Re: UWF Heatwave: Bray Wyatt Vs Sting
Bray Wyatt stands now in the ring, speaking with Eli Cottonwood, laughing among themselves, Bray Wyatt can be heard uttering "He's good, man". Bray Wyatt turns around to face The Stinger, and begins to speak.
Bray Wyatt: As I was just sayin' to Cousin Eli, you're pretty damn good at this. But I suppose we all already knew that. I mean, who doesn't know Sting?!... I know I certainly do... I mean you've been up and down this road so many times that you got yourself your own slipway that let's you slip right to the top of the card wherever you may go. And rightly so, I mean, you were a champion... a World Champion... you, were a Horseman, you were a member of the New World Order... you led the Nexus... you've done it all, but you haven't faced no one like me, man. I'm sure you've heard it all before Stinger, but there truly is no man like Bray Wyatt, because I am more than just a mere mortal man. This Windham Rotundo fellow?... well I don't know who he is no more, he was just a man, Husky Harris?... just a man, they had their shortfalls, they had their history of sin... but Bray Wyatt ain't got no history of sin... Bray Wyatt ain't Windham Rotundo, Husky Harris, Axel Mulligan... many identities have tried to throw themselves unto this body but none are as pure... righteous and powerful as Bray Wyatt. Windham Rotundo is dead, he left along time ago, faded away into the recesses of the mortal mind and in his place I stand before you, not a man, but an all seeing, ever present 'spirit'... and I'm watchin' you Sting, I've got my eyes fixed on you.
Bray Wyatt smiles at Sting, Sting looks at Bray disappointed almost with Bray's antics.
And while I do have my eyes fixed on you, I've also got my eyes fixed firmly on the grand prize of the World Heavyweight Championship. The Holy Grail of this company. Now you can't drink nothin' from this Holy Grail, and I'm pretty sure Jesus never drank anythin' off some wrestlin' belt, but it means just as much to me. Because that title belt is the power in this world. It is the beacon of light, it is what gives us all the immortality which we desire, whether we admit it or not. Well Sting, you are immortal. In the sense that your name will live forever. I mean you're The Stinger!... WOOOO!. I mean, you were the man for many a year, you dominated the ranks, you have been a World Champion... and all that time Bray Wyatt was nothin'. Literally nothin'. In those years where you were World Champion, and I mean in your prime, not the recent reigns... I mean in the nineties, man... Bray Wyatt was simply a voice in the back of a young man's mind. The moral consience waitin' to right this world of all it's wrongs. His daddy didn't let Bray Wyatt out to see the world in these times. He fought it best that Bray Wyatt stayed inside and didn't spread what he called his 'disease'... well I'M FREE DADDY!... and you are all diseased because you all hear me, and you all fear me... and in this year where Bray Wyatt finally came through, ascended if you will, into the light of day... he's already ready to rid the world of the filth that caused him to be created.
The crowd are almost confused at Bray's ramblings.
Daddy's burnin'... and my daddy ain't some tax-man, he wasn't no wrestler... he was just like me!. He was a figment of the moral decay of this world. He tried to stop me from saving the chosen few from the end times that I'm bringin' to this world. He tried to stop me from reachin' out before, he 'took me outta school' before I could read, well he couldn't stop me none. Because when the end times came, he went away. Up in smoke. And I ain't sayin' how that possibly came to be, all I'm sayin' is he's gone. There ain't no one keepin' Bray Wyatt in no more. Bray Wyatt is free, and Bray Wyatt IS freedom. And if this country is founded on freedom, well then Bray Wyatt truly is an American Hero... and I could save you Sting. But y'know what?, I ain't gonna... you've found your own sense of god, you have your own beliefs, and I ain't gonna change that none. And some people might see me more of an American Psycho, than an American Hero but regardless of what they think... I ain't no American, I ain't from this country of moral decay and I ain't from this world of decadence and sin... I ain't no human being, I am your consience, and I am whispering in your ear right now to join me... come with me, to the other side. And Sting, you say that I am full of nonsense, tryin' to paint myself as the messiah?... well that's for you to decipher... that's for you to believe... but you better believe this Sting. Bray Wyatt is real. Bray Wyatt is the Angel In The Dirt... and Bray Wyatt will beat you this week on Smackdown. This is the end Sting... this is the end. Beautiful friend... the end.
Bray Wyatt laughs as Sting stands ready to retort. Bray Wyatt turns his back to Sting and stands laughing with Cousin Eli.

Bray Wyatt: As I was just sayin' to Cousin Eli, you're pretty damn good at this. But I suppose we all already knew that. I mean, who doesn't know Sting?!... I know I certainly do... I mean you've been up and down this road so many times that you got yourself your own slipway that let's you slip right to the top of the card wherever you may go. And rightly so, I mean, you were a champion... a World Champion... you, were a Horseman, you were a member of the New World Order... you led the Nexus... you've done it all, but you haven't faced no one like me, man. I'm sure you've heard it all before Stinger, but there truly is no man like Bray Wyatt, because I am more than just a mere mortal man. This Windham Rotundo fellow?... well I don't know who he is no more, he was just a man, Husky Harris?... just a man, they had their shortfalls, they had their history of sin... but Bray Wyatt ain't got no history of sin... Bray Wyatt ain't Windham Rotundo, Husky Harris, Axel Mulligan... many identities have tried to throw themselves unto this body but none are as pure... righteous and powerful as Bray Wyatt. Windham Rotundo is dead, he left along time ago, faded away into the recesses of the mortal mind and in his place I stand before you, not a man, but an all seeing, ever present 'spirit'... and I'm watchin' you Sting, I've got my eyes fixed on you.
Bray Wyatt smiles at Sting, Sting looks at Bray disappointed almost with Bray's antics.
And while I do have my eyes fixed on you, I've also got my eyes fixed firmly on the grand prize of the World Heavyweight Championship. The Holy Grail of this company. Now you can't drink nothin' from this Holy Grail, and I'm pretty sure Jesus never drank anythin' off some wrestlin' belt, but it means just as much to me. Because that title belt is the power in this world. It is the beacon of light, it is what gives us all the immortality which we desire, whether we admit it or not. Well Sting, you are immortal. In the sense that your name will live forever. I mean you're The Stinger!... WOOOO!. I mean, you were the man for many a year, you dominated the ranks, you have been a World Champion... and all that time Bray Wyatt was nothin'. Literally nothin'. In those years where you were World Champion, and I mean in your prime, not the recent reigns... I mean in the nineties, man... Bray Wyatt was simply a voice in the back of a young man's mind. The moral consience waitin' to right this world of all it's wrongs. His daddy didn't let Bray Wyatt out to see the world in these times. He fought it best that Bray Wyatt stayed inside and didn't spread what he called his 'disease'... well I'M FREE DADDY!... and you are all diseased because you all hear me, and you all fear me... and in this year where Bray Wyatt finally came through, ascended if you will, into the light of day... he's already ready to rid the world of the filth that caused him to be created.
The crowd are almost confused at Bray's ramblings.
Daddy's burnin'... and my daddy ain't some tax-man, he wasn't no wrestler... he was just like me!. He was a figment of the moral decay of this world. He tried to stop me from saving the chosen few from the end times that I'm bringin' to this world. He tried to stop me from reachin' out before, he 'took me outta school' before I could read, well he couldn't stop me none. Because when the end times came, he went away. Up in smoke. And I ain't sayin' how that possibly came to be, all I'm sayin' is he's gone. There ain't no one keepin' Bray Wyatt in no more. Bray Wyatt is free, and Bray Wyatt IS freedom. And if this country is founded on freedom, well then Bray Wyatt truly is an American Hero... and I could save you Sting. But y'know what?, I ain't gonna... you've found your own sense of god, you have your own beliefs, and I ain't gonna change that none. And some people might see me more of an American Psycho, than an American Hero but regardless of what they think... I ain't no American, I ain't from this country of moral decay and I ain't from this world of decadence and sin... I ain't no human being, I am your consience, and I am whispering in your ear right now to join me... come with me, to the other side. And Sting, you say that I am full of nonsense, tryin' to paint myself as the messiah?... well that's for you to decipher... that's for you to believe... but you better believe this Sting. Bray Wyatt is real. Bray Wyatt is the Angel In The Dirt... and Bray Wyatt will beat you this week on Smackdown. This is the end Sting... this is the end. Beautiful friend... the end.
Bray Wyatt laughs as Sting stands ready to retort. Bray Wyatt turns his back to Sting and stands laughing with Cousin Eli.