Bash at the Beach 1996
Date: July 7, 1996
Setting: Daytona Beach Florida (Ocean Center)
Attendance: 8,300
Tagline(s): "This is No Day at the Beach. Catch the Big One!"
PPV Buyrate (Roughly): 250'000
Announcers: Tony Schivone, Bobby Heenen, Dusty Rhodes and Mike Tenay (for the opening match only).
The biggest night in WCW history and the night that changed wrestling forever started off with that naff Seal rip-off BATB theme for the opening video package....
Most notable on the Main Event Preshow was the aging Rock 'N' Roll Express defeating Powerplant hopefuls Fire and Ice (Ice-Train and Scott Norton). I can only think the Rock 'N' Roll Express made a one off appearance as a nod to old school diehard fans. Them beating the younger talent wasn't too clever. Also The Steiner Brothers beat Harlem Heat by DQ. Yes two of WCW's biggest tag teams didn't make it onto the big PPV WTF?!
Psychosis VS. Rey Mysterio Jr.
This was the perfect way to open up. Mysterio carries on his rise up the ladder after impressing against Malenko at Bash. Psychosis in his colourful attire and bullhorns is the perfect foil too. Its a match the crowd was slow to warm to, but by the end they were into it. Heenan on sharp form all night quiped that Rey had hair like Demi Moore and Psychosis had hair like Pig Bundy

. The more experience Psychosis took control early with a swift armdrag, and baseball slide, before grounding the smaller Mysterio sound mat moves, including an Indiana Deathlock and Surfboard. He also got the best off a criss cross with a headscissors taking Rey to the floor, followed by an impressive suicide dive. The heel scored a twos from a running legdrop and gallotine legdrop, following it up with a leg scissors and clothesline, Rey makes a fightback sliding under Psychosis' legs, he's then caught on the apron, but turns it into a hurricanrana off the ropes for a hot near fall. Mysterio goes for the leg attempting to cut his bigger foe down to size, but Psychosis comes back with a stiff looking DDT. Mysterio is dumped on the guard rail, and is nailed with a nice looking top rope swinton ontop Rey on the floor. Returning to basics Psychosis locks on a carmel clutch ripping at the rookie's face

Rey counters a hammerlock with a smooth headscissors and does his inventive tour around the post swinging himself back in side as Psychosis moves out the way. Staying on top Mysterio hits a springboard dropkick and twisting Asai Moonsault, awesome!

Heenan's reactions as Tenay keeps announcing these moves he's never heard of was gold!

. The Brain said years later in a shoot interview that Tenay was his fave WCW announce guy to work with.
The face then is slowed down when hitting his leg on the ruard rail from on a high risk move which seemed a bit too risky. Psychosis scores an two and an half count from a powerbomb. The finish comes when Psychosis goes for broke with a top rope powerbomb, no doubt this would have put Mysterio away. but the second generation star is able counter in mid-air, hook his legs around Psychosis head and hit an impressive top rope frankensteiner snapping the neck and using a credle for the pin. Another big step for Mysterio and a great honor it must have been to have opened such a big show for both. Also big props to Psychosis for leading the match, working the crowd like a Pro and giving Rey the rub. From an in-ring stand point this was the best match on the show. ****
Big Bubba (W/Jimmy Hart) VS. John Tenta - Silverdollar Pole match
This was the first of a series of lame gimmicks in a desperate attempt to add more flavor to an underwhelming match. Both these guys are legends, but both had seen better days and were saddled with a crap storyline. Tenta the former Shark had quit the Dungeon of Doom and had half his head shalved as punishment, yep Tenta came out with a half shaven head

. Bubba looked like a guy who had just staggered out of a biker bar at 3 in the morning. The rules of the match was that the first guy to climb the pole and grab the bag with the silver coins could use it as a weapon WTF?!

. Part of the drama came from the fact that the 400 plus Tenta might have trouble climbing the pole, so for some reason he was allowed to unwrap the tape from the pole and take it down that way, WHICH DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF A FUCKING POLE MATCH!!

. You see now why WCW needed the NWO? To be fair the crowd who were on good form all night were pretty hot for these two. The match itself was plain dumb, sloppy and without a spark. The best moment was the surreal sight of Jimmy Hart removing his coat to climb the pole for Bubba LOL!!!

. Meanwhile Tenta powerslams, grabs Jimmy and the silverdollars using them to win the match. Now that was a finish "BROTHER"!! * 1/2.
Mean Gene interviews Team WCW Lex Luger, Sting and Macho Man ahead of the main event. Macho doesn't care who the third man is, and that its going to be someone

Ending with whoever the third man is is going to get hurt like the others. Playing up Macho's loose cannon persona as a key weapon for WCW was a nice touch. Sting ended the interview by saying that the "the Unknown gives goosebumps".
Lord of the Ring Tape Fist Match: Diamond Dallas Page VS. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Another lame filler match. Two months after winning Battle Bowl ring Page's push is stalling. He gets the win, but its presented as a fluke, Page spends most of match doing goofy comedy spots and selling Duggan's crappy offence, like the old slingshot spot. To be fair Hacksaw got the fans into it with the "USA Chants". The finish comes with Page kicking the ringrope into Duggan's groin and hitting the match winning Diamond Cutter. *1/2
Its always nice to see Tony the Tiger aka Lee Marshall

He interviews Benoit and Arn Anderson ahead of their match with Kevin Sullivan and The Giant later. The interview happens on the BATB stage. Decent segment, but what is this Nitro?!
Tag Team Dog Collar Match: Public Enemy VS. The Nasty Boys
The Nasty Boy's new theme sung by Sags and Knobs themselves (who clearly can't sing

) has to be one of crapist themes. You be the judge:
This match was better than expected IMO. It added something a little different to the show and the two teams gave it their all with some fun spots. The double screen throughout the match was a nice idea. At one point with see Sags using a surfboard as his partner uses a chair and "
two count on a surfboard"
Sags takes a piledriver on the floor and is driven through a table for a two count by Rocco Rock. Later in the ring two table spots don't break the tables. The finish comes when Knobs hangs Grunge by a chain and uses the chain as a clothesline to take down Rocco. Public Enemy get the last laugh as the first carries on post-match. **1/2
Mean Gene has extra security just incase the Outsiders come after him. Still no signs of Bischoff who hasn't been seen since taking the Jumpknive from Nash at the Great American Bash.
Cruiserweight Title: Disco Inferno VS. Dean Malenko (c)
Disco gets his own Discoball!

. Before the match the rookie mocks Malenko's lack of personality "Mr. Personality" that's a bit rich Glen

. This is the second best match of the night, and it tells a really nice story. The announcers deserve credit for this too. Painting Disco as a bit of a joke and not aggressive enough makes it mean all the more when Disco makes his big comebacks later in the match. For a long time it looked like this might be a job match as Malenko is kicking ass for so long. The touch of the Champion being deadly serious and pissed at Disco's antics is another nice cool touch. Goes straight for the challenger from the bell, not even allowing him to get his jacket off. A on the money brainbuster scores two. A headscissors is followed by a crisp snap surplex. Malenko targets the knees with a leglace, half-crab and smooth float over into the STF. Disco makes a slow comeback hanging up Malenko on the top rope and getting a two count from a face first side Russian surplex. The Champion takes over with a low blow and grounds the challenger. A middle rope leg drop is followed by a Axe Handle off the top which is blocked by Disco and turned into a neckbreaker for a near fall. A swinging neckbreaker also gets two. Dean bouches back with a springboard dropkick, the Iceman goes for his Texas Cloverleaf finisher which is counted for a small packege for a hot near fall. They jostle for backslides, Malenko blocks and hits a beautiful double underhook surplex and locks on a Texas Cloverleaf for the submission win. By the end of the match people believed Disco could be Cruiserweight champ, job done. ***1/2
Joe Gomez VS. Steve McMichael (W/Debra)
So the Steiners, Harlem Heat and Eddy Guerreo didn't get onto the main card but this crappy looking WCW Saturaday Night level bullshit did!





Pretty much everything looks rough, Mongo busts his leap in the first minute of the match. The jobber Gomez is presented as the underdog of the match and yet dominates McMichael. In the end Mongo gets the win a naff looking tombstone piledriver. *1/2.
Gene interviews Ric Flair with Liz and Woman. Watching Flair flirting with these girls in a 2022 context is kinda creepy. Its revealed that Woman has a thing for that stud Mean Gene and invites him to a private party

U.S. Title Match: Konnan (C) VS. Ric Flair (W/Woman and Elizabeth)
Hit and miss match. We start off with some classic Nature Boy mindgames. Its a slow start, the pace quickers as the champ connects with a low ball dropkcik and slaps Flair. We get a spell of more serious mat wrestling, before Flair lights up Konnan with a stinging chop in the corner, his shot to the bridge of the nose, but is then caught in a backdrop. Konnan locks on a surfboard which the Horseman leader sells like a Pro. Slick Ric then takes a Gurrella press, and Woman starts screaming at ringside (her performance in this match and later in the show shows what a fine worker she was). Woman gets a low blow in as Flair ties up the ref. Liz also pops up on the opron to distract the ref. The Champ is thrown over the top rope. Flair's ventical surplex looks good and gets two. Konnan fires back and we get the typical Flair aeroplane spin. Flair begs off, blocks a sunset flip and goes for a figure four which is countered by a K-Dog small package for two. The Champ turns the tables on Flair, hooking on a figure four of his own as the challenger screams in pain

. Finally the former NWA/WCW champ makes the ropes, Konnan catches his foe up top and hits the rocketlaucher, and scores a two count from a running face plant. K-Dog hooks on abdormal stretch, once again Liz destracts the ref, he's destracted for so long it makes you wonder what they were talking about?

. In the end Woman nails Konnan with a spiked heel and Flair gets the pin and the US title. This brings to an end one of the most forgettable US Title reigns, lets see if Ric can do better. **1/2
Gene eves drops on the Outisder's lockerroom saying he heard a third voice and it sounds "familar" but it was "muffled" I love this shit!

. Heenen wants Gene to bribe a guard for info
Arn Anderson and Chris Benoit VS. Kevin Sullivan and The Giant
The story of this match heats up when the Giant is destracted by Mongo who goes for him with a briefcase. As the Giant chases him to the back this gives the Horsemen a few minutes to icelate Sullivan doubling teaming him. The Taskmaster and Arn rumble outside leading to Arn hitting the guard rail back first. Benoit and Sullivan (involved in a real life feud, being used by WCW on TV) brawl back and fourth with stiff blows in the corner. The Giant returns and nails Arn with a clothesline before he can hit a DDT on Sullivan. As the Crippler goes for a superplex the Giant comes in and catches Benoit in mid-air. The Horsemen do a good job of cutting off the ring working on Sullivan's arm and tagging in and out. An Anderson piledriver is blocked Sullivan sling shots Arn into Benoit whose up top, but the sequence is very slow. The hot tag to the WCW World Champion finally comes. Sullivan uses his experience taking Benoit away from the ring as the pair carry on their war up the aisle. A standout is Benoit out of nowhere diving ontop Sullivan off the life guard stand

Back in the ring The Giant pins Arn with the chokeslam. Benoit keeps up the punishment with a superplex. At this point Sullivan's real life Ex Woman runs in and starts screaming at Benoit not to hurt him anymore. Finally the Giant returns to save the Taskmaster. This is a very baffling shoot style storyline. The fans didn't know about the real life tension between Benoit and Sullivan, nor did the announcers according to Tony Schivone. The moment with Woman fell flat. ***
Hostile Takeover Six Man Main Event: Sting, Lex Luger and Macho Man VS. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and ???
We get a classic Buffer OTT intro as he says that The Outsiders have challenged WCW's Saintity

. Hall and Nash come out, but there's no third man with them. Gene comes out to challenge this, he wants to know where the third guy is? Hall mocks Gene calling him Sceme Gene saying he doesn't need to know. This further adds to the drama and leads the announcers to speclate that WCW might have been played. The faces come out to a big pop. Luger and Hall start out. Lots of stalling from the former Diamond Studd who mocks Lex and tosses a tooth pick in his face. Luger fires back and hits a flying forearm. He nails Nash for good measure but a moment later is taken out by his own partner Sting by mistake. As Lex is caught in the corner Sting comes in with the Stinger splash but knocks Nash into Luger's head knocking the Total Package out. Clearly an accident but it does play into the heat between Luger and Sting in recent months and the idea that Sting could be the third man (originally WCW's plan). Luger does a stretcher job and the sides are leveled up, Hall gets even more heat mocking Lex as he's stretchered away.
Sting hits an atomic drop on Hall followed by a running face slam. Macho tags in but is caught coming off the top by Nash and hit with the snake eyes. Macho gets two from a clothesline. Nash is officially tagged in and hits an elbow drop. Sting tags in and goes for a sunset flip, Nash blocks it and shows his power lifting Sting up before dropping him. The heels cut off the ring. Hall hits a nice fullaway slam for two. The Outsiders gang up on Sting who fights back to a good crowd reaction. The stinger hits a low dropkick taking away Nash's base. A small package on Hall, sees the ref destracted by Macho who has been wound up by the heels. Halls locks on an abdormnal stretch and gets an assist from his partner who grabs his hand from the outside. Hall sleeper, Macho comes in with a chair and is truly unhinged. Nash hits his sideslam for a two. Sting gets his second wind and decks both heels, and makes the hot tag. Refreshed Macho takes on both heels, striking both with double axe handles off the top. At this point Team WCW seem on course for the win. Then the big moment, as Hulk Hogan comes out to a massive pop. Remember this was Hulk's first appearance in WCW since Feburary he had been filming a movie the classic Santa with Muscles!

As he comes out Heenen delivers his famous line: "But who's side is he on?"!!

. Nash has just given Savage a low blow in the ring. Hogan's entrace stops them the Outsiders in their tracks, they both back off. Hogan pauses, and then BOOM! He delivers the legdrop of Doom on Macho followed by another two. Tghe crowd reaction is off the charts as is the announcer's who by the way didn't know. Heenen seems vindacated for all those years of hating Hulk

Hogan gets the pin the Outsiders and Hogan win. Garbage fills the ring. Mean Gene wants answers. Hogan delivers one of his greatest ever promos and one of the most iconic in history. Hogan names the new faction the New World Order of Wrestling and beclaims them the future. He says the Garbage in the ring represents the fans

. Hogan references the WWF ("the organsation up North"), saying he made them millions and in the end became too big for the company. Hogan complains about being overlooked by Ted Turner and WCW management, and ends with a alternative version of his famous "Whatcha gonna do?" line. Tony Schivone signs off the PPV with one of his greatest ever lines, "
Hulk Hogan you can go to Hell!"
. ***
Coming next time WCW expland their PPV's with a weird August outting.