
Cena is predicable in the ring a spot monkey for kids. Orton is smooth fluid and can sell a match up.
Cena is predicable in the ring a spot monkey for kids. Orton is smooth fluid and can sell a match up.
Look at wm 23 Hbk vs cena working on his leg in the match up and guess what? Cena no sells it. That is not the only time it happened. Its happened a lot more often. Look Give Orton an iron man match up with say cm punk. His match with cm punk would be 5 stars. If John cena had an iron man match with Punk it would be a 4 star match with punk carrying cenas kiddo ass.
Just because I am bored to tears while I should be writing my BTB discussing these kind of dynamics helps get me in the mood to do BTB work so for sake of debate I will break down each one of these guys signature moves by comparison. For sake of avoiding a novel I will limit it to the best of their top 3.
Attitude Adjustment Vs. RKO
Analysis: Cena pretty much has perfect the art of pulling off the modified firemans carry slam. He can do it to any opponent, no matter how big or small, and it's a perfectly save move not only for him, but his opponent. With how safe he is with the move I can't imagine him ever legitimately hurting someone with it. In the mean time, you have the RKO, which looks absolutely sick depending on who's it performed on. Has been proven to be pulled out of basically ANYWHERE, making it highly effective & dangerous. However, Orton has botched the RKO at least 15-20% of the time that he has attempted to do it. Through one circumstance or another, the move is subject to being sloppy due to its needing quick motions and even quicker reaction time of the opponent. Cena's finisher basically gives you plenty of time to react and less something out of the ordinary happens, Cena never botches this move.
So for finisher, just due to cleanliness and the amount he has perfected the safety & execution of the move, Cenas Attitude Adjustment wins.
STF Vs. Running Punt To The Head
Ok, enough bullshitting around. Anyone who's seen a proper STF applied knows that Cena's is the most over the top, contrived & lazy version of the move. He basically waters down the STF for sake of safety so that he is basically causing as little damage to his opponent as realistically possible. But with the amount of people who have tapped to this thing when it's so blatantly obvious that all he's got is two wrists loosely crossed over your chin, it's insulting. While Ortons Punt on the other hand, while still being subject to botching frequently, has been put over as highly dangerous, highly damaging & on multiple occasions, career ending. When Orton Punts you, you're out. Period.
So for that reason, along with Cena's horrible execution of a proper STF, this one goes to Randy Orton.
Five Knuckle Shuffle Vs. The Garvin Stomp
If you're not familiar with the Garvin Stomp, it's basically Randy Ortons circling around and stomping at specific points of the body. It's a slow, methodical move that would serve a better purpose if he was just circling one body part and stomping at it from adjacent angles. But how he does it otherwise is good ground and pound psychology, if a little dumb since all that would needed to be done is to grab his foot and twist it into an ankle lock. But that just pales into comparison at the idiocy that is the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. It's a fist drop to the head, except delayed for at least 5 minutes while his opponent lays there dead, fully capable of being pinned for at least 5 times in a row, and Cena uses this time to taunt to the audience and let his opponent know that he can't see him. He then does even more theatrics, and finally lands the simplistic fist drop, to which it magically brings his opponent back to life in order to get back to their feet, only to eat a trademark finisher and THEN be down for the count. It's boring, predictable and unnecessary.
Therefore, Randy Orton brings it 2 to 1 with the Garvin Stomp.
So in terms of the excitement and effectiveness of their movesets, Randy Orton wins. I COULD analyze it to the point where I go best of five between Cena's Fisherman & Ortons inverted headlock backbreaker and then Cena's Throwback to Orton's Headlock. But I'll paraphrase for the sake of your attention span and just let you know Cena's throwback beats headlock and Ortons backbreaker beats the Fisherman. So it's still 3-2 best of five for Orton. Basically, Ortons got the more exciting moves, but Cena's the safer worker. Obviously if push came to shove and WWE HAD to choose which moveset to keep around and which one to limit for sake of safety regulations, Orton would be raped and Cena would still be the golden boy.
Yes. Because the quality of a wrestler should TOTALLY be judged on the excitement on his moves.
Yes cena match with punk was good but cmon punk vs Orton would rock right now. I don't care what anyone says cena sucks.
I said it was for the sake of debate and because I was bored out of my mind. Lighten the fuck up dude.
I agree with you, LKP doesn't have a leg to stand on and is just being stubborn because he refuses to admit he's wrong about anything, let alone Cena being a good wrestler.
Axis seriously if you cannot see that Orton is the better wrestler than your blind. Cena is the better entertainer yes. But Ortons, skills, wrestling ability, poise, smoothness and movement are so much better than a 4 move monkey. Cena can entertain he has heart, Orton can sell a match and tell a story. Orton is the overall better guy if you ask me.