WCW/ECW 2001 and Beyond - The Alliance Lives

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January 31, 2002
Riverside Centroplex Arena
Baton Rouge, LA

Luna Vachon:
“Heh heh heh, Brock Lesnar you might have think you’ve won the war…but you’ve seen nothing, NOTHING, yet. Bam Bam is here for more destruction…and I’ve got someone else, someone else tonight that’s going to only add to the blood. TONIGHT, you Brock Lesnar, and you Shelton Benjamin, you’ll pay for what you’ve done WITH YOUR BLOOD!”


The theme of ECW plays, and then we cut to Joey Styles.

Joey Styles: “Hello everyone I’m Joey Styles. It’s the week after Souled Out and we’re following up the ECW World Championship last Sunday with a huge tag team match tonight as Luna Vachon has someone teaming with Bam Bam Bigelow to take on Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin. But first, we kick things off with a two vs. three handicap match!”

Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles vs. Michinoku Pro (Taka Michinoku, Kaz Hayashi and Yang)

Taka, Kaz and Yang attack Lynn and Styles before the bell, but Lynn and Styles get the upperhand. Lynn and Styles backdrop Yang and Kaz, then Lynn throws Taka over the top rope into both of them. AJ comes off the ropes and hits a somersault plancha over the rope into all three of them! Lynn heads to the top rope and gets a crossbody into the pack as well! Lynn brings Yang back in and stomps away in the corner. Lynn hits Yang with a Northern Lights Suplex! 1…2…Hayashi runs in to break up the pin. Lynn tags Styles in. Vertical suplex connects. Running armdrag. Cover from Styles, 1…2…Yang kicks out on his own this time. Styles leads up and catches Yang in the head with a knee drop. Styles brings Yang up to his feet, then knocks him right back down with the Pele Kick! Cover again, 1…2…Hayashi comes in and breaks it up, and Lynn comes into to deal with him. That distracts the referee, and Taka Michinoku blasts Styles with a top rope missile dropkick!

Taka drags Yang to the corner so he can get the tag. Taka whips Styles into the corner and catches him with a kick to the face. Styles reverses an Irish whip, but Taka ducks the clothesline and catches Styles with a spinning heel kick. Cover, 1…2…Styles kicks out. Taka locks Styles in an inverted STF. Styles is able to free an arm, but Taka then lets him free and elbow drops Styles in the back of the head. Taka tags in Kaz. AJ pops up and catches Kaz with a dropkick, but Kaz bounces off the ropes and ducks the clothesline, then comes back with a bulldog headlock! Kaz sends Styles into the corner, but Styles moves out of the way of the incoming avalanche. Styles comes off the top rope and catches Kaz with a flying crossbody! Styles dives to his corner and makes the tag to Jerry Lynn!

Lynn knocks down Kaz, then knocks Taka off the apron. Yang comes flying off the top with a crossbody, but Lynn walks out of range and Yang lands flat on his face. Dropkick sends Yang to the outside. Kaz kicks Lynn in the back of the leg, then gets him with a jumping spin kick. Kaz tags in Taka, who calls for the end of Lynn. He goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Lynn slides behind. Lynn tries a German suplex, but Taka lands on his feet, then catches Lynn with ab overhead belly to belly suplex! Cover, 1…2…Lynn kicks out. Taka dropkicks Lynn in the back of the head. Taka again goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Lynn uses the momentum to counter into a Tombstone Piledriver! Lynn tags in Styles, who hits a double dropkick that knocks Kaz and Yang out of the ring. He then sets Taka up…Styles Clash! 1…2…3!

Winners: Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles when Styles pinned Taka in 12:01


We cut to somewhere near some gothic styled buildings…

Raven: “Last Sunday at Souled Out, I faced and overcame one of my greatest demons. Before Souled Out, I would look in the mirror and I’d want to scream and cry and puke. I was humiliated, ashamed, embarrassed. I had experienced loss. I had experienced pain. I had seen what Billy Kidman had become and while some pride did cross my person, the devastation to my psyche hurt me more than any normal man can imagine. But that was before Souled Out. Now that I’ve crossed paths with Kidman I see that he’s the one who lost out. He’s the one that needs guidance. He’s the one who needs to pray that god has mercy on his soul!”

“All that’s left now is the next battle of the war. Every war has a flag to capture, and for this battle it is the ECW World Championship. Brock Lesnar you may think being the trophy holder for ECW makes you extreme, but this line of thinking will be your undoing. To those who based themselves on sanity and light, all they see is you on top. But those clothed in madness and the shadows understand that when they cross paths with me, the end result is sorrow and woe. No one, not even a monstrous beast like you Brock Lesnar, can defeat the hands of fate. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven….nevermore!”


ECW World Champion Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin makes their way to the ring as we see highlights from the ECW World Championship match at Souled Out.

Joey Styles:
“This kid Shelton Benjamin SAVED Brock Lesnar last Sunday. Benjamin was one of Lesnar’s coaches in college and they teamed in Ohio Valley Wrestling, so I guess it’s no surprise Paul Heyman brought him in help Lesnar…yeah I said it, we know Heyman’s dirty at this point! Anyway, word is Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley made this match at Luna Vachon’s request. Hell, I wish Luna was in this match, I’d frankly move to see her kick Benjamin’s ass!”

We hear the Brood music…as Luna…Gangrel?! appear from a circle of flames…and Bam Bam Bigelow is right behind them!

Gangrel and Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Luna Vachon) vs. Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin

Lesnar looks amused at Gangrel, and Gangrel responds by spitting his red drink (blood?) in Lesnar’s face…then cracks him over the head with the goblet! Bam Bam jumps right on Lesnar, pounding away on him, as Gangrel punches away at Benjamin. Tiger suplex from Gangrel to Benjamin, and Benjamin slides to the outside. Lesnar, who was busted open from the goblet shot, also bails to the outside as Bigelow pounded on him. Luna Vachon takes a chair and tries to hit Lesnar, but Benjamin stops her by grabbing it! Gangrel comes off the apron with an axhandle smash, and Bigelow punches away at Lesnar on the outside. Lesnar reverses a whip though and Bigelow goes flying into the ringpost. Lesnar smashes Gangrel in the back with the chair before rolling him back into the ring.

Lesnar props Gangrel up and hits him with huge shoulder thrusts. Belly to belly suplex sends Gangrel flying across the ring. Lesnar takes the chair and smashes it right over Gangrel’s head! Lesnar laughs before putting Gangrel on his shoulders for the F5but Luna Vachon whacks him in the back with the steel chair! Lesnar puts Gangrel down and grabs Luna by the hair, and then puts her on his shoulders…but Gangrel cracks Lesnar in the face with the chair! Gangrel sets Lesnar up for the Impaler, but Shelton Benjamin springboards off the top rope and flies across the ring, hitting Gangrel with a clothesline! Benjamin sets Gangrel up and powerbombs him into the turnbuckles! Cover, 1…2…Bam Bam breaks it up. Bam Bam pounds away on Benjamin, but Shelton stops him with a superkick.

Benjamin whips Bigelow into the corner and hits him with a flying splash! Benjamin then sets Bigelow up…and hits a T-Bone Suplex over the top rope…sending Bigelow through a table! Benjamin heads to the top rope…450 Splash hits Gangrel! Benjamin tosses Gangrel over to Lesnar, who puts him on the shoulders…F5! 1…2…3!

Winners: Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin when Lesnar pinned Gangrel in 8:04


Joey Styles:
We don’t have any more matches scheduled, but Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin are still in the ring. Oh man, you mean we’re going to actually hear Lesnar talk?”

Brock Lesnar: “I hope people are starting to realize where the power lies in ECW!”

“I don’t respect a lot of people. I don’t give a shit about your Terry Funks or Tazz or Ravens or whatever. Raven wants to fight? I’ll kick his ass! Terry Funk wants to crawl out of his grave and fight me? I’ll put him back in it! But this guy right here, Shelton Benjamin, this guy is the real deal. I wouldn’t rely on a lot of people to watch my back, but this guy’s been doing it for years!”

The crowd is having none of it…chanting “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” SHUT THE FUCK UP!”

Brock Lesnar: “You people shut your mouths or I’ll go out there and kick ass your asses!”

Tazz’s music plays and here he comes! The chant turns into “FUCK ‘EM UP TAZZ FUCK ‘EM UP!”

Tazz: “You’re lucky I don’t choke your ass out right now for even putting my name in your mouth! You come out here, and you talk a big game. Yet every single time I see you out there someone has to save your ass! First it was Heyman. Last Sunday it was this bitch here (*points to Benjamin*)! So you want to call me out?! Then let’s go Lesnar! Come on!”

Lesnar walks right up to Tazz, and like with Gangrel earlier laughs at him. Lesnar makes fun of the height difference, but Tazz isn’t done talking.

Tazz: “Laugh all you want Lesnar. But when you muster up the balls to face me, you’ll learn the meaning of beat me if you can, survive if I let you!”

Lesnar, upon hearing the shot at his manhood, gets serious and stares down Tazz…but here comes Rob Van Dam!

Rob Van Dam: “Hey, let’s all call it like it is. I had Brock Lesnar beat at Starrcade. Now I didn’t come out here and complain about it because hey, I knew I’d get another shot. But I think it’s time to force the issue. I think it’s time that everybody’s favorite wrestler, Rob Van Dam gets that injustice wiped out, and gets his ECW World title shot!

Brock Lesnar: “I have no problem kicking both of your asses, but I ain’t doing it tonight. You’ll have to take it up with Paul.”

Tazz: “You know I called Benjamin a bitch before, but you’re the real bitch here Lesnar! You called me out! I’m here…

Total Impact jumps Tazz and Rob Van Dam! Lesnar and Benjamin leave, as Justin Credible, Lance Storm and Mike Awesome put the boots on Tazz and RVD! But then “ENTER SANDMAN” plays!

Joey Styles: “It’s The Sandman! It’s the Sandman! We haven’t seen The Sandman since Starrcade when Total Impact took him, Tommy Dreamer and Spike Dudley out! But he’s coming for Total Impact!”

Sandman whacks Awesome upside his head with the Singapore Cane, and catches Credible too before Lance Storm gets out of there! The Sandman stands tall as RVD and Tazz try to recover…and up above in the rafters…we see Raven watching everything that’s going on!


Quick Results

Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles defeated Taka Michinoku, Yang and Kaz Hayashi when Styles pinned Taka

Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin defeated Bam Bam Bigelow and Gangrel when Lesnar pinned Gangrel


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Jerry Lynn (Defeated Taka Michinoku on 1-27-02)

Roster Updates

Luna Vachon’s husband, who she’s brought in to help her and Bam Bam Bigelow against Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin


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WCW Worldwide
February 2, 2002
New Orleans Arena
New Orleans, LA

Scott Hudson
and Mike Tenay welcome us to the show as “Bawitdaba” plays and Kid Kash and Jamie Noble, now calling themselves Trailer Park Kash, make their way out to the ring!

Trailer Park Kash (Jamie Noble and Kid Kash) vs. Christian York and Joey Matthews

Noble starts with Matthews and immediately Noble hits an armdrag. Noble comes off the ropes and catches Matthews with an axhandle smash to the face. Noble sends Matthews into the ropes, but Matthews leaps over Noble’s avalanche attempt. He tags in York, who chops Noble in the corner. Noble reverse the Irish whip into the corner, but York leaps up onto the turnbuckles. Noble puts his head under him though and hits an electric chair drop! He tags in Kash. Noble hits York with a legdrop, then Kash follows with a somersault legdrop! Cover by Kash, 1…2…York just kicks out. Kash picks up York for a belly to back suplex…but instead drops him midway and York crashes onto the canvas.

Kash locks York in a surfboard, but York refuses to submit. Kahs lets up to tag Noble back in. Noble comes off the top but misses a knee strike as York moves out of the way to tag in Matthews. Matthews catches Noble with a dropkick, then knocks Kash off the apron. Matthews catches Noble with a hurricanrana and a cover, 1…2…Noble kicks out. Matthews brings Noble up to the top rope, but Noble regains control…and hits a Tiger Driver off the top rope! Kash comes off the top with a corkscrew splash! Kash knocks York off the apron and Noble makes the cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Trailer Park Kash when Noble pinned Matthews in 5:22

Noble and Kash
celebrate, and R-Killa comes out from the crowd and slams Noble into the barricade! Killa runs off before Kash can catch him!

Scott Hudson: “That’s the second time this week R-Killa has attacked Jamie Noble and Kid Kash. Sooner than later they’re going to get him!”


Scott Hudson
: “We are six days removed from Souled Out and we’re on the road to SuperBrawl XII! At Souled Out we saw Kurt Angle retain the WCW World Championship against The Giant, and Triple H beat Stone Cold Steve Austin in a barbaric brawl! On Nitro, Test, who kicked The Giant and Kurt Angle off the stage at Souled Out, made his claim for the WCW World Championship and will get his shot this Monday. It’s Angle vs. Test and that will open Nitro! Also, Austin, HHH, Booker T and the new United States Champion Christian will face off in a four way match to determine who is the #1 contender at SuperBrawl.”

“Coming up next, we will see someone who debuted at Souled Out. Shelton Benjamin, who was instrumental in Brock Lesnar retaining the ECW World Championship at Souled Out, makes his one-on-one debut!”

Shelton Benjamin vs. Steven Richards

Richards gets a headlock, but Benjamin immediately takes him out with a side suplex. Benjamin punches away at Richards before locking in a hammerlock. Benjamin lifts Richards up in the hammerlock for a Northern Lights suplex. Benjamin follows up with an elbow drop. Benjamin heads up to the top, then leaps high up and hits a crossbody. 1…2…Richards kicks out. Richards slows down Benjamin with some punches and knocks Benjamin down with a clothesline. Benjamin quickly gets up and catches a Richards kick, but Richards connects with an enzugiri! Richards covers, 1…2…Benjamin kicks out. Benjamin catches another kick, and this time he trips Richards down. Richards gets back up and goes for a clothesline, but Benjamin ducks and then gets a waistlock takedown.

Benjamin wrestles Richards down to the mat, then gets a bridging bow and arrow. Richards doesn’t submit, and Benjamin gets back to his feet to stomp away on Richards. Benjamin comes off the ropes, and Richards tries for the armdrag, but Benjamin counters and gets a Russian Legsweep. Richards slowly gets to his feet and Benjamin kicks him right down with a Yakuza Kick. Cover, 1…2…Richards just kicks out. Benjamin sends Richards off the ropes and hits a release flapjack! Benjamin heads to the apron, and despite Richards being almost three-quarters of the ring away Benjamin hits a springboard shoulder block! Benjamin hooks Richards up and hits the T-Bone Suplex! Benjamin covers, 1…2…but pulls the shoulder up himself. He draws Richards to the corner and heads up top…450 Splash! 1…2…3!

Winner: Shelton Benjamin via pinfall in 5:58


Scott Hudson
: “We talked a little bit about Nitro, but let’s talk about what we will see this week on RISE. We have learned that both Paul Heyman and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley will make announcements pertaining to ECW’s contribution to SuperBrawl. Also, a main event of Rob Van Dam, The Sandman and Tazz will take on Total Impact!”

The Hurricane vs. Hugh Morrus

Hurricane poses in Morrus’ face, and Morrus attacks and pounds away on Hurricane. Morrus sends Hurricane into the corner and splashes him in the corner. Morrus slams Hurricane and comes off the ropes with elbow drop. Morrus comes off the ropes again and hits another elbow drop. Morrus comes off the ropes one more time and this time hits a legdrop. Cover, 1…2…Hurricane kicks out. Gutwrench Powerbomb by Morrus! Morrus heads to the top rope…but No Laughing Matter misses! Hurricane comes off the ropes and gets a crucifix pin! 1…2…Morrus kicks out. Morrus misses a clothesline and Hurricane gets a dropkick. Morrus misses another clothesline, and Hurricane grabs him by the throat! Hurri-Chokeslam doesn’t happen as Morrus goes dead weight, but when he goes for a slam Hurricane gets a victory roll, 1…2…3!

Winner: The Hurricane via pinfall in 3:02


Quick Results

Trailer Park Kash defeated Christian York and Joey Matthews

Shelton Benjamin pinned Steven Richards

The Hurricane pinned Hugh Morrus


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Jerry Lynn (Defeated Taka Michinoku on 1-27-02)

Roster Updates



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WCW Monday Night Nitro
February 4, 2002
New Orleans Arena
New Orleans, LA

Scott Hudson
: “Welcome everyone to Nitro! I’m here with Mike Tenay, and we have two MASSIVE matches tonight. At the end of the night, we will know who the #1 contender for the WCW World Championship is when Booker T, Christian, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H go at it in a one fall, Fatal Four Way Match! But who will be the WCW World Champion? In just a few moments, it’s the biggest match of Test’s career when he challenges Kurt Angle for the WCW World Championship!

WCW World Championship
Kurt Angle © vs. Test

Angle wastes no time and he and Test start slugging it out! Angle ducks a punch and takes Test down, and Test immediately crawls to the ropes to avoid Angle. Angle goads Test, and Test misses a clothesline, allowing Angle to get a German suplex! Angle slugs away at Test in the corner, but Test reverses the whip into the opposite corner and follows up with a clothesline! Test stomps away at Angle. Test grabs Angle by the throat and throws him over the top rope. Test follows up and sends Angle into the barricade. He whips Angle toward the ringpost, but Angle blocks the impact…and Test goes flying into the post trying to follow up! Angle sends Test back into the ring and stomps away, then takes Test down with a belly to back suplex. Cover, 1…2…Test kicks out.

Test catches Angle with an elbow. Angle goes for a clothesline, but Test blocks and turns it into a full nelson slam! Test goes for the Big Boot, but Angle ducks. Angle runs right into a sidewalk slam from Test. Test tosses Angle to the outside again and punches away. Angle fires back, and the referee gets in the way. Angle pushes the referee aside, and this lets Test get a low blow! Test then slams Angle into the steps. Test rolls Angle in and climbs to the second rope, flying back elbow connects! Test covers, 1…2…Angle kicks out! Test picks up Angle and powerslams him right back down! Test then puts Angle on his back and hits him with a flapjack! Another cover, 1…2…Angle again just kicks out! Test shows some frustration before smiling as he realizes he has the match in control. He grabs Angle by the waist and hits a huge gutwrench powerbomb! Test doesn’t make the cover, but instead heads to the top rope…Flying Elbow Drop! Test makes the cover, 1…2….Angle just gets the shoulder up and Test can’t believe it!

Test goes for a pumphandle slam, but Angle slides behind him and hits a German suplex! Both men are now down, but Test actually gets to his feet first. Angle pops up and runs at Test, but Test pushes him high in the air and Angle free fall crashes to the canvas! Test calls for the Big Boot, but Angle again pops up and runs at Test, getting a belly to belly suplex! Angle hits a snap suplex, and then heads to the top rope himself…Moonsault! Cover, 1…2…Test just kicks out!

Scott Hudson: “My god Mike…it’s The Giant! The Giant is coming down here! But who’s he going for?”

Angle goes for the Angle Slam, but Test shoves him off and Angle hits the corner hard. Test sees The Giant coming down…then goes for his Big Boot, but Angle catches the foot into the Ankle Lock! Test quickly taps out and Angle retains the title!

Winner: Kurt Angle via submission in 11:56 (Retains)

The Giant
hits the ring and goes right by Angle, going after Test! Test crawls out of the ring and into the crowd…and The Giant is in pursuit!


We come back to Nitro and see Test running backstage, but The Giant is nowhere to be seen…

We then cut to Shane McMahon’s office, and he’s with Stephanie. Stephanie looks really excited…

Shane McMahon: “it’s all yours.”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “Yes! Thank you Shane! I’ll be sure to announce this on RISE this Thursday!”


Scott Hudson
: “What could they be talking about? So far the McMahons have been on the level in running both WCW and ECW, but when I see a deal happen I get a little nervous. Anyway, let’s send it to Jeremy Borash as he’s with Diamond Dallas Page, Torrie Wilson, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo.”

Jeremy Borash: “Thank you Scott. Diamond Dallas Page after eight days did you think you’d still be dealing with William Regal?

Diamond Dallas Page: “Can’t say I’m surprised that guys like Regal, Tajiri and Fit Finlay are going to be sore losers about this thing. Whether it’s the match at Souled Out, or even Tajiri losing out on this gorgeous human being named Torrie Wilson, these guys just can’t let it go. And that’s fine, whatever. No need to cry over spilled milk. Fact of the matter is, if those three want to fight, let’s fight. I’ve got Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire watching my back. The best young tag team in wrestling! These guys remind me of myself. Hard working, super athletic, and passionate about being in that ring and doing the right thing! So Regal, Finlay, Tajiri, you wanna deal with Palumbo and O’Haire? You wanna deal with the King of Bada-Bing?! Then let’s do it. BANG!”


Mike Tenay
: “Coming up next, we have another match in the first round of the tournament for the World Women’s Championship. Last week we say Ivory defeat The Phoenix to advance to the Four Way Final. Let’s see what happens tonight.”

World Women’s Championship Tournament
Jacqueline vs. Jazz

Jazz gets a side headlock and then a headlock takedown, but Jacqueline counters with a head scisssors. Jazz powers out, but runs into a side headlock from Jacqueline. Jazz tries for a high angle back suplex, but Jacquelines shifts the momentum her way and gets her own headlock takedown. Jazz fights her way back up to a vertical base, then punches Jacqueline in the ribs to break free. Jazz sends Jacqueline off the ropes and drops down, but Jacqueline stops, hooks her legs under Jazz’s shoulders and turns her over for a pinning combination, 1…2…Jazz kicks out. Jazz misses a clothesline and Jacqueline catches her with a drop toe hold. Jacqueline rolls Jazz back into another pinning combination, 1…2…Jazz kicks out again. Roll-up from Jacqueline, 1…2…Jazz once again escapes. Jazz complains to the referee that Jacqueline was holding the tights…then pokes Jacqueline in the eye.

Jazz ends Jacqueline into the corner, but Jacqueline stops her momentum and leaps up…only for Jazz to catch her and plant her face first onto the canvas! Scoops slam from Jazz, followed by a big legdrop. Jazz covers, 1…2…Jacqueline kicks out. Jazz sends Jacqueline off the ropes and gets a leapfrog, but Jacqueline comes back with a flying crossbody! 1…2…Jazz just kicks out! Jacqueline gets back onto her feet but Jazz takes her right back down with a big clothesline! Double underhook suplex from Jazz. Jazz sends Jacqueline into the corner, but Jacqueline moves out of the way of the avalanche. Jacquleine with a slam. Jacquleine sends Jazz off the ropes and catches her with a flapjack! Cover, 1…2…Jazz just kicks out. Jacqueline comes off the ropes and goes for a frankensteiner, but Jazz counters into a powerbomb! Jazz hooks Jacqueline in a reverse chinlock, then flips over with a bridge! There’s nowhere to go, and Jacqueline taps out!

Winner: Jazz via submission in 7:27


We return to Nitro and Test is still running around the back…and The Giant is right behind him! Test continues to run through the dressing room, and The Giant continues to stalk!


Scott Hudson
: “I feel bad for Test if the The Giant catches him!” Anyway, let’s take you back to last week where, in a huge upset, Jamie Noble and kid Kash defeated Kronik. Bryan Adams and Bryan Clarke ended up going to blows, but apparently they’ve talked it out and they will be put to the ultimate test, against the returning Legion of Doom!”

Legion of Doom vs. Kronik

Kronik attack Hawk and Animal before the bell! LOD fight back and hits clotheslines that knock Adams and Clarke to the outside. LOD heads to the outside and the brawl continues, and Adams accidentally boots Clarke in the face! Hawk and Animal bring Adams into the ring and whip him into the corner, and then Hawk and Animal hit big clotheslines! They call for the Doomsday Device, but Adams comes in and nails Hawk. Animal comes off the ropes and hits both members of Kronik with a flying shoulder block! Animal sets Adams up and Hawk comes off the second rope…and the hit a Spike Piledriver! Hawk and Animal pound away on Clarke, then Animal lifts Clarke on his shoulders…and Hawk finishes with the Doomsday Device! Hawk covers, 1…2…3!

Winners: The Legion of Doom when Hawk pinned Clarke in 2:44

As Hawk and Animal celebrate, they are attacked with 2x4s by The Dudley Boyz! Bubba Ray and D-Von bash Hawk and Animal over the back over and over, and Bubba then chokes Hawk with it. When Kronik come back to their feet, the Dudleyz bail, thinking that they have unfinished business there.

Bryan Adams then shoves Bryan Clarke, and against Kronik get into a shoving match before Clarke takes Adams down and they completely go to blows! Hawk and Animal come to and they see the replay video on screen of the Dudleyz attacking and head to the back to look for them. Officials come out to separate Kronik.


We head backstage where Kevin Kelly is with Booker T.

Kevin Kelly: Booker T we are only moments away from the fatal four way match tonight. Are you ready to take on two of the all-time greats in Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin, as well as the reigning WCW United States Champion Christian?”

Booker T: “You’re damn right I’m ready Kelly! All these guys, Triple H, Austin, Christian, none of them lived WCW like I did. None of them breathed WCW like I did! From my perspective, all of them, and Kurt Angle, they are succeeding off the work that I did for years. But that’s okay, that’s fine. I know that nothing is handed to anyone here and that I’ve got to earn it, and that’s what I’m going to do tonight. I’m the six-time, six-time, six-time WCW World champion, and I won’t be stopped until I get seven. And that starts tonight. Austin, HHH, Christian, they’re all suckas and tonight I’m taking them all out! No can you dig that….”

R-Killa slowly walks over to Booker.

R-Killa: “Are you kidding me? Hahahaha. Yeah, me and you, we don’t get handouts. But you think everyone else out there works as hard as me and you? That’s funny! That’s hilarious. Who are you kiddin’? Once you get close Book, they gonna drop you like a bad habit. Trust me, I would know!”

Booker T: “What you talkin’ about man?”

R-Killa: “You really are clueless man. That’s how I know you ain’t nothin. You ain’t tough. In here, they protect you for now, sure, but eventually you’ll be nothin’ to them. I already know. You talk about earning everything, but I’ve actually done it. And I’ve got someone coming who’s had to do the same thing. I’ll see you around Book."

Booker T looks on as R-Killa walks off, but R-Killa is still laughing as he walks away as Booker shakes his head.


We see William Regal, Tajiri and Fit Finlay backstage near the parking lot. Regal talks to Tajiri and Finlay.

William Regal: “If those three miserable toeracks want to fight, we’ll give them a fight. That they’ve done to you Tajiri isn’t right and those two, O’Haire and Palumbo, clearly disrespect….”

Diamond Dallas Page: “HEY REGAL!”

Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo attack Regal, Tajiri and Finlay! The brawl spills out to the parking lot, where Test runs right into them. The Giant is right behind him and gets his hands on Test! The brawl even gets bigger as The Legion of Doom have caught up to the Dudley Boyz! All twelve men are going at it in the back as officials look to break them up! Test escapes in a rental car, with the Giant punching anyone and everyone in rage. Regal, Tajiri, Finlay and the Dudleyz all get out of there too as DDP, O’Haire and Palumbo try to calm down the Giant. Pure absolute mayhem!


WCW World Champion Kurt Angle
comes out and sits next to Scott Hudson and Mike Tenay for commentary for the upcoming #1 Contender’s Match.

#1 Contender for the WCW World Championship: One Fall
Booker T vs. Christian vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H

Austin goes right after HHH, and HHH tries to bail. Austin catches him on the outside and they slug it out. Booker T is watching Austin and HHH go at it allowing Christian to attack him from behind. Booker reverses an Irish whip and catches Christian with a flapjack. Booker fires away at Christian. Booker sends Christian off the ropes and misses the clothesline, but catches Christian on the way back with a flying forearm. Austin and HHH continue to go at it up the rampway. HHH rakes Austin’s eyes and slams him into the Nitro set. HHH grabs a bottle of water and then spits water at Kurt Angle. Angle pops up and attacks HHH, but HHH throws him right into the announce desk, sending Scott Hudson and Mike Tenay scurrying away. Austin attacks HHH from behind and slams him into the Nitro set, then backdrops him onto the announcer’s desk!

Back in the ring, Booker goes for the Scissors’ Kick, but Christian moves out of the way and catches Booker with an inverted DDT into the knee. Christian covers, 1…2…Booker kicks out. Christian punches and kicks at Booker in the corner before choking him, and Booker escapes by firing punches. Christian fights back with a kick and a snapmare takeover. Christian locks in a headlock, but Booker T fights out and hits the ropes. Christian catches Booker with a knee to the midsection. Austin slides back into the ring and starts slugging away at Christian. Christian tries to fight back, but stands no chance in the slugfest. Austin punches away at Christian in the corner, then stomps a mudhole in him! Austin turns around and Booker catches him with a Harlem sidekick! Cover from Booker, 1…2…Austin kicks out. Booker sends Austin off the ropes, but Austin ducks the clothesline, and he comes back with a Lou Thesz Press! Austin punches away at Booker, then hits the ropes. As soon as he does, Triple H trips him and drags him to the outside. HHH slams Austin into the steps, then stomps away at him!

HHH slides into the ring and Christian is all over him. HHH fires back, and then ducks a kick from Booker that hits Christian. Booker T reverses a whip from HHH, but HHH hits Booker with a facebuster when he goes for the backdrop. HHH comes off the ropes and hits Booker with a knee to the face. Christian hooks HHH by his head and hits him with an inverted DDT. Cover by Christian, 1…2…HHH gets the shoulder up and at the same time Stone Cold makes the save. Austin slugs Christian and sends him off the ropes and connects with a spinebuster! Austin and HHH go back to slugging away at one another. Austin sends HHH off the ropes but misses the clothesline, and HHH gets a neckbreaker. HHH turns around and walks right into the Bookend from Booker T! Cover, 1…2…Christian just breaks up the pin. Christian fires away at Booker, but Booker kicks him in the midsection and comes off the ropes and hits the Scissors Kick! Booker does the Spinarooni, then walks right into the Stone Cold Stunner from Austin! Booker goes flying over the top rope.

Austin picks up Christian, who pokes Austin in the eye. Christian sets Austin up for the Unprettier, but Austin frees his arms. Kick, Stunner…no, Christian counters by pushing Austin off the ropes. Christian misses the clothesline, then turns into the Stone Cold Stunner! Cover from Austin, 1…2…Triple H just breaks it up at the last second! Austin punches away at Triple H, but HHH gets a low blow, then sets Austin up for the Pedigree! Kurt Angle runs in and whallops HHH with the WCW World Championship! Austin slugs Angle, sending him over the top rope. Austin then takes the still down Christian to the corner. Austin hits Christian with a high-angle belly to back suplex off the second rope! Austin looks to have hit his head on the way down, but crawls over to make the cover…and HHH gets a hand on Christian too, 1…2…3! Who won? The referee doesn’t make a decision, just indicating that the match is over!

Winner: No Decision as both Austin and HHH pinned Christian at the same time in 17:10

Shane McMahon
runs down to the ring to confer with the referee what happened. Kurt Angle comes back in and nails Stone Cold with the WCW World Championship then plants him with an Angle Slam for good measure! Angle then takes Triple H and hits him with an Angle Slam!

Kurt Angle: “Come on Shane who won this damn thing?!”

Shane McMahon: “I don’t know, I don’t know just calm down. I’ll have to review the tapes this week.”

Kurt Angle: “That’s bullshit Shane! We better know next week or I’m snapping both their ankles!”

The crowd boos the no-decision, but when Angle raises the WCW World Championship over his head, those boos become cheers as Nitro goes off the air!


Quick Results

WCW World Championship

Kurt Angle made Test submit to retain the title

WCW World Women’s Championship Tournament: Round 1
Jazz pinned Jacqueline

The Legion of Doom defeated Kronik when Hawk pinned Bryan Clarke

#1 Contender for the WCW World Championship
Match ruled a no contest when Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H double pinned Christian, match also involved Booker T


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Jerry Lynn (Defeated Taka Michinoku on 1-27-02)

Roster Updates




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February 7, 2002
Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Jacksonville, FL

kicks off with Paul Heyman talking to some production people backstage…when Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley arrives!

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: Paul, I have big news tonight. I want to see you in the ring as soon as possible!”

The theme of ECW plays, and then we cut to Joey Styles.

Joey Styles: “Hello everyone I’m Joey Styles. We have a huge six-man tag team war to main event the show tonight as it’s Total Impact against Rob Van Dam, Tazz and The Sandman! Plus, as we just saw, ECW owner Stephanie McMahon Helmsley has something to tell us and I bet it has to do with whatever she and Shane McMahon discussed on Nitro! Anyway we kick things off with the Cruiserweight Championship on the line against someone who’s making their ECW debut! That’s right, we are about to witness the ECW debut of one Brian Christopher as he comes out now. By the looks of it, it looks like the whole Grandmaster Sexay persona is in the past!”

WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Jerry Lynn © (W/AJ Styles) vs. Brian Christopher

Christopher ducks the tie-up attempt, then starts dancing (which includes his annoying cackle). Lynn and Christopher lock-up upon the second time and Lynn pushes Christopher in the corner and stomps away. European uppercut from Lynn, and then he hits a backbreaker! Cover, 1…2…Christopher kicks out and slides to the outside, complaining that Lynn held the tights. This is ECW, so the referee doesn’t seem to care. Lynn heads to the outside and chases Christopher around the ring. Christopher slides back in as does Lynn, and Lynn catches a kick. Christopher hits the enzugiri! Cover, 1…2…Lynn kicks out. Christopher clotheslines Lynn to the outside and follows up with a baseball slide! Christopher yells “you idiots want to see extreme?” and bulldogs Lynn on the floor! Christopher slides Lynn back in and goes for a sunset flip over the ropes, only Lynn jumps and hits a guillotine legdrop!

Lynn fires away at Christopher and hits a belly to back suplex. Sidewalk slam from Lynn. Cover, 1…2…Christopher kicks out. Lynn props Christopher up on the top rope. He goes for the top rope frankensteiner, but Christopher counters into a sitout powerbomb! 1…2…Jerry Lynn just kicks out! DDT from Christopher! Christopher badmouths AJ Styles on the outside, but Lynn misses a dropkick when trying to take advantage! Neckbreaker from Christopher! Christopher heads to the top rope…missile dropkick connects! Cover, 1…2…Lynn just kicks out! Christopher says that’s it…then hits Lynn with a Rocker Dropper! 1…2…Jerry Lynn manages to kick out once again! Christopher picks Lynn up for a slam, but Lynn slides behind and hits an inverted DDT, and both men are lie on the canvas.

Christopher and Lynn slug away at one another. Lynn hits the ropes and catches Christopher with a flying headscissors! He hooks Christopher up for a bulldog, but Christopher stops his momentum and hits a belly to back suplex! Christopher follows up with a Northern Lights Suplex, 1…2…Lynn bridges up to a vertical base! Christopher sends Lynn off the ropes, but Lynn hooks the head on a backdrop attempt and hits a running DDT! Lynn heads to the top rope, but he misses the top rope legdrop! Brian Christopher now heads to the top rope himself…but he also misses The Tennessee Jam, his version of the top rope legdrop! Lynn kicks Christopher, then plants him with the Cradle Piledriver! 1…2…3!

Winner: Jerry Lynn via pinfall in 9:50

Joey Styles:
“What a debut for Brian Christopher, but he comes up just short in trying to claim gold as Jerry Lynn gets the win. I see Paul Heyman is coming down to the ring but we need to pay some bills!”


Joey Styles:
“Welcome back to RISE as Paul Heyman is in the ring…and here comes the boss, here comes Stephanie."

Paul Heyman: “I must say you are looking absolutely fantastic tonight Stephanie…”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “Cut it out Paul. Let’s just get right down to it. The way I see things, you’re on thin ice!”

Paul Heyman: “Me? What did I do?”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “What did you do? You know running things at this level means you need to show some objectivity. For all the talk about you being this messiah of extreme and all the stories about you putting everything you had into ECW I must say I’m surprised how much favoritism you’ve shown Brock Lesnar since the very first episode of RISE! Is that how you’re viewing things Paul? Was ECW your meal ticket until you met Brock? Because I don’t care if you are the face of ECW for the last decade, I’ll be damned to have your games wreck my investment! Just because you lived and breathed ECW all these years doesn’t mean you’re doing good by it now.”

Paul Heyman: Stephanie, please. Please don’t fire me!”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “I’m not going to fire you Paul. But consider this your warning! No more hijinks like Souled Out! ECW is about to embark on the most exciting couple months in its history and you need to be on the top of your game from a management perspective! Next month in March, there’s a WCW branded Pay-Per-View event called Uncensored. Well, as of this moment, as a result of an agreement between my brother Shane and myself, ECW will be headlining Uncensored! So, Paul, you want to keep your job? I want you to determine what that main event will be. And I want to know by next week.”

Paul Heyman: “That sounds great, I’ll get right on it!”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “We’re not done here. I want to give you some perspective about Uncensored, because the roll ECW will be on, it won’t end there. I’ve done my research. I’m went over all the assets. In April, ECW will do more than just headline a Pay-Per-View. In April, five years after the original, ECW Barely Legal returns to Pay-Per-View! And again, Paul, you need to be on your game these next few months so that all of this, Uncensored, Barley Legal and beyond, is all a success for ECW. Now while you work out the Uncensored main event, I’m going to tell you how things are going to go down at SuperBrawl. We’re going to come full circle. It’s one of the biggest shows of the year, and for sure the ECW World Championship needs to be on the line. And I already know who the #1 Contender should be.”

Paul Heyman: “How, who?”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “Coming full circle. Brock Lesnar has been a dominant force as ECW World Champion. He’s exactly the kind of athlete ECW has needed. But, calling it like I and many others saw it, two months ago he was beat!”

Paul Heyman: “No, no, come’on, Steph.”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “It will be, at SuperBrawl, Brock Lesnar defending the ECW World Championship against Rob Van Dam! But to make things interesting. To spice things up, next week on RISE. It’s going to be Van Dam against Shelton Benjamin. If Rob wins, he gets to choose the stipulation for SuperBrawl, but if Benjamin wins, then Lesnar will get to choose. And if Brock gets involved? I’ll award the title to Rob Van Dam right on the spot! Now we’ve got a lot of work to do Paul! Get back there and do your job!”

Joey Styles: “…what did we just hear? Main event at Uncensored? A second Barely Legal? Lesnar vs. RVD II at SuperBrawl? Oh my god!”


We return to RISE in a trailer park somewhere…

Jamie Noble: “Yo, Kash money!”

Kid Kash: “Yeah Jamie.”

Jamie Noble: “I’m just…I’m just sick of that R-Killa. Always getting involved in our business you know. I’ve had enough of him.”

Kid Kash: “Yeah man. Next change I get I’m kicking his ass.”

Jamie Noble: “Yeah me too! Let’s just lay it out now. I doubt he has friends. But if he’s got one, let’s do the dance at SuperBrawl! Me and Kash money over here against whoever you got R-Killa!”

Kid Kash: “Hell yeah. I’m with it Jamie.”


Total Impact (Lance Storm, Justin Credible and Mike Awesome) w/Dawn Marie vs. Tazz, Rob Van Dam and The Sandman

Lance Storm starts with Rob Van Dam. RVD can’t help but taunt in his face, and Storm punches him right in the face. Storm locks in an arm ringer. RVD counters into a waistlock and transitions into a drop toe hold. RVD floats over with the front headlock, but Storm counters with a hammerlock. RVD breaks free and they both jump up to a neutral vertical position. RVD gives Storm his receipt with a straight shot to the face. He whips Storm into the corner and goes for the monkey flip, but Storm lands right on his feet! Perfect superkick from Lance Storm takes down RVD as Storm tags in Justin Credible. Credible stomps away on RVD in the corner, but RVD flips over the shoulder thrust. Spin kick takes down Credible! RVD tags in Tazz, who deadlifts Credible and plants him with a German suplex! Tazz then grabs Credible’s feet and catapults him over the top rope, and he lands on Storm!

As the Impact Players regroup, Tazz calls for Mike Awesome! Credible crawls back in and tags in Awesome. Tazz and Awesome exchange blows. Awesome whips Tazz into the corner and gets the corner avalanche. Awesome whips Tazz across the ring, but Tazz comes out of the corner with a big clothesline this time! Tazz comes off the ropes, but Awesome takes him out with a big boot. Tazz tries to get to his feet, but Awesome runs him over with a clothesline. Awesome demands Storm and Awesome bring a table into the ring, but this allows Tazz to catch Awesome with a T-Bone Tazzplex! Sandman makes a blind tag and bring sin his Singapore Cane! Sandman whacks Awesome with the cane, but Storm and Credible take him out with a double superkick! Credible and Storm set up the table, but RVD comes in and takes Storm out with a spinning heel kick.

Credible punches away at RVD. He misses a back elbow though, and RVD hits a springboard back kick! Dawn Marie tosses Lance Storm a chair and Storm whacks RVD right in the back! Storm baseball slides RVD off the apron and to the floor…but Tazz comes from behind him and locks in the Kata Haji Me, the Tazzmission! Awesome breaks it up with a shot to Tazz’s head. Awesome then sets up Tazz…and Awesome Bombs him through the table! Awesome covers, 1…2…Sandman breaks it up by whacking Awesome over the head with the Singapore Cane! Awesome tackles Sandman into the corner, but Sandman still bashes Awesome over the head over and over again! Awesome gets a hard shot in to slow Sandman down, before just tossing him over the top rope, with Sandman crashing to the floor. Awesome grabs the steel chair, but walks into the Van Daminator! RVD covers, 1…2…Credible just breaks it up! Credible cracks RVD over the head with Sandman’s cane, then sets RVD up…only for Sandman to grab him from behind and hit the White Russian Legsweep! Sandman puts the chair on Credible’s face and heads to the top rope…legdrop on the chair connects! Sandman covers Credible, 1…2…3!

Winners: Rob Van Dam, Tazz and The Sandman when Sandman pinned Credible in 13:17

The Sandman
continues to beat the hell out of Justin Credible when Raven’s Warriors hit the ring! Mikey Whipwreck, Stasiak, Malice, Shannon Moore and Raven himself all pound away on Sandman. RVD tries to help Sandman out by taking out Moore with a kick and then blasting Malice with the chair…but ECW World Champion Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin hit the ring and attack Van Dam! We have a massacre going on here as Raven’s group and Lesnar and Benjamin have absolutely outnumbered RVD and Sandman, with Tazz still out from the Awesome Bomb. Total Impact head up the rampway…as suddenly Raven comes face to face with Lesnar! Raven poses with his arms out before getting out of the ring, leaving Lesnar and Benjamin standing tall as RISE goes off the air!


Quick Results

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Jerry Lynn pinned Brian Christopher to retain the title

Rob Van Dam, Tazz and The Sandman defeated Total Impact when Sandman pinned Credible


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Jerry Lynn (Defeated Taka Michinoku on 1-27-02)

Roster Updates

Brian Christopher
The son of Jerry Lawler is looking to take his chances in ECW


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WCW Worldwide
February 9, 2002
Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Jacksonville, FL

Scott Hudson
and Mike Tenay welcome us to the show as Fit Finlay makes his way to the ring.

Evan Karagias vs. Fit Finlay

Finlay wipes out Karagias with a clothesline right away, then punches away at him. Karagias ducks to the outside, where Finlay follows and slams him into the railing. Finlay picks Karagias up and drops him face first onto the apron! Finlay sends him back into the ring. European uppercut sends Karagias flying, and he hits the turnbuckles face first. Double foot stomp from Finlay. Finlay covers, 1…2…but then picks Karagias up himself. Finlay sends Karagias into the corner and Finlay comes flying in with a shoulder thrust. Finlay picks up Karagias out of the corner and hits an atomic drop…then holds onto his arm and hits a short arm clothesline. Finlay hooks the head, and drops him down with the Celtic Cross! Finlay then locks Karagias into a modified Indian Deathlock, called the Celtic Knot, and Karagias submits immediately! Complete squash for Finlay here!

Winner: Fit Finlay via submission in 3:34

Fit Finlay:
Diamond Dallas Page, you better be ready as I am your Celtic nightmare!


Scott Hudson
: “Ladies and Gentlemen before our next contest, we need to address the news that Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley mentioned on RISE. Next month, at WCW Uncensored, ECW will have the main event slot. Now who knows that that means specifically! I’m sure there will be more information next week on ECW Hardcore TV.”

Mike Tenay: “
Speaking of ECW RISE, we saw the ECW debut of one Brian Christopher, son of Memphis legend Jerry “The King” Lawler. You may know him better as Grandmaster Sexay. He and Essa Rios are scheduled to go one-on-one here, and both have aspirations to become WCW Cruiserweight Champion.”

Brian Christopher vs. Essa Rios

Christopher attacks Rios before the bell. Christopher slams him into the turnbuckles, then sends him into the opposite corner. Christopher goes for a German suplex, but Rios lands on his feet. Christopher doesn’t realize it and Rios dropkicks him into the corner! Rios hits another dropkick that sends Christopher to the outside. Rios then comes off the ropes and hits Christopher with a Tope Con Giro over the top! Rios sends him back into the ring, then hits a springboard dropkick! Christopher heads to the outside, and Rios flies over the top rope again with a corkscrew plancha! Rios gets onto the apron...Asai Moonsault takes out Christopher! Rios looks like he may have hurt himself there, but he manages to slide Christopher back into the ring.

Christopher fires away at Rios on the apron. Rios catches one of the punches, then leaps over the top rope and armdrags Christopher! Spinning heel kick from Rios! Rios sends Christopher into the corner, then goes for a cartwheel back elbow, only Christopher catches him and gets a reverse Russian Legsweep! Cover from Christopher, 1…2…Rios kicks out. Christopher punches and kicks Rios in the corner. Christopher slams Rios, then heads to the second rope. Missile dropkick connects! Cover, 1…2…Rios kicks out again. Northern Lights suplex from Christopher! 1…2…Rios kicks out again. Christopher hits a vertical suplex with a floatover, 1…2…Rios again kicks out to Christopher’s frustration. Christopher heads to the top rope to finish Rios off, but Rios meets him up there and armdrags him off the top!

Rios gets a wristlock then climbs up the ropes…then catches Christopher with a hurricanrana! Rios comes off the ropes and hits a running headscissors! Rios runs at Christopher, who nearly gets another Northern Lights suplex, only for Rios to shift his weight and come down with a DDT! Rios covers, 1…2…Christopher kicks out. Rios puts Christopher up on the top rope…avalanche frankensteiner is countered into a sitout powerbomb! 1…2…Rios just kicks out. No frustration from Christopher this time as he realizes he has the match well in hand. He sets Rios up...piledriver connects. Christopher to the top rope…Tennessee Jam! 1…2…3!

Winner: Brian Christopher via pinfall in 8:47


Scott Hudson
: “Let’s go back to what transpired on Nitro. We had two huge main events. The first of which had WCW World Champion Kurt Angle successfully defend the championship against Test. Now, he seemed to perhaps get some indirect help as The Giant came down and would chase Test off…and that did seem to distract Test at that moment. Later that night, we had a Fatal Four Way Match to determine who would face Angle at SuperBrawl XII. WCW United States Champion Christian, Booker T, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H went at it. At the end, Christian was pinned by both Austin and Triple H. I don’t know if this will lead to a match between the two before hand or what. One thing is for sure, is that Shane McMahon will tell us what’s going on for SuperBrawl! SuperBrawl XII is just 15 days away from the home of WCW, the Georgia Dome in Atlanta!”


Lance Storm (w/Dawn Marie) vs. Nova (w/The Hurricane)

Nova brings it to Lance Storm as he fires away. Storm gets a kick to the midsection to slow him down. Storm sends Nova into the corner and follows up with a splash…then lays him out with a superkick. Dawn Marie gets on the apron for seemingly no reason other to pose for the crowd. Referee tries to get her down as Nova gets a waistlock on Storm..only for Storm to mulekick low blow Nova out of it! Hurricane gets on the apron arguing about what Storm just did, and Justin Credible comes from the crowd and whacks Hurricane in the back of the head with a kendo stick! Storm takes Nova out with a perfect dropkick. Storm props Nova up in the corner and catches him with an elbow. Nova stumbles out of the corner and Storm catches him with a knee lift to the face.

Gustbuster from Storm. Storm whips Nova off the ropes, but Nova puts on the brakes on the backdrop attempt. Sledgeomatic from Nova! Nova fires away at Storm, but Storm pulls Nova into the referee. Nova rolls Storm up, but Storm shoves him off and Nova runs right into a kendo stick-swinging Justin Credible! Nova stumbles right into Storm, who rolls him into the Canadian Maple Leaf...the rolling half-Boston Crab! Nova submits instantly!

Winner: Lance Storm via pinfall in 5:13

The Hurricane
attacks Lance Storm, but Justin Credible again whacks him with the kendo stick! Storm then sets Hurricane up, and the Impact Players hit him with Deep Impact, a spike piledriver! Storm, Dawn Marie and Credible pose as Worldwide goes off the air!


Quick Results

Finlay made Evan Karagias submit

Brian Christopher pinned Essa Rios

Lance Storm made Nova submit


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Jerry Lynn (Defeated Taka Michinoku on 1-27-02)

Roster Updates

Evan Karagias
Former WCW Cruiserweight Champion and Three Count member


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WCW Monday Night Nitro
February 11, 2002
TD Waterhouse Centre
Orlando, FL

Scott Hudson
: “Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Nitro! We’re less than two weeks away from SuperBrawl XII, and we still have a lot to figure out. Who will be the #1 contender for the WCW World Championship? We kick off tonight’s show with a continuation of the First Round for the World Women’s Championship.”

Mike Tenay:
“So far Jazz and Ivory have advanced to the four-way final for the Women’s Championship at SuperBrawl. Tonight, Molly Marvel will face off with La Felina!”

World Women’s Championship Tournament
La Felina vs. Molly Marvel

Molly takes Felina down with a waistelock tackdown into the front facelock, but Felina counters into a hammerlock. Felina comes off the ropes and Molly catches her in a wheelbarrow, but Felina counters that with a victory roll, 1…2…Molly kicks out. Felina gets a wristlock then leaps to the top rope, but Molly shoves her off and Felina crashes to the floor on the outside! Molly quickly brings Felina back in and his a snap suplex, 1…2…Felina kicks out. Elbow drop from Molly. Molly locks in a bow and arrow, and Felina can be heard screaming in pain! Felina manages to rock her body to escape. Felina comes off the ropes, but Molly gets a drop toehold and Felina hits the ropes throat first. Molly whips Felina into the corner, but Felina moves out of the way of the incoming avalanche.

Felina comes off the ropes and catches Molly with a flying head scissors. Cover, 1…2…Molly kicks out. Felina whips Molly into the corner, and Molly hits face first. Felina hits a leg takedown and bridges into a pin, 1…2…Molly kicks out again! Big chop from Felina knocks Molly down. Dropkick knocks Moly down again! Felina leaps onto Molly’s shoulders and gets a frankensteiner with a pin, 1…2…Molly just kicks out! Felina heads to the top rope and catches Molly with a moonsault! 1…2…Molly again just kicks out. Felina comes off the ropes and goes for a crossbody, but Molly catches her and hits a backbreaker! Molly heads to the top rope…Molly-Go-Round misses as Molly crashes onto the canvas! Felina goes for another frankensteiner, but Molly counters into a sit-out powerbomb! 1…2…Felina just kicks out. Molly traps Felina’s legs around her own, then locks in the Twin City Twister which leads to a pin, 1…2…3! Molly Marvel advances!

Winner: Molly Marvel via pinfall in 7:07

runs down and attacks Molly Marvel, pulling her by the hair and slamming her down! Ivory continues to punch away at Molly, but La Felina strikes Ivory and Ivory retreats. Molly and Felina hug afterwards!


Nitro cuts backstage to Jeremy Borash with Diamond Dallas Page and Torrie Wilson.

Jeremy Borash: “Tonight Diamond Dallas Page you take on the team of William Regal and Test with an old friend of yours, The Giant.”

Diamond Dallas Page: “That’s right that’s right Jeremy just like old times. Tonight Regal, I got the Big G on my side just like the old WCW vs. NWO days. And while I personally can’t wait to finish all this at SuperBrawl, I gotta admit, having a seven-foot, 500-pound giant watching my back tonight is a pretty damn good feeling. Regal, it disgusts me what you’ve done to this lovely lady here, and while I don’t know much about you Test from what I’ve seen you’re just as much as a scumbag. So if the Giant doesn’t get to you first, I’ve got a Diamond Cutter waiting for you! And Regal, I’ve always got one ready for scum like you. BANG!”


Kevin Kelly
knocks on Shane McMahon’s office door, and Shane answers.

Kevin Kelly: Shane McMahon is there any update about the status of the #1 Contender to the WCW World Championship?

Shane McMahon: “What do you think, I’m back there doing nothing Kelly? Not only is there an update, by the end of the show tonight, the end of Nitro, everyone will know the main event of SuperBrawl. Is that good for you Kelly?”

Kevin Kelly: Yes, but…”

Shane McMahon:
“That’s all I got for you for now Kelly.”


WCW Cruiserweight Championship – One Fall
Jerry Lynn © (w/AJ Styles) vs. Taka Michinoku vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Brian Christopher

Lynn and Taka go at it as does Christopher and Chavo. Chavo tosses Christopher over the top rope onto the apron, then dropkicks him off the apron. Chavo comes flying off the second rope to the outside, but he only grazes Christopher. Lynn stomps away at Taka, but misses a dropkick and Taka catches him with a slap to the face. Taka then leaps to the top rope and takes Christopher out with a springboard plancha! Chavo slides in and attacks Lynn. Chavo locks Lynn in the Goro Guerrero Special. Lynn refuses to submit, then frees his legs and counters the move, locking Chavo in the Gory Special himself! Taka comes back in and dropkicks Lynn, breaking the hold. Taka then German suplexes Chavo, but Chavo lands on his feet. Chavo tries the same, and Taka also lands on his feet! Taka dropkicks Chavo in the back, then turns right into a Christopher clothesline.

Christopher heads to the top rope, but Lynn pushes Taka out of the way and gets hit with Christopher’s missile dropkick. Christopher coves Lynn, 1…2…Chavo breaks it up. Chavo chops Christopher in the corner, then moves out of the way as Taka hits him with a high leg kick. Taka then jumps to the top rope and hits Christopher with a flying dropkick to the back of the head! Chavo elbows Taka, then goes for a Tornado DDT, but Taka pushes Chavo off. Chavo runs right into the Michinoku Driver! 1…2…Lynn dropkicks Taka in the face to break up the count. Taka ends up throat first on the bottom rope, and Lynn comes over the top with a guillotine legdrop! Lynn comes back in and props Taka on the top rope, but Kaz Hayashi and Yang run down to stop Lynn. AJ Styles drags Hayashi to the outside and fights him on the outside, and Lynn backdrops Yang over the top rope.

Christopher pounds away on Lynn. He props Lynn on the top rope, looking for a superplex, but Chavo his Christopher from behind. Chavo tries to powerbomb Christopher off the turnbuckles, and with a little push from Lynn he does! Lynn then comes flying off the top rope with a Minneapolis Jam onto Christopher! Lynn backdrops Chavo over the top rope, incidentally whipping out Styles, Yang and Hayashi. Taka runs in and tries a Tornado DDT on Lynn, but like Taka did to Chavo earlier, Lynn shoves him off. Lynn boots Taka and plants him with the Cradle Piledriver! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Jerry Lynn when he pinned Taka in 10:00 (Retains)


Jeremy Borash
is with Ivory backstage.

Jeremy Borash: “Earlier tonight Ivory you attacked Molly Marvel after her victory over La Felina…”

Ivory: “That’s right! All these girls in this tournament think they’re going to be champion at SuperBrawl and they’re not. They’re not. You wanna know why?”

Jeremy Borash: “Why?”

Ivory: “Because none of these ladies, none of them have ever been at the top. I have! I’ve been a World Women’s Champion, multiple times at that. Molly is out there playing superhero and suddenly thinks she can be the champion. Well tonight, I showed her. And in thirteen days I’ll show them all!”

Jazz walks up to Ivory and Borash.

Jazz: “Look, what you did to Molly tonight, I don’t really care. But if you touch me, I’ll whip your ass.”

Ivory: “Oh yeah? What’s so special about you?”

Jazz: “You gonna find out in thirteen days. Molly, you and whomever else is in the match going to get their ass kicked whether you like it or not!”

Ivory at first looks to fight, but backs away as Jazz doesn’t back down at all.

Jeremy Borash: “Alright guys back to you.”


Scott Hudson: “Thank you Jeremy. Coming up next, a battle between former WCW World Tag Team Champions. Over the past couple of weeks, Kronik have had some chemistry issues and mishaps. They’ve failed twice on pay-per-view to win the titles. They were shockingly upset by Trailer Park Kash, Jamie Noble and Kid Kash. Last week they went down to the mighty Legion of Doom. Tonight, they go one-on-one.”

Brian Adams vs. Bryan Clarke

Adams and Clarke slug away at one another. Clarke gets a clothesline, then sends Adams off the ropes. Side slam from Clarke, and a cover, 1…2..Adams kicks out. Adams catches Clarke with an elbow, then punches him right in the chest. Adams hits Clarke with a legdrop and covers, 1…2…Clarke kicks out. Clarke gets back to a vertical base, and Adams and Clarke slug at one another again. They both then take one another out with a big boot to the face! Clarke and Adams slowly get back to their feet and once again trade blows. Adams misses a clothesline, and Clarke clotheslines Adams over the top rope. Clarke heads to the outside, and the brawl continues. Adams sends Clarke into the barricade. The fight keeps going on the outside, and the referee counts them both out. Neither man seem to care, as Adams and Clarke keep fighting their way through the crowd.

Winner: Double Countout in 2:58


Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (w/Torrie Wilson) vs. Test and William Regal

Test and DDP start. They lock up, and Test gets some blows in. Test misses one, and DDP gets an elbow. DDP fires away, then hits a discus clothesline that knocks Test off his feet. Test catches DDP with a forearm to the midsection. He sends DDP off the ropes, but DDP hooks Test’s head on a backdrop attempt and gets a jumping DDT! DDP comes off the ropes and Regal drills him in the back. Test knocks DDP down with a clothesline, then tags in Regal. Regal kicks DDP in the head, then mounts him and hits forearms. Regal hits his arm trap beckbreaker and then covers DDP with a fist in DDP’s face, 1…2…DDP kicks out. Regal tags Test back in, and Test locks in the headlock.

DDP tries to fight out and manages to! He gets back to a vertical base and elbows Test in the midsection. DDP comes off the ropes and hits Test with a flying clothesline, then slowly makes his way to his partner. Regal comes in as DDP makes the tag to the Giant…and the referee tries to hold The Giant back as he was dealing with Regal! Giant shoves the referee aside and chases after Test, and Test hightails it out of the ring and through the crowd, and The Giant is after him! Regal runs DDP off the ropes, but DDP ducks the clothesline, then hits the Diamond Cutter! Cover…but Tajiri and Finlay are here and break it up, and the referee throws it out!

Winners: Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant by DQ when Tajiri and Finlay interfered in 6:11

Finlay and Tajiri
double team DDP when Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo make their way down for the save! Then, Finlay and Tajiri’s opponents later tonight, The Legion of Doom, make their way to the ring! The referees clear O’Haire, Palumbo, Regal and DDP to try to get things started!

The Legion of Doom vs. Finlay and Tajiri

Hawk chases Tajiri around the ring as Animal and Finlay hit each other with hard, stiff blows! Tajiri ends up running into Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo and that brawl starts again! Hawk comes into the ring and they pound away on Finlay, but Finlay tries to fight back. Animal whisps Finlay into the corner, and then both LOD members follow up with clotheslines. Animal puts Finlay on his shoulders, but The Dudley Boyz hit the ring and Bubba nails Animal with a chair! Hawk takes D-Von out with a clothesline off the top rope. Referee throws this out as the brawl on the outside continues as well.

Winners: The Legion of Doom by DQ when the Dudley Boyz interfered in 1:49

hits Hawk with the chair as the Dudleyz pound away on Animal. O’Haire, Palumbo and DDP run back into the ring and the brawl is on! Tajiri and Regal decide to head to the back. The Dudleyz and Finlay get out of the ring too, clearly outnumbered.


We come back to Nitro and see Test running in the parking lot again. He gets into his rental car, but The Giant catches up this time! He grabs the door open as the car starts moving, but Test is able to fight him off and drive away. The Giant is furious, and he punches a pillar that starts to crack based on the force of the punch!


Finlay catches up to William Regal and Tajiri and they look to be leaving the building when they run into Shane McMahon.

Shane McMahon: “What do you guys think you’re doing? This is supposed to be my commissioner too. I’m sick of you running around doing whatever the heck you want. Next week, I’m not going to let you run away. 10 Man Tag. You three, The Dudley Boyz against LOD, O’Haire, Palumbo and DDP!”

William Regal: “Perhaps you think you’re punishing me but that’s okay with us. By the time we’re done with him, that filth Diamond Dallas Page won’t even make it to SuperBrawl. And Shane…

Shane McMahon: Mr. McMahon.”

William Regal: “…Mr. McMahon…just know that dealing with the likes of DDP will be doing you a favor in the long run.”

Shane is left shaking his head as Regal, Tajiri and Finlay walk off.


WCW United States Champion Christian
comes out to do commentary with Hudson and Tenay.

#1 Contender for the WCW United States Championship
Booker T vs. Curt Hennig (w/Alexis Laree)

Booker and Hennig lock-up, and Booker shoves Hennig right into the corner. Hennig gets right back in Booker’s face and slaps him! Booker goes for a retaliatory shot but Hennig ducks, then gets a headlock takedown. Booker breaks free with a headscissors, and Booker smacks Hennig right in the face as they both get back to a standing base! Booker gets a headlock, but Hennig fights his way out with punches, then by sending Booker off the ropes. Booker runs right over Hennig on the way back! Hennig comes off the ropes and Booker gets a leapfrog before hip tossing Hennig, who goes flying out of the ring! Alexis Laree gets onto the apron, distracting Booker, and Hennig tries to take advantage…but Booker was waiting for him and hits him with a punch! Luna Vachon comes down and attacks Laree! Those two will be facing off next week as part of the Women’s Title Tournament! Hennig catches a Booker T backdrop attempt with a neckbreaker…and doesn’t seem to about Laree.

Hennig goes for a vertical suplex, but Booker lands behind him and pushes him towards the ropes, leading to a roll-up, 1…2…Hennig kicks out. Hennig reverses an Irish whip and goes for a backdrop, but Booker leaps over him and gets another pinning combination, 1…2…Hennig kicks out again. Hennig clotheslines Booker down. Hennig misses the elbow drop. As he gets up, Hennig runs into a Harlem sidekick! Christian leaves the broadcast booth as Booker continues with an atomic drop. Christian slides the US title into the ring. Booker comes off the ropes to finish with the Scissors’ Kick, but Christian trips him up and gets on the apron. Hennig grabs the US title, but he misses Booker! Booker gets a kick, then hits Hennig with the US title belt! Christian had the referee distracted. Booker hits the Scissors’ Kick, cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Booker T via pinfall in 7:25


The Game”
plays as Triple H makes his way down to the ring.

Triple H: “I’ve come down here just to get an up-close and personal viewing of Shane McMahon’s announcement that at SuperBrawl it will be me, The Game” going up against Kurt Angle for The WCW World Championship. So come on out Shane. We’ve been waiting all night, hell, I’VE been waiting all damn week. I’m the one who pinned Christian last week in the four-way. I’m the one who pinned Steve Austin at Souled Out. So get your ass out here now and give me what I’ve earned!”

Shane McMahon comes down to the ring, and its obvious Triple H doesn’t like the look on Shane’s face.

Triple H: “I swear to go Shane, I don’t give a damn that you’re my brother-in-law I’ll kick your ass right now if you don’t give me that damn match!”

Shane McMahon: “Just calm down, alright. Jeez. I went back and I watched what happened last week. And I’ve come down to one conclusion….”

Venomous” plays as Stone Cold Steve Austin is on his way to the ring!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Shane McMahon if you don’t mind, I’d also like to stand here real close and personal here to make sure I hear the words that Stone Cold Steve Austin is going off to SuperBrawl to regain his WCW World Championship. And if that son-of-a-bitch gets even remotely close to me I’ll whip his ass right now!”

Shane McMahon: “Neither of you are going to be putting hands on anyone, because if you do, neither of you will wrestle at SuperBrawl for anything!”

Triple H: “What? Neither?”

Shane McMahon: “I don’t care about what happened before last week. Last week’s four-way match was to determine who would face Kurt Angle at SuperBrawl and we didn’t get a decisive decision. I could put you two against one another again, but then we wouldn’t have a title match now would we? Therefore Kurt Angle will defend the WCW United States Championship against both Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “That sounds good with Stone Cold.”

Triple H: “Me too. Another chance to beat his [Stone Cold’s] ass and win the WCW World Title.”

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “Beat my ass? You’re going to be lucky if I let you get to SuperBrawl.”

Shane McMahon: “You won’t do anything! If either of you attack one another or Kurt Angle, and if Angle does the same, they’ll be removed from the SuperBrawl match!”

Austin and Triple H get in one another’s faces when “Medal” plays and WCW World Champion Kurt Angle makes his way down to the ring!

Kurt Angle: “I must say, Shane McMahon, you did a pretty damn good job here. Triple H, well I know I can beat you. And Steve Austin, hey, not many people have made you tap out before but I’m one of them. And I’ll be ready to do it again at SuperBrawl.”

Stone Cold Steve Austin: “You better be careful because I’ll slap the damn taste out of your mouth son first chance I get in two weeks!”

Kurt Angle: “Look, neither of you realize this, but I do. You guys are both among the all-time greats. But it’s not the 90s anymore. Hell it’s not even 2000 anymore. It’s time to move on. So if I have to cripple both of you to make the business move on I’ll be sure to do it. Let me make something perfectly clear. I’m the best wrestler in the entire world. And I have the belt to prove it. I plan to hold onto this title as long as I’m still breathing. And if one of you manage to win the match by beating the other? Well, I promise the next night I’ll be back for my title. Now I cam out here to fight, but Shane McMahon says we can’t do that. So after tonight, I’m going to prepare harder than I ever have before. You two are among the all-time greats. But it’s my time now, and that’s the bottom line…because KURT ANGLE SAID SO!

Shane McMahon stands between a tense Austin and Triple H, as Kurt Angle poses with the WCW World Championship on top of the ramp as Nitro goes off the air!


Quick Results

WCW World Women’s Championship Tournament: Round 1

Molly Marvel pinned La Felina

WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Jerry Lynn defeated Taka Michinoku, Brian Christopher and Chavo Guerrero Jr. when he pinned Taka to retain the title

Brian Adams and Bryan Clarke wrestled to a double countout

Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant defeated William Regal and Test by DQ

The Legion of Doom defeated Finlay and Tajiri by DQ

#1 Contender Match for the WCW United States Championship
Booker T pinned Curt Hennig


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Jerry Lynn (Defeated Taka Michinoku on 1-27-02)

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February 14, 2002
Ice Palace
Tampa, FL

Brock Lesnar:
“This is bullshit Paul!”

Paul Heyman: Brock, you beat Van Dam before, you can do it again. When Shelton wins tonight we’ll come up with the best possible match for you. Something where Rob Van Dam won’t stand a chance.”

Brock Lesnar: (To Shelton Benjamin) “You better win tonight!”

The theme of ECW plays, and then we cut to Joey Styles.

Joey Styles: “Hello everyone I’m Joey Styles! We know the ECW World Championship match for SuperBrawl is signed it will be ECW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar defending against Rob Van Dam. But in what kind of match? We find out tonight when Van Dam takes on Shelton Benjamin! If Van Dam wins, he gets to choose. If Benjamin wins, Lesnar gets to choose! Here comes Trailer Park Kash as we open tonight with a tag team match!”

Trailer Park Kash vs. Yang and Kaz Hayashi (w/ Taka Michinoku)

The match starts quickly with Noble misses a clothesline and coming off the ropes. Noble blocks Yang’s head scissors attempt and turns it into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Quick cover, 1…2…Yang kicks out. Noble sends Yang off the ropes, but Yang ducks the clothesline, then levels Noble with a clothesline of his own! Yang goes for a powerbomb, but Noble turns it into an armdrag. Yang comes off the ropes and Noble leapfrogs him. Yang goes for a springboard moonsault, but Noble ducks and Yang lands on his feet! Yang comes off the ropes again and Hayashi gets the blind tag. Yang slides under Noble, and Hayashi hits Noble with a springboard missile dropkick! Kash heads to the top rope, but he misses his own missile dropkick as Hayashi moved out of the way! Noble and Kash both roll to the outside, and Yang and Hayashi head to the apron…and hit stereo Asai Moonsaults!

Hayashi takes Noble to the top rope, and drops him with a face first suplex to the canvas! Hayashi runs at Noble, but Noble catches him with a dropkick,then tags in Kash! Kash hits Hayashi with a backbreaker, and Noble comes off the top with a legdrop! Kash covers, 1…2…Yang comes in to break up the cover. Noble clotheslines Yang over the rope and takes himself with him. Kash springboards off the ropes, and gets a springboard sunset flip on Hayashi, 1…2…Hayashi just kicks out! Kash lifts Hayashi up for a release front slam! Another cover, 1…2…Hayashi kicks out again. R-Killa is here! R-Killa just smashed a glass bottle off the back of Jamie Noble! Kash sees him…springboard somersault plancha takes out Killa and Yang!

Joey Styles: “What the hell…that’s Mark Henry! What is Mark Henry of all people doing out here?!”

Mark Henry walks down to the ring. Taka Michinoku seems to think he’s here to help take out Kash and Noble…but Henry presses Taka over his head and throws him into the barricade! Henry comes into the ring and he presses Hayasi over his head and throws him into Taka! Kash is back on the apron, and he doesn’t know what to think. He goes for a springboard, but Henry catches him in midair and slams him to the canvas with power! Henry off the ropes…World’s Strongest Splash! R-Killa continues to beat the hell out of Noble, who was cut open by that bottle. Henry continues to splash Kash until R-Killa grabs a mic!

Winner: No Contest when R-Killa and Mark Henry interfered in 8:33

“Yeah, you boys want to talk? You want to talk? Well you’ve got yourselves a fight! You two come to SuperBrawl and me and my man Mark Henry, we going to wreck yo shit! You want to talk? You want to talk! We’ll it’s time to fight!”

Joey Styles: Jamie Noble and Kid Kash might be in trouble. They have to contend with R-Killa and a man who is legitimately considered the strongest man alive? Like this isn’t just a billing. Mark Henry really is that strong! I know I need to objective…but they don’t stand a damn chance.”


Joey Styles:
Paul Heyman is in the ring! Last week ECW Owner Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley told Paul that he was to come up with a match to determine the main event at Uncensored in March, an event that ECW will be headlining. Well, what we got Paul?”

Paul Heyman: “Ladies and gentlemen, for the past week I’ve been thinking and thinking and thinking. You see, Extreme Championship Wrestling, my baby. My life. ECW is looking at a bright future. On Sunday, March 24, 2002, ECW will headline the joint Pay-Per-View event Uncensored, and just three weeks later perhaps the biggest event in ECW history will take place. Barely Legal II. You know I always said I would never use the Barely Legal name again. But if there’s ever a time to do it, it would be the event that marks the peak of the REBIRTH OF ECW!”

“So as I said, I’ve been thinking, thinking, thinking all day and all night. We know that by decree of ECW Owner Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley that Rob Van Dam will challenge Brock Lesnar for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship. And the main event of Uncensored should have as much championship experience as possible. At SuperBrawl…we will have The Extreme Brawl! All currently active former ECW World Heavyweight Champions will compete in an elimination falls-count-everywhere Extreme Brawl. Mike Awesome. Justin Credible. Mikey Whipwreck. The Sandman. Raven. Tazz. Jerry Lynn. The WINNER will face Brock…I mean the winner of Brock Lesnar and Rob Van Dam in the main event of Uncensored! Now how’s that Stephanie!”


We cut to the locker room where Lance Storm bangs his arm against the locker in frustration.

Dawn Marie: “Maybe…maybe he just forgot your name!”

Lance Storm: “Obviously not, he said former ECW World Champions. Ridiculous.”

Justin Credible: “Hey man, look, it sucks but me and Mike, one of us gonna win and win the title for all of Total Impact.”

Lance Storm: “I’ve got your back guys. But it’s still ridiculous.”


We then cut to an area that looks like the middle of nowhere…

Mikey Whipwreck: Raven, Raven, did you see the news? The Extreme Brawl?”

Raven just sits there…then Stasiak, Malice and Shannon Moore attack Whipwreck! They beat the hell out of him and leave him lying.

Raven: “You are no longer a pawn when I move you to the appropriate square. You’re now a piece removed forever from the board Mikey. Someone let Heyman know that Mikey Whipwreck will not make it to SuperBrawl. So it is written, so it has come to pass.”

Warriors, take care of this carcass.”


Winner Determines the Stipulation for the ECW World Championship Match at SuperBrawl XII
Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin

Benjamin gets in RVD’s face and does RVD’s own pose, but that results in boos. RVD gives it right back to Benjamin to a much better crowd reaction. They lock-up and Benjamin takes RVD down with a waistlock, but RVD escapes. Hammerlock from Benjamin, but RVD rolls through and kips up, then counters the hammerlock. They get a clean break, and Benjamin mockingly gives RVD a round of applause. They lock-up again and Benjamin is sent off the ropes. Leapfrog from RVD, then an armdrag. RVD catches Benjamin with another armdrag, and Benjamin bails to the outside. No problem for RVD as he comes off the ropes and takes Benjamin out with a springboard somersault plancha! RVD whips Benjamin into the barricade, then clotheslines him into the crowd. RVD gets a full head of steam and dives into the crowd, taking out Benjamin!

RVD puts Benjamin on the barricade and climbs to the apron. RVD goes for a spinning kick, but Benjamin moves and RVD ends up crashing into the barricade himself! Benjamin looks to suplex RVD but instead front suplexes him on the barricade! Benjamin gets back into the ring and hotdogs to the crowd as RVD struggles to get back onto the apron. When RVD gets on the apron, Benjamin comes off the ropes and leaps over RVD, sunset flip powerbombing him back to the floor! Benjamin leaves RVD lying and again heads back into the ring to hotdog to the crowd. RVD crawls back in and Benjamin heads to the apron himself. Springboard bulldog headlock! Cover, 1…2…RVD just kicks out! Benjamin drapes RVD on the ropes and kicks him in the back repeatedly. Benjamin comes off the ropes, but RVD moves out of the way and Benjamin leaps and gets tangled into the ropes. RVD hits a spinning heel kick and both men are down!

RVD hits Benjamin with some forearms, but Benjamin counters with a knee to the midsection. Benjamin sends RVD off the ropes, and RVD leaps onto Benjamin goes for the frankensteiner, but Benjamin blocks it powerbombs RVD! No cover though as Benjamin heads up top and does RVD’s taunt again. Benjamin’s Five Star Frog Splash misses as RVD moves out of the way! RVD slides to the outside to grab a chair. Back in he props Benjamin in the corner and places the chair in the middle of the ring…sunset flip onto the chair! RVD puts the chair on Benjamin and hits the ropes, Rolling Thunder! 1…2…Benjamin grabs the ropes to get himself out of the ring to break the count. Baseball slide from RVD. RVD heads to the top rope, but Benjamin runs up as well, and forces RVD to fall throat first onto the top rope! Benjamin then steals another move, the Split Legged Moonsault! 1…2…RVD kicks out again! Benjamin grabs the chair and runs right into the Van-Daminator! RVD up top, Five Star Frog Splash! 1…2…3!

Winner: Rob Van Dam via pinfall in 12:03

Brock Lesnar
makes his way out to the ring, but Paul Heyman stops him from attacking as he says “Stephanie will disqualify you…stop!” Lesnar says the match is over but does stop for Heyman. RVD grabs a mic.

Rob Van Dam: “Look, here’s what we’re going to do. We all know whatever match I pick, Shelton here is going to get involved. So I say, let’s involve him anyway. I just beat him right now so that shouldn’t be a problem for me.”

Brock Lesnar: “Me and Shelton vs. you? Sounds good to me!”

Rob Van Dam: “Yeah, I’m sure that would. And hey, had Shelton beat me here just now, perhaps you could have had that match. But no. I just know Shelton’s gonna get involved like he has recently. So, the match type I pick, is a Dream Partner Tag Team Match. I can’t imagine you’re going to pick anyone other than Shelton but hey, if you can, good for you.”

Paul Heyman: “Hey, hey, you know that’s not fair and you know why! As great as Shelton Benjamin is, if he gets pinned, Brock Lesnar shouldn’t lose the ECW World Heavyweight Championship! Unless you think you can’t beat him in that ring!”

Rob Van Dam: “Hey, that’s fair and I’m for it.”

Paul Heyman: “So it’s settled, to win the title, you have to beat Brock. That’s true for you and your partner! Brock, who are you picking.”

Brock Lesnar: “What kind of a dumbass question is that? I pick Shelton Benjamin.”

Paul Heyman: “I’m just make sure. Rob, who is your partner?”

Rob Van Dam: “Honestly, I think I’ll keep that under wraps for the week, but I can give you guys a small preview!”

Rob Van Dam points to the sky…and the crowd roars! Heyman is shown shaking his head…yelling

Joey Styles: “Is…he’s gotta be talking about Sabu! Oh my god! We gotta go!”

The crowd goes nuts and the last thing we hear is them chanting…



Quick Results

Trailer Park Kash vs. Yang and Kaz Hayashi went to a no-contest

Winner Decides SuperBrawl XII ECW Title Match Stipulation
Rob Van Dam pinned Shelton Benjamin


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Jerry Lynn (Defeated Taka Michinoku on 1-27-02)

Roster Updates

Mark Henry –
After spending most of 2000 and 2001 in developmental, the legit World’s Strongest Man is back!


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ECW Hardcore TV
February 16, 2002
Ice Palace, FL
Tampa, FL

Joey Styles: “
Welcome everyone to ECW Hardcore TV! This week, it’s not Worldwide, it’s ECW Hardcore action! And we have an ECW alumni headed to the ring to take on Shelton Benjamin!”

CW Anderson vs. Shelton Benjamin

They lock up and Anderson takes Benjamin down with an armbar. Benjamin fights his way out and gets a waistlock takedown, but Anderson counters again, and hits a Fireman’s carry into the armbreaker! Anderson punches away at Benjamin, then sets him up for a suplex. Anderson gets him up…and he holds Benjamin up there…but Benjamin comes down on his feet and knocks Anderson down with a spinning heel kick. Cover from Benjamin, 1…2…Anderson kicks out. Benjamin heads to the apron…he goes for a springboard clothesline, but Anderson catches Benjamin’s arm and gets a single arm DDT! Cover from Anderson, 1…2…Benjamin kicks out. Anderson moves right to the armbar, looking for the submission, but Benjamin gets his feet on the ropes. Anderson sends Benjamin off the ropes and goes for the spinebuster, but Benjamin beautifully counters into a monkey flip!

Anderson gets back to his feet and Benjamin geta a superkick to knock him right back down! Cover, 1…2…Anderson kicks out. Benjamin heads to the apron, and this time he gets the springboard clothesline! Benjamin waits for Anderson to get to his feet and then takes him back down with a leaping reverse STO! Benjamin sets Anderson up for the T-Bone Suplex, but Anderson counters and hits Benjamin with an exploder suplex of his own! Anderson covers, 1…2…Benjamin just kicks out. Anderson slashes his throat and sends Benjamin off the ropes…Spinebuster! Cover, 1…2…Benjamin just kicks out again! Anderson sends Benjamin off the ropes again, but Benjamin ducks a superkick, and then he catches Anderson with the T=Bone Suplex! 1…2…3!

Winner: Shelton Benjamin via pinfall in 6:27

Shelton Benjamin
looks impressed by Anderson and Paul Heyman come down. Anderson looks angered about the loss, but Heyman convinces Anderson to come to the back with him and Benjamin.


Joey Styles:
“Two night ago on RISE, Paul Heyman made the match involving seven former ECW World Heavyweight Champions. Raven took Mikey Whipwreck out of the equation when he had his Warriors beat the hell out of him at Raven’s behest. At SuperBrawl it’s the Extreme Brawl to determine the #1 Contender for the ECW World Championship. It will be two members of Total Impact, Mike Awesome and Justin Credible. It’s the Hardcore Icon The Sandman. It’s Tazz. It’s Jerry Lynn. And of course, it’s that miserable son-of-a-bitch Raven. Falls Count Anywhere. Elimination. Only one man will win.”

“The winner of the Extreme Brawl will face the ECW World Champion at the ECW headlined Uncensored pay-per-view. That will be decided in a unique way...in a Dream Partner Tag Team Match. But all accounts, ECW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar has picked Shelton Benjamin. The challenger, Rob Van Dam, didn’t announce his partner, but he pointed to the sky on RISE and that has to mean Sabu! Van Dam and Sabu are multi-time ECW World Tag Team Champions. I have no idea who else RVD would be picking. Now, by the rules agreed to by Van Dam and Paul Heyman whoever is the partner can win the ECW title as well, but they have to beat Lesnar, not Benjamin. That’s ECW’s contribution to SuperBrawl XII.

“Also at SuperBrawl, Kurt Angle defends the WCW World Championship against both Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Christian defends the WCW US Title against Booker T. In a feud we’ve seen build over multiple episodes of RISE, Trailer Park Kash, Jamie Noble and Kid Kash take on R-Killa and his monster of a friend Mark Henry. The Giant takes on Test. The Dudley Boyz defend the WCW World Championship against the Legion of Doom. Diamond Dallas Page teams with Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo against William Regal, Tajiri and Finlay. Lastly, we will crown a new Women’s Champion. Ivory, Jazz and Molly Marvel have all qualified. On Nitro, it will be Alexis Laree against Luna Vachon!”


Total Impact (Mike Awesome, Lance Storm and Justin Credible) (w/Dawn Marie) vs. The Hurricane, Nova and Blue Meanie

Awesome, Credible and Storm attack right away. Dawn Marie sets a table up on the outside and Awesome grabs Meanie…and Awesome Bombs him from the ring through the table on the outside! Hurricane dropkicks Awesome in the back, but Storm takes him out with a superkick. Nova knocks Credible down and dropkicks Storm, but Awesome levels him with a huge clothesline. Awesome heads to the top rope, but Hurricane comes off the ropes and crotches him. Hurricane and Nova stomp away at Storm in the corner, but Credible whacks them both with a kendo stick! Storm superkicks Hurricane to the outside, and Credible sets Nova up…That’s Incredible Piledriver! Awesome then comes off the top and hits Nova with the Awesome Splash! 1…2…3!

Winners: Total Impact when Awesome pinned Nova in 3:04

As Total Impact celebrates, Bam Bam Bigelow runs into the ring and attacks Total Impact! He takes out Storm and Credible with headbutts, then him and Awesome go at it! They get broken up, and Bigelow grabs mic.

Bam Bam Bigelow: “What the hell Paul?! What the hell is this Extreme Brawl and why I ain’t I in it?! I better have a spot in the match by RISE, or someone’s getting hurt!”


Quick Results

Shelton Benjamin pinned CW Anderson

Total Impact defeated The Hurricane, Nova and The Blue Meanie when Awesome pinned Nova


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Jerry Lynn (Defeated Taka Michinoku on 1-27-02)

Roster Updates

CW Anderson – ECW enforcer
has returned to ECW!ne time


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WCW Monday Night Nitro
February 18, 2002
Ice Palace
Tampa, FL

Scott Hudson
: “Hello everyone, we are just six days from SuperBrawl XII! We have a packed show tonight, as Kurt Angle, Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin will sit together in the same ring and sign the contract for this Sunday’s main event! Also, we have a massive 10 Man Tag Team way tonight as Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O’Haire, Chuck Palumbo and the Legion of Doom take on William Regal, Tajiri, Finlay and the Dudley Boyz! Right now, it looks like Booker T is headed to the ring!”

Booker T makes his way out to the ring and grabs a mic.

Booker T: “I just got a couple of things on my mind and that is that SuperBrawl is six days away and I’m ready to take out Christian! Now Christian is one punk ass. Last week he tried to screw me over against Curt Hennig so I didn’t get this shot. Well too bad, I overcame, and I got it anyway. I haven’t had tons of chances recently to put gold around my waist and I wasn’t gonna let this one slip away because you tried to screw me! So I say, I say let’s not wait six days! I say, Christian, let’s do this now sucka!”

Booker T waits for Christian to come down…but instead Lance Storm of Total Impact makes his way down to the ring!

Lance Storm: “Opportunities? You want to talk about a lack of opportunities Booker? Seriously? You’ve won six WCW World Championships. You’ve had your chances. But me? Because of the lack of opportunities I’ve gotten in the past Paul Heyman didn’t even give me a shot at one at SuperBrawl. So I’m going to make my own opportunities. And that starts with me taking you out tonight!”

Booker T: “You wanna go? Lance Storm, if you wanna go, I dig it, let’s go!”

Booker T vs. Lance Storm

Booker and Storm lock-up and Booker gets an arm ringer to start. We get a clean break…until Storm pushes Booker. Booker takes it in stride. They lock-up again and Booker gets a hammer lock. Storm pushes Booker back into the corner and hits several shoulder thrusts and a European uppercut. Big punches from Storm. Booker reverses an Irish whip and hip tosses Storm! Punches from Booker, then a big slam! Booker comes off the ropes and Storm goes for the backdrop, only to get kicked in the face. Booker goes for a Halem sidekick, but Storm ducks and Booker crotches himself on the top rope. Storm nails Booker and Booker crashes to the floor. Booker makes his way back in and Storm stomps away. Storm slams Booker into the turnbuckles and follows up with knife-edge chops. Storm sends Booker off the ropes and gets a beautiful single leg dropkick! Cover from Storm, 1…2…Booker kicks out!

Storm slams Booker into the corner again and hits some punches, but Booker comes to life and fires back! Storm catches Booker with another European uppercut. Storm whips Booker across the ring, but Booker leaps and twists over an incoming Storm, getting a pinning combination, 1…2…Storm kicks out! Storm knocks Booker down with a clothesline as both men got back to their feet! Storm gets Booker up and hits a vertical suplex. He floats over with the cover, 1…2…Booker kicks out! Storm twists the neck of Booker, then gets a knee to the face. Storm sends Booker off the ropes but Booker ducks the clothesline and comes back with a flying one of his own! Booker punches away at Storm then hits him with a dropkick. Flapjack from Booker…and here it comes, Spinarooni! Booker gets a kick to the midsection, but when he comes off the ropes he’s tripped by Christian who pulls him to the outside and whallops Booker with the WCW United States title belt…causing the DQ!

Winner: Booker T via disqualification in 7:54

pounds away on Booker T then slides him back into the ring. Lance Storm locks Booker into the Canadian Maple Leaf until officials force him to break the hold.


We cut back to William Regal’s office, as Regal is with Tajiri and Finlay.

William Regal: “Look, I don’t really like it either. We just get through tonight and we get in any shots we can on that miserable specimen Diamond Dallas Page or those two hoodlums Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo. Avoid the Legion of Doom at all costs.”

The Dudley Boyz walk in…

Bubba Ray Dudley: “Did I hear you correctly Regal? I hope you boys aren’t planning on leaving us high and dry out there.”

William Regal: “No gentlemen, of course not…”

Bubba Ray Dudley: “Good. If you play your cards right, we can take care of that Torrie Wilson problem for you too.”

Tajiri begins to cackle wildly…

Bubba Ray Dudley: “What the hell’s wrong with him?”

William Regal: “Look, don’t mind him. We won’t abandon you gentlemen tonight. You have my word.”

Bubba Ray Dudley: “Well let’s see what that’s worth.”


We’re about to cut to a commercial on Nitro as a limousine arrives in the parking lot…


We come back to Nitro and we’re still on the limousine…and Triple H comes out of it! HHH heads inside the building, presumably for tonight’s contract signing!

Mike Tenay: “Coming up next everyone is the last qualifying match for the Women’s Championship Fatal-Four Way at SuperBrawl. Ivory, Molly Marvel and Jazz so far have qualified. We have two drastically different women here by experience. Alexis Laree, who’s relatively still new in the business but can definitely pull off the victory. Her opponent, the experience Luna Vachon who is absolutely capable of anything!”

Women’s Championship Tournament: Round 1
Alexis Laree (w/Curt Hennig) vs. Luna Vachon

Luna tackles Laree and slams her head against the mat repeatedly. Laree fights back and boots Luna and hits her with a neckbreaker. Cover, 1…2…Luna kicks out. Luna spears Laree down again and punches away. Luna sends Laree off the ropes and then boots her in the midsection, then hits a DDT! Spinning facebuster from Luna. Luna picks Laree up and drops her face first on the top turnbuckle for snake eyes, but when she comes off the ropes to follow through Curt Hennig trips her. Luna kicks Hennig in the head, but Laree takes advantage and spears Luna down! Cover, 1…2…Luna kicks out. Hennig gets on the apron, but Gangrel comes from the crowd and pulls Hennig down, and they go to blows! Laree goes for a frankensteiner, but Luna counters with a powerbomb! Luna heads to the top rope…Luna Eclipse! 1…2…3! Luna advances!

Winner: Luna Vachon via pinfall in 2:59

Curt Hennig
and Gangrel keep fighting on the outside until they are broken up. Hennig yells out that he’ll take care of Gangrel later tonight!


Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with the Legion of Doom.

Jeremy Borash: “Gentlemen, you are six days away from challenging for the WCW World Tag Team Championship.”

Animal: “You damn right Borash! You see there are people out there who said we were dead! That we were finished! That the LOD were dead! You can slap us! You can punch us! You can kick us! You can knock us down! You can do anything to us but we ain’t going down without doing the same to you! We will always get back up! Dudley Boyz, you can take your commandments and shove ‘em! And if you don’t, we’ll do it for ya!”

Hawk: “You boys keep trying to hurt us physically. You can try all you want! Like Animal says we will come back and make it hurt worse for you! You boys ain’t too smart! I’m pretty sure the song “Brother, can you spare a brain” was written with you two in mind! You two gotta pay and at SuperBrawl not only will you pay with your bodies, you’ll pay with the belts! OOOO WHAT A RUSH!”

Jeremy Borash: “To Kevin Kelly!”


Kevin Kelly
: “Thank you Jeremy I am with Luna Vachon congratulations on the victory tonight. Any thoughts going into SuperBrawl?”

Luna Vachon: “Heh heh heh no, no I don’t have thoughts. I have obsessions! I’m going to destroy all three of them this Sunday to claim MY TITLE…MY TITLE…”

Jazz attacks Luna from behind and the brawl is on! Jazz and Luna go at it until Molly Marvel comes and attacks Jazz. Ivory isn’t far behind as the four women competing for the Women’s Championship are brawling all over the back until they are finally broken up!


Mark Henry (w/R-Killa) vs. Hugh Morrus

Morrus punches away at Mark Henry to basically no effect. Morrus comes off the ropes and goes for a body tackle, but he bounces off Henry and goes down himself. Morrus gets back to his feet and again goes to tackle Henry, but Henry quickly picks him and hits a full rotational powerslam! Henry whips Morrus into the corner and squashes him with a full body avalanche! Henry presses the 300 pound Morrus above his head…then drops him face first! Henry comes off the ropes and splashes Morrus! 1…2…3!

Winner: Mark Henry via pinfall in 1:46


Scott Hudson
: “Ladies and gentlemen a reminder that this Sunday emanating from the Georgia Dome, it’s Superbrawl XII! Of course, the main event for the WCW World Championship, we have WCW World Champion Kurt Angle defending the title against Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin!”

Mike Tenay: “That’s right Scott. There are several matches that World Championship Wrestling has to offer…but I have the scoop here listen to this…making their returns to World Championship Wrestling at SuperBrawl, two prominent members of the WCW Cruiserweight Division. It’s going to be a battle of two multi-time World Cruiserweight Champions. Juventud Guerrera will take on Psicosis at SuperBrawl XII, with the winner getting a WCW World Cruiserweight title match the next night on Nitro!”

Scott Hudson:
“Wow Mike, huge news for sure! Two of WCW’s best Cruiserweights in action at SuperBrawl! Now…as much as I’d like to continue, I see Brian Christopher is making his way out here for some reason…

Brian Christopher makes his way down to the ring, microphone in hand.

Brian Christopher: “Hey hey hey, now I’ve been back here in WCW and ECW for a couple weeks now, and I want to know why everyone here is so serious and so boring. I went to the bar the other night, and I found two guys, two WCW legends who I know love to dance! And I decided to bring them out here for a little Monday Night dance party! Everyone give a big warm welcome to The Disco Inferno and Alex Wright!”

Scott Hudson: “Oh no not these two clowns…”

Disco Inferno and Alex Wright make their way to the ring, dancing the whole way!

Brian Christopher: “You guys were always my favorite in WCW!”

Disco Inferno: “Thank you Brian! I’m here to do one thing, and that’s get the party started! You know, they say if you dance a lot, it makes you a better wrestler!”

Brian Christopher: “Oh yeah?”

Disco Inferno: “Yep, you can become better than the best? Steve Austin? Triple H? Kurt Angle? None of those guys would stand a chance if you dance as much as The Disco Inferno!”

Brian Christopher: “What about that ugly, smelly Giant?!”

Disco Inferno: “Sure him too! Let’s get the party started!”

Disco Inferno’s music plays as Disco, Alex Wright and Brian Christopher start dancing.

Scott Hudson: “Are we really going to waste everyone’s time with this…oh I may have spoken too soon!”

As Disco, Wright and Christopher dance, The Giant makes his way to the ring…clearly he heard what Christopher said. The trio notice him and back away in fear…as Test runs into the ring and chopblocks the Giant! Test has some sort of weapon with him and bashes the Giant’s knee over and over! Christopher, Disco and Wright all have their hands out…and Test hands them each a couple of hundred dollar bills! Test goes back to the Giant, pounding on the knee with what looks like a club of some kind! Test raises his arms over the fallen, and pissed off Giant as he heads to the back. The Giant struggles get to his feet, and he’s clearly angered by what Test just did!


Curt Hennig makes a point to avoid the limping angry Giant up the rampway as he comes out for his match.

Curt Hennig vs. Gangrel

Hennig and Gangrel punch away at one another right away, clearly a holdover from earlier. Gangrel nails Hennig with a big boot to the face, then rolls the staggered Hennig up, 1…2…Hennig kicks out. Gangrel comes off the ropes and catches Hennig with an elbow to the face! Gangrel off the ropes, he catches Hennig with a bulldog headlock! Another cover, 1…2…Hennig kicks out and retreats to the outside, clearly surprised with how things are going. Hennig slowly slides back into the ring and pokes Gangrel in the eye when he approaches. Hennig comes off the ropes and locks Gangrel in a sleeper! He slowly puts Gangrel on the mat and legdrops Gangrel low in a wishbone formation! Atomic drop from Hennig and then he backdrops Gangrel as Gangrel stumbles back towards him. Gangrel ends up in a sitting formation and Hennig catches him with a somersault cutter!

Hennig sets Gangrel up for the Hennig-Plex, but Gangrel punches Hennig in the ribs to break free. Hennig misses a clothesline and Gangrel hits a belly to back suplex! Cover, 1…2…Hennig kicks out. Gangrel whips Hennig off the ropes and goes for the backdrop, but Hennig counters and has Gangrel set up for the Hennig-Plex again. Gangrel goes dead weight though and hits a Northern Lights Suplex instead! 1…2…Hennig kicks out! Gangrel sets Hennig up for the Impaler DDT, but Hennig gets a low blow undetected from the referee. Hennig-Plex connects this time, 1…2…3!

Winner: Curt Hennig via pinfall in 6:04


Backstage, Booker T is backstage and he runs into R-Killa and Mark Henry.

R-Killa: “Hahaha you see what happened Mark? Oh look it’s the super tough Booker T! He got punked out by Christian earlier! Ha!”

Booker T: “Oh yeah, here’s a real tough guy. You hide behind Mark Henry but yeah, you tough.”

R-Killa: “I don’t hide behind nobody! You getting close Book.”

Booker T: “Anytime you wanna go in the ring sucka, you om player. That goes for either one of you.”


Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O’Haire, Chuck Palumbo and the Legion of Doom (w/Torrie Wilson) vs. William Regal, Finlay, Tajiri and The Dudley Boyz (w/Stacy Keibler)

Chuck Palumbo and D-Von Dudley kick things off. They lock-up, and D-Von gets the advantage first with punches. Palumbo reverses an Irish whip and catches D-Von with a spinning back elbow. Palumbo gets an arm ringer and tags in O’Haire, who kicks D-Von at the top of the ribs. O’Haire sends D-Von off the ropes but D-Von gets a spinning back elbow. D-Von tags in Regal, who kicks the downed O’Haire before hitting him with forearms in the back of the neck. Regal tags in Tajiri. He catches O’Haire with a couple of kicks. He comes off the ropes but O’Haire catches him with a scoop powerslam! O’Haire tags in Diamond Dallas Page and Tajiri scatters away to his corner quickly, tagging in Finlay. DDP punches away at Finlay and catches him with a discus clothesline! Cover, 1…2…DDP kicks out! Finlay locks in a headlock.

Atomic drop from Finlay, then he wipes DDP out with a stiff clothesline! He tags in Bubba Ray Dudley who pounds away on DDP. Bubba hits DDP with three big jabs and then a bionic elbow! Bubba heads to the second rope…but the senton bomb misses! DDP makes it over to Hawk and Bubba Ray tags in D-Von! Hawk takes out both Dudley Boyz with clotheslines, and suddenly all ten men are going at it! The LOD work over the Dudleyz in the ring before Bubba Ray gets a double low blow that the referee doesn’t see. Bubba Ray then grabs Torrie Wilson by the head and pull her up to the apron, but DDP attacks! DDP goes for the Diamond Cutter, but D-Von hits him from behind, and they take out DDP with the Dudley Death Drop! Bubba Ray covers DDP, 1…2…Animal makes the save. The Dudley Boyz pound away on both members of LOD when Stacy Keibler gets on the apron to check on Torrie. D-Von comes off the ropes and accidentally knocks Stacy off! Animal and Hawk clothesline D-Von to the outside, and then they set-up Bubba…Doomsday Device! Hawk covers, 1…2…3!

Winners: The Legion of Doom, Diamond Dallas Page, Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire when Hawk pinned Bubba in 6:47

William Regal, Finlay and Tajiri
all run away as the LOD celebrate with DDP, O’Haire and Palumbo. The Dudley Boyz yell at Stacy Keibler. Torrie Wilson offers Stacy the chance to join DDP and company, but she reluctantly follows the angered Dudleyz up the ramp.


Shane McMahon
makes his way through the locker room…


We come back to Nitro as Shane McMahon is in the ring. The ring is set-up with multiple tables and chairs for the contract signing. WCW World Champion Kurt Angle makes his way out first, followed by Triple H. After a few extra seconds, Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way out as well.

Shane McMahon: “Gentlemen, in six days…”

Steve Austin: “Shut up!”

“This is a waste of time and to be honest with you I’m not really here for it. Quite frankly I don’t like or give a damn about you (pointing to Kurt Angle) and I absolutely hate your guts (pointing to Triple H). So if I can’t beat the hell out of anyone because of your little decree, I don’t want to be here. Shane give me the damn contract so I can sign it and get the hell out of here!”

Shane McMahon gives Stone Cold the contract and Austin signs it.

Steve Austin: “I’ll see you in Atlanta.

Stone Cold flips off Shane, Angle and Triple H before walking up the ramp and to the back.

Shane McMahon: “Well then Kurt, Triple H, we can go ahead. You guys sign and that’ll be it.”

Triple H grabs the contract out of Shane’s hand and after looking over it, signs. He puts it on the table, making a point not to hand it to Angle. Angle signs it as well. Both men get in one another’s face before Angle raises the WCW World Championship over his head.

Triple H slowly backs away, then slowly heads up the ramp, where the big screen shows us a shot of his limousine. Suddenly, Stone Cold Steve Austin, driving a monster truck, comes into view and runs over the limo! HHH is left in absolute shock! Austin runs over it a second time before coming out of the limousine.

Steve Austin: Have fun driving to Atlanta you stupid son-of-a-bitch!”

Triple H runs to the back as Kurt Angle is left laughing in the ring about what he just saw. With that, Nitro goes off the air!


Quick Results

Booker T defeated Lance Storm by DQ

WCW World Women’s Championship Tournament: Round 1
Luna Vachon pinned Alexis Laree

Mark Henry pinned Hugh Morrus

Curt Hennig pinned Gangrel

The Legion of Doom, Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo defeated William Regal, Tajiri, Finlay and The Dudley Boyz when Hawk pinned Bubba Ray Dudley


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Jerry Lynn (Defeated Taka Michinoku on 1-27-02)

Roster Updates

Alex Wright
One half of the Boogie Knights, is a former WCW Cruiserweight, Television and Tag Team Champion

Disco InfernoOne half of the Boogie Knights, is a former WCW Television and Tag Team Champion

Juventud GuerreraMulti-time former WCW Cruiserweight Champion has a chance to win it again. Had been wrestling in XPW and finished a tour of Japan with NOAH. Match with Psicosis is a rematch of their WWA International Cruiserweight Championship Match

PsicosisMulti-time former WCW Cruiserweight Champion has a chance to win it again. Is finishing up a stint in XPW and WWA. Match with Juventud Guerrera is a rematch of their WWA International Cruiserweight Championship Match


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February 21, 2002
Augusta-Richmond Civic Center
Augusta, GA

Near a trailer park, Jamie Noble and Kid Kash are talking when R-Killa and Mark Henry jump them! Henry slams Noble into the window of one of the trailers! Kash and R-Killa trade blows before Henry smashes a parking sign over Kash’s head! Henry picks Kash up and hits the World’s Strongest Slam on a car! Henry and R-Killa leave Noble and Kash bloodied and beaten!


The theme of ECW plays, and then we cut to Joey Styles.

Joey Styles: “Hell everyone welcome to the go home RISE for SuperBrawl XII. I don’t know what we just saw but it looks like Jamie Noble and Kid Kash may not make it to SuperBrawl thanks to R-Killa and Mark Henry. But we have big problems here too…it’s “The Beast From the East” Bam Bam Bigelow! Bam Bam showed up on Hardcore TV last Saturday and wanted to know why he, as a former ECW World Heavyweight Champion wasn’t invited to the Extreme Brawl!”

Bam Bam Bigelow: “Plain and simple. I want in the Extreme Brawl and I don’t care who’s ass I have to kick to get in it! Heyman, come out now and give me what I want!”

Paul Heyman comes out but doesn’t get in the ring with Bam Bam waiting for him.

Paul Heyman: “I…I thought you were hurt! I didn’t know you can go!”

Bam Bam Bigelow: “I’m Bam Bam Bigelow I can always go! It looks like I’m going to have to beat the crap out of your pretty boy champion!”

Justin Credible and Mike Awesome two members of Total Impact come out.

Mike Awesome: “Hey boy! You had some damn nerve attacking us last week! I’ll give you what you want! We’ll do it right now!”

Mike Awesome comes down to the ring and the fight is on!

Winner Is In The Extreme Brawl
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Mike Awesome (w/Justin Credible)

Bigelow and Awesome trade blows all over the ring! Bam Bam gets the upperhand with huge forearms, then whips Awesome into the corner. Bigelow avalanche splashes Awesome in the corner. Bam Bam continues the assault with huge punches. He whips Awesome across the ring again, but this time Awesome leaps to the top rope and takes Bigelow out with a flying back elbow. Awesome clotheslines Bigelow to the outside. Awesome comes off the ropes and hits Bigelow with a suicide dive between the ropes! Awesome sends Bigelow into the steel guardrail then grabs a chair. Awesome swings for the fences, but Bigelow blocks and smashes the chair over Awesome’s head! Bigelow then goes under the ring for another chair and throws it at Awesome. Then another one! Then a third! And a fourth! And a fifth! Bigelow is finding chairs everywhere and burying Awesome under them! Justin Credible whacks Bigelow over the head with a kendo stick to stop him!

Credible tries again, but Bigelow picks him up and rams him into the steel post! Awesome grabs one of the chairs and whallops Bigelow over the head! Awesome sends Bigelow back into the ring and heads to the top rope. Awesome Splash connects! 1…2…no, Bigelow kicks out! Awesome is shocked, and he tells Credible to set up a table on the outside. Awesome sets Bigelow up for an Awesome Bomb, but Bigelow punches the legs and escapes. Dropkick from Bigelow! Bigelow picks Awesome up for Greetings…but Lance Storm runs in and hits Bigelow’s face with a superkick! Storm stomps away as Credible slides the table in. Storm sets the table up and Awesome has Bigelow up…Awesome Bomb through the table! Awesome covers, 1…2…3!

Winner: Mike Awesome via pinfall in 7:02

Lance Storm
raises both of his stablemates’ arms in victory, as Justin Credible and Mike Awesome are headed to the Extreme Brawl in three days!


We come back to RISE and get a set of interviews set to “Misirlou”.

“Three days. In three days one of the most violent matches in ECW history will take place. That’s the hype that’s going on. That’s what everybody’s sayin’. ECW is going to take SuperBrawl one of WCW’s flagship events, to the extreme. And you think about who’s in the match. You’ve got the guys like Sandman swinging canes and chairs and whatever. You’ve got the sickest minds in all of wrestling, mind’s like Raven’s, looking to manipulate his way to victory. You’ve got the ones who claim to make the most impact, whether it’s Justin Credible or the big monster powerbombing everyone left and right in Mike Awesome. Then there’s Jerry Lynn, putting his body on the line every night. All of them got somethin’ sure. But when the dust settles and all the smoke clears a wrestler is going to win the Extreme Brawl. See Lesnar, like you, I’m a wrestler. My hands are my weapons. And I’m going to put down and choke out all five of em’. Then I’m coming for you Lesnar. And Van Dam, if you manage to pull off the victory, you know what I’m about. And if you pick for a partner who I think you’re picking, he damn sure knows what I’m about. Beat me if you can…survive…IF I LET YOU!”


Jerry Lynn: “Heh, three days away from maybe the biggest match of my career. And I promise I’m more than ready. They all may want to talk a big game, but I know how to beat them all. There’s a reason I’m in this match too afterall. And while I no doubt will be ready for the monster that is Brock Lesnar, I’m hoping you win it Van Dam. That’s so once and for all I can show you who the real F’N’ show is! I broke out in ECW, and I plan to break out and make my way to the top again!”


The Sandman: “The King of Extreme! The Hardcore Icon! Every match, every bar fight, every chair shot, every table, I’ve proven it day in and day out that I earned those nicknames. And now I’m invited to a brawl? Sounds good to me. Sounds perfect to me. I’ve had wars with some of these men. Hell, I’m pretty sure the shit Raven and I have done to one another over the years could get us arrested in most of the world. What these guys need to remember is that I’m the five-time ECW World Champion. That’s what makes me the king of extreme. I promise you all one thing. Someone’s not walking out of SuperBrawl. Someone’s getting maimed. Someone’s career is going to end. And it ain’t gonna be me. Then Lesnar. Or Rob Van Dam. I’m gonna kick the shit out of guys too to get back my ECW World Heavyweight Championship.”


Raven: “Apparently there’s been some issue with the way I’ve conducted myself and the way that Mikey Whipwreck was taken out of the Extreme Brawl this Sunday. No doubt that some old wounds will be re-opened at SuperBrawl. But I look forward to nothing more than to destroy The Sandman physically one more time. I anticipate every moment between now and the moment take out that group of posers called Total Impact. And finally, after years of ducking me, I can put an end to anyone who thinks Tazz is a true innovator of hardcore. All these guys can fight, they can wrestle, they can hit anyone with chairs. But what they fail to comprehend is that I will bring the true pain. The true anguish. The type of pain I bring is one they all will never forget. They all look to forget the past. They all look to forget that it is I, Raven, who reigned as ECW World Heavyweight Champion when ECW finally broke through to Pay-Per-View. Tazz can take all the credit he wants. Just know that the Sandman was never the same after he experienced me. And I suspect that’ll hold true not only for the rest of you, but for the one that will hold the ECW World Championship after SuperBrawl. And when I’m done, you can go ahead and say hi to Mikey. Quote the Raven, nevermore.”


CW Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam

Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin
stand at the entrance way to watch this match. Anderson ducks a couple of RVD kicks. They trade waistlocks before Anderson gets a headlock. Anderson turns this into a wristlock. RVD counters by walking up the turnbuckles for a flip them armdragging Anderson! Anderson ducks another kick but does not duck the second one as RVD connects. Quick cover, 1…2…Anderson kicks out. Anderson gets a shot in then sends RVD into the corner. RVD backdrops the charging Anderson over the top rope onto the apron. RVD hits some forearms. RVD comes off the second rope and dropkicks Anderson off the apron! RVD off the ropes…somersault plancha over the top rope takes out Anderson! RVD takes some time to hot dog with the crowd, then looks at Lesnar and Benjamin and taunts for them too!

RVD runs at Anderson, but Anderson backdrops him into the crowd. Anderson hooks RVD up for a suplex but instead impales him right on the guardrail! Anderson gets some blows in and whips RVD into the railing…but RVD leaps and takes out Anderson with a moonsault off the railing! RVD makes his way back to the ring, clearly still recovering. Anderson tries to get in but RVD legdrops his head between the ropes! RVD goes for a springboard flying back kick, but Anderson moves out of the way and clotheslines RVD down. He sends RVD into the corner and again goes for the corner splash, but RVD leaps over him and gets a sunset flip, 1…2…Anderson kicks out. RVD runs at Anderson but Anderson backdrops RVD over the top rope, and RVD slips off the apron and crashes to the floor. Anderson grabs a chair and smacks RVD on the back!

Anderson brings RVD and the chair back in. Anderson hooks RVD up and gets a Fisherman’s Buster on the chair! Anderson covers, 1…2…RVD just kicks out. Anderson hooks RVD by the arm and gets a Ferris Wheel Suplex, although it misses the chair. Anderson slashes his throat and sends RVD off the ropes, but RVD counters the spinebuster into a monkey flip! Anderson crawls up into the corner and RVD comes flying in and skateboards the chair in Anderson’s face! Split Legged Moonsault! RVD covers, 1…2…3!

Winner: Rob Van Dam via pinfall in 9:33

Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin
approach the ring and get onto the apron and RVD looks ready for a fight…until the lights go out!





Joey Styles: “OH MY GOD! IT’S SABU!”

Sabu appears in the ring next to RVD as Benjamin and Lesnar back off. CW Anderson makes the mistake of trying to hit Sabu with the chair, but he misses and gets hit with the Van Daminator! Sabu takes the chair and heads to the top…and comes off the top with the chair for an Arabian Facebuster! RVD and Sabu high-five and pose as RISE comes off the air!


Quick Results

Winner Is In The Extreme Brawl

Mike Awesome pinned Bam Bam Bigelow

Rob Van Dam pinned CW Anderson


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Jerry Lynn (Defeated Taka Michinoku on 1-27-02)

Roster Updates

Sabu –
The homicidal, genocidal, suicidal ECW legend has returned to be Rob Van Dam’s partner at SuperBrawl


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WCW/ECW SuperBrawl XII

Mean Gene Okerlund:
Hello everyone. We are just 24 hours away from the twelfth annual SuperBrawl. SuperBrawl of course is one of WCW’s longest running and biggest events of the year, and this year will be no different. Let’s take a look at the final card!”

#1 Contender to the WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis

Mean Gene Okerlund: This match was just announced by Mike Tenay on Nitro this past Monday. Both men are cornerstones of the WCW Cruiserweight division, and both are making their re-debut here. Both men are multiple time Cruiserweight Champions. Psicosis has won it twice, Juventud Guerrera three times. The winner of this match will face WCW Cruiserweight Champion Jerry Lynn the next night on Nitro!”

Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs. William Regal, Finlay and Tajiri

Mean Gene Okerlund: At Souled Out Diamond Dallas Page pinned our commissioner William Regal. Regal didn’t seem to take this well at all, bringing in a fellow European friend in Finlay to take out Page. This of course all came about because of the relationship or should I say post-relationship issues between Tajiri and Torrie Wilson. DDP called upon Palumbo and O’Haire, who were denied a World Tag Team Championship match from Regal. It all comes to a head in a six-man tag at SuperBrawl.

World Women’s Championship – Four Way Elimination
Ivory vs. Jazz vs. Luna Vachon vs. Molly Marvel

Mean Gene Okerlund: Throughout January and February the new women of WCW and ECW have been involved in a tournament to crown a Women’s Champion. Each of these women won their qualifier and now will be in a four-way match to determine the first World Women’s Champion!

WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Booker T

Mean Gene Okerlund: Both Christian and Booker T were looking at receiving a WCW World Championship shot, but neither were able to prevail in the four way match on Nitro. Booker T continued on and defeated Curt Hennig to receive a shot at Christian’s United States Championship. Christian won the title at Souled Out.”

WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Dudley Boyz © vs. The Legion of Doom

Mean Gene Okerlund: Since the rebirth of WCW and ECW, the Dudley Boyz have taken down every single tag team put in front of them. This includes the likes of Kronik, Public Enemy and The Faces of Fear. But, after becoming victorious at Souled Out the Legion of Doom made their triumphant return to World Championship Wrestling. Just on this past Monday Night on Nitro, Hawk was able to pin Bunna Ray Dudley as part of a 10-Man Tag. I can’t help but feel the Dudley Boy reign of terror may be coming to an end.”

The Giant vs. Test

Mean Gene Okerlund: It was at the Starrcade Pay-Per-View extravaganza where The Giant returned to World Championship Wrestling as Shane McMahon’s big signing. The Giant and Test got into a heated exchange leading to the Giant hitting the chokeslam on Test. Test would get a measure of revenge, booting the Giant and Kurt Angle off the stage at Souled Out in the middle of the WCW World Championship match. The Giant has been after Test ever since and gets him this Sunday.”

Mean Gene Okerlund: I’d like to thank Drowning Pool for providing SuperBrawl XII of it’s theme song “Tear Away”. SuperBrawl is available on Pay-Per-View for $34.99. It comes to you live from Atlanta, Georgia in WCW’s home base, the Georgia Dome, this Sunday, February 24th, 7:30 PM EST, 8:30 PM Central.

Mean Gene Okerlund: Now, let’s send it to Joey Styles who will go over the two matches from Extreme Championship Wrestling.”

The Extreme Brawl: #1 Contender for the ECW World Championship
Jerry Lynn vs. Justin Credible vs. Mike Awesome vs. Raven vs. The Sandman vs. Tazz

Joey Styles: Thank you Mene Gene. ECW is preparing for the road to Uncensored and the crown jewel of hardcore, Barely Legal II. The first match, the Extreme Brawl. Six former ECW World Heavyweight Champions go to war. Falls count anywhere. Anything goes. Elimination rules. Competing in the match we have “The New F’N’ Show” Jerry Lynn. Two members of Total Impact in Justin Credible and Mike Awesome. Raven. “The Hardcore Icon” The Sandman. “The Human Suplex Machine” Tazz. The last man standing will face whomever the ECW World Heavyweight Champion is at the ECW-headlined Uncensored!

ECW World Championship: Dream Partner Tag Team Match
Brock Lesnar © and Shelton Benjamin vs. Rob Van Dam and Sabu

Joey Styles: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley made the decision that Rob Van Dam didn’t get a fair shake back at Starrcade and deserved another shot at the ECW World Heavyweight Championship. To determine the stipulation, Van Dam went one-on-one with Brock Lesnar’s college teammate/coach Shelton Benjamin. RVD came out on top and surprised everyone when he picked a Dream Partner Tag Team Match. ECW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar naturally picked Shelton Benjamin. Who did Rob Van Dam pick? In my opinion the most insane s.o.b. in all of professional wrestling! He picked the former two time ECW World Heavyweight Champion, the “homicidal, genocidal, suicidal” Sabu! I don’t think any training Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin did at the University of Minnesota that prepared them for Sabu! On the rules agreed to by Paul Heyman and Rob Van Dam, Lesnar must be the one defeated in order to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship and Sabu can win the title as well.” That’s it for me, back to Mean Gene!"

WCW World Championship
Kurt Angle © vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H

Mean Gene Okerlund:
On Nitro on February 4, Stone Cold, Triple H, Booker T, and Christian went to war for this title opportunity. Austin and Triple H pinned Christian at the same time, leading to Shane McMahon to make the triple threat match for SuperBrawl. There is tons of history between these three competitors in just the short time frame of the last two years and it all comes to a head this Sunday. Can Kurt Angle continue his goal of being the new face of not only WCW but of all of professional wrestling? Is it still Triple H’s time? Is the era of Stone Cold Steve Austin continuing? You’ll have to order SuperBrawl to find out!”

As this is a re-post, there is no prediction contest.


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WCW/ECW SuperBrawl XII
February 24, 2002
Georgia Dome
Atlanta, GA

Scott Hudson: “Welcome everyone to the Georgia Dome! Over 70,000 fans are in attendance nevermind the millions watching at home for SuperBrawl XII! Tonight, three of professional wrestling’s biggest stars, Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin and WCW World Champion Kurt Angle compete for the biggest prize in our industry. But we kick things off with two of the best pound-for-pound wrestlers in the world, Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis.”

Mike Tenay: “
That’s right Scott. One criticism from the news outlsets, fair or not, is that the re-birth of the WCW brand hasn’t been “WCW enough”. Well let me tell you, Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera? It doesn’t get much more WCW that that. These two were a couple of the cornerstones for the WCW Cruiserweight division in classic WCW. Both men are multi-time former WCW Cruiserweight Champions. In a matter of moments, both men take the first steps toward adding another notch onto that accomplishment.”

Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis both have their masks on as they head to the ring, and each get a great reaction.

#1 Contender for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis

Both men circle one another. Psicosis goes for a punch but Juvi blocks and gets chops. Psicosis blocks the Irish whip and kicks Juvi, then hits a swinging neckbreaker! Cover from Psicosis, but Juvi quickly kicks out after one. Psicosis sends Juvi off the ropes, but Juvi ducks the clothesline. Juvi ducks another swing from Psicosis then catches him with a hurricanrana! Juvi runs at Psicosis in the corner, but Psicosis backdrops Juvi…who lands on the apron. Juvi grabs Psicosis’ hair and pulls him right down to the canvas! Juvi jumps onto the ropes and bounces off the ropes for a quick moonsault, but Psicosis moves out of the way. Psicosis gets a kick, then sends Juvi off the ropes. Spinebuster from Psicosis! Psicosis picks Juvi up to a vertical base then chops away at him. Juvi struggles to stay on his feet. Psicosis comes off the ropes and hits Juvi with a spinning heel kick and that sends Juvi to the outside.

Psicosis heads to the outside and sends Juvi into the barricade. Psicosis sets Juvi up for a suplex, and turns it into a brainbuster on the floor! Psicosis climbs back into the ring, but instead of letting the referee count he heads to the top rope! Psicosis hits a flying senton from the top rope to Juvi on the floor! Psicosis slides back into the ring and the referee begins to count, and Juvi just isn’t moving. Referee gets to eight and Juvi shows some life! Nine…and Juvi is back on the apron. Psicosis meets him there and stands on the bottom rope to suplex Juvi back in the hard way. Psicosis covers, 1…2…Juvi just kicks out and Psicosis shows some frustration to the referee. Psicosis slams Juvi down and leaps to the top rope, but the corkscrew moonsault misses as Juvi moves out of the way at the last minute!

Juvi comes off the ropes and Psicosis goes for a backdrop, allowing Juvi to hit him with a Rocker Dropper! Psicosis tries to escape to the outside, but Juvi hits him in the back and half of Psicosis’ body is now hanging inside the ring between the ropes. Juvi quickly gets into the turnbuckles and hits a somersault legdrop on the hanging Psicosis! Cover, 1…2…Psicosis kicks out! Juvi comes off the ropes and Psicosis gets him in a wheelbarrow, only for Juvi to land a bulldog! Juvi comes off the ropes again and jumps onto the shoulders of Psicosis, but Psicosis spins him around and plants him with a sitout powerbomb! 1…2…Juvi just kicks out and Psicosis is irate! Juvi dropkicks Psicosis out of the ring, then gets a springboard plancha to the outside! Juvi rolls Psicosis back in and heads to the top rope, and hits a diving spinning heel kick! Cover, 1…2…Psicosis just kicks out! Juvi goes for the Juvi Driver, but Psicosis rolls through with a pinning combination, 1…2…Juvi kicks out. Juvi heads to the top rope. He comes flying off, but Psicosis catches him with a dropkick!

Psicosis slams Juvi and looks to finish him off by heading to the top rope, but Juvi stops him by hitting the ropes. With Psicosis crotched on the top rope, Juvi springboards off the top rope and gets a diving hurricanrana on Psicosis from the top rope! Juvi covers, 1…2…Psicosis just kicks out. Juvi picks Psicosis up and plants him with the Juvi Driver! Juvi doesn’t go for the cover but instead drags Psicosis to the corner and heads up top. 450 Splash misses as Psicosis just moves out of the way! Now Psicosis is the one doing the dragging as he drags Juvi to the middle of the ring. Psicosis heads up top, but Juvi is back up and meets him up there. Juvi goes for a superplex but Psicosis blocks it…then hits Juvi with a front suplex off the very top rope! Psicosis calls for the end and heads up top one more time…and he hits the Psycho Guillotine Legdrop! Cover, 1…2…3! What a match, and Psicosis will wrestle Jerry Lynn for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship on Nitro!

Winner: Psicosis via pinfall in 17:05

Scott Hudson
: “Jerry Lynn is going to have his hands full tomorrow night, although he has to make it through tonight as well!”

Mike Tenay:
“That was as high impact as I was expecting Scott.”


We head backstage as Kevin Kelly sees that R-Killa and Mark Henry have entered the Georgia Dome.

Kevin Kelly: R-Killa, R-Killa, a word?”

R-Killa: “Hell you want?”

Kevin Kelly: “Quite frankly we weren’t expecting you here after the match between you two and Trailer Park Kash was cancelled due to Mark Henry’s attack this past week…”

R-Killa: “The hell you sayin’? Don’t be putting it on The World’s Strongest Man that those two pieces of trash aren’t tough enough to make it here tonight. That’s on them. We making our own chances out here and we got our own business. Now get out my way honky!”


Scott Hudson: “Well, what could that mean?”

Mike Tenay: “I don’t know Scott. It can’t be anything good.”

Scott Hudson: “Anyway, coming up next, the final for the new World Women’s Championship. Jazz, Luna Vachon, Molly Marvel and Ivory all won matches on Nitro in order to qualify for this match.”

Mike Tenay:
“That’s right Scott. Each competitor has had an interesting and different career path to this moment. Luna Vachon is an AWA/WWF/ECW/WCW mainstay. She’s competed for both the short-lived WCW Women’s Championship in the mid-90s and the WWF Women’s Championship, but has never won the title. This is her chance.

Ivory vs. Jazz vs. Luna Vachon vs. Molly Marvel

All four women quickly square off, with Luna and Jazz battering one another and Molly and Ivory going at it as well. Luna hits a dropkick that sends Jazz to the outside and leaps off the apron at her! Ivory and Molly jostle for position in an intense lock-up. Molly takes her down and almost gets a STF, but Ivory gets back to her feet. Molly arm whips Ivory down. Molly comes off the ropes, but Jazz trips her and drags her to the outside. Jazz tosses Molly into the barricade! Luna comes off the top rope with the Luna Eclipse, but Ivory moves out of the way! Jazz comes in and grabs Ivory by the hair and tosses her across the ring! Luna has backed up into the corner, so Jazz leaps at her and hits a monkey flip! Cover from Jazz on Luna, 1…2…Luna kicks out. Molly comes back onto the apron and Jazz looks to bring her back in the hard way, but Ivory elbows Jazz in the back. Molly hangs Jazz with a stunner across the top rope, and Jazz stumbles into a roll-up from Ivory, 1…2….Jazz kicks out! Ivory sends Jazz off the ropes, but the backdrop attempt is countered into a double underhook suplex! Luna then comes off the top rope with a Luna-Sault onto Ivory! 1…2…3!

Elimination 1: Luna Vachon pins Ivory in 4:56

Luna turns around and is immediately planted by Jazz with a Jazz Stinger! Jazz covers, 1…2…3!

Elimination 2: Jazz pins Luna Vachon in 5:09

Molly slides back in but Jazz takes her out quickly with a clothesline. Molly reverses an Irish whip and uses Jazz’s momentum to push her face first into the ropes. Dropkick from Molly! Molly picks Jazz up and hits a backbreaker. Molly heads to the top rope...Molly-Go-Around is caught and Jazz shows tremendous power and turns it into a spinebuster! Cover, 1…2…Molly just kicks out. Jazz comes off the ropes and cartwheels away from Molly, only to be a perfect distance away to get in a kick to the chest! Jazz springboards off the turnbuckles with a crossbody to Molly, 1…2…Molly uses the momentum to reverse the pin, 1…2…Jazz kicks out. Molly walks into a bodyslam from Jazz. Jazz tries to hook Molly up in a version of the Cattle Mutilation…only Molly counters and gets the Twin City Twister, 1…2…Jazz is able to break free! Jazz gets a hard elbow to the face of Molly. Jazz whips Molly into the corner, but Molly gets her foot up as Jazz charges in. Molly climbs up the turnbuckles, Molly-Go-Round! 1…2…3! Molly Marvel wins the title!

Winner: Molly Marvel via pinfall in 9:59 (New Champion)

Scott Hudson
: “We have a new champion Mike!”

Mike Tenay: “I’m sure Molly will do great as inaugural champion!”


Scott Hudson: “
Next, we have a six-man tag team match. The issues between these men go back to just after Starrcade in December. Tajiri and Torrie Wilson had broken up, much to William Regal’s delight. Diamond Dallas Page made the save when it looked like Regal and Tajiri had Torrie trapped. Regal brought in his friend from overseas Finlay. DDP enlisted the help of Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo. This should be a good one!”

Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo (w/Torrie Wilson) vs. Wiliam Regal, Tajiri and Finlay

We get a pier six brawl right away! We end up with Regal all alone with Palumbo and O’Haire! Palumbo takes Regal out with a superkick, and O’Haire comes off the top with the Seanton Bomb! 1…2…Finlay drags Regal out of the ring to break it up and regroup. Tajiri hits Palumbo with a kick to the face, then gets the handspring off the ropes into an elbow to O’Haire. DDP punches away at Tajiri and the match stabilizes. DDP gutwrench powerbombs Tajiri, 1…2…Tajiri kicks out. DDP tags in O’Haire. Tajiri comes off the ropes but O’Haire catches him with a wheelbarrow facebuster! O’Haire snapmares Tajiri and kicks him right in the back! O’Haire follows up with a soulderbreaker! Cover, 1…2…Finlay comes in to break up the count. O’Haire knocks Finlay off the apron then tags in Palumbo. Palumbo misses an elbow and Tajiri gets a spinning heel kick. Tajiri tags in Finlay, who stomps away on Palumbo. Finlay goes for a suplex but Palumbo counters into one of his own!

Palumbo tags in DDP, who kicks away at Finlay in the corner then knocks him down with a discus clothesline! Cover, 1…2…Finlay kicks out. DDP comes off the ropes, but Regal pulls his hair. DDP slugs Regal off the apron, but Finlay attacks from behind. Finlay hits big shoulder thrusts into DDP’s back as he’s trapped in the corner. DDP gets tripped by Finlay and Finlay follows up with a double foot stomp. Stun gun from Finlay. Cover, 1…2…DDP kicks out. DDP tries to reach for the tag, but Finlay stomps on his hand! Finlay brings DDP up to his feet by that hand and takes him right down with a short-arm clothesline. Regal now wants a tag in, and Finlay obliges. Regal waves to the crowd and to Torrie, before locking DDP in a headlock. DDP fights his way out, but Regal catches him with the arm trap neckbreaker before tagging in Tajiri.

Tajiri stomps away at DDP before helping DDP up to this knees. Tajiri looks to end it for Page, but Torrie gets on the apron, seemingly inviting Tajiri to her! Regal yells “nooo” as DDP rolls Tajiri up, 1…2…Tajiri kicks out! DDP levels Tajiri with a clothesline and tags in…both O’Haire and Palumbo at the same time?! O’Haire and Palumbo knock Finlay and Regal off the apron then set their sights on Tajiri! Palumbo sends Tajiri right into an O’Haire clothesline! Regal tries to drag Tajiri out of the ring, but the referee calls it a tag! Regal tries to argue, but O’Haire and Palumbo bring him in the hardway! Jumping spin kick from O’Haire sends Regal flying! Palumbo sends Regal off the ropes and hits a belly to belly throw. O’Haire is up top…for second time this match Regal is hit with a Seanton Bomb! O’Haire and Palumbo tag in DDP. DDP calls for the Diamond Cutter…and plants Regal in the middle of the ring! 1…2…3!

Winners: Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo when DDP pinned William Regal in 12:03

Scott Hudson
: “Maybe this will put our commissioner in his place once and for all. Ladies and gentlemen we’re going to be sending SuperBrawl over to Joey Styles as coming up next, it’s the Extreme Brawl.”


We go backstage into the locker room area…

Jerry Lynn: AJ, I see you’re suiting up to go out there. Well I have something to teach you here. If you want it to matter, you gotta win the big ones on your own.”

AJ Styles: “Yeah? But I mean, I watched you win the title a couple of years ago, and that wasn’t on your own.”

Jerry Lynn: “That’s why I have to do this one myself.”

AJ Styles: “Alright, I got you.”


Joey Styles: “Ladies and gentlemen at home I’m Joey Styles here to bring you The Extreme Brawl. No disqualifications, falls count anywhere. Right now you are hearing “Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck” as Justin Credible and Mike Awesome hit the ring. Those two, as well as everyone in this match, is a former ECW World Heavyweight Champion. This is for a shot at the main event of Uncensored…the winner here faces the champion at the conclusion of the Dream Partner Tag Team Match later tonight!”

After Justin Credible and Mike Awesome enter, Jerry Lynn, then Tazz are the next to be announced. “Enter Sandman” plays and we get the Sandman’s extended entrance…but he’s attack by Raven in the crowd and the match starts!

The Extreme Brawl To Determine the #1 Contender For The ECW World Championship
Jerry Lynn vs. Justin Credible vs. Mike Awesome vs. Raven vs. The Sandman vs. Tazz

In the crowd Raven pounds away on Sandman and throws him into a wall. Sandman fights back by taking a beer from a fan and smashing it in Raven’s face! Sandman beats on Raven all over the Georgia Dome with the Singapore Cane! In the ring we get a pseudo tag team match as the two members of Total Impact square off with Tazz and Jerry Lynn. Lynn dropkicks Credible to the outside and then dives over the top, taking him out. Tazz fires away at Mike Awesome, but Awesome takes him right out with a clothesline. Awesome powerbombs Tazz, but Tazz gets right back to his feet and flips Awesome off with a big “fuck you”! Credible slides into the ring and smacks Tazz in the back of the head with a kendo stick! Lynn dropkicks Credible into Awesome. Lynn kicks Credible and sets up for the Cradle Piledriver, but Awesome runs right over him. Awesome tries to splash Lynn in the corner, but Lynn moves out of the way. Lynn comes off the turnbuckles with an axhandle smash.

Back in the crowd Raven and Sandman have been brawling. Sandman punches away at Raven, and it’s getting close to a point where Sandman may knock Raven off a balcony! Malice, Moore and Stasiak are up there and they attack the Sandman! Sandman blasts each of them with the Singapore Cane! Raven grabs Sandman by his pants and pulls him off the balcony ten feet below…Sandman crashes through a table! Raven leaves Sandman there and heads back to the ring. Back in the ring Lynn runs at Awesome but Awesome pushes him high in the air and Lynn crashes right back down to the canvas. Tazz comes from behind Awesome and hits him with a German suplex! Credible attacks Tazz, but Tazz takes him out with an angry man clothesline! Credible bails to the outside, but Tazz goes right after him and runs him into the ringpost. Tazz takes a chair and blasts Credible over the head, then locks him in the Kata Ha Jime, The Tazmission! Credible submits for the first elimination!

Elimination #1: Tazz made Justin Credible submit in 7:51.

Tazz still has the hold on when Raven smashes him in the back with a chair! Raven hits Tazz with a Russian Legsweep into the barricade! In the ring Awesome punches away at Lynn, then sends him into the corner. This time Awesome hits the splash in the corner then tosses Lynn out for good measure. Awesome sends Lynn off the ropes, but Lynn comes back and leaps onto Awesome’s shoulders for a hurricanrana! Raven nails Lynn from behind. He goes for the quick Evenflow DDT, but Lynn turns that into a Northern Lights Suplex! 1…2…Raven kicks out. In the crowd The Sandman is slowly making his way back to the ring! He takes out Raven’s Warriors with Singapore Cane shots! Back in the ring Lynn sets Raven up for the Cradle Piledriver and plants him, but Awesome bulldozes right over Lynn again! This time he grabs Lynn by the hair and heads to the corner. Awesome climbs and lifts Lynn over his shoulder…and Lynn gets Awesome Bombed in off the top rope! Awesome covers, 1…2…3!

Elimination #2: Mike Awesome pinned Jerry Lynn in 11:32.

Tazz jumps on the shoulders of Mike Awesome and locks in the Tazmission, but Awesome runs backwards into the corner and breaks it up. Awesome kicks Tazz in the corner then tosses him to the outside. Awesome comes off the ropes and takes out Tazz with an over the top rope suicide dive! The Sandman has made his way back and whacks Awesome over the head with the cane. Raven flies over the top rope with his own crazy dive that takes out the Sandman! Raven slides a chair into the ring and brings in the Sandman as well. He sets up the chair and sends Sandman off the ropes, drop toe hold right into the chair! Raven locks Sandman in a cobra clutch, looking for a submission on the Sandman. Tazz slides a table into the ring and sets it up in the corner. He then puts Raven in the Tazmission, freeing Sandman. Tazz turns the Tazmission into a Taz-plex through the table, breaking the table and Raven in half! Before Tazz can follow up Awesome dives over the top rope with a shoulder block! Awesome takes the Sandman and lifts him over his shoulders…and sends him with an Awesome Bomb over the top rope through a table! Awesome leaps off the apron and splashes the Sandman in the wreckage for the pin, 1…2…3!

Elimination #3: Mike Awesome pinned The Sandman in 16:34

Tazz nails Awesome with a chair on the outside. Awesome fights back with a kick, then whips Tazz into the barricade and clotheslines him over. Awesome punches Tazz and then drops him face first onto the barricade. Awesome finds a nearby trash can (full of trash) and smacks Tazz over the head. Tazz has been split open as Awesome brings him back to the ringside area, but Tazz surprises Awesome with some punches, then sends Awesome into the steel steps. He slides Awesome back into the ring and stomps away at him. Tazz throws Awesome out of the corner with a belly-to-belly suplex! Cover by Tazz, 1…2….Awesome kicks out! Tazz brings Awesome to the top rope and sets Awesome up…Belly-to-belly Taz-plex off the top rope! Tazz covers again, 1…2…but again Awesome kicks out! Tazz sends Awesome off the ropes, but Awesome stops short of the backdrop…and plants Tazz with an Awesome Bomb! Awesome then heads to the top rope…Awesome Splash connects! 1…2…Raven picks Awesome up to break the count and plants him with the Evenflow DDT! Raven covers Awesome, 1…2…3!

Elimination #4: Raven pinned Mike Awesome in 20:30

Raven quickly covers Tazz, 1…2…but Tazz gets a shoulder up! Raven can’t believe it! Raven punches away at the downed Tazz. Raven sets him up for the Evenflow, but Tazz turns it into a Northern Lights Suplex! 1…2…Raven kicks out. Raven quickly goes for a clothesline, but Tazz hooks the arm and locks in the Tazmission! Raven has nowhere to go! Raven doesn’t submit…but he slowly passes out and the referee calls for the bell!

Winner: Tazz via submission in 21:46

Joey Styles
: “My god Tazz has done it! I don’t know how many of you had Tazz in your office pool, but the Human Suplex Machine still has something left. Now will he face one of his long time rivals in Sabu or Rob Van Dam? Or will he face Brock Lesnar?! What a match any of those three are. I’m about to send it back to Scott Hudson, but…

Bubba Ray Dudley: “Hey Joey. How about you start talking about something relevant? How about you sit here and report on the Dudley Boyz putting an end to the Legion of Doom? You always want to talk badly about the Dudley Boyz…

Joey Styles: “I…I haven’t said anything!”

D-Von Dudley: “Shut up Joey! You ain’t listening!”

Bubba Ray Dudley: “We’re about to go into that ring and prove once again why me and my brother D-Von are the best damn tag team in the world! And I better hear you talk about that in the next few weeks! And, if I see you look at Stacy the wrong way we’re going to come back here and break your neck!”

Joey Styles closes his eyes as the Dudley Boyz make their way to the ring for the WCW World Tag Team Championship Match!

WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Dudley Boyz © (w/Stacy Keibler) vs. The Legion of Doom

Hawk starts with D-Von. They lock up and Hawk pushes D-Von all the way to the corner. D-Von shoves him, and Hawk shoves him hard into the corner and fires away with punches. Hawk hits more punches and sends D-Von off the ropes, but D-Von comes back with a flying corkscrew elbow and hits an elbow drop. D-Von yells out that Hawk is “nothin!” D-Von comes off the ropes but Hawk scoops him up for a powerslam! Cover from Hawk, 1…2…D-Von kicks out. D-Von gets a punch in that staggers Hawk and D-Von tags Bubba Ray in. The Dudleyz whip Hawk off the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Bubba covers, 1…2…but Hawk kicks out again. Hawk gets a knee to Bubba’s midsection and that allows him to tag in Animal. LOD come off the ropes and hit Bubba Ray with a double flying shoulder block! Animal covers, 1…2…but D-Von breaks it up. Hawk and D-Von come to blows, and Animal attacks D-Von. Referee pushes Hawk back to the corner and Bubba Ray slam Animal. D-Von comes flying off the top rope with a headbutt right to Animal’s groin!

Bubba Ray sets Animal up…and spikes him with a piledriver…but Animal gets right back to his feet! Bubba Ray can’t believe it as Animal hits him with punches and kicks. Bubba fights back and is able to tag in D-Von. D-Von sends Animal off the ropes but Animal kicks D-Von in the face from the back bodydrop attempt! Tag to Hawk. Animal has an arm wrench on, and Hawk comes off the second rope and smashes D-Von’s arm. Hawk comes off the ropes, but Bubba Ray kicks him in the back and D-Von clotheslines him down. Animal runs right back in and knocks Bubba Ray off the apron, then pounds away on D-Von! Back bodydrop to D-Von! Bubba runs back in but gets scoop powerslammed by Animal! Animal calls for the Doomsday Device! Stacy Keibler gets on the apron distracting the referee as Animal has D-Von up...but Spike Dudley runs in and smacks Animal with a chair! Hawk takes out spike with the top rope clothesline, but Bubba knocks Hawk out of the ring. D-Von has Animal rolled up as the referee turns around 1…2…Animal breaks free! Hawk beats down on Spike on the outside…and that leaves Animal along to be planted with The Dudley Death Drop! Bubba Ray covers, 1…2…3! Hawk tries to make the save but he’s too late, and the Dudleyz get out of there taking Spike and Stacy with them!

Winners: The Dudley Boyz when Bubba pinned Animal in 8:55 (Retain)

Scott Hudson
: “I can’t believe that Spike Dudley would take the side of his half-brothers, weren’t they beating the hell out of him just a couple months ago?!”

Mike Tenay: “Who knows what goes on inside that head of his. Surely it’s a very disappointing result for the Legion of Doom. But the Dudleyz did stake a real claim for best tag team in the world, if not of all-time, with a big win tonight.”

Scott Hudson: “
Up next, this is a match that’s been two months in the making. Can Test take down the revived Giant?”

The Giant vs. Test

While the referee is going through the pre-match motions with The Giant, Test runs and hits him with the Big Boot! Test covers…and an angry Giant powers out at one! Test runs at The Giant again and gets hit with a massive headbutt, sending Test flying into the opposite corner of the ring. The Giant tells the crowd “shhhh…” and slaps Test so hard the echo is heard all around the Georgia Dome! Giant then tosses Test by his head across the ring. Giant approaches Test, but Test gets a thumb to the eye. Test backs up and goes for the Big Boot again, but The Giant catches it…and bashes Test’s kneecap! The Giant may have broken his leg! Giant grabs Test by the throat and plants him with the Chokeslam! A hand on Test’s chest, 1…2…3, and this is over just like that!

Winner: The Giant via pinfall in 2:22

The Giant tosses Test to the outside and raises his hand above his head. Test clearly can’t even stand and has to be helped to the back.

Scott Hudson: Well, that did not last long at all. The Giant means business here and Test stood no chance right from the beginning. You’ve gotta wonder if Test regrets any of his actions the part few weeks against The Giant. I’m not even sure if the next match is ready…up next is the match for the WCW United States Championship.”

Mike Tenay:
This should be a good one. Both United States Champion Christian and Booker T were considered great tag team wrestlers. Both of them broke out of that branding by winning singles championships. Booker T is the more accomplished, he is a former six-time WCW World Champion, but Christian has shown that type of potential throughout his career as well. Booker T is a former United States Champion as well, let’s see if he can take home the gold again!”

WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Booker T

Booker T tries to lock up with Christian but Christian ducks to the ropes. Christian demands Booker back up, but when they go to lock up again Christian again ducks to the ropes. Christian argues with the referee and Booker T attacks Christian, punching, chopping and kicking him all over the ring! Booker sends Christian off the ropes and hits a flapjack! Booker continues to fire at Christian and sends him off the ropes again, and Booker knocks him right back down with an elbow. Christian slides under the bottom rope and Booker gives chase, only for Christian to roll back in and get the advantage. It doesn’t last long though as Booker T nails Christian with a Harlem sidekick! Booker covers, 1…2…Christian kicks out. Booker T punches Christian into the corner, then climbs and punches some more! Fans are counting each one, 1…2…3…4….5…until Christian drops down and is able to pull Booker down face-first into the turnbuckles! Christian covers Booker and puts his feet on the ropes, 1…2…but the referee sees it and stops the count.

Christian hits a backbreaker and goes for a fair pin attempt, 1…2…Booker T kicks out. Christian sends Booker off the ropes and gets a knee to the midsection. Christian mocks Booker by looking at his hand like Booker does. Booker tries to take advantage with a kick to the face attempt, but Christian counters and gets a kick of his own. Inverted DDT to the knee takes down Booker. Cover from Christian, 1…2…Booker kicks out again. Christian slows the pace down planting his knee in Booker’s back and pulling back his arms. Booker T twists his way out of it and Christian hits the ropes, only to run into a twisting forearm from Booker! Roundhouse kick from Booker T…and as Christian goes down Booker gets the crowd ready for it. Spinarooni from Booker T! Booker kicks Christian, but when he prepares to finish him off R-Killa jumps onto the apron! Booker blasts R-Killa and the referee turns to get him out of here…and Booker turns right into a Mark Henry World’s Strongest Slam! Henry comes off the ropes and adds the World’s Strongest Splash before he rolls to the outside, collects R-Killa and escapes through the crowd. Christian gets his arm on Booker, 1…2…3!

Winner: Christian via pinfall in 8:49 (Retains)

Scott Hudson: “
What a shame that R-Killa and Mark Henry came here at SuperBrawl XII and ruined a great United States Championship match! First, they ruin their own match by injuring their opponents, now this! Well, nonetheless we’re going to send it to Joey Styles for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship Dream Partner Tag Team Match.”

Joey Styles: “
Thank you Scott. Definitely a shame about Booker T, hell we have to deal with R-Killa and Mark Henry on RISE too. Anyway, the time has come. If you’re a relatively new viewer, you will see the most insane competitor in that ring in Sabu. It’s Rob Van Dam and Sabu against The ECW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin. If either Sabu or Van Dam beat Lesnar, they win the title!”

ECW World Championship – Dream Partner Tag Team Match
Brock Lesnar © and Shelton Benjamin vs. Rob Van Dam and Sabu

Lesnar demands that Benjamin start the match, but Benjamin is a bit apprehensive as Sabu stands across the ring from him. Lesnar tells Benjamin to just “wrestle him”. Benjamin circles Sabu…and Sabu dives for the leg. Benjamin evades and gets on top of Sabu, slapping him in the back of the head. Benjamin poses to the crowd after “besting” Sabu in the exchange, not seeing that RVD has thrown Sabu a chair! Benjamin turns around and Sabu rockets the chair right in Benjamin’s face! Benjamin tries to regain his bearings in the corner, but Sabu sets the chair up in the middle of the ring and hits him with Air Sabu! Benjamin rolls to the outside and is out on his feet, and RVD takes him out with a moonsault off the apron! RVD and Sabu then stand in the ring and challenge Brock to come in! Brock enters the ring and stands half a ring away from him. Paul Heyman and CW Anderson come down to the ring and Anderson trips and drags Sabu to the outside…and Lesnar uses the distraction to run over RVD with a clothesline!

Lesnar hits RVD with shoulder thrusts and hits a belly-to-belly suplex that sends RVD across the ring. Sabu rams Anderson into the barricade and bashes him over the head with a chair! Heyman feigns keeping order and tries to get Anderson out of there, but Sabu grabs him by his tie! Benjamin comes flying off the top rope with a somersault dive onto Sabu…taking out Heyman as well! Brock lifts RVD high in the air and hits a side backbreaker! Cover, 1…2…RVD kicks out. Anderson sets a table up on the outside and tries to put Sabu on it, but Sabu fights back and rams Anderson into the barricade. Benjamin is back in the ring and he and Lesnar pound away on RVD. RVD pops up and hits both Benjamin and Lesnar with jump kicks. As Benjamin is down, Sabu comes off the top rope with a chair and hits him with an Arabian Facebuster! Sabu and RVD each have chairs and swing away on Lesnar! After six or seven shots each RVD climbs the ropes to pose to the crowd while Sabu puts Lesnar in the Camel Clutch! RVD realizes Sabu could win the title right there…so he takes a chair and skateboards it in Lesnar’s face! This breaks the hold and Sabu gets in RVD’s face about it. RVD and Sabu seem to agree on something and they head to the outside.

Sabu puts a chair in Anderson’s face and RVD hits him with the Van Daminator! Anderson ends up on the table and Sabu puts a chair in the ring. He goes for Air Sabu through the table, but he gets stopped by Benjamin, who shakes the top rope and leads to Sabu getting crotched. RVD hits Benjamin with a springboard spinkick! RVD puts a chair in the ring and hits Benjamin with a monkey flip, with Benjamin landing on the chair! Sabu stands on the apron and RVD puts the chair on Benjamin…and they hit the classic Rolling Thunder-Legdrop combination! Lesnar attacks RVD and knocks him down. Lesnar picks RVD up on his shoulders for the F5, but Sabu throws a chair and hits Lesnar square in the face! Sabu then sets the chair up and leaps off it to the top rope, then hits Air Sabu through Anderson and the table on the outside! RVD hits Lesnar with the Split-Legged Moonsault and covers, 1…2…Lesnar just kicks out! Lesnar and RVD fight over the chair, which Lesnar wins. Lesnar swings for the fences but RVD ducks…and hits the Van Daminator! RVD heads to the top rope…Five Star Frog Splash connects! RVD covers, 1…2…Sabu drags RVD off Lesnar! Sabu and RVD argue again, clearly about who’s going to pin Lesnar. They seem to come to an agreement again, but when RVD turns around Sabu throws a chair to RVD’s back! Sabu sets up the chair and looks to hit Lesnar and RVD with Air Sabu…but Benjamin grabs Sabu and dumps him over the top rope and through a table with a T-Bone suplex! Heyman slides the ECW World Championship into the ring. Lesnar nails RVD with the title belt…then puts RVD on his shoulders…hitting an F5 on the open chair in the ring! Lesnar covers RVD, 1…2…3!

Winners: Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin when Lesnar pinned RVD in 17:15

Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin
leave immediately with Paul Heyman. Sabu get back on his feet and shakes his head, looking at the bloodied Rob Van Dam in the ring. RVD staggers out himself, and he clearly looks pissed about Sabu as well.

Joey Styles: “I guess we should have seen that coming. As great a tag team Rob Van Dam and Sabu have been they’ve definitely had their issues as well. Deciding who would pin Lesnar to win the title, well, I guess in hindsight it’s clear they couldn’t figure that one out. It’s a damn shame that Brock escaped this one as well. And how much is Paul Heyman going to get away with? Anyway, back to Scott Hudson for the WCW Championship match.”

Scott Hudson:
“Thanks Joey. Coming up, three of professional wrestling’s biggest stars compete for the richest prize in the business, the WCW World Championship.”


Michael Buffer: “It is now time for the SuperBrawl XII main event of the evening. And now ladies and gentlemen; three of the biggest in professional wrestling today are about to face each other in this ring for the Heavyweight Championship of the World!”

Are You Ready?”

“ Atlanta, Georgia... Are….You….REEEEEEEEADY?!

“For the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world, ladies and gentlemen…”



I'm tearing away
Pieces are falling,
I can't seem to make them stay
You run away
Faster and faster,
You can't seem to get away
Hope there's a reason
For questions unanswered
I just don't see everything
Yes, I'm inside you
Tell me how does it feel
To feel like this
Just like I do
I don't care about anyone else but me
I don't care about anyone
I don't care about anyone else but me
I don't care about anyone

Drowning Pool then switches up to their cover of “The Game”.


Time to play the game
Time to play the game
Time to play the game
It's all about the game, you'll fall like the rest
You're failure is my success
It's all about control, will you make it?
I will deliver the pain you can't take it
I'm in control, I am the pain
After this you won't be the same
This is my time, I make the rules
You mess with this and you'll die like a fool
Here comes the pain (pain)
Here comes the pain (pain)
Here comes the pain (pain)
Here comes the pain
Time to play the game

As Triple H makes his way to the ring, Michael Buffer continues…

Michael Buffer: “Making his entrance to the ring, he is considered to be not only one of the most technically sound wrestlers in the world, but also the most ruthless. His cunning gameplans to down opponents have earned him the nickname the “Cerebral Assassin”. Tonight, he looks to complete a journey of not only recovery, but triumph. From Greenwich, CT. Weighing in at 272 pounds. A four-time heavyweight champion of the world! He is “The Game”, he is Triiiiiiiiple H!”

“Venomous” plays as Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way to the ring. HHH steps out as Austin enters…

Michael Buffer: “Also challenging, wearing solid black and standing 6’2”. He weighs in tonight at 252 pounds. From Victoria, Texas. He is considered to be the biggest box office draw in the history of professional wrestling. He is a former seven-time heavyweight champion of the world…this is…Stone Cold Steeeeeeeeve Austin!”

“Medal” plays as WCW World Champion Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring!

Michael Buffer: “The champion, wearing our nations colors of red, white, and blue. He stands at 6 feet tall, and weighs in tonight at 234 pounds. He is the 1996 Summer Olympics Gold Medal Winner in the Heavyweight, Freestyle category and is considered to be the greatest pound for pound wrestler in any style in the world. From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Tonight he looks to defeat not one, but two of the biggest wrestling stars in the world. He is the current reigning and defending WCW Heavyweight Champion of the world…Kuuuuuuuuuuuurt ANGLE!”

WCW World Championship
Kurt Angle © vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H

As soon as HHH enters the ring Austin goes right for him! Austin slugs away at HHH in the corner, then proceeds to stomp a mudhole in him! Angle grabs Austin from behind for a German suplex, but Austin kicks back and low blows Angle! Austin slugs Angle which sends him to the outside. Austin turns back to HHH and HHH knocks him down with a clothesline! HHH sends Austin off the ropes but misses a clothesline, bug then hits the high knee. HHH covers, 1…2…Angle is back in and breaks it up. Angle hits HHH with a German suplex. Austin swings at Angle but misses, and Angle takes him up with a German suplex too! HHH is back on his feet, but Angle gets him with another German suplex! Angle hits Austin with a second one too! Then he hits HHH with a third! Then he hits Austin with a third! Crowd goes crazy for Angle and he keeps going! Belly-to-belly suplex on HHH! Austin gets a thumb to the eye to slow Angle down. Austin punches away at him, but Angle blocks one and takes Austin down with a Russian Legsweep! Angle backdrops a charging HHH over the top rope, then tosses Austin on top of him! Angle lets out a roar as he is in complete control of the match!

Austin and HHH slowly get their bearings…and slug away at one another on the outside. Austin gets the better here and catapults HHH into the ringpost, busting HHH wide open! Angle comes to the outside but Austin’s ready for him and gets him with a blow to the head. Austin tosses Angle into the steel steps, then slides HHH back into the ring. Austin comes off the second rope and hits HHH with a flying forearm! Cover, 1…2…HHH kicks out. Austin continues to stomp away, then sends HHH off the ropes and hits him with a spinebuster! Another cover, 1…2…Angle breaks up the count! Austin and Angle trade blows, but Austin misses one and Angle goes for another German. Austin elbows out then slugs Angle down with a clothesline. Austin stomps at Angle’s head then chokes him with his boot. HHH approaches but Austin slugs him too. He sends HHH off the ropes and goes for the backdrop, but HHH puts on the brakes and gets a facebuster with the knee! HHH sends Austin spiraling to the outside with a clothesline!

HHH stomps away at Angle, then brings him to his feet and sends him off the ropes. Drop toehold from HHH, and HHH still has his leg connected to Angle. HHH uses the leg grapevine and drops down, putting pressure on Angle’s knee. HHH then locks Angle in an Indian Deathlock! Angle struggles to get to the ropes as HHH has it on in the center of the ring…but Austin comes in and breaks it up anyway. Austin slugs away on HHH. Austin comes off the ropes but HHH catches him with an elbow. Angle comes from behind HHH and hits an Angle Slam! Cover, 1…2…Austin just breaks it up again! Austin is all over Angle. Angle blocks a kick though, and gets the Ankle Lock! Austin flops around trying to escape, but Angle has it on good! Austin struggles a little more, and he’s able to roll through, and Angle ends up flying into HHH who gets knocked out of the ring and hits the floor.

Austin gets back to his feet, but Angle goes for the ankle and tries to reapply the Ankle Lock. Austin escapes and he and Angle trade blows, but Austin ducks one and hits Angle with the Stone Cold Stunner! Austin covers, 1…2…Angle just kicks out! Austin can’t believe it and grabs the referee. HHH knocks Austin and the referee down. HHH kicks Austin and plants him with the Pedigree! HHH covers, but the referee hasn’t gotten back up yet. Angle grabs HHH’s ankle and gets the Ankle Lock! HHH tries to hold on...but taps out…only the referee still hasn’t gotten completely up. Angle lets go to get the referee back up and he succeeds…but walks into a kick and a Pedigree attempt…only Angle backdrops HHH over the top and onto the floor! Austin knocks Angle down with a clothesline. Austin then takes Angle’s ankle and locks in his own Ankle Lock! Austin doesn’t have it on good though, and Angle rolls through and sends Austin off the ropes…where HHH hits him in the knee with a sledgehammer! HHH gets on the apron but Angle elbows him off and HHH goes flying into the barricade! Austin tries to get back to his feet, but Angle hunts and catches the ankle and locks Austin in the Ankle Lock in the middle of the ring! Austin does everything he can to get to the ropes, but Angle has it completely locked in and Austin can’t reach! HHH slowly gets back into the ring, but he’s not quick enough as Austin taps out! Kurt Angle is still the WCW World Champion!

Winner: Kurt Angle when he made Austin submit in 20:18

Kurt Angle
celebrates and the Atlanta crowd is with him! But as Angle continues to celebrate down the aisle, HHH grabs his sledgehammer and chopblocks Stone Cold with it! HHH pounds Austin’s knee with the sledgehammer as officials and Shane McMahon run down to stop him. HHH smashes Austin’s knee a couple of more times before Shane grabs the sledgehammer out of his hands. HHH looks as if he’s going to take a shot at Shane, but finally ends up leaving instead.

The crowd boos HHH heavily as he walks down the aisle. Austin tries to refuse any help, but he clearly can’t walk at all and collapses as soon as he rolls to the outside. Austin is helped to the back as SuperBrawl XII goes off the air!


Quick Results

#1 Contender for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Psicosis pinned Juventud Guerrera

World Women’s Championship Tournament Final
Molly Marvel defeated Ivory, Jazz and Luna Vachon, last pinning Jazz (New Champion)

Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo defeated William Regal, Finlay and Tajiri when Page pinned Regal

The Extreme Brawl - #1 Contender for the ECW World Championship
Tazz defeated Jerry Lynn, Justin Credible, Mike Awesome, Raven and The Sandman, last eliminating Raven

WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Dudley Boyz defeated The Legion of Doom when Bubba Ray pinned Animal (Retains)

The Giant pinned Test

WCW United States Championship
Christian pinned Booker T (Retains)

ECW World Championship – Dream Partner Tag Team Match
Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin defeated Rob Van Dam and Sabu when Lesnar pinned RVD (Retains)

WCW World Championship – Triple Threat Match
Kurt Angle defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H when he made Austin submit (Retains)


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Jerry Lynn (Defeated Taka Michinoku on 1-27-02)

World Women’s Championship
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

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WCW Monday Night Nitro
February 25, 2002
Phillips Arena
Atlanta, GA

Scott Hudson
: “Hello everyone, it’s been 24 hours from a historic SuperBrawl XII! We’re here tonight for the fall out of what happened last night. We know WCW World Champion Kurt Angle is here. We know Triple H is here. We know Stone Cold Steve Austin is not here after a brutal attack from Triple H last night…

“Enforcer” plays as ECW World Champion Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin, CW Anderson and Paul Heyman make their way to the ring.

Scott Hudson: “…and apparently the ECW World Champion Brock Lesnar is here too?!”

Paul Heyman: “Ladies and gentlemen, I am the General Manager of Extreme Championship Wrestling.
As you may have heard, ECW will be THE main event for the next Pay-Per-View extravaganza Uncensored. At that event, the most dominant heavyweight champion of all-time in any organization, this man, Brock Lesnar, takes on a legend of Extreme Championship Wrestling. The former WCW United States Champion. Tazz. Now I hear some cheers because, and rightfully so, many of you feel that this is an opportunity that Tazz has been held back from for the last two years. This is an opportunity for Tazz that he hasn’t had since I booked him in the original ECW. You might as well say this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Tazz. Unfortunately this is where Tazz’s luck ends. Because standing across from him at Uncensored is the holder of the richest prize in the game. The ECW World Heavyweight Champion. BROCK LESNAR!” Now, we are here tonight because part of the deal is that because Uncensored is traditionally a WCW event we need to promote this on Nitro. And quite frankly this show needed a kick in the ass anyway to get those ratings up so we’re glad to be here!”

Paul Heyman is silenced when The Game” plays through the arena! Triple H makes his way down to the ring and is booed out of the building…which leads to another chant…


Triple H: “Let’s just be clear about things. The record book shows that I didn’t tap out and the idea that someone like Kurt Angle could make me submit when the cards are on the line is laughable!”

“Now I see someone new in my ring. What do we have here…ECW World Champion huh? I don’t know what you’re doing here, but it’s only a matter of time before I win what belongs to me, the WCW World Championship. But If I have to take that belt you have around your waist first I’ll gladly do it!”

Brock Lesnar gets in Triple H’s face as Paul Heyman tries to hold him back.

Triple H: “Is this supposed to scare me? I’ve taken down a lot of big men in my time. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. It’s just how it is when you come face to face with “The Game”. But I’m going to let you keep your title. I’m not really here to fight you. I want Angle. He still hasn’t beaten me and I want my fair shot at the WCW World Championship!”

Paul Heyman: “I think that’s a much better idea!”

Triple H: “Yeah, I’m sure you do. So…”

“Medal” as WCW World Champion Kurt Angle makes his way out to the ring!

Kurt Angle: “First off Triple H, you can lie to yourself all you want. I did it, you felt it and everyone saw it, you tapped out last night!”


Kurt Angle: “The way I see it, I’m done with you. I’m sure you’ll find your way into another title shot, god knows we can’t go too long without a title shot for Triple H! But you go figure that out with Shane McMahon or William Regal or whatever. Now as for you Mr. Lesnar. I have to admit I’ve been impressed with most of what you’ve done over at ECW. Hey, I’ve been on RISE. I know it’s tough over there. So I have a lot of respect for someone who’s been able to be the top guy. NCAA Champion too. Not bad. But let’s make something clear here…”

Angle holds up the WCW World Championship…

Kurt Angle:
THIS is the richest prize in this game! The holder of this title is the best in the world. And right now that’s me, Kurt Angle!

Triple H: “I don’t care what I have to do, you’re going to give me that shot!”

Kurt Angle:
“Or what? Gonna tap out to me again?!”

For the next surprise, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley makes her way out to the ring!

SMH: Hunter, why are you getting involved in this for? What happened to staying out of each other’s business?”

Triple H: “The moment they stepped into a ring on Nitro, MY RING, it became my business.”

SMH: “Well, since you’re here…I think I can do this, I doubt Shane will have a problem. Let’s really hype up Uncensored! We’re going to do…the ECW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar and my loving husband Triple H…against Kurt Angle and the #1 Contender to the ECW World Championship…Tazz!

Everyone seems to shake their head in approval as we cut to commercial…we have our main event!


Disco Inferno (w/Alex Wright and Brian Christopher) vs. Juventud Guerrera

Disco gets an elbow and a kick to start things off. He goes for a sidewalk slam, but Juvi counters into a flying head scissors! Juvi comes off the ropes and slides under Disco, then hits Disco with a chop. Juvi goes for a Rocker Dropper but Disco flips him over…but Juvi lands on his feet. Juvi dropkicks Disco into the corner. Juvi sends Disco across to the opposite corner, but Disco catches him charging with an elbow. Disco comes off the ropes but Juvi monkey flips him over the top rope! Juvi follows up with a springboard plancha that takes Disco out! As the referee is checking on Disco though, Alex Wright sends Juvi right into the steep steps!

Disco makes his way back into the ring and Juvi crawls back in as well. Disco whips him off the ropes and hits an atomic drop and then lays Juvi out with a lariat! Cover from Disco, 1…2…Juvi kicks out. Disco slams Juvi and heads to the second rope. We get a little dance…then Disco hits the flying knee drop! Another cover, 1…2…Juvi kicks out again. Disco sends Juvi off the ropes. Disco goes for a knee to the midsection, but Juvi avoids it and rolls Disco up, 1…2…Disco kicks out. Disco gets a shot to the midsection. Disco goes for a kick, but Juvi blocks, spins Disco around and takes him out with a jumping spin kick! Disco is quickly back to his feet and Juvi sends him off the ropes. Juvi catches Disco with a hurrcanrana with a pinning attempt…1…2…Disco just kicks out! As soon as Disco gets up he walks into the Juvi Driver…but Brian Christopher and Alex Wright jump Juvi and the match is thrown out.

Winner: Juventud Guerrera via DQ in 7:01

Brian Christopher, Disco Inferno and Alex Wright
all beat up Juventud…but they don’t realize the man they crossed last week is on his way to the ring! It’s The Giant! The Giant comes into the ring and grabs Christopher by the throat…Chokeslam! He grabs Wright by the throat, and he gets a Chokeslam as well! Disco still somehow doesn’t realize what’s happening and starts to dance…and he too is Chokeslammed. The angry Giant walks off leaving carnage in the ring!


Stephanie and Shane McMahon are watching Nitro in Shane’s office, and then continue a conversation…

Shane McMahon: “I mean, I didn’t expect you to make matches all of a sudden for Nitro but I happen to like it so it’s on. But I do feel like it’s missing a little something.”

There’s a knock on the door. Shane says to come in, and WCW Commissioner William Regal enters.

Shane McMahon: “So I gotta ask you are you happy with yourself?”

William Regal: “No sir but If I can explain...”

Shane McMahon: “No I’m going to explain something to you. Enough of these vendettas or whatever. You got beat by Diamond Dallas Page multiple times now. You’re my commissioner! I need you to get serious. And I need you to be impartial.”

SMH: “I swear it’s like I’m listening to myself here.”

Shane McMahon: “So what have you got for us tonight.”

William Regal: “Well, I thought it would be best that since Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo did beat us last night, they deserve to be rewarded.”

Shane McMahon: “That actually sounds like a good idea.”

William Regal: “So, O’Haire and Palumbo, they’ll get a title shot against the Dudleyz. And Page. He’ll take on Christian for the US title.”

There’s another knock on the door…Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin and CW Anderson enter the office.

Shane McMahon: “So that sounds good Regal. More of that. You can go.”

SMH: “Honestly Paul I wish you were here for that. Anyway Shane, I wanted to get us all together here. Let’s get ready for the road to Uncensored.”

Shane McMahon: Brock Lesnar. Gotta say I’m impressed man. And I gotta say I’m a fan too of you Shelton.”

Paul Heyman: Shane you have no idea the potential these men have. We’re happy to be on Nitro and we’re looking to have a big month!”

Shane McMahon: “Yeah. Well that’s good. I just wonder if you’d be as happy if Rob Van Dam and Sabu were here right now instead.”

Brock Lesnar: “Hey, let me make something clear here. We’re here because Rob Van Dam can’t beat me.”

Shane McMahon: “Okay, okay….”

Triple H barges into the office…

Triple H: “This is ridiculous! All of it. I want my shot!”

Shane McMahon: “Hey, calm down! You had your shot last night. And you aren’t the champion right now. That’s on you! But I’ll give you a chance. You know, I see what’s missing tonight. Triple H, your team wins tonight, I’ll give you your shot on Nitro next week! But this two against two deal. I’m not feeling that. You know Paul I am excited to have Brock here. But honestly, I’m just as excited to see Shelton wrestle tonight too. So let’s expand a little bit. Triple H. Brock Lesnar. Shelton Benjamin. Against Kurt Angle. Tazz. And…”

Shane looks at the monitor he and Stephanie have been watching…

Shane McMahon: “…and The Giant!”

Triple H looks at Brock and Shelton

Triple H: “That sounds good to me. But if either you two screw me over tonight…I’m coming for that *points to the ECW Title*.


WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Dudley Boyz © (w/ Stacy Keibler) vs. Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire

O’Haire and Palumbo attack the Dudleyz right away! Palumbo takes D-Von out with a superkick and O’Haire gets Bubba with a samoan drop. Bubba fights back with hard punches and avalanches O’Haire in the corner. Bubba goes for another one, but O’Haire moves and Bubba crashes into the turnbuckles. O’Haire knees Bubba repeatedly and tags in Palumbo. Hard clothesline knocks Bubba down. O’Haire tags in Palumbo. Running back elbow connects. Cover, 1…2…D-Von breaks up the pin. Palumbo attacks D-Von, but Bubba uses that distraction to hook Palumbo’s arms and hit a Bubba Bomb! Bubba heads to the second rope, but misses the Senton!

O’Haire and D-Von get tagged in, and O’Haire is all over D-Von! Rolling neckbreaker from O’Haire! A cover, 1…2…D-Von just kicks out! Bubba came in to break it up and Palumbo is back in too, and we have a four-way brawl! Stacy Keibler gets on the apron to distract O’Haire, but O’Haire whips D-Von into Stacy and she crashes onto the floor! O’Haire takes D-Von out with a Sit-Out Spinebuster! Bubba and Palumbo are fighting on the outside. Sean O’Haire heads to the top rope to finish D-Von, but Spike Dudley has come down and shakes the top rope! Spike launches himself at Palumbo…and Bubba comes in. The Dudleyz plant O’Haire with 3D! D-Von covers, 1…2…3!

Winners: The Dudley Boyz when D-Von pinned O’Haire in 5:12

Chuck Palumbo
gets into the ring to attack, but he’s at a two to one disadvantage, and the Dudleyz plant him with 3D as well! Spike slides in a couple of chairs and the Dudleyz begin to beat down both O’Haire and Palumbo with them! Spike then slides a table into the ring! The Dudleyz continue the beatdown with the chairs, even busting Palumbo open. D-Von then points to Stacy…and explains to Bubba that she almost cost them the titles. Suddenly Bubba is focused on Stacy…and Spike rolls her into the ring!

Diamond Dallas Page runs down with a chair of his own! The Dudleyz end up getting out of there despite the numbers advantage. Surprisingly, Stacy doesn’t stay with DDP…and leaves with the Dudleyz. Page checks on Palumbo and O’Haire, then asks for help for Palumbo.


Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Booker T.

Jeremy Borash: Booker T, you were unsuccessful in capturing the WCW United States Championship last night, and a big reason for that are the actions of R-Killa and Mark Henry.”

Booker T: “Yeah, no kiddin’. You know before Borash it was just words between me and R-Killa. He wanted to talk tough, and I can deal with that. But to come out to the ring during my match at SuperBrawl. To cost me the US title? That’s a declaration of war to me. So he wants to go to war? I’m down with it. I’m going to teach that boy something about being tough. I’m going to kick his ass the next chance I get. And that goes for Mark Henry too. For what I know they ain’t here tonight. What a surprise. Hit and run. But some day sucka, and that day is soon I promise, I’m going to kick both their asses. I promise you that, sucka!”


WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Jerry Lynn © (w/AJ Styles) vs. Psicosis

Psicosis ducks the lock-up attempt and hits Lynn with a flying headscissors. Psicosis hits a couple of forearms, but Lynn counters the Irish whip and Psicosis hits the opposite corner. Lynn follows up with kicks, and Psicosis eventually ends up on the canvas with his head between the ropes. Lynn comes over the top and guillotines Psicosis with a legdrop to the outside! Lynn slides back in and makes the cover, 1…2…Psicosis kicks out. Lynn sends Psicosis into the corner again, but Psicosis gets his feet up to counter the charging Lynn! Lynn stumbles away, and Psicosis comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick to the back of the head! Psicosis sends Lynn off the ropes, but Lynn ducks the clothesline into a waistelock. Psicosis counters with his own, but Lynn jumps up and flips Psicosis over with a snapmare!

Lynn punches away at Psicosis in the corner. Psicosis reverses the Irish whip this time, and this time Lynn gets his feet up when Psicosis charges in. Lynn comes off the second rope with a flying bulldog headlock! Cover, 1…2…Psicosis kicks out! Lynn sets Psicosis up and get shim up with a powerbomb attempt, but Psicosis uses his momentum to turn it into a hurricanrana that sends Lynn to the outside. Psicosis comes off the ropes, suicide plancha takes out Lynn! Psicosis brings Lynn back into the ring and heads to the top rope…flying spin kick connects! 1…2…Lynn just kicks out! Psicosis slams Lynn and heads up top…but Lynn is back on his feet. Psicosis leaps off anyway, and Lynn catches him with a dropkick! Lynn sets up the Cradle Piledriver, but suddenly Essa Rios is at ringside and he grabs Lynn’s foot. AJ Styles attacks Rios, but this allows Psicosis to backdrop Lynn! Psicosis goes back to the top…Guillotine Legdrop! 1…2…3! We have a new champion!

Winner: Psicosis via pinfall in 6:43 (New Champion)

realizes what’s happened and goes after Psicosis, but Psicosis runs away with Essa Rios, Cruiserweight title in hand!


Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with the
new World Women’s Champion Molly Marvel!

Jeremy Borash
: Molly Marvel congratulations are in store as you defeated three of the toughest women in the world last night to become champion.”

Molly Marvel: “Thank you Jeremy. I’m proud of how things went last night and happy to be the Women’s Champion, but I know that the fight has just begun. I may not wear the green super hero cape anymore, but I’m still going to go out there and be a role model for anyone who’s willing to fight and earn their dreams…”

Ivory interrupts…

Ivory: “Are you kidding me? Last night was a fluke Molly. You stand no chance at all beating me one-on-one! You could never do it. Right now you’re holding MY title!”

Molly Marvel: “Well I’m ready to fight when you are. You want a shot? Next week you’ve got it!”

Ivory seems happy with that…but suddenly Jazz attacks Molly! Ivory decides to keep her distance when Jazz attacks. Jazz leaves Molly lying without saying a word!


WCW United States Championship
Christian © vs. Diamond Dallas Page (w/Torrie Wilson)

Christian and DDP lock-up, and DDP pushes Christian to the corner…but the match is immediately thrown out when The Dudley Boyz hit the ring! Christian gets out of there and The Dudleyz beat down DDP, hitting him with the Dudley Death Drop in the middle of the ring!

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page via DQ in 0:12

On the outside of the ring Torrie Wilson begs Stacy Keibler to realize that what they Dudleyz are doing is wrong. Bubba Ray tells Stacy to grab Torrie, but Stacy lets Torrie get away. Bubba grabs Stacy by the hair and asks her what that was all about, and Stacy begs Bubba to let her go. Bubba does, telling Stacy that “if she screws up again, it’s all over for her”!


Kurt Angle, Tazz and The Giant vs. Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin and Triple H (w/Paul Heyman and CW Anderson)

Tazz wants to start with Lesnar, but Benjamin steps into the ring. Tazz pounds away on Benjamin, hitting him with huge right hands over and over again. Tazz then tosses Benjamin into his corner and calls out Lesnar again. The Giant blind tags himself in, to Tazz’s frustration. Benjamin runs at The Giant but gets caught with a huge headbutt. Giant props Benjamin in the corner and slaps Benjamin hard on the chest! He grabs Benjamin by the head and tosses him across the ring! Giant goes for a splash in the corner, but Benjamin ducks out of the way and tags in Triple H. Triple H punches away at the Giant but there’s no effect! Giant fires back with punches. Giant throws HHH into he corner and kicks away. Giant grabs HHH by the throat, but on the way up HHH rakes his eyes. Giant stumbles back and tags in Angle, while HHH tags in Lesnar!

The two world champions stand up to one another face to face! They circle one another…but Benjamin runs in and gets hit by an Angle punch. This allows Lesnar to nail Angle. Lesnar props Angle up in the corner and hits shoulder thrusts. Lesnar gains a full head of steam but Angle moves out of the way and Lesnar hits the corner. German suplex from Angle! Angle goes for the Ankle Lock, but Lesnar rolls through it and Angle runs right into the turnbuckles. Angle turns around into maybe the F5, but Angle slides behind him and hits him with another German Suplex! Angle holds onto Lesnar and plants him with another German! Then a third! Then a fourth! Fifth one Angle releases! Angle gets back to his feet and roars to the crowd…only HHH illegally comes in and nails him in the back of the head! Lesnar crawls over and tags in Benjamin.

Benjamin stomps away on Angle. He takes Angle of the corner and impressively takes him down with a waistlock takedown. Angle fights his way back to a vertical base, but Benjamin takes him down with another clothesline. Benjamin goes for a kick, but Angle catches it. Benjamin swings around and hits Angle with a flying kick with the other leg! Benjamin sets Angle up for the T-Bone suplex, but Angle kicks Benjamin in the midsection and hits a belly-to-belly suplex himself! Angle goes for the tag, but Lesnar runs in to stop him. Tazz has had enough and comes in to attack Lesnar! Tazz fires away at Lesnar, but Lesnar hits an elbow and sends Tazz to the outside. The Giant comes in and hits Lesnar with a big boot! HHH is in and punches away at The Giant, but the Gian knocks him down with one punch! The Giant turns back to Lesnar…who picks him up on his shoulders and hits a 500 pound F5! Tazz drags Lesnar out of the ring and locks in the Kata Ha Jime, the Tazmission! Lesnar moves around like a wild bull on the outside trying to break free! Benjamin covers Giant, but Angle grabs the ankle and locks in the Ankle Lock…although only for a few seconds as HHH breaks it up. HHH looks to Pedigree Angle, but Angle backdrops HHH over the top rope and onto the floor! Benjamin leaps from the apron and springboards at Angle…but Angle sidesteps and perfectly catches Benjamin with the Angle Slam! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winners: Kurt Angle, The Giant and Tazz when Angle pinned Benjamin in 14:37

Triple H
is furious and grabs Shelton Benjamin…only Brock Lesnar has broken free and gets right in HHH’s face! HHH backs off as Angle celebrates down the rampway!


Quick Results

Juventud Guerrera defeated Disco Inferno by DQ

WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Dudley Boyz defeated Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo when D-Von pinned O’Haire (Retains)

WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Psicosis pinned Jerry Lynn (New Champion)

WCW United States Championship
Diamond Dallas Page defeated Christian by DQ (Christian Retains)

Kurt Angle, Tazz and The Giant defeated Triple H, Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin when Angle pinned Benjamin


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Championship
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates



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February 28, 2002
Conseco Fieldhouse
Indianapolis, IN

We see a rental car drive into the parking lot…and out comes Danny Doring and Roadkill…holding the ECW World Tag Team Championship belts?

Danny Doring: “Enough of this waiting shit, tonight we’re going to make our presence known. We’re the champs and it’s time to remind everyone of that!"

The theme of ECW plays, and then we cut to Joey Styles.

Joey Styles: “Hello everyone I’m Joey Styles. Right now Rob Van Dam is headed to the ring! Unfortunately for Van Dam his partnership with Sabu at SuperBrawl backfired.”

Rob Van Dam: “Alright, let’s cut to the chase. You know I should have realized that the deal with Sabu this past Sunday was going to end as it did. But that doesn’t mean I’m happy about it. So Sabu, get out here now and let’s hash this out one way or another!”

Sabu wastes no time as he runs down to the ring. He looks like he’s going to attack RVD, but holds himself back.

Rob Van Dam: “Yeah, you keep that up I’ll kick you in the face right now. I hope what happened Sunday was worth it for you Sabu. I should have known that your true colors were going to come out like they always do. I brought you back here and this is how you thank me? Well that’s fine Sabu. I’ve beaten you before, and I’ll beat you again if that’s what it takes for you to realize that it’s me, not you anymore, who’s the whole fuckin’ show!”

Sabu gets right into RVD’s face and grabs his t-shirt.

Rob Van Dam: “Yeah, go ahead Sabu. One punch and I’ll knock you out!”

Unknown Voice: “Both of you stop it already! Just stop!”

Bill Alfonso, former manager of Rob Van Dam and Sabu runs down to the ring and gets himself between the two.

Bill Alfonso: “For years it’s the same problem with you two! Why do you always want to tear each other apart? When we were together…you were the two-time ECW World Tag Team Champions baby! No one could beat you two. You’re all better than everyone! You two beat The Dudleys. Shane Douglas, Chris Candido, Jinsei Shinzaki, Hayabusa, any team that came up against you two had no chance! Look, I’m sure the fans wanna the greatest team, the best team in ECW history work together again! They want to see Rob Van Dam and Sabu kick everyone’s asses, including Brock Lesnar’s!

Rob Van Dam and Sabu come face to face. It looks like Sabu still wants to fight, but RVD nods his head and Sabu eventually seems to be on the same page…just as “Super Bon Bon” plays…here come Danny Doring and the Amish Roadkill, with the ECW World Tag Team Championship belts!

Danny Doring:
“Oh would you look at that. Once again, ECW is dedicating all their TV time to two guys who would jump ship at the first sign of money! You know when I saw Sabu return to ECW last week, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. When ECW started back up, I figured, hey, we’d get the call. We are the reigning ECW World Tag Team Champions afterall. And yeah, we got a match or two. But after that. No calls. That’s what loyalty will get ya! So me and Roadkill said ‘fuck it!’ We’re here to make our own damn statement. Rob Van Dam and Sabu, you might be two-time ECW Tag champs…but you never beat us! No one has! That’s why we’re the champs now! We’re going to get the recognition we deserve, and if that means beating Rob Van Dam and Sabu that’s what we’ll do. And we’ll put these belts on the line!”

Bill Alfonso confers with Rob Van Dam and Sabu…and both seem ready for the opportunity.

Joey Styles: “Are…are these titles even sanctioned by ECW?!”

ECW World Tag Team Championship
Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill © vs. Rob Van Dam and Sabu (w/Bill Alfonso)

RVD and Doring start. They lock up and RVD gets a side headlock. Doring counters with a hammerlock, but RVD gets a spinkick breaking that up and knocking Doring down. RVD already poses for the crowd, but when he bows Doring quickly catches him with the moss covered three handled family gradunza! Quick cover, 1…2…RVD kicks out. Doring tags in Roadkill. Roadkill climbs the ropes (not the turnbuckles), but legdrop misses as RVD moves out of the way and tags in Sabu! Sabu dives at the leg of Roadkill and takes him down! Elbowdrop misses, but Sabu is back to his feet right away. Sabu hits punches then dropkicks Roadkill in the shin. Sabu sends Roadkill into the corner where Roadkill hits face-first. Sabu comes off the ropes and springboards into a Tornado DDT! Cover, 1…2…Doring comes in and breaks up the pin, and RVD hits him with a spinning heel kick that sends him to the floor. RVD comes off the ropes and takes out Doring with an over-the-top-rope somersault plancha!

Bill Alfonso tosses a chair into the ring and Sabu sets it up. He runs for the Triple Jump Moonsault, but Roadkill holds onto the foot and Sabu crashes face first into the chair! Roadkill puts Sabu on his shoulders and hits a Samoan Drop! Cover, 1…2…Sabu kicks out. Roadkill smashes the chair on Sabu’s back, but turns around into a Van Daminator from RVD! Alfonso slides a table into the ring and RVD puts Roadkill on it. Sabu comes off the top rope and dives onto Doring on the outside! Sabu slides Doring in and brings in a second table. He puts Doring on the table, then RVD and Sabu heads to the top rope! Stereo legdrops through Doring, Roadkill and the tables! Double cover, 1…2…3!

Winners: Rob Van Dam and Sabu via double pin in 7:13 (New Champions)

Bill Alfonso
hands the titles to RVD and Sabu, and while there’s some reluctance both each grab one of the belts and RVD specifically nods towards Sabu.


We see the new WCW Cruiserweight Champion Psicosis and Essa Rios somewhere outside of the arena, both laughing and celebrating. Notably, Essa’s hair is no longer red, but black, and he’s wearing a shirt that says ‘Papi Chilo’, one of his old aliases.

Psicosis: “Everyone knows now that I’m the best cruiserweight in the world. I have the proof now. If anyone wants a shot at us, bring it on! ECW, WCW, WWF, Japan, Mexico, anyone, anytime!”

Psicosis and…Papi keep celebrating as we cut away from them.


R-Killa (w/ Mark Henry) vs. The Sandman

Sandman swings his cane like a nutcase, causing R-Killa to bail to the outside. R-Killa says that he’s not getting into the ring until Sandman gets ride of the cane. Mark Henry gets on the apron and Sandman takes a swing at him but misses. R-Killa runs in…and Sandman cracks him in the face with a wicked cane shot! Sandman hooks R-Killa’s head and gets a bulldog and goes for a pin, 1…2…R-Killa kicks out. Sandman starts whacking R-Killa with the cane over and over, then hits him with the White Russian Legsweep! Sandman doesn’t go for a cover, but instead hits the ugliest plancha to the outside on Mark Henry! Henry sort of catches him though and hits the World’s Strongest Slam on the floor. Henry slides in a chair and rolls Sandman back into the ring. R-Killa hits Sandman with the chair, then places the chair in the middle of the ring. R-Killa hits the Truth May Set You Free on the chair….and at the same time Booker T has run in from the crowd! Booker is all over R-Killa. Mark Henry runs in with a chair, but gets it Harlem Sidekicked into his face! R-Killa uses that distraction to run away through the crowd. Booker grabs Henry and hits the Bookend on the chair! ECW gets a Spinarooni for good measure as well!

Winner: No Contest in 4:11


Paul Heyman, ECW World Champion Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin and CW Anderson
make their way to the ring.

Paul Heyman: Brock Lesnar I’d like to congratulate you on retaining the ECW World Heavyweight Championship at SuperBrawl XII. Once again you proved to me that you are the most deserving competitor to be ECW World Heavyweight Champion. And now the countdown has begun to Uncensored. Before you Brock, I would have considered Tazz to be the greatest ECW World Champion of all-time, but you’ve surpassed him in every way. And I knew it when I discovered you. You will be the key for ECW to become the dominant brand in professional wrestling like I always imagined! And I can’t wait. Maybe Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley doesn’t realize what she has here. Brock Lesnar isn’t just a dominant champion. He’s box office. Brock Lesnar will soon be the biggest box office fighter of any kind in all of combat sports! And his roots will always come from ECW! I sense that Brock Lesnar will hold the ECW World Heavyweight Championship as long as he wants to! And that’s what ECW needs!”

Tazz’s old ECW theme, “Survive f I Let You” plays! Tazz comes down to the ring, and even though he’s outnumbered three-to-one he shows no fear entering.

Tazz: “Let’s make something clear Heyman. You can talk and bullshit out here all you want tonight, but no matter what that big bastard wants, I will choke him out in the main event on March 24 in Chicago, at Uncensored! You think I’ve lost my edge Paul I know you do. But I went out that last Sunday and beat not just five guys on the street. But five champions, five ECW World Heavyweight Champions, I beat them all to get this shot. You see I realize this may be my last shot at the title. You see, younger Tazz. He caused a riot trying to get an ECW World title shot. Hell I made up my own belt, the “Fuck The World” belt to make a point. I’m not going to do that this time because I do respect you Lesnar. I respect that you hold the ECW World Heavyweight Championship. You’re a monster. I get it. But I’m going to kick your ass in a few weeks. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And Heyman, if you, Benjamin or Anderson get involved, I’m beating the shit out of you too!”

My Time” plays as Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley comes out to the stage.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “You know it’s interesting that you mentioned Paul getting involved Tazz. Paul, I have to say, what the hell? I’ve told you more than one time about being objective and you just ignore me. This is your last straw Paul!”

Paul Heyman: “But I didn’t do anything!”

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley: “Oh no? Was that not you leading CW Anderson out to the ring at SuperBrawl during the Dream Partner Tag Team Match? You may seem to think you’re doing the right thing by aiding Brock Lesnar in his defense of the ECW World Championship. But it ends now. Next week, we’re going to have a match. CW Anderson, you’re going to take on the #1 Contender Tazz. And Heyman, if I even remotely see you around the ring for that match, I will fire you on the spot!”

Everyone in the ring is looking down the ramp at Stephanie…so Tazz uses this moment to climb on Brock Lesnar’s back and lock-in the Kata Ha Jime, The Tazmission!

Joey Styles:
Tazz has the Tazmission locked in on Lesnar and I think the champ might be tapping! Shelton and Anderson, they’re trying to break it up, they’re stomping the hell out of Tazz! Hey it’s Rob Van Dam and Sabu! They’ve come down to even the fight! Total Impact is out here now! There’s Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles! We have the whole damn locker room out here and we gotta go! We will see you next week! Oh my god!”
week! Oh my god!”


Quick Results

ECW World Tag Team Championship:
Rob Van Dam and Sabu defeated Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill by double pin (New Champions)

R-Killa and The Sandman wrestled to a no-contest


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Championship
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

Roster Updates

Bill Alfonso –
The “Manager of Champions” has returned to re-unite Rob Van Dam and Sabu…for now.


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WCW Worldwide
March 2, 2002
Allstate Arena
Rosemont, Illinois

Scott Hudson
and Mike Tenay welcome us to the show as Fit Finlay makes his way to the ring.

Meng vs. Fit Finlay

Finlay and Meng lock-up, and Finaly shoves Meng into the corner. Meng hits Finlay with a knee to the midsection and follows with some hard shots. Headbutt from Meng. Meng kicks Finlay in the corner, but Finlay fires hard punches to counter. Finlay hits a headbutt…but it hurts Finlay more than Meng! Meng roars at Finlay, but Finlay isn’t intimidated and hits Meng with a few European uppercuts and dropkicks Meng down! Meng is right back up and Finlay goes back to the European uppercuts. Meng counters with a hard slap to the chest! Finlay fires another uppercut, and Meng fires right back with a chop! Finlay gets an elbow and sends Meng off the ropes, drop toehold connects. Finlay hits Meng with elbows to the back of the neck, but Meng breaks free with a back elbow of his own.

Meng hits Finlay with a headbutt to the midsection as he gets back up to a vertical base. Thrust chop to the throat staggers Finlay, then Meng knocks him down with a Savate kick! Cover, 1…2…Finlay elbows Meng in the head to escape the pin attempt. Finlay hits a couple of more elbows then comes off the ropes, but Meng catches him with a dropkick! Meng chokes Finlay with his boot and Finlay escapes to the outside. Meng heads to the outside as well and Finlay is right on him with punches. Finlay sends Meng into the post and then into the barricade. Meng catches Finlay with an uppercut as the referee calls for the bell. Finlay and Meng keep brawling as they don’t seem to care they’ve been counted out. Finlay takes a chair and whacks Meng in the back, but Meng is still standing and goes for the Tongan Death Grip! Finlay tries to fight out of it as officials come down and break these two up! Action packed match for Worldwide for sure!

Winner: Double countout in 6:17


Scott Hudson
: “Hello everyone. It’s been a crazy week for WCW and ECW. Just six nights ago Kurt Angle retained his WCW World Championship by making Stone Cold Steve Austin submit in the triple threat match. The big news is after the match, Triple H beat the hell out of Stone Cold Steve Austin’s knee with a sledgehammer! As a result Austin had several torn ligaments and his return, if he can return, is unknown and questionable at this time. The next night on Nitro Triple H lobbied for another championship shot and his team had to win the main event. Unfortunately for Triple H, Tazz made Shelton Benjamin submit causing his team to lose.”

Mike Tenay: “It was definitely a crazy week for WCW. ECW too is on a roller coaster as they crowned new ECW World Tag Team Champions in Rob Van Dam and Sabu and of course, they are the main event at Uncensored as Tazz challengs ECW World Champion Brock Lesnar. But does that mean the WCW World Championship will be defended? We’ll find out this week.”

Scott Hudson: “Something else to point out, at SuperBrawl, WCW Cruiserweight mainstays Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera had a thrilling contest. Psicosis prevailed, and the very next night defeated Jerry Lynn for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship. We’re going to see Guerrera shortly. I have to say I’m excited about the development of the Cruiserweight division.”

Mike Tenay: “
This week on Nitro Psicosis new friend Papi Chilo, formerly Essa Rios, will take on Jerry Lynn’s partner AJ Styles. Could it be Styles’ turn to get a shot at the Cruiserweight Championship?”


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Juventud Guerrera

Juvi gets an arm wringer out of the opening lock-up, but Chavo quickly counters into one of his own. Chavo into the hammerlock, but Juvi turns that into a front facelock. Chavo again counters into the arm wringer, but Juvi rolls and flips out of it…only for Chavo to trip him. Quick cover from Chavo but no count at all. Juvi gets a trip and a cover but Chavo kicks out before one as well. Juvi kips up right into Chavo’s face. Chavo piefaces Juvi, then catches Juvi with a headlock takeover when Juvi runs in from frustration. Juvi gets a head scissors to break free, then counters the hip toss into one of his own. Dropkick from Juvi! Chavo retreats to the outside, but Juvi follows up with a springboard plancha off the top rope!

Juvi rolls Chavo back in, but misses a springboard moonsault. Chavo hooks Juvi up and gets a belly-to-back suplex, 1…2…kickout from Juvi. Chavo sends Juvi face first into the turnbuckles. Kicks from Chavo. He hooks Juvi up for the Tornado DDT, but Juvi holds onto the turnbuckles and Chavo loses his grip. Juvi catches Chavo with a dropkick, then comes off the ropes and gets a flying headscissors! Cover, 1…2…Chavo kicks out. Juvi heads to the apron and flies back in, hitting a missile dropkick on Chavo! Cover again, 1…2…another kickout from Chavo. Juvi picks Chavo up and hits him with hard knife edge chops. He sends Chavo into the corner, but Chavo moves out of the way of a running splash. Chavo heads to the top rope and comes down grabbing Juvi’s head and hangmanning him across the top rope!

Chavo stomps away then sends Juvi off the ropes. Chavo trips Juvi up and gets an ankle lock, but Juvi quickly grabs the bottom rope. Chavo hooks Juvi up, brainbuster drives Juvi headfirst into the canvas! Cover, 1…2…Juvi just kicks out! Chavo can’t believe it and argues with the referee. Juvi gets to his feet and Chavo runs right at him…right into a Juvi Driver! Juventud Guerrera to the top rope…450 Splash! 1…2…3!

Winner: Juventud Guerrera via pinfall in 8:53


Quick Results

Finlay and Meng wrestled to a double countout

Juventud Guerrera pinned Chavo Guerrero Jr.


WCW World Champion

Kurt Angle (Defeated Ric Flair on 12-31-01)

ECW World Champion
Brock Lesnar (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 12-30-01)

WCW United States Champion
Christian (Defeated Tazz on 1-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Dudley Boyz (Defeated The Hardy Boyz on 10-26-01)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
Rob Van Dam and Sabu (Defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill on 2-28-02)

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Psicosis (Defeated Jerry Lynn on 2-25-02)

World Women’s Champion
Molly Marvel (Defeated Jazz on 2-24-02)

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