The Rated R CMStar

Oh so because JR tells you he's good, he's good?
And because you say he's bad, he's bad?
JR has said many guys have had "potential" and all have fallen FLAT on their face. JR thought Dr Death was the next Austin, not even fucking close. But more to the point, just because JR says a guy is good doesnt mean shit. Yeah, he knows the business but he isnt the end all be all.
You missed the point. What I said is I like Jack Swagger, and when taking in consideration other people's opinion, I'd rather take JR's, who knows the business, than Kaedon's.
They are, or on the case of the old guys, they USED to be.
Give me a break. Matt Hardy and Finlay will be called many things, but charismatic isn't one of them.
He's got no character
Enough to get people to boo him in 6 months.
unproven mic skills
Already better than some of the people in the roster and enough to get people to boo him.
and having Christian JOB TO HIM is a waste of time and talent.
Christian will never be a top guy, especially not know in his career. Jack Swagger more than likely will.