Clash of the Champions XXXI
Date: August 6th, 1995
Location: Daytona Beach, Florida
Meng and Kurasawa (did WCW just name him after the film director?
) (W/ Col. Robert Parker) VS. Sting and Road Warrior Hawk
Weak opener. Packed with clumsy power moves and lacked any heat except when Sting got involved. He wasn't in the ring enough. His top rope clothesline was the highlight. Kurasawa looked generic. A sloppy double team from the faces (like their version of LOD's Dooms Day) got the win. Post-match Kurasawa injured Hawk. *1/2
In a cringe worthy interview Col. Parker say's later he is going to have this way with Sherri in the six person tag

Diamond Dallas Page (W/The Diamond Doll) VS. Alex Wright
The Doll/Kimberly looks striking in a hot blue dress. DDP and his gal do the Mero/Sable thing (see sometimes WWF stole of WCW

). Page's heel character is cheesy and fails to get heat. Wright looks the better of the two (funny since their different fortunes in the future). There's a couple of nice high risk moves from Wright and a German surplex. But the two are mis-matched and the match is mostly flat. Page gets the win when Wright misses a splash on the floor. **
Flair and Double A whip up a storm in a Awesome interview with "
hyping up their handicap main event against Vader.
TV Title Match "Mr Wonderful" Paul Orndorff VS. The Renegade (c) (W/Jimmy Hart)
The highlight of this match is actually the entertaining Macho Slim Jim ad and the Judge Dread Video game ad with believe it or not VKM doing the voice over!

before the match (included on the WWE Network version). Like their match at BATB its a plain bore. With Hart in his corner Renegade looks more like a heel. His victory is booked to look like a fluke. At this the match was kept short. *
Vader cuts a passionate promo claiming he will make history in the Main Event by being the first man to beat two in a handicap match.
Bunkhouse Buck, "Dirty" Dick Slater & Col. Robert Parker VS. Harlem Heat & Sister Sherri
This was an enjoyable comedy match with a nicely laid out story. Sherri taking shots at the heels when convenient from the outside of the ring is really fired up to get a piece of the Col. Booker's breakdance kick up into the flying forearm was a sweet looking move. With Parker trapped in the ring, Sherri gets her moment and scores a crossbody for two

She then misses a splash and appears to be out for the count, but turns the tables on Parker with a Kisslock

The faces get the win and as a result the Heat get a future tag title shot. Post-match Parker gets more than he bargained for with Sherri. He sold it like a Pro too. We find out during the match that WCW are giving away a Harley-Davidson (no doubt one of Hulks) and a trip to Halloween Havoc. **1/2
Oh yes I forgot that Paul "The Giant" Wright was Andre's son

So Hogan to justify his pay for the night enters the DOD in another naff segment

He is quickly pasted by The Giant and the other DOD members. Vader of all people makes the save. This actually gets a big pop. A Vader face run on top sounds pretty good to me?...
Before the main event and during the commentators hype up the debut of Monday Nitro with Schiavone teasing the award winning sports caster who will be joining them on the night.
Main Event: Ric Flair and Arn Anderson VS. Vader
For the second match in a row WCW get the booking just about right. Flair fires up Arn from the outside. Vader starts strong, but the Enforcer turns things around with a red hot spinebuster

Flair tags in and takes two Vader press slams. Followed by his corner flip and a hard Vader clothesline. Anderson chopblocks Vader's knees from under him to give Flair the upper hand. Anderson hits a beautiful DDT and tags Flair back in. Vader is trapped in a figure four which he manages to escape from. Double A saves Flair twice on Vader pins from splashes, the second one a good looking one from the top rope. Vader gets the win with a power bomb on Anderson. Post-match the heels have a major fall out over the finish of the match. ***
The show closes with Hogan, Sting and Macho Man declaring war on the DOD setting up the Main Event for Fall Brawl. Vader makes his intentions known too. Sadly it was not to be...
So this is the last time Vader will appear on WOPPVIT90's. He has certainly given me some of the highlights. Thanks Big Man and RIP.
Top 5 Vader WCW PPV matches
1. VS. Sting - King of Cable Final, Starrcade 1992
2. VS. Sting - White Castle of Fear Strap match, Superbrawl III
3. VS. Ric Flair, Title VS. Career match, Starrcade 1993
4. The Superpowers (Sting and Davey Boy Smith) VS. The Masters of the Powerbomb (Big Van Vader & Sid Vicious), Beach Blast 1993
5. VS. Hulk Hogan WCW Title match, Superbrawl V
Next Time... The Monday Night Wars officially get under way as I have a special review of the debut episode of WCW Monday Nitro.