WCW/ECW 2001 and Beyond - The Alliance Lives

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WCW Monday Night Nitro
March 4, 2002
United Center
Chicago, IL

Scott Hudson
: “Hello everyone and welcome to Nitro! We have a very exciting show tonight featuring an interesting main event. WCW World Champion Kurt Angle teams with Booker T against R-Killa and Mark Henry! The issues between Booker and R-Killa came to a head on ECW RISE last week. Will Booker T add to his revenge tally? Can R-Killa or Mark Henry score an upset victory over Angle and stake a claim for the WCW World Championship?

Mike Tenay:
“Definitely an interesting opportunity for Mark Henry and R-Killa for sure. Both of these guys have had potential written all over them for years now. Also tonight, World Women’s Champion Molly Marvel makes her first televised title defense against Ivory. It should be one heck of a show Scott!


AJ Styles (w/Jerry Lynn) vs. Papi Chilo (w/Psicosis)

Styles gets a side headlock to kick things off, but Chilo counters into a wristlock. AJ rolls through to get the wristlock himself, but Chilo kips up to counter and armdrag Styles. Styles runs at Chilo but Chilo ducks the clothesline. Styles leapfrogs Chilo once, but the second time Chilo puts on the brakes and gets a Styles-assisted atomic drop. Chilo seems proud of himself and comes off the ropes…but it looks like he took a little too much time and Styles gets him with a perfect looking dropkick! Cover, 1…2…Chilo kicks out…and it looked like Psicosis was going to run in right there. Scoop slam from Styles, followed by a flying kneedrop. Another cover, 1…2…Chilo kicks out again. Styles lands some punches, then sets Chilo up…hanging vertical suplex! Styles holds him up there a good seven or eight seconds and hits the move! Cover again, 1…2…Chilo kicks out.

Chilo counters an Irish whip and sends Styles into the ropes, but Styles comes back with a springboard backflip as he tries to get the reverse DDT. Chilo blocks with some punches to the ribs and tosses Styles to the outside. Chilo distracts the referee as Psicosis comes over to hit AJ with the Cruiserweight title, but Jerry Lynn comes around daring Psicosis to actually do it. Lynn forces Psicosis back...and Chilo flies over the top with a tope con hilo, taking out Styles! Lynn sees what happened to Styles, allowing Psicsosis to hit Lynn in the back with the title belt! Styles struggles back to his feet as Chilo comes off the ropes again, baseball slides into Styles and hits a headscissors that sends Styles crashing onto the floor again! Referee argues with Papi Chilo to get back into the ring…and Psicosis hits Styles with the Cruiserweight title belt!

Referee begins his 10 count and AJ begins to show life at the count of six. He JUST gets back into the ring and Chilo can’t believe it. Chilo sends Styles off the ropes. Styles ducks the clothesline…then they each take one another out with a crossbody block. Both men are slow to their feet. Styles sends Chilo off the ropes and hits a back bodydrop only for Chilo to land on his feet! Styles is unfazed though as he takes Chilo out with a roundhouse kick! Cover, 1…2…Psicosis puts Chilo’s foot on the bottom rope, causing a break. Jerry Lynn nails Psicosis, a receipt from earlier! Chilo pokes Styles in the eye to slow him down. He comes off the ropes and goes for the hurricanrana, but Styles blocks and hooks Chilo’s arms behind his legs! Styles Clash! 1…2…3!

Winner: AJ Styles via pinfall in 9:49


WCW World Champion Kurt Angle
enters Shane McMahon’s office.

Kurt Angle: “Hey Shane you wanted to see me?”

Shane McMahon: “Yeah, Kurt, come in. Honestly Kurt, I’m here to reward you.”

Kurt Angle: “Reward me? For what?”

Shane McMahon: “Well you’ve been a fighting champion. You beat The Giant. You beat Stone Cold and Triple H at the same time. And last week your team came out on top. I think for a while the contenders for the title need to establish themselves and since ECW is main eventing Uncensored, Kurt, I’d like to give you Uncensored off.”

Kurt Angle: “You know I appreciate that Shane, I do. But to be honest, I don’t love the idea. You said I’m a fighting champion, right?”

Shane McMahon: “Right”

Kurt Angle: “So I want to fight at Uncensored. I want to defend the title.”

Shane McMahon: “Ok…ok. Let me think for a second. How about this? You chose the challenger.”

Kurt Angle: “Me?”

Shane McMahon: “Yeah. Anyone you want. Kurt Angle against a challenger of his choice at Uncensored. Let me know.”

Kurt Angle: “That sounds fantastic.”

Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon shake hands as we cut to commercial.


World Women’s Championship
Molly Marvel © vs. Ivory

Ivory runs at Molly, but Molly hits a drop toe hold. Ivory runs at Molly again in frustration and Molly is able to hook a full nelson off a clothesline attempt. Ivory counters into a snapmare and gets a cover, 1…2…Molly kicks out. Ivory misses a dropkick and Molly drops an elbow. Cover, 1…2…Ivory kicks out. Molly misses a dropkick this time and Ivory hooks her legs. Ivory catapults Molly over the top rope onto the floor. Ivory comes off the apron with a somersault dive, hitting Molly! She slides Molly back and goes for a cover…feet on the ropes…1…2…Ivory kicks out once again. Ivory sets up for a DDT but Molly counters with a Northern Lights Suplex! 1…2…Ivory kicks out.

Molly chops Ivory over and over in the corner, then sends her across the ring to the turnbuckles. Molly follows up with a cartwheel backflip back elbow Ivory stumbles out and Molly hits a snap suplex. Molly heads up top…but Ivory pushes the referee into the ropes and Molly falls hard on the top turnbuckle! Ivory grabs Molly by the hair and tosses her off the top rope. Ivory puts Molly on her shoulders and plants her with an Ivory Driver! 1…2…Molly just kicks out! Ivory comes off the ropes and goes for Poison Ivory, but Molly blocks by keeping her vertical base. Molly flips Ivory around and hits a backbreaker before heading to the top rope once more. Molly-Go-Round connects! 1…2…3!

Winner: Molly Marvel via pinfall in 4:38 (Retains)

As the referee raises Molly’s hand Jazz comes from behind and levels her! Jazz punches Molly over and over again before officials run in to break things up! With officials focused on Jaz, Ivory hits Molly with Poison Ivory for good measure!


Torrie Wilson comes out to the ring.

Torrie Wilson: “I’m out here because I want to tell everyone that Stacy Keibler is my friend and she’s been my friend for as long as I’ve been in WCW. I know she feels that being with the Dudley Boyz is good for her career but I’m here to tell her that I’m worried about her. I think she’s going to get hurt and I can’t stand for it. I’m worried. Dallas told me there’s nothing I can do but I had to do something. So I’m here. And I’m pleading. Stacy, leave the Dudley Boyz. They’re using you! They’re no good for you…”

Stacy Keibler quickly comes down to the ring.

Stacy Keibler: Torrie no...what are you doing?”

Torrie Wilson: “I’m here for you Stacy! I know you don’t want to be with those Dudleyz anymore!”

Stacy Keibler: “I…it’s not that I…I just don’t have a choice. Torrie get out of here or you’re going to be the one who gets hurt! I don’t want that to happen to you!”

But it may be too late as The Dudley Boyz slowly make their way to the ring! Torrie begins to cry as Stacy tells her that she’s sorry. Bubba grabs Torrie’s hair and tells Stacy to get a table. Stacy obliges, but then Bubba tosses Torrie to the side and grabs Stacy!

Bubba Ray Dudley: “You’re a backstabbing bitch you know that!”

Stacy shrieks with fear as Bubba sets her up for a powerbomb…but Diamond Dallas Page runs down with a chair and causes the Dudley Boyz to retreat, saving Stacy. DDP challenges both Dudleyz to get back into the ring when Spike Dudley attacks him from behind! DDP smacks Spike with the chair, but this allows Bubba Ray and D-Von to get back in and attack DDP! Both Stacy and Torrie run as the Dudley Boyz drive DDP through the table with 3D!

Bubba Ray Dudley: Page, next week, you find a partner and the Dudley Boyz will kick your ass again for getting involved in our business. And when we’re done, Torrie, Stacy, you’re both going through tables!”

DDP gets assistance from officials as Nitro cuts to a commercial.


We come back to Nitro with DDP being helped to the back with Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler. Stacy thanks them both when William Regal appears.

Willam Regal: “I come from the office of Shane McMahon…”

Torrie Wilson: “We don’t want you here! Get out of here.”

Willam Regal: “Quite the contrary. I know we’ve had our differences in the past but let me assure you I bring you welcome news.”

Diamond Dallas Page:
“You better get to it, I still have some left to take you out right now if I have to!”

Willam Regal: “Well you’ve been challenged by The Dudley Boyz and I assume you’re accepting that challenge.”

Diamond Dallas Page: “Yeah, no kidding.”

Willam Regal: “Well I wish you luck on finding a partner. The match next week between you and the Dudley Boyz will be for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Farewell.”

Regal leaves…

Diamond Dallas Page: “How bout that…”


Juventud Guerrera vs. Taka Michinoku (w/Kaz Hayashi and Yang)

They lock-up and Taka gets a quick hammerlock, only for Juvi to counter it. Taka rolls through to re-counter, but Juvi rolls then kips up and flips Taka to the canvas. Juvi comes off the ropes and leaps over Taka. Juvi comes back and Taka leapfrogs him. Taka tries a tilt-a-whirl, but Juvi lands on his feet and goes for a tilt-a-whirl himself, only for Taka to land on his feet. Juvi comes off the ropes again and Taka gets an armdrag into the armbar. Juvi powers back to a vertical base and sends Taka off the ropes again. Juvi hits a single leg dropkick! Juvi off the ropes again and he hits a flying head scissors! Spinning heel kick by Juvi! Cover, 1…2…Taka kicks out.

Juvi comes off the ropes, but this time gets tripped by Kaz Hayashi and pulled to the outside. Kaz and Yang batter Juvi on the floor while Taka runs the ropes. Springboard plancha…but Juvi moves and Taka takes out his two stablemates! Juvi heads back into the ring, only to leap off the top rope himself with his own springboard plancha onto all of Michinoku Pro! Juvi basks in the cheers of the crowd as he takes Taka to the apron. He tries to suplex Taka back in, but Taka lands on his feet and dropkicks Juvi. Taka sends Juvi into the corner, and when Juvi stumbles out Taka leaps to the top turnbuckle and nails Juvi with a missile dropkick to the back of the head! Cover, 1…2…Juvi just kicks out! Taka calls for the Michinoku Driver, but Juvi slides behind him mid-move. Juvi then nails his own version of the move, the Juvi Driver! Juvi then heads to the top rope, 450 Splash! 1…2…3!

Winner: Juventud Guerrera via pinfall in 6:44


We cut to the back as Triple H barges into Shane McMahon’s office.

Shane McMahon:
“Hey, hey, hey…”

Triple H: “Are you kidding me? You gave Angle the chance to choose his own challenger? What the hell? What is it you said? ‘the contenders for the title need to establish themselves?’ What the hell does that mean? Was crippling Stone Cold Steve Austin not good enough?”

Shane McMahon: “I gave you the chance last week and your team didn’t win!”

Triple H: “That’s a load of crap and you know it Shane. Why am I even here? This is what I left the WWF for? Being treated like a second fiddle here? Well I’m out of here. Next week, I won’t be here Shane. You figure it out. I’ll send my lawyer.”

Shane McMahon: “Your lawyer?”

Triple H: “Yeah, and either he’ll get me what I have coming to me or he’ll get me out of this WCW contract!”

Triple H flips over a desk in the office before storming out.


We come back to Nitro and see Triple H entering his limo. Kevin Kelly tries to get a word, but HHH slugs him before he can say anything! The limo drives off!

Finlay vs. Meng

A rematch from Worldwide. Meng and Finlay punch away at one another, and Meng gets a knee to the midsection. Meng kicks Finlay in the corner, but Finlay fires back with forearms. Finlay chops Meng and Meng chops him right back! Another chop from Finlay, another from Meng. Finlay tries a headbutt, but that hurts him more than it does Meng. Big elbow from Meng knocks Finlay down. Meng stomps away at Finlay. Finlay catches Meng’s foot and trips him down and locks in a leg grapevine. Meng elbows his way out of it and slaps Finlay hard on the chest. He sends Finlay into the corner but runs right into Finlay’s boot! Finlay hits some stiff punches to the throat, but Meng fires back with a haymaker that sends Finlay to the outside.

Meng heads to the outside and Finlay fires away at him with hard forearms. He sends Meng into the ringpost before sliding back into the ring to avoid being counted out like last Saturday. Finlay stomps away at Meng as Meng re-enters the ring. He goes for a modified camel clutch, but Meng uses the ropes to get back to his feet with Finlay on his back! Finlay rakes Meng’s eyes to escape. Finlay again mistakenly headbutts Meng and Meng gets a thrust punch to the throat. Backbreaker from Meng. Meng covers Finlay, 1…2…Finlay kicks out. Meng sends Finlay into the corner but misses the splash when Finlay moves out of the way. Finlay hits Meng with a clothesline but Meng roars and it has no effect. Finlay comes off the ropes and ducks a clothesline, and this time his clothesline on the return knocks Meng down! Cover, 1…2…Meng kicks out. Finlay takes off the turnbuckle pad in the corner, but turns right into the Tongan Death Grip! Finlay uses his momentum to send Meng into the exposed steel where the turnbuckle was, then rolls Meng up, 1…2…3! Finlay quickly runs away before Meng realizes what’s happened to him.

Winner: Finlay via pinfall in 7:41


WCW United States Champion Christian
makes his way to the ring. Finlay bumps into him walking to the back after his victory. Finlay looks ready to fight, but Christian immediately backs off and heads toward the ring.

Christian: “I know you’re all excited to see a championship caliber wrestler here in Chicago. I know it’s been a while since Michael Jordan left. Ever since then I don’t even think the Bulls have won a single game, much less is even close to talking about a championship. But at least tonight I can stand in front of you and brag about being your United States Champion. And the difference between guys on the teams like the Bulls or, the Cubs, there’s 90 years of losing right there, is that those guys can’t even win with teammates. But I can win by myself no problem. That’s what I did at SuperBrawl. And that’s what I’ve done since branching out on my own last year.”

Suddenly the lights go out…and we get The Brood music! Gangrel makes his way out to the ring.

Christian: “Talk about someone who isn’t a winner…”

Gangrel jumps at Christian, who quickly backs away into the corner.

Gangrel: “Maybe you forgot. Maybe you forgot who brought you to the dance in the first place! You abandoned me years ago to go be a cool kid or whatever. But you’ve forgotten your roots! You’ve forgotten what it feels like to be lost. When you were lost, I FOUND YOU. I’ve had to crawl, scratch and BITE to make it back here. But I’ve made it. And now it’s time for me to commit one of the deadly sins…I’m angry Christian. And thus revenge must be taken!”

Christian: “Look I dropped out of goth class years ago. I never needed you. You were nothing more than a curiosity. But since you’re here, and to prove a point. I’ll give you a chance at the WCW United States Championship. Next week. I’m a fighting champion. And then you can go back to under whatever bridge you’ve been hiding under the last few years!”

Gangrel laughs as he leaves, we have a title match next week!


We come back to Nitro as Finlay is in William Regal’s office.

William Regal: “Yes my friend, how can…”

Finlay: “Save it. Look, I came in to help you out with Diamond Dallas Page and all. That’s all over now.”

William Regal: “We didn’t win…”

Finlay: “Yeah well I was here and I fought on your side. And I want something for it. A title shot.”

William Regal: “Certainly you understand that Shane McMahon has given Kurt Angle the opportunity to select his own next challenger. You can take it up with him.”

Finlay: “Nah, not Angle. That punk Christian.”

William Regal: “I can see what I can do about that. I’ll have to discuss it with Shane.”

Finlay: “The way I see it, you owe me. I have your back, but I need to see something out of this too.”

William Regal: “I understand.”


Disco Inferno, Alex Wright and Brian Christopher are in the ring, and Disco has a microphone.

Disco Inferno: “I know we’re supposed to do this handicap match deal against The Giant, but before that we’d like to issue an apology. You see, a couple weeks ago Test asked us to set you up and we know it was the wrong thing to do.”

Brian Christopher: “Yeah man, if you can find it in your big stinky fat heart to forgive us…”

Disco and Alex Wright stop Christopher mid-sentence to ask him what he’s doing…but it’s all too late anyway as The Giant is on his way down to the ring.

The Giant vs. Alex Wright, Brian Christopher, and Disco Inferno

Disco and Wright jump to the outside, but Christopher decides to be brave. The Giant stands right behind him though. Christopher stands up to him comedically and hits a chop to no effect. Massive headbutt sends Christopher flying. Disco and Wright sneak in and try to chop block The Giant, but there’s no effect there either. He grabs Disco and Wright…Double Chokeslam! Giant grabs Christopher…Chokeslam! Giant stacks all three on top of one another and pins, 1…2…3.

Winner: The Giant when he pinned all three opponents in 1:03

The Giant
heads to the back…only to return. Giant chokeslams Disco, Wright and Christopher each one more time to the delight of the crowd before heading to the back for good.


Backstage, we’re with AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn.

Jerry Lynn: “Great win tonight kid.”

AJ Styles: “Thanks Jerry. I’ve got your back when you go for the belt against Psicosis.”

Jerry Lynn: “Nah kid, I’ve had my run with the belt. I think you should go for it now. And honestly, I want to get my ECW World Championship back. So I’ve got your back.”

Lynn slaps Styles on the shoulder, and Styles looks pretty proud of himself as they both head out of the locker room.


Kurt Angle and Booker T vs. R-Killa and Mark Henry

Booker runs down to the ring into a 2-on-1 situation. R-Killa and Henry beat the hell out of him until Kurt Angle runs down! Angle slugs away at Henry. Angle knocks R-Killa down with a hard shot. Henry nails Angle, but when he goes for an Irish whip Angle counters and belly-to-belly suplexes the 400 pounder! R-Killa and Henry regroup as Angle and Booker discuss strategy. Henry comes back into the ring and he wants Angle. Henry misses a clothesline and Angle fires away over and over at Henry! Henry manages a body tackle to knock Angle down. He comes off the ropes, but misses a legdrop! Angle comes off the ropes and hits Henry with a flying clothesline! Angle tags in Booker. Booker chops away at Henry, then catches him with a Harlem sidekick! Henry is able to fall towards his cover, but Booker is okay with that, he wants R-Killa!

R-Killa reluctantly makes the tag. Booker comes right at him but he retreats into the ropes, causing the referee to hold Booker back. R-Killa tries a cheap shot by running at Booker, but Booker takes him out with a hard punch. Booker hits another shot that knocks down R-Killa. Booker comes off the ropes but Henry hits him in the back. Booker punches Henry, but turns around into a twisting flying forearm by R-Killa! R-Killa punches away at Booker before locking him in a headlock. R-Killa lets up but continues to stomp away at Booker before tagging Henry back in. Henry puts all his weight on Booker’s trapezius, putting 400 pounds of pressure down on Booker. Henry then picks up Booker and wraps him in a bear hug! Booker tries to get the energy from the crowd to break free. Booker hits a punch, then hits another one, but Henry quickly lets go and knocks Booker down with a punch of his own. Henry tags R-Killa back in, but Booker explodes out of nowhere and knocks him down with a Harlem Sidekick. R-Killa tries to tag Henry back in, who’s posing to the crowd on the apron as Booker makes the tag to Angle!

Angle grabs R-Killa and hits him with a German suplex! Angle knocks Henry off the apron then grabs R-Killa and hits another German suplex! Angle stomps away at R-Killa, then cuts Henry off when he tries to get back into the ring. German suplex to Mark Henry! Angle roars and then locks R-Killa in the Ankle Lock! Henry quickly breaks that up though and hits Angle with the World’s Strongest Slam! R-Killa is out on his feet as Angle crawls over to his corner and tags in Booker T. Booker gets to Mark Henry before R-Killa and Henry gets knocked off the apron again. Booker kicks R-Killa, but he misses the Scissors’ Kick! R-Killa kicks Booker and goes for his own Scissors’ Kick, but Booker catches him in a set-up for the Bookend. R-Killa elbows his way out of that, then tries to hit The Truth Will Set You Free, but Booker counters and hits the Bookend! 1…2…3!

Winners: Booker T and Kurt Angle when Booker pinned R-Killa in 12:49

Booker T
celebrates, then shakes hands with Kurt Angle as R-Killa yells at Mark Henry…and Nitro goes off the air!


Quick Results

AJ Styles pinned Papi Chilo

World Women’s Championship
Molly Marvel pinned Ivory (Retains)

Juventud Guerrera pinned Taka Michinoku

Finlay pinned Meng

The Giant defeated Disco Inferno, Alex Wright, and Brian Christopher when he pinned all three at the same time

Booker T and Kurt Angle defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry when Booker pinned R-Killa


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

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March 7, 2002
United Center
Chicago, IL

Joey Styles: “Hello everyone I’m Joey Styles. Lance Storm with Dawn Marie is headed down to the ring for our opening contest! It’s Storm vs. Lynn and it’s now!”

Jerry Lynn vs. Lance Storm (w/Dawn Marie)

Storm and Lynn circle one another before coming face to face. Collar-and-elbow tie-up leads to a drop toehold from Lynn. Lynn floats over into the front headlock, but Storm counters into a wristlock. Lynn rolls through to get a wristlock of his own, but Storm kips up and recounter and get the wristlock advantage back, then turns it into a side headlock. Lynn counters into a wristlock again, and Storm slaps him in the face! Lynn punches Storm and Storm goes flying down to the canvas! Lynn hits the ropes and jumps over Storm. On the way back Storm leapfrogs Lynn. Storm tries a hiptoss when Lynn comes back at him again, but Lynn counters into a monkey flip…but Storm counters by cartwheeling through and landing on his feet. Picture perfect dropkick catches Lynn in the mouth! Cover, 1…2…Lynn kicks out. Lynn runs at Storm and ducks the clothesline and comes back with a flying headscissors! Storm recovers quickly and runs at Lynn only for Lynn to catch him with a headlock takeover!

Storm fights his way out of the headlock and Lynn punches away at him in the corner. Hard slaps from Lynn. Lynn sends Storm into the corner but Storm puts on the brakes and leaps over a charging Lynn then catches him with an elbow. Storm hits some chops of his own, but Lynn counters the Irish whip and Storm flips over the turnbuckles and lands on the apron. Lynn leaps off the second rope and dropkicks Storm off the apron into the barricade! Lynn follows up with a baseball slide that misses, and Storm clotheslines him down. Lynn reverses a whip and Storm crashes into the barricade. Dawn Marie grabs Lynn’s hair and Lynn will have none of it, grabbing Dawn’s arm…but he turns around into a superkick from Storm! Storm sends Lynn back into the ring and waits on the top rope…and hits him with a flying spin kick! Cover, 1…2…Lynn kicks out.

Storm punches away at Lynn then whips him off the ropes. Lynn leaps over the backdrop attempt with a sunset flip, 1…2…but Storm counters and puts his weight on Lynn, 1…2…Storm rolls over on Lynn for another cover, 1…2…but Lynn uses his body strength to bridge up with Storm on him. Lynn turns it into a backslide, 1…2…Storm kicks out. Storm misses a clothesline and Lynn catches him with a German suplex with a bridge! 1…2…Storm kicks out again. Lynn goes for a vertical suplex, but Storm lands behind Lynn and hits a reverse DDT. Cover, 1…2…Lynn kicks out! Dawn Marie slides a chair in for Storm. Storm wedges it between the top and second turnbuckles, then whips Lynn right into it! Storm props Lynn on the top rope, but Lynn gets a sunset flip off the top and jackknife bridges over, 1…2…kickout from Storm! Lynn runs at Storm and goes for another flying headscissors, but Storm blocks and drives Lynn into his knee with a backbreaker! Storm rolls Lynn over and locks in the Canadian Maple Leaf! Lynn tries to reach the ropes, but Storm has it locked in the middle of the ring. Lynn uses his free leg and is able to kick Storm off. Lynn punches away at Storm, then props him up on the top rope. Lynn goes for an avalanche frankensteiner….but Storm counters into a top rope sit-out powerbomb! 1…2…3!

Winner: Lance Storm via pinfall in 13:39

Dawn Marie
grabs a microphone for Lance Storm.

Lance Storm: “That…that right there should show everyone who the most talented wrestler in ECW truly is!”

“You know what’s been pissing me off? I thought this whole deal with the Alliance would lead to better opportunities for me but it’s the same thing, different promotion. I go out there, I prove how talented I am, I win match after match after match, and no one gives me the opportunity I deserve. Two weeks ago Paul Heyman put together the Extreme Brawl but added the stipulation that only former ECW World Champions could be included. Are you kidding me? Was that to make sure I wasn’t included Paul? Even when one of the competitors, Mikey Whipwreck, couldn’t compete did I receive an invite? Of course not. Quite frankly I’m sick of the whole system.”

At that moment, to everyone’s shock, “Medal” plays as WCW World Champion Kurt Angle makes his way out to the ring!

Joey Styles: “OH MY GOD! That’s the WCW World Champion…what’s he doing here on RISE?!


Kurt Angle: “That’s right. Holy shit indeed!”

“I’m here to call it like it is. Lance Storm, I agree with everything you said. I can’t fathom why this company, whether it’s the WCW side or the ECW side hasn’t given you the opportunities that match your talent. I was stunned, stunned!...when they didn’t invite you to the Extreme Brawl. All I know is that if there’s someone out there who might be able to go toe-to-toe with me in this ring, in a wrestling match, I know it’s Lance Storm.”

Lance Storm: “Let me be serious for a moment and make something clear to you Kurt. I know I can hang with you in this ring, and I know I can beat you too.”

Kurt Angle: “I have no doubt you can hang with me, but beating me? That’s a different story. But I’m willing to find out. We all know the Triple Hs of the world are going to get their fair share of title shots. This is an opportunity for me to give someone a chance who I know can go. So if you can beat me, if you can beat me for this, lets find out. Uncensored 2002. Wrestler vs. wrestler. Kurt Angle vs. Lance Storm.”

Kurt Angle sticks his hand out, and Lance Storm shakes it! What a surprising turn of events! It’s Angle vs. Storm for the WCW World Championship at Uncensored! Hilariously, Storm’s serious look after Angle leaves the ring gets somewhat broken up as Dawn Marie excitedly hugs him.


“I know you’re there. I may not have uncovered who you are, but I know you’re there. My earliest memories aren’t of anything specific, but of feelings. Feelings of fear. Feelings of a power I haven’t felt in a long time. When I was a kid my daddy always told me to watch out for the boogeyman. He told me to be careful because the boogeyman is coming. And I was a afraid. That power that someone could have over me. A personification of fear realized. They say our destiny is set from those early feelings. They say that our fate is determined at those critical junctures. I thought I overcame. I thought I devoured those fears. I thought I was on the right path. But I feel you again. You perhaps once were just a memory, a feeling, buried in the deep recesses of my mind. But now that you’re attempting to unearth I promise I will be waiting. So it is written, so it will come to pass. Quote the Raven…nevermore.”


We cut to Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley’s office, and she’s on the phone.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “No I don’t know who it is…”

Shane, if I knew I’d tell you, but we’ve been trying to keep our careers separate, I don’t know who he’s hired for legal stuff involving business.”

“Look I know, I’ve got to go.”

Stephanie hangs up on the phone, and she turns to Bill Alfonso and Rob Van Dam.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “I want to congratulate you on winning the ECW World Tag Team Championship with Sabu. I wanted to make it official that the ECW World Tag Team Championship is sanctioned here with the Alliance. I also want to let you know that you Rob and your partner Sabu will defend those championships at Uncensored. Next week, it’ll be the team you defeated, Danny Doring and Roadkill against Total Impact, Mike Awesome and Justin Credible.”

Rob Van Dam: “Hey that’s cool.”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “If there’s anything else I can help you with let me know. I have an announcement to make tonight.”


CW Anderson (w/Shelton Benjamin) vs. Tazz

Tazz fires away at Anderson right away. Tazz punches away at him in the corner, but Anderson reverses an Irish Whip. Anderson follows up by running at Tazz, but Tazz explodes out of the corner with an Angry Man clothesline. Tazz flips off Benjamin and yells out a loud “Fuck You!”. Anderson hits the distracted Tazz with a couple of punches. Tazz misses a clothesline in retaliation, and Anderson gets a superkick. Benjamin tosses a chair into the ring to Anderson and he smashes Tazz right in the back with it! Two chairshots! Anderson covers Tazz, 1…2…Tazz kicks out. Anderson rams Tazz into the corner and takes him down with a shoulder breaker DDT. Anderson slashes his throat and whips Tazz off the ropes…Spinebuster! Tazz gets right back up as Anderson poses to the crowd. Benjamin runs into the ring but Tazz ducks and he ends up hitting Anderson. Tazz tosses Benjamin out of the ring, then locks Anderson in the Kata Ha Jime! Anderson taps right away!

Winner: Tazz via submission in 3:21

attacks Tazz again, but Tazz is able to get the upperhand and punches away at him. But here comes Brock Lesnar! Lesnar and Tazz trade blows, but Lesnar gets a knee and sets him up for a F5…but Rob Van Dam and Sabu are on their way! Paul Heyman appears at ringside and begs for Brock to get out of the ring and Brock does before RVD and Sabu get there.


We come back to RISE as Tazz grabs a microphone.

Tazz: “Quite frankly, I didn’t realize what a bitch you are Brock! Everytime someone comes down here to even the odds you run away scared! Well I’m not scared. I’m here to fight! I just took out your stooge Anderson here! I got an idea! Next week! Next week if you can find some guts for just one second. How about next week it’s me, it’s Sabu, it’s Van Dam. And we kick all three of your asses! Come on!”

Paul Heyman: “I don’t think that’s a good idea at all! We…”

As Paul Heyman responds…“My Time” plays and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley makes her way out to the ring!

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “Go ahead Paul…”

Paul Heyman: “…you got it! Six man tag team match next week!”

Lesnar glares angrily at Heyman, but Stephanie nods approvingly.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “But that’s not all! Next week, I demand that you Tazz and you Brock Lesnar meet me in the ring to kick off RISE. Because it’s clear to me that you two aren’t going to go all out at Uncensored. And I’m excited to see it, we all are. But I’m going to needed someone to take charge in that ring on March 24th. It’s going to be a wild brawl and it’s going to steal the show at Uncensored. Next week on RISE I will announce that a special guest referee will be present for the ECW World Championship match! I’ll see you all next week!”

Stephanie walks to the back with a smile on her face, as RISE goes off the air!


Quick Results

Lance Storm pinned Jerry Lynn

Tazz choked out CW Anderson


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates


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WCW Worldwide
March 9, 2002
MetraPark Arena
Billings, MT

Scott Hudson
and Mike Tenay welcome us to Worldwide as Alex Wright makes his way to the ring.

Alex Wright vs. Jason Jett

Wright and Jett lock-up and Wright gets the advantage kicking away at Jett in the corner. Hard chop from Wright. European uppercut from Wright. Wright misses a chop. Jett goes for a kick but it’s blocked by Wright. Wright flips Jett over, but Jett lands on his feet…just to run into a powerslam! Cover by Wright, 1…2…Jett kicks out! Belly-to-back suplex from Wright. Wright throws Jett over the top rope, but Jett lands on the apron. Wright didn’t notice, and Jett takes him out by somersaulting back into the ring and leveling Wright with a clothesline! Cover from Jett, 1…2…Wright kicks out. Wright counters an Irish whip, but Jett kicks him on the backdrop attempt. Scoop slam from Jett, then he hits a standing moonsault! Cover, 1…2…Wright kicks out!

Jett punches away at Wright, then sends him into the corner. Jett jumps at Wright but Wright moves and Jett crotches himself in-between the turnbuckles. Wright props Jett on the top rope and sets him up…top rope superplex! Cover, 1…2…Jett kicks out…Wright needed to hook the leg there. Wright suplexes Jett stomach first into the top rope, then forearms him off and Jett crashes onto the floor. Wright dances in the ring as Jett crawls back in, but Wright quickly hits him with a snap suplex. Wright picks up Jett and goes for another one, but Jett counters into a small package, 1…2…Wright kicks out. Both men get to their feet but Wright knocks him right back down with a clothesline! Wright sends Jett into the corner, but Jett leaps up to the turnbuckles, but misses a flying back elbow. Wright gets a German suplex and flips over with a jackknife-like pin, 1…2…3!

Winner: Alex Wright via pinfall in 6:44

Alex Wright
continues to stomp away on Jason Jett after the match, but The Hurricane runs in and Wright runs off.


Lash LeRoux vs. Yang (w/Kaz Hayashi)

LaRoux mocks Yang’s karate, and Yang just takes him out with an enzugiri. Chops from Yang. LaRoux misses a clothesline Yang dropkicks him in the back. Yang misses a clothesline and LaRoux gets some punches but misses the last one and backdrops him to the outside. Yang gets on the apron and takes out LaRoux with an Asai Moonsault! Yang brings LaRoux back into the ring and sends him into the corner. Yang goes for a corner splash, but LaRoux ducks…but Yang uses the top rope to leap up in the air. LaRoux matches him and gets a running powerslam! Cover, 1…2…Yang kicks out.

LaRoux slams Yang and heads to the top rope but Yang moves out of the way of the splash. Yang comes off the ropes and hits a flying headscissors. LaRoux slides under the ropes to avoid a follow up, then catches Yang with an elbow when he tries to knock LaRoux off the apron. LaRoux goes for a springboard, but Kaz Hayashi shoves him off and LaRoux crashes to the canvas. Yang heads to the top rope as LaRoux slowly gets back to his feet, moonsault connects! 1…2…LaRoux kicks out! Yang heads back to the top rope and hits LaRoux with a spinning corkscrew splash! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Yang via pinfall in 4:59

Yang and Kaz
beat the hell out of LaRoux when once again, the Hurricane makes his way out to the ring, this time with Nova! They chase off Yang and Kaz!


Scott Hudson
: “Viewers watching at home, this Monday night on Nitro we will get some answers to the situation between Triple H and WCW. Is Triple H done with WCW? Will we meet his legal representative? The whole situation is explosive and I’m sure not helping matters will be the challenge WCW World Champion Kurt Angle made on ECW RISE. Shane McMahon gave Angle the opportunity to choose his own opponent at Uncensored, and Angle decided to give a WCW World title shot to Lance Storm! Very unexpected, but I gotta say, I agree with Angle. Lance Storm, I may not like his attitude, but’s been overlooked for a long time.”

Mike Tenay: “
Also coming up on Monday, The Dudley Boyz have given the Diamond Dallas Page a shot at the WCW World Tag Team Championship, but we don’t know who will be teaming with Page. The only way to find out is to tune into Nitro!”


La Felina vs. The Phoenix

They tie-up to start, but Felina backs away into the ropes to break. Felina ducks the second tie-up attempt and goes for a hurricanrana, but it’s too early for that as the Phoenix is able to just stand tall to block. She shoves Felina off and Felina lands on her feet. Phoenix misses the clothesline, and Felina gets a forearm. Another forearm backs Phoenix into the corner, then Felina comes charging in with a crossbody to Phoenix’s midsection. Phoenix stumbles out of the corner and Felina heads to the top rope. Phoenix catches her up there though…then military presses Felina over her head! Phoenix slams Felina face first onto the canvas! 1…2…kickout from Felina. Phoenix goes for Snake Eyes, but Felina shoves her into the corner. Phoenix catches a charging Felina with an elbow though.

Phoenix heads to the second rope, but Felina catches her this time with a punch. Felina climbs and goes for a top rope hurricanrana, but Phoenix is still too strong and Felina crashes onto the canvas. Phoenix now stands on the top rope, but Felina dropkicks the turnbuckles and Phoenix gets crotched and then falls to the mat as well. Cover from Felina, 1…2…Phoenix kicks out. Felina comes off the ropes and Phoenix misses the clothesline. Felina looks as if she’s going for a headscissors, but locks up Pheonix’s arms and gets an Octopus Hold! Felina has Phoenix slowly falling to the canvas…until Phoenix explodes with power and counters with a sidewalk slam! 1…2…Felina kicks out. Felina recovers and runs at Phoenix, but gets taken out with a hard clothesline! Phoenix lifts Felina up for a powerbomb, but Felina spins her body around and gets a hurricanrana with a pinning combination! 1…2…3!

Winner: La Felina via pinfall in 7:05


Quick Results

Alex Wright pinned Jason Jett

Yang pinned Lash LeRoux

La Felina pinned The Phoenix


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates

Jason Jett –
Also known as EZ Money, Jett wrestled for a bit at the end of the Turner-era WCW in 2001.


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WCW Monday Night Nitro
March 11, 2002
Savvis Center
St. Louis, MO

opens with a limousine arriving in the parking lot…and the license plate reads…”HHHChamp” on it. Is Triple H inside?!


Scott Hudson
: “Hello everyone…we have breaking news at the moment…something’s going down backstage!

We cut backstage and see The Dudley Boyz beating the hell out of Diamond Dallas Page with garbage cans! Bubba threatens Stacy and Torrie, who are nearby. Bubba and D-Von toss Page into a gate, and Page is left lying as officials hold the Dudley Boyz back! Officials, Torrie and Stacy check on Page, who’s lying motionless!

Scott Hudson: “What a wild start to Nitro! I can’t believe the Dudley Boyz would take a cheap shot on Diamond Dallas! I understand they are defending the tag titles tonight, but we don’t even know if Page has a partner! How much of a handicap do they need?!”

Mike Tenay: “Unbelievable Scott. Nonetheless we have a crazy three way nine man tag team match coming up from several situations that took place this part week on Worldwide.”

Scott Hudson:
“We’ll keep you up to date on the condition of Diamond Dallas Page…there’s also a limo backstage. Already way too much going on tonight!”

The Hurricane, Nova and The Blue Meanie vs. Brian Christopher, Alex Wright and Disco Inferno vs. Taka Michinoku, Yang and Kaz Hayashi

The match gets off to a wild start as all nine men brawl inside the ring. Hurricane and Nova dive to the outside and take out all of Michinoku Pro, leaving Meanie in the ring with Christopher, Wright and Inferno. Meanie, perhaps the smartest move he’s ever made, starts dancing and gets a huge cheer as a result! Disco stops him…and begins dancing himself! He doesn’t get as warm a reception, so he asks Wright and Christopher to join them. The crowd boos until Meanie starts up again. Christopher runs at Meanie but gets backdropped over the top rope! Meanie then takes out Disco and Wright with a double clothesline, but walks right into a Taka Michinoku missile dropkick! Hurricane and Taka go at it, and Hayashi attacks Hurricane from behind to help his partner. Nova dropkicks them both.

Alex Wright surprises Nova with a German suplex, but the Meanie is back up and slams Wright. Meanie heads to the top rope and flattens Wright with a Meanie-sault. Disco breaks up the pin before it even starts. Disco hooks Meanie’s arm and takes him down with a jawbreaker. Suddenly, Fit Finlay storms the ring with a chair and levels Hurricane, Disco and Hayashi! Finlay nails Nova as well! Match has stopped in it’s tracks as no one else wants to mess with Finlay and the referee throws it out.

Winner: No Contest when Fit Finlay ran in and attacked everyone

Commissioner William Regal
runs down to the ring and yells at Finlay, who ignores him and heads to the back.


We cut to the limo hitting backstage, and Jeremy Borash checks to see if he can find out who’s in it. A window rolls down, but when Borash sees who’s inside he’s absolutely stunned.

Jeremy Borash: “I’m…I’m going to let Shane know you’re here!”


We then cut to Commissioner Regal’s office, and he’s in there with Finlay.

William Regal: “What in the bloody hell are you trying to do out there?!”

Finlay: “Am I blind? You see that garbage out there, dancing and whatever. We’re here to fight! I’m here to fight! I’m not apologizing for anything out there. If anything, you should reward me for ending that crap out there!”

Finlay storms off, with Regal positively shaking his head, perhaps thinking Finlay is right.


WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Gangrel (w/Luna Vachon)

Christian and Gangrel lock-up, and Christian gets some punches in. Gangrel counters and hits elbows of his own, then pounds away at Christian in the corner! Gangrel knocks Christian down with a clothesline, then hits him with a scoop slam! Gangrel goes for the quick finish with the Impaler DDT, but Christian shoves Gangrel back into the corner and pounds away at him. Gangrel comes out of the corner with a clothesline, but Christian ducks and goes for the Unprettier…but Gangrel shoves Christian into the corner. Gangrel runs in only to run into the boots of Christian. Gangrel is staggered…but maybe was playing possum as Christian runs at him and Gangrel backdrops him! Elbow drop from Gangrel. Another elbowdrop! Cover, 1…2…Christian kicks out and rolls to the apron.

Gangrel grabs Christian by the hair, but Christian hangs him across the top rope. Christian drags Gangrel to the outside and slams him into the apron. He runs back in, then leaps off the second rope, jumping over the top and takes out Gangrel! Christian rolls him back in and goes for the cover, feet on the ropes, 1…2…Luna knocks the feet off the ropes and the pin is broken. Christian complains to the referee, who admonishes Luna. Gangrel gets some punches in, but Christian gets a rake in the eyes. Dropkick knocks Gangrel down. Cover, 1…2…Gangrel kicks out. Christian wears Gangrel down with a headlock. Gangrel tries to fight his way out, but Christian spikes him with a falling reverse DDT. Another cover, 1…2…Gangrel’s still in there with a kickout.

Christian punches away at Gangrel, who fires back with his own punches. Gangrel catches one of the punches and hits a double underhook suplex! Gangrel takes Christian down with elbows, then catches Christian with a powerslam! Cover, 1…2…Christian just kicks out! Gangrel runs Christian into the corner, then goes for the Impaler DDT again. Christian holds onto the ropes and Gangrel falls to the canvas. Christian lands on top of him, feet on the ropes again, 1…2…3!

Winner: Christian via pinfall in 7:58 (Retains)

Luna Vachon
slides into the ring and gets in Christian’s face about how he won the match. Luna starts punching away at Christian, but Christian blocks one and knocks Luna down with a clothesline. Bam Bam Bigelow runs down to the ring and Christian runs for his life! Nonetheless, Christian has retained his title against his former mentor!


Jeremy Borash
: “Hey, Shane, Shane…”

Shane McMahon: “Hey, Jeremy, slow down.”

Jeremy Borash: “Look, boss, I saw who’s here in the limo, and, and…”

Shane McMahon: “It’s alright Jeremy, just spit it out. Who?”

Borash whispers it in Shane McMahon’s ear, and Shane’s face turns into absolute shock.

Shane McMahon: “You’ve gotta be shittin’ me. And he says he’s here for what reason?”

Jeremy Borash: “He didn’t specify…”

Shane shakes his head…

Shane McMahon: “Alright, alright. I gotta figure this out.”


Booker T vs. Steven Richards

Booker punches and chops away at Richards in the corner. Richards fires back with hard chops of his own. Richards tries to send Booker off the ropes, but Booker holds onto the arm and takes Richards out with a roundhouse kick. Flapjack by Booker. Cover, 1…2…Richards kicks out. Booker sends Richards into the corner. Booker comes flying in with an axe kick attempt, but Richards moves and Booker crotches the top rope. Belly-to-back suplex from Richards and a cover, 1…Booker is out right away. Richards sends Booker off the ropes and Booker comes flying back with a flying forearm. Spinarooni from Booker! Richards runs right into a Bookend! 1…2…3!

Winner: Booker T via pinfall in 2:01

“Yo sell-out! Booker! Hey right here!”

“You think you a big man cause you got the 1-2-3 last week? You think you done with me just because you won a tag match? You gonna take that riding Kurt Angle’s coattails?”

Booker T: “Just spit it out man what the hell you want?”

“I want your ass Book. Don’t forget, you ain’t a champion right now because of me! I ain’t done with you for a second. Uncensored. Detroit Street Fight. I’m gonna show you what it means to be tough once and for all!”

Booker T: “You gonna show me? You got it sucka. I’m gonna leave you beaten and lying in Detroit at Uncensored. And you big man, you want a piece, I’ll give it to you too! Hell I’ll give it both of you right now!”

R-Killa: “Naw naw, that’s alright. 13 days. No excuses. I’ll take you out for good then!”


We see Shane McMahon on the phone…

Shane McMahon: “Clearly I gotta do something about this. You’re telling me you didn’t know anything about it?

Shane McMahon: “I’m not going to cave in just because you married the son-of-a-bitch…”

Shane McMahon:
“Alright, alright. Well I’m going to figure out what the hell is going on tonight.”


Kevin Kelly is with Diamond Dallas Page. DDP is getting his ribs re-taped.

Kevin Kelly: Diamond Dallas Page, will you be ready tonight tonight to take on The Dudley Boyz?”

Diamond Dallas Page: “Damn right I am Kelly. It’s gonna take more than that to take me out of the game. You should know better to ask such a stupid question.”

DDP tells Torrie and Stacy he doesn’t want them out there for their own safety, when Kevin Kelly interjects with another question.

Kevin Kelly: “Any update on the tag team partner?”

Diamond Dallas Page: “I don’t need anyone. Tonight Dudleyville becomes Bang City, and there’s one mayor of that town. That’s me, D-D-P!”


In the parking lot we see someone come out of the limo…but we only see his shoes…


We come back to Nitro and see Shane McMahon in the ring.

Shane McMahon: “You know I have to admit I figured when I took over WCW, when I bought WCW out from under by father’s nose I knew the strings that would be attached. I knew the battles, both in this ring, and politically…and hell I guess now legally I would have to fight. I guess I just didn’t expect it to come from my own family. Triple H, this is quite the move. But if this is the game you want to play, I’m here. I’m ready for it.”

Shane McMahon looks at the crowd, before uttering a line that shocks everyone in the building.

Shane McMahon: “Can the legal representative for Triple H makes his way down to the ring? ERIC BISCHOFF…come down here now and let’s sort this out!”

Scott Hudson: “WHAT?!”

Mike Tenay:
“Oh my god! Eric Bischoff?!”

Triple H’s theme, “The Game” plays…and out walks Eric Bischoff! Bischoff has that million dollar smile on his face as he slowly walks to the ring.


Eric Bischoff: “I can’t help but feel like you want to kick my ass right about now! Yeah, I hear you St. Louis! Who doesn’t want to see Bischoff vs. McMahon right now?!”

“But if that happens…you won’t see Triple H in this ring ever again!”

Shane McMahon: “So what’s the deal?”

Eric Bischoff: Shane, Shane, calm down, calm down. Let me get settled you know? It’s been a while before I’ve really gotten around a WCW ring.”

Shane McMahon: “That’s because my dad kicked your ass and ran you out of business!”

Eric Bischoff: “You’re funny Shane. I feel like I’m going to enjoy these next few months. But look, I’m not here as your adversary. I’m not here to compete. I’m not here to ‘take over the company’ like all the dirtsheets have been reporting for the last few months. I’m here for one reason and one reason only. I’m here to look out in the best interests of my client, Triple H.”

Shane McMahon: “My stance hasn’t changed, Triple H had his chance at the WCW World Championship, and now he’s got to earn his way back.”

Eric Bischoff: “I hear you. But let’s be clear, this isn’t some random run-of-the-mill guy asking for a title shot. This is arguably your biggest draw. Look, I get the idea of protecting your champion. Hell I gave Hollywood whatever time off he wanted as long as he showed up for the big shows. So I get it. But Triple H didn’t leave the WWF to be put on the sidelines. But lucky for you I’m a great mediator in these situations. There’s another thing my client wants pretty much at the same level as the WCW World Championship.”

Shane McMahon: “And what might that be?”

Eric Bischoff: “Well, quite frankly, this isn’t the most professional way to say this. But…he wants to kick your ass.”

Shane McMahon: “Is that right?”

Eric Bischoff: “And, if I know the name McMahon, and if you’re even half the man your dad is, you aren’t someone who’s going to run away from a fight. So I say, let’s kill two birds with one stone. Let’s give each other what we want. We know you never wanted your sister to marry him…”

Shane McMahon: “You leave my sister out of this…”

Eric Bischoff: “I wish I could Shane, but I know it pisses you off. You’ve always wanted a crack at him for how he married her.”

Shane McMahon looks to be getting angry at Bischoff mentioning Stephanie again.

Eric Bischoff: “Hey, don’t get mad at me. I’m just a legal representative here. But this is what I propose. Uncensored. Triple H vs. Shane McMahon. If my client wins, he gets the shot at the WCW World Championship that he’s been looking for.”

Shane McMahon: “Let’s be real, I can’t beat Triple H in a wrestling match.”

Eric Bischoff: “So is that a no?”

Shane McMahon:
“Of course not. I accept the conditions on one condition of my own.”

Eric Bischoff: “And what might that be?”

Shane McMahon: Uncensored. Triple H vs. Shane McMahon. Last Man Standing!”

Eric Bischoff: “Last Man Standing huh? Shane McMahon, you’ve got yourself a deal!”

Eric Bischoff again flashes that smile as he walks off with a clearly pissed off Shane McMahon left in the ring.

Scott Hudson: “What did we just witness? It’s going to be Triple H vs. Shane McMahon in a Last Man Standing Match at Uncensored…and the match was brokered by…Eric Bischoff?!


#1 Contender to the World Women’s Championship
La Felina vs. Ivory vs. Jazz

World Women’s Champion Molly Marvel
comes out and sits at the announcer’s desk to watch.

Ivory and Jazz stack La Felina early on, but La Felina hits the ropes and catches both with a flying bodypress. Jazz shoves her off of any pin attempt, then punches Ivory in the face for good measure. Jazz stomps away at La Felina. Jazz snapmares Felina, then hits a big legdrop. Cover, 1…2…La Felina kicks out. DDT from Jazz. Another cover, 1…2…this time Ivory breaks it up. Jazz punches away at Ivory, but Ivory ducks one and hits the ropes and comes back to hit Jazz with a crossbody. Ivory turns around and gets hit with an enzugiri from La Felina! Cover, 1…2…Ivory kicks out. La Felina grabs a wristlock, then runs up to the top rope and jumps down with an armdrag! Another cover, 1…2…Ivory kicks out again.

La Felina heads to the top rope, but Jazz comes off the ropes and La Felina crotches the top turnbuckle. Jazz pulls Felina by her mask and slams her to the canvas…but Ivory follows up by kneeing Jazz in the back. Ivory lifts Jazz up for the Ivory Driver, but Jazz counters by landing on her feet and shoving Ivory to the outside. Jazz grabs La Felina and drills her with a brainbuster and covers, 1…2…3!

Winner: Jazz when she pinned La Felina in 4:22

stares Molly Marvel down as makes sure she realizes that her days as champion are numbered!


Backstage, Commissioner William Regal is conversing with Shane McMahon, and we cut to them mid-convo.

Shane McMahon: “…so I don’t know what’s going to happen with this Eric Bischoff thing. I don’t even know what’s going to happen at Uncensored. Win or lose, I might be out for a while.”

William Regal: “You mustn’t worry about that, I would be here to take care of things on the administrative end.”

Shane McMahon: “Look, I know you’re trying to turn things around, but come on. You? I think I’d need someone with a little more leadership.”

William Regal: Shane don’t you realize I know Eric. I’ve known him for years. Plus, just look at all the things I’ve taken off your plate. For instance. Next week on Nitro. Huge battle royal to determine who will face WCW United States Champion Christian at Uncensored. It’s going to have quite the cast of characters, Hurricane, Bam Bam Bigelow, Disco Inferno…”

Finlay barges in…but Regal keeps going.

William Regal: “…and Finlay! All for a shot at the title. You didn’t have to worry about that Shane because I took care of it.”

Shane McMahon: “We’ll see.”


AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn vs. Psicosis and Papi Chilo

All four men brawl to start the match. Styles tosses Chilo to the outside and Jerry Lynn follows up with a plancha! Psicosis catches Styles with a spinning heel kick, then comes off the ropes and takes out both his partner Chilo and Lynn with a springboard plancha of his own! Styles recovers and follows that with a somersault plancha taking out all three men! Styles rolls Chilo in the ring and sends him off the ropes…then catches him with a flying clothesline. Styles hits Psicosis with a baseball slide, keeping him on the outside and then tags in Lynn. Styles sends Chilo off the ropes and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and Lynn comes off the top with a flying legdrop! Cover, 1…2…Psicosis comes off the top rope himself with a Guillotine Legdrop and wipes out Lynn.

Chilo makes the tag and Psicosis is all over Lynn with stomps. Sitout front suplex from Psicosis. A cover, 1…2…but Lynn kicks out. Superkick from Psicosis. He locks Lynn in a front chinlock, but Lynn fights back to his feet. Slam from Psicosis. Psicosis crotches Lynn on the top rope then heads to the top turnbuckle, but Lynn ducks the flying spinkick and Psicosis crashes onto the canvas! Psicosis gets to Papi Chilo, but Lynn gets the tag as well! AJ Styles comes flying in with a springboard forearm on Chilo! Dropkick to the back of the head of Psicosis! Papi Chilo sneaks up on Styles but gets hit with the Pele! AJ springboards off the ropes with a backflip and catches Chilo with a reverse DDT! Lynn comes in and tosses Psicosis out of the ring as Styles sets Chilo up…Styles Clash! 1…2…3!

Winners: AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn when Styles pinned Papi Chilo in 6:42

backs up the ramp with the Cruiserweight Championship, realizing he’s just 13 days away from facing the red hot Styles at Uncensored!


Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with the WCW World Tag Team Champions The Dudley Boyz.

Jeremy Borash:
“It’s been a wild night and now we are just moments away…”

Bubba Ray Dudley grabs the microphone from Borash and shoves him out of the way.

Bubba Ray Dudley: Diamond Dallas…boy you are minutes away from the worst mistake of your life! Me and my brother D-Von are the undisputed greatest tag team in the whole damn world! Five-time WWF World Tag Team Champions. Eight-time WCW World Tag Team Champions. And now WCW World Tag Team Champions. We’ve laid to waste every team in our path. Kronik. Public Enemy. L.O.D. And now you come alone in your path of virtue, your path of righteousness to stare down the legendary Dudley Boyz! Make no mistake about this Diamond Dallas Page. This is the end of your career tonight. My and my brother D-Von will break every frickin’ bone in your body, finishing with the neck as we spike you with 3D! And then, and only then, Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson, you both will meet your fate!”



WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Dudley Boyz © vs. Diamond Dallas Page

The Dudley Boyz await DDP, but DDP comes from the crowd and attacks them both from behind! He sends D-Von to the outside and hits Bubba with a discus clothesline. Page goes for a quick Diamond Cutter, but Bubba shakes him off and catches him with an elbow to the face. D-Von comes back in and both Dudley Boyz pound away on DDP. They send DDP off the ropes, but DDP ducks the double clothesline and hits a double Russian legsweep! DDP covers Bubba, 1…2…DDP moves as D-Von accidentally legdrops Bubba! DDP boots D-Von and hits him with a gutwrench powerbomb! Referee doesn’t make a count though as he says Bubba’s the legal man and tries to get D-Von out of the ring…which allows Bubba to hit DDP with a low blow!

Bubba whips DDP into the corner and hits him with jabs as he stumbles out. Bubba finishes the jab combination with a big elbow that knocks DDP down. Belly-to-back suplex folds DDP in half! Bubba tags in D-Von, and D-Von immediately punches away at DDP. He sends DDP off the ropes and hits him with a spinning elbow. D-Von picks DDP up and hits a sidewalk slam. Cover, 1…2…but D-Von gets up on his own as the Dudley Boyz clearly want to inflict more punishment. D-Von sends DDP off the ropes, flapjack connects. Another cover, 1…2…D-Von again gets up breaking the count. DDP fires some rights as he shows some life, but misses a wild clothesline and D-Von snaps him down with a neckbreaker. D-Von tags in Bubba Ray then heads to the top rope. Bubba slams DDP and D-Von comes off the top with a flying headbutt to the low midsection! Bubba says that’s it for DDP and he slams him and heads to the turnbuckles. Off the second rope, but Bubba misses the senton splash!

DDP struggles to get to his feet as does Bubba, but Bubba misses a clothesline and DDP finds some life…springing off the ropes and catching Bubba with a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere! D-Von has the referee distracted though as DDP makes the cover…it’s Spike Dudley! Spike comes in and kicks DDP in the head. Spike grabs DDT…Dudley Dawg connects! D-Von celebrates on the apron as Spike gets out of ring undetected. Bubba calls for the 3D, but D-Von points out something more interesting…that Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson are coming down to the ring. Unfortunately neither Torrie nor Stacy get far as D-Von meets them on the ramp, and both back away in fear. But then, the crowd erupts…

Mike Tenay: “Oh..oh my god..that’s…that’s THE GIANT!”

Scott Hudson:
“It is The Giant! Has the Giant come to be Dallas Page’s partner?!”

D-Von backs away from the Giant. Spike Dudley goes for an attack, and the Giant tosses him halfway up the ramp! The Giant stands in DDP’s corner! Bubba Ray doesn’t know what to do, but he yells out an expletive to the Giant and tags in D-Von. They go for 3D, but DDP puts on the brakes and DDTs D-Von! DDP sidesteps Bubba…and the tag is made! The Giant grabs a terrified D-Von and headbutts him! Huge headbutt to Bubba! Giant props D-Von up in the corner and hits him with a huge chop, then tosses him out of the corner like a ragdoll! Bubba punches away at the monster and the Giant busts out a roundhouse kick of all things to take him out! The Giant lifts Bubba up…sidewalk slam! He grabs Bubba by the throat…Chokeslam! D-Von goes for a chop block which staggers the Giant for a moment, but D-Von ends up getting hit with another huge headbutt! Giant tags DDP back in then grabs D-Von by the throat. Giant lets go of D-Von right as DDP comes flying in with the Diamond Cutter! DDP covers D-Von, 1…2…3! We have NEW tag team champions!

Winners: Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant when DDP pinned D-Von in 14:54 (New Champions)

hugs The Giant as Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson come down to celebrate with the new champs! As the celebration continues…Eric Bischoff appears on the ramp and applauds the new champions…and with that Nitro goes off the air!


Quick Results

Disco Inferno, Alex Wright and Brian Christopher vs. Michinoku Pro vs. Hurricane, Nova and the Blue Meanie went to a no-contest due to interference from Finlay

WCW United States Championship
Christian pinned Gangrel to retain the title

Booker T pinned Steven Richards

#1 Contender for the World Women's Championship
Jazz defeated Ivory and La Felina when she pinned Felina

AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn defeated Psicosis and Papi Chilo when Styles pinned Chilo

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant defeated the Dudley Boyz when DDP pinned D-Von to win the title


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates

Eric Bischoff
The former President of WCW now represents Triple H


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March 14, 2002
Hearns Center
St. Louis, MO

Joey Styles: “Hello everyone I’m Joey Styles. As you can see the General Manager of ECW Paul Heyman, ECW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin and CW Anderson are all in the ring as Tazz makes his way down as well. These two will face one another in the main event of Uncensored just 10 days away. Last week Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, the owner of Extreme Championship Wrestling announced that there will be a special guest referee for the match. And here comes the boss now!”

“My Time” plays as Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley makes her way down to the ring.

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley: “Last week on RISE I stated that there would be a special guest referee at Uncensored to officiate the match for the ECW World Championship! I’m not here to waste anyone’s time. At Uncensored the special guest referee will be…”

Paul Heyman interrupts before she can make the announcement…

Paul Heyman: “Why Stephanie I am honored to be chosen for such a prestigious spot on pay-per-view! I promise to do an excellent job and guarantee a fair fight between two of ECW’s greatest!”

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley: “Are you finished Paul? To be honest, the lack of bias and integrity on your part is why we need a special referee in the first place.”

Paul Heyman takes offense, but Stephanie continues undeterred…

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley: “So, at Uncensored, refereeing the ECW World Heavyweight Championship match between Brock Lesnar and Tazz. An ECW legend himself. The special guest referee will be…”


Joey Styles: “OH MY GOD!”

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley: “And next week on RISE, Mick Foley will be here!”

Paul Heyman: “…are you sure that’s a good idea? Are you out of your mind?!”

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley: “Excuse me Paul? What did you just say to me?”

Paul Heyman: “I’m…I’m sorry Stephanie…I…no, Brock, stop! No!”

Brock Lesnar stands in front of Stephanie…and while Stephanie is afraid she stand sup for herself…until Tazz climbs on the back of Brock Lesnar’s back and locks in the Kata Ha Jime! Tazz is choking out Lesnar as Shelton Benjamin and CW Anderson stomp on him to try to make the save…but Tazz won’t let up! Rob Van Dam and Sabu run down and the brawl with Benjamin and Anderson is on! Tazz won’t let go of Lesnar…and he’s choked him out! Tazz finally lets go and Lesnar rolls out of the ring…but leaves the ECW title in the ring. RVD and Sabu hold up the ECW World Tag Team titles as Tazz looks at the ECW World Title…then poses with it as well!


We come back to RISE as Paul Heyman is backstage with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. He’s still apologizing, but also mentions that Tazz has the ECW title

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley: “…well go back and get it then!”

Paul Heyman: “Wha..ok. So another thing. I think it’s fair to say that thanks to Tazz’s attack on the ECW World Heavyweight Champion, that Brock Lesnar won’t be able to compete tonight for the six-man tag team match.”

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley: “Well, ok. Truthfully we need to make a big push for Uncensored on Nitro. So, we’ll postpone until then. Make sure you’re there!”

Stephanie walks off, with Heyman shaking his head with one more thing to say…

Paul Heyman: “…Mick Foley. Really?”


Juventud Guerrera vs. Lance Storm (w/Dawn Marie)

Storm shows his aggressive side by going for Juvi right away, attacking him as he gets into the ring. Storm punches Juvi in the corner, but Juvi fires back with chops. Juvi hits a dropkick then hits the ropes. Flying headscissors attempt is blocked by Storm as he turns it into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Storm stomps away then sets Juvi up for a vertical suplex. Storm gets Juvi up and holds him up there…he’s still got him up there…then slams him down finishing the suplex. Cover, 1…2…Juvi kicks out. Storm elbow drops the knee, then tries to lock in the Maple Leaf, but Juvi is able to kick his way free. Storm sends Juvi off the ropes, but Juvi ducks the clothesline and comes flying back with a spinning heel kick!

Flying headscissors from Juvi. Juvi comes off the ropes and Storm pushes him high up, but Juvi comes down with a dropkick that sends Storm to the outside. Juvi comes off the ropes then takes Storm out with a springboard plancha! Juvi sends Storm back into the ring. Juvi heads to the top rope, but Storm ducks the crossbody press off the top. Storm stomps on Juvi’s knee, then smashes the knee into the canvas several times. Storm whips Juvi off the ropes, but Juvi tries another flying headscissors. Storm counters with a rotating powerbomb, then locks in the Maple Leaf! Juvi tries to hang on and slowly crawls to the ropes…but Storm changes things up and moves into a Sharpshooter! Juvi has no choice and taps out!

Winner: Lance Storm via submission in 6:02

Lance Storm
grabs a microphone from Dawn Marie.

Lance Storm: “How ridiculous is this? Last week the WCW World Champion Kurt Angle challenges me to a match. He’s the top guy holding one of the top two titles in our industry. Am I invited to Nitro? Of course not. The disrespect continues. And I’m not going to stand for it. While I appreciate the opportunity Kurt Angle has given me, it will be the biggest mistake of his career when I win the WCW World Championship from him at Uncensored. But before that, next week, I will be at Nitro. Nothing is going to stop me at this point.”


We cut to what seems to be a beat up ring in a warehouse, where Raven with his Warriors are in the ring. Raven’s sitting in the corner…

Raven: “As I sit among my Warriors, I await the battle against the evil that I’ve sensed for some time now. There is no order anymore. Chaos is inevitable. Please stop reminding me. Please get out of my head. Please cure me of this debilitating trauma. Please come so I can be cured of this suffering. WHAT ABOUT ME? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN? Why are you here? Where are you residing in my head? You’re eating away at my humanity. You’re eating away at my mind. I hope every day that you’re just not a figment of my imagination. I hope you’re real. I know you’re real. I will destroy you. So it is written, so it will come to pass. Quote the Raven…Nevermore!”


Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
is in her office backstage where…WCW World Champion Kurt Angle walks in!

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley: Kurt! It’s good to see you.”

Kurt Angle: “It’s good to be here. I was watching earlier and I saw Lance Storm wanted to call me out. Well you can let him know I’ll be ready for him on Nitro. But Steph, I gotta ask you, what’s the deal with Hunter and Eric Bischoff.”

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley: Kurt…I have no idea. He didn’t tell me about it or anything. We keep our interests as separate.”

Kurt Angle: “I understand. Well, I was here to scout Lance. I know he wants to bring the WCW World Championship to ECW permanently. That’s not going to happen, but good luck anyway. I do appreciate the hospitality as well from ECW, especially with how I came in a couple months ago.”

Stephanie McMahon Helmsley: “No problem Kurt. And honestly after Uncensored we hope you’ll show up here on RISE from time to time! You’re always welcome on this show.”

Kurt Angle: “Thank you Steph. Good luck with the rest of the night.”

Kurt Angle walks out of the office and the camera follows him. In the hallways, he runs into Tazz, still with the ECW World Championship.

Kurt Angle: “Hmm…I don’t think that’s yours.”

Tazz: “Oh yeah Angle? You want to try to take it from me? You remember what happened last time a title was on the line and you faced me in an ECW ring? Well let me remind you, I choked you out in New York City…again…and took your US title!”

Angle and Tazz stare at one another intensely…but then Angle smiles and Tazz drops his intensity as well.

Kurt Angle: “Yeah, you got me last time. I respect that. I respect you. I’ll tell you right now, I know you’re good and I think you’re going to beat Brock Lesnar at Uncensored. Good luck and take it down.”

Tazz: “I appreciate that champ. Lance Storm and Total Impact, they’re no joke. Good luck to you as well.”


Paul Heyman is in the back with Brock Lesnar, and Lesnar’s pissed off.

Brock Lesnar: “Where the hell is my belt Paul?!”

Paul Heyman: Tazz has it. We can go looking for him but we’ll see him on Nitro no matter what as Stephanie pushed the six-man to then…”

Lesnar shoves Heyman over and immediately runs out of the room, probably looking for Tazz!


#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship
Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill vs. Justin Credible and Mike Awesome

Credible starts off with Doring. Credible gets some punches in, then kicks and stomps away at Doring in the corner. Credible whips Doring into the corner, but runs into the boot of Doring. Front Russian Legsweep from Doring and a cover, 1…2….Credible kicks out. Doring quickly tags in Roadkill. Credible starts talking trash to him, then slaps him in the face! This only angers Roadkill who goes for a body splash. Credible movies and Roadkill hits the corner. Credible works on Roadkill with punches, then tags in Awesome. Credible sends Roadkill off the ropes and Awesome catapults himself over the top rope with and hits a shoulder tackle! Awesome sends Roadkill off the ropes and hits a big boot before tagging Credible back in.

Credible stomps away on Roadkill until he’s stomping him in the corner. Credible goes for a running kick, but Roadkill moves and Credible ends up sliding…and crotching himself into the post! Roadkill sends Credible into the steel railing on the outside. Awesome runs at Roadkill but Roadkill moves and Awesome squashes Credible! Roadkill takes Credible back in and sends him into the corner. Tag to Doring, who Irish whips Roadkill into Credible! They do it the other way as well, but Awesome shoves Credible out of the way and Doring hits the corner. Awesome comes in and levels Roadkill with a big clothesline that flips him inside out! Doring stumbles around and Credible decks him with a superkick.

Credible heads to the outside and slides a table into the ring, but Roadkill is out there and ramps Credible into the post. Awesome sets up the table then sets up Doring…Awesome Bomb…but Roadkill moved the table out of the way. Roadkill ducks a clothesline from Awesome and then lifts Awesome on his shoulders, hitting the Barn Burner! Roadkill then heads to the ropes, not the corner, but the ropes. He climbs them with amazing balance, but Credible whacks him in the back of the head with a kendo stick and he crashes into the canvas. Awesome sets up the table and puts Roadkill on it, then Awesome Bombs Danny Doring through Roadkill and the table! He covers both, 1…2…3!

Winners: Mike Awesome and Justin Credible when Awesome pinned both Doring and Roadkill in 8:41


We come back to RISE, with Bill Alfonso, Rob Van Dam and Sabu.

Rob Van Dam: “Hey would you look at that. Mike Awesome and Justin Credible are gonna go against the hottest team in all of wrestling right now, ROB*VAN*DAM…well and Sabu.”

Sabu gets a little aggressive towards RVD

Rob Van Dam: “Come on man you know I’m kidding I’m kidding. Look, 10 nights from now, ECW World Tag Team title on the line, Awesome, Credible, whatever man. These ECW titles are where they belong and they’re gonna stay here with the homicidal maniac…and the whole…fuckin’…show!”


Brock Lesnar finds his way to the parking lot, screaming for Tazz….and Tazz jumps him and locks in the Kata Ha Jime again! Tazz is choking Lesnar out in the parking lot, but Shelton Benjamin and CW Anderson are on their way! Tazz hops into a rental car with the ECW title and drives off as RISE goes off the air!


Quick Results

Lance Storm made Juventud Guerrera submit

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship
Mike Awesome and Justin Credible defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates

Mick Foley:
Last seen as the WWF Commissioner during InVasion, Mike Foley of course is one of the biggest names in wrestling…and has ECW and WCW experience as well.
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March 16, 2002
Hearns Center
St. Louis, MO

Joey Styles: “
Welcome everyone to ECW Hardcore TV. We are just 8 days away from Uncensored, where ECW has the main event! We will talk about that later in the show, but right now, we have Yoshiriho Tajiri in the ring ready for action."

Bruiser Mastino vs. Tajiri

Tajiri circles the 400 pound Mastino and throws some spacing kicks. Mastino runs at Tajiri and drives him into the corner, but Tajiri fires a kick right to the head! Tajiri comes off the ropes but Mastino shoulder tackles him down. Mastino comes off the ropes but misses a splash. Tajiri comes off the ropes and hits Mastino with a spinning heel kick, sending Mastino through the ropes to the outside. Tajiri gets on the apron and wipes out Mastino with an Asai Moonsault! Tajiri sets up a table then grabs a chair and smahes Mastino on the back! Mastino ends up on the table as Tajiri heads to the apron. Tajiri comes off the apron with a double stomp that smashes Mastino through the table! Tajiri returns to the ring and poses for the crowd as Mastino struggles to get back into the ring. As soon as he does he tries to get to his feet but is dazed, and Tajiri hits him with the Green Mist! Hard kick to the knee forces Mastino into a kneeling position, then Tajiri takes him out with a kick to the head! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Tajiri via pinfall in 4:02


Joey Styles:
“Eight days from today, it’s Uncensored. The main event is for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship. The rookie monster, the next big thing, the beast, whatever you want to call him, Brock Lesnar takes on perhaps the most dominant champion in Extreme Championship Wrestling history. He goes one-on-one with Tazz. Tazz won this opportunity back at SuperBrawl in the Extreme Brawl. In a lot of ways, this is a dream match of some sorts. Both men are wrestlers. Both men will use a variety of suplexes. Can Tazz hang with Lesnar, or is experience going to overcome? We will find out!”

“In one of the most shocking moments in the short history of ECW RISE, WCW World Champion Kurt Angle, just days after defeating Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin to retain the title was given a pass by Shane McMahon in defending the title at Uncensored. Angle responded, ‘hey, I’m a fighting a champion, I want to defend the title.’ Shane said fine and allowed him to defend the title against anyone he wanted. And who did he choose? Total Impact’s Lance Storm, on the basis that Storm has been overlooked for years in the big leagues. Kudos to Angle, but has he made a mistake in choosing Storm?! If there’s one man in all of professional wrestling who may be able to outwrestle Angle, it’s Lance Storm. We know Lance Storm will be on Nitro this week, make sure to tune in there!”

Danny Doring and Roadkill brought back the ECW World Tag Team Championship the night after SuperBrawl and challenged what seemed to be the broken team of Rob Van Dam and Sabu. They wanted to make a name for themselves at Van Dam and Sabu’s expense. Bill Alfonso was able to get Van Dam and Sabu to work together as they won their third ECW World Tag Team Championship together. Total Impact’s Mike Awesome and Justin Credible would defeat Doring and Roadkill for a shot, and it will happen at Uncensored!”

“That’s the main ECW contribution to Uncensored. Make sure to check-out the Uncensored Preview Show at this time next week with myself and “Mean” Gene Okerlund!”


The Sandman vs. Spike Dudley

Spike comes off and dives at Sandman in the middle of his entrance! Spike punches away at Sandman, but Sandman reverses an Irish whip and sends Spike into the steel guardrail. Sandman cracks Spike right in the head with the Singapore Cane! Sandman rolls a busted open Spike Dudley into the ring. Sandman comes off the top but Spike moves out of the way and Sandman misses his janky looking legdrop! Spike hits Sandman with some forearms and gets a dropkick. Sandman stays on his feet and misses a wild clothesline, allowing Spike to hit a neckbreaker. Cover, 1…2…Sandman kicks out and Spike almost had an upset there. Sandman backs up into the corner, but Spike takes him right out of it with a hurricanrana! Spike goes to the outside and takes a chair and heads to the top rope. Spike comes flying off the top and smashes Sandman right in the back with the chair! Another cover, 1…2…Sandman kicks out again.

Spike grabs Sandman’s cane. He takes a big swing but misses. Sandman misses another wild clothesline and then Spike cracks Sandman with the cane! Spike hooks Sandman by the end and looks to end this. Dudley Dawg…no, Sandman spins around and then tosses Spike over the top rope mid-move! Spike misses a table on the outside and crashes onto the floor! Sandman brings Spike back in and sets him up in the middle of the ring, White Russian Legsweep! Sandman hits the move, but suddenly…that’s Big Dick Dudley!

Joey Styles:
“Ladies and gentlemen I am being told by our censors right that that he’s actually going by B.A.D., Big Alex Dudley!”

B.A.D. grabs Sandman and slams him down with sit-out double choke bomb! B.A.D. presses Spike over his head and throws him on Sandman for a cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Spike Dudley via pinfall in 6:27

carries Spike out of the ring, and the Sandman is left in the ring angry about what just happened as Hardcore TV goes off the air!


Quick Results

Tajiri pinned Bruiser Mastino

Spike Dudley pinned The Sandman


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates

: “The former Big Dick Dudley now goes by Big Alex Dudley, and clearly he’s here to help his brothers
Bruiser Mastino: “The former Mantaur had a small ECW run himself at one time


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WCW Monday Night Nitro
March 18, 2002
Crisler Arena
Ann Arbor, Michigan

opens the same way it did last week…with a limousine arriving in the parking lot. The “HHHCHAMP” license plate is visible to the camera…


Scott Hudson
: “Hello everyone and welcome to NITRO! We are just six days away from Uncensored. We have to assume that the legal representative for Triple H, Eric Bischoff is here as we see the limousine in the parking lot. But is Triple H with him? Man do we have a can’t miss show tonight. Like the Pay-Per-View this Sunday, ECW has the main event tonight as well as Tazz, Sabu and Rob Van Dam take on ECW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin and C.W. Anderson. But I still can’t get over this Eric Bischoff situation.

Mike Tenay:
“I’m sure we will get more information as its arrived. Opening tonight’s show is a match made earlier today. While later tonight you will see a battle royal to determine the #1 contender for the United States Championship, we need to find out who will be the champion! The champion Christian takes on Bam Bam Bigelow!”

WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Bam Bam Bigelow w/Luna Vachon

Bigelow tries to pump the crowd up as Christian hangs back in the corner, clearly reluctant to lock-up with the monster Bigelow. A lock-up attempt takes place, but Christian ducks it and runs right back to the ropes. Luna starts yelling at Christian which distracts him, ad Bigelow squashes Christian in the corner! Quick cover, 1…2…Christian just kicks out and bails to the outside! Bigelow stalks Christian around the ring until Christian grabs Luna. Bigelow almost hits her but puts on the brakes and Christian uses this to rake Bigelow in the eyes. Christian shoves Bigelow into the post and the rolls back into the ring, practically begging the referee to count Bigelow out. Bigelow gets back in at seven and Christian immediately kicks and stomps away at him.

Christian locks in the read chinlock as he tries to keep Bigelow down, but Bigelow uses his power to fight his way back up…and plants Christian with a side suplex! Bigelow comes off the ropes and splashes Christian! 1…2…Christian just kicks out! Bigelow shows off with a cartwheel and looks to finish Christian here right as he presses him over his head…only Christian rakes Bigelow in the eyes and gets back to his feet. Christian heads to the second rope, but leaps into the arms of Bigelow…who plants him with Greetings From Asbury Park! Cover, 1…2….3?!...no Christian had his foot on the bottom rope! Bigelow celebrates as the referee tries to tell him it’s not over, and Christian rolls to the outside and grabs the U.S. title belt. Referee tries to get Luna off the apron as well as she argues and Christian nails Bigelow with the title belt. Christian covers and put his feet on the ropes for good measure, 1…2…3!

Winner: Christian via pinfall in 6:13 (Retains)


We head back to the parking lot where Eric Bischoff emerges from the limousine as Nitro cuts to commercial.


As we come back to Nitro…we seem to be in the middle of nowhere, maybe the woods? Nonetheless…Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley appear in front of the camera. We hear Bubba breathing heavily as he’s still seething with anger from last week.

Bubba Ray Dudley: DIAMOND. DALLAS. Page…, last week boy you survived what was guaranteed to be your demise at the hands of the Dudley Boyz and in doing so stole what is rightfully ours, the WCW World Tag Team Championship. But you see all you did was make your inevitable demise worse. At Uncensored we will take back those belts. And make no mistake about it, we will end your career. And after that. Stacy. Torrie….”

Bubba begins to shake violently as D-Von Dudley takes over…

D-Von Dudley: “All I see among you people are sinners! Stacy Keibler you betrayed the Dudley clan! Torrie Wilson is nothing more than an adulterer! Diamond Dallas Page you stole the WCW World Tag Team Championship! And you all will be punished. But you, big man, Giant. You committed the worse sin of all. You violated the sacred commandment that states THOU SHALT NOT MESS WITH THE DUDLEYS! Your punishment is that at Uncensored you will face the Dudley Boyz in the match the Dudley Boyz made famous!”

The camera shoots over to Spike Dudley, laughing as he stands behind a table. There’s someone we can’t quite make out standing behind Spike as well.

Bubba Ray Dudley: Page. Torrie. Stacy. Your penance lies in front of you. We will take back our WCW World Tag Team Championship in a tables match. And Giant, you can come in as big as you want. For your sins we will make sure you meet your destruction as well. You aren’t the only one with monsters hidden in the woods!”

The man behind Spike emerges, and it’s the B.A.D., Big Alex Dudley, who made his debut/return last week on ECW Hardcore TV. The B.A.D. laughs menacingly as D-Von has one more thing to say.



We cut right to the locker room as it looks like Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant, Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler were watching the show, seeing The Dudleyz promo.

Diamond Dallas Page: “We ain’t gonna take that ain’t that right big man? Let’s go see Shane and tell him we want the Tables Match. Let’s end these stupid Dudley Boyz once and for all.”

DDP, Giant, Stacy and Torrie all head to Shane McMahon’s office, but on the way they run into none other than Eric Bischoff.

Eric Bischoff: “Gentlemen! And ladies! Love seeing you all again!”

Diamond Dallas Page: Bisch. Can’t say the same. What you want?”

Giant stares as Bischoff menacingly, causing Bischoff to feel intimidated…

Eric Bischoff: “Settle down, settle down! Look, I’m not here to cause any issues. Triple H isn’t here tonight, I’m strictly here to work out some final details as his legal representative for his match with Shane McMahon at Uncensored. Last Man Standing.”

Diamond Dallas Page:
“Yeah we know what’s goin’ down.”

Eric Bischoff: “Well let me tell you right now my client, I wanted to make it known that he wouldn’t mind forming an alliance with a couple of other top guys. As you know, I’ve seen what power a big time trio can do in the ranks of WCW.”

Diamond Dallas Page: “Yeah, well, we ain’t interested. We got our own deal to figure out. But if your man makes his way to the belt, just know we gonna come knocking for our shot.”

Eric Bischoff: “Hmm, well I hope you’ll think about it. And hey, that offer goes for you too Torrie, Stacy. Anyway, good luck this Sunday with the Dudley Boyz.”

Bischoff walks off as DDP and the Giant watch him…DDP especially has a skeptical look in his eye.


Scott Hudson
: “Coming up momentarily, a battle royal to determine who will face Christian for the United States Championship…well, maybe not. He said he was going to be on Nitro tonight, the man with one hell of an opportunity at Uncensored, here comes Lance Storm!

Lance Storm comes down to the ring alone and grabs a microphone.

Lance Storm: “I’m not going to stand here giving you catchphrases about being serious tonight. You six days from now I receive an opportunity for a match where the winner sits on top of the entire professional wrestling world. I’ve been doing this for 12 years now when I broke in with Chris Jericho and he’s always been ahead of me. And that’s because of opportunity. It’s opportunity that Eric Bischoff or Vince Russo or Paul Heyman never gave me. It’s opportunity that I had to scratch and claw for year after year. It’s opportunity that Kurt Angle has given me this Sunday.”

“While I was frustrated I wasn’t surprised that even after Kurt Angle used his ‘challenge anyone’ card on me I still wasn’t invited to Nitro. That’s because no one thinks Lance Storm belongs on top. So I realize this is probably my one shot. My one chance. Beat Kurt Angle for the WCW World Championship, and then there’s no choice, they have to push Lance Storm. And Kurt doesn’t realize it, but as generous as his challenge is, he’s made the biggest mistake of his career. I have the utmost respect for Kurt Angle, I do. 1996 Olympic Gold, that’s amazing…even if it was for the United States. But I’m not in awe. That doesn’t mean anything to me. I’m from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I’ve seen the greatest wrestler in the world and in my opinion he has a little more…heart…than Kurt Angle has. So I know the blueprint to winning a big wrestling match. But I want to win the match, no questions, no flukes. Winning the world title in any circumstance is great. But a flash three count? That’s not my style. There’s truly only one way to prove who’s the better man, and that’s my making the other man submit! So that’s my challenge to you Kurt Angle. Our match at Uncensored…submission match!”

Kurt Angle’s theme plays as the WCW World Champion makes his way down to the ring!

Kurt Angle: “You know Lance, I’m glad to see this fire in you. I wouldn’t have this any other way. But you can make all the references to Bret Hart you want, but I’m an Olympic Gold Medalist! Canada wasn’t even on the map that year! You want to talk about heart? Toughness? I remind you, I won my Gold Medal with a broken, freakin’ neck! So you want to make me give this up by quitting? You had a chance this Sunday. Had. Now it’s gone because I’m saying ‘I give up’. I’m never tapping out. But this is an opportunity I gave you, so if you want to turn it into a submission match, you got it. Just know now there’s nothing stopping me from snapping your ankle in half!”

Angle and Storm stand face-to-face, with Angle holding the WCW World title over his head.


We come back to Nitro with Jeremy Borash, and he’s with World Women’s Champion Molly Marvel.

Jeremy Borash:
“Molly this Sunday, you defend the World Women’s Championship against the dangerous Jazz.”

Molly Marvel: “Yeah, that’s right Jeremy. But I’m ready. Jazz is tough, no doubt, but it’s not going to matter. I’ve scouted her, I’ve watched her and I’m ready for her. And if she tries to cheat her way to win, well, I’m ready for that too!”


Battle Royal to Determine the #1 Contender for the United States Championship
The Hurricane vs. The Blue Meanie vs. Nova vs. Taka Michinoku vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Yang vs. Brian Christopher vs. Disco Inferno vs. Alex Wright vs. The Barbarian vs. Meng vs. Finlay vs. Gangrel vs. Steven Richards

Hurricane, Meanie and Nova go right after Christopher, Disco and Wright, but in turn they get attacked by Taka, Kaz and Yang. Richards hides in the corner as Finlay and Gangrel make a weird tandem and battle the Faces of Fear. Meng hits Gangrel with a chop to the throat, then he and Barbarian take out Finlay with a double big boot. Richards tries for a superkick, but Meng catches him and Barbarian levels him with a clothesline. Barbarian tosses Richards (Elimination #1). Hurricane hits Meng with a punch, then hits Barbarian with one. Hurricane comically sets up the Double Chokeslam…and Meng responds with the Tongan Death Grip and sends Hurricane flying over the top rope (Elimination #2). Meanie jumps on Meng’s back, and suddenly everyone in the match looks to get rid of the Faces of Fear! Meng goes over the top rope but slides back under the bottom rope, but the group does get the Barbarian out (Elimination #3).

Gangrel stomps away at Taka Michinoku in the corner, but Kaz Hayashi and Yang jump him from behind. Nova comes from behind Yang and dumps him (Elimination #4). Kaz tries to get Nova out and Yang tries to help from the outside, but the Meanie comes from behind Kaz and dumps him onto Yang instead (Elimination #5)! In the other corner Christopher, Disco and Wright all pound away on Finlay, then move their efforts towards Meng as he gets involved. Taka tries to hit Nova with the Michinoku Driver, but Meanie stops it and throws Taka over the top (Elimination #6). Christopher, Disco and Wright face Meanie and Meanie start’s doing his dance! Christopher, Disco, Wright start dancing themselves! Finlay comes from behind Christopher and throws him over the top rope (Elimination #7)! Disco and Wright are shocked and this allows Nova and Meanie to throw the distracted Boogie Knights over the top rope as well (Elimination #8 and #9)!

Meanie, Nova, Meng, Finlay and Gangrel left. Meanie and Nova pound away on Meng in the corner as Gangrel takes Finlay out with an arm trap suplex. Gangrel spins Nova around and plants him with the Impaler! Meanie clotheslines Gangrel in response, but Meng pops out of the corner and takes Meanie out with a thrust to the neck. Meng picks up Nova and sends him flying out (Elimination #10). Finlay punches away at Meng and has the monster reeling but makes the mistake of going for a headbutt. It has no effect and meng fires his own headbutt which sends Finlay to the canvas. Meanwhile Meanie slams Gangrel and heads to the top rope…Meanie-Sault misses! Meanie gets back to his feet but is staggered and this allows Gangrel to clothesline him over the top rope (Elimination #11). Meng comes over and tries to dump Gangrel, but Finlay comes from behind to dump them both! Meng hits the floor (Elimination #12), but Gangrel slides back in and Finlay doesn’t realize it! He thinks he’s won! Gangrel spins Finlay around and kicks him. Impaler doesn’t work as Finlay twists Gangrel’s arm to escape, then levels him with a clothesline. Gangrel gets back to his feet and Finlay clotheslines him over the top rope to win (Elimination #13)!

Winner: Finlay when he last eliminated Gangrel in 11:12


We return to Nitro and are in Shane McMahon’s office and he’s on the phone…

Shane McMahon (on the phone): “Look, Steph, I’m gonna fight him. I know it’s a no-win…I don’t know where this Bischoff deal came from either…just focus on ECW, Hunter is my business this weekend…alright I’ll let you know how tonight goes.”

Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant come into the office…

Shane McMahon: “Yo, it’s DDP! And what’s up big man!”

Diamond Dallas Page: Shane’O’Mac! Yo brother I know you’re going through a lot right now. We’re just here because The Dudley Boyz want a tables match for their rematch for these belts.”

Shane McMahon: “Yeah I saw, you don’t want to do it?”

Diamond Dallas Page: “Oh no, we’re here to tell you we accept and are gonna take out those freak Dudleyz once and for all. But we also wanted to tell you we don’t trust Bisch either man. I know you’re your own man, but if push comes to shove, we got you. Come on, Giant, let’s get out of here.”

Shane positively shakes his head as DDP and The Giant leave. Shane then looks at his phone, looks like he has another call to make.


Elix Skipper vs. R-Killa (w/ Mark Henry)

R-Killa cheapshots Skipper before the bell rings then punches away at him in the corner. R-Killa backflips and does a split. Skipper runs at him but R-Killa gets a flapjack. R-Killa follows up with a full rotation scoop slam. R-Killa comes off the ropes and hits a Scissors Kick! Cover, 1…2…R-Killa picks up Skipper’s arm. R-Killa sets up Skipper…The Truth Shall Set Him Free! 1…2…3!

Winner: R-Killa via pinfall in 1:01

holds Skipper down as Mark Henry comes off the ropes and splashes him! Booker T runs down chair in hand to chase off Killa and Henry! Booker checks on Skipper as R-Truth smiles as he makes his way up the ramp.


WCW United States Champion Christian
makes his way to Commissioner William Regal’s office.

William Regal: “Christian by dear chap how can I help you today?”

Christian: Regal! So here’s the deal. You know I am the WCW United States Champion.”

William Regal: “Yes.”

Christian: “Well I don’t know if you know, but I recently relocated from Canada so that I could hold this title by the rules set by the WCW Championship Committee.”

William Regal: “I..I can’t say I’m aware of this committee…what do you mean you relocated from Canada?”

Christian: “Don’t worry about the committee, what I’m saying is I reside in Tampa, Florida now, don’t worry I didn’t do something stupid and move to a state like Michigan, so that I abide by all the natural rules that all WCW United States Championship matches abide by.”

William Regal: Christian, I have no idea what you’re talking about. What do you want?”

Christian: “What I’m saying is Finlay is from Ireland right. So he should be subject to the international ruleset for all United States title matches.”

William Regal: “I think I understand. I will see to it that this is the case this Sunday…”

Finlay walks into the office…

Finlay: “What the hell is going on here? Christian! I’m gonna kick your ass this Sunday and take that title!”

Christian: “Yeah, we’ll see about that. Thanks Regal.”

Finlay: “The hell is all that about?”


Scott Hudson:
“Ladies and gentlemen just like this Sunday at Uncensored tonight ECW has the main event. Tonight, it’s a six-man tag team match until ECW rules. We have ECW’s General Manager Paul Heyman with us here at the desk. Paul, I’m a little confused. I see that Tazz has the ECW World Championship belt, but he’s not the champion.”

Paul Heyman: “Well thank you Scott and frankly, that’s something that will be rectified. While Tazz has his opportunity this Sunday, in the main event, right now that’s Brock Lesnar’s championship and I think he’ll get that back tonight.”

ECW Rules
Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin and CW Anderson vs. Tazz, Rob Van Dam and Sabu (w/Bill Alfonso)

Despite the no-DQ rules the match starts as a traditional tag, and Tazz wants Lesnar. Tazz even taunts him with the ECW World Championship belt. Brock hangs out on the apron as Benjamin starts with Tazz. The heat though is with Rob Van Dam, as we’re just 80 miles away from his hometown of Battle Creek, Michigan!


Tazz tags RVD in so he can start with Benjamin. RVD and Benjamin lock-up and Benjamin gets the upperhand with an armdrag. RVD comes off the ropes and Benjamin leapfrogs him. Benjamin drops down as RVD comes back, but RVD puts on the brakes and goes for a legdrop. Benjamin moves, but misses a splash himself. RVD gets a side kick which sends Benjamin into the corner. RVD goes for a monkey flip, but Benjamin lands on his feet. Spin kick from Benjamin misses though and RVD takes down Benjamin with one of his own! RVD tags in Sabu. RVD comes off the ropes and Sabu is on the apron…Rolling Thunder! Sabu covers Benjamin, 1…2…Anderson comes in and pulls Sabu off. Sabu blasts Anderson. Sabu stops and looks at Lesnar on the apron eye-to-eye, and Sabu points to the sky! Sabu turns around right into a Benjamin spinning heel kick! Benjamin tags in Lesnar.

Lesnar stomps away on Sabu, then grabs him by the midsection and plants him with a German suplex! Lesnar props up Sabu in the corner and hits a couple of massive shoulder thrusts. Lesnar grabs Sabu and sends him across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex! Lesnar poses in the ring and points at Tazz, and Tazz tells him to “go fuck himself” loudly on camera. Lesnar tags in CW Anderson. Anderson gets a waistlock on Sabu and turns it into a chinlock. Sabu fights out, but Anderson slams him with a spinebuster! Cover, 1…2…Sabu kicks out. Bill Alfonso yells at Anderson, distracting him, and RVD throws Sabu a chair. Anderson turns around and Sabu throws the chair right in his face! Sabu sets the chair up in the ring and tags in Tazz. Sabu then runs off the chair and sends himself flying at Benjamin on the apron, and they crash to the floor!

Lesnar watches what’s going on next to him, and Tazz comes from behind him and jumps on his back, locking in the Kata-Ha-Jime! Lesnar flails around on the apron as Anderson pulls Tazz off Lesnar. Tazz misses a clothesline and Anderson plants Tazz with a spinebuster. Anderson tags in Lesnar and Brock stomps away on Tazz! Brock pounds away on him, then puts Tazz on his shoulders to finish him off. RVD runs in and knocks them both down as he hits Lesnar with a spinning heel kick! RVD comes off the ropes and flies over the top rope with a tope con hilo, taking out Benjamin! Lesnar tries to get to his feet, but Sabu with a chair comes off the top and hits him with an Arabian Skullcrusher! Paul Heyman runs down from the announce position and helps drag Lesnar out of the ring. Tazz locks CW Anderson in the Kata Ha Jime…and Anderson taps out!

Winners: Tazz, Rob Van Dam and Sabu when Tazz made Anderson submit in 12:26

picks up the ECW World Championship and holds it up over his head as Heyman holds back an angry Lesnar!


Shane McMahon
is heading to his limo in the parking lot and is on the phone once again.

Shane McMahon: “Honestly, I called you because I really don’t know what’s going to happen this Sunday, and if I’m out a while, I need someone to temporarily run things and I know you’ve got experience…great…we’ll work out the details later this week.”

Shane opens the door to his limo…and is attacked by Triple H! But Bischoff said he wasn’t here! HHH beats the hell out of Shane before tossing him on top of the limo! HHH sets Shane up…and Pedigrees Shane on the top of the limo! DDP and The Giant come running out as HHH jumps into a limo with Eric Bischoff in it. The last thing we see is Bischoff’s smile in the limo as it drives away!”

Eric Bischoff: “SEE YA SUNDAY SHANE!


Quick Results

WCW United States Championship

Christian pinned Bam Bam Bigelow to retain the title

#1 Contender for the WCW United States Championship
Finlay won a battle royal

R-Killa pinned Elix Skipper

Tazz, Rob Van Dam and Sabu defeated Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin and CW Anderson when Tazz made Anderson submit


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates

Elix Skipper
“Primetime” was a WCW 2000 regular


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March 21, 2002
Cobo Hall
Detroit, MI

Bill Alfonso:
(whistle blows) “We’re just three days away Uncensored 2002 baby! Credible, Awesome, we don’t care about any of them! You’re both going to be big losers this Sunday because I’ve got Mr. Pay-Per-View and the homicidal, genocidal, suicidal madman from Bombay daddy! You both don’t stand a chance! You think you have impact on the show? I have the whole fuckin’ show! Three days baby! Rob Van Dam. Sabu. We’ll still have the belts. And we get a preview tonight daddy!” (whistle blows)."

Joey Styles: “Hello everyone we are here on the go home show for Uncensored 2002 where ECW has the main event. As you may have just heard, we have a preview tonight of the ECW World Tag Team Championship for this Sunday as one half of he champions Sabu takes on Justin Credible. Tonight, we also have face-to-face in the ring, Paul Heyman and Tazz!...”

We hear the thunderous sound of a car crashing….Mick Foley is here!

Joey Styles: “…and here he comes! The referee for this Sunday’s main event! It’s my good friend Mick Foley!

Joey Styles meets Mick Foley in the ring as Mick gets a huge reaction!


Joey Styles:
“It’s good to see you Mick! And man do you look great!”

Mick Foley: “It’s great to be here Joey! I don’t want to insult the fans of ECW with an attempt at a cheap pop…but hell I can’t help myself. It’s great to be back here in DETRIOT, MICHIGAN! And it is truly great for me to be back in front of the hardcore fans of ECW!”


Joey Styles:
“We’re excited to have you here Mick!”

Mick Foley: “I’m excited to be here. I’m excited to have the opportunity to lay down the law, or lack thereof, this Sunday. I have to say this kid Brock Lesnar is one scary guy. Whether or not he wins this Sunday he’s got a bright future. But I gotta say, I’m a big fan of Tazz. Tazz was one of the hearts and souls of ECW and he’s one of the baddest men I’ve ever seen. As referee I’ll have the best seat in the house and I’d be remiss to say I’m not looking forward to that!”

Suddenly “Enforcer” plays and the ECW World Heavyweight Champion, still without the physical belt, makes his way out to the ring by himself. Joey Styles bails as Lesnar stands right in Foley’s face, nose to nose.

Brock Lesnar: “So this is the great hardcore Mick Foley, huh?”


Brock Lesnar:
“Well I want to make sure you understand to stay out of my way this Sunday when I wreck Tazz! What a joke. This guy’s the hardcore legend?”

Paul Heyman runs down to the ring yelling “Brock”, as he clearly understands how dangerous someone like Foley is. Foley gets a wild look in his eye as Heyman gets between them and convinces Lesnar to leave (Lesnar laughs on his way out). Joey Styles comes back into the ring.

Joey Styles: Mick, Mick, come on, let’s do some commentary!”

Mick stares down the aisleway as Lesnar is leaving…

Mick Foley: “That’s a good idea Joey.”


We cut to the backstage area, where we are with the challenger this Sunday for the World Women’s Championship, Jazz.

Jazz: You know Molly, it ain’t you I don’t like. It’s all the hype and attention. Miss blondie all of a sudden stops playing superhero and suddenly she’s the champ. Well good for you bitch. This Sunday I’m going to whip your marvel ass all over Detroit and take that title. And when you go back crying to barbie or whoever you run to, I’ll be taking the World Women’s Championship to the extreme.”


We come back to RISE and see Papi Chilo and the WCW World Cruiserweight Champion Psicosis sitting at the highest balcony in private seating.

AJ Styles vs. Taka Michinoku

Mick Foley
: “I gotta say Joey this AJ Styles kid may be the greatest high-flyer I’ve ever seen!”

They lock-up and AJ hits a punch and elbow combination right off the bat, ending with a leg trip. Quick vertical suplex from Styles and he floats over into a cover, 1…2…but Taka kicks out. Styles misses a clothesline, and take gets a body tackle that sends Styles through the ropes and onto the apron. Dropkick sends Styles to the floor. Taka runs the ropes…and comes flying off the top with a springboard crossbody! Taka quickly rolls Styles back into the ring and heads to the top rope, but Styles meets him up there and hits Taka with a forearm. A second forearm sends Taka spiraling down to the floor. Styles hits the ropes himself and takes out Taka with a tope con hilo!

Styles whips Taka into the steel railing and follows up with a flying forearm! He rolls Taka back into the ring, points up to Psicosis and Chilo, then springboards off the top rope right into a Taka spinning heel kick! Taka quickly sets Styles up, Michinoku Driver! Cover, 1…2…Styles just kicks out! Taka is shocked! Taka sends Styles into the corner and follows up with a flying leg lariat. Styles stumbles out of the corner, and Taka comes off the top with a missile dropkick to the back of the head. Taka calls for the Driver again. Styles quickly counters with the Pelé Kick! Styles sets Taka up, Styles Clash! 1…2…3!

Winner: AJ Styles via pinfall in 5:48

AJ Styles
points to his waist, taunting at Psicosis and Chilo ahead of this Sunday’s match for the Cruiserweight Title!


Raven: “Once again the invisible man said. Fear you shall I’m in your head. Yesterday upon the stair, I met the man who wasn’t there. He wasn’t there again today. I wish, I wish, he’d go away. The stranger at my side cannot see the form I fear, nor can he hear the sounds I hear. I know you’re coming; the scariest man but I desire more. Death will be upon you, as I’ve declared war. I know soon there will come a tapping, as of someone gently rapping. But it is I who will burst through the way, your appearance is judgment day! So it is written, so it will come to pass. Quote the Raven…Nevermore!”


We return to RISE, as AJ Styles is backstage with his mentor Jerry Lynn.

Jerry Lynn: “Great job tonight kid! Look, you know I’ve always got your back, and this Sunday I’ll be backstage. But when you go for the belt, when you go for the title. You gotta win those on your own. I believe in you kid. You’ll get it done.”

Lynn and Styles head out together.


Justin Credible (w/Dawn Marie) vs. Sabu (w/Bill Alfonso)

Mick Foley
: Joey you might remember this, but back in ’94 me and Sabu had a match that was so brutal, people thought one of us were going to die. Sabu is the most insane man I’ve ever seen in the ring, and you know coming from me that means something!”

Sabu wastes no time and fires away at Credible in the corner! Snapmare from Sabu and then he keeps firing away at Justin! Another snapmare and this time Sabu follows up with a springboard singshot side kick! Alfonso throws Sabu a chair. Sabu sends Credible into the corner and sets the chair up…Air Sabu connects! Sabu looking to make quick work of Credible. He sets up for the Triple Jump Moonsault but Credible grabs the foot and Sabu crashes into the chair! Credible takes the chair and smashes Sabu over the back! Credible heads to the outside and sets up a table, but gets distracted by Bill Alfonso. Credible grabs Alfonso…and gets taken out as Sabu just throws his body over the top rope in deadly fashion, taking out Credible!

Sabu puts Credible on the table and grabs the chair. He heads to the top rope, but Mike Awesome is out here and shoves Sabu off…and Sabu goes flying into the railing while smashing his chin into the chair as well! Awesome takes Sabu and sets him up for an Awesome Bomb…but it’s Rob Van Dam! RVD spinkicks Awesome to save Sabu! RVD drags Credible into the ring and has the chair. Sabu has a chair himself and slides back into the ring. RVD goes for the Van Daminator, but Credible ducks and RVD catches Sabu with it instead! Credible tosses RVD over the top rope and covers Sabu, 1…2…Sabu kicks out to Credible’s surprise! Credible sets Sabu up…That’s Incredible Piledriver! Credible covers, but RVD comes off the top with a Five Star Frog Splash! Sabu rolls over on Justin, 1…2…3!

Winner: Sabu via pinfall in 6:36

tries to help Sabu up, but Sabu pushes him off. Mike Awesome smashes Sabu with the chair and then smashes RVD over the head as well. Awesome sets Sabu up…and Awesome Bombs him from the ring through the table that was set up earlier! Awesome and Dawn Marie help Credible to the back as Bill Alfonso checks on Sabu!


We come back to RISE, backstage with Bill Alfonso, Rob Van Dam and Sabu. Sabu is clearly angry at RVD. RVD apologizes, but gives up as Sabu stays aggressive towards him. RVD lets out a “whatever, be ready Sunday” and walks off.


Paul Heyman
is in the ring with a microphone…and here comes Tazz, still with the ECW World Heavyweight Championship belt that he stole last week. Tazz stands in the ring, arms folded as Heyman begins.

Paul Heyman: “I’m not going to waste any time with this. Just know that this, what’s happening here, what’s happening this Sunday. It’s a dream to me, it truly is. You see I always imagined that ECW would break through. Oh, we broke through culturally sure. We broke through the mainstream. Enough so Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff…hey Eric since I know you work for this company now I would like to say fuck you…enough so Vince and Bischoff stole every idea I had to get ECW through another day. But I dreamt of this. A major pay-per-view audience. Bigger than ever. And in the main event, Tazz, perhaps the most authentic bad ass ever to grace a professional wrestling ring, going out there and doing what he does best and that’s kicking ass. I had this dream many nights on the few nights I was able to get sleep. You see I poured my heart and soul into ECW. Mick Foley had the gall to say you’re the heart and soul of ECW? Bullshit!”

“I poured my heart and soul, my life into this Tazz. And we had it man. Pay-per-view after pay-per-view. We just got on Spike TV…back then it was called the Nashville Network and finally had a national TV show. And what did you say to me Tazz? What was the first thing you said? ‘Hey Paul, they called.’ We had it! We were going to make it. But I have no shame in saying this because it’s the truth and I respect fact. ECW needed Tazz. I NEEDED TAZZ. While I continued to put every ounce of every breath I took into ECW you went off to the WWF. You became one of them. You became a parody of yourself. In six months you went from a monster, a killer, to a stupid asshole wearing orange sunglasses! ‘OOOOO he’s Tazz his color is orange make everything orange!’ Some geniuses in the marketing department there! No wonder they stole every damn good idea they had from me!”

“You see while I dreamt of this Sunday many times, it’s not quite the same. Yes, you are in the main event. And the match is for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship. But I found my silver lining. It’s a blessing in disguise that Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley bought this company. Because while you were the most authentic bad ass to ever grace a professional wrestling ring…you’re not anymore. Because Stephanie bought ECW I had access to a whole new list of wrestlers. And that’s where I found Brock Lesnar! Tazz, the fire you’ve shown over the past few months, it brought me back man. Seeing you choke out Kurt Angle on RISE back in December? Seeing you win the Extreme Brawl? It brought a tear to my eye about what could have been. But I know that what could have been, what could be…won’t be. You can choke me out right now and quite frankly I’m expecting you to. But doing that won’t mean a damn thing because this Sunday you go face to face with your destroyer. You go face to face with the desecrater. YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL WHEN YOU LEFT ECW…AND NOW YOUR ASS BELONGS TO BROCK….LESNAR! And that washed-up hardcore has-been sitting at the announcer’s desk Mick Foley isn’t going to save you. Yeah, I see you’re angry. Go ahead. Choke me out. Beat me if you can…BUT SURVIVE IF HE LET’S YOU!”

Tazz angrily approaches Heyman…when “Enforcer plays! Here comes Brock Lesnar! Heyman grabs the ECW World Title belt from Tazz and jumps out of the ring, running to Brock and giving him back the title belt. Lesnar stops in the entrance way staring down Tazz as Tazz begs him to get into the ring. Heyman holds him back…it won’t happen here, but it will happen this Sunday at Uncensored!


Quick Results

AJ Styles pinned Taka Michinoku

Sabu pinned Justin Credible


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

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WCW/ECW Uncensored 2002

Mean Gene Okerlund:
Hello everyone. We are just 24 hours away from the seventh edition of Uncensored, the night where crazy gimmick matches rule. Tonight, Extreme Championship Wrestling has the main event, but we have tons of action up and down the card and you won’t want to miss it. You can order Uncensored for $39.99. It airs at 8 PM EST/7 PM Central tomorrow night, Sunday, March 24th.

WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Psicosis © vs. AJ Styles

Mean Gene Okerlund: Just a month ago at SuperBrawl, both Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera made their returns to WCW in a match that determined the #1 contender for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. The very next night on Nitro, Psicosis beat Champion Jerry Lynn to win his third Cruiserweight title. On the March 4 edition of Nitro, Lynn’s protégé AJ Styles pinned Psicosis’ new run-in buddy, the former Essa Rios, Papi Chilo. Lynn told Styles that he was passing on his rematch clause to give Styles a chance to win the title. This is a huge moment in the career of young AJ Styles, can he defeat the experienced luchador Psicosis to win his first major championship?”

World Women’s Championship
Molly Marvel © vs. Jazz

Mean Gene Okerlund: Just last month at SuperBrawl Molly Marvel won the finals of a tournament to crown the first World Women’s Champion, and she did so by pinning Jazz. Jazz didn’t take lightly to this as she and Ivory attacked Molly on the next episode of Nitro. A #1 contender’s match was set-up on the March 11th edition of Nitro as La Felina, Jazz and Ivory went at it. Jazz was victorious, setting up tomorrow night’s championship match-up!"

WCW United States Championship – International Challenger Rules
Christian © vs. Finlay

Mean Gene Okerlund: Christian
has taken down all comers for his United States Championship since he won it back at Souled Out in January, including impressive wins over Bam Bam Bigelow and Gangrel in the month of March alone. Finlay came in to assist William Regal with his situation with Diamond Dallas Page, and was upset that the favor wasn’t returned in some way. A battle royal was made to determine who would face Christian at Uncensored on the go-home addition of Nitro. Finlay came away the winner, but there was ultimately a catch, one more wrinkle. Christian claimed to Commissioner William Regal that Finlay had to compete under International Challenger Rules, whatever the heck that means! We will surely find out tomorrow night!”

Detroit Streetfight
Booker T vs. R-Killa

Mean Gene Okerlund: R-Killa had been making a name for himself and slowly rising up the ranks, mostly on the ECW RISE program. But, to everyone’s surprise, he and his heavy Mark Henry got involved in the United States Championship match at SuperBrawl, costing Booker T the title against Christian. R-Killa has said since that Booker T is a fake, a phony tough guy and that he, R-Killa, really knows the meaning of the word tough. R-Killa made the challenge to Booker T on March 11 on Nitro, and Booker T accepted and promised to show R-Killa what being tough is all about. Hopefully both men can come away walking from this match tomorrow night!”

Mean Gene Okerlund: I’d like to thank the “coldest” band in the world at the moment, Cold, for providing the official theme song for Uncensored, “Just Got Wicked”. Reminder, call your local cable operator for Uncensored tomorrow night at 8 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central! Uncensored comes to you from The Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan!”

WCW World Tag Team Championship-Tables Match
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © vs. The Dudley Boyz

Mean Gene Okerlund: The Dudley Boyz had been dominating the tag team scene since the rebirth of the WCW/ECW brand. They have successfully defended the championship against teams such as Kronik, The Faces of Fear, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo, Public Enemy and the legendary Legion of Doom. In the most unlikely of circumstances Dudley valet Stacy Keibler was convinced to leave the Dudley clan by her friend Torrie Wilson. Wilson, formerly the girlfriend of Tajiri and current valet for Diamond Dallas Page, became the primary target of these demented Dudley brothers. It didn’t help that the Dudley Boyz also left Page’s friends, O’Haire and Palumbo, lying. Diamond Dallas Page wasn’t going to stand for any of that, but unfortunately ended up in a handicap situation for the tag team belts. It looked as if the Dudleyz were going to finish Page for good when an old ally, an old friend from the old WCW days arrived. The Giant came to the rescue of Page and served as his tag team partner, and the rest was history. The Dudleyz invoked their rematch and challenged DDP and the Giant to a Tables Match which was accepted. Will the Dudleyz reclaim their dominance over the tag team division, or are Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant too much to handle for them?”

Last Man Standing – If Triple H Wins He Gets a WCW World Title Match
Shane McMahon vs. Triple H

Mean Gene Okerlund: A complicated affair to say the least. Ever since Triple H made his debut at Starrcade last December, he made it clear that he wanted the WCW World Championship. An old rivalry with Stone Cold Steve Austin proved to be his greatest obstacle, but it was one that he overcame at Souled Out. Still, both he and Austin received title shots against WCW World Champion Kurt Angle at SuperBrawl, and Angle would make Austin submit to win the match. This enraged Triple H as he felt he deserved another shot as he wasn’t the man who was beaten. WCW Owner Shane McMahon said no, that he would have to earn it and gave Kurt Angle the PPV off, which he didn’t take and we will get to in a moment. Triple H walked out and sent his legal representative to negotiate with McMahon. That representative turned out to be, to everybody’s surprise, former WCW President Eric Bischoff. Bischoff and McMahon came to an arrangement, that Triple H would fight Shane in a Last Man Standing match and if HHH wins, he gets the title shot. Now, we know Shane McMahon Is dealing with some injuries as he was attacked by Triple H earlier this week on Nitro, getting pedigreed on a car! Hopefully Shane is okay and we will see if he can overcome “The Game”.

WCW World Championship – Submission Match
Kurt Angle © vs. Lance Storm

Mean Gene Okerlund: One of the biggest surprises in the history of World Championship Wrestling. After Kurt Angle successfully defended the WCW World Championship against both Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H at SuperBrawl, WCW Owner Shane McMahon gave Angle the next Pay-Per-View, Uncensored off as it was already arranged that ECW would be the main event for Uncensored. With that being said Kurt Angle did not accept those terms and decided he would pick his own opponent for Uncensored. Who did he pick? From ECW, Total Impact’s Lance Storm. He picked Storm on the basis that Storm deserves an opportunity for being overlooked his entire career. Noble from Angle, but Lance Storm has been anything but thankful and even upped the stakes, challenging Angle to a Submission Match. Angle accepted the terms. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for Lance Storm, can he upset the Olympic Gold Medalist?”

“Viewers at home we have two more matches to discuss. Both are under the ECW brand, including the main event. I am going to send it over to Joey Styles.”

ECW World Tag Team Championship
Rob Van Dam and Sabu © vs. Justin Credible and Mike Awesome

Joey Styles: Thank you Mean Gene. It was ECW RISE, the night after SuperBrawl. Rob Van Dam and Sabu had failed to capture Brock Lesnar’s ECW World Championship the night before. They looked to come to blows when out of nowhere, the ECW World Tag Team Champions Danny Doring and the Amish Roadkill showed up. We didn’t even know if the ECW World Tag Team Championship was even sanctioned anymore. Nonetheless, Doring and Roadkill felt that if they were to call themselves the champions they had to beat the absolute best ECW had to offer and as it looked like they were about to break up, made the challenge to Van Dam and Sabu and put the belts on the line as a carrot. Van Dam and Sabu went for it and on February 28 in Indianapolis, captured the ECW World Tag Team Championships! Two third of Total Impact, Mike Awesome and Justin Credible, beat Doring and Roadkill in a #1 contenders match which has led us to this match at Uncensored."

ECW World Championship – Special Guest Referee Mick Foley
Brock Lesnar © vs. Tazz

Joey Styles: “Two things happened at SuperBrawl that got us here. Brock Lesnar survived the Dream Partner Tag Team Match against Rob Van Dam and Sabu to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Championship. Tazz defeated an all-star assortment of ECW legends, Raven, Sandman, Jerry Lynn, Mike Awesome and Justin Credible in the Extreme Brawl to win this championship opportunity. Tazz has gotten some shots in on Lesnar, including nearly choking him out with the Kata Ha Jime, the Tazmission! Just this past week on RISE Paul Heyman told Tazz that this was a dream of his, to main event a major worldwide pay-per-view event with Tazz in the main event. The only difference is that Tazz is the challenger, while Brock Lesnar, the man Heyman believes is superior to Tazz in every way, is the ECW Champion. Can Tazz turn back the clock and win his third ECW World Heavyweight Championship, or is this rookie monster Brock Lesnar going to be too much to overcome? As a bonus, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, the owner of ECW, looking to draw every last dollar out there, added a special referee to ensure fairness, and what I mean by that is to make sure Shelton Benjamin and CW Anderson don’t stick their noses where they don’t belong, for the contest. This should be one be one of the hardest hitting matches in ECW history. ECW has the main event, we will see you tomorrow night!”

As this is a re-post, there is no prediction contest.


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WCW/ECW Uncensored 2002
March 24, 2002
Joe Louis Arena
Detroit, MI

: Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar. That’s all I’ve been hearing about. That’s all I’ve been thinking about, Lesnar, this big goof from Minnesota who just shows up and gets handed everything. Brock Lesnar, the ECW World Heavyweight Champion. Gets handed a title shot on night one. Talk about paying your dues. Well after tonight, Brock, you won’t have to worry about paying your dues. See most people out there aren’t giving Tazz much of a chance. But I’ve paid my dues. I’ve broken my neck for this fuckin’ company. So Lesnar, I’m going to stretch you, dump you on your head and make you tap out. And there’s two reasons why I know that’s going to happen tonight. Number one, I am that good and everyone’s seemed to forget it. And number two, I don’t like you because you didn’t pay your dues. It’s taken me 15 years to get to this spot. But because you were special enough to train with the WWF you’re just placed in the main event because you’re some college champion. Give me your best shot Lesnar, and I’ll choke you out. Beat me if you can…survive…if I let you!”


Joey Styles: “Tonight, it’s not WCW, but ECW that has the main event! It’s Lesnar vs. Tazz! ECW is going to kick off the shot as well as we have the ECW World Tag Team Championship on the line. Two members of Total Impact, Mike Awesome and Justin Credible are making their way down to the ring right now!”

ECW World Tag Team Championship
Rob Van Dam and Sabu © (w/Bill Alfonso) vs. Justin Credible and Mike Awesome (w/Dawn Marie)

Rob Van Dam convinces Sabu to let him start although the champions argue about that, allowing Justin Credible to attack RVD from behind. Credible backs off to pose to the crowd which gets a laugh from RVD. They tie-up and Credible gets a side headlock. RVD sends him off the ropes, ducks with a split, then monkey flips Credible! Spinning heel kick from RVD and a cover, 1….Credible kick out right away, and now it’s RVD doing the hot dogging to the crowd…which allows Sabu to tag himself in. Sabu and RVD argue again, but Sabu catches Credible trying to take advantage with a thrust to the throat. Snapmare by Sabu followed by a springboard leg lariat! Cover, 1…2…Awesome comes in and kicks Sabu in the head, then goes right after RVD on the apron. RVD punches Awesome off, then takes him out with a spring board flying kick, leading to Awesome rolling to the outside! Sabu dumps Credible over the top rope with a clothesline, and the champions come face to face in the ring. RVD quickly comes off the ropes and takes out Awesome and Credible with a Tope Con Hilo!

Bill Alfonso sets a table up on the outside as Justin Credible makes his way back into the ring. RVD and Awesome go at it on the outside. Sabu slams Credible and hits an Arabian moonsault. Alfonso throws Sabu a chair, but Credible gets a low blow then dropkicks the chair back in Sabu’s face. Awesome sends RVD into the barricade and climbs up to the top rope…and squashes Sabu with an Awesome Splash! Cover, 1…2…Sabu kicks out. Credible and Awesome stomp away on Sabu before RVD makes the save. RVD hits Credible with a spin kick but Awesome takes him out with a clothesline. Dawn Marie stands on the apron and tries to give Credible a kendo stick, but Bill Alfonso pulls her down! Dawn slaps Alfonso! Credible goes to the outside and grabs Alfonso before RVD takes him out with a baseball slide. Awesome nails RVD from behind, but walks into a thrown chair from Sabu! Alfonso has Credible on the table as Sabu sets the chair up. Sabu jumps onto the chair, then onto the top rope…and drives Credible through the table!

Awesome locks up RVD and throws him across the ring with a belly to belly suplex. RVD gets back to his feet but stumbles around, and Awesome follows up with a release German suplex, dropping RVD on his neck! Cover, 1…2…RVD just kicks out. Double underhook facebuster from Awesome! Awesome props RVD up in the corner and beat the hell out of him. RVD reverses an Irish Whip, but Awesome leaps to the top rope and nails RVD with a flying back elbow! Awesome says that’s it and grabs the chair. He heads to the top rope…Awesome comes flying off the top with the chair but gets hit with the Van Daminator! RVD quickly crawls to the corner and climbs up to the top rope…Five Star Frog Splash! RVD goes flying off Awesome due to the impact, but quickly gets back on top for the cover, only to be hit by a Sabu Arabian Skullcrusher! Sabu shakes his head but pins Awesome, 1…2…3!

Winner: Rob Van Dam and Sabu in 12:05 when Sabu pinned Awesome (Retains)

Joey Styles:
“I couldn’t tell… couldn’t tell if Sabu was trying to finish off Mike Awesome after Van Dam hit the Five Star Frog Splash or if he wanted the glory for himself!”

Rob Van Dam comes to and immediately shoves Sabu, who seems to plead his innocence. Bill Alfonso tries to raise both men’s hands but RVD will have none of it. RVD says something that must have set Sabu off because suddenly Sabu lunges at RVD! The ECW World Tag Team Champions are at each other’s throats once again! Officials come in to break them up. Alfonso calms RVD down enough to have him walk to the back as Sabu tries to break free of the officials to get more of Van Dam!


We cut backstage where Kevin Kelly approaches Christian…who’s reading a book called “International Challenger Rules”.

Kevin Kelly: Christian, tonight you defend the United States Championship against Fit Finlay, I see you are reading about the International Challenger Rules, care to enlighten us?”

Christian: “What? Look I’m trying to prepare here. You know how unlikely it is for someone not from the United States to challenge for the United States Championship?”

Kevin Kelly: “But, aren’t you Canadian?”

Christian: “Hey, I reside in Tampa now. I have US citizenship. It’s my duty to make sure the United States Championship remains with a true American.”

Kevin Kelly: “By true American, you mean you?”

Christian: “What are you kidding me right now? Get out of here!”


World Women’s Championship
Molly Marvel © vs. Jazz

Jazz runs up to Molly but Molly surprises her with a double leg takedown! Molly punches away at Jazz, but Jazz turns it around and gets her shots in on Molly. They roll to the outside and Molly gets a huge chop. Molly slams Jazz into he barricade. Molly runs at Jazz, but Jazz moves and Molly crashes into the barricade herself! Jazz slams Molly into the steps, calling her every derogatory name there is at the same time. Jazz slams Molly into the steps again and shoves the referee away as the referee tries to regain control. Jazz takes a steel chair and smashes Molly right in the back of the head! Officials run down to stop Jazz from inflicting any more damage. As she’s pulled away, she yells “this your champ?” and grabs some of Molly’s hair from her scalp!

Winner: Molly Marvel by DQ in 2:02 (Retains)

continues trash talk to the camera all the way up the ramp as Molly is slowly helped up and to the back.


A limousine with the license plate “HHHCHAMP” pulls into the parking lot. Triple H and Eric Bischoff emerge, and Triple H looks very confident about tonight’s match. We then cut to Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, who sees Bischoff and HHH arriving and heads out of her office to look for them.


Scott Hudson:
Mike Tenay, it has already been a crazy night here at Uncensored! We’re about to continue with our third straight championship match.”

Mike Tenay: “This is a very interesting one to me Scott. Psicosis, the current WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, to me is perhaps the most talented man in the weight class in the entire world. Sometimes he was overlooked in traditional WCW, but here he shot for the top right away, beating Juventud Guerrera and Jerry Lynn on back-to-back nights to win the championship. Young AJ Styles, Lynn’s protégé, has the opportunity of a lifetime here. Styles started off with old school WCW and has blossomed into perhaps the most gifted competitor we’ve seen. He’s a master of dozens of jaw-dropping high risk moves. Is this his time?”

WCW World Cruiserweight Championship
Psicosis © (w/Papi Chilo) vs. AJ Styles

Styles and Psicosis circle around one another before locking up in the center of the ring. Styles grabs a side headlock but Psicosis sends him off the ropes. Shoulder block by Styles knocks Psicosis down. Styles comes off the ropes again, ducks a clothesline and chops away at Psicosis. Styles comes off the ropes one more time and jumps at Psicosis, only Styles gets caught in the wheelbarrow and Psicosis plants him face first in the center of the ring. Psicosis laughs at Styles, mocking the idea that he’s on the same level. Knife-edge chop from Psicosis stuns Styles. Styles reverses an Irish Whip, but Psicosis counters a hip toss attempt with a monkey flip…only for Styles to cartwheel through it. Perfect superkick from Styles knocks down Psicosis! Cover, 1…2…Psicosis just kicks out! Styles backs Psicosis into the corner and hits some more chops. Styles sends Psicosis into the opposite corner but runs into an elbow. Psicosis runs at Styles, and Styles backdrops Psicosis over the top rope…and Psicosis lands on Papi Chilo! Styles comes off the ropes and takes out both men with a somersault plancha!

Styles heads back into the ring…and proceeds to wow the crowd once more as he backflips over the top rope with the Fosbury Flop…taking out Chilo once again! Psicosis had moved and slid back into the ring. Styles gets on the apron and hits an approaching Psicosis with an elbow, followed by a springboard forearm! Cover from Styles, 1…2…Psicosis kicks out! Styles comes off the ropes but misses a clothesline and runs right into a spinning heel kick from Psicosis! Psicosis locks Styles up in a rear chinlock to slow the pace down. Styles tries to get the crowd behind him to escape, but Psicosis puts an end to that by letting go and dropkicking Styles in the back of the head! Cover by Psicosis, 1…2…Styles kicks out. Psicosis moves to the Camel Clutch, again slowing the match to a snail’s pace and wearing Styles out. Psicosis rakes the eyes in the Camel Clutch position and the referee forced a break. Psicosis kicks Styles in the ribs then sets Styles up…Brainbuster connects right in the middle of the ring! Another cover, 1…2...Styles just gets the shoulder up.

Psicosis once again mocks the idea that Styles is on his level. Psicosis slams Styles in the center of the ring and heads to the top rope. Guillotine Legdrop misses as Styles moves out of the way! Styles hits the ropes but misses a clothesline. Psicosis comes off the ropes himself…and this time Styles gets a rolling lariat that sends Psicosis inside out! Styles springboards off the second rope over Psicosis and drops him with a reverse DDT! Cover, 1…2…Psicosis gets the shoulder up! Psicosis rolls to the outside but Styles doesn’t give him any time to rest. Styles springboards off the top rope with a Shooting Star Press, taking Psicosis out! Styles rolls Psicosis back in. Styles goes for another springboard, but Papi Chilo pulls Styles down and Styles cracks his head on the apron! Jerry Lynn runs down and goes at it with Papi Chilo! Lynn and Chilo fight up the rampway and to the back. Psicosis meanwhile heads to the top rope with Styles prone on the floor…and squashes him with a flying senton! Psicosis rolls Styles back into the ring and wastes tons of time again mocking AJ.

Styles struggles to get to his feet and Psicosis slaps him a couple of times. Psicosis comes off the ropes and goes for a hurricanrana…but Styles blocks and tries for the Styles Clash! Psicosis is able to flail around to the ropes to avoid the move. Styles takes Psicosis out with the Pelé Kick! Styles heads to the top rope. Corkscrew Senton Bomb…The Spiral Tap connects! Styles holds on for the cover, 1…2….Psicosis at the very last moment gets the shoulder up and Styles, and the fans, cannot believe it. Styles says “that’s it” and props Psicosis on the top rope. Styles looks as if he’s going for a superplex, but Psicosis punches away at the midsection of Styles then shoves him off the top rope! Psicosis is left on the top rope and hits a clean Guillotine Legdrop! 1…2…3! Psicosis has survived the challenge of AJ Styles!

Winner: Psicosis via pinfall in 16:43 (Retains)

continues to mock Styles, even kicking him in the head while he’s down. Jerry Lynn runs Psicosis off with a chair, then helps Styles up to a standing ovation.


Scott Hudson:
“What a performance by AJ Styles. You and I Mike know we haven’t seen the last of this kid in the title picture. Coming up next, this all started at SuperBrawl, when R-Killa and Mark Henry cost Booker T the United States Championship. It’s been weeks of R-Killa saying to Booker T that he’s not tough enough to be in the position he’s been.”

Mike Tenay: “I think what gets under R-Killa’s skin is that WCW treated Booker T very well. WCW gave Booker T the platform to succeed and become a world champion while in the WWF, Ron Killings, R-Killa, didn’t get that opportunity. When he showed up on RISE he basically told us how bitter he was. It’s come down to a Detroit Streetfight tonight, let’s see what happens.”

The choir to “Gangsta’s Paradise” plays…followed by an instrumental of the song itself as R-Killa makes his way to the ring with a microphone.

R-Killa: What’s up Detroit? Tonight, you gonna see the truth! You gonna see what I’ve been telling you all for weeks now. That Booker T is a fraud! He’s a phony! He’s a scared little boy trying to hang with men. And I’m gonna take his ass out tonight. I’m gonna slap Booker T down like the dog that he is!”

“CAN YOU DIG IT…SUCKA?!!!!” Here comes Booker T…but it was a trap all along, as Mark Henry attacks him from behind!

Detroit Street Fight
Booker T vs. R-Killa (w/Mark Henry)

Mark Henry
pounds away on Booker in the entrance way and R-Killa runs down to join him. Booker fights back though. He grabs a soda from the crowd and smacks Henry over the head with it. He whips R-Killa into Henry, knocking both men down. Booker slams R-Killa into the barricade, then takes another fan’s drink and smashes it over R-Killa’s head! Booker tosses R-Killa into the ring and grabs a garbage can from under the ring. Mark Henry approaches, but Booker sees him and smashes the can over his head! He then traps Henry in the garbage can, takes a kendo stick and whacks it over and over again, knocking Henry down! Booker tries to enter the ring but R-Killa hits him with a baseball slide, smashing the garbage can lid into Booker’s face! R-Killa checks on Henry, but he can’t get the garbage can off. R-Killa turns his attention back to Booker, who shoots a fire extinguisher at R-Killa! R-Killa slides into the ring but he’s clearly blinded! Booker has another garbage can and levels R-Killa! Booker makes the cover, 1…2…R-Killa kicks out.

Booker punches and chops R-Killa in the corner, then hits him with a roundhouse kick as he stumbles out of the corner. Booker sends R-Killa off the ropes and hits a flapjack. Mark Henry has gotten the garbage can off his head and tosses something small to R-Killa. Booker whips R-Killa off the ropes, but R-Killa ducks the clothesline, then punches Booker with the object Henry tossed him…which explodes! It was clearly a roll of quarters as quarters spill all over the ring. R-Killa grabs Booker and hits him with a side slam on the quarters! Cover, 1…2…Booker kicks out. R-Killa sends Booker off the ropes and hits him with a scoop powerslam, again with Booker’s back getting jammed by the quarters in the ring. R-Killa hooks Booker Up, sit-out face-first suplex! Another cover, 1…2…Booker gets the shoulder up. R-Killa runs off the ropes with a full head of steam, but Booker backdrops him onto the apron. Booker gets his own full head of steam, but R-Kill ducks and Booker lands in the arms of Mark Henry. R-Killa comes off the apron onto Booker T, who gets dropped by Henry onto the floor at the same time.

Referee tries to push Henry back, but R-Killa shoves the referee out of the way and this lets Henry hit the World’s Strongest Splash on the floor! R-Killa picks up a steel chair and Henry holds Booker up. R-Killa wallops Henry with the chair as Booker T moved out of the way and rolled back into the ring! Booker kicks R-Killa on his way back into the ring and comes off the ropes, Scissors’ Kick connects! Booker makes the cover, but the referee is still stuck on the outside trying to get up. Booker calls for the referee…but as he turns R-Killa is swinging the chair! Booker ducks and catches R-Killa with a Harlem sidekick! A bloodied Mark Henry slides into the ring and grabs the chair and smashes Booker right over the head with it! Henry comes off the ropes and lands a World’s Strongest Splash! He comes off the ropes and squashes Booker with a second one! One more time Henry squashes Booker with a World’s Strongest Splash! Three World’s Strongest Splashes has Booker T bleeding internally. R-Killa places the chair in the center of the ring and sets Booker T up for his version of the Bookend. R-Killa yells “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” and he plants Booker with the move of the same name! 1…2…3!

Winner: R-Killa via pin in 13:53

Mark Henry
carries R-Killa to the back as R-Killa yells to the fans “I TOLD YOU ALL!” Booker T, bleeding from the mouth, gets help from the ringside doctors and officials, and is helped to the back.

Scott Hudson: “I don’t know what to say Mike Tenay.”

Mike Tenay: “I understand Scott. But in the record books, it’ll go down that R-Killa beat Booker T, which is a massive upset.”

Scott Hudson: “It was clearly two-on-one the whole time! That just doesn’t sit right with me. Anyway, coming up next. It’s Lance Storm’s chance at being the top guy in company. His opponent Kurt Angle chose him because of how overlooked he’s been and how talent he feels Storm is. Will that prove to be a mistake on Angle’s part? Can Lance Storm make Kurt Angle submit? It’s the biggest match of Lance Storm’s career, and it’s next!”


Justin Credible, Mike Awesome and Dawn Marie
sit in the locker room of Total Impact as Lance Storm stares in the mirror.

Justin Credible: “You got this dawg. WCW World Champion. It’s gonna happen.”

Lance Storm: “Thanks Justin. Guys, Dawn. I’m going out there alone tonight. I can do this. I can do this. I’m gonna do this. I’m gonna beat Kurt Angle at his own game and bring the WCW World Championship to Total Impact.”

Justin Credible: “That’s just not the coolest. That’s not just the best.”

Lance Storm: “That’s just incredible!”

Credible, Awesome and Storm all give one another hugs and high fives, and Dawn Marie gives Storm a kiss on the cheek for luck.


WCW World Championship – Submission Match
Kurt Angle © vs. Lance Storm

Storm circles Angle and even teases going for the leg early on. That being said, Storm seems hesitant to lock-up with Angle. They finally do lock-up and Angle takes Storm down face-first. Storm quickly counters into a wristlock. Obviously there’s no submission from Angle. Angle breaks free with a fireman’s carry and gets his own armbar, but Storm quickly escapes that and both men get to a standing vertical base. Angle and Storm lock-up again and Angle again takes Storm down and gets an armbar. Strom uses his agility and kicks Angle in the head! Storm gets back to a vertical base and goes for a super kick…but Angle catches it and turns it into the Ankle Lock! Luckily Storm was right next to the ropes and despite the submission only rules rope breaks are being enforced, to Angle’s frustration. Angle being frustrated with the referee for a split moment allows Storm to kick Angle and chop away at him in the corner. Angle reverses an Irish whip though and Storm hits the turnbuckles hard…then walks right into an Angle hip toss. Angle again goes for the ankle but Storm escapes to the outside.

Angle comes right after Storm and they slug it out on the outside. Storm counters an Irish whip and sends Angle into the barricade, but Angle backdrops Storm into the crowd! Angle tries to suplex Storm back into the ringside area, but Storm lands on his feet and hits Angle with a drop toehold, and Angle’s knee slams into the steel steps! Storm definitely noticed and stomps away at Angle’s leg as Angle manages to roll back into the ring. Storm remains on the offensive and keeps kicking the knee until Angle goes back down. Storm smashes the knee onto the canvas, then drops an elbow on the back of the knee joint for good measure! Storm holds the elbow there and then pulls the knee back into a pseudo half-crab. Angle refuses to submit as Storm yanks up the pressure. Angle manages to kick Storm in the back with his other leg. Angle sends Storm off the ropes and gets a belly-to-belly throw, although he collapses right away thanks to the knee.

Angle runs at Storm…but Storm was ready for him and rolls Angle into the Canadian Maple Leaf! Storm has him in the middle of the ring! Angle tries to fight his way out but has nowhere to go! Angle tries to power out with his other leg, but Storm has it perfectly locked in and Angle looks like he may tap out! Angle uses every once of energy he has to drag Storm enough from the center to grab onto the bottom ropes. Storm can’t believe it, but doesn’t let this distract him. Angle gets some right hands in on Storm as he tries to get to his feet, but he collapses right into Storm. Storm lift Angle up and hits him with a stun gun across the top rope. Storm grabs Angle’s legs…and this time locks in the Sharpshooter! Once again he has Angle in the center of the ring and there’s nowhere for Angle to go! Angle tries to break the hold with sheer power, but Storm has it locked in! Angle craftily grabs Storm’s support leg, which causes Storm to fall face-first with their legs still intertwined. Angle gets to a sitting position and suddenly he has the sharpshooter on Storm! Angle can’t hold on due to his knee, but he changes the hold as he grabs the ankle and locks in the Ankle Lock, only Storm is at the ropes!

Both men struggle to get to their feet. Storm has a slight limp and Angle is still struggling with the knee. Angle tries a wild clothesline and Storm ducks, then Storm levels him with a superkick! Storm falls and lands on Angle, but there are no pinfalls here. Storm slowly heads up to the top rope. Storm goes for a spinning heel kick off the top, but Angle just ducks out of the way but grabs Storm’s leg on the way down! Angle locks in the Ankle Lock and grapevine’s the leg! There’s literally nowhere for Storm to go. Storm pounds on the canvas as he knows he’s trapped in the hold and the pain level is rising. Storm ultimately can’t hold on and submits to the Ankle Lock!

Winner: Kurt Angle via submission in 16:52

Lance Storm
gets to his feet first as Angle struggles to get to his. Storm looks upset at himself in the corner. Angle limps over to Storm and offers his hand as a sign of respect, and Storm accepts! Angle goes onto celebrate as Justin Credible, Mike Awesome and Dawn Marie come down to console Storm. Suddenly Credible and Awesome attack Angle! Storm tells them both to stop…but then starts stomping away on Angle’s knee himself! Total Impact are beating the hell out of the WCW World Champion! Mike Awesome has Angle up and plants him with an Awesome Bomb in the center of the ring! Storm grabs the WCW World Championship title belt and breathes out one big sigh before tossing the belt onto Angle’s chest.

Scott Hudson: “You know I was gaining respect for Lance Storm, and then he pulls this? Absolutely ridiculous in my mind Mike Tenay.”


Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
walks into Triple H’s locker room.

Eric Bischoff: “Why isn’t it Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley! I hate to stop you here but Triple H is currently preparing for his match tonight and asked that he not be disturbed.”

Bischoff stands in Stephanie’s way with his signature grin, but Stephanie pushes him aside and walks in.

SMH: “Hunter what is this? Why are you fighting my brother in a match you know he’s going to get hurt in? Why is…this guy here?”

Triple H: Steph you know this is how I do business. Your brother, he got in the way of me and the WCW World Championship. Eric here got me what I wanted. That’s why he’s here.”

SMH: You didn’t tell me. Don’t you think this might have been a decision we should have talked about?”

Triple H: Hey, you said it yourself that we wouldn’t get involved in each other’s business. This is business. That’s all it is. And frankly I don’t care if you don’t like it. Shane wanted this match. This is the test he’s chosen to put me through. I’ll make sure Eric gets you the hospital phone number they send him to when this is over.”

Stephanie slaps Triple H at that moment, but it doesn’t bother HHH at all as he tells Eric to let her go.


Commissioner Regal
is in the ring and announces that the next match is the United States Championship Match that is being held under International Challenger Rules…but he once again fails to explain what those rules are.

WCW United States Championship – International Challenger’s Rules
Christian © vs. Fit Finlay

Finlay looks suspectedly at Regal as the bell rings. Christian attacks, but Finlay sidesteps him and pounds away at Christian in the corner. Finlay headbutts Christian down, then stomps away at him. Christian gets back to his feet, but Finlay is still all over him with more punches and now European uppercuts. Finlay hits Christian with an atomic drop then wipes Christian out with a short arm clothesline. Finlay has Christian on his shoulders and is looking to win the US title in record time…Rolling Hills! Cover, 1…2…

William Regal: “Wait, wait wait. According to International Challenger Rule, Rule 8c, all United States Championship matches have a two minute preliminary round. We have hit the two minute mark, thus, the preliminary round is complete Referee, please send both fighters to neutral corners to begin the standard match!”

Finlay yells at Regal and Christian jumps him from behind. Christian kicks away at Finlay, but Finlay fires back with more European uppercuts. Finlay quickly hops to the second rope and hits Christian with a missile dropkick! Finlay grabs Christian’s legs and locks in a Celtic Knot, a modified Indian Deathlock! Christian looks like he’s about to submit…

William Regal: “One moment please! According to International Challenger Rule, Rule 9b, an International Challenger to the United States Championship cannot win the championship via submission.”

Finlay heads to the outside and confronts Regal, who states that he’s just following the rules. Christian grabs a chair and blasts Finlay in the back!

William Regal: “According to International Challenger Rule, Rule 11d, there are no disqualifications in International Challenger Rules title matches.”

Christian rolls Finlay back into the ring and takes the chair with him. Christian lines up Finlay, but Finlay ducks and Christian bounces the chair off the ropes and hits himself with it! Christian turns around right into Finlay, who plants him with a Tombstone Piledriver! 1…2…

William Regal: “No, No, No, wait one moment please. According to International Challenger Rule, Rule 13a, only the Commissioner can count the falls in International Challenger Rules matches.”

Finlay demands that Regal come into the ring right now, but Regal takes his time putting on a referee shirt. Finlay grabs Regal and tosses him in the ring. As soon as Finlay slides in, Christian rolls him up and Regal makes the count….1….and that’s it, Regal calls for the bell! As Christian runs up the ramp with the title and Regal follows, Regal explains one last rule…

William Regal: “According to International Challenger Rule, Rule 16c, the champion only needs a count of one to win the match and retain the title. Therefore, the winner and still champion, Christian!"

Winner: Christian via pinfall in 6:02 (Retains)

Scott Hudson:
“Tonight has just been a parade of ridiculous endings to matches. The Women’s Title match. The WCW World title match. Now this!”

Mike Tenay: “I’m with you Scott. The actions of William Regal are unacceptable. But will we have someone to confront him on this. Coming up is the Last Man Standing Match where the boss Shane McMahon takes on Triple H. If Triple H wins, he will get his title shot against the WCW World Champion, who right now is Kurt Angle.”

Last Man Standing – If Triple H Wins He Receives a WCW World Championship Match
Triple H (w/ Eric Bischoff) vs. Shane McMahon

Shane wastes no time and dives over the top rope during HHH’s entrance and hitting his target! Shane punches away at HHH until Eric Bischoff pulls Shane’s hair to get him off. Shane is about to slug Bischoff, but HHH picks him up and rams him into the ringpost! HHH tosses Shane into the barricade before punching away at him. HHH removes the top of the steel steps and picks up Shane…and hits him with a back suplex on the steps! HHH tells the referee to count as HHH snickers with Bischoff with how easy this was. Referee gets up to seven but Shane pulls himself back up. HHH grabs Shane and punches him up the ramp. Shane grabs some small pieces of metal near the stage and throws it in HHH’s face; looked like staples and screws. Shane grabs onto a swinging camera set-up and hits HHH with a dropkick! Referee starts to count for HHH but HHH is up quickly. HHH climbs onto the stage near the announcer’s desk. Shane jumps at him, but HHH slugs him down with a clothesline. HHH tells Bischoff to go get his sledgehammer.

HHH punches away at Shane and tosses him on top the desk. HHH sets Shane up for a Pedigree, but Shane low blows HHH, then spears him off the desk onto the steel stage! Shane begins to climb the entrance set structure, but HHH gets up at the count of five and grabs Shane’s foot. Suddenly Test comes from the entrance and pounds away at HHH! Test gets some big shots in, steps back, then nails HHH with the Big Boot! Test puts HHH on the table as he points to Shane who’s about 15 feet up. Test runs after Bischoff and grabs the sledgehammer from him! Test comes back to HHH but HHH is waiting and nails him with some punches. HHH and Test fight over the sledgehammer, and HHH gets the low blow then levels Test with the sledgehammer! HHH climbs up the set after Shane, who’s stuck about 20 feet up. HHH catches up to him and Shane tries to kick him off, but HHH grabs Shane’s foot. HHH tries to pull him down, but Shane fights it. HHH gets to Shane’s level and they trade shots. HHH grabs Shane by the head though and slams his face into a metal rod…and Shane McMahon goes flying off the set through the announcer’s desk below! Triple H laughs as he comes down, and the referee completes the academic ten count!

Winner: Triple H in 8:58

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
runs out to check on her brother as Triple H and Eric Bischoff laugh about Shane. HHH tells the camera “I’m coming for you next Kurt!Test gets to his feet as well and despite the awkwardness between himself and Stephane he helps Shane onto a stretcher.

Scott Hudson: “Unfortunately this is what we were expecting. Shane McMahon just isn’t in the same league as Triple H and Triple H made short work of him. This makes Triple H the #1 contender for Kurt Angle’s WCW World Championship.”

Mike Tenay: “We’ve had people carried out and helped all out night. And that may continue next because we have the WCW World Tag Team Championship on the line in a Tables Match. Both members of each team will need to be put through a table for the match to finish. The Dudley Boyz are looking for revenge, but Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant are two of WCW’s best!”

WCW World Tag Team Championship – Double Elimination Tables Match
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © vs. The Dudley Boyz (w Spike and B.A.D.)

The Dudleyz have brought the entire family and there’s no Torrie nor Stacy for DDP and The Giant. DDP and D-Von start. DDP gets the advantage first punching away at D-Von in the corner. D-Von misses a clothesline and DDP catches him with a discus clothesline of his own! Russian legsweep from DDP. DDP follows up with a belly-to-belly and D-Von runs to his corner to tag in Bubba Ray. DDP fires away at Bubba, but Bubba fires back and wins the exchange. Bubba slams DDP and then climbs the turnbuckles. Bubba comes off the second rope and misses a senton! Bubba gets back up and DDP hits an atomic drop and follows up with right hands! Big clothesline knocks Bubba down and DDP is in complete control! DDP looks to tag in the Giant…but suddenly the B.A.D. pulls the Giant off the apron and the two monsters brawl! Spike Dudley runs into the ring and low blows the distracted DDP…then drops him with the Dudley Dawg! We don’t have a fair fight here all of a sudden!

Bubba Ray and D-Von slide a table into the ring. B.A.D. slams a chair over the Giant’s back. The Dudleyz beat down DDP in the ring now then D-Von sets up the table. DDP gets send on the ropes, but he counters the 3D into a DDT on D-Von. Bubba avalanches DDP in the corner as Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler come down to the ring clearly concerned about the proceedings. Bubba gets a sick smile on his face as he nails DDP with the Bubba Bomb! “THIS ONE’S FOR YOU STACY!” D-Von sets up the table again…and this time they drive DDP through the table, leaving the Giant left! B.A.D. and Spike continue to fight the Giant on the outside, and now Bubba and D-Von make it a three-on-one as Spike is sent to set up tables in the ring. Spike sets up two tables side by side, then chases Torrie and Stacy around the ring!

Spike chases Torrie and Stacy into the crowd…where Torrie and Stacy keep running until Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman…and it looks like Balls Mahoney appear in one of the entryways! An “ECW” chant breaks out as those three chase after Spike…and Balls nearly breaks his chair over Spike’s head! Dreamer, Sandman and Balls attack B.A.D., slamming him with chairs, Singapore canes and anything that’s not tied down at ringside! The Dudleyz have rolled the Giant into the ring and look to double suplex him through the tables, only DDP is back up and smashes a chair on Bubba Ray and D-Von’s backs! Both Dudleyz are stunned as the Giant grabs both of them by the throat and double chokeslams both through the tables!

Winners: Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant in 10:02

Big Alex Dudley
finds Spike and gathers his brothers to flee as DDP, Giant, Mahoney, Sandman, Dreamer, Torrie and Stacy celebrate with some beers in the ring!


Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
is shown leaving Uncensored before ECW’s Main Event! Paul Heyman runs up to her.

Paul Heyman: “I assure you Stephanie that everything will work out well tonight.”

SMH: It better Paul, or you’re fired!”


We cut to a very dark room where someone is sitting…but the camera can’t make out who it is…

Raven: “Are you? Are you? Why are you coming? I shall protect all dear to me! We shall protect all that is dearest to me! I will interrogate whoever walks this shadow lane. Who are you? Who are you to enter it? Did you hear what I said? Who are you to enter here? I know you are coming. But do you know we are coming for you? Those who had to die ourselves peeled back another kind of veil. But when I looked at you, all I saw was the darkened, empty eyes of a skull. Don’t make me destroy you. Quote the Raven, nevermore!”


Joey Styles:
“What the hell...anyway I apologize for that. Ladies and gentlemen I’m back and will be calling your main event for Uncensored. A match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship, Champion Brock Lesnar against ECW legend and icon, Tazz. Apparently, I’m supposed to be quiet now as Michael Buffer is doing the introductions.”


Michael Buffer: “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for the WCW/ECW Uncensored Main Event. Tonight, for the first time ever, it is the land of Extreme Championship Wrestling that holds this main event. Detroit, Michigan…ARE YOU READY?”

“Let me ask you one more time.”




“For the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching at home…ladies and gentlemen…”


plays as Mick Foley with his own styled referee attire makes his way down to the ring.

Michael Buffer: “Introducing at this time, a multiple time world champion in his own right. He has been a mainstay in the main events of both WCW and ECW over the years. Tonight, he is the law in the land of the extreme. Your special guest referee…MIIIIIIIICK FOLEY!

Mick Foley waves to the crowd for some of his own chants.

“Enforcer” plays as here comes the
ECW World Champion, Brock Lesnar!

Michael Buffer:
“The champion. He is the 2000 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I heavyweight wrestling champion. He weighs in tonight at 285 pounds. He is the undefeated champion of extreme….”

Tazz runs down the ramp and jumps onto Lesnar’s back…locking in the Kata Ha Jime! Paul Heyman and Mick Foley both yell at Tazz, telling him the match has to start in the ring! Tazz’s answer: “Get Buffer the fuck out of the ring so we can do this then!” Tazz rolls Lesnar into the ring, and here we go!

Joey Styles: “Welcome to ECW Michael Buffer!”

ECW World Championship – Special Referee: Mick Foley
Brock Lesnar © vs. Tazz

Tazz immediately drops Lesnar on his head and he might have broken his neck!

Joey Styles: “Oh My God!”

Tazz makes the cover and Foley counts, 1…2…Lesnar miraculously kicks out. Tazz tells Foley to “go fuck himself” with that count and locks in the Kata Ha Jime once again! Lesnar flails around like a bull and Tazz tries to hang on for dear life! Lesnar uses all his strength to back Tazz into the corner, which breaks the hold. Lesnar hits Tazz with a shot so hard to the head that it completely dazes Tazz…and he follows it up with a belly-to-belly suplex that sends Tazz halfway across the ring! Lesnar is still dazed from the suplex earlier and tries to gain his bearings in the corner. Lesnar shakes it off and approaches Tazz, who explodes out of the corner with an angry man clothesline that knocks Lesnar off his feet! Lesnar quickly rolls to the outside. Tazz comes off the apron at him, but Lesnar catches him and rams him into the ring post.

Lesnar sends Tazz flying into the barricade then grabs a chair. Lesnar smashes Tazz with a violent shot to the back, which sends Tazz back into the ring. Lesnar tosses the chair in as well. Lesnar stomps away on Tazz before setting him up…and planting him with a powerbomb! Cover, 1…2…Tazz just kicks out and Lesnar looks right at Foley. Foley, not intimated at all, clearly says it was a two. Lesnar sends Tazz into the corner then hits him with huge shoulder blocks….just as CW Anderson and Shelton Benjamin make their way down to the ring. Lesnar goes for one big shoulder thrust but Tazz moves and Lesnar’s momentum takes him between the ropes and smack into the ringpost! Tazz comes from behind Lesnar with a bridging German Suplex! 1…2…Lesnar kicks out. Tazz stands over Lesnar and hits him with crossface punches. Lesnar suddenly gets back to his feet with Tazz on top of him and hits an electric chair drop! Lesnar tells Benjamin and Anderson to slide a table into the ring, and Lesnar takes that table and props it up in the corner.

Lesnar picks up Tazz and hits him with backbreaker. Lesnar points to the table and indicates he’s going to finish Tazz. Lesnar has Tazz up for the F5, but Tazz punches away and lands behind Lesnar…and locks him in the Kata Ha Jime! Tazmission is locked in and Lesnar backs towards the ropes. CW Anderson grabs Tazz’s shirt which breaks the hold. Mick Foley pulls Anderson off and admonishes him from the apron. Lesnar tosses Tazz right where Mick is standing and Mick flies off the apron and crashes through the timekeeper’s table! Lesnar gets on the apron himself and laughs at Foley, only for Tazz to jump on his back once more to lock in the Tazmission! Tazz tries to drag Lesnar over the top rope, but Shelton Benjamin smashes him in the back with a chair! Benjamin hooks up Tazz and T-Bone suplexes him through the table that was set-up in the corner! Brock rolls back into the ring and picks up what’s left of Tazz and plants him with the F5! Heyman, Anderson and Benjamin try to help Foley back up, and while Foley is clearly dazed he remembers what he’s supposed to do. Lesnar covers Tazz and Foley rolls in, 1…2…3!

Winner: Brock Lesnar via pinfall in 14:04 (Retains)

Joey Styles:
“Son of a bitch! After all that Lesnar escapes again. It was fun while it lasted and I’m honored to have brought you an ECW Main Event, but damn I’m pissed that the fans get cheated again by Lesnar! We will see what happens next month. It’s Barely Legal season and I can’t imagine Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley is going to be happy with what went down tonight! Good night everyone!”

Tazz comes to, and he’s clearly pissed off. Brock holds up the title in the entranceway as Uncensored comes to a close.


Quick Results

ECW World Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam and Sabu defeated Justin Credible and Mike Awesome to retain the title

World Women’s Championship
Molly Marvel defeated Jazz by DQ to retain the title

WCW World Cruiserweight Championship
Psicosis pinned AJ Styles to retain the title

Detroit Street Fight
R-Killa pinned Booker T

WCW World Championship – Submission Match
Kurt Angle made Lance Storm submit to retain the title

WCW United States Championship – International Challenger’s Rules
Christian pinned Fit Finlay to retain the title

Last Man Standing – If Triple H Wins He Gets a WCW World Championship Match
Triple H defeated Shane McMahon

WCW World Tag Team Championship – Tables Match
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant defeated The Dudley Boyz to retain the title

ECW World Championship – Special Referee: Mick Foley
Brock Lesnar pinned Tazz to retain the title


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated the Dudley Boyz on 3/11/02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Championship
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates

Balls Mahoney
ECW mainstay had his issues with the Dudley Boyz for years
Last edited:


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WCW Monday Night Nitro
March 25, 2002
Palace of Auburn Hills
Auburn Hills, MI

For the third Nitro in a row, a limo with the license plate “HHHCHAMP” pulls into the parking lot. A big man comes out and opens up the car door for Eric Bischoff and Triple H.

Eric Bischoff:Thank you Mr. Traylor.”

Mr. Traylor: “Bossman.”

Eric Bischoff:
Bossman, of course. Come on Hunter, we’re going to move some things forward tonight.”

Triple H, Eric Bischoff and Big Bossman head into the arena and immediately run into Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. No words are said, but HHH and Stephanie lock eyes and awkwardly nod as HHH, Bischoff and Bossman head to the ring.


Scott Hudson
: “Hello everyone, welcome to Nitro! It’s been 24 hours since Uncensored! We know the new #1 contender to the WCW World Championship Triple H is heading to the ring and will be here any minute. Still, we have a lot of questions that will hopefully be answered tonight? For one, who’s in charge? We saw Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley already, is she in charge? Is the Commissioner William Regal?”

Mike Tenay: “I don’t know Scott. I know Regal has a lot to answer for screwing Fit Finlay over last night in the United States Championship match against Christian. In terms of in ring action, the Cruiserweight Championship is on the line as Psicosis defends against Juventud Guerrera!

Scott Hudson:
“Well speaking of the Commissioner…here he comes!”

Commissioner William Regal makes his way to the ring. He’s baring a massive smile and politely waves to the crowd on his way. The crowd is not happy to see him.

William Regal: “Dear, dear, dear, dear! I understand why you all react the way you do, I’ve been in the Detroit area for a week now and I’m getting bloody sick. I have no idea who you foul selling heathens do it every day. Nevertheless, I come before you all with an announcement. With the incapacitation of one Shane McMahon at the hands of Triple H last night I now gain full control of all wrestling operations here in WCW as the commissioner! And I promise you, things are going to change around here for the better! And to start that, there’s no better time than the present. I understand he’s already on his way, so without further ado, the #1 contender for the WCW World Championship, Triple H!

Triple H, Eric Bischoff and Big Bossman make their way to the ring.

Eric Bischoff: “It’s good to see you Regal!”

William Regal: Eric it is good to see you as well. Hunter, hello. How may I assist you tonight?”

Eric Bischoff: “Well you see, Triple H cleanly defeated Shane McMahon in last night’s Last Man Standing Match. Now the deal was that as a result, Triple H gets a WCW World Championship match against Kurt Angle. But there’s a part of the deal we’d like to adjust. You see, the date for the highly anticipated Triple H vs. Kurt Angle match is set for Slamboree on May 12th. Now I…we don’t feel that a six-week wait is appropriate.”

William Regal: “I see. And what do you gentlemen feel is an appropriate waiting time?”

Eric Bischoff: “Well, since you asked….”


Eric Bischoff: “…yes, that’s what we want Regal. My client wants his title shot tonight.”

William Regal: Eric, I don’t know if I can make that one happen…”

Triple H: “Oh, and why is that? I heard you talking out here earlier about how you’re the man in charge now. Well be a man. And make a decision. Give me Angle for the title tonight!”

William Regal: “You know, I agree. And it’s done. Tonight, it will be…”

To everyone’s surprise…and it looks like Eric Bischoff’s disgust, Regal is interrupted by the sound of the Scottish Bagpipes! “The Green Hills of Tyrol” as “Rowdy” Roddy Piper is here! Piper makes his way down to the ring with a smile on his face! Piper first focuses his attention on Bischoff.

Roddy Piper: “Well looks like someone’s happy to see me!”

William Regal: “I’m sorry, is there something I can help you with?”

Roddy Piper: “Well, YEAH! What the hell was that deal with Finlay and Christian last night? How you gonna do a fellow European like that? But we’ll address that later!”

William Regal: “Well that’s certainly none of your concern.”

Triple H: “Look, uh, Roddy Piper or whatever, can we just get to the point here.”

Roddy Piper:
“How about you both shut up, it’s my turn to talk!”

Eric Bischoff holds Triple H back from attacking Piper

Roddy Piper: “For all of you that haven’t put two and two together you see I received a phone call from one Shane McMahon last week!”

Eric Bischoff rolls his eyes, as he clearly knows where this is going…

Roddy Piper: “That’s right. You see like his father, Shane McMahon, well he’s got more guts than brains that’s for sure! But I gotta give him credi.t I think he knew he wasn’t going to be walking out of Uncensored and he came up with a contingency. The bad news for all of you...I AM that contingency!”

William Regal: “This is preposterous!”

Roddy Piper: “Is it? Well wait to you hear this one! As of 10:00 AM this morning, by the power invested in me as the Interim President of WCW…it has been decided that Commissioner William Regal’s services are no longer needed!”

William Regal: “WHAT?”

Roddy Piper: “It means you’re fired! You’re history! Security, get this man out of my ring!”

A clearly shocked Regal looks to be defiant at first…but as soon as a security officer enters the ring Regal scurries out and heads to the back.

Eric Bischoff: “I think you should be very careful about the next thing you say.”

Roddy Piper: “Ha, yeah right. That’s the way I made my money over the years, by being careful! Let’s make something clear here. Kurt Angle vs. Triple H for the WCW World Championship, that will take place at Slamboree. That was the deal. But I’m going to add my own wrinkle. If you Triple H, or anyone even remotely associated with you even lay a fingernail on Angle or myself before Slamboree outside of a match…bye-bye title shot! I hope this addresses your concerns!”

Piper tosses his mic at Triple H. HHH is still irate, but Bischoff continues to hold him back as we cut to commercial.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Psicosis © (w/Papi Chilo) vs. Juventud Guerrera

Juvi and Psicosis circle around one another. Psicosis gets a quick armdrag. Psicosis slides under Juvi and catches him with a clothesline. Psicosis mocks Juvi’s taunt and jaws at the camera, only to get drop kicked in the back! Juvi chops away at Psicosis. He sends Psicosis to the corner, but Psicosis gets his feet up when Juvi charges in. Psicosis hits some punches then sends Juvi into the corner. Psicosis charges, but Juvi moves and it’s Psicosis who smashes face first into the turnbuckles. Spinning heel kick from Juvi! Cover, 1…2…Psicosis kicks out. Big chops from Juvi. Juvi hits the ropes and ducks a clothesline and follows-up with a flying headscissors. Juvi runs at Psicosis but Psicosis backdrops him onto the apron. Psicosis thinks Juvi hit the floor though and celebrates…and Juvi takes him out with a springboard dropkick to the back of the head! Another cover, 1…2…Psicosis kicks out!

Psicosis rolls to the outside…and Juvi takes him out with a twisting flying plancha over the ropes! Juvi sends Psicosis back into the ring, but Papi Chilo attacks Juvi! Juvi counters and sends Psicosis into the steps! Juvi gets back on the apron and Psicosis hits a kick to the midsection, causing Juvi to double over between the ropes. Psicosis heads to the second rope and legdrops Juvi back into the ring! Cover, 1…2…Juvi kicks out. Psicosis sets Juvi up for a suplex…but instead crotches him on the top rope! Psicosis heads to the top rope behind Juvi and hits him with a spinning heel kick! Juvi crashes back into the ring. Psicosis makes another cover, 1…2…but Juvi kicks out again to Psicosis’ frustration.

Psicosis stomps away on Juvi. Psicosis sets Juvi up for a powerbomb, but changes it in midair to a facebuster! Psicosis calls for the end and heads to the top rope. Guillotine Legdrop misses as Juvi moves out of the way! Juvi chops away at Psicosis, then props him on the top rope. Juvi jumps onto the apron, then hits a springboard avalanche frankensteiner on Psicosis! Cover, 1…2…no! Psicosis just kicks out! Juvi picks up Psicosis, but Psicosis slides behind him and kicks Juvi in the back of the knee. Psicosis hooks Juvi up and goes for a brainbuster…but Juvi lands on his feet, kicks Psicosis and lands the Juvi Driver! Juventud Guerrera climbs to the top rope…450 Splash! Cover, 1…2…3!

Wait no…Papi Chilo put Psicosiss foot on the bottom rope and the referee now sees it! Referee tries to tell Juvi he hasn’t won the title, and Juvi turns right into a kick and a brainbuster from Psicosis. Psicosis heads to the top rope…Guillotine Legdrop! 1…2…3! Psicosis steals the win!

Winner: Psicosis via pinfall in 11:27 (Retains)

celebrates with Papi Chilo, but Juvi breaks that up and slugs Chilo! He takes a shot at Psicosis as well before Psicosis and Chilo run out of there!


Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with WCW World Tag Team Champions Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant, as well as Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler.

Jeremy Borash: Diamond Dallas Page, Giant, last night you survived a war against the Dudley Boyz for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. What’s next for the Tag Champs?”

Diamond Dallas Page: “We did more than survive Borash. *DDP looks at Torrie and Stacy.* We did hell of a lot more than survive. Me and the Big G took out that Dudley scum and we established that we’re the top team in the top company in the world. Now that they’re in the rearview mirror, it’s time for us to take out anyone who dares to take a shot! So here’s what’s gonna happen. Tonight, me and the big man, the champs, we invite anyone in the world who wants a shot to come to Bang City! And there you’ll get a dose of the Big G…and D-D-P!”


We come back to Nitro, where Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley in standing in the ring.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “Ladies and gentlemen I am standing here to thank everyone who watched ECW main event Uncensored last night! I’m here to make several announcements about the Extreme Championship Wrestling brand for the next month. As we’ve announced before, April 14th, from the First Union Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, ECW Barely Legal will be live on Pay-Per-View! For the next three weeks on the road to Barely Legal, starting this Thursday, ECW RISE will be a full two hour program! Also, each Saturday instead of WCW Worldwide, ECW will take over the timeslot with ECW Hardcore TV!”

“Lastly, ECW will be bringing back one of the most prestigious singles championships of the late 90s. At Barely Legal, we will have a battle royal to determine a new ECW World Television Champion! I personally invite any person who held the ECW World Television Championship in their career to participate. Now, as you all may recall me and my brother Shane made a deal last month in regards to Uncensored. This is the last piece of that deal. Also invited to the ECW TV Title battle royal is any person who held the WCW World Television Championship in their career. I’m excited for Barely Legal, and I hope you’ll all tune in!”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley prepares to leave…when “Disco Fever” plays! Disco Inferno, Alex Wright and Brian Christopher make their way to the ring! Stephanie looks perplexed to say the least. Disco tries to get Stephanie to dance, and while she doesn’t with Disco…Alex Wright gets her to!

Disco Inferno: “So let me make sure I heard you correctly Stephanie. You’re saying all former WCW World TV Champs can enter this match and win gold?”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
“That’s right!”

Disco Inferno: “Well, me and Alex, we’re both former WCW TV Champs! We’re in. Sorry Brian. And we wanna get the true ECW experience. So let me tell you what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna be on RISE this week! We’re extreme! We wanna see what ECW is all about!”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley shakes her head and laughs as Disco, Wright and Christopher start dancing again…but things get serious very quickly as “Medal” plays and the WCW World Champion Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring!

Wright comes up to Angle’s face and starts dancing…and gets hit with a belly-to-belly suplex! Angle flips Christopher inside out with a clothesline. German suplex takes out Disco!

Angle grabs a mic and stands right in front of Stephanie.

Kurt Angle: “First off, I hope you understand Stephanie that in six weeks, I’m going to kick your husband’s ass at Slamboree.”

Stephanie nods her head, seemingly not even caring about that.

Kurt Angle: “But before that, I’ve got a score to settle. I gave your guy, Lance Storm, a chance of a lifetime. And he fought well for sure. He pushed me to the limit and was close. But in the end, I retained the WCW World Championship. But then he and his buddies come in and attack me after the match. And that’s where I cross the line! So here’s what’s gonna happen Steph. At Barely Legal, I want all three of them! I want a six-man tag at Barely Legal!”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “Okay, we can definitely make that happen. Who are your teammates?”

Kurt Angle: “I’ll be at RISE, come talk to me there and I’ll let you know then.”

Angle walks off as Stephanie seems excited that she has Angle competing at Barely Legal!


New interim WCW President Roddy Piper walks up to United States Champion Christian backstage.

Roddy Piper: “Hey well look who we have here!”

Christian: “Hi Roddy…”

Christian goes for a handshake, but Piper completely ignores it.

Roddy Piper: “Hey, explain something to me. What the hell was that whole International Challenger Rules deal. I mean, I challenged for the US title plenty of times in my career and I never had to go through any of that, and hell I’m wearing a kilt!”

Christian: “Well you see I…”

Roddy Piper: “You nothing! It looks to me like you weren’t taking the title seriously. So let me explain something you Christian. I’m a three-time US Champion. I beat Ric Flair, Greg Valentine and Bret “The Hitman” Hart to earn those title reigns. It doesn’t get much tougher than that. Don’t…and I’m serious…don’t disrespect the US title like that again. It’s you and Fit Finlay for the belt in a rematch next.”

Christian: “Wait but I…”

Roddy Piper: “Now get out there or you won’t have a US title to defend anymore!”


WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Fit Finlay

Finlay chases Christian around the ring, but Christian hides in the ropes each time Finlay catches him. Finlay eventually catches Christian by the arm and brings him down the canvas. Finlay punches away as Christian rolls to the outside to avoid any more damage. Finlay is right on him though, not letting Christian a moment to breathe. Finlay rams Christian into the apron and sends him into the barricade. Finlay sends Christian back into the ring and quickly covers him, 1…2…Christian kicks out. Finlay props Christian into the corner and slams his own shoulder into Christian’s midsection! Finlay climbs up to the second rope and hits Christian with a missile dropkick! Cover, 1…2…Christian just kicks out! Finlay grabs Christian and looks to inflict more punishment, but Christian gets a thumb to the eye to slow him down.

Christian punches away at Finlay in the corner, but Finlay fires back and hits an Atomic Drop. Finlay mounts Christian and pounds away at him, clearly frustrated from last night! Finlay brings Christian back to his feet and hits a stiff European uppercut. William Regal, the former commissioner, makes his way onto the ramp and Finlay sees him and starts yelling at him. Christian rolls Finlay up and holds the tights, 1…2…Finlay kicks out! Christian starts choking Finlay on the ropes, and the referee backs Christian up…allowing Regal to come down and smash Finlay with a brass knuckles-aided punch! Christian covers Finlay, 1…2…3!

Winner: Christian via pinfall in 7:01 (Retains)

runs off as Finlay looks even angrier than earlier. Christian gets out of there as well…although he celebrates up the ramp.


Triple H, Big Bossman
and Eric Bischoff are packed up and about to leave the locker room when they run into Roddy Piper. Bischoff again shows a look of frustration with Piper just being present.

Roddy Piper: “Looks like you guys were about to head off! Well I want you to know that I am a lot of things, but one thing I am is a fair man!”

Triple H: “Yeah, and what does that mean for me?”

Roddy Piper: “You want Angle next week?”

Triple H: “Do I want Angle next week? What the hell do you think? What have I been saying all night?”

Roddy Piper: “Well you and your new security force here can have him! Next week it’s gonna be you, Triple H and the Bossman against Kurt Angle and Test!”

As Piper walks off, Triple H seems to be at least somewhat happy with that development.


The Phoenix vs. La Felina

They tie-up to start, but Felina backs away into the ropes to break. Felina ducks the second tie-up attempt and goes for a hurricanrana, but it’s too early for that as the Phoenix is able to just stand tall to block. She shoves Felina off and Felina lands on her feet. Phoenix misses the clothesline, and Felina gets a forearm. Another forearm backs Phoenix into the corner, then Felina comes charging in with a crossbody to Phoenix’s midsection. Phoenix stumbles out of the corner and Felina heads to the top rope. Phoenix catches her up there though…then military presses Felina over her head! Phoenix slams Felina face first onto the canvas! 1…2…kickout from Felina. Phoenix goes for Snake Eyes, but Felina shoves her into the corner. Phoenix catches a charging Felina with an elbow though. Just as Phoenix has retaken control, Jazz comes down to the ring and just like last night grabs a chair! She smashes Phoenix in the back, then whallops Felina over the head with it!

Winner: No Contest when Jazz interfered in 3:23

grabs a mic, but as she’s about to speak she’s attacked by World Women’s Champion Molly Marvel! Molly punches away at Jazz, then grabs the chair! Molly swings the chair at Jazz who gets out of the way just in the nick of time! Jazz is seen mouthing “bitch” to Molly, who is heard yelling back “come say that to my face!”


We come back to Nitro and William Regal is seen leaving the arena when Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley walks up to him.

William Regal:
Stephanie, with all due respect, it’s been a long night and I’m a bit hurried at the moment.”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “I understand but we have to talk. I want to let you know that Shane had promised me that you’d be competing at Barely Legal.”

William Regal: “Excuse me…why in the bloody hell would I do something like that?”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “We both know my brother wasn’t happy with your performance overall and now that you aren’t commissioner…well who knows if your spot on the roster is even secure. Now, one way to secure it would be to compete at Barely Legal.”

Regal makes his trademark disgust expression…

William Regal: “In front of those heathens? What exactly would I have to do?”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “You’re a former WCW TV Champion. It would just be great to have you in the battle royal!”

William Regal: “I suppose I…”

Before Regal can finish he’s attacked by Finlay! Finlay gets a bunch of shots in before telling Stephanie…

Fit Finlay:
“If he’s in it…I’m in it!”

Regal runs off to the parking lot as security holds Finlay back!


DDP, The Giant, Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler
make their way down to the ring. It’s time to find out who’s accept the open challenge for the WCW World Tag Team Championship.



It’s the LOD! We haven’t seen them since SuperBrawl! The LOD are the challengers!

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © (w/Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler) vs. The Legion of Doom

Hawk and Animal come in and attack DDP and Giant right away! Giant gets knocked through the ropes by Animal. Hawk and Animal send DDP off the ropes and lay him out with a double clothesline. Animal punches away at DDP then whips him into the corner. Animal comes charging in but DDP ducks out of the way, then knocks Animal down with a discus clothesline. Cover from DDP, 1..2…Animal powers out! DDP clotheslines Animal, but Animal manages to stay on his feet. DDP tries another one that gets blocked and Animal gets an arm wringer. Tag to Hawk is made. Hawk comes off the top second rope with a punch to DDP. Hawk whips DDP off the ropes and goes for the backdrop, but DDP puts on the brakes and gets a gutwrench powerbomb! Cover, 1…2…Hawk kicks out.

DDP sends Hawk off the ropes and goes for a backdrop himself and Hawk returns the favor by putting on the brakes and hitting DDP with a neckbreaker! Hawk comes off the ropes, but DDP catches him with an elbow…and DDP tags in the Giant! Giant levels Hawk with a clothesline. Another clothesline knocks Hawk down again. Animal runs in and tries a clothesline, but it has no effect on the Giant, who headbutts Animal down. Giant squashes Animal in the corner, then does the same to Hawk. Hawk stumbles out of the corner and gets leveled with a big boot. Giant grabs both Animal and Hawk by the throat…but both members of LOD break the Giant’s grasp and Hawk even throws a dropkick to stun the Giant! DDP gets the blind tag!

DDP comes in like a house of fire with punches to Hawk and Animal. DDP hits a flying clothesline to knock down both members of LOD! Elbow drop from DDP to Hawk. A cover, 1…2…but Animal breaks it up. DDP goes for a kick, but Animal catches it, lifts up DDP and slams him hard to the canvas. Animal calls for the Doomsday Device! Animal has DDP up on his shoulders, but Stack Keibler gets on the apron and shakes her….assets for the lack of a better term, causing the distraction! Torrie Wilson is on the apron as well and blocks Hawk’s path to the top rope…allowing the Giant to pull Hawk down to the floor and slam him into the barricade. DDP rolls Animal up into a victory roll, 1…2…Animal kicks out. Animal gets up and runs right into a Giant big boot, and stumbles into the Diamond Cutter! Hawk runs in for the save…but runs into the big hand of the Giant…Chokeslam! DDP covers Animal, 1…2…3!

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant when DDP pinned Animal in 10:48 (Retains)

Life is good for DDP, The Giant, Torrie and Stacy right now as they all celebrate the big tag title defense to close out Nitro!


Quick Results

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Psicosis pinned Juventud Guerrera to retain the title

WCW United States Championship
Christian pinned Fit Finlay to retain the title

The Phoenix and La Felina wrestled to a no-contest when Jazz interfered

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant defeated the Legion of Doom when DDP pinned Animal to retain the title


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates

Big Bossman
The Bossman is still the toughest security guard out there.

“Rowdy” Roddy PiperThe legendary “Hot Rod” is in his twilight years, but as President who knows what will happen!


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Sep 13, 2022
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March 28, 2002
Burt Flickinger Center
Buffalo, NY

and Mark Henry are in a parking lot…

R-Killa: “I told you all! I told you all that Booker T was soft. One thing that’s true after Uncensored, after I won the Streetfight, is that me and the big man here, we are ready for more violence. We are ready…for extreme! And we’re ready to wear some gold. Rob Van Dam and SabuECW adores you and gives you two every literal thing that there is. Well enough of that! Just like everything else we gonna take that opportunity tonight. Two men can appreciate being the tag team champions and it ain’t you two. We shocked the world when it came to Booker T. Tonight, we shock the world again!”

Joey Styles: “Hello everyone and welcome to ECW RISE. We’re still coming off the heels of Uncensored when ECW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar was able to defeat Tazz. Despite Mick Foley as the referee Shelton Benjamin and CW Anderson still, still got involved. We’re actually going to hear from Mick tonight. Reminder, this is a two hour edition of RISE as the road to Barely Legal II begins! The ECW World Tag Team Championship is on the line, can Rob Van Dam and Sabu co-exist for another match? They take on R-Killa and Mark Henry. Right now, we have a WCW Cruiserweight Championship match and the champion Psicosis, impressive in his victory of A.J. Styles at Uncensored is headed to the ring now. I have it on good authority that the WCW Cruiserweight title will in fact be defended at Barely Legal II!”

WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Psicosis © (w/ Papi Chilo) vs. The Hurricane

Psicosis and Hurricane lock-up, and Hurricane gets an armdrag. Hurricane hits a second armdrag. Chops from Hurricane. Hurricane sends Psicosis into the ropes and goes for another armdrag, only Psicosis counters with a clothesline. Hard shots from Psicosis. Hurricane counters a whip and sends Psicosis into the corner. Psicosis catches a charging Hurricane with his legs for a headscissors, but Hurricane counters by sending Psicosis over the top rope…with Psicosis’ face hitting the apron! Hurricane dives over the top rope, but Papi Chilo gets Psicosis out of the way and Hurricane crashes into the floor! Psicosis takes Hurricane and slams him into the railing. Psicosis drops Hurricane stomach first onto the railing, and Papi Chilo holds him in place. Psicosis heads to the top rope…and Psycho Guillotine’s Hurricane across the railing!

Psicosis brings Hurricane back into the ring and instead of going for the cover, decides to play with his food a little bit. Psicosis props Hurricane in the corner and slaps him across the face. Another slap. Psicosis then gets a full head of steam, but Hurricane ducks and Psicosis hits the corner so hard he flips over and crashes to the canvas face-first! Hurricane stumbles around, and Psicosis walks right into…a chokeslam! Cover from Hurricane, 1…2…Psicosis kicks out. Hurricane climbs up to the second rope, leaps and catches Psicosis with a standing hurricanrana! Another cover, 1…2…Psicosis kicks out again. Neckbreaker from Hurricane. Hurricane says that’s it and he sets Psicosis up…and plants him with a Vertebreaker! Hurricane covers, 1…2…but Papi Chilo pulls him off. Chilo pounds away on Hurricane before The Blue Meanie and Nova run down and chase him off! Psicosis catches Hurricane with a spinning heel kick, then quickly props him onto the top rope. Avalanche Splash Mountain! 1…2…3! Meanie and Nova chase Psicosis off as well, but not before he grabs the Cruiserweight title!

Winner: Psicosis via pinfall in 7:53 (Retains)


“Four nights ago. That was when Lesnar, the ECW World Champ, got taken to the limit by the Human Suplex Machine. Everything was going according to plan, and then this guy, Shelton Benjamin, he buts his head into my business and costs me the ECW World Heavyweight Championship. Hey, that’s ECW. No whining. No bullshit. But I don’t let people get involved in my shit without paying for it! You think you’re a tough guy Shelton? Fine. Fine by me. I think everyone would like to see you bitch and cry when I’m stretching you in the middle of the ring! So that’s the challenge my friend. You want to get involved in my shit? You want to make a name for yourself. Shelton Benjamin vs. Tazz at Barely Legal. Let’s see if you got the guts. I promise you, one way or another, I’m going to choke you out. I’d just rather do it where no one’s trying to pry me off you! BEAT ME IF YOU CAN…SURVIVE…if I let you…”


We return to RISE in Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley’s office, where Stephanie is with Paul Heyman.

Paul Heyman:
Stephanie I’d like to thank you once again for all the support you’ve put in Extreme Championship Wrestling.”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: Paul, you drive me crazy, you know that. I give you a lot of a leeway because I know this your life. But a reminder, I am the owner of ECW now, not you. Your expertise with ECW is valuable and you are an asset to have around. But as I’ve said before, you have to be unbiased with this stuff. I understand Brock is your guy. But it’s going to hurt us and Brock long-term if every big match he needs help to get through it. Anyway, that’s not why we’re here. I asked you to scout and see if you can bring in some former ECW names for Barely Legal. What do you have for me?”

Paul Heyman: “I have some great news on this! While he still has a Japanese commitment. Four-time ECW World Television Champion 2 Cold Scorpio has agreed to work with us part-time, and he’ll be here next week. His only request is that we don’t turn him back into Flash Funk. And, another former Television Champion and in my opinion, one of the most underrated light heavyweight, cruiserweights in professional wrestling today, Super Crazy will be available for us immediately!”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “Great. Interesting developments for sure. Super Crazy huh? Well, he have Hardcore TV this weekend, let’s see him go up against Tajiri. And next week, how about we see 2 Cold Scorpio against Shelton Benjamin.”

Paul Heyman: “I think both of those are great ideas Stephanie. So what about the main event for Barely Legal. We need to figure this out!”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “Not to worry, I have a great idea for that.”



Joey Styles:
“Who better than Kanyon? What the hell is Chris Kanyon doing here in ECW on RISE?”

Kanyon: “I’m sure you’re all wondering why Kanyon is here in ECW! The answer is simple really. I’ve been out for a few months as I tore my ACL at the end of InVasion. I gotta say I felt bad about that because that left the Alliance without it’s MVP! I’m glad that the Alliance prevailed and that WCW and ECW exist. Now, I think you all know I was a WCW guy. But how could I be the MVP for the Alliance if I didn’t make an appearance for ECW here and there! And I’m excited to be here. I’m just a few weeks away from being cleared and ready to go. And I’m excited for sure…”

Unbeknownst to Kanyon, Raven and his Warriors (Malice, Stasak and Shannon Moore) make their way through the crowd and to the ring.

Kanyon: “…to get back in there. And hey, I can so the extreme deal, trust me. Oh, hey, it’s my buddy Raven! What’s up man!”

Raven: “It’s you!”

Kanyon: “Yeah man it’s me. It’s good to see you Raven.”

Raven: “The man in my dreams. The man in my thoughts. The man who’s threatened to destroy me!”

Kanyon: “I just got here man! You take too many hits to the head there Raven? Come on…”

At that moment Malice, Stasiak and Moore attack Kanyon, beating the hell out of him! Kanyon tries to fight back, but Raven chop blocks the injured leg! Shannon Moore brings a chair into the ring, and Raven plants Kanyon with the Evenflow on the chair!

“It was written that I would overcome and destroy you. So it was written, so it has come to pass. Quote the Raven, nevermore!”


Jazz vs. Luna Vachon

Jazz gets a cheapshot in and starts punching away at Luna in the corner, then stomps away at her. Jazz turns around to the crowd, but when she turns back to Luna she gets hit with a bodypress, 1…2…Jazz kicks out. Luna slams Jazz then hits an elbow drop. Another cover, 1…2…Jazz kicks out again. Luna goes for a Boston Crab, but Jazz breaks free and Luna gets sent to the outside. Jazz follows up by whipping Luna into the guardrail. She tries another whip, but Luna counters and Jazz hits the steel! Luna sends Jazz back in and heads to the top rope, but the Luna Eclipse misses! Jazz comes off the ropes and hits Luna with a legdrop. Jazz picks Luna up…then plants her with a Fisherman’s Suplex-Brainbuster! Jazz hooks Luna’s arms behind her and smashes her down face-first with a Double Chickenwing Slam. Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Jazz via pinfall in 3:01

grabs a chair and brings it into the ring. Jazz smashes Luna over the back with the chair…but before anymore damage can be done Molly Marvel hits the ring! Molly hits Jazz with a Thesz Press and punches away until Jazz can escape.

Molly Marvel: “You want tough? Huh Jazz. Let’s do this in your home then. I’m giving you another shot at the Women’s Title, no DQ this time! Let’s see if you can handle it at Barely Legal…bitch!”

Jazz seems taken aback at Molly swearing, but she shakes her head up and down, indicating that she accepts the challenge!


We go to the locker room...where Mick Foley and Terry Funk are talking!

Joey Styles: “Oh my God…that’s Terry Funk!”

Terry Funk: “…that’s not really your fault Mick. You did your job.”

Mick Foley:
“Maybe so. I still might as well go out there and thank the fans for having me at Uncensored. It’s always great to see you Terry.”

Terry Funk: “You too Mick. I’ll be around, I’ve got some business to see to anyway.”


Back to the ring, where Total Impact has made their way here. The fans are having their way with Lance Storm


Lance Storm
: “I’m not here to talk about what happened last Sunday at Uncensored. But if there’s anything that should be mentioned from Sunday it’s that I stood tall over Kurt Angle when it was all said and done! Now about Monday night. Angle, you made a challenge that I promise you you’ll regret. The fact of the matter is everyone eventually bites off more than they can chew. Well I’m happy you made the challenge Kurt because I knew after Uncensored that this wasn’t over! So, on behalf of the most impactful faction on either the WCW or ECW brand, we accept your challenge for a six-man tag at Barely Legal. But remember Angle, you asked for this. You’re stepping in a place that you know nothing about. ECW is the house that Total Impact built! So who you got for us?"

“Medal” plays as Kurt Angle wastes no time making his way out to the ring!

Kurt Angle: “Heh, look Lance you wanna talk a big game about how you laid me out, that’s all fine and good. Really, it is. At the end of the day I’m the WCW World Champion, and that’s something you’ll have to live with. But I’m not stupid. You, Mike Awesome, Justin Credible, you guys are a formidable team no doubt. You three took me out and on one hand, I respect that. Hey, you beat the champ. On the other hand, three guys huh? That’s what it’s going to take. Well I decided after Uncensored, after I got left lying, that Total Impact…Total Impact needed to be eliminated!”

A familiar theme to old school ECW fans plays and gets some cheers…but the crowd completely lights up when they hear:


John Kronus and Perry Saturn, the Eliminators, join Kurt Angle in the entrance way. Angle, Kronus and Saturn slowly make their way to the ring…and Total Impact look ready to fight! But as soon as Angle and the Eliminators slide into the ring, Dawn, Storm and Credible jump out of the ring. Mike Awesome stands in the ring not giving one inch, but Justin Credible convinces him to leave as well. Angle and the Eliminators stand in the ring to huge cheers from the
ECW crowd!

Joey Styles:
“These…these are the three-time ECW World Tag Team Champions! This is the first time in five years they’ve been together! And they’re hooked up with Kurt Angle?! The Eliminators and Kurt Angle?! Oh my god! What a night and we’re not done yet!”


We come back to RISE to a very different atmosphere than before the break. We have Disco Inferno, Alex Wright and Brian Christopher dancing in the ring. Their dancing is quickly interrupted by “Enter Sandman” as Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman and Balls Mahoney come through the crowd drinking!

Sandman, Dreamer and Mahoney make it to the ring and Disco Inferno grabs a microphone.

Disco Inferno: “Hey, hey, hey. Look, us three, we’re just as extreme as you guys! Me and Alex, one of us is going to leave Barely Legal as ECW Television Champion! Ain’t that right Alex!”

Before Alex Wright can say anything, Disco gets whacked in the head with the Singapore Cane by Sandman!

The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer and Balls Mahoney vs. Disco Inferno, Alex Wright and Brian Christopher

Sandman stomps on Disco in the corner, but gets attacked by Brian Christopher. Christopher sets Sandman up for a piledriver, but he gets wrecked by a Balls Mahoney chairshot that puts a huge dent in the chair! Wright comes from behind and his Mahoney with a German Suplex with a bridge, 1…2…Dreamer breaks it up. Dreamer punches away at Wright and sends him over the top rope. Disco turns Dreamer around and hits him with a kick and a swinging neckbreaker. Mahoney turns him around and hits him with jabs, but Disco ducks the winded up third one and runs into another Singapore Cane shot from Sandman! Mahoney picks Disco up…Nutcracker Suite! 1…2…3!

Winners: Sandman, Balls Mahoney and Tommy Dreamer when Mahoney pinned Disco in 1:28

Just as the three count finishes The Dudley Clan hit the ring, Bubba, D-Von, Spike and B.A.D! Bubba and D-Von attack drag Dreamer to the outside and hit him with a 3D on the floor! B.A.D. uses both hands and grabs Mahoney by the neck ands hits a thunderous tree trunk slam! Sandman whacks B.A.D. over the head with the cane, but Spike hits him with a low blow. Spike hooks Sandman’s head and hits the Dudley Dawg! The Dudley Clan walk off leaving Dreamer, Sandman and Mahoney lying!


We cut backstage and find the ECW World Tag Team Champions arguing with Bill Alfonso trying to separate the two!

Rob Van Dam: “I’m telling you Sabu you do shit like that again like you did at Uncensored I’m going to kick a chair right in your face and knock every one of your teeth out!”

We overhear R-Killa and Mark Henry’s theme…

Bill Alfonso: “Guys we gotta get it together we gotta go!”

Rob Van Dam: “You better tell him then Fonzie the next ‘mistake’ is all RVD is putting up with!”


ECW World Tag Team Championship
Rob Van Dam and Sabu © w/Bill Alfonso vs. R-Killa and Mark Henry

Sabu starts with R-Killa and dives at his legs, but R-Killa keeps his distance. Sabu tries it again and catches R-Killa. R-Killa tries to fight out of Sabu’s grasp, but Sabu takes him down. Sabu misses the elbow drop and R-Killa catches him with a flying kick. R-Killa stomps away on Sabu. R-Killa sends Sabu off the ropes but Sabu ducks a clothesline and comes back with a spinning heel kick. Sabu hard tags RVD and Alfonso throws a chair into the ring. Sabu locks R-Killa in a Camel Clutch and puts the chair in his face. RVD looks a little frustrated at the tag, but then comes off the ropes and dropkicks the chair in R-Killa’s face! RVD and Sabu confront each other in the ring though and Mark Henry comes in and smashes RVD in the back with a hard forearm! Henry drags R-Killa back to his corner and gets a tag.

Henry shoves RVD into the corner and follows up with an avalanche! Henry whips RVD into the opposite corner and RVD slams so hard into the turnbuckles he crashes to the mat face-first. Henry waits for RVD to get back up…and he goes for another avalanche, only RVD moves out of the way! RVD hits Henry with a springboard flying back kick! RVD hard tags Sabu. RVD comes off the ropes for a spinning heel kick but he’s caught by Henry, who flips him up in midair and powerslams RVD down! Henry has RVD covered, but Sabu has the chair and comes off the top with an Arabian Skullcrusher to Henry! R-Killa runs in with his own chair and smashes Sabu in the back with it! R-Killa stomps away at Sabu, but RVD takes him out with a spin kick. Henry rolls to the outside and Sabu struggles to get onto the apron. Sabu dives at Henry, but Henry had a chair and smashes Sabu in mid-air over the head!

RVD hits R-Killa with a spinning heel kick and follows up with Rolling Thunder! RVD tosses R-Killa into he corner and hits him with a couple of shoulder thrusts, knocking R-Killa into a sitting position. RVD takes a chair and skateboards it right into R-Killa’s face! Mark Henry comes in from behind but RVD saw it coming and catches him with a kick to the head. RVD goes for a jumping kick, but Henry ducks and Sabu was right behind him with a chair…and gets hit with the Van-Daminator as a result! RVD shrugs his shoulders as he tosses a chair at Henry and hits him with a Van-Daminator! RVD heads to the top rope but R-Killa meets him there and punches away. RVD kicks R-Killa away and comes off the top with a flying karate kick. RVD puts the chair on Henry and hits his second Rolling Thunder, but as he gets up he turns right into a vile chair shot from Sabu, which busts RVD wide open! Sabu tosses the chair aside and shoves Bill Alfonso down as he walks off. Henry grabs RVD and hits the World’s Strongest Slam, and R-Killa heads to the top rope and hits RVD with a 450 Splash! 1…2…3! We have NEW champions!

Winners: R-Killa and Mark Henry when Killa pinned RVD in 11:48 (New Champions)

comes running back into the ring with a chair and the new champions cut any celebration short and get out of the ring. RVD gets back to his feet and Sabu is about to swing before Bill Alfonso gets between them again. RVD lunges at Sabu though and the fight is on! RVD and Sabu pound away at one another as Alfonso begs for help from the back! Eventually referees and officials come down and separate the two!


Joey Styles:
“This has been arguably the wildest night I’ve seen in ECW at least in some time. And now here comes Mick Foley! I don’t know how much time we have left but we will try to stay with Mick as long as we can!”

Mick Foley makes his way down to the ring to a huge ovation.


Mick Foley:
“I’d like to thank you all for that response. I know this is more, uh, let’s say hardcore group of fans than perhaps I’ve seen in quite some time, so I won’t go for the easy cheap pop…but then again it’s definitely great to be back here in Buffalo, New York! Now while I appreciate the reaction I can’t help but feel I let some people down last Sunday at Uncensored. The referee job, it’s a tough job. I really wanted to keep anyone who wasn’t Brock Lesnar or Tazz out of the match and I didn’t quite get that done. But still it was great to be back in the ring and in front of the fans in the arena and on Pay-Per-View. And last week and tonight, it’s been great to represent the great promotion that is Extreme Championship Wrestling once again. Thank you all and have a nice day!”

It looks as if Mick Foley is about to leave, Paul Heyman makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos.

Paul Heyman: “Honestly Mick, on behalf of ECW management I thought you did a fantastic job last Sunday. Thank you Mick and good luck with everything!”

ECW Owner Stephanie McMahon Helmsley then makes her way down to the ring, and Paul Heyman looks a little confused.

Paul Heyman: “Don’t worry I got this…”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “I see Paul here has thanked you for helping ECW’s main event at Uncensored. And I’d like to thank you too. But I have a specific gift in mind. I know it’s been a wild night and we’re cutting it close here on the first extended edition of RISE. So I’m going to lay it out quickly. Mick, how you would like to fight Brock Lesnar for the ECW World Championship at Barely Legal?”

Paul Heyman
: “What?! Are you out of your mind!?”

Joey Styles: “Oh…oh my god!”

Mick Foley: “That’s a very generous offer Stephanie and I appreciate it. But, as you may recall as it was your husband who did this, but I was forced to retire from professional wrestling two years ago when I lost a Hell in a Cell match to Triple H. And as I understand it, that didn’t preclude me from just wrestling in the WWF, it precluded me from wrestling anywhere.”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
“While that’s all true, luckily, as you mentioned, it was my…darling husband…who beat you to end your career. But it’s all the same estate, and as a result I can make that stipulation all null and void!”


Mick Foley
: “I have to admit this is a really temping offer. But I do have another qualm with the whole situation and that is, Brock Lesnar looks like the real deal. At the risk of sounding like a bit of a wimp for the first time in my career I don’t think Mick Foley is ready to go toe-to-toe with someone like Lesnar.”

ECW World Champion Brock Lesnar makes his way to the ring! Paul Heyman tries to send Lesnar to the back, telling him that “he’ll handle this”, but Lesnar grabs a microphone.

Brock Lesnar: “Haha! This is the Hardcore Legend? What a joke Paul!”

Paul Heyman: Brock, please, don’t…”

Brock Lesnar: “Don’t what? I’m supposed to be scared of his homeless-looking sack of shit?”

Mick Foley: “YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!” Listen, I heard you insult me last week on RISE and I got little heated, it was a bit unlike me. But I think I knew why, it’s because I knew, unlike the old days, I wasn’t going to get back in the ring to make things even. I knew those days were done. And just like right now, I’m not the guy to fight you no matter what you say right now. There’s new blood out there. There are tons of guys back there itching for a shot. I thank you again Stephanie for having me and for this opportunity that I can’t accept. But I’ll give you some advice Brock, you might want to listen to Paul on this one.”

Mick Foley turns away and raises his arm toward the crowd…and Lesnar smashes him over the head with his microphone, sending Foley to the outside! Brock goes out after him, and Mick comes at him with rapid fire punches and the crowd goes wild! Foley staggers Lesnar with more punches, but Lesnar buries a knee into Foley’s midsection then sends him flying into the ring steps! Lesnar grabs a steel chair and smashes it directly over Mick Foley’s head! Officials come down to stop Lesnar, but Lesnar shoves them away. Lesnar picks Foley up on his shoulders…and F5s him into the ringpost, then drops him on the stairs! Lesnar literally tosses a referee who was trying to get involved into the crowd! Lesnar takes the chair one more time and again smashes Foley over the head with it! Terry Funk comes down to try to protect his friend, and Brock smashes him over the back with the chair as well! Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley looks in horror as Paul Heyman finally gets Brock Lesnar to stop and head to the back…just as RISE goes off the air!


Quick Results

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Psicosis pinned The Hurricane (Retains)

Jazz pinned Luna Vachon

Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman and Balls Mahoney defeated Disco Inferno, Alex Wright and Brian Christopher

ECW World Tag Team Championship
R-Killa and Mark Henry defeated Rob Van Dam and Sabu when R-Killa pinned RVD to win the title


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
R-Killa and Mark Henry (Defeated Rob Van Dam and Sabu on 3-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates

2 Cold Scorpio
– Former Four-Time ECW World Television Champion

John Kronus
– One-half of the legendary ECW team The Eliminators

– Injured since October 2001, The Alliance MVP has looked to make his presence felt with ECW this time.

Perry Saturn – One-half of the legendary ECW team The Eliminators. Was rumored to be getting released from the WWF, it looks as if Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley has given him another chance

Super Crazy – The Extreme Luchadore returns to ECW on Hardcore TV!

Terry Funk
– Once called the father of ECW, Funk is a former
ECW World Champion


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ECW Hardcore TV
March 30, 2002
Burt Flickinger Center
Buffalo, NY

Joey Styles: “
Welcome to ECW Hardcore TV…we’re kicking things off with the Insane Luchadore, Super Crazy as he takes on one of his arch-rivals, Yoshihiro Tajiri! Oh look, Tajiri brought Regal with him!”

William Regal accompanies Tajiri to the ring, but he looks absolutely disgusted to be there. Regal does everything he can to avoid even being touched by a fan, and makes every hilarious facial expression there is! The Buffalo crowd goes nuts for Super Crazy!

Super Crazy vs. Tajiri (w/William Regal)

Tajiri goes for a quick roundhouse kick that Super Crazy evades. Super Crazy takes Tajiri down with a drop toehold and floats over into a front chancery. Tajiri counters into a hammerlock, but Crazy turns that into a wristlock. Tajiri flips through the wristlock, adds a cartwheel and monkey flips Crazy, but Crazy just lands on his feet. Tajiri quickly comes off the ropes and gets a hurricanrana into a pin, 1…2…Crazy turns it into a pin for himself, 1…2…, Tajiri rolls through and gets a basement dropkick to the face! Cover from Tajiri, 1…2…Crazy kicks out. Tajiri brings Crazy back to his feet only to receive a kick to the midsection from Crazy. Crazy sends Tajiri off the ropes, but Tajiri springboards off and catches Crazy with a back elbow! Tajiri follows up with a flying headscissors, but Crazy actually lands on his feet from the momentum and catches Tajiri with a stiff slap to the chest!

Super Crazy runs at Tajiri, who monkey flips Crazy over the top rope. Tajiri gets a full head of steam and hits a flying plancha over the ringpost onto Crazy! Tajiri gets on the apron and looks for a springboard Asia Moonsault, but Crazy pulls his legs down and Tajiri hits the apron face-first! Crazy slides into the ring and comes off the ropes, then flips over the top, over Tajiri and sunset flip powerbombs Tajiri onto the floor! Crazy sends Tajiri into the crowd and then goes out after him. Tajiri fires some kicks to try to keep Crazy at bay. Crazy holds onto the advantage and sends Tajiri into a wall. Tajiri is on dream street as Crazy climbs about a 10 foot balcony in the stands…and takes Tajiri out with a moonsault!

Joey Styles:
“¡Ay Dios mío!”

Tajiri crawls back to the ringside area and Crazy is in pursuit. Tajiri rolls into the ring and Crazy goes for a springboard moonsault, but Tajiri moves and Crazy hits the canvas. Both men get to their feet and Tajiri nearly decapitates Crazy with a straight kick to the head! Crazy stumbles into the ropes…and Tajiri follows up with the Tarantula! Tajiri uses his body to really put on the pressure before letting up. Crazy surprises Tajiri with a drop toe hold, then locks in an inverted surfboard!. Crazy then rolls Tajiri around the ring in the surfboard, then converts it into a Dragon Sleeper while still having the legs locked in! Tajiri is able to elbow out. Tajiri gets a kick and goes for a brainbuster, but Crazy blocks. Super Crazy lifts Tajiri into a fireman’s carry then violently whips Tajiri into the canvas (the future Wasteland). Crazy poses to the crowd, then leaps on the first turnbuckle and hits Tajiri with a moonsault. Crazy then leaps to the 2nd turnbuckle and hits Tajiri with another moonsault. Super Crazy leaps up to the top rope…but Regal gets on the apron and knocks him right off with a brass knuckles-aided punch to the face!

Regal looks proud of himself
and gets into the ring to put Tajiri on Crazy…but Fit Finlay is here! Finlay spears Regal down and punches away at him! Finlay grabs the brass knuckles from Regal, but Regal ducks all punch attempts! Finlay turns his attention to Tajiri…and gets hit with the Green Mist! Finlay stumbles to the outside as a result. Tajiri takes Crazy and puts him in the tree of woe. Tajiri goes for a dropkick to the face, but Crazy powers up and Tajiri ends up sliding crotch first into the ring post! Crazy kicks Tajiri and plants him with a powerbomb. Super Crazy heads back to the top rope and completes the trifecta of moonsaults! 1…2…3!

Winner: Super Crazy via pinfall in 14:57

Super Crazy
starts to go after Regal but Regal runs away, taking the fallen Tajiri with him. Finlay comes up to Super Crazy and there’s seemingly some respect there.


Joey Styles:
“What a match we just saw for ECW Hardcore TV! This is the extreme hardcore action you’ll be getting for the next 15 days as we get closer and closer to the biggest event in ECW history, Barely Legal II! We already saw some huge developments this past week on RISE. Confirmed for Barely Legal so far, a six-man tag team match. We’ll be seeing the former three-time ECW World Tag Team Champions The Eliminators will team up with WCW World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle to take on the trio of Total Impact: Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and Justin Credible. We also will determine a brand new ECW World Television Champion in a battle royal where all past ECW Television Champions and, due to an agreement between Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and Shane McMahon, past WCW Television Champions as well. So far confirmed for the match, WCW TV Champions Disco Inferno, Alex Wright, William Regal and Fit Finlay, and ECW TV Champions Super Crazy, Tajiri and Scorpio. I’ve also been told that the matches for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship and ECW World Tag Team Championship will be determined this week on RISE! With Mick Foley seemingly out of the picture, who will challenge Brock Lesnar for what I believe is the richest prize in the business, the ECW World Heavyweight Championship? When it comes to the ECW World Tag Team Championships, can Rob Van Dam and Sabu patch things up and get a rematch for the titles, or will R-Killa and Mark Henry, the new champions as of RISE, end up being challenged by someone else? We’ll find out this week!”


The Eliminators vs. Christian York and Joey Matthews

Saturn and Kronus attack York and Matthews right away. Matthews surprises Saturn with a superkick, but when he tries another one Saturn blocks it, then hits him with the moss covered three handled family gradunza! Spin kick by Kronus knocks York to the corner. York stumbles out and Kronus picks him up and slams him right down. Saturn heads to the top rope and drops a beautiful elbowdrop right onto the heart of York! Saturn sets York up and drills him with a brainbuster! Saturn takes a page from Super Crazy earlier and hits York with a springboard moonsault from the second rope! Cover, 1…2…Matthews runs in to break it up. Kronus comes in and levels Matthews with a front kick! Matthews staggers into the corner and Kronus follows up with a cartwheel handspring back elbow! Kronus roundhouse kicks Matthews which sends him flying through the ropes to the outside. Saturn has York set-up in the middle of the ring…Total Elimination! Saturn covers, 1…2…3!

Winners: The Eliminators when Saturn pinned York in 2:57

The Eliminators
stand tall in their successful re-introduction to ECW as Hardcore TV comes to a close.

Quick Results

Super Crazy pinned Tajiri

The Eliminators defeated Christian York and Joey Matthews


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
R-Killa and Mark Henry (Defeated Rob Van Dam and Sabu on 3-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates

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WCW Monday Night Nitro
April 1, 2002
Dunkin’ Donuts Center
Providence, RI

opens with Triple H walking through the backstage area with Eric Bischoff chasing after him.

Eric Bischoff:We don’t even know if she’s here right now!”

Triple H: “I know she is. Shane gave her a nice office to sit in every week and if she’s gonna be here she needs to answer some questions!”

Triple H seems to find the office he’s looking for and barges in…and inside is Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley.

Triple H: “Are you out of your mind? Do you not remember the blood and burnt flesh I had as a result from retiring that maniac Mick Foley two years ago? And now you want to just bring him back for your little ECW show?”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “Hey, you and I made it clear. We keep our business separate. It’s not like you kept me in informed when you hired him!”

Stephanie points to Bischoff

Eric Bischoff:I mean come on now, that’s…"

Triple H: “You stay out of this. You know that’s different Steph!

Interim President “Rowdy” Roddy Piper walks in…

Roddy Piper: “Ah Mr. H! You know I couldn’t help but overhear you have a problem with that madman Mick Foley. But honestly, unless you’re going to do something about it me and Mrs. H over here have some business to talk about! You got a match later anyway, you just might want to focus on what you’ve been complaining about for weeks, and that’s Kurt Angle.”

Triple H: “Just know Piper you won’t be invincible forever.”

Roddy Piper: “Oh…that sounds like a threat to me.”

Triple H: “Yeah, it is. And don’t you forget it! Come on Eric.”


Scott Hudson: “Hello everyone watching at home, what a tense start to Nitro!”

Mike Tenay: “You aren’t kidding Scott! We have a big night ahead of us. The Cruiserweight Championship is on the line, and of course we have that big main event, Triple H and Big Bossman against WCW World Champion Kurt Angle and Test!”

Scott Hudson:
“Kicking off Nitro tonight are four men who are competing in ECW Barely Legal’s ECW Television Championship battle royal! Our former Commissioner William Regal teams up with the man he brought to a worldwide audience Tajiri against Regal’s former friend Fit Finlay and a rival of Tajiri’s and making his WCW debut, Super Crazy!"

Fit Finlay and Super Crazy vs. William Regal and Tajiri

As soon as Finlay sees Regal he chases him around the ring and through the crowd, leaving Crazy and Tajiri in the ring! Crazy and Tajiri start with a test of strength until Tajiri takes a cheap shot with a kick. Tajiri misses a kick to the head and Crazy whips him off the ropes. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Crazy sends Tajiri off the ropes again but Tajiri handsprings off them and takes out Crazy with a back elbow! Tajiri off the ropes a third time and catches Crazy with a flying headscissors! This time Tajiri sends Crazy off the ropes. Tajiri gets him in the air, but Crazy lands on his feet and gets an armdrag! Then Tajiri catches Crazy with an armdrag! Then Crazy gets another armdrag! Then Tajiri gets another one! Then both men kip up to their feet to a standing ovation from the crowd…as Regal is running down the rampway.

Crazy hits the ropes but Regal knees him in the back and tags in. Finlay tries to run into the ring to go after Regal, but the referee holds him back as Regal stomps away on Crazy. Regal locks Crazy in an armbar to completely slow the match to a crawl. Regal transitions into a side headlock. Crazy sends him off the ropes, but Regal runs Crazy right over with a shoulder tackle. Regal locks Crazy in a combination of a half-chickenwing and a dragon sleeper. Crazy fights out and gets back to a vertical base, but Regal catches him with a knee to the midsection to stop the momentum. Regal comes off the ropes but Crazy surprises him with a dropkick! Springboard moonsault knocks down Regal! Crazy dives and tags in Finlay, and Regal immediately runs to tag Tajiri! Tajiri catches Finlay with a kick to the head as Finlay chased Regal.

Tajiri kicks Finlay in the corner, but Finlay blocks one and sends Tajiri flying with a European uppercut! Finlay tosses Tajiri over the top rope so he can jaw at Regal. Crazy runs over and takes Tajiri out with the Springboard Asai Moonsault! Crazy rolls Tajiri back in, but Regal takes out his brass knuckles and punches Crazy in the face! Finlay sets Tajiri up for Rolling Hills, but Regal runs right in and blasts Finlay with the brass knuckles in plain view of the referee! Regal sneers as the crowd before giving a sarcastic wave before leaving with Tajiri!

Winners: Fit Finlay and Super Crazy by DQ in 9:33


We cut back to Roddy Piper and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley discussing something…when WCW United States Champion Christian walks in.

Roddy Piper: “Just who I was looking to see! You see once again you were able to pull one over and you retained the WCW United States Championship…but really I think you missed the point about what I said in regards to respecting the title.”

Christian: “I mean Regal just came down and…”

Roddy Piper: “Yeah yeah yeah listen, I think we need to try again. Now I watch the show every week and I watch the Pay-Per-Views, and I think the guy you won the title from a few months back, I think he’s guy who should get the shot tonight! And just my luck, Stephanie here tells me that he’s in the building tonight. Christian vs. Tazz, I love it!”

Christian: “Come on Roddy…”

Roddy Piper: “Oh man, I hear he’s pissed off too! Good luck out there, should be great!”


Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with WCW World Tag Team Champions Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant, as well as Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler.

Jeremy Borash: Diamond Dallas Page, Giant, congratulations on the victory last week against the Legion of Doom.”

Diamond Dallas Page: “Thanks Borash. As much as we respect the LOD we had to take ‘em down like we’re taking everyone down these days. Me and the Big man right here, we sweat and bleed WCW and these belts here are the world right now. But we haven’t taken our eye off the big gold either. One day soon, whether it’s Angle, HHH or whomever, we’re gonna get our shots too. That being said…well, look who we have here.”

Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo walk into the camera view. We haven’t seen either of these two since last month when they were beaten down by The Dudley Boyz. DDP, O’Haire and Palumbo all shake hands.

Chuck Palumbo: “Good to see you Dallas and congrats on taking down those Dudley Boyz. We want you to know though, don’t look ahead to the WCW World Title, because me and Sean, we’re coming for what you’ve got on your shoulder right now.”

Sean O’Haire: “We respect you guys of course, but when it comes to the belts, we’ll do anything it takes!”

Diamond Dallas Page: “Yeah? Well we look forward to it boys! Good luck tonight.”


WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Psicosis © (w/Papi Chilo) vs. Taka Michinoku (w/Kaz Hayashi and Yang)

Psicosis runs and knees, then pounds away on him. Taka pops up and dropkicks Psicosis. Slap to the chest from Taka. Taka hits a big chop that sends Psicosis to the corner. Taka hits a couple uppercuts to the throat. Taka sends Psicosis across the ring into the opposite corner, but when Taka charges in Psicosis sends him over the rope onto the apron. Hard slap from Psicosis knocks Taka off the apron. Psicosis heads to the top rope, but Kaz and Yang collect Taka and get him out of Psicosis’s range. Psicosis looks a bit frustrated and Papi Chilo argues with Kaz and Yang. This allows Taka to sneak up behind Psicosis and dropkick him through the ropes and to the outside. Psicosis and Chilo start getting into a bit of a schmozz with Kaz and Yang…but Taka takes out all five of them with a flying crossbody off the top rope to the floor! Referee sends Chilo, Kaz and Yang all to the back.

Taka brings Psicosis into he ring and whips him into the corner. Taka hits a running leg lariat and ends up on the apron. Psicosis stumbles out of the corner and Taka connects with a beautiful missile dropkick off the top rope to the back of the head! Cover, 1…2…Psicosis kicks out! Taka whips Psicosis into the corner once again then mounts him. Taka calls for the crowd to join him in counting punches (although he gets little reaction for it), but at six Psicosis powerbombs him out of the corner! Cover, 1…2…Taka kicks out. Psicosis goes for a German suplex, but Taka flips over and lands on his feet. Dropkick from Taka. He then whips Psicosis off the ropes and goes for the backdrop…but Psicosis puts on the breaks and plants Taka with a DDT! Cover again, 1…2…Taka just kicks out!

Psicosis sets Taka up for a brainbuster, but Taka land son his feet behind Psicosis. Taka dropkicks Psicosis and Psicosis smashes the turnbuckles face-first. Taka hooks Psicosis’ head and takes him around with a Tornado DDT! Cover from Taka, 1…2…Psicosis kicks out to Taka’s surprise! Hard chop from Taka. Another one. And a third! He sends Psicosis off the ropes and hits a spinning heel kick. Taka calls for the end. He picks up Piscosis for the Michinoku Driver, but Psicosis rolls through, 1…2…Taka kicks out! Taka catches Psicosis with a dangerously low kick, and the referee lets it fly! Taka again goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Psicosis lands behind Taka this time. Taka turns around and Psicosis returns the favor with a dangerously low kick! Powerbomb plants Taka in the middle of the ring. Psicosis heads to the top rope and hits the Psycho Guillotine Legdrop! 1…2…3!

Winner: Psicosis via pinfall in 11:02 (Retains)

Papi Chilo
comes back down and celebrates with Psicosis when, to their surprise, Stephane McMahon-Helmsley’s music plays!

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: Psicosis congratulations on your victory tonight! I am here to announce that no longer are you the holder of the WCW Cruiserweight Championship, but the World Cruiserweight Championship. The Cruiserweight Championship is now jointly overseen by both WCW and ECW! Psicosis, you will defend the World Cruiserweight Championship at Barely Legal II! Your opponent will reveal himself at Barely Legal, but I will tell you right now he’s not only an ECW alumnus, but a former holder of that very Cruiserweight title!”

While surprised, Psicosis seems confident about what Stephanie just announced!


Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire vs. The Faces of Fear

Meng starts off with a hard kick to O’Haire. He follows up with some big shots, O’Haire fires back with a dropkick. Meng stays on his feet, but O’Haire follows with an elbow to the midsection and a knee to the face before tagging in Palumbo. Meng fires at Palumbo with some big punches, but Palumbo catches a kick and gets a clothesline from it. Cover, 1…2…Meng kicks out and tags in the Barbarian. Barbarian gets a boot to the face that staggers Palumbo. Barbarian props Palumbo on the second rope and gets a belly to belly suplex! 1…2…O’Haire breaks it up, and we have a four man brawl going on. Meng dumps O’Haire, and as a result the Faces of Fear double team Palumbo. Double falling headbutt connects. Barbarian makes another cover, 1…2…Palumbo just kicks out.

Barbarian tags in Meng, but Palumbo surprises him with a super kick! Palumbo tags O’Haire back in and O’Haire gets a sunset flip on Meng, 1…2…kick out from Meng. Bug European uppercut from O’Haire, but Meng shrugs it off and gets a thrust right to the throat! Meng tags Barbarian back in. Meng gets an atomic drop and holds it, and Barbarian takes O’Haire out with a big boot! Cover from Barbarian, but Palumbo breaks it up right away and we have another brawl. Palumbo superkicks Meng out of the ring. Palumbo gets Barbarian with a belly to belly. Cover, 1…2…Barbarian kicks out. O’Haire slides back in and they send Barbarian off the ropes. Palumbo gets a superkick while O’Haire hits a spinning roundhouse kick at the same time! Meng tries to get back in but Palumbo superkicks him off the apron! O’Haire puts Barbarian on his shoulders in the Fireman’s Carry and plants Barbarian with a facebuster! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winners: Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire when O’Haire pinned Barbarian in 7:03


Kevin Kelly
is with the WCW World Champion, Kurt Angle.

Kevin Kelly: Kurt Angle while you have a big challenge just 13 days away at ECW’s Barely Legal event, tonight you will face in tag team action the man you will face for your WCW World Championship at Slamboree in May. Are you worried about looking past Total Impact and will you be ready for both matches?”

Angle looks at Kelly in disbelief, like he just asked the stupidest question of his life.

Kurt Angle: “Are you kidding me Kelly? Am I looking too far ahead? Am I going to be ready? How do you think I won the WCW World Championship? How do you think I became a three-time world champion? How do you think I won my Olympic Gold Medal? I didn’t do it by looking past my opponents and not being ready Kelly. Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Justin Credible, Triple H, I’m ready for any of them at any time! Tonight, I just hope my partner Test is as ready as I am. Now I’ve had my issues with Test, it wasn’t that long ago he kicked me and The Giant off a stage, and I’m sure he still wants my title. But tonight, if he’s as ready as I am, we’re gonna beat The Bossman, and we’re gonna beat Triple H. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true.”

Angle shakes his head at Kelly and walks off.


WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Tazz

Shelton Benjamin
appears on the rampways and taunts Tazz, allowing Christian to attack Tazz from behind. Christian knocks Tazz down and chokes him with his boot as Benjamin walks down to ringside. Christian continues with some cheap tricks, raking the eyes. Christian kicks Tazz in the corner, but Tazz starts to fire back with big rights. Christian fires back then heads off the ropes, but gets caught in a belly-to-belly suplex! Christian gets back to his feet but Tazz levels him with a clothesline! T-Bone Tazplex! Tazz covers Christian, 1…2…Benjamin puts Christian’s foot on the rope which stops the count. Tazz is irate and he goes after Benjamin, but Benjamin escapes through the crowd with lightning speed!

Tazz heads back into the ring, but Christian catches a clothesline and hits a falling reverse DDT. Cover, 1…2…Tazz kicks out. Vertical suplex connects from Christian. Christian sends Tazz off the ropes and gets a knee to the midsection and follows up with a falling headbutt. Another cover, 1…2…Tazz kicks out once again as Benjamin makes his way back to ringside. Christian locks in a rear chin lock, but Tazz looks more affected by Benjamin coming back than by Christian’s headlock. Tazz fights his way out, but Christian catches him with an elbow to the face. Christian winds up his arm and goes for a big clothesline, but Tazz blocks it and turns that into the Kata Ha Jime! Tazz has the Tazzmission locked in…but Benjamin jumps onto the apron and distracts the referee! Christian lowblows Tazz to escape the Tazmission then plants him with the Unprettier! 1…2…3!

Winner: Christian via pinfall in 5:31 (Retains)

runs down the rampway laughing at Tazz the entire time. Tazz, from the ring, stares a hole right through Benjamin.


Big Bossman and Triple H (w/Eric Bischoff) vs. Kurt Angle and Test

Kurt Angle challenges Triple H right away to face him. HHH looks as if he’s about to, but then Bossman takes a swing at Angle! Angle ducks and catches Bossman with a German suplex! Angle pounds away on the Bossman in the corner. Bossman surprises Angle with an uppercut, but Angle knocks him right to the canvas with a hard clothesline in retaliation. Angle tags in Test. Test punches away at the Bossman. Test comes off the ropes and ducks a Bossman clothesline and catches Bossman with a flying shoulder tackle! Cover, 1…2…Bossman kicks out. Test sends Bossman off the ropes and knocks him back down with an elbow to the face. Bossman is staggering as Test boots him in the midsection and drops him with a DDT! Cover, 1…2…Bossman kicks out. Test runs at Bossman but misses the Big Boot and Test turns around right into a spinebuster. Test crawls his way to the bottom rope, but Bossman slides under the ropes and uppercuts him. Bossman tags in HHH.

HHH stomps away at Test. Test tries to fight back with punches then comes off the ropes, but HHH takes him out with the high knee. Kneedrop connects from HHH. Cover, 1…2…Test kicks out as Angle looked like he was going to make a save there. HHH taunts Angle, but Angle doesn’t take the bait. Test again gets some offense in punching away at HHH. He whips HHH off the ropes but the backdrop attempt gets countered by a facebuster to the knee. Big vertical suplex from HHH. HHH punches away at Test, then plays to the crowd as he’s in complete control. HHH locks in the sleeper. Test struggles to keep a vertical base before going down. Referee tries to see if Test has anything left by raising the arm. The arm drops twice, but the third time it stays up as Test looks to fight back! Test elbows his way off the sleeper, but HHH counters an Irish whip attempt. HHH goes for a backdrop, but puts on the breaks and nails HHH with a Gutwrench Powerbomb! Test slowly makes his way to the corner and he makes the tag…only Bossman came into the ring and distracted the referee and the ref didn’t see it! HHH drags Test back into his corner and stomps away at him, then tags in the Bossman.

Bossman sends Test off the ropes and hits his own big boot. Test ends up bouncing off the ropes from the boot and gets hit with the Bossman Slam! Cover, 1…2…but Test kicks out to Bossman’s surprise! Test reverses an Irish whip into the corner and charges in, but Bossman gets his feet up. Bossman runs right at Test to knock him down but Test smacks him with the Big Boot! Test can’t follow up with the pin though as he crawls to Angle! Bossman slowly crawls to HHH…and makes the tag first. Test gets the tag to Angle and here he go! Angle fires away at HHH in the corner, then hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex! HHH gets back to his feet and fires off a wild clothesline which Angle ducks and counters with a German Suplex! Angle holds onto HHH’s waist and gets another German! And a third! Eric Bischoff jumps onto the apron, but Angle knocks him right off. Angle turns right into a kick from HHH…here comes the Pedigree! Angle counters and backdrops HHH over the top rope! Bossman runs in but Angle knocks him right down with a clothesline! Angle goes for the Ankle Lock on the Bossman…but here come Total Impact! Storm, Awesome and Credible all hit the ring and attack Angle, and the referee throws the match out!

Winners: Kurt Angle and Test via DQ through interference in 14:18

Total Impact
beat the hell out of Angle. HHH slams Test into the steps and then comes right in to continue the assault. The Eliminators come down to help even the odds, and they tangle with The Bossman on the outside! Total Impact and HHH still have numbers…but here come DDP and The Giant! Awesome and Giant go at it as DDP takes shots at HHH! HHH and DDP slug away at one another until Bossman drags HHH out of there. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper is heard on the mic, slowing the brawl down. Piper walks down to the ring and the fight breaks apart.

Roddy Piper: “All right stop it stop it right now! Next week. Next week we’re gonna finish this the way it should be finished! You five. HHH, Bossman, Total Impact against you five, Angle, Page, Giant, and the Eliminators!”

Test looks a little annoyed at being left out…everyone seems to be fine with this announcement as Nitro goes off the air!


Quick Results

Fit Finlay and Super Crazy defeated William Regal and Tajiri by DQ

WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Psicosis pinned Taka Michinoku to retain the title

Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo defeated the Faces of Fear

WCW United States Championship
Christian pinned Tazz to retain the title

Kurt Angle and Test defeated Triple H and Big Bossman by DQ when Total Impact interfered


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
R-Killa and Mark Henry (Defeated Rob Van Dam and Sabu on 3-28-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

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April 4, 2002
Pepsi Arena
Albany, NY

kicks off by showing footage of what Brock Lesnar did to Mick Foley last week. Afterwards, we see footage that wasn’t shown last week; Terry Funk helping a bloodied Mick Foley to the back and toward the locker room.

Joey Styles: “Hello everyone I’m Joey Styles! We’re just 10 days away from the biggest event in the history of ECW! Tonight, we will see the four-time ECW World Television Champion 2 Cold Scorpio take on Shelton Benjamin! Also tonight, we will find out who will challenge R-Killa and Mark Henry for the ECW World Tag Team Championship when AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn take on former champions Danny Doring and Roadkill…and wait, what’s going on? Is that, that’s Terry Funk!

Terry Funk comes down to the ring through the crowd.

Terry Funk: Joey it’s been a while.”

Joey Styles: “It’s great to see you Terry.”

Terry Funk: “Oh yeah? Yeah? Well I’m pissed off Joey! I’m just gonna call it like I see it. There’s a lot of horseshit going around here in this new ECW. Some of it is the same horseshit that’s always been, and some of it is new.”

Joey Styles:
“I can understand after what happened to Mick Foley last week…”

Terry Funk: “Understand Joey? You know in this world you don’t make a lot of friends. But Mick Foley, Mick Foley is my friend. And I didn’t come down to save him Joey. I let it happen. And it makes me sick. It was one thing to see that punk Raven attack someone unprovoked but that’s the same Raven. But for some hotshot, some rookie to wear the ECW World Championship and treat the legends of ECW the way Brock Lesnar treated Mick Foley last week, that’s not the ECW I built! So I’m here in Albany, New York, with all the hardcore fans and I’m out for revenge. Raven, in 10 days I’m going to put you in your place and teach you some respect like I did five years ago at the first Barely Legal. And you Lesnar, I’m going to spank your ass tonight and teach you something about ECW. It doesn’t need to be for the belt. It doesn’t need to be for the title. I just want the chance to whip your ass you son of a bitch!”

Paul Heyman runs out to the ring as fast as he can and is completely out of breath as he grabs a mic.

Terry Funk: Paul E, Paul E, you better be out here to give me what I just asked for. If not, then FUNK YOU!”

Paul Heyman: “Terry Funk you’re right this isn’t the ECW you perhaps are used to. That’s evolution. You are a legend and I undoubtedly am indebted to you for a lot of the success of ECW. But that was then and this is now. If you want to get your ass handed to you by the ECW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar then by all means that’s what you’ll get tonight!”


Bill Alfonso is in the locker room with Sabu.

Bill Alfonso:
“This is really what you want? I really thought this time you and Rob were going to have this all figured out. You two should dominate! You should own this whole damn thing!”

Sabu aggressively gets in Bill Alfonso’s face, but Alfonso doesn’t back down.

Bill Alfonso: “I’ve known you for a long time Sabu. Same with Rob. If this is what you and Rob want Stephanie told me the match is set for Barely Legal. Destroy each other. Go ahead. But after that, that’s it between you two. You two beat the hell out of one another all you want. But when it’s over, you two will shake hands and we’ll get back on track with this thing. And if not, you two need to figure this out without me!”

Sabu doesn’t respond at all, but it’s clear by his reaction that he agrees with Alfonso.


#1 Contender’s Match for the ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn vs. Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill

AJ Styles starts off with Doring, but Doring avoids a lock-up and laughs at Styles. Doring tags in Roadkill without even touching Styles. Styles stands face to face with Roadkill before ducking a punch attempt. AJ kicks Roadkill multiple times and catches him with an enzugiri! Styles comes off the ropes but Roadkill gets a thumb to the eye. Roadkill then sends Styles off the ropes. Roadkill goes for a flapjack, but Styles counters and ends up in the wheelbarrow position, but hooks Roadkill’s head and gets a spinning DDT! Roadkill rolls to the apron and Styles hooks his head to position Roadkill between the ropes. Styles tags in Jerry Lynn and Lynn drops a legdrop on Roadkill between the ropes! Lynn stomps away on Roadkill, but Doring comes in and smashes Lynn in the back.

Roadkill gets his bearings and kicks away at Lynn, before putting him on his shoulders and nailing the Barnburner! Cover, 1…2…Styles comes flying in to break up the count. Styles catches an incoming Doring with the Pelé. Doring rolls to the outside. Styles gains some momentum and takes Doring out with the Fosbury Flop! Roadkill pounds away on Lynn in the corner, then sends him across the ring into the opposite corner and hits an avalanche splash! Roadkill hits a sidewalk slam and covers, 1…2…Lynn kicks out. Roadkill goes out to the apron then climbs the actual ropes (in the middle, not the turnbuckle)…but misses a legdrop from the top! Lynn comes off the ropes and Roadkill tries to get him airborne, but Lynn lands behind on his feet and takes Roadkill out with a reverse DDT. Cover, 1…2…Roadkill just kicks out.

Doring gets the better of Styles on the outside by slamming him into he ringpost. Roadkill regains the advantage in the ring with a rake to the face and a spinebuster. Doring comes in and sets Lynn up for a piledriver as Roadkill climbs the turnbuckles to spike it, but Styles knocks Roadkill down to the canvas. Styles hits a springboard flying forearm! Now Lynn sets Doring up for the Cradle Piledriver…but the champs R-Killa and Mark Henry hit the ring with chairs! R-Killa nails Lynn and Henry smashes Styles hard over the back! The match gets thrown out and doesn’t reach a conclusion…

Winners: No Contest Through Interference

Mark Henry
hits the World’s Strongest Slam on Styles, Lynn and Doring. Roadkill puts up a fight, but R-Killa nails him in the back with the chair. Henry comes off the ropes and squashes Roadkill with the World’s Strongest Splash! R-Killa seems pleased…but he doesn’t see Jamie Noble and Kid Kash, the team that Henry and R-Killa wiped out before SuperBrawl in February, run down with chairs of their own! They take a swing at R-Killa who does get out of ring in time. Henry tries to fight, but Kash hits him in the stomach with a chair while Noble hits him in the back! While Henry is only staggered, R-Killa yells at him to get out of the ring! Kash and Noble have made their return and have staked a claim to the ECW World Tag Team Championship! Styles and Lynn confront Noble and Kash afterwards as Doring collects Roadkill.


The Dudley Clan: Bubba Ray, D-Von, Spike and B.A.D. are once again somewhere in the desolate woods…

Bubba Ray Dudley: Mahoney! Dreamer! Sandman! Once again you all clearly need reminding about why the Dudleyz are the best god damn wrestling family in the history of the industry. Let’s make this clear. We’re all sick of you. I’m fucking sick of you. You three have been thorns on our asses for years and it needs to come to an end and I promise you at Barely Legal it will! The Dudleyville wrecking crew is making their way to Barely Legal. We’ve got tons of lumber and wood with your names on it! Bring whoever you’ve got. At Barely Legal your graves will be the broken pieces of wood left splintering your asses!”

B.A.D. comes into view with four tables, three which have Sandman, Dreamer and Mahoney’s names on it.

D-Von Dudley: “Oh my brother….TESTIFY!”


Super Crazy vs. Taka Michinoku (w/Kaz Hayashi and Yang)

Taka grabs a side headlock on Crazy. Crazy sends Taka off the ropes but Taka knocks him down. Taka hits an uppercut and backs Crazy into the corner. Taka sends Crazy into the opposite corner, but Crazy backdrops him to the apron. Crazy knocks Taka off the apron with a hard forearm. Crazy comes off the ropes and comes back with a cartwheel into a moonsault over the top rope…but Taka moves and Crazy takes out Yang and Hayashi instead! Taka slides back into the ring and comes off the ropes…and he comes flying off the top rope with a springboard plancha…but Crazy moves leading to Hayashi and Yang being taken out again! Crazy gets onto the apron and hits a springboard Asia moonsault onto all three of them!

Crazy drags Taka back into the ring and lays him by the corner. He hits a moonsault off the bottom rope. Crazy jumps up to the 2nd rope and hits another moonsault. Crazy jumps to the top rope and hits a third moonsault. Cover, 1…2…Taka just kicks out! Crazy props Taka into the corner and mounts him, punching away. The crowd follows counting in Spanish…only for Taka to powerbomb Crazy right out of the corner! Taka slaps Crazy into the corner. Tornado DDT is countered as Crazy shoves Taka off in mid air. Crazy heads to the apron, then hits a double springboard moonsault! Cover, 1…2…Taka just kicks out. Crazy sets Taka up and drops him straight down with a brainbuster! Crazy goes for another double springboard moonsault, but Taka just gets his knees up. Taka calls for the Michinoku Driver in what could be an upset. Crazy lands behind Taka though and boots him in the midsection. Crazy traps Taka’s arms and spikes him with a Tiger Powerbomb! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Super Crazy via pinfall in 6:59

appears in the entranceway as Super Crazy celebrates his victory. Crazy makes it clear he’s winning the TV Title Battle Royal at Barely Legal II.


Shelton Benjamin:
“Yo Tazz. You doin’ all this talkin’ like ECW is your house or something. Maybe it was, but it ain’t anymore. I think we saw that when Brock kicked your ass at Uncensored. You wanna make challenges like a big deal? You want to face the single fastest rising athlete in ECW today? Well you got it. It’s time for you to understand that this ain’t the old ECW. This is the evolution of ECW. I’m the evolution of ECW. And in case this isn’t clear you watch me take out one of these other “ECW legends”, Scorpio, tonight. You might have been a big bad dog at one time. But at Barely Legal II I’m gonna feed you a T-Bone!”


Bill Alfonso is in the locker room with Rob Van Dam.

Bill Alfonso: “I’m going to tell you what I told Sabu. You two, do whatever you want to each other at Barely Legal. But after that that, you two will shake hands or that’s it! I’m tired of this.”

Rob Van Dam: “Hey, that’s cool with me Fonzie. Quite frankly, Sabu can’t beat me and I’m going to prove it one more time. I beat him in ’96. I beat him in ’98. I beat him in 2000. And I’m gonna beat him in two weeks. Barely Legal, RVD vs. Sabu, one more time. That’s cool. And when I win make sure he understands his place in line.”

Bill Alfonso: “I’ve gotta go out to the ring now with Sabu. We’ll talk more about this next week.”


Chris Chetti vs. Sabu (w/Bill Alfonso)

Sabu dives for the leg but Chetti is able to avoid him…but not the second time. Single leg takedown is followed by an elbow drop from Sabu. Sabu locks in a side headlock, but Chetti counters and mat wrestles Sabu into a single leg bar. Sabu kicks his way out, then backdrops Chetti to the outside. Sabu whips Chetti into the steel railing and while Chetti tries to recover Sabu sets up a table on the outside. Sabu drags Chetti up to the apron and slaps him across the face. Chetti fires back with right hands and quickly climbs to the top rope. Sabu catches him with a stiff slap to the chest, then hits a top rope hurricanrana! Sabu hits a baseball slide that knocks Chetti under the bottom rope and onto the floor. Chetti tries to get back to his feet, but Sabu is right on him and takes him out with an over the top rope pescado!

Sabu sets up a chair in the ring. Sabu goes for a springboard, but Chetti is surprisingly right there with him and hits a punch, causing Sabu to crotch himself. Chetti suplexes Sabu right on his head back into the ring! Chetti heads to the apron and takes down Sabu with a springboard clothesline! Cover, 1…2…Chetti almost pulled off a massive upset there! Chetti heads to the apron again. He goes for another springboard, but Sabu catches him with a dropkick and Chetti lands back on the apron. Sabu violently fires the chair right in Chetti’s face! Chetti stumbles back and with assistance from Alfonso, ends up lying on the table. Sabu sets the chair up in the ring, jumps onto it, then leaps onto the top rope and drives Chetti through the table! Alfonso rolls Chetti into the ring. Sabu sets the chair up again and lands the Triple Jump Moonsault! 1…2…3!

Winner: Sabu via pinfall in 6:12

Rob Van Dam
makes his way into the ring and Bill Alfonso immediately holds him back from getting physical with Sabu. Alfonso then realizes it’s Sabu he has to hold back. RVD just does his trademark taunt before leaves.


Total Impact
is backstage and it’s clear that Lance Storm is discussing strategy for the 10 Man Tag that will take place on Nitro. Justin Credible gets distracted when a friend of his, Jason Knight, walks in. Knight surprises even Lance Storm, Dawn Marie and Mike Awesome when he says he’s going to bring home the ECW World Television Championship to Total Impact at Barely Legal. Jason leaves, and Awesome asks who that was. Credible tells him not to worry about it.


2 Cold Scorpio vs. Shelton Benjamin (w/CW Anderson)

Scorpio shows off his dance moves before Benjamin gets in his face and shoves him. Scorpio hits Benjamin back with a hard shot to the face, knocking him down. Scorpio follows up with an arm ringer, but Benjamin flips his way to escape. Benjamin gets a hammerlock but Scorpio flips over his head and pushes Benjamin towards the ropes. Benjamin holds onto them sending Scorpio backwards, but he backflips and lands on his feet! Leapfrog from Scorpio and then he takes out Benjamin with a dropkick. Superkick sends Benjamin to the outside and Scorpio is right on him. Scorpio sends Benjamin into the railing twice before kicking Benjamin in the face! Scorpio sends Benjamin back into the ring and heads to the top rope, but Anderson grabs his leg and sends him hard face-first into the apron! Benjamin gets back to his feet, then takes out Scorpio with a somersault plancha over the top rope!

Benjamin rolls Scorpio back into the ring. Benjamin heads to the top as Scorpio staggers to his feet, and Benjamin gets a flying sunset flip! 1…2…Scorpio kicks out. Benjamin grabs an armbar, then springboards off the ropes and armdrags Scorpio across the ring! Benjamin goes for a kick for Scorpio counters, only to get hit right in the face with a Yakuza Kick! Cover again, 1…2…another kickout from Scorpio. Benjamin hits a quick snap suplex, then decides to mock Scorpio with his own set of dance moves. Spinning heel kick connects from Benjamin, and another cover! 1…2…some frustration from Benjamin as Scorpio kicks out once again. Scorpio reverses an Irish Whip into the corner, but Benjamin leaps up to the top rope and comes flying back with a twisting flying forearm that hits the mark. Northern Lights Suplex! 1…2…Scorpio just gets the shoulder up and now Benjamin is enraged. Benjamin heads to the top rope, but misses a splash as Scorpio just moves out of the way!

Scorpio gets a kick, but his Irish whip is countered. Benjamin goes for the backdrop, but Scorpio puts on the brakes and hits a beautiful release powerbomb! Cover, 1…2…Benjamin just kicks out to Scorpio’s surprise! Somersault legdrop from Scorpio. Scorpio heads to the apron, and foes a full body front flip (almost like a falling 450) over the ropes right on Benjamin’s prone body! Scorpio says that’s it and calls for the 450 from the top! He heads up there, but Anderson tries to knock him off. Scorpio punches away at Anderson and sends Anderson flying off the apron, but Benjamin is back on his feet and quickly catches Scorpio on the top rope. Top rope belly-to-belly suplex from Benjamin! Benjamin plays to the crowd a bit before setting Scorpio up for the T-Bone Suplex…


But Tazz’s music plays and here he comes! This allows Scorpio to roll-up Benjamin, 1…2…3!

Winner: 2 Cold Scorpio via pinfall in 11:39

jumps into the ring, but gets cut off by Anderson as Benjamin gets out of the way and escapes through the crowd. Anderson pounds away on Tazz, but Tazz quickly dumps him with a T-Bone Tazz-plex…then locks in the Kata-Ha-Jime, The Tazmission! Officials run into to try to break up the hold as we cut to a commercial break.


We come back to RISE as we see that Tazz had to be arrested as he began to attack the officials who tried to pry him off CW Anderson. In the parking lot when loaded into the police car, Shelton Benjamin told him he was going to “kick his ass” at Barely Legal and even got a punch in, enraging Tazz!


Terry Funk
makes his way back out to the ring. He challenged Brock Lesnar earlier tonight to a fight while also challenging Raven for Barely Legal.

Terry Funk: “I’ve been looking through the back all night and I haven’t seen that piece of shit Lesnar all night! Joey, do you know where he is? Where’s Paulie? I’ve been back two weeks and I’m already sick of this. I’ve had enough. If he’s a champion let’s see him act like one!”

“Enforcer” plays and Brock Lesnar is here! Paul Heyman isn’t quite holding him back, but seems concerned as Lesnar doesn’t seem to be taking this seriously.

Terry Funk: “Is something funny to you Lesnar? Am I some kind of clown to you? You beat the hell out of my friend and you think this is funny?! I oughta slap that shit eating grin right off your face!”

At that moment Raven and his Warriors attack Funk from behind! Stasiak, Moore and Malice all beat the hell out of Funk as Raven gets a few shots in himself. Lesnar continues to laugh at what’s going on. Funk tries to mount a comeback, but gets hit with a lowblow from Raven and gets spiked with the Evenflow DDT! Raven looks at Lesnar, but Lesnar just puts his hand out as to say “he’s all yours”.

Raven: “Terry Funk your predicament you find yourself in, this is your own doing. This is the result if your selfishness! You beat me once five years ago, you won’t succeed in doing the same in ten days!”

The Warriors continue to attack before a mini-explosion gets set off at the entrance way. Fans are unsure of what to make of it, thinking it was just a production error…but then erupt when Mick Foley appears! Mick is wearing a blue flannel shirt…but rips it off to reveal the WANTED DEAD CACTUS JACK logo! Heyman’s confidence in the situation is gone as he begs Brock to leave the area. Foley…ahem, Cactus Jack, makes his way to the ring but Lesnar, Raven and the Warriors wait for him. Jack stops by the steel steps and pulls out a 2x4 with barbed wire! Cactus Jack rolls into the ring and Raven jumps out immediately, and Lesnar gets the hint as well, finally showing fear! Stasiak, Moore and Malice all try to attack, but Moore and Stasiak duck out as soon as Jack swings the 2x4! A second swing nails Malice right over the head, cutting him wide open! Jack sends Malice to the outside and grabs a steel chair, arming Funk with the 2x4 in case anyone comes back in. Cactus Jack takes the chair and
runs off the apron, hitting Malice with a flying chair elbow drop!

Cactus Jack:
Brock Lesnar, at Barely Legal, you may be able to make me bleed. But unlucky for you I still have a lot of blood to give! In 10 days, I’m going to tear you apart in Philadelphia! I will take what you hold dearest, your ECW World Heavyweight Championship. And it will be mine, mine…all mine...BANG! BANG!


Quick Results

#1 Contender’s Match for the ECW World Tag Team Championship

Danny Doring and Roadkill vs. Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles ended in a draw due to interference

Super Crazy pinned Taka MIchinoku

Sabu pinned Chris Chetti

2 Cold Scorpio pinned Shelton Benjamin


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Dudley Boyz on 3-11-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
R-Killa and Mark Henry (Defeated Rob Van Dam and Sabu on 3-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates

Jason Knight –
Former ECW Television Champion has previous ties to Justin Credible