WCW Fall Brawl 1994
Date: September 18, 1994
Location: Roanoke, Virginia
Attendance: 6,500
Best Match: Triangle Elimination match Vader VS. The Guardian Angel VS. Sting
Worse Match: WCW Tag Team Championship Pretty Wonderful VS. Stars and Stripes
Event Rating: 4/10
Comments: Another lack lusture offering from WCW this felt very much like a b-level event with no must see matches, and the countiuring decline of the once great War Games headliner didn't help matters. Johnny B. Badd won his first wrestling title pinning Lord Steven Regal with a back slide to become Television champion in a very enjoyable match which may have been better than their BATB effort. Pretty Wonderful retained the tag titles against Stars and Stripes (Marcus Bagwell and the Patroit) in a dire match. S&S were a bland 1980s style babyface combo with no chelmstry or spark, and were part of WCW's latest attempt to get the clueless Bagwell over. The only highlight here was when Ordorff dumped ice from a cooler box onto Bagwell, and Heenan commented, "Cool off Bagwell"

Kevin Sullivan pinned Cactus Jack in a loser leaves WCW match which could have been better. Jack was ECW bound. Ricky Steamboat had to forfit the U.S. Championship to Stunning Steve Austin due to injury. This would be the Dragon's last appearance for WCW, he retired soon after. The new champion was informed by the commissior that he must defend the title that night, and the mystery challenger turn out to be, wait for it...HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN!!WTF

: Hogan's buddy defeated a destracted Austin in less than a minute to become champion. This had to be the most emberrsing moment of Austin's career. Vader became the number one contender for the WCW Title by defeating Sting and the Guardian Angel in a triangle elimination match. Here Vader first defeated the GA before moving onto Sting, however when they went to the 15 minute time limit there was then a five minute over time which still didn't decide it, before a sudden death period fought under last man standing rules in which Vader got the win following outside interfearance from a masked man. Before the main event Flair VS. Hogan for Halloween Havoc was made, with the add on that Hogan would put his career on the line (as well as his title) and that it would be in a cage, all this was happening too fast...:ken: Team Rhodes (The Nasty Boys, Dusty and Dustin Rhodes) defeated the Stud Stable (Terry Funk, Arn Anderson, Bunkhouse Buck and Col. Robert Parker) in a forgettable War Games. The comical finish came when manager Col. Robert Parker submitted to Dusty's figure four leglock as the Nastys dropped repeated elbows. Thats no way to end a War Games. It wasn't the disater of the previous year, but thats not saying much.
Over the weekend I should have a double bill up to conclude 94.