On the pre-Uncensored 96 Main Event programme, Mr. J.L. upset Dean Malenko in the latest Cruiserweight title tournament match. Jim Duggan beat Big Bubba Rogers. Dick Slater defeated Alex Wright in less than two minutes

And The Steiner Brothers went to a no contest with The Nasty Boys. When you hear about some of the pointless crap that actually made it onto the PPV you will wonder how that final match missed out?
Uncensored 1996
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Date: March 24, 1996
City: Tupelo, Mississippi
Venue: Tupelo Coliseum
Attendance: 9,000
PPV Buyrate: 250,000 (roughly)
Tagline: Everything you've wanted to see...plus the stuff you haven't thought of yet!
If you thought last year's event was bad you ain't seen nothing yet!
U.S. Title match: Eddie Guerrero VS. Konan (c)
Typical of this night that we start off with a non-Hardcore match

The U.S. title has hit a new low with the likes of Konan and One Man Gang holding the belt. Eddie just about manages to squeeze a half decent match out of him. We start off with a feeling out process, before some sloppy exchanges including a series of roll ups and reversals. The mat wrestling part of the match doesn't convince because the Champ looks out of his element. There's a few nice arm drags and Eddie landing on his feet from a Konan monkey flip is impressive, as are the follow up head scissors and a awesome cross body to the floor. Konan retains with an accidental low blow (or was it?) as Eddie is coming down. **1/2
Lord Steven Regal (W/Jeeves
) VS. The Belfast Bruiser (Fit Finlay)
The Bruiser recently made his debut on Saturday Night and feels the perfect guy to feud with Regal. Loved the Mad Max style jacket

This was a proper old school, smash mouth style technical brawl which the fans liked for awhile but lost interest in as the match went on. It did last too long to be fair as did pretty much every match. A Regal hip-block lands with all his weight down on Finlay. The pair exchange stiff European uppercuts. Regal tastes the steel guard rail on the floor. The Brit's excellent selling may have been the highlight of the match. His drop kick counter also looked good, as did The Bruiser's posterior drop

The Irishman took a nice bump to the floor following a surplex tug of war. Dusty: "
Where's Ireland? 5 Miles from London?"
Regal does a blade job until the Blue Bloods come out and give Finlay the cheap DQ win. Yes a DQ on Uncensored
At this point the show's really dragging. There's far too many interviews between matches and plugs for the hotline. Lochness's interview and scary British Northern accent on a WCW broadcast is funny to hear
Col. Robert Parker VS. Madusa
Fuck this match!

Again its another regular rules match. If there ever should have been a squash match it should have been this one. Dusty loses his shit over Parker actually wrestling. The aeroplane spot made Madusa look like a jobber. The announcers also go nuts when Madusa start kicking Parker's ass?....

The crossbody spot and the finish was horrible. *
It's Grrrrrreat!" Lee Marshall makes his WCW PPV debut doing interview segments. In his first one with the Giant, Lee actually says, "
Fans have already seen some of the wildest action" Now that takes balls!
Diamond Dallas Page VS. The Booty Man
No Badd this time as he's departed to the WWF ending his six year relationship with WCW. Naturally Tony gets a dick in, "
He decided he could no longer play where the big boys play"

Badd jobbed on his way out dropping the TV belt to Luger of all people. Two things remain consistent on this show. Another straight up wrestling match and a boring 1980's style one at that. The highlight was easily Page's comical selling and back and forth with ringsiders. Kimberly now going under the name The Booty Babe

actually says "

Things got worse later when Kimbo added, "
I want him to be my boyfriend!" Who's writing this shit?!

She soon got her wish. Page kisses her, she slaps him, the Booty Man wins with a very 1980's running knee lift

Jimmy Hart says tonight will be the last time he manages Lex and gives him a special Lex designed jacket. "
I love you man!!"
Giant VS. Giant: Loch Ness VS. The Giant (W/Jimmy Hart)
The winner gets a title shot. Yes, Loch Ness has already switched face and would have got a title shot one month into his WCW career with a win here

A predictably plodding 1980's big man style match. Loch Ness is basically used in the jobber role to try and boost the Giant. At least it was kept short. *1/2
Chicago Street Fight: Sting and Booker T VS. The Road Warriors
With Lex choosing to leave abandon Sting for the night to join the Alliance to end Hulkamania, Booker stepped into his shoes. It proved a good replacement. Most the best moments came through the future 5-Time WCW champ. Even with Booker's efforts this match was a huge let down. It was the longest of the night at 29:33. Such a match would have benefited from being shorter. To make matter worse most of the action was plodding and the street fight moments tame.
For most of the match all four squared off, normally pairing off. Booker delivers a axe kick. Hawk is dumped on the guard rail outside. Hawk pops up from a piledriver and blocks a Harlem hangover. Sting brings a couple of folding chairs to the ring but the shots look so tame. Animal turns the tables with chair shots of his own. Sting misses the Stinger Splash but is saved from the Doomsday Device by his partner for the night. Sting misses a cross body off the top. Booker hits a drop kick off the top, but then misses a scissors kick hitting grin first on the top rope. Sting takes a power slam off the top from Animal for a near fall. Sting then decides to clean house with a pair of brooms

When the tables are turned on Sting, Booker walks out on his partner. We never find out what Booker was planning. Animal follows him to the back. The two start brawling and by the most amazing coincidence Luger is posing in front of a mirror in the hall way just at the moment Booker and Animal happen to be there?

Animal bumps into Lex, they start brawling, Stevie Ray gets involved and Luger ties Animal to a post. Booker returns to the match and ends up winning with help from Ray. What a clusterfuck!

For some reason Harlem Heat get a title shot on the back of Sting and Booker's win?...

Doomsday Cage Match: The Alliance to End Hulkamania Ric Flair (W/Woman and Elizabeth), Arn Anderson, The Taskmaster, Lex Luger (W/Jimmy Hart), Meng, The Barbarian, Z-Gangsta (Tiny Lister) & The Ultimate Solution (Robert Swenson) VS. The Mega Powers Hulk Hogan and Macho Man
The end point for this collusion indulgence in 1980's nostalgia. A stacked match, which was booked like a fanboy's video game. And that's how it plays like a video games with different levels, very little rules, and endless adds on. It has zero logic beyond having Hulk and Macho survive monster after monster, heel after heel (including three managers). Flair, Hogan, Savage and Arn start in the top cage. The Taskmaster and co. wait in cage two with their fingers in their asses in case Hogan and Macho survive and escape into that cage

In a further twist not all the wrestlers show up for the start of the match with Z-Gangsta and Solution held back for later

We get some half decent action is cage one. The Powers escape to Cage 2, but Arn and Ric soon follow. So the heels aren't eliminated even though they failed to eliminate Hulk and Savage? WTF is going on!?

The second cage has different compartments. Before long Sullivan, Lex, Macho and Hulk reach the floor and start brawling. Ultimate Solution and Z-Gangsta finally appear. Solution who sadly died aged 40 looked like a drunk builder. All those guy brawl into "FUCK! a third ring with a cage around it. Flair and Arn finally catch up. Jimmy's evil laugh was probably the highlight of the whole baffling mess

To no surprise The Booty Man shows up to aid the faces, handing them frying pans for weapons. BTW earlier Dusty said that Ed Leslie had gone undercover in the DOD to damage them from the inside, well... insert your own joke here

There's powder used also. Like a Bond villain from the 1970's Luger nails Flair with a loaded glove, on purpose. PLOT TWIST!!!

Macho ends the confusing match with the pin. Dusty pisses on Lex even though he helped the babyfaces

BTW Tony rambled on during the match about Pillman being booked for the match but not showing up. My guess is WCW knew Pillman wasn't going to show. And good for him! 1/2
Best Match: Regal VS. The Belfast Bruiser
Worst Match: Take a fucking guess!
Event Rating: 1/10
Next time WCW look to squeeze some more mileage out of the Lethal Lottery at Slamboree 96.