or handbag for our Pulsettes. Let's find out a little more about one another via what stuff we carry around.
The Linebacker's wallet consists of bank card, driving license, gift vouchers and cards, about £15 cash, my house key, library card and customer cards for the cinema, book shop and coffee shop. I leave a few things out such as my gym and bingo membership cards since I only need those when I actually go to them.
Hopefully some of you have more interesting stuff on you than I do.
The Linebacker's wallet consists of bank card, driving license, gift vouchers and cards, about £15 cash, my house key, library card and customer cards for the cinema, book shop and coffee shop. I leave a few things out such as my gym and bingo membership cards since I only need those when I actually go to them.
Hopefully some of you have more interesting stuff on you than I do.