UWF 2012: Past Smackdown Trashtalking

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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown: June 29th 2012 Card

Who plays Jarrett?

This should be an interesting week.


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown: June 29th 2012 Card

Well, me and sam have been tag team champions before, and its the european revolution together for a matchup with different characters. Time to take it to the champs!


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UWF Smackdown: Jeff Jarrett and Dave Batista vs. Rey Mysterio & Derrick Bateman

The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains, a few seconds afterwards. Batista walks to the ramp holding a chair in one hand as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring as he calls for a microphone as he indicates he wants spotlight and is given so as he takes a seat on the chair.



I'm losing count... impatiently... I told every one last week that I'd make a mockery out of Shawn Michaels and I... I beat him! You people didn't believe I could beat Shawn Michaels but take a look at his record, he can't seem to find a win. I don't know what games they play in the retirement homes but wrestling isn't one of them Shawn. Your days are long gone and I proved that, we're here in a complete new era. 'The Animal Era', where I completely shine over every single person that crosses path with me. Management still refuses to give me the proper competition I deserve, I'm not here to make friends at all but this freakin' week I gotta put up with Jeff Jarrett? Now Jeff, I haven't seen you around, we haven't crossed paths but this week you better be freakin' respectin' me 'cos if you are going to try pull tricks, I'm going to have to hurt you. Do you understand? Now that we're freakin' tagging for some tag gold, I suppose I could go for more gold. After all it's just more of a bonus pay cheque for me holding a title. Now Jeff, I don't know if you've been winnin' or not, I haven't paid attention and really I shouldn't care about you at all. In fact I don't care about who I team up with, what I do or these people paying their dollars towards me. I'm going for the World Heavyweight Championship here, Jeff... my opponents Rey Mysterio and some guy named Derrick Bateman? You three are absolutely irrelevant. I shouldn't even be freakin' competing in this match, but I have to, I got to kick somebody's ass this week! The tag team division is a complete joke to me, if I wanted to freakin' tag, I would, but right now I'm a man who does things on his own so Jeff, you won't be required this week at all. I don't need you to tell me you need to back me up against these freakin' losers who claim they are training to be superheroes. Rey, you used to be my friend... We were supposed to be friends! Until you got your head stuck in the sand and started bitchin' bout Eddie Guerrero, he's dead Rey! You're just a pissant like Shawn Michaels is, always caring about those who've passed away... Look I don't freakin' care, people die every single day and now you're tryin' to save the freakin' world Rey? What are you Batman? Enough with your stupid antics Rey, you've never grown up... You're just a thirty-seven year old guy who still lives in his mom's basement and wants to play superheroes all day long. That mask you don, it's a tradition in Mexico but the way I see it, is a bunch of Mexican border jumping guys trying to get into freakin' Hollywood. This is a wrestling company Rey, WRESTLING. Not Hollywood, if you wanted to play fairytales and make-believe then there's a freakin' career there in Hollywood. We're not friends anymore Rey and nor should we be ever, I tried to support you through the hard times but you just left me in the dark and never repaid those thanks, this week I get my hands on you once again and I will freakin' injure you and tear you limb to limb. Even if this means I gotta tag Jeff Jarrett in to break you in half with his guitar, now Jeff and I, we ain't seen eye to eye but I want some freakin' gold and we're going to beat the living hell out of you and that little punk Derrick Bateman.

Batista takes a breath, he takes his time before speaking once again.

Derrick, who in the hell are you? I didn't know this was a freakin' development territory. Hell, I did that in my past and wrestled for Ohio Valley Wrestling and it didn't take me long to make it onto the big stage. I became a success and you Derrick, you shouldn't be toying around with the big boys here. Rey isn't going to help you to superstardom, in fact he's going to make you feel my pain, the moment I break you in half... you're not going to want to come back. You're going to cry to your frickin' mother but she won't be there for you. She won't Derrick, nobody here gives a damn about you and none of these morons have heard of your name. The only thing that might come off as a success for you Derrick is Rey doing his lawnmowing in your backyard. So while I'm onto bigger and better things, I have a chance at two opportunities, a chance at claiming the World Heavyweight Championship and the Tag Team Championship. Both in which I will be successful at; you se-

Batista is suddenly cut off by...



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Mar 19, 2012
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Re: UWF Smackdown: Jeff Jarrett and Dave Batista vs. Rey Mysterio & Derrick Bateman

"Step Up (I'm On It)" Maylene and the Sons of Disaster NEW SONG album "III" - YouTube plays and the crowd remembers even is Batista doesn’t who’s about to STEP UP!!


Jeff Jarrett, guitar held high, walks out to the hate of the crowd. He seems to be starrin’ a hole through Batista who hasn’t budged in the ring. Double J keeps the guitar up for a long time as the music plays and the Texan fans let him know what they think. As he brings his arm down, he never takes his eyes off Batista and he never changes his solid expression. There is no playful spirit about Jarrett tonight. No jokes. No strutting. He simply stomps down to the ring and slowly ascends the steel steps. As he gets to the apron, the crowd gets louder with their boos. Batista barely gives him a look, but their eyes connect. Jeff freezes in his place and they have a moment of nonverbal communication that anybody watching can decipher. Neither seems to be happy with the match tonight, but both want the gold.


As Jeff finally gets into the ring, he goes straight for the microphone, ignoring Batista.

Jeff Jarrett: How about all you D-Town idiots shut the hell up for a minute? I got somethin’ ta get off my chest!

That sets the Texans off into a massive rage.

The Dallas Crowd:

Jarrett gives a half grin: Yeah? Well, Debbie may have done Dallas, but, once she got a chance to climb THE KING OF THE MOUNTIAN, AW HELL, she never came back down!!

Jeff stops as the crowd responds with a massive amount of heat. Jarrett pauses and looks behind him to a seated and unmoved Batista.

Jeff Jarrett:
You just wait your turn, Dave! I’ll get to you.

As Double J turns away, you can see a bit of anger rage in the Animal’s eyes.

Jeff Jarrett:
KING OF THE MOUNTIAN. That’s right. They don’t just call me that because I’ve won a few of those matches. NO, they call me that because I INVENTED, INNOVATED and MASTERED that match!!

Jarrett gets on the ropes, microphone still in hand, and looks hard into the closest camara.


Jeff Jarrett:
That’s right, WOLFE! You stick that in your British Tea and suck it!! Cause if ANYBODY in this roster full of wannabes should be in that match, It’s DOUBLE J, JEFF JARRETT, the ONE AND ONLY KING OF THE MOUNTIAN!!

As the crowd continues to get hot, Jarrett comes off the ropes and gives Batista yet another look.

Jeff Jarrett:
As for this half ass bit of VINCE RUSSO booking we have here, I personally don’t care what kinda match you put me in, I’m gonna ace it. And, OH, BY THE WAY (Jarrett looks back over to Barista), I’ve won every freakin’ match I’ve been in here on Smackdown. So, you’re as much in my way as I am in yours.

It is obvious that didn’t set well with Batista. Obviously, Jarrett doesn’t care. He continues to stares back at Dave a bit.

Jeff Jarrett:
They say that everything’s bigger in Texas.

The crowd gives a slight pop.

Jeff Jarrett:
This must be where all the damned Steroids are comin’ from, eh, Dave? Cause , if you get any bigger there, you’re gonna explode!

Batista sits up a bit in his chair as Jarett holds out his hand.

Jeff Jarrett:
Whoa there, big fellah! I’m not here to tangle with you. Apparently, if you and me are gonna get anywhere on this second hand show, we’re gonna havta work together. So, I’m willing to shelve any problems we may have with each other and concentrate of winning this damned tournament.

Batista eases off a bit as Jeff gets a little closer for effect.

Jeff Jarrett:
But, once we win this thing, and we will as long as you don’t go screw it up…

The anger bleeds back into the Animal’s face.

Jeff Jarrett:
But, once we get to the end, like my new theme song says, I’M ON IT!

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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: Smackdown 6/29/12: Samoa Joe & Sting vs. Daniel Bryan & Damien Sandow

Sandow stands in the ring, looking all smug, suddenly he's interrupted by Samoa Joe's theme.


The fans erupt as the loudmouth himself Jim Cornette storms out first, with a tennis racket and clipboard, no doubt ready to unless profanity hell on Damien Sandow, as Samoa Joe emerges out from the backstage after him; marching confidently the two arrive at the ring side area; Jim Cornette leaps up onto the ring apron and grabs a microphone before climbing into the ring, Samoa Joe follows suit as Jim Cornette, without hestiation unloads on Sandow.


The Loudest Mouth in UWF,
Jim Cornette

Will you please shut the f**k up! My god, do you dribble on! Did you just digest a thesaurus then have a verbal diarrhea whenever you are handed a microphone, I mean... F**K, it's tedious listening to you ramble on and on, talking about saving the masses; we don't want to be saved, especially by you, well I guess we want to be saved from you, but certainly not by you! Jesus Christ, I don't even know what else I'm supposed to say to you, you're just annoying as Vince Russo, and he's annoying as hell!

Jim Cornette takes a very deep breathe as he stares at Damien Sandow, who is totally unimpressed by Jim Cornette's attitude and verbal abuse, but as Sandow goes to respond, he's interrupted by Cornette once more.

Don't even fucking try it, Sandow! You ain't jack, you ain't a good wrestler, you ain't a smart person, there isn't anything positive about you, and to top it all off, you didn't even last two minutes in the Royal Rumble, that's including both your attempts, hell it was great for the shits and giggles, and that is usually my job but not today, to day I'm here to hype up the BEST wrestler on the roster and a man who is certainly a better wrestler than you! The Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe! But at the same time, I should be also mention Joe's tag team partner, Sting. Now Sting, I don't give a flying fuck how well respected you are, but that Insane Icon Gimmick isn't the gimmick I wanna see tonight, hell, I don't want the dark and mysterious Sting, I want Steve Borden, the name behind the face paint because we got two opponents who don't dick about, well maybe Sandow does but that's because he's a grade A pile of horse shit!

Jim Cornette takes another deep breathe as he continues his ramblings.

It's lucky for you Sandow that your partner is possibly one of the best wrestlers to ever step in the ring, Daniel Bryan or Bryan Danielson, what ever the fuck his name is! I don't even care because everyone knows Samoa Joe is just a cut above Daniel Bryan, the title history between the two proves it, hell even Desmond Wolfe knows it! It sickens me to think that Daniel Bryan has dropped to a level were he needs a catchpharsh and that is one of the reasons why Me, Samoa Joe and Desmond Wolfe took him out of the Royal Rumble, he lost his honor, so Daniel Bryan, if you want to jump around screaming yes like a little pussy, then go a head but don't you think for a second that you are gonna beat Samoa Joe because he the best in the world! That's all I got to say for a moment, so Sting or D-Bry, get your fucking asses down here so we can all talk like adults!

The Hoov

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Re: Smackdown 6/29/12: Samoa Joe & Sting vs. Daniel Bryan & Damien Sandow

Daniel Bryan: Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. Jimmy Cornette!

As Cornette lowers his microphone, “American Dragonâ€￾ Daniel Bryan steps out from the back with a microphone in hand. He looks down towards the ring at Joe, Cornette and his partner Damien Sandow. He begins to speak.


Daniel Bryan: Jim, what seems to be the problem? Has the Alzheimer’s finally kicked in? There I am, sitting in the back and I hear this profanity-laden babble coming from my ring. F-This and F-That, Jim, how diverse is your vocabulary? You did say one thing I agree with: I am The Best Wrestler In The World and on SmackDown, You and your lacky Samoa Joe is going to find out first hand. Joe, you made a terrible mistake by teaming up with Jim and following Nigel's orders by eliminating me from the rumble match. When you jumped into the ring and eliminated me, you solidified your spot at the top of my hit list.

Daniel walks down the ramp and continues to speak.

Daniel Bryan: Last week should have been my triumph. Last week should have been my moment. Last week should have been my redemption for letting Dean Ambrose get away with my World Heavyweight Championship but instead, Nigel's jealousy got in the way of his duties as general manager of SmackDown. Nigel, do you honestly think screwing me over makes you any friends with the Board of Directors? Hell, I'm the best, most marketable and most buzzworthy person on this whole roster and you're trying to make MY life a living Hell? I get paid a fat salary and I sell the most merchandise out of everyone so I'll still be living a comfortable lifestyle. You're the one who works for chicken feed and has a monkey's job, which by the way could do a way better job than you are, so making MY life a living Hell isn't going to happen. Instead, I guarantee to make you regret ever crossing me. As far as you go, Joe, all you are is a pawn in Nigel's game and believe me, you've served your purpose and now it's time for me to take you out.

Daniel climbs up the steps and climbs into the ring. He stands next to Damien Sandow and continues his speech.


Daniel Bryan: And Sting, you might want to just stay at home or, better yet, have Jim here replace you in the match because a fourth loss isn't going to look very good on your record. Damien, I'll be glad to join your crusade but not because I seek enlightenment. I join you because there's not a person on this roster who comes close to measuring up to me except you and, If I'm to be in this tag tournament, I'd much rather team with an educated athlete like yourself then someone who hires a manager who didn't get enough oxygen to the brain as a child and some 60 year old man years past his prime. Jim, listen closely: Is Joe the best? No. Can Joe beat me? No. Can Nigel deliver on his promise? No. Will Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow beat the both of you senseless? YES! YES! YES!

Daniel gets in Jim's face and screams “YES! YES! YES!â€￾ as the crowd chants along with him.


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Merthyr Tydfil
Jeff Hardy and Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena and Dean Ambrose

Smackdown is being set up for the first time since Starrcade, and with a two time World Heavyweight Champion now in it's roster, and five hungry guys on his coat-tails, this weeks installment live from Dallas, Texas proves to be a hell-raiser indeed. The crowd are electric for the show to start, but aren't keen on the first arrival.



The tron shows Jeff Hardy, and sure enough, the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling stands atop of the ramp, not his once usual self of pandering to the adoring fans, but instead with a purpose, cold and still. After pausing a moment, he walks down the ramp towards the ring.


He slides into the ring and wastes no time in retrieving a microphone. When the music stops the boos that The Antichrist retracts are quite loud by the fans in the arena. The enigma looks out towards many of the people chanting his name and booing him out of the building before he starts speaking his mind.

Jeff Hardy: Before I come to more current events, I have an issue. My quest in making this business what it used to, a dark dynasty of competition, instead of a masquerade of friends and happiness that t's portrayed in now, I have found a stumbling block so it seems, that I would not be given my television time before my match with John Cena on Heatwave. But, what Desmond Wolfe and everyone in this company are going to find out in a hurry is that I will not be silenced. My message will be portrayed if not in your time, then in my time. Roll the footage.

The titan tron pops up a video, and it's focused on a spider slowly make it's way up a wall. An instantly recognizable voice starts to narrate.

The big struggle. Knowing that against all the odds your not getting to the top of that structure. You can't get to the top. You've equipped yourself with a web spinning capability for when you get close enough you can shoot yourself straight up the last mile. The hundreds of spikes in each of your eight legs that allow you to climb on a vertical platform. the fact you even got eight legs, to spread your weight out on what is no doubt to be a long, hard journey to the top. Even with four pairs eyes on top of their cephalothorax to see every direction, and able to identify every single hazard that could be close to them, they still know that the sheer scale of the journey is surely too much of a daunting task to complete. Still, some try to climb the mountainous object, believing they were put on this planet for the sole purpose of achieving this mighty feat, reaching the top and taking their place atop a throne they make for themselves, looking down on the kingdom that surrounds them.

Everyone now knowing it's Jeff Hardy, sees his thumb press against the wall, crushing the spider, and the majority falls down out of cameras view. Jeff runs his thumb down the wall, leaving bits of the spider against the wall. The camera turns to Jeff Hardy.


Tonight, after I dispatch of the one man that his done his damnedest to ruin what was a great dynasty in professional sports, I will participate in a Royal Rumble that will indeed show that I can make it to the top of the wall. I will spin my web in the top corner of the room and watch my kingdom from above, turn into the seedy, sordid environment that it once was, in all it's glory. Once I book my place as number one contender and retrieve the World Heavyweight Championship, we shall soon see how all these pretty boys in the back can perform, once I have transformed Smackdown, with a twist of HATE.

Quicker than you can blink, the camera goes blank, and the feed goes back to out in the arena. Jeff Hardy looks at what he filmed earlier in the week before re-addressing the audience.

Now, as it worked out, I did not need to participate in the afore-mentioned Rumble event as Desmond, although he does not want my message to out to the world, he can still not ignore my talent, and maybe... Maybe he was giving John Cena the opportunity to prove he can still be a top superstar in a major wrestling company. An opportunity that I wouldn't say Cena squandered.... more an disguised opportunity in which he never had a chance of taking in the first place. After I booked my place in the main event of the Great American Bash, I watched the Royal Rumble, and I couldn't help but... laugh. I had a quite laugh to myself because the man who won it, I had just taken out the match prior, and still, participants that hadn't had a match that night, and participants that had been rested a lot more than John all failed in achieving the same contender-ship than I did. It just goes to show the depth of this roster is pretty damn poor.

Now this week, I take on the man I beat last week.... and the World Heavyweight Champion, Dean Ambrose. A man in which I have yet to have the pleasure of the acquaintance. A two time champion, really? Impressive. Impressive that you have Desmond Wolfe that far in your pocket that he over-rides a decision already made. I may not like the guy and what he stands for but Ted DiBiase should by right still be our World Heavyweight Champion. And this Thursday night is going to be my opportunity, along with this... Bray Wyatt guy... Someone else who has already beaten John Cena. But Bray is not my concern, Dean Ambrose, you are my concern, and on Smackdown, your going to now how it feels to be twisted with hate.

Jeff is interrupted by.....


Chris Dresdon

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Re: Smackdown 6/29/12: Samoa Joe & Sting vs. Daniel Bryan & Damien Sandow

Darkness falls over the arena as the fans cheer, some of them out of anticipation, others out of lack of knowing how to react. Suddenly a young voice begins to recite a familiar poem.

When a man's heart is full of deceit
it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow
falls over his soul.

From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse,
a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator,
someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.

The battle between good and evil has begun.
Against an army of shadows comes the dark warrior,
the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence,
and a mission of justice.

This. Is. Sting.

After a brief moment of silence and darkness, the titantron screen lights up with the entrance video of the "Icon".


As the crowd erupts into cheers, "Immortal" by Adema begins to play as the fans are joined by the one and only Sting as he makes his way from the backstage area and enters through the curtain, turning the corner and appearing on the stage before them all. Sting stops and outstretches his arms and leans back, letting out a loud and passionate, "Wooooo!" before making his way down the ramp.


He makes his way down the ramp, darting over to the steel steps as he reaches the end of it. He ascends the steps and walks along the apron, stepping through the ropes as he walks to the opposite side of the ring and retrieves a microphone from the ringside official. He turns around and faces his opponent, the music fading out to silence as he raises the microphone to his mouth.

[COLOR="#B4B0082"]Sting: One, two, three...it appears I'm a bit tardy to the party! Well sorry to keep you waiting, I wasn't sure what to bring! I considered chips and dip, a few two liters of soda, some hot wings, but I figured all that had been covered by someone else who was invited so I decided that I would just bring this bat. I hope there's a piñata otherwise I'll have to take a swing at one of you boys! All joking aside, I am here with a purpose. Last week I spoke of my mission and though I've been unsuccessful so far, I'm not going to let that fact hinder me. Am I frustrated? I certainly am, though I understand if I look timid in comparison to my friend's mouthpiece. Do you kiss your wife with that mouth, Jimmy?

Instead of verbalizing my irritation with being on a losing streak, I instead am going to channel it, and with my channeled frustration I will propel Samoa Joe and I to the finals of this tournament, and capture whatever gold it is that's at stake. Not for my own gain, but for the benefit of this company, to be a catalyst of change. It will begin with us capturing gold for the side of good, then the World Heavyweight Championship will be held by a hero, and then the Hardcore Championship, and so on until UWF is engulfed with justice. But before I can do that, there is a wrong that must be righted, our team name. Killtime? Is that the best that could be thought up? Who do I blame for that? Desmond? Joe, Jimmy, was it your brainchild because I certainly had no input!

Joetime would be a better name, the Kokina Scorpions, the Black and White Machine, I don't know I'm not great at this, but anything's better than Killtime! Besides this debauchery, there are more issues that require resolution, namely my opponents this week. Damiens and Dragons, or whatever you're being called, suffer from the same self-absorbed diarrhea of the mouth that Bray Wyatt suffers from, they just lack the cowardice, which is the one good thing I can say about you two, you're fighters.

That aside, the arrogant filth you emit toxifies the fans and impressionable youth as the words of Wyatt do, and because of this you must be whitewashed from this company, so that we may all be rid of you. Except this time when I proclaim this, I will not fail, I will not suffer another consecutive loss. My eyes are peeled for Bray Wyatt, Eli Cottonwood, and anyone that may interfere on the behalf of either of you anarchists.

Friday night, it will be showtime, and when the lights are on the ring and millions of eyes are on all four of us, Joe's gonna kill you.[/COLOR]​
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Re: Jeff Hardy and Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena and Dean Ambrose

Right after Jeff Hardy gets through talking, a voice is heard throughout the arena.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the first ever two time World Heavyweight Champion in UWF History, Dean Ambrose!


The crowd gets on their feet and cheer as Dean Ambrose comes walking out with a mic already in hand and his World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. He very slowly makes his way down the ring while slightly dancing to his music. He seems to be in some sort of day dreaming happy state of mind. He finally reaches the steps and walks up them and enters the ring. After a few rotations, he finally begins to speak.


Whoa and I thought I was crazy. Did you really just come out here and show a video to the crowd that didn’t make it to Smackdown? There is a reason it wasn’t on the show Hardy, that’s because no one gives a damn about you and your new found wannabe creepy persona. Me? Oh I’ve been like this since the day I was born no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I’m mentally unstable. That’s why I wasn’t brought in to UWF when it first started as there was some psychiatric tests I had to go through in order to get a contract here. So you can smush a spider so what? I can smush people and smear they're guts across the ring every single night. I'll continue to address you in a moment but first I have to address all my adoring fans.

All of Dean Ambrose's fans cheer in excitement for themselves.

I'm not sure if you guys can tell but I'm in a pretty sweet mood today. Not only am I the first ever two time World Heavyweight Champion but now I also have the pleasure of defending my title in a King of the Mountain Match! Now I'm not quite sure what exactly that is but I hear there is a ladder involved which means it has the elements of being my specialty. Also I get to beat the living tar out of not one, not two, but five people. Five People! Holy hell am I gonna have fun in this match. Just imagine the intensity. Never knowing just when exactly your going to get attacked because there’s five guys all trying to get you. If they were smart, they'd try and take me out fast but that’s not the reason I'm here. No, no, no ,no, no because this week on Smackdown, I'm teaming up with one of my opponents for that match to take on two more of my opponents for that match. Ladies and Gentlemen, my partner for this match is none other than John Cena.

The crowd pops for Cena as Dean shrugs.


Yes the one and only chain gang solider, rise above hate, never give up son of a bitch John Cena. We all know there is only one person here who never gives up and that's me but whatever John I'll let you have that moniker. I mean you're my partner right so I have to kind of be nice to you in order for us to get along. I mean there's a prize for the winner of this tournament. An anonymous prize. What could it be? More championship gold? I certainly don't need it since I already got this bad boy around my waist. Maybe I could use some more strength training who knows but we're going up against two guys who have been making an impact here on Smackdown, Bray Wyatt and this man right here, Jeff Hardy.

The crowd boos at the mention of Hardy.

Sorry I went on a bit of a tangent there Jeff but I've been known to do that. It's kind of my thing. I know you're undefeated thus far in your career but it doesn’t mean anything until you prove your worth. I wasn’t handed a title shot as fast as you were because I was busy making something of the Hardcore title. I'm sure your a bit familiar with that but it's not the same type of hardcore you were familiar with in WWF, no it's much much more hardcore. I'm sure you've heard the tales and seen the matches. That's exactly what you're going to get at the Great American Bash. Don't worry though Jeff, you'll have time to prepare for the worst beating in your life because this week on Smackdown, you only have to worry about the minor beating I'll give you.

Dean walks over to the corner and sits atop the turnbuckle as he frequently does.

The same goes for that fat hog Bray Wyatt. This big mouth bigot has bit off quite a bit more than he could chew which seems like a lot since...well....just look at him. You two are very weird and deserve to be partners but me and Cena will show you just how damn good we are even when he don't really mesh that well. I'm sorry Bray, really I am, for what I'm about to do to the both of you will be unforgivable. The devil may not come knockin just yet, but the executioner will have his day.

The crowd cheers in approval once again as someone else's music hits.

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Re: Smackdown 6/29/12: Samoa Joe & Sting vs. Daniel Bryan & Damien Sandow

*Sandow looks around the ring seeing how it's filled up, he reaches back and grips the top rope stepping out on the ring apron. He slicks back his hair before raising his microphone once more.*


Damien Sandow:

If you…

*Sandow looks at the three men opposing him with a look of disgust before turning towards Bryan*

Gentleman would excuse me, I was beginning to feel rather claustrophobic with the likes of our three adversaries cluttering my once fair ring. Therefore I shall be continuing all…”repartee” from a distance, as to not expose myself to the disease you three men suffer from. A disease which has plagued you, and the unwashed masses witnessing this evening, for quite some time now… and that is the disease of incompetence. Now if Mr. James Cornette and his client Mr. Joseph would be so kind as to wait a moment I would like to first address Mr. Sting.

*Sandow motions towards Sting*

Anarchist, Mr. Sting? This is how you choose to describe Mr. Bryan and I? It is a rather shallow view, I do however see somewhat of the logic behind said description. For of the many ways one can define an anarchist, better yet anarchism itself it is a philosophy which considers the state harmful, unnecessary, and undesirable and if the state in question would be our fair Ultimate Wrestling Federation than I would have to agree. However an anarchist would promote a stateless society or anarchy itself, and I do not. I seek to better said state, to change it for the benefit, well-being, and common good of each and every one of you. This trumps your crass reference of my imparting wisdom, as so called “Self-absorbed diarrhea of the mouth”. For my words are not for myself, I am enlightened, my words are for the people viewing us and they are even for you three. I do not compete in matches; I do not look to hurt others, for every bout I am in is simply a lesson. A lesson I am forced to impart physically so as to wake up you ignoramuses and save you, I am benevolence incarnate.

*The crowd begins to boo as Sandow tilts his head up closing his eyes as he takes in the moment*

And Mr. Sting I believe you to be viewed as a good…”person” those in this audience they look up to you, which is a problem. Simply for your own self-imposed inadequacies, that furthers the descent into the doldrums of ignorance of all these people. If only you chose to wash your face of the paint, and in doing so the ignorance from your mind and follow my lead in saving these people. Such a pity, which now brings me to the aforementioned James Cornette.

*Sandow turns his head towards Jim Cornette flaring a nostril showing disgust*

Amongst the sea of execration and blasphemy, which ended with you suggesting we speak as adults several things were revealed to me and everyone watching. Firstly your level of doltishness, and secondly your opening statement revealed exactly the problem with this society and all those who oppose my teachings. You find it tedious to learn, and you say you do not wish to be saved. That is precisely the problem, you and these lambs willingly head into the slaughter of your own ineptitude. For far too long miscreants and dunces such as the three of you have been erroneously elevated to cult like status in this industry, people believe you three to be of a certain level. A level that only exist in their blurred vision and in the deluded minds of yourselves, I will not allow this this charade to go further. I shall be handing you the cure for the disease of incompetence, and whether you decide you want it or not sir I shall hand you deliverance from ignorance itself. Mr. James Cornette, Mr. Joseph and Mr. Sting for this I do not seek recognition I only seek…your enlightenment…You’re Welcome.

*Sandow raises his hands to the booing crowd as he smiles wide*
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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Smackdown: Jeff Jarrett and Dave Batista vs. Rey Mysterio & Derrick Bateman


Jeff Jarrett: And who the hell have they booked us against? Some guy I’ve never heard of (And I ain’t heelin’ here folks) and Rey Rey, the Wonder Mex!

The crowd gets even hotter as Batista cracks a smile and laughs a bit unexpectedly.


Jeff Jarrett: Superheroes? Well, then, consider me Lex Luther and this monstrosity in the chair is the Incredible Hulk! But this ain’t no damned comic book, is it? Cause, in the end, the bad guys win!


Jarrett smiles: Yeah, you go ahead and cheer that spot monkey. Cause what goes up, comes down, baby! And ole Double J ain’t about to let some sawed off circus act get the jump on’m! So, a word of advice, which I seem to be REAL good at lately! Rey? You need to go back home and hang out with the kids and your homies, cuase if you don’t I’m kicking your ass back to the 619!!


Jarrett brings the microphone down and scowls at the crowd as they jeer and boo him.

Jeff Jarrett looks like he just realized something: OH, WAIT! DENNIS BATEMAN! I thought they said JASON BATEMAN… Well, let’s hope you can fight better than he can act! Or he won’t be the only one having an ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT! Donald or Devin or whatever your name is, just go home with Rey Rey.

The cameras get close in on Jarrett as he grins menacingly.


Jeff Jarrett: I’m afraid creative has NOTHING for you, son.​


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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: Smackdown 6/29/12: Samoa Joe & Sting vs. Daniel Bryan & Damien Sandow

Jim Cornette takes a deep breathe before responding to all the men.


Sting, firstly, you are right, Joe is gonna kill these son of the bitches! But that ain't because of you, it's because WE, yes, we are a team and aslong as you remain mentally stable, we got one hell of a chance of winning this match! Hell, we're gonna win this entire tournament but then Sting, once it's all said and done, Samoa Joe is gonna kick your ass, and that is with all due and respect but I can't say I respect these assholes!

Jim Cornette turns to Damien Sandow.

Don't tell me to wash my FUCKING mouth out, because I can whatever I want, I edit the damn shows, I can censor myself if I so wish but these kiddies in the crowd have gotta learn the naughty words at some point, so I'm saving them the hassle of waiting till they start growing pubes! God! You are so fucking frustrating Sandow, you're talented but at the same time, you are a precious prick! Helping the unwasted massing, what the hell Sandow? I'm pretty sure everyone here has a had a shower today, hell almost all of them have had a shave too, aside from you! You look like a greasy pretentious prick, and the same goes for your tag team partner, Daniel Bryan!

The fans pop as Jim Cornette turns his attention to Damien Sandow's tag team partner, Daniel Bryan, the fans pop as Daniel Bryan seems morally outraged.

What? You pissed off I insulted you? Perhaps if you didn't look like a hippy that doesn't know how to shower and learned to eat some meat, you wouldn't look like such a pussy! Sure, you have some amazing wrestling talent, but my god, you are as annoying as Damien Sandow; hell, you got an even more annoying catchphrash than Stone Cold Steve Austin, with "YES! YES! YES!"! I mean, what the hell are you yelling yes for? Did your balls finally drop or that you finally got laid, I'm seriously confused what you chanting yes for? Help me out here! I might be getting old and losing touch with the times, but I am damn sure I don't have Alzheimer! FUCK! This is the most annoying trash-talk I have ever done, what the fuck am I saying! Sandow & Bryan, you are two are two of the most annoying little shits, I've ever seen in this ring, god! You have all the talents in the world but fuck, you are annoying, I don't know what else to say without going completely insane!

The fans go wild for Cornette going wild, Jim Cornette paces up and down as Samoa Joe grabs him by the arm and yells him to calm down as Samoa Joe takes a crack.


The Samoan Submission Machine,
Samoa Joe

Now, I'm not one to make dramatic speeches or promos, so I'm going to keep this as short and sweet as possible, both of you this Friday are gonna be in a world of pain, because as an old friend used to say; beat me if you can, survive if I let you!

The fans pop wildly as everyone turns their attention to Daniel Bryan, awaiting for his response.​


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Re: UWF Smackdown: Jeff Jarrett and Dave Batista vs. Rey Mysterio & Derrick Bateman

OOC: Wtf BDC. You don't just do a double post, you wait for your opponents to TT.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown: June 29th 2012 Card

Promos anyone? TTing? Or is it be mega lazy week for people?

C'mon now.
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