WCW On Pay Per View in the 90's - Every event Reviewed

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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Spring Stampede 1994

Date: April 17, 1994

Setting: Chicago, Illinois

Attendance: 12,200

Best Match: Ric Flair VS. Ricky Steamboat

Worse Match: Television Title Lord Steven Regal VS. Flyin' Brian Pillman

Event Rating: 9/10

Comments: Even when at its lowest WCW would have a habit of every so often producing a gem of a pay per view, the debut Spring Stampede was such a event. Presenting a stacked card
with barely a bad match from top to bottom it also hosted a number of dream matches. Another bonus compared to many WCW PPV's of the time was that it gave the fans some fresh desputes.

Johnny B. Badd pinned Diamond Dallas Page with a top rope moonsault in an exciting fast paced opener. These two styles really clicked. Brian Pillman and Television champion Lord Steven Regal went
to a time limit draw in a average bout. Unlike in the first match these struggled to get on the same page. The Nasty Boys defeated Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne in a wild Chicago street fight
falls count anywhere match. Stunning Steve Austin retained the U.S. Title in a sound match with a weak over the top rope DQ finish against the Great Muta. Sting beat Rick Rude to win the WCW
International title in a great match. Buckhouse Buck bested Dustin Rhodes in a heated Buckhouse match. Vader pinned The Boss with an impressive top rope moonsault in a decent effort.
Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat went to a double-pin finish in a match for old times sakes which was excellent, but could never match what they had produced in the past.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Slamboree 1994: A Legand's Reunion

Date: May 22, 1994

Setting: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Attendance: 4,000

Best Match: Broad Street Bully World Tag Team Title match Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan VS. The Nasty Boys

Worse Match: Bullrope match Dustin Rhodes VS. Bunkhouse Buck

Event rating: 6.5/10

Comments: It was ironic that WCW's last ppv before its new era with the major signing of Hulk Hogan begin was a celebration for the past with many legends of wrestling horoured throughout the broadcast. It was a very hit and miss card with at least one too many gimmick matches booked.

The best two matches of the night were the opener with Stunning Steve Austin retaining the U.S. Title against Johnny B. Badd in a thrilling match and Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan's edgy WCW Tag Title win over the Nasty Boys in Broad Street Brawl which was only taited by the involvement of guest ref Dave Schiltz in the finish. There were also two legends matches the best of which was Tully Blachard's hard hitting DQ win against Terry Funk, the hardcore fans in attendance booed and chanted bullshit! Don't they know the rules? lol. In a entertaining moment Funk dropped a elbow on a fans Hat! Dustin Rhodes defeated Bunkhouse Buck in a boring Bullrope match following which he was assulted by Funk. Ric Flair retained the world title in a match which was just passible against old and Sting bested Vader to become the new international champion in a slugglish main event.


Nov 13, 2010
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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Starrcade 96 begs to differ imo.

I guess I meant more the 93/94 period. They did produce some cracking shows between 96-98 which of course I will cover one day...


Jan 31, 2013
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Yes, WCW drastically changed from late 95 onwards. Pre 95 was a very different era.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WCW Bash at the Beach 1994

Date: July 17, 1994

Setting: Orlando, FL

Attendance: 14,000

Communtry Team: Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, and Jesse Ventura (on a couple of matches)

Best match: WCW Tag Team Championship, Pretty Wonderful VS. Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan

Worse match: Bunkhouse Buck and Terry Funk VS. Dustin Rhodes and Arn Anderson

Event Rating: 5/10

Comments: On the night of Hulk Hogan's much hyped in ring debut against regining WCW Champ Ric Flair in the main event, there was very little for fans to talk about after this event. BATB 94 had a fairly routine feel, with a number of rematches and no really stand out bout, to be fair there were hardly anything bad either, but little raised above avenge. Jesse Ventura (who had left to presue his political career) made a welcome return to the broadcast booth for at least a couple of matches, given the dislike between Heenan and Schiavone their partnership really dragged compared to when the 'Body' was behind the desk. In the opening match Lord Steven Regal retained the Television Title in a very smooth effort against Johnny B. Badd, this had to be one of Badd's finest matches to date. Post match the challenger took things out on manager Sir William. The Boss (Ray Traylor) had been repackenged as the Guardian Angel which was a cheaper version of the Big Boss Man gimmick he had played in his WWF days. In his comeback match he lost to Vader via DQ in an enjoyable big man match. Highlight here was Schiavone after Guardian Angel had been caught with the knightstick in his hand (why he was DQed) but refused to use it, "He didn't hit him with it, he's a Guardian Angel!" :lmao
Bunkhouse Buck and Terry Funk defeated Dustin Rhodes and Arn Anderson in a poor match when Anderson turned on his partner. U.S. Champion Stunning Steve Austin pinned Ricky Steamboat in a tame match which lasted too long. The Dragon's injuries were really starting to catch up with him at this point. Pretty Wonderful (Paul Roma and Paul Orndoff) upset Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan in a enjoyable contest to become the WCW Tag Team champions. And Hulk Hogan pinned Ric Flair with the leg drop of doom to win his first WCW Title in a medicore main event. Its odd to think how during their brief WWF feud in 91, and now here how Flair-Hogan was considered something of a must see attraction, and yet by the end of 94 wrestling fans must have been sick of the sight of it.

I will have Fall Brawl reviewed in the next few days.


Nov 13, 2010
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WCW Ventura is the counter point to everyone saying he was the greatest.

This was the start of WCW not being a direct contrast of WWF sports entertainment and being a cheap carbon copy. Hiring every Hogan friend and fully engulfing the once proud mainevents of the NWA and turning them into nonsensical shit.

It only gets worse from here. WCW only starts getting good around GAB 96.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WCW Ventura is the counter point to everyone saying he was the greatest.

This was the start of WCW not being a direct contrast of WWF sports entertainment and being a cheap carbon copy. Hiring every Hogan friend and fully engulfing the once proud mainevents of the NWA and turning them into nonsensical shit.

It only gets worse from here. WCW only starts getting good around GAB 96.

In this case because Schiavone and Heenan couldn't stand each other and suffered as a partneship just think Ventura worked better with him. Liked his work in both companies.


Nov 13, 2010
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In this case because Schiavone and Heenan couldn't stand each other and suffered as a partneship just think Ventura worked better with him. Liked his work in both companies.

That's all on Schiavone, guy was a total dick to anyone outshining him on commentary, ask Solie or JR.

Heena atleast knew what was going on with their product though, unlike Ventura, who would get storylines wrong that Schiavone would call that out. Heena was there for one-liners, unless Flair was involved, but atleast he knew what was going on. Ventura didn't know who most of the guys were, what the programs were and would basically just bitch at Schiavone the whole show. Not good imo.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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That's all on Schiavone, guy was a total dick to anyone outshining him on commentary, ask Solie or JR.

Heena atleast knew what was going on with their product though, unlike Ventura, who would get storylines wrong that Schiavone would call that out. Heena was there for one-liners, unless Flair was involved, but atleast he knew what was going on. Ventura didn't know who most of the guys were, what the programs were and would basically just bitch at Schiavone the whole show. Not good imo.

I take your point on Jesse, but I still think he got away with it due to his delivery and entertaining banter.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WCW Fall Brawl 1994

Date: September 18, 1994

Location: Roanoke, Virginia

Attendance: 6,500

Best Match: Triangle Elimination match Vader VS. The Guardian Angel VS. Sting

Worse Match: WCW Tag Team Championship Pretty Wonderful VS. Stars and Stripes

Event Rating: 4/10

Comments: Another lack lusture offering from WCW this felt very much like a b-level event with no must see matches, and the countiuring decline of the once great War Games headliner didn't help matters. Johnny B. Badd won his first wrestling title pinning Lord Steven Regal with a back slide to become Television champion in a very enjoyable match which may have been better than their BATB effort. Pretty Wonderful retained the tag titles against Stars and Stripes (Marcus Bagwell and the Patroit) in a dire match. S&S were a bland 1980s style babyface combo with no chelmstry or spark, and were part of WCW's latest attempt to get the clueless Bagwell over. The only highlight here was when Ordorff dumped ice from a cooler box onto Bagwell, and Heenan commented, "Cool off Bagwell":lmao Kevin Sullivan pinned Cactus Jack in a loser leaves WCW match which could have been better. Jack was ECW bound. Ricky Steamboat had to forfit the U.S. Championship to Stunning Steve Austin due to injury. This would be the Dragon's last appearance for WCW, he retired soon after. The new champion was informed by the commissior that he must defend the title that night, and the mystery challenger turn out to be, wait for it...HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN!!WTF:hhh2: Hogan's buddy defeated a destracted Austin in less than a minute to become champion. This had to be the most emberrsing moment of Austin's career. Vader became the number one contender for the WCW Title by defeating Sting and the Guardian Angel in a triangle elimination match. Here Vader first defeated the GA before moving onto Sting, however when they went to the 15 minute time limit there was then a five minute over time which still didn't decide it, before a sudden death period fought under last man standing rules in which Vader got the win following outside interfearance from a masked man. Before the main event Flair VS. Hogan for Halloween Havoc was made, with the add on that Hogan would put his career on the line (as well as his title) and that it would be in a cage, all this was happening too fast...:ken: Team Rhodes (The Nasty Boys, Dusty and Dustin Rhodes) defeated the Stud Stable (Terry Funk, Arn Anderson, Bunkhouse Buck and Col. Robert Parker) in a forgettable War Games. The comical finish came when manager Col. Robert Parker submitted to Dusty's figure four leglock as the Nastys dropped repeated elbows. Thats no way to end a War Games. It wasn't the disater of the previous year, but thats not saying much.

Over the weekend I should have a double bill up to conclude 94.


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WCW Fall Brawl 1994

Date: September 18, 1994

Location: Roanoke, Virginia

Attendance: 6,500

Best Match: Triangle Elimination match Vader VS. The Guardian Angel VS. Sting

Worse Match: WCW Tag Team Championship Pretty Wonderful VS. Stars and Stripes

Event Rating: 4/10

Comments: Another lack lusture offering from WCW this felt very much like a b-level event with no must see matches, and the countiuring decline of the once great War Games headliner didn't help matters. Johnny B. Badd won his first wrestling title pinning Lord Steven Regal with a back slide to become Television champion in a very enjoyable match which may have been better than their BATB effort. Pretty Wonderful retained the tag titles against Stars and Stripes (Marcus Bagwell and the Patroit) in a dire match. S&S were a bland 1980s style babyface combo with no chelmstry or spark, and were part of WCW's latest attempt to get the clueless Bagwell over. The only highlight here was when Ordorff dumped ice from a cooler box onto Bagwell, and Heenan commented, "Cool off Bagwell":lmao Kevin Sullivan pinned Cactus Jack in a loser leaves WCW match which could have been better. Jack was ECW bound. Ricky Steamboat had to forfit the U.S. Championship to Stunning Steve Austin due to injury. This would be the Dragon's last appearance for WCW, he retired soon after. The new champion was informed by the commissior that he must defend the title that night, and the mystery challenger turn out to be, wait for it...HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN!!WTF:hhh2: Hogan's buddy defeated a destracted Austin in less than a minute to become champion. This had to be the most emberrsing moment of Austin's career. Vader became the number one contender for the WCW Title by defeating Sting and the Guardian Angel in a triangle elimination match. Here Vader first defeated the GA before moving onto Sting, however when they went to the 15 minute time limit there was then a five minute over time which still didn't decide it, before a sudden death period fought under last man standing rules in which Vader got the win following outside interfearance from a masked man. Before the main event Flair VS. Hogan for Halloween Havoc was made, with the add on that Hogan would put his career on the line (as well as his title) and that it would be in a cage, all this was happening too fast...:ken: Team Rhodes (The Nasty Boys, Dusty and Dustin Rhodes) defeated the Stud Stable (Terry Funk, Arn Anderson, Bunkhouse Buck and Col. Robert Parker) in a forgettable War Games. The comical finish came when manager Col. Robert Parker submitted to Dusty's figure four leglock as the Nastys dropped repeated elbows. Thats no way to end a War Games. It wasn't the disater of the previous year, but thats not saying much.

Over the weekend I should have a double bill up to conclude 94.
i was there live for this and this douche kept trying to fight everyone lol.

the only thing that made this show memorable for me.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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i was there live for this and this douche kept trying to fight everyone lol.

the only thing that made this show memorable for me.

Its not the guy who you see twice on camera who the second time is kicked out is it?