I'm writing a novel, I know what the plot is, but I'm afraid the first half will be more Young Adults and the second half will be for adults (since it follows the growth of a character from a teen to an adult). Any tips on how to avoid this?
Is that such a bad thing? The story's tone changing along with the character's age seems like it could lend itself to some interesting exploration. Nonetheless, with story writing I'd suggest roughly planning out how the story is going to go before writing.
Anyway, back on topic.
I have a degree in advertising and I'm hoping to find my niche somewhere in a creative role. If not, perhaps I could just take a graphics arts course, boss it, and see where that takes me.
So I have options... But I'll say honestly that there's not really anything in life that I would feel passionate enough to pursue. Creative advertising may be my best avenue but I'm not sure I can handle the environment and the urgency demanded. Stand-up comedy was a childhood dream of mine but I don't have the talent, committment or the balls to do it.
I feel like I'm not so much doing what I want to do, just what I can do. I guess I'm tired of being the guy still wondering what the fuck to I wanna do.