Re: UWF Bound For Glory Ironman Championship Chris Masters vs Dolph Ziggler (c)
Dolph Ziggler’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd explodes in cheers! After the drums kicks in, Ziggler makes his way out onto the stage, with his Ironman Championship on his back. Ziggler throws his arms in the air, hyping up the fans as he does his signature spin. Ziggler shakes his hips, as he faces the cameras once again, circling the championship to his waist. Ziggler makes his way down the ramp, as he walks over to the side of the ring. Ziggler slides on the apron, as he goes to enter the ring, before stopping and sitting on the middle rope, with a smirk on his face. Ziggler enters the ring as he jumps on the middle turnbuckle, soaking in the cheers once again. Ziggler hops off the turnbuckle, as he grabs a microphone, before speaking.
Dolph Ziggler: Three hundred and sixty five days. For those of you with rocks in their head, no offense Chris, that’s the amount of days in one year. With that out of the way, every day of the year I work my ass off for opportunities. I train every single day just to stay on the radar of the guys wearing suits in the back. I’ve been a part of this company for nearly five months now, beating absolutely everybody that’s been put in front of me. Constantly pushing myself to outdo what I’ve done before and take my place as one of the all-time best! JUST for opportunities. So, when I’m asked to take something? I refuse, because I prefer earning it. I prefer earning my opportunities, so when someone swoops in and takes something? Yeah, THAT pisses me off.
Dolph shakes his head in anger, as he takes a second to calm down. After a couple of seconds, Dolph focuses on his opponent.
Dolph Ziggler: Which brings me to you, Chri – hey, hey, hey! Come on now, don’t boo him! It’s not Chris’ fault. It’s not his fault he took the easy way out. It’s not his fault instead of actually going to the gym and training to get the body he has today, he has to take the EASY fix. If you know what I mean.
“Ooh!†is heard around the arena, and Chris is fuming in the ring, as a smug smirk appears on Dolph’s face, who continues to speak.
Dolph Ziggler: There’s a bunch of easy fixes I can point out you took, but I’ll point out the most important one. The Establishment. A cliché, temporary, pointless group that’s already seeing its demise. The great mind of Vince Russo got rid of Tyson Kidd, a kid I don’t like at all but I respect his talent, because he lost one match? Smart move, Russo. Another smart move was giving an Ironman Championship shot to this big ol’ guy right here. Now what did this big ol’ guy do to earn that shot? Absolutely nothing. Chris, you speak highly of yourself. You claim you have all the talent in the world and dispute the fact that you really don’t. You blame you not making it because of your past bosses? When it comes to bosses, my motto in life is the boss doesn’t make the superstar, but the superstar makes the superstar. Dolph Ziggler… made Dolph Ziggler! You have the ability to make Chris Masters, but you decided to bend down and let Vince Russo take control. And for that one reason is why this is the closest you will EVER be Ironman Champion!
Dolph raises the Ironman Championship in Chris’ face, as he lets him soak in the glory for a couple of moments, before taking a couple of steps back, continuing.
Dolph Ziggler: I know you’re the first person to disagree with me, Chris. I mean, just look at you! You have no shortage of confidence, that’s for sure. You probably think you can take on the whole roster single-handedly if you have to, and put each and every single one of them in The Masterlock. I guess I can’t exactly blame you for being high on yourself though. You’re the golden boy of Vince Russo right now, and you have your Establishment pals there to feed your ego. But so far, you haven’t really been delivering for Vince without the rest of the Establishment providing the back-up. Oh sure, when it’s a whatever how much guys Vince has googly eyes for-on-one beat down, then you look like a superstar! But when it comes down to just yourself, unlike me, you haven’t been living up to all the hype inside the ring. You had the chance to advance in the King of the Ring tournament, and you botched the job. Now you’re with the Establishment and that’s all on your mind? That’s the WRONG thing you should be thinking about because you’re going to step into the ring with the Show-Off for the very first time. And NOBODY looks past Dolph Ziggler! Do you understand me?
Dolph locks eyes with his opponent, who looks like he wants to knock the head off of him. Dolph nods his head, as he rubs his chin, taking a quick glance at Chris’ valet, Layla, with a smirk across his face.
Dolph Ziggler: Oh, wait? You don't understand me, because all you’ve been focusing on is your girlfriend, Layla. All of those mistakes turn into my advantages! I will not hesitated to take advantage of your mistakes, because I am one-hundred percent focused on Bound for Glory! I am a true champion, which means I know how to keep my head in the game. I can put all of my problems with the Establishment to one side, I can blind the support from my fans for later, and concentrate ENTIRELY on the task at hand, which is beating you and retaining MY Ironman Championship!
Dolph raises the Ironman Championship in the air, as he turns his head to Layla, with a flirty smirk across his face.
Dolph Ziggler: And, while doing all of that, I’ll still be stealing the show as easily as I could steal your girlfriend.
The audience explodes in cheers, and Dolph lowers the microphone, awaiting for Chris’ response who’s fuming in the ring with Layla.
Dolph Ziggler’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd explodes in cheers! After the drums kicks in, Ziggler makes his way out onto the stage, with his Ironman Championship on his back. Ziggler throws his arms in the air, hyping up the fans as he does his signature spin. Ziggler shakes his hips, as he faces the cameras once again, circling the championship to his waist. Ziggler makes his way down the ramp, as he walks over to the side of the ring. Ziggler slides on the apron, as he goes to enter the ring, before stopping and sitting on the middle rope, with a smirk on his face. Ziggler enters the ring as he jumps on the middle turnbuckle, soaking in the cheers once again. Ziggler hops off the turnbuckle, as he grabs a microphone, before speaking.

Dolph Ziggler: Three hundred and sixty five days. For those of you with rocks in their head, no offense Chris, that’s the amount of days in one year. With that out of the way, every day of the year I work my ass off for opportunities. I train every single day just to stay on the radar of the guys wearing suits in the back. I’ve been a part of this company for nearly five months now, beating absolutely everybody that’s been put in front of me. Constantly pushing myself to outdo what I’ve done before and take my place as one of the all-time best! JUST for opportunities. So, when I’m asked to take something? I refuse, because I prefer earning it. I prefer earning my opportunities, so when someone swoops in and takes something? Yeah, THAT pisses me off.
Dolph shakes his head in anger, as he takes a second to calm down. After a couple of seconds, Dolph focuses on his opponent.
Dolph Ziggler: Which brings me to you, Chri – hey, hey, hey! Come on now, don’t boo him! It’s not Chris’ fault. It’s not his fault he took the easy way out. It’s not his fault instead of actually going to the gym and training to get the body he has today, he has to take the EASY fix. If you know what I mean.
“Ooh!†is heard around the arena, and Chris is fuming in the ring, as a smug smirk appears on Dolph’s face, who continues to speak.
Dolph Ziggler: There’s a bunch of easy fixes I can point out you took, but I’ll point out the most important one. The Establishment. A cliché, temporary, pointless group that’s already seeing its demise. The great mind of Vince Russo got rid of Tyson Kidd, a kid I don’t like at all but I respect his talent, because he lost one match? Smart move, Russo. Another smart move was giving an Ironman Championship shot to this big ol’ guy right here. Now what did this big ol’ guy do to earn that shot? Absolutely nothing. Chris, you speak highly of yourself. You claim you have all the talent in the world and dispute the fact that you really don’t. You blame you not making it because of your past bosses? When it comes to bosses, my motto in life is the boss doesn’t make the superstar, but the superstar makes the superstar. Dolph Ziggler… made Dolph Ziggler! You have the ability to make Chris Masters, but you decided to bend down and let Vince Russo take control. And for that one reason is why this is the closest you will EVER be Ironman Champion!
Dolph raises the Ironman Championship in Chris’ face, as he lets him soak in the glory for a couple of moments, before taking a couple of steps back, continuing.
Dolph Ziggler: I know you’re the first person to disagree with me, Chris. I mean, just look at you! You have no shortage of confidence, that’s for sure. You probably think you can take on the whole roster single-handedly if you have to, and put each and every single one of them in The Masterlock. I guess I can’t exactly blame you for being high on yourself though. You’re the golden boy of Vince Russo right now, and you have your Establishment pals there to feed your ego. But so far, you haven’t really been delivering for Vince without the rest of the Establishment providing the back-up. Oh sure, when it’s a whatever how much guys Vince has googly eyes for-on-one beat down, then you look like a superstar! But when it comes down to just yourself, unlike me, you haven’t been living up to all the hype inside the ring. You had the chance to advance in the King of the Ring tournament, and you botched the job. Now you’re with the Establishment and that’s all on your mind? That’s the WRONG thing you should be thinking about because you’re going to step into the ring with the Show-Off for the very first time. And NOBODY looks past Dolph Ziggler! Do you understand me?
Dolph locks eyes with his opponent, who looks like he wants to knock the head off of him. Dolph nods his head, as he rubs his chin, taking a quick glance at Chris’ valet, Layla, with a smirk across his face.
Dolph Ziggler: Oh, wait? You don't understand me, because all you’ve been focusing on is your girlfriend, Layla. All of those mistakes turn into my advantages! I will not hesitated to take advantage of your mistakes, because I am one-hundred percent focused on Bound for Glory! I am a true champion, which means I know how to keep my head in the game. I can put all of my problems with the Establishment to one side, I can blind the support from my fans for later, and concentrate ENTIRELY on the task at hand, which is beating you and retaining MY Ironman Championship!
Dolph raises the Ironman Championship in the air, as he turns his head to Layla, with a flirty smirk across his face.
Dolph Ziggler: And, while doing all of that, I’ll still be stealing the show as easily as I could steal your girlfriend.
The audience explodes in cheers, and Dolph lowers the microphone, awaiting for Chris’ response who’s fuming in the ring with Layla.