God damn Enzo is being Blue here. He's dead on sometimes, and times like now when it comes to TNA/Christian he's dumb. Anyways, I don't recall Matt Hardy being booked like Christian was (see: my previous post), because he wasn't. Nor was ANYONE else giving that title. The only thing I semi-agree with is that Christian hasn't had any character progression but that's because he's on shitty ECW. The funny thing is, you act like you know all this about Vince, which is hilarious if you're serious (which you probably are). "Vince brought him back strictly because he was short on talent," lmao, die. How do you know that Christian didn't want to leave ECW (yet)? He could have decided to wait a year until the next draft, put some young guy over, and bigger plans. You don't know shit, you're talking 100% out of your ass. Also, with your logic, Edge is a better performer than Bryan Danielson because he's been in more memorable WWE matches (and to be honest, the most memorable matches I think of when I think of Edge are his TLC ones.. lol). The only singles matches of Edge's that stand out to me are anything with Foley (hardcore match..) and of course The Undertaker match.
Before I start, when did I compare Christian to Matt Hardy, besides the fact that he got out of ECW and had a successful program with his over as hell brother/ former partner. If they had big plans with Christian don't you think he would have been put in a program with his over as hell former partner to atleast give him a rub instead of putting him into a dwindling ECW? Just saying.
Dude, it was reported by the closest smark source to the WWE, Dave Meltzer. He's about as close to Vince as any outside source is gonna get. He reported it, and 90% of what he reports is true. Vince did bring him back because he was short on recognizable talent in the mid card. He reported it. He reported Vince not liking the guy. I went with what he said because it's fairly evident and obvious it's true. You think it's part of a push to leave a guy on a show that was raided of all it's talent and be left off of PPVs? The ECW strap was never left off of two consecutive PPVs until Christian got it? Coincidence? Yeah fucking right.
I never claimed to "know" Vince, but I have read plenty of Meltzer and he's the only reliable source in wrestling gossip. And it doesn't take a fucking Sherlock Holmes to take what he says and what's being seen on TV to draw obvious conclusions. NO ONE wants to stay on ECW and your Blue if you think so or even think he has a say in it. Vince has a record of keeping people back he doesn't jones for all the way back to Brutus to Owen Hart, to Chris Masters and Carlito, Christian just hasn't allowed it to affect his sheer professionalism.
Know why he's on ECW for such an extended time? They have no plans for him.
Know why he wasn't given an obvious program with Edge? They have no plans for him.
Know why his character hasn't evolved? They have no plans for him.
Know why the ECW strap is being downplayed to TV status? They have no plans for the belt or the champ.
So I'm Blue for seeing an obvious pattern here?
To further that, ECW is probably going down the shitter next year, so what's that speak of Christian, he's been champ for like six fuckin months and he is over to a degree, so what's that say about how Vince feels about him? You don't need to know someone to see how they're being treated, we see it onscreen. Don't let blind bias exaggerate what's going on. Dude is midcard. And certainly don't call me fucking Blue for calling it how it's seen.
Christian is a solid worker, I'm not taking away from him at all, but to say he's had better matches than Edge is wrong. I'm still waiting to hear someone suggest a string of matches as good as Edge was in 08. I'm not just going off that logic, Brian Danielson is a hell of a wrestler, but wrestling doesn't take you that far in WWE, you need to be a worker, able to work a match and the stic, and if Am Drag was as good as Edge, he'd been more than a development talent in 02 and he'd already be on the main shows now.
Sorry fella, but having a 100+ 5 star indy matches in front of crowds of less than 500 don't stack up to a guy who headlined a show that had over 1 million buys and has been a go-to guy (being on both big shows for extended time at the same time. Jericho is the go to guy now) for the biggest wrestling company ever. By your logic the And 1 ballers are better basketball players than Kobe and LBJ and that's a fat load of shit.