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WCW Monday Night Nitro
March 4, 2002
United Center
Chicago, IL
Scott Hudson: “Hello everyone and welcome to Nitro! We have a very exciting show tonight featuring an interesting main event. WCW World Champion Kurt Angle teams with Booker T against R-Killa and Mark Henry! The issues between Booker and R-Killa came to a head on ECW RISE last week. Will Booker T add to his revenge tally? Can R-Killa or Mark Henry score an upset victory over Angle and stake a claim for the WCW World Championship?
Mike Tenay: “Definitely an interesting opportunity for Mark Henry and R-Killa for sure. Both of these guys have had potential written all over them for years now. Also tonight, World Women’s Champion Molly Marvel makes her first televised title defense against Ivory. It should be one heck of a show Scott!
AJ Styles (w/Jerry Lynn) vs. Papi Chilo (w/Psicosis)
Styles gets a side headlock to kick things off, but Chilo counters into a wristlock. AJ rolls through to get the wristlock himself, but Chilo kips up to counter and armdrag Styles. Styles runs at Chilo but Chilo ducks the clothesline. Styles leapfrogs Chilo once, but the second time Chilo puts on the brakes and gets a Styles-assisted atomic drop. Chilo seems proud of himself and comes off the ropes…but it looks like he took a little too much time and Styles gets him with a perfect looking dropkick! Cover, 1…2…Chilo kicks out…and it looked like Psicosis was going to run in right there. Scoop slam from Styles, followed by a flying kneedrop. Another cover, 1…2…Chilo kicks out again. Styles lands some punches, then sets Chilo up…hanging vertical suplex! Styles holds him up there a good seven or eight seconds and hits the move! Cover again, 1…2…Chilo kicks out.
Chilo counters an Irish whip and sends Styles into the ropes, but Styles comes back with a springboard backflip as he tries to get the reverse DDT. Chilo blocks with some punches to the ribs and tosses Styles to the outside. Chilo distracts the referee as Psicosis comes over to hit AJ with the Cruiserweight title, but Jerry Lynn comes around daring Psicosis to actually do it. Lynn forces Psicosis back...and Chilo flies over the top with a tope con hilo, taking out Styles! Lynn sees what happened to Styles, allowing Psicsosis to hit Lynn in the back with the title belt! Styles struggles back to his feet as Chilo comes off the ropes again, baseball slides into Styles and hits a headscissors that sends Styles crashing onto the floor again! Referee argues with Papi Chilo to get back into the ring…and Psicosis hits Styles with the Cruiserweight title belt!
Referee begins his 10 count and AJ begins to show life at the count of six. He JUST gets back into the ring and Chilo can’t believe it. Chilo sends Styles off the ropes. Styles ducks the clothesline…then they each take one another out with a crossbody block. Both men are slow to their feet. Styles sends Chilo off the ropes and hits a back bodydrop only for Chilo to land on his feet! Styles is unfazed though as he takes Chilo out with a roundhouse kick! Cover, 1…2…Psicosis puts Chilo’s foot on the bottom rope, causing a break. Jerry Lynn nails Psicosis, a receipt from earlier! Chilo pokes Styles in the eye to slow him down. He comes off the ropes and goes for the hurricanrana, but Styles blocks and hooks Chilo’s arms behind his legs! Styles Clash! 1…2…3!
Winner: AJ Styles via pinfall in 9:49
WCW World Champion Kurt Angle enters Shane McMahon’s office.
Kurt Angle: “Hey Shane you wanted to see me?”
Shane McMahon: “Yeah, Kurt, come in. Honestly Kurt, I’m here to reward you.”
Kurt Angle: “Reward me? For what?”
Shane McMahon: “Well you’ve been a fighting champion. You beat The Giant. You beat Stone Cold and Triple H at the same time. And last week your team came out on top. I think for a while the contenders for the title need to establish themselves and since ECW is main eventing Uncensored, Kurt, I’d like to give you Uncensored off.”
Kurt Angle: “You know I appreciate that Shane, I do. But to be honest, I don’t love the idea. You said I’m a fighting champion, right?”
Shane McMahon: “Right”
Kurt Angle: “So I want to fight at Uncensored. I want to defend the title.”
Shane McMahon: “Ok…ok. Let me think for a second. How about this? You chose the challenger.”
Kurt Angle: “Me?”
Shane McMahon: “Yeah. Anyone you want. Kurt Angle against a challenger of his choice at Uncensored. Let me know.”
Kurt Angle: “That sounds fantastic.”
Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon shake hands as we cut to commercial.
World Women’s Championship
Molly Marvel © vs. Ivory
Ivory runs at Molly, but Molly hits a drop toe hold. Ivory runs at Molly again in frustration and Molly is able to hook a full nelson off a clothesline attempt. Ivory counters into a snapmare and gets a cover, 1…2…Molly kicks out. Ivory misses a dropkick and Molly drops an elbow. Cover, 1…2…Ivory kicks out. Molly misses a dropkick this time and Ivory hooks her legs. Ivory catapults Molly over the top rope onto the floor. Ivory comes off the apron with a somersault dive, hitting Molly! She slides Molly back and goes for a cover…feet on the ropes…1…2…Ivory kicks out once again. Ivory sets up for a DDT but Molly counters with a Northern Lights Suplex! 1…2…Ivory kicks out.
Molly chops Ivory over and over in the corner, then sends her across the ring to the turnbuckles. Molly follows up with a cartwheel backflip back elbow Ivory stumbles out and Molly hits a snap suplex. Molly heads up top…but Ivory pushes the referee into the ropes and Molly falls hard on the top turnbuckle! Ivory grabs Molly by the hair and tosses her off the top rope. Ivory puts Molly on her shoulders and plants her with an Ivory Driver! 1…2…Molly just kicks out! Ivory comes off the ropes and goes for Poison Ivory, but Molly blocks by keeping her vertical base. Molly flips Ivory around and hits a backbreaker before heading to the top rope once more. Molly-Go-Round connects! 1…2…3!
Winner: Molly Marvel via pinfall in 4:38 (Retains)
As the referee raises Molly’s hand Jazz comes from behind and levels her! Jazz punches Molly over and over again before officials run in to break things up! With officials focused on Jaz, Ivory hits Molly with Poison Ivory for good measure!
Torrie Wilson comes out to the ring.
Torrie Wilson: “I’m out here because I want to tell everyone that Stacy Keibler is my friend and she’s been my friend for as long as I’ve been in WCW. I know she feels that being with the Dudley Boyz is good for her career but I’m here to tell her that I’m worried about her. I think she’s going to get hurt and I can’t stand for it. I’m worried. Dallas told me there’s nothing I can do but I had to do something. So I’m here. And I’m pleading. Stacy, leave the Dudley Boyz. They’re using you! They’re no good for you…”
Stacy Keibler quickly comes down to the ring.
Stacy Keibler: “Torrie no...what are you doing?”
Torrie Wilson: “I’m here for you Stacy! I know you don’t want to be with those Dudleyz anymore!”
Stacy Keibler: “I…it’s not that I…I just don’t have a choice. Torrie get out of here or you’re going to be the one who gets hurt! I don’t want that to happen to you!”
But it may be too late as The Dudley Boyz slowly make their way to the ring! Torrie begins to cry as Stacy tells her that she’s sorry. Bubba grabs Torrie’s hair and tells Stacy to get a table. Stacy obliges, but then Bubba tosses Torrie to the side and grabs Stacy!
Bubba Ray Dudley: “You’re a backstabbing bitch you know that!”
Stacy shrieks with fear as Bubba sets her up for a powerbomb…but Diamond Dallas Page runs down with a chair and causes the Dudley Boyz to retreat, saving Stacy. DDP challenges both Dudleyz to get back into the ring when Spike Dudley attacks him from behind! DDP smacks Spike with the chair, but this allows Bubba Ray and D-Von to get back in and attack DDP! Both Stacy and Torrie run as the Dudley Boyz drive DDP through the table with 3D!
Bubba Ray Dudley: “Page, next week, you find a partner and the Dudley Boyz will kick your ass again for getting involved in our business. And when we’re done, Torrie, Stacy, you’re both going through tables!”
DDP gets assistance from officials as Nitro cuts to a commercial.
We come back to Nitro with DDP being helped to the back with Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler. Stacy thanks them both when William Regal appears.
Willam Regal: “I come from the office of Shane McMahon…”
Torrie Wilson: “We don’t want you here! Get out of here.”
Willam Regal: “Quite the contrary. I know we’ve had our differences in the past but let me assure you I bring you welcome news.”
Diamond Dallas Page: “You better get to it, I still have some left to take you out right now if I have to!”
Willam Regal: “Well you’ve been challenged by The Dudley Boyz and I assume you’re accepting that challenge.”
Diamond Dallas Page: “Yeah, no kidding.”
Willam Regal: “Well I wish you luck on finding a partner. The match next week between you and the Dudley Boyz will be for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Farewell.”
Regal leaves…
Diamond Dallas Page: “How bout that…”
Juventud Guerrera vs. Taka Michinoku (w/Kaz Hayashi and Yang)
They lock-up and Taka gets a quick hammerlock, only for Juvi to counter it. Taka rolls through to re-counter, but Juvi rolls then kips up and flips Taka to the canvas. Juvi comes off the ropes and leaps over Taka. Juvi comes back and Taka leapfrogs him. Taka tries a tilt-a-whirl, but Juvi lands on his feet and goes for a tilt-a-whirl himself, only for Taka to land on his feet. Juvi comes off the ropes again and Taka gets an armdrag into the armbar. Juvi powers back to a vertical base and sends Taka off the ropes again. Juvi hits a single leg dropkick! Juvi off the ropes again and he hits a flying head scissors! Spinning heel kick by Juvi! Cover, 1…2…Taka kicks out.
Juvi comes off the ropes, but this time gets tripped by Kaz Hayashi and pulled to the outside. Kaz and Yang batter Juvi on the floor while Taka runs the ropes. Springboard plancha…but Juvi moves and Taka takes out his two stablemates! Juvi heads back into the ring, only to leap off the top rope himself with his own springboard plancha onto all of Michinoku Pro! Juvi basks in the cheers of the crowd as he takes Taka to the apron. He tries to suplex Taka back in, but Taka lands on his feet and dropkicks Juvi. Taka sends Juvi into the corner, and when Juvi stumbles out Taka leaps to the top turnbuckle and nails Juvi with a missile dropkick to the back of the head! Cover, 1…2…Juvi just kicks out! Taka calls for the Michinoku Driver, but Juvi slides behind him mid-move. Juvi then nails his own version of the move, the Juvi Driver! Juvi then heads to the top rope, 450 Splash! 1…2…3!
Winner: Juventud Guerrera via pinfall in 6:44
We cut to the back as Triple H barges into Shane McMahon’s office.
Shane McMahon: “Hey, hey, hey…”
Triple H: “Are you kidding me? You gave Angle the chance to choose his own challenger? What the hell? What is it you said? ‘the contenders for the title need to establish themselves?’ What the hell does that mean? Was crippling Stone Cold Steve Austin not good enough?”
Shane McMahon: “I gave you the chance last week and your team didn’t win!”
Triple H: “That’s a load of crap and you know it Shane. Why am I even here? This is what I left the WWF for? Being treated like a second fiddle here? Well I’m out of here. Next week, I won’t be here Shane. You figure it out. I’ll send my lawyer.”
Shane McMahon: “Your lawyer?”
Triple H: “Yeah, and either he’ll get me what I have coming to me or he’ll get me out of this WCW contract!”
Triple H flips over a desk in the office before storming out.
We come back to Nitro and see Triple H entering his limo. Kevin Kelly tries to get a word, but HHH slugs him before he can say anything! The limo drives off!
Finlay vs. Meng
A rematch from Worldwide. Meng and Finlay punch away at one another, and Meng gets a knee to the midsection. Meng kicks Finlay in the corner, but Finlay fires back with forearms. Finlay chops Meng and Meng chops him right back! Another chop from Finlay, another from Meng. Finlay tries a headbutt, but that hurts him more than it does Meng. Big elbow from Meng knocks Finlay down. Meng stomps away at Finlay. Finlay catches Meng’s foot and trips him down and locks in a leg grapevine. Meng elbows his way out of it and slaps Finlay hard on the chest. He sends Finlay into the corner but runs right into Finlay’s boot! Finlay hits some stiff punches to the throat, but Meng fires back with a haymaker that sends Finlay to the outside.
Meng heads to the outside and Finlay fires away at him with hard forearms. He sends Meng into the ringpost before sliding back into the ring to avoid being counted out like last Saturday. Finlay stomps away at Meng as Meng re-enters the ring. He goes for a modified camel clutch, but Meng uses the ropes to get back to his feet with Finlay on his back! Finlay rakes Meng’s eyes to escape. Finlay again mistakenly headbutts Meng and Meng gets a thrust punch to the throat. Backbreaker from Meng. Meng covers Finlay, 1…2…Finlay kicks out. Meng sends Finlay into the corner but misses the splash when Finlay moves out of the way. Finlay hits Meng with a clothesline but Meng roars and it has no effect. Finlay comes off the ropes and ducks a clothesline, and this time his clothesline on the return knocks Meng down! Cover, 1…2…Meng kicks out. Finlay takes off the turnbuckle pad in the corner, but turns right into the Tongan Death Grip! Finlay uses his momentum to send Meng into the exposed steel where the turnbuckle was, then rolls Meng up, 1…2…3! Finlay quickly runs away before Meng realizes what’s happened to him.
Winner: Finlay via pinfall in 7:41
WCW United States Champion Christian makes his way to the ring. Finlay bumps into him walking to the back after his victory. Finlay looks ready to fight, but Christian immediately backs off and heads toward the ring.
Christian: “I know you’re all excited to see a championship caliber wrestler here in Chicago. I know it’s been a while since Michael Jordan left. Ever since then I don’t even think the Bulls have won a single game, much less is even close to talking about a championship. But at least tonight I can stand in front of you and brag about being your United States Champion. And the difference between guys on the teams like the Bulls or, the Cubs, there’s 90 years of losing right there, is that those guys can’t even win with teammates. But I can win by myself no problem. That’s what I did at SuperBrawl. And that’s what I’ve done since branching out on my own last year.”
Suddenly the lights go out…and we get The Brood music! Gangrel makes his way out to the ring.
Christian: “Talk about someone who isn’t a winner…”
Gangrel jumps at Christian, who quickly backs away into the corner.
Gangrel: “Maybe you forgot. Maybe you forgot who brought you to the dance in the first place! You abandoned me years ago to go be a cool kid or whatever. But you’ve forgotten your roots! You’ve forgotten what it feels like to be lost. When you were lost, I FOUND YOU. I’ve had to crawl, scratch and BITE to make it back here. But I’ve made it. And now it’s time for me to commit one of the deadly sins…I’m angry Christian. And thus revenge must be taken!”
Christian: “Look I dropped out of goth class years ago. I never needed you. You were nothing more than a curiosity. But since you’re here, and to prove a point. I’ll give you a chance at the WCW United States Championship. Next week. I’m a fighting champion. And then you can go back to under whatever bridge you’ve been hiding under the last few years!”
Gangrel laughs as he leaves, we have a title match next week!
We come back to Nitro as Finlay is in William Regal’s office.
William Regal: “Yes my friend, how can…”
Finlay: “Save it. Look, I came in to help you out with Diamond Dallas Page and all. That’s all over now.”
William Regal: “We didn’t win…”
Finlay: “Yeah well I was here and I fought on your side. And I want something for it. A title shot.”
William Regal: “Certainly you understand that Shane McMahon has given Kurt Angle the opportunity to select his own next challenger. You can take it up with him.”
Finlay: “Nah, not Angle. That punk Christian.”
William Regal: “I can see what I can do about that. I’ll have to discuss it with Shane.”
Finlay: “The way I see it, you owe me. I have your back, but I need to see something out of this too.”
William Regal: “I understand.”
Disco Inferno, Alex Wright and Brian Christopher are in the ring, and Disco has a microphone.
Disco Inferno: “I know we’re supposed to do this handicap match deal against The Giant, but before that we’d like to issue an apology. You see, a couple weeks ago Test asked us to set you up and we know it was the wrong thing to do.”
Brian Christopher: “Yeah man, if you can find it in your big stinky fat heart to forgive us…”
Disco and Alex Wright stop Christopher mid-sentence to ask him what he’s doing…but it’s all too late anyway as The Giant is on his way down to the ring.
The Giant vs. Alex Wright, Brian Christopher, and Disco Inferno
Disco and Wright jump to the outside, but Christopher decides to be brave. The Giant stands right behind him though. Christopher stands up to him comedically and hits a chop to no effect. Massive headbutt sends Christopher flying. Disco and Wright sneak in and try to chop block The Giant, but there’s no effect there either. He grabs Disco and Wright…Double Chokeslam! Giant grabs Christopher…Chokeslam! Giant stacks all three on top of one another and pins, 1…2…3.
Winner: The Giant when he pinned all three opponents in 1:03
The Giant heads to the back…only to return. Giant chokeslams Disco, Wright and Christopher each one more time to the delight of the crowd before heading to the back for good.
Backstage, we’re with AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn.
Jerry Lynn: “Great win tonight kid.”
AJ Styles: “Thanks Jerry. I’ve got your back when you go for the belt against Psicosis.”
Jerry Lynn: “Nah kid, I’ve had my run with the belt. I think you should go for it now. And honestly, I want to get my ECW World Championship back. So I’ve got your back.”
Lynn slaps Styles on the shoulder, and Styles looks pretty proud of himself as they both head out of the locker room.
Kurt Angle and Booker T vs. R-Killa and Mark Henry
Booker runs down to the ring into a 2-on-1 situation. R-Killa and Henry beat the hell out of him until Kurt Angle runs down! Angle slugs away at Henry. Angle knocks R-Killa down with a hard shot. Henry nails Angle, but when he goes for an Irish whip Angle counters and belly-to-belly suplexes the 400 pounder! R-Killa and Henry regroup as Angle and Booker discuss strategy. Henry comes back into the ring and he wants Angle. Henry misses a clothesline and Angle fires away over and over at Henry! Henry manages a body tackle to knock Angle down. He comes off the ropes, but misses a legdrop! Angle comes off the ropes and hits Henry with a flying clothesline! Angle tags in Booker. Booker chops away at Henry, then catches him with a Harlem sidekick! Henry is able to fall towards his cover, but Booker is okay with that, he wants R-Killa!
R-Killa reluctantly makes the tag. Booker comes right at him but he retreats into the ropes, causing the referee to hold Booker back. R-Killa tries a cheap shot by running at Booker, but Booker takes him out with a hard punch. Booker hits another shot that knocks down R-Killa. Booker comes off the ropes but Henry hits him in the back. Booker punches Henry, but turns around into a twisting flying forearm by R-Killa! R-Killa punches away at Booker before locking him in a headlock. R-Killa lets up but continues to stomp away at Booker before tagging Henry back in. Henry puts all his weight on Booker’s trapezius, putting 400 pounds of pressure down on Booker. Henry then picks up Booker and wraps him in a bear hug! Booker tries to get the energy from the crowd to break free. Booker hits a punch, then hits another one, but Henry quickly lets go and knocks Booker down with a punch of his own. Henry tags R-Killa back in, but Booker explodes out of nowhere and knocks him down with a Harlem Sidekick. R-Killa tries to tag Henry back in, who’s posing to the crowd on the apron as Booker makes the tag to Angle!
Angle grabs R-Killa and hits him with a German suplex! Angle knocks Henry off the apron then grabs R-Killa and hits another German suplex! Angle stomps away at R-Killa, then cuts Henry off when he tries to get back into the ring. German suplex to Mark Henry! Angle roars and then locks R-Killa in the Ankle Lock! Henry quickly breaks that up though and hits Angle with the World’s Strongest Slam! R-Killa is out on his feet as Angle crawls over to his corner and tags in Booker T. Booker gets to Mark Henry before R-Killa and Henry gets knocked off the apron again. Booker kicks R-Killa, but he misses the Scissors’ Kick! R-Killa kicks Booker and goes for his own Scissors’ Kick, but Booker catches him in a set-up for the Bookend. R-Killa elbows his way out of that, then tries to hit The Truth Will Set You Free, but Booker counters and hits the Bookend! 1…2…3!
Winners: Booker T and Kurt Angle when Booker pinned R-Killa in 12:49
Booker T celebrates, then shakes hands with Kurt Angle as R-Killa yells at Mark Henry…and Nitro goes off the air!
Quick Results
AJ Styles pinned Papi Chilo
World Women’s Championship
Molly Marvel pinned Ivory (Retains)
Juventud Guerrera pinned Taka Michinoku
Finlay pinned Meng
The Giant defeated Disco Inferno, Alex Wright, and Brian Christopher when he pinned all three at the same time
Booker T and Kurt Angle defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry when Booker pinned R-Killa
WCW World Champion
Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)
ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)
WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)
WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)
ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)
WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)
World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)
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