenly gets hit with multiple kicks to the hamstring from Rey. Rey boucnes off the ropes-and is send crunching into the mat with a spinning heel kick!

Umaga now climbs up onto the top rope and taunts, the US Champion preparing to fly. He dives and soars-but Mysterio moves out of the way as Umaga nails the mat! Rey slowly crawls towards Angle, hoping to get a tag. Kurt though steps back down the step, so Mysterio can’t reach. Rey gets to his feet and sort of shakes his hand and flicks his hand at Angle, acting like he doesn’t need him. Mysterio turns around and is floored by a Samoan Spike from the United States Champion, Umaga. One, Two, Three!

United States Champion, Umaga & Afa w/Haku win by pinfall

As the Samoans leave, Angle climbs onto the turnbuckle World Championship belt in hand, as Rey lays incapacitated on the canvas

--|Commercial Break|--

We go backstage and see James Mitchell sitting in his office, when the Deadman, Undertaker, walks in

Mitchell: And what can I do for you ‘Taker?

Taker: What the hell was that?

Mitchell: What was what?

Taker: I am the Lord of Darkness, the Phenom, and you think you have the right to tell me what to do? I should send you straight to hell right now Mitchell

Mitchell: Ahh, but we all know you won’t. I have what you need, and if you know what’s good for you, you won’t lay one finger on me. You’re lucky you even got that contenders match next week. And you want The Rock, Undertaker? Well we’ll wait and see if he makes it through tonight

Undertaker huffs and stares at Mitchell before leaving


Road to Wrestlemania Tournament
Opening Round
Abyss VS Mr. Kennedy

Foley: What could Mitchell be talking about? What Undertaker needs?

Cole: I don’t know Mick, it’s a bit too much for me. Now let’s get back on topic, we’ve got the final opening round match! Who will join Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy and Chris Jericho in the Road to Wrestlemania Tournament Semi-Finals?

Kennedy tries to take Abyss down with some rights and lefts, but Abyss barely moves before taking Kennedy down with a monstrous clothesline. Abyss waits for Kennedy to get up before dropping him back down again with a sidewalk slam, garnering a 2 count. Abyss is furious as he begins to manically stomp on the sternum and skull of Kennedy.

Abyss grabs Kennedy and pulls him over to the ropes before throwing him across the ring, but Kennedy ducks a clothesline. Kennedy attempts a roundhouse kick, that Abyss ducks, but follows through with a spinning heel kick to the temple of The Monster. Kennedy puts Abyss on his shoulders, but gets some elbows into the side of his head.

Abyss then slams Kennedy with a vicious neck breaker, getting him a 2 count. Abyss gives Kennedy some time to get up, before getting ready for the Black Hole Slam-but Kennedy launches a swift counter and drills Abyss with the Mic Check! One, Two, Three!

Mr. Kennedy wins by pinfall
Advancing to Semi-Finals: Mr. Kennedy

Cole: The Greenbay Loudmouth is the fourth man to enter the Semi-Finals! So there it is, next week we’re going to see Mr. Kennedy take on Samoa Joe, and Y2J go one-on-one with Jeff Hardy!

--|Commercial Break|--

We see Coach standing backstage with The Rock

Coach: Up next, we have our Main event, and after 6 years you are going to have a one-on-

Coach is suddenly cut off

[B]Rock:[/B] No, no, no, Coach! After 6 years, some burly bald-headed bitch will once again go one…on one with the Great One, and get his candy ass whopped all around this arena!

Coach: Alright then, but Rock, what about the Ministry? I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the member-

Rock: Let me stop ya right there once again Coachy boy, what about the Ministry? What about the Ministry? What do you think about the Ministry Coach?

Coach: Well persona-

Rock: It doesn’t matter what you think Coach! For The Rock, it doesn’t matter how many freaks surround the ring, he’s been the circus with his kids before, it’s nothing new. I mean, Ministry of Darkness? Sounds like something some high school nerds would come up with to get themselves some internet girlfriends, but man, this is way worse. We have a man who is missing his front teeth parading around in face paint and eating worms, who obviously needs some serious mental issues. Apparently the Boogeyman is coming to getcha, but The Rock’s hand is coming straight down your throat, pulling out a big ol’ pile of worms. Then The Rock is going to shine ‘em up real nice, turn them sumbitches sideways and stick them straight up your candy ass!

Rock: then we’ve got ‘The Monster’ Abyss. Buddy, I don’t understand you, I’m sure your daddy musta told you about monsters that crept into your bed at night, you just gotta shut your eyes, bend over, and hope you don’t get a visit from the Sinister Minister!

Big pop

Rock: And Judas Messias? Damn, who is this guy again? He’s going to send me Straight to Hell according to them Coach, but the only thing he’s sending to hell is this company, as long as we have Mexican jumping beans coughing up blood and getting their asses beaten week after week, of course we’ll get ratings!

Rock: Kane, I remember him. You know, the big buff bald headed bitch who can’t even tie his own shoelaces for the fact he can’t see over his eyebrows. I’m sorry Frankenstein, but the graves that were dug up to build you must have been of mentally disable apes, because frankly, even THEY are smarter than you. And a couple of them apes, no ALL of them, are better looking than you

Rock: Finally, we come to the final little man in this sore party of Halloween freaks, the one man The Rock would actually WANT to face in the ring for the fact it would actually force him to break a sweat


Rock: The Undertaker! For 20 years, his been strutting around in make-up and hats talking about taking souls and burying people. He’s put people in concrete crypts, taken them to Hell in a Cell, I even heard once when they were kids he interrupted Kane’s tea-party with his dolls, he’s never been the same since. You know what Deadman, be James Mitchell’s bitch all you want, you know where to find me, and I’ve got three words for ya!

The Rock extends his hand and makes the hand signal las the crowd chant ‘Just Bring it’

Rock: Damn straight, all of you little freaks bring it, you make-up wearing, baby scaring, bed-wetting, mega sweating, circus freaks! The Rock is going lay the smacketh down on all of your asses, so get ready!

The crowd goes nuts as The Rock walks off screen

Foley: The Rock has his singles match on Smackdown in 7 years, get ready folks, that EPIC match is next!!

--|Commercial Break|--

Main Event
The Rock VS Kane

Cole: This is it! The moment that the millions…

Foley: I’ll cover this one Cole! The moment that the dozens…and the dozens…of Mick Foley fans have waited for, the day Mick Foley calls a match with The Rock! The reuniting of the Sock N Rock Connection!

The Rock gives Mick a little howdy as he gets into the ring. Kane walks down to the ring, closely followed by James Mitchell and the rest of the Ministry of Darkness. Kane hops into the ring and begins to stare down The Rock, before he gets a very disrespectful slap, which gets a huge amount of cheers. Kane throws a wild punch, followed by a series of punches from The Rock. Suddenly, The Ministry of Darkness storm the ring and the referee rings the bell as the assault begins

The Rock wins by DQ

Cole: This was all pre-meditated! This was no match, it was a ploy to get to The Rock!

Judas and Boogeyman go under the ring apron to fetch something, while The Rock is hit with a vicious double choke slam from the Brothers of Destruction. Boogeyman slides in the ring with a chair while Judas pours out a pile of thumb-tacks. Boogeyman drills Rocky with the chair when he gets up, busting him wide open. The Rock spins around and gets hit with the Black Hole Slam, straight into the thumbtacks! But the assault isn’t over. Kane and Abyss drag Rocky out of the ring while the other members strip the Spanish announcers table. Undertaker positions The Rock and performs the throat slit taunt-before giving The Rock his Last Ride through the announcers table! The show closes with the Ministry of Darkness standing over the broken and bloodied body of The Rock




No Way Out
LIVE February 24, 2008!

Road to Wrestlemania Tournament
Grand Final
Chris Jericho/Jeff Hardy VS Mr. Kennedy/Samoa Joe

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Matches - The matches were OK, but it's kinda odd that you have short matches describing the whole thing. I think it would be best if you did a recap style, it would make things more clear in the longrun. The Road to WM tournament seems pretty good, especially with the wrestlers you have in the tourney.

Promos - I really like how you write your promos, very old school with a line between heels and faces. the stuff with The Rock is great. I'll review most of your promos.

Opening Promo - I really liked how you used Undertaker, with him talking more. The Rock's lines were just great, and it was a good way to set up Rock vs Kane for the show.

Angle & Mysterio - Having Angle as Champion is a good idea, I think his run should be pretty good. Both guys were in character, with Angle's cockiness, and Mysterio being the underdog that gets bullied.

Samoa Joe - he came across as a real badass against CM Punk, and the feud isn't as even as I thought it would be. I'm liking this feud and where it could go.

Rock and Coach - this was a really good promo with the Rock, it was WAY in character, with all of his lines throughout the promo. It served its purpose by talking about the Ministry, and dissing everyone in there.

AC - This was a nice show that moved the feuds along nicely. The Road to WM tourney sounds really good, and I think that should have a big ending. All the feuds going are pretty nice, and I'm really hoping to see more from Joe vs Punk.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
SD Review

BM: Kurt Angle & Rey Mysterio VS Umaga & Afa- Pretty good match right here.
WM: Vader Squash
BP: Any of the Rock promos- These are amazing. You could just have a show where it was all Rock promos and it would still be great.
WP: None- the promos make the show
AC: This is a very good show. Perfect length, good promos, and decent matches make this a great BTB.
Plug: Check out the PPV; War Zone


May 26, 2008
Reaction score
i am not so well into doing reviews so forgive me in this doesn't really come out so well

Promos: 4/5 really good threw out the show
Commentary: 4/5 very well done just like your promos
Matches: Openers were what you expect. Other matches were really good. Main event lacked but seeing where you are going with it makes up for it
3.5/5 lacks detail for my taste but nothing wrong with them