Re: UWF Smackdown - Brodus Clay vs. Derrick Bateman
"Derrick gives the crowd a cocky smile but it soon goes away when..."
Ground zero, bow down to the countdown...
At the commencement of the theme belonging to the intimidating force known as the Three Minute Warning, the UWF Universe already fill the arena with a hostile reception. Many superstars would be intimidated at such a negative response to their arrival, but not these three. Soon enough the beastly Brodus Clay and monstrous Ezekiel Jackson wander out from the back standing alongside one another, slowly joined by their voice, Eric Bischoff. The three men reach the bottom of the ramp, walk up the steel steps and enter the ring as Clay & Jackson stand just behind the centre of the ring, arms folded, glaring out at the sea of fans. On the other hand, Bischoff has made his way to the opposite side of the ring and demands a microphone from a ringside official. One is provided to him, which he snatches and confidently strolls to the centre of the ring and stands in front of his clients. Bischoff wastes no time and immediately raises the microphone to his mouth.
Eric Bischoff: I'd be wiping that smirk off your face if I were you, Bateman, because this isn't a situation to be making light of. I'm beginning to feel that you're growing too big for your boots now that your pal, Fandango, or whatever the hell he likes to be called, is now a former UWF World Champion. You're just happy to be there for the ride, aren't you? Picking up a few casual victories along the way helps the cause just that little bit more, especially when it means you can claim an undefeated record in pay-per-view singles competition. That's just... impressive, Bateman, and I for one would like to congratulate you on a completely meaningless statistic. Let's face the facts here - that's not what translates into championships. You can tag along like the side kick you are, acting like a complete jokester, voicing to the world how proud you are of being second best, but you're never going to be anything more than what you are now.
Bischoff looks down on Bateman before continuing.
Eric Bischoff: You want gold so badly? You want to win the Hardcore Championship and follow in the footsteps of Dean Ambrose, arguably the most successful superstar in UWF history? Keep dreaming kid, because the best you can hope for is a tag team title shot and I doubt you could get the job done purely due to your own shortcomings. Bateman, instead of hiding behind your meaningless facts, how about you face the ones that matter. Individually you can't cut it, as a team you're the weak link, and the sooner you realise this, the easier Saturday night will be to take. See I'm... how should I put it... I'm in a less-than-tolerable mood right now. I'm known to have a joke on an occasion, but this isn't one of those occasions. The fact you think Brodus Clay would be fortunate to last three minutes in the ring with you is a laughable claim in itself, but only because YOU think you'll be the one leaving the ring victorious. If the match happens to expire after three minutes, you won't be leaving the ring at your own will, I'm telling you that now.
Bischoff shakes his head at Bateman before motioning Clay over. Bischoff throws his arm around Clay's shoulder.
Eric Bischoff: Take a good look at this man, Bateman. Does he look like a guy you want to insult? Does he look like somebody who likes to be the butt of jokes? Does he look like he enjoys having the odd laugh? Actually, the answer to that final question is yes, but that's only when he looks down at his feet and sees a human being in pieces! This face [Bischoff grabs Clay's face] will be sporting an EXTREMELY large grin after Saturday night, because this mammoth of a human being will have progressed in the Hardcore Championship tournament at your pitiful expense. Where his partner got caught up in the spotlight last week, Brodus won't be having that same issue this week. But throughout all the threats, we can be nice guys as well, so here's what we're going to give you, Bateman. Seeing how it's such a shame that Fandango is out of action due to injury... we'll be sure to book you a bed right next to his! How about that? Would you like that? Because I promise it's yours after Smackdown!
Bischoff cannot help but laugh as Clay glares at Bateman and Jackson grins. Bischoff struts in between his clients, enjoying life to the fullest while he is booed.
Ground zero, bow down to the countdown...
At the commencement of the theme belonging to the intimidating force known as the Three Minute Warning, the UWF Universe already fill the arena with a hostile reception. Many superstars would be intimidated at such a negative response to their arrival, but not these three. Soon enough the beastly Brodus Clay and monstrous Ezekiel Jackson wander out from the back standing alongside one another, slowly joined by their voice, Eric Bischoff. The three men reach the bottom of the ramp, walk up the steel steps and enter the ring as Clay & Jackson stand just behind the centre of the ring, arms folded, glaring out at the sea of fans. On the other hand, Bischoff has made his way to the opposite side of the ring and demands a microphone from a ringside official. One is provided to him, which he snatches and confidently strolls to the centre of the ring and stands in front of his clients. Bischoff wastes no time and immediately raises the microphone to his mouth.

Eric Bischoff: I'd be wiping that smirk off your face if I were you, Bateman, because this isn't a situation to be making light of. I'm beginning to feel that you're growing too big for your boots now that your pal, Fandango, or whatever the hell he likes to be called, is now a former UWF World Champion. You're just happy to be there for the ride, aren't you? Picking up a few casual victories along the way helps the cause just that little bit more, especially when it means you can claim an undefeated record in pay-per-view singles competition. That's just... impressive, Bateman, and I for one would like to congratulate you on a completely meaningless statistic. Let's face the facts here - that's not what translates into championships. You can tag along like the side kick you are, acting like a complete jokester, voicing to the world how proud you are of being second best, but you're never going to be anything more than what you are now.
Bischoff looks down on Bateman before continuing.
Eric Bischoff: You want gold so badly? You want to win the Hardcore Championship and follow in the footsteps of Dean Ambrose, arguably the most successful superstar in UWF history? Keep dreaming kid, because the best you can hope for is a tag team title shot and I doubt you could get the job done purely due to your own shortcomings. Bateman, instead of hiding behind your meaningless facts, how about you face the ones that matter. Individually you can't cut it, as a team you're the weak link, and the sooner you realise this, the easier Saturday night will be to take. See I'm... how should I put it... I'm in a less-than-tolerable mood right now. I'm known to have a joke on an occasion, but this isn't one of those occasions. The fact you think Brodus Clay would be fortunate to last three minutes in the ring with you is a laughable claim in itself, but only because YOU think you'll be the one leaving the ring victorious. If the match happens to expire after three minutes, you won't be leaving the ring at your own will, I'm telling you that now.
Bischoff shakes his head at Bateman before motioning Clay over. Bischoff throws his arm around Clay's shoulder.
Eric Bischoff: Take a good look at this man, Bateman. Does he look like a guy you want to insult? Does he look like somebody who likes to be the butt of jokes? Does he look like he enjoys having the odd laugh? Actually, the answer to that final question is yes, but that's only when he looks down at his feet and sees a human being in pieces! This face [Bischoff grabs Clay's face] will be sporting an EXTREMELY large grin after Saturday night, because this mammoth of a human being will have progressed in the Hardcore Championship tournament at your pitiful expense. Where his partner got caught up in the spotlight last week, Brodus won't be having that same issue this week. But throughout all the threats, we can be nice guys as well, so here's what we're going to give you, Bateman. Seeing how it's such a shame that Fandango is out of action due to injury... we'll be sure to book you a bed right next to his! How about that? Would you like that? Because I promise it's yours after Smackdown!
Bischoff cannot help but laugh as Clay glares at Bateman and Jackson grins. Bischoff struts in between his clients, enjoying life to the fullest while he is booed.