UWF - Anarchy Roster

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UWF Anarchy 10/17/13: Homicide and Sin Cara vs Roman Reigns and Santino



Fans boo like crazy as Homicide comes out. Homicide does "the Establishment" gang sign as he comes out. Homicide goes, and he walks his way to the ring. Homicide goes and he enters the ring as he looks on at the fans. Homicide gets a microphone handed to him as he begins to speak

Homicide: Brrraaaaapppppp, Brrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaappppp. Ha-Ha good to speak to you idiotas Gringos again. I see all of you still hate me, but that's okay because I hate most of you too, so the feeling is almost mutual. Anyways folks let me tell you something, your "best amigo" Homicide I am sort of hot and cold right now. Not doing really hot, so folks that is why I am going to change that. By winning this week on Anarchy, but it is going to be a tough test for sure. Not because my of my opponents. Oh hell no Roman Reigns and Santino, let me tell you something folks I ain't afraid of those two gringos... Well Santino he ain't really Gringo, but he sure acts it. No the tough test is I am going have to team up with that idiot Mistico.

You see his dumbass every week here on Anarchy. Him and that stupid microphone, he dosen't even know how to use it properly. He acts like it is some damn toy. He walks around, and he dosen't even talk. All he does is act like a damn moron, you expect me to tag team with that. How am I going to win this match? Like hello Russo buddy ole' Gringo I already have a partner. He is kind of big, and strong. I mean I was back there, everywhere looking for this idiot, and I couldn't find him in the damn building. I don't know where the hell he is at, but let me tell you folks with or without Mistico I will win this match.

Ya see I am glad that I get to face off against Roman Reigns. A lot of you may think just because I am so damn small that I don't have what it takes to wrestle against these bigger idiots. Well like you Gringos say: "The bigger they are, the harder they fall". That is what is going to happen to Roman Reigns. Reigns you may have destroyed RVD last week here on Anarchy, but fool you ain't going to destroy me. No ya see Reigns I am a lot more crazier then RVD. I am someone that has no will to quit. So you can come out and bring your partner, but just know you two won't be able to stop me.

the fans boo when all of a sudden


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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13 Preview

I edited the preview with some more promos!


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy October 9th, 2013 Edition!

Thank you Dresden *clap clap clapclapclap*

Go do the things most important to you irl, have some fun here creatively, and delegate them matches cause you've earned it.

Loved the show - needed Russo's explanations to drive things forward for the main story arc and main event. On a personal note I really enjoyed juxtaposing real extreme style, young guy taking over stuff with the natural comedy I want to ooze from Brad Maddox. It's like a Shakespearean tragedy - make em laugh, make em cry. Really pumped to be alongside some of those guys in the ladder - unreal opportunity.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy October 9th, 2013 Edition!

Thank you Dres, great show guys, looking forward to working with Chase as the headwriter. My team lost but we will have the last laugh when The Establishment takes all the gold at the PPV. Foley looks like he's back so it'll be interesting to see what happens there.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy October 9th, 2013 Edition!

Foley is coming? Should be very intersting. But since it is about time for me to head off for work I can't give a full response.

But I will say it is gonna be interesting and very different without you being here Daddy Dres but gotta take care of all of that stuff. We'll be here waitin for ya/

But Anarchy... Team Green is continuing to get things done. And the Extreme 6 pack challenge... Umaga and Trish are looking forward to their return and doing what they've been doing for months... eliminating anybody that tries to take the title from him ;)


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy October 9th, 2013 Edition!

Mick Foley is coming back! :mark:

Honestly guys I had no idea how that main event 6 man tag would turn but it definitely turned out great! Not much I can comment here without repeating myself too much but I did enjoy the Smackdown 'invasion' with that super epic staredown between The Establisment. lol at D'Von showing the Ironman Champion who's boss. Speaking about who showing who's boss, I can't wait to show the Extreme Champion who's boss at Bad Blood. ;) Shaping up to be a very PPV Green Team. Heck the hype for Survivor Series is already happening and damn I can't wait to see what Anarchy has planned!

And I said it before but sad to see you leave Dres, the brand will definitely miss your booking but Chase will definitely turn out to be a good replacement for you (well let's just think that anyways LOL). Can't wait to see what Chase brings out to the table.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy October 9th, 2013 Edition!

Life always comes first, Dres. Best of luck to you bud and I hope you'll get everything back on track for the future. Anarchy's in good hands also as Clique and Chase both will be taking over. Congratulations, guys, and I know you two will do a fantastic job.

Onto the show which was very entertaining! That ending was insane, and Bad Blood looks to be just as insane for us. The two multi-man matches are gonna be one hell'uva read, and Schmidty? That title's coming back home, haha. Good luck, buddy. Let's roll on, green crew.


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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13: Homicide and Sin Cara vs Roman Reigns and Santino


"Anvil of Crom by Basil Poledouris" begins playing throughout the PA System and it's the first time we see Roman Reigns and Santino Marella coming out from behind the curtain together, Santino power-walks his way around the ring whilst Roman Reigns ignores the entire crowd. It's a mixed-reaction given Roman's hatred for people whereas Santino is acting fan-friendly, Santino picks up a microphone and enters the ring as does Roman.


Santino Marella: Excuse-a me, Excuse-a me. But I do not understandings this Braaaaaaaw Braaaaaaw thing that you are a-doings Homo-guy. It'sa shamings that you speakings in a language I simply do not understand you in, it's such a tragedy if you askings me. I do not understandings what a idiotia gringo is but it must be a good thing am I correct? Oh look, it don't-a matter to me because this week is a-very important week for me! It's the debut of your very favorite, Santino Marella! But I do understandings you-a very upsettings, but you speakings about many other things that my brain seems to be a-hurtings right now. I don't seem to be understandings... maybe Mister Roman here can doings the talkings now... Uh, my head...

Santino smiles and gives Roman the microphone.

normal_wwe_monday_night_raw_2013_02_25_720p_hdtv_x  264-kyr_mkv0087_1024x576.png

Roman Reigns:

Alright, alright.. Listen up Homicide, I don't give a crap what you're spewin' outta ya mouth. Fact is, you ain't a Champion around 'ere and you're trying to claim it's the work of my friend? Who said I was friends with Seth Rollins? We might have been friends in the WWE, but this is UWF, this is a different place so I suggest you take the high road or pay deep attention to what I do around here. Now Santino's my damn tag partner and I haven't been speakin' to him because I've been busy focusin' on winning... Now there's been a few mishaps along the way, I don't know if Santino's any good nor should I care, I could probably do this all on my own. I don't care about your worries with Mistico, that dude hides behind a mask and has shown he's afraid. Now I probably can't see his eyes or whatever but I know... I know fear. You see, I've been running quite rampant around here, I almost pinned you Homicide, in fact I should have! But that stupid referee didn't want to count it, this week... He'll be making that three count. Whether Santino wants to bring his stupid Cobra out, it doesn't bother me... We might not get along, but we're here for the one thing, that's to win and take this competition by storm. Over time Santino will wake up and stop being such a damn puppet but as ya said Homicide, you think you're loco, you think you're a bit crazy? You're far from believing the savage, I destroyed you in the eight-man tag... Yet you're pea-brain allows you to think you're good enough to overcome me. You're a joke Homicide, that's why the belt got taken off you... if it wasn't for Seth Rollins cashing it in, I would have done the thing myself. Think I can't stop ya? Watch me stop you... Then what are ya gonna do? Eh? Eh? DAMN STRAIGHT! NOTHIN'!

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UWF Anarchy 10/17/13: Jeff Hardy vs Curt Hawkins


After a week off, the Three Man Band is back in action as Curt Hawkins competes in singles action against one of the men that will challenge for the International Championship at Bad Blood, the "Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy. When these two respective musicians meet on a collision course, will Hawkins give a solo performance that blows Jeff out of the water, or will his chances of winning be a whisper in the wind?​


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Even though there have been a lot of matches booked with various combinations of Establishment team members facing members of the rest of the Anarchy roster, no one has truly challenged the Establishment yet. This week, Christopher Daniels approached Vince Russo and told him he wants to be that man, and now he has his wish in the form of a match against the Big Show. When the "World's Largest Athlete" goes toe-to-toe with the "Fallen Angel", will it be an upset victory for the high flyer or will he be struck down for his heroism?​
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UWF Anarchy 10/17/13: Shawn Micheals vs Matt Morgan


In last week's main event, Shawn Michaels stole the victory for his team when he superkicked Matt Morgan and took the pinfall for himself. Vince was none too happy about this since Morgan is his top prospect for joining the Establishment, but on the other hand is conflicted because Shawn has already joined, so he has decided to let the two men battle it out. When the "Heartbreak Kid" and the "Blueprint" step into the ring to settle their differences, will the "DNA of TNA" leave his opponent picking up his teeth, or will Shawn stop the big man's show for the second consecutive week?

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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13: Big Show vs Christopher Daniels


As the music plays the crowd begins to cheer. Daniels suddenly appears charging out from the backstage area with a microphone in his hand. He looks upset.

“The Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels:
Oh hell no! There is no chance in hell I’m going to be your puppet. Cheering me will do you no good, I don’t get any of you, you’re nothing but bi-polar piss ants and it’s really irritating! I’m fighting my own battle here; I’m not doing it for your benefit. As much as I appreciate the support, it gets tiring. I liked it when you booed me; it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Now all I feel is anger, because you’re cheering me for the right reason, but it’s too damn late! You all had your chance to cheer for me on Smackdown when I did the right thing by getting rid of that idiot Wolfe, and doing what I could to get rid of his puppet Montel, which I’d like to think I did. Unlike my dear friend Montel, I am not a puppet. I am my own man, I pull my own strings, I do whatever it is I please. I don’t take orders from the likes of you, you don’t sign my paycheck, Vince Russo likes to think he signs my paychecks, but that couldn’t be any further from the truth! Guys like Vince McMahon or Hunter sign my paychecks. You know the guys with the REAL power! I don’t get it really, Vince Russo thinks because he is the General Manager of Anarchy that he can do as he wishes.

Speaking of puppets, and puppet masters, how about that Establishment group? Aren’t they just a bunch of hard workers? To be honest, I don’t get the name. With a name like The Establishment, you’d think they’d have some established wrestlers. All I see is a bunch of guys who wish they could have made it big. You don’t get established by being handed everything on a silver platter. I mean look at The Corporation over on Raw, they may suck the big one also, but they work for everything. Angle won his opportunity. They run things different over there, but apparently over here championships mean everything. I mean look at Big Show, he was practically handed a shot at the Extreme Championship only to lose it. Big Show is probably the biggest sellout in that entire group, and I don’t just mean literally. Metaphorically speaking, Big Show chose the low road by accepting every offer that Vince Russo gave him. I’m sure all the guys in the Establishment are getting paid quite handsomely for the littler work they actually do.

The crowd seems to be fully behind Daniels as he continues to speak.

I asked for this match because I wanted to prove to everybody that The Establishment is not invincible. They are merely mortal men clinging on to the faint hope that people will fear them enough to think of them as Gods. I have never been more appalled in my career let alone my life to bear witness to such cowardice. In my opinion someone needs to stand up against them, and that’s why I’m here right now. They stand for everything I hate, I hate the corporate mind games and I hate sellouts. I took a vow a long time ago that if given the chance, I’d break every member of the Establishment somehow, some way. Obviously not by myself, but I don’t think there is anybody in the back with the balls to do it. I could list everything wrong about The Establishment, but I’d rather show you. I’d rather show everybody how weak The Establishment really is, and what better way than to challenge the giant of The Establishment. He’s the World’s Largest Athlete by nickname; all I think of is the World’s Largest Sellout. This is a guy who’s been in the business for as long as I can remember, a man who used to pride himself on working for everything he had. Look at him now, instead of taking the high road and working his way up like you should in any new company or brand you’re on; he caved to temptation and took the cheap way out of things.

I don’t fear Big Show like most do, in fact I can’t wait until our match when I can finally slap him in the face and prove to him that he is not untouchable. When the giant falls, so too shall The Establishment.

Daniels begins to laugh menacingly until suddenly...​


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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13: Jeff Hardy vs Curt Hawkins

"We're a 3 Man Band!!!!"

The theme of the 3MB plays out for the UWF audience to a positive response. The fans are eating up the act of 3MB. The camera zooms in on the crowd on people who are holding up 3MB signs. The trio of Rockstars walks out from the back, pumped like always, and led by The One Man Band himself, Heath Slater.


Both Jinder and Hawkins take either side while Heath plays the Air Guitar. Heath jumps to his feet and the three make their way to the ring. All three slide in and do some more posing before retrieving mics from ring side.


Heath Slater
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, THIS IS ANARCHY!!

The usual cheap pop from the crowd

Heath Slater
The brand with the most must see superstars and no I’m not talking about the Miz, I’m talking about the three most must see superstars in the UWF, and that would be Heath “See Ya Later†Slater, Jinder “the blinder†Mahal, and Curt “Head bonking†Hawkins! Together we make up the super powers known to the world simply as 3..M..B. We fight for truth, for justice, and for ROCK ‘N ROLL BAYBEEE! Once again my fans, however, at this time I must hand the mic over to the one, and only Curt Hawkins, for it is him that will do battle this week against none other than Jeff Hardy.

A loud round of applause for Hardy as Hawkins is handed the mic.

Curt Hawkins
Jeff..Oh Jeff. What is there to say about you my friend that the world already doesn’t know? You live your life like an open book with no secretes. We all know of your past. The good and the bad. We all know the passion in your heart that drives you to do everything that you do. Weather is be jumping off a 20 foot ladder, or crashing through multiple tables, you live in the moment Jeff, and I think that's why I, and all these fans have an incredible amount of respect for you, and everything you do.

A hearty pop from the crowd.

Curt Hawkins
However, all respect aside, what my good friend Heath Slater said in the opening, this week on Anarchy we lock up, one on one. Man to man, to see who the greater competitor is. I know your resume far out shines mine, but the thing with me is, I’m just getting started. I’m not even 30 years old yet and I’ve had the privilege to work with, train with, and fight with the greatest wrestlers this industry has ever seen. I’ve been champion, and at Bad Blood I hope to become champion again, as I am sure you are hoping as well. Win, lose, draw, it doesn’t matter because at the end of the night to most important part is putting on a show. Isn’t that right?

The crowd cheers in response.

Curt Hawkins
Sure, a win is always nice. Some gold and leather is even better but it still boils down to them. The crowd. The fans. The universe. The ones that TRULY sign are paychecks. I know you understand that just as well as I do Jeffery. So I’m not going to come out here and bad mouth you. Talk a lot of smack. Oh no my friend. See, my goal is to steal the show. Give these people a match I KNOW they will remember. And when me and you meet in the ring, that is going to be something to remember. That is going to be something special. Who knows, maybe this is the first of many encounters for us. Just be warned that I’m not going to take it easy on you. I know you have a lot on your mind right now being in the International Championship match at Bad Blood but you better bring you A game because I expect nothing else from you. Let’s get this started. Queen’s Finest vs. The Charismatic Enigma.


Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13: Jeff Hardy vs Curt Hawkins

Curt Hawkins and company deliver a solid in ring promo. The crowd do enjoy 3MB so there are cheers and general satisfaction with what was said. But, the crowds hearts do lie elsewhere, as the anticipation for the arrival of Curts opponent is making them restless. The pause between what Curt says and when the music should hit is near, but instead, the titantron lights up. A similar scene from Anarchys previous promos is viewed, as the camera is zoomed in on a pair of boots. It moves up slowly, and then soon reveals the figure to be none other than Jeff Hardy. Hardy is on and off applying his facepaint and addresses the camera as he does so in a serious tone, with his eyes closed at first.


Jeff Hardy: Curt Hawkins.. Heath Slater.. Jinder Mahal. The Three Man Band. Some of Anarchys newest arrivals. Arrivals to the show that I've carved my name into week in and week out. Welcome, if you have not been already, to my domain. Anarchy is full of chaos and unpredictability, which I have helped cause and help extinguish in a lot of the previous weeks. But Anarchy, has been good to me, and Anarchy is my home. So I hope it does you three the same world of good. I appreciate the respect. I appreciate the honesty, a trait that has been lost in such times as The Establishment undermine, unnerve, and cheat their ways to victory. So your traits have been duly noted. And Curt, I will return the same to you in that very ring, Wednesday Night without question.

Jeffs eyes open wide as he stares into the camera. Hardy is focused and continues to speak.

Jeff Hardy: But tonight, I make this about me and I make this about continuing down the path that I have set forth on. I have suffered setbacks down this road, but now, with the stakes this high... with momentum riding behind me, I cannot afford to to get myself involved with niceties... Or else, I will fall and be trampled mercilessly by the fates. This cannot happen, this is not allowed, I will not let it happen, Curt. Rung by rung I step up the ladder. Inch by inch I become closer, ever so closer to my goal of being the UWF International Champion. I am within reaaaaaach Curt... I am so close. And I cannot falter now, and let you walk away with the win. It's not disrespect, it's not personal, it's just playing with fate. It's just how I ride the whispers in the wind man. There's no turning back now. I have yet to lose on Anarchy.. Curt. I have made this my fortress.. my battleground, and I will do anything to defend it. If it means wrestling one helluva match with you on Wednesday and keeping myself barely alive as I move on towards Badd Blood?... I'll do it with no hesitations. I have before man, and I will not let up. I won't overlook you, I cannot make such a mistake, but do not look past me, Curt. Or it will be your downfall.

Jeff is way serious now, as if he can almost "taste" victory at Badd Blood. But he doesnt let that get in the way, and keeps his mind on the moment at hand as he continues.

Jeff Hardy: You are young Curt, you're right man. You've got a long twisting road ahead of you, and what you make of it is what you make of it. I, simply, walk a different path than you. Heading into Badd Blood.. we have the same kind of goal, the same mindset. Two prizes, one for each of us. Each one with the same utmost importance. But while you Curt, have not yet gotten the winds behind you to carry you on to the pay per view feeling unstoppable.. I have reached that point where I could lose it all here and now with you. You want the success like I do, and it will come in time, but Wednesday night is not that night. That night, will belong to my creaaaaturesssss and the rest of the UWF fans who will cheer us on.. but they will see Jeff Hardys hand raised at the end of the night. And if I can defeat you, Curt, rest assured I will shake your hand and I will hope to see you again in this ring. But for the moment, if you want to steal the show... if you want to walk the line of daredevil and superstar, then lets dance kid.. but if you've ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight.. then you'll know you'll end up suffering from one cruel..

Twist.. of.. FATE!

Jeff takes the chair sitting next to him and swings it into the mirror, sending shards of glass everywhere as he storms off leaving the camera shaking as the scene fades to black.



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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13: Big Show vs Christopher Daniels


The familiar music of the Establishment’s theme song “Bleeding Is A Luxury” by Atreyu hits the arena as The Big Show steps onto the stage. The crowd erupts in boos as The Big Show storms down the entrance ramp, ignoring the wild chorus of jeers from the fans. He gets to the ring, stops for a second, soaking in the boos from the crowd before his facial expression turns to anger and he climbs onto the apron and steps over the top rope. An announcer goes to give him a mic but he snatches it out of the hand of the announcer before tossing him out of the ring. The Big Show looks at the crowd with a frown on his face and the crowds boos echo around the arena.


The Big Show: Last week, I had no assistance from my so-called team. I was left out to dry. You see, we are supposed to be a TEAM, we are supposed to be the feared Establishment, yet I was left. I took all I could and I admit that last week, I lost to the better man. Chris Masters has always been just like me, he is a giant, he has the ability to knock anyone out. It’s just a shame he could only do it after a Sweet Chin Music and a Carbon Footprint. You see, I was worn down, and where was Homicide, Konnan and Hernandez. You guys left me out to dry. Where was Carlito? He was eliminated before the match had even properly begun. I took all the punishment in that match and yet it is you guys that get the shot at the big one, whilst yet again I am left to fight for the Extreme Championship, a belt that should already be MINE! WEEK AFTER WEEK I show that I am the stand out, that I am better than Homicide, I won the eight man tag match on my own the week before. I kicked out of Sweet Chin Music yet I am still behind in the pecking order. You see, I get everyone on my back, you are a sell-out, there are no established names in The Establishment. I AM an established name. I’ve won championships wherever I have been; I ALONE am the best bet that we have of winning that title. Yet week after week, Vince looks down on me in favour of others. He continues to bring in other faces to make up for Homicide’s failures. I mean, Sin Cara has been knocked down more times than Homicide’s opponents have been. He should be the one in the Extreme Championship match, not me.


The Big Show: At Badd Blood, I will show Vince Russo just what I mean. I am sick and tired of being taken for granted here, I have been taken for granted since I came into this business and you Russo, you promised me that it would all change. You promised me if I signed your contract, if I joined your Establishment, that I would be valued but this…this is EXACTLY the same as it has been all my career. Well no, it is NOT happening anymore. I REFUSE to let this continue. You promised me chances, you offered so much but as of now I have not seen ANY of it. All that you have given me is side matches just to try to motivate me. I do a lot for this group for very little in return, just like I have all my career. You see, things like this, these things are exactly the reason why I stand here right now having to continue doing it to ensure that my family has food on the table. If I hadn’t listen to any of them pathetic, talentless pieces of crap in the audience 19 years ago, I would not be in this position. If I hadn’t hid my true self just to please them then I would be in that ladder match, and I would be in it as the defending International Champion. If I showed everyone 19 years ago that I was not a large clown, but an angry GIANT, I would be at the top of this company.


The Big Show: I am more angry than I ever have been, and this week, Russo has again booked me just to keep my interest up. I deserve better than this. I am in a meaningless match against a meaningless man on Anarchy. Christopher Daniels, you are going to wish you never got placed in this match. Vince, you now have my full attention, and for your sake I hope yours is on my match this week. I hope Matt Morgan, Shawn Michaels; the ENTIRE Establishment’s eyes are on how much damage I am going to give to you this week, because there is nothing more dangerous than a pissed off giant, and that is exactly what you are going up against this week. After I have finished with you, I’ll show everyone a new meaning to ‘Fallen Angel.’ You’ll be fallen onto the mat after I knock you out cold.

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