UWF 2012: Past Smackdown Trashtalking

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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Heatwave: Bray Wyatt Vs Sting

Bray Wyatt stands now in the ring, speaking with Eli Cottonwood, laughing among themselves, Bray Wyatt can be heard uttering "He's good, man". Bray Wyatt turns around to face The Stinger, and begins to speak.


Bray Wyatt: As I was just sayin' to Cousin Eli, you're pretty damn good at this. But I suppose we all already knew that. I mean, who doesn't know Sting?!... I know I certainly do... I mean you've been up and down this road so many times that you got yourself your own slipway that let's you slip right to the top of the card wherever you may go. And rightly so, I mean, you were a champion... a World Champion... you, were a Horseman, you were a member of the New World Order... you led the Nexus... you've done it all, but you haven't faced no one like me, man. I'm sure you've heard it all before Stinger, but there truly is no man like Bray Wyatt, because I am more than just a mere mortal man. This Windham Rotundo fellow?... well I don't know who he is no more, he was just a man, Husky Harris?... just a man, they had their shortfalls, they had their history of sin... but Bray Wyatt ain't got no history of sin... Bray Wyatt ain't Windham Rotundo, Husky Harris, Axel Mulligan... many identities have tried to throw themselves unto this body but none are as pure... righteous and powerful as Bray Wyatt. Windham Rotundo is dead, he left along time ago, faded away into the recesses of the mortal mind and in his place I stand before you, not a man, but an all seeing, ever present 'spirit'... and I'm watchin' you Sting, I've got my eyes fixed on you.

Bray Wyatt smiles at Sting, Sting looks at Bray disappointed almost with Bray's antics.

And while I do have my eyes fixed on you, I've also got my eyes fixed firmly on the grand prize of the World Heavyweight Championship. The Holy Grail of this company. Now you can't drink nothin' from this Holy Grail, and I'm pretty sure Jesus never drank anythin' off some wrestlin' belt, but it means just as much to me. Because that title belt is the power in this world. It is the beacon of light, it is what gives us all the immortality which we desire, whether we admit it or not. Well Sting, you are immortal. In the sense that your name will live forever. I mean you're The Stinger!... WOOOO!. I mean, you were the man for many a year, you dominated the ranks, you have been a World Champion... and all that time Bray Wyatt was nothin'. Literally nothin'. In those years where you were World Champion, and I mean in your prime, not the recent reigns... I mean in the nineties, man... Bray Wyatt was simply a voice in the back of a young man's mind. The moral consience waitin' to right this world of all it's wrongs. His daddy didn't let Bray Wyatt out to see the world in these times. He fought it best that Bray Wyatt stayed inside and didn't spread what he called his 'disease'... well I'M FREE DADDY!... and you are all diseased because you all hear me, and you all fear me... and in this year where Bray Wyatt finally came through, ascended if you will, into the light of day... he's already ready to rid the world of the filth that caused him to be created.

The crowd are almost confused at Bray's ramblings.

Daddy's burnin'... and my daddy ain't some tax-man, he wasn't no wrestler... he was just like me!. He was a figment of the moral decay of this world. He tried to stop me from saving the chosen few from the end times that I'm bringin' to this world. He tried to stop me from reachin' out before, he 'took me outta school' before I could read, well he couldn't stop me none. Because when the end times came, he went away. Up in smoke. And I ain't sayin' how that possibly came to be, all I'm sayin' is he's gone. There ain't no one keepin' Bray Wyatt in no more. Bray Wyatt is free, and Bray Wyatt IS freedom. And if this country is founded on freedom, well then Bray Wyatt truly is an American Hero... and I could save you Sting. But y'know what?, I ain't gonna... you've found your own sense of god, you have your own beliefs, and I ain't gonna change that none. And some people might see me more of an American Psycho, than an American Hero but regardless of what they think... I ain't no American, I ain't from this country of moral decay and I ain't from this world of decadence and sin... I ain't no human being, I am your consience, and I am whispering in your ear right now to join me... come with me, to the other side. And Sting, you say that I am full of nonsense, tryin' to paint myself as the messiah?... well that's for you to decipher... that's for you to believe... but you better believe this Sting. Bray Wyatt is real. Bray Wyatt is the Angel In The Dirt... and Bray Wyatt will beat you this week on Smackdown. This is the end Sting... this is the end. Beautiful friend... the end.

Bray Wyatt laughs as Sting stands ready to retort. Bray Wyatt turns his back to Sting and stands laughing with Cousin Eli.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Heatwave World Heavyweight Championship - Dean Ambrose (c) vs Ted DiBiase Jr

DiBiase steps back for a moment to take in Ambrose's words. He laughs as he seems to think Ambrose is still a joke. The crowd on the other hand don't and they continue chanting his name. DiBiase shakes his head as he goes to speak once more.


Ted DiBiase Jr

I honestly don't get why these people continue to cheer you Dean, I mean look at you, you're a nobody, who will fall into oblivion as soon you lose your title, which will be this Friday against me live on Heatwave! That's right Dean, when, not if, WHEN I beat you this Friday, all these people that cheer your name right now, will realize that you're no more than an Indy schmuck who got a lucky break, and they will turn their back on you in an instant. I know that may sound a little hard to digest Dean, but it's the honest truth, these people only care about you because you hold the top in this company, and as soon as that ends, their support will disappear and no one will care about you!

Ted smiles and once again the crowd boo, disagreeing with what he says.

Dean, please, can you not think of something new to say, instead of saying the same old boring stuff that my past opponents have said? Time and time again, people tell me that I'm ungrateful person, undeserving of everything that I've ever had in this business, and useless, yet time and time again, I proved them wrong. I've worked my butt off in this business just as much as you have, sure I may of got a spot on the roster due to my father, but that's where the so called help people think I got ended. I started from the bottom, faced numerous amounts of obstacles which put me in a bad position, heck I nearly retired, but I stuck at it and overcame those obstacles and managed to rise to the top... I expected better from you Dean, I mean you're the World Champion, supposedly one of the best in the world, yet somehow you managed to spout out the same crap about me as jerks like Zack Ryder have done in the past. Dean, what bothers me even more is the fact that you don't see me as a challenge, in fact it sickens me. Sure, I may not be as technical as your last opponent Daniel Bryan, but I am a lot more powerful than him, and I am a lot more powerful than you, and that's going to be an issue for a weedy little man like yourself. It's obvious you're going to try and deny that Dean, but it's a fact, you can try your not so fancy Hardcore moves on me, and every single time you do, I will drop you to the canvas with one of my power moves!

Ted begins to pace around the ring, thinking about his next words, as Ambrose waits patiently. The crowd continues to boo as Dibiase speaks again.

For someone who seemingly doesn't care about money, you sure do mention it a lot Dean. It seems to me like you're extremely jealous of what I've got Dean, and although you won't admit it directly, you're dying to have what I've got. Well, to be honest, that doesn't surprise me in the slightest, I'm have got more class than you and your entire family, I am the richest man to ever step in a UWF ring, and after Heatwave I will hold one of the most sought after titles in the history of the Wrestling industry and that's a fact! I wouldn't bother so much by the whole situation if you actually showed me some respect, and admitted I was a threat, but instead you have chosen to totally disrespect myself and my rise to the top, and unfortunately that has given me even more determination to beat you. It's about time you woke up and smelt the coffee Dean, and realized that you're a one hit wonder who is levels below myself. Enjoy this moment whilst it lasts, because it's the last moment you will ever spend on top, and soon enough you will living a poor life, just like all of these fans!

Ted laughs as the crowd give him even more heat, and the camera zooms up to a shot of a little girl shaking he head disagreeing with DiBiase.

One more thing Dean, when I hit you with Dream Street this Friday and pin you for the title, I guess your title reign will seem like it was all a bad Dream to you it was that short!

Ted lowers the mic as he awaits a response....

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Apr 23, 2011
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Re: Smackdown's Heatwave 6/22/12: European Championship, The Miz(c) versus RVD

Rob just laughs and then replies ...


Well Miz, acutally what you've just said was pretty cool, I should definetely try some time to smoke a joint right out of my ass, but I've got a better idea. How about forget about joints, but start to think about me kicking your ass, that is what I call reality and not some kind of fairy tale. Fairy tales are actually pretty cool, but everything seems to be cool, when you're RVD ...

Crowd cheers and Rob continues ...

Let me tell you somethin' Miz. You've overcome obstacles? Antonio Cesaro isn't obstacle, he's just a step in a looong staircase, but you know Rob Van Dam is the last step on this staircase, so roght here, in front of you, stands the best wrestler that can UWF offer to you. And by the way, speaking about my problems, it's a song has been already sang about a thousand times, why don't you come up with something new? Because Paul Heyman didn't teach you anything, because he can't. There's one chance you could achieve something. You have to be Rob Van Dam, to approach your goals. My goal is that European champ belt on your shoulder and actually, it would look pretty cooler on my shoulder, so why don't you give it to me, so these people can take a look how that title will look on its new owner. I'm Rob Van Dam, the top man in the company, even when you're "chump". And if you ask yourself, why did I get the opportunity to fight for that title, here's the answer. I do what I want, I'm Mr. Pay-Per-View. I'm future European champion and I've got enough pull around here to do what I want and what I wanted was a shot at this title. It seems my wish came true and I will soon be, the "highest" champion in the company, if you know what I mean ...

Attendance chants Rob's name and he continues ...

And you gotta realize, that when you keep coming back for revenge, it will mean you keep coming back for first class ass kicking. Because every time I step into this ring it's just another chance to show everybody, why they call me The Whole Fuckin' Show. I guess that we can work out a great match together and it will be definetely great experience, but we both know it will be better experience for Rob Van Dam. Speaking of Stone Cold, you accused me, that I'm stealin' his lines, but you should know, that Rob Van Dam is no second line anything and when I looks at the crowd, I see you confused my fans with that nonsense and I gotta tell you ... I dare you do that again, never, ever say that again, because if you're gonna say it again, I'm gonna take that title, I will stick it to my shoe and kick it up your ass so hard it will come out of your mouth. Don't try to risk it, I'm sure it wouldn't be good feeling. It sounds good for sure, at least for me and these people and they can't wait to see that. So why don't we get straight to the point, why don't we drop these microphones and we can solve our problem right here right now, by kicking you out of this building ...

Rob Van Dam drops the microphone and makes a step forward, so he's an eye to eye with The Miz, looking pissed ...

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Heatwave: Bray Wyatt Vs Sting

Sting puts his hand on Wyatt's shoulder and spins him around so that the young rising star can look at the "Icon" as he's spoken to.


Sting: You have commitment to this thing, that's undeniable, but that commitment is something I can neither admire or respect, because it sickens me. Seeing things like this not only makes me shake my head in regards to the next generation of wrestlers, but in regards to the youth of mankind. Children all around the world tune in to see our programming, Windham, do you not realize that? They turn the channel over to the UWF Network so they can watch men like Jericho on Tuesday nights, and men like me on Friday nights. They repeat the things they hear, they try to duplicate the things they see, and now that you've been signed to a talent contract, what they hear and see is YOU, Bray Wyatt! Your ego is been inflated to the point that it has pushed your brain to the back of your skull, cutting off the rational thought and all grasp you had of reality, and because of that, this arrogant poison is emitted from your mouth every time the staff in charge of putting together the shows carelessly leaves a microphone in your vicinity.

When these children watch the product, they're going to hear what you say, just as the children in this crowd are hearing you right now, and they're going to believe it. You take advantage of how impressionable they are, how boundless their imaginations are, and you tell them things like you aren't mortal and that you are and have always been Bray Wyatt, the "Angel in the Dirt". Telling them you are no longer Axel Mulligan or Husky Harris, that's harmless, that's keeping true to the storytelling art of the entertainment aspect of this business, but to claim that you don't know who Windham Rotunda, the real you, is, well I think that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! If you are so far gone in this that you don't know who you really are, if this is not an act and you really think Bray Wyatt is who you truly are inside and out, then my mission has been made all the more crucial. I must bring you back to reality, I must call upon God and ask Him to bestow upon me the strength to tear your soul from the Devil's hands and bring you back to the path of righteousness. It must be done not only to ensure that you don't burn in Hell, but to ensure that none of these young viewers are led down the wrong path from having listened to you.

But not just the children, everyone that has been subjected to your false prophecy must be rescued, their ears must be cleansed of your toxic words, and their mouths must be disinfected of the things they've repeated verbatim from you, and the things they've said to tell others of this makeshift ministry you've created for yourself. I know the world can be cold, Windham, especially when you're in the world of entertainment and sometimes have to scratch and claw for your spot, but wrapping yourself in a blanket of lies and believing its mistruth is not the solution, it will not keep you warm, instead it will do what it has already begun to do, make you colder, on the deepest part of your innermost being. I have been scheduled to face you for a reason, Windham, and that is so I can be God's instrument to deliver you from your despicable ways. I will splash the demons that have a hold of your heartstrings out of you, I will lock you into the embrace of forgiveness until you turn away from your wrongdoing and vow to be this way no longer. Windham, I will baptize you for all the world to see, in the blood, sweat, and tears that I put forth in accomplishing my mission, and after I bring you to the mat with a Death Drop, I will raise you as a new creature, born again.

We are on the fast track to the end, but it's not the end of Sting. As I said, Friday night will be the end of Bray Wyatt. Friday night the man that claims his father has passed on and boasts to be a different creature will be humbled by the righteous truth and eviscerated by His glory. Friday night, I, Steve Borden, am going to save your life, Windham Rotunda. And I will make sure that all of your family is there to witness it, being it is going to be amazing, and Saturday morning, when the old has died in his sleep and the new wakes up in his place, it'll be the first day of the rest of your life.

Sting lowers his microphone and the two men have a staredown, Sting with a look of determined concern on his face, while Bray's trademark smile is plastered across his.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Heatwave: Bray Wyatt Vs Sting

Bray Wyatt continues simply to grin at Sting's concerned facial expression, Bray Wyatt then raises his microphone and speaks again.


Bray Wyatt: I don't think you understand Sting... I'm not sayin' that Windham Rotundo didn't exist... I mean, that'd just be fabrication and lies... what I'm sayin' is that Windham Rotundo has passed on. In spirit. In mind. He's gone for good. And I'm in his place. It's a metamorphosis of sorts Sting... like when a Caterpillar turns into a beautiful big butterfly... Windham Rotundo was that Caterpillar, his daddy, well he built the cocoon around him to protect him from this world... well that butterfly he wriggled free form that cocoon... the naysayin' and the ignorin' and he broke through. He left that encasement and he entered the world, ready to help pollinate it for the next generation. And you say this next generation will listen to me and copy me. Well I say that's just fine and dandy because I'm more of a role model than anyone else in this company. I mean who's at the top of this company right now... Stone Cold Steve Austin... he ain't no role model for children... he ain't no angel like Bray Wyatt... he's a beer swillin', animal huntin', white trash peon and he ain't worth nothin' in Bray Wyatt's all-seeing eyes. And who else we got on Smackdown... we got Dean Ambrose. A man who scratched and clawed his way to the top... but is he a role model?... nah he ain't someone who children should copy. He's violent, he's got a dirty mouth and quite frankly he's a psycho!.

The crowd boo, clearly not seeing the irony in Bray Wyatt saying someone is a psycho.

Now some people I've overheard, as I am all seeing and all hearing, well they've said much the same about Bray Wyatt. They say Bray Wyatt, he's a violent man. They call me a psycho... they call me white trash... well I ain't no white trash Sting, you know that... I ain't no psycho, you know that as well Sting. Or at least I think you know that, because with the amount of savin' you want to do for Bray Wyatt, or Windham Rotundo, you seem to know an awful lot about me. Well Sting... you don't know nothin' about me, and you don't know what I am capable of. You cannot save the truly saved. And that's what I am. There once was a man named Windham Rotundo, Sting. I do not deny that, because that is the truth, and I do not lie. Lying is a sin and I do not sin. And I always tell the truth. And the truth is that Bray Wyatt saved Windham Rotundo. Windham Rotundo was complacent... he liked to sit about the house all day watchin' the devil's tube, readin' the devil's prints and doin' sweet nothin' all day long. He had nothing going for him. He was a loser. A white trash peon. Bray Wyatt ain't no white trash peon. He ain't no loser. He don't sit around all day watchin' the TV and readin' fantasy fiction because he don't live in a fantasy world and he refuses to be swayed by the devil's words. Now you tell me Sting. Why would you want to bring Windham Rotundo back?... he was nothin'. He was just more fodder for the fiery gates down below and he wouldn't be able to live the life, walk the line... like Bray Wyatt does. So why would you try and bring Windham Rotundo back?... bring Bray Wyatt back into reality if you will?...

The crowd listen in as Bray Wyatt speaks, he has that evangelical preacher quality to him, where as crazy as it gets, he has your attention.

Well Sting, sorry to burst your own little fantasy bubble, but Bray Wyatt is reality. And reality is something Bray Wyatt is very much fixed in. There is no way that Windham Rotundo will be found. He's gone along with my 'daddy'. Passed away. I am all that exists in this body... I am the mind, body and soul Sting, and nothin's gon' change that. What is gonna change on Smackdown however, is your perception of reality. Y'see, y'all like to think of Bray Wyatt as some sort of lunatic... a heretic perhaps, and yeah maybe I get a little crazy sometimes, we're all prone to lapses, but I'm no more a lunatic than you Sting. Or Steve. Or Sting. Or Steve. It matters none to me, man. Because I can feel another crazy moment comin' on... am I gonna snap?... nah, I ain't that kinda guy, man, I'm laid back, cool, calm and collected. I'm a peaceful man. All I want is love and harmony. But Sting, when we meet in this ring on Friday night at the Heatwave show... it ain't gon' be peaceful is it?. I mean you're tryin' to save Bray Wyatt!... well Sting, you can try to save the already saved, because the only result is failure. Failure ain't an option to Bray Wyatt and you will soon learn that Bray Wyatt doesn't fail no more. Windham Rotundo?... yeah, he failed a whole lot. But he ain't comin' back any time soon... he's dead... I just hope you don't end up like Windham Rotundo... or indeed my daddy, because I don't wanna be the guy who's remembered as the lunatic that made Sting go away. Up in smoke. So Sting, try and save me if you really want to... but let me warn you... it'll be at your own expense.


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Feb 13, 2012
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Re: Heatwave World Heavyweight Championship - Dean Ambrose (c) vs Ted DiBiase Jr

Dean smiles manically as he finally gets fully into the ring. He high steps around the ring before finally beginning to speak.

What exactly am I dying to have that you have? Do you see me covered in the finest clothes or with gold hanging around me? Well aside from the World Heavyweight Championship of course because I didn't buy that. I earned it. What have you earned? Certainly not this title shot. You beat two guys thus far. TWO GUYS! Do you have any Idea of the people I've beaten!? And they've done far more in this company than you or anyone else you've ever faced, besides me of course. I mean come on now, are we just handing out title shots to anyone? Batista wins one match and he gets a title match. He couldn't even beat Daniel Bryan and yet he still gets a title shot. In a mere couple of days, you get your shot against me. After I win of course they're making me defend the title in a scramble match. It's pretty obvious that they're trying to keep me away from the spotlight but as I've proven time and time again, I can beat anyone and everyone including you which you seem to be avoiding that fact that I already beat you. This isn't going to be some sort of Daniel Bryan situation where you pull some sort of miracle and beat me for the title and it leads to a final matchup where I win it back in a hellish fashion. You Ted are no Daniel Bryan. You're just some whiny kid who feels he's entitled to everything.

The crowd cheers, agreeing with Ambrose.

I've always grown up hating people like you. While you were off watching your daddy and learning the ropes at an early age, I was off fighting kids for leftover scrapes from the nearest restaurant. It was there where I learned how to fight. You may claim to be this powerful wrestler but I know the perfect counter balance to any type of wrestler. It's called poor kid street fighting and it's the most maniacal, unpredictable type of fighting there is. Just know that no matter what you try to throw at me, I have a million counters to it and not just technical counters either. You might try and german suplex me but I cant elbow you in the face, shoulder, arm or kick your shin or do anything. You've felt my fist before, just imagine the damage I do with my elbows.

The crowd cheers and begins to chant "Elbow him!" as Dean just smiles and takes off his jacket.


Sorry guys I just can't sucker hit the guy like that. I'm not a mean person. Really I'm not Teddy. It's just that when someone is trying to hurt you, you really have no choice but to defend yourself and make sure they get the message to never try and cross you again. Unfortunately I didn't get that to you the last time we met and I'm sorry for that because now I'm gonna have to beat it over your head over and over and over.

I didn't get some lucky break in order to get here and win my World Heavyweight Championship. I fought my ass to reach this point in my career. I started out at the bottom because I wanted to. I wasn't thrown there. As a matter of fact, I could have won this title in my debut match but I decided against it because I wanted to fight everybody. Unfortunately as the Hardcore Champion, no one wanted a piece of me so I realized I had to get back into the main event scene and I did just that. You may think you've earned this opportunity but it's just your lucky break except you won't be very lucky when I get through with you. I may break your body in two. Then I guess you'll be lucky that you never have to face me again.

Dean starts walking backwards into a corner still keeping his eyes fixed on Dibiase.

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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Heatwave World Heavyweight Championship - Dean Ambrose (c) vs Ted DiBiase Jr

DiBiase smiles as he comes face to face with Dean Ambrose, it is clear that the two absolutely despise each other, and DiBiase looks ready to go right now. He manages to hold himself back as he begins to speak once more.


Ted DiBiase Jr

Dean, I find it truly pathetic that instead of bragging about winning one of the top titles here in the company like any normal person would, you instead decide to bring up a past victory you picked up against myself. In any other situation it wouldn't of bothered me one little bit, but you're defending this title this Friday, and I think there's more important things to discuss than you beating me over a month ago. It's obvious that the only reason you have bought up that match up is to play mind games with me, and get inside my head. You want to psych me out, and make me nervous before we even step into the ring on Friday, so that you have the upper hand over me mentally way before that bell rings. Unfortunately Dean, you've chosen the wrong person to try and play mind games with, if you seriously think you can faze me, well, you better think again. Do you honestly think I care that you beat me all those weeks ago? Like I've said numerous times, I was going through a rough patch in my career, losing to you was a wake up call so to speak, and to be honest I woke up faster than I expected. I got myself back on track, worked harder than ever before, and whether you like it or not, I earned my title shot against you. Besides, the fact that you beat me before, gives me all the more reason to want to beat you, I mean looking back, I should've of beaten you the first time around with ease, and this Friday I'm going to make sure I redeem myself.

DiBiase shakes his head as he distances himself a little fro Ambrose, realizing the tension between the two may blow up at any point, the crowd boo DiBiase once again, but he's used to it by now and completely ignores it.

Aw, how nice of you to of grown up hating people like myself Dean, once again that just screams out to everyone that you're extremely jealous of me. I already told you what you're dying to have of mine, and that's my wealth and class, and you can't deny it. The reason you're not covered in the finest of clothes and don't have gold hanging from your neck, apart from the title, isn't because you don't want them, it's because you can't afford them. You're a pathetic little bum Dean, who has dreams every single night about having what I have, sure, you may have the World Heavyweight Title, but what else do you have? I mean you don't seem to get on well with any of the roster, and you're always moaning about how management is mistreating you, and you dress like the bum who stays outside the arena before UWF shows and washes cars in return for a dollar. In all honesty, it's doesn't bother me that you hate me, because I hate you just as much. You're a pathetic excuse for a human being, and I feel sick that I have to share the ring with someone as dirty as you. Seriously, I can't stand you Dean, I can't wait till I beat you this Friday so I can get as far from low life scum like yourself, and finally add class to the UWF Heavyweight Championship.

Ambrose looks even more pissed off than the fans have seen him before. DiBiase smiles as he continues on.

It's kinda hilarious how you bring up this whole poor kid street fighting thing, and claim that you are going to beat me with it this Friday. That's all well and good Dean, but the problem is I'm rich not poor, and hierarchy clearly states than rich people are better than poor people, so I guess my move set is better than your 'poor' kid street fighting crap, and anything you try against me will be broken down by me and blocked off, without even breaking a sweat. You know it's true Dean, yet once again you fail to see it because you're too busy inflating your ego and trying to make yourself sound better than you actually are. At least I had the decency to show you some respect for coming through a grueling match against Daniel Bryan, but I'm starting to regret ever saying a good word about you. In fact, I take it all back, and I'm extremely pleased that you will be going into the match against me at less than one hundred percent. I'm usually a man of class Dean, but for one night I will break my own rules to make sure I END your career, that's right Dean, I'm going to end your career!

The fans boo like hell at DiBiase's suggestion that he's going to end Dean Ambrose's career. But DiBiase doesn't care as he squares up to Ambrose once more....


Apr 29, 2011
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Re: HEATWAVE: Jeff Hardy vs. John Cena

Jeff Hardy’s confidence words silenced John Cena for a moment, as he stood there and rubbed his chin, thinking. Cena brushes his hair back, as he continues to think about Hardy’s words, before continuing himself.


John Cena: Are you done? No, shut up. Don’t even answer that, I know the answer and I’m disgusted knowin’ you won’t leave. Because quite frankly, I’m speakin’ for everyone else that we’re pretty much sick of you. We’re sick of this whole Anti-Christ bullshit you’re spewin’ you’re your mouth. We’re sick of the bad boy attitude you have added to your persona. We’re sick of this Jeff Hardy. We’re sick of you, in general Jeff. As much as it pains me to ask this, what happened to the old Jeff? The dare devil, the Enigma, the Jeff everyone turned on their T.V. sets to watch do something unforgettable. Is it the drugs, Jeff? Heh, ya’know what, don’t even answer that Jeff. Whatever took that Jeff away, it’s OK. Yeah, yeah, I’m fine with it. Because come Friday night, come Heatwave, come our match Jeff, you’re just another ass for me to kick. You’re a steppin’ stone to the U.W.F. World Heavyweight Championship, and believe me, when I defeat you and win the Royal Rumble match, come The Great American Bash, that bad boy is mine.

The bold statement by John Cena echoes around the arena, and the audience cheers in hopefulness as they indeed do wish for that to happen. Cena nods his head, as he continues.

John Cena: You’re right, Jeff, you opened your eyes. This isn’t the WWE, he-he; this isn’t anything close to it. I’ve lost both of my matches and I have one draw, no championship victories, I’m not as you say “the top dogâ€. You’re right, but have the heart, passion, and determination of John Cena changed? Not a chance in hell. This is the same John Cena you dealt with back in the WWE, I’m fightin’ and plan on succeedin’ harder than ever Jeff and it starts with you. That’s the one and only thing that won’t change with me, beside my t-shirt colors, ha-ha, that’s not the point though. As much as people want that change, it won’t. I’m sorry to cut it to em’, but my heart for this business is too much to change. It can’t happen, it shouldn’t happen, and it won’t happen. I know you want it to Jeff; I know you want me to become something I’m not. I know that’ll amuse your sick mind, and am I surprised? No, considerin’ you’re a sick person. Everyone knows how much of a sick person you’re Jeff, but come Heatwave when I defeat you, I’ll expose it more clearly.

John Cena nods his head, approving what he believes will happen this Friday night on Heatwave. Cena continues.

John Cena: Look in my eyes, Jeff, and know that come Heatwave? I intend on winnin’. We’ve got the opportunity of a lifetime but I’m the one cashin’ it in. I’m the one plannin’ on seizin’ the opportunity and winnin’. However I know you want it as bad enough as I do, you have the possibility of exceedin’ beyond what you’re capable of and what each and everyone else believes you’re capable of. Regardless of what everyone believes, I know what you’re capable of. I know you know you can beat me, but like I said, I don’t intend on losin’. I will win and I will not let you people down again. This Friday night, I will use my disadvantage as my greatest advantage. I will take this built up anger, this un-used energy, and this rage that burns hot deep down in the pit of my stomach, and I will use it like an Attack Chopper in the middle of war and by the end of the night, when the dust is settled and the smoke is clear, John Cena will walk out of Phoenix, Arizona as the winner and the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship!

The audience cheers toward John Cena, but it looks as if he is not finished, so he raises his finger up before continuing for the final time.

John Cena: Believe it, Jeff.

John Cena lowers the microphone, to a ton of cheers from the audience as he and Jeff Hardy share one final stare off. Fade.​


Feb 1, 2012
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Re: Smackdown's Heatwave 6/22/12: European Championship, The Miz(c) versus RVD

The Miz just shakes his head while smirking at RVD


The Miz:

I honestly do not understand what you just said. Let's be honest, are you drunk right now because you make no sense at all. It must be all of those beatings you took back in your ECW days. Well those beatings do not compare to the beating I am going to give you this Friday. We can go back and forth and say whose better, but we all know that I actually am better than you! You just ramble on about yourself without acknowledging what I had to say. This so called ass kicking of yours you say your going to do, but Rob there are no weapons involved and all you know how to do is use a weapon when you are in this ring. There are no weapons so the clear cut answer to all this is, you have absolutley no chance of beating me. Your little threat doesn't scare me. You will LOOK AT ME WHEN I AM TALKING TO YOU! I am the European Champion, I am your European Champion and you will show me the respect I deserve and if you don't then I have no problem beating the respect out of you. I will not sit back anymore and I have proven that with two wins over Antonio Cesaro and Brock Lesnar. A man you never could beat yourself, yet I did. You couldn't beat Batista, you are not on a roll here and after Friday, the bottom of the barrel just gets that much deeper for you.

Paul Heyman takes the microphone away from The Miz and has a few words for RVD


Paul Heyman:

How dare you! How dare you RVD! If it wasn't for me and my company ECW, you would be a nobody. You remember that tryout you had with the WWF before you came to me and they told you, you had no in-ring ability and so they sent you packing on your way until you found me and my company. I took you in RVD and it was I who gave you your opportunity, but yet you didn't become a wrestler. You became a Mic Foley, a stuntmen. Sure my company was called Extreme Championship Wrestling, but I wanted talented wrestlers that were good enough in my eyes to show off their talents and not be a stuntment because face it Rob, just like The Miz said, without weapons you have no chance in hell at beating my client. He will beat you to the ground before you have any chance against him. After Friday Rob, you may need to find a new job, one that actually suits you!

The Miz takes the microphone back

The Miz:

And so it all comes down to this, you have zero chance at walking out on Friday as the European Champion. I am going in Friday as the champion and I am leaving not only as champion, but also the number one contender for the World Title. The only pride you have left will be gone after I embarass you. When I say I am going to do something I accomplish it and mark my words I will be the longest reigning European Champion in history. It takes an exceptional person to get to where I am, I am one in a billion. You Rob are just another loser much like the rest of these ingrates in this arena. This Friday, I make an exception out of you and will show to everyone that if you try to get in my way, you will pay for it. Pain has a new name and a new game and it's ring master is me! I have been proving that over the last few weeks with my silence and my dominating performance in the ring. I will continue this trend all the way to the top because in a matter of time, I am going to get there and look down upon you while you clean toilets for this company because you aren't good enough to be in the ring with me. You aren't good enough to be in this ring with Gillberg. You RVD are nothing more than a reject that should of known when to call it quits. Now you are just a washed up nobody! I'll see you this Friday!

The Miz drops his microphone as he and Paul Heyman go to leave the ring, but stop as RVD gets ready to speak


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Re: Heatwave 6/22/12: Rey Mysterio vs. Damien Sandow

Rey looks in disgust as what he just heard and he begins to speak once more


Rey Mysterio: Sandow it seems like you are missing the point, this poor child. You wanted him to be scarred for life. Now I know through training to be a hero that kids they have young minds, and through those young minds they can have nightmares that can haunt them for a long time. This kid could have been haunted by the memories of that mean man stealing his shirt. I put a smile on his face, I made him happy for what he has done. You see Sandow I am not going to thank you for anything. I don't need you to say your welcome too me, or teach me a lesson I know what is good and what is evil, and you my horrible sir are evil comprende'. You may not want to be associated with that term or words... but that is what you are absolutely pure evil.

fans cheer as they get behind Rey and Rey begins to speak

Rey Mysterio: I mean look at you mocking me, bending down too me like I am some little kid, don't you know who I am Damien. I am the super hero of the UWF. The man of righteousness here in the UWF. You have no right to mock me. You are only a blind rookie in this scene right now in the UWF. You like to think you are all high and mighty. Well guess what you are not, you are nothing more than a pawn for the real mastermind too take over. See Damien all you young guys is about world title this, world title that. Never about trying to do what is right, never to think what is wrong. You do whatever you think it is necessary to get what you want. That is why I am here Damien to undo the evil here and the UWF... and trust me Damien you will be the first to get rid of that evil, and when you do the hall of justice will be open for you.

Fans are confused as is Damien as Rey goes on and he continues to speak

Rey Mysterio: Damien if you did not know... the 619 not only is it my most deadliest move, but it is a secret weapon... a weapon that can purify even the rotten of eggs. That is the truth yes it is Damien, and soon enough Damien when you get hit by a 619 you will be able to come and join me on stopping the villains here in the UWF. You can be my sidekick, and everything will be good in the world. How do you like the sound of that, I think the amigos here would like that. Before I jump to conclusions and think that will happen, I must defeat you first and make you good. You will open your eyes Damien you will see the light, and you will learn how to smile... and for that Damien I say... your welcome.

Fans do not know whether to cheer or boo what Rey just said, Damien looks confused as he looks to give a response.


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Feb 17, 2011
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Okay, everyone has till tonight to finish off their TTing... As I am writing the Royal Rumble tomorrow.

Also, a few promos would be frickin' awesome :)... Especially if they're backstage!


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Jun 11, 2010
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Guys all I can say is WOW! EOR and I are starting to put the show together now and we are having a really hard time picking winners. I've never had this hard a time in all my career. You guys have surpassed everything we could have hoped for. And as such you can expect a show you will never forget as their are alot of twists and turns in store for you. I just wanted to say thank you and to tell you most of these matches both guys deserve to win. So I really hope you enjoy the show tomorrow as much as I've enjoyed reading the tting.


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Feb 17, 2011
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Yes, literally we had a rough idea of what the TTing would be like if people TTed like we was expecting... HOWEVER, you guys have just trumped it all and really, just thrown the booking book out the window and me and SBS have rebooked our entire card for Great American Bash and that is a real testament to how great you guys are.

It's an honor to be writing and booking for you guys but at the same, I'm gonna have a bloody heart attack doing this lol.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Heatwave: Bray Wyatt Vs Sting

As Bray finishes his last sentence, Sting is quick to respond.


Sting: Saving the already saved? If you were saved, you wouldn't be uttering such sacreligious nonsense that paints yourself as a prophet or a god. But I'm done trying to convince you with words, vocalizing my frustration and my intentions has had all the effect it's going to have, it's pointless to continue speaking to you and try to get through. It's time for me to silence myself and instead leave the speaking up to what I do in this ring. When I vowed that I would save you, Windham, I knew that I was taking my life into my own hands, I know what's at risk when I take on such a powerful task against an unstable man like you with such a dangerous psychological affliction, but I don't care. If Sting goes up in smoke on Friday night, Bray Wyatt's going to go with him, I promise you that. I refuse to let the match we're competing in have any other outcome. You saw me unsuccessful in my attempt to knock the chip off Ted DiBiase's shoulder, but that doesn't matter, he's someone else's problem this week and his arrogance isn't nearly as fatal a disease to UWF and all of its superstars and fans as your arrogance is.

But it won't be just once that you and I will step into this ring together, we are fated to encounter one another on two occasions, once in our singles competition and again in the fifteen man battle royal, an over the top collision that will crown one of the number one contenders to the World Heavyweight Championship. That probably makes it seem more unlikely in your mind that I'm going to take you out in our match, but you're wrong! I don't care if it jeopardizes the battle royal, being the antibody that destroys the virus you're eviscerating the health of this company with is my top priority, once UWF is cured of the illness that is the "Angel in the Dirt", only then can I rest, only then can I avert my focus. Only then, can I make becoming World Heavyweight Champion my top priority! Smackdown deserves a "top guy" they can not only believe in, but trust in, and be proud of. They need someone like Sting standing at the top, who isn't vicious for the sheer thrill of it like a Dean Ambrose, or disrespectful to all of these fans like the UWF Champion. When these young fans tune in and emulate what they see, I want them to be donning the face paint, cupping their hands around their mouth and wooing, maybe even wear a t-shirt with my name on it. Why? Because there's no harm in that!

I am a beacon of justice, an avenger of the utmost good, and I see nothing but pure evil when I look across this ring at you, Bray Wyatt. Doubt me to the fullest extent your mind, body, and soul will let you, verbally chastise me and drag my name through the mud, keep talking this big game about yourself. Because it's like I said earlier, the time for talking has expired its use for this scenario, it's time to fight. It's time for me to clean up the mess you've made, and rejuvenate this place. And if I have to tap into the unstable recesses of my mind to do it, then it shall be so. If I have to break the rules, utilize this bat, and relinquish the win to disqualification, then it shall be so. Because even if you win the match, Bray Wyatt, I will win the war.

Sting drops his microphone to the mat and turns his back to Wyatt, leaving the ring and heading up the ramp as "Immortal" begins to play again. Sting disappears behind the curtain, he and Bray both knowing that they will meet again at Heatwave, and it will be fierce and personal.


Apr 23, 2011
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Re: Smackdown's Heatwave 6/22/12: European Championship, The Miz(c) versus RVD

Rob looks at those two leaving the ring, but then stops them ...

Hey! Dude, it's my turn to tell you somethin'. I won't miss my chance to say this right to your face. You may have defeated Cesaro at Starrcade, but you don't have the balls, to take me out. I'm very tough dude. I don't have to look at you when you're talkin', I don'T have to do anything. I'm Rob Van Dam, people are doing What I want them to do. So shut your little mouth. I don't need any weapons. I ... am a weapon. I am the most dangerous weapon you'll ever see in your life, which pretty sucks. You're the European champ, that's, I get it, it's cool. The matter of fact is, it's gonna be even cooler, after I take that title from you, which means your title "reign" will last at about a week. Congrats on being the champ, enjoy your moment, 'cause it won't last any longer 'til this friday bro. You're right, I'm not on a roll, but I've met enough sons of bitches, who were lucky enough, to get me on my back and hear 1, 2, 3. But not this time, Miz, not this time. This is something different. This match ... it's for the title and hell ... Rob Van Dam looooves titles. Man, you could have been in some kind of reality show and you can have your European championship, but I am the star of this company and this title, that I'll win this friday, it's gonna be just a little cherry on the top of the cake ...


Rob was furious for a moment, but at the end he calmed down and now turns his attention to Heyman ...

Paul, Paul, Paul. Dude, we've been through many things and after all, you say, that I would be nothin' without you? And I thought, I am the one, who's got memory losses. If I'm not mistaken ... I was the one, who said no to WWE. I was the one, who came to your crappy show and take it to the heights it has never ever seen. So shut up and get your thoughts together man. You know Paul, even after all this, what you've said, I'm still sorry for you, because have such a pussy, like this punk next to you as your client ... I thought you can do better. On a serious note Paul, when you look at that title, you see, it's very prestigious title, but I suppose if I wore the European title and the World Heavyweight title belts down to the ring, I suppose it wouldn't be so bad, because we all know I can already wear two belts at a time, right? Man, do you know why, I can do it? Why are the numbers on my side in this battle? Because this time, you're on my opponent's side and not mine and that's making my chance a lot higher than they were ...

Crowd cheers for RVD and he turns his attention to Miz for the final time ...

Bro, take a look what you're up against and I know, you've been watching me in the ring and you're impressed and jealous just like everybody else, but look at what people are saying about me. They're calling me the best wrestler in the whole fucking world. Since I am a very honest man, which I truly am. I will dedicate this match to Paul Heyman. And Miz, after this match is going to end, I don't think you'll be able to go to backstage without any help, so it'S good, that you have somebody here with you, who can give you a first aid. Maybe you'll come for revenge next week, but I don't think so it will be like that, because after that beating I'm ready to give you this friday, I believe you won't be able to get your ass beat by RVD again the week after. I guess you guys are pissed now about what I've said about you two whining little girls, but ... whatever. You wanna be a true champion Miz? Be RVD. And if you think you've accomplished somethin' big, then take a look at my accomplishments. After you will become double champion simultaneuosly, come to my locker room and I'll give you another chance to get your ass kicked out of the buildin' by Rob Van Dam ...

RVD drops the mic and he leaves the ring first, while he's still looking at his opponent screaming "See you on Friday dude!" ...
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