Honestly I do not see how Kofi is a plausable winner, he hasn't done much since going all Jeff Hardy on Orton in MSG. If anything he has taken a step backward since then, I mean halfway through the Orton feud it was like Orton lost all interest in him and targeted his promos at wanting another shot at Cena. Maybe 6 months agohe could have won but now I just can't see it.
Christan again I can't see happening mainly because he has that ECW Championship at the moment and I could not see him dropping it in between now and Mania but if he ends up dropping it, which I can't see happening for another 4 months or so before going to one of the bigger brands then yes he could be a major player in the MiTB and if he did win I would be extremely happy.
Ted DiBiase/Cody Rhodes. Seriously? What have they done to even warrent a semi-mid card push? I highly doubt they will even be in the damn match let alone have a shot to win. If anything they will be in a Tag Team match if at all.
John Morrison is another Kofi type situation here. I honestly never saw what was so great about him other then a flashy moveset and BORING promos. Face or heel he is just averange and yes I have to admit 6-7 months ago I thought that he could have a possible main-event push in the cards he has really turned into another Matt Hardy who the IWC has a man-crush on and wants in the main event so badly yet whenever he gets close he gets totally shitted on.
Drew Mac is a good choice, he is honestly a pretty good candidate, if he does win I would love to see how they would use his "undefeated streak" in the build up of when he decides to cash in. Even though I am not a fan of his I wouldn't mind him with the briefcase and he does have that "look" that Vince loves.
Dolph Ziggler I can't ever see as a legit contender I mean how many shots did he have at the IC title when JoMo was carrying it? And now he is in a mini-feud with Kane?
CM Punk, I am not gonna lie I would totally mark out if he did win and as much as I would like to see him go for the hat trick I don't see him in it, If anything he will be in a Tag Team match at Mania or a small time singles feud, honestly I would love to see him shipped to ECW and feud with Christan over the ECW title, make people actually care about the title.
Then There is.... The Miz. Honestly he is becoming one of my favorites, he is imo the perfect cadidate for the Briefcase, he has the mic skills, character, charisma and he over (he gets some really good heat) I would totally mark out if he does win and I could see him going into a feud with Taker (if he keeps the WHC that long). Honestly I could see him winning and the crowd still Booing him during the post match celebration.
Guys like MVP, Swagger, Finley etc. simple aren't going to happen.