UWF 2012: Past Smackdown Shows & Cards

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Re: UWF Smackdown 06/29/2012

Glad I ended the show on top, that's a first for me and it makes me happy.

Really have to say I loved the matches that were written, must say Sandow/Bryan's promo really came off better than I expected! Other than that, that World Heavyweight Champion is coming to me soon!


May 29, 2012
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The Hell itself
Good job, Smackdown writers! This show was quite an awesome read, honestly I've been looking forward to this, especially because I knew that my promo will be featured in it, what's funny is that the catchphrase had been cut off, haha, but that's so unimportant, what's cool is that I was on the show, and that made me happy for the rest of my day. I think I'll like this stay.


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Smackdown 06/29/2012

Only now got round to reading this. Good show considering the amount of tting. I should have got mine in sooner but woe is me. Roll on next week!


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Feb 17, 2011
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UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012


July 6th 2012


The Pyros go off and UWF Smackdown is underway live from San Antonio, Texas. The crowd is hot as they are real excited to be attending history. Signs of superstars parade the audience as a UWF chant is heard flowing throughout the arena. The set is as usual the Fist popping out of the stage ith the lights as always blue and white signaling the difference between its tuesday counterpart. The fans reach a fever pitch as we are taken to the announcer's table to begin the show, at the table are two legends of the Wrestling Businees, Jim "JR" Ross and The Hot Rod Roddy Rowdy Piper.


Jim Ross: Hello everyone and good evening from San Antonio Texas, where everything is bigger. I am Jim "JR" Ross here alongside my lovable and adorable partner Hot Rod Roddy Piper and we're here to give you another great edition of Friday Night Smackdown.

Piper: Once again JR Smackdown has worked its ass off to bring about such a great show and boy is it going to be with the line up we have planned.

JR: That's right partner. Now tuesday night on Raw we learned that Shark Boy and William Regal will be heading to the Bash Representing Raw in the Tag Team Title Match. Tonight we have the Finals of the Wild Deuces Tournament to see which team will represent Smackdown. Will it be the Black and White Machine or will it be the Jeffery's?

Piper: And we have some other fantastic matches planned including our main event. The red hot former World Champion Ted Dibiase is facing off against the Champ, John Cena. I tell you JR, old Johnny better once out though Dibiase is hot and he is one cheating bastard.

JR: I wouldn't count out John Cena though Hot Rod, he's come out on top of alot bigger obstacles. Speaking of obstacles two men who have "claimed" to be facing obstacles are the two members of Y.E.S. I hear they are starting some commotion backstage, that should be interesting.

The camera's turn to the ring where everyone awaits the arrival of the first superstar.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...


The crowd goes nuts as "One of a Kind" hits the PA system as the brand new Mr. Friday Night comes out to huge a decent pop. Van Dam is clearly excited as he does his traditional R... V... D... at the top of the ramp. Van Dam than sprints down to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope and getting up spinning around in the ring. Van Dam gets up to the turnbuckle and goes R... V... D... one more time before beginning to strecth for his match.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first from Battle Creek Michigan, Rob Van Dam!


'Broken In Out In Love' hits the PA system, the haunting first strums of the guitar mean one thing, and our suspicions are correct as Bray Wyatt walks out from behind the curtain, Eli Cottonwood as always right behind him. Not saying a word. Just staring ahead. Bray Wyatt walks down the ramp not making eye contact with anybody. He slowly and stately walks up the ring steps and along the ring apron. As Bray Wyatt goes to climb into the ring, he begins to chuckle before hopping into the ring and preparing for his match.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by his Cousin Eli Cottonwood, He is the Reverend Bray Wyatt!


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: Well folks, almost every time Bray Wyatt is involved in a match, his cousin Eli Cottenwood has gotten involved but can Fonzy change those odds?

Roddy Piper: Since RVD has been had Bill Alfonso at his side, RVD has a new area of confidence around him.

Bray Wyatt chuckle at Rob Van Dam, whose psyched up and ready to go, after a moment or so both men lock it up in the middle of the ring; while Bray Wyatt attempts to overpower RVD, RVD manages to hold Wyatt steady in the middle of the ring before getting out of the collar and elbow tie up. Bray Wyatt goes straight onto the attack but RVD from out of nowhere unloads with a brutal looking Superkick to the face of Wyatt; RVD lunges onto Wyatt for a pin attempt.



Bray Wyatt kicks out!

The fans shake their head as Rob Van Dam follows up with a martial arts kick to back of Bray Wyatt as Wyatt begins to stand back up, RVD follows through with a second one, frustrating Bray Wyatt, Wyatt quickly rolls out of the ring and confines himself with Cousin Eli but Rob Van Dam isn’t having any of it as he runs into the opposite ropes and rebound back, RVD leaps over the top rope to hit a rolling senton onto both Wyatt & Eli Cottonwood down to the ground as the fans go nut; Rob Van Dam doesn’t give Wyatt a moment as he grabs Wyatt by the hair and tosses him back into he ring, Wyatt rolls into the ring as Rob Van Dam leaps up onto the ring apron and waits for Wyatt to get back to his feet, Van Dam leaps up onto the top rope before springboarding off to deliver a Diving Thrust Kick to the face of Wyatt, knocking down to the canvas once more, RVD makes the cover.



Jim Ross: RVD’s risks are paying off in this match!

Roddy Piper: Last time RVD did all these high risks, he lost the match!


Bray Wyatt manages to roll another shoulder off the canvas as RVD shakes his head in frustration, but after a moment, Van Dam gets back to his feet and pick up Bray Wyatt once more but this time, Bray Wyatt takes a cheap shot to RVD giving Wyatt a chance to get on the offense, Wyatt quickly Irish Whips Rob Van Dam into the ring ropes; Van Dam returns straight into a Wyatt, who grabs Rob Van Dam into a Urn-age slam, knocking the wind out of RVD, Wyatt makes a quick cover himself.



Roddy Piper: Man, that move musta knocked the wind out of Rob Van Dam!

Rob Van Dam kicks out!

The fans erupt as Rob Van Dam gets his shoulder up. Cousin Eli has finally gotten to his feet and is watching anxiously as Fonzie begins to yell at Rob Van Dam to get back in it. Rob Van Dam picks himself up as Wyatt stalks Van Dam, Wyatt grabs Rob Van Dam in a headlock but RVD quickly drill Wyatt in the stomach with an elbow before delivering a kick to the mid-section of Wyatt, Wyatt doesn’t go down so Rob Van Dam follows through with a High-Half Crescent Kick to the face of Wyatt, knocking him down besides the ring ropes! The fans go wild as Rob Van Dam runs into the opposite ring ropes and charges back at him with a roll before leaping up into the air going for the Rolling Thunder.

Jim Ross: RVD is going for Rolling Thunder here! This could put Bray Wyatt away here folks!

Roddy Piper: Look at Cousin Eli though!

Suddenly Eli Cottenwood pulls Bray Wyatt out of the ring as RVD back crashes onto empty canvas, referee Charles Robinson does not look impressed at all. Fonzie rushes across ring side and begins to blow his whistle at both men, as Bray Wyatt stands back up, but Eli Cottenwood grabs Fonzie and tosses him to the side but through his own stupidly sends Fonzie into Bray Wyatt, Fonzie get his hands up and seems like he pushed Bray Wyatt, sending Bray Wyatt into the ring steps and has no choice but to signal for the disqualification on Bill Alfonso & Rob Van Dam.

Jim Ross: Ah what a shame, that didn’t even look like Bill Alfonso’s fault.

Roddy Piper: It’s Alfonso’s fault for getting involved!

*Ding Ding Ding*

Lilian Gracia: The winner of this match via Disqualification, Bray Wyatt!

Winner via disqualification at 07:12: Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt begin to chuckle as he leans against the ring steps, Eli Cottenwood gains a smirk aswell as Rob Van Dam shakes his head in frustration and kicks the ring ropes, Fonzie rolls into the ring and apologizes to Rob Van Dam; RVD tells him not to worry as it’s because atleast wasn’t a pinfall. UWF Smackdown goes elsewhere leaving Bray Wyatt chuckling away as Eli Cottenwood helps to the backstage.

The feed goes elsewhere, showing Damien Sandow causing the crowd inside the arena to boo.


As the camera pans out however you see that Sandow is outside the arena with Daniel Bryan standing alongside him, with the door behind them Sandow stands atop a soapbox speaking out loudly

Damien Sandow:

If everyone can be so kind as to pay attention, for we would like to beg all of your indulgence for one moment, My name is Damien Sandow and my esteemed colleague is Daniel Bryan and we are not only here to help all of you, we are here to help the Ultimate Wrestling Federation. For it has tragically befallen into an era of incompetence, a tragedy completely caused by all of you. All those who witness this serial and all those on the roster aside from myself and Mr. Bryan are nothing more than a confederacy of delinquents, a confederacy of which our quote unquote “esteemed” general manager is a card carrying member of. For he has chosen to go against his top two commodities, he has foolishly chosen to push aside taste and decency, instead choosing to promote stupidity and injustice. As while we were competing in an important bout, he chose to distract my colleague while the coward known as Mr. Joseph finally decided to come out to the ring and accost us unfairly and unjustly after not appearing for his bout at the appointed time.

Amongst the sea of inequity and ignorance known as the Smackdown Roster I managed to come across one single gleam of hope. One man whose mind was not rotted and decayed by the abhorrent society the unwashed masses has become, that man is Mr. Bryan. However in this discovery came a common issue, a common enemy against our path of enlightenment, and that man is the Miscreant running this very serial. Some may see it as insubordination, however if this be the authority running Smackdown then I see no other action to take but to defy it. Thus explains this protestation, this is our remonstrance against the general manager and against the ignorance he is not only willingly feeding the people, but forcing upon you all. So until these injustices have been rectified we cannot, and will not engage in in-ring competition and refuse to “work” until our entreaties have been answered. Mr. Bryan the proverbial floor is yours, for I feel my vernacular can addle the more…doltish ones…

*Sandow steps down and motions for Bryan to step up on the soapbox*


Daniel Bryan: Thank you Damien. You're absolutely right. For those of you who have been living under a rock, my name is Daniel Bryan and I am The Best Wrestler In The World. You see, for the past few weeks, we have been discriminated against, been plotted against and downright humiliated by the "powers that be". Our general manager Nigel has been against us from day one. Ever since SmackDown debuted, Nigel has had a vendetta against me and, why? Is he ashamed that his new name Desmond Wolfe is perhaps the most unoriginal and uninspired ring name in the world? Or could it be that he's from the UK, a region of the Earth where bad teeth and even worse accents run amuck? All of those could be logical answers but the answer that makes the most sense to me is Nigel is a jealous man. Jealous of Damien's intellect and poise and jealous of my abilities in this ring and the fact that we came from the same beginnings but I've attained success and fame the likes of which he could only dream of.

Daniel looks around at the crowd of people who are listening to him and Damien speak before continuing.

Daniel Bryan: Nigel, we refuse to enter this arena. We refuse because we all know what will happen if we do. Our good names will continue to be slandered and drug through the proverbial mud. Nigel, if you think for one second that us being out here in the parking lot instead of inside this arena and stealing the show won't effect you, just stop right there and think about something: I have been involved in two consecutive Match of the Month winners and no one, and I mean NO ONE has the intellect and in-ring prowess that we each possess. These people pay to see us and, with us not on the show, consider SmackDown all but cancelled because right now, until our demands are met, Damien and I are officially under protest.

Daniel steps off the soapbox and joins Damien as they protest outside the arena.

The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains, a few seconds afterwards. Batista walks to the ramp holding a chair in one hand as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring as he calls for a microphone as he indicates he wants spotlight and is given so as he takes a seat on the chair.



Surprised? You should be. Last week I clearly said I wouldn't compete, but I never said I wouldn't be here. The reason for me not competing tonight is due to the fact I refuse to be friends with anybody. I don't care if management thinks it's fine for me to be teaming up with someone I despise. The rules will be made under ME! and ME only. You people are just puppets to me, living in some fantasy fairy tale story where you think it's ok to kiss up and be friends. With Batista, that doesn't happen at all. With Batista, you are an enemy. It doesn't matter who you freakin' are because as far as I'm concerned you're all useless to me. Absolutely useless! I'm gunning for something better and management tried to distract me and mess with my mind, that isn't happening at all. I got rid of the problem before it even freakin' began! I don't care if Desmond Wolfe or whoever the hell is trying to mess with me here is trying to make me go insane. I already am insane, what I see before my eyes is a rage waiting to be unleashed and I will unleash it all at The Great American Bash when I go on to become the NEW World Heavyweight Champion, there's no denying me from capturing that very gold. So instead of trying to put me in some Tag Division that means absolutely nothing to me, how about you all witness the greatness that is I, Batista going for the best thing UWF has to offer, the World Heavyweight Championship. That there is my one and only goal here in UWF, there's nothing else I want to do or need. Because I refused to be friends with Jeff Jarrett, I'm going to show him why wrestlers from Tennessee are useless just like him. Jeff, you're a jackass and I'm going to show you why you're stuck in some crappy league while I am much, much better than you. Bring out the boys.

Two boys walk from behind the curtain, looking all skinny and scrawny... They walk down the ramp as they step into the ring as Batista sits up on the corner turnbuckle.

Tell them your name...


Austln Lane: I'm Austin Lane...

Greg Anthony: I'm Greg Anthony...

Batista steps down from the corner turnbuckle.

Batista: As far as I'm concerned you two hicks are absolutely useless, I'm going to show your buddy Jeff Jarrett why the Tag Division means absolutely nothing to me and why I shouldn't ever be put in a league like you!

Greg Anthony: Yo-

Batista instantly kicks Greg Anthony in the stomach before tossing him into the steel post by the corner turnbuckle. Austin Lane hits Batista from behind but it has absolutely no effect, Batista turns around as he grabs him by the throat, Batista tosses him to the opposite side of where Greg Anthony is. Batista charges at Austin Lane with a devasating clothesline, Batista then charges at Greg Anthony delivering the same move as both man stumble to the middle of the ring as Batista stays put by the corner. Both Gregory and Lane turn around as they see Batista charging at them both with a double spear leaving both men absolutely unconcious as medics rush to the ring. Batista gets his chair as he sits back on the chair as he watches medics take care.

You see this Jeff? This is why we're not friends, we'll never be friends. I assure you to never ever speak to me again or else that's going to happen to you. Now I've got that out of the way, I'm leaving the building because I don't need to associate myself with a bunch of rednecks from Texas. I'm flying myself out right now.

Batista walks up to the camera man as he tells him to follow him, the camera shows Batista leaving the ring as he quickly grabs his bag as he heads out the door. The camera goes back to ringside.

Smackdown's Regular Hottie


Maria Brink


Dean Ambrose comes walking out in an eager manner as the crowd is cheering him on. He seems rather oblivious to it as he doesn't shift his eyes from the ring as he makes his way down, World Heavyweight Championship dragging in his left hand. When he reaches the ring, he throws his title over the ropes and comes in underneath the ropes and starts pacing around in the ring before he is finally given a mic. He continues to pace back and forth while beginning to speak.


Dean Ambrose
I'm not in a very good mood today. You see there's one thing i desperately need to address before anything else happens tonight. Batista.....How dare you. You think you can just come on in MY ring during MY main event and just try and take me out like that? NO SIR! Not in my house you freak! I'll admit though, what you did was smart. Really smart in fact. Take me out before I even get the chance to retaliate. Good job there Dave. I'm surprised you could think of that all up on your own. If your partners were that smart they'd have done the same thing. You're all in it together to take me out at The Great American Bash so I think it's fair to call you all partners even if you fight each other from time to time because I know the truth. I'll be honest, as much as I have been expecting it, I didn't expect it to happen right then and there. Now was it a cowardly thing to do, yes. Does it make you seem like a scared little child too afraid to face me on your own, yes. Does it make you look like you belong in a ring with me, kinda but not for the reasons you think. People want to see me beat the holy hell out of you and nothing else. At The Great American Bash, I will beat you and everyone else in the match but none will bring me greater joy than you Batista. I will single you out in that match and do what you should have done to me last Friday and finish you off for good.

The crowd cheers in excitement over Ambrose getting his revenge as Dean stops pacing back and forth and stares at the World Heavyweight Championship laying down on the mat.

Dean Ambrose
There's part of me that feels like I don't deserve that title. Am I the most dominant and feared wrestler in all of UFW? Am I the king of Smackdown? Am I the World Heavyweight Champion? The answer is yes but do I feel like it? How could I fall for such a stupid mistake. I pride myself on being able to withstand immense amount of pain and never giving up and yet I was laid out at the end of Smackdown. The king, hit with a bomb and left to die. Never again....That is the first and last time you see any sort of weakness coming from me. I may get beaten down again, I may get busted wide open again but you can be damn sure I'll leave a scar on the man who dares to try and hurt me. Everyone wants to win the World Heavyweight Championship but what everyone is to dumb to realize is that I am the World Heavyweight Champion. That belt on the ground is just a trophy. What's the point in owning a trophy if you didn't actually win it. Ted Dibiase may have pinned me one two three in order to get the title but he didn't win it. Until you can knock me out long enough to get a full three count, you haven't won a damn thing. I've only been beaten that way once and it will never happen again. If you want to climb a ladder and become the World Heavyweight Champion, you better be sure to prove it by leaving me a lifeless carcass in the ring.

Dean picks up the World Heavyweight Championship and puts it around his waist.

Dean Ambrose
Ya' know, it's funny that even with all my focus needing to be on the King of the Mountain match, so many people want to try and distract me by calling me out. People who try and justify their meaningless existence and their worthless championships. They throw out their stupid threats to try and frighten me. Cody Rhodes think's I feel safe and sound on my own brand. Everyone is trying to get me! I was also being held down once upon a time and ya' know what I did? I made them take notice. Do they want me as champion? Of course they don't. The only person whose on my side is Desmond and that's because I put asses in these seats. People pay money to see people like me beat up people like you. Remember that next time you try and make threats at me. Sure you beat a roided up freak so bad he had to be taken away on a stretcher so what!? He was, is and never will be Dean Ambrose. If I remember correctly, it was me who put you down before you decided to come back here.

The crowd begins to chant "One more time!" as Ambrose smirks before speaking again.


Dean Ambrose
Oh but he wasn’t the only person I was talking about. As a matter of fact, RAW's loud mouthed redneck Stone Cold Steve Austin decided he found it necessary to run down Smackdown. My kingdom! Yes the World Heavyweight title match is a bit cluttered at the moment but in case you couldn’t tell, they've been trying to get the title off of me. So while you were off beating a man I've beaten before at Starrcade, I was in the main event putting on the best match in the history of UWF. That's right poor ol' Steve was overshadowed by the more important and more ferocious Dean Ambrose. Keep pretending you're in the 90's Steve and I'll keep making the present.

Dean Ambrose
Oh and I'm not done yet. Robert Rhoode. This is just another one of the countless losers who has come and gone and come back in order to find glory. NWA World Heavyweight Champion? WHO CARES! I am the UWF World Heavyweight Champion. NWA is old and dead and UWF is the present and future. there is a reason you left NWA, it's the minor leagues. If you want to prove your worth, you're more than welcome to do so.

The crowd cheers at all the threat Ambrose has made as he stares directly into the camera.

Dean Ambrose
I've been here for quite a long time. I came into this company with a dark past and a bad attitude. I immediately made an impact and made enemies of most of the roster. Everyone who had been apart of UWF originally has left except for a couple on RAW. I told people to fear me and they did just that. Sorry Raven, but no one will fear you when there is something much darker to be afraid of. The monsters on the inside are much more real than the ones on the outside. I may not look it but I am a true monster. I'm sorry Bray Wyatt but Holy water won't work on me. You can try and try but the light won't shine on you that night. And Ted Dibiase, no amount of money or silver or even silver bullets will be enough to penetrate my skin. Jeff Hardy's death defying electric captivating style won't come near to satisfying my numbness. John Cena's burning desire to win won't ignite the passion in him to do what is necessary to beat the monster in me. And Batista....Well...you'll see.

Dean Ambrose drops the mic as the fans cheer him on. He rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp as the camera fades out.

The feed goes outside the arena again, this time a crowd has formed outside seeing two superstars and cameras drawing them to form an audience. Damien Sandow has a bull horn holding it up yelling at the cheering crowd who are trying to get on camera*

Damien Sandow:

Refrain from talking when we are speaking, thank you…

*The crowd begins to boo Sandow as some security as stepped out to make sure the crowd doesn’t get too rowdy*

Damien Sandow: Silence, for Daniel Bryan wishes to address his demands.


*Sandow turns towards Bryan while he speaks to the camera

Daniel Bryan: My demands are pure and simple. For the past few months, I've been embroiled in a deep and heated rivalry with one Dean Ambrose. Now, it all started for the Hardcore Championship but then it grew and morphed into a rivalry for the World Heavyweight Championship but something else happened when the World Title was added to the mix: Nigel stuck his nose into our business. Dean and I tore the house down each and every time we stepped into that ring but it always seemed like the odds were always stacked in Dean's favor and that comes stems from Nigel's hatred and jealous towards me. Nigel, I didn't hate you. I just felt pity for you. Someone who was a mediocre wrestler becoming a general manager and doing an even worse job at that. You then decided if you can't have my success then you were gonna take away my success by trying to bury me at each and every turn. Well I'm sick of it Nigel. I'm sick and tired of your voice. I'm sick and tired of your face. I'm just plain sick and tired of you. Nigel, my demands are this: I don't want a World Heavyweight Championship shot. You'll just screw me over again. No, I'm going to alleviate the problem. I want you, Nigel, one-on-one in the middle of that ring. No outside interference. No rules. No excuses. Just you and me. I want to pummel you into the ground. I want to slap the YES Lock on you and make you squeal. Make you scream in agony. I want to make sure that you won't even be able to do your general manager duties, let alone even think about entering the ring again. If I don't get my one-on-one match with you, Nigel.....then your biggest commodity here on SmackDown may just go to the competition.

Daniel steps down and let's Damien take the stand.


Damien Sandow: As for my demands; they are, as Mr. Bryan's, quite simple, I wish to attain championship gold so as to further spread my wisdom towards the unwashed masses. For it will be the proverbial light to the dunce flies known as the UWF audience, and I shall use that gold to awaken the ignoramuses from their comas of ineptitude. Furthermore so as to not further the drowning in the sea of ignorance, I demand said championship match to be handled posthaste.

Both Mr. Bryan and I have been the highlight of the program and our talents have shined out, just as the sun’s rays shining down on the earth, at a daily and consistent basis. Therefore these demands are not without merit; it is only at fault of our general manager that we are not the focal point of this serial for he seems to have a personal vendetta against us. Whether it be professional envy, or he being just as those I try to save simply blinded by his ineptitude. At any rate Your Enlightened Saviors are the greatest dyad this or any company has had the pleasure to witness, and we shall be treated as such. However, I feel the need to point out that our demands are not for ourselves. No, for Mr. Bryan wishes to rid Smackdown of the miscreant ruining it and I wish to further spread my message, we are not doing this for our duo…as always we are doing this for each and every one of you…You’re Welcome.

*As Sandow finishes, he turns towards the crowd of people behind him and lifts up a sign, reading “Incompetence is a disease”, as the camera fades off you see him turn revealing the other side reads “And Y.E.S we are the cure”

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...


The music of the dark and twisted Raven hits the PA system and the crowd gives off a big mixed reaction.Raven comes out dressed in his leather jacket, Led Zepplin T-shirt, and a kilt. The twisted soul begins walking down to the ring determined and ready to begin his re-debut in UWF. He rolls into the ring and looks out into the crowd with a scary look.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, from Parts Unknown, Raven!


Fans cheer as Rey Mysterio makes his way to the ring, Rey is wearing a cape with the 619 from his back to show that he is here to stop the evils in wrestling. Rey goes and he takes off his cape and he begins to interact with the fans


Lillian Garcia: From San Diego California, weighing in at 175 pounds…Rey Mysterio

Rey goes and rubs against the kids heads and he makes his way into the ring sliding in going directly to the corner and stepping up on the second rope lifting his hands up in the air for the cheering crowd. He steps down and turns around as his music is cut off


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: It’s time for Raven & Rey Mysterio to go at it, It’s Superman versus the Joker!

Roddy Piper: Two completely different comic books continuity villains! JR you are an Idiot!

Jim Ross: Do I look like a comic book fan to you? All I know is DC is better than Marvel!

Mysterio does a little pray as Raven pulls himself out of the corner, snarling Raven waits for Mysterio as the two circle each other in the middle of the ring; Mysterio dives across the ring but Raven manages to side step it before grab Mysterio by the trunk and shows rare brute force and tosses him into the corner. Raven then delivers a high knee to the gut of Mysterio then follows through with a series of punches.

Jim Ross: It looks like we got the old Raven back ‘ere folks!

Roddy Piper: When was Raven ever different??

Raven batters Mysterio in the corner before Nick Patrick pulls Raven away, Raven turns and snarls at Patrick but gives Mysterio a chance to catch his breathe. Raven goes towards Mysterio but Mysterio grabs the top ropes and pulls himself up and delivers a Mule Kick to the face of Raven, staggering him backwards; Mysterio then perches himself on the turnbuckle as Raven goes for Mysterio again, as this time Mysterio leaps off and hits Raven with the Seated Senton!



Jim Ross: There’s the Seated Senton! This match could be over!

Raven kicks out!

Raven pushes Mysterio off his shoulders as Raven rolls back to his feet, Mysterio charges at Raven but Raven throws his boot up, nailing Mysterio in the face; Mysterio hits the canvas, Raven chuckles as he begins to control the match, grabbing Mysterio’s left leg and hoists it off the canvas before slamming it down on the ground, Mysterio screams in agony as his knee comes crashing down, Raven then begins to stamp away on the knee joint before chuckling. Mysterio clutches at his knee as Raven continues to beat down on the left knee of Mysterio, Raven drops an elbow onto the knee joint before locking modified Single Leg Boston Crab.

Roddy Piper: Look how methodical Raven is!

Jim Ross: You cannot deny Raven’s technical prowess.

Rey Mysterio screams in pain as Raven wrenches on the knee of Rey Mysterio, but this superhero doesn’t die easily, Mysterio manages to pull himself and begins to crawl towards the ring ropes, Raven roars and attempts to hold Mysterio still but Mysterio manages to use all his strength to flip Raven over and free himself of the Boston Crab. Mysterio hobbles to his feet as Raven prepares to strike, Raven takes a swing at Mysterio with a clothesline but Rey Mysterio ducks underneath and kicks Raven in the butt, sending Raven into the ring ropes, Raven leans across the middle rope as Rey Mysterio signals for the Six One Nine!

Jim Ross: And it looks like the Superhero is dialling it up folks!

Roddy Piper: Ahh, Raven could be in trouble here!

Mysterio hobbles across the ring and charges back and goes for the Six One Nine on Raven but Raven blocks it and grabs the left leg of Rey Mysterio; Mysterio hopping on the ring apron and manages to leaps up hitting the Enziguri to Raven; Mysterio clings onto the ring ropes as Raven staggers backwards, Mysterio pulls himself up onto the top rope and dives at Raven but Raven leaps up and delivers a dropkick to leg knee of Mysterio, Mysterio roars in agony as Raven covers Mysterio!



Jim Ross: This could be over folks!

Roddy Piper: You could be right JR!


Mysterio counters Raven’s cover into a crucifix pin! Nick Patrick makes the count!



Jim Ross: Raven may have just been caught off guard!


*Ding Ding Ding*


Winner via pinfall at 6:31: Rey Mysterio!

The fans erupt as Rey Mysterio steals it, Rey Mysterio begins to celebrate, holding his left knee as Raven gets to his feet and shakes his head; Raven snarling in frustration spins Rey Mysterio around and boots him in the gut and delivers the Raven Effect DDT! The fans begin to boo Raven wildly as Raven rolls underneath the bottom rope and pulls out a Singapore Cane from underneath the rope and rolls back and begins to beat Mysterio across the back with a Singapore Cane! Busting up Rey Mysterio’s back!


Roddy Piper: Too right JR, you are right!

Raven snarls and turns on the spot as Derrick Bateman slides into the ring, looking to save Rey Mysterio but gets a Singapore Cane across the head, breaking it in two. Raven stands over Derrick Bateman and takes a splinter of the cane and begins to blade Bateman infront of everyone, the fans boo Raven wildly as he finishes off his beatdown, doing his signature pose, standing over both members of The Justice League!

*The feed goes backstage as Sandow seems to be speaking to people in the crowd,looking down upon the people*


Damien Sandow: if only you realized your self-imposed ignorance, you lot may even have a chance of surviving down the doldrums of mediocrity; for seeing how sad you are would be enough for you to not only want but to beg me to save you.

*Sandow shakes his head before taking a step back and speaking loudly so everyone can hear*

Damien Sandow: Silence! end your unimportant babbling, for you may learn something. As we feel it is time to get a few queries answered.

*Sandow clears his throat before lifting up a finger in the air as he speaks out*

Damien Sandow: Has Smackdown begun to sink down the muck and dirt known as ignorance and ineptitude?

*Sandow turns towards Bryan who looks around for a moment before raising both hands in the air*

Daniel Bryan: Yes!

Damien Sandow: Is this a direct cause from our discourteous, miscreant of a general manager?

Daniel Bryan: YES! YES!

Damien Sandow: Will Your Enlightened Saviors, otherwise known for the acronym “Y.E.S”, be ridding Smackdown of these issues and saving it from its own self-imposed inadequacies?

Daniel Bryan: YES! YES! YES!

Damien Sandow: Shall we be the overall sa-

*As Sandow speak suddenly the door is loudly swung open, the crowd outside cheers as Sandow and Bryan turn towards the cause of the noise as Wolfe storms out, he looks at both of them a vicious snarl on his face, he removes his shades and snarls.*

Desmond Wolfe: I am sick and tired of both you, ranting and whining like two little girls at college complaining they ain't getting laid enough! Now you two will compete next week on Smackdown, and there ain't gonna be any arguments about it! Because Sunshine's, you are getting yer poxy little wishes, Sandow you better get ready for ya title match tonight! And Bryan Danielson, you tosspot, you want me? Go a head muppet, 'cause at the Great American Bash, it's me versus you Sunshine!!!! Ya bring it because I am in it to win it! See ya at the Bash Wanker!

*The fans go nuts as Desmond Wolfe and Y.E.S stare each other down as Smackdown goes an advert.*



Sunday July 22nd, 2012, live from the United Center in Chicago, Illonois!


*Sandows theme hits the arena and the crowd boos, Sandow emerges with a grin on his face. He raises his hands extending them out basking in the moment*


Lillian Garcia: The Following is scheduled for one fall, introducing first: from Palo Alto, California. Weighing in at 247 pounds, he is the self-professed Intellectual Savior of the Masses…Damien Sandow.

*Sandow brings in his arms holding one hand up as he speaks while he raises the microphone up to his mouth with the other*

Damien Sandow:

Allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment, my name is Damien Sandow and I am here to help all of you. For the past several weeks on this program I've been faced with adversity, injustice, and mistreatment from the likes of not only the mass of ignorance that make up the roster but our general manager as well. However...Tonight is the night where I shall redeem past atrocities and erase all doubts of my ability. For I have yet to be vanquished in a one on one singles bout and that shining achievement will continue as I become a champion, and whether it be Mr. Mizarian or Mr. Ambrose... even the possibility of Mr. Steven Austin or Mr. Rhodes, it makes no difference for tonight I gain championship gold and with it I gain a tool that will help me further spread my message of enlightenment to each and every one of you. And with me placing myself up on that pedestal, you all will be able to admire and aspire to be just as I am. I shall tear down the chains of ignorance and save you all from your own self-imposed inadequacies, I do this not for recognition, I do this for the benefit and common good of each and every one of you...You're Welcome.

*Sandow walks up the steel steps and gets inside the ring, looking up at the tron awaiting to see who his opponent will be.*

Damien Sandow stands in the middle of the ring, expecting The Miz to come out but instead another theme hits the PA system which enrages Damien Sandow.


The fans erupt as Desmond Wolfe’s Chelsea struts out from the backstage as the fans go nuts, the georgeous looking Chelsea stands ontop of the titantron as Lillian Gracia announces the title match.

Lillian Gracia: The following match is a Intergender No Disqualifications, No Countout Match for the UWF Divas Championship, and introducing Damien Sandow’s opponent, from London, England… CHELSEA!

Sandow is livid at being made a mockery of by Desmond Wolfe, Chelsea casually struts down the entrance ramp, not looking nervous at all as she climbs into the ring; Damien Sandow looks morally outraged by the decision but never the less; Chelsea climbs into the ring as Senior Official Mike Choida signals for the bell in this strange match up.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Sandow shakes his head and begins to pace up and down wondering what exactly he’s going to do as Chelsea walks up to him and slaps him across the face; the fans go nuts as Chelsea chuckles, Sandow looks back at her and grabs her by the shoulder thrusts her down, sending Jim Ross into a moral outrage.

Jim Ross: Damien Sandow is a coward and hope Wolfe has something up his sleeve!

Roddy Piper: Ah, I’m sure he will because Wolfe dislikes Sandow with a passion, no doubt about it.

Sandow chuckles and looms over Chelsea as she slowly backs up against a turnbuckle as Sandow delivers a slap across her face; Desmond Wolfe suddenly emerges on the titantron and removes his glasses; but before he can do anything himself, someone in a mask and long trenchcoat slides into the ring. Sandow turns around straight into a HUGE SPEAR! The fans erupt as Chelsea covers Sandow.



Jim Ross: Blah God! What A Spear!

Roddy Piper: It was a set up!!!


*Ding Ding Ding*

Winner via Pinfall at 01:37: Chelsea (AND NEW UWF DIVAS CHAMPION!)


The fans go nuts as Chelsea is handed the UWF Divas Championship, she quickly leaves the ring and walks up the entrance ramp into the arms of Desmond Wolfe as the masked attack removes his mask, it’s EDGE! The fans are going nuts as Edge looks down at Sandow, a ring tech quickly slides Edge a microphone as he confronts Damien Sandow.

Rated R Superstar Edge:
This is not a hologram, this is not a pigment of your imagination, this is not a dream, THIS is a reality and I AM BACK! And if you thought for one second that Wolfe didn’t have anything in store for you… man were you ever wrong. This has been in the works for weeks. Just had to find the right time. You know how hard it is to find the right time? Well it isn’t that hard with someone like me cause I’m always ready. But for someone like you… well that is a bit more of a challenge but just the set up was perfect. You lost to a girl! Ha you lost to a girl!

Edge takes a moment to laugh it up while the fans start pointing and laughing as Edge continues to point at Sandow before his expression turns a little more serious.

Rated R Superstar Edge:
You walk around here with your nose up high like you don’t stink. You walk around here like you are the top stuff, like you are the best, but you have no idea what you are in for. You see I look to challenge the absolute best and when someone that proclaims to be the best decides that they want to put their hands on a woman… well you know that doesn’t set right with me. Not at all so I’m going to make this simple since I know for sure you will want to get your hands on me for costing you your match and losing the diva’s championship… I challenge you. You seem to be at a loss for a challenger at The Great American Bash so why don’t I fill that void. Why don’t I make my triumphant return and complete it by kicking your ass inside of the ring. I would do it tonight but being that I already did it wouldn’t be fair to you to do it again so soon. I mean I’m not exactly one to hop on opportunities at the most extreme moments that would solely benefit me now am I?

Edge looks towards the crowd with a smirk before looking back at Sandow.

Rated R Superstar Edge:
So what do you say pal? How about showing you have what it takes to truly be the best and battle someone like me. Or is it because you know deep down that as soon as that bell is rung… it will all be over for you. Oh yeah… anytime you can get up. I’ll wait.

Edge lets go of the mic as it falls to the canvas.

The camera’s open up backstage area as we’re live on SmackDown. The audience bursts in cheers as they know a segment of sort will be being conducted. Suddenly, a man walks in the view with his back turned to the camera. The man is wearing a green “Rise Above Hate” shirt, blue jean shorts, and a green cap. The man is immediately recognized as U.W.F.’s resident “CeNation Leader” – John Cena! The audience bursts in thunderous cheers as Cena spins around, facing the camera. Cena has a huge smile on his face as he messes with the brim of his hat, before straightening him as he begins to speak.


John Cena: Can you smell it? No, no seriously – no disrespect to The Rock but San Antonio, the mood in the arena is thunderous. No, that’s not the word. Astonishin’, no – no that’s not the word. I got it! The mood in the arena is… electrifyin’.

The audience begins a “Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!” chant in respect to The Rock, and John Cena chuckles to himself as he nods his head before continuing.

John Cena: C’mon, San Antonio! I know you can get louder! Make the rest of the U.W.F. Universe jealous, we gon’ do it big tonight! We gon’ tear the roof off the buildin’, you better believe it! Man, I know every week I’m hyped up, but this week I don’t know what’s different. I mean, on July 22nd, I have the biggest advantage any one can receive. The Great American Bash – The King of the Mountain match. I was awarded the freebie of a life time; I don’t have to gain a pinfall or submission in order to place the title on the hook above the ring. I’m definitely hyped up ‘cause of that, but there’s also another thing. Tonight, folks, your boy John Cena were booked in a match. A very special match if you will, John Cena was booked in a one on one match with Ted DiBiase Jr.

The audience boos the hell out of Ted DiBiase Junior who the fans don’t find very enjoying if you ask them. John Cena nods his head as he continues.


John Cena: Yeah, Mister Million Dollar Boy himself, Ted DiBiase Jr. Y’know, I’m happy San Antonio! Of course, I’m not afraid; I’ve eaten steak tougher then Teddy boy here. I’m glad because I’m familiar with how this arrogant little prick has been treatin’ me, officials, and most importantly, you people. You people buy your tickets to see us to have the best experience possible. Gettin’ disrespected by Ted? I don’t approve of it, and tonight when the bell rings, I’ll be sure to get payback for not only your people but for one person. One certain “Hall of Famer”, if you will…

The audience are unsure of who John Cena is talking about, a door is heard opening and the fans sit in curiosity, wondering who came in. Cena turns his head and has a huge smile on his face, as none other than “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase Sr. comes in the view! The audience explodes in cheers as Ted DiBiase Sr. struts in the camera view with a huge smile on his face, as Cena speaks.

John Cena: The real DiBiase of the family, folks “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase! Y’see, Ted, I have a bunch of respect for you, enormous and I know your son doesn’t for you, the guys in the back and these people. It’s a shame, really but don’t worry about it, I’ll be sure to knock in some respect in him during our match, tonight? Ha-ha.

Ted DiBiase Sr. raises an eyebrow as he nods his head and shakes hands with John Cena before speaking.

Ted DiBiase Senior: That sounds great, John. Knock some sense into him; we all know he needs it! I tried to talk to him earlier but he kept being disrespectful. Shame, it really is. But, let’s focus on more important matters. You’re doing the laugh all wrong, listen… Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

John Cena chuckles to himself, before muttering “Is that a challenge?” before laughing similar to “The Million Dollar Man” himself. Both Ted DiBiase Sr. and Cena continue to laugh, and after several moments, Cena shakes his head and continues to laugh sarcastically as he slowly makes his way out of the locker room. The camera soley focuses on DiBiase Sr. who continues to laugh as the audience shares a chuckle. Fade.

The camera pans to an airport as we see Batista preparing to leave.


Interviewer: Batista, can I speak to you for a moment?

Batista stops for a moment.

Batista: Who the hell do you think you are? Am I getting paid for this interview? No? Get out of my face before I break your skull and send a message to the entire UWF Universe. You don't want that do you?

Batista grabs a camera before throwing it against the wall, the other cameraman still has the camera rolling as Batista grabs it and smashes it onto the floor. We're left with this very image before we go to commercial break.



Jeff Jarretts music hits the arena and the crowd gives off a mixed reaction, he comes out through the curtain holding his hands up in the air with a big smile across his face.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Deuces Wild Tournament Finals Match, Introducing first, from the State of Tennessee, Double J Jeff Jarrett.


Jarrett struts his way down the stage before he starts to walk down the rampway, turning towards the crowd and mouthing off to them as the simply answer back with boos. Jarrett runs up the steps and quickly gets in the ring posing in the middle of the ring before turning his attention towards the stage as his music is cut off.

Liilian Garica: And introducing his tag team partner from Cameron North Carolina, he is the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling, Jeff Hardy...



The tron shows Jeff Hardy, and sure enough, the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling stands atop of the ramp, not his once usual self of pandering to the adoring fans, but instead with a purpose, cold and still. After pausing a moment, he walks down the ramp towards the ring. This clearly is not your everyday Jeff Hardy as instead of pandering to the crowd he merely crotches down in the corner and waits.

Lillian Garica: And their opponents...

When a man's heart is full of deceit
it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow
falls over his soul.

From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse,
a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator,
someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.

The battle between good and evil has begun.
Against an army of shadows comes the dark warrior,
the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence,
and a mission of justice.

This. Is. Sting.

After a brief moment of silence and darkness, the titantron screen lights up with the entrance video of the "Icon".


Lillian Garcia: Introducing the opponents, representing the Black and White Machine The Icon Sting and Samoa Joe!

The crowd goes nuts as the Icon comes out to one of the largest pops of the night his makeshift partner standing right by his side. You would never they have only been a team a week or so as with his baseball bat in hand and towel over Joe's head, they make thier way down the ramp. SSting gets to the steel steps and begins to walk up them. He gets into the ring and throws off his trenchcoat as Joe stands on the ring apron tossing away his towel and beginning to pace back and forth. Sting points at Jarrett, "I want you Jarrett." as Sting drops the bat so not to get disqualified and waits for the bell to ring.


Ding Ding Ding
The bell rings and Jarrett is indeed going to give Sting what he wants as he motions for Hardy to get on the ring apron. Hardy begrudgingly does so as Jarrett and Sting tie up in the center of the ring. The Icon quickly throws Jarrett into a headlock before sending him to the mat with a headlock takedown. Sting is all smiles as he has his arms wrapped around the head of his opponent, but it only lasts for a few seconds as Jarrett manages to wiggle free. Both men get to their feet and Jarrett receives a knife edge chop from the Icon that staggers him. Sting unleashes a right hand to Jarrett that sends Mr. Tennessee into the wrong corner. Sting comes over and tags in Joe who gets a decent pop as he comes into the ring. Joe unleashes a knife edge chop onto Jarrett who’s chest now is beginning to look a lot like a welt is forming. Joe brings Jarrett out to the center of the ring and hits him with an European uppercut. Jarrett falls to the mat and Joe goes for the cover.



Jarrett kicks out.

Joe brings Jarrett back to his feet and sends Double J off of the ropes, Joe gets down but a little too early as Jarrett is able to kick his opponent in the chest. Joe gets up in pain and Jarrett uses the opening to grab Joe and throw him shoulder first into Jarrett’s corner. Jeff then tags in the other Jeff who comes in to major heat. Hardy sets Joe up in the corner before driving his fist into Joe’s jaw. Joe comes out to the center of the ring dazed and confused as Hardy grabs him and drives him to the mat with a sitout jawbreaker. Joe falls to the mat and the Anti-Christ goes for the cover.



Joe kicks out!

Hardy shakes his head in disgust as he heads over to his partner in Jarrett and tags him in. The ref begins counting Hardy to get out of the ring as Hardy lifts up Joe and lifts up his arm revealing Joe’s ribs which are unprotected. Jarrett comes in and kicks Joe right in the exposed ribs. Hardy throws up his arms and drops Joe as the count is now four before leaving the ring.

JR: What interesting teamwork from Hardy and Jarrett here, I’m surprised to see them working as a team.

Piper: it’s a damn tag match JR. The winners face a shark and some English guy at the Bash for the tag titles.

Jarrett is left with a hurting Joe and Jarrett sends him off of the ropes only for Joe to come back and Jarrett to bring him down to the mat with a power slam. The crows boos loudly as Jarrett gets off Joe and points to Sting. “How you like me now, slapnuts? This next one is for you.” Jarrett turns his back on the Icon who is fired up as Jarrett picks up Joe and places him between his legs, Jarrett is looking for the Pedigree, but suddenly Joe lifts Jarrett off his feet and over his back to the mat below causing the crowd to make a huge pop. Joe wastes no time bouncing off of the ropes and dropkicking Jarrett right in the face before going for the cover.



Jeff Hardy breaks up the cover by kicking Joe.

Piper: Julie is earning her keep around here JR, saving the match up for their team.

JR: Are you ever going to stop calling him Julie Hot Rod.

Piper: Not as long as he still wears that god awful make up.

The official gets Hardy back to his corner as Joe tags in the Icon. The crowd lets off a big pop as Sting comes into the ring and picks up Jarrett. Jarrett sees Sting right in front of him and his face goes white. “What were you saying about me, Jeff?” Sting asks preparing to strike, but Jarrett quickly pokes Sting in the eyes before running over to his corner and tagging in Hardy. The crowd jeers Jarrett’s cowardice.

JR: Well I’ll be, I didn’t expect Jarrett to run like that?

Piper: Why is so scared of a 60 year old man JR? Makes no sense to me.

Hardy runs up to Sting and nails him with right hands before sending him off the ropes. Hardy tries to put Sting into a hiptoss but the veteran blocks it. Hardy goes for a clothesline but Sting ducks it and when Hardy turns around it is into a big clothesline from the Icon. Hardy gets up and again another clothesline, Hardy gets up for a third time now and Sting sends him sailing to the mat with a big dropkick. The athleticism of Sting at his age is fascinating as he picks up Hardy and throws him into the corner. Sting lets out a loud woo and the crowd gets to their feet in anticipation of what comes next. Sting is looking for the Sting splash, but before he begins running Jarrett grabs Hardy’s foot and drags him to the ground before out of the ring entirely. The crowd boo as Jarrett has just possible saved the match for his team. Jarrett begins shouting in Hardy’s ear to get his shit together, but Hardy just looks like he is getting pissed. The crowd suddenly cheer as Joe has come over to the other side of the ring, Jarrett sees Joe and runs away but Hardy doesn’t and Joe grabs him and throws him back into the ring. The crowd cheers as Hardy is up on his feet in the ring and Sting wraps his big arms around Hardy before driving him to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Sting goes for the cover.



Jarrett saves the match up for his team to jeers as he is quick to get back to the safety of his corner. Sting goes over and gets right into Jarrett’s face. “Why don’t you step in here and show me what you can do Jeff!” Sting is really angry at Jarrett’s ducking him and Joe as much as possible. Jarrett throws up his arms as if to say he’s not the legal man. Sting shakes his head in disgust before grabbing Jarrett to a large pop and looks like he is going to bring the snake into the ring when suddenly Hardy is back in the match and comes up and nails Sting from behind. Jarrett gets off the apron to catch his breathe after the close call as Hardy begins going to work on Sting with kicks to the downed Icon.

JR: Sting almost got his hands on Jeff Jarrett there Hot Rod. And could you imagine what the Icon surely wants to do to the Nashville native?

Piper: Sting wants to teach Jarrett a lesson in respect, which is kinda hard to do when you are getting kicked down by a girl.

Hardy is indeed kicking away at the lower back of Sting and Joe tries to jump in but the official sees it and gets in between Joe and Hardy. Hardy seeing the official is busy places his foot on Sting’s throat and using the ropes for extra leverage begins choking the Icon. The crowd boos which only incenses Joe more, but the official doesn’t move. After several long seconds Hardy lets go before turning around and getting in Joe’s face. Joe attempts a punch but is just out of reach. No one sees Jarrett on the apron look down on Sting who is laying with his head and chest on the apron come down on Sting with an elbow that sends Sting to the ring floor. The crowd boos loudly as Jarrett gets back on the apron. Realizing he isn’t helping anything Joe heads back to his corner. The official turns and sees Sting on the outside, he looks at Jarrett who feigns innocence. The referee tells Hardy to get Sting back into the ring. Hardy heads outside of the ring where the Icon is left unstirring and tosses the Icon into the ring. Confidently Hardy slides across the ring and on top of his opponent.



3. NO!

Joe breaks up the pin attempt which gets the crowd back into the match up. Joe looks like he wants to take off Hardy’s head, but the official warns him he will disqualify him if he does. Joe goes back to his corner as Hardy calls for the Twist of Hate to jeers from the crowd. As he does however Jarrett blindly tags himself in. Hardy spins around unable to believe what Jarrett just did. Jarrett shoves Hardy aside eager to take down the worn out Sting, the crowd lets out an oooh. That’s all it takes as Hardy spins Jarrett around, he kicks Jarrett in the gut and hits Jarrett with the Twist of Hate to the only pop Hardy has had in a long ass time. Hardy wastes no time whatsoever in exiting the ring and beginning to walk to the back.

Piper: Now where the hell is this prima donna going JR?

JR: I think Jarrett’s eagerness to get to it and beat Sting may have gotten Hardy bothered under the collar Hot Rod.

Sting gets up in the ring and Jarrett is still down and no Hardy in sight. The veteran looks around and sees Joe standing on the apron. “Let’s kill him!” Joe screams as Sting nods his head. The Icon makes the tag to Joe who gets into the ring as Sting picks up Jarrett. The Icon grabs Jarrett and brings him back down to the mat with a snap mare takedown, Sting holds Jarrett in a seated position as Joe bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Jarrett scare in the chin. The crowd goes nuts as Joe makes the cover.





Here are your Winners and Advancing to the Great American Bash at 13:21: The Black and White Machine!

JR: And there we have it folks, Sting and Samoa Joe are going to be representing Smackdown at the Great American Bash, and if you ask me Hot Rod I like our chances a lot.

Piper: It would be great to bring Tag Team Gold to Smackdown, we need some what with our European Champion missing and all.

Sting and Joe raise each other’s hands in victory knowing what awaits them in just a few short weeks. Both men motion for Gold around there waist as UWF Smackdown heads to break.​



Who the hell needs models when you gotta proper women ^_^!

Lillian Garcia: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall and is your main event of the evening...


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an over hyped John Cena bursts out onto the stage, which is a pleasure from the U.W.F. Universe. John Cena looks into the camera and screams out “San Antonio, Texas! We gon’ do it big tonight folks!” before meeting the end of the stage. John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena springs forward and sprints down the entrance ramp. John Cena slides in the ring and hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first from West Newbury Massachusetts, he is the leader of the CeNation, JOHN CENA!!!


The crowd erupts into boos as the Million Dollar Son Ted Dibiase Jr makes his way out to the ring. He has a huge smile on his face which causes an uproar from the crowd. The man who could bribe anyone with the amount of money he has motions for the one thing he does not have, Championship gold. Dibiase believes he is going to have that as well after tonight. He climbs up the steps and stands on the apron for a moment cleaning it with his boot.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing next, From West Palm Beach Florida, the Million Dollar Son, Ted Dibiase Jr!


Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and the match is on between Dibiase and Cena. The two contenders for the World title hook up in the center of the ring in an elbow to collar tie up. The two men at first appear to be evenly matched until Cena just tosses Dibiase to the mat overpowering the second generation superstar. Dibiase gets to his feet a little surprised at the fact Cena was able to handle him so easily. Dibiase gets to his feet as Cena’s eyes remain intense as Dibiase calls for Cena to tie up with him again. Cena responds by entering another tie up and again for the second time throws Dibiase to his back. The Million Dollar son gets to his feet outraged why Cena gives a wry smile as the crowd cheers Cena’s early dominance of Dibiase. Dibiase not willing to be outdone calls for a third, Cena obliges again and this time Dibiase immediately throws Cena into a headlock, but the Champ uses his strength advantage to throw Dibiase into the ropes, Dibiase comes back and is dropped with a standing shoulder block from Cena. Instead of getting back up the highly frustrated Dibiase slides out of the ring as Cena heads over to the ropes and calls him something along the lines of chicken as the crowd boos.

JR: I don’t think this match has started the way Ted Dibiase hoped it would Hot Rod, as the Red Hot Dibiase appears to have run into the proverbial brick wall.

Piper: Dibiase has been wrestling week in and week out, Cena got a week off last week due to the storm so he’s fresh, but again I wouldn’t count Dibiase out just yet.

Cena immediately follows Dibiase not willing to wait for the former World Champion to catch his breathe. Cena spins an unsuspecting Junior around and delivers a big right hand that knocks Dibiase to the ground. Dibiase stays down holding his jaw as Cena heads down and picks him up. The CeNation leader grabs Dibiase and lifts him to his feet, before lifting Dibiase high into the air and performing a snake eyes on the ring barricade. Dibiase falls like a sack of potatoes to the ground as Cena lifts up his hands, Cena’s frustrations over the past few weeks are being taken out on the menace known as Ted Dibiase. Cena notices the official has reached an 8 count now and slides back into the ring to break it before returning to the outside and beat down his opponent some more. Dibiase is indeed up now as Cena grabs him and throws him head first into the announce table not once but twice. The crowd is loving it after watching Dibiase beat down some of their favorite superstars over the past few weeks. Cena is not one of those men as he throws Dibiase back into the ring and climbs in after him. Dibiase staggers to his feet only to be dropped by a short arm clothesline from Cena. Dibiase doesn’t get back up and Cena goes for the cover.



Dibiase kicks out to jeers from the crowd. Cena just shrugs it off as he brings his opponent to his feet, Cena attempts a big right hand but Dibiase ducks and jabs Cena in the jaw, another jab, followed by a big right hand. Cena goes into the ropes and Dibaise takes his arm and sends him whipping off the ropes, but Cena counters and sends Ted into them, Junior comes back and gets a huge hiptoss for his trouble. Dibiase shoots up to his feet and hunches over in pain holding his lower back, and Cena shows off the athleticism that has made him an icon in the Wrestling World and hits Dibiase with the Throwback. Cena sits up as Dibiase is out and motions his hand across his face in a you can’t see me style before going for the cover.




NO! Dibiase kicks out!

JR: Ted Dibiase has had a major black mark on his record and his name is John Cena Hot Rod. In all of his career I don’t believe Dibiase has ever successfully managed to defeat Cena.

Piper: That’s odd JR, I thought everyone has beaten Cena at least once.

Cena picks up Dibiase as the crowd begins chanting back and forth, “Let’s Go Cena!” “Cena sucks!” Cena attempts to set Dibiase into a suplex but before he can lift Deebs up, Junior blocks it with his leg. Cena lets go and attempts to clothesline Dibiase but the Million Dollar son ducks out of the way, Cena turns around and Dibiase pokes Cena in the eye forcing the crowd to jeer. Cena temporarily blinded tries hard to get his sight back as Dibiase slinks over to the ropes and bounces off them building momentum. The instincts of John Cena are tremendous as soon as Dibiase gets into range, Cena lifts Dibiase up onto his shoulders looking for the attitude adjustment. The crowd pop but Dibiase slides off and before Cena can truly get his bearings sends Cena to the mat with a dropkick.

JR: A scary moment for Dibiase there Hot Rod, but that dropkick may have just saved Dibiase.

Piper: A split second more and Dibiase would have been road kill JR.

Dibiase wastes no time mounting Cena and beginning to punch Cena with shot after shot, Dibiase’s frustrations of being on the defensive most of the match is showing. Dibiase is slowly being counted and after 4 and half, right before he is disqualified Dibiase gets off of Cena. Dibiase has a look on his face of sheer determination mirroring the one Cena has had much of the match as Cena begins getting to his feet. Once Cena gets to his feet Dibiase grabs him from behind in a full nelson before bringing Cena’s back down onto Dibiase’s knee and connecting with a Full Nelson Backbreaker. The crowd boos as Dibiase now gets on top of Cena for the cover.



Cena kicks out!

While the back may have been damaged it wasn’t enough to put Cena away and Dibiase just shakes his head. In control now for the first time in the match up Dibiase begins kicking the lower back of Cena, forcing the self-proclaimed champ to continue to feel pain. Dibiase drives an elbow into Cena’s lower back that gets the Cena supporters in the crowd to begin to get a little nervous, this is the Dibiase over the past few weeks who has beat down everyone in his path. Cena is on his stomach now and Dibiase squats above him as if looking to go for the camel clutch but instead Dibiase just falls to a seated position all of his way falling directly onto Cena’s lower back. This forces a scream of agony out of Cena’s mouth that brings a smirk to Dibiase’s face. Cena gets to the ropes and begins pulling himself to his feet, Dibiase allows it and as Cena gets to his feet applies the Cobra Clutch onto Cena and the crowd begins to erupt into jeers. The Cena haters are cheering as Dibiase has the move locked in.

JR: Dibiase last week made Triple H tapout and now looks to continue his streak by making the legendary John Cena do the same thing Hot Rod.

Piper: I think there is more to it than that JR, I think Dibiase wants to choke Cena out.

That is indeed what Dibiase is trying to do as you can see Cena’s face beginning to turn purple from the pressure being put on him. The Cena supporters are trying to get their man back into it but the Haters are out in numbers in San Antonio now and begin a Cena sucks chant for the second time. Dibiase is using every ounce of strength he has to choke out Cena, and it is working as it brings Cena down to a knee. The official is right in position to ask Cena if he gives up or not but the Champ just shakes his head, now trying to conserve breathe. Dibiase screams for Cena to just give up and pass out already continuing to apply the pressure and finally Cena begins to go until finally he looks unconscious in Dibiase’s clutch. The official getting no response grabs Cena’s arm and lifts it once, only for it to fall. The supporters now get loud trying to wake Cena up but Dibiase is screaming in Cena’s ear trying to block them out. The official lifts Cena’s arm a second time and again it falls, the supporters and the haters now trying desperately to cheer or jeer their hated foe. If the hand goes down one more time its over and the official lifts it up, Cena still is not moving. The official lets go. Right before it reaches the bottom something comes alive in Cena who’s arm begins shaking uncontrollably as he begins to come back to life. Dibiase cannot believe it as he has the max amount of pressure locked in, but it is clearly not enough to stop Cena as he begins to get back to his feet. Cena manages to get back to his feet and Dibiase is shocked and with his confidence being lessened so is his grip and he loosens up just enough for Cena to get his arm free and send Dibiase crashing to the mat with a back body drop. The crowd loves it as the cobra is broken and both men are on the mat.

JR: Unbelievable counter from John Cena, what character this man has, you could tell Dibiase was throwing everything he had into that move Hot Rod, and Cena came right back at him.

Piper: Little Johnny is showing why he’s been playing with the big boys JR. You got to wonder what that is going to do to the million dollar cry baby’s psyche.

Cena and Dibiase both get to their feet at the same time and Dibiase feeling desperate goes to attack Cena only to be dropped to the mat with a drop toe hold. Cena grabs Dibiase’s leg looking to lock in the STF, but Dibiase has it well scouted and is on the ropes quicker than a fat man to a hamburger. Cena lets go and the ref gets between him and Deebs as Deebs gets back to his feet. Deebs is hunched over again and Cena sees an opening, an opening Dibiase had planned and Cena goes for a one handed bulldog but Deebs moves out of the way and Cena falls flat on his ass. Deebs wastes no time getting down and driving his knees into the lower back of a seated Cena which causes the chaingang commander to roll onto the mat in pain. Dibiase brings Cena to his feet in the center of the ring and Dibiase drops him to the mat with a scoop slam. Dibiase gets a sinister smile on his face at this moment and looks down at the unmoving Cena. The crowd erupts into boos as Dibiase gets into Cena’s face and steals Cena’s trademark you can’t see me before bouncing off the ropes. Dibiase comes back at Cena and instead of finishing the five knuckle shuffle Dibiase goes for his fist drop, but Cena moves out of the way at the last second and Dibiase connects with mat.

JR: Unbelievable counter from John Cena, what character this man has, you could tell Dibiase was throwing everything he had into that move Hot Rod, and Cena came right back at him.

Piper: Little Johnny is showing why he’s been playing with the big boys JR. You got to wonder what that is going to do to the million dollar cry baby’s psyche.

Cena and Dibiase both get to their feet at the same time and Dibiase feeling desperate goes to attack Cena only to be dropped to the mat with a drop toe hold. Cena grabs Dibiase’s leg looking to lock in the STF, but Dibiase has it well scouted and is on the ropes quicker than a fat man to a hamburger. Cena lets go and the ref gets between him and Deebs as Deebs gets back to his feet. Deebs is hunched over again and Cena sees an opening, an opening Dibiase had planned and Cena goes for a one handed bulldog but Deebs moves out of the way and Cena falls flat on his ass. Deebs wastes no time getting down and driving his knees into the lower back of a seated Cena which causes the chaingang commander to roll onto the mat in pain. Dibiase brings Cena to his feet in the center of the ring and Dibiase drops him to the mat with a scoop slam. Dibiase gets a sinister smile on his face at this moment and looks down at the unmoving Cena. The crowd erupts into boos as Dibiase gets into Cena’s face and steals Cena’s trademark you can’t see me before bouncing off the ropes. Dibiase comes back at Cena and instead of finishing the five knuckle shuffle Dibiase goes for his fist drop, but Cena moves out of the way at the last second and Dibiase connects with mat.

JR: Dibiase clearly thought he could get away with mocking John Cena, but I think John Cena just silently taught Dibiase a thing or too about respect.

Piper: Respect? Dibiase doesn’t know what the word means, and breaking his hand on the mat isn’t going to teach him anything.

Dibiase gets up and begins shaking the pain out of his hand as Cena gets up to his feet as well. Dibiase attempts to hit Cena with his hand but Cena catches the hand and squeezes, Dibiase screams in pain as Cena pulls him up onto his shoulders looking for the Attitude Adjustment but Dibiase grabs the ropes nearby and holds on for dear life. Cena isn’t going to let Dibiase get away with it though and pulls Dibiase off them and into the center of the ring. Dibiase struggles mightily until finally he manages to wiggle his way off Cena and causing Cena to temporarily lose his equilibrium. This allows Dibiase to once again apply the cobra clutch, but this time Dibiase finishes it with Dream Street. The crowd begins to boo loudly as Dibiase goes for the cover and the win.



3... NO!

Cena gets a shoulder up and the crowd goes nuts. Dibiase cannot believe it as he grabs his hair in frustration. He shakes the pain in his hand away as he turns to Cena who is even now unbelievably stirring. Dibiase feeling desperate again helps bring Cena to his feet and attempts to go for the Cobra Clutch again, but Cena instinctively nails Deebs in the side of the head with a brutal elbow. The next thing Dibiase knows is he’s being taken to the ground and Cena is mounting him, and locking in the STF! The crowd goes absolutely nuts as Cena locks on his favorite submission hold and Dibiase is in shock as the pain begins riding him as his head is being pulled back into his back.

JR: Oh my how the tables have turned. Dibiase weather out of overconfidence or desperation just made a mistake and it may cost him dearly.

Piper: Johnny has put away name after name with this move, I think this time Ted Dibiase is going to be added to that list JR.

Cena is indeed rising above the hate now as he uses all his strength in an attempt to force Dibiase to submit once and for all. The crowd cheer wildly hoping to see Dibiase tap, much like he did to Triple H a week ago, but Dibiase is still holding on. Cena is turning red now with the exertion he is putting on as Dibiase is fighting for his very life. Deebs lifts up his arm as if appearing like he is going to tap out but does not, instead he uses it to continue to crawl towards the bottom rope. Cena does not make it easy for him with the amount of pressure he is putting on Dibiase. Cena tells Junior to tap but Dibiase won’t have any of it as the second generation superstar fights madly to get to the ropes. Eventually just as Dibiase is preparing to throw in the towel he manages to reach out and grab the bottom rope, surprising everyone with the amount of fortitude and stamina he has. The crowd give a mixed reaction, impressed with Dibiase’s will to win as Cena is forced to break the hold. Cena gets to his feet unable to believe the STF didn’t do it, and as he is contemplating, Dibiase slides out of the ring holding his neck and lower back. The crowd jeer madly as Dibiase begins walking away from the ring and up the ramp.

JR: You have got to be kidding, after all the effort Dibiase just gave in not tapping out he’s just going to walk away like this, that no good yellow bellied son of a…

Piper: Come on JR, you are telling me if you felt you were in the exact same situation you wouldn’t try to save face? Shows how much in ring action you’ve had.

Cena has his hips on his waist in disgust as the official begins counting out Dibiase. “Screw you Cena. You aren’t beating me today. I’ll see you at the Bash.” Deebs has a huge smile on his face but he is the only one as he is taking the cowards way out. Suddenly however the jeers turn into cheers as the World Champion comes racing out from the back, Dean Ambrose rushes up behind Dibiase and grabs him by the head and the trunks before sprinting Dibiase back towards and into the ring. Dibiase stands up in the ring unable to believe what just happened. “What the hell are you doing out…” Dibiase begins to say to the World Champion but is cut off by Cena who lifts him up onto his shoulders and throws him to the mat with an Attitude Adjustment. The crowd begin to cheer wildly as Cena makes the cover.





Here is your Winner at 18:32 John Cena!

And Dibiase’s winning streak is over, thanks to a massive assist by the Worlds Champion.

Piper: I know Ambrose and Dibiase have been at each other’s necks the past few weeks, but this was uncalled for JR. Absolutely uncalled for.

JR: Dibiase cost Ambrose his match last week and this was pay back Hot Rod. Its all part of the mind games that are going to take place heading into that big 6 man King of the Mountain Match at the Bash.

Ambrose has slid into the ring and begins stomping away on Dibiase to the delight of the crowd, Ambrose is clearly frustrated with how things have gone between him and Dibiase the past few weeks. Cena stops celebrating for a moment and comes over and tears Ambrose off of him. Cena throws his hands up and tells Ambrose. “Save it for another day, I got something to say to you.” Ambrose looks at Cena quizzically before getting into Cena’s face. “Easy there tiger, I’m willing to wait to the Bash to fight. I just want to say it is going to be an honor to face you at the Great American Bash man. Put it here!” Cena throws out his hand in anticipation of shaking hands with the World Champion. Ambrose looks down at Cena’s hand and laughs. Cena looks confused as Ambrose suddenly just slaps Cena across the face. The crowd oohs as Ambrose looks over Cena. “Are you kidding me man? There are no friends here.” Cena just shakes his head before lifting up Ambrose and delivering Ambrose to the mat with an Attitude Adjustment. With Ambrose down Cena shrugs as the fans blow up into a mixed reaction.

JR: I think John Cena took what the World Champion said to heart there Piper, he just put the World Champion on his ass.

Piper: I’ve always thought Ambrose needed that damn attitude adjusted JR.

Cena is all smiles until suddenly Bray Wyatt comes sliding into the ring, Eli Cottonwood close behind who gets up on the ring apron. Cena turns around and gets clotheslined to the mat hard. The crowd boos loudly as Wyatt quickly picks up the CeNation leader and sends him crashing to the mat with a Swinging Reverse STO! Cottonwood stands on the apron applauding like the crazy man that he is. “I will be World Champion folks, that’s Gospel!” Wyatt is heard saying by the camera, but it is doubtful the audience hears it from the heat he is receiving. The crowd is so preoccupied they don’t see a 5th figure make his way out to the ring with steel chair in hand. Cottonwood is grabbed by his foot and brought down to the ring floor where the Anti-Christ Jeff Hardy is waiting. Cottonwood’s chin goes bouncing off the apron taking Cottonwood out of the match for the time being. Wyatt is so busy preaching he doesn’t even notice. Hardy slides into the ring and waits for Wyatt to turn around. The Gospel according to Wyatt is temporarily shut down as Wyatt turns around and is dropped to the ground with a chair shot from Hardy. The Anti-Christ however is not done as Cottonwood comes into the ring hoping to get in a cheap shot, but the Anti Christ uses the chair to nail Cottonwood right in the gut. Cottonwood hunches over in pain as Hardy throws the chair onto the ground before performing a Twist of Hate onto the chair, Cottonwood’s face impacting with it. The crowd cannot believe what they are seeing as the Anti-Christ picks up the World Title and begins staring at it longingly.

JR: Jeff Hardy may have come up short on getting a shot at the tag titles at the Bash, but after what I’ve just seen I have a bad feeling this may very well be the sight of what is to come at the Great American Bash.

Piper: With Batista on a plane to god knows where it has left Jeff Hardy wide open for this opportunity. While I’m not sure anyone can compare to Batista’s raw power, I am damn sure Julie just proved why she could be walking out World Champion in just a few weeks.


The final image of Smackdown is Jeff with the World Heavyweight Title and the San Antonio crowd giving him hell.​

Raven/Mysterio, Chelsea/Sandow & Wyatt/RVD - EoR
Coding My Matches - Prodigy & SBS


World Heavyweight Championship Six Man King of the Mountain Match:
Dean Ambrose (c) versus Ted DiBiase versus John Cena versus Batista versus Jeff Hardy versus Bray Wyatt

Singles Match:

Edge versus Damien Sandow

Singles Match:

Desmond Wolfe versus Daniel Bryan

UWF Tag Team Tournament Finals:
Black & White Machine (Sting & Samoa Joe) w/Jim Cornette versus Shark Boy & William Regal

European Championship in a Full Metal Mayhem Match:

The Miz (c) versus Rob Van Dam​


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012

Great show as usual. Loved my match, even though I lost, I'm not too bothered as I've won a lot recently and Blizzard's Cena is top notch.


May 29, 2012
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The Hell itself
Re: UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012

Good job guys. A nice show overall, liked every bit of it, and I don't know why, but I kinda wanted Sandow to win the Divas title, haha. What do you know, I might bring a diva in. Anyways, nevermind, so I lost. I'll TT better and more next week, so hopefully next time I will win. It was still awesome however to see Raven demolish the two dudes, I felt like Ryback lol. This really is fun. Good job, UWF crew.

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012

Nigel, I'm coming for ya! LOL

Really tremendous show. You guys put on great shows consistently and your hard work shows. Keep on keepin' on!

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Re: UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012

You guys just made this show freakin' epic!
Cena vs DiBiase was one hell of a match! Really great work SBS with that match!
The whole show just worked for me perfectly, I really enjoyed every bit of it!

I'm just feeling pretty sad for Sandow...
Whatever, great show guys!


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012

Nice job, guys!

Hate to lose, but it was a well done match all around!


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Re: UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012

There's a Diva's division now?

Really intrugied to bring in someone just for that now!

Loved the show, very promo heavy. Sandow/Bryan doing a protest is amazing, loved the way Sandow used YES involved, very smart.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
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Re: UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012

I sure enjoy following SD! on here every week.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012

Another tremendous SmackDown, blue crew! Very segment heavy which was all sort of exciting for the read. Glad I won my match, it was a pretty awesome read at that, hope to do it again Prod. :)


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012

Lovin the show guys, was a surprise to see myself standing tall with the gold at the end of the show. Something I could get used to seeing! Good matches throughout the card.


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Re: UWF Smackdown 07/06/2012

Another great show guys. Nice to see more feuds coming together. RVD/Miz, Sandow/Edge, Wolfe/Bryan, and of course the world title match. Lots of nice promos. Good to see everyone in the King of the Mountain match becoming very viable threats. It seems like anyone's ball game at this point. A bit weird seeing my promo directly after Batistas since it seems weird that I didn't just come out when he was talking. Let's see who is standing tall with the World Heavyweight Championship next week.
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