Wasted Talent...

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Fatal 55

May 28, 2007
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RVD is one of my favourite wrestlers, but I don't think he was wasted. He doesn't have the Cena or Edge mic skills, and when he was champion he screwed himself by carrying cocaine. Not the perfect image for a champ.

Yer that's what every1 says when they didn't watch some of his ECW stuff...

Look for RVD 1998-2000 ECW Promo's on YouTube... You'll be pleasently surprised at how good he was back then!

Beer Money Army

Wow, im actually disagree'ing with most all of this. The only one i can agree with is Raven, and he still had a pretty sucessful career.

Hassan- The guy was with the wwe for a year, and he worked a angle with hogan at WM. He should be thankful for what he had got.

Rick Rude..... kinda misused, but then again he main evented Summer Slam

Arn Anderson.....always the #2 guy behind flair.

My pick would be Shane Douglas, this was on of the wwe's biggest signings and one of the hottest wrestlers at the time in 94. But the wwe gave him the "dean douglass" gimmick and it was crap.

I agree with you about Hassan.

Rude he did main event Summerslam 1990. but that cage match wasn't that great i think i given it 4/10.. Plus it ended in 9 Mins pretty stupid wwe booking that length for an cage match....

shane douglas was good. WWE screwed..

Lance storm is another one. he did have charisma in ECW and WCW.. Bt WWE screwed. The Man can wrestle very good...

another one comes to Mind Perry Saturn, Paul Birchall, tito santana, Rick martel, The Naturals (in TNA)...

i can just think of a few .. too tired

Fatal 55

May 28, 2007
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another one comes to Mind Perry Saturn, Paul Birchall, tito santana, Rick martel, The Naturals (in TNA)...

I wouldn't really count those two in...

Yes they may have been misused in the past a few times but all three of them are still young & haven't hit the prime of their careers yet.

Burchill is a future WWE Champ IMO!


1. Muhammad Hassan - He had the skills, and could really get the Crowd going; his gimmick was cool as well so yeah!
2. Dean Malenko
3. The Hurricane
4. Rikishi - Imagine a Samoa Joe gimmick instead of that ass thingy!
5. Nick, that is Eugene! The Gimmick was horrible.
6. Sandman - Never used the way he should be used.

And that's all I can remember right now, it's a longgg list will edit later'


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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I can not believe you people think guys like The Hurricane, Dean Malenko, and Sandman as being misused. If you are looking for Greg/Shane/whatever Helms to be a main eventer, you must be out of your mind. Helms doesn't project "I AM A STAR, PAY ATTENTION TO ME" like Andre The Giant, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Batista, and the real main eventers project. The same with Malenko, great wrestler, but the fans didnt particularly give a shit about it. Raven said there were times in ECW where the crowd was so obnoxious when Malenko was facing Beniot, Malenko would get on the mic and tell the crowd to shut the fuck up because they were being so disrespectful. Workrate doesnt get you over, it never has, and it never will. Workrate didnt get Bret Hart over, him being a believable character got him over. Workrate didnt get HBK over, he was a cocky fucking prick, and people wanted to see him get his ass handed to him. His "workrate" helped but you there is no way it will get you over alone.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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New Jersey
Lance Storm and Rodney Mack and D'Lo Brown...

They were incredible in the ring...and they both had oppurtunitys to become big..but were never given the chance

Beer Money Army

I can not believe you people think guys like The Hurricane, Dean Malenko, and Sandman as being misused. If you are looking for Greg/Shane/whatever Helms to be a main eventer, you must be out of your mind. Helms doesn't project "I AM A STAR, PAY ATTENTION TO ME" like Andre The Giant, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Batista, and the real main eventers project. The same with Malenko, great wrestler, but the fans didnt particularly give a shit about it. Raven said there were times in ECW where the crowd was so obnoxious when Malenko was facing Beniot, Malenko would get on the mic and tell the crowd to shut the fuck up because they were being so disrespectful. Workrate doesnt get you over, it never has, and it never will. Workrate didnt get Bret Hart over, him being a believable character got him over. Workrate didnt get HBK over, he was a cocky fucking prick, and people wanted to see him get his ass handed to him. His "workrate" helped but you there is no way it will get you over alone.

So you would rather watch wrestling that His more Characters, over the top angles rather than an excellent in ring Match....

I.e you would rather watch an Batista vs John Cena rather than bret hart Vs HBk or Eddie vs malenko...

Bret Hart was over whenever he came out in 93-96 He got huge pop's.. He got huge heat in 1997... HBK got over to...

What were you watching during there times to shine???


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Yeah but his character was what got him heat. Bret Hart's workrate didnt make Americans hate him, it was his character that did. And no, I wouldnt necessarily want to see Cena/Batista over Malenko/Eddie. But that's me. Until later in his career, Eddie didnt draw dick. This is the problem with internet fans. As smart as they think they are, they fail to realize wrestling is a business. A "wasted talent" is a guy who has the ability to be mega over who didnt. Rick Rude might have because he had a great character for the time, so did Henning, however Dean Malenko didnt have a character. His character was a good wrestler. "Here comes Joe Blow to the ring" who gives a fuck if he can wrestle, he doenst have a character the fans can get behind. When Eddie started the Latino Heat shit and the "Lie, Cheat, and Steal" bit, he got over like no ones business. He wasn't "misused" until then, he just didnt develop a character until then. The WWE didnt give him the "Latino Heat" gimmick, it was something HE started and something the company ran with. It's not the WWE's job to push people who the fans dont care about, even though they do sometimes like with that worthless piece of shit Khali, because it makes bad BUSINESS sense.

Beer Money Army

I Have always like Eddie guerrero since the mid 90"s. His Guerrero/Mysterio 1997 Havoc is probably one of his greatest Matches ever..

Because A) he was a great wrestler and showed he was the futrure just like Booker T in the 90's i enjoyed him...

dean malenko character was the "Ice Man".. Showed no emotion... He get out there wrestler and his other Gimmick name "the Man of a 1000 holds" he used that well.

In 96-98 he did get cheered and still to that date i think he would be in top 5 (along with Ultimo Dragon) one of the greatest WCW/WWE C/W Champs...

Malenko was Like benoit or Hart or y2J or Eddie.. if you were shit in that ring they could make you look good to the crowd....... The crowd respected these wrestlers....

so whos joe blow??? are saying something bad about samoa joe.


^What do you mean he should be lucky he got to face Hogan? What was so wrong with him?

Haasan was only in the wwe for 13 months. I want you to logically explain to me how he deserved more that what he got, or how he was misused. Nobody comes out of the gate in teh wwe, and has major sucess. Did you guys forget his fued with HBK and Hulk Hogan?!?! How much more do you want? How much harder could they push him?

Dean Malenk misused?!? I think not. The guy is like 5'5 and looks like hornswoggle compared to wwe supserstars.

Although, on the flip i do think the shorter Tazz was misused, then again, Taz was ECW champ, and the baddest mother fucker on the planet at the time. You know Joe in 2005-2006, that was tazz from 93-99. So in my personel opinion I'd say my top 3 for Shane Douglass, Tazz, and Raven. All ECW guys, go figure.

Rikishi misused? Are we serious? The guy has had 12x wwe gimmicks, and none of them have gotten over.

Lance Storm and Rodney Mack have zero charsima.

As far as RVD missed from 98-2000 are you nuts...He held both the ecw tv tilte and the tag straps at the same time. NOt to mention his 23 month reign as TV Champ. WHich ended due to injuries. Can anyone back up their arguements better? BC injuries arent a valid reason to say someone was misused.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Aussie, thats YOU. YOU are not everyone. YOU do not speak for anymore than a very SMALL percentage of the wrestling fans. YOU and I may have seen that they were great workers and they were "over" with us but they weren't over with the people who pay the bills. Were you buying WCW PPVs for the undercard? No. No one did, unless they had a lot of money to blow. They guys who the MOST fans liked were the guys who had a character for the fans to get behind, not just the guys who are the most athletic.

Great One

Hassasn wasn't 'misused' he was wasted. That is what the topic is about...


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Can someone be WASTED and not be MISUSED? If so please explain.

Great One

My post was directed mainly at Montana. I agree with everyone else being wasted and misused, but there is a difference. Hassan was used right at times then the networks bitched and he was released, so yes he was WASTED and not MISUSED. He could have been repackaged and brought back with a different gimmick.