UWF 2012: Past Smackdown Shows & Cards

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Re: UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012

This was another tremendous edition of UWF SmackDown. Filled with great promos, matches are great and feuds are nicely coming together.

Good Job!


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Jun 11, 2010
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UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12


July 15th, 2012


The Pyros go off and UWF Smackdown is underway live from Houston Texas. The crowd is hot as they are real excited to be attending history. Signs of superstars parade the audience as a UWF chant is heard flowing throughout the arena. The set is as usual the Fist popping out of the stage ith the lights as always blue and white signaling the difference between its tuesday counterpart. The fans reach a fever pitch as we are taken to the announcer's table to begin the show, at the table are two legends of the Wrestling Businees, Jim "JR" Ross and The Hot Rod Roddy Rowdy Piper.


JR: Good evening folks and welcome to this special late addition of Friday Night Smackdown. I am Jim Ross alongside, Hot Rod Roddy Rowdy Piper as usual and folks I can not stress enough how sorry we are for how late this show has been. But we promise the next 2 hours will more than make up for it, as well as Smackdown's portion of matches in just 7 days at the Great American Bash.

Roddy Piper: Shit happens JR, and we wish the C.O.O. of UWF and his family the best in their time of grieving but as they say the show must go on, and tonight is no different then any other night for this certainly will be a show.

JR: As you are all well aware in just 7 days the Miz and Rob Van Dam will collide in a full metal meyhem match, but tonight their respective managers will do battle in what has been deemed by some a stroke of genius from our General Manager.

Piper: We also have two huge main events planned for you this evening. First we have Daniel Bryan and John Cena in a match where Bryan's opponent at the Great American Bash, Smackdown General Manager Desmond Wolfe, will be the special guest referee. Plus you've got a huge six man tag match, with the Future UWF Tag Team Champions teaming with the World Champion, to face three power hungry men who all look to win the World Championship at the Bash!

JR: We have all this and more including a Cutting Edge segment from the returning Edge, with his guest, his opponent at the Bash Damien Sandow. But first let's head to the ring where we are about to witness the debut of Alberto Del Rio.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...


Out comes the silent JTG who hasn't spoken a single word since coming to the UWF after all the hype surrounding his entrance into the Federation. He walks down to the ring ignoring everyone and everything as he gets in and prepares for his match.

Lillian Garica: Please welcome, JTG!

The microphone is handed to Ricardo.



Well known theme of Alberto Del Rio once again hits the PA system of the arena and Alberto rides out from backstage area in shining white limo.


Ricardo Rodriguez: Señoras y señores,
Es para mí un gran honor presentar a ustedes aquí,
Un hombre de gran regalías
Un hombre con una inteligencia superior
haciendo su debut aquí en Smackdown
Él es, Albertoooo Del Rrrrrrrio!

As Ricardo finishes introduction of Alberto Del Rio, Alberto gets before his huge falling firework and fans gives him mixed reaction. Alberto is all smiles as he gets into the ring and prepares for his match.


Ding Ding Ding

JTG wastes no time going after Alberto Del Rio and the two lock up in the center of the ring. Del Rio drives JTG into the corner turnbuckle but JTG reverses the hold so Del Rio’s back is in the corner. The official is quick to break it up. As the ref pushes JTG off of him Del Rio uses it to his advantage kicking Hardy in the thigh. Del Rio follows up with a right hand that sends JTG to the mat. JTG gets up angry looking to do some damage but Del Rio just grabs him and sends him to the mat with a snapmare takedown, Hardy is in a seated position and Del Rio kicks Hardy right in the spine and the crowd boo. Del Rio picks up Hardy and attempts to throw him into the corner, but JTG reverses it and Del Rio hits the turnbuckle hard. JTG nails Del Rio with a clothesline in the corner before driving Del Rio to the mat with a bulldog. JTG goes for the cover.



JTG gets off of him and waits for Del Rio to get to his feet before driving a right hand into Del Rio’s face. Del Rio reverses JTG’s attempt to whip him and JTG comes back only for Del Rio to powerslam him to the mat. Del Rio smiles as he taunts the crowd and begins walking circles around JTG until he gets to his feet. JTG gets to all fours and Del Rio kicks JTG in the side of the head sending JTG to the mat. Del Rio waits for JTG to get to his feet and with the speed of a leopard attacks and connects with his finishing move the flying armbar. Once on the ground it is only a few seconds before Del Rio makes JTG tap out!

Here is your winner of the match: Alberto Del Rio!

JR: An impressive debut from Del Rio, albeit how quick it was done.

I’m shocked JTG got any offense JR. It’s a pity when you have jobbers like this show up.

Del Rio has his hand raised in victory a big smile on his face as Smackdown heads elsewhere.

Todd Grisham is shown backstage and he is walking around the arena with a microphone in his hand. Todd is looking around for someone, when all of a sudden he finds the place he is looking for. Todd looks confused as he knocks the door and all of a sudden. UWF's super hero Rey Mysterio opens up the door. The fans cheer like crazy as Rey begins to speak

Rey Mysterio: Who goes there?

Todd Grisham: Rey it is me, would you mind letting me in for a quick interview?

Rey Mysterio: Todd you know the risk I would be running if I would let you in. If I would let you in it could culminate into something bad happening. This is the 619 lair, and I'm sorry strangers are not allowed in.

Todd Grisham: Rey you are in the janitors closet almost anyone can move in and out of there. Now can you let me in the UWF universe wants to hear from there favorite super hero.

Rey Mysterio: Oh why didn't you say that earlier.

Rey lets Todd Grisham in as Todd is just relieved he manage to get in. Todd looks around and it is a normal janitor closet, but there is a TV screen which only monitors the bathrooms. Rey is having a good time sitting here and the only way it shows is that it is his lair because there is a Rey Mysterio poster in there. Rey begins to speak

Rey Mysterio: So Todd.. what it is that you need to ask me? I have important business to attend too.

Todd Grisham: I think the toilets are safe from evil, but anyways Rey last week you won your first match here in the UWF. How does it feel to get that feeling of not winning here in the UWF? Do you feel that the UWF now is getting safer too.

Rey Mysterio: You see Todd it feels good to finally shake away the feeling. You know it was rough not winning matches, it kinda felt like I was letting those people down ya' know? Though I manage to battle through it and win my first match here in the UWF. Now I know winning it is important here in the UWF, but my main task here is to get rid of the evil here first, and really Todd I gotta be honest with you. Even though I defeated Raven, I still feel an evil presence around him. It is kinda spooky, but I kinda feel that this guy right here Raven is my first arch nemesis. That he is looking to take me down and get inside my head... and the thing is Todd I think it is working. Last week I may have won Todd, but something tells me Todd that he let me win, that he wanted me to win so I can gain confidence. See I think he wants me to feel more confident that I am already am, I feel like he wants me at his highest so that way when the opportunity hits... he can take me down. Well let me tell you something Todd it feels good to win. I am proud that I won this match, but something tells me the evil still lurks here in the UWF.

Todd Grisham: Thank you Rey, ladies and gentlemen your super hero Rey Mysterio

the camera pans to the next segment.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.


The crowd goes nuts as "One of a Kind" hits the PA system as Mr. Friday Night comes out to huge a decent pop. Fonzie comes out behind him and Rob motions to him as he extends his arms out

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, being accompanied by, Rob...Van...dam. From Hampton, New Hampshire, weighing in at 160 pounds...Fonzie.

Van Dam is clearly excited as he motions for Fonzie to join him as he does his traditional R... V... D... at the top of the ramp. Rob tells Fonzie to get a move on running sideways as if coaching Fonzie as he sprints down to the ring. Fonzie runs to the steel steps and gets in the ring as Rob meets him there having slid in himself. Rob holds out both his hands opening them as Fonzie puts his fist up punching each hand with rights and lefts warming up.



The crowd boos heavily as the duo of The Miz and Paul Heyman come out from behind the curtains. Miz holds up his European Championship before bringing it down to his shoulder and motioning for Heyman to take the lead. The two heads straight for the ring without even listening to the hatred the fans are pouring on them.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, being accompanied by the UWF European Champion The Miz, from Scarsdale, New York. Weighing in at 258 pounds, Paul Heyman.

Miz jumps up on the ring apron as Heyman goes up the steel steps, Miz sits on the bottom rope for Heyman to step in before stepping in himself holding up the Euro Title for Rob to see as he stands behind Heyman. Lillian steps out of the ring and after a few words Rob and Miz drops down out of the ring.


Just before the bell can ring for Fonzie & Heyman are all ready for their match up with their respective wrestlers in their corners, when suddenly another theme hits the PA system.

Silence in the Yard…


The fans go nuts as Desmond Wolfe steps out from the backstage with a microphone in hand, and a smirk on his face he speaks up.

Desmond Wolfe: This is gonna be short n’ sweet ya wankers! ‘Cause for some unknown reason, the wrong match was booked, it is gonna be Rob Van Dam versus the Miz in a UWF European Championship match! And Miz, sunshine, if ya lose, you’re gone sunshine!

The fans go nuts as The Miz goes nuts and argues with it, swinging the European Championship around, Rob Van Dam seizes the moment, and charges at the Miz and delivers Van Daminator to The Miz, the fans go nuts as Jack Doan signals for the bell, Fonzie quickly tackles Heyman down as the bell is sounded.

UWF European Championship Match

*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: Blah god! What a Van Daminator!

Roddy Piper: This is hilarious!

Rob Van Dam dives ontop of the Miz as Jack Doan makes the count on the Miz.



Jim Ross: We got a new UWF European Championship! AND THE MIZ IS FIRED!

Roddy Piper: This is brilliant, JR!


*Ding Ding Ding*

Lillian Gracia: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of this match and the NEW UWF EUROPEAN CHAMPION, ROB VAN DAM!

The fans go absolutely nuts as Rob Van Dam gets back to his feet and looks at Jack Doan, Rob Van Dam hands him the UWF European Championship. Rob Van Dam raises it above his head before propping it on his shouder and licks his thumbs as the fans chants “ROB… VAN… DAM!!!†before Bill Alfonso gets to his feet and celebrates with Rob Van Dam as the Miz and Paul Heyman look in absolute disbelief at the fact they’ve lost.

Commercial Break

My Favorite Diva of All time!

Commercial Break

As the camera pans the arena, crew members are setting up the ring for the Cutting Edge. Rolling the black carpet with the Rated R Superstar logo on it as another crew member is heading down to the ring from the side of the ramp with stools. He walks up the steel steps when suddenly…


Sandows music hits, drawing heat from the crowd expecting to hear from the returning Edge before having to deal with Sandows talking down to them. Sandow regular calm and smug look on his face is replaced with an agitated demeanor raising his microphone and lifting one finger up choosing not to pose before speaking


Damien Sandow:

Tonight I shall not be begging your indulgence, for you will all pay attention to what I have to say whether you imbeciles choose to like it or not.

*Sandow begins to walk down the ramp as the crowd boos Sandows claim, who simply continues to speak*

I am out here so as to not further feed the leech known as the Rated-R Superstar, for attention is the blood that drives him to continue on. He chose to physically accost me for no prior reason or agitation, and in doing so put my good name in the mud sullying my previously untainted record. An act I shall be rectifying for I have chosen to accept the challenge lain out to me, not because the man is a worthy opponent, and not because I want to make a name for myself at the cost of his somehow higher status, no I choose to accept to teach him and all of the unwashed masses a lesson...

*Sandow walks up the steel steps, he steps into the ring and with his free hand shoos off the crew members.*

A Lesson that you all and he won’t soon forget, and considering the consequences of the impartment of this lesson I could not in good conscious reject the invitation to this program the Cutting Edge. For I feel the man who shall be the cause of this being the final one should at least have the decency of appearing on it, however this show is not about the…â€person†who accosted me it is first and foremost about Damien Sandow. And thanks to that fact, it shall be remembered always as a shining moment in the otherwise filth and decay covered career of Edge…and for that Edge I can only say…You’re Welcome.

*The crowd boos once again as Sandow has gotten his smug smile back, lifting the microphone once again*

Now before he chooses to make his prescence known I have several things to address, namely the overlooking and unjust tactics of our general manager as tonight I-

*Sandow is cut off by the familiar theme causing the crowd in the arena to erupt as Sandow turns towards the stage with a disgusted look on his face*



The crowd goes ballistic as Edge walks out on stage. But then he stops midway and does his signature pose.

Pyro goes off like the 4th of July much to the delight of the fans in attendance. He then continues to make his way down the ramp and slides in under the bottom rope. He stands in the ring as he pulls out his mic from his back pocket.

Rated R Superstar Edge:
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again it is definitely good to be back but looking at the sight over there… wow… not good at all. But what I find odd is someone like you… that comes out here in a bathrobe has the gall to call me a leech? I mean that is crazy. That boggles my mind. That just… it confounds me how someone of such intellectual prowess such as yourself could spew such oral defecation against a fellow person that comes out dressed appropriately while you look like you are getting ready to hit the sauna. But what do I know. Well actually I know quite a bit. And I know that you do not want to deal with me at the Great American Bash even though you want to act like you are beyond ready. Because you know deep down that someone like me will always be a step ahead. Someone like me will always be able to see what you do before you do it.

Rated R Superstar Edge:
Now you see… this is the Cutting Edge because on this show… I run things. On this show I am the one that dictates where everything goes and on this show… I am the one that says whatever I want and right now I just want to make sure that you remember something… you lost to a girl.

Edge takes a moment to laugh with the rest of the crowd before turning serious again.

Rated R Superstar Edge:
But what you need to realize is that you have not ever experienced someone like me. You have experienced the spear and you know exactly that it is all that it will take to put you out and know that when it comes time you will feel the spear again. And when that time comes… you will be left lying in the middle of the ring staring up at the rafters as you finally come to the conclusion that Edge is the real deal and that Smackdown is about to officially become Rated R and I will be heading straight to the top of the rankings to soon become the new world champion.

Right now you are in my way, right now you are the one that is blocking my way and I will not let someone like you, someone that stands there in a bathrobe with pink wrestling underwear keep me from achieving my goal. I mean really… pink? Who do you think you are Bret Hart? But… anyways… this is the first of many shows… but this will also be the show that people will remember because this will be the one that there will be someone that will finally shut that smug bearded mouth of yours up. So just be ready there Sandusky… because you will feel… the spear. Spear. Spear.

Sandow scoffs, he goes to talk but before he does he quickly exits to the ring apron, turning towards Edge as he stares towards him in the middle of the ring*


Damien Sandow: Spoken like a true ignorant fool, you claim to be the man to as you put it "finally shut that smug bearded mouth [of mine]" Which is like the dark rain clouds claiming they will forever cease the suns rays from shining down towards the earth. For while you may have momentarily accosted me out of nowhere and accomplished your "spear" it was only for a moment as the Suns rays will always shine again just as my message will continually and consistently shine out to the unwashed masses watching this evening. For I am the avenging sword of taste and decency, and while the spear may have it's positives it is the sword which will always topple it's predecessor.

Sandow raises one finger up

However, while I may be taking your miscreant ways out of the Ultimate Wrestling Federation it does not mean you are by any means a Worthy opponent. I am on pest control at the Great American Bash, but that doesn't mean you are fit to share the ring with myself until my hand is forced at the Bash. Therefore I have decided to take my leave, good day...

Sandow drops down off the apron as the crowd boos his leave hoping to see Edge get his hands on him one more time, Sandow begins to walk away as Edge almost seems disappointed himself that Sandow is backing down. Edge moves to the ropes putting one foot on the bottom rope as he calls Sandow to come back, Damien just raises one hand waving him off as he turns his back and makes his way up the ramp. As Edge keeps his eyes on Sandow from behind through the crowd Daniel Bryan hops the barrier and slides into the ring, before Edge even notices Bryan attacks him from behind.

JR: What in gods name is this

Bryan starts hitting Edge with right hands, causing Edge to turn around and start to throw wild rights of his own as both men seem to be meeting each punch for punch. As this happens Sandow suddenly pulls his robe up as he charges back down the ramp as Edge is starting to gain the upper hand against Bryan in the ring after the initial surprise, Sandow slides into the ring whipping the towel around his neck to the mat and hits Edge from behind with a double-axe handle causing him to drop to his knees. Bryan and Sandow nod at one another for a moment and in that split second Edge throws back an elbow to Sandows sternum and hits Bryan with a right hand to the ribs trying to get out of this predicament but Sandow and Bryan quickly begin to smother Edge with clubbing shots to the back. Once down they start to stomp away at him as the crowd boo the attack

JR: I can't believe this, this is a mugging.

Sandow tells Bryan something before turning around and picking a microphone off the floor, Bryan wraps his legs around Edges arm locking in the the Yes lock as Sandow taps on the microphone to check if its working. He bends over looking at Edge as he's locked in the hold raising his microphone up

Damien Sandow: You might be in...a tremendous amount of agony at the current moment, however this is to help you realize the error of your ways. We are saving you from yourself, as well as saving all of us from you...You're Welcome.

He drops the microphone as Bryan starts yelling as he pulls back on the hold "YES!", Bryan finally lets go of the hold as Sandow immediately starts to pull Edge up to his feet. As he does he grabs a hold of both of Edges arms by the wrist seemingly about to set up his finisher when suddenly the crowd suddenly erupts, Bryan quickly tells Sandow to drop him, and Sandow does so simply letting go of Edge as he turns towards the stage as John Cena is charging the ring.

JR: It's John Cena!

Cena slides in and is immediately met with clubbing shots to the back by both men

Piper: the numbers game Ross, John Cena just ran head first into the slaughter.

Sandow quickly turns to Cenas back and locks him in a full nelson standing him up, as Cena struggles to get out of it Bryan winds back and hits him with a kick to the chest yelling out Yes! in the process. Sandow keeps a hold of Cena in the full nelson now easier after the first kick, allowing Bryan to wind back again and kick him once more. The crowd is booing as Sandow calls for another kick, but as Bryan winds back Edge suddenly gets to his feet turning Bryan around and hitting him with right hands as the crowd pops.

JR: Here we go, now the odds are even.

Sandow tries to keep hold of Cena, but now without the kicks to stop him Cena starts to power out. Slowly moving his arms down breaking the grip of the full-nelson. With one last motion he breaks loose and hits Sandow in the ribs with an elbow, dropping him back to the corner. Edge hits Bryan with a big right hand that cause him to turn around completely and as he does walks right into a Right hand from John Cena, he turns around once again and is hit with another right hand by Edge. As Bryan turns around this time Cena lifts him up on his shoulders for the Attitude Adjustment, in that moment Sandow comes out of the corner to help his partner but Cena swings around with Bryan on his shoulders causing his boots to hit Sandow in the head dropping him to the mat. Cena gets a little unbalanced moving to the ropes allowing Bryan to grip his hands on the top rope, Bryan manages to pull himself off of Cenas shoulders to the ring apron and down to the floor escaping the onslaught.

Piper: seems like Daniel Bryan wants to call it a night for now.

he turns around and notices his partner is still down, he takes a step forward but Cena stomps on the mat daring Bryan to get back in the ring. As Cena keeps him at bay, Edge slouches down in the corner pulling on his hair. Sandow is groggily trying to get to his feet as the crowd begins chanting "Spear! Spear! Spear!", Sandow gets up finally but with something in his hand. As he turns around and Edge charges forward, Sandow tosses the towel he had dropped earlier to Edges head the sudden distraction stopping Edge for a moment as Sandow drops down and rolls out of the ring. Edge throws the towel to the floor as he moves to the ropes telling Sandow to get back in the ring, Sandow motioning no with his finger as he moves over to his partner tapping the side of his head saying he outsmarted the spear.

JR: well looks like both these guys have a case of the limber tale.

Edge grabs his arm moving it up and down feeling the effects of the initial attack, as both Y.E.S members get a smirk on their face having accomplished an attack and an escape before anything caught up to them. Smackdown then heads to the back.

Rey is shown in the 619 lair sitting back and eating pop corn. Rey is looking at the TV screen and starts to speak to himself

Rey Mysterio: Justice will prevail, I am the mask hero. The West Coast pop, and the master of the 619... evil will never rest. Neither will I.

Rey later sees Todd enter the bathroom

Rey Mysterio: Hey look it is Todd. Such a nice guy he is. Glad he respects what I do.

It looks like Todd is washing his hands when all of a sudden Raven comes out behind one of the stalls. Rey is not paying attention at the moment as a piece of popcorn fell on the ground, and Rey goes on the five second rule like most other people. Raven though begins to assault Todd banging his head against the counter. Raven begins to fill the sink with water and starts pushing Todds head in it and does this numerous of times. Rey finally gets his piece and begins to look up and sees Raven. Raven is smiling at the camera and he begins to wave at Rey, and shows the beaten up Todd Grisham. Rey is concerned and he heads out, but as Rey was heading out he forgot his cape... so he had to go back into get his cape. Rey rushes through the arena to find the bathroom, and checks two both mens, and womens. Todd is nowhere to be seen. Rey is worried because evil has struck and he needs to stop it. Finally Rey checks another bathroom and there he says Raven with Todd in position for a Raven effect DDT. Mysterio begins to speak


Rey goes and he runs at Raven forcing Raven to let go of the hold he had locked up on Todd. Raven sidesteps Mysterio and Rey manages to recover after the miss. Rey goes and he does a low dropkick to Ravens knee. Raven goes and he screams in pain as Rey starts to pummel him. Raven though manages to recover and steps up and pushes Rey off fleeing the bathroom. Rey goes and checks on Todd real quick and heads off towards out the bathroom Rey begins to scream

Rey Mysterio: RAVEN!... RAVEN!... YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME.

All Rey hears is a laugh from Raven as Rey gets frustrated and he kicks a trashcan. Paramedics go and they head to the bathroom. Rey looks on as the paramedics come out of the bathroom with Todd and Rey looks at Todd as the stretcher goes by the camera gets close to Rey's face as he begins to speak and says.

Rey Mysterio: Don't worry Todd... he won't get away with this... trust me he won't.

Rey looks on all serious, and the camera pans away

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...


The music of the dark and twisted Raven hits the PA system and the crowd gives off a big mixed reaction.Raven comes out dressed in his leather jacket, a T-shirt, and a kilt.


Lillian Garcia: Introducing first: From the Bowery, Raven.

The twisted soul begins walking down to the ring determined and ready to begin his match against Jeff Hardy tonight, stopping at ringside to look at the crowd before He rolls into the ring. He stands in the middle of the ring doing his signature pose before turning to the stage.


Jeff Jarretts music hits the arena and the crowd gives off a mixed reaction, he comes out through the curtain holding his hands up in the air with a big smile across his face.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent: from the State of Tennessee, Double J Jeff Jarrett.


Jarrett struts his way down the stage before he starts to walk down the ramp way, turning towards the crowd and mouthing off to them as the simply answer back with boos. Jarrett runs up the steps and quickly gets in the ring posing in the middle of the ring before turning his attention towards Raven standing next to him.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: Well it’s Raven versus Jeff Jarrett.

Roddy Piper: This is gonna a bizarre match JR, all the fans hate these guys!

Raven and Jarrett stare at each other, as Raven pulls himself up from the bottom corner before taunting Jarrett, the two lock it up in the centre of the ring, exchanging blows with Raven getting the upper hand, Jeff Jarrett staggers backwards as Raven then follows up with three jabs to the face, Raven then spins on the spot delivering a Discus Clothesline, knocking Jarrett down to the canvas. Raven pounces and makes a cover on Jeff Jarrett.



Jim Ross: What a series of move by Raven.

Roddy Piper: It doesn’t mean he’s won JR!

Jarrett rolls his shoulder off the canvas Raven tries to get back on the attack straight away but stomping away at Jarrett but Jarrett manages to escape and gets back to his feet, Raven snarls and boots Jarrett in the gut; Raven goes to deliver the Raven Effects but Jarrett manages to escape and delivers a thumb to the eye. Raven stumbles as Jarrett follows up with a chop to the chest, then a second one knocking Raven down to the canvas. Raven tries to pick himself up as Jarrett grabs Raven and hoists him up and over with a Snap Suplex and attempts a pin himself.



Jim Ross: Now Jarrett is trying his luck!

Raven kicks out!
The fans don’t know how to react as Jeff Jarrett begins to stomp and stamp away at Raven, Raven manages to grab the boot and stands back to a vertical base before Dragon Screwing Jarrett over on to his Raven chuckles as he goes for the Single Leg Boston crab but Jeff Jarrett reaches up and rolls Raven up into a cradle pin.



Jim Ross: This could be a close call for Raven!

Raven escapes the inside cradle and gets back to his feet, as does Jarrett and both charge at eachother and deliver a double clothesline in the centre of the ring, knocking both out off the ground. Both shake their heads to clear the cobwebs as both men get back to their feet, they begin to exchange blows but Raven takes a cheap short cut of his own and drives a knee into the gut of Jarrett before grabbing him by the head and delivers the Raven Effects, the fans still don’t know to react as Raven makes the cover.



Roddy Piper: This match is over, JR!

Jim Ross: You might right Raven.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Winner via Pinfall at 06:21: Raven


The fans finally start booing as Raven gets back to his feet, with an evil smile on his face, he rolls out of the ring and looks underneath the ring apron and pulls out a Singapore cane, Raven rolls into the ring and prepares to attack Jeff Jarrett but suddenly Rey Myterio slides into the ring and boots Raven in the knee cap; the fans are going nuts as Rey Mysterio follows up with a boot to face, knocking him down to the canvas.

Jim Ross: I have no idea why Rey Mysterio is saving Jeff Jarrett but he’s doing a good job at it!!

Roddy Piper: Because Rey Mysterio is a superhero JR!

Rey Mysterio then manages to throw Raven between the middle and top rope, Rey Mysterio goes into the opposite ropes and rebounds back and delivers the 619 to face of Raven suddenly him down to the canvas once more, Rey Mysterio goes for one of the springboard moves but as he dives off the top rope, Jeff Jarrett from out of nowhere nails Mysterio in the head with a guitar.

Jim Ross: blah! Mysterio saves Jarrett’s ass and this is the repayment he gets!

Roddy Piper: This is why Superheroes are useless!

Jeff Jarrett and Raven seemingly put their differences aside and begin to beatdown on Mysterio in a two on one assault, suddenly the fans go nuts as Rob Van Dam slides into the ring, Jarrett turns around straight into a high half-crescent to the face as Raven goes for Van Dam with the Singapore Cane but RVD ducks underneath and delivers a Superkick to the face of Raven, sending him flying out of the ring. Rob Van Dam smirks as he helps Mysterio up to his feet, the two seemingly embrace for a moment as Desmond Wolfe once again shows up on the staging and makes another huge announcement.

Desmond Wolfe: Well, well, well, what have we got ‘ere! Four men, fighting each other and I see some weapons and I can’t exactly make Raw look good by not having all the titles defend on the card, ‘cause Smackdown is clearly better than Raw, here’s what we’re gonna do! At the Great American Bash, it’s gonna be The UWF European Champion Rob Van Dam versus Raven versus Rey Mysterio versus Jeff Jarrett in a Monsters Ball match for championship! Good luck wankers, see ya next Sunday!

The fans go nuts as Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio all look at each other as Smackdown goes elsewhere.

We go backstage to where Daniel Bryan, member of Y.E.S. And self-proclaimed “Best Wrestler In The World†is standing there, almost like in a trance. He's just staring off into space.


Daniel Bryan: Time and time again, I'm continuously wronged and this organization turns a blind eye. This madman, this delusional selfish egotistical worm of a man Nigel continues to be in charge of SmackDown and run this show straight into the ground. As much as I can't stand the ground Teddy Long walks on, at least Teddy has enough sense to keep his nose out of the wrestlers' business. But not Nigel, oh no. No, he likes to take jabs at innocent hard-working men like myself and Damien. He likes to eliminate people from Rumble matches for no good reason. He likes to play mind games with his employees and screw them out of hard-earned victories. He likes to make it virtually impossible to win a championship and why? To further inflate his already inflated ego? Nigel, if you're not careful, that balloon you call your ego, I'll pop it into a million pieces. Nigel, Damien and I should be competing for the Tag Team Titles at the Great American Bash but instead......I'm facing you.

Daniel is still deep in thought as the camera catches his inner-most thoughts just spewing from his mouth uncontrollably.

Daniel Bryan: Nigel, it doesn't matter anymore what your intentions were because we're already at this stage. Your incompetence and jealousy caused it to go this far. There was no turning back from the inevitable. It was destined to come to this. That's why I wanted the match, Nigel. That's why I goaded you into it. This was part of the plan all along. Nigel, this isn't about the World Heavyweight Championship. This isn't about the Tag Team Championships. This is about respect or should I say your lack of respect for me. That's what it boils down to. You put every obstacle in front of me because you don't like seeing me succeed. Well, Nigel, look where that got you. In the middle of the ring with me. A dangerous, vicious and violent Daniel Bryan.

Daniel paces around, still wide-eyed and looking crazy.

Daniel Bryan: I don't know what I'm going to do to you first. I could snap your arm off but then, how would you tap out? I could break your leg but then you couldn't have something for the piss to run down when I come charging after you. Nigel, you brought this match all upon yourself. Now you wanna play referee in my match tonight against Cena. Go ahead. Be my guest. Just don't think that screwing me out of this match will be in the cards because it won't be. If you go so far as to even fast count me, I'll grab you by your scrawny neck and choke the life out of you and we won't even make it to the Bash. Do you understand me?

Daniel then stops pacing and looks into the camera.

Daniel Bryan: And as for you, Mr. Cenation. Mr. Poster Boy. You've never stepped into the ring with a real wrestler in your entire career so I'll make it easy on you: Just stand there and I'll make it real quick and painless. If not, well.....let's just say, when Nigel asks you if you give up, you're only words will be Yes........Yes........Yes........Yes......

Daniel walks out of frame still chanting to himself like a mantra “Yes....â€

Commercial Break


I heard a certain person helped out with this show last week.

Commercial Break

We're backstage, there's a black wall. The spotlight is shone down on Josh Mathews and Batista.


Josh Mathews: Batista... I want to know why you left last week and caught a plane. What was your purpose?

Batista: The week prior to me leaving Texas last week, I closed the show on a high, raising what I truly deserve. The World Heavyweight Champion. I knew last week that there would be another brawl in the ring, I knew. The reason why I left is because I've proven to be untouchable. I was thrown into a tag team match, I proved to Jeff Jarrett that I'm not here for that crap! Yet later tonight I have to be in another tag match. I'm glad you're out here Josh...

Josh Mathews: Well, tag matches are part of wrestling Batista. It's wrong to walk away from a match.

Batista: WHO IN THE FREAKIN' HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? TELLING ME WHAT TO DO. Listen carefully Josh... I'll do what I want, when I want. Nobody bosses me around here, especially not you. As I said, I'm glad your here but you're starting to piss me off!

Josh Mathews: My apologies Batista, why are you happy I'm here?

Batista: Because for so long, I've been waiting to get my hand on Dean Ambrose. Now Dean, I heard what you had to say last week. All your bitching about how I interrupted your main event, how I took you out. Yet you thought that was smart. I beg to differ because I didn't break your bones like I said I would. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to take what's rightfully mine. Wrestling is all about unexpectancy, yet Dean you walk around with that belt you do not truly deserve.

Josh Mathews: Dean won that fair and square Batista...

Batista places his hands on Josh's throat, choking him.

Josh Mathews: Y... You'r...You're hurting.. me..

Batista: I DON'T GIVE A FREAKIN' CRAP WHO I'M HURTING. Shut the hell up Josh and get the hell out of my face! Dean, you're my initial target, just like the other competitors who will try take the belt from you at The Great American Bash, but there can only be one winner. That winner will be me, I don't care how many times I have to say it. I have proven myself already that I have what it takes to strive and have that World Heavyweight Champion. The best in UWF is me, these puppets are paying me money to compete, now I don't care if it's a 6-man-tag or a one-on-one because I will hurt anybody that steps into the ring with me. Which is why I'm asking for one thing... seeing Dean Ambrose is one pissed off man, I'm more pissed off than ever! Next week, I demand to face Dean Ambrose one-on-one... in a Steel Cage. For too long I've been wanting my hands on him, for too long I've demanded for some freakin' competition. Nigel, you're going to give me what I want or else next week on Smackdown, I'm going to tear everything apart and wreck this place! So Mr. Wolfe, give me my match or I'm going to that ring and I'll happily sit on a freakin' chair and wait all night!

Will Batista's demands be answered? We'll have to wait until next time as we are brought back to ringside.

Lillian Garcia: The following is scheduled for one fall, introducing the special guest referee for this match the general manager of Smackdown...Desmond Wolfe

Wolfe steps up in the middle of the ring with a ref shirt on, one hand on his wrist as he twist his hand around.


“Final Countdown†by Europe plays as the crowd turn their attention towards the stage. Then, after a few moments, Daniel Bryan, emerges through the curtain looking out to the crowd pausing before raising his hands up and shouting Yes!

Lillian Garcia: Introducing First: From Aberdeen, Washington...Daniel Bryan.

Bryan comes down the ramp, his Yes! shouts at full swing with seemingly every step until he reaches ringside. Turning to the steel steps and climbing up the turnbuckle putting one foot on the top rope and the other on the side raising both hands up once more with a resounding Yes! Bryan steps up on the top rope dropping down into the ring with both feet as he stares straight at the Special Referee Desmond Wolfe before turning his head to the stage as the music grabs his attention.


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an over hyped John Cena bursts out onto the stage, which is a pleasure from the U.W.F. Universe. John Cena looks into the camera mouthing something that can't be heard over the sound of his music before meeting the end of the stage.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from West Newbury Massachusetts, John Cena!

John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena springs forward and sprints down the entrance ramp. John Cena slides in the ring and hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring and prepares for his match as Daniel Bryan doesn't seem impressed.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: So it’s time for Daniel Bryan and John Cena to lock horns, one on one! This could be interesting encounter, right Hot Rod? Not to mention the special guest referee.

Roddy Piper: You’re right JR, this match is gonna be one of hell of a curious encounter to say the least.

Cena and Bryan begin to circle each other as Wolfe casually relaxes against the ring ropes as Bryan taunts Wolfe before going after Cena. Cena and Bryan lock it up in a collar and elbow tie up, Cena shows off his raw strength tosses Daniel Bryan down onto the canvas, Daniel Bryan rolls to his feet, clearly out matched in the strength and size department tries to figure out away to take down the bigger man in the match.

Jim Ross: This match is all against Bryan and I’m almost certain every single fan loves this!

Roddy Piper: Maybe it’ll put Daniel Bryan in his place!

Daniel Bryan glances across at Desmond Wolfe “Hey Wolfe, same is going to happen to you, next Sunday!†Wolfe chuckles as Cena moves in but is distracted slightly by Daniel Bryan and Wolfe going back and fourth. This allows Daniel Bryan to quickly drop-toe hold Cena down into the canvas, Bryan quickly pounces ontop of Cena and locks in a sleeper hold of Cena but Cena roars and attempts to get back to his feet but Bryan locks in the hold tight on Cena, all the time staring at Wolfe yelling at him “This is going to happen to you soon enough, old timer!†Wolfe snarls and kneels in front of Cena and Bryan and looks into the eyes of John Cena “Do you want to give it up, Cena?†He screams back “NO!†and Wolfe nods his head as Bryan continues to lock in the hold tight.

Roddy Piper: Hey JR! What do you think of this situation?

Jim Ross: Well don’t know Roddy, there is only one way to find out!

Cena begins to fade, Bryan yells at Wolfe to check to see Cena can continue but Wolfe shakes his head and begins to waste time as Cena comes alive, Cena begins to stand back up to a vertical base as Wolfe steps out of the way; Cena grabs Bryan by the head and tosses Bryan on the ground, Cena quickly follows through with the Throwback! Bryan’s head snaps back as Wolfe manages a fair and equal count on Daniel Bryan.



Jim Ross: Nice fair count by Desmond Wolfe here!

Bryan kicks out!
Wolfe doesn’t react as Cena gets onto his knees and looks at Wolfe and shrugs his shoulders before standing back up to his feet, Bryan rolls back to his feet as Cena charges into Bryan and knocks him down with a shoulder block. Cena waves his hand in front of Bryan as the fans go wild “YOU CAN’T SEE ME!†before going into the ring ropes, Cena comes back and brushes his shoulder before driving the fist down, completing the Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena rolls back to his feet and prepares to go for the Attitude Adjustment but Damien Sandow leaps up onto the ring apron!

Roddy Piper: Oh this is just great!

Jim Ross: Yeah, Sandow is gonna ruin this match up!

Sandow tosses something into the ring as Wolfe & Cena knocks Sandow off the ring apron, as Daniel Bryan picks up what seem to be Brass Knuckles; Cena turns around straight into Pair of Brass Knuckles shot from Daniel Bryan, the fans boo Bryan as Wolfe turns around to see Daniel Bryan hooking the leg of John Cena.



Jim Ross: Daniel Bryan is gonna steal this match!

Roddy Piper: Ahh JR, you win some, you lose some!


*Ding Ding Ding*

Winner via pinfall at 08:32: Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan stands back to his feet and begins to chant “YES! YES! YES!†as he jumps and down on the spot, before turning around, to stare at Desmond Wolfe. Wolfe snarls as Daniel Bryan yells at him to raise his arm, Wolfe isn’t torn between two minds, he throws Daniel Bryan’s arm up in the end before letting going of it. Wolfe rolls out of the ring and growls at Daniel Bryan, while Bryan tells Wolfe it’s going to be no different at the Great American Bash.

The cameras head to the back and show Dean Ambrose just standing around in the hallways.

Dean Ambrose
Hey guys where are you headed? I’m surprised no one has come to bother me tonight. I know your all dying to but you’re a little bit scared so I’ll come to you guys this time. Now tonight I get to go up against three of my opponents at the Great American Bash. Jeff Hardy, Bray Wyatt and finally Batista. As much as I would love to do this on my own, I have partners to “back me upâ€. I’d say there more likely to slow me down but I think what they’re really trying to do is to prove to me that they’re worth a damn. I admire them for that but they better learn when to stay out of my way.

Dean starts walking around back and forth, running his fingers through his hair.

Dean Ambrose
I mean a king has servants to do his dirty work but I don’t want anyone to think I’m hiding before my big title defense at the Great American Bash. Bray Wyatt likes to go around pretending to be some sort of savior and that he’ll love us all but I don’t need love in my life. I have everything I’ll ever need right here around my waist. As someone who says they’re pure, he sure seems to envy me and my World Heavyweight Championship. Even dirty angels or whatever the hell he calls himself don’t sin. I however am a big sinner. I don’t really care what others think about me or what I even think of myself so you can only imagine the amount of sinning I’ve done. Bray has no idea what he’s in for. He may have seen my matches and may have me scouted a bit but nothing compares to the real thing. Once we stand across from each other in that ring, he’ll freeze up just like everyone else. Then again I guess that’s not a fair statement because no one can beat me so it just seems like they’re choking. Either way Bray, I look forward to fighting you for the first time ever.

Me and Jeff Hardy, Jeff Hardy and I have had quite a couple of runs ins in the past couple of weeks. We faced off to a no contest thanks to Ted Dibiase and Batista. I helped him get a win last week when he faced off against Dibiase and no here we are again standing across the ring, trying to beat the living hell out of each other. Jeff, we can go back and forth about who was going to win our match a couple of weeks ago but I’m gonna leave you knowing without a shadow of a doubt that I would have ended you that night. I may not know how to do back flips or whatever the hell it is you do now but believe me when I say most things you do, I excel at it. And that doesn’t just go for you oh no, no, no, no, no.


Dean stops walking around and faces the camera before beginning to talk again.

Dean Ambrose
And finally, Finally! I get to get my hands on Batista. This man is infamous for talking a big game, attacking from behind and then leaving immediately afterwards. Well Dave I’m gonna keep this short and sweet because god knows you love to talk and not back it up in the ring. I’m going to go out there and beat the living hell out of you. After that, I don’t want anymore whining, anymore crying about being in tag team matches. I will beat you in that ring and you will take it like the man you claim to be. I will then go on and beat you even worse at the Great American Bash and walk out still the World Heavyweight Champion. The king of Smackdown will be a king in every sense of the word when he also becomes the king of the mountain.

Dean Ambrose walks away from the camera as he head back to the announcers.

I come from Money....


I come from money hits the PA system and Ted DiBiase Jr comes out from the back with a pissed grin on his face. He gets a lot of boos r from the fans as he walks down the ramp, blowing off their attempts to high five him. Ted flexes his muscles at the bottom of the ramp before grabbing a mic off one of the ringside crew and climbing the steps to the ring to enter it. Once in the ring DiBiase shakes his head before bringing the mouth to his mic and speaking...


Ted DiBiase Jr

Week after week management have been doing all they can to anger me and get on my nerves, and this week is no different as they decide to book every single participant in the King Of The Mountain Match for a match on Smackdown, except for me... Usually not being booked wouldn't bother me as I enjoy a night off once in a while, but being left off the card so close to the Pay Per View certainly doesn't sit right with me. It's like management is doing all they can to put me at a disadvantage and make sure I don't win, because whilst all the other competitors have the chance to warm up, and in the case of four of them scout their opponents first hand, I'm left with no opportunity to do either of these things and instead have to sit on the sidelines doing nothing, which I'd rather not do at this late stage. Heck, I could even throw a Batista like protest in this ring right now by remaining here until I got a match, but even that wouldn't work, and I'd end up sitting in the ring until the caretaker ushered me out so he could lock up.. To be honest, it doesn't surprise me whatsoever, like I've stated before, management has been out to get me ever since my World Title match with Dean Ambrose, in which rules were bent and broken to ensure he left with the title. Following that I was unfairly attacked by that meat head Batista, which was no doubt another request by management, and last week Dean Ambrose put me off in my match against John Cena and management did nothing about it. I have no doubts that Desmond Wolfe has a personal vendetta against me, and I'm getting sick and tired of being subject to his obvious selective standards each week. It's obvious that Mr Wolfe is jealous of what I have achieved in my career and whilst he has had to retire from in ring competition, I'm still able what I do best and that's WINNING, and I'm pretty certain Mr Wolfe doesn't like seeing that. However, I'm not going to let some disgusting British trash ruin my chances of succeeding in this company and as soon as I win that World Heavyweight Championship, I'm going to rub it in that jerks face!

DiBiase looks extremely pissed off as he shakes his head and looks around for a second before continuing on.

One more thing before I thankfully leave this ring and get away from all you pathetic people in the crowd. I'm sick and tired of people comparing me to my father and saying that I'm trying to follow what he did. Let me ask you people a couple of questions. First of all, do you see a roided' black man by my side trying to do my dirty work for me, NO! Second of all, do you see me trying to pay my opponents off so they lay down for me, NO!.... EXACTLY! Everything I've done in this business has been off my own back, sure my father helped me with training, but ever since I signed up to a professional contract I've done everything myself. I earned everything, yet all of you people, and all of the pathetic talents in the back can't accept that fact and always take digs at me. It's clear you're all jealous of me, and instead of being honest you decide to live behind lies and say that I'm leeching off my father. It's okay, I understand, you wish you all had as much money as I did but I'm----

Suddenly .......



"Oh Radio" starts to play as Zack Ryder's video lights up the screen. The fans start to cheer for Zack Ryder. He steps out from the back, hands already high in his "L.I" pose. He nods his head a few times before running down the ramp to the ring.


Jim Ross: BAWH GOD, Zack Ryder has returned and he's heading straight for Ted DiBiase Junior.

Roddy Piper: God damnit, I hate this kid, I wish Ted did a better job and ended his career for good.

The fans go wild as Zack Ryder slides under the ropes and rushes at DiBiase. Ryder dodges a punch from DiBiase and bounces back off the far ropes before hitting him with a powerful clothesline. Ted attempts to get right back up but his attempt is thwarted as Ryder knee's him in the head and sends him right back down to the canvas. As the fans begin to chant 'woo woo woo' Ryder starts stamping down on DiBiase's body with no intent on stopping until DiBiase cannot physically pull himself up. Ryder however does it for him and brings Dibiase to his feet before sending the former World Champion to the mat with a Rough Ryder! The fans go absolutely nuts as Ryder stands tall.

JR: How in the world is Dibiase going to be able to win the World Championship at the Great American Bash if now he has to watch his back thanks to the returning Zach Ryder.

Piper: I would love somebody to please shut this woo wooing idiot up. I'd be very careful now cause Dibiase is not one to take this lightly.

Dibiase is unconscious in the ring as Ryder stands tall before Smackdown heads to its final commercial of the evening.




Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a six man tag team match introducing first...


'Broken In Out In Love' hits the PA system, the haunting first strums of the guitar mean one thing, and our suspicions are correct as Bray Wyatt walks out from behind the curtain, Eli Cottonwood as always right behind him. Not saying a word. Just staring ahead. Bray Wyatt walks down the ramp not making eye contact with anybody. He slowly and stately walks up the ring steps and along the ring apron. As Bray Wyatt goes to climb into the ring, he begins to chuckle before hopping into the ring and preparing for his match.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by his Cousin Eli Cottonwood, He is the Reverend Bray Wyatt!



The tron shows Jeff Hardy, and sure enough, the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling stands atop of the ramp, not his once usual self of pandering to the adoring fans, but instead with a purpose, cold and still. After pausing a moment, he walks down the ramp towards the ring. This clearly is not your everyday Jeff Hardy as instead of pandering to the crowd he merely crotches down in the corner and waits.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing next his tag team partner, Jeff Hardy.


The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains, a few seconds afterwards. Batista walks to the ramp as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring. He gets into the ring and looks at his partners with a sneer.

Lillian Garcia: And their tag team partner, from Washington DC, Batista!


Lillian Garcia: Introducing the opponents, representing the Black and White Machine The Icon Sting and Samoa Joe!

The crowd goes nuts as the Icon comes out to one of the largest pops of the night his makeshift partner standing right by his side. You would never they have only been a team a week or so as with his baseball bat in hand and towel over Joe's head, they make thier way down the ramp. Sting gets to the steel steps and begins to walk up them. He stands on the apron and throws off his trenchcoat as Joe stands on the ring apron tossing away his towel and beginning to pace back and forth.


The crowd goes absolutely nuts for the 2 time World Heavyweight Champion as he comes out prepared for his match. Once again the champion shows he is not afraid of pain as he slaps himself across the face before he makes his way down to the ring exchanging high fives with the crowd. He slides into the ring and unlatches the title belt around his waist before leaning on the ropes and holding it up for the crowd to see.

Lillian Garcia: From Cinncinatti Ohio, weighing in at 243 lbs, he is the NEW UWF World Heavyweight Champion. DEAN AMBROSE!!!


Ding Ding Ding!

The bell rings and mass chaos engulfs the ring as the match begins. Sting and Wyatt begin nailing each other with rights and lefts, Joe and Hardy as well. Batista attempted right off the bat to clothesline Ambrose’s head off, but the World Champion ducks it and begins driving elbows into the Animal’s face. The crowd is hot for the action here in the early going as Sting wins against Wyatt knocking him down to the mat, where Wyatt proceeds to slide out of it. Sting decides to follow Wyatt still wanting to avenge his losses a few weeks back. Meanwhile Hardy has escaped the ring as well under the barrage of Samoa Joe, and Joe like his partner heads off after him. This leaves Bats and the World Champion in the ring. Ambrose has thrown Batista off the ropes and as the Animal has come back Ambrose nails him with a shoulder block. The Animal however does not get off his feet instead just staggers. Ambrose upset the move didn’t work quickly bounces off the ropes again looking for a shoulder block, but the Animal is ready and drops him to the mat with a vicious clothesline. The crowd boos as Batista screams in fury. At long last he has Dean Ambrose right where he wants him.

For weeks Dave Batista has been begging for an opportunity to get his hands on the World Champion, and right now in this six man tag match he is getting his wish.

Did you hear the impact of that clothesline JR? I think I’m deaf now.

I could only wish partner.

Batista picks up the World Champion and tosses him into the corner. The Champion is still dazed and confused by the clothesline and allows Batista to get low and begin driving his shoulder into Ambrose’s gut. The crowd boo loudly as the Animal drives his shoulder 5 times into the mid-section of Ambrose. Batista comes out of the corner slapping his chest and motions for Gold around his waist before sprinting right into Ambrose with another clothesline. Ambrose crumbles to the floor and Batista goes for the cover.



Joe makes the save!

Joe has indeed made the save and begins clubbing the Animal with forearms onto his back. The crowd cheers as Batista gets up and Joe is on top of him. Batista takes refugee on the ropes and Joe without remorse or thought sends both of them over the top rope and to the ground with a clothesline. The crowd loves it as both men hit the floor and stay down. But the cheers quickly turn to boos as Bray Wyatt slides into the ring and sees the World Champion just laying there. Wyatt bounces off the ropes looking to begin his running senton, but Sting suddenly grabs his leg. Wyatt kicks Sting off and into the barricade before turning around and starting again. Wyatt goes for his finishing move, but Ambrose moves out of the way, Sting having bought him just enough time. Ambrose lets out a big sigh of relief as he looks towards the ropes where Sting has gotten up on the apron. He wants a tag and he wants it now. Ambrose moves over quickly to the ropes and tags in the Icon to a large pop. Sting wastes no time getting into the ring and heads right for Wyatt, nailing him with big right hands and a few knife edge chops. Wyatt is tossed into the corner by Sting who immediately motions to the crowd signaling a Stinger Splash is about to arrive. But before he can Eli Cottonwood gets up on the apron. Sting shakes his head, “Not this time junior,†before punching Eli so hard his tooth comes flying out. The crowd loves it as Sting turns his attention back to Wyatt. He lunges at Wyatt looking for the Sting Splash, but Wyatt moves out of the way and the crowd jeers. Sting uses the corner to stay on his feet though the Icon is hurting. Wyatt runs at him and crushes him with a Body Avalanche. The crowd boos as Sting collapses to the mat and Wyatt covers him going for the win.



3.. NO!

Ambrose makes the save.

And once again Eli Cottonwood almost cost Sting the match up. That would have been three strikes and you are out for the Stinger.

Luckily for the Icon, he had back up tonight and pretty good back up in the World Champion.

Ambrose heads back to the corner where Joe now waits with him as Wyatt gets up shaking his head. The Preacher will probably have something to say later, but for now he picks up the Icon and brings him over to his corner where Batista and Hardy are waiting. Wyatt tosses Sting’s face into the top turnbuckle before throwing out his hand which Hardy accepts. Jeff comes into the ring, as Wyatt lifts up Sting’s arm exposing his ribs, which is an easy target for Hardy who kicks it. Sting lets out a grunt as Hardy unloads with a right hand to the Icon’s face. You can see face paint on Hardy’s hand as he grabs the Icon and brings him down to the mat with a snapmare takedown. Hardy quickly bounces off of the ropes as Sting sits up and Hardy drives his feet right into the Icon’s face. Hardy looks right at Joe and smiles knowing he stole the finisher of the black and white machine. Wyatt stands on the apron screaming to Hardy. “Show him the error of his ways!†Hardy nods his head before picking Sting up and placing him in a hold looking for the Twist of Hate. Suddenly out of nowhere the Icon lifts Hardy off of his feet and begins moving closer to his corner which the crowd can’t believe. Hardy finally gets back to his feet and still has Sting in the twist of hate set up. Sting is only inches away from the outreached hand of Samoa Joe and Joe begs for Sting to move just a little more. Hardy won’t have it as he brings his knee up and connects right with Sting’s jaw. The Icon falls to the mat and Hardy smiles as he drags Sting over towards his corner and makes the cover.



3. NO!

Sting kicks out!

Hardy cannot believe it as he slams his fist into the mat. Batista now is screaming, “You idiot, let me show you how you put someone away.†Hardy looks at Batista not happy with what the Animal just said. He heads over to his corner and looks at Batista who is begging for a tag, but Hardy tags in Wyatt and the Animal looks furious.

I don’t know if Julie should be pissing off his teammate JR.

Batista looks furious Hot Rod, could we be seeing some cracks in the team?

Wyatt sees the two get into each other’s faces as he heads over to Sting. He turns back towards his partners. “Look now we got to work together. Hate each other later, so says your Lord and Savior.†Wyatt tries to be a voice of reason which appears to work as Batista and Hardy back off. Wyatt turns his attention back to Sting who has now managed to get back to his feet. Wyatt goes to attack but the Icon gets up a right hand, Wyatt is stunned. Sting strikes again, and nails a knife edge chop. Wyatt getting angry swings at the Icon, but Sting ducks it, beginning to feel his second wind. Wyatt turns around and the Icon delivers a dropkick that is unbelievable for a man his age. Wyatt hits the mat and Sting begins crawling to his corner, albeit slowly from the beating he’s taken. He is within a few inches when Wyatt, having gotten back to his feet, grabs Sting’s leg and begins pulling him back to the center of the ring to major jeers. Suddenly Sting balances himself on one foot and before Wyatt can do anything Sting strikes with the Enziguri. The crowd goes nuts as both men lay on the ground, the hot tag is on.

Can the Icon do it? This might be his only chance to make the tag here.

Look at Joe and Ambrose they want to both put this away right here and now.

The crowd begins cheering Sting on, hoping and praying for him to make it to the corner before Wyatt. The roof blows off of the place as Sting tags in Joe right before Wyatt can tag in Hardy. Joe comes flying into the ring and drives Hardy to the mat with a clothesline. Hardy gets to his feet and Joe sends him to the mat with a powerslam. “Get up!†Joe screams, instead it is Wyatt who tries to take a cheap shot, but Joe grabs him and connects with an exploder suplex. Joe gets to his feet ready for what comes next, unfortunately he doesn’t see Batista come into the ring and nail him with a bone crushing spear. Batista gets to his feet only to be tackled by the World champion, the crowd cheer loudly as both men roll out of the ring fighting.

This match is utter chaos Hot Rod. I’ve never seen anything quite as crazy as this.

What the hell is going to happen next, JR?

Joe and Hardy are both laid out on the ground and the Icon slides into the ring. The crowd gets to their feet, as Sting begins stalking Hardy, when suddenly Cottonwood slides into the ring. Cottonwood rushes the Icon and Sting does something he’s wanted to do for a long long time. Sting kicks Cottonwood right in the balls.

Bah Gawd! I think I speak for every man around the world when I say I felt that one from here.

Not going to lie JR, I bet that felt really good to the Icon.

Sting grabs Cottonwood and drives him down to the mat with a scorpion death drop to the delight of the crowd. Sting then sees Wyatt getting to his feet on the outside, and the Icon lets out a loud WOO that gets the crowd going nuts as Sting launches himself over the top rope and onto Wyatt on the outside. Sting has clearly gotten his retribution here tonight. The crowd begins cheering “Thank you Sting.†Meanwhile inside the ring Hardy has managed to get to his as has Joe. Both men meet in the center of the ring and it is Hardy who manages to kick Joe in the gut first. Hardy then performs the Twist of Hate to a stunned crowd. Hardy goes for the cover.




Ambrose makes the save and Hardy shoots up ready to take Ambrose’s head off, but Ambrose pokes Hardy in the eyes to the delight of the crowd before lifting Hardy up and connecting with the One Hitter. The crowd are on their feet as Ambrose goes for the cover.



3.. NO!

Batista makes the save for his team.

And just who is going to win this match Hot Rod. I don’t know and neither does this sold out crowd who are all on their feet now.

This match is going to give me a heart attack.

Ambrose gets up and looks to nail Batista but the Animal ducks. Batista grabs Ambrose and before the Champion can do anything about it finds himself being brought down in a spinebuster. Batista manages to spinebuster Ambrose right on top of Samoa Joe. The crowd can’t believe it as the bodies are just crushed, the Animal smiling as he makes the cover.




Here are your Winners: Bray Wyatt, Jeff Hardy, and The Animal Batista!

crowd begin to boo loudly as The Animal looks around and there is no one left standing. He calls for the World Championship belt to which Lillian Garcia is quick to give him out of fear. Batista brings it into the ring and lifts it up high over his head. “No one can beat me!†Batista screams.

This makes me sick Hot Rod, could we be looking at this man as World Champion heading into the Great American Bash?

I don’t know anyone who can stop him JR. Perhaps it is time we all accepted Batista is destined to win the World Championship.

Suddenly as if to answer JR’s question, into the ring comes John Cena to a massive pop from the crowd. Batista turns around to see what the commotion is and its Cena in his face. Cena lifts the Animal up onto his shoulders before bringing him down with a huge Attitude Adjustment. The fans are going wild as Cena grabs the World Title and lifts it up high.

Bah Gawd! How could I forget about John Cena! Could this be the sight at the Bash? Could Cena be the King of the Mountain!

All I’m going to say JR, is with this kind of competition, how in the hell is Dean Ambrose going to retain the World Title at the Bash?


Smackdown leaves us with that question on everyone’s mind as Cena holds the Championship as Smackdown goes off the air.


Promos: TTers.
Cutting Edge: RIR/Slim
Dibiase/Ryder: Prod
EOR: Raven/jarrett, European Title, Cena/Bryan
Everything else: SBS

Again sorry for the late show. There will be no Smackdown this Friday so all Smackdown guys can post for the Bash. I will make up for this late show at the Bash. Thanks guys for your patience and understanding. It means alot to me.
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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

Awesome grabbed the victory and Cena takes me out.

Loved the Raven/Rey part there which led to a Monsters Ball match, impressive.

Looking forward to the Bash, I'll have another post up for that tomorrow sometime.


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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

Awesome show. My condolences go out to SBS I believe. I'm a bit confused at the ending of my match though. I was spinebustered onto joe but did I get pinned or joe or both of us? There was no tag between us and yet I got a pin fall attempt afterwords. Congrats to you guys though for the deserving win. Batista, Hardy then Cena stand tall to end it. You better believe I'll be standing tall when it matters lol. Sucks to see the European title switch hands in that matter but congrats to Lubaninho. Awesome monsters ball match to look forward to now. Also good to see Ryder making his way back.


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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

WOOOOOOO that was interesting how the Cutting Edge ended. Guess there is to be plenty of more surprises for future ones. Heh. well onwards to the bash. Tomorrow. Its been a tiring day.


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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

Sick UWF european championship match. Superhero of Rey Mysterio will have fun with this.


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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

use the original euro title thread. Lubs first TT counts

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

Yeah, I won my debut match, even tho Duece did not show up. Sad..

However, pretty great show and LUB, you did it, you did it bro! I'm so happy for you broski!


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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

Brilliant show guys. No-one even minds the time it goes up so don't apologize. I feel how close to the PPV we are, I won't be getting a fourth tt up waiting for five other people to tt so, that only means a killer promo coming up! Congrats Luban, getting the belt a week early, but got a much bigger challenge in Chase now! And Blizzard on top? I'm cool with that for now ;)

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

This is why you guys are great at running SD. Great show. Nigel, the countdown is on! Lol. Condolences to you SBS in this rough time. The internetz are here for you!


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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

Good show guys, I enjoyed it.

Interesting to see where Superhero Rey goes, maybe someone can pick up the Hurricane and make a Superhero Tag Team? Hmmmm

My condolences to SBS.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

Awesome show, blue crew. It feels good having Cena standing tall at the end of the show, you all better believe it's gonna stay like that. Ha-ha. Looking forward to The Bash. :)


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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

Sorry for late comment. Just got around to fully reading it. It's nice to be back by the way. Looking forward to taking on Prod in the near future.

The Main event scene over here is stacked, with momentum going to everyone. I have to say, it will be truly the best man that walks out with the World title.

Loved the Edge/Sandow moment too. Would love to see this feud continue until SummerSlam.


May 29, 2012
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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

Uh, sorry, I couldn't comment nor read the show earlier, had some stuff to do in the real world.

However, anyways! I'm in a title match? Sweet. I'll do my best to impress and win that title, that's for sure. I'm also happy that I was the winner in this match versus Jeff Jarrett a.k.a. BDC. So, yeah. This was a really good show and I personally loved it. Onto the Great American Bash (and my title match haha). Expect a TT from me very soon.


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Re: UWF Presents Sunday Night Smackdown 07/15/12

Uh, sorry, I couldn't comment nor read the show earlier, had some stuff to do in the real world.

However, anyways! I'm in a title match? Sweet. I'll do my best to impress and win that title, that's for sure. I'm also happy that I was the winner in this match versus Jeff Jarrett a.k.a. BDC. So, yeah. This was a really good show and I personally loved it. Onto the Great American Bash (and my title match haha). Expect a TT from me very soon.

Looking forward to it! :winning:
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