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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown - Brodus Clay vs. Derrick Bateman

"Derrick gives the crowd a cocky smile but it soon goes away when..."

Ground zero, bow down to the countdown...


At the commencement of the theme belonging to the intimidating force known as the Three Minute Warning, the UWF Universe already fill the arena with a hostile reception. Many superstars would be intimidated at such a negative response to their arrival, but not these three. Soon enough the beastly Brodus Clay and monstrous Ezekiel Jackson wander out from the back standing alongside one another, slowly joined by their voice, Eric Bischoff. The three men reach the bottom of the ramp, walk up the steel steps and enter the ring as Clay & Jackson stand just behind the centre of the ring, arms folded, glaring out at the sea of fans. On the other hand, Bischoff has made his way to the opposite side of the ring and demands a microphone from a ringside official. One is provided to him, which he snatches and confidently strolls to the centre of the ring and stands in front of his clients. Bischoff wastes no time and immediately raises the microphone to his mouth.


Eric Bischoff: I'd be wiping that smirk off your face if I were you, Bateman, because this isn't a situation to be making light of. I'm beginning to feel that you're growing too big for your boots now that your pal, Fandango, or whatever the hell he likes to be called, is now a former UWF World Champion. You're just happy to be there for the ride, aren't you? Picking up a few casual victories along the way helps the cause just that little bit more, especially when it means you can claim an undefeated record in pay-per-view singles competition. That's just... impressive, Bateman, and I for one would like to congratulate you on a completely meaningless statistic. Let's face the facts here - that's not what translates into championships. You can tag along like the side kick you are, acting like a complete jokester, voicing to the world how proud you are of being second best, but you're never going to be anything more than what you are now.

Bischoff looks down on Bateman before continuing.

Eric Bischoff: You want gold so badly? You want to win the Hardcore Championship and follow in the footsteps of Dean Ambrose, arguably the most successful superstar in UWF history? Keep dreaming kid, because the best you can hope for is a tag team title shot and I doubt you could get the job done purely due to your own shortcomings. Bateman, instead of hiding behind your meaningless facts, how about you face the ones that matter. Individually you can't cut it, as a team you're the weak link, and the sooner you realise this, the easier Saturday night will be to take. See I'm... how should I put it... I'm in a less-than-tolerable mood right now. I'm known to have a joke on an occasion, but this isn't one of those occasions. The fact you think Brodus Clay would be fortunate to last three minutes in the ring with you is a laughable claim in itself, but only because YOU think you'll be the one leaving the ring victorious. If the match happens to expire after three minutes, you won't be leaving the ring at your own will, I'm telling you that now.

Bischoff shakes his head at Bateman before motioning Clay over. Bischoff throws his arm around Clay's shoulder.

Eric Bischoff: Take a good look at this man, Bateman. Does he look like a guy you want to insult? Does he look like somebody who likes to be the butt of jokes? Does he look like he enjoys having the odd laugh? Actually, the answer to that final question is yes, but that's only when he looks down at his feet and sees a human being in pieces! This face [Bischoff grabs Clay's face] will be sporting an EXTREMELY large grin after Saturday night, because this mammoth of a human being will have progressed in the Hardcore Championship tournament at your pitiful expense. Where his partner got caught up in the spotlight last week, Brodus won't be having that same issue this week. But throughout all the threats, we can be nice guys as well, so here's what we're going to give you, Bateman. Seeing how it's such a shame that Fandango is out of action due to injury... we'll be sure to book you a bed right next to his! How about that? Would you like that? Because I promise it's yours after Smackdown!

Bischoff cannot help but laugh as Clay glares at Bateman and Jackson grins. Bischoff struts in between his clients, enjoying life to the fullest while he is booed.



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Re: UWF Smackdown - Brodus Clay vs. Derrick Bateman

Derrick stands up and knocks his chair over.

Derrick Bateman
What's up bro! You think you can just disrespect me like that? You want to put me in the hospital? You've been out of the business for so long I'm sure you can't afford a good hospital bed so I'm going to have to decline. But you can go ahead and reserve two beds for your team here because they don't stand a chance against me or my bro Fandango. He's not injured by the way he's just...going through a hard time right now. You would be too if you were him. Not that you ever could be because look at yourselves. You think that this giant mass of meat can stop me just because he's big. Yeah maybe if you double team me like you did the Undertaker but alone he can't do anything. Just because you're big, that doesn't mean you're strong. I can do 20 pushups in one minute flat. That's just a little taste of what you're dealing with here. Check this out.

Derrick Bateman flexes his muscles and does a variety of strongman poses.

I don't have you take any of you seriously especially considering your boy Brodus here looks like one of those giant eggs Yoshi poops out. I'd say Brodus looks like he wants to be made fun of more than anything. I mean look at that face. He looks miserable. What happened to the old Brodus? What happened to the old Ezekiel Jackson who would come the ring smiling and have so much fun. All you've accomplished Eric is making these guys the worst possible versions of themselves. Come on Brodus, let's have a heart to heart. Just start dancing again bro. You were actually entertaining then. I know you'll never be as good a dancer as Fandango but still, you gotta learn to accept being second best. I'll teach you that lesson in a couple of days to help you get used to it. Speaking of Saturday night, check this out.

Derrick Bateman drops the microphone exits through the ropes and heads under the ring. He's all the way under and various weapons are being tossed out from under the ring until he comes back with some kind of gun in his hand which has the crowd a little uneasy. He points it at mic on the ground and shoots the gun which ends up being a grappling hook that brings the mic back to him.

BAM! How cool was that! I'm not quite sure yet how I'll use this in the match but I'd watch out if I were you. I also have a couple of Bate-arangs but I don't know how to make them come back yet. The point is, I can be a pretty awesome innovator that this hardcore division desperately needs.

The crowd very much agrees with their resident hero Bateman and rally him on.

The only question is, what can you bring to the table? We know you can eat everything off the table as apparent by your size but what else can you do? You should be thanking me for giving you exposure because without me, nobody would give a crap about any of you. These people don't boo because they hate you. They boo because you interrupted their hero. My Baters here love me and they'll continue to until the end of time. Ain't that right Baters!

Derrick raises his arms and the crowd cheers him on as he takes a breather and stares at 3 Minute Warning.



Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Smackdown 10/12: Enzo Amore Vs Corey Graves

The crowd are tense inside the sold out arena for Saturday Night Smackdown until suddenly.


The nightclub music of Enzo Amore, known as 'Italian Lover' plays over the PA system and the crowd immediately begin to boo as Zack Ryder's right hand man makes his way out onto the stage, microphone already in hand, and begins to speak.


Enzo Amore: That's right, buckle up and get ready because right now you're standin' in the same room as 'The Realest Guy in The Room', Enzo Amore. Now two weeks ago, I had the opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to get myself into title contendership in my first ever UWF match. But it wasn't to be. Now I ain't gonna sit here and complain like some goof, I ain't gonna say I was cheated... but I was cheated. There ain't no way Triple H shoulda even been in that match with the antics he's been pullin' on Smackdown lately, mostly to do with my bro Zack Ryder. He's been nothin' short of disrespectful but ya know what?... I don't care, I ain't bitter, but the next time I see Triple H in this ring, rest assured I'm gonna introduce him to my fist and show him why they call me 'Jersey's Finest'.

The crowd are booing, they even begin to chant for Triple H, Enzo hushes then and begins to speak again.

I ain't gonna dwell on that, it's in the past, BOOM, it's gone. I got new priorities, specifically priorities to do with winnin' this Hardcore Tournament. Now, I've been known to many as not only one of the slickest, thickest and ripped...est men in the world of pro wrestlin'. But what a lot of you momos don't know is that I am one of the most brutal... whacked out... sickest hardcore wrestlers to step between these ropes. Mick Foley?, get outta here!... Rob Van Dam?, forget about it!... Corey Graves?... don't be silly! Infact... who the hell is Corey Graves anyway?, all I see is some CHEECHAROO!, covered head to toe in ugly tattoos makes him look like some sort of jailbird or somethin'. I don't need to be dealin' with mooks like him, so the quicker I beat the beat on his ugly mush the better because it's just step one on Enzo Amore... EA All Day, becoming the UWF Hardcore Champion.

The crowd are booing Amore loudly as he steps into the ring.

And if you don't like that, then you ain't gonna like it when I also walk into Bad Blood and proceed to beat the livin' hell out of The Kliq. Scott Hall thinks he can waddle back onto Zack's show, Edge's show... Enzo Amore's show?... don't work like that bro. Just like Kevin Nash and Triple H runnin' this show don't work. So consider this week a message about how dangerous Enzo Amore can get, because I'm ready to go crazy like Prince, I'm ready to get it on like Marvin Gaye and get on up like James Brown and most importantly I'm ready to make the world see once and for all that everybody that ain't Enzo Amore, and ain't a Broski?... is... how can I spell it out?... S-A-W-F-T SAAAWWWFT!.

Sigma Manatee

Aug 22, 2013
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UWF Smackdown 10/5/13: Ryback vs HHH



Ryback shoots straight out from the curtains and paces on the stage. He looks around at the arena before coming back to the middle and raising his arms. The fans respond with massive booing. Ryback laughs and brings his arms crashing down as pyro goes off.


Ryback then begins to swagger to the ring, cockily smiling all the way down. He ascends the steps and enters the ring. He then raises his arms once more to the same reaction as before. His music dies down and he is handed a microphone.

Ryback: You know, the longer I've been here, the more I've started to realise that this company has been faltering for a long long time. Pro Wrestling used to mean something to the world. It was exciting, unpredictable and it featured the toughest men around. And that tradition should have been continued. That's why I came into this business. I want to dominate and win titles thanks to my ruthless aggression. I'm a physical freak of nature, a pure animal. I'm the sort of man that all your girlfriends wish you were. I don't drag a gut around with me and I'm not going to float away in the wind. I could take out every single one of the security guards in this place, before ripping every single one of your heads off!

The crowd boos once more at Ryback who just laughs it off.


Ryback: And with that in mind... Keeping in mind that I am just so strong, so fast and so ruthless... I almost feel sorry for Triple H tonight. He's an old man and he's falling apart. He needs to drink a whole bottle of water just to make it from that stage, down the ramp and into the ring. There reaches a point were people need to admit that they're past it and just hang up their boots and "The Game" reached that point a long, long time ago. Yet as often as he can he keeps dragging that balloon of his out here to try and prove to us that he's "still got it". What Triple H has to realise is that he is nothing more than a wounded animal. And predators like me, we prey on the wounded. The wounded are cheap sport for me. That's why I'm standing against The Kliq's reign of terror. Triple H, and all his buddies are clinging on to their past glory the same way they hang onto zimmer frames when they're not on camera. When I get in this ring with Triple H, I'm going to stomp on his fingers and let him fall.

Ryback is then interrupted..

[OOC: I'd like to go 2-2 on this. If that's possible then it would be great.]


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown - Brodus Clay vs. Derrick Bateman

Bischoff's eyes remain transfixed on Bateman and he looks very displeased.


Eric Bischoff: I cannot believe how lightly you're taking this. You're in a very dangerous position, Bateman, and yet you're having the time of your life! What possesses a man to conceal a... a grappling hook, under the ring, I'll never know. This has to be the dumbest, most ill-thought-out plan I've ever bared witness to, and that's not a compliment whatsoever. See if I were you, Bateman, I'd cut the comedic career short and start to really focus on the task ahead of you. Not for one second have you taken Brodus Clay, or even myself, seriously and it will only result in severe consequences, consequences that I have outlined and will not do so again. I hate having to repeat myself for a fool's benefit, so if you haven't heeded a single warning I have issued than you're even dumber than I first thought. But what makes this all SO much worse is that you're showing off for them - the UWF Universe. They don't give a damn about you, and yet you willingly kiss their asses while being just days away from having your own handed to you!

The UWF Universe boos but Bischoff moves straight on.

Eric Bischoff: Bateman, I can disrespect you as much as I want, and there are two reasons for that - number one, because you're a complete joke. And two, because you haven't shown me an ounce in return. I am a legend of this business for christ sake! I have been a part of some of the greatest moments in wrestling history, and if you're a boyhood fan of this business than it'd be impossible for you to deny that. I make the big bucks, I create moments that live forever, and boy am I damn good at getting people talking! When my name is associated with something, these people, love me or hate me, know to sit up and take notes and that's exactly what they've been doing since I arrived on Smackdown over a month ago. Everybody wanted to know what the deal with Eric Bischoff was... and now we all know - I've brought two powerful human beings... to Saturday nights... to create carnage! What I find so humorous is that after one mistake, one bump in the road at the first hurdle, they're already being written off!

Bischoff scoffs at that thought.

Eric Bischoff: Do so at your own peril, Smackdown, and you especially, Bateman. Go ahead, throw at Brodus whatever petty, childish, immature insults you can conjure up, but you'll take each and every one of them back after you're rag dolled from one side of the ring to the other. Brodus Clay and Ezekiel Jackson are men to be revered and feared, and Bateman, I'm encouraging you to take the lead in this. I'm giving you the opportunity to lay down your crap, hold up the microphone and utter the following line - "My name is Derrick Bateman, and on Saturday night Brodus Clay will advance in the Hardcore Championship tournament at my unfortunate expense... because I made the mistake of pissing off the wrong beastâ€￾. Now I feel as though I've said plenty on the matter, so Bateman, I offer you the floor to repeat what I asked you to repeat, and I wish you good luck in your recovery from a brutal and embarrassing defeat on Smackdown.

Bischoff drops the microphone as the three men begin to leave the ring. Bischoff exits first, followed by Jackson, while Clay stares over at Bateman, cutting a smirk and shaking his head while exiting through the ropes. The three of them begin to confidently stroll up the ring, reaching the top of the ramp and being seconds away from exiting to the back, before their attention's caught by Bateman speaking.



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Jun 26, 2010
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UWF Smackdown 10/19 First Blood Sheamus vs. Ryback

“It’s a Shameful Thing!â€

“Written In My Face†starts to play out and Sheamus walks out from behind the curtain with a angry look on his face. He wastes no time and heads straight to the ring.


He takes a brief moment to look out at the roaring UWF crowd before beating his chest and letting out his war cry while extending his arms to his side. He makes his way down the ramp to walk up the steps and enter the ring. He heads over to a ring technician and receives a microphone he makes his way back to the center of the ring just as his theme music is ending.



It is time. It is finally time to fight. It’s time for me to get me revenge on Ryback. Its time to some arse fella! I’ve been waiting, and bidding my time until I could rip into that big stupid bald head of yours. I’ve been waiting for the moment when I can sink my teeth into ya, and leave ya right here in the middle of the ring, drowning in ya own blood! This week, this Saturday I finally get me chance to do so, when we meet in a First Blood Match! No rules, and no escape fella. Just me and you in a good ole fashioned fight! You picked the wrong person to mess with Ryback and ya gonna regret it every single day for the rest of ya pathetic, miserable life.

Sheamus is on fire with anger.


If I was you, I wouldn’t even show me face here right now because maybe, just maybe, I won’t wait until Saturday to give you the biggest arse kicking of ya entire life fella! If ya do show yerself out here I just might lose my cool, and give ye a Brogue kick right to the skull. Play time is over. No more fun and games. Smackdown is a kingdom that I am going to conquer. I don’t give a damn who ye are, if ye step in my way, ya gonna get knocked down. You didn’t just step into my way Ryback. No, no you didn’t. You did something far more worse. You pissed me off. You made me mad. You woke the beast in me and now ya gonna be hunted like the weak little prey that you are.

Sheamus starts to pace.


Do I care about winning the Hardcore championships? Of course I do. But what I care about more is making sure that none of us have to see ya face in this company anymore. I’ll take ya out courtesy of this here boot. Viewer discretion will be advised Saturday night. If the sight of blood effects ya, then you better not watch what I do to Ryback. When I’m done with you, not even ya mummy is gonna recognize ye anymore.

Sheamus stares at the stage, like a wolf stalking its prey.


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UWF SmackDown! 10/19/13: Mr Kennedy vs. The Undertaker




Airbourne song “Turn Up The Trouble†starts playing on the PA System. Mr. Kennedy walks out from behind the curtain as the lights go down. Mr. Kennedy is wearing his classic “Talk Loud, Hit Harder†shirt. He raises his hand up in the air as the microphone comes down from the ceiling of the arena on stage.


Mr. Kennedy grabs the microphone and looks around at the crowd who are mainly cheering him as he has his Hardcore Championship around his waist. He begins to speak.

Mr. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls people of all ages. You should all direct your attention to either the entrance stage or the titantron and give a nice welcome to the man who hails from Green Bay, Wisconsin, the greatest wrestler in sports entertainment history... MISSTEEEEEERRR KENNNNEEEEEDDDDYYY…

Mr. Kennedy pauses as the crowd waits as he finally says his name again.

Mr. Kennedy: ...KENNEDEH!


Mr. Kennedy: I didn't lose, Oh-ho, no, no, no... I didn't lose. Last week, I don't seem to understand... Devon decided to run away like a pansy all because he was suddenly distracted. The druids, the lights going off... Oh, such a distraction. We never got to the finish of our match, it resulted me losing because you decided to run off and try fight the druids? I don't get it, you had me lined up for a piledriver Devon; you could have broken my neck. Are you forgetting I am still in pain from Bound for Glory? People claim I ain't medically cleared, I probably ain't but the doctors said I'm right to compete... I wanted a finish to our match Devon, you let me down... But the blame should be pointed to The Undertaker right? You've said too much! These druids, they're just people dressed up. You see Ken, it's almost Halloween... they're just getting prepared. There was no rage from you last week... you almost lost Ken. Focus. Focus is the key, this is where you burst into rage. The blame isn't going to The Undertaker, in fact my blame is Devon. The gateway to violence wasn't able to put me down, it's the same result every week... Nobody can put me down, when those lights came back on... Nobody knew where I was. Where did I go? *Crackles* They don't need to know where you went Ken, don't reveal it to them. Don't tell them that you went through the crowd and left the building. Nobody saw you! But you're not okay Ken... something happened... It doesn't matter where I went, at the end of the day I'm still pissed off. I don't ask for much, all I ask for is a damn wrestling match; now whether I win or lose that's for me to work out on. But to have a man who's considered dead... well maybe dead in the brains... Uh, it's the Big Bad Man, The Undertaker. Yeah, you turned them lights off didn't ya? You want a medal? You finally worked out how to get a few of your friends to turn off the power... Ha! Ken, the power is invested in you... Whilst Undertaker has figured out how to turn the lights off in the arena... it isn't enough... you can see in the dark; those shadows, those voices... it's only me speaking to you Ken. But we live in a very dark place... So just because you figured that one out Mark, yes... we all know your name is Mark, I should applaud you. I really should, I mean it was such a humble thing to do. Just interrupt my match because you wanted to send Devon a message, eh that's fine with me pal. But do it elsewhere! Now you've pissed the wrong son-of-a-gun off, do you know who I am? Do you Undertaker? Do you realize the dangerous, disturbed, deranged things I've been doing lately... *Crackles once again* He doesn't know... he can't even take your soul because there is none no more Ken... Tell him more! Tell him!

Mr. Kennedy begins hitting his head several times, a bit of blood is actually coming out from Mr. Kennedy's forehead as he smirks and continues on.


Mr. Kennedy: I'm here to tell you Mark. I'm the UWF Hardcore Champion, I wasn't pinned last week. I haven't been pinned in a damn long time, I can barely remember my last defeat; it's frightening isn't it? I've heard you talk about capturing souls, allowing people to rest in peace in your cemetery as you say... Uh, it's quite weird that you associate yourself with the darkness, death and cemeteries; have you ever seen the light? Perhaps I should see if somebody here has a flashlight; but then we might actually see your face... We don't want that. Keep that hoodie on! Dangerous, Dangerous, Dangerous... I'VE TOLD YOU TO DO WHAT I SAY! NOW TELL HIM! Tell him Ken, you have to. Going back to what I was saying... I fought with fire, I went to war with Eddie... people say Eddie's actions is why I'm not myself; they're wrong. I've found a new thirst for Hardcore matches, but once again this match doesn't have weapons... This match is to prove who's the better Champion; it's quite obvious you cannot represent America strongly enough. America needs someone who can carry them, they need red smeared blood over that flag... I know you've had some strong battles of the past, I understand Mark. I SAID I UNDERSTAND! WHY! WHY! WHY IS IT THAT YOU DO NOT LISTEN?! Show him Ken, make him worried! There will be blood, it will trickle down from his temple... the adrenaline rush; oh... The pain is so good... you could almost taste it! *Cough* Mark, your battles are nothing compared to what I've done lately... But you're getting too old for this shit, you're not capable of representing what's truly right for you. Whilst you've continued to be some sort of Zombie Freak for the past fifteen or more years, you need change. This is why I changed, I didn't want to the the "Loudmouth", I didn't want to refer myself or everyone else as Assholes... I changed, that thirst I have... Oh it's so good Mark, you should totally change yourself but I remember when you did that. I remember you tried to represent America, but you flopped... You tried to be America's Bad Ass and what happened? You weren't such a bad ass at all, you were just a guy like Luke Gallows. The man who tried to portray you at one stage 'Taker. This is why you cannot be justified as who you are to this very day; change is imminent. Ha-ha, this is getting good Ken... but does he know about his souls that he's captured? They no longer exist... They're empty... Oh look don't worry about that Ken. Your mind is already a ticking time-bomb; shattered glasses everywhere... it's not long until there's Bad Blood. Remind. Remind them. The key is you. But one doesn't open, we don't open anything... we close... they all fall...

The crowd not sure how to react, there's a few cheers for Kennedy but once again he's beating himself up by the corner turnbuckle. Mr Kennedy screams before getting up to the middle of the ring where he acts all normal like nothing has happened.

Mr. Kennedy: It's why everyone has fallen before me 'Taker, those souls you've taken are nothing more than emptiness. What exactly can you do with those souls? They're not helping you very much, you've been in the United States division for some time when you're one of the biggest stars Smackdown has to offer. You've been nothing more then sheer disappointment. You had to deal with Paul London, Chris Jericho, Drew McIntyre in all of this; yet you're facing a test in Devon. But there's not much I can say because Devon didn't give me a challenge, so I can't really say I've had a wrestling match since Bound for Glory. Are you Mark, prepared to give me the match I've been striving for? I'm wanting to see red, red is the color that represents me, red is the color of blood... I can sense it... it's Bad. But that casket of yours, those coffins... those graveyards... I can't die 'Taker. You don't scare me at all, you should reconsider yourself... if you lose at Bad Blood... Then what? Where do you go? I'll be shattering glasses onto my fist, I'll be carving skin and making my opponents look nothing more than carcass. But this is all about thi- This week... It's where we see the Deadman fall, he has risen from the ground before... he will continue to do so... but soon, he will forever be down and we will never see him rise... You'll fall Mark, the rise from the ground? There isn't any ground to cover anymore... there's just you, witnessing pure greatness. You're witnessing a true change, a man who's battled for so long to rise to the top... I'm one step closer, after Smackdown! I prove that I am the better Champion, I prove the UWF Universe, the Smackdown! Roster that who ever comes for me at Bad Blood will be left scarred for life, Taipei Death Match; shattered glass... think... Shattered Dreams.



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Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Smackdown - Brodus Clay vs. Enzo Amore

Ground zero, bow down to the countdown...


At the commencement of the theme belonging to the intimidating force known as the Three Minute Warning, the UWF Universe already fill the arena with a hostile reception. Many superstars would be intimidated at such a negative response to their arrival, but not these three. Soon enough the beastly Brodus Clay and monstrous Ezekiel Jackson wander out from the back standing alongside one another, slowly joined by their voice, Eric Bischoff. The three men reach the bottom of the ramp, walk up the steel steps and enter the ring as Clay & Jackson stand just behind the centre of the ring, arms folded, glaring out at the sea of fans. On the other hand, Bischoff has made his way to the opposite side of the ring and demands a microphone from a ringside official. One is provided to him, which he snatches and confidently strolls to the centre of the ring and stands in front of his clients. Bischoff wastes no time and immediately raises the microphone to his mouth.


Eric Bischoff: Ladies and Gentleman, am I not a man of my word?

Bischoff grins as the UWF Universe sit in silence.

Eric Bischoff: I'm sorry, did I not make myself clear? I'll ask again - am I not... a man of my word?

Bischoff throws his arms out and steps around the ring, receiving boos for his arrogance. He grins again before raising the microphone back to his mouth.

Eric Bischoff: Seeing how I'm very disliked, with the feeling mutual by the way, I'll take that as a yes. I am, in fact, a man of my word, and the simple reason for this is because of what occurred last night on Smackdown. I said all week that Brodus Clay would not allow the spotlight to blind him, like Ezekiel unfortunately did two weeks ago, and as a result that joke, Derrick Bateman, would have his damn mouth shut. That's exactly what happened! Bateman was brutalised, he was made to look weak and just an utter fool on live television... but again, that's just what I said would happen. I looked him dead in the eyes and I warned him that he would not get the better of Brodus Clay, but instead of heeding my warning he chose to poke the bear instead. Big mistake. VERY big mistake. You just don't go and do a stupid thing like that. You just don't! There's no logic in it, there's just nothing to gain, and I sincerely hope that the rest of the Smackdown roster takes the path Bateman didn't. Otherwise... well, you all seem to think you know the score, so I'll let you guys fill in the blanks.

Bischoff arrogantly struts around the ring feeling invincible.

Eric Bischoff: But enough about Bateman for now. I'll save whatever else I have in mind for him for Bad Blood as well as his pal, Fandango, because we have more important issues to deal with. See as a result of his win last night, Brodus has advanced in the Hardcore Championship tournament to, realistically, the Semi-Finals. Now we REALLY get down to business as the competition heats up due to the stipulation put in place for the two Semi-Final matches. They'll both be contested under First Blood rules, which, after last night, I don't think Brodus will have a problem with whatsoever. So who's his opponent? Is it Ryback? Nope. What about Sheamus? Turns out it's not him either. In fact, I'm not sure who Brodus' opponent even is. This isn't a joke either, ladies and gentlemen. I was informed of said opponent's name about an hour ago, but he's just that unworthy of Brodus' time that... that I haven't allowed the mental capacity to even recall the individual's nam...

Bischoff cuts himself off and walks over to the ring ropes as a ringside official has spoken to him.

Eric Bischoff: What'd you say? Speak up, I can't hear you.

The ringside official can faintly be heard off camera saying "His name's Enzo Amore" as Bischoff scrunches his face up.

Eric Bischoff: I know who he is you idiot! I'm Eric Bischoff, for christ sake!

Bischoff shakes his head in disbelief.

Eric Bischoff: Fine, I know who Brodus' damn opponent is, but I only know him for the simple fact he had his spot in this match literally handed to him last night. Enzo's going to have to fight for a spot in the final, and I'll tell you now, that's much easier said than done. But how about we get the man of the moment out here to hear what he has to say first before we completely dismiss his already very slim chances. I'm sure it'll be a riveting and completely worthwhile experience.

Bischoff's arm falls to his side as he looks up at Clay and Jackson and mutters "Not really" at them and acts all cocky while waiting for Amore.

Mar 6, 2013
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UWF Smackdown Damien Sandow vs Kevin Nash

Kevin Nash looks pissed off in the middle of ring, the fans are cheering him but he's flumming, there's a sense of rage about him.


Kevin Nash: Ya know...

I think I've been screwed more times in the past few weeks than a two dollar whore. Every single fuckin' time I hit the Jackknife, Amore rears his ugly punk ass head and costs me match after match. Hell this little rat cost me the damn Ultimate Wrestling Federation Championship after, yeah you guess it, I hit the Jackknife on the Edge; I had his ass beat and Amore wanted to go stick his nose in my business because his buddy Zack Ryder told him to. Well I've had enough of this crap.

Man does Ryder and his cronies get my tits but so does Damien Sandow for that matter.

The fans get riled up and boo the mention of Sandow but they're also sharing the frustration Kevin Nash shares.

Kevin Nash: It wasn't too long ago that I last faced off against Damien Sandow and if I remember rightly; the same bullcrap happened then and why wouldn't it surprise me if that happens again because who knows what stupid plan Zack Ryder and Enzo Amore are planning; well I can tell you know, make sure Big D doesn't win, no sell his finisher and make sure he ain't walking out with a big W by pinfall because that'll piss off him and yeah it will and Damien Sandow will get my back up before them with his stupid speeches about being some sort of savior.

Has anyone actually taken the time to listen to this guy drone on about the same old crap, his self-righteous ego puts mine to shame; at least I give damn about the whole brand and not just myself; what I do on Smackdown is good for business; what Damien Sandow does each week is just for himself and that is bad for business and it wouldn't surprise me if he turned against everything he freakin' stands for and joined Zack Ryder if was benefitical to his ass even though he should be trying to rid Zack from Smackdown because as Damien would say Zack Ryder is an ignoramus.

But hey, that isn't going to happen because while Sandow tries to sound smart, all he really does is read dictionary before cutting a damn promo! So get your ass out here Damien and piss me off because I'm just looking for reason to vent in the ring, hell I know I'm gonna screw come Friday so I'm just beat your ass senseless Damien before happens.

The fans go nuts as Nash does his mantory leaning on the ropes waiting for Damien Sandow to emerge on the staging to confront Nash.



Sigma Manatee

Aug 22, 2013
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Re: UWF Smackdown 10/19 First Blood Sheamus vs. Ryback



AS soon as the music begins Ryback storms out onto the stage and begins pacing along it, eyes never leaving Sheamus in the ring. Ryback is focused intently on his opponent. He brings himself to the middle of the stage and makes his way down the ramp. On his way down he roars and beats his chest.


Ryback then climbs into the ring and stares down Sheamus. After what seems like an eternity, with the fans reaching fever pitch noises as they wait, Ryback finally speaks.

Ryback: So Sheamus, buddy, it's been a while ain't it? What have you been up to? Actually don't answer that 'cos no-one cares. You've probably noticed but Ryback is becoming quite a big deal on Saturday Nights. Ever since our match I realised how much bull there actually is in UWF Management. So I've taken a stand against it. I am standing against the reign of terror being held by a bunch of out of shape, out of breath and out of time old men. I am now on the respectable path filled with honour. Do you even know what honour is Sheamus?

Ryback paces around the ring a bit before turning back to Sheamus.


Ryback: I don't think you do Sheamus. That night we fought each other, you showed that you are no warrior. You're nothing but a rat. A pathetic, diseased, insignificant rodent who had to take every shortcut imaginable to try and topple the big dog right here. And all you've done is make the alpha male angry. So you don't want to play by the rules Sheamus? You don't want to fight with honour? Well you've got it. Because on Smackdown you get your wish. And so do I. I am now legally allowed to rip your stinkin' Irish head off with my bare teeth!

Ryback gets right up in Sheamus's face so they are eye to eye. They both give stone hard looks at each other as Ryback brings the mic to the corner of his mouth.

Ryback: I see blood as a sign of victory in any circumstance. With this match everyone else shares my opinion. I will never bleed Sheamus. I am not weak. My role, as the alpha male of Smackdown will NOT be compromised because some orange-haired yokel wants to try and stupidly throw his weight around against ME! I swear to God Sheamus you will never walk down that ramp again because I am going to tear you apart, LIMB FROM LIMB, UNTIL I HAVE DRAINED YOUR BODY OF EVERY LAST DROP OF BLOOD! TTHIS MAT WILL BECOME A WARNING TO ANY OTHER IDIOT THAT THIS IS MY HOUSE. AND IN THIS HOUSE, THERE ARE ONLY ONE SET OF RULES...


Ryback stares with passionate anger as the crowd goes wild.


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Re: UWF Smackdown Damien Sandow vs Kevin Nash


Sandows New World Symphony begins and the audience immediately show their hatred for the person the music signifies, Damien comes out through the curtain looking down the ramp towards his opponent with a look of disgust.


Damien Sandow:

How far the mighty hath fallen, At one time you were considered a "legend" by those who didn't know any better, and now you don't have a proverbial leg to stand on. So focused on Amore and Ryder, that you fail to realize that the self-proclaimed "Big Daddy Cool"

Sandow flares a nostril almost disgusted that he even said the name.

Isn't what he used to be, what he used to be by the way never being as great as once believed. Kevin you're Entire career has been a testament to how far someone can go if they know the right people, and now here on Smackdown You've received a Championship opportunity for Literately no reason at all and are in the Main Event of our Pay-Per-View again for literately no reason. You've earned nothing, and yet you dare come out here, proclaim yourself to be "screwed" and state that what you do is best for these people. Young Zachary by be a Pan troglodyte, but you are the most delusional man in our business. I should of received the Championship bout, as I have defeated Edge on separate occasions, as I have never received my Championship Rematch, As I NEVER lost the championship in the first place. Which is precisely why this bout is more than just a victory, it's more than just another chance to embarrass those who are given spotlight over me, it's righting yet another wrong in my career.

The crowd is chanting "Sandow sucks" to try and shut him up, but he simply screams out

Remain Silent when your savior is speaking, thank you.

The audience only boos louder.


Again the crowd only boos louder but Sandow just continues on.

Sting returning to Smackdown I shall fix at Bad Blood, but on this weeks serial I shall rectify Kevin Nash being placed ahead of Damien Sandow on a show he has done nothing noteworthy in. For you may believe I read a dictionary before I make my presence known, simply because your vernacular is lackluster as it is, but come Smackdown it shall not be about vernacular it shall be about knowledge of the ring. You may have a mind for what goes on behind me backstage, but inside the ring you have much...Much to learn. One by One those undeserving false idols shall fall at the feet of the savior of UWF...and it begins with Kevin Nash...You're Welcome.
Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
UWF Smackdown Number One Contendership Battle Royal


The Acting Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President of Talent Relations
Kevin Nash

Ya know…

Someone asked me after Bad Blood how I would describe Smackdown and I turned around to the guy and I said “bullshit†because that’s what is Zack Ryder’s bullshit is killing the product man and his chosen ones are beginning to really tick me off with their flukes and now the one with the loudest mouth of the lot wants to walk around the back bragging about how he hurt Hunter so bad he can’t compete at Survivor Series is a step too far.

The fans boo the mention of Edge, especially seeing as he gave Triple H one bad concussion.

Kevin Nash: So I was pretty much left with no choice but to enter myself into this battle royal while shovelling all the other shit that goes on Smackdown and UWF in general because I’m no longer just the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations but the damn acting COO but I’m not just going to dick anyone out of their title opportunity; I’m just going to beat ‘em for it and when I get my hands on Adam Copeland this time, he’s done for. Sure last time he got some bullshit luck with assists from Ryder and Amore but not this time, no cheap belt shot, no Amore to save his ass, this time I’m clearing house and getting the job done.

This time the new acting COO gets a ruckus chorus of cheers for his statement as he talks about the Battle Royal match.

Kevin Nash: But first I gotta win this battle royal and that means throwing five other guys over the top rope… man I love being the biggest guy in this match but saying that, you can bet on Eric Bischoff hyping Ezekiel Jackson as being a bigger guy than me; I mean sure he’s got some muscles and probably can lift but you’re looking at the guy that can Powerbomb the Big Show without even struggling so if Easy E thinks I can’t play the power then I should bitch slap across the face because then we’ll see how much oophm I got behind me and don’t worry, I haven’t forgot about our little peer view and by the looks of it; your boys aren’t doing much better than me at the moment.

In fact, even the Stinger isn’t having much luck at the moment, sure me and Steve have our differences but since he’s came over to Smackdown he’s impressed me even helping me and ‘Taker take care of the bullshit in the back while dealing with a few issues out on the front and with Sandow basically shooting himself in the foot thanks to Steve’s pressure has made me more grateful that Steve is around but Steve come this Saturday; I’m gonna be throwing you over the top not because it’s good for business but me and Adam, it’s personal and personal feuds sell tickets and money; especially when we're in my home state of Michigan at the Ford Field.

There’s a mixed murmur from the fans unsure whether to boo Kevin Nash for threatening to throw Sting over the top rope but most understand it’s Nash wanting more of Edge.

Kevin Nash: Same goes for you Devon, you’re a pretty good guy and you’ve been damn impressive for Smackdown doing your bit for the show but I’m not letting anyone get between me kicking Adam Copeland’s ass for the UWF Championship while sticking it to Zack Ryder at the same time. Speaking of sticking it to Zack Ryder, Montel Vontanvious Porter did a pretty good job of doing that and hey Chris Benoit getting MVP back is pretty good for business as his name suggests; in fact he’s just behind me and Hunter on the payroll and viewer pull; he’s about the only guy I wouldn’t mind losing this match too because he’s got as much beef with Adam Copeland as me but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna go easy on you kid.

Speaking of ‘kids’ there’s one left, Fandango.

The fans begin to hum Fandango’s theme, Kevin Nash actually cracks a smile from the fans reaction to Fandango.

Kevin Nash: Man is this guy over or what? *The fans cheer for Fandango* like Montel, Fandango gets the viewers and his a hot commodity for UWF Smackdown, he’s been a difference maker and an exciting one at that, me and Hunter love what you do with your partner Derrick Bateman and you’re a former world champion who beat Dwayne at Summerslam; that deserve some credit and rep but the same rule applies for you Fandango; it’s personal between me and Adam, so don’t expect me to let you.

Kevin Nash wraps up his speech as he looks towards the titantron.


Kevin Nash: So whoever lined up in the back to come out and join me next, you better have some good words to say to me, to convince me that you’d be a better opponent to deal with Adam Copeland at Survivor Series because at the end of the day; buyrates matter and the fact me and Adam have some personal beef brings up those buyrates and as my good buddy Hunter would do; I’m looking for what’s good for business.

Kevin Nash then leans against the ring ropes and waits for the next entrant in this battle royal.



Captain Charisma

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UWF SmackDown 2/11/13: Christian vs Derrick Bateman


Crowd starts booing as "Just Close Your Eyes" plays through the PA System. Christian comes down from the ramp with a smirk on his face. He walks down the ramp and gets in to the ring. Christian takes a microphone from the staff and he stares the fans before he could talk.

Look at yourselves, look at you people... Now, I know that you people are not brave enough to stand in front off a mirror and face the reality. I know that you people can't do the right thing, because when you do the right thing, it gives you nothing more than the reality. If you people were brave enough to stand in front off a mirror, you would face the fact that you people don't have money even to buy a cup of coffee. You people would face the fact that you people do everything, and I mean everything to earn some more bucks. I respect every single job, even being a garbage man is an honorable job for me because that man works hard, works between garbages to get a bread for his daughter. But you people... You people are ready to sell your souls, ready to sell your body... For what? For drugs! For Alcohol! To pay your debts caused by gambling! You people are nothing more than criminals! You people are nothing more than the devils on the this green planet! But you don't know that, nobody knows that, except people like me. Because they are brave enough to face the facts and that is the fact! I had hard times and they help me now to understand the difference between good and bad. But you people... You can't understand the difference because you are not brave enough to go through the path I have gone through. You people make me remember somebody... My opponent this week, Derrick Bateman! Or should I say, Bate Man?

Crowd booes Christian. Christian looks like he doesn't care them. He continues.

I know why you people boo me now. I know why you are on Bateman's side. It's so simple. It's because I am a truth teller and Bateman is a dreamer, just like all of you. I know the reality, I am aware of what's going on. But Bateman, he is just like you. He is like a person who is on drugs! He doesn't understand what's going on around him, he just lives on... Like a dog... Even when you hit a dog it shows a reaction but Bateman, he doesn't. Maybe these words will hurt his honor, which will lead him to come here and punch me in the face. I dare you to do that Bateman because if you do that you will show that you are a dog. That's the highest level you can be. I will make the dog angry, I will make it angry and then I will cage him so that the society can get rid of that hydrophobic dog.

Christian stops for a matter of seconds, he waits for Bateman's music to hit but nobody comes.

Oh, come on! You disappointed me, you frustarated me Bateman! I am ashamed now! I was wrong! You didn't come here after the baits I have given to you. You got me wrong, I have to say that. So, congratulations. Or maybe... You are affected by what I said minutes ago. You are just like these people, you have never been in front of a mirror and now, maybe, just maybe, you look at yourself in front off a mirror. What do you see? A half of a tag team champion? A handsome guy? If you are seeing that, it is wrong... You are seeing the wrong thing. Because as a guy who is aware of the reality I see a man who will never be as good as his partner, Fandango... Don't get angry on me, I am just saying the truth. Fandango is aware of what's going on... He is using you. He is trying to win battles, glories over you. Will you let him do that? You just have to end this narrow sight. I am just warning you. Why am I doing it? Because the same thing happened to me years ago. I was screwed by my own very best friend, Edge. He used me and look where he is now and where I am now... He realized the facts before me. We both were tag team champions years ago but now, he is the guy with the belt. I am a truth teller and even I tell the facts to myself. If you are not going to do that, if you will be satisfied enough with that Tag Titles just continue on your way. But maybe, I can help you when I hit your head to the ground when I-

A music interrupts Christian.



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Re: UWF Smackdown Number One Contendership Battle Royal


The crowd lights up with excitement when Fandango's theme hits and they begin to hum in unison to the tune. Fandango comes out with Summer Rae but without his giant custom structure. He walks straight down an enters the ring with a mic in hand and addresses Nash.

Let's get the first question on everyone's mind out of the way because I have the same exact one. What am I even doing in this match? I am undefeated. I've never been pinned or made submit since my transformation over 4 months ago. Why do I have to prove myself against a bunch of nobodies? I was under the impression that my rematch for the International Championship would move over to the UWF Championship just like CM Punk. Don't tell me that idiot that I beat for my International Championship forever ruined a sure thing. I'm not like that moron who comes and goes as he pleases. I wouldn't do that to these people. These people need a role model to look up to. They need a figure who they aspire to be. There is only one man qualified for the job of taking that belt away from Edge and that's Fandango. I've already beaten his buddies Umaga and The Rock. What more do you need Kevin?

The fans agree with Fandango and cheer him on as he enters the ring.

I just don't get it. Why would you put the fate of Smackdown in the hands of anyone else? Who cares if someone can throw someone else over a rope? Umaga could do that to me easily but it was I who flew off the top rope and delivered a devastating leg drop. Twas Beauty that killed the Beast. I'll play your little games for now Kevin but I won't do so happily. If you were smart you'd deal with everyone else and then eliminate yourself and let me win. You said it yourself Kevin, buyrates matter. Anarchy was on the top of the world when I was champion and now things are all over the place with Russo in charge. I was draft pick number one for Smackdown because you knew Smackdown needed help and only one entity could do the job.

Fandango outstretches his arms and poses while the crowd chants "Faaaann-Daaaaannn-Goooooo". Fandango then goes right back to addressing Nash.

You see that Kevin? Do you hear that? I'm over. So why all the hoops Kevin? Why make me jump through this? Do you really think you're a better choice than me? Do you think you can just throw me over the top rope with ease? You probably just put me in this match because if I was in the opening of the show, after my match, people would just tune out and not watch the main event. I'm going to prove you wrong though. I can beat 5 other guys who've failed to reach the same success as me here in UWF. Unlike you Kevin, I don't just get to put myself into matches that I didn't earn. You already lost once to Edge so you're no threat to me in this Battle Royal.

None of these people are. They've yet to succeed at anything. D'Von failed to beat the Undertaker last Sunday. What's wrong man? You keep coming so close and yet always failing when it really matters. You must be so depressed. I bet you just look in the mirror and feel sad everyday and I'm not just saying that because of your hideous face. Seriously though take some pointers from Sting and cover that thing up. You look like the love child of Shrek and Shaq. It's like your face was set on fire and someone put it out with a shovel but hey you tried and apparently that's all you need to do around here. That or you need to be an authority figure.

Fandango looks back towards Nash and begins to speak to him again.

Sorry to keep going back to you Kevin but you've already failed against Edge on two separate occasions. Don't you think it's time for you to just step aside? That's what MVP does. That's what he does when he goes away right? He knows he's not good enough so he goes back and trains. The fact that a guy like this gets to leave and come back and already be rewarded a huge opportunity shows just how much this show has been suffering as of late. By the way MVP, for someone who is supposedly the highest paid wrestler, you're not very flashy. Might I suggest a giant silhouette of you being dropped from the ceiling. But hey at least you've had some good outings. Not like the random entry of Ezekiel.

The fans boo at the mention of his name.

Guy can't do anything except beat people up when they least expect it. I guess he's here just to give D'Von someone to beat on. I've already beaten him so he poses no threat to me whatsoever. The last guy in this match however, he cheated me out of a dancing contest. I got a bone to pick with you Steven! You used to run Anarchy and never gave Derrick and I our rightful UWF Tag Team Championship opportunity. No you were too busy making the show all about yourself just like Kevin here. Well despite this I finally became a World Tag Team Champion.

The fans cheer Fandango as he shows off the title around his waist.

But that's not good enough. I need to be UWF Champion. I need to restore this brand to it's former glory. It's time to remind everyone what true greatness is. And greatness is

Fandango poses one last time as the crowd cheers on.


Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown Number One Contendership Battle Royal

The lights in the arena go out as the fans occupying it cheer in unison as they know it is the foreshadowing of the impending arrival of the "Icon". As they await the reciting of the familiar poem, instead something else is recited followed by silence.

"I have been alone on this road,
and my empty hands have nothing to show.
Will you be my peace when
my heavy heart holds no hope?"


The theme is "Willing" by Times of Grace as the lights come up and the fans in attendance are greeted by the arrival of the man they came to see and have been eager to see arrive, the "Icon" Sting, as he walks onto the stage and gestures to them excitedly and proudly on his way to the ring.


Sting makes his way down the ramp, slapping hands with fans seated on both sides of him as he then circles the ring to do the same thing, grabbing a microphone from the ringside officials before making his way around, slapping hands with the fans seated on the other side before heading up the steel steps and walking along the apron, stepping through the ropes into the ring. He cups his hands around his mouth, emits another passionate, "WOOOO!", and bends down to pick the microphone up as "Willing" fades out to silence.


Sting: I'm starting to think I should've worn a heavier trenchcoat out here, because I don't know about you fellas, but I feel myself overcome with a chill all of a sudden. But it's not just the changing of the weather as winter draws nearer, no, it's the type of chill people have been known to describe having as though someone just walked over their grave. That's what I'm experiencing right now, that's the feeling I'm blanketed in, because if we take Damien Sandow's words as the gospel he treats it as, I shouldn't be standing here right now. I shouldn't be walking, I shouldn't be talking, I shouldn't even be breathing and that's because, taking his words as the gospel, Bad Blood was to be the night that he banished me back into exile and put the "Icon" Sting out to pasture for good.

However, I've got this nasty habit of getting back on my two feet anyway and dashing the expectations of guys like him, in fact it's earned a place on my list of hobbies, that's how fun it is. Here I stand, walking and talking, living and breathing with no exile against me and my legacy just as alive as I am. At Bad Blood, the sword of enlightenment he intended to strike me down with ended up being turned on himself in the end, and as a result, he became impaled by his own circumstances, forced to sleep in the bed he made for himself and Mike Knox, taking my intended place in exile. Knowing Damien the way that I do, I know he'll be back sooner rather than later, and when he does he'll probably come after me yet again and the saga will continue. But until then...

Until then I have the opportunity to become the man that goes on to challenge the "Rated R Superstar" Edge, the self-proclaimed god of wrestling, wonder where he got that moniker from, for the UWF Championship, a belt that, as all of you wrestling history buffs know, has a lot of prestige and if it isn't on the career bucket list of every man on the Smackdown roster, they either aren't setting high enough goals for themselves or they're lying by pretending they don't want it. I belong to the group of individuals that do want it, and I want it for two reasons, the first being because of what I said about everyone wanting it, and the second being because of my failure to capture the International Championship and re-capture the Extreme Championship.

Standing in my way of the number one contendership are five other men, two of which have already had a go at the UWF Championship in Kevin Nash and Devon. No offense guys, but you're the ones that I'll be looking to knock off first, because when it comes to that belt, you've both made it clear that you don't have it in you to capture it, let's be honest. Kevin you had a very impressive showing against Edge when you filled in for Punk last minute, and Devon you did well in that Scramble match, I understand why the both of you are getting this opportunity, but I can't let either of you walk away with it, it's time to let a new face into the title picture.

Speaking of faces, I don't know that I'd be talking much about people with burnt faces, Fandango. I mean, you've had the bandages off for what, a week now? Much like the others, I understand why you're getting this shot, but I can't let you have it either, focus on your World Tag Team Championship match. MVP, Ezekiel, I know why you're getting a go at this too, because Ezekiel's fresh to the scene and management wants to see what he's made of and MVP's proven in the past what he's made of and now that he's back, they're rewarding him with a chance at the top prize.

But you aren't leaving with it Saturday night either, I am, and the reason is quite simple. It's not coincidence that I find myself in a match like this, folks, it's, at the risk of sounding like Alberto Del Rio, destiny. I've been fighting extremely hard for an extremely long time and it's time for the "Icon" to rise up and take what's his, the number one contendership to the UWF Championship, and then the UWF Championship itself. It's go time, it's realizing what I know time, it's capturing the gold time, and of course...IT'S SHOWTIME, FOLKS!

Sting lowers his microphone as the crowd cheers him passionately and loudly.