Fall Brawl 1995
Date: September 17, 1995
Location: Ashville, North Carolina
Attendance: 6,600
Tagline: "Let the Games Begin!"
Comments: WCW once again dragged out Dusty's classic gimmick the War Games match to headline its Fall Brawl PPV. This time it was used to carry on the tedious Hulk Hogan-Dungeon of Doom feud. In the run up to the event Vader was heavily advertised to appear as part of the face team. However fate took its course and Vader got into a locker room fight with Paul Orndorff. Management took Orndorff's side and the 400 pounder was released from his contract. Vader would debut in the WWF 4 months later at the Royal Rumble. The recently defected Lex Luger was quickly inserted into the match in Vader's place. The change was not for the better. I think Vader would have added something different. Far from the worse WCW PPV in recent memory, Fall Brawl had its bright spots. The promotion for the match between long time friends Ric Flair and Arn Anderson was very good. Since this was their first high profile singles match and Fall Brawl was held in Flair's back yard that match should have been the main event. On the whole WCW went through the motions on this night. Another problem was that the PPV itself only had 6 matches. As a result a number of matches were over long. It would have been better to have had a couple more matches and spaced them out a bit.
Four matches aired on the pre-show Main Event. The pick of them was Eddie Guerrero's TV debut in a decent match against Alex Wright which went to a no-contest when Wright asked for the match to be stopped because an injury to Guerrero. Guerrero who would have successful career in both WCW and even more so WWF/E made a promising first appearance. In another pre-show match The Nasty Boys jobbed to the American Males (Marcus Begwell and Joey Maggs) when they were distracted by the antics of Col. Robert Parker and Sister Sherri at ringside. It should surprise no one that the Nasty's were more over with the crowd than the lame hot throb tag team (who should have been a heel team anyway).
Flyin' Brian VS. Johnny B. Badd
This opener was billed as a face VS. face match with the winner set to get a U.S. title shot against Sting. Pillman who was about to transform into his most memorable character was showing a more heelish side. Cutting down on the the flashy high risk moves, Pillman was dressed in black and showed a more aggressive style. Credit to both guys for telling a decent story and working the crowd quite well. The match was strange in that the original period which went to a 20 minute time limit draw was a slower paced wrestling match. It was decided by the ref that it would go into sudden death over time. The match shot into life with a faster pace and a number of near falls. In the end Badd got the better of a crossbody mid-ring collusion to steal the win. Considering Pillman's change in the direction it might have a made more sense to have given him the match with Sting. Then again maybe it was felt he didn't need it. It was a strong opener anyway. ***
Cobra VS. Sgt. Craig "Pittbull" Pitman
A match that would look bad on a episode of WCW Saturday Night. The only saving grace was that it was very short (less than two minutes). But then the booking and finish of the match was an insult. Some no name cadet came to ringside and fooled Cobra into thinking that Pitman would not involved in the match. Only for the Pittbull to drop down from the rafters and start choking Cobra. Of course the ref still started the match
Neither man showed any personality or presence. Pitman's offence was rubbish. The heel went over with the Code Red. *
Following his match with the Macho Man on TV Orndorff has the most bizarre but hilarious locker room melt down. Orndorff questions if he is Mr Wonderful anymore?
Orndorff talks to psychic and spiritual healer Gary Spivey
Gary gives our boy one hell of a pep talk
By the end of the segment Orndorff is looking into the mirror repeating Spivey's words, "I am Mr. Wonderful"
TV Title Match Diamond Dallas Page (W/The Diamond Doll and Max Muscle) VS. The Renegade (c) (W/Jimmy Hart)
Another dull Renegade match which lasted too long. But at least the reign of terror is finally over!
During the match heel Page forces the Doll to hold up a score card giving his moves a ten!
Maybe giving Page the red hot TV title will give him some much needed heat?
Tag Title Match Harlem Heat (W/Sister Sherri) VS. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater (c) (W/Col. Robert Parker)
Another sluggish match. These two teams don't make mix well. At over 16 minutes this was another over long match. Almost nothing of note happened. The small plus points were future star Booker T who looked decent taking a pounding from the heels. There was something to seeing old school bad ass "Dirty" Dick Slater and his stiff style. The finish and title change came when Sherri and Parker engaged in some wild kissing in the second ring and the Nasty Boys avenge their pre-show loss by costing Buck and Slater the bout. Post-match both teams had issues with their managers. Sherri insists that the Parker kiss was part of her plan to cause a distraction?
By the way this title change was rendered pointless the next night on Nitro when Harlem Heat dropped the belts to The American Males. Yes the same American Males who only wrestled on the pre-PPV show!
Ric Flair VS. Arn Anderson
Now the hype for this match was very good. Described as a match we never thought you'd see. There was video packages recounting the history between the two best friends and typical strong promos from both (Flair describing Arn as like a brother). In a funny side note in storyline WCW were pushing the idea that the Flair-Anderson falling out happened because of Hulk Hogan's debut in WCW (suggesting that Flair was never the same after Hogan arrived). The match was a technical sound, nicely paced and exciting match with a strong crowd response. Early on Anderson was serious, with a aggressive style, at one point slapping Flair, Natch's reaction to this was gold. Arn focused on the arm with full arm and twist, wrapped it around the ring post and a hammer lock slam. Rolling Flair onto his shoulders Arn got repeated one counts. In an original spot Flair takes the aeroplane flip in the corner but suckers Arn in ducking and sending the enforcer to the floor. A double axe handle off the top keeps Flair rolling. Back inside he zones in on Anderson's knee with a chop block. A knee drop followed by pins with the feet on the middle rope
A back drop out of the corner scores two. Anderson back drops Flair to the floor but then takes a surplex on the outside. Back inside Flair hits his impressive vertical surplex and a float over for two. A reverse chop of the ropes gets the same result. Flair blocks an Arn sunset flip attempt, but then misses with a fist. Arn again shows his mean streak with Flair upside down in the corner he chokes and puts the boots to him. Arn signals for the DDT but Flair is too close to the ropes and blocks it. Arn hits rocket launcher and a running knee drop for two. Flair catches Arn coming off the ropes with a clothesline. A figure four attempt is blocked, but in the end Flair locks it on. In a very intense sequence Double A keeps popping up after the ref counts at one point spitting at Flair. Finally he reverses it to a big pop! Another figure four attempt is countered into a small package followed by a hot near fall. The finish comes when Pillman who had been watching at ringside (along with a number of wrestlers) jumps up on the apron and gets into a shoving match with Flair. As Flair returns to Arn Pillman gives him a kick to the head setting him up for a Anderson DDT and three count. So in typical WCW fashion a cheap finish to a very good match. ****
More gold DOD antics as the Taskmaster hypes the main event including talking about expired flowers
War Games Main Event The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Sting, Macho Man Randy Savage and Lex Luger (w/Jimmy Hart) VS. The Dungeon of Doom (Kamala, The Zodiac, The Shark and Meng (w/The Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan)
For the third straight year (since switching it to a different PPV
) the War Games match was deadly bore devoid of any real drama. It at least got off to a decent start with Sting starting off against The Shark. The Stinger got a response from the crowd with a high risk move and a slam on the 400 plus pounder. The match pretty much took a nose dive when the terrible Zodiac entered the match for the heels. Lex Luger's in-ring comeback for WCW was an anti-climax. The attempt to get heat out of the tension between Luger and team captain Hogan (can the faces trust the recent defector? yawn....) was just cheap. The finish was cheap too. Hogan got the match winning submission with a fucking chinlock on The Zodiac
As a result of the face team's win Sullivan was forced to face Hogan. As Hogan hammered the Taskmaster, The Giant predictably came out and attacked Hogan setting up the main event for Halloween Havoc. Why the hell the Giant wasn't part of this match is anyone's guess. You can't really expect such logical booking from WCW in 1995
Best Match: Flair VS. Anderson
Worst Match: Cobra VS. Sgt. Craig "Pittbull"Pittman
Rating: 3/10
Next time.... A truly scary main event at Halloween Havoc 95
Date: September 17, 1995
Location: Ashville, North Carolina
Attendance: 6,600
Tagline: "Let the Games Begin!"
Comments: WCW once again dragged out Dusty's classic gimmick the War Games match to headline its Fall Brawl PPV. This time it was used to carry on the tedious Hulk Hogan-Dungeon of Doom feud. In the run up to the event Vader was heavily advertised to appear as part of the face team. However fate took its course and Vader got into a locker room fight with Paul Orndorff. Management took Orndorff's side and the 400 pounder was released from his contract. Vader would debut in the WWF 4 months later at the Royal Rumble. The recently defected Lex Luger was quickly inserted into the match in Vader's place. The change was not for the better. I think Vader would have added something different. Far from the worse WCW PPV in recent memory, Fall Brawl had its bright spots. The promotion for the match between long time friends Ric Flair and Arn Anderson was very good. Since this was their first high profile singles match and Fall Brawl was held in Flair's back yard that match should have been the main event. On the whole WCW went through the motions on this night. Another problem was that the PPV itself only had 6 matches. As a result a number of matches were over long. It would have been better to have had a couple more matches and spaced them out a bit.

Four matches aired on the pre-show Main Event. The pick of them was Eddie Guerrero's TV debut in a decent match against Alex Wright which went to a no-contest when Wright asked for the match to be stopped because an injury to Guerrero. Guerrero who would have successful career in both WCW and even more so WWF/E made a promising first appearance. In another pre-show match The Nasty Boys jobbed to the American Males (Marcus Begwell and Joey Maggs) when they were distracted by the antics of Col. Robert Parker and Sister Sherri at ringside. It should surprise no one that the Nasty's were more over with the crowd than the lame hot throb tag team (who should have been a heel team anyway).
Flyin' Brian VS. Johnny B. Badd
This opener was billed as a face VS. face match with the winner set to get a U.S. title shot against Sting. Pillman who was about to transform into his most memorable character was showing a more heelish side. Cutting down on the the flashy high risk moves, Pillman was dressed in black and showed a more aggressive style. Credit to both guys for telling a decent story and working the crowd quite well. The match was strange in that the original period which went to a 20 minute time limit draw was a slower paced wrestling match. It was decided by the ref that it would go into sudden death over time. The match shot into life with a faster pace and a number of near falls. In the end Badd got the better of a crossbody mid-ring collusion to steal the win. Considering Pillman's change in the direction it might have a made more sense to have given him the match with Sting. Then again maybe it was felt he didn't need it. It was a strong opener anyway. ***
Cobra VS. Sgt. Craig "Pittbull" Pitman
A match that would look bad on a episode of WCW Saturday Night. The only saving grace was that it was very short (less than two minutes). But then the booking and finish of the match was an insult. Some no name cadet came to ringside and fooled Cobra into thinking that Pitman would not involved in the match. Only for the Pittbull to drop down from the rafters and start choking Cobra. Of course the ref still started the match

Following his match with the Macho Man on TV Orndorff has the most bizarre but hilarious locker room melt down. Orndorff questions if he is Mr Wonderful anymore?

TV Title Match Diamond Dallas Page (W/The Diamond Doll and Max Muscle) VS. The Renegade (c) (W/Jimmy Hart)
Another dull Renegade match which lasted too long. But at least the reign of terror is finally over!

Tag Title Match Harlem Heat (W/Sister Sherri) VS. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater (c) (W/Col. Robert Parker)
Another sluggish match. These two teams don't make mix well. At over 16 minutes this was another over long match. Almost nothing of note happened. The small plus points were future star Booker T who looked decent taking a pounding from the heels. There was something to seeing old school bad ass "Dirty" Dick Slater and his stiff style. The finish and title change came when Sherri and Parker engaged in some wild kissing in the second ring and the Nasty Boys avenge their pre-show loss by costing Buck and Slater the bout. Post-match both teams had issues with their managers. Sherri insists that the Parker kiss was part of her plan to cause a distraction?

Ric Flair VS. Arn Anderson
Now the hype for this match was very good. Described as a match we never thought you'd see. There was video packages recounting the history between the two best friends and typical strong promos from both (Flair describing Arn as like a brother). In a funny side note in storyline WCW were pushing the idea that the Flair-Anderson falling out happened because of Hulk Hogan's debut in WCW (suggesting that Flair was never the same after Hogan arrived). The match was a technical sound, nicely paced and exciting match with a strong crowd response. Early on Anderson was serious, with a aggressive style, at one point slapping Flair, Natch's reaction to this was gold. Arn focused on the arm with full arm and twist, wrapped it around the ring post and a hammer lock slam. Rolling Flair onto his shoulders Arn got repeated one counts. In an original spot Flair takes the aeroplane flip in the corner but suckers Arn in ducking and sending the enforcer to the floor. A double axe handle off the top keeps Flair rolling. Back inside he zones in on Anderson's knee with a chop block. A knee drop followed by pins with the feet on the middle rope

More gold DOD antics as the Taskmaster hypes the main event including talking about expired flowers

War Games Main Event The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Sting, Macho Man Randy Savage and Lex Luger (w/Jimmy Hart) VS. The Dungeon of Doom (Kamala, The Zodiac, The Shark and Meng (w/The Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan)
For the third straight year (since switching it to a different PPV
Best Match: Flair VS. Anderson
Worst Match: Cobra VS. Sgt. Craig "Pittbull"Pittman
Rating: 3/10
Next time.... A truly scary main event at Halloween Havoc 95