UWF 2012: Past Smackdown Shows & Cards

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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

Another amazing show guys. I need to work on showing who is talking during my promos lol. Every match was well written and we basically had ourselves another PPV. I may have lost the title but at least I'm not the shortest reining champion. Sorry Prodigy lol. Big ups to you though. I thought I was going to lose because I didnt like my last TT because I couldn't think because people were over at my place. The Royal Rumble match was phenomenal as was my match. Forgive me but I don't know what a King of the Mountain match is but I'm excited for it. I know it's a ladder match but I'm not too familiar with the rules. I've got some tough competition coming up in Lewb, Sam, Blizzard, Andrew and Prodigy again.

Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

So both of my losses come at the hands of Eli Cottonwood, if I had mentioned him in my promo like I considered doing this might not have happened. With Wyatt in the King of the Mountain match, I must wait for my revenge and currently have no match, although something seems to be brewing with Sandow. Kind of down to be 0 and 3 with Sting as I thought I had a pretty good shot at the scramble but oh well, I will finish the Dose when I get home tonight despite this. And at the end of the day, I still run Raw. :D


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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

So when is the Dresden Dose happening?

Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

I don't get off work until 10 and the Dose usually takes a couple hours to write so there's a bit of a wait to go. I'd finish it up now and have it up if I could but I can't. Sorry guys...


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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

I've read through this a few times this week, segment by segment. I thought that match were well written, and the WHC was real good, but I thought the end was a little too overbooked.

5 Number One Contenders, A Royal Rumble where four guys lose, but still got a shot. I love the King of The Mountain premise as a match, it was just a lot to get there. Especially after a Scramble match was hyped the way it was. Anyway it just me.

Congrats to Prod for making DiBiase World Champion. Sucks that your reign was so short. But you've got a shot to win it back. Congrats to Captain for winning his belt back. And congrats to everyone else who won.


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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

I was so confused on the Rumble bc I skimmed through some of it, and I was like where was I eliminated. Than I read over it again and was all "ohhh lol", Very good show though for heatwave. I enjoyed it a lot, sorry Prod you could not keep the title longer bud.


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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

Holy fuck! What a show! 6 way WHC match, damn this is going to be one crazy TT sesh!

Love what you did EoR in the main event and also loved the fact both Jeff Hardy & John Cena were added to the picture, both really shined in TT sesh this week. Great move imho.


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

I would have shined more had my promo been included in the show ;) Bit gutted not to be part of the royal rumble, but I got the same thing I wanted out of it! Bring on the king of the mountain!

Brilliant show boys, brilliant show.


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

Absolutely brilliant show guys, it was just quality from top to bottom and I loved all of it. Not surprised that I lost both my matches as nothing has really been going as I wanted it to, both with playing Triple H and my personal life being a bit crazy and exhausting right now. Congrats to everybody in the KOTM match. That should be a brilliant read!

Special mention to Prod - you did it mate! It may have only been a very short reign, but you proved your DiBiase has what it takes to get to the top, so time to do it again.

That's all from me, gotta rush as I'm still pretty busy. Again, awesome show!


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Feb 17, 2011
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UWF Smackdown 06/29/2012


June 29th 2012



The Pyros go off and UWF Smackdown is underway live from Dallas, Texas. The crowd is hot as they are real excited to be attending history. Signs of superstars parade the audience as a UWF chant is heard flowing throughout the arena. The set is as usual the Fist popping out of the stage ith the lights as always blue and white signaling the difference between its tuesday counterpart. The fans reach a fever pitch as we are taken to the announcer's table to begin the show, at the table are two legends of the Wrestling Businees, Jim "JR" Ross and The Hot Rod Roddy Rowdy Piper.


Jim Ross: Hello everyone and good evening from Dallas Texas, where everything is bigger. I am Jim "JR" Ross here alongside my lovable and adorable partner Hot Rod Roddy Piper and we're here to give you another great edition of Friday Night Smackdown.

Piper: I don't know how great this Smackdown is going to be JR, half our roster is M.I.A. thanks to that freak snow storm here in Dallas today that is keeping flights away.

JR: Well the good news is most of the superstars competeing in tonight's match up are here Hot Rod and ready to go. However with half our roster not here tonight you have to wonder what that exactly means for our Wild Deuces tournament tonight.

Piper: And of course the former C.O.O. is here tonight and he's going to be facing off against the former World Champion Ted Dibiase in a heavily hyped match up. Both men are coming off stinging losses last week and look to get back on their feet.

JR: This should be an interesting night that is for sure Hot Rod.

Smackdown comes back from break and we are in the office of General Manager Desmond Wolfe who unfortunately has a visitor. The Anti-Christ Jeff Hardy has his arms folded over his chest and looks quite unhappy. Desmond takes a sip of tea from the hot cup on his desk as he continues to listen into a conversation that seems to have been started over the break.*

Jeff Hardy: So just like that I'm out of the tournament and have no match tonight because a snowstorm kept all of my opponents from arriving. This is crap Wolfe, I am hate incarnate and you want to know how I'm feeling about you right now?*

Wolfe puts down his tea and shakes his head, clearly not impressed by what Hardy has just said.*

Desmond Wolfe: I'm not going to lie, getting threatened by every superstar who thinks their the bloody Queen of England gets a tad bit annoying. Look Sunshine, I've got a severely depleted Roster tonight, your opponents and your partner aren't here, its not like I called down this storm and kept them out. Why on earth would you reckon I do something like that?

Hardy slams his fists onto the desk.*

Jeff Hardy: Ever since you've gotten this job Desmond you've been rubbing people the wrong way. I know their is already a long list of people in front of me who would love to take your head off, but what is going to stop me from....

There is a knock on the door and both men turn to see who it is. In to the room comes a man dressed in winter gear with a huge puffy coat. He is rolling a suitcase on the ground as he undoes his hat and jacket. The man is the UWF World Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose who has the title belt wrapped around his waist.*

Dean Ambrose: Have no fear, the sadistic, psychotic, World Champ is here. Oh hello Jeffery, what's got your panties in a bind?*

Hardy turns ready to attack Ambrose but Wolfe is up and manages to get between them.*

Desmond Wolfe: I thought all air traffic was closed, how did you get 'ere?*

Dean Ambrose: I hitchhiked, and walked a little bit. Its not so bad on the ground. What no one else thought to do it? I mean the roads are fine.*

Desmond Wolfe: Nevermind that, my problems have been solved. Ambrose, Hardy, your tournament match is cancelled. However since Jeffery here is so determined to tie it up, what do you say Champ?*

Ambrose looks over Hardy before giving off a big smirk.*

Dean Ambrose: As long as the Anti-Christ here isn't going to cry after I whip his ass right here in Dallas Texas.

Jeff Hardy: Very funny Ambrose. We'll see how you handle dealing with Hate.*

The two men stare each other down as the match is set as we head to the ring for our next match.​

The fans are waiting for the very first match but they're interrupted as Batista comes out to no music at all, with a microphone in his hand. Batista is in street gear as he hops up on the apron as he speaks.



You're all going to have to wait to see action. Every single week, I come down this ring, I look towards the ring and I know what I do is what I love. For the past few weeks, I've watched my opponents sink lower than the Mariana Trench, especially Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels. They don't have the passion for this business, they don't have passion to entertain and perform and that is why they suffered a defeat to me. But I'm not here to speak about them, I'm here to remind you idiots that they're no longer welcome in MY ring. They are nowhere near the level I'm on, later tonight I have to face Derrick Bateman and Rey Mysterio. I see all the little kiddies in the front row with their mask on, you're all pretenders. You kids can keep the mask on, but you're only hiding yourself from the big world like your hero Rey is. When that mask gets taken off, he isn't a such a hero then is he? Will you cheer for him when he reveals his identity? Will you keep watching Superhero shows such as Spiderman and Batman? Because to me, they all suck! Just like Rey Mysterio living like a freakin' kid! This is why tonight you will say Hasta La Vista to poor Rey Rey. After tonight, it will be the end of his Tag Team journey and possibly his UWF journey. Your adventures stop tonight Rey, I am competing for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, you're not me Rey. You'll never be me. None of you losers will be me!

The crowd booing Batista as he ignores them and steps into the ring.


The World Heavyweight Championship. How I love saying those very words. It should already be around my waist, I watched the match carefully, I saw Ted DiBiase Jr. win the belt, I saw him get screwed out of the Championship. I saw it all and unfortunately for Ted... That short reign is the only reign he'll ever get here in UWF. But the problem doesn't draw there Ted, remember that The Great American Bash will feature not just us two, but three others including Dean Ambrose. A king of the mountain match. I've been in Steel Cages, Hell in A Cell, Ladder matches, the lot... I've got what it takes to capture the Heavyweight Championship. But Ted, after your loss... after you ignored your own father's advice, that's where you failed. Everybody has a price Ted, my price is injuring my opponents and visiting them in hospital... But as for John Cena, Bray Wyatt, Jeff Hardy and Dean Ambrose, you guys over the next few weeks... I'll be watching you like a hawk. So this is my warning to you, you keep your dirty hands off me and I'll keep mine off you because if you even think about trying to take me out before Great American Bash, you've got another thing coming your way...

Batista drops the microphone down as he steps out of the ring, a guy in the front row has a sign that says 'YOU SUCK BATISTA'. Batista grabs the sign and rips it as he drops it on the floor before spitting on the sign. Batista heads out to the back as...


Jeff Jarretts music hits the arena and the crowd gives off a mixed reaction, he comes out through the curtain holding his hands up in the air with a big smile across his face.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Deuces Wild Tournament Match, Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of 520 pounds… Jeff Jarrett and Dave Batista, the Tennessee Animals!


Jarrett struts his way down the stage before he starts to walk down the rampway, turning towards the crowd and mouthing off to them as the simply answer back with boos. Jarrett yells at Batista telling him their match is right now to which Batista is not very happy as he begins taking off his shirt preparing for the match. Jarrett runs up the steps and quickly gets in the ring posing in the middle of the ring before turning his attention towards the stage as his music is cut off.

JR: Rey Mysterio and Derrick Bateman are two of the men who couldn't make it here tonight so the question becomes who is going to be their opponents here tonight.

Piper: I don't know who's even around to step into the ring JR, who do we have here tonight?


The crowd goes nuts as the Leigon of Doom music begins to play as Road Warrior Animal and his partner Heidenreich come out to a massive pop from the crowd. Jarrett and Batista can't believe it as the New Leigon of Doom makes their one time apperance here live in dallas.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing their opponents weighing in at a combined weight of 610 lbs, Road Warrior Animal and Heidenreich, the Leigon of Doom!

Heindenreich and Animal step into the ring to a heavy pop as Jarrett and Batista look on unamused. The Leigon of Doom take off their legendary gear as the bell rings.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: So it’s the Tennesse Animals versus Road Warriors, what a contest!

Roddy Piper: I dunno JR, the Roar Warriors look all wasted up!

Heidenreich & Batista start the match off and immediately Heidenreich charges at Batista, but Batista catches Heidenreich straight and drills him straight down with a thunderous Spinebuster which gets the fans on their feet! The ring shaking from the impact, Batista roars and storms over to Road Warrior Animal’s corner and grabs him by the head and tosses him into the ring!

Jim Ross: My god! What strength by the animal Batista!

Roddy Piper: This match is gonna end really quick this rate!

Animal lands on his ass and quickly scrambles to his feet but gets clobbered with a huge clothesline from Batista as Heidenreich gets back to his feet but Batista boots him in the gut before hoisting him up for a THUNDEROUS Batista Bomb; the fans are going nuts over Batista’s power as Batista rolls back to his feet, Animal clubs Batista in the back, Batista turns around and snarls before smashing Animal in the face, Batista then follows through with a boot to the mid-section, Batista lifts up Animal and Batista Bomb’s Animal ontop of Heidenreich! Batista roars and goes off on a roided filled rage, shaking the ring ropes, Jarrett quickly slaps the hand of Batista and dives on top of Heidenreich for the pin!



Jim Ross: Batista does all the hard work, and then Jeff Jarrett steals it?

Roddy Piper: It doesn’t matter JR! They won the match!


Winners via pinfall at 2:40: Batista & Jeff Jarrett!


The fans begin to boo Jeff Jarrett and Batista as they stand define in the middle of the ring, Jeff Jarrett celebrates like he’s won the World Heavyweight Championship but Batista suddenly turns around and locks his eyes on Jeff Jarrett and without warning Batista boots Jeff Jarrett in the gut and delivers the Batista Bomb to Jeff Jarrett before standing over him, Batista roars and soaks up the entire crowd booing him before he walks off, seemingly not bothered by the victory.

The cameras head to the back in the locker rooms and find Dean Ambrose sitting in a corner with his head down.

Dean Ambrose: Well look who's here. I know you guys keep trying to find me doin' something out of the ordinary every time you try and sneak up on me but sorry, you won't find me looking paranoid or actually preparing for my match because I don't need it. I mean I’m fighting two nobodies who think that just because they've won literally a couple of matches, they think they're on top of the world. I know the higher ups don't want me to be champion but I mean come on, could you be any less obvious about it? Putting me in a match with five other undeserving people. Plus you're trying to force me into a tag team that will eventually lead us to become champion because come on, I don't lose. Then you'll find some way to strip the title off me and then keep me in the tag team division like you tried in the hardcore division. Sorry folks but it aint gonna work!

Dean stands up and starts walking away but continues on talking.

Dean Ambrose: No matter how much people in the offices don’t like me, they can’t deny my fortitude and sheer dominance. No one else in the history of not only UWF but all of wrestling has been as dominate as me. Sure everyone like Bray Wyatt and Jeff Hardy can come in and win matches but it’s only a matter of time before they fall off the face of the earth. I’ll be more than happy of putting them in their place tonight but I don’t want to hurt them too bad because I’ll have an opportunity to do even more damage a The Great American Bash. Speaking of which.

Dean Ambrose manages to find a poster for the Great American Bash hanging on the wall.

Dean Ambrose: In a little under a month, The Great American Bash will be here and I’ll get to fight the two aforementioned wastes of space, the man I’ve beaten twice now, Ted Dibiase, A whiney Batista and my partner tonight John Cena. Three of them may have made a name for themselves in the WWE, but this is a whole ‘nother ball game. While they may have name value and are instantly granted title shots when they arrive here, I’ve had to fight and claw my way up to the top of the food chain. Now I have my own show to rule over but unfortunately….

Dean grabs the poster for The Great American Bash and drives his foot through it and slams it to the ground and yells.


Dean Ambrose: I’M NOT ON THE GOD DAMN POSTER! What kind of horse shit is this!? Instead it’s given to a man who hides behind a group of wannabes. A man who is delusional and a man who I’ve beaten before. That whole damn group is lucky that I’m on Smackdown but that’s not why I’m mad. It’s not that I’m not on the poster, that’s just me getting warmed up for my match and that’s the closest you’ll get to seeing me freak out but seriously, why does Cody Rhodes deserve to be on the poster? You can keep your poster Cody because I keep winning all my matches and retaining my World Heavyweight Championship unlike you were able to do so.

Dean starts heading back to the locker room but quickly turns around and starts talking in a low mannered voice.

Dean Ambrose: If people think they can undermine me or just pass me over as another transitional champion then they’re wrong. Sure I may have technically lost, but that won’t happen again especially now that I am nearly healed from Backlash. The era of darkness, the era of defiance, the era of Dean Ambrose….is just getting started.




The scene cuts backstage, and all that is seen is a man's face. For those who are hardcore wrestling fans, this face is pretty familiar. It is the face of the wrestler who calls himself Raven.



For several days.. months.. years.. I felt like a wolf. A wolf with rabies, leashed, poisoned, yet a vicious beast.. tied, on a leash, oh, everyone tried to stop the wolf's rage. Suddenly, I felt a need to unleash myself. I felt a need, to reincarnate the demon who always lived in that wolf. The wolf was hungry, everything he could think of was him ruthlessly eating a flesh of any animal in the way, he just simply wanted to taste the blood once again, to feel the taste of raw meat and hear the last cry of a dying animal. Just like the wolf.. I have the same needs. I found myself sitting in corners of dark rooms, alone, with no communication with the world around me, imagining how I break many bones of many people, imagining their blood spraying all around me, all over my face. I found myself imagining them pleading for mercy while they are under my dominance. The time has come, I.. just couldn't stand it anymore, I unleashed the wolf. This is all I wished, all I wanted, and now, I have the opportunity to feed the wolf in me, to ignite the fire, you see. Here am I, on UWF Smackdown. Waiting for a victim, I'm again tied, leashed. 168 hours from now, in exactly 7 days.. I shall be unleashed once more. My mere presence, my mere existence.. will cause a riot. Blood will splatter all over the arenas, people will hear painful cries of their favored performers, I will stand above their bodies, covered in blood of my foes, with a satisfied, demonic smile on my face. I shall show you my dominance when I end the careers of many wrestlers, become the champion, like a gladiator I will be the victor, and leave behind in a lake of blood bodies of my foes, bodies of them all..

Raven puts a sinister smile of a demon on his face and whispers:

Fear me.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first...


"It's Time To Play The Game" by Motorhead can be heard bellowing out of the arena's PA system, immediately signalling for the crowd to burst into cheers for the arrival of The Game, Triple H. The excitement in the arena is evident as everybody wants a glimpse of The King of Kings, and sure enough they get just that. The man of the moment emerges from the back with his hair tied back, multi-coloured lights fixed on his presence, and water bottle in hand, as he steps out to the top of the stage. Triple H stops at the top of the stage, staring down at his feet, while the arena remains drenched in cheers.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first from Greenwich Conn, he is the former Chief Executive Officer, The Game Triple H!


The crowd erupts into boos as the Million Dollar Son Ted Dibiase Jr makes his way out to the ring. He has a huge smile on his face which causes an uproar from the crowd. The man who could bribe anyone with the amount of money he has motions for the one thing he does not have, Championship gold. Dibiase believes he is going to have that as well after tonight. He climbs up the steps and stands on the apron for a moment cleaning it with his boot.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing next, From West Palm Beach Florida, the Million Dollar Son, Ted Dibiase Jr!

Ding Ding Ding!

The bell rings and Hunter wastes no time going after Dibiase looking forward to extracting revenge for the previous week. Triple H swings for the fences with his right hand, but Dibiase ducks it before driving his boot in Hunter’s mid-section. Dibiase unleashes with a big right hand of his own, a second, a third, before whipping Hunter off of the ropes. Dibiase goes for a clothesline that will take Hunter’s head off but the Game ducks it and bounces back at Dibiase and catches the former World Champion with a Harley Race knee. Dibiase falls to the mat as Hunter smiles before picking him up and throwing Dibiase into the corner. Hunter unloads his frustrations on Dibiase with big right hands that look like they would move a mountain. Hunter does his traditional arms out pose to major cheers as Dibiase comes out of the corner. Hunter takes his head off with a vicious clothesline before going for the cover.



Dibiase kicks out!

The super human prowess of the man known as Hunter Hearst Helmsley is incredible Piper, Ted Dibiase I think learned just how powerful with that clothesline there.

The Game is not someone you want to piss off JR, and Dibiase is finding that out the hard way.

Hunter picks up Dibiase and sends him sailing off the ropes where he catches Dibiase on the return with his big arms and locks in a sleeper hold on Dibiase. Dibiase immediately begins shoving shots into Hunter’s chest and manages to struggle out of it and begins going off the ropes, only for Hunter to pick him up and send him to the mat with a Spinebuster! Instead of going for the cover the Game allows his anger to get the better of him as he mounts Dibiase and begins unloading punches onto the Million Dollar Son. After several shots the Game blatantly just begins choking Dibiase which gets the crowd extremely excited. The ref however begins counting to 5 to which Hunter uses until 4 and a half to do maximum damage.

You can see by the look on the face of Hunter he is taking this match very personally Hot Rod.

I never would have guessed that JR, especially with all the damn choking involved.

Hunter brushes the official aside before beginning to undo his knee pad to which the crowd cheers. Several times Hunter has snapped and this appears to be one of them. Triple H has a fire in his eyes that is downright scary as Dibiase is motionless in the ring. Hunter smiles as he comes closer to his prey and jumps up high in the air looking to bring his knee down on Dibiase but finds only canvas as the Million Dollar Son rolls away. Hunter shoots up in agony now as Dibiase begins stalking Hunter before dropping him to the mat with a nasty chop block. The crowd begins to boo as Dibiase gets to his feet with a smile on his face. Hunter is holding his leg in pain as the Million Dollar Son sees a target to go after. He grabs Hunter’s leg, which has been surgically repaired and Dibiase just begins kicking it again and again. After the third time Hunter screams in agony and Dibiase drags Hunter over to the corner of the ring where Dibiase slides outside of the ring before driving Hunter’s leg into the steel turnbuckle.

Good god! When Dibiase sees a weakness he truly goes right after it, Hunter better be careful here Dibiase could wind up destroying Hunter’s leg beyond repair.

Dibiase is a crafty bastard JR. He has the brains of his father and tbh JR, he’s got more talent than his father did. We’ve been witnessing this since the day he got to Smackdown. He was World Champion for 5 minutes.

Dibiase gets back into the ring before grabbing Hunter’s leg and slamming it down into the mat. Dibiase watches Hunter roll around on the ground for a little bit before dropping his fist right into the Game’s face. Dibiase goes for the cover at this point his confidence high.



HHH Kicks out!

Dibiase gets off Hunter a little surprised he got such a short count and begins to wait for HHH to get to his feet. The crowd cheers trying to get Hunter to get to his feet but Hunter’s leg is in rough shape as he gets to his feet. Dibiase grabs Hunter and sets him up in a standing cobra clutch, looking for dream street, but the Game shocks everyone when he nails Dibiase in the gut with an elbow before lifting him up in the air and dropping Dibiase to the mat with a back body drop. The crowd erupts trying to get momentum on Triple H’s side.

What a counter by the Game! He desperately needed that one Piper and now he has the potential to take back the match.

Dibiase got a little too confident there JR and it cost him.

Hunter begins to get to his feet as the crowd cheer him on. He gets to his feet first but Dibiase follows shortly. The crowd give a massive pop as Triple H does the DX crotch chop before kicking Dibiase in the gut. Hunter goes to hook the arms of Dibiase but he spins out of it and counters from a Pedigree into a cobra clutch again. But before he can finish the move Hunter uses his strength and sends Dibiase back first into the ring corner. Dibiase loses his grip and comes out of the corner only for Hunter to grab him and send him to the mat with a running neckbreaker. HHH grabs his leg in pain before making the cover.



Dibiase kicks out!

A nice series of counters there Hot Rod, and again Dibiase regardless of his intentions is impressing us here tonight.

The old Vet HHH is giving Dibiase a run for his money though and maybe there is more to him then just sleeping with Stephanie.

Hunter rolls off of Dibiase and begins using the ropes to climb back to his feet. The pain in his leg clearly showing as Hunter is limping pretty badly. He looks at Dibiase with pure hatred in his eyes as he begins to exit the ring. He gets down on the ring floor and looks underneath the apron where he pulls out to the delight of the crowd his sledgehammer.

JR: Oh no! Triple H is looking to end the Former World Champions career right here and now.

I think Hunter is letting his anger get ahead of him. All Dibiase did was screw HHH out of a match it is not a big deal.

Hunter slides gingerly into the ring looking for vindication still limping slightly as he waits for Dibiase to get to his feet. Hunter is begging Dibiase to get to his feet and finally Dibiase does, but as Hunter goes to strike his leg gives out. Hunter drops his hammer and grabs his leg unable to put any wait on it. Dibiase turns and smiles as he quickly grabs Hunter and brings him down to the mat with dream street.

And it looks like HHH’s leg has finally given out right as he was about to unleash the full fury of that sledgehammer upon Dibiase.

And Dibiase just sent Triple H to the ground and he’s on Dream Street JR.

Dibiase does not however go for the pin. The cocky Dibiase wants to embarrass Hunter and locks HHH in the figure four leg lock. The crowd is at a fever pitch screaming jeers at Dibiase who just keeps the lock applied to the already highly damaged leg of Triple H. Hunter has no choice but to tap out and he does after several seconds.


Here is your winner via Submission Ted Dibiase Jr!

Dibiase gets off of Hunter and smiles as the official raises his arm. HHH is in serious pain as EMT’s and officials begin running to check on him. Dibiase motions for Gold around his waist as he begins heading up the ramp.

This does not look good for Triple H. It looks like Dibiase has taken out another superstar Hot Rod.

First Zach Ryder and now the Game, the other 5 men in that King of the Mountain Match better watch out JR, Dibiase is dangerous.

Triple H is attended to in the ring as Dibiase smiles on top of the ramp as Smackdown heads elsewhere.

Desmond is in his office once again, relaxing with a cup of tea getting ready to watch Ambrose/Hardy when his door comes bursting open startling him. The tea spills on to the ground and Wolfe looks pissed as he turns to see who interrupted him. It is the man known as Jeff Jarrett.

Jeff Jarrett: Nigel did you see what that damn Animal did to me out there? Batista! Not that idiot with the Mo-Hawk. How in the hell am I supposed go out there next week with him and win a shot at those belts. I won't do it Nigel, and if you got a problem with it you can kiss my southern ass.

Desmond's look of anger quickly turns into one of laughter as he begins laughing. He takes off his sunglasses and wipes the tears forming in his eyes. He puts them back on and collects himself.

Jeff Jarrett: What's so funny Slapnuts?

Desmond Wolfe: The way you stormed in here sunshine I thought it was going to be something important. Personally, I could give a rats ass about you or that wanker Batista. The man is called an Animal for a reason. *sigh* I suppose I should tell you though, it turns out Dave will not be able to compete next week when the finals of this tournament take place. That said, I can't very well have you winning alone and going on to take on a Raw team all by yourself now can I cupcake. So why don't you go slap your nuts, and find a partner for next week to replace Dave Batista. Because I guarantee you, weather its Joe and Sting, or beard face and yes lad, they will be prepared.

Jeff Jarrett: You telling me I can pick any partner on the roster I want? Well why the hell didn't you just say so. Maybe you aren't as stupid as those sunglasses make you look. I'll find myself a partner, and you can bet your house, your family, and your life on the fact that old double J and the partner he picks are going to be Tag Team Champions. Wooo!

Jarrett goes running out the door happy as a clam as Desmond Wolfe just shakes his head.

Desmond Wolfe: What do those bloody Americans feed them in the South?

The camera cuts to ringside.


Paul Heyman and The Miz make their way down to the ring, Miz is clearly banged up from his encounter with RVD and then the ladder spot in the Royal Rumble. Heyman and the Miz come down to the ring no nonsense and both get into the ring quickly. Heyman and the Miz both take a mic as the loud mouths prepare to talk; Paul Heyman takes the microphone and begins to talk.


Paul Heyman: LAST WEEK! LAST WEEK! We were screwed, Charles Robinson made the worst call possible in disqualifying my client when I was attempting to stop Rob Van Dam kicking a steel chair into the face of the Miz! Which was in plain sight of the referee but yet my client was the one disqualified, then to cap it all off, Rob Van Dam and his weasel of a manager; Bill Alfonso, would kick me in the face and take the UWF European Championship belt for themselves! Now, Desmond Wolfe, I demand you threaten Rob Van Dam with a suspension if he doesn’t give that belt back!

The fans boo Heyman as he threatens not only the general manager, but Rob Van Dam, now the Miz tries to have his say on the microphone.


The Miz: Really? Is that all you people can do is boo when my manager speaks the truth! My UWF European Championship was taken from me, it was blind robbery, I was robbed of a victory but my championship was stolen from me by Bill Alfonso, it’s MY title and I deserve to have it back! Because I am the Miz and I’m…



The fans suddenly erupt as Miz’s catchphrash is interrupted by RVD’s theme, the fans are going nuts as Rob Van Dam emerges from the backstage, holding the UWF European Championship over one shoulder, Bill Alfonso is blowing his whistle loudly, the fans are loving it as Rob Van Dam stands on the titantron and licks his thumbs and points at himself, with the crowd chanting his name.

Crowd: ROB… VAN… DAM!!!

RVD continues to walk down the entrance ramp confidently as Miz and Paul Heyman act morally outraged as Rob Van Dam slides into the ring and spins on the spot with the UWF European Championship before Bill Alfonso hands Rob Van Dam a microphone, and has one himself, Bill Alfonso continues to whistle like a madman while Rob Van Dam confronts the Miz & Paul Heyman.


Rob Van Dam: Dude! You gotta chill out, this belt, bro, it’s mine; I smoked your ass in the ring at Heatwave, so this championship is now, Rob… Van… Dam’s! And hey, when it comes to the Great American Bash, it’ll become official ‘cause I’m gonna smoke your ass one more time in the Full Metal Mayhem match; don’t hate the players game bro, hate the game because I’m that good.

The pop for Rob Van Dam as he chuckles and shrugs his shoulders as The Miz stares down RVD, Miz slowly lifts up his microphone and responses to RVD.

The Miz: Really? REALLY!? Don’t hate the player? REALLY? –

Rob Van Dam quickly jumps back in and yells into the microphone.

Rob Van Dam: REALLY, MIKE!

The Miz snarls and tilts his head and continues to respond after being interrupted by Rob Van Dam.

The Miz: Don’t interrupt me again, Rob or there will be trouble. Now, instead of being a pathetic stoner, how about you hand me that Championship belt because I am the true Champion and there will be no disqualifications and you have no excuses to win, no more bad officiating and when I pin you at the Great American Bash, this will be over; now hand me, MY CHAMPIONSHIP!

Rob Van Dam chuckles as Paul Heyman and the Miz conferrer with each other as Rob Van Dam and Bill Alfonso chuckle, Fonzy takes the microphone this time.

Bill Alfonso: Wow, hold up Daddy! You lost the match, you got eliminated by the Champion, Mr. Friday Night in the Royal Rumble and you think you can beat him at the Pay-Per-View? You ain’t got a chance daddy against Mr. Pay-Per-View in a match which is right up his street!

Rob Van Dam looks at the UWF European Championship belt and looks back at the Miz as Paul Heyman now takes the microphone once more.

Paul Heyman: Rob Van Dam! You aren’t in ECW anymore; you are now back in UWF, you think you are god’s gift? Don’t make me laugh! My Client will beat you, RVD when it comes down to it because I always look out for my client’s best interests! Do you understand me? You ain’t got a chance in hell of beating me!

Rob Van Dam takes everything in as the Miz is eager to take his UWF European Championship match, RVD slides the belt off his shoulder into his hand; Rob Van Dam chuckles and responds.

Rob Van Dam: You know what, bro? You’re right, you can have this UWF European Championship back, because your time with the belt is numbered… Here, catch!

RVD tosses the belt as the Miz, Miz catches the belt and goes to kiss it but Rob Van Dam suddenly explodes and delivers the Van Daminator with the UWF European Championship! The fans erupt as Paul Heyman can’t believe it, Rob Van Dam quickly grabs the UWF European Championship belt and slams it down onto the unconscious Miz before leaving the ring, as Bill Alfonso joins him, the two begin to back up the entrance ramp, Van Dam is heard saying "Enjoy it because I promise you it will be mine very soon" Van Dam motions for Gold around his waist as Heyman checks on his fallen client seething with rage as UWF Smackdown continues.




Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is your main event of the evening. It is a Wild Deuces Tournament match...


The crowd turn their reaction around booing towards the stage they were just cheering to moments ago, from behind the curtain Damien Sandow appears with Daniel Bryan right next to him, both men look at one another and nod as Sandow raises a finger conducting the music playing while Bryan lifts his hands up shouting out “Yes!â€


Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 453 pounds, the team of Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow.

They both look to take a step forward but Sandow lifts a hand up to pause, he reaches into his robe and pulls out a microphone holding it in his hand as if it were a wine glass raising it to his mouth.

Damien Sandow:

Allow…us to beg your indulgence for one moment, My name is Damien Sandow and my colleague is one Daniel Bryan and we are here to help all of you.

The crowd disapproves as both men begin to slowly make their way down the ramp.

Damien Sandow: Last we saw your intellectual savior and my collaborator for this evening, was on a show entitled Heatwave, a show in which two great tragedies occurred in a single bout. For in our previous bouts Mr. Bryan and I defeated our aged and addled competition soundly, however once we entered the “rumble†we were both unfairly and unjustly eliminated. I sought to impart my wisdom to the unwashed masses; however those in the ring decided to collectively accost my person and jointly eliminate me. While Mr. Bryan was distracted unjustifiably by our miscreant of a general manager, However on this week’s serial we shall be rectifying said bout by defeating the antediluvian Sting and the past his usefulness Mr. Joseph this very evening. I shall be overlooking the fact that both are unworthy competitors, so as to prove to them and to those watching that their eliminations only came because of circumstance not because of superiority. Mr. Bryan Your thoughts?

Sandow hands the microphone over to Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan: My colleague Mr. Sandow couldn't be more correct in his observations. I mean, last week during the rumble, for all intents and purposes it should have been down to Damien and I as the final two but, no. The powers that be on SmackDown decided that our star power is just too much for them to comprehend and that our popularity threatens the very rocky foundation that this show is built on. Damien was wronged, I was wronged and now we are put in this match with our backs seemingly against the wall, or at least that's what our hack of a general manager Nigel thinks but I've got news for him and each and every one of you who think that Sting and Samoa Joe have any kind of fighting chance against athletes of our caliber. You know, a lot of people wouldn't think that Mr. Sandow and I could be allies, friends even, let alone be on the same page but we're a lot alike. Neither of us rots our brains with the mindless dribble that comes on your television screens. We are simply born better than the rest of you.

Bryan hands the microphone back to Sandow before he jumps up on the ring apron staying there, Sandow walks up the steel steps as he lifts the microphone up.

Damien Sandow: That Said we feel it necessary to clear some things up with all of you ignoramuses, therefore it is time for question and answer time with Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow.

Sandow walks across the ring standing next to Bryan on the ring apron as he clears his throat.

Damien Sandow: Will Damien Sandow and Daniel Bryan be freeing the unwashed masses from the chains of ignorance?

Sandow tilts the microphone over to Daniel Bryan so he can speak into it.

Daniel Bryan: Yes!

Damien Sandow: Are we the single most intellectually gifted and talented tag team these… “People†have ever had the honor of witnessing?

Sandow once again tilts the mic to Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan: Yes!

Damien Sandow: Lastly, will Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow be defeating not only the two miscreants in the ring this evening but anyone and everyone else who dare oppose us in our common goal?

Daniel Bryan: YES! YES! YES!

Sandow gets a grin on his face but right as he’s about to drop the mic he stops and lifts it up once more

Damien Sandow: And as always my intellectually deprived masses, we do this not for ourselves...as always we do this for each and every one of you, You’re Welcome.

Sandow drops the microphone as he takes his coat off and hangs the towel around his neck on the turnbuckle, both him and Bryan step into the ring and look at one another. Sandow motions to give Bryan the floor, but Bryan does the same, Sandow says off mic “I insist†as the referee tells them to hurry it up.

JR: I tell you Hot Rod every time I hear this guy talk it feels like nails on a chalkboard.

Piper: Its because he's a jackass JR. You're Welcome!


The music of Samoa Joe begins to play in the arena and the crowd goes wild. The crowd is impatiently waiting for Cornette, Joe, or even the Stinger to come out but no one does. Sandow and Bryan act all innocent in the ring by shrugging their shoulders. After a few more moments Joe's music stops.

JR: Now what the hell is the meaning of this?

Piper: Where's that loud mouth Cornette at? He makes my mouth sound PG JR.

The camera's pan to the back of the arena where a shot is shown of Samoa Joe laid out on the floor. Cornette is with him trying to resurrect his fallen client. The crowd suddenly pop as out of nowhere the Icon Sting arrives and looks dismayed by what he sees.

Sting: Jimmy what the hell happened?

Cornette: Hell if I know Stinger, but I bet you can ask those F***ers in the ring.

Sting: I'm going to go do that Jimmy. See what you can do for Joe.

There is a silent hush in the arena now as Sandow and Bryan look smug in the ring still feigning innocence. Suddenly...

When a man's heart is full of deceit
it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow
falls over his soul.

From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse,
a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator,
someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.

The battle between good and evil has begun.
Against an army of shadows comes the dark warrior,
the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence,
and a mission of justice.

This. Is. Sting.

After a brief moment of silence and darkness, the titantron screen lights up with the entrance video of the "Icon".


Lillian Garcia: Introducing the opponents, first representing the Black and White Machine The Icon Sting!

The crowd goes nuts as the Icon comes out to one of the largest pops of the night. You would never guess he is almost 60 years of age as with his baseball bat in hand makes his way down the ramp. Sandow begins undoing his rope and Bryan takes off his shirt preparing for an immediate fight as Sting gets to the steel steps and begins to walk up them. He gets into the ring and throws off his trenchcoat asking Sandow and Bryan which one took out Joe. Both men just smile again not admitting to the deed. "Ok fine I'll beat it out of you." Sting drops the bat so not to get disqualified and nails Sandow with a right hand as the bell rings.

Ding Ding Ding!

Sting unleashes a right hand on Bryan, then Sandow, then Bryan, then Sandow building up momentum and power with every punch. He grabs both men and smashes their heads together like Hogan did years ago. Both men fall to the mat but get back up quickly as Sting grabs Sandow and sends him whipping into one corner, he then grabs Bryan and whips him into the opposite corner. Sting lets out a loud WOO as he rushes Sandow and connects with a Stinger Splash. Sting turns his attention to Bryan in the opposite corner now and Woo’s again, the crowd is on their feet early in this main event as Sting explodes onto Bryan with a Stinger Splash. Sting pounds his chest like a gorilla as the fans give a loud ovation for his efforts.

This Dallas crowd absolutely loves the Stinger Hot Rod as he’s come out here on fire in what can only be called a handicap match.

Sting shouldn’t waste time taunting he needs to put this match away fast or else the numbers game will catch up to him.

Sting heads over to Bryan and grabs him setting him up in a reverse DDT position looking for the Scorpion Death Drop, but before he can do it Sandow comes up behind him and sends his elbow into the back of the Stingers head. Sting is forced to let go of Bryan and Sandow unleashes with big right hands that sends Sting to his knees. Bryan now gets into the act by kicking Sting right in the face. Sting goes down on the mat and Your Enlightened Saviors or Y.E.S. for short begin stomping away at the Stinger like two vultures fighting over a dead carcass. The crowd boos as Sting is all alone against both men. Bryan asks for Sandow to pick Sting up and hold him. Sandow obliges picking up Sting and holding him with his arms behind his back. Bryan nails Sting with a right hand in the face screaming YES! You’re Welcome! Sandow says as Bryan nails Sting in the stomach screaming Yes! You’re Welcome! A kick to the gut, Yes! You’re welcome. Bryan then slaps Sting screaming Yes, to which Sandow then sends Sting into the mat bringing him down with a Russian legsweep. Sandown brushes himself off and says You’re welcome, before turning to Bryan and shaking his hand to major heat from the crowd.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a gentleman in the ring before. That was one of the coolest and weirdest things I’ve ever seen. What do you think they call that move, JR?

I don’t know but it sure is annoying, but I think that is what they were going for.

Sandow motions for Bryan to go ahead and Bryan goes after the Icon who is rolling around on the mat in pain. Bryan lifts Sting up and nails him with a European Uppercut that sends the Icon into the corner of the ring. Bryan grabs Sting and sends him to the mat with a snapmare. Bryan holds Sting up in a seated position as Sandow comes into the picture kicking Sting in the chest much like Bryan did earlier. Instead of going for the cover Bryan and Sandow huddle up in the ring to jeers from the crowd.

Well aren’t these idiots full of it. This isn’t a football game why the hell are you huddling.

Sandow and Bryan seem to be taking their time, maybe underestimating the Icon I wouldn’t want to do that Hot Rod.

Bryan and Sandow are so busy huddling they don’t see Sting get to his feet, Bryan turns around and sees it his eyes are wide as he turns towards the Stinger, but Sting nails Bryan with a right hand. Sandow comes rushing after him, but Sting grabs Sandow by the head and using his opponent’s momentum sends him sailing over the top rope. Sandow hits the ground hard as the Stinger smiles a little before turning his attention back to Bryan who is getting to his feet. Sting tells Bryan to bring it and Bryan attempts to kick the Icon but Sting catches his leg. Sting then uses his veteran knowledge to sweep out Bryan’s other leg and Bryan goes crashing into the mat. Sting is still holding Bryan’s leg however and gives out a loud woo, the crowd erupt to their feet when they realize what the Icon is doing as he places himself and Bryan into the Scorpion Death Lock!

My god how the tables have turned! The Icon has the American Dragon in the Scorpion Death Lock, legends have fallen to this move Piper.

Bryan is in a bad way now as Sandow is still down here in front of us. Say Yes now you bastard!

Bryan is in serious pain, as Sting has appeared to have transformed himself into the insane icon, his tongue sticking out a large smile on his face. The crowd loves it as Sting continues to apply pressure in the Scorpion. Bryan begins turning red from the struggle he is having trying to get to the ropes. Bryan gets within 2 inches of the ropes only for Sting to let go a little of the pressure and bring Bryan back into the center of the ring. Bryan can’t believe it as he screams in pain as he begins to lift his hand up in the air looking like he is going to tap out, but before he can Sandow comes into the ring and boots Sting in the side of the face. The crowd are clearly upset Sting was not able to win it there.

JR: Sandow coming out of nowhere and saving his team’s chances here and boy was that close. It looked like Bryan was going to tap out.

How embarrassing for them if they both lost to a 60 year old man HA!

Sandow mounts Sting immediately before beginning to punch him again and again as Bryan struggles to his feet holding his back in pain. Sandow finishes his barrage on Sting and turns to his partner asking if he is alright. Bryan shakes his head before telling Sandow to pick Sting up. Sandow nods his head as Bryan reaches into his ring gear and pulls out the brass knuckles he’s had for the past few weeks. The crowd boos some as it looks like Bryan is going nail Sting with them. Sandow picks him up and like earlier holds Sting with his arms behind his back. Bryan prepares to unleash on Sandow when…



The General Manager makes his way out to the ring dressed in a workout suit much like he did in the rumble match. Wolfe looks confident as he pauses at the top of the ramp and surveys the chaos in the ring. He really hates these two guys in the ring. Bryan sees him and he immediately forgets about Sting and begs Wolfe to get into the ring. Sandow tosses Sting to the floor as he stands between the two men not sure what to make of this situation. Wolfe gets to the bottom of the entrance ramp and says “you coming sunshine or are you going to make me wait all day?†Bryan immediately hops out of the ring hoping to get some revenge on Wolfe. Wolfe begins walking backwards up the ramp as Bryan gets to the ring floor. Bryan keeps following as Wolfe as Wolfe gets up to the top of the ramp before finally exiting behind the curtain. Bryan gets to the top of the ramp ready to pursue when…


The music of Samoa Joe hits the arena and Bryan’s eyes get huge as the Samoan Submission Machine comes out from the back looking extremely pissed off.

My god its Joe! He’s back!

Oh man is he going to kill Daniel Bryan.

Everyone is so focused on what is going on at the ramp no one sees Sting come up behind Sandow and roll him up for the cover. The ref turns around and begins the count.



3.. NO!

Sandow gets up with a bewildered look on his face. He can’t believe he was almost fooled by Sting. Sandow gets up and attempts to clothesline the Stinger, but Sting ducks it and nails Sandow with a knife edge chop. Sting nails him with a second and sends Sandow over the top rope with a clothesline. Meanwhile Joe is walking Bryan down the ring and behind Joe is Wolfe watching from the top of the ramp. Bryan sees Sting waiting for him in the ring as Joe begins coming at him from the front. Bryan is trapped and decides to get onto the ring apron. Things do not look good for Bryan not as the tables are turned. Sting finally decides to act grabbing Bryan and tossing him hard into the ring. Joe slides into the ring as Wolfe begins making his way down the ramp. Bryan gets to his feet stuck between both Joe and Sting.

I think this is the last place Daniel Bryan wants to be, stuck between Samoa Joe and Sting.

They say turnabout is fair play Hot Rod, and it looks to me the tables have indeed turned here.

Bryan is indeed in trouble when Sandow comes into the ring looking to make the save for his partner, but Joe nails him with a chop that sends him crashing to the mat. Bryan uses the moment to escape the ring but it leaves Sandow alone against both men, Sting grabs Sandow and brings him down to the mat with a snapmare driver, as Joe bounces off the ropes and connects on Sandow with a diving big boot. The crowd pops as Sting makes the cover.

1…Bryan tries to get into the ring but Wolfe grabs him stopping him from getting into the ring.




Here are your winners and advancing in the Wild Deuces Tournament: Samoa Joe and Sting, The Black and White Machine!

Wolfe lets go of Bryan who immediately falls to the ring floor unable to believe he’s lost. Wolfe begins walking into the ring as Sting and Joe take turns celebrating in the ring.

Sting and Samoa Joe are going to be advancing to the Finals next week to take on Double J and a partner of his choice.

You have to give a big assist to Desmond Wolfe, cause without him this match would have ended with Sting being on a stretcher.

The Smackdown then he's to a pretaped Segment from a recent UWF house show.

Previously taped at a house show this weekend...


'Broken Out In Love' hits the PA system and from the back walks Bray Wyatt and Cousin Eli. The lights dim and form a spotlight focusing on Wyatt standing, his arms stretched at his sides forming a crucifixion like pose. Bray Wyatt stands like this for what seems an eternity before he raises his head and pulls from inside his shirt a microphone. He begins to speak as he walks down the ramp towards the ring where his tag team partner and opponent stand with gazing eyes.


Bray Wyatt: Y'all would like to see that wouldn't you?. You would all love to see Bray Wyatt crucified just like our lord and saviour Jesus Christ himself. You'd like that. Y'all want to see me gone. Forever. But even if I was nailed to the cross, and vinegar was poured on my wounds... I would return. Like Jesus of Nazareth, I would rise 44 days and 44 nights later and return to this world a livin' martyr for my cause and people would believe me then when I said I was divine. People would write about me. Non-believers would be made believers and they all would know who Bray Wyatt is... what Bray Wyatt is and what Bray Wyatt did for all of them. Yet... I refuse to be crucified like Jesus. I am not like him. I am nowhere near him at all, and I am aware that I am something more. But still the same. You see the holy son, Jesus Christ, he was accused of practising some sort of magic... he was a blasphemer... he threatened this world and his non-believers in Jerusalem, namely Pontius Pilate, well he had him killed outside the walls of Calvary. Is that what y'all want to do to Bray Wyatt?... well I truly am disappointed to let y'all know that while Jesus Christ died for your sins... Bray Wyatt will never die, and Bray Wyatt is forever. And if you listen... listen closely, you will know that I am the lord. The lord of my own world, all I see and all I perceive and that my holy ghost sees all of you and places great emphasis on one man and one item which he possesses... the Holy Grail... the World Heavyweight Championship.

Bray Wyatt enters the ring, the lights come back on to a normal level and Wyatt talks further.

Mister Ambrose, Mister Dean Ambrose, the World Champion. High and mighty. You might see yerself as a king around these parts and I'd imagine I'd do the same if I weren't so divine and focused on spreadin' love and forgiveness. Love and forgiveness... Love and forgiveness play an important part in your life story don't they Dean. They've effected you in different ways, extreme ways. You were shown no love. Your mother fell victim to the devil's plants... your dad was made pay for crimes he commited... and you grew up homeless. You're a torn person. But you have been forgiven!... life has forgiven you Dean. You used to be a bad person, and maybe you still are, I don't know, I am many things but a psychic I do not claim to be. But you have been forgiven for your mistakes, the mistakes of your parents and you have been given a lease on life... you've been given the World Heavyweight Championship, you made the journey from Pauper to Prince. From homeless to high and mighty. But your journey to eternity is in jeaopardy my friend. And I am your friend. Because your World title is somethin' which Bray Wyatt desires. And also somethin' that Jeff Hardy desires. And the same goes for your own tag team partner John Cena.

Bray Wyatt is getting some strong heat from the crowd, he continues unwavered.

You can trust me Jeffrey, I am your friend. I'm everbodies friend so long as they trust in me, believe me and believe in me. And Jeff the funny thing is, we got a whole lot in common. A whole lot more than many would think. We're both our own men. We do what we want and we have our motives. We both want the Heavyweight title, and we both beat John Cena. Well Jeff, at the Great American Bash, we ain't gonna be the best of friends but you know that friendship and love can come in complex shapes and sizes, and my warmth is no different. But this week we must beat our opponents. And we will. We've both beaten Cena before, he ain't much to write home about, and he sure as hell ain't got a chance teamin' with a loose canon like Ambrose. So what we do is walk on down to the ring and show them what bein' 'enigmas' is all about. We can condem our opponents to hell this week... and make sure they stay there at the Bash... but at the Bash... you might just have to join them. There's only enough room for one King on this roster. And I ain't it. I'm much more than just a king, I am divine, I am the bringer of light, the ANGEL IN THE DIRT... and I am your brother... I am everybody's brother... but brother?... sometime's they don't get along too good.

Bray laughs to himself.

But we gon' get along good enough to make sure that belt get's loosened just a little notch... 'cos it's gon' be mine at the end of this month, boy... because man, gold's just got a crazy, wierd way of findin' itself around divinity. And I am truly divine.

Bray Wyatt drops the microphone and does his crucifix pose once more.

We cut to ringside on Smackdown.

Piper: After hearing that I'm mighty sad the storm cost us the tag match later tonight.

JR: What can you do partner. I'm sure Bray Wyatt will be back next week.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is now scheduled as a singles match. Introducing first...



The tron shows Jeff Hardy, and sure enough, the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling stands atop of the ramp, not his once usual self of pandering to the adoring fans, but instead with a purpose, cold and still. After pausing a moment, he walks down the ramp towards the ring. This clearly is not your everyday Jeff Hardy as instead of pandering to the crowd he merely crotches down in the corner and waits.

Lillian Garcia: From Cameron North Carolina, he is the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling, Jeff Hardy!


The crowd goes absolutely nuts for the 2 time World Heavyweight Champion as he comes out prepared for his match. Once again the champion shows he is not afraid of pain as he slaps himself across the face before he makes his way down to the ring exchanging high fives with the crowd. He slides into the ring and unlatches the title belt around his waist before leaning on the ropes and holding it up for the crowd to see.

Lillian Garcia: From Cinncinatti Ohio, weighing in at 243 lbs, he is the NEW UWF World Heavyweight Champion. DEAN AMBROSE!!!


The bell rings as Ambrose goes straight after Hardy looking to tie things up but Hardy has his hand on the ropes forcing the official to step in and stop the Champions advances. The crowd gives Hardy some jeers again as the two begin circling each other in the ring a second time and again as Ambrose begins to lunge Hardy grabs the rope in a defensive manner. The ref again is forced to get in between Ambrose and Hardy, but this time the champion just shoves the official aside, which is what the Anti-Christ was hoping for as he pokes the champion in the eyes. Ambrose lets out a grunt as Hardy capitalizes by driving big right hands in Ambrose’s face, the third of which knocks him down to the mat. Ambrose gets up as he is a fighting champion only to be knocked down again by the Anti-Christ who hits him with a clothesline. Hardy is feeling it now as he wipes his long hair out of his face and picks up Ambrose before slamming him to the mat with a scoop slam. The crowd boos loudly as Hardy picks up the champion again and this time body slams him onto the mat before going for the cover.



Ambrose kicks out!

The thing that bothers me about Hardy JR, is that he refuses to use that high octane offense he used to have. I mean wouldn’t you want to use your strongest trait instead of pretending to be a piss poor Undertaker.

I won’t even hazard a guess as to what goes on in the mind of one Jeffery Hardy as I am sure it isn’t quite right Piper.

Hardy lifts Ambrose up to his feet before kicking Ambrose in the gut before whipping Ambrose hard into the corner. Ambrose sits there for a minute as Hardy goes to attack, but the World Champion gets an elbow up and into the face of Hardy. Hardy tries again and this time Ambrose hits him with an elbow to the side of the temple. The crowd cheers as Hardy falls back and Ambrose takes the offensive delivering sharp kicks now to the legs and ribs of Hardy. Hardy is in serious trouble as Ambrose kicks him in the knee which forces the Anti-Christ to his knees, Ambrose bounces off the ropes and with full momentum delivers a nasty dropkick right into the jaw and face of Hardy. The crowd pops as Ambrose goes for his first cover in the match up.



Hardy kicks out.

The match is indeed back and forth so far in the early going as Ambrose lifts Hardy to his feet and attempts to hook him into a vertical suplex, but the Anti-Christ blocks it with his leg, Ambrose brings down his arms onto the back of Hardy before changing the vertical into a snap suplex. Ambrose grabs his back as he landed funny on it but it doesn’t stop him from going for a second cover.



Hardy kicks out!

It is weird to believe that these two men are going to be facing each other in a King of the Mountain Match at the Great American Bash Hot Rod.

This match almost feels like a World Title Match JR, let’s hope Ambrose doesn’t blow it like he did last week.

Ambrose gets to his feet as Hardy gets to all fours before the Champion runs at one of his challengers at the Bash and unloads on him with a sharp kick right into the ribs. The Champion smiles as the crowd loves it as Hardy is clearly in pain. Hardy holding his ribs gets to his feet gingerly only to be immediately dropped to the mat with a bulldog. Ambrose pounds his chest now beginning to feel the momentum building as he begins bouncing up and down in the ring. Hardy gets to his feet and Ambrose goes for the Knee Trembler, but Hardy moves out of the way. Ambrose is stunned by this long enough for Hardy to wrap his arm around Ambrose’s neck and drive him down to the mat in a variation of a clothesline. The impact leaves both men on the ground.

Hardy needed that counter desperately and I find myself surprised that the champion couldn’t put the match away.

Weren’t you telling me earlier about a personal problem where you couldn’t put it away. Ha!

Both men stagger and stumble back to their feet, Hardy unleashes a nasty right hand into Ambrose’s forehead. The crowd boos. Ambrose answers back with a right of his own. The crowd cheers. Hardy hits a punch, Boo. Ambrose responds with one of his own. Cheer! Boo, Cheer, Boo, Cheer, until finally Hardy goes low and kicks Ambrose in the mid-section. Ambrose hunches over and Hardy grabs him throwing him shoulder first into the steel ring post. Hardy waits patiently for Ambrose to get to his feet and he does holding his shoulder, Ambrose turns and attempts to punch Hardy, but the charismatic enigma ducks it only to grab Ambrose and drop him with a sitout jawbreaker. Ambrose stays on his feet but goes flailing into the ropes only to come back at Hardy who catches him and sends him crashing to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Hardy goes for the cover.



3.. NO!

Hardy smiles as he picks up Ambrose and sends him whipping into the corner. Ambrose is beaten down and just sits there as Hardy takes refuge in the opposite corner. Hardy suddenly begins sprinting across the ring and hits Ambrose with a nasty splash. The Champion is resilient however and does not go down he remains on his feet even though unable to walk straight. Hardy wants to end the match and goes to kick the Champion in the gut in preparation of his Twist of Hate, but Ambrose catches the leg to Hardy’s shock. Ambrose uses all of his strength to throw Hardy’s leg away, but the momentum allows Hardy to stop facing Ambrose. Hardy nails Ambrose with a nasty right first before sending him to the mat with a headlock takedown. The Champion is in a seated position as Hardy bounces off the ropes and comes back delivering a mule kick right into Ambrose’s face. The crowd oohs and jeers as Hardy goes for the cover.



3.. NO!

And the Champion again proving his resourcefulness to find a way to kick out of anything by taking that barrage of Hardy and still managing to get a shoulder up.

I’m impressed JR, but last week it failed Ambrose and it may just do that for a second time here tonight.

Hardy gets to his feet and waits for the injured Ambrose to get to his feet, Ambrose is slow, very slow to get to his feet but finally manages. Hardy immediately rushes Ambrose but Ambrose uses Hardy’s momentum to send him crashing into the corner. Hardy is hurting as Ambrose wraps his arms around Hardy from behind and drives him to the mat with a German Suplex. The crowd cheers wildly at the counter but Ambrose is hurting, as is Hardy and both men remain on the ground. The official begins counting to 10. After 3 seconds both competitors begin to respond and by 5 are at the ropes and climbing to their feet, by 9 they are both up and ready to go. It is Hardy who spins Ambrose around and attempts a right hand, but Ambrose blocks it. Ambrose kicks Hardy in the gut before grabbing Hardy around the head and shocks everyone when he performs the Twist of Hate. The crowd pops wildly as Ambrose goes for the cover.



3… NO!
Ambrose almost stole this match, with his opponent’s finishing maneuver their Hot Rod.

Imagine how embarrassing that would be for Julie Hardy.

Ambrose gets off of Hardy and gets back to his feet and stretches out his arm and cracks his knuckle as he waits for Hardy to move. After several long seconds he does start crawling before arriving at the ropes and using them to get to his feet. Ambrose rushes Hardy but Hardy catches him in a spinning side slam also known as one of Ambrose’s finishing moves known as the Moxicity. Hardy immediately falls on top of Ambrose. The crowd booing.



3… NO!

Ambrose gets the shoulder up an Hardy sits up grabbing his hair in frustration. The Champion is unbelievably sturdy as again he is proving how much pain it takes to take him down. Hardy screams with hate allowing it to soak into him and give him some sort of magical power maybe. Hardy looks almost possessed as he picks up Ambrose and sets him up for the Twist of Hate but as he spins Ambrose shoves him hard and Hardy goes into the ropes, except they aren’t there they’ve been bent down and Hardy goes flying over and to the floor. The camera takes a look at the scene and who is standing there but Ted Dibiase Jr. The crowd begins booing immediately.

What the hell is Ted Dibiase doing down here? Hasn’t he done enough damage after what he did to Triple H earlier in the evening?

Man am I really getting tired of seeing this guy JR.

Dibiase climbs into the ring looking to take down Ambrose but the Champion begins fighting back with big right hands. He sends Dibiase to the mat with a big clothesline that gets the fans cheering. The cheers quickly fade however as the official calls for the bell.

As a result of Outside Interference this Match has been determined a No Contest!

Ambrose turns his attention to the official and begins asking why. The official begins explaining what happened when suddenly his face turns white. Ambrose turns around to see what he was looking at and finds the Animal Batista standing behind him. Batista with absolutely no effort whatsoever lifts Ambrose into the air and sends him crashing down to the mat with a spinebuster. The crowd boos loudly as Batista just screams in a rage. Dibiase has managed to get to his feet and Batista runs full tilt at Dibiase and manages to spear him almost into two. Hardy slides into the ring now and nails Batista with a right hand, but it doesn’t faze the Animal who appears to be in another zone right now. Hardy nails Batista with a third right hand and Batista responds with a clothesline that takes Hardy’s head off. Batista picks up Hardy who is out on his feet and crushes his spine to the mat with a Spinebuster.

Good Lord, the Animal is destroying 3 of his opponents at the Bash, the ring is starting to look like a train wreck.

I’ve never seen such inhuman strength JR, I think his chances of winning at the Bash just sky-rocketed.

Dibiase has somehow managed to get to his feet and the Animal as if doing something simple like getting groceries lifts him up and connects with a third spinebuster. Batista like a wild animal begins shaking the ropes violently to monster heat from the crowd before turning around and looking for his next victim. He decides it is going to be the Champion as he brings him to his feet and places him between his legs before lifting him high up into the air before crashing him to the mat with a Batista Bomb. Batista throws Ambrose aside as he heads over and yells at the timekeeper to bring him the World title. Afraid for his life the timekeeper does so.

People have seemed to forget about Batista as he won his spot at Starrcade, but after this I highly doubt we will be forgetting about him now.

I wonder what Cena and Wyatt are thinking watching at home, could the Bash truly be the night of the Animal!


The Animal wraps the World Title around his waist before climbing up to the top turnbuckle and pointing to himself, telling the Dallas crowd he is the next World Champion. The crowd jeer him as Smackdown comes to a finish.

Staff Roll:
RVD/ Miz, Putting the Show together & Jarrett/Batista - EoR

EoR Note: TTing was absolutely fucking shocking compared to last weeks, I mean c'mon guys! Idaf if you guys are wasted, or wanting to switch characters, you TT for your match regardless... We're setting a deadline for Thursday and don't leave it till the last minute. I got nothing else to say this week aside from SBS busted his ass for you guys.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown 06/29/2012

Good show. I know I was poor with TTing but I did TT and I informed SBS on Tuesday I was having family issues which he was fine with. Can't wait for the preview of the next show.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Smackdown 06/29/2012

Good save guys! A squash by any other name..lol. Look forward to who me and Andrew get to squash next! :BD3:


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Smackdown 06/29/2012

Andrew ain't around next week :p! He beat you up after the match!!!

You got Me and Dresden ;)!... And who ever your mystery partner is :p!


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Re: UWF Smackdown 06/29/2012

Good show especially considering the TT. I like how you guys worked around everything instead of squashing the talent. Nice to see Sting and Joe get the win but I really liked how Sandow and Bryan worked together so well. The Rob Van Dam and Miz feud seems to be coming together nicely. I like how Andrew was made to look dominant as it really gives the sense that everyone is making an impact to make sure they win the World Heavyweight Championship.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Smackdown 06/29/2012

Andrew ain't around next week :p! He beat you up after the match!!!

You got Me and Dresden ;)!... And who ever your mystery partner is :p!

HA! Ya miss one paragraph and it makes all the difference. Oh, well, Pay backs a bitch! And bring on the new tag! I'll be watching my back a little closer this week!
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