UWF - Past Smackdown Trashtalking

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Re: UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Rick Martel Vs Chris Masters

Chris immediately gets offended by the words of Rick Martel.


You shut your mouth Rick. If you want my attention so bad then you got it. I understand that you want to waltz in here acting like something your not. Everybody has done it from time from time, but how in the hell am I suppose to believe that a joke model like yourself can stand a chance against the Masterpiece? It's almost unbelievable because everybody in this worthless crowd knows exactly what's going to happen. I am going to do what I do best and that is hurt. I am going to hurt you until I surpass your limitations and beat you for the 1...2...3. And when it's all said and done, that big head of yours will shrink down to size and you'll realize your place in society. MY society.

Chris steps towards Rick before insulting the man again.

Anybody can come here and say all they want to say. But it's not the conversation that matters in wrestling. It's the match. Unlike you, I am in shape and in the prime of my life. But you haven't been in the ring in a while which is painfully obvious. So that brings me to the conclusion that you are not going to be much of a challenge. Here we are in the very FIRST match of the new and improved Smackdown and you will be known as the first man in history to lose on the very first Smackdown since the Reset.

Now I advise you to keep your mouth shut or your beating will be worse Rick. Keep my girlfriends name out of your mouth and realize who you're messing with. I am the Masterpiece who holds the prestige Masterlock in my arsenal. You do not want to pick the Masterlock because the only thing that'll be breaking tonight is you!
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Jun 5, 2010
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UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Edge vs Montel Vontavious Porter

The UWF faithful are waiting patiently, waiting for some action to happen after already seeing an action packed night but its quieted down a bit for the last few minutes. The lights suddenly go out. The fans sit anxiously, asking the people next to them what is happening. The arena starts to flash gold and black lights everywhere, with some very known words inside the wrestling world ringing out over the PA system.



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a big cheer. He stops dead in his tracks, looking around, not happy at all by the looks of it as he reaches down and slaps the floor, setting off fireworks.


MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, seeing all the fans leaning over the barriers for high fives and obliges, walking past and slapping the hands much to the delight of those said fans. After giving a few fans the high fives he holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his chest with the fans still giving him a good reaction. MVP walks towards the side of the ring, bending over to pick up a mic that was placed on the apron. He strides back to the middle of the ring, raising the mic to his lips but the noise the crowd is making stops him from starting his speech. He lowers the mic, looking forwards now, smirking away as the crowd in front of him are cheering him. He raises the mic to his lips again.



Well well, I see that this place isn't exactly the same anymore but I know all you fans will never change will you?

MVP lowers the mic as the crowd give an even louder cheer for the Ballin Superstar. He reacts positively, smiling and amping them up.

As you all might be aware of, UWF is going through a bit of a sticky period, now I know what your thinking, MVP you only just came back, surely you could have saved it, surely you could have been our power ranger, apparently that's what I look like in my wrestling gear, I just know everyone is jealous but everyone will be wondering why I couldn't save UWF before all this crap went down. I can only give one reason, one simple reason and that is that it was already too late by the time the board came to it's senses and re instated me but don't you worry your pretty little heads, I am still the Highest Paid Superstar in UWF, even though the smartest man on earth to sign me is gone so that means I get more then any other champion. It seems some things have to be restarted but some things never ever change do they.

MVP rubs his fingers together, look he has the cash in his hands as he smiles. The crowd lap it up as he continues.

But one thing is certain to change come this week on Smackdown, you see, before everything happened, I won a Battle Royal, I know I know we aren't suppose to be talking about it but did you read the preview? My assissant pointed it out to me, my match which I rightly deserve was left right and center talking about it, plus I'm above everyone else in the back anyway, I have my own set of rules so I'll talk about what I want so anyway, I won a battle royal, I won my shot at the UWF Championship and I still am giving my opportunity. Don't worry, that won't be taking away from me but unluckily for Edge, I will be taking something from him. That UWF deserves to be around my beautiful waist, gold and I are like two peas in a pod and I've you wanna stand in the way of me getting to the top, well you just have bricks in your head.

He points to his head, smiling cockily and enjoying himself. He looks out into the crowd, holding up their MVP signs as he points to one saying 'MVP next Champion' creative but then again, what do you expect.

And that is exactly the description I would give if you asked me to describe Edge. He calls himself the Rated R Superstar, he calls himself God, he calls himself Edge, what too good for a last name are we? Everything he calls himself points out how far up his own ass he is. How in the hell can you call yourself god when you haven't done anything remotely god like? I haven't seen you walk on water, turn water into wine, rise from the dead, I haven't seen you do any of that, the cloest thing I have seen you be to god is crying on your knees begging for one, that doesn't make me think of a god and don't even get me started about that Rated R bullcrap. You want to be Rated R, you come out to the nightclubs with me, they don't have a rating for some of the things I get up to, boy I make Rated R look PG. Edge, I know your on cloud nine, you are the champion, you are on top of the world, but you know your always just a corner away from Rock bottom, oh wait wait, am I allowed to say that, sorry I'll rephrase that, your only one turn away from taking the slippery slope down to the sea bottom, I know you have been there before, I'd like to meet someone that hasn't been there before but I hope your ready, this won't be like any time before, this will be a new feeling because I am not like the others that have put you there before, I won't feel guility, I won't feel remorse, I will feel satisfied and pretty happy with my UWF Championship. Smackdown is preparing for a new Era and that era is certain to be BALLI........

MVP is half way through his signature taunt as suddenly he gets interupted by the UWF Champion. He doesn't look too happy as he looks towards the stage waiting for Edge to show his face.

OOC: Know you've been a bit busy recently Slim so I thought, I ain't gonna be an asshole and pepper him with long TT's. Don't mind going with short and sharp mate.​


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Re: UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Edge vs Montel Vontavious Porter

The attention of everyone goes towards the stage as a choir starts coming from the entrance to take over the stage on either side of the main entrance.

They start to sing “Rap God” by Eminem as Edge then makes his appearance on the stage as they stop mid song to sing “Hallelujah.”

The choir then goes back to “Rap God” as Edge makes his way down the ramp. He reaches over the barricade and grabs a cup from a fan and walks up the ring steps and enters the ring. He looks over at MVP before dumping the liquid out of the cup on the canvas and then proceeds to step on it and over it before smiling towards MVP and then raises his mic.

UWF god of Wrestling Edge:

Oh my… A MIRACLE! I have just walked on water. What do you think about that?

The fans let out a loud boo before Edge continues.

UWF god of Wrestling Edge:

Its okay. Everyone has their own idea of what a god is… I’m just the one living and breathing walking amongst you and that is just so hard for you to grasp. But it is okay. I understand. It is so hard to comprehend why someone of my magnitude would wish to even divulge any of his time amongst such commoners as yourselves and that guy over there. The self proclaimed “highest paid superstar.” I mean come on man how many times do we have to hear you talk about this yet we all know… there is nobody that is higher on the payroll than me. I mean what have you done? You won a battle royal against a guy on steroids, a dancer that got eliminated by someone else, some fifty year old guy with face paint, some guy that always comes up short, and some guy with legs so bad that if he takes a wrong step he tears his quad. I mean…

Edge takes one step before falling over.

UWF god of Wrestling Edge:

Edge gets back up to continue.

UWF god of Wrestling Edge:

But really you think that now you not only deserve this shot at my belt but you believe that you stand a chance against a man like me? A man with the skill set of myself? I mean you have got to be high. I’d suggest we take a drug test but I’m sure you would fail and have to be suspended and fined for smoking that much of the green stuff… and I’m not talking money. But seriously… you are my next challenge. I truly am a god because how else can you explain me being gifted such a sacrifice. I mean you? Of all people you? This is going to be easier than my CM Punk challenge and we all know how that went… he ran away when he knew he had to face me. You? Well even though you decided to show up… that will be all you are good enough for because when all is said and done… you’ll be pulling a Kevin Nash flat down on your back looking up at the lights after realizing that you do not have what it takes to battle it out with the one true god of wrestling. The Rated R Superstar. The UWF Champion.

I mean we are looking at the evolution of man into his final form when you look at me. When we look at you we see how far down man used to be. Just useless, a waste of everything. And as far as “ballin” goes… I’m sure that is some street slang for drug dealing because if it is about skills on the court I’m sure that I will once again outdo you there just as I can inside of this ring. In this ring I am Picasso, I am Rembrandt. You are nothing but a Jackson Pollack. And taking the time to explain that reference to you even though it would go over your head would just be pointless. But to paint a very clear picture for you… I am the one that single handedly saved Smackdown from the black abyss that it was once in where nobody cared about it to the point that now everyone wants to be on this show. Everyone wants to witness Smackdown. Everyone wants to see Edge. Everyone wants to know what Edge is going to do, what he is going to say. So you can continue on tryin to ball, trying to talk up about how there is a new era coming but the only thing that will be coming your way is Edge blocking every single one of your shots and ending your little victory parade as you realize that you are in way over your head with the number one champion of UWF. That there is no man out there that can compare to a god like myself. We are in… the Rated R Era and you… are nothing more than just a sacrificial lamb sent to appease me. And that… is… BALLIN!

Edge does the ballin pose.

OOC: I don’t mind the bombs cause I’ll always find the time to match them. Can mix them all in this. Going to have to make this the best championship thread. Gotta top Raw ;)


Jun 5, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Edge vs Montel Vontavious Porter

Edge does the ballin pose. MVP looks at Edge, not looking that impressed Edge stole his taunt. He suddenly drops to his knees in front of Edge, like his bowing to him. He goes up and down a few times.

Oh, I am so sorry, how wrong I was, this man really is the messiah. Quick, everyone get on your knees and look up at the lord, praise him, he truly is the messiah. Did you not see how he just walked across water, not even 5 minutes after I said he couldn't, did you see how he just grabbed that water and just did it, I don't normally believe in miracles but I have converted, I am a believer, please let me join your religion Edge. Hold on, hold on, I feel like the lord is trying to tell me something. He has a message, how can I get this message from you Edge when you are standing just there, hold on, hold on, I have to get back up to my feet to get the lord saviour Edge's message across.

MVP gets to his feet, looking at Edge, with a wicked look on his face. Edge doesn't quite know what to do as MVP 'channels' the Lord.

He isn't the messiah, he is a very naughty boy.

There is a mumble of laughter as some of the audience know where that came from. His facials expressions change as MVP gets quite serious now as he raises the mic back to his mouth whilst looking at Edge.



Well, I guess it wasn't you I was channeling Edge, maybe it was mamma Edge or something like that, who really cares, all I know is that all of this is a joke to you isn't Edge? Why do you want everyone to believe your god, is it because you want everyone to get on their knees in front of you and reenact a famous 5 second pose that you and Christian use to call 'Friday Night'? Yes, I did make a gay joke but hey, like I said before, other people would get cut down and everything about it but I am above the rules, which is quite funny, but not as funny as you thinking you are on the bigger pay roll. I wish I could have thought of a nickname like that by myself, it is an awesome name but unluckily for you, it's not just a name, it is a fact and I'm not going to drag on and on about it but if you really were on the bigger pay roll, you would at least be able to afford a hair cut or at least style it. Nothing says money like a banging haircut like my cornrolls, it's sweet though mate, cornrolls aren't for everyone, but then again, either is style. Nice necklace by the way, it would look better in gold. Did I mention I have some gold chains around my neck, oh yer this chain would cost more then your entire outfit put together.

MVP looks Edge up and down, looking at his clothing. He adjusts his sleeves as he starts to get serious again.

But style won't win me my rightful place on top of the mountain of Smackdown. Is that what you were going to say Edge? Sorry I jumped in before you could open you mouth and try and make us preachers again. It seems to me that you were watching that Battle Royal quite close, maybe you were even glued to your tv screen. You will be able to answer your very own question then, if you were watching you know damn well that I deserve that shot for your title, you know damn well I have a great shot of taking that title away from you and you know damn well that the only part of me that will be high come Smackdown will be my hand above my head with that UWF title in my grasp. I know it might be hard for you to get your mind across this thought so that's why I've given you plenty of notice, maybe it can get through your big thick head before it becomes reality. It won't be like the reality tv is these days, although you might end up looking like that little gremlin known as Snooki, no it won't be scripted and fake, it will be real life and the reality will hit you Edge, just like my new awesome, expensive wrestling boots will straight to the forehead.

MVP points to his shoes, smiling and gaining in confidence, he polishes them and looks at Edge, who is motionless looking back at him. MVP nods his head and begins to talk again.

You are not only a god, you are also a genuis, what gave it away Edge, maybe it was the swish taunt that gave it away, I have no idea but you managed to figure it out, good for you but come on, we both know you are from Canada, I am from the champion city of Miami, we both know who would wipe the court with who, if I need to paint you the picture, it is me Edge, that comes out on top of that. Don't worry Edge, i'll be very happy to wipe your canvas clear as well, only if you don't mind me using your face to do it. I don't mind using what ever tools I have at my expense so it doesn't bother me. Edge, I know you like to think your a god but if I was you, I would be doing everything to try and make the big man happy because the clock is ticking away until the time you will be praying to him, asking for forgiveness and asking him to make the Half Man Half Amazing, Montel Vontavious Porter to stop the beating.

MVP lowers the mic, smiling and very proud of himself as the crowd cheer along with him. He looks towards Edge and awaits a reply from the Rated R Superstar.


Aug 5, 2012
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Re: UWF Smackdown: International Championship: Hardy vs Fandango vs Morgan(C)

Fandango is still standing out on the stage, and the fans are excited because they know Jeff Hardy is coming out next, but when is the question at hand. Fandango and Morgan wait around while the crowd grows restless, but then the lights dim and the music begins to play and they begin to cheer oh so loudly.

So You See The Writing On The Waaaaaaaaaallllllllll...
"No More Words" hits the PA system much to the crowds delight. Immediately from behind the curtain, emerges Jeff Hardy but not in his usual dancing demeanor. He bursts out from behind the curtain wielding a steel chair in hand and a stone cold look on his face. Jeff stops on the stage nearly as soon as he came out, and eyeballs Fandango, glaring at him intensely. Jeff then turns his head and makes a beeline for Morgan in the ring; walking down the ramp with a fierce purpose.


Jeff makes his way down the rest of the ramp, before turning the corner towards the steel steps. He pauses briefly before unleashing a massive smash on the ring steps with the steel chair. The shot echoes throughout the arena and Jeff then walks up the steel steps he just hit, and enters the ring through the middle rope. He stands across the ring from Paul Heyman and Morgan but doesnt even blink at the sight of the International Champion. Jeff pulls a mic from the back pocket of his pants, and when his music is cut, he speaks to Matt Morgan.

Jeff Hardy: You're obsessed, man. You're crazy.

Jeff isn't intimidated and he stares down Matt Morgan as he continues to speak.

Jeff Hardy: You're crazy about Me that is, Matt. Every week it seems, every time I have to hear you speak man, I'm in there somewhere. At the heart of nearly everything, you try to place your foot on my chest like I'm a conquered land and your foots the flag. What is it man? Why do you keep feeling like you have to try and make it all about me? Haven't you done enough to me?? Haven't you just had your fill already? But I guess even with all that you've done to me, you still find it in your heart to bring me up nearly week in and week out. You know what I think it is though, man? I think you won't shut up about me because you can't defeat me. Sure, you've beaten me Matt, what, three times now? Plus all the damn interference, you've been a thorn in my side since you debuted pretty much. But even though you've done all that to me man, I wont go away, and I think that eats you aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive inside man! I think it just burns you up knowing that no matter what you do to me, and where you go, or even where I go, one way or another we'll find one another in this ring and you just can't put me down. So yeah man, I think you're straight up obsessed with me. I think you just cant wrap your head around why I won't quit, why these people still cheer me even though I feel like a failure, you just dont get it. You never would get it though, you dont care about these people, you've never been liked by them. Which sure, thats fine to you, but just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean you should keep putting me down. I can only bend so much and tolerate only sooooo much from you man, and I have grown SO tired of you and your hatred of me!

Jeff is all fired up and the fans are rallying behind him as he continues to speak

Jeff Hardy: These people... are going to cheer me all day and all night until they grow tired of me one day. But for now, and especially up against you, they'll back me up and be in my corner, urging me to fight when I feel I've had enough. Thats what they do for me, and I try to give them the best show on earth every single night Im out here man. So their cheers will fuel me up no matter how many times I have to face you and that ugly mug of yours. You say, you say that it's not going to be different this time. You dont know that, Matt. Life has a way of delivering twists of fate when you least expect them, so feel free to act all over confident right now, but this Friday night it's going to be one hell of a trip down off that high horse of yours when you lose the International Title. And I'll personally see to it, even if I can't win it myself. Thats why I have this

Jeff raises the steel chair up in one arm and the fans give a small cheer for the weapon since they know what Jeff can do with one.

Jeff Hardy: Matt, I brought this out with me to remind you that our match, with Fandango, is no disqualification like all Triple Threats are. And while you did win the ladder match last month, the match I helped make famous, there were five other guys in that match that created chances-took chances-and rolled the dice just to get a hand on that belt. Too many variables man, can't always account for 'em. But now, there's just three of us, and this steel chair. Matt, for what you've done to me... for all the anguish you've caused and all the hate and self loathing you've made me feel, I am going to deliver that back to you tenfold on Smackdown. You've earned at least that much from me. Because if you've screwed me out of the King of the Ring, then I'll screw you out of retaining that title. It should come home with me, but the lesser of two evils between you and Fandango means that if it goes home with him and not you, I'll still be happy. You can't put me away Matt, You can't kill me! I won't die man, I won't leave you alone! No matter how much you can do to me it'll neeeeeeeveeeerr be enough! And now it's your time to be embarrassed, now it's your time to lose and lose hard. And not Paul Heyman and his pony tail, or the guy who's forever in your shadow- Alex Riley, can stop me this time. I wont let it happen, not again!

Jeff lowers his mic for a second and the fans chant "HARDY HARDY HARDY!" in support of one of their favorites. Jeff, seemingly unwisely, turns his back on Morgan, and speaks to Fandango out on the stage.

Jeff Hardy: Fandango, just so you know, when I said "lesser of two evils" between you and Matt, I'm splitting hairs man. Its real damn close to you just being just as bad as him. You're obnoxious, you're pompous, you look down on everybody, its just allllll about you isnt it? Of course it is man, what else would it be? But the one thing you havent done to be on Matts level, is you havent stuck your nose in my business, and cost me important matches. Though, with the way you speak about me man, I'm not sure that I'm even right anymore. You, you're a plastic, cookie cutter, ken doll, man. You think you're better than me because you look like every other jerk does? And on top of it, that you're some dancer? 'Dango, you don't know a damn thing about me. We sure as hell aren't anywhere near being the same person, but that doesnt make you better than me man. I was hoping you'd treat me with respect, but I guess you want to show your true colors. I wont change man, ever. I'll take my facepaint and your disapproval over being just like everybody else. I'll continue to march to my own drum and down my own path. But this chair, 'Dango, this chair isn't meant for you. This chair belongs firmly wrapped around the side of Matt Morgans head. But if you want to pick on me just like he does, if you want to try and gang up on me and ruin MY shot at the International title... I wont even hesitate to take that chiseled chin of yours to the extreme and make you wish you were being burned by LAX again instead man. I'm that damn serious, I mean it. I am the Extreeeeeeeeme Enigma! And on Smackdown, I'll make the most of this chance if it's the last thing I do man. So you can get out of my way, or you can fall to this chair swinging maniac because I'll do anything to win. Anything.

Jeff lowers his mic and turns back and walks over to the nearest turnbuckle. He hops up on to the top rope and sits; microphone in one hand and the chair in the other. The fans are cheering somewhat as Jeff sits on his perch, and waits for somebody else to speak.



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Re: UWF Smackdown: International Championship: Hardy vs Fandango vs Morgan(C)

As Jeff Hardy sits on the top turnbuckle, Matt Morgan turns to him. The two rivals stare one another down with a look of hated in each of their eyes. Morgan is the first to break the tension as he begins to chuckle at the Charismatic Enigma.


The International Champion "Blueprint" Matt Morgan: You think I'm obsessed with you? That's cute son; real cute. But while that may entertain me somewhat, it couldn't be any further from the truth. The truth of the matter Jeff Hardy is, I despise you. I want you out of my life. The day you went to Impact was the happiest day of my career son; because it meant that I would no longer have to dirty my hands and waste my time on a nothing like you. Unfortunately, fate is a cruel mistress and here you stand before me.

Morgan walks around the ring, never taking his eyes of Hardy.

Morgan: And yet you ask me, why I always mention you. There's a simple answer to that, Jeff. It's because I know you're always listening. I don't care if you're backstage, in this ring, on the road, catching the show on YouTube; I know you're always going to have an ear on this show and me specifically. So every time I speak, I remind the entire world of how I've embarrassed you not because I don't think I can end you; not because you have the support of these ungrateful leeches and not because I consider you some form of a threat. I do it because, I never want you to forget Jeff Hardy. I never want you to forget that although you've overcome everything in your entire career, I am the one roadblock that stops you from achieving greatness. I never want you to forget son that you've let all of your "creatures of the night" down. And most importantly, I never want you to forget that thanks to me, Jeff Hardy is nothing more than an absolute failure!

The crowd starts chanting "Hardy" all over again while the International Champion takes a look at the chair in Jeff Hardy's possession.

Morgan: And that's not going to change anytime soon, son. So you can bring that chair if you want. You can bring a table. You can bring the same ladder that I used to climb and retrieve this title; none of that is going to make any difference. At the end of the day, I'm going to beat you again. And when I do, maybe you'll learn your lesson and stay as far away from me as you possibly can.

Morgan: And I say that Jeffrey because just like you, I've grown tired of this. I've grown tired of beating you every few weeks, only to have you crawl out of the gutter and try again. If you were able to get revenge for what I did to you way back at the King of The Ring semi-finals, you would've done it by now son. So you just need to accept facts, there isn't going to be a happy ending when it comes down to the story of me and you. In this tale, the bad guy wins. And the good guy suffers yet another horrible...

Morgan smiles at Hardy before speaking again.

Morgan: Twist of Fate!

Matt Morgan chuckles once more before turning his attention towards the stage where Fandango and his crew of flunkies have sat by patiently waiting.

Morgan: And as far as you go, I must say I'm completely underwhelmed. Since the day I came to Ultimate Wrestling Federation, all I heard was how great and entertaining the amazing Fandango is. And yet, you stand twenty feet away from me and I can tell you right now son; I don't see it.

In response to Morgan's statement, Fandango flexes; seemingly saying with his body, do you see it now.

Morgan: I don't see the fearsome World Champion that everyone proclaims you to be. I don't see the talent that everyone says you have. All I see is an immature little boy who's in over his head. You come out here, you don't even have the nerve to get in the ring with the International Heavyweight Champion and you insult my attire and my beard? That's weak son! That's real weak. That just shows me that you're scrapping the bottom of the barrel son because in your heart of hearts; you know you can't beat me.

Morgan looks at the title resting on his shoulder for a second as it the arena lights bounce off it causing it to glimmer and shine.

Morgan: 'Ya know something son? A lot of people say you're the greatest wrestler to ever hold this title. Well, at least until I won it. And I'm going to do something that you could never do; I'm going to make this title relevant. You want to talk about your victory over The Rock, news flash chump; I beat The Rock in my debut match and it damn sure didn't take me three tries to do it.

Morgan: But that's just who I am Fandango. I take the bar that mediocre wrestlers like you and Jeff Hardy set and I raise it to levels that you could never reach. Me coming to this brand was the worst thing that could ever happen to you because any chance of you being a success just went out the window. And you're going to come to grips with that real soon. You say it's going to take more than ability to be a Champion, but I plan on proving that theory very wrong. In this ring, nobody can touch me. That's all I need to become the greatest Champion this business has ever seen. I don't see a nobody like Derrick Bateman holding me down and I definitely don't need some skank like Maxine, who serves absolutely no purpose.

That last comment draws the ire of the Modern Day Double Dragons and their fans, although there are a few people in the arena who enjoyed it.

Morgan: You want to brag about not being pinned for one hundred and twenty-one days; congratulations. That's a very impressive streak. Let me ask you something son; what do you have to show for it? Nothing. You have nothing. You stand there as a Champion who's title means nothing. Because the truth of the matter is Fandango, that Tag Team Championship that you chased for so long, you probably won't be having it for too much longer. But me? This is never leaving me grasp.

Morgan holds the International Championship high in the air to boos from the crowd.

Morgan: So please, Mister Excitement, Mister Entertainment; I want you to give it everything you've got. Because when you do and you subsequently fail, you're going to end up just like him...

Morgan points towards Jeff Hardy once more.

Morgan: You're going to end up a sorry, broken excuse for a man. And the two losers standing next to you will be unable to pick up the pieces. You'll be no good to Smackdown once I'm done with you. You'll be no good to Ultimate Wrestling Federation. You'll be no good to wrestling as a whole. The only thing you'll be good for is instructing beginner's dance classes. And trust me when I say, you're barely good at that.

Morgan: You're running out of purpose son; and you're also running out of time. Your fifteen minutes of fame are just about up. So if I were you; I'd enjoy what fleeting moments I have left.

And with that, Morgan lowers his microphone as his grace footed opponent begins to speak.​


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Re: UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Edge vs Montel Vontavious Porter

Edge still has a smug look on his face as he raises his mic back up to address his challenger.

UWF god of Wrestling Edge:

First I have to say…you must be something mystical as well. I mean how else does one show up with a shirt and then randomly show up in a full pressed suit and tie. I mean I’m sure that I as well as the rest of these fans out here would have noticed a guy changing like that but I dunno. Maybe I’m losing my mind. But I really don’t think so. But what I do know… is that thou shalt NOT mock the god that will surely kick your scrawny black magic working ass when Smackdown comes around. But I will come clean about something in relations to you my homie. Isn’t that what your community call each other? Homies? Brothers? Or is it brothas? I’ll stick with homie. So here it is homie.

This match is one hundred percent a joke. I mean did you not listen to my promo that night that you won the battle royal? You were the one that I least wanted to win because where would be the challenge? You aren’t a challenge to me. That roided freak would have been more of a challenge than you. You are just… some guy that got lucky and caught lucky break after lucky break to wind up in this match but now that you are in this lucky position… you will always second guess whether you really have these alleged skills that you speak of. Because when it all comes down to it… it isn’t about this pretend contract that you always have been speaking of ever since you were up north. I mean really… you need some new material my homie. Because surely after all this time people will come to realize that is the only thing that you can say you have going for you because your skillset obviously isn’t going to match up to what you profess you are paid. The level of success that you will obtain will not match up to that because as long as I’m the UWF Rated R Champion… wait the Rated R UWF Champion… yeah as long as I’m that… there is no way that someone like you is going to come close to being champion. Well I take that back the only chances you have are those times you can pin me down for a two count. Because in this one… you can’t simply win by throwing me over the top rope. And you certainly can’t win by making sorry gay jokes. Because that one sucked so bad I would have cut you on the spot. I mean I could make one about the time you spent in the slammer with your boyfriend and what did he call you? Pretty Boy? Monty? Or did he just simply call you his bitch? But don’t worry… if you happen to “drop the soap” nobody is going to touch you here. On Raw maybe but not Smackdown.

But now that is over and done with I’ll answer your question. I got bored during the battle royal and changed it to some college football. I don’t remember what team was playing but I’ll ask Tazz about it. He seems to have a firm grasp on that sort of thing. But once I got a text from Trish that the match was over and that you won I had to check on the monitor and sure enough it was you. So yeah… whoever won was of no interest to me because I knew that whoever won that cheap imitation to determine a challenger for my title would fall short whenever they would have to face off against a champion of my magnitude. So to answer your other question… well statements… well give a retort to your statements… no I full well know you don’t damn well deserve a shot at my belt. Maybe the hardcore title or even the International title but not my belt. You haven’t proven a thing to me… my homie. Because you see right now you are living a dream. This dream of being able to challenge someone as great as me. Someone that is as awesome as myself. Someone like me that has singlehandedly changed entire landscapes. But once reality sets in you’ll realize that you were just hit so hard by the spear that you too experienced a concussion like Triple H and will see me with my hand held high. And then maybe you’ll pull a Batista or a CM Punk and leave from my show and head to Raw or something because it will be then that you will know without a doubt… that you will not ever possess the skills to defeat someone like me. You will never have the abilities to become world champion as long as I’m around.

But as far as my skills on the court… although I’m from Canada I knew that you would bite. I knew that you wouldn’t be able to resist and so after I found out that you won… I went to the court and had some highlights of my awesome skills on display. Monkeys in back roll the footage of Edge’s awesome basketball skills.


Everyone including MVP has a look of “What” on their face after watching the video.

UWF god of Wrestling Edge:

Now I know what you all are thinking… that can’t be Edge. The world title wasn’t anywhere in any of those dunks. And well you’re right. I couldn’t do all of my amazing dunks with my title and so I had a stunt double do all of my dunks for me. But he definitely did every dunk that I know full well I can do. But as far as wiping this canvas? Oh no my homie. You don’t stand a chance of completing that either. Instead you’ll be looking like some five year old splattering their hand all over the canvas and calling it art. While the grown man that I am will throw it away and show you how to create true art. But understand… this god of wrestling here is about to uunleash an unholy and merciless beating upon you… you peasant. Because while you may say that you are half man and half amazing… you are looking at someone that is all god… and all champion.

Edge lowers his mic to await a reply from MVP

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Re: UWF SmackDown! 11/23/13 Sabin/Joe vs. High Flyers



The TV Champion Chris Sabin and Samoa Joe step out. Sabin points towards the ring as both men walk down the ramp Sabin touches the hands of his fans but Joe just simply walks down.

Sabin: FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN! I WANNA HEAR YOU SHOUT! As your boy and now the Television Champion Chris Sabin has returned! And along with me my man big Samoa Joe! Smackdown the place where Sabin was born and if it wasn't for this brand I wouldn't be a champion heck I wouldn't even be here. iMPACT wasn't the best ever for me and Raw was okay but due to the reset Sabin is back on Smackdown!

Joe: If you don't know who I am! I'm Samoa Joe the most toughest ass kicker in this business the man who's name makes people shake in their boots. Last time I wrestled was against Gargano and he cheated to win! I've got zero tolerance for people like him and so I locked him in my deadly clutch and made him pass out. One loss I may have but it's not all over me and Chris we're mates and we've been like that since the past. The team we face RVD and Bourne are high flyers as there team name says but what's better then a powerhouse and a high flyer in one team? Chris Sabin and Samoa Joe the best there are! Forget about Benjamin or Manik! If you need a partner it's JOE!

Sabin: As everything is back to square one I hardly have any problem with anyone in Smackdown. My enemies left behind in Raw and I'm sure I'll face them again but it's time to forget about the past and plan ahead for the future. Van Dam and Evan Bourne two men who earn respect in the right way I have no problem at all with these men not one single bit but tonight they're my problem! They're trying to be the two who are the barrier in my way to move on to bigger and better things but it's not planned for today as Joe and me will take this place by a storm.

Joe: Van Dam the whole f'n show right? I've known you for a long time brother and sometimes your words speak for yourself. You're that legend but you ain't the whole show. If anyone is it's me Samoa Joe! May it be the old X Division, tables, ladders, chairs, cage and any size limit I can do it name all and it's possible with Joe. Your partner Evan Bourne, look son I see you as no problem you're just kinda of a vanilla midget or let me rephrase that a rookie in my eyes. But in the path of eternal glory we come across people like you and everyone starts just like you Bourne my friend but some don't always make it to the top and they fall on the first hurdle and the hurdle tonight is me and Sabin we'll make you fall may he hit you with his crazy finisher or may I make you pass out I'll definitely take that win.

Sabin: Believe our words me and Joe are the damn real deal. No one can out power us we're superior to you and your friend. May it be submission or pinfall we'll win tonight and that's a fact boys!

Sabin drops the microphone on the floor and pats Joe on the back for their exit as Sabin's music blasts out.


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Re: UWF Smackdown: International Championship: Hardy vs Fandango vs Morgan(C)

Fandango raises his mic to his lips and waves his index finger in the air saying tisk, tisk, tisk.

Now now Matthew, what did I say about speaking? You sound worse than a smoker. Perhaps you should get one of those devices that makes you sound like a robot. Maybe then you'll have a shred of entertainment somewhere in your body. These fans don't boo you because you're mean. I'm mean as well but I do it with a smile and it makes me charming. They boo you because nobody understands what you're saying. And you're boring. Just like every other 7 foot tall ogre. You all talk about the same thing. I am a beacon of light in a place that's so dull and grey. In this three way dance, a giant like you has no way of winning. For one, you'll probably stumble all over your clumsy self. You do have one advantage over me though because I don't even want to get in the ring with you. Why soil my hands with filth? I should just let you and Jeffrey go at it all alone and we can find out just who is the better man.

The crowd cheers loudly as Hardy and Morgan stare at each other.

And then of course I'll come in and set the world right again because that belt looks horrible on you Matthew. It's all stretched out. I'm going to have to get my custom tailor to fix all the damage you've done. Just please never put it around your waist. You should be carrying it raised to the heavens because you don't deserve it. You're trailer trash. You can dress up a pig all you want but it's still and pig and no I'm not talking about Quasimodo over there.

The crowd laughs and starts a "Qua-si-mo-do" chant directed at Heyman.

And don't be jealous of me and my beautiful World Tag Team Championship. A championship, that you failed to capture despite trying you're hardest. Every belt that belongs to me, finds it's way. I didn't win that tournament either but my baby found it's way home just like that one you hold will also.

Fandango smirks at Morgan and then looks to Hardy.

And watch out everybody, the original hipster Jeff Hardy wants to be different. He wants to stay out of the mold. Jeff, the mold was made for a reason. People like you shouldn't exist. It's a disgrace to the human race. And how dare you say I'm just like everyone else. I am the most original thing happening in this federation. I am far above everyone else in this organization. I am perfect. Compared to you, I am a god. So thank me for not having to see you come out here dancing like a buffoon. I have half a mind to stoop down to your level and hit you right across the skull with a chair. Maybe it'll make you act like a functioning member of society like the rest of us.

Fandango looks at Morgan and Heyman and then back to Hardy.

Or just me I guess. It doesn't matter how many chairs you bring to the ring, I'm a dancer. I can side step all day long. I'll just watch you tire yourself out and then take advantage when it matters. To me it doesn't matter how I win so long as I win. Battles are not won by force but by strategy. It's clear I'm far more intelligent then either one of you. You two can barely form a sentence without using the words son or man. Excuse me guys in the booth? Can we get a ticker for how many times they've both said the words son or man? What's that 13 times for Morgan? I guess Rosie O' Donnell over there needs to start teaching you some new words as well.

Fandango then turns his attention to Hardy.

And don't pretend like you're any better "man". I'm not quite sure what's worse, his ugly voice or your horrible singing voice. Thank me once again that we don't have to hear that horrible noise blazing through speakers. Perhaps I'll do you both a favor and drop this beautiful leg straight across your throats with a gorgeous double leg drop. It can't make your voices any worse than they already are. Hopefully it will make you both never speak again. That goes especially for you big boy. You think all that talking is going to make you somehow magically better than me? Quality over quantity and trust me when I say that even though you're bigger than me, I'm ten times more man than you.

Fandango poses and then does a hair flip as some woo's are heard in the audience.

I can tell deep down despite all that male bravado, you envy me. You envy every aspect about me. The way I can make a crowd ignite, they way I make the ladies swoon, the way I gracefully glide through the air. The way I beautifully dismantle my opponents. You want to talk about 15 minutes of fame? I've been dazzling audiences for a year. It's safe to say that Fandango is not going anywhere. You on the otherhand single handedly killed two brands all by yourself. I thought Russo would be the end of Anarchy but just having a mediocre person like you holding that belt just killed it. This is why management gave me this title shot. To shut you up and send you home packing. I hope they fire you after I'm done because we all know you're just going to cry and moan just like you always do when you fail.

The crowd is 100% behind Fandango at this point as he has regained their trust by berating Morgan.

And of course the same goes for you Hardy.

And just like before, the crowd issues a mixed reaction.

As much as I can't stand Chewbacca over there, he has a point when he says you fail time and time again. You were like the D'Von of Anarchy. Good and yet just not good enough to ever truly succeed. You been on top of the mountain once but that was a very long time ago. As long as I'm here, you'll stay beneath me. And don't get me wrong Jeffrey, I'm saying this for your benefit. Just stay out of my way and you won't get hurt, it's as simple as that. See, I'm not entirely selfish. I've been training Derrick here to become more like me so he too can achieve great success. I'm a giving man Jeffrey. I give you the pleasure of being in my presence as we speak.

The crowd is now very much behind Hardy but Fandango doesn't seem to notice or care.

As a matter of fact, can we all just take a second to bask in my greatness?

Fandango raises his arms in an almost Randy Orton esque pose and stays put for a good 20 seconds until finally Jeff speaks up.



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Re: UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Rick Martel Vs Chris Masters


Rick Martel:
Oh please, The Masterlock?, you surely cannot be serious?. That silly Full Nelson will have little to no effect on me. It is useless, and the fact you think you can break me with it is utterly outrageous and quite frankly laughable. No, the only thing being broken in this match will be Layla's heart when she sees a real man, a superior man, a model take her loser boyfriend and show him what it takes to be truly masterful. And I will do so by placing him in the dreaded Boston Crab and torturing his legs and lower back until he is forced to submit, to tap out, to quit and to ultimately lose to the better man. A real man. A ladies man... Rick Martel. And then maybe Layla can see that she chose the wrong man but Christopher don't go crying when you see that Layla makes the first correct decision of her life and sides with 'The Model'

The crowd are almost continuously booing by this point, neither man endearing themselves to the crowd at all. Layla looks repulsed by the idea of siding with Rick Martel.

Or maybe not?... because it seems that Layla seems content with mediocrity, it seems everybody in this company is content with mediocrity and I'm here to change that. I don't settle for second best, I settle for the best, the very best and let's face it I am the best this show has to offer, and my mission to make this show as beautiful as myself begins this week, and the only way to make this show look as good as me is to remove everybody else from the roster and make it a one man show and only then can this show be considered the best... when it removes all the dead wood and leaves only the one, true blossoming flower. And maybe that's arrogance but I never back down from showing off my 'Arrogance' to the world because I can back it all up with good looks and even better wrestling and you Christopher will be the first to sample the true face of fashion on Friday Nights... 'The Model' Rick Martel. And let's just say... you will not be enjoying it.

Martel laughs as he gets out of the ring and begins to walk back up the ramp when...


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Re: UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Rick Martel Vs Chris Masters

Really? You're gonna walk away as if you actually accomplished something? The only thing you've accomplished is proving to the entire world that you're obsessed with your self proclaimed title, "The Model". You can claim to be a model all you want but that doesn't express the skill you have Rick. That's where we differ. My body is chiseled from god himself along with my gifted skills. I have uprooted a tree out of the ground just to throw it through a window of a burning house. THAT isn't normal Rick. That's one of the many aspects that makes me above average. And then there's you. Nothing more than an ugly grease ball that is in WAY over his head with all of his mindless insults..... Then you attempt to talk about my girl? You want her to side with you? Please Rick, don't get yourself killed. You're pushing my buttons and you don't want to do that.

Chris is seen getting closer to the ropes with a very serious look on his face.


I told you not to talk about my girl. And you proceeded to do just that because you underestimate me. You obviously didn't even see my most recent match where I made Dolph Ziggler bleed like a stuffed pig. And you obviously don't want to take anything I say seriously because while you try to make yourself out to be unique, you show me and everybody else here that you're just like any other wrestler who joins this company. You walk out here and you attempt to downsize your opponent as if you actually have a chance. But once you step into this ring with me then you'll realize that UWF is where the big dogs roam. But, you're just an ugly ass pug who doesn't belong here. So why don't you do everybody a favor and shut your trap because soon after our match, you'll realize the mistake you made and leave. You'll leave this company and save yourself the humiliation. I'm actually sickened at the fact that you were even signed to UWF. Apparently the guys in the back don't know how to spot true talent. Or maybe they felt the need to fuel me before I get back on the road of gaining championship gold again.

Chris then puts his arm around Layla before speaking again.

Now I understand that you are gonna try your best to prove me wrong tonight, but for below average men like you, it will take a long time until you can make an ame for yourself. Me on the other hand. I've only been here for a little over two months and I'm already a big name in this company. You have to establish your name in this company before you even stand a chance against me. I look at you and all I see is a little boy pretending to be a man. The only man out here right now is me! I'm the big man around here Rick. Just ask Layla. She knows damn well when we got together that she made the greatest decision of her life. She chose a future icon in the pro wrestling world.


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Re: UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Edge vs Montel Vontavious Porter

Edge lowers his mic to await a reply from MVP. MVP looks towards Edge with a weird look on his face. He lifts the mic to his mouth to reply to Edge.



You wanna know how I did it Edge? Haven't you ever heard of the age old saying of a magician never reveals his tricks, maybe you have maybe you haven't, it doesn't bother me either way but surely you would have heard before that rules don't apply to me, I am above everything so the rule you have of surely someone must of seen that, well normally you would have but that's just how good I am. I know you only really brought it up because your jealous of my fashion sense, hell I could have worn all my top of the range clothes and you still would have cried about it, it doesn't matter to me one bit though because at the end of the day, fashion doesn't have anything to do with what is going down on Smackdown. It has nothing to do with my community and the way I chose to speak, just for the record, you are correct with the word Homie, who knew you would get something right, Eh?

MVP looks at Edge, smiling, fixing his sleeve of whatever he is wearing and fixing his sunglasses that were on his head to start with and then re appeared out of no where.

You are right about one thing, I agree with you 100% Edge, this match should not be happening. I am still waiting for that punchline but not because of the points that you have put out, no no, only a mentally handicapped person or even worse, a Canadian would agree with you. Now, I did happen to catch that promo you decided to give on that fateful night but after you got me out of the way, I stopped listening, I really only listened to see what you thought about me, really only a means to stroke my ego and I have to admit, I was very glad you got me out the way very early, not sure I could have lasted listening to you ramble on and on and on about things that aren't relevant. It took you forever to get to me and I was the second man. I know you like to think people actually listen to what you say but after a while, we are trying too hard to keep our eye lids from closing. I know how you feel though, everyone wants to stop talking sometimes just so I can show them how amazing I actually am so I do feel for you dude. I feel for the fact that you are taking me lightly as well. You don't think I will be a challenge, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it kinda makes me happy that you see this match that way. I hope you do listen when I tell you this, listen real close Edge, you might just be shocked but I will be a challenge to you, I will be your biggest challenge yet, you see Kevin Nash took me lightly, Fandango was too busy trying to bust a move to worry about me, Sting was thinking about what colour he would paint his face when he got thrown over the top rope, Big Zek, well he didn't even stand a chance and the other guy didn't even make the top 3 so who really cares about him. I have been here before Edge, against Batista, a man you know quite well and he was another man that took me lightly. I would be the one standing there with the old UWF Title Belt, a belt that looked alot better when it was all gold, why the hell would you change it to that piece of crap I have no idea but if it wasn't for Chris Daniels, you wouldn't have ever moved over to Smackdown and be holding that title and yes yes, everything happens for a reason, I get that and maybe that's the reason, maybe it was because the real lord knew that you would be on Smackdown, claiming you are a god and he needed someone to knock you off your perch, maybe that's why he gave me a little holiday when I got suspended, to get ready for this challenge. He succeded, I am sure as hell ready for this challenge, I am ready and willing to take that title from around your waist and add it to my already impressive bling bling collection, I might even give it a little fix up, add abit of the MVP flavour to it, it's in dire need of it.

MVP motions for the title, fiddling with the chain around his neck. He holds it up, seemingly in the same line as Edge's title as he looks from one to the other, thinking away as Edge doesn't know how to take it. He continues on though.

I need that UWF Title Edge, I need it around my waist, the main reason being so that I can shut you up but it isn't the only reason. I have started my road to redemption, it started at the last pay per view, a pay per view that you claim to send Triple H home packing, congrats on that, I'm sure your the first person to do that ever. I came back Edge, I saw what UWF had became without me, see you can claim to change entire landscapes, I go off facts Edge and the fact of the matter is, when I left, UWF was thriving, I will take credit for that and as soon as I leave, it starts going downhill, it loses 4 brands and goes back to 2, now that is what I call changing entire landscapes and you wanna know something that remained the same Edge, you were here through it all, you were here for when it was at it's greatest and you were here when it was free falling, you couldn't save it Edge as much as you like to think it wasn't because of you, you were here and the final straw, you wanna know what that was Edge, it was you winning the UWF Title, now I don't like to blame people but I do blame you for changing the landscape of UWF, I blame you for the way UWF has changed Edge, now you can try and lay blame somewhere else but no one is buying it for one second. That's why the lord has chosen me, it could have been Kevin Nash but he was here, he could have picked Fandango but he was here, that's why it is I that is going to knock you off the mountain, it's because I am the one that will bring it back up to where it was, it's because UWF needs me to become the saviour and my road to redemption will be complete when UWF is back in the big stages with the Bling King sitting on his throne with one special bit of gold in his possession, the gold that is the end of the road will be taken from you Edge and there isn't anything you can do about it.

Now I'm guessing you want a reply to that video you rolled, thank you for refreshing everyone's mind onhow good Michael Jordan was, he has nothing on Lebron though but nonetheless, thank you for that entertainment but is that what it has come to Edge? You need to pretend to be someone else now, you need to take credit for what others do, someone might be feeling a bit insecure. Someone think they aren't good enough in the case in point, dunking. I don't care what you were doing while Michael Jordan was dunking over all those people, I don't care if you watched everyone live or you were too busy shampooing your hair, if we ever get in a dunking contest, I will show you that you are all talk, but the main thing I will show you is the same thing I will show you on Smackdown, I will show you that MVP is better then you.

MVP finishes his last sentence, looking straight at Edge who doesn't really look interested. MVP smiles at Edge, motioning for him to take the floor and continue their verbal battle.


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Re: UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Edge vs Montel Vontavious Porter

Edge raises his mic to address his challenger.

UWF god of Wrestling Edge:

You know something Monty Python… I have heard of that adage. Which is why it has always been a mystery how I’ve been able to hold on to this belt and always look so good but the thing is… I don’t mind sharing that secret. I’m simply the best that there ever was and ever will be. I’m simply so much better than the rest that I can just speak it, tell it, call it, phone it, cam it, skype it, instagram it, tweet it, facebook post it, damn that was three words… but you get the idea right? I can be as arrogant as I want to be because in the end… there is not a damn thing that anybody in all of UWF can do about it. Let alone on Smackdown. And least of all you. I mean really… you? Of all people you? The only trick you have is the ability to change clothes randomly but you know I can do that too. I might demonstrate that trick later but for now… its time for you to hush and listen while the man is talking. While the god is talking. While the champ is talking. While… Edge… the face of UWF is talking. And I’m talking about how fashionable I look. I mean you with your corn rows and your bling bling and stuff… mannn we are not in some rap video going hoody hoo… we are in the wrestling ring. Have some class.

But you know that one night… when you happened to beat Nash… someone I already beat… you think that you are the rightful challenger and I said it that night… if you won it would be one of the easiest challenges that I’d have and sure enough… it is what it is my homie. I think I’m getting this whole lingo down dog. But I’m glad that you felt empowered by being mentioned by someone as awesome as myself. I mean if I were in your shoes I’d be ecstatic to know that the champion even mentioned me. Even acknowledged my existence. And now… now you get to step in the ring with him? You get to have a match with him? And on top of that you get to challenge him for his own title? His custom designed title? I mean come on man you have to be on cloud nine. You have to be on top of the world now because who would have thought that MVP would be in the ring with the greatest man to ever step inside UWF? The greatest wrestler to ever compete inside of this very ring. I mean this is an honor that is not bestowed upon many because they all fail. But sometimes I have to remind you little people that you don’t compare to a god like myself but then again… I don’t mind stepping down from the heavens to grace you folks and remind you… that there is not a soul out there that can touch me. Now watch this…

UWF god of Wrestling Edge:

Pretty cool huh? I even added smoke to it. You have to appease the people man. You have to make it matter. You just do it so boring. I mean even your entrance was boring. Mine had a choir. You aren’t championship material because you don’t think outside the box. You see someone like myself? I know how to not only promote myself but I know how to put on the biggest and greatest show that the world has ever seen. Now while you think you can put on this big show and be the biggest challenge… I’d say technically to date you would be my biggest challenge because CM Punk ran away, Batista ran to Raw, Nash was too worried about tearing his quad to do anything, and Triple H is at home pissed off cause he knows he can’t beat me. So yeah… you are under the most technical of terms my biggest challenge for my belt but that doesn’t mean you are anything to me. Doesn’t mean that you are that worthy of a challenge because I look at you and I just don’t see it dawg. Yeah that’s how you’re supposed to say it. I said it wrong earlier. But anyways you say that you were in this position before against Batista… you do realize that at that time the only people watching Smackdown were you and the guys in the locker room? Nobody cared about Smackdown at that time and I’m pretty sure that you lost. But see when I faced Batista… I kicked his ass so bad he demanded that he be traded to Raw. He didn’t want to have to face me anymore after that altercation and so… yeah I bested you there. But I am glad that you noticed how I customized the belt. And to explain to you why it is actually very simple. When you are a dynasty, when you are the champion above all champions and the man above all men. When you are so dominant that there is no way anybody could possibly come close to even touching you… why carry a belt that everyone else has? Why not have a belt pretty much all about you? Because really… you and the rest of Smackdown aren’t taking my belt from me so when people think of the UWF title… up until I decide to retire they will look at this belt and say damn that is the best champion that UWF ever had. He deserves his own belt and hey he already does.

And while you may state your claim to needing this belt… understand this… I’ve clawed ever since I arrived back in UWF. I have fought long and hard for so long for just the opportunity to hold a world title. Not the European title that I made worth something. You hear that John Boy… you have done nothing with that belt so shut your mouth. Sorry… had to say something to Cena. But MVP… understand that I fought tooth and nail for over a year just for this chance to have the belt. I did everything that I could, I stuck with it, I pushed through every injury, I pushed through everything just for the opportunity to be called world champion. You may think you need this but I needed it that much more and then some. I had to prove to the world… I had to prove to myself that I am still a world champion. That I can be a world champion and not only that. That I can be the BEST world champion in UWF history. That I can define what this belt really means. That this belt is more than just a Smackdown world title. But that this is THE belt that is over all of UWF. That when people look at UWF they aren’t thinking about the Raw world title first but the first belt they think of, the first champion that they think of is the UWF Rated R title being held by Edge. You think that you have what it takes? You think that you have the balls to do that? You think that you have the ability to take over all of UWF? You think… do you really think that you are good enough to be better than everybody on the entire roster? Not just Smackdown but everyone? I don’t think so because you and the rest of Smackdown think so small. You only think of this show and adding another belt to your collection. I’m looking to define an entire generation.

So with that… UWF doesn’t need you as its world champion. Smackdown doesn’t need you as its world champion. Smackdown and UWF needs ME as its world champion and that is the way it will remain after we have our match and that is the way it will remain from here on out. So continue thinking that you can change the landscape, continue thinking that you can be the man… because when it all comes down to it… you will have no choice in the end but to bow to the god that I am. But I have to say… you are … how dare you say that Jordan has nothing on LeBron. That is just like you young generation of hip hoppers. You all think the new breed, that you new breed have all the answers. That you all are so much better. He is the GOAT on the basketball court while I am the GOAT inside of this ring. And it is like I said… I don’t do my own stunts. He agreed to do all the dunks for me just to show you what I am capable of. I could easily do every single one of those dunks but my belt kept falling off my waist. But just like Jordan could mop the floor with LeBron… so will I mop this canvas with you. And that is when you will learn… that us legends… will ALWAYS be better than you.

Edge lowers his mic.


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UWF SmackDown! 11/30/13: Shark/Ed/Sami v. Kennedy/Carlito/Booker




Airbourne song “Turn Up The Troubleâ€￾ starts playing on the PA System. Mr. Kennedy walks out from behind the curtain as the lights go down. Mr. Kennedy is wearing his classic “Talk Loud, Hit Harderâ€￾ shirt. He raises his hand up in the air as the microphone comes down from the ceiling of the arena on stage.


Mr. Kennedy grabs the microphone and looks around at the crowd who are mainly booing him as he has his Hardcore Championship around his waist. He begins to speak.

Mr. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls people of all ages. You should all direct your attention to either the entrance stage or the titantron and give a nice welcome to the man who hails from Green Bay, Wisconsin, the greatest wrestler in sports entertainment history... MISSTEEEEEERRR KENNNNEEEEEDDDDYYY…

Mr. Kennedy pauses as the crowd waits as he finally says his name again.

Mr. Kennedy: ...KENNEDEH!


Mr. Kennedy: Another week, another dollar, another victory. It doesn't seem like it'll be changing anytime soon will it? I've been undefeated for the past four months and in those four months I've been able to accomplish many great things; I've been able to restore and put prestige into a championship belt. A division I never thought I'd be a part of, but it's created me, it's made me a brand new person and I'm loving every single moment of it. Last week was an easy task, just like the past four months have been. I sent a message to Steve Austin but it's quite ironic that he wasn't able to come out and deliver his own message, it doesn't matter who the General Manager is around here... They'll not be able to redeem themselves knowing that I am much, much more superior than this. I could retire this belt at any given time but I'm not going to because now I'm seeing a couple of fresh faces; it just means there's new bait. You like that Sharky? Yeah, I'll start with you... Now I've seen you in the past and I know you're nothing more than a Stone Cold generic rip-off; the only difference is you're sporting a shark costume and think this is some sort of costume party. Well kiddo, it's not. Now that you're back and Rick Martel and Johnny Gargano couldn't last a while here; you'll probably be in that very same boat. But given my Hardcore Championship run has not being highlighted by the UWF, majority of the people here continue to FORGET who I am. Now that's a thing that really ticks me off, I'm not to be forgotten. I'm to be remembered for everything I do here, whilst MVP became the new UWF Champion last week; it makes no difference because that could have been me. MVP was suspended and took some time off than came back just to win, really? This company is no more than a sheer joke, for a man who's been undefeated for the past four months, I get no new opportunity. I just have to keep this belt, continue beating up jackass's week by week... It's fun, but at the same time I'm getting a little bored; but I ain't complaining because the pay-check is sweet... But I deserve a better opportunity.

So this week, I'm thrown into a frickin' multi-man six man tag match. Ugh. I really don't like teaming up at all, I really don't; this could be seen as my first loss in four months. Do you realize what that means? It means I don't have to be pinned here to have my record gone. That's the majority of this whole situation, but let's continue speaking about Sharky's team here... Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Welcome back, it's been a couple of weeks, it's been depressing on your behalf hasn't it? Ever since I defeated you in the middle of the ring, you made me go clinically insane Eddie. You damaged me, but I survived; I'm still better than ever and there's nothing that stops me. How do you feel knowing you weren't able to beat me, a man that's considered an Icon, a Legend... You failed to get the job done! It's churning your insides Eddie, I know it... I know you want another opportunity but guess what? You're not getting it! All of you don't deserve the opportunity, people getting title shots for nothing. Then I beat them and shut them up; but now there's nobody left... just like you Eddie... there's nothing left for your career. You can try restore and rebuild... but at the end of the day you're the same miserable son-of-a-bitch! You've got nothin' on me anymore Eddie, you're just a waste of space.

Just like the next person on your team, who in the world is Sami Callihan? Yeah, I looked on Google and he calls himself the 'New Horror'? What mockery is this? Listen here Sami, if you're some sort of Gothic sadistic freak then you're in the wrong place. This ain't the Carnival, I'm positive you belong there with all the carnies, speaking of carnies... You could really do yourself teaming up with Kizarny, last I heard he was on some ride. Can't remember which but he ain't hard to find. But I'm keeping myself short here; I need to also address myself to Carlito and Booker T.

Ya see, Booker... Carlito... Well, Carlito first. You were part of The Establishment; you're a man who wants to prove himself. So prove yourself here on Smackdown that we can beat these three puppeteers. I don't like losing and I'm sure you don't like losing either; so if the apple's nice and ripe... We're in for a sure win. As for you Booker, you know what you've got to do to get the job done. I'm counting on you boys. Don't let me down, I'm off to do a few things. I've been sent on a job but you'll see me come Smackdown...

Mr. Kennedy then leaves as he goes backstage, the titantron shows up a minute after as we see Mr. Kennedy leaving the arena.



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UWF Smackdown 11/30: Undertaker versus Matt Morgan

There's a brief moment of silence until....


"Sleeping Giant" begins playing and the fans begin too boo as the new the brand new International Champion is about to make his way towards the ring. As the vocals kick in, Morgan walks out onto the stage with his newly won Championship strapped firmly around his waist. Morgan slaps the title before cocking backwards as the pyro goes off behind him.


As the pyro stops, Morgan begins making his way down the ramp and towards the ring. Morgan reaches the bottom of the ramp and hops up from the floor to the ring apron. Morgan steps over the top rope and into the ring where he flexes and shows off his Championship once again.


Morgan unstraps the Championship and throws it over his shoulder before walking to the far side of the ring and receiving a microphone from the timekeeper.


The International Champion "Blueprint" Matt Morgan: Do you know who I am?

The fans begin to boo Morgan's unbelievable arrogance.

Morgan: In case you were unaware, allow me to fill you in. My name is Matt Morgan. And I am the reigning Ultimate Wrestling Federation International Heavyweight Champion. And last week, I made a statement. Last week, Ultimate Wrestling Federation officials tried to stack the deck against me. They put not one, but two opponents in my way in an attempt to take this from me...

Morgan looks at the title that's sitting on his shoulder.

Morgan: And attempt is all they could do. Because like always, I silenced all the critics. I took Smackdown's top two "heroes" and I humbled them. Once again, Jeff Hardy fell at my hands; only furthering the notion that he is as overrated as I've said he was since I day I came to Ultimate Wrestling Federation. And Fandango, well I proved that Fandango was nothing more than a product of weak competition. He wanted to walk around and act as if he was someone, when truth of the matter is; that couldn't be any further away from the truth. Now they're both where they should be; far away from my International Heavyweight Championship. But now with them in my rear view mirror, I must turn my attention to another one of your "heroes" The Undertaker.

The roof almost explodes as Matt Morgan mentions the current United States Champion.

Morgan: The Undertaker is an interesting case. For months, he has dominated everyone that has been put in front of him and here he stands as your United States Champion. And I know that all of you couldn't be any more proud of The Undertaker than you are now. Well, let me tell you something; everything that The Undertaker has accomplished over the past few months means nothing. It means nothing because he hasn't beaten anyone. He's in a similar situation to Fandango. You beat a bunch of nobodies and everyone wants to act as if you're a somebody. Well you're not son; you're no better than the nobodies that you've beaten as of late. You're no better than Vampiro or Chris Jericho or Devon. You won't be able to defeat the same way you defeated them because they're not on my level. YOU'RE not on my level son.

Morgan: You've spent your entire career getting into your opponents head. That's what it's all about with you, ain't it Deadman? The smoke? The bells? The flickering lights? It's nothing more than a big mind game. Well, let me tell you that it's not going to work with me. I don't fear you son. And I know you've heard that before but I want you to know that when I say it, I mean it. You've faced nothing but guys who have to look up to you and they see the illusion that you're trying to create. But me 'Taker, I can look you dead in your eyes and I can see that you're nothing more than a scared old man.

Morgan paces around the ring, carefully thinking of the next words he wants to direct at The Demon From Death Valley.

Morgan: For over twenty years, it's been established that this is your yard. This ring is your sacred ground. And for the entirety of those two decades, everyone sat around and waited for someone to step up and take this yard for themselves. Many have tried and all have failed; that is until now. As of this moment, this ring no longer belongs to you Undertaker. It no longer belongs to you because someone who was born to be better has come and claimed it for himself. And that is "The Blueprint" of this business; it is the greatest Champion this industry has ever seen and it is the man who will put you down in five nights. Matt Morgan has taken this yard for himself and there is not a damn thing you can do about it son. You can try, and just like everyone else; you will fail.

The crowd continues to boo the arrogant Champion who pauses briefly before speaking once more.

Morgan: Deadman, I'm going to give you the same warning I gave Jeff Hardy and Fandango last week. Win if you can. Survive if I let you.

And with that, Morgan lowers his mic as he finishes his promo. It doesn't take long before the arena becomes engulfed in a blue hue, letting Morgan know his adversary is about to arrive.​