Was Christian Return a Total waist?

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That's what makes wrestling unpredictable and exciting. Now we're all going to wait for the WWE Draft to see whether Christian moves to RAW or Smackdown and we're also going to watch ECW to see how WWE is using him.

It will certainly piss off some people but that's a smart strategy to get people watching ECW.

I agree man, people got to wait for christian to show what he can re do now he is back. After the draft i think he will stay on ecw and move to raw or smackdown later in the year when he gets fired from ecw or move due to contract expiring


I don't think it was a waste... and if it was then it's far too early to tell. It's true that he's being used as a bit of a filler right now as we all know this wasn't the original role intended for him. If they were indeed going to pull him from the Jeff Hardy angle then I would have definately preferred they waited until after Mania to debut him....possibly as a suprise pick in the draft. His debut was the only wasteful thing about it. The majority of the people actually looking foward to his debut had to search for the damn thing on Youtube instead of being able to actually watch it on TV.


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Mar 9, 2007
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Well that's their problem, they shouldn't have had Jack Swagger loose the Championship so early.

But that's another story.

Has nothing to do with Swagger losing the title, it has to do with the fact that Christian has been ahead of Jack Swagger since his (Christians) second year in wrestling, and now, coming back into the company, instead of reintroducing him with a hot angle, they have him fight Jack Swagger. You have to strike :crash: while the iron is HOT not lukewarm


Jan 1, 2009
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total waist...lol. calls for christians gimmick to be changed to TTW....the man with amazing abdominals.

personally i like christian better as a heel in wwe but him returning on ecw was a good move. just need to make sure he ends up in MITB coming close to winning and book swagger vs. dreamer for WM25. Draft Christian to RAW and have him feud with santino followed by knox followed by Ted Debiase as IC champ and then push him to ME after losing the IC title due to interference. then he wouldn't be a total 'waist'. build him slow until taker and michaels retire and then a year from now we can get the epic e and c match at mania.


Feb 7, 2007
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North Charleston, South Carolina
I totally agree with you there on that on guy.

Christian isn't really liked by Vince. Vince doesn't think that he can pull it off soto speak. He was such a big star on TNA that Vince had to sing him and give him another chance. Now Vince put him on the C show to prove he has what it takes. Since coming to ECW he has alone improved the ratings more than anybody else that has come to ECW. Last night during the ECW Championship Match he took Swagger to his limit he had the entire crowd behind him screaming for him to win. He came up short but he has def. proved himself that he can get the job done and Vince just has to see that.

Now I would like to see Christian in the MITB.

The Rated R CMStar

A hot star? Lol, half the fans don't know who Christian is, at least not anymore.

He would have bombed if put in any other big angle, seeing how most people would go and say "I think I saw that guy sometime ago, but, uhmm, I don't remember him doing anything, why is he against Jeff'

This way on ECW, he gets hot, people get familiar with him and then he can go to those storylines Kaedon call already writen, afterwards.

Yeah, I forgot how prestegious that title is. Jack Swagger didnt do shit before he got the ECW Title, and now, while he is actually doing something, its on a throw away show. Who has Jack Swagger had great matches with? He had a good match with Matt Hardy, whoodee doo. He's bullshit and always will be until he gets more experience, and getting it at the expense of Christian, a hot star, is bull

So, tell me how Jack Swagger will get over and popular if you don't want him beating hot stars (which Christian isn't BTW)?

Because apparently having 2 (because they were two) good matches isn't enough, and that's neglecting his matches with Tommy Dreamer and the first one against Finlay

Luke Flywalker

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IDK what everyone is complaining about. The match I watched between the 2 of them last night on ECW was fucking incredible. True, Jack Swagger's mic skills need a lot of work, but his in-ring ability is incredible, and he's shining like a seasoned veteran in the ring right now. I think some of the things he did against Christian last night was impressive. He should stop trying to do the Angle/Shelton turnbuckle climb belly to belly... because he doesn't get up to the top rope yet, but he's doing some impressive stuff.

I thought the match last night may have been the best match ECW's had since Big Show lost the title, and that's really saying a lot. It definitely impressed me more than the mid-card matches on Raw, and was right up there with upper mid-card matches on SmackDown.

This feud is pretty impressive now, tbh. I like it, and suggest some of you get off your whole "Christian got screwed" attitude, and watch it for what it's worth right now. I'd give their match last night an A-, and this feud is about a B.


I won't go on a big rant about this until after the draft. If they end up moving him to RAW or Smackdown! then it was a good idea to put him on ECW just so the fans get used to him again. If he stays on ECW however, then it was a big mistake for him to ever leave TNA and I fear what his future will be in WWE


So, tell me how Jack Swagger will get over and popular if you don't want him beating hot stars (which Christian isn't BTW)?

I take it you didn't hear the pop he got when introduced last night? That was the loudest pop an ECW guy has gotten since Punk like a year ago, and he's only been on the show for 3 weeks. Jesus.

Great One

I agree, Christian is stupidly over, quit being dumb and trying to say no one remembers him. Next people will be saying no one would remember The Rock if he returned. I hate how people think a whole new generation of fans watches now. News flash, it's still a lot of the same people. Christian's over and he's going to continue to rise, no matter where the fuck he is. And I disagree Kaedon, if anything, throwing him into a feud with Edge or Jeff right off the start would be a 'waist,' even putting him on SD would be dumb. This is perfect, like I've said before, and he will win the title at Wrestlemania which is even more perfect. I'd say it's 90% likely that Christian will be a world champion (a real one) by the end of this year if things continue like this for him.

AND IF YOU DON'T KNOW, NOW YOU KNOW! =p (when is he going to start saying that again, btw?)


Sep 6, 2007
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I think its going pretty good right now.

Gives me a reason to watch ECW and hell I'll probably keep watching even after he leaves ECW.

He could not get tossed in on Raw cause there pretty much got there mainevent put together. Orton vs *at the time no one knows now it seems as it will be Triple H*. Then over on SD the whole Jeff vs Matt thing is going on.*there is no proof that Christian was the attacker the whole time. Even thought I was thinking he was no proof he was* so that was there. Then you have the WWE Title. Yes Edge had it and yes having Christian feud with him would make some sence seeing as there "brothers" but having two brother vs brother feuds at once not cool. So only thing for them to do is put him on ECW which they did. Now once WM is over and once the draft happens we will see how things play out.


I agree, Christian is stupidly over, quit being dumb and trying to say no one remembers him. Next people will be saying no one would remember The Rock if he returned. I hate how people think a whole new generation of fans watches now. News flash, it's still a lot of the same people. Christian's over and he's going to continue to rise, no matter where the fuck he is. And I disagree Kaedon, if anything, throwing him into a feud with Edge or Jeff right off the start would be a 'waist,' even putting him on SD would be dumb. This is perfect, like I've said before, and he will win the title at Wrestlemania which is even more perfect. I'd say it's 90% likely that Christian will be a world champion (a real one) by the end of this year if things continue like this for him.

AND IF YOU DON'T KNOW, NOW YOU KNOW! =p (when is he going to start saying that again, btw?)

I think he started using that phrase in TNA, so I doubt he'd start using it now.

Also, I'd mark the fuck out if this whole ECW title run was over since he got pinned cleanly for the title, and just won a MITB qualifier next week or something and went on to win MITB and cashed it in on Edge. That'd be quite possibly the best thing ever.


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Mar 9, 2007
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So, tell me how Jack Swagger will get over and popular if you don't want him beating hot stars (which Christian isn't BTW)?

How about by being naturally talented and charismatic like the real stars in the business are, like the one who just JOBBED THE FUCK OUT to him on ECW, Christian. There are people who get over for multiple reasons, but having a guy just beat hot stars is one of the WORST ways to do it, imo becuase youre sacraficing proven stars for an unproven guy who might, I dont know, run away like a little cunt and want to go play football or fight in UFC. It's been proven time and time again, by the true stars of the business, a star gets himself over. The Underaker fought nothing but JOBBERS for a year and got almost as over as Hogan, so dont tell me you have to sacrafice stars to get someone over.

The Rated R CMStar

How about by being naturally talented and charismatic like the real stars in the business are, like the one who just JOBBED THE FUCK OUT to him on ECW, Christian.

YOU don't consider them naturally talented and charismatic. I'd trust more the opinion of like you yourself have said, people who know about the business, like JR, telling me the kid is special. That added to my own perception of it.

Also, you are using one example in Christian, but by the rest of your statement, you are calling Finlay, Tommy Dreamer and Matt Hardy naturally charismatic.

The Underaker fought nothing but JOBBERS for a year and got almost as over as Hogan, so dont tell me you have to sacrafice stars to get someone over

The scenario of his debut was totally different. Not only did his debut was far more impressive and purposely build for him to get that over, but he was next to Ted DiBiase, one of the most over heels. It was only a matter of time he got as over.

Besides, comparing Taker to Swagger is not the best thing to do, specially seeing their characters, which in Taker's case, was key in getting him over.


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Mar 9, 2007
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YOU don't consider them naturally talented and charismatic. I'd trust more the opinion of like you yourself have said, people who know about the business, like JR, telling me the kid is special. That added to my own perception of it.

Oh so because JR tells you he's good, he's good? JR has said many guys have had "potential" and all have fallen FLAT on their face. JR thought Dr Death was the next Austin, not even fucking close. But more to the point, just because JR says a guy is good doesnt mean shit. Yeah, he knows the business but he isnt the end all be all.

Also, you are using one example in Christian, but by the rest of your statement, you are calling Finlay, Tommy Dreamer and Matt Hardy naturally charismatic.
They are, or on the case of the old guys, they USED to be.

The scenario of his debut was totally different. Not only did his debut was far more impressive and purposely build for him to get that over, but he was next to Ted DiBiase, one of the most over heels. It was only a matter of time he got as over.

Besides, comparing Taker to Swagger is not the best thing to do, specially seeing their characters, which in Taker's case, was key in getting him over.
The point is Undertaker HAD A CHARACTER. What is Jack Swagger? The All American, American. What the fuck does that even mean? He's got no character, unproven mic skills, and works alright for a noob. There are only 2 wrestlers in the history of the business who got mega over on work rate alone, and those guys are Bret Hart and Chris Benoit. This fuck is nowhere NEAR their league, and having Christian JOB TO HIM is a waste of time and talent.