Will Christian Ever Win the Big One?

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Will Christian Ever Win the Big One?

  • He will win the WWE Championship

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  • He will win the World Heavyweight Championship

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He will not win either

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He's not the same. :confused:

He was a heel for like his entire WWE run before he came back. Totally cocky and shit. Has none of that now. Only thing that's the same is his name and CAPTAIN CHARISMA gimmick.


Well I do not see anything wrong with Christan's gimmick face or heel. Did the Rock's character ever really go through any dramatic changes once he became The Eyebrow raising, catchphrase electrifying jabraoni smacking super star we all came to know and love?


There's nothing wrong with Christian; whether it be booking, character or whatever. Don't listen to shit people are making up about conspiracy theories and Vince not liking him.
You wanna see someone who Vince isn't fond of? Take a look at MVP, Dolph Ziggler or Swagger.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
God damn Enzo is being Blue here. He's dead on sometimes, and times like now when it comes to TNA/Christian he's dumb. Anyways, I don't recall Matt Hardy being booked like Christian was (see: my previous post), because he wasn't. Nor was ANYONE else giving that title. The only thing I semi-agree with is that Christian hasn't had any character progression but that's because he's on shitty ECW. The funny thing is, you act like you know all this about Vince, which is hilarious if you're serious (which you probably are). "Vince brought him back strictly because he was short on talent," lmao, die. How do you know that Christian didn't want to leave ECW (yet)? He could have decided to wait a year until the next draft, put some young guy over, and bigger plans. You don't know shit, you're talking 100% out of your ass. Also, with your logic, Edge is a better performer than Bryan Danielson because he's been in more memorable WWE matches (and to be honest, the most memorable matches I think of when I think of Edge are his TLC ones.. lol). The only singles matches of Edge's that stand out to me are anything with Foley (hardcore match..) and of course The Undertaker match.

Before I start, when did I compare Christian to Matt Hardy, besides the fact that he got out of ECW and had a successful program with his over as hell brother/ former partner. If they had big plans with Christian don't you think he would have been put in a program with his over as hell former partner to atleast give him a rub instead of putting him into a dwindling ECW? Just saying.

Dude, it was reported by the closest smark source to the WWE, Dave Meltzer. He's about as close to Vince as any outside source is gonna get. He reported it, and 90% of what he reports is true. Vince did bring him back because he was short on recognizable talent in the mid card. He reported it. He reported Vince not liking the guy. I went with what he said because it's fairly evident and obvious it's true. You think it's part of a push to leave a guy on a show that was raided of all it's talent and be left off of PPVs? The ECW strap was never left off of two consecutive PPVs until Christian got it? Coincidence? Yeah fucking right.

I never claimed to "know" Vince, but I have read plenty of Meltzer and he's the only reliable source in wrestling gossip. And it doesn't take a fucking Sherlock Holmes to take what he says and what's being seen on TV to draw obvious conclusions. NO ONE wants to stay on ECW and your Blue if you think so or even think he has a say in it. Vince has a record of keeping people back he doesn't jones for all the way back to Brutus to Owen Hart, to Chris Masters and Carlito, Christian just hasn't allowed it to affect his sheer professionalism.

Know why he's on ECW for such an extended time? They have no plans for him.
Know why he wasn't given an obvious program with Edge? They have no plans for him.

Know why his character hasn't evolved? They have no plans for him.

Know why the ECW strap is being downplayed to TV status? They have no plans for the belt or the champ.
So I'm Blue for seeing an obvious pattern here?
To further that, ECW is probably going down the shitter next year, so what's that speak of Christian, he's been champ for like six fuckin months and he is over to a degree, so what's that say about how Vince feels about him? You don't need to know someone to see how they're being treated, we see it onscreen. Don't let blind bias exaggerate what's going on. Dude is midcard. And certainly don't call me fucking Blue for calling it how it's seen.

Christian is a solid worker, I'm not taking away from him at all, but to say he's had better matches than Edge is wrong. I'm still waiting to hear someone suggest a string of matches as good as Edge was in 08. I'm not just going off that logic, Brian Danielson is a hell of a wrestler, but wrestling doesn't take you that far in WWE, you need to be a worker, able to work a match and the stic, and if Am Drag was as good as Edge, he'd been more than a development talent in 02 and he'd already be on the main shows now.
Sorry fella, but having a 100+ 5 star indy matches in front of crowds of less than 500 don't stack up to a guy who headlined a show that had over 1 million buys and has been a go-to guy (being on both big shows for extended time at the same time. Jericho is the go to guy now) for the biggest wrestling company ever. By your logic the And 1 ballers are better basketball players than Kobe and LBJ and that's a fat load of shit.


Know why he's on ECW for such an extended time? They have no plans for him.
Know why he wasn't given an obvious program with Edge? They have no plans for him.

Or maybe it's that they wanted Christian to have some build before the fact. And if you're in the process of siting internet sources how about the one in the same series of rumors that stated Vince didn't want to use Christian in the Jeff story because it leaked too far ahead of time.
How about the fact that immediately after Edge was involved with Jericho...oh and maybe the fact that he's been side lined with a near career ending injury for the past 5 months, that could be a good reason too.
Putting Edge and Christian together isn't needed at this point in time. Why not increase the build and wait time a little longer before immediately throwing Christian into the most painfully obvious storyline available.

Just because he's holding a title that's in danger of being renamed or dissolved or whatever doesn't make it mean any less in the long run. There have been plenty of titles left off PPV's, not just the ECW title. How about the IC title which was almost all but forgot about nearly two years ago?

Great One

Before I start, when did I compare Christian to Matt Hardy, besides the fact that he got out of ECW and had a successful program with his over as hell brother/ former partner.
Sorry was kinda addressing someone else and mixed up the response

If they had big plans with Christian don't you think he would have been put in a program with his over as hell former partner to atleast give him a rub instead of putting him into a dwindling ECW? Just saying.
Not that I believe them, but wasn't there a same report from Meltzer that said the Christian storyline 'leaked' when he was the original guy fucking over Jeff, not Matt? And even then, you gotta believe it was inevitable, Edge was just involved in major shit and they couldn't just throw Christian in with him.

Dude, it was reported by the closest smark source to the WWE, Dave Meltzer. He's about as close to Vince as any outside source is gonna get. He reported it, and 90% of what he reports is true. Vince did bring him back because he was short on recognizable talent in the mid card. He reported it. He reported Vince not liking the guy. I went with what he said because it's fairly evident and obvious it's true. You think it's part of a push to leave a guy on a show that was raided of all it's talent and be left off of PPVs? The ECW strap was never left off of two consecutive PPVs until Christian got it? Coincidence? Yeah fucking right.
Ok, but how do you explain Christian beating Jericho absolutely CLEAN? Former world champion, beat by Christian. What about the Randy thing? He had him beat clean at SS. These are the main things I questioned which didn't add up to your que of supposed hate for Christian. The guy is booked mega strong dude, I don't see how you can deny that. I think where I was going with the Matt thing was, when was the last time (besides Show obviously, even though it was still a 'world title' when he had it) you saw some nobody on ECW trump the top booked heel in the business like that? That can't be midcard, and if it was Matt, it would be.

Know why he's on ECW for such an extended time? They have no plans for him.
Know why he wasn't given an obvious program with Edge? They have no plans for him.
Maybe not now, but to say they never will or that he will never achieve any grand-scale success (i.e. win a world title)? He would be getting booked like shit if no one gave a damn about him, and I do agree somewhat that they don't have plans for him now, I mean what could they do at the moment. It's the future we're talking about though. I honestly believe he'll win a world title next year, whether it has to do with Edge or not, he will.

Know why his character hasn't evolved? They have no plans for him.
Wouldn't this be up to him? I'm sure he says whatever he wants on ECW. I was personally hoping he would have mixed in the "Instant Classic" and "if you didn't know now you know" stuff.

Know why the ECW strap is being downplayed to TV status? They have no plans for the belt or the champ.
So I'm Blue for seeing an obvious pattern here?
To further that, ECW is probably going down the shitter next year, so what's that speak of Christian, he's been champ for like six fuckin months and he is over to a degree, so what's that say about how Vince feels about him? You don't need to know someone to see how they're being treated, we see it onscreen. Don't let blind bias exaggerate what's going on. Dude is midcard. And certainly don't call me fucking Blue for calling it how it's seen.
Didn't you say ROH was gonna fold soon? And if the ECW show is going to change/die soon, maybe their "plans" are to keep Christian there just until it ends, since it's going to end soon anyway?


There's two PPVs of MANY where the ECW belt was left off. I highlight these, because the latter is when the champion was CM Punk. Pretty much a nobody at this point, had about the same reaction as Christian, apparently they had "no plans" for him either, YET. He dropped it a month later then went on to win the Money in the Bank at WM. Why couldn't Christian do the same?

Christian is a solid worker, I'm not taking away from him at all, but to say he's had better matches than Edge is wrong. I'm still waiting to hear someone suggest a string of matches as good as Edge was in 08. I'm not just going off that logic, Brian Danielson is a hell of a wrestler, but wrestling doesn't take you that far in WWE, you need to be a worker, able to work a match and the stic, and if Am Drag was as good as Edge, he'd been more than a development talent in 02 and he'd already be on the main shows now.
Sorry fella, but having a 100+ 5 star indy matches in front of crowds of less than 500 don't stack up to a guy who headlined a show that had over 1 million buys and has been a go-to guy (being on both big shows for extended time at the same time. Jericho is the go to guy now) for the biggest wrestling company ever. By your logic the And 1 ballers are better basketball players than Kobe and LBJ and that's a fat load of shit.
I didn't say he's had better matches, but I'm sure if he's given the opportunity he could outdo him in a year. Also it doesn't have as much to do with Danielson being as 'good' as Edge, as it does him being 5'8" and like 180 at most. Edge is good, but the point was that he stayed in the WWE, Christian left, he got his big break. There is no way you could look at Edge and say he's miles more talented than Christian. We have yet to see Edge even play a truly successful face.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
R.e RoH: A very very reliable source that uses RoH talent such as Jerry Lynn and Jimmy Jacobs on a weekly basis was told so by the talent. This cat has never told me anything that wasn't true, I stand by it. It makes sense , why else would RoH let contracted workers out of their deals? I also said things could change. Perhaps they are. Who knows in this business.

R.e Christian: If they originally had big plans to stick Christian into the Hardy storyline and then it got leaked, why would they wait so long to pull the trigger on another storyline for the guy, especially if they are in need of a new face rising up the cards, and he is admittingly more over than most of the midcard guys getting exposure on the big shows. That makes no sense to me.

The Jericho thing was more of a "help ECW" thing than "help Christian" thing. If was meant to push Christian don't you think they'd be playing off it more? "ECW champ defeats former 5 time world champ!" should have been the storyline instead of the relative nothing that followed. It seems like it was a one night deal to give the ECW viewers something to watch for and keep the ratings from sagging.

I'm not saying Edge is miles ahead of Christian, I'm saying he's well enough ahead of him. True, he hasn't had a truly successful face run, but that's in the making for his return, but he has been a more versatile character than Christian. But in fairness, I don't think Christian will be given a chance to showcase how great he can be because of how it appears the boss feels about the guy.

Again, I truly appreciate good debate like this, just don't resort to name calling, especially when I make points with evidence and support. And I'm never "dead serious" about anything, I've been privileged enough to be involved with the indy aspect of this business and meet alot of great people with good connections and other views than that of myself, an internet smark, and trust me govna, those people are some dead serious people. Don't try and convince a Hernandez that Mistico is the best luchadore going today, doesn't end as civil as a message board dispute. At least he bought me a beer afterwards.:brows:


How the fuck does Edge have a more versatile character. He's been the ULTIMATE OPPORTUNIST~ for four fucking years. You want to talk about no character progression? Talk about Edge. Jesus Christ, he did the same shit with different opponents for too far too long. Christian has transitioned from the role of fiery contender to dominant champion seamlessly over on ECW.

Great One

Don't try and convince a Hernandez that Mistico is the best luchadore going today, doesn't end as civil as a message board dispute. At least he bought me a beer afterwards.:brows:
Rofl, you really had this debate with Hernandez? Who'd think he was the best?

Cuck Fena

New Member
Dec 9, 2009
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I don't see Christian shooting to the top so soon. The only thing I hope is that he eventually gets a major push. I think he's a solid face, a face I can stand. I'd hate him to have a heel turn, unless it was to team with Edge to go for the tag straps... then have a possible feud with Edge where he turns face again. WWE needs a solid face that isn't Cena or Kingston. Koffi just isn't doing it for me. I think Christian has that opportunity. He'll give him some attitude and it'll rock.


WWE needs a solid face that isn't Cena or Kingston. Koffi just isn't doing it for me. I think Christian has that opportunity. He'll give him some attitude and it'll rock.

Tell me about it. Batista is likely to walk into Mania as champion. He is heel which means he would need a face challenger. Who is there capable of facing Batista that is also a face? Morrison? However a brand switch by Christian would be brilliant to challenge Batista, that is just dreaming though.


Tell me about it. Batista is likely to walk into Mania as champion. He is heel which means he would need a face challenger. Who is there capable of facing Batista that is also a face? Morrison? However a brand switch by Christian would be brilliant to challenge Batista, that is just dreaming though.


Batista vs. Christian would be a waste of Christian imo. Christian vs. Punk is what I'm hoping for.


^ Punk/Christan would be totally awesome. Christan/Batista would be a waste of a Mania Main Event.


WWE would NEVER put Christian/Punk in a Mania main event together. Sounds like a sick match... but wouldn't happen.
Batista/Morrison is the safest bet for Smackdown's main event this year.