I can not believe you people think guys like The Hurricane, Dean Malenko, and Sandman as being misused. If you are looking for Greg/Shane/whatever Helms to be a main eventer, you must be out of your mind. Helms doesn't project "I AM A STAR, PAY ATTENTION TO ME" like Andre The Giant, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Batista, and the real main eventers project. The same with Malenko, great wrestler, but the fans didnt particularly give a shit about it. Raven said there were times in ECW where the crowd was so obnoxious when Malenko was facing Beniot, Malenko would get on the mic and tell the crowd to shut the fuck up because they were being so disrespectful. Workrate doesnt get you over, it never has, and it never will. Workrate didnt get Bret Hart over, him being a believable character got him over. Workrate didnt get HBK over, he was a cocky fucking prick, and people wanted to see him get his ass handed to him. His "workrate" helped but you there is no way it will get you over alone.