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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Preview!

Don't make Chris put him in the Master Lock again :lol:

heh... just bring it :rock2:


Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Jeff Hardy vs. Goldberg

"Up Next":

Anarchys sold out arena is pumped up as they await the arrival of one of their favorite superstars. The lights dim and a familiar guitar chord his the PA system

"So You See the Writing on the Waaaaaaaaaaalllllll"

"No More Words" starts to play in full swing and out from behind the curtain, dancing to the beat, is Jeff Hardy. Jeff moves his way out onto the stage and thrashes about as he does to the crowds delight. Jeff throws his hands up in the "Gunz" taunt and a massive amount of pyro explodes from the stage around him. The fans cheer as Jeff jogs down the ramp towards the ring, bobbing his head in time with the music. Hardy runs and slides in under the bottom rope, into the ring. He rushes over to the far turnbuckle and jumps onto the second one, hitting his signature pose while flashbulbs go off in the audience. Jeff hops down, and picks up a microphone from under the bottom rope. He gets to the center of the ring, and his music begins to fade. "Hardy!" chants break out as the crowd are trying to keep his spirits high. Jeff raises the microphone up, and speaks out.


Jeff Hardy: First and foremost, allow me to acknowledge the release of my "brother" Matt, after what happened last week. I'm not sad, I'm not surprised, I just wish it didnt have to end like that between us. But I'm not sorry for beating you like I did man, and I'm sure as hell not sorry for what Big Show did to you either!

The crowd actually pops for the rampage Big Show unleashed at the end of Anarchy last week, since it took out some unliked superstars such as Hardy and Hurricane. Jeff nods along in agreement, before speaking again.

Jeff Hardy: Last week, I spoke about my hunger for chance. This week, I get the opportunity to relish in my own words, my own environment; something I thrive in. This is what it has been building up too. It's no more easy going from here on out. No more simplicity, man. I knew I'd draw somebody who would test me and push me past even my limits. I knew that it'd be the best thing for me possible so I can come out here and show every single person in this industry what Jeff Hardy is made of. I advanced in King of the Ring, and so many greats have as well this week. And of course, the one I drew for next weeks Anarchy? Goldberg.

Big mixed reaction from the crowd as people love Goldberg, but he did say some controversial things about Hardy earlier so there are some boos. Hardy speaks some more though

Jeff Hardy: If I ever had a challenge in front of me, man, this is it. There is rarely going to be a bigger, badder test than that guy and thats the exciting part for me. Because its what I wanted so badly, so I can continue to climb that ladder, finish that bracket and move to the next group in this tournament. Chance chance chance, thats what I have in front of me. Its a risk, its a moment to live in and to make the most out of. I want this bad, man. I want it all. I will put my body and soul on the line just to make it past this round and I will drag myself to the finish line on my hands and knees if I have too if it means I walk out of Bound for Glory as the King of the Ring. But Goldberg, I'm not gonna get ahead of myself here, because I still have to get through you one way or another. I mean it, man. I will do whatever I can. I will throw myself at you like it was my last match because I am starving for a chance like this. You give me some credit where credit is due, and I appreciate that. But you withheld the fact that I also came *this* close to winning the Global Championship a bit ago. I think I deserve a bit more credit than you're giving me man, because while we're both on fire only one is going to keep burning. And I dont plan on being extinguished. No way, Goldbeeerggg. No way. Because I'll bring all that you want me to bring and more. I'll bring you to the extreeeeme side of Anarchy. I'll take you to my level, man, and judging by what you said about me, I think you'd hate nothing more than that.

Jeff paces the ring, looking upset and frustrated remembering what Goldberg said about him. The crowd is murmuring and wondering where Jeff is going next.

Jeff Hardy: I gotta say man, I was pretty disappointed you went to that old and tired well. I was wondering how long it would take since I got here for somebody to mention it, and low and behold, it took just a few weeks. Since you wanna to bring it all up man, lets just get it out and over with. I know what I did, I know why I did it and I know the consequences for it. Just a fact of life man, we make choices and live with them. What anybody does in their spare time shouldnt be of concern, but I know I violated that when I let it hit my professional career. I know I lost a lot of respect. I know I lost a lot. I get it man! I already know all that. But to say that I'm not a champion? To say that I'm not family material? Maybe one of those is right, and its maybe the second one. But I stand for the expression of individualism, and uniqueness. So I'll be damned if that isn't something a kid should look up to, "Billy". I am a damn champion though, and maybe while you were out and about from UWF, you forgot I won the World.. Heavyweight.. Championship!

Jeff Hardy: And since I came so damn close to winning the Global Championship, and since I come out every week and put my stupid heart and soul into every match and every time I get on camera; I'd say I'd make a damn good champ, man! Spot monkey or not, I keep these people, my creaaaatureeeeeesssssssss!!- Entertained! They believe in me, I believe in me, and I want this more than anything Goldberg. And I'd hate to kill your momentum, but this is something more than imag-I-nation, this isn't make believe. I can... and I will beat you, Goldberg! Because you are right, man! I am next; the next King of the Ring!

Jeff throws back his head and screams his last words and the crowd is hot and behind him! Hardy pants on the mic, looking fired up as he waits for Goldberg to show himself


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Jeff Hardy vs. Goldberg

Goldberg's music blares over the PA system as Jeff Hardy finishes up what he had to say. Goldberg comes through the curtains, minus the usual pyro & fan fare. He's a man determined. He already has a mic in hand, as he progresses down the ramp towards the ring that already contains his opponent this week on Anarchy. He arrives at the apron & climbs the steel steps, as fans hold their Goldberg signs up high. He enters through the middle ropes as his music is finally faded out. The fans respond with a huge GOLDBERG chant as he raises his mic & begins.


Jeff Jeff Jeff, I think you got it all wrong. You see, it's not just some tired up old well. It's the present, I mean look at you. There wasn't anything said in that promo that didn't hit home, that wasn't too far off from the truth & reality of your life & coinciding with your career. I get that it was in your past, I get that you want to move past it. How can you move past something, past that demon that haunts you when by appearance it looks like one that you're still struggling with? I get that you're excited & ecstatic that you put your brother out of a job last week. I honestly was rooting for you, I really was. I want to see you succeed Jeff Hardy, but that night certainly won't be tonight. There is one thing I DO want to do tonight Jeff Hardy, & that's to shake your hand proudly in this ring.
Goldberg extends his hand out to Hardy as the crowd cheers. Hardy is reluctant at first to accept, but finally shakes Goldberg's hand & the crowd pops.​
I wanted to shake your hand before I did exactly what you did last week to your brother Matt Hardy; & that's to put you out of this King of the Ring tournament when I advance tonight. You see Jeff Hardy you did impress me last week, & you did impress me that you went over to iMPACT & showed them boys what the Anarchy roster has to offer. You weren't successful in bringing that title home to the brand Jeff, so what makes you think tonight will be any different? You see, I'm the face of this company regardless of what Vince Russo is trying to pull backstage. This is my second main event here on Anarchy in three weeks, because Vince Russo knows I put asses in the seats. Jeff, you're a former champion in this company but that's something that drives me just a little more. Since I've arrived to this company I've wanted only one thing, and that's to capture my first championship in the UWF. That drives me to be better, to excel in this ring; to destroy any competition that steps in front of me. Tonight is just another step towards that goal, to go to Bound for Glory & show the world why Goldberg is DA Man; why the veins of this company flow through me.

Jeff nods his head as Goldberg continues​
There is one thing that you just said, that I can agree with though Jeff, tonight we'll show why we are the Main Event. I wouldn't expect anything but the best out of you tonight; and anything else from you would be disrespectful; and you know my track record of superstars who decide to be disrespectful to Bill Goldberg. You say you want to take me to a level of extreme that I've never seen before, to throw everything you got at me to extinguish my flame of dominance. I respect & look forward to the opportunity to prove you wrong. As you lay there staring up into the lights, as my music blares over the PA system; and I'm announced as the winner I want you to remember one thing Jeff. That you stepped into the ring with the best the company & this brand has to offer & that you gave it your all. I want you to realize that beyond that fact, that you came up just short. Just short of another opportunity to hold championship gold; that I will be the one to advance in this tournament to claim my spot on the top. I look forward to our match tonight, & I look forward to putting on one hell of a show for these fans here tonight.

Goldberg lowers his mic as the crowd acknowledges the respect shown, as well as the competitiveness of these two men. Jeff goes to speak​


Aug 18, 2013
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Hulk Hogan vs. Seth Rollins

The crowd quiets down after listening to Rollins' speech. Not before long however, 'Real American' by Rick Derringer blasts over the PA system, bringing the thousands in attendance to their feet.


Hogan makes his way down the stage with his red and yellow boa draped around his neck. With a mic in hand, he poses to the fans whilst continuing to move down the ramp. He eventually gets to the ring before flashing one last pose and the music fading out. He looks deep into Rollins' eyes and brings the mic to his mouth.


Hulk Hogan: "Last week right here on Anarchy brother, the millions of Hulkamaniacs around the world watched me come back into action stronger than ever with a debut victory over the mophead Perry Saturn. Perry was a great sport, but he did one thing that costed him moving up in the King of The Ring bracket man, and that was mock Hulk Hogan and his millions of fans around the globe. You see, when Perry grabbed that mop and started playing his guitar like no one was watching brother, it made Hogan one of the angriest creatures on this planet. There was no need for any "hulk up", because I got up and put him down for the count. I don't know if you watched that match or if you know what that match has to do with the "now" man, but let me tell you one thing. Perry mocked Hogan and lost. Now we have none other than Seth Rollins' out here mocking the Immortal One, and that can only lead to one thing, brother."

Hogan pauses as his fans start applauding and cheering what he was insinuating.

Hulk Hogan: "Now you say that you don't like me, and I am not saying you have to, dude. You try and study my moves but you cant wrap your head around it. Let me tell you this Seth boy, I may have these two bad 22 inch pythons attached to my torso, and I may have a small arsenal of power moves - but the reason you cant study me and get your brain around me is because I have something you don't have. I have Hulkamania - and you have your little band of school girls that are following you around with that briefcase you're holding, brother. You and the rest of this Anarchy roster can laugh at my moves, and my age - but let me tell you this. I am feeling better than I ever have in my life, and I am not saying that just to try and convince myself man. I've been going to the gym, I've been doing DDP yoga with my good friend - and I have been practicing. So you may say I am past my prime like my good pal Ric Flair - but I know deep down brother, that you're only saying that so you can get a good night sleep - because there is no way in hell that you are spitting the truth."

The fans cut Hogan off and start chanting. It isn't long before the whole stadium chimes in with "you still got it" chants.

Hulk Hogan: "Listen to those fans Seth. That is something that no superstar out here will ever be able to obtain. I could be long gone and these people would still be calling for me. You say that I am going to turn my back on them man? I've been in this industry for almost 40 years and everywhere I have gone, everything that I have done whether good or bad has kept these Hulkamaniacs with me - and I would never trade that for anything. You can study up on me all you want and make fun of those in attendance brother, but let's flip the script for a second dude. You see, I can study people too. Everyone knows about me but not a lot of people know about you. Let me learn you a couple things. You did well in SCW, that isn't a surprise. Congrats man, but if you want to talk about abandonment - what about your well known fact about Wrestlemania 22? It's well documented that you said that would be your last wrestling event you ever attended! I think out of all people to turn their backs on an industry, you are the one that shouldn't be talking, brother. But I don't want to be like you and bore my fans, so I'm cutting all the chit chat. So go ahead, let's hear what you have to say man. Mock me all you want - but remember that at the end of tonight - you will be the one laying motionless on the mat after this leg comes crushing down on your throat, brother."

Hogan backs off and awaits a reply from Seth.


Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Jeff Hardy vs. Goldberg

Jeff nods his head along with the fans that are split chanting "GOOOOOOOLDBERRRRRG" and "HARDY HARDY HARDY!". Soon after it starts to die down, Jeff does being to speak.


Jeff Hardy: Alright alright man, I'll take you at face value. I shook your hand, I give you my respect as a person and as a competitor. We're both in it to win it, we're both headstrong and trying to run as fast as we can to our goals that we've set for ourselves. I get it man, I know what thats all about and we're just two trains headed the same way on a one way track. That collision man, is gonna be epic. That I know for sure.

Jeff looks Goldberg in the eye and makes sure that his opponent knows hes serious about this endeavor.

Jeff Hardy: But what you need to know, man, is that while I respect you, while I appreciate your ability in this ring to break everybody in your path, I don't plan on being made an example of next Wednesday night! I dont plan on looking up at those lights on my back. I dont plan on losing, Goldberg. So if you wanted my best, you get better than that. You get the supreme Jeff Hardy, because theres nothing more that I want than to prove you wrong man. To prove all my doubters wrong. I dont demand respect, I earn it. I don't demand to be taken seriously, I do the best I can and I get what I can take. But I may have your respect, but you're already looking past me, like I'm some piece of roadkill you've left behind man. I want to prove you wrong that it's not just another missed opportunity. Not another pipe dream for me. I could build a mountain thousands of feet high on the chances I've gotten in this industry. And because of that, each time I fail, I get better. You wanna talk about what drives you man? Why do you think I'm here dude? Why am I so adamant about this? It's because while "me" achieving success drives you, because you know you can do better than me. That may be man, that just may damn well be. But what drives Jeff Hardy is that after each chance I get I have more fire to burn my fuel, my motivation, to get back to the top. I failed on Smackdown. I failed on Impact. But I'm still HERE on Anarchy! I still have a shot to make myself back at the level I want to be. I could win King of the Ring and go on to face the International Champ, man. I could do it. I want to do it. I will do it.

Jeff steps closer to Goldberg, and the size difference is pretty obvious now, but Jeff speaks again.

Jeff Hardy: I'm not gonna be your steppin' stone man. I just can't let you do that. And speaking of things I can't do... I still cant just shake what you're saying about my past and what you think is my present. I live, a fluid, in motion all the time life. And while past, present and future may all blend together in my head, I know where the lines are and I know which ones I currently reside in. The past Jeff, and the current Jeff, almost two different people man. You know just how rigorous their testing is man in this company, you think I'd stand a chance if I brought my old habits here with me, again? Bill, step into my reality and recognize that you can't respect me and turn around and put me down because of my past. You get one, or the other, and I'm not gonna back down just because you like to bring up some demons. The fun thing about demons, Goldberg, is that they never really go away. You just get more comfortable with them. And while I dont need to put a needle in my arm anymore, I sure as hell can adjust my demons and make them work another way; a way thats aimed at leaving you in the middle of this ring... suffering from a cruel twist of fate. Because it is gonna be different this time around, man. Big Bad Goldberg isn't gonna take this chance away from me, no matter how much you I know you belong at the top, You can get there without this.

Jeff Hardy: I need this though. I can put asses in seats just like you can. I can tear it up just like you can. I can main event just like you can! But you don't need this, man. If Russo has so much damn "faith" in you, regardless of if he likes you, then I'm sure you'll get your shot eventually. For now though, this is my ladder that I have to climb! This is my time to shine. And we'll show the wooooorld why we both deserve it! At the end of the day though man, I want it just that much more than you do.

Jeff Hardy had gotten pretty close to Goldberg, but the fire in his eyes is evident. Jeff backs down though, giving Goldberg space. Jeff lowers his mic and the crowd is split between cheers and boos.



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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Hulk Hogan vs. Seth Rollins

Rollins shakes his head as he speaks once again.


Seth Rollins:

The millions got excited, didn't they Hulk? The millions of people were happy to see Hulkamania once again; the ratings went up because you're back in the squared ring... But, the question remains is how long? How long until you snap, how long until you walk away for good leaving these people hang and dry? All the old-time fans suddenly tune in and only for a few weeks before they realize you're not doing enough to impress them. How long? So many questions, so little answers. I don't care about your bragging about a win over Perry Saturn; as I said... He's irrelevant, I am not. You're sixty, not thirty Hulk... You don't have "IT". These people are going to go all insane and claim you do have it; I ain't going to blame these people... the smoke hasn't been cleared yet. They're still marking out for your return, they're like fan-girls... You're no One Directioner, you're no Justin Beiber... You're just Hulk Hogan who's aged, you're a man of the PAST! One day, one day these people will realize Hulk, they will understand you're only here to entertain. You're not here to WRESTLE! Is it a concern? Of course it is. Because you Hulk, you're an old man... you should know how things work around here... but instead you've basked in your own ego, you only believe in yourself... Whilst you have all the followers, they're just old-timers, the new generation doesn't like you. I am that new generation... We're not here for simplicity, we're here to prove our ground, we're here to work hard and achieve everything possible.

But whilst you brag about your twenty-two inch pythons, it seems to me they've juiced out... I can see all the fat skin dropping now Hulk. It's the age, it's the lack of energy you withhold these days... You cannot run a marathon anymore, you cannot pace yourself around the ring. I have the agility, I have a thousand moves in my book... I don't need simplicity... Wrestling you is like me wrestling a guy who's attending his first wrestling training session and couldn't back-body drop. Do you see how disappointed I am Hulk? The disappointment in me at the fact all these years... You wanted one last shot. You want to know if you've still got it, these people claim you do... But I'm the only one in the building who disagrees! I don't think you understand, I have my small amount of followers... You've got the rest of the world; but why... Why do they cheer you? Not like I care, it's more the fact you're very basic. The fact you pissed off to a second-rate company and dragged your daughter Brooke into things because your family is a tragic mess. Is this why you're back Hulk? Is it the family mess? Is it because you and Linda had a divorce that you still have money to pay off? What is it Hulk? Is that a tear I see? Have I gotten into your head? It infuriates you doesn't it brother?

Is that why you pissed off to Diamond Dallas Page to do some Yoga? All that meditation calming you down? Listen here... That's if you can hear me. Yoga has nothing to do with wrestling because when there's a paroxysm... In case you don't understand the word, a sudden outburst of rage... You'll never be able to handle it. You see Hulk, I strive for the one thing... I strive to become King. I hear these fans behind you, claim me as the underdog... But I want my one wish, I'll capture that wish, the wish to be KING! I'm spitting the truth brother, it upsets you... You're well past your prime, it takes two to tango Hulkster and as far as I'm concerned... you cannot lace your boots to match me here in this ring. I once turned my back on these people, I once talked shit like you did; in fact... you're still dribbling the crap outta your mouth brother! Now I've got you focused, I've got you focused real good on me... It's what I wanted; because this will be the only time you're focused and it will hurt you, it will hurt you so damn bad because not once... Not once have you spoken about wanting to be king. You're only speaking about how many people are behind you, it doesn't matter about the people today. Mind you, I respect these fans who came to see us put on a clinic... but the boo's, the cheers... They don't mean anything when I strive for the one thing brother. Your atomic leg drop, whilst it may crush my throat... I'll kick out every damn time; I won't quit until I've pinned you one, two, three... During that time I pin you, you'll be in your own blackout... You won't open your eyes. You won't become King, I will surpass you... I will be hailed as a "GREAT", I will be going all way and you will become the first to kiss my feet once I am crowned because you're just a jester to my kingdom.



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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Morgan/Riley vs. Sandow/Knox


The crowds boos grow loudly as Sandow and Knox emerge through the curtain, they make their way down the ramp as Sandow raises the microphone as his music fades off.


Damien Sandow:

Allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment, My name is Damien Sandow and I...

Sandow stops mid-sentence, looking at the three men in the ring and then looking behind him at the stage before finally looking over at Knox.

Michael...We're back on the abhorrent Anarchy, preparing to face three insignificant people over a match in a Tournament that shouldn't happen. I do believe we've been through this already, even the same faceless sea of ignoramuses are here.

The crowd boo once Sandow points to them, Sandow turns back to the three men in the ring and holds up a hand to them as if telling them to hold on.

Now now, don't get agitated gentleman I was simply being facetious. I am often viewed as a man against comicality because of the seriousness of my overall quest, but I am a human being and I do enjoy a good jest every now and again. For Example, ahem, If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitation!

Sandow smiles out as he finishes, but there is no response at all.

...For you see a solution is a term used for a liquid mixture in which the minor component is uniformly distributed within the major component. But when it doesn't dissolve, retaining it's own molecular structure it is said to be a precipitate...so it takes the commonly used phrase if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem and makes it into a...I don't know why I bother.

Sandow hands the microphone over to Mike Knox.

Mike Knox:

Both of you may have felt impressive in your match, felt proud and ready to take on the world. But the world is the least of your worries, for you two now have to face that worlds Salvation personified. You two fight for the admiration of your manager, your manager fights for the admiration of his colleagues, and the rest of the people in this tournament fight for admiration from the world. We do not compete for anyone's admiration, Sandow is here to simply save all of you from your own self-imposed ignorance...and I am simply here thanks to him, and because of that I am here to make sure he succeeds in helping the world as he has me. And just like an understanding of the people who inhabit the world around us is important in our quest for their salvation. A well-founded appreciation of normal variations, epiphyseal architecture, development defects, and congenital anomalies is a distinct aid in evaluating injuries of the cervical area, an evaluation I've studied so as to not only learn...but test on other subjects. Whether you're blue chipper, or a "monster", your anatomical build up is the same to me, therefore it is the same to all the things I have planned for you.

Which reminds me, I've been referred to as Dr. Mike Knox as of late. But I am no doctor, doctors study how to make sick people better, how to build bodies up to full health...I study the movement of the human body so that I can break it down. I'm no doctor, I'm simply the man who will send you to one if you choose to stand in the way of my saviors mission.

Knox hands the microphone back to Sandow

Damien Sandow:

Now I do understand both of your are quite flustered having to compete against the only man in the tournament who has won the UWF Tag Team Championship before, which was made evident by Mr. Rileys unintelligible definition of men who dream and eventually...the landscape of this business. And Mr. Morgan saying that I was "unlike"...I believe the word you were looking for was "unlucky". But don't be worried, for on this weeks serial of Anarchy, a show I shall be renaming "Order" whenever I am to compete on it, I will be awarding you both an offer. That offer is to forfeit the bout to Mr. Knox and I, join my word and become disciples of Damien Sandow on the Raw Brand. Accept Damien Sandow as your Savior and you can become greater than you ever hoped to be, because if you choose to face us straight up...it will simply be an embarrassing blow to an already emberassing history of your managers work in UWF. Consider this match like the laws of thermodynamics: You Can't win, You can't break even, and You can't get out of it.

Sandow looks off to the crowd seeing no response again

Do what you do every other time you don't understand something, and look it up on your telephone instead of actually learning something you miscreants.

The crowd boos


The boos only grow larger, causing Sandow to look in disgust towards the crowd as he does he is interrupted.
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Aug 18, 2013
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Hulk Hogan vs. Seth Rollins

Hogan bows and shakes his head at all the comments Rollins' has been laying down. He picks his head back up and begins to speak.


Hulk Hogan: "I really don't think you get it punk. You can talk about my family, you can talk about my past all you want brother, because at the end of they day - those are just words flying around and they aren't even coming from anybody who matters. I've seen superstars come and go man, but no matter what there will always be those who made it and those who haven't. I've been watching you Seth, and I have to say - you're going nowhere. You see dude, it's people like you that I swore I would come out here and teach a lesson to. Sure you're quick in the ring, but you don't know respect. You don't understand this sport... like I understand this sport. It's people like you, who have no personality man.... you come out here, put these people to sleep whenever you grab a microphone, and then put on a mediocre show brother. Say what you want Seth, but until you know this business and until you know how to work a crowd like me brother, don't start getting all up in my face about my family, and my future. You know, you claim that it's only a matter of time until I snap and show a huge fit of rage. You're right about one thing dude.. and that is I will snap soon enough. Jokes on you though brother, because it won't be on these millions of Hulkamaniacs - oh no. It's gonna be on your ass when you're slumped in that turnbuckle and these 22 inch pythons - you claim have lost it - run wild on you!"

The fans cheer for the energy and passion shown by Hogan. Hogan steps up into the face of Seth, and the two men are now nose to nose.

Hulk Hogan: "It's easy brother.. it's easy for you young clowns to make fun and pick apart legends like myself. You grew up watching me on your television week after week. I've become a part of your childhood. Sheik, Andre, and others including myself.. you had no choice man. People like you however... legends like us don't have the time, patience, or interest to deal with people like you. We don't grow up watching superstars like you. You guys don't put yourselves on the map so you become worthless. I can't sit here and put these people to sleep with garbage you call "the truth" and make fun of you minute by minute because brother... you aren't significant. When I was in my prime dude, I didn't need no stupid briefcase to climb the rungs of the ladder. I laced up my boots week after week and fought hard night in and night out. I had to work hard for where I wanted to go. Look at you brother, hanging onto that briefcase like it's the last thing you have in this company. Maybe because that is all you are really known for."

Hogan steps back for a moment before resuming.

Hulk Hogan: "Let me tell you one last thing Seth. For me this really isn't about the King of The Ring tournament. This is to show my Hulkamaniacs that I can in fact still wrestle with the young guns, and not just with washed up superstars like Perry Saturn. This is to put people like you into place, and to better my career. Sure I may be old, I may be nearing my time - but I have a couple years left in me. You think after tonight I am going home and thinking about this match? Hell no man, I have something better planned. I'm heading straight to the UWF wrestling facilities and tweaking the Immortal One. You think all I have in me is power slams, big boots, and leg drops? I really hope that after your loss tonight you don't have to end up facing me again brother, because that next time is going to be against a whole new Hulk Hogan. So go ahead, keep talking about my age, my family, and my future... because it's only a matter of time until you're laying right here in this ring wishing you ate your vitamins and said your prayers, brother."
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

Man what a jam packed edition of Anarchy. It starts off with Tyson Kidd advancing into the King of the Ring and it's great to see new guys just step up the way CliqueClacks has and he is definitely on his way to becoming a world champ. I find it very funny that Hogan is a part of UWF. Anarchy is probably the most random assortment of characters but Dresdon is able to make it work. I absolutely loved that Damien Sandow promo just showcasing how weird the talent is. Glad to see him advancing in the tournament but I always find myself staring at that picture of Knox and Sandow. I'm almost certain Sandow is photoshopped in but I can't remember Knox being on RAW and the more I look him, the more he looks photoshopped. Maybe they both are. I'm dying to know and yet don't want to know. I like that Masters and Goldberg both had sparks for their entrances and it looks like Goldberg is shaping up to be a big time player. I kind of want to see a Goldberg vs Tyson match as both of them have been built up great.

It was the return of the Double Dragon's Lair and there will be another one next week that I'm really excited about. I was super bummed about losing the tag tournament match but I'm not bummed at all about losing this king of the ring match because it was really hard for me to come up with stuff against Andrew's Rollins. He deserved the win there. The Jeff and Matt feud ends on a nice note. I liked the promo Shane gave earlier on in the show about Hardy reflecting on this past week and his future. I liked the Heyman Promo but I was really trying to figure out what was with Josh's jacket. Heyman's team has got great momentum and they could go very far in this tournament. I think it might be them vs. La Familia in the finals. I do think Slim's group needs a win soon as it hasn't been a good month for Umaga. The saga of Rhino and Sting comes to an end in what could have been the main event had Chase and Blizzard not tore it up. There was a nice touch at the end with the hug and it's a good sendoff for Sting. I feel like Sting going to Impact is nothing but good so Dresdon doesn't get criticized for Sting's success.

And then the main event was a PPV quality matchup. It sucks to see Chase lose two big matchups in the same week after he did so well but his Manik did well. I like how Ziggler just took off before the match was over. Then we get the big ending, another new faction in UWF. This is no offense to any of the TTers, but the name value of this faction sucks haha. Plus I hate Carlito and Masters almost as much as Lesner. Big Show I don't care for and Kidd is the only one who entertains me but UWF is where anyone can become a star and I hope despite my hatred for their real life counterparts, these TTers can get me to like them.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

Man what a jam packed edition of Anarchy. It starts off with Tyson Kidd advancing into the King of the Ring and it's great to see new guys just step up the way CliqueClacks has and he is definitely on his way to becoming a world champ. I find it very funny that Hogan is a part of UWF. Anarchy is probably the most random assortment of characters but Dresdon is able to make it work. I absolutely loved that Damien Sandow promo just showcasing how weird the talent is. Glad to see him advancing in the tournament but I always find myself staring at that picture of Knox and Sandow. I'm almost certain Sandow is photoshopped in but I can't remember Knox being on RAW and the more I look him, the more he looks photoshopped. Maybe they both are. I'm dying to know and yet don't want to know. I like that Masters and Goldberg both had sparks for their entrances and it looks like Goldberg is shaping up to be a big time player. I kind of want to see a Goldberg vs Tyson match as both of them have been built up great.

It was the return of the Double Dragon's Lair and there will be another one next week that I'm really excited about. I was super bummed about losing the tag tournament match but I'm not bummed at all about losing this king of the ring match because it was really hard for me to come up with stuff against Andrew's Rollins. He deserved the win there. The Jeff and Matt feud ends on a nice note. I liked the promo Shane gave earlier on in the show about Hardy reflecting on this past week and his future. I liked the Heyman Promo but I was really trying to figure out what was with Josh's jacket. Heyman's team has got great momentum and they could go very far in this tournament. I think it might be them vs. La Familia in the finals. I do think Slim's group needs a win soon as it hasn't been a good month for Umaga. The saga of Rhino and Sting comes to an end in what could have been the main event had Chase and Blizzard not tore it up. There was a nice touch at the end with the hug and it's a good sendoff for Sting. I feel like Sting going to Impact is nothing but good so Dresdon doesn't get criticized for Sting's success.

And then the main event was a PPV quality matchup. It sucks to see Chase lose two big matchups in the same week after he did so well but his Manik did well. I like how Ziggler just took off before the match was over. Then we get the big ending, another new faction in UWF. This is no offense to any of the TTers, but the name value of this faction sucks haha. Plus I hate Carlito and Masters almost as much as Lesner. Big Show I don't care for and Kidd is the only one who entertains me but UWF is where anyone can become a star and I hope despite my hatred for their real life counterparts, these TTers can get me to like them.

Trust me man, I will try not to disappoint with Chris Masters. Hopefully I can bring out a cool character with him.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

Insane show, I appreciate everyone who congratulated me on the title win and tournament advancement. Win, lose, or draw, we both killed it Chase and I'm proud of what we managed to do. I'm hoping we can do this again very soon. That ending was also definitely crazy, looking forward to the aftermath of that situation right there.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/4/13 Edition!

Man what a jam packed edition of Anarchy. It starts off with Tyson Kidd advancing into the King of the Ring and it's great to see new guys just step up the way CliqueClacks has and he is definitely on his way to becoming a world champ. I find it very funny that Hogan is a part of UWF. Anarchy is probably the most random assortment of characters but Dresdon is able to make it work. I absolutely loved that Damien Sandow promo just showcasing how weird the talent is. Glad to see him advancing in the tournament but I always find myself staring at that picture of Knox and Sandow. I'm almost certain Sandow is photoshopped in but I can't remember Knox being on RAW and the more I look him, the more he looks photoshopped. Maybe they both are. I'm dying to know and yet don't want to know. I like that Masters and Goldberg both had sparks for their entrances and it looks like Goldberg is shaping up to be a big time player. I kind of want to see a Goldberg vs Tyson match as both of them have been built up great.

It was the return of the Double Dragon's Lair and there will be another one next week that I'm really excited about. I was super bummed about losing the tag tournament match but I'm not bummed at all about losing this king of the ring match because it was really hard for me to come up with stuff against Andrew's Rollins. He deserved the win there. The Jeff and Matt feud ends on a nice note. I liked the promo Shane gave earlier on in the show about Hardy reflecting on this past week and his future. I liked the Heyman Promo but I was really trying to figure out what was with Josh's jacket. Heyman's team has got great momentum and they could go very far in this tournament. I think it might be them vs. La Familia in the finals. I do think Slim's group needs a win soon as it hasn't been a good month for Umaga. The saga of Rhino and Sting comes to an end in what could have been the main event had Chase and Blizzard not tore it up. There was a nice touch at the end with the hug and it's a good sendoff for Sting. I feel like Sting going to Impact is nothing but good so Dresdon doesn't get criticized for Sting's success.

And then the main event was a PPV quality matchup. It sucks to see Chase lose two big matchups in the same week after he did so well but his Manik did well. I like how Ziggler just took off before the match was over. Then we get the big ending, another new faction in UWF. This is no offense to any of the TTers, but the name value of this faction sucks haha. Plus I hate Carlito and Masters almost as much as Lesner. Big Show I don't care for and Kidd is the only one who entertains me but UWF is where anyone can become a star and I hope despite my hatred for their real life counterparts, these TTers can get me to like them.

I'm glad you hate them, because Fandango is one of the men Russo despises so it'll be easier for you to participate in this storyline since you have real hatred for the characters.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Tyson Kidd vs. Dolph Ziggler


Dolph Ziggler’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd explodes in cheers! After the drums kicks in, Ziggler makes his way out onto the stage, with his Ironman Championship facing his back. Ziggler, as cocky as he can be, struts over to the end of the stage. Ziggler throws his arms in the air, hyping up the fans as he does his signature spin, with his back now facing the cameras. Ziggler shakes his hips, as he faces the cameras once again, circling the championship to his waist as he continues his entrance down the ramp, soaking in the cheers from the fans in the process. Ziggler makes his way past the ramp, as he walks over to the side of the ring. Ziggler slides on the apron, as he goes to enter the ring, before stopping and sitting on the middle rope, staring at the fans with a smirk across his face. Ziggler enters the ring as he jumps on the middle turnbuckle, soaking in the cheers once again, with a smirk across his face. Ziggler hops off the turnbuckle, as he grabs a microphone, before speaking.


Dolph Ziggler: Wow, you guys are killing me. Did someone forget to tell you that I’m usually supposed to be the heartless bad guy who you all try to boo out of the building? The audience begs to differ with the recent statement, as they continue show support to Dolph, who embraces the moment. Well, if that’s the way we’re playing, fine by me. I guess I always was too damn good to be bad!

The fans explode in cheers, and Dolph awaits for the cheering to die down, before continuing on.

Dolph Ziggler: With that being said, I’m the Ironman Champion. No big deal, right? Dolph grins, as the fans explode in boos, before waving his hand, shutting down the noise. I’m guessing the cheers solidifies that this actually is a VERY big deal. Because for far too long, you people have had to suffer by going through this show with Homicide as your champion. You people had to go through the insults, the disrespect, and much worst. Not any longer, because starting tonight, the Dolph Ziggler era officially begins! Come Anarchy, we’re continuing to move in the right direction by opening the show in style! What better way could there be to kick-off Anarchy than with the hottest star in this company, and the champion that everyone has paid their money to see? There’s NO better way, and I guaran-damn-tee you people will not be disappointed!

Dolph nods his head, as he hypes up the fans even more. Dolph scans the arena, with a smirk across his face, as he continues to speak.

Dolph Ziggler: You people will not be disappointed, even if you had to go through my opponent this week before I got out here. And after hearing his speech, I’d be VERY disappointed. Dolph sarcastically shakes his head in disappointment, as he focuses on his opponent, Tyson Kidd, continuing to speak. And I’d be very excited at the same time, because you see, Tyson? I like you kid. You’re good, but you’re not Dolph Ziggler good. Less talk about me, and more talk about you because the thing I like the most about you, is the fact you remind me a lot of, well, me. The arrogance, the cockiness, I like it. I like the fact you aren’t afraid of showing your true colors. I like the fact you think everything’s about you, and you’ll do anything to prove to everyone why you believe you’re right. I see A LOT of Dolph Ziggler in you, and that’s not a bad thing at all. I’m glad you idolize me, it’s not like you’re the only one, but whatevs. I like everything about you, but one thing, I don’t like how you think you’re going to be the one who’ll win come Anarchy, because sorry to break it to you, that’s MY job, kid.

Dolph shrugs his shoulders, before immediately continuing.

Dolph Ziggler: Word of advice. Don’t get TOO ahead of yourself. You won, what, three matches and you already believe you’re the best this company has to offer? That’s an ironic thing to say, because a wise man once told me, in order to be the best, you have to beat the best. And Tyson? You haven’t even faced the best yet. The funny thing is though, you’re LOOKING at him. The fans erupt in cheers for the Ironman Champion, who awaits for the cheering to die down a bit, before continuing. Now, you may be some kind of “golden boyâ€, the flavor of the month, whatever you want to call it. And that’s fine, that’s okay. Because it doesn’t change the fact that I have always been and will always be the single greatest thing about this company! Enjoy the attention, Tyson, because after Anarchy? You can might as well kiss it goodbye.

The smirk on Dolph’s face increases in size, as he lowers the microphone down by his side.​


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Dec 19, 2012
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Tyson Kidd vs. Dolph Ziggler


Tyson Kidd
"Dolph, there's one big problem with what you just said. You come out here, play to these people and then you lie to them. You see I'm nothing like you Ziggler, you represent everything that I hate and can't stand. You're an overrated, pompous, pretty-boy that doesn't deserve to be in this ring with me. The amount of matches I've won doesn't matter, see Ziggler, I've been better than you my entire life, I graduated from the Hart Family Dungeon. You saw it on TV one day and thought that you could do this. I was born into this, from a young age I was being trained to do this. To do what I do better than anyone else. Better than you and better than everyone else in that locker room. I've been doing this my whole life, so who's the real rip-off Dolph?"

Tyson takes the microphone away from his face with the crowd booing. Kidd is staring a hole through Ziggler as he's clearly not impressed with what Dolph had to say.

Tyson Kidd
"You have some pretty bold predictions on how this is going to go down. You think that you're going to stunt my rise to the top? Ziggler, I have news for you bud, just like all everyone to come before you, I'm going to steamroll right over you. Don't feel too special, the fifteen minutes of fame will be up before you know it. So keep that shiny piece of hardware draped over your shoulder, enjoy it, because after I get done with you I will leave you with lasting injuries and whoever you defend that title against is just going to pick up the scraps. Your run is almost over before it started. However I, I am heading directly to the top, I say it all the time but I needs to be stated once again, I already am the best in UWF, and I'm headed to the top, because after I win the King of the Ring, I will be International Champion, and that, will put me, above not only you, but everyone else in the back."

Boo's come in from the audience as they clearly are done listening to Tyson. The boo's don't stop until he has to yell over the crowd.

Tyson Kidd
"It's just a matter of time Dolph, I'm not sure if you know it? I sure as hell know these idiots don't know it yet. Soon, whether it's a few weeks or a few months, I will be on top. I don't have anything to kiss goodbye Ziggler, my future is bright and promising. I'm not the one in danger here, Ziggler, your time is almost up, your fifteen minutes are ticking away, it's only a matter of time until you're exposed for what you really are, you're the most over-rated piece of trash I've ever led my eyes on. I'm embarrassed to have to stand in the same ring as you right now, you don't even belong in the same company as me Dolph. I'm your worst nightmare, I may remind you of yourself but I'm not a show-off, I'm not flamboyant boy-toy, and unlike you I deliver. Unlike you, I do what I set out to do, and most of all, unlike you Dolph, I'm not a disappointment, I don't disappoint these fans, and most of all, I don't disappoint my family."

Tyson puts the microphone to his side and continues to stare at Dolph Ziggler with a straight face. With Kidd staring a whole through Ziggler, Natalya grabs the microphone from Tyson's hand.


Natalya Neidhart
"Dolph, who exactly do you think you are? You come out here and you disrespect the fastest rising star this company has ever seen. Tyson is going to teach you a lesson, then maybe next time you come out here, you don't compare the Crown Prince of Anarchy to you, you have done nothing to match the success of Tyson. You're just not at that level to step into the ring with Tyson, you don't have it and you never will have what it takes to compete on the level of the greatest superstar this World has ever seen. Let's all give it up for The Crown Prince of Anarchy...Tyson Kidd!"

The crowd boo's Tyson and Nattie as they wait for Dolph Zigglers' response.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Morgan/Riley vs. Sandow/Knox

The crowd boos and as Sandow looks to continue, Alex Riley cuts him off.


"The Blue Chipper" Alex Riley: Sorry to interrupt you Damien, but I've got to let you know that you and your associate are feeding your "masses" false information. Understand something, Matt and I aren't doing this for any form of admiration from these people or anyone else in that locker room. We're doing this because it is owed to us. We're doing this because those Tag Team Championships belong to us; yet they were mishandled by the underserving. They were given to guys like you and Daniel Bryan who did nothing but bastardize them. We're doing this because for every moment that the same tired old "superstars" were given television time week in and week out, we were forced to sit in the back because management "had nothing for us" So let's make something absolutely clear, you're hear to save the masses....

Riley points to himself and Morgan.

Riley: We're here to fix the business that you helped ruin. And that means we have to win the Ultimate Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championships. It's our payment for sitting back and idling watching as the business we love turns into a mockery.

Morgan then leans on the top rope and begins speaking to his opponents.


"The Blueprint" Matt Morgan: That's a very interesting "offer" son, but as you can see; we're going to have to decline. And we're going to have to decline based off the fact that unlike last week; you're not in a situation where you're favored to win. Last week, you had the benefit of facing a joke of a tag team while we took out a legend and a Champion at the same time. And we did it in such impressive fashion that we are without a shadow of a doubt the favorites to win this entire tournament. You two are just minor speed bumps on our road to success.

Morgan shakes his head before continuing.

Morgan: So continue to "jest" while Alex and I do what we do best; win. And after we win this tournament, become Ultimate Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions and change the face of this company once and for all; we'll gladly extend you an offer. The two of you stay out of our way and we'll give you one free pass. One time and one time only, we'll allow you in our presence with no threat of physical repercussion.

The condescension in Morgan's voice couldn't be any more evident.

Morgan: Now this is a once in a lifetime offer. Think it over and make sure you think it over carefully before accepting. Alex and I promise you; there is a place for you in our UWF.

Morgan chuckles confidently as he waits for his opponent response.​
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