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Jun 11, 2010
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You do indeed have time good sir as I am here with the *bum bum bum* update time.

All of Raw except a little portion of the Main Event is done. All of Smackdown is done. All that is left is 3 or 4 matches from Anarachy which I believe are being worked on now. I am going out to dinner to get away from the computer, (I've been on all day) and when I get back hopefully everything will be in and I can put the show up. So bear with us but I'm about 90% sure we'll have an on time show everyone :)


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Only one match is remaining from Anarchy actually. Soon (hopefully) Summerslam will be posted up and I can guarantee you i'll knock your socks off! :COOL:

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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I don't count the 8 man tag against you. You were waiting for Slim to TT as is the custom and he got one up right before the show. Just for future references, when it comes down to the wire the day before, you're more than welcome to show up out of order so it doesn't look like you no showed to others or the head writers.

You say you don't have a lot of time to TT. That alone kind of proves why you shouldn't be given an opportunity. Being a champion is more than just being a good TTr. You have to be reliable and consistent. Also I'm bringing this up because you brought it up but this is directed towards everyone. I don't believe anyone has good excuses for no showing. Unless you give the writers a heads up early on, it takes 1 out of 168 hours to TT. You don't have to do a four paragraphs but just doing even a little shows that you made an effort despite being busy. I've never no showed once here in UWF and it irks me when people do. I've had deaths in the family, been sick and been extremely busy but I've always gotten done what needs to be done because it takes one hour. Even if you can't make it pretty with colors and pictures, fuck it. You might not win but at least you made an effort. I firmly believe that unless you give a heads up or being unaware you can TT out of order in a multiman match, you should be squashed. If you're good, you'll come back from it and people won't even remember a month later. /rant

I would do all that if I could. I unfortunately work 2 jobs which takes up a majority if not all my time. I've also got to take care of my family as we go through some troubled times. I'm usually pretty good for being consistent but my real life comes first and foremost. Apologies for not taking this shit as seriously as you or anybody else. You may be able to find time to get a TT, and most weeks I usually can too. But I'm incredibly busy in real life. That doesn't mean I don't deserve to be Champion. What I get from this post is that in order to be a good champion I have to be some nerd who refuses to leave his mom's basement because he wants to keep the championship. I'm not saying that's what you do, but that's what it seems like.

I am an excellent TTer and show up as often as I can. I have every right to be a champion as you, despite what you may think. I show up when I can and lately I've been showing up pretty hard. I'd rather take what little time I have an put quality into my PPV TT then take that time, dish out a half decent TT for a regular show and a regular TT for my PPV TT. I'm not bashing any writer btw. All our shows are great! I've had a blast on all 3. But when I get the time, I go towards what's slightly more important than a curtain jerker....


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Sep 19, 2010
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I would do all that if I could. I unfortunately work 2 jobs which takes up a majority if not all my time. I've also got to take care of my family as we go through some troubled times. I'm usually pretty good for being consistent but my real life comes first and foremost. Apologies for not taking this shit as seriously as you or anybody else. You may be able to find time to get a TT, and most weeks I usually can too. But I'm incredibly busy in real life. That doesn't mean I don't deserve to be Champion. What I get from this post is that in order to be a good champion I have to be some nerd who refuses to leave his mom's basement because he wants to keep the championship. I'm not saying that's what you do, but that's what it seems like.

I am an excellent TTer and show up as often as I can. I have every right to be a champion as you, despite what you may think. I show up when I can and lately I've been showing up pretty hard. I'd rather take what little time I have an put quality into my PPV TT then take that time, dish out a half decent TT for a regular show and a regular TT for my PPV TT. I'm not bashing any writer btw. All our shows are great! I've had a blast on all 3. But when I get the time, I go towards what's slightly more important than a curtain jerker....

Bumxout was being respectful. and I find it insulting that most of us our nerds who live with our mothers just because we can TT weekly. Rated R Superstar to be a world champion all were saying is post every week. You talk about being on your phone. I am on my phone too, and look what I am able to do. Not that hard to get a TT on your phone. All I am saying to you buddy is that with out the weekly shows there are no ppvs, and if people don't put effort into the weekly shows. They don't deserve to win on the big show. That is all were saying bud. .

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Bumxout was being respectful. and I find it insulting that most of us our nerds who live with our mothers just because we can TT weekly. Rated R Superstar to be a world champion all were saying is post every week. You talk about being on your phone. I am on my phone too, and look what I am able to do. Not that hard to get a TT on your phone. All I am saying to you buddy is that with out the weekly shows there are no ppvs, and if people don't put effort into the weekly shows. They don't deserve to win on the big show. That is all were saying bud. .

Not exactly easy getting a TT on your phone either. Also, I wasn't saying anybody is a nerd who live with their moms. I live with my mom! I'm just saying the way Bumout described it made it seem like you had to always be there. I usually try to tell the writers if I can make it or not. Lately it's been too busy for me to really get a message sent. You don't always have to post every week to be deserving, some people just can't make it, shit happens. Life happens.

For instance, I don't like how Austin Aries was stripped of the MITB briefcase. Sure Chriss hasn't been on in a while, but I was under the impression he had a whole year to cash that baby in. That doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to hold the briefcase. In fact you could have made one hell of a storyline out of it.

All I'm saying is you should give people the benefit of the doubt before you completely write them off.


Apr 29, 2011
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I would do all that if I could. I unfortunately work 2 jobs which takes up a majority if not all my time. I've also got to take care of my family as we go through some troubled times. I'm usually pretty good for being consistent but my real life comes first and foremost. Apologies for not taking this shit as seriously as you or anybody else. You may be able to find time to get a TT, and most weeks I usually can too. But I'm incredibly busy in real life. That doesn't mean I don't deserve to be Champion. What I get from this post is that in order to be a good champion I have to be some nerd who refuses to leave his mom's basement because he wants to keep the championship. I'm not saying that's what you do, but that's what it seems like.

I am an excellent TTer and show up as often as I can. I have every right to be a champion as you, despite what you may think. I show up when I can and lately I've been showing up pretty hard. I'd rather take what little time I have an put quality into my PPV TT then take that time, dish out a half decent TT for a regular show and a regular TT for my PPV TT. I'm not bashing any writer btw. All our shows are great! I've had a blast on all 3. But when I get the time, I go towards what's slightly more important than a curtain jerker....


Half decent, horrible, regular, one liners, it doesn't matter just dish out a TT. The situation isn't that serious man, we understand people get busy but they were just saying if you don't do anything for the weekly shows don't expect anything for your character on the big shows. That's it.


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Sep 19, 2010
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Not exactly easy getting a TT on your phone either. Also, I wasn't saying anybody is a nerd who live with their moms. I live with my mom! I'm just saying the way Bumout described it made it seem like you had to always be there. I usually try to tell the writers if I can make it or not. Lately it's been too busy for me to really get a message sent. You don't always have to post every week to be deserving, some people just can't make it, shit happens. Life happens.

For instance, I don't like how Austin Aries was stripped of the MITB briefcase. Sure Chriss hasn't been on in a while, but I was under the impression he had a whole year to cash that baby in. That doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to hold the briefcase. In fact you could have made one hell of a storyline out of it.

All I'm saying is you should give people the benefit of the doubt before you completely write them off.

Really Chriss has not been responding. This is not like if we knew he was coming back no he dissapeared so that is why he was stripped of the briefcase. Also who in the hell wrote you off? I did say Rhino could win the hell in a cell, but those Anarchys you no showed dosen't deserve you to win the match. I mean since I have arthiritis should people give me the benefit of the doubt about how much I post? No they shouldn't. Benfit of the doubt no man we all have lives. You know its funny your all "I don't care who wins", but obvioulsy you do care because you wouldn't keep arguing this if you thought you were winning.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Really Chriss has not been responding. This is not like if we knew he was coming back no he dissapeared so that is why he was stripped of the briefcase. Also who in the hell wrote you off? I did say Rhino could win the hell in a cell, but those Anarchys you no showed dosen't deserve you to win the match. I mean since I have arthiritis should people give me the benefit of the doubt about how much I post? No they shouldn't. Benfit of the doubt no man we all have lives. You know its funny your all "I don't care who wins", but obvioulsy you do care because you wouldn't keep arguing this if you thought you were winning.

It's the principal of the thing there chum. I still don't care who wins. But saying I am unworthy and don't deserve to win is dumb. Especially when one show was out of my control. It's ironic that you tell people to read, yet you don't read some other posts yourself.


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Sep 19, 2010
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It's the principal of the thing there chum. I still don't care who wins. But saying I am unworthy and don't deserve to win is dumb. Especially when one show was out of my control. It's ironic that you tell people to read, yet you don't read some other posts yourself.

Oh I read what you said, and also I said that to one person here. So how is it ironic? I told Andrew to read it more clearly, because he was lost on what happened, and he also put a silly comment on the second line which ticked me off. Because if he read the match, and whos out there how in the hell could you believe Rollins can fight off everybody?

Now really to be honest you aren't deserving of the shot. That is the fact right now. Are you a good TTer yeah, no one is doubting your skills, but do you deserve a chance to be world champion? No, your telling me to read obviously you didn't read what Bumxout said. Bumxout said just go crazy and post when it is the day of the show. The writers won't be mad if you go out of order there.

Like really man your lucky Dresden is a cool dude. I mean Dresden should have given you at least one strike. One strike he should be giving you. Instead you have none. Hell I have gotten strikes before for no showing so consider yourself lucky. I mean really man you are in not listening. Just because we say "your not deserving". It dosen't mean you suck, it just means we don't feel you have earned the right to be champ. Just think of this if I was AJ Styles, and I didn't do shit on weekly shows, and just showed up for PPV threads, people would call me out on it. That is a fact. No if, ands, or buts. Yet I am doing stuff on weekly shows, and ppvs. So people are saying "Yeah Chase has earned a shot a the the World Title". I mean if you put in effort man you see results. You make it seems like were such bad people for telling you how it works, and how stuff gets done over here, but were not. Were just telling you the truth, and as Natlav with his R-Truth would say the truth hurt.

Done ranting over here. I will go more in depth on the podcast about this, because I think everybody in UWF should know how it works.
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Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Im just fucking lmao right now

I need some popcorn to go with this


Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Oh I read what you said, and also I said that to one person who here. So how is it ironic? I told Andrew to read it more clearly, because he was lost on what happened, and he also put a silly comment on the second line which ticked me off. Because if he read the match, and whos out there how in the hell could you believe Rollins can fight off everybody?

Now really to be honest you aren't deserving of the shot. That is the fact right now. Are you a good TTer yeah, no one is doubting your skills, but do you deserve a chance to be world champion? No, your telling me to read obviously you didn't read what Bumxout said. Bumxout said just go crazy and post when it is the day of the show. The writers won't be mad if you go out of order there.

Like really man your lucky Dresden is a cool dude. I mean Dresden should have given you at least one strike. One strike he should be giving you. Instead you have none. Hell I have gotten strikes before for no showing so consider yourself lucky. I mean really man you are in not listening. Just because we say "your not deserving". It dosen't mean you suck, it just means we don't feel you have earned the right to be champ. Just think of this if I was AJ Styles, and I didn't do shit on weekly shows, and just showed up for PPV threads, people would call me out on it. That is a fact. No if, ands, or buts. Yet I am doing stuff on weekly shows, and ppvs. So people are saying "Yeah Chase has earned a shot a the the World Title". I mean if you put in effort man you see results. You make it seems like were such bad people for telling you how it works, and how stuff gets done over here, but were not. Were just telling you the truth, and as Natlav with his R-Truth would say the truth hurt.

Done ranting over here. I will go more in depth on the podcast about this, because I think everybody in UWF should know how it works.

You make it seem like I haven't done shit in a while. I technically only missed one show, I don't count that 8 man tag match. I show almost every week I can. So your little truth doesn't really have much meat to it. I no showed one show and I'm suddenly undeserving? Give me a break. I know exactly how it works, I'm not a nooby, don't treat me like one. I've been in the game for a long time. I'm not the type of person to no show, and if I do I try to tell the writer. But to tell me I'm undeserving is the real insult here. I'm dedicated to UWF because it is one of the better handled e-feds. I have promoted the fed countless times on other forums and Facebook and such.

Give me a challenge, any challenge and I'll show you I'm deserving of everything. I'll take on the entire roster just to prove I can put effort into every show. I'm a former World Champion for a reason. I'll show you why.


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That podcast was great! It was nice to see yalls feedback on UWF TT's and matches for SS.


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Hey yo chase... I'd def be up for that podcast heh


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I would do all that if I could. I unfortunately work 2 jobs which takes up a majority if not all my time. I've also got to take care of my family as we go through some troubled times. I'm usually pretty good for being consistent but my real life comes first and foremost. Apologies for not taking this shit as seriously as you or anybody else. You may be able to find time to get a TT, and most weeks I usually can too. But I'm incredibly busy in real life. That doesn't mean I don't deserve to be Champion. What I get from this post is that in order to be a good champion I have to be some nerd who refuses to leave his mom's basement because he wants to keep the championship. I'm not saying that's what you do, but that's what it seems like.

I am an excellent TTer and show up as often as I can. I have every right to be a champion as you, despite what you may think. I show up when I can and lately I've been showing up pretty hard. I'd rather take what little time I have an put quality into my PPV TT then take that time, dish out a half decent TT for a regular show and a regular TT for my PPV TT. I'm not bashing any writer btw. All our shows are great! I've had a blast on all 3. But when I get the time, I go towards what's slightly more important than a curtain jerker....

Thanks for the petty insults. Just because a lot of us can follow the rules and crank out what needs to be done, that doesn't make use nerds who live in our parents basements. This place is fun first and foremost and you know what's not fun? Having to sit through people wondering about why they got squashed or why they're losing. You know what else isn't fun? Winning a match uncontested. You think I take this too seriously? I play a god damn comedy jobber duo. They were never supposed to be legit contenders and I couldn't care less if they loss every match. But here I am as the International Champion. Why? Because like I originally said, I am good, consistent and reliable. Tell me when a world champion no showed weekly shows and managed to retain the title at the next PPV?

I like Criss but I agree with him being stripped. Why the hell should someone no show for a month, be gone for even longer and then come back whenever he feels like it and become world champion? You take things too personally. What I said applied to everyone. I even made it known on the last Anarchy how I would have rather had Shawn get squashed.

I said you don't deserve to be given an opportunity. Nobody deserves anything. You have to earn it and the simple fact is, your not going to get opportunities if you no show the weekly shows. Are you capable of being a great champion? Yeah. Anyone is but you don't deserve anything.