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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Hulk Hogan vs. Seth Rollins

Instantly Seth Rollins jumps in and interrupts as he gets nose-to-nose with Hogan.

Seth Rollins:

IT'S YOU WHO DOESN'T GET IT! How dare you tell me that I don't get it when I clearly do? These are not words being flown around, these are truer words and you are simply avoiding it! You know you're in a complete mess, it's only why you're back here. Why can't you just admit the truth and tell these people that you're actually broke! Tell these people you're only here to pay off the divorce from Linda... You're here because you need to help Nick who's still a tragedy to your damn family! You want to get personal, I'll get personal! You think I'm going nowhere? What have you been watching? Your own second-rate show? I don't know what you've been watching but you've probably gone out and made another tape which wouldn't be of much surprise would it? Whilst you're continuing to dribble all this crap, I've managed to accomplish myself from a rookie to a person that's been known! This is what is pissing me off about you. The fact you crawled your ass back here and claim I've done nothing! Do you not see this briefcase? I defeated five other man to get this! Just because I haven't cashed in does NOT mean I've done nothing! This is why your mind is off with the fairies, you don't realize what I do around here... You don't realize the mistakes that have happened, not every week I'm going to leave with a win. It's what you'd want, but the reality is... You're bound to lose some matches and I've accepted that! This is where you bask in your own ego Hulk! You think you've got to be victorious all the time, but I tell you something brother... This week, this week I need to win, I have to win. I need to shut you down and make sure you realize what SETH ROLLINS is all ABOUT! You think I ain't learned respect? Oh ho-ho-ho, this is where you've lost it Hulkster, I don't throw respect to everyone around here... if you want it, you've got to earn it! That's the thing, I had to maintain myself so hard to be respected by others and it's no big deal if you don't like nor respect me Hulk, I don't ask. I prove them wrong by defeating them, that's why after I defeat you this week... You'll bow down and realize the greatness I have, you'll find utmost respect for me!

You think this is all easy Hulk? I'll tell you it's not. I ain't no clown, just because I have the agility and the wrestling moves you've always dreamed of performing... It's something you lack. It's jealously, you wish you didn't have the old-school moves... You wished you did a lot more! That's the problem, you just want to be me Hulk! You want the speed I've got, you want the brains I've got, but unfortunately for you... You just cannot adapt to the style wrestling has become! It's upsetting you which is why you want us to go old-school, that isn't happening. You either keep up with us or you run out of breath and suffer the asphyxiation. I think you've misjudged what I said earlier because I never watched you during my childhood. Please try inherit what I'm trying to say, I understand you being a sixty year old senile prick must be extremely hard. If my name isn't on the map, it will be after Anarchy... I'm going to show you why it's such a chaos here, I'm going to show you why they call this brand Anarchy... This is a warpath Hulk and this place is dangerous for you... If you think you've seen dangerous, you've seen nothing yet. As far as I'm concerned... Dangerous is my territory; it's not the place for you. I understand you want to protect everything about yourself but being here isn't going to do you any good, broken bones... blood pouring out of your head. Yes I know that's happened to you before but this time it will be so critical that you may not be able to continue with these Hulkamaniacs. Think about it, the day the Hulkamaniacs disappear for good. It's a frightening knowledge but it will happen one day, sooner than later... There will be no more Hulk. So all you Hulkamaniacs out there, appreciate this man while it last because this could be the last time you see him. This could be the biggest disappointment of his life, losing to me. It upsets him so much that the case scenario will fall in to that category; me defeating the Immortal Hulk Hogan.

The fact is with you Hulk, you don't understand weapons. You don't understand heights which is why you're no match for me. All you did was prance around the ring, without anything that was death-defying. Thing is with me, I'll do whatever it takes. I'll climb a damn ladder, I'll go through a table, I'll bleed all over this ring just to win a match. This is why I will be hailed King, this is why the kingdom will arrive and the change of Anarchy will begin from there on. Every day, you must wonder... What will it be like to be King, the thing is Hulk. You'll never ever see it! You think I'll just be known for this briefcase; this is why I'll be proving you wrong and showing you that this briefcase isn't what I am known for. I'll be known for defeating you in the middle of the ring, I'll be known for becoming KING! So while you're alone, with no family much like me... You could say we're both a broken man, but I'm more of a man than you'll ever be brother! Come Anarchy, I'm going to destroy you and the Hulkamaniacs; soon I'll have my Rollinites following me. Just because my supporters are not as big, doesn't mean that I'll be failing. As I've stated, the people... cheer or boo. It doesn't matter, it's my determination and my will to win this match. Everything I've done in my career means nothing, this is the big one, this is the match I have to win. To surpass you is something I'm craving for, I want to be hailed as a great. I will be a great, I'll be better than the legend in you, I'll be better than what God can do. As you've said, you don't care for this tournament, I do. That's the difference between us, what we care for... you're too worried about these Hulkamaniacs and this is the week I shut every one of them up because I don't need no prayers or no vitamins brother.




Apr 29, 2011
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Tyson Kidd vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dolph has a semi-impressed expression on his face, as he nods his head, before raising a finger in the air, responding to Tyson’s words.


Dolph Ziggler: That’s one difference between you and I, Tyson, when I ask for these people to stand up and cheer for me, they do it. Just like they’re going to do in five, four, three, tw…-

The fans interrupt Dolph’s counting, as they go on and cheer before he hits zero. Dolph shrugs his shoulders, as the fans continue to cheer and chant his name, before speaking over them.

Dolph Ziggler: Man! You people must be really excited for me if you couldn’t even wait until I hit zero, but whatevs. Dolph laughs to himself, as he continues. But, hey, Tyson, sorry for getting off-topic but these people love me! I can’t help it! But let’s get back on track, and uh, I’m pretty shocked at your recent words. You’re calling ME an overrated, pompous, pretty boy? You also said I don’t belong here. THAT’s where you cross the line, because I’ve said this since day one, and that’s if anyone belongs here? It’s me. Dolph points to himself, which triggers the cheers from the fans. You’re absolutely right, I DID see this on television one day, and say I want to do this. I wasn’t born in this business, I wasn’t a toddler when I first stepped foot in the ring. But that doesn’t change the fact my passion for this? It’s over the top. Wrestling is my life, and I’d be damned to let some self-proclaimed “crown prince†tell me otherwise. Especially since the only one who sees ANYTHING in him is his girlfriend. But we ALL know she wears the pants in the relationship! No offense.

Tyson and Natalya are obviously offended, as they clearly don’t agree with Dolph’s words. The fans cheer Dolph, as they do agree with his words, before continuing.

Dolph Ziggler: You talk highly of yourself, Tyson, but if you’re the greatest thing in professional wrestling, if you’re better than anyone else, if you’re truly the “crown princeâ€, why aren’t you in a higher position? Huh? Why aren’t you champion yet? Why haven’t you main evented pay per views and been recognized around the world as a true wrestler? Because I HAVE, and I haven’t even talked about myself like you have. Well, okay, I DID, but it worked! It worked for me, so how come it didn’t work for you? We both started off in the same company, and I’m not even going to speak extra into that, but they saw something in me that they didn’t see into you. They saw I had potential, and when they gave me the ball? I ran with it and knocked it out of the park! That’s something you, and your background couldn’t do at all.

Dolph shakes his head, as he looks to be getting more and more intense, continuing.

Dolph Ziggler: You graduated from the legendary Hart Dungeon, in fact you were the final graduate. You had the training, you had the backing of one of the most notorious wrestling families in history, you had it ALL! If you wanted something, I’m sure you would’ve got it. If you need proof, you’re the boyfriend of Natalya NeidHART. That’s a giving that they knew you were going to be something. They knew they can give you opportunity after opportunity and you’ll deliver. Whereas for me? I have to work my ass off just to get ONE opportunity! So when I get opportunities, I actually deliver where you? You blow each and every one of them! You did NOTHING before and now you’re on Anarchy, you win a couple of matches, and you already think you’re the big man? Not at all, kid. You failed before, and after our match you’re going to realize you failed again. But, don’t get me wrong. I’m not going to deny that you’re talented. You’re one hell’uva performer. But I can tell you that as long as you let your ego remain in control and you actually believe that you’re untouchable in this business? That talent doesn't mean a DAMN thing.

Dolph slowly lowers the microphone down by his side, not taking his eyes off his opponent.​

Rated R Superstar

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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Big Show vs. Rhino



As the beginning of the song plays the crowd grows restless as they try as hard as they can to find the man who normally comes out to the music. The spotlights circle around the arena looking for him, but no luck. Suddenly a loud voice booms over the arena causing everybody and the music to instantly become quiet.

“The War Machineâ€￾ Rhino:
HA! HA! HA! This is what it has come to? We have the Big Show pretty much demanding everybody to thank him for years of entertainment even though he could have simply walked away from the business in order to not be embarrassed anymore? I remember you saying for the longest time that you loved this business and that you’d do anything for it. It was obvious you were just in it for the money, but everybody seemed totally fine with it because they didn’t want to mess with a guy as big as you. For the longest time, I didn’t either. For the longest time we also thought we were completely done with you. You came back though, and in a pretty big way. I mean look at you Big Show, you beat up a lot guys who weren’t even half your size!

You can see many heads moving around, trying to find the source for the voice. Suddenly a larger spotlight lands in a certain area of the arena where you can see Rhino.

You found me, good job. Now back to what I was saying, or was about to say. I know I was about to say Big Show is a joke, but I can’t for the life of me remember how I was going to say it. I guess it doesn’t matter now as he already knew that. Let’s be honest here Show, can I call you Show? Show you knew the instant you got into this business that your body was going to be a hindrance. You should have known that you’d be used as the circus freak of wrestling. I mean honestly, what promoter doesn’t love having a seven feet tall, five hundred pound man on their show? That’s instant cash right there! But that’s now why you’re a joke to me. To me, you’re a joke because of your actions last week. You joined that moron Vince Russo and took out a decent chunk of his roster, and for what? What could you possibly gain from this? You have to know that he’ll just cast you aside the chance he gets if he thinks he can get someone better.

It’s kind of a tough break for you too; I mean your debut match is against me. I don’t know if you know, but I don’t take much crap from anybody, especially cowards such as yourself. I mean look at what you did, you violently attacked those smaller than you. Now I may be smaller than you, but I sure as hell am not defenceless. I sure as hell am not going to back away from a fight against you. A lot of people fear you because they fear the odds. And let’s face it, my odds at beating you on Anarchy could very well be slim, heck I could have no chance at all, but do you think that will stop me from going out there and doing everything in my power to kick your ass? If you were thinking of saying yes, allow me to correct you. You’re the world’s largest athlete, and that’s a name that you will carry for the remainder of your career, but it’s not something that should be taken so seriously. You’re no athlete. You never will be an athlete. All you’ll ever be is a giant who enjoys destruction.

Rhino begins to make his way down to the ring through the crowd. This gets quite a few cheers from the crowd as he slowly heads down a flight of stairs.

I’m no athlete either; I have put on a few pounds. Listen, all I’m saying is you suck and you need to grow up! What was the point of getting into this business nineteen years ago if all you’re going to do now is bitch about it? You’ve always been an entertaining dude, but my gosh, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard. Listening to what you’ve had to say shows me one thing; you’re not prepared for this company. Much like you weren’t when you were Ted DiBiase’s bitch for a little while back. I’m sure you wanted to forget that, but I haven’t. I remember watching UWF while I was in wrestling limbo and your pretty little mug showed up on my TV screen. I saw you standing behind Ted DiBiase as he had just won the World Heavyweight Championship or something.

Rhino is finally at the barricade which he jumps over with ease. He doesn’t hesitate to slide into the ring and look directly at Big Show. The crowd are behind Rhino as he continues on.

I’ll give you this though; you do know how to bore people. That could be your new finisher, the Bore! I think that’s a work in progress really. You claim that your fist is a weapon, but so is everything else about you. I know I wouldn’t want to be sat on by you. I’m not afraid of you or your fist. I’m certainly not afraid of this little stable you got going with Russo, and I honestly could give a rats ass what he throws at me after this. You’re a coward and do you want to know what I do with cowards? It’s simple really, GORE! GORE! GORE!

Rhino lowers his microphone as the crowd continues on without him chanting “GORE!â€￾ as if it were going out of style. Rhino stands there triumphantly as he awaits Big Show’s reply.​


Aug 18, 2013
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy September 11th Edition: Hulk Hogan vs. Seth Rollins

Hogan steps back lowering his head. He brings it up slowly before shaking it.


Hulk Hogan: "You just don't get it brother. No matter how many times I explain myself, you're just like a broken record. You're saying the same things over and over man, and it's really starting to not only bore me - but bore the Hulkamaniacs. It's simple - on the mic you cannot keep up with me, and in the ring - I am going to show you that you're going to respect me. I'm not here because I need money dude. Trust me, I make more off of just merchandise then you ever will by just competing in this ring. I'm here for the fans and I've already told you that brother. Sure you've managed to win a briefcase, but as of right now man, it isn't the title. You beat 5 other men - sure, but back when we didn't have some cheap way of running around such as that briefcase, we had to work way harder than you ever will, and that's a promise. You mention that I need to earn your respect brother? Well it's a two way street man, because there is no way in hell that Hulk Hogan is going to respect you. You need to win to show everyone what you're all about? I think you've already done that just by standing here in the ring. The whole UWF Universe knows that you're nothing but a pompus, arrogant, little jerk who's gonna get whats coming to him in about two minutes!"

Hogan backs off and the fans start applauding. He strokes his mustache before speaking again.

Hulk Hogan: "Sure, maybe I wish I had the speed you had in the ring - but I don't wish I had your brain or anything else of yours - hell, not even that stupid briefcase. I don't need anything that you possess brother, because tonight - I am going to show you why it's not that I can't adapt to the new style of wrestling, but why the old style is much much better than the crap you are using in this ring. Seth, I joined Anarchy knowing this was a warpath - but for you to attempt to intimidate me like this? Trust me dude, I think the teletubbies are scarier than you are. Defeating Hulk Hogan would be a big event for you - but it doesn't stack up to anything like The Rock, Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man, and the Sheik. It's simple brother, you can lay down any 'facts' you have but at the end of the day, you're squirming in your bed wondering how you can be better than Hulk Hogan. Sure I haven't had too many 'extreme rules' matches, or any high flying spots like you have - but do you really think that's what can stop me? You don't think I have seen Superfly jump from the top of a cage? You don't think I've seen some of my best friends in this business fall through cells and tables? Sure I haven't been apart of that, but I know what needs to be done to put on a good show. I'm glad you have the experience though Seth, because when that time eventually comes, you never know... it might be Hulk Hogan throwing you through a table when you least expect it, brother."

Hulk Hogan: "King Rollins? Haha, are you trying to be some kind of comedian dude? I know down the road, maybe a couple blocks over is a great comedy club if you're trying to kick start that career of yours..... Oh - you were serious? You actually think Seth Rollins will be King of The Ring? Let me tell you - you are no Stone Cold, you are no Owen Hart, and you are no Triple H brother. Don't for a second think that it will be you on that throne at the end of all this. You just don't match up man. I know you're ego is through the roof, but after one solid leg drop by myself, I think you will actually be able to sink in with reality. We are both broken men because we have no families? Again dude, you're wrong! I have this business as my home, and these Hulkamaniacs as my family. I may not care about the end crown, but for tonight - my mission is to send your sorry ass packing. It's going to be one hell of a show, because you're going to be making your grave with every step you take."

Hogan backs off into the corner.


ooc: can we end it here? I don't have time for another TT and 3-3 sounds good for me.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Preview!

Anarchy update:

I just got home from school and in the middle of writing Rhino vs Big Show. I finished all of the king of the ring matches. Once I am done with that match sending the matches to Dresden, and coding can take a while. All we will be missing from Anarchy to my knowledge is the tag team match which I believe is being written by Natlav. So you could expect an early Anarchy show here today. Depending everything is in order. I will post in this thread once again when I have sent all my matches to Dresden.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Preview!

Sent in all my matches! Hope you got them Dresden,any complaints you TTers have with them send them all over to me. Also if you want to give me advice how to write for your character give me a heads up. I am very character driven if you can't tell.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Preview!

Imma bout to send my part to the Stable Promo


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Preview!

I'm ready for some Anarchy. Only show I really care for now days cause of you Chase & Dredson.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

As the screen goes black, the camera cuts away to the new Anarchy banner.




The crowd go crazy as a new theme plays, "Shatter Me With Hope" by HIM and pyro goes off inside the sold out arena. The camera quickly pans the crowd and then up the ramp as the pyro continues to shoot out of everywhere imaginable before the camera pans over to the commentary table where Joey Styles, Taz, and William Regal are sitting by.


Joey Styles: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another great edition of Wednesday Night Anarchy! I'm Joey Styles.

Taz: And here once again is the "Human Broadcast Machine", Taz.

William Regal: And the third man but never the third wheel, William Regal.

Joey Styles: Folks, what a crazy edition we're coming off of last week.

Taz: Careful, Joe, you don't wanna say anything ta' make Russo and his boys angry.

William Regal: He's got a point, Joseph, let's just discuss tonight's match card.

Joey Styles: Right. Well for starters we've got the next round of the tag team tournament as Damien Sandow and Mike Knox take on Matt Morgan and Alex Riley.

Taz: And in one of three King of the Ring matches, we're going to have Seth Rollins versus Hulk Hogan.

William Regal: Certainly a collision of styles there. In another King of the Ring match, and our main event, we'll see Jeff Hardy take on Goldberg.

Joey Styles: And in an effort to prove that he's ready to take on Sting's old position as the hero, Rhino will take on Vince Russo's seven foot monster, The Big Show.

Taz: And in our first match of the night, it'll be Tyson Kidd and the new Ironman Champion Dolph Ziggler.

William Regal: But first, I understand that we're to hear from Vince Russo and his new faction.

Fans in the Anarchy arena are excited when all of a sudden


fans begin to boo like crazy as Homicide makes his way to the ring alone with out the other two members of L.A.X, fans begin to boo like crazy as Homicide is no mood to be messed around. Homicide goes through the ropes, and he enters the ring. Homicide goes as he exits the ring. Homicide goes, and he grabs a steel chair from the outside and he brings it in the ring. Homicide goes and sets up the chair in the ring, Homide grabs the microphone as he sits in the chair and begins to speak


Homicide: Last week was an upsetting week for the Latin American Xchange. We now have become major targets here in the UWF. We no longer have the power we once had over this gringo uphold, but you know what upsets me the most. Is how all you people in this arena instead of showing some damn sympathy towards us. All you people did was celebrate and cheer. All you people did was laugh at are failures. It really does show the character of all of you idiots here in this arena.

fans boo like crazy at Homicide as he goes to begin to speak

Homicide: I mean look at me I show sympathy to most of you Americanos'. I mean hell today is September 11th, and you know what I show sympathy to you guys. I feel bad for all the family and friends you may have lost in a tragic event. Yet I find it funny... We treat this day as some national holiday. To grieve over the losses that we have suffered, but do you people what happened on May 13th? Do you... Well its time for storytime with Homicide. On May 13th it was the day you Americano's signed some stupid little bill to enter Mexico so you guys can destroy us to take our land, and yet where in the hell is that day on your calenders? Where in the hell is that day where we were almost erased from existance. It just shows how little you know about your damn political system.

You guys only give a damn if it happens to you. Feel bad for the Americanos if shit hits the fan, but everyone else... Naaa lets forget about them. Let's forget about the history that we come from. You see you dumb people are blind to the fact of what you stand for. Liberty and Justice for all. Where in the hell is this Liberty and Justice? Where is it. I can't seem to find it here in America. Oh no, no,no. You see you people want to deny it. You people want to just ignore it, but this country was built on violence. This country was made from all the damn wars you people caused. So why in the hell do you neglect our cause? Why in the hell do you ignore what L.A.X is trying to do to save this lucha libre company. Huh?

fans boo at Homicide as a big "USA" chant breaks in the arena as Homicide sits in his chair as he does not move

Homicide: You see even though I lost my ironman championship, even though L.A.X is no longer in the tag team tournament.. I decided on something. It seems like you people, and management doesen't agree with my methods. It seems like my methods don't work with any of you. So I am going to do what your president seems to do everyday. That is sit there and do nothing, so until I get what I want. Until I get my rematch for the UWF Ironman Championship. You can expect me to just be sitting here in the middle of this ring. Ya see I am taking a stand, I am being a nice guy in this situation. I am not harming anybody in this situation. I am just doing what you people seem to like to do. So I'll sit here and wait until I get what I deserve.

Fans boo as Homicide goes, and he begins to retaliate

Homicide: Boo all you want... Boo until your voices go out. I don't give a damn. I want my power in the UWF back. I don't want to lose my job because of this gringo uphold. I like being here so until someone tells me otherwise I am like Rosa Parks... I am not moving.

fans boo until all of a sudden


The fans erupt into fierce booing as "Bleeding Is A Luxury" by Atreyu begins to play, as even though the theme hasn't been heard in UWF before, they know exactly who it belongs to. Soon the new stable comes out from the backstage area, with Vince Russo leading the pack with Big Show besides him as Chris Masters and Layla follow behind, with Tyson Kidd and Natalya behind them, and Carlito in the back. All of them enter the ring, each with a microphone in their possession as Russo motions for their music to be cut off, as his request is honored. The crowd is booing all of them intensely as Russo lifts the microphone he's holding up to his mouth, choosing to speak first.


Vince Russo: Allow me to welcome you to the resurgence of the era of Russo. Now I know that pisses a lot of you off, but it shouldn't. Well, I'm not the one you should be angry at, let's put it that way. With me going behind Mick Foley's back and making decisions and him going behind my back and making decisions and us interfering in one another's affairs after those decisions were made, it was clear to anyone with a functioning ability to rationalize the world around them that ours was a dynamic that was approaching the boiling point and approaching it quickly. I saw that, and somewhere in his clouded mind, I think Mick saw it too, he just didn't do anything about it. I can't say that he wouldn't have eventually, but let's not focus on what if's and possibilities, let's focus on the reality. The reality is I was the better chess player and I struck first, and as a result, Anarchy is all the better for it. I can't fire Mick Foley because of that stupid stipulation that Sting implemented, but I can make sure that he spends his contract in a hospital bed instead of in my office and in my hair. This group you see standing behind me, my group, they helped make all of this possible, and the best part of it is Mick didn't have a single person rise up to defend him. The "Icon" Sting, the very man that brought Mick into power, was nowhere to be seen. The "War Machine" Rhino, the alleged new hero of Anarchy, was nowhere to be seen. The only men that stood a chance of opposing our rise were torn apart like a knife piercing tissue, and as a result, you won't be seeing them around here anymore either.

Al Snow, Perry Saturn, their valet Terri, that ridiculous styrofoam mannequin head, and that stupid mop will plague this show no longer. The Brian Kendrick stumbling around here like he's not in his right mind will plague this show no longer. But those attacks made sense, right? What you want to know is why I had Matt Hardy and The Hurricane attacked, and more importantly, why I had The Rock, Umaga, and Trish Stratus attacked. Well it's quite simple. If you'll recall, Seth Rollins used to work for me and I was proud to have him on my team, until he failed me that is. I gave him all the tools he needed to rid me of Sting forever, and he couldn't get the job done, and as a result I had to find someone that was more useful, and that's when I hired Tyson Kidd. At Summerslam, Umaga had that same opportunity, in fact he had an even greater opportunity but despite how big he talked about it, he failed to get rid of Sting in the manner I wanted him to as well, just like The Rock failed to get rid of that idiotic embarassment to the International Championship Fandango, which is why I severed ties with them and brought in someone that was much more useful in the Big Show. As for Matt Hardy and The Hurricane, well, they couldn't handle the simple task of putting Jeff Hardy out of the King of the Ring tournament. Their punishment may have been less severe had they actually put forth an effort, but they didn't, and the cards were dealt as they were.

Now to address the elephant in the room. As all of you saw and he just mentioned, Homicide lost his Ironman Championship last week. I want to blame Mick Foley for that one, but I can't, as Mick was the one that made it a King of the Ring qualifier and I was the one that made it a title match. Since I was in the wrong, I'm not going to punish him the same way I punished Seth Rollins, The Rock, Umaga, and Team Mattitude. Homicide, Hernandez, and Konnan are part of this group. But, I'm not going to show my hand all at once. I'll discuss what I have planned for you and the Bound For Glory pay-per-view later tonight, Homicide, for now I think it's fair that I open the floor to the others.

The crowd boos as Tyson Kidd is handed the microphone. He begins to speak but the boos are so loud that he can't be heard. A grin grows on his face as he loves being one of the most hated men in UWF.


Tyson Kidd

Shuuuuuuuuttt up. You know I'm real sick and tir...

Before Tyson can get what he wanted to say out, Natalya grabs the microphone away from him, leaving him a bit stunned.

Natalya Neidhart:

Sorry baby, but I have something I need to say. I need to say something to The Big Show. Big Show, what you did last week was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. The way you hit Trish Stratus was perfect. It's about time someone taught that skank a lesson. It makes me sick that she gets to be on the posters and she's advertised as the woman of UWF. Trish Stratus isn't half the woman that I am and I'm the one that should be in that spot, not her! I am one of the greatest professional wrestlers on this planet today, Trish is a glorified Barbie Doll. How any of you can tolerate her is beyond me. Now Trish, I'm not too sure about you, but I know that I'm all free for Bound for Glory, so why not? Why don't we just prove the fact that I am the woman of UWF?

Tyson takes the microphone away from his fiance and downplays what she just said.

Tyson Kidd

Babe, one step at a time okay? I promise, this group is going to not only take care of all my problems, we can take care of any problem you might have too. How does that sound? Is that alright? Okay, now never take the microphone out of my hand again.

The crowd starts to boo Tyson after he put Natalya in her place.

Now I may not be the biggest in the group, I may not be the strongest in the group, but it's no secret that I am the stand out, I am what makes this group legitimate. It's my honor to represent Vince Russo like this, Vince I promise and you know that I won't let you down. I won't let these guys let you down, because I'm on my way to the top and Show, Carlito, Chris, and you Nattie, you're all coming with me. Who ever is put in front of me, I feel sorry for. Tonight, that just so happens to be Dolph Ziggler. Dolph looks like you drew the shortest straw because there is no possible way that you're going to walk away from this match in one piece. You know what, I could do it with these 3 men standing out here with me, but the fact of the matter is I'm better than these three men, I can do it all by myself. These men need me to succeed, I don't need them! You know if it wasn't for me than...

Masters places his hand over Tyson's microphone and pushes it down, then steps away as he raises his microphone and begins to speak his peace.


Chris Masters:
Now the other week I told you all why I am here in the UWF. And now I have found the perfect opportunity to get my name known.... No longer will I be sitting backstage and looking on as the same faces get opportunity after opportunity. I am now part of an elite group that has privileges that nobody else has. We have the power behind us. The Authority above us. And our personal skills within us. This may be the day Anarchy's problems drift away for good. If that's not today then it won't be too long before the locker room realizes the type of threat they are dealing with.

Chris Masters:
I think I am speaking for the rest of us that if we didn't set a good enough example last week, then we can set a better one this week. Whether it's a fat Samoan monster, a green super hero, or the self proclaimed peoples champ, they can not break the Master Lock. I am in this group because I of my unbreakable signature submission hold and the brute strength that I use to apply it. Not only that but I have the face that belongs on TV. I have body that belongs on TV. But most importantly, I have the girlfriend that belongs on TV.

Chris points at Layla as she shows off her body before speaking into Chris's mic

Thanks Chris. Well recently I have tweeted on twitter all about how I am excited to be apart of this group with my boyfriend Chris the rest of you. Although I didn't like some of the rude comments I got, I still believe that you will not be disappointed by us Vince. I mean just look at his chiseled body. That is the body of a wrestler. A wrestler who will never give up on his dreams to impress you. I've seen how our past management have treated Chris and it was ridiculous! But I can see it in your eyes that you truly know what kind of talent is standing in this ring with you right now.

Chris smiles and begins to speak once more as the crowd boos at both Layla and Chris

Chris Masters:
Now I can't force the crowd to agree with the statements my girlfriend and I make, but I honestly from the bottom of my heart don't give a single damn about what anybody in the audience think. They think they are here so the entire roster will act as there puppets and do what ever it takes to amuse them but, they are wrong. The men in this ring are here for our own personal desires. Desires that you all wouldn't understand. It pains you all to just sit there and keep your mouths shut but you feel that you got to put your two sense into our business. Well I am here for the money and the fame. And Vince so happens to be the one to award me with those two things so I will do the things I have to do get it. Even if it means taking out the baddest of the bad. I'll do it for Vince Russo.

The fans continue to boo Masters as he speaks once again

Chris Masters:
Now if you all can contain yourselves for a few short minutes, My old pal, Carlito would like to say a few words.

The crowd boos Masters as he gives the floor to Carlito as he takes his microphone and steps in.


Carlito: To all of the loyal fans of UWF, Carlito would like to welcome you all to a new era of Anarchy. A new era under the power of Vince Russo.

The crowd boos at the mention of Russo’s name

You fans can boo and deny it all you like but the fact is Vince Russo is the best thing to happen to Anarchy since its inception. No more will UWF Anarchy be a comedy fest where stupidity and foolishness will achieve success. Carlito is sick and tired of seeing the same old five moves by so-called superstars whose wrestling ability come second to their physical presence. For too long people like Chris Masters, Tyson Kidd, The Big Show and myself have been underappreciated for our wrestling abilities.

In the background the echos of “You Suck” can be heard from the crowd

No, we don’t suck, this business sucks! For years upon years The Big Show has been underutilized, nothing but a comedy act, the man is a seven foot monster and should be treated accordingly. Tyson Kidd, a graduate from the great Hart Dungeon has never received the recognition or the opportunities he has deserved due to his height. Chris Masters is one of the most physically imposing athletes Carlito has ever been with in the ring but because of higher powers he has never been given a chance.

The booing continues from the crowd as Carlito continues

And then there's me, Carlito. While every single other second and third generation wrestlers are backed by the company, people like the Orton’s, the Rhodes’s, the Dibiase’s, the Johnson’s, the Anoai’s even the Guerrero’s have all had their careers handed on a silver platter. My name is Carlito Colon! I am a Second generation wrestler and unlike all the previous families I have had nothing handed to me, and thanks to Vince Russo it is time that not only me but the rest of our “group” got the recognition we deserve and takeover this once great business which has been torn apart by pretenders.[/B]

The crowd continues the booing as some STFU chants begin

So from now on you will see a new attitude from Carlito, no more comedy act, no more bullshit, no more ignoring and stepping over Carlito. It's time for a change in professional wrestling and it will be led by Vince Russo, Big Show, Tyson Kidd, Chris Masters and Myself. Now Thats Cool![/B]

Carlito takes a bite out of his apple and spits it all over the camera as everyone turns to Big Show who grabs the mic

The Big Show: Last week was just the beginning, a sneak preview of the full force of what is coming to anyone who opposes us, no longer shall we be looked down upon, and I shall only be looked at as a seven foot, five hundred pound angry wrecking ball, a giant of destruction. A giant who sends shivers down the spine of his opponents, a giant who with one swing of his fist, can knock out people like The Rock. I am here, we are here to grasp hold of this brand and have it as our own, whether that be Trish Stratus or even Matt Hardy that cause our brand to be ridiculed then they will be forcefully removed as seen last week. We put everyone on notice last week, we destroyed most of the roster and now there is no doubt in anyone’s minds who runs this place. Vince Russo gave us this opportunity and together we shall see that everybody plays by our rules.

The fans throw tons of heat at Show but he just laughs it off before continuing.

The Big Show: This is the sleeping bear you awoke when you started disrespecting me, having a laugh at my expense and now this bear is angry, this bear wants to tear you to shreds. This bear is going to take away from you everyone you ever cheer for. I am the largest athlete in the world, and we also have even more power in Chris Masters, combined with the skill of Carlito and Tyson Kidd, led by the most powerful man in this company, Vince Russo and we have the perfect group. A group that will make even Mick Foley petrified, and stop interfering with Vince’s business, you see, Mick might have been a decent wrestler once, but the best attribute of Micky Foley was that he was a natural at getting beat up, and as soon as I see him, I will ball up my fist, and I will knock his head off.

The Big Show continues to soak in the jeers from the crowd.
The Big Show: I will not be Mr Nice Guy anymore and I don’t care about any of you, I am finally going to do something with my career and not just be the guy who you want me to be because quite frankly, you couldn’t care less about anyone else, you couldn’t care less about MY career and I don’t care about what YOU like. I will be the guy who has held championships, the success and not the comedy guy. I have the body of a monstrous killer and that is what is going to rampage through this roster, wrecking all that oppose us, those who comply, those who follow and listen to Russo’s every word will be spared, the rest are dead wood and will be tossed away accordingly.

Vince Russo: Ladies and gentlemen and members of the Anarchy roster, if any of you are thinking about rebelling against our cause or trying to loosen the grip we have on this brand, this is what you're up against. The "World's Largest Athlete", the "Crown Prince of Anarchy", the "Masterpiece", the "Caribbean Bad Apple", the "Notorious 187", "Supermex", "K-Dawg", and me! We are the Establishment, and this world is ours.

The fans boo intensely as Russo, Masters, Show, Kidd, Carlito, Natalya, Layla, and Homicide pose together as Anarchy heads to its first commercial of the night.




The show cuts to the backstage area where the members of 3MB are staring off into the distance. All three members are motionless.


Heath Slater
Damn..that girl is fine. Like, rocking fine

Curt Hawkins
I’ve always wanted groupies

Jinder Mahal

Finally Heath notices the camera and snaps out of his daze

Heath Slater
Oh! Um, hey. 3MB is in the house! Yeah, thats right baby. 3MB. Me, Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal and Curt Hawkins. Why are we here? Cause we work here, duh! No, but seriously, even though we may have been elimnated from the tag tournament last week, and even though we weren’t booked for tonights Anarchy, there is no holding down 3...M...B! Even if we have to annoy the hell out of everyone on this roster and in this company we are going to get our spotlight baby. Bound For Glory is coming up, and we may not be challenging for the Tag titles…

Curt Hawkins
And we’re not in the King of the Ring

Jinder Mahal
And We’re not booked for a match

We’re still gonna steal the show!

Heath Slater
Maybe we’ll play our first single to the crowd, huh? How does that sounds guys?

Jinder Mahal
If you want to see us play our first single at Bound For Glory give me a hell yeah!

Not a sounds is heard

Curt Hawkins
It’s settled then! We are going to Rock out Bound For Glory

Heath Slater
We’re going to show just how good we are

Jinder Mahal
We’re here to show the world! COME ON!!!

All three members play air guitar for a few seconds

Heath Slater
Whoa! Hold up guys. She’s back!

All three members turn and stare into the distance again, motionless. The camera cuts away to ringside.


Vicarious by Tool plays throughout the arena, and that can only be one man. When the song picks up Tyson Kidd along with Natalya step out onto the Anarchy stage. The boo's can be heard as the fans are making their opinions on Tyson very clear. The power couple shrugs it off and they make their way to the ring.


Dolph Ziggler’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd explodes in cheers! After the drums kicks in, Ziggler makes his way out onto the stage, with his Ironman Championship facing his back. Ziggler, as cocky as he can be, struts over to the end of the stage. Ziggler throws his arms in the air, hyping up the fans as he does his signature spin, with his back now facing the cameras. Ziggler shakes his hips, as he faces the cameras once again, circling the championship to his waist as he continues his entrance down the ramp, soaking in the cheers from the fans in the process. Ziggler makes his way past the ramp, as he walks over to the side of the ring. Ziggler slides on the apron, as he goes to enter the ring, before stopping and sitting on the middle rope, staring at the fans with a smirk across his face. Ziggler enters the ring as he jumps on the middle turnbuckle, soaking in the cheers once again, with a smirk across his face. Ziggler hops off the turnbuckle

King of The Ring Semi Finals Match

Tyson Kidd and Dolph Ziggler begin to circle each other. The two men begin to circle each other as Ziggler goes and he takes down Tyson Kidd. Kidd gets in the sprawl position as Ziggler does a nice switch around as he begins to slap the body of Tyson Kidd. The fans begin to cheer as he mocks the so called “prince”. Kidd manages to slide away from the disrespect and he looks at Ziggler who is smiling like crazy.

Tazz: Man who does this guy think he is?

Kidd gets up again as they begin to tangle up once more. Ziggler goes as he hits a nice single leg take down. Ziggler goes and he puts on a headlock onto Tyson Kidd. In which Kidd manages to escape from pretty easily. Kidd slides away again looking at Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler goes as he smiles at Kidd, and he begins to dance around a little bit which causes Kidd to get upset. Kidd gets up as the two men tie up once again in the middle of the ring. Kidd this time gets the upper hand by taking the back of Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler though is smart and he flips the head of Tyson Kidd over his body. Kidd is on the ground as Ziggler sets in abdominal stretch onto Kidd. Kidd is showing some pain.

Joey Styles: Tazz you look in shock.

Tazz: Shut up Joey my man Tyson Kidd he isn’t going to let me down.

Kidd is in the middle of the ring screaming in pain at the hold. Ziggler goes and he wraps two legs around Kidd trying to go for a sleeper hold. The fans begin to cheer as Ziggler has Kidd in the middle of the ring. Kidd has his legs locked on tight as he keeps the hold being on tight. Kidd though keeps his calm every moment as the move is hold on very tight. Ziggler though feels Kidd is slipping, before Ziggler can react Kidd goes, and he mounts on top of Ziggler. Kidd hits a couple of punches, and then he locks in an armbar right onto Ziggler. Ziggler begins to scream in pain as he is in the middle of the ring.

Tazz: That is my man right there!

Kidd has the armbar on tight, but Ziggler, regains his cool. Ziggler manages to get his body standing up, but all that does is causes Tyson Kidd to put in a triangle choke. Dolph Ziggler goes and he props down to one knee as the move is locked on. Tyson Kidd begins to mock the show off, and he begins to do some sit ups during this move.

William Regal: Tyson Kidd giving Dolph Ziggler a taste of his own medicine.

Tazz: Isn’t it great? I love this kid!

Dolph Ziggler is starting to build a base a bit and he begins to lift Tyson Kidd up in the air. The fans begin to cheer like crazy as he hits the Rampage Bomb right onto Kidd which causes Kidd to let go of the hold. Kidd goes to the outside as he holds his back from the move. Ziggler regains some of his consciousness, and sees Kidd on the outside. Ziggler goes as he goes in between in the middle of the ropes and hits a suicide dive right onto Tyson Kidd. Kidd and Ziggler are on the outside down, but Ziggler gets up first as he screams to the fans as they cheer in response.

Joey Styles: That is our Ironman Champion right here folks!

Dolph Ziggler goes as he grabs Tyson Kidd and throws him in the middle of the ring. Ziggler is about to slide in but Natalya yells something at him. The fans begin to boo as Ziggler just waves her off. Ziggler slides in the ring as he enter the ring he is met with a running dropkick by Tyson Kidd. Tyson Kidd goes as he grabs Dolph Ziggler, and he picks him up to hit a big front suplex onto him. Kidd gets up as he begins to do Dolph Zigglers ass shake to taunt him. Kidd then goes to the top turnbuckle on the down Ziggler. Tyson Kidd jumps backwards and goes for a moon sault. Ziggler though rolls out of the way as the fans cheer as Kidd lands face first on the mat.

Joey Styles: He moved out of the way easily.

Ziggler gets up as Kidd is on his knee. Ziggler turns around and does the ass shake in front of Kidd. Ziggler goes and he hits a behind superkick right in the face of Tyson Kidd. Ziggler looks down at Kidd and says to him: “Do it right”. Ziggler goes as he picks up Kidd, and he hits a swinging necbreaker. Ziggler does not let go of the hold though. Ziggler flips his hips and lifts up Kidd with his head still trapped. He hits a nice snap suplex right onto Kidd. Ziggler goes for the cover onto Kidd.



No kick out by Kidd. Ziggler goes as he lets go of the move and he awaits for Kidd to get up. Kidd is up as Ziggler charges at him with a kick, but Kidd ducks. Ziggler whiffs as Kidd picks him on his shoulder. Kidd goes and he runs as he hits the rolling stampede right onto Ziggler. Ziggler is on the ground as Kidd stands there. Kidd goes and he hits a standing moonsault. Ziggler goes and he makes the pin right then and there.



No Ziggler kicks out

Tazz: What a move by the Prince! Just amazing.

Kidd goes as he picks up Ziggler and he lifts him up high. Kidd begins to show his strength as he has Ziggler high in the air. Kidd starts act a little cocky, as Ziggler manages to kicks his feet in the air long enough to land on his feet and grabs the head of Kidd, he spins around for a bit as Kidd gets caught with a fameasser from Dolph Ziggler. Kidd is on the mat as the fans cheer, as Ziggler shoots a half and goes for the pin.




No Kidd kicks out just in time. The fans begin to boo like crazy as Ziggler is in shock that this just happen. Ziggler goes as he picks up Tyson Kidd. Ziggler goes and he speaks towards Kidd: “You’re not better then me. Ziggler grabs the head of Tyson Kidd and goes for the Zig Zag, Tyson Kidd though slips aways from it. Ziggler lands straight on his back. Kidd is up so is Ziggler. Zigglers charges at Kidd, but Kidd once again dodgdes causing Ziggler to get whiffed by the ropes Kidd goes and he rolls up Ziggler, and just for extra leverage he grabs the tight.

Joey Styles: Oh come one referee he is grabbing the tights.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, and advancing in the King of the Ring Tournament Final Tyson Kidd!


Joey Styles: Tyson Kidd just cheated here tonight

Tazz: Shut up Joey he just did the smartest thing in that ring. Regal would agree with me right chum.

William Regal: I am sorry I was too busy drinking my tea.

Tazz: Ehhhh… Who needs ya. The fact of the matter is my boy just won the match right here.

Tyson Kidd is on the outside smiling that he just won this match advancing to the king of the ring tournament final. Kidd goes and he looks on at Ziggler who gets handed the Ironman championship. Ziggler is shocked about what happened. Kidd goes as Natalya raises his hand in glory as the fans shower them with boos. Kidd stands there as Anarchy returns to commercial.




We're backstage as Seth Rollins is speaking to Josh Mathews.

Josh Mathews: Seth, tonight you take on one of the biggest wrestling stars known in wrestling history, Hulk Hogan. How are you feeling in preparation to your match?


Seth Rollins: I have motivated myself, ever since I beat Derrick Bateman last week without any outside interference. It's given me even more strength, even more focus to call myself King of the Ring. It's going to take time as this is just the second round, but I am already amped to do whatever it takes to get into the next round already.

Josh Mathews: It's interesting knowing you've recently turned a new leaf but do you think the crowd will be behind you after you trashed talked about Hulk Hogan?

Seth Rollins: Josh, I want you to understand that when I was a little boy I never got to see wrestling. I didn't even witness wrestling until I was sixteen years of age Josh. I'm now twenty-seven years of age, so eleven years of witnessing wrestling. The times I watched wrestling was when The Rock defeated Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 18, that was the first time I watched wrestling. From there on, I witnessed the great of the Attitude Era... Not what Hulk did before.

Josh Mathews: I think it's safe to say you really shouldn't be talking bad about Hulk seeing you didn't see his matches prior to that stage.

Seth Rollins: You can try convert me all you like Josh, the fact is... I'm more of a wrestler than he'll ever be, will I ever find respect for the guy? Maybe one day, right now... I do not care for a sixty year old man weaving his way back in hopes to demolish the youngsters such as us. You see, Tyson Kidd defeated me the other week and that man is a workhorse and a half. Do you think the locker room tolerates an old man who is famous to try bury us all? I think not. It won't be long before he turns on each and every single one of you anyway.

Josh Mathews: I understand you're battling out for the locker room Seth, what makes you so sure he'll turn his back on us?

Seth Rollins: The age, it'll catch up to him. He doesn't have the energy like he used to, he doesn't have it in him to last half an hour. That's my problem. Sure he's famous and all, but until he proves himself inside that ring... He's just a man who had an excellent past. As I said earlier, he's the past... I'm the present and the future...

Josh Mathews: You seem very eager about winning this tournament, yet you have the briefcase... You could have cashed it in b-

Rollins stands up and interrupts.

Seth Rollins: Could've, Would've, Should've... They're all words that will continue to be thrown at me. When the time is right, I'll be crowned champion but right now... all I care about is the monarch being crowned; all I care for right now is becoming the new king. A new place, this brand right here is donned as home... but I will change it's landscape. As for you speaking, I've got my match right now, so if you'll excuse me. I shouldn't take too long, the kingdom is mine.

Rollins walks off as the camera is on Josh Mathews still.

Josh Mathews: Seth Rollins, ladies and gentlemen. He seems motivated, we'll see how he goes as he takes on Hulk Hogan!

The camera then pans to the ring as the entrances for the next match get underway.

'A familiar song plays, the crowd is unsure whether to cheer or not as Seth Rollins comes out to the song he first used when he came into UWF, "Flesh It Out" begins playing as Seth Rollins comes out from behind the curtain'.


Rollins comes to the ring focused as always. Rollins goes as he makes his way down the ramp. Rollins goes as he enters the ring. Rollins raises his money in the bank briefcase high in the sky as the fans cheer like crazy. Rollins goes and he gives the briefcase who is on the outside. Rollins warms up as..

'Real American' by Rick Derringer blasts over the PA system, bringing the thousands in attendance to their feet.


Hogan makes his way down the stage with his red and yellow boa draped around his neck. He poses to the fans whilst continuing to move down the ramp. He eventually gets to the ring before flashing one last pose and the music fading out. He looks deep into Rollins' eyes as the bell rings

King of The Ring Semi Finals

Rollin wastes no time as he charges at the almighty Hulkster. Rollins begins to hit a flurry of punches to the face of Hogan. Hogan though pushes Rollins off of him and he begins to pose in the middle of the ring. The fans cheer for Hogan as Rollins knows he can’t be vicious with that strength he possesses. Rollins goes and he begins to kick the legs of Hogan, but Hogan doesn’t seemed faze by them. Hogan goes as he ties up with Rollins, but Rollins wants none of that as he goes to the turnbuckle and he stands there. The referee tells them to break it up as Hogan does and then elbows Rollins. Rollins gets thrown to the other turnbuckle, and bounces off of it. Hogan catches him and body slams him in the middle of the ring. Hogan goes for the cover.


No Rollins kicks out early. Hogan goes and he picks up Rollin and begins to hit some stiff right shots staggering Rollins. Rollins goes as he leans up against the ropes. Hogan goes and hits more shots onto Rollins. Afterwards Hogan bounces off the ropes hitting a big clothesline onto Rollins sending him over the top rope. Fans go crazy as Hogan begins to hype up all the fans in the arena.

Joey Styles: They are loving Hulk Hogan here tonight!

William Regal: I must say he does know how to put on a show.

Rollins is on the outside as he looks at Hogan. Hogan is smiling telling him to bring it. Rollins goes quickly as he gets to the top of the turnbuckle. Rollins goes for a standing dropkick which Hogan gets caught with. Hogan falls to the mat as Rollins gets up as the fans cheer like crazy. Hogan goes and rolls out of the ring. Rollins goes and he grabs the top rope as he does corkscrew dive out of the ring onto Hulk Hogan. Fans cheer like crazy.

Joey Styles: The fans are loving this match between Hulk Hogan vs Seth Rollins!

Taz: I’m hating it Joey!

Rollins goes and he picks up Hogan and he bounces his head off the announce table. Rollins goes and he throws Hogan in the middle of the ring. Rollins goes and he is on the top turnbuckle. Rollins jumps off the turnbuckle and hits a flying leg drop. Rollins goes for the cover.



No kick out by Hogan. Rollin goes as he begins to mount Hogan. Rollins gets off of him and he is psyched the fans are cheering for him, but they seem split between him and Hogan. Rollins goes and he picks Hogan up and hits him with a quick DDT. Rollins goes outside by the apron. Rollins bounces off the ropes and he hits a springboard leg drop onto Hulk Hogan. Seth Rollins goes for the cover.




No Hogan kicks out of the move. Rollins goes and he gets off of Hogan, he begins to stomp on Hogan a couple of times. Hogan goes to the outside. Rollins goes for a crossbody, but Hogan moves out of the way. Rollins crashes down hard on the mat as Hogan goes, and he leans to gain his breath. Hogan goes as he picks up Rollins after his break. Hogan throws Rollins in the middle of the ring. Hogan goes as he begins stomping on Rollins a bit. The fans begin to cheer as Hogan begin to gain some momentum. Hogan goes as he picks up Rollins and he begins to bearhug Seth Rollins in the middle of the ring.

Joey Styles: Those pythons of Hogan might do some damage to Seth Rollins.

Hogan has the move on tight as Rollins is screaming in pain. The fans begin a faint “Rollins” chant to get him back into the match. Rollins you can see it in his eyes that he knows the fans are behind him. Rollins goes and he begins to get his hands to the face of Hogan, and begins punching him a couple of times. Hogan feels those punches as he lets go of the move, and he staggers a bit. Hogan goes against the ropes. Rollins starts to charge at Hogan, but Hogan ducks under and he throws Rollins over the ropes, but Rollins with that athleticism goes over the ropes. Rollins lands on the apron, and as Hogan turns around he gets punched in the face by Rollins. Rollins goes and he jumps off the top rope, and hits a huge kick to the face of Hulk Hogan. Rollins goes for the cover and pin.




No kick out by Hulk Hogan. Seth Rollins is surprise as some of the fans start chanting for Hogan. Rollins goes and he picks up Hogan and starts to throw some knees to the chest of Hogan. Rollins goes and he hits a neckbreaker onto Hogan and goes for the cover again.



Hogan kicks out this time but with emphasis. The fans start to cheer like crazy as Hogan is up. Hogan goes and he starts to hulk up as everyone in the arena stands to there feet. Hogan goes as he keeps on Hulking up and Rollins goes and punches him in the face. Hogan shakes his head no as Rollins does it again, but only to be countered by two stiff rights, Rollins is backed up against the ropes as Hogan throws him and Rollins meet a big boot right in the face. Hogan looks at all the fans in the arena as they start cheering like crazy.

Joey Styles: We all know what is next!

Taz: This makes me sick! Make it stop!

Hogan goes and he bounces off the ropes looking to hit the atomic leg drop, but Seth Rollins moves out of the way, and Hogan falls on hit buttox. Rollins gets up as he bounces off the ropes, and he hits two feet to the face of Hogan. Hogan falls down to the ground. Rollins begins to scream himself as the fans begin to cheer for him. Rollins goes, and he grabs the arms of Hogan. Rollins puts his feet in the head of Hogan and hits the fade to black. Rollins flips Hogan for the cover.




No Hulk Hogan kicked out

Tazz: What the hell!

Seth Rollins and fans are in disbelief that Hogan kicked out the trademark move, by Seth Rollins. Rollins looks down at Hogan who is getting up. Rollins goes as he backs up, and he sees the battered Hogan, and he is getting up slowly. Hogan is up as Rollins goes and he goes for the Avada Kedevara, but Hogan blocks it as the fans cheer like crazy. As Hogan gets up and he clothesline Seth Rollins down to the ground. Rollins though he gets up fast as the clothesline, barely had any impact. Rollins is up and Hogan goes and he big boots him before Rollins can amount any offense. Rollins face looks shocked as he falls down to the ground. Rollins is down on the ground as Hogan looks at the crowd. Hogan goes and he bounces off the ropes, and he hits the atomic leg drop. The fans cheer like crazy as Hogan lays there for a moment. Hogan goes and he slowly crawls making a cover onto Rollins.




No Rollins kicks out.

Joey Styles: These two men won’t quit. This is what the King of the Ring means to these men here on Anarchy

Hogan goes as he lays down there looking at the referee. Hogan looks at the referee and dosen’t understand how that wasn’t three. The referee is explaining to Hogan how it wasn’t. Rollins though manages to get up to his knees, as Hogan and him look at each other. The two men begin to slug it out each other causing the fans to cheer like crazy. Hogan hits one right onto Rollins that staggers him, and Rollins follows up with another right, which staggers Hogan. Hogan goes for a rushed big boot which Rollins is easy to sidestep. Hogan whiffs as Rollins goes and kicks him in the gut and hits a sweet swinging neckbreaker. Rollins begins to clap as the fans start to do as well. Rollins goes and he awaits by the corner. Hogan you can see is getting up, and as he is reached to one knee Rollins hits the Avada Kedevera onto him causing Hogan to fall to the ground. Rollins goes for the cover.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner and advancing to the King of the Ring Finals Seth Rollins!


Rollins gets his hands raised by the referee, and he looks at Hogan who is down. Hogan though seems to show some life as he is getting up. Hogan looks shocked that the youngster pulled off the big win, but Hogan shows some class clapping to Seth Rollins.

Joey Styles: What a sign of respect shown by the Hulkster.

William Regal: I must say he put on a great effort here tonight.

Tazz: This is making me sick guys let’s move on already geesh.

Rollins is shown exiting the ring, he goes and he raises the money in the bank briefcase high in the sky with one hand, and an empty hand in the other. Rollins goes and he speaks into the camera. Saying “I will be the King”. The Anarchy cameras fade to commercial.




Anarchy goes backstage to where Paul Heyman is in the middle of a conversation on his cellular phone.


Paul Heyman: No; don't worry. I'm going to bring you in when the time is right. Right now, I'm focused on establishing Alex Riley and Matt Morgan. But when they win the World Tag Team Championships and when Matt Morgan becomes King of The Ring and wins the World Heavyweight Championship; then you'll step into the spotlight.

Just then, the door slams and Heyman's attention is divided.

Heyman: Speak of the devil. I've got to go. We'll talk soon.

Heyman hangs up the phone as Alex Riley and Matt Morgan walk into the shot.

Alex Riley: Who was that Paul?

Heyman: Just another wrestler interested in becoming a "Paul Heyman Guy"

Riley: Who?

Heyman looks to answer, but Matt Morgan cuts him off.

Matt Morgan: It honestly doesn't matter. All that matters is that we have to have spend our night on this terrible show again. It was bad enough that we had to do it last week.

Heyman: Look, I'm working on getting you a tag team tournament match on RAW, but for now we've just got to play the cards that we're dealt. So that means tonight you have to go out there, defeat Damien Sandow and Mike Knox and move one step closer to becoming the Ultimate Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions. Because when you do; that's when you can call the shots. That's when you can decide when and where you wrestle. And that's when you'll have all the power.

Riley: And that's all we want; the power and the recognition that Champions deserve. And we're damn sure going to get it. Damien Sandow and Mike Knox made one mistake. They want to save people. We simply want what belongs to us; the main event. The main event of every show. Every Championship match that should have been afforded to us, but was handed to someone else.

Heyman: And if you listen to me, I promise that the money, the Championships and the power will all belong to you. But first, you must handle business tonight. So I want you to go out there and defeat Mike Knox and Damien Sandow the same way you defeated The Rock last week. Go out there and change the landscape of this business.

Heyman pats both of his guys on the shoulder and they all leave the locker room. The scene soon fades.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentleman this contest is a Tag Team Tournament match; and it is schedualed for one fall!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

The Tag Team Tournament match is about to start already as Alex Riley and Mike Knox are the legal men of the match. Knox though is getting a prep talk from Sandow but Riley runs up from behind and takes down Mike Knox with some stiff shots to the back. Knox goes onto the ground as Riley now proceeds to start stomping onto the downed Knox, happy that he's getting the advantage over the Doctor. Knox tries his best to escape but Riley ends up bringing Knox to the center of the ring and executes a DDT which drives Knox's head to the ground! Riley looks pumped as he jumps up and waits for Knox to get back up. Sandow though starts to yell at Riley as Riley already loses his focus and doesn't see Knox coming as he does the running crossbody onto Riley! Knox snorts out loud as he picks up Riley and nails a piledriver in the center of the ring for good measure!

Joey Styles: Smackdown's Knox really means buisness tonight ladies and gentleman!

Riley looks stunned as Knox looks down and yells towards the crowd, pleased that he's going over so far as Riley shakes his head, wondering where he is already. Knox grabs Riley by the head and chucks him towards his corner, then hits some stiff shots to the body of Riley before tagging in Damien Sandow in the match. Sandow gracefully enters the ring as Sandow is joining with his partner in hitting on Alex Riley. Both men then pull Riley off the corner towards them, hitting a double clothesline that brings Riley back down to the mat! Knox exits the ring under the referee's order as Sandow talks to the crowd before hitting a couple of stomps onto Riley. Sandow picks up Riley and lands a knife chop to the chest of Riley, then another one as Riley retreats to an empty corner where Sandow whips Riley to the opposite side. Riley looks to be shaken up as Sandow charges towards Riley but Riley moves out of the way as Sandow crashes onto the turnbuckles, Riley then tripping over Sandow as he goes for a rollup pin!



Sandow breaks free from the rollup! Sandow looks furious that Riley managed to pull a sneak attack on Riley, then reminds Riley that he's far more intellectually superior than him but Riley replies back with a dropkick to the face! Sandow crashes to the mat as Riley moves away and tags in Matt Morgan into the match! Morgan enters the ring and makes his presence known immediately by picking up Sandow and hitting a front powerslam onto him! Sandow's back appears to be stinging as he rolls around the ring, Knox then enters the ring to charge at The Blueprint but Morgan ends up hitting a sitout powerbomb onto Knox! Morgan then yells to the crowd as Knox rolls out of the ring, Sandow then unknowingly walks up to Morgan as Morgan executes an overhead belly to belly suplex; sending Sandow flying across the ring! Heyman looks excited to see Morgan dominating in this match, but Morgan doesn't see Sandow running at Morgan from behind and hits a low clothesline to the back of the knee, sending Morgan on one knee as Sandow tries to go for what appears to be a suplex but Morgan laughs as he grabs onto Sandow's neck and lands a chokeslam! Morgan then goes down for the cover...



And Damien Sandow kicks out! Matt Morgan takes a deep breath, not sure what to think of Sandow kicking out, as he brings up Sandow back onto his feet and throws him to his own corner and tags in Riley into the match. Riley climbs onto the top rope as Morgan gets Sandow in a bear hug, Riley then looks at the captured Sandow as he jumps off the top rope and hits a missile dropkick onto the exposed part of Sandow's back, Morgan dropping Sandow. Riley looks to be excited as he clubs Sandow on the back a couple of times to keep him down, then hits a knee drop to the back of the head as Sandow holds onto the back part, groaning out loud. Riley gets Sandow back up as he punches Sandow in the head, Sandow backing up a few steps as Riley charges after Sandow but Sandow ducks his clothesline and goes for a neckbreaker, though Riley slips out and shoves Sandow away. Both men then charge at each other as they clothesline each other onto the ground! Both men quickly recuperate as the move to their respective corners and tag in their partners! The crowd has no choice but to pop as they see Matt Morgan and Mike Knox get into an epic stare down!

Regal: And here we go!

Mike Knox and Matt Morgan both go face to face as they start to speak towards one other, getting into each other's throats as they begin to threaten and curse towards one another. Knox shoves Morgan first as Morgan looks away and smiles, then eyes Knox as he causually walks up to Knox and shoves him hard, Knox though doesn't even lose his balance. Knox begins to crack his knuckles, then hits neck as he peers at Morgan with a look of a gladiator, then charges at him as he hits a shoulder block onto Morgan. Morgan runs up and does the same thing but isn't able to shoulder block Knox down. Knox smiles, knowing that Morgan can't take him down without the element of suprise like he did the first time, but Morgan tries to prove him wrong by charging at Knox but the Doctor ends up hitting a powerslam and jumps to his feet, pumped that he took down the 7 foot man by himself! Knox walks by the ropes and begins to approach Morgan but Heyman grabs Knox by the leg and tries to trip him. KNox turns around and stomps onto Heyman's arm, turns around but only to receive a Hellivator from Matt Morgan! Morgan looks pumped but turns around to see Sandow taking a page from Morgan's book and hits a missile dropkick!

Tazz: See that Damien Sandow is definitely one smart fellow. Hell I bet Vince Russo would love to have him on his team!

Sandow retreats to his corner but Riley could react. The referee quickly lectures Sandow before turning is attention back to the action in the ring as Knox slowly makes his way up to see that Morgan is down, Knox then picks up Morgan and hits a couple of knee shots the gut as he's yelling at Morgan to stay down. Knox then hits some stomps onto the downed Morgan as Knox beats his chest, getting pumped up for a big move. Knox then picks up Morgan and gives him a hard look before grabbing Morgan's tights, lifting him up and nails an inverted fisherman buster! Knox then starts to breath heavy as he drags Matt Morgan to his corner and tags Damien Sandow back into the match once again. Knox holds Morgan in place as Sandow approaches Morgan and kicks him in the gut. Morgan bends over as Sandow starts hammering away on Matt Morgan's back, Morgan wincing after every shot as he retreats to the corner but Sandow ends up hitting some elbows to the head of Morgan. Sandow then brings Morgan to the center of the ring where he smirks at Riley, then executes a Silencer onto Matt Morgan! Sandow then goes down and goes for the cover!




And Matt Morgan kicks out!! Sandow looks surprised as he begins to argue with the referee. The ref tells Sandow that the count is only two before Sandow shakes his head and calls the referee an imbecile. Sandow gets up and looks at Heyman who is yelling at Sandow, Sandow tells Heyman to quiet down but Alex Riley appears from behind Sandow and nails a neckbreaker out of nowhere! Riley bails from the ring before he can get a lecture from the referee, Knox doesn't appear to be too pleased as he starts chasing Riley at ringisde. Matt Morgan gets back up and shakes his head, apparently still a bit dizzy after the Silencer but regains his focus as he backs up and waits for Sandow to get back up. Knox finally catches up to Riley at ringside but Riley ends up turning around and hitting a discus punch onto Mike Knox! Sandow makes it up to his feet as Matt Morgan charges at Damien Sandow, then executes the Carbon Footprint as Sandow goes down hard! Morgan then goes for the cover!




Ding! Ding! Ding!

Winners of the match and advancing in the Tag Team Tournament: Matt Morgan and Alex Riley!


Morgan and Riley both walk up the stage as Heyman is holding up both guys hands. Heyman ignores the boos from the crowd as Heyman urges Morgan and Riley backstage as the referee checks up on Sandow in the ring.




Derrick Bateman: Ladies and gentlemen it's about that time. Time for the two greatest human beings to ever walk the face of the earth, time for the two most charismatic wrestlers on any brand, time for the only tag team that matter's, it's time for our show. Roll the Graphic!

The very crude signature Double Dragon's Lair Photoshop of the Double Dragon video game logo clearly pasted over the Dragon's Lair video game logo appears on screen.

Derrick Bateman: Damnit Maxine! I thought you were supposed to get that guy Jeff to make us a new logo.

Maxine: I tried but he said he was a huge Rock fan and he wasn't a fan of Fandango here beating The Rock at Summerslam.

Fandango: Look some people are just born losers and then there are people who God clearly loves more. Case and point myself.

Derrick Bateman: Well there goes the swell kickoff to season 2. Until you finally do something right for this show Maxine, you just can't be a co host of UWF's best original show.

Fandango: That and because you're a woman.

Maxine: But I did get graphics for the show.

Derrick Bateman: Hmm... I'm afraid I need to correspond with my friend over here.

Fandango and Derrick both turn around and huddle with their arms over each others shoulders and try and speak quietly although some words are audible.

........But she's a woman.........two man show.........period..........burns when I pee.........Burger King...........fish face...........Steel Magnolia's made me cry.

They finish huddling and begin to speak.

Derrick Bateman: Alright we've come to a decision. If everything goes well tonight, you can be a featured player much like SNL.

Maxine: I'll take it!

Derrick Bateman: Alright well then back to the show! Tonight we've been given a special time slot on the show because Fandango here has a big decision to make. Mick Foley has granted Fandango the opportunity to choose his opponent for Bound For Glory and with the amount of talent on this show, it's got to be a real tough decision.

Fandango: Yeah it's a real Sophie's Choice Derrick.

Derrick Bateman: So tonight we're going to let everyone into the decision process that is the mind of Fandango so we will be running down the entire roster from top to bottom starting in alphabetical order with... Ahem.. WITH!

Maxine: Oh damnit sorry, Al Snow! or Perry Saturn!

Fandango: Now these guys are something else. This brand is first and foremost entertainment. These guys have that in spades. It almost reminds me of a younger us except we're obviously more talented. I could just go out there and shake my hips and the ladies will come a flockin' and their panties be a droppin'. Now that would be entertainment! But still let's not take anything away from them, they are entertaining but they don't seem to be able to back it up. You saw their match on RAW. It's like they weren't even there. Sure I could go for the easy win but it's just not a money making match and I need money to pay for all my expensive attires. So sorry team MopHead but you're just not good enough.

Derrick Bateman: And if I could add, you guys are a little weird. You might want to get that whole situation figured out. I mean one guy has a mop for a girlfriend and other talks to a plastic head. What's next you gonna come out here dressed up in a costume? Who we got next?

Maxine: The Big Show!


Derrick Bateman: Damnit Maxine! You had one job!

Maxine: Hey he's new! They don't have a graphic up for him yet!

Derrick Bateman: One more screw up from you Maxine and I swear we're gonna can you! Now The Big Show certainly made an impact last week. He took out a bunch of people I don't care for so I don't hold any grudges against him but if he dares to try that against one of us, he'll be sorry.

Fandango: My face in insured for $100 million dollars but still, if that giant ham sized fist ever comes anywhere near my face, I'll sue the ever living crap out of him. Plus I'll mangle his face worse than it already is. But as far as being a contender for my title, what has he done to prove he's a good contender? Beat up some people, yeah I can dance all over people's faces too but I can do it in the ring when it matters and right now, you're not worth my time.

Maxine: Up next we have Chris Masters!

Fandango: Ugh! Look at that physique. How can anyone think that looks good. Those needles got him bulging everywhere except where it matters. If he thinks he can get his masterlock on me, he'd better guess again. Lotion comes out of my pores when they sense I'm in trouble and I'll slip right out. But just like Big Show, this guy has done nothing in the ring to make me even consider him as a potential challenger. Plus he's as charismatic as a rock and I don't mean The Rock. Who else is even capable of challenging me?

Maxine: Well you asked and now we have Curt Hawkins, Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal, 3MB!

Derrick Bateman: You can't be serious. Let me take this one bro. AHAHAHAHA!

Derrick Bateman bursts into laughter.

Maxine: Up next is the new Ironman Champion, Dolph Ziggler!

Fandango: Well if it isn't mini me. This guy is actually talented. He's learned by copying the best and it's got him pretty far. Now obviously he wasn't good enough as I beat him when I won this title but who knows maybe he's better now. I want to give these fans a show and what better way to show it than by beating the so called show off. Ziggler is definitely near the top of my list of challengers but is he really worth it? Other guys stand out by being different and we got plenty of fellas like that on this brand so would anyone really be interested in basically watching this years version of Undertaker vs Undertaker? I don't think so. Whose next?

Maxine: Speaking of whose next, it's none other than Goldberg!

Derrick Bateman: Now this dude has been impressive right out of the gate. He's got the power, intensity, the fans are behind him. If you and Dolph are this years Taker vs Taker, then me and Goldberg are this years Kane vs Kane.

Maxine: I don't really see any resemblance between you and Goldberg except maybe he has a jewish name you have a jewish face.

Derrick Bateman: Nobody was asking you questions Maxine!

Fandango: So let me get this straight, if Goldberg is your doppleganger, then the match would be Taker vs Kane. That's happened too many times. I'd say this is a no go.

Maxine: And now we have the former Ironman Champion and the only Mexican stable in UWF, Homicide, Hernandez and Konan, LAX!

Fandango: Where do I begin about the LAX? Homicide had an impressive run as Ironman Champion. He even beat Derrick here to win it. We were able to beat them in tag team action but I'd like a chance to prove to him just how wrong he was when he said he was the only champion that mattered.

Derrick Bateman: First of all bro, we're better than them. I only lost because I knew if I had that title I'd be stuck in that division and not be able to face you. Secondly, Homicide had a good match against Ziggler but in the end, he still lost. It would be a good match between you but people like suspense. Everyone already knows you can beat him.

Fandango: Well bro, everyone knows I can beat anyone. It's God's law and I'm the sheriff. It takes a real man to defeat me and so far, no one has been able to get the job done. I am undefeated and I will continue to be undefeated. All that matters is giving people a show because they already know the outcome.

Maxine: Well if you want to make thing unpredictable, how about the legend, Hulk Hogan!

Derrick Bateman: Oh my god bro, we used to love Hogan! We used to do his moves to each other all the time. You versus Hogan would be a dream match. It'd make me one step closer to Hogan myself. If you pick Hogan, can I be at ringside for the match?

Fandango: As much as I'd like to, he's just not the same legend he once was. He has to prove himself if he wants a shot. He may be a legend, but I'm a reality.

Maxine: Well how about a man who defies reality, Jeff Hardy!

Derrick Bateman: This guy is a real treat to watch in the ring. He's had is ups and downs but his recent win over his brother to advance in the King of the Ring has really caught my eye. If he doesn't go all the way, I could see him as being a potential challenger to your belt.

Fandango: I don't know man. He looks pretty odd. I didn't think it was possible but he looks like CM Punk only dirtier. And what's with that design on his face? It's like he's drawing attention to his worst feature. Maybe that's his gameplan. Get people repulsed by his sight and he squeaks out the victory. I've seen it work for other guys before but if that's how he wants to beat me, I'm here to tell him I'm not falling for it.

Maxine: Well then here comes someone whose made you both fall, it's Rhino!

Derrick Bateman and Fandango just both stare at Maxine.

Derrick Bateman: Why you gotta bring up stuff like that huh? You think we don't remember that he beat us in a handicap match?

Fandango: He pinned you. I'm undefeated. Either way, he just lost his number one contendership. Why should I make him number one contender?

Maxine: Well he lost his rematch. I figure you guys lost your rematch for the tag team titles unjustly as well so maybe you'd have a bit of sympathy for him.

Derrick Bateman: What is he your new boyfriend? He lost his opportunity in a match. They just never even gave us an option for our rematch. He's a big star on Anarchy, we get it. But he's gotta get back on track if he wants a shot at Fandango. So until he starts winning some matches, he won't get a shot.

Maxine: Well then what about the man who beat you to advance in the King of the Ring tournament, Seth Rollins!

Derrick Bateman: Yeah the guy beat me so what. He rolled me up though because he knows that with all this power, my balance got a little thrown off. It's something I gotta work on.

Fandango: I told you buddy, it takes hard work to achieve the perfect balance of strength and speed but if you stick with me, we'll get you looking perfect in no time. But as far as Seth is concerned, the guy can get a shot whenever he wants it. It's pretty clear that he doesn't want to fight me. If so he would have already cashed in on me so there's no point of me picking me. Who else is there?

Maxine: How about the man whose been making a big splash since debuting, Tyson Kidd!

Fandango: I've been watching this guy and I like his style. He's cocky and brash and has a lady at his side. I said Ziggler was a mini me but Tyson actually fits the mold more. He's been around wrestling all his life. He was trained by the best but no amount of training helps you when you were born to be the most perfect person in the entire universe. He can try and fly around the ring but I'll just kick him straight in his face. He can try and ground me but with a wiggle of my hips, I'll reverse the hold and apply my own..

Derrick Bateman: Plus if this guy is as good as he says he is, he'll go on to win the King of the Ring and fight you. Then again, he is Russo's new lap dog and it might be good for you to put him down now before he gets any more momentum.

Fandango: Hmm maybe. Whose next?

Maxine: Well up last we got the longest reigning champion on Anarchy, the Extreme Champion, Umaga!

Derrick Bateman: Didn't he lay you out once Maxine!

Maxine: Didn't he beat you guys in a handicap match!

Derrick Bateman: Yeah I believe you were a part of that match. Didn't the Women's Champion teach you a lesson in that match?

Maxine: Oh please! She walks around with a fake title. I'm the one who single handedly brought in a Women's Division here and then killed it whenever they tried and screwed me.

Fandango: Hey we're here to talk about me! Now I already beat this guy when I proved that I am the only champion on Anarchy that matters. Plus we've had too many run ins with this guys little group. And judging by what happened last week, he might have his hands a little full with Russo's new group.

Derrick Bateman: So then, have you come to a decision of who you'll be facing at Bound For Glory?

Fandango: Well I've thought long and hard about this. After weighing out all the pros and cons of each individual, I have come to a decision. My opponent at Bound For Glory is none other than...


Derrick jumps up and down in joy.

Derrick Bateman: Oh my god! Are you serious! This is my dream come true!

Derrick Bateman, Fandango and Maxine all embrace.

William Regal: So you're telling me, we just watched that whole thing for Fandango to just pick Derrick Bateman?

Joey Styles: Sure seems that way.

The three continue to hug as we head elsewhere.



The familiar music of “Crank It Up” by Brand New Sin hits the arena as The Big Show steps onto the stage. The crowd erupts in boos after the events of last week. The Big Show begins his slow walk down the entrance ramp, his focus firmly fixed on the ring. He gets to the ring, stops for a second, soaking in the boos from the crowd before his facial expression turns to anger and he climbs onto the apron and steps over the top rope. Big Shpw awaits for his oppoenent



As the beginning of the song plays the crowd grows restless as they try as hard as they can to find the man who normally comes out to the music. The spotlights circle around the arena looking for him, but no luck. All of a sudden we see Rhino coming through the crowd as he enters the ring and he is ready to go


Rhino goes as he wastes no time trying to hit punches on the massive Big Show. Big Show seems sort of phased by the punches Rhino is hitting, but he ends up blocking one, and then headbutting Rhino. Rhino goes as he is staggered near the ropes where Big Show hits a giant knee to the gut of Rhino. Big Show then begins to grab Rhino and throws him to the ground with the greatest of ease.

Tazz: I just love the Big Show! No one can stop that man!

Big Show looks at the down Rhino who is in sort of a shock there is a man on the roster stronger then him. Rhino goes and he gets up as he looks at the Big Show. Show is telling him to bring it, and Rhino does, by doing a dropkick to the legs of the Big Show which causes him to crash and burn onto the mat. Rhino goes and he begins to hit a flurry of shots onto the Big Show. Show goes as he reaches out his arms and he pushes Rhino down on the mat. Rhino is down on the mat as he can’t believe even with taking down the stature of the Giant Man he is still able to fight back.

Joey Styles: Rhino seems to have met his match!

Big Show gets up as Rhino is up as well. Rhino goes and he charges at the Big Show, but Big Show connects with a big boot to the face of Rhino. Rhino falls to the ground. Big Show goes as he picks up Rhino with the greatest of ease and has him in a military press. Big Show drops Rhino quickly as he falls face first to the mat. To add insult to injury Big Show goes as he steps on Rhinos back. The referee is telling him to cut it out, but Big Show threatens to hit the referee calling the referee to stumble a bit.

William Regal: Even the referee dosen’t want to mess with the Big Show.

Joey Styles: Who will stop this man?

Big Show goes as he gets off of Rhino, but by stepping on him. The fans begin to boo like crazy as Big Show stands in the middle of the ring just laughing. Rhino goes as he is trying to build his base back up. Rhino is down on the ground, and Big Show seems to be taunting him to get up. Rhino is getting up but is so weak when he throws a punch at the Big Show’s stomach it dosen’t seem to phase the Giant. Big Show goes and he drops a hammerfist right onto the back of Rhino. Rhino falls down to the ground as he goes to grab the legs of the Big Show. Big Show looks at Rhino with a pathetic look as he stomps the foot of the war machine. The fans begin to boo as Rhino is holding his hand in pain at what Big Show did.

Tazz: Don’t you love it guys? Russo’s new guy is more powerful then Rhino its amazing.

Rhino goes as he heads to the outside. Big Show doesn’t want to waste the energy in chasing after him so he stands in the middle of the ring just waiting for Rhino to come back in. Rhino seems like he is re-cooperating, and he is thinking of ways to get Big Show off guard. Rhino begins to circle the outside of the ring as the Big Show begins to follow Rhinos pattern standing in the middle of the ring. Big Show though is too slow to keep up. So Rhino enters the ring and he chop blocks the big man taking him down to the mat.

Joey Styles: Rhino took Big Show down!

Big Show is on his back as Rhino goes and he begins to pummel the gut of the Big Show with some stomps that it makes it where Big Show turns to his back. Rhino goes and he gets on top of Big Show and he begins to hit the camel clutch right onto Big Show as we see Big Show screaming at the move locked on. The fans begin to cheer seeing Big Show being the submission hold. Big Show goes as he begins to build his base back up to full stature. Big Show goes as he gets up and he is carrying Rhino who at this point has surrendered the camel clutch for a half rear naked choke. Big Show goes as he just falls back causing Rhino to separate the hold. Rhino is on the mat as Big Show rolls off of him and he has his hands on the ground. Big Show goes and he looks on the ground as we can see some spit forming from the mouth of Big Show.

Joey Styles: Big Show literally scares me.

Big Show goes as he looks at Rhino who is down on the ground. Big Show looks at him as he goes and he grabs the throat of Rhino and he lifts him up. Big Show begins jawing off to Rhino but it is so hard to understand what he is saying. Big Show goes as he looks to hit the chokeslam, but Rhino kicks him in the gut allowing Big Show to release the hold. Rhino backs off against the ropes and he hits a flying forearm onto Big Show. Big Show is staggered as he stands in the middle of the ring dazed. Rhino goes as he goes to the second rope. Rhino goes and he jumps off the rope and he looks like he is going to hit a double axe hammer right into the face of Big Show. Big Show though catches Rhino by the throat and he hits a huge chokeslam to Rhino. Rhino is down as Big Show leans on the ropes a little bit. Big Show goes slowly as he covers Rhino for the pin.




No Rhino kicks out as the fans cheer like crazy, and Big Show is in shock.

Tazz: What the hell how did Rhino kick out?

Joey Styles: We saw it in the Sting match Tazz Rhino will fight to the bitter end.

Big Show can’t believe it as Rhino kicked out of his trademark chokeslam. Big Show goes as he argue with the referee. The referee said he kicked out of two. Big Show looks frustrated as he screams in rage. Big Show goes as he is looking to load up that giant fist of his. Big Show goes as he awaits Rhino to get up. Rhino is up and as Big Show goes for the WMD. Rhino with instinct ducks, and Big Show whiffs big time. Big Show turns around, and too his surprise he gets lifted in the air. Big Show gets hit with a huge spinebuster. Big Show is down on the ground in the middle of the ring as the fans cheer like crazy. Rhino goes as he perches by the turnbuckle, and he is ready to hit a big move.

Joey Styles: Rhino is looking to hit the Gore.

Rhino goes as he is in the corner, and as Big Show is getting up Rhino goes and he hits the Gore right onto the Big Show. The fans cheer like crazy as Rhino goes for the cover.




Joey Styles: What the hell?

A camera crew man pulls the referee out of the ring. The referee is confused on what the hell the camera man is doing. The camera man is trying to show him something of some sorts. Rhino is trying to wonder what the hell is going on when all of a sudden the fans boo like crazy. Rhino goes and he turns to see Carlito coming by the ring apron. Rhino is trying to chase him off, but as he goes at him he gets spit with an apple to the face. Rhino turns around and is met with the WMD. Carlito jumps off the apron as he lays on the outside. The camera man begins to point to the middle of the ring showing Big Show has Rhino covered. The referee goes back into the ring, and he makes the count.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner… The Big Show


Big Show theme rains through the arena as the fans boo him. Rhino is lied out in the middle of the ring, and Carlito joins the Big Show in the ring. When all of a sudden the random camera man joins the party. The man takes off his cap and it reveals to be Chris Masters. The three men begin to laugh like crazy of what just happened.

Joey Styles: Oh come on this is bullshit!

William Regal: Joey-

Tazz: Yeah come on lighten up Joey. Geesh are you trying to get fired.

Joey Styles: I don’t give a crap at this point this right here is not right!

Tazz: Well if you don’t care then its one less idiot I don’t have to deal with. Isn’t that right Regal?

William Regal: Why do I even try?

Boos shower the arena as the three men stand all in unison with there hands held up high, and as Rhino is in the middle of the ring laid out. The three men exit the ring as they gloat some more, and Anarchy fades somewhere else




As Anarchy returns from commercial, we go live to Vince Russo sitting in his office.


Vince Russo: Hello again, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're enjoying the show tonight. I know I am, and I'm about to enjoy it a whole lot more because the time has come for me to reveal my choices for Anarchy's title scene for the Bound For Glory pay-per-view. First and foremost, let's start with the International Championship. But before I announce my choice, let me ask you this, how stupid are all of you to think that I, Vince Russo, would let that buffoon pick his own opponent? I can't stand Fandango, I hate Fandango, and as sure as I am the greatest mind to ever grace professional wrestling, it will not be Fandango versus Derrick Bateman!

The crowd boos this as a lot of them were looking forward to the two friends battling it out.

No, instead I'm going to look out for my best interests. Or, more specifically, the Establishment's best interest, and that goes for all three of the championships. For the International Championship, it's going to be Fandango defending the International Championship against the former Ironman Champion, the "Notorious 187" Homicide! But it's not going to be just any old match, I wouldn't be the genius I am if it was. No, this match is going to be something Homicide can use to both trample the gringo mentality underneath his resistant boots and represent his Mexican heritage. The International Championship will be defended in the first ever Flag Match! How does one win a Flag Match where a championship is also on the line? It's simple, whoever captures the flag wins the championship.

But if Homicide isn't getting his rematch for the Ironman Championship, who's Dolph Ziggler going to defend it against? Don't worry, I've got that covered. In an Ironman match, Dolph Ziggler will defend the Ironman Championship against the "Masterpiece" Chris Masters! And for the Extreme Championship, in a Last Man Standing match, Umaga will defend the belt against none other than the "World's Largest Athlete" the Big Show! But don't think I'm leaving Carlito off the card, because in singles action it'll be him going against the faux number one contender to the International Championship, Derrick Bateman! I told you, Anarchy, the Establishment rules this world.

Russo starts laughing as he walks offscreen and the cameras return to ringside.

Goldberg's music blares over the PA system as Jeff Hardy finishes up what he had to say. Goldberg comes through the curtains, minus the usual pyro & fan fare. He's a man determined. He already has a mic in hand, as he progresses down the ramp towards the ring that already contains his opponent this week on Anarchy. He arrives at the apron & climbs the steel steps, as fans hold their Goldberg signs up high. He enters through the middle ropes as his music is finally faded out. The fans respond with a huge GOLDBERG chant

Anarchys sold out arena is pumped up as they await the arrival of one of their favorite superstars. The lights dim and a familiar guitar chord his the PA system

"So You See the Writing on the Waaaaaaaaaaalllllll"

"No More Words" starts to play in full swing and out from behind the curtain, dancing to the beat, is Jeff Hardy. Jeff moves his way out onto the stage and thrashes about as he does to the crowds delight. Jeff throws his hands up in the "Gunz" taunt and a massive amount of pyro explodes from the stage around him. The fans cheer as Jeff jogs down the ramp towards the ring, bobbing his head in time with the music. Hardy runs and slides in under the bottom rope, into the ring. He rushes over to the far turnbuckle and jumps onto the second one, hitting his signature pose while flashbulbs go off in the audience. Jeff hops down, and picks up a microphone from under the bottom rope. He gets to the center of the ring, and his music begins to fade. "Hardy!" chants break out as the crowd are trying to keep his spirits high.

King of the Ring Semi Finals Match

Jeff Hardy looks at Goldberg and he looks to shake the hand of Goldberg. Goldberg though looks at the crowd, and then looks at Jeff as he grabs Jeff and he throws him to the turnbuckle and immediately starts to hit a bunch of shoulder shoves to the gut of Jeff Hardy. Hardy is feeling the pain as Goldberg goes in the middle of the ring as you can hear the men cheer and the women and children boo during his action.

Joey Styles: Crowd seems split for this contest tonight.

Goldberg charges at Hardy, but Hardy moves out of the way causing Goldberg to go face first into the turnbuckle. Goldberg turns around as Jeff dropkicks him right in the gut. Goldberg staggers back into the turnbuckle, and Jeff goes as he climbs the top turnbuckle, and he begins raining punches onto Goldberg. He is hitting so many that the fans have lost count. The fans begin to lose count of the punches. Jeff goes for more, but all of a sudden gets blocked by Goldberg. Goldberg goes as he pushes Jeff off from the turnbuckle. Jeff lands on his feet with his back behind of Goldberg. Jeff turns around and he is met with a huge clothesline by Goldberg.

Tazz: The power of Goldberg man it’s wicked.

Goldberg goes closer to Hardy who is getting up holding his throat. Goldberg goes as he knees Hardy in the gut. Hardy falls down, as Goldberg pulls Hardy up by his hair. Goldberg goes, and he lifts Hardy up into a military press. Camera shots are shown around the arena as fans are taking pictures of the strength that is Goldberg. Goldberg goes and he throws Hardy off and Hardy goes crashing to the mat. Goldberg dosen’t seem impressed with Hardy as Goldberg chants rain around the arena here tonight.

William Regal: Seems like the fans are now chanting Goldbergs name. Not so split now.

Jeff is seen holding his back as Goldberg begins to bend down and hit some knees to the back of Hardy. Goldberg then grabs the head of Jeff Hardy and begins to bend it. Jeff is screaming in pain as Goldberg has the hold tight. We can hear a lot of women and children chant for Hardy’s name as the male adult fans chant suck afterwards. Goldberg goes as he lets go of the submission hold knowing Jeff won’t tap to the move. Goldberg goes, and he lifts Jeff Hardy up, Golberg puts Jeff on his shoulders and he hits a running powerslam. Goldberg goes for the pin and the fans count.



No Jeff Hardy kicks out. The male fans boo, but the women and children cheer. Goldberg goes as he grabs Hardy by the hair again, but we start to see retaliation from Hardy. Hardy goes and he punches the gut of Goldberg, and Goldberg staggers a bit. Hardy goes and he charges at Goldberg and he hits a nice flying clothesline onto Goldberg which causes Goldberg to lean against the ropes. Goldberg is against the ropes as Hardy charges at him again, and he hits a clothesline sending Goldberg over the top rope. The fans begin to give a mix reaction as Hardy screams like crazy.

Joey Styles: Jeff Hardy showing a lot of fight here tonight folks!

Jeff goes as he looks at Goldberg who is on the outside. Jeff Hardy goes for a diving crossbody onto the outside. Jeff goes for the move when all of a sudden Goldberg catches him the fans are shocked by the power of Goldberg. Goldberg carries Hardy by a barricade, and hits a fallaway slam into the barricade. The fans begin to cheer like crazy seeing this move as Goldberg goes in the ring as the referee starts making the count on the down Hardy on the outside. A replay is shown of what Goldberg just did.Hardy is on the outside as the referee’s count is at 5.

Tazz: Man this is great Goldberg is such a machine.

Joey Styles: I thought you hated people not aligned with Russo?

Tazz: Joey shut up. Ya know nothing about Bill and I’s relationship we go way back.

Hardy is on the outside as the referee is at the count of 6. The women and children start up again with the Hardy chant. Hardy is crawling his way to the ring as the referee is at 7. The fans are cheering like crazy as Jeff is near the apron and the referee is at 8. The referee gets to 9 as all of a sudden a burst of adrenaline hits and Jeff rolls into the middle of the ring. The women and children cheer like crazy as Hardy lays down in the middle of the ring as Goldberg looks on in shock. Goldberg goes and he grabs Hardy to pick him up when all of a sudden Hardy grabs the head of Goldberg and goes for a small package pin.



No Goldberg kicks out of it. Goldberg is up quick as he looks shocked that he got caught there. Hardy gets up as Golberg wastes no time as he begins hitting sharp kicks to the body of Jeff Hardy. Goldberg goes for the kick in the gut, but Hardy manages to catch it. The strong Goldberg is hobbling on one leg, and Hardy goes and he hits a huge enziguri which causes Goldberg to fall to the ground hard. Hardy sees that Goldberg is down. Hardy goes and he takes off his shirt as the women cheer like crazy. Jeff Hardy goes to the top rope and does his pose. Jeff Hardy screams and he goes for the swanton bomb. It hits as the fans go wild.

Joey Styles: Jeff Hardy may be heading to the king of the Ring finals!




No kick out by Goldberg as the fans are stunned. Even Jeff Hardy is surprised Goldberg kicked out his trademark move. Jeff Hardy goes and he looks at the down Goldberg. Hardy starts to look at the crowd and yells: “Again”. The fans cheer in the response to Hardy, as Jeff goes and he climbs the top turnbuckle again. Jeff dosen’t waste time with the pose as he goes for the swanton once again. This time though he crashes and burns as Goldberg moves out of the way. The fans give an “ohhh” as Hardy looks like he landed hard. Goldberg goes as he crawls to one of the turnbuckles as he begins to set up.

William Regal: Goldberg is locked on, and it looks like he may hit his deadly move known as the Spear.

Goldberg waits, and waits as Hardy is slowly getting up. Hardy is getting up and he is holding his head. Goldberg goes as he charges at Hardy for the spear, and Hardy sidesteps him away which causes Goldberg to go shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Goldberg holds his shoulder as Hardy wastes no time and he climbs up the turnbuckle hitting the whisper in the wind.

Joey Styles: Hardy connects!

Goldberg though doesn’t seem phased as he is standing there dazed Hardy goes and he kicks Goldberg in the gut as he grabs the head of him and hits the twist of fate.

William Regal: Big move by Jeff Hardy here.

Goldberg is down and turns where his stomach is up facing the lights. Hardy goes to the top turnbuckle and he does his trademark pose. Jeff Hardy goes and he hits the Swanton Bomb right in the middle of the ring as the fans cheer like crazy. Jeff Hardy hooks the leg as he goes for the pin.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, and advancing to the King of the Ring Final Jeff Hardy!


Jeff Hardy gets up as he is happy that he won the match. The women and children are drowning out all the boos by the hardcore males as he poses for the victory. Goldberg is seen on the outside disappointed in himself as he goes up the ramp leaving the match area.

Tazz: Ha looks like Goldberg won’t be going undefeated here in the UWF.

Joey Styles: Weren’t you just in love with Goldberg just a minute ago Tazz?

Tazz: Styles shut up you must be hearing things. I had Hardy winning the whole time.

William Regal: Joey I know you want to respond, but don’t it will be the best for the both of us.

Jeff is celebrating in the middle of the ring as the music plays. All of a sudden Tyson Kidd and Natalya come out. Kidd goes and he looks on at Hardy as Natalya rasies his hands as Hardy looks at him dead in the eyes knowing he will have to face him in the finals. All of a sudden an uproar from the fans as Seth Rollins is shown in the crowd holding his money in the bank briefcase he lifts that up high in the sky looking at both Hardy, and Kidd. The three finalist seem to have a date with destiny soon.

Joey Styles: These three men have done it big here tonight on Anarchy, and will face off to see who will represent Anarchy in the King of the Ring tournament!

The camera show all three men focused looks at each other as the camera fades to black.

Heyman promo-Cwalker
Rollins promo-Andrew
MDDD promo-CaptainxBumout
3MB promo-Tapout
Masters part of opening promo-Schmidty
Carlito part of opening promo-The Red
Kidd and Natalya part of opening promo-CliqueClacks
Riley and Morgan vs. Sandow and Knox-natlav
Homicide part of opening promo, Show/Rhino, Hardy/Goldberg, Rollins/Hogan, Ziggler/Kidd-Chase
Russo part of opening promo, Backstage Russo promo, piecing show together-Chris Dresden


International Championship
Flag Match
Fandango(c) vs. Homicide

Extreme Championship
Last Man Standing
Umaga(c) vs. Big Show

Ironman Championship
Ironman Match
Dolph Ziggler(c) vs. Chris Masters

Carlito vs. Derrick Bateman​
Last edited:


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Amazing show man. I really enjoyed it. The Rhino vs Bigshow match rocks! And I enjoyed the MDDD promo a lot. Good Job Anarchians!


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Was quite a interesting show, good work from everyone.

Now I gotta see where to take Goldberg from here.

Also the DD skit was too funny.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Was quite a interesting show, good work from everyone.

Now I gotta see where to take Goldberg from here.

Also the DD skit was too funny.

Give him a new and unique gimmick? Or an odd goal?


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Dang, really wasn't expecting to win but I did have fun TT'ing against Blizzard.

Hell of show, loved the MDDD promo.

Shout out to Chase though, I love how he writes my matches, you do a great job every week buddy!


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Great show guys, loving Anarchy at the moment, looking forward to Bound For Glory, come on The Establishment, let's get some titles :p


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Give him a new and unique gimmick? Or an odd goal?

Maybe, Ive been trying to pick up a manager for him but everytime I land on something someone else takes them.
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