I'll put money on it that I either smoke the same, or more weed, and nicer weed than you.
Then you should post more cuase you seem like cool people.
J just became the stereotype of the exact point I was trying to make. He's basically came on here and bragged about being better then other pot smokers because he smokes more pot then they do.....
Again to me bragging about your drug use as being better is like bragging that you masterbaiting makes you better then the guy who gets pussy every night.
As for Blaze being straight edge and now not, I agree that you can change, but as others said, all you've done is proved that you have no self control or will power. If you can be persuaded to drop your belief system on drugs so easily I personally would have a hard time believing anything you said about your belief in any matter.
Weed is not a drug, its a plant and to what you said about it being like jacking off you were close. It's not like that its like getting pussy and bragging about how much you get. Its like bragging you can out drink someone because the more weed you smoke the more it takes to get you high. First time it took me a hit to get blown. Now we smoke bowl after bowl before I'm blown.