The folks who claim Montreal was real wins the default position because the truth is on their side.
That's going into the argument thinking you are already right. The people who say the moon landing was fake would say theirs should be the default position "because the truth is on their side"
What determines what is the default position is what is logical to consider to the default position in the area you are dealing with. e.g. in statistics of any kind the logical position is almost always that the variable that we consider an independent variable will have 0 effect on what we consider the dependent variable before we collect the data and conduct a regression analysis
In wrestling the default position is that something is a work unless there is evidence to the contrary. We don't go looking around for evidence that everything that happens in wrestling is a work - on the contrary, when something appears to be a shoot e.g. Lesnar actually beating up on Strowman in a match, we (smarks but more importantly the dirtsheets) look for evidence that this is the case. If everything had to researched before it could be confirmed a work we would have no time to actually watch the product.
The interviews that you are providing are evidence that something is a shoot after the fact - it is assumed to be a work by the "marks" until some wrestler says it's a shoot and others corroborate their story.
You just proved my point with your last paragraph lmao. Why do so many other things in wrestling get to be treated as a work until someone says it is a shoot but the Montreal Screwjob gets to be some exception to the rule?