Hysteric, tabloid sensationalism masquerading as journalism. Her interview with Elizabeth Smart says all one needs to know about Nancy Grace. Watch it some time and see what a true piece of crap she is.
I didn't see this video until that link was posted because I didn't think the irrelevant old crow even had a show anymore.
Realistically, steroids could have played a role. Though she makes it sound like he still used them or was involved in recreational drugs, along with that list of names that included men who died of other causes, as Deezy pointed out. But that's how sensationalism works, throw out everything but the half-assed rhetoric she's going to scream like some shrill harpy. Ignore anything that doesn't support her point.
I think Warrior's father died at a relatively early age. But I don't suppose it would ever cross her mind that heredity could ever have a contributing factor in someone dying early, developing cardio-vascular disease, despite trying to keep fit and eat right long after one's athletic career is over.
I don't think it's unrealistic to expect many more wrestlers will die relatively young due to sacrifices they make to be on top or extend their careers. It's a calculated risk, at best.
But everyone is seeing Nancy Grace for what she is, some opportunistic, publicity whore who capitalizes on the pain and tragedy of others for self gain. What's worse is that there is no real point to what she's doing, no substance to her show, not like she's truly out to foment change. It's purely sensationalism in hopes for ratings and money.