UWF 2012: Past Smackdown Shows & Cards

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Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th Edition

Another excellent show. Very promo heavy but good promos all around. NWO continues to show up on Smackdown. I'm still really loving the dynamic between JR and Piper. I haven't had the time to read the TT for everyone match but I'll get around to it tonight or tomorrow. Thanks CWalker for helping out. Can't wait for Starrcade!


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Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th Edition

Great show overall. I already spoke to Rey and apologized bout not being able to get a second TT up. Today was my first day I could write cause of work, and I wasn't going to put one up right before deadline cause I'm not that kind of guy.


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Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th Edition

That promo between Christian & Cena was written before last week's show, and after what was said between Rhodes & Long on Raw, looks like both Christian & Orton have fines coming their way for "violating their Raw contracts" :p

Great show guys, really enjoyed the read. The brawl at the end was an awesome way to hype up the WHC match at Starrcade, and it was actually a lengthy brawl which is great to see. I also liked the ways in which Sandow's character was furthered with that promo, refusing to compete, but being forced to by Wolfe, as well as the NWO attack playing a part in Cena's loss. It all told a great story.

The shock of the night had to be DiBiase beating Sting. Well done Prod, fantastic job! Roll on Smackdown!

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th Edition

So much epicness on this show!

I loved the flow of the show a lot and the ending I'm a bit partial too for obvious reasons. Burnout and I have torn it up in the UWF and became the men around here. At Starrcade, we see just who truly is the man.


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Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th Edition

Yea Piper better watch his mouth before he's in line for some Sweet Chin Music :D


Apr 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th Edition

Loved the show, it was awesome, I'm sorry, I didn't put in my promo, but I was really busy this week and I was happy I could have TTd for my PPV match. Show was great, matches were awesome and I can't wait for next week so as for Starrcade.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th Edition

What an excellent show, blue crew. The matches were of great quality, as well as the segments and everything flowed together perfectly as Starrcade is finally here. The ending segment had me glued to the screen the whole read - I know the World Heavyweight Championship match is defiantly going to be a classic.


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Re: UWF Thursday Night Smackdown June 14th Edition

Can't wait for Jeff Hardy to become more involved in storylines over here on the blue show, this is a great read. Prod picking up the win was good to see. And Sandow is beastly. But we all knew he would be.


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UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

Summertime has come at last!
With it comes pools, beaches, and fun.
But before the Bash can begin,
we must all first survive the...


June 22nd 2012


The Pyros go off and UWF Heatwave is underway live from Phoenix Arizona. The crowd is hot as they are real excited to be attending history. Signs of superstars parade the audience as a UWF chant is heard flowing throughout the arena. The set is as usual the Fist popping out of the stage but the lights are orange and red signaling the difference between its usual friday decorum. The fans reach a fever pitch as we are taken to the announcer's table to begin the show, at the table are two legends of the Wrestling Businees, Jim "JR" Ross and The Hot Rod Roddy Rowdy Piper.


Jim Ross: Hello everyone and good evening from Phoenix Arizona, where the blue brand is making UWF history once again by bringing you a very special three hour supershow. I'm Jim Ross alongside me as always is Hot Rod Roddy Piper and folks I could not ask for a better seat in the house tonight than right where I am sitting.

Piper: Our show tonight is going to make that tuesday brand look like TNA JR. Ha! But in all seriousness what a night. At Starrcade we crowned two new champions here on the Blue Brand and both men will be defending them here tonight. But you want to know what has me really hot under the collar tonight JR.

JR: What's that partner?

Piper: We're Blastoise!? Really? We're a freaking turtle? What the fuck is that all about? So Smackdown is represented by a slow fat animal. Is he a relative of yours JR?

JR: Sometimes I wonder about you Hot Rod. Anyhow tonight not only do we have two championship matches, but General Manger Desmond Wolfe at Starrcade announced the World Title would be decided in a Scramble Match at The Great American Bash. Tonight we are guaranteed at least one extra challenger to join Batista and the Champion in that match in a 15 man Royal Rumble.

Piper: Whoever came up with the idea for a Royal Rumble right after a Pay Per View has to be nuts JR.

JR: Maybe but there can be no doubt that the craziness of whoever's idea it was will = ratings for us Hot Rod. And what a better way to start out tonight's card than with the new Worlds Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose!

The camera's turn to the ring where everyone awaits the arrival of the first superstar.

Silence in the yard...
Doberman's asleep.

You'll ever have to lay your head down here,
Watch them disappear...

The fans erupt as Heatwave kicks off with Kasabian's Doberman which means one thing and one thing only, that the Smackdown General Manager is coming out to make his present known, the fans are on their feet as General Manager walks out from the backstage area.


Desmond Wolfe licks his lips and chuckles as he marches down the entrance ramp, Wolfe doesn't flip his two birdies instead he climbs up the ring-steps and climbs into the ring, Wolfe looks around, his eyes hidden by the shades, Wolfe is handed a microphone by a ring, Wolfe clears his throat but before he speak up but the fans are going absolute nuts, Desmond Wolfe raises his hand to usher them down before finally speaking.


Desmond Wolfe: Shush shush... I got a lot to get through 'ere and a short amount of time to get it done in, so let's get this started. First of all, who 'ere has saw the spankin' encounter between Dean Ambrose and that muppet, Daniel Bryan?? Hell, I couldn't believe it but those two lads put it all the line that belt, and woulda thought they was stuck in undercard hell, nevertheless I want to reinenforce the pressing matter of Daniel Bryan getting another chance, well I ain't got a problem earning that chance but I ain't handing it to him willy nilly, he gonna have'ta work for it! Ya hear me Daniel Bryan, no more cryin' me a river, get out there and live up to ya old namesake or to me, you ain't nothin' but a hasbeen!

Some fans cheer wildly but some boo Desmond Wolfe's opinion but Desmond Wolfe just ignores them as he continues.

Desmond Wolfe: Secondly, there has be quite a few signing by me this week on Smackdown but only two of them will be making it on the card tonight, and quite frankly, I'm looking foward to it, 'cause I've decided to book a Gutcheck Match! That's right, if that rookie, Derrick Bateman wants to be on me show, he's gonna prove himself to me, and everyone else and if he can defeat the debuting Samoa Joe tonight, then sunshine, you'll have earn a spot in that Royal Rumble match, later tonight! Good luck Kiddo, yer gonna need it 'cause as the old fans of Ring of Honor used to say, "Joe's gonna kill you!" ah-ha, never the less, I still got more business to attend to.

The fans pop and a lot of them begin to chant "Joe's gonna kill you!" while the others show their support for the new rookie of Derrick Bateman.

Desmond Wolfe: Now onto tonight luck hopefuls. Ya see, there's been a few rumors going around 'ere that there's more than one space open for this "scramble match" well I say bollocks to that 'cause I ain't giving anything away about what the match is, however I put it this way sunshines, there will be random number one contendership match which will be decided by a roulette on the titantron but I ain't gonna get that start just yet, I figured I'd let y'all sweat a bit but I am certainly gonna watch me talent closely tonight before deciding on the match type or how many people will actually be in it, but let me say this, the Royal Rumble winner, The Number One Contendership winner and Batista are guaranteed title match, do I make myself clear?

The fans pop wildly at the prospect of a mysterious title match for Great American Bash but also, a random contendership match, Wolfe clears his throat as he looks over at the titantron and points at it.


Desmond Wolfe: Now, get that roulette going sunshine!


The video ends with John Cena versus Jeff Hardy becomes the number one contendership match, Wolfe chuckles as he finishes off his segment.

Desmond Wolfe: Well congratulations to Jeff Hardy and John Cena for their match becoming the number one contenders match, now wankers, listen up, after the Royal Rumble match, seeing as that little video went without a hitch, there will be lottery between all the remaining members of the roster to see if they can earn that possible final spot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Great American Bash, but enough of me chit-chat... It's time to see which of you guys are in it, to win it!

Wolfe theme hit's the PA system as Desmond Wolfe marches out of the ring up the entrance ramp to a standing ovation as UWF Heatwave get's ready to take you elsewhere in the arena.

It is a beautiful day in San Diego and Rey Mysterio is shown outside


Rey Mysterio: Hola amigos.... it is I UWF's residential super hero, the master of the 619 Rey Mysterio. As you can see it is a beautiful day out here in San Diego, so far there has not been much trouble brewing, as it has been quiet.

Suddenly a alarm goes off in Rey's house, there is trouble and Rey senses it. Rey goes inside running past his wife as Angie has a question

Angie: Oh Rey there you are I have a question... which tile scene you think matches the walls I was thinking of...

Rey cuts her off

Rey Mysterio: Sorry honey, if you do not know the 619 alarm just went off, and I must find out the trouble that is being caused here in San Diego, I will get back to you later love you.

Rey kisses her on the cheek as Angie rolls her eyes at Rey and Rey goes down to the 619 computer, Rey goes and see where the trouble is being located at. The trouble seems to be somewhere near Rey's house at a local park.. Rey goes to his closet and puts on his cape with utility belt, he gets on the west coast chopper and music starts to play in the background Rey gets to the scene and sees an officer with a little girl, Rey gets off a chopper. Rey begins to speak

Rey Mysterio: Officer what seems to be the problem.

Officer: Oh Rey Mysterio thank god you're here. This girl seems to be a problem.

Rey Mysterio: Whats the matter little amiga?

Girl: My cat it is up in the tree.

Rey looks up as he spots the cat up in the tree, Rey goes and he smiles and pats her on the head. Rey begins to climb the tree slowly but steady. Rey is at the point where this is life or death for him. The cat is worried as Rey is on the small bark reaching for it inch by inch, The cop and girl are in awe seeing the mask hero trying to save the poor little cat. Rey goes and he manages to get his hand on the little cat. Rey goes and puts a thumbs up in the air. Suddenly the branch breaks and Rey holds the cat close to his body as he is falling. The little girl closes her eyes as the cop holds on to her. Suddenly Rey rolls and he tucks the cat close to his body, both Rey and the cat are okay Rey walks up to the girl and gives the cat to her.

Rey Mysterio: Here you go little one.

Girl:Kitty, thanks Rey!

Officer: Thank you Rey, how can we ever repay you?

Rey Mysterio: Oh it is nothing... just doing my job

*beep beep* The 619 beeper goes off and Rey looks at it

Officer: What is the matter Rey?

Rey Mysterio: Turns out there is an evil seed at my other job, and it my time to purify him. It is time for him to see the happiness that you can bring to people. As I am the mask of truth, the righteousness of the west coast, and the 619 of hope. Now if you excuse me, I got to be a hero somewhere else alas.

Rey pulls his cape in a weird fashion as he goes and jumps on the west coast chopper. Rey goes and rides off in the sunset as the girl and Officer wave off as the scene go to black


The crowd goes nuts as "One of a Kind" hits the PA system as the brand new Mr. Friday Night comes out to huge a decent pop. Van Dam is clearly excited as he does his traditional R... V... D... at the top of the ramp. Van Dam than sprints down to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope and getting up spinning around in the ring. Van Dam gets up to the turnbuckle and goes R... V... D... one more time before beginning to strecth for his match.


The crowd boos heavily as the duo of The Miz and Paul Heyman come out from behind the curtains. The two heads straight for the ring without even listening to the hatred the fans are pouring on them. As The Miz heads inside the ring, he heads to the closest corner and climbs the middle turnbuckle and holds his arms in a cocky way in the air while Paul Heyman takes his place at ringside.


*Ding Ding Ding*

RVD and Miz stare at each other across the ring as Paul Heyman is going ballistic on the outside, yelling orders at Miz as RVD shrugs his shoulders and prepares to start off with the Miz; RVD charges towards Miz but Miz bails out of the ring straight away, not particularly wanting to go against RVD straight away, Heyman begins to psych up Miz but RVD has had enough already and leaps over the top rope and hits flipping Senton taking out both Miz and Heyman sending the fans wild.

Jim Ross: Clearly Van Dam’s risk-taking hasn’t taken a knock since the battle with Batista!

Roddy Piper: ah give the risk taking a rest will ya!

RVD then grabs Miz by the tuff of the hair and tosses him back into the ring, Heyman tries to find his feet as RVD leaps back up onto the ring apron and takes a deep breathe before lunging back over the top rope, diving his body down and over the Miz, the fans pop for RVD as he makes a quick cover on the Miz.



Jim Ross: RVD as fast a whippet!

The Miz kicks out!
RVD doesn’t give Miz a moment to breathe as RVD hoists up Miz and goes to Irish Whip Miz into the ropes but Miz reserves it and sends RVD into the ring ropes, RVD rebounds back towards Miz, as Miz looks to deliver a Back Body Drop but as Miz leans over, RVD rolls over the back of Miz and lands on his feet behind the European Champion; RVD goes for a leg sweep but Miz leaps over the attempt and turns on the feet and drills RVD in the face with thunderous shin drive.

Roddy Piper: And now Miz will dominate RVD as he should!

Jim Ross: You may right there Roddy!

Heyman is finally back up and screams at Miz to get straight onto RVD; Miz dives on top of RVD and begins to nails RVD with closed fist strikes to head, continuously battering RVD; RVD tries to get his fist up to block fails, so RVD has no choice but cling to the ropes; Referee Charles Robinson pulls Miz away and begins to argue with him as Heyman takes the chance and begins to choke RVD out with his jacket, before tossing it aside as Charles Robinson looks over Paul Heyman and does not look impressed.

Jim Ross: I think Paul Heyman might have just been caught out!

Charles Robinson warns Heyman about it as RVD gasps for air but Miz doesn’t give RVD a chance, grabbing RVD by the boot and pulls RVD to the centre of the ring, Miz then begins to stomp a mudhole into RVD in the centre of the ring before taunting Miz, mocking his pose but mocking RVD but this gives Van Dam the opportunity to get back to his feet; Miz turns around to go for RVD once more but RVD delivers a huge high heel kick to the face of Miz knocking him down to the canvas. RVD then licks his thumbs as RVD does his signature “Rob… Van… Dam!” taunt which sends the fans wildly.

Jim Ross: The fans are fully behind RVD in this contest Folks!

Roddy Piper: That doesn’t mean jack, JR!

Heyman begins to screams at Miz to get back to his feet, as RVD leaps up into he around and spins on the spot to deliver a spinning leg drop across the head of the Miz; Heyman continues to scream at Miz like a mad man as RVD hooks the leg of the Miz.



Jim Ross: This could be it! A new UWF European Champion!

Roddy Piper: Quit being a mark for RVD, JR!

Miz kicks out again!
RVD shakes his head out of frustration as RVD once again grabs Miz by the head and begins to pull him up back to a vertical base; Miz quickly rakes the eye of RVD, RVD slightly staggered allows Miz to get back on the offense, delivering a blow to the face of RVD before sending RVD into the opposite ring ropes, RVD comes flying back to an Elbow Smash from the Miz. Heyman then barks at Miz to work on the ankle of RVD, Miz quickly goes on the offense and stamps on the right ankle of RVD before dragging RVD against the and places RVD’s foot on the bottom rope; Miz leaps up before dropping all his weight across the ankle of RVD.

Jim Ross: And Miz is going to slow the pace and work on removing Van Dam’s Aerial Offense!

Roddy Piper: Too right JR because unlike you, Miz knows how to win!

RVD screams in agony and clutches his ankle but Miz quickly drives his body back down across the right leg of RVD for a second time, but the attack RVD’s leg doesn’t stop there as Miz then drops his elbow across RVD’s right ankle; RVD shakes his head in discomfort as Miz wrenches on right leg of RVD with a modified heel hook. RVD roars and attempts to sit up to reach for Miz but it fails as Miz makes sure he has enough distance between the two.

Jim Ross: RVD could be in real trouble here if he can’t escape this heel hook from the Miz.

Miz continues to tug and pull at the right leg of RVD to the discomfort of Van Dam. RVD manages to get his left leg free and loads it up before driving the sole of his foot into the face of Miz, but Miz keeps ahold of the Heel Hook, but RVD delivers another boot to the face, Miz begins to easy his grip as RVD delivers a third boot to the face and Miz finally lets go of the hold; RVD humbles back to his feet as Miz goes for another cheap shot but RVD blocks the shot and returns with a forearm to the face of Miz. Van Dam delivers a second blow to the face of Miz, knocking him back, RVD goes for a boot to the gut but Miz grabs the foot; so RVD goes to follow through with an Enziguri but Miz ducks it but RVD lands on his foot and manages to throw his foot back up hitting Miz in the face; sending Miz down to the canvas besides the ring ropes.

Roddy Piper: What a move by Robbie boy, I’ll give him that!

Jim Ross: But the question is whether Van Dam’s leg can hold up.

RVD hobbles across the ring as Heyman rushes over to Miz and tries to get him to snap out of it as RVD rushes across the ring going for the Rolling Thunder as RVD somersaults over going for the finale, Heyman quickly pulls Miz out of the ring and RVD hits the canvas with a thud, Heyman yells at Miz, whose regaining his baring as RVD rolls out of the ring and nails Miz in the back before tossing him back into the ring; RVD turns to Paul Heyman and immediately threats to beat nail him with a stiff right hook but Miz quickly comes to Heyman’s aid, baseball sliding RVD in the side, sending side first into the barricade.

Jim Ross: why hasn’t Charles Robinson ejected Heyman from ringside yet!?

Miz then charges at RVD and boots him in the side of the head with Miz’s own version of the Drive-By Kick, Miz then proceeds to slap RVD across the side of the head, RVD responds by grabbing Miz’s trunk and driving him head first into the barricade; Miz is balanced awakardly across the barricade as Van Dam pulls himself up onto the barricade before leaping off ring apron delivering a diving cresent kick across the back of Miz which gets the fans riled up!

Roddy Piper: I don’t get why these fans are cheering for RVD! He’s just a pansy with some fancy moves!

Jim Ross: That’s because when RVD succeeds with his risks, he’s damn near unstoppable!

RVD quickly hobbles back to his feet and drags Miz across the ringside area before tossing him back into the ring; Miz gets rolled back into the ring besides the corner as RVD slowly mounts the turnbuckle before turning on the spot before nailing the split-legged Moonsault to Miz, the fans go nuts as Van Dam hooks the leg of Miz, Charles Robinson makes the count.



Jim Ross: The Split-Legged Moonsault could be enough for RVD here!

Roddy Piper: I don’t know about that RVD!

No! The Miz kicks out!

The fans can’t believe it as RVD shakes his head and says it’s three but to no avail; RVD has an altercation with Charles Robinson about it, ignoring Miz completely as Paul Heyman slips something to the Miz; RVD goes back over to the Miz, whose now playing posseum, RVD goes to pick the Miz up by Miz nails RVD in the head with a closed fist; Charles Robinson didn’t see the foreign object in Miz’s hand as Miz covers RVD.



Jim Ross: What a cheap tactic by the Miz, this is unbelievable!

Roddy Piper: Boo-who JR, Miz will do whatever it takes to be champion!

RVD Kicks out!

The fans go absolutely mental as RVD kicks out, Miz screams in frustration and begins to push Charles Robinson, telling him it was a three count, Charles Robinson stands his ground and pushes Miz back, Miz waves Robinson off and turns around as RVD goes for another deadly kick but Miz ducks and RVD hits Charles Robinson in the face!

Roddy Piper: There goes the referee, we need stronger referees!

RVD can’t believe it as he checks on Charles Robinson but Miz quickly grabs RVD into the Full Nelson, looking for the Skull Crushing Finale but RVD rolls out of it and rolls RVD up into a small package; but there’s no referee as the crowd makes the count chant themselves.


Jim Ross: Blah gawd, this match should be over!

RVD realises the small package and can’t believe it but he has no time to think about it as Miz goes back on the offense and grabs RVD by the waist and drives him into the corner before thrusting his shoulder into the gut of RVD multiple times. Heyman chuckles on the outside and screams “Let’s finish this!” Miz nods his head and rolls out of the ring, both of them look underneath the ring as The Miz pulls out the first weapon he can find, a ladder! The fans can’t believe it as Miz begins to shove this ladder into the ring but as Miz and Heyman lark about trying to get the ladder into the ring, RVD hobbles across the ring and baseball slides the ladder straight back into Miz and Paul Heyman and the fans erupt!

Roddy Piper: Well that plan just backfired on Miz and Heyman!

Jim Ross: It’s questionable why they grabbed a ladder but a ladder certainly works into the favour of Rob Van Dam!

RVD quickly rolls out of the ring and grabs the ladder himself and thrusts it into the gut of the Miz, knocking the wind out of him, RVD then drops the ladder and goes for Heyman; who quickly rushes to his feet and begins to run away from RVD but RVD is slowed by down by his right leg which Miz had beaten down on earlier in the match. Heyman chuckles as RVD limps past the announcement table, suddenly Miz jumps RVD from behind and smashes his head against the Spanish announcement table to the dismay of the fans.

Jim Ross: And bringing really close to us Roddy!

Roddy Piper: Well atleast we ain’t the Mexicano announcement table right now!

With Van Dam dazed, Miz quickly rips off the cover of the Spanish Announcement table and smashes it across the back of RVD before pulling out the monitors of the table, Miz waits for RVD to get back to his feet before nailing RVD in the head with the television monitor to the dismay of the fans. Miz hoists RVD up onto the announcement table, Rob Van Dam quickly attempts to fight Miz off but it’s to no avail as Miz nails RVD across the head once more with the TV monitor before climbing up onto the announcement table, Miz chuckles as he lifts RVD up into a Piledriver through the announcement table; the force of the Piledriver flips RVD up and over, reminiscence of the Piledriver Tommy Dreamer delivered to Rob Van Dam.

Roddy Piper: Ah shit, that has killed RVD!


Miz quickly waves at Paul Heyman and the two begin to drag the limp body of RVD across the ring side area before rolling him into the ring; Miz doesn’t go for the cover straight away but slaps Charles Robinson, getting Charles Robinson slightly conscious, Charles Robinson crawls over to RVD as Miz makes the cover on RVD, and let the slow count begin.



Jim Ross: Blah Gawd! This can’t end this way! RVD had the match won!

Roddy Piper: Way of the World JR, the way of the world.


The fans go nuts as Charles Robinson spots the foot on the bottom rope, the fans go nuts, cheeringly, most of them chanting “RVD!” at the top of their voices as Miz go nuts and begins to stamp away at RVD more and more but RVD manages to escape to the outside but Paul Heyman is lurking; Miz goes to distract Charles Robinson as Paul Heyman grabs a steel chair and takes a swing at RVD whose leaning against the ring apron but RVD ducks and the steel chair goes flying into the ring which catches the eye of Charles Robinson.

Roddy Piper: Ah-haha! Paul, you’re busted!

Jim Ross: Good reddens! See ya later Paul!

Charles Robinson looks at the chair and looks back at Paul Heyman, but Miz begs and pleads with Charles Robinson, Paul Heyman even climbs up onto the ring apron and begs and pleads with Charles Robinson but it’s short lived as Rob Van Dam quickly grabs Heyman by the foot and pulls him off the ring apron; Heyman’s head hits the ring apron as the fans go wild.

Jim Ross: Good night Paul! I’m sure you will tell us about La-la land next week!

Roddy Piper: Your funny JR! Ya know that!

RVD manages to pull himself up onto the ring apron as Miz charges it over, but RVD leaps across the middle rope and delivers a boot to the head of Miz, sending him across the ring and down the canvas; the fans go nuts as RVD hobbles along the ring apron and slowly climbs the turnbuckle, RVD licks his thumbs and points at himself as the fans go wild.

Crowd: Rob… Van… Dam!!!

Jim Ross: I think we’re about to see Rob Van Dam’s five star flight!

Roddy Piper: Oh aye JR! You could be right there!

Rob Van Dam readies himself to go for the huge Five Star Frog Splash but Paul Heyman, annoyingly, climbs back up onto the ring apron and looks to save his client by rushing across it towards Rob Van Dam. Heyman grabs the left foot of RVD but RVD manages to push Heyman, sending him off the ring apron; Charles Robinson looks absolutely bewieldered by this as Miz is back to his feet with the steel chair in hand, Rob Van Dam leaps off the turnbuckle and delivers a Diving Van Daminator to Miz as Charles Robinson calls for the bell!

*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: What going on here?

Roddy Piper: I don’t quite know, JR!

Charles Robinson explains to Lilian Gracia the winner of the match, she takes a deep breathe and makes the announcement.

Lilian Gracia: Ladies and Gentlemen, Senior Official Charles Robinson has made the decision that the winner of the match is Rob Van Dam. However, the Miz retains his UWF European Championship.

Winner via Disqualification at 24:12: Rob Van Dam (But doesn't win the UWF European Championship)


Rob Van Dam shakes his head in absolute frustration while Miz is laid out on the canvas from the Van Daminator; Rob Van Dam argues with Charles Robinson as Paul Heyman grabs the UWF European Championship and clutches it close as he looks to bail from ringside, but suddenly a loud whiselling becomes apparent, RVD smirks as Heyman rushes past the fans at ringside, suddenly a fan, wait no, Bill Alfonso leaps over the the barricade and takes out Paul Heyman a dump tackle.

Jim Ross: Blah gawd! It's Bill Alfonso! Now the number's game is equal!

The fans erupt as Bill Alfonso snatches the UWF European Championship away from Paul Heyman before rolling back into the ring, RVD and Alfonso embrace for a moment before Bill Alfonso hands Rob Van Dam the UWF European Championship and the two begin celebrate in the ring as UWF Smackdown goes an advert.


Desmond Wolfe is in his office when there is a knock on the door, Wolfe almost seems surprised someone is knocking before coming in before he calls out.

Desmond Wolfe: come in

The audience watching from the titantron immediately boo seeing Damien Sandow step into the frame


Damien Sandow: Mr. Wolfe, if you would allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment I am here to help you and as a result the rest of the Smackdown viewing Audience.

Desmond Wolfe: Spit it out sunshine, what do you want.

Damien Sandow: Rather crass and impetuous, I shall however attempt to make my point swiftly. I felt compelled to speak with you after last week’s rather desponding introduction between yourself and I, For I am not looking to begin things “on the wrong foot” as the saying goes. Mr. Wolfe I am on your roster to save it, to wash over the unwashed masses with my enlightenment so as to help free them from the chains of ignorance. “Masses” does not refer simply to the dunces watching in the audience, it is also about the roster as a whole and even yourself. Therefore I’ve taken it upon myself to speak with you directly, so that you may relinquish your miscreant-esque ways for a brighter and better future to not only your brand but your life as a whole.

As Wolfe goes to talk, Sandow lifts one finger stopping him

Damien Sandow: Please allow me to conclude my points before responding thank you; I also would like to implore you to reconsider this unjust forcing of my bout. I cannot face an unworthy opponent as is it would serve to further the decline towards the bowels of ignorance the masses is already sinking towards, so I simply ask that you to leave the choice to compete at my own discretion so that I can impart my lessons in the manner that best serves those who need them. I do this not for myself mind you Mr. Wolfe, I do this for you and your program…You’re Welcome.

Sandow smiles as he allows Wolfe to respond, Desmond Wolfe snarls at Sandow, actually getting into the face of the intellectual savior, Wolfe chuckles as he removes his shades.

Desmond Wolfe: Listen 'ere wanker, if ya think you can come in 'ere and spouse yer mouth off and then tell me when I can speak, got another thing coming, sunshine. I'd slap the piss outta ya if I wasn't retired, but I can make yer time 'ere living hell if ya cross that line again! So whatever ya wanted tosspot, ya ain't getting it, now bugger off out of me office.

Damien Sandow: So be it, however I must emphasize that this issue has not be resolved, you shall be hearing from me again. Good Day.

Sandow leaves off screen as Desmond Wolfe shakes his head and snarls as he takes his glasses and watches Damien Sandow as he disappears off distance as Wolfe utters a few final words.

Desmond Wolfe: Yeah right, ya wanker... Just bring it.

As the smoke settles, a very familiar music is heard as Dean Ambrose's theme song comes on over the P.A as the crowd ignites in a deafening fashion.


The theme plays for a good 15 seconds before Dean Ambrose’s come's slowly walking out with a very cocky stride in his step. He reaches the edge of the stage before he throws his jacket wide open revealing the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. The crowd cheers even louder as Ambrose starts yelling " The king has come home!". Ambrose continues to make his way down the ramp with a big smile on his face. He reach the ring and climbs the steps. He quickly walks into the ring and immediately rushes to the ropes and stands on the middle rope with his body hanging over the top as he laughs at the crowd.


He quickly bounces off the ropes to the middle of the ring before he walks over and is handed a mic.

Ladies and Gentlemen, feast your eyes on not only the new World Heavyweight Champion, but also the king of Smackdown!

The crowd cheers on Ambrose as he sits around soaking up the aura of the entire stadium.

That’s right, this past Sunday I beat Daniel Bryan once again, just like I said I would, and I became the new World Heavyweight Champion. I managed to make Daniel Bryan submit and once again, I didn’t give him the satisfaction of doing the same for me. And then, and then I climbed a ladder and brought down my new championship but not before I threw Daniel Bryan to the mat from the top of the ladder with the Moxicity. If you all weren’t sure just how dangerous I was before, I’m sure now you know just exactly what I’m capable of. There is nothing I won’t do to win a match. Especially if my World Heavyweight Championship is on the line. Just like tonight.

The crowd cheers for the upcoming title match between Ambrose and Dibiase.

Yes tonight I will be defending my World Heavyweight Championship just a mere five days after I just went through the most hellacious match in the history of UWF. It’s pretty obvious that someone doesn’t want me as champion. Daniel Bryan was the only person who recently beat me and they put all their eggs in that basket but I scrambled those plans. They probably wanted me to fight someone a little tougher but knowing my opponent for tonight, he probably persuaded them into giving him a title shot. Of course by persuading I mean bribed. I’ve beaten Dibiase before so it’s not that big of a deal. I’ve beaten tons of people more deserving than Ted Dibiase. As a matter of fact let’s have a run down.

Dean Ambrose pulls a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket as the crowd cheers knowing just what exactly it is. Ambrose unfolds it and continue to speak.

Man I haven’t done this in awhile but here we go. I’ve beaten Jack Swagger, Wade Barrett, Edge, Chris Jericho, Ultramantis Black, Joey Ryan, The Miz, Cody Rhodes, Rob Van Dam, Daniel Bryan and of course Ted Dibiase. That’s six previous number one contenders and two former world champions. I’m damn near unstoppable! I’ve won more matches than anyone here and I wasn’t even here in the beginning. I plan on beating my previous record of the longest reigning champion in UWF history with the World Heavyweight Championship instead of the Hardcore Championship. No way in hell is anyone gonna take this title away from me, especially not tonight. Teddy doesn’t know what exactly he’s getting into when the title is on the line. I’m sure he saw my match last Sunday but I’m capable of oh so much more.

Dean Ambrose stares right into the camera and talks in a low methodical manner.

You better be ready for our match Teddy. Monsters are real. They live inside of us, and sometimes they win. Who will you face tonight? Me, or the monster in me?

The fans cheer loudly as Ambrose quickly exit’s the ring and walks up the ramp to the back never once looking in any direction except forward.



Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...


Jeff Jarretts music hits the arena and the crowd gives off a mixed reaction, he comes out through the curtain holding his hands up in the air with a big smile across his face.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, from Nashville Tennessee, weighing in at 230 pounds…Jeff Jarrett


Jarrett struts his way down the stage before he starts to walk down the rampway, turning towards the crowd and mouthing off to them as the simply answer back with boos. Jarrett runs up the steps and quickly gets in the ring posing in the middle of the ring before turning his attention towards the stage as his music is cut off.

Woo Woo Woo! You Know it!


The words play over the PA system signaling the start of Zack Ryders music. He bounds out from the back holding a flip camera which is facing him and yelling words that can't be heard into it. He says a few more things then turns the camera on the audience as he walks down the ramp making a "Call Me" sign with his hand.


Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from the L.I, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is The Long Island Ic-

As Lillian is making announcement, someone bolts the ring from behind Ryder and hits him from behind knocking him down on the floor as the camera he held bounces off the floor.

JR: What in god’s name…

The camera quickly spins back to see the attack, it shows Ted DiBiase looking down at Ryder with a cold serious look on his face. Ryder rolls to ringside as Ted puts his hands on the ring apron and starts to stomp away on him as the crowd boos

JR: What is Ted doing, what’s the meaning of this?
Roddy Piper: Aint it obvious Ross

DiBiase grabs Ryder by the head slowly pulling him up, as he does Ryder suddenly starts to hit him in the sternum with right hands trying to fight back drawing the crowd to cheer trying to get him back into it. DiBiase takes a step back avoiding the shots as Ryder struggles to get back to his feet, DiBiase is measuring him up and once Ryder is on his feet charges forward knocking him down with a loud thud on the floor with a clothesline.

JR: Zack Ryder trying to fight back, but it’s no use he’s completely off his game. Why is Ted DiBiase doing this.
Roddy Piper: He’s making a statement plain and simple, Zack Ryder just so happens to be the guy he chose to make it with.

DiBiase pulls Ryder up to his feet this time Ryder not putting up much of a fight, DiBiase puts his hand on Ryders face making him open his eyes before he sends him into the steel steps with a loud crash. As the steps move forward Ryder bounces off of them and drops to the floor out, the referee steps out of the ring and tells DiBiase to get out of here. He turns and checks on Ryder but DiBiase turns his head looking at the entrance way before turning back and pulling the referee out of the way, he crouches down sitting Ryder up from behind and wraps his own arm around him locking in the Million-Dollar dream from the floor pulling him up to his feet with the hold locked in.

JR: Million-Dollar Dream applied, come on this is enough.

As Ryders arm is flailing around trying to get out of the hold, DiBiase drags him from ringside back towards the ramp stopping at the end of the steel Ramp. DiBiase pauses holding Ryder in position Zack reaches forward trying to find any out of this painful hold.

JR: Wait a second, no no don’t tell me he’s…

DiBiase suddenly lifts Ryder up in the air turning his own body as he does to transition to his side as he pulls Ryder from midair straight back for Dream Street. The back of Ryders head and shoulders hit the steel ramp, his head bouncing as a loud audible crack of steel meeting skull echoes throughout the arena. After Ryders body hits the ramp he goes completely limp as the crowd gasp in unison.

JR: Good god all mighty a Dream Street on the steel ramp
Roddy Piper: D’you see his head bounce Ross.
JR: This kids head bounced off steel, will someone please come out here and check on him.

DiBiase stands up shaking his hand in pain just from stopping himself from hitting the ramp hard, as he looks down at Ryder. The referee is reprimanding him but DiBiase doesn’t seem to hear him, DiBiase shoves the referee out of the way and pulls Ryder to sit up as he wraps his arm around him and locks in the million-dollar dream once again this time only to lock it in as he keeps Ryder on the floor.

JR: Come On! Get him off of him damn it!
Roddy Piper: I don’t think Ryder even knows what’s happening; right now DiBiase is only cutting off the circulation to an unconscious person.

The referee is pulling on DiBiases arm trying to get him to let go, Finally DiBiase lets go himself. Standing up straight as he stares down at Ryder

JR: Finally, you don’t make a statement by putting a man’s career in jeopardy damn it.
Roddy Piper: I think Mr. DiBiase would disagree with you on that Ross.

DiBiase looks up towards the ring for a moment, seeing Jeff Jarrett standing across the ring having seen what just happened.


DiBiase moves the referee out of the way again, who was trying to get Ryder to wake up. He hooks Ryder’s head under his arm and pulls him up, Ryder’s arms dangling down as DiBiase is lifting dead weight. Dragging the motionless body towards the ring before he lifts him up on the ring apron and shoves him in, he makes his way back up the ramp backwards as he looks at Ryder.

JR: This kid is out cold, we need some help out here.

Jeff Jarrett realizes what just happened, he suddenly pulls Ryders lifeless arm dragging him into the ring a little more before he referee comes in to help Ryder. Jarrett stops him and tells him to count, Jarrett drops down and lays across Ryder. The referee is saying no, but Jarrett stands up and grabs him by the shirt and tells him to count threatening him. Pointing towards the timekeeper telling him to start the match, the referee doesn’t know what to do but seems worried about what has happened all ready and unenthusiastically calls for the bell.


*Ding Ding Ding*

JR: What, You can’t Be Serious Jarrett just bullied the referee into ringing the bell, both men need to be standing and conscious for the match to start Ref.

Jarrett lays back on Ryders motionless body, pulling up his limp leg as he puts his free hand up in the air to count along as the referee shakes his head not believing he’s actually counting.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jarrett leaps off of the cover in the air lifting both hands up as the crowd boos

JR: I can’t believe this.
Roddy Piper: Jeff Jarrett pulled out the victory
JR: You call that a victory.

As Jarrett was forcing the cover, EMTs had made their way down to the ring and immediately slide in once Jarrett is out of the way checking on Ryder. Jarrett motions to Lillian to stand up so that she can announce him as the winner, she reluctantly does so.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, Jeff Jarrett.

Jarrett celebrates his win as referees and people from the backstage area are helping move Ryder unto a stretcher.

JR: Well theres the real story right now folks, Zack Ryder taken down with a blindside attack, who knows what injuries he may have suffered.
Roddy Piper: I’d wager on a concussion, his head bounced off that ramp like a basketball.
JR: On any account we hope Ryder is going to be okay from this.
Roddy Piper: Ted DiBiase just showed everyone that he is a threat, hope Ambrose was watching closely.

The scene opens on former number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship Daniel Bryan standing backstage. He seems to be a million miles away at the moment but starts to speak.


Daniel Bryan: In my career, I have won and I have lost. I've triumphed and I've come up short. But let me tell you something: Nothing hurts quite as bad as I do right now. I'm banged up, still mildly concussed, but the physical pain is nothing compared to the pain I feel inside. I came within inches of becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Instead, it's around the waist of an inferior man and inferior competitor. I can't stand it. It makes me ill. I want my opportunity to right the wrong that happened at Starrcade. It's something that should have never happened but it did and I can't rest until it is erased.

Daniel is still semi in la-la land but continues to vent his frustration.

Daniel Bryan: Tonight, I walk into that battle royal and I will dump each and every single person out of that ring single-handedly. I walk into that ring a man with fire in his eyes and I don't care one bit who it is I have to go through, I will win and I will get my World Title shot because Dean Ambrose, he's not the true World Heavyweight Champion. It takes no skill to grab a title from a top of a ladder. That's not a true contest to decide champions. I can thank Nigel for making that match happen. But I will redeem that title by beating Dean Ambrose for it and making ANOTHER title mean something after I take it from him just like I did with the Hardcore Championship.

Daniel then looks at the camera with extreme malice. Suddenly Desmond Wolfe walks past, Wolfe smiles and removes his glasses as he stares at Daniel Bryan.

Desmond Wolfe: My ears are burning, did I just hear ya say that it was because of me, a true champion wasn't decided? That's unfortunate sunshine because a ladder match was right up your alleyway, using brass knuckles, doing anything you could to retain. Admittedly was fights without honor, and that suits you completely, eh sunshine?

Daniel Bryan suddenly drills Wolfe across the face with a slap as he shouts back at response.

Daniel Bryan:Yeah, you're damn right I blame you, Nigel. I was content in having 2, possibly 3 WRESTLING matches to compete for a WRESTLING championship but I guess that concept is lost on a guy like you. I mean, what's your problem with me? Are you jealous that, here I stand, at the top of my game, The Best Wrestler In The World, coming from the same roots that you do and I'm the biggest deal in the UWF and you......you're a second-rate general manager and a no-rate former wrestler. I'm going to win that battle royal tonight and I'm going to take that World Heavyweight Championship from Dean Ambrose because that's what is destined to happen. It's not my opinion. It's a proven fact. Dean got lucky by grabbing that title from a top of a ladder. I want to pin him down to the mat and make him squeal and tap out.....then, when I officially rule this brand and the entire company, maybe I'll pin you down in the YES Lock and do the exact same. Huh? What do you got to say about that, Nigel?

Wolfe holds his cheek as he prepares to make Daniel Bryan's life, a living hell.

Desmond Wolfe: I dare ya to try me sunshine, I was better than you back then, and I am better than you now, and you, wanker, have crashed one hell of a line sunshine, 'cause now you'll be the number one entrant in the Royal Rumble and Sunshine, if ya ever lay your hands on me again, your career; poof... Gone, nothing sunshine, your accomplishments will just flitter away just Arsenal's trophy cabinet, ain't gonna be more than old championships and trophy... 'Cause sunshine, you ain't no longer in it to win, you're in to survive.

Wolfe storms off and throws his jacket aside as Daniel Bryan smiles and continues to do his stretches, as it's not too long now before his big match with Triple H and then the Royal Rumble match.


With Derrick Bateman stood the ring, psych up for his Gutcheck match, his opponent's theme hit's the PA system.


"Another Body Murdered" by Faith No More hits the PA system and suddenly the crowd erupts into "Joe's gonna kill you!" chants as Jim Cornette launches himself out from the backstage with tennis racket in hand, waving it about like a madman as the Samoan Submission Machine walks out onto the raging and the cheers erupt tenfold as Samoa Joe marches down the entrance ramp, keeping his eyes locked up on the rookie, Joe climbs into the ring and passes knock his towel as the bell signal for.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: Well it’s gutcheck time for Derrick Bateman against newly signed Samoa Joe with the loudmouth Jim Cornette at ringside!

Roddy Piper: Ahhh, JR this is gonna be fun to watch!

Samoa Joe has a smug look on his face and Cornette rubs his shoulders, Derrick Bateman is psyched for this encounter, realising he’s got a chance to join the roster. Joe casually walks to the centre of the ring and shrugs his shoulders before challenging Bateman to lock up into a collar and elbow tie up, Bateman happily accepts as the two lock it up in the centre of the ring. Joe straight away tosses Bateman across the ring straight into the turnbuckle, Joe smirks and tells Bateman to just bring it.

Jim Ross: Blah god, Bateman may need medical help here!

Bateman nods his head in acceptance and charges at Samoa Joe but Samoa Joe takes it in his strides throwing up his elbow, smashing Bateman in the face, knocking him down to the canvas; Bateman quickly rolls back up but get’s a visious kick to the back from Joe, Joe then delivers a second one; knocking the air out of Bateman, Joe charges into the ring ropes before rebounding into the seated Bateman, delivering a diving big boot. Joe casually lays across Bateman making a cover.



Jim Ross: What a display from Joe.

Roddy Piper: Ahh I love seeing the rookies learning their place.

Bateman gets a shoulder up!
Joe shakes his head as he pulls up the rookie by the hair and slaps him across the face, before delivering a second one, suddenly Joe unloads with about ten more slaps across both cheeks of Derrick Bateman before driving a knee to the gut of Bateman, knocking the wind out of Bateman, he bends over to grasp for air but Joe grabs Bateman by the hair and begins to pummel Bateman in the face with shins across the forehead; Bateman drops to one knee after the pummelling allowing Joe to once again charge into the ring ropes, this time Joe delivers a gnarly looking Lariat to Bateman, this time Joe boots his boot across Bateman’s chest for the cover.



Roddy Piper: Ahh, Joe’s dominance is incredibly impressive!

Jim Ross: You can’t help but feel sorry for Derrick Bateman, here!

Joe looks down at Bateman and shakes his head in absolute disbelief that the rookie kicked out of another series of attack; Joe grabs Bateman by the hair once more and pulls him up to his feet; Joe then Irish Whips Bateman into the corner before steaming across to Bateman, Joe delivers a gnarly forearm smash to the face of Bateman, Joe then flips on the spot and delivers the CCS Enzuigiri to Bateman, sending Bateman all the way down to the bottom turnbuckle. Joe gets back up to a vertical base and places his boot across the face of Bateman and begins to facewash Bateman with his boot.

Jim Ross: What disrespect Joe’s showing here towards Bateman!

Roddy Piper: Get over it JR, this is the wrestling world, this is Bateman’s chance to get onto Smackdown and Royal Rumble!

After about five boot washes, Joe walks away and chuckles before storming into the ring ropes opposite Bateman and steams back delivering a running facewash to Bateman; Joe looks out at the crowd and goes “what?” as the fans begin to rally behind Derrick Bateman, whose actually himself up by the ring ropes, Joe turns around and delivers a forearm smash to Bateman in the corner; Joe takes a deep breathe before hoisting Bateman up onto the top turnbuckle, Joe then goes grab Bateman into the Muscle Buster but Bateman manages to fight back, getting a lucky boot to the face of Joe, Bateman then stands on the second rope and prepares to jump.

Jim Ross: Go on Bateman! Get him, here’s your opportunity!

Roddy Piper: I have to see, I want to see Bateman can produce here!

Bateman leaps off the second rope going for a double axe hand but Joe catches him into an Atomic Drop, Bateman holds his crotch as Joe hoists Bateman up for the Island Driver but Bateman wiggles out and lands on his feet behind Samoa Joe and rolls him up!



Jim Ross: The rookie could steal this with a roll up folks!

Roddy Piper: It’ll be a shame for Derrick Bateman to steal this from the dominate Samoa Joe!


*Ding Ding Ding*

Winner via Pinfall at 6:32: Derrick Bateman


The fans explode into a series of cheers as Derrick Bateman rolls to his feet and goes ballistic like he’s won the UWF Championship at Wrestlemania, Samoa Joe looks at Bateman with a look of disgust on his face, Bateman climbs the top rope as Jim Cornette gets into the ring and discusses the lose with Samoa Joe, Joe nods his head as Derrick Bateman jumps off the turnbuckle and looks at Samoa Joe as Joe begins to applaud him; Bateman nods his head as Samoa Joe extends his hand out to Bateman; the two then proceed to shake hands as UWF Heatwave goes to a break.

Dean Ambrose is shown walking backstage into the locker room before he is stopped by Desmond Wolfe.

Whoa hold on there Dean where do you think you’re going?

I was going to the locker room.

Dean you’re the World Heavyweight Champion! You don’t have to be in the locker room with the rest of those ingrates. Here let me show you to your personal locker room.

Desmond Wolfe leads Dean Ambrose down the hall to a bigger room. He opens the door for Ambrose and it reveals a big room filled with nice luxuries.


Enjoy your room.

Desmond leaves Ambrose as Dean walks into the room and smiles.



Effectsofraven, new favorite song!

Lillian Garcia: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall, Introducing first…

The arena is quiet when all of a sudden a spotlight is shown on the titantron. It begins to read 619 when all of a sudden...

Who's the Jumping out the sky


Fans cheer as Rey Mysterio makes his way to the ring, Rey is wearing a cape with the 619 from his back to show that he is here to stop the evils in wrestling. Rey goes and he takes off his cape and he begins to interact with the fans


Lillian Garcia: From San Diego California, weighing in at 175 pounds…Rey Mysterio

Rey goes and rubs against the kids heads and he makes his way into the ring sliding in going directly to the corner and stepping up on the second rope lifting his hands up in the air for the cheering crowd. He steps down and turns around as his music is cut off.


Damien Sandows music hits the arena, the crowd good time immediately reverted to booing towards the stage as Sandow emerges on stage with his finger up waving it in the air as if conducting his own theme song before extending his arms out presenting himself to the audience


Lillian Garcia: And his opponent: from Palo Alto, California. Weighing in at 247 pounds, he is the self-professed Intellectual Savior of the Masses…Damien Sandow.

Sandow lifts his hand back up as he raises the microphone in his hand that he carries as if it is a win glass, his music cutting off as he begins to make his way down the ramp


Damien Sandow:

Allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment, my name is Damien Sandow and I am here to help all of you. One fortnight ago saw the debut of this very serial, and in said episode I imparted my wisdom towards those in the audience today. Tonight my method of teaching has been changed, not by my hand no but by the hand of our rude and overzealous general manager. I implored said miscreant to allow me to judge whether or not my opponent is worthy and part without incident if I wish not to subject the ignorant masses to an abhorrent contest. This is exactly the route I would have chosen to take this very evening, as while my opponent is of a shorter stature he is a much bigger ignoramus than my past opposition and therefore is an unworthy opponent.

Sandow walks up the steel steps going across the ring apron as the fans begin a 619 chant, Sandow lifts his hand up

Please remain silent when I am speaking thank you

Sandow pauses as the crowd only boos louder

For this man’s mask not only conceals his face, it also covers his eyes. Mr. Mysterio believes himself a super hero, and in that comes more harm than good. For Mr. Mysterio would rather put a Band-Aid over an incision that clearly needs stitches, he treats all of you as if you were children. However you must all learn that when trouble strikes there won’t be a masked crusader there to fix things for you, which is exactly why I am freeing you all from the chains of ignorance. So that you may all help yourselves instead of waiting for someone to do so for you, this man believes it correct to put a smile on all your faces but you must all learn to appreciate a smile before you can really do so. I have learned, and now I look to impart my knowledge to all of you this evening. And although forced, I shall be imparting my lesson towards Mr. Mysterio physically, and after tonight once I am in contention for the Worlds Heavyweight championship and I have vanquished my vertically challenged adversary here this evening please remember that I do this not for myself. As always I do so for the benefit, the well-being, and the common good of each and every one of you

You’re Welcome

Sandow steps into the ring taking his coat off and hanging it in the corner doing the same with the towel around his neck, before turning around to face his opponent.


Rey goes right after Damien, launching himself towards him, connecting with a double axe handle to the top of the head. Damien shakes it off as Rey lands on his knees at the enlightened one's feet. Sandow throws a punch downward but Rey leaps in the opposite direction to dodge it, landing on his feet and throwing himself at Damien again. He collides with his arm and falls to the mat as Damien goes for an elbow drop, but Rey rolls out of the way and gets to his feet quickly, running at Damien and connecting with a knee to the side of the head. Sandow rolls with the impact sending him through the ropes to the outside, Sandow lands on his feet and stumbles slightly as he pauses for a moment to catch his breath from this onslaught. He moves his hand up waving this match off seemingly ready to leave

Jim Ross: Don’t tell me he’s going to leave this match like that.

Rey grips the top rope and leaps forward to fly but Sandow quickly moves out of the way across ringside, Mysterio sees this and floats over the top rope landing on his feet on the ring apron and walking to the opposite corner Sandow is putting his back to the post. Sandow is tapping the side of his head thinking he outsmarted the super hero, he turns around looking for Mysterio lying flat on the floor but doesn’t notice Rey running across the ring apron. He looks up but it’s too late as Rey jumps up in the air hitting a seated senton on the outside, Sandows body smacks on the floor as Rey lands on his feet slapping the hands of the crowd when his momentum takes him to the ring barrier.

Jim Ross: Sandows probably regretting getting out of the ring right about now.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: It’s Called strategy Ross.

Mysterio pulls Sandow up and rolls him into the ring, before he pulls himself up on the ring apron and climbs up on the top rope. Sandow lands on his back in the middle of the ring still dazed from the senton, laying there as Mysterio goes to the top rope.

Jim Ross: Mysterio looking to take flight here.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: I've heard of a Mexican Jumping Bean, but a flying one?

Rey leaps off the top rope, attempting a flying headbutt, but Sandow sidesteps, lunging his arm forward to catch his opponent around the throat, using Rey's own momentum against him, reversing the situation into a chokeslam. Sandow stands up and immediately follows up with a double leg drop, one leg going across Rey's throat, the other going across his abdomen. Sandow rises again, not letting up, as he grabs Mysterio by both shoulders and pulls him from the mat into the air, holding him there.
Rey's legs kick at the air as he grabs the inside of Damien's arms, trying to push them apart.

Damien sees this and chokebombs Mysterio hard to the mat, rising once more after executing the move, watching Rey with eagerness. To Sandow's surprise, Rey kips up effortlessly, turning towards him with a smile, inspiring cheers from the crowd. Sandow throws a punch but Rey ducks it and runs into the ropes, coming off of them and throwing himself horizontally, taking he and Damien to the mat with a cross body. Rey pops up soon after making impact and begins jumping up and down, the adrenaline clearly pumping through him.

Jim Ross: Well just as it appears one of them is in complete control, the momentum changes, and then changes again!

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: Sandow's just toying with him in there.

Sandow gets to his feet and Mysterio charges forward, but as he goes for a clothesline Sandow hooks his arm with his own in a half nelson before driving his knee up to Reys sternum stopping him cold. Sandow reaches over and hooks Mysterios other arm this time locking in a full nelson as he gets a smile on his face looking out towards the crowd, he moves to the corner and swings Mysterios body forward causing his head to drive into the turnbuckle his arms unable to stop the impact. Sandow pulls Rey back and drives him into the turnbuckle once again all the while holding on to the full nelson, Damien simply tosses Mysterio backwards letting go of the hold as Mysterio rolls on the mat before landing face down in the middle of the ring. Sandow extends his arms basking in the moment as the crowd boos him.

Jim Ross: I wouldn’t start showing off if I were Damien Sandow right now

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: of course you wouldn’t, that’s why you’re here and he’s there.

Damien Sandow walks over to Reys body, bending over and pulling down his knee pad slightly before he puts his hands on the back of Reys head measuring up. Sandow leaps up in the air but in that moment Rey rolls out of the way, Sandow drops to the mat on both knees grimacing in pain after exposing his own knee. While Sandow is in pain Rey has gotten to his feet and swings his whole body around bringing his foot whipping around to kick Sandow on the side of the head with a loud smack, Sandows body goes limp as he falls face down on the mat and Rey struggles to move him to his back for the cover.

Jim Ross: What a kick by Mysterio, I told you Roddy, Sandow may be out cold.



Shoulder up

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: See JR he’s got fight in him.

Rey gets to his feet looking at the crowd who get up to their feet seemingly ready to see what Rey has ready for them, Damien groggily climbs to his feet as Rey goes into the ropes and comes off, going for another cross body, but Sandow catches him and brings him to the mat with a spinebuster. Damien looks down at Rey as he grabs him by the ankle and wrist, dragging him to the nearest turnbuckle. Sandow climbs up and smiles as Rey lays there on the mat, still reeling from the spinebuster. Damien says, "I will enlighten you!" before launching himself into the air, going for a shooting star press!

Jim Ross: Look at the risk here!

Rey kips up at the last possible second and dives through the ropes as Damien eats nothing but canvas. Mysterio reaches behind him before he hits the floor and grabs the middle rope, pulling himself up onto the apron before flipping over the top rope back into the ring. Still holding the ropes, Rey pulls back on them, launching himself to the top one and leaping off and connecting with a senton leg drop. The crowd Cheers as Sandow bounces off the mat from being sandwiched between the floor and Reys leg, Mysterio turns him to his back and hooks back his leg as hard as he can.



Shoulder up

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: Oh ho ho how close was that.

Rey grabs at his head surprised himself that it wasn’t three, Sandow is struggling just to push himself of the mat and Mysterio reaches for his head to pull him up himself. Suddenly Sandow hooks Reys legs and pulls them in causing him to fall to his back, Sandow spins around one of Mysterios leg seemingly going for the Figure Four that won him the match last week. But Mysterio thinks fast and uses his momentarily free leg to shove Sandow from behind with it, the kick having enough momentum to send Sandow forward dropping to his knees and landing across the second rope in position for the 619 as the crowd immediately cheer.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: Oh no

Jim Ross: Here we go, dialing San Diego.

Mysterio rolls to his feet hitting the ropes to get enough momentum, but Sandow suddenly gets out of position turning around and as Rey comes in he puts his hands down to catch him and lift him up in the air sending him leapfrogging over his head. Damien thinking he’ll land bad but Mysterio able to land both feet on the top rope and carefully bounce off them backwards landing on Sandows shoulders before dropping back and hitting a huge Hurracarrana that sends Damien across the ring.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: What was that

Jim Ross: The innovation of Rey Mysterio to counter a counter in midair.

Rey sees some distance between him and Sandow, as Sandow is struggling to get his wits about him and Mysterio already on his feet.Damien crawls towards the ropes as Rey charges and kicks him with both feet, putting him in position for the 619 once again. The crowd pops as Mysterio goes for it, but as he swings around; Sandow grabs his legs and pulls him into the ring, causing Rey to hit the back of his head hard on the mat. As Mysterio is dazed, Damien rolls him over and pulls him backward by his arms, placing one foot on Rey's head and connecting with a vicious Curb Stomp! Damien rolls Mysterio over again and goes for the cover.




Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, Damien Sandow!


Sandow is all smiles as Heatwave conitnues to its next portion of the show.

When there's a lull in the red hot Heatwave action, the camera pans backstage where "The Icon" Sting is located. The fans cheer as the camera is focused in on Sting closely, who is in full face paint and looking offscreen, sounding very serious as he speaks.


Sting: When I first signed with UWF, before the ink on the contract was even dry, the questions starting coming at me rapid fire. Why am I here? What are my plans? Am I concerned about keeping up given my age versus the ages of a majority of my fellow talent? And to be truthful, I had no real plans when I signed with the company, I just did it because I love wrestling and I wasn't quite ready to quit having fun yet. So I applied my face paint sloppily and I hammed it up for everyone; for the little Stingers sitting in the crowd and watching at home, for the other fans located in those areas, for my peers, for management, for myself...I went full on "Insane" and was having as much fun as those watching were having vicariously through me, and it served me well, until I went for that fourth Stinger Splash and cost myself the match.

The crowd boos the reminder as Sting falls silent in order to allow their reaction to be heard, with many of them beginning a "You still got it!" chant to lift the "Icon"'s spirits.

After suffering that defeat, and seeing what young Ted got as a result of his victory, I decided it was time to reassess the situation before this became the weekly norm. I decided that being here just to have fun was just as good as being here for no reason at all, and neither of them made sense, so I gave myself an ultimatum, either I came up with a reason for being in UWF, or I would hang up my boots and walk away from professional wrestling forever. It wasn't until my verbal exchange with Bray Wyatt that I had an epiphany and was given an answer. I am here because UWF is in a state of moral decline, namely Smackdown, which is why that is the brand I find myself a part of. Men like Damien Sandow and Bray Wyatt are taking possession of the microphones at their own leisure and infecting the masses with what they believe to be enlightened truth, when in actuality it is self-serving filth. The only thing these men are enlightened with are their own opinions, they praise themselves as if they're deserving of your worship, and with each week they're allowed to dispense more and more of their sacreligious poison, the closer you all come to that worship.

And Jeff Hardy proudly dons the name, "Anti-Christ" as part of his moniker, following the same moral code as the others, a self-absorbed system designed to serve their needs first and the members of the world that stand against them never. On Raw you have the "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels about to make his debut and Christian, Randy Orton, and Cody Rhodes of the New World Order running remorselessly roughshaw through every innocent bystander they can get their mitts on. All of these misfits are going to bring this company to the ground if someone doesn't rise up to stop them. Fear not, for I have chosen to step up, and I promise to administer justice to the fullest extent. Tonight it starts in my own backyard with Bray Wyatt, a false prophet and a fake god, a man that foolishly keeps his silver tongue off its leash and allows it to speak out of turn as it pleases.

No more. I am the hero that this organization needs and deserves, and I will waste no time in doing my job, with the utmost diligence and an absence of fear. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Psalm 23:4. Your ministry is falsified and your faith is plastic, Bray, tonight I will dismantle your Satanic establishment and exile you from this place, so that you may never harm another by raising of your hand or opening of your mouth. And once this land is ridden of you, my focus will shift to the World Heavyweight Championship, and I will look to win the prize and earn myself a higher and more sought after plain to combat evil from.

Sting turns his head and looks into the camera, continuing to speak very seriously.

It's Showtime.

Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Washington D.C, weighing in at 326 pounds; "The Animal" Batista!


All that is heard is the scream of "YEAH" before the bass of "I Walk Alone" by Salivia starts playing throughout the arena. The live audience begins to boo as The Animal Batista walks out onto the stage with a grimace on his face. Batista stands there momentarily, looking out on all the people that he hates. He quickly starts to descend down the ramp before stopping about halfway down and performing his machine gun pyro.


Batista then makes his way down the rest of the ramp before quickly running up the steel steps and entering the ring; awaiting his opponent.

Garcia: And his opponent, from San Antonio, Texas, weighing in at 242 pounds; "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels!


The crowd erupts for The Heart Break Kid, as he passes through the curtains. He runs to the edge of the stage pumping up the crowd, repeating the same task on the other side before stopping at the entrance of the ramp. He drops to two knees looking down and saying a little prayer, before pointing up to the sky as his pyro rockets off. He hops up clapping his hands, as he proceeds down the ramp slapping the hands of fans. He climbs the steel steps and enters through the ropes, as he stares at Batista before climbing the turnbuckles and acknowledging the fans. He finally steps down as his music fades out, staring over at Batista shaking his head before the bell rings.​


The bell rings and Batista and Michaels lock up. Batista uses his overwhelming strength to shove Michaels to the mat with very little difficulty. Michaels gets to his feet, only to have Batista run over him with a running shoulder block. Michaels goes down to the mat and Batista quickly drops an elbow across Michaels’ chest before going for the first cover of the match…



Michaels kicks out!

Batista quickly gets off Michaels before grabbing him by the head and bringing him to his feet. Batista wastes very little time, lifting Michaels off the mat and placing him onto his shoulder, before running and slamming Michaels back first onto the canvas with a running powerslam. The Icon immediately grabs his back in pain as Batista goes for another cover…



Michaels kicks out!

JR:That powerslam had to hurt! It’s no secret that Shawn Michaels has had a history of back problems.

Batista quickly gets off Michaels before laying a few boots to his chest. Dave then grabs Shawn by the arm, dragging his body over to the nearest corner, where he positions Michaels’ head on the bottom turnbuckle pad. Dave then takes a few steps back, creating distance between Michaels and himself before charging back in and driving his knee right into Michaels’ face. Shawn’s neck snaps back as Batista drags him out of the corner and covers him…



Michaels kicks out!

Piper: The old head seems to be off his game tonight. Looks like there may not be any shows stopped!

JR: Aren’t you older than Shawn, Rowdy?

Batista stays on the offensive. He lifts Michaels to one knee, where Shawn responds with forearms to the stomach. One blow to the gut of Batista, then a second, then a third, which backs Batista off a bit. This allows Michaels to get to his feet and charge at Batista before connecting with a swinging neckbreaker. As Michaels hits his first offensive maneuver of the match, Batista goes to the mat and Shawn goes for a cover…



Batista kicks out!

Michaels gets to his feet as does Batista. Michaels is the first to strike, going at Batista with a stiff clothesline. Batista goes to the mat, but quickly gets back on his feet, only to eat another clothesline. Batista goes down again. This time Michaels lifts him off the mat and to his feet, before lifting him in the air and bringing him down groin first onto his knee with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Batista grabs his family jewels in pain as Michaels leaves his feet and hits him with a swift dropkick. For the third time in this sequence, Batista goes down to the mat.

JR: And there’s still life in Shawn Michaels!

As soon as Michaels takes Batista down, he heads over to the ring ropes. He steps through the middle one onto the apron and makes his way over to the top turnbuckle. He reaches the top, before looking out into the sea of people, before quickly jumping off and driving an elbow into Batista’s heart!

JR: Vintage Shawn Michaels!

Piper: Don’t you dare start that!

Michaels pulls himself to his feet and you can see the energy is beginning to flow through his veins. He feels it! And so do the people. Michaels starts dancing around the ring, before heading over to the corner and doing his trademark foot stomp…

JR: Michaels is tuning up the band!

Piper: He’s a one hit wonder JR. He’s been paying the same song for twenty years now!

Michaels continues to stomp his feet, and the fans clap along with each stomp. They know what’s coming next. Batista does not though. He’s on the other side of the ring, trying to pull himself to his feet, and when he does, Michaels charges foot first out of the corner, looking for Sweet Chin Music…

JR: Here it comes!

As Michaels goes in for the kill, Batista is able to catch his foot…

Piper: He blocked it!

Batista has indeed blocked Sweet Chin Music. He quickly throws Michaels’ foot back on the mat before grabbing Michaels and lifting him off the canvas and slamming him back down with a ring-shaking Spinebuster. Batista gets to his feet before heading over to the ring ropes, grabbing the top one and shaking it furiously…

JR: This isn’t good for Michaels! The Animal may about to be unleashed!

Batista continues to shake the ropes before putting both thumbs up in the air and quickly throwing both thumbs down, saying it’s over…

Piper: Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down! Good night Shawn Michaels!

Batista is staggering to his feet and Batista quickly places Michaels’ head between his legs. Batista wastes no time, lifting Michaels in the air for the Batista Bomb. But as Batista is ready to slam him, Michaels counters with several forearms to the face of Batista. Three shots to the skull of the Animal cause Batista to drop Michaels. Michaels lands on his feet as Batista tries to shake the cobwebs off. This gives Michaels enough time to create some distance between himself and Big Dave, and as Batista gains his bearings and turns around, he runs right into The Superkick!...

JR: Sweet Chin Music!! Bah God! I don’t know if he got all of it, but he hit it!

Batista goes down like a ton of bricks as Michaels hits his trademark finisher. Michaels, who has taken a beating himself is a little slow to react. He looks over at his downed opponent, before crawling and covering him…


Piper: Batista just got his bell rung!


Batista gets his foot on the bottom rope!

The referee tells Shawn that Batista got his foot on the ropes. Shawn has a look of dismay on his face. He just gave Batista the knockout blow and it wasn’t enough! Michaels tries not to have it mess with his psyche though. He grabs Batista by the leg and drags him away from the ropes before taking said leg and spinning around it, looking for the Figure-Four Leglock…

JR: Michaels going for the same move that beat him last week!

As Michaels is in mid-revolution, Batista is able to use his free leg to kick him in the back, breaking the attempt at the hold at the same time. The force of Batista’s foot sends Michaels towards the ropes, where he bounces off and comes back at Batista. Batista has recovered and as Michaels comes back at him, Batista lowers his head and charges, looking for a Spear…

Piper: Batista’s about to break the overrated Playgirl model in half!

As Batista charges, Michaels is able to sidestep the Spear. He then arm drags Batista to the mat, before placing said arm between his legs and wrapping both of his arms around Batista’s neck, locking in the Crossface…

Piper: Crossface! Paying homage to Chris Benoit!

JR: Calm down Rowdy! You know you can’t say that name!

Piper: Who cares Ross?! Nobody besides Dresden reads these undercard matches in their entirety anyway!

JR: Huh!?

Piper: What?

Back towards the action, Michaels has the Crossface locked in tight. Batista screams a primal scream of pain as Michaels wrenches the hold. Batista starts inching towards the bottom rope, hoping to make it before he has to submit. Michaels refuses to alleviate the pressure, hoping for a submission victory. Batista is getting closer and closer to the ropes, about an arms’ reach away.

Piper: Reach out you big moron! I swear JR, how does this guy have a title shot?

Batista keeps crawling before reaching out and grabbing hold of the bottom rope. The referee acknowledges the break and tells Michaels that he has to break the hold. Michaels refuses so the referee begins to count…





Michaels breaks the hold at the very last second!

Michaels is astounded that Batista made it without submitting. Michaels pulls himself to his feet and looks down on his fallen foe as he ponders what to do next. As Batista pulls himself to his feet with help of the ropes, Batista comes up with it. He waits for Batista to get up and turn around, before giving him the DX crotch chop, telling him to Suck It! Michaels then kicks Batista in the stomach, which doubles him over and allows Shawn to grab both of Dave’s arms in lock them in a Double Underhook position…

JR: You don’t think?

Michaels looks like he’s about to Pedigree Batista, when out of nowhere, Batista is able to use his ridiculous upper body strength to send Michaels over head with a back body drop. Michaels rolls through and avoids all damage. He quickly goes back to Batista, who is ready for him. As Michaels comes in, Batista is able to catch him with a boot to the gut, doubling Michaels over, before placing his head between his legs. Batista quickly lifts Michaels off the mat, before just as quickly slamming him back down with an unbelievable Batista Bomb!!

JR: Batista Bomb! That’s it!

The ring shakes as Michaels’ back hits it hard after the Batista Bomb and Batista goes for the cover and the win…



Michaels rolls a shoulder up!

JR: Bah God! He kicked out!

Piper: JR, I’m starting to believe all this may be worth nothing.

JR: How could all this be worth nothing?

Piper: I mean the guys involved are just going to scroll down the page and see which one of them won without actually reading the match.

JR: What?!

Piper: Huh?

Batista can’t believe Michaels just kicked out!! He gets off of Michaels, who looks like he’s out of it. He quickly grabs the heartthrob from San Antonio, before lifting him off the mat and placing his head between his legs again…

JR: Not again!

Batista once again lifts Michaels up for yet another Batista Bomb. This time though, Batista has a little too much mustard on it, and as Michaels is up, he is able roll through and sunset flip Batista for a pin…



Batista kicks out!

Both men get to their feet at the same time and Batista looks to stay on Michaels. But as Batista comes in, Michaels launches off and connects with another Superkick to the jaw!!!

JR: Sweet Chin Music again! It’s like the big right hand, except it’s the big right boot!

Both Batista and Michaels go down. Batista goes down from the kick, and Michaels obviously feeling the effects of the match. As both men lie on the mat, the referee has no choice but to count them out…








Michaels starts crawling towards Batista…



Michaels drapes a shoulder over the Animal…



Piper: It’s over!

3…NO! Batista rolls a shoulder!

Piper: No way!

Michaels rolls off Batista and the cameras hover above him as he lets out a sigh of frustration. Michaels starts crawling over towards the corner, and picks himself up. He starts tuning up the band again, getting the crowd involved. They start clapping with each stomp as Batista pulls himself up on the other side of the ring…

JR: It took Shawn Michaels three Superkicks to keep Ric Flair down. The same may need to be said for Batista.

Batista gets to a vertical base and turns back towards Michaels. Michaels goes in for the third Superkick of the match…

Piper: Here it comes!

As Michaels comes in, Batista is able to duck under, and in one swift move, lifts Michaels off his feet and slams him to the mat with a huge Spinebuster. The ring shakes a Michaels hits the mat. Batista takes a deep breath, but isn’t done. He quickly lifts Michaels off the mat before lifting him up and slamming him with another Spinebuster…

JR: He’s going to break his back!

Batista holds the Thumbs Up in the air, before quickly throwing them down. He pulls Michaels to his feet one more time. Shawn is absolutely out of it as Dave places Michaels’ head between his legs and picks him up off the mat…

Piper: Say Goodnight Heartbreak Kid!

Batista wastes no time swiftly slamming Michaels’ body on the mat for the second Batista Bomb of the match. An exhausted Batista quickly goes for the cover, praying that the match is over…



JR: Does Michaels have one more kick out in him?!


Garcia: Here is your winner; Batista!


Batista quickly rolls off Michaels as “I Walk Alone” plays for the second time this evening. He lies on the mat for a second as the referee attempts to raise his hand. He quickly tells the referee not to touch him as he pulls himself up off the mat. The fans pop even though Batista is a heel because they appreciate what they just saw. Batista soon rolls to the mat and under the bottom rope, leaving Shawn Michaels in a broken heap behind him. As Batista walks up the ramp, he turns around and looks back at Michaels before motioning for the World Heavyweight Championship. He soon heads to the back as Heatwave heads to another segment.

Fade. The camera’s open up in the backstage area after an outstanding match, as we see Josh Matthews standing in the interview area. The audience slightly cheers, knowing an interview will be conducted in a short couple of minutes. Josh Matthews has a huge smile on his face, as he raises the microphone up to his lips, beginning the interview.

Josh Matthews: Welcome back to UWF’s Heatwave! Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m here with my guest of this time, he will be facing Jeff Hardy tonight in a number one contender's match and should he lose he will be participating in the Royal Rumble, John Cena!

The audience bursts in thunderous cheers, as John Cena’s name is echoed from Josh Matthews’ lips. The camera zooms in to the right of Josh Matthews, and John Cena comes in to view, sporting a new look. John Cena is rocking a green “Rise Above Hate” shirt, retiring the red, blue, and black. John Cena nods his cap toward Josh Matthews in respect, as Matthews begins the interview.


Josh Matthews: Hello John, pleasure to interview you tonight. By the way, I love the new shirt. On to my question, last Sunday at Starrcade, you had the opportunity to beat Randy Orton and possibly, as you said it destroy the New World Order. However, you were another victim of Randy Orton’s famous Punt Kick which cost you the match. Your thoughts?

John Cena nods his head at the question, as he rubs his chin, thinking of his answer before continuing.

John Cena: He-he, thank you Josh. Anyway, yes, yes! Everyone has been wonderin’ about my thoughts on Starrcade, and all I’m sayin’ is I apologize. Ya’see, I made a promise to the entire U.W.F. Universe. I made a promise that after the Starrcade match between Randy Orton and myself, my arm would be the one being raised in the air. I made a promise I’d be the victor, and Randy Orton would be the loser. I planned on destroyin’ the New World Order this past Sunday, and get rid of the disease that’s spreadin’ throughout this company. Instead, I lost. Hmm, Randy and I had numerous close falls and after that Punt Kick, it… was… over. I knew I was goin’ to win, and I lost. I still can’t believe it, because I know everyone was as shocked as I was. I knew everyone was as angry as I was. But, ya’see, Josh that means nothin’ is impossible. And the impossible became possible; The New World Order will still be causing havoc in this company.

John Cena shook his head in disgust, as he takes off his cap and brushes his hair back before placing the cap back on his head, as he awaits Josh’s next question.

Josh Matthews: Next question, tonight on Heatwave, you have a match against ‘The Anti-Christ’ Jeff Hardy and later, and should you fail at beating him a Royal Rumble match where as the winner will be the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship. Your thoughts?

John Cena nods his head, as he answers the question.

John Cena: Josh, Jeff Hardy is a changed man. He now deems his self as the best of this company, and last time I checked, he’s not John Cena. He-he. Seriously though, Jeff Hardy thinks he’s some Anti-Christ. He embraces hate, and just like thirteen other men will win their selected match and go on to the Royal Rumble and go on victorious. Am I worried? No, when have I ever been worried? I’m not gonna’ start now, in fact, I’m gonna’ let these guys think they’re gonna’ win the Royal Rumble. Ya’see, I'm going to take care of the "Anti-Christ" in our match, but should I wind up losing, god forbid, I’m the only men who knows he’s gonna’ win the Royal Rumble. Sorry to burst your bubble, Jeff, but make fun of me all you want, I’m gonna’ fight until there’s no tomorrow! I’m gonna’ beat you and go on to claim the World Heavyweight Championship. And, then, you people will realize that the champ is here!

John Cena calms himself down, as he continues for the final time.

John Cena: Plus, we’re live in Phoenix Josh! It’s Heatwave, baby! We’re in the great city of Phoenix! Phoenix, you’re in for a treat tonight, because John Cena is gonna’ kick some ass! You better believe it, homie.

John Cena tips his hat toward the camera, before exiting the view. The camera slowly fades to black. Fade.​



Featuring NWA World Heavyweight Champion Robert Roode, UWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin and Some Really Random Faction...


'Broken In Out In Love' hits the PA system, the haunting first strums of the guitar mean one thing, and our suspicions are correct as Bray Wyatt walks out from behind the curtain, Eli Cottonwood as always right behind him. Not saying a word. Just staring ahead. Bray Wyatt walks down the ramp not making eye contact with anybody. He slowly and stately walks up the ring steps and along the ring apron. As Bray Wyatt goes to climb into the ring, he begins to chuckle as the lights come on and suddenly Sting is face to face with Bray Wyatt, Wyatt jumps out of his skin as Sting goes “Boo!” before drilling Bray Wyatt with a thunderous chop. Scott Armstrong signals straight away for the bell.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: And we’re off!

Roddy Piper: Ahh Bray Wyatt wasn’t expecting this!

Sting continues to chop away at Bray Wyatt, continuously across the chest of the preacher, the fans are going nuts as Wyatt is forced into the turnbuckle where Sting delivers another thunderous chop, Wyatt gasps for air as Sting grabs Wyatt by the air and Irish Whips Wyatt across the ring into the adjacent turnbuckle; Wyatt bounces off the turnbuckle straight into High Backbody drop, the ring shakes from the impact as Sting roars and waits for Wyatt to get back up to a vertical base.

Jim Ross: And Sting is dominating the early going here folks!

Roddy Piper: ahh it’s all because the Icon surprised Bray Wyatt!

Wyatt stands back up and stumbles straight into the Icon Sting, who hoists up Wyatt into an Atomic Drop, Wyatt holds his crotch as Sting dives into the ring ropes before charging back into Wyatt, knocking Wyatt down to the canvas with a clothesline, the fans go nuts as Sting hooks the leg of Bray Wyatt.



Jim Ross: Sting has Wyatt’s number here!

Roddy Piper: Ahh, the Stinger might have his current number, but necessary the winning number!

Wyatt gets a shoulder up!
Sting quickly continues the offence, hoist Wyatt back to his feet, but Wyatt quickly takes a really cheap shot, knocking Sting in the gut with a knee before Irish Whipping Sting into the turnbuckle; Wyatt chuckles and charges at Sting but Sting hoists himself up to deliver a boot to the face of Wyatt, Sting then grabs Wyatt by the head to deliver a one handed bulldog; the fans are behind Sting as he rolls Wyatt onto his back for a second pinning attempt.



Roddy Piper: Ah, Sting is dominating Wyatt, I got bored of his preachiness anyways!

Wyatt kicks out again!
Sting shakes his head in frustration as he lifts up Bray Wyatt to go on the offense again, Sting unloads another chop across the chest, Sting launches him into the ring ropes again but this time, Eli Cottenwood leaps up onto the ring apron and pulls the ring ropes down, sending Sting over the top rope and down to the padding beyond, Scott Armstrong warns Eli Cottenwood not to do it again as Bray Wyatt finally takes off his tshirt and before climbing out of the ring.

Jim Ross: And now because of Eli Cottenwood, Bray Wyatt has a chance in the match.

Wyatt rolls out of the ring, Wyatt chuckles and acts all calm as he lifts up Sting and tosses him into the barricade before Irish Whipping Sting, shoulder first into the ring steps, sending him flying as Wyatt rolls back into the ring to break any attempts of a ten count before rolling back out; Sting tries to pick himself up as Wyatt walks over casually singing to himself “time is on my side…” before grabbing Sting by the hair, Wyatt then proceeds to slam Sting’s face into the ring steps before tossing Sting back into the ring, Wyatt slides in after and makes a casual cover on Sting as Armstrong makes the count.



Jim Ross: Look how confident Wyatt is here!

Roddy Piper: What’s your point JR? The man has faith in himself and others!

Sting kicks out!
The fans erupt as Sting gets out of the pin, Wyatt shakes his head as he begins to stomp away on the Icon, but Sting manages to roll out of the way and towards the ring ropes as Armstrong holds Wyatt back, Sting pulls himself up as Wyatt goes over to the Icon, but Sting lashes out and boots Wyatt in the stomach before delivering another chop to the chest of Wyatt before Sting finally goes for another Irish Whip into the corner but Wyatt reserves it and sends Sting into the turnbuckle; Wyatt takes a deep breathe before charging at Sting in the corner but Sting dives out of the way; Wyatt crashes and burns as he smashes into the turnbuckle, Sting takes the opportunity to rush across the ring before going straight at Wyatt to deliver the Stinger Splash! The fans go bonkers as Wyatt staggers out of the corner, Sting quickly mounts the second turnbuckle before diving off, grabbing the head of Wyatt and nails a Diving DDT! The fans go nuts as Sting goes to hook the leg of Wyatt.

Roddy Piper: Ahh, look at Eli Cottenwood!

Jim Ross: This is totally unfair!

Eli Cottenwood leaps up into the ring apron and distracts Scott Armstrong, the fans are livid so is Sting as he rolls off Wyatt and gets straight back to his feet, Sting grabs Eli Cottenwood by the head and throws him into the ring, the fans go nuts as Cottenwood crashes onto the canvas but the big man manages to get back to his feet but never the less, Sting charges at Cottenwood, delivering a huge clothesline, knocking the big man down to the canvas; Sting quickly finishes Cottenwood off with a huge drop kick but as Sting gets back to his feet, so does Wyatt; with Armstrong is distracted by Cottenwood, Wyatt quickly delivers a low blow to Sting before grabbing him into the swinging reverse STO. Wyatt makes a confident cover, which Armstrong has no choice but to count it.



Jim Ross: Sting just got screwed thanks to Eli Cottenwood’s involvement!

Roddy Piper: And that’s why the Icon needs a manager!


*Ding Ding Ding*

Winner via pinfall at 08:31: Bray Wyatt


“Broken Out in Love” hits the PA system as Bray Wyatt stands to his feet with a sinister smile of joy on his face as he chuckles and slowly lifts up his arms and looks down at Sting “I ain’t needing any saving” before doing the four point cross with his hand before picking up Cousin Eli and hugs him and says to him “Thank you brother…” before making his way out of the ring with Eli Cottenwood as Sting slowly recovers with a look of frustration on his face.

The screen flickers away from the ring after the last segment and Ted DiBiase Jr appears on screen. The crowd boo loudly as Ted has a sly grin on his face, it's obvious he's pleased with beating down Zack Ryder.

Ted DiBiase Jr
Normally before a big match like the one I have tonight, I wouldn't give you people the time of day, however, considering I'm in a generous mood I thought I'd make an exception. I bet the question on all of your stupid minds, is why did I chose to beat down Zack Ryder, before my big match with Dean Ambrose? Well it's simple. Zack had constantly run his mouth ever since he got a fluke victory against me over a month ago, and even though I beat him a few weeks back, I felt that I didn't give him enough of a beating to shut him up once and for all. Not only that, but I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to send Dean a last minute message and prove to him that I can be as Hardcore as he is....

The crowd once again boo, when suddenly a familiar legend walks in shot, it's Ted DiBiase Senior. DiBiase Jr doesn't look pleased at all.


Ted DiBiase Sr

Son, I've just come to wish you good luck in your match tonight, and remember if your struggling, EVERYBODY HAS A....

DiBiase Jr is not impressed at all and quickly interupts.

Ted DiBiase Jr
Dad, Cut the crap! I guess you might need some hearing aids in your old age, because I'm pretty sure I've said numerous times for the whole world to see, that I don't like you. I'm not joking Dad, the only thing that we have in common is wealth, and that's where it all ends. I'm a better looking than you, I'm a better in ring performer than you, and I'm more successful than you, don't try and question that Dad because I'm going to prove that tonight when I win a World Title, something you never did. Don't you dare try and give my advice, when you know full well that it is worthless, I never got anywhere in life until I realized that fact, and I'm glad I've distanced myself from you as much as I can.... Everybody has a price, what kind of crap is that? I like fighting as much as I like having money Dad, and I'd rather earn victories than pay for them.

DiBiase Sr looks a little upset at his sons disapproval of him but DiBiase Jr still looks mad as he points at his dad.


This is MY moment, yet YOU are trying to ruin it Dad. I know the exact reason you're here, and that's because you never won a World Title, and on the night I'm going to win won, you're trying to steal the spotlight away from me. I get it Dad, you're jealous, I mean who wouldn't be, but please don't try and use this moment to boost your ego. You're a failure, and you always have been, I don't want to associate myself with failures like yourself, and after tonight when I win the UWF World Heavyweight Title I will make sure I NEVER speak to you again!

DiBiase Sr looks close to tears..

Ted DiBiase Sr

Son, you know that's not true..

Ted DiBiase JrDon't lie to me Dad.

DiBiase Jr looks pissed off when suddenly he slaps his Dad.


The crowd go mad and boo the hell out of DiBiase Jr as he walks out of shot in a fit of rage..

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.


"It's Time To Play The Game" by Motorhead can be heard bellowing out of the arena's PA system, immediately signalling for the crowd to burst into cheers for the arrival of The Game, Triple H. The excitement in the arena is evident as everybody wants a glimpse of The King of Kings, and sure enough they get just that. The man of the moment emerges from the back with his hair tied back, multi-coloured lights fixed on his presence, and water bottle in hand, as he steps out to the top of the stage. Triple H stops at the top of the stage, staring down at his feet, while the arena remains drenched in cheers.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first from Greenwich Conn, he is the former Chief Executive Officer, The Game Triple H!

Triple H cuts an intimidating figure, as the camera is zoomed in on his face at the moment he slowly looks up and glares towards the ring. He takes a sip out of the water bottle and begins to make his way down the ramp in a very determined mood. Once he reaches the bottom of the ramp, Triple H pauses and looks around at the crowd as the cameraman pans around him, before Triple H takes another sip of water and walks over to the ring apron, which he climbs up onto. Triple H then proceeds to bounce off the ropes, spit water into the air, followed by an imposing roar, which gives the cheering crowd chills. Triple H then throws the water bottle into the crowd, and enters the ring to get ready for his match.

JR: And what a shock it was Piper when the Game announced earlier this week he had been relieved of his duties of his own free will and signed an exclusive contract to come back and wrestle right here on Smackdown. I think everyone loved the news except perhaps for Daniel Bryan and of course Ted Dibiase!

Piper: Next week Dibiase will have to step into the ring with the King of Kings JR, and the scariest part. Dibiase could be the World Heavyweight Champion going into the match.

Lillian Garcia: And the opponent...


The music of the former number one contender hits and out he comes to the ring and the crowd can't believe what they are seeing. Daniel Bryan comes out to the ring with a Cody Rhodes like mask on his face to protect his broken nose. Bryan's eyes are blood shot looking as if he hasn't really slept since losing the World title match at Starrcade. Gone are the traditional YES and instead he is oddly quiet as he hops up to the apron and stares at the King of Kings.

Lillian Garcia: From the state of Washington weighing in tonight at 210 lbs. The American Dragon Daniel Bryan.

Piper: Bryan looks like he got run over by a damn bus JR.

JR: For all intents and purposes that might be how he feels Hot Rod after the hellacious battle we witnessed at Starrcade. Bryan cannot be 100% here tonight, but I give him credit for trying

Bryan steps into the ring and fixes his protective mask as the crowd laughs at him a little. The referee turns to both men asking them the question if they are ready. They both say yes and the bell is rung.


Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Triple H jumps right on Bryan, trying to get that protective mask off his face. Bryan puts his hands up, trying to block Hunter, but this leaves his body unguarded, so Triple H quickly throws a right hand to Bryan’s stomach. This doubles Bryan over and allows Triple H to apply a front face lock before slamming Bryan’s head on the mat with a DDT. Triple H quickly rolls Bryan over and goes for the first cover of the match…



Bryan quickly kicks out!

JR: Bryan seems too focused on that mask and not the task at hand.

Triple H quickly mounts Bryan, reaching for the mask again. Bryan blocks once more, so Hunter throws fists into Bryan’s face. Hunter quickly gets off Bryan before bouncing off the near ropes and dropping a knee across Bryan’s skull. Triple H then goes for another cover…



Bryan kicks out!

Triple H quickly gets off Bryan before lifting him to his feet and Irish whipping him towards the nearby corner. The impact causes Bryan to stumble out of the corner and Triple H then hits him with a stiff short arm clothesline. The move causes Bryan to fall to the mat, where he quickly recovers and gets to his feet, only to have Triple H go for another clothesline. Bryan is ready for this one though, and ducks under it, grabbing Triple H by the neck and bringing him to the canvas with a reverse neckbreaker. Triple H grabs his head in pain as Bryan adjusts his mask and goes for the cover…



Triple H kicks out!

JR: And now Daniel Bryan is in control!

Piper: If he stops worrying about his modeling career, he just might win this match.

Triple H gets to a knee in the center of the ring, and Bryan is waiting for him. As Hunter tries to get up, Bryan meets him with a swift kick to the chest. You can hear boot meet flesh and Triple H clenches up, only to have Bryan kick him again. The agony is written on Hunter’s face and Daniel kicks him one more time in the chest. This one actually knocks the air out of Triple H, and Bryan soon takes advantage. He strikes one more time with another roundhouse kick, this one connecting with Triple H’s temple. Hunter goes down and Bryan quickly goes for the cover…



Triple H rolls a shoulder!

Daniel Bryan wastes little time going back on the offensive. He lifts Triple H to his feet, before throwing his arm over his shoulder and connecting with a snap suplex. Hunter grabs his back in pain as Bryan pops his hips and lifts both himself and Hunter back to their respective feet. Bryan then suplexes Hunter for a second time, slamming his back on the canvas again. Bryan then pops his hips again and lifts both of them up, before suplexing Hunter for a third time. Hunter grabs his back once more as Bryan goes for another cover…



Triple H kicks out!

JR: Three consecutive suplexes had to take as much out of Bryan as it did Triple H!

Bryan gets to his feet, before heading to the ring ropes, going through them and onto the ring apron. He climbs to the top of the turnbuckle, but sadly, he took too much time. Triple H has recovered enough to dive at the ropes where Bryan was located, and shake them, causing Bryan to land groin first on the top turnbuckle pad.

Piper: Ha! Sucks to be him!

Bryan falls from the top to the canvas. Triple H quickly lifts him off the mat before placing Bryan’s head between his legs and lifting him straight up, dropping him on the top of his skull with a piledriver. Bryan’s body goes limp as Triple H goes for another cover…



Bryan kicks out!

Bryan quickly rolls onto his stomach in an attempt to avoid another pin. This doesn’t work in his favor though as Triple H goes right for the straps to Bryan’s mask. Bryan does everything he can to keep the mask on though…

JR: Triple H is hell bent on getting that mask off!

Triple H realizes that Bryan isn’t going to give up the mask that easy, so he goes back on the attack. He lifts Bryan off the canvas, before placing him on the near ropes. He grabs Bryan by the arm and whips him, only to have Bryan reverse. As Triple H bounces off the ropes, he comes back at Bryan, who looks for a clothesline. Triple H manages to duck under though and continues to run off the ropes that he was originally thrown off of. Bryan realizes that Hunter is still in play, and when he turns around, Hunter hits him with a running high knee…

JR: Harley Race high knee from The Game!

Bryan goes down and Triple H motions that it’s over. He quickly grabs Bryan before lifting him off the mat and placing his head between his legs…

Piper: It might be time for the YES man to give it up!

Before Triple H can go another further with what he has planned, Bryan is able to wraps his arms around Hunter’s waist and send him over head with a Northern Lights Suplex! Bryan bridges the move and covers Hunter, looking for the win…



Hunter kicks out!

Both men manage to get to their feet at the same time, and Bryan quickly meets Hunter with an enziguiri to the side of the head. Hunter goes back down and Bryan looks for another cover…



Triple H kicks out!

Bryan can’t believe it! He gets to his feet and looks down at Triple H. Bryan realizes that maybe he can’t beat Hunter tonight. Bryan then reaches into his trucks for something…

Piper: I swear to God Ross, if he whips it out, I’m leaving!

Bryan digs around for a second, before he grabs what he was looking for; Brass Knuckles!

JR: He’s got the Knucks!!

Bryan looks at the Knucks, before looking at Hunter. He then looks at the Smackdown audience and he has a look of inner struggle written on his face. Bryan continues to stare at the Knuckles, until he makes a decision. He walks over to the ring ropes and throws the Knuckles over the top rope to the area floor…

JR: Who would have thought the kid would do the right thing?

Bryan doesn’t seem to know if he’s done the right thing, but he battles on. Too bad for him, his inner conflict has given Triple H time to recover. Hunter quickly spins Bryan around before kicking him in the gut, which doubles Bryan over. Triple H quickly puts Bryan’s head between his legs, hooking both arms and slamming Bryan face first onto the mat with a Pedigree! Bryan goes limp as Triple H turns the dead weight over and goes for the pin and the win…


Piper: You idiot! You should have used the Knucks!


Bryan kicks out!

Triple H can’t believe it! Bryan kicked out of the Pedigree! Hunter gets to his feet before taking a step backwards. He’ll Pedigree him again and again if he has to. Bryan starts pulling himself up, and Hunter quickly kicks him in the gut again. Hunter puts his head between his legs once more and looks to deliver another Pedigree, when….

I Come From Money!!!


JR: What the hell!!

The theme music of Ted DiBiasee Jr. starts playing and out walks the Million Dollar Son onto the stage. This catches Triple H’s attention for a moment. DiBiase talks trash to Hunter from the stage and Hunter responds from the ring. Hunter really should have been paying attention though. Now since his focus is divided, Daniel Bryan has been able to roll through the Pedigree, and grab Hunter by the arm. He takes Hunter down to the mat, before placing his arm between his legs and grabbing Hunter’s throat, locking in the YES Lock…

JR:YES Lock! Triple H got caught!

Bryan has the move locked in tight and Triple H knows that he has no option. If he wants to make it to the Royal Rumble later, he has to do it. Triple H knows he needs to fight another day, so he taps out!!

Garcia: Here is your winner; Daniel Bryan!





Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Cameron North Carolina, he in the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling, Jeff Hardy.



The tron shows Jeff Hardy, and sure enough, the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling stands atop of the ramp, not his once usual self of pandering to the adoring fans, but instead with a purpose, cold and still. After pausing a moment, he walks down the ramp towards the ring. This clearly is not your everyday Jeff Hardy as instead of pandering to the crowd he merely crotches down in the corner and waits.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from West Newbury Massachusetts, John Cena!


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an over hyped John Cena bursts out onto the stage, which is a pleasure from the U.W.F. Universe. John Cena looks into the camera and screams out “Oh look Randy I'm not in traction. Once again you failed ain't that right Pheonix!” before meeting the end of the stage. John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena springs forward and sprints down the entrance ramp. John Cena slides in the ring and hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring and prepares for his match.


Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings as Cena and Hardy stare each other down from opposite corners of the ring. They circle each other in the ring several times neither man wanting to start this match and make a mistake as JR and Piper sum up what is on the line here.

Again folks if you are just joining us, we learned earlier tonight that the winner of this match would be entered into the scramble match at the Great American Bash. Which has to put a punch of pressure on both men you would think.

I don’t know about Jeff Hailey or Hardy whatever, but I know Cena is always ready for a big time match up.

The two men tie up in the center of the ring and Cena immediately uses his strength to throw Hardy into a headlock. Cena holds the lock in trying to wear his opponent down with his superior size, while Hardy tries desperately to get out of the hold. Eventually Hardy is able to drive Cena into and off of the ropes in an attempt to break the headlock, but Cena again shows his strength by managing to hold on to the maneuver and the crowd cheers. Cena drops Hardy to the mat with a headlock takedown as Hardy begins to fight back. Once on the mat Cena begins wearing Hardy down before Hardy and Cena tussle back to their feet before Hardy just shoves Cena off of him. Cena looks at Hardy with a big smile on his face knowing he’s gotten into the mind of the Anti-Christ.

The Power of John Cena is just overwhelming Jeff Hardy here in the early going and I got to say its nice to see someone getting into the head of the Anti-Christ opposed to Hardy playing the mind games with his opponent.

Hardy is pissed now as he ties up with Cena once again as if he has something to prove and Hardy grabs Cena and locks it in for a headlock of his own. The move looks odd as Cena is bigger than the thin Hardy but the Anti-Christ just digs in a mistake, because it gives Cena the ability to lift Hardy up into the air looking for a proton-bomb, but Hardy reverses it by shifting his weight and he sends Cena down to the mat with a headlock takedown of his own. Hardy now has Cena stuck in the headlock and jeers from the crowd resound throughout the arena.

And now the tables have been turned as Hardy has managed to drive Cena down to the mat and has him in a headlock.

Ugh! This hard guy is a total creeper JR. What kind of a lame ass excuse of a man wears Make Up. Only Kiss could pull that shit off.

Careful Hot Rod, you are showing your age!

After several long seconds Cena is able to force Hardy back to his feet, but Hardy still has the headlock locked on. Cena is forced to exert numerous amounts of energy getting to his feet as Hardy puts all of his weight into the headlock. Once at his feet Cena tries the same tactic that Hardy did earlier by springing him off of the ropes, Cena is strong enough that it works and Hardy goes bouncing off the ropes before leapfrogging Cena, coming back again Cena jumps high over Hardy’s head in an impressive show of athleticism, before Hardy bounces again getting really tired, allowing Cena to drop the Anti-Christ to the mat with a hip toss. Hardy gets right up and Cena catches him and body slams him to the mat, the crowd getting louder and louder with every single move. Cena rushes over and uses the ropes to gain momentum before bring down an elbow into the heart of Hardy. Cena goes for the first cover of the match up.



Hardy kicks out!

I have to say I am always impressed with the sheer power of John Cena, and while his record may not be the greatest Cena is always just out of a win much like his match at Starrcade.

Unfortunately no one cares about second place JR, and Cena has been in second place for most of his UWF career.

Cena doesn’t even get back to his feet instead he applies a sleeper hold from a seated position. Cena knows Hardy’s strength is his quickness and speed and has managed to keep that in check here in the early going. Cena really wants that Number One Contendership as he tries to put Hardy to sleep. Hardy however has a lot of fight in him and isn’t a former World Champion for nothing, but eventually the oxygen begins leaving Hardy’s brain and he begins slumping to the mat. Suddenly Hardy begins coming back to life and begins rolling back and forth until he gains enough momentum to get back to his feet before sending Cena off the ropes. Cena comes back this time and Hardy drops Cena with a hip toss. The crowd begins jeering as Cena gets up and Hardy again hip tosses him to the mat. Hardy’s quickness and speed is getting quicker as Hardy kicks Cena in the gut before sending Cena to the mat with a ring shaking vertical suplex. Hardy goes for the cover.



Cena kicks out!

Well looks like old Cena failed again in trying to keep Hailey’s offense off of the table.

Hardy maybe getting into a rhythm Hot Rod, but I wouldn’t count Cena just yet in this number one contender’s match.

Hardy now responds by putting Cena into a mix of both a chin lock and a sleeper hold and holds on trying to pop Cena’s head like a zit. The crowd begins cheering trying to get Cena to come to life but Cena just struggles to find leverage to get out of the move or to his feet. Suddenly Cena digs down deep and shoots up to his feet before Hardy even knows what is going on before Cena again uses his strength to send Hardy to the mat with a back body drop.

Hardy tried to leverage his way to victory, but Cena counters again with that power advantage he has over Jeff Hardy.

Cena better be careful that vaunted strength of his isn’t stretched thin in this match JR.

Both men get to their feet a little dazed and Cena sees Hardy coming and drops him to the mat with a drop toe hold. Cena attempts to lock in the STF but Hardy has it well scouted and kicks Cena down to the mat. Cena gets thrown to the outside and the crowd begins to get nervous as Hardy uses the ropes to nail John Cena with a dropkick. Cena falls to the floor and Hardy stands in the ring taunting the crowd to major jeers. The official tries to tell Hardy to get back but Hardy gives him a mock “you can’t see me” before heading outside of the ring after his opponent.

What class by Hardy there, I don’t know who he was mocking more John Cena or the official.

What a damn snob. The only apocalypse he might cause is the end of his own career by pissing off the wrong people.

Hardy gets outside the ring and picks up Cena before driving Cena headfirst into the steel ring steps. Hardy smiles as he tosses Cena into the ring. “It’s time to end this mockery of a superstar.” Hardy is picked up by the mic on the cams before beginning to stalk Cena. Hardy puts his hands into the shape of a gun and points at Cena before firing it as Cena gets to his feet. Hardy goes for the Twist of Hate to major roars from the crowd but Cena spins out of it and sends Hardy into the ropes. Cena gets down a little early however and Hardy is able to kick Cena square in the chest ending any momentum Cena might have come up with. Hardy comes rushing at Cena before going for a clothesline, but at the last moment wraps his arm around Cena’s neck and sends the self-proclaimed Champ to the mat. The crowd boos as Hardy goes for the cover.

Hardy going for the victory here in front of the Sold Out Heatwave crowd.



3. No!

I thought for sure Hailey was going to be the Number One Contender there JR.

I know you don’t like the guy but at least say his name right Roddy. You have to imagine both Ted Dibiase and Dean Ambrose are watching this very carefully.

Cena uses the ropes by the corner to get back to his feet as Hardy comes closer to his prey. Hardy goes to whip Cena out of the corner, but Cena reveres it sending Hardy sailing hard into the opposite corner. Hardy comes back into Cena’s waiting arms where Cena grabs him and drops him with a fisherman’s suplex. The crowd is getting loud as Cena is beginning to feel it, but he can’t capitalize quickly as the damage is getting to Cena. After several long seconds Cena makes the cover.



3. NO!

Hardy kicks out!

I thought John Cena had just punched his ticket to the Bash there but it wasn’t quite to be.

Well what do you expect to happen when you wait twenty minutes to make a damn cover?

Both men take a moment of two to get up, Cena is first but Hardy uses the corner to get to his feet. Cena sees it and rushes at Hardy full speed a big mistake as Cena crashes and burns as Hardy moves out of the way. Hardy rushes Cena and again wraps his arm around Cena’s neck and drives him down to the mat. Hardy again goes for the cover.



3.. NO!

The will to be number one contender between these two men is very high as both men are leaving it all on the line here tonight.

Not everything JR. We haven’t even seen a damn finisher yet.

Hardy slams his fist to the mat in frustration as Cena rolls over to the ropes and begins using them to help him get to his feet. Hardy attempts to shoot Cena off the ropes but Cena reverses it and stops in the center of the ring. He kicks Hardy in the gut before Cena bounces off of the ropes and hits his high impact blockbuster that gets the crowd up on their feet in anticipation. Cena gets to his feet and calls for the match to be over.

What was that you said about finishers Hot Rod? Because I think we’re about to get one here.

Oh shut up JR!

Cena begins stalking Hardy like Cena has just seen a tasty meal. Hardy turns and Cena lifts Hardy up onto his shoulders when suddenly Hardy drops off. Cena is shocked as Hardy kicks Cena in the gut and quickly lands a twist of hate. The crowd can’t believe it as Hardy goes for the cover.





Here is Your Winner and Number One Contender to the UWF World Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Hardy!

HA! John Cena has hit a new low. He just got beaten by a cross dresser who wishes he was a girl. Nice work Johnny!

I hope Hardy doesn’t hear you Piper, you are already in trouble with Shawn Michaels.

Hardy smiles having stolen the match and he knows it. The crowd boos the Anti-Christ but he doesn’t care, after all he is victorious and heading to the Bash. He will not compete in the Rumble match tonight and slides out of the ring. Hardy looks back in the ring where only now is Cena beginning to stir, Hardy has a sick smile on his face as he motions for Gold, before Heatwave heads to commercial break.



This is gonna be the mother load of Dresden doeses...

Lilian Gracia: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the fifteen man, Royal Rumble match to determind a number one contender towards the World Heavyweight Championship at the Great American Bash... Two competitors will start the match, and every two minutes after the bell has rung, another superstar will enter the ring until every competitor has entered the match. And now, introducing entrant, who drew number one... DANIEL BRYAN!



The music of the former number one contender hits and out he comes to the ring and the crowd can't believe what they are seeing. Daniel Bryan comes out to the ring with a Cody Rhodes like mask on his face to protect his broken nose. Bryan's eyes are blood shot looking as if he hasn't really slept since losing the World title match at Starrcade but he have a confidence in his step after beating Triple H, Daniel Bryan rolls into the ring and screams "YES! YES! YES!" before turning to the titantron, awaiting entrant number 2.

Lilian Gracia: And this opponent, the person who drew number two in this Royal Rumble...



John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an over hyped John Cena bursts out onto the stage, which is a pleasure from the U.W.F. Universe. John Cena looks into the camera and screams out “Oh look Randy I'm not in traction. Once again you failed ain't that right Pheonix!” before meeting the end of the stage. John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena springs forward and sprints down the entrance ramp. John Cena slides in the ring and hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring and prepares for his match.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: And it’s time for the Royal Rumble Match, and Daniel Bryan and John Cena are starting this one off!

Roddy Piper: I can’t wait for entrant number four, I have hunch who is it, and it’s my favourite.

Daniel Bryan attempts to get the crowd rallied up behind him by yelling “YES! YES! YES!” some of the fans respond back with “YES! YES! YES!” but Cena just chuckles and the corner and screams “NO! NO! NO!” and suddenly the crowd erupts back with “NO! NO! NO!” chants which frustrates Daniel Bryan, who goes straight for John Cena; who responds with a strong arm clothesline knocking Daniel Bryan down, but Daniel Bryan rolls back to his feet and charges at Cena again, who throws Daniel Bryan up and over with a huge hip toss.

Jim Ross: Daniel Bryan isn’t having much luck here!

Roddy Piper: Oh boy, I can’t wait to see what the lucky number four can do, that’s all I care about JR!

Cena gets Daniel Bryan the hair and yells “And you’re out of here!” Cena charges across the ring Daniel Bryan and goes to toss him over the top rope but Daniel Bryan manages to grab a hold of the top rope and lands on the ring apron; Daniel Bryan drives a shoulder to the gut of Cena through the middle rope before leaping over the top rope to deliver a boot to the face of Cena, staggering him; this time Daniel Bryan grabs Cena and goes to toss Cena out of the ring but Cena reserves it and hoists Daniel Bryan up for the Attitude Adjustment but Daniel Bryan manages to strike Cena in the side of the head with multiple elbows before dropping him with a modified DDT as the Titantron lights up with the countdown.

Jim Ross: Here we go folks, who drew number 3 in this Royal Rumble.

Roddy Piper: It won’t matter JR because I’m telling ya, number four is gonna be the winner!




Jim Ross: Blah god! It’s the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels!

Roddy Piper: Ah-aha, this gold, the kid is about to have his heart broke!

Shawn Michaels charges down the entrance and slides into the ring to be meet with Daniel Bryan stomping away at Shawn Michaels but Shawn Michaels manages grab the foot of Daniel Bryan; Daniel Bryan hops on one foot as Shawn Michaels flips Daniel Bryan over but Daniel Bryan does a somersault, Daniel Bryan lands on his feet as Shawn Michaels goes to unload with Sweet Chin Music but Daniel Bryan ducks and delivers a low-blow Shawn Michaels as Cena gets back to his feet; Daniel Bryan turns around straight into a thunderous right hook from John Cena, Daniel Bryan hits the canvas as Cena looks at both men trying to decide who to go for.

Roddy Piper: Ahh, how much longer till the entrant JR!?

Jim Ross: I don’t know Roddy, what’s go good about number four anyways?

Roddy Piper: you’ll see JR, you’ll see!

Cena lifts up Shawn Michaels and throws him into the ropes; this time Shawn Michaels comes flying at John Cena and delivers the huge flying forearm smash knocking Cena down to the canvas; Shawn Michaels kips up to an ovation from the fans, both Daniel Bryan and John Cena both slowly get to their feet as Shawn Michaels tunes up the band as the fans begin to clap their hands, as both men get to their feet at the same time as Shawn Michaels charges across ring and nails Daniel Bryan with the Sweet Chin Music but this allows Cena to nail Shawn Michaels with the Attitude Adjustment as the countdown begins once more.



Jim Ross: Blah GAWD! IT’S YOU, PIPER!

Roddy Piper: Oh yes! I will see you in once I win, JR!

Hotrod climbs over the top of the announcement table and removes his jacket and tosses it aside before climbing into the ring to the ring, Cena gives off a big cheesy grin as Roddy Piper looks at Shawn Michaels and chuckles as Cena motions that Hotrod has the ring to himself; Michaels gets back to his feet as Hotrod points at Shawn Michaels and yells “YOU!” which gets the fans rallied up, as Michaels slaps Roddy Piper across the face for all the abuse he’s gotten from Hotrod but Piper responds with a poke to the eye before grabbing Shawn Michaels by the hair and tosses him out over the top rope!


Jim Ross: Well, there goes Shawn Michaels and the Hotrod seems impressive!

Shawn Michaels acts livid on the outside as Roddy Piper chuckles and but it’s shorted lived as Daniel Bryan delivers a high round house kick across the head of Rowdy Roddy Piper; which causes Cena to get involved, tackling Daniel Bryan; the two begin to brawl as Cena shows off his impressive display of strength driving Daniel Bryan into the turnbuckle, knocking the wind out of Daniel Bryan; Cena then begins to attempt to hoist Daniel Bryan over the top rope but DB holds on, as the countdown begins again.

Jim Ross: Here we go again folks, whose going to be number five?



Jim Ross: And here comes the new boy, the rookie! Good luck Bateman!

The fans pop for the rookie, as he comes out looking all calm and collected as he rushes down the entrance and slides into the ring, straight into the hotrod, Cena and Daniel Bryan are still jockeying for position in the corner but nevertheless; Bateman begins to get beaten down by Roddy Piper this time as Piper begins to nail Bateman in the face with right hooks, stumbling the rookie, Piper charges at Bateman, whose leaning against the ropes and manages to clothesline Bateman out to the ground below but Piper does it with so much force, he eliminates himself at the same time!


Jim Ross: And there goes Hotrod, I think he got a bit too excited folks!

Meanwhile back in the ring, Daniel Bryan finally manages to get free of Cena booting him in the face, Cena stumbles backwards as Daniel Bryan pulls himself up onto the second rope before leaping off delivering a double footed drop kick to the face Cena taking him off his feet to the canvas below, Hotrod finally gets back on the commentary.

Roddy Piper: Well JR, I might have not won the bloody thing, but atleast that pansy won’t win it!

Jim Ross: Don’t you think you’re a bit bias, Roddy?

Suddenly the titantron is lit up with the countdown from five again.




The fans erupt as the game marches out from the backstage, and he already has his sights on Daniel Bryan as, who taunts him to bring it; Triple H tosses his water bottle aside and rushes down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring, Daniel Bryan begins to club Triple H across the back but Triple H pushes Daniel Bryan away, as Daniel Bryan rebounds off the ropes, Triple H leaps up and delivers the high knee to the face Daniel Bryan bringing him down to the canvas as John Cena gets back to his feet, suddenly Triple H and John Cena lock eyes and the fans go absolutely ballistic.

Jim Ross: Triple H & John Cena, blah god!!!

Roddy Piper: This is gonna be tasty to watch, eh JR?

Cena and Hunter square up to each other, and begin to talk trash, the fans are going nuts as Cena and Hunter are nose to nose but Daniel Bryan gets back to his feet and tries to get involved, Cena and Triple H turn and look at the American Dragon before both of them nail Daniel Bryan with a punch each, which sends the fans into a cheering frenzy, suddenly before Triple H and Cena begin to trade lefts and right with each other in the middle of the ring. Triple H grabs Cena and Irish Whips him into the ring ropes and goes for the high knee but Cena baseball slides underneath Triple H before turning around and delivering a Clothesline to Triple H. Now once again, the count down begins for the next entrant.




The crowd begins to boo as the Manic Preacher walks out from the backstage, with Cousin Eli walking behind him, Bray Wyatt takes his time, still holding his straw hat, Bray Wyatt takes his time walking down the entrance, he ain’t in no rush as Daniel Bryan leaps onto the back of John Cena; Cena manages flips Daniel Bryan off his shoulders but as Cena turns around, Triple H boots Cena in the gut and hooks both arms, before nailing the Pedigree! The fans has a fifty-fifty reaction to Triple H nailing the Pedigree but now Hunter is outnumbered as Bray Wyatt climbs into the ring and Daniel Bryan gets back to his feet and the two heels seemingly prepare to form a coalition to get Triple H.

Roddy Piper: Ah man, I bet Triple H regrets hitting John Cena with the Pedigree, now.

Jim Ross: Maybe so, but the Game can handle himself but also, it’s everyman for himself, you should know that Roddy!

Triple H roars as the two heels go for Triple H, Triple H quickly decks Bray Wyatt knocking him down to the canvas, Triple H then goes for Daniel Bryan but Daniel Bryan ducks underneath and delivers a stiff kick to the thigh of Triple H; Triple H grunts and hold his calf as Bray Wyatt quickly sneaks up behind Triple H and delivers a chop block to knock Triple H down to the canvas, and like a pack of wolves, Bryan & Wyatt begin to stomp away at Triple H as the titantron lights up again with the countdown.




The fans booing continues as the UWF European marches out from the backstage with Paul Heyman in tow, looking a little worse for ware after suffering a Van Daminator earlier, nevertheless, Miz rushes down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring and joins in on the three on one beat down in the middle of the ring on Triple H; Cena slowly gets back to his feet and manages to launch a fight back to help out Triple H; Cena steamrolls over Daniel Bryan, knocking him down to the canvas, Bray Wyatt quickly delivers a discus punch to John Cena; Miz then charges at Cena and delivers a huge knee to the gut, knocking the wind out of Cena; both Wyatt and Miz begin to club Cena cross the back with their fists, trying to beat Cena down.

Jim Ross: What a beatdown on John Cena!

Roddy Piper: The heels are taking out the biggest dogs in the yard!

But their beatdown is short lived as Triple H finally gets back up and grabs Miz from behind and spins him around straight into a right hook, now Triple H begins to pummel Miz before Irish Whipping into the ring ropes, Miz comes flying back into a huge Spinebuster from Triple H; Cena begins to fight of Bray Wyatt but it’s in vein as Daniel Bryan has now recovered and quickly pounces and assists Bray Wyatt with Cena, Triple H tries to get involved but Miz has managed to get to his knees and low-blows Triple H; suddenly the titantron lights up; causing the three heels to pay attention to titantron as the fans count down.


This. Is. Sting.

The fans go absolutely bonkers as the three heels line up and taunt Sting to come into the ring as the Icon emerges from the backstage, Sting takes his time marching down the entrance ramp as Triple H and Cena, recover, Cena and Hunter jump Wyatt and Miz respectively, leaving Wyatt and Sting; Sting slides into the ring and unloads a thunderous chop across chest of Wyatt, then a right hook, then another huge chop; the fans going wild as Triple H beats down Daniel Bryan in the corner, punching him down while Cena unloads on Miz another corner. Sting forces Wyatt into another corner, Triple H, Sting & Cena look at each other and nod and prepare to Irish Whip all three heels.

Jim Ross: This isn’t looking good for Wyatt, Miz & Bryan!

Roddy Piper: Who woulda thought the Stinger would even things up!

The three faces Irish Whip their respective heels, as all three heels collide with each other in the centre of the ring, which sets the fans on fire, cheeringly wildly as Sting cups his mouth and woos to get a huge woo back, as Triple H does the crotch chop, and Cena throws up his arms; the fans are on fire as the three heels get back to their feet, one by one, Wyatt is first up, causing Sting to boot Wyatt in the gut before hitting the Scorpion Death Drop! Daniel Bryan staggers straight into the Pedigree from Triple H as Cena finishes it all off with an Attitude Adjustment to the Miz! And now the countdown begins once more for entrant number ten.



The fans begin to boo as Jeff Jarrett steps out from the backstage, carrying three guitars, two in his hands and one across his back as the three faces, particularly Triple H chuckles at the top of his lungs as Jeff Jarrett struts down the entrance ramp; but this gives Wyatt a chance to get back to his feet, Wyatt pushes Triple H forward, Triple H goes through the middle rope straight into a guitar shot from Jeff Jarrett to the dismay of the fans. As Sting and Cena turn around and deck Wyatt, but Jeff Jarrett manages to sneak into the ring and nails Cena across the head with the second guitar; Jarrett quickly scrambles to get the third guitar off his back as Sting looks up to the ceiling.

Roddy Piper: Jarrett better hurry up if he wants to get Sting!

Jim Ross: I can’t help but agree with you, Hotrod!

Jarrett finally gets the guitar off and swings for Sting but Sting’s baseball bat has dropped from the ceiling, giving Sting a moment to grab the guitar, Sting blocks the guitar with the bat smashing; Jeff Jarrett can’t believe it as Sting drills him in the gut with the baseball bat, as Miz gets back up, he eats a Baseball Bat to the gut and finally Daniel Bryan gets back to his feet and manages to dodge the baseball bat before nailing going behind Sting and hitting him with a German Suplex! Now the count down begins once more.



The fans go nuts as the residential superhero rushes out from the back, with a huge cape flying behind him, Mysterio rushes down the entrance and leaps up into the ring apron before springboarding onto the top rope and goes flying into the ring but unfortunately for Mysterio, Daniel Bryan has it well scouted and catches Mysterio straight into a Mysterio LeBell Lock but Mysterio rolls through and turns on the spot and delivers double booted dropkick to the face of Daniel Bryan; the fans are going nuts as Wyatt pulls himself up using the ring ropes; bad move as Mysterio rushes across the ring and delivers the 619 to Wyatt! The fans are going nuts as Mysterio leaps up onto the top rope and leaps off to deliver the West Coast Pop to the stumbling Miz!

Roddy Piper: Ahhh! Who called Super Mysterio? I mean c’mon!

Jim Ross: I haven’t got a clue, Roddy but he’s as fast as a whippet!

Jeff Jarrett gets back to his feet and grabs Mysterio by the cape and goes to toss him out of the ring with a Irish Whip but Mysterio, quick as a lightning bolt, leaps up and grabs Jeff Jarrett into a headscissors and pulls Jarrett towards the ring ropes, the momentum sends Jeff Jarrett over the top rope to the padding below.

Jim Ross: There goes Jeff Jarrett!


Mysterio catches his breathe as the titantron lights up and the countdown begins for next entrant in the Royal Rumble.


The Buzzer sounds and the crowd turn towards the stage to see who’s to come, Sandows music plays and the crowd immediately boo towards the stage. Sandow appears on stage with a microphone in hand lifting his hand up as he makes his way down to the ring


Damien Sandow: Allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment, my name is Damien Sandow and I am here to help all of you.

The four men in the ring turn towards the stage not expecting to hear someone speaking in the middle of a rumble, as Sandow simply goes on as if the rumble won’t go on until he’s done enlightening.

Damien Sandow: Earlier this very evening I imparted my wisdom on one man, however my lessons are not reserved for that one man they are for each and every one of the unwashed masses. That includes the collection of miscreants parading around our Roster, and more specifically that includes the antediluvian cast of ignoramuses that make up the ring at this very moment.

Sandow walks up the steel steps going across the ring apron as he looks at the superstars in the ring currently.

Damien Sandow: Therefore I shall be taking it upon myself to eradicate you from my fair squared circle so as to teach you that your time in the proverbial spotlight has long passed, and you must make way for the new era…the era of enlightenment. However before I impart my message physically I would like to make clear, that you do not need to learn this message the hard way. There is plenty of room in my new era, so if you choose to be of use, to help me in my cause and help me tear down the chains of ignorance from these unwashed masses here this evening. All needed of you is to simply toss yourself out so that you may give your savior the room he needs to do his work, and as always I win this Rumble not for myself and the Worlds Heavyweight Championship…As always I do this for each and every one of you…You’re Welcome

With Sandow’s ‘you’re welcome’ he climbs between the middle and top rope and is met straight away by Triple H, who Irish Whips Sandow into the opposite ropes before being hit with the High Knee to the face; Sandow hits the canvas rolls straight to his feet, Cena hoists him up straight into the Attitude Adjustment, the fans go nuts as Sandow hits the canvas and bounces into the ring ropes, between the middle and top rope, Mysterio charges across the ring and delivers another 619, this time to Sandow; Sandow stumbles back into the centre of the ring as Sting grabs him by the hair and charges across the ring, and sends him flying over the top rope!


Roddy Piper: Ahaha, that’ll each ya for being a loud mouth!

The fans loved that beat down on the cocky uprising star but now it leaves all the faces stare each other down, each man has taken a corner of the ring; looking at each other, Wyatt, Miz and Daniel Bryan gather themselves in the middle of the ring as Rey Mysterio signals to Sting to give him a hand, Sting helps out Mysterio, Mysterio charges at Sting, Sting gives Mysterio a boost, sending Mysterio flying into the three heels but they catch him and quickly all three toss Mysterio over the top rope to the dismay of the fans, but nevertheless they begin to countdown for entrant 13!



The fans boo JTG has he rushes out from the back, trying to act all thugs, meanwhile everyone begins to brawl in the ring once more, while Damien Sandow has begun marching back up the entrance, picking up his microphone on the way; as JTG rushes past Sandow, Sandow nails him in the head with the microphone, creating a loud thud through the PA system, Sandow slicks back his hair and talks into the microphone.

Sandow: You have my gratitude young miscreant for allowing a second opportunity to not only Damien Sandow, but to the future of this brand as a whole. I shall not fail twofold...and for saving you of wasting your time attempting to actually compete in this battle I say...You're Welcome.


Sandow slides underneath the bottom rope, straight into the Icon Sting, who delivers a clothesline to Sandow, sending him back over the top rope! Eliminating Sandow once more.


Jim Ross: Blah god! I think Sandow has the shortest ever time in a Royal Rumble, his second attempted was a lot shorter than his first one!

Roddy Piper: It’s funny as hell though JR!

Sandow is livid on the outside as Sting waves “BUH-BYE!” to him, Sandow throws a small fit on the outside, stamping at JTG before walk back up the entrance ramp and into the back; while Sting gets nailed in the back by Bray Wyatt, Miz is almost eliminated as Triple H tries to tip him over the top rope, but Paul Heyman scrambles to Miz’s aid, pulling a ladder out from underneath the ring and makes a bridge across the ring apron and barricade, but Miz is still holding on for dear life as the titantron counts down.




The fans erupt as One of a Kind hits the PA system, RVD comes rushing out from the backstage and charges down the entrance ramp, as Cena floors Daniel Bryan with a right hook; RVD quickly scales the turnbuckle before leaping off, hitting the Five-Star Frog Splash to Daniel Bryan! RVD rolls back to his feet and does his “ROB… VAN… DAM!” taunt which gets the crowd fired up as Triple H manages to toss Miz over the top rope, but Miz lands on the ladder, however he’s barely hanging onto it; Miz tries to reposition himself and pull himself up onto the ladder as RVD notices the Miz.

Jim Ross: Ahh, there’s Bad Blood between RVD and the Miz!

Roddy Piper: This could be interesting see as a Ladder is involved!

RVD takes a deep breathe as he rushes across the ring, doing the Rolling Thunder, but RVD leaps over Triple H and the top rope; hitting the Rolling Thunder to Miz, taking Miz down and breaks the ladder! Miz’s feet hit the floor eliminating Miz but he also eliminates himself, but the fans are going wild, chanting “HOLY FUCKIN SHIT!”



The fans are going wild from the highspot, they don’t notice the countdown going down.




Desmond Wolfe marches out from the backstage, wearing his wrestling attire but still with his shades on, the fans are going bonkers, expecting Wolfe to wrestling but Wolfe has a microphone in his hand, snarling he lifts the microphone up to his mouth.


Desmond Wolfe: Oi Daniel Bryan, ya wanker! Pay attention, because I promised to make your life a livin’ hell, and that’s what I’m doing sunshine! So listen ‘ere!

Daniel Bryan staggers back to his feet and looks at Desmond Wolfe, leaning against the ropes, yelling back at Wolfe to get into the ring but Wolfe shakes his head, suddenly Samoa Joe leaps over the barricade and slides into the ring behind Bryan and tosses him over the top rope, eliminating him!


Jim Ross: What a trick by our General Manager but you can’t help but feel Daniel Bryan has had it coming!

Wolfe chuckles as Samoa Joe climbs out of the ring and begins to pummel away at Daniel Bryan before throwing him over the barricade; Samoa Joe climbs over after him and the two begin to brawl, while Desmond Wolfe smirks and chuckles as he finishes up.

Desmond Wolfe: Now that dirty business is done, I am removing me self from this match, however, ya muppets left in the ring, get to it, we still get a title match to come over this! I wanna see a winner!


Triple H seems slightly put off by the ways of the General Manager but nevertheless he continues to pummel Bray Wyatt in the head, seeming now it’s gonna be a three on one, Wyatt versus the face but Eli Cottenwood climbs up onto the ring apron and nails Triple H on the side of the head before climbing over the top rope, Triple H is staggered, Sting tries to get involved; going for a Stinger Splash on Eli Cottenwood but Cottenwood catches Sting and body slams Sting over the top rope, eliminating him from the contest! But at the same time, Cena finally gets the pay back for the Pedigree Triple H gave him earlier, throwing Triple H over the top rope too.


Jim Ross: Woah! Eli Cottenwood just cost Sting another match! But we’re down to the final two, Bray Wyatt and John Cena!

Roddy Piper: ahh, quit being so high in morals, it’s anything goes in these Royal Rumbles!

John Cena looks absolutely shocked as he realises he’s final two, Bray Wyatt is chuckling at the top of his head as Eli Cottenwood looks like a monster behind Bray Wyatt; Cena looks at his two foes and prepares himself as Eli Cottenwood charges at Cena but Cena ducks underneath and hoists Eli Cottenwood up and over the top rope, Eli Cottenwood on the floor below but lands with a thud but this has given Bray Wyatt a chance to go for Cena; Bray steam rolls into Cena, sending him over the top rope, but Cena lands on the ring apron, Wyatt takes a swing but Cena ducks underneath it and manages to grab Wyatt by the head.

Jim Ross: This isn’t looking good for John Cena here!

Roddy Piper: You might be wrong JR, Cena has Wyatt by the head!

Cena manages to lift Wyatt over the top rope onto his shoulders into the fireman’s carry, the fans are going nuts as Cena looks around, balancing on the ring apron; but Eli Cottenwood has gotten back to his feet and is heading towards Cena, Cena quickly throws Wyatt off his shoulders with the Attitude Adjustment but Eli Cottenwood catches him, but Wyatt’s weight is too heavy for Eli Cottenwood, who stumbles backwards and drops Wyatt on the padding below; eliminating him, Bray Wyatt.




Cena can’t believe it, as he’s finally won a match in UWF, he climbs back into the ring and celebrates, the fans are going absolutely nuts, while on the outside, Bray Wyatt can’t believe it, he had it won but Cena snatched it away from him. Desmond Wolfe is clapping his hands at John Cena winning the match, but Wolfe has some loose ends to tie up, so he lifts his microphone.


Desmond Wolfe: John Cena, congratulations muggins' you finally won a match 'ere in UWF and was one of the toughest of 'em all, a Royal Rumble match, I applaud you sunshine and as promised, you'll be in the World Heavyweight Championship match and you'll be gaining some perks for that match, don't you worry sunshine but as I promised, there now will be a lucky lottery to see who else is making it into this World Heavyweight Championship match.


The video lands on Bray Wyatt and suddenly he leaps to his feet and goes wild, slapping Eli Cottenwood across the chest "We made it Cousin!" Eli Cottenwood smiles as Cena looks over his shoulder, Wolfe nods his head as he notices the carnage of RVD & The Miz; Wolfe addresses the matter.

Desmond Wolfe: As for you two muppets, RVD & Miz, what I've seen from both of ya tonight is a lot of ladders, chairs and announcement table being broken, and well Sunshines. It gave me an idea, 'cause at The Great American Bash, Miz, you'll be defending that UWF European Championship against Rob Van Dam, in a Full Metal Mayhem! However, it ain't about grabbing the belt, no no, sunshines, you gotta pin each other but tables, ladders and chairs, will be legal! Good luck to ya muppets, now it's time for a commercial break then the World Heavyweight Championship match!




Desmond Wolfe is in the back walking around when he hears a weird sound coming from the locker room of Dean Ambrose. He reaches his locker room and finds it locked. He calls out for Ambrose and grabs his keys to open the door. When he finally gets it open, he sees that the room is completely destroyed. There are holes in the wall, glass all over the floor and everything is completely broken. Dean Ambrose is just sitting on a leather couch covered with holes with his head down.

Dean! What are you doing you wanker! You need to be out for your match right now!

Without hesitation, Dean Ambrose looks up and heads on out to make his way to the arena stage.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is our Main Event of the evening and it is for the UWF World Heavyweight Championship!


The crowd erupts into boos as the Million Dollar Son Ted Dibiase Jr makes his way out to the ring. He has a huge smile on his face which causes an uproar from the crowd. The man who could bribe anyone with the amount of money he has motions for the one thing he does not have, Championship gold. Dibiase believes he is going to have that as well after tonight. He climbs up the steps and stands on the apron for a moment cleaning it with his boot.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, the challenger. From West Palm Beach Florida, the Million Dollar Son, Ted Dibiase Jr!

Dibiase hops into the ring and heads to the corner where he gets on the second rope by the turnbuckle and once again motions for the World Title to go around his waist.

JR: What an opportunity for this second generation superstar here tonight Piper. He's been asking for a chance albeit by complaining since he got here and tonight he is going to get it and after the hell the new champion was put through at Starrcade it could be just the right time.

Piper: I don't know JR. I can't imagine Dibiase being World Champion. I couldn't stand his father and I sure as hell can't stand him.

Lillian Garcia:
And his opponent....


The crowd goes absolutely nuts for the new World Heavyweight Champion as he comes out prepared for his first title defense. Ambrose has a visable scar at his hair line from where he was cut on Sunday but does not have anything protecting it. Once again the champion shows he is not afraid of pain as he makes his way down to the ring exchanging high fives with the crowd.

Lillian Garcia: From Cinncinatti Ohio, weighing in at 243 lbs, he is the NEW UWF World Heavyweight Champion. DEAN AMBROSE!!!

This gets a large pop from the crowd as Dean gets on the steel steps and than on the apron before turning back towards the crowd and screaming showing off the World Title around his waist. While his back is turned Dibiase rushes him and knocks him off the apron and down into the barricade below.

Piper: A million dollar cheap shot JR.

JR: Oh come on Ted, no need to do something like that.

Dibiase pursues Ambrose as the ref calls for the bell.



Dibiase gets to Ambrose and grabs him by the head before dragging him over to the steel steps and slamming him head first into them. Dibiase again pounds Ambrose’s head into the cold steel steps before bringing Ambrose out and whipping him hard back into the steps, his knees buckling under the force. Dibiase draws a smirk on his face as he again goes after the champion. Ambrose is trying to stand up but Dibiase has it well scouted and comes up behind him and shoves him so hard he goes flying head first into the ring post. Ambrose is clearly out of it as Dibiase smiles the crowd giving him monster heat. Ambrose begins getting up as Dibiase slides into the ring hoping not to lose his shot at the World Title by count-out. Ambrose is able to climb up onto the apron grabbing the ropes to get to his feet and Dibiase goes to attack Ambrose again but the Champion out of desperation hangs the challenger out to dry on the top rope. Ambrose seeing his moment of opportunity slides into the ring and as Dibiase turns around Ambrose wraps his arms around him and sends him flying to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. The crowd is in awe as Ambrose crawls over on top of the challenger.



Dibiase kicks out!

Ambrose picks Dibiase off the ground and hits him with a knife edge chop forcing the Million Dollar Son back. Ambrose kicks Dibiase in the shins before spin kicking Dibiase square in the stomach. Ambrose nails Dibiase with an european uppercut that sends the challenger into the corner. “Now so tough now without your cheap shots now are you?” Before using his head to headbutt Dibiase square in the nose. Ambrose after having suffered a slow start has finally come to life showing how lethal he is with every part of his body. Dibiase grabs his nose in pain as Ambrose grabs him and throws him in a headlock before driving the challenger down to the mat with a bulldog. The crowd cheers as the champion goes for another cover.



3. NO!

JR: Dibiase kicks out again, but with the violent nature of Ambrose you have to wonder just how much more damage Dibiase is in for before this match is finished here tonight.
Piper: What a match to finish up Heatwave JR. Two young guns who both have a lot to prove here tonight.
Ambrose tells the official to count faster as he brings Dibiase back to his feet before sending him whipping off the ropes, Dibiase comes back and leap frogs over Ambrose only to come back and be nailed with a dropkick from the Champion. As Dibiase goes down Ambrose gets up and begins screaming, totally pumped up at how this match is going so far, Ambrose is indeed looking like a champion. Dibiase gets to his feet and Ambrose goes to attack but Dibiase gets an elbow into the side of Ambrose’s face. Dean is staggered and Dibiase kicks the Champion’s knee cap forcing Ambrose to one leg where Dibiase grabs it and sends Ambrose to the mat. Dibiase suddenly begins wrapping himself around Ambrose’s leg looking for a figure four, but Ambrose kicks out of it. Dibiase comes back as Ambrose sits up and Dibiase nails him with a running knee to the face. The crowd boos as Dibiase taunts them before performing a fist drop onto the Champion before going for the cover.



Ambrose kicks out!

The crowd cheers Ambrose as he fights as a champion as Dibiase brings him to his feet. Dibiase nails Ambrose with a big right hand which staggers Ambrose long enough for Dibiase to pick up the Champion and send him to the mat with a sitout spinebuster. Dibiase smiles saying “I’m going to be champion.”, as he makes the cover.



3.. NO!

Ambrose gets the shoulder up.

JR: And again Ambrose gets a shoulder up and Dibiase is finding out firsthand what all other opponents of his have learned.

Piper: Ambrose is crazy JR, he will never give up until he dies.

Dibiase hopes to put himself in a better position to win and drags Ambrose to his feet before whipping him off the ropes, Dibiase makes a crucial mistake by getting down early and Ambrose kicks Dibiase in the chest. Dibiase is now staggered and Ambrose brings him down to the mat where he locks Dibiase into the Regal Stretch. The crowd goes nuts as Dibiase is locked in the submission move which made Daniel Bryan tapout just 5 days ago at Starrcade. Ambrose has the move locked in around the center of the ring and Dibiase is in serious pain. Dibiase begins fighting towards the rope and Ambrose just keeps the pressure on hoping to get the Million Dollar son to tap but he refuses. Dibiase continues to crawl his way towards the ropes before reaching out and grabbing the bottom one to the jeers of the crowd. Ambrose lets up in disgust wishing they would do away with the rule.

JR: Ambrose looks mighty upset Dibiase was able to make it to the ropes there partner.

Piper: I’d be pretty upset too if I were him. He had Dibiase dead to rights and yet somehow he managed to get to the bottom rope and save his chances of becoming World Champion.

Ambrose gets off and as Dibiase gets to his feet using the ropes rolls Dibiase up.



Dibiase continues to roll and manages to get Ambrose into a small cradle.



3.. NO

Dibiase came within a split second of becoming World Champion. Both men get to their feet and Ambrose kicks Dibiase in the gut as the feeling in the air gets the crowd pumped up. Ambrose bounces off of the ropes only to right into the waiting arms of Dibiase who drives him to the mat with a powerslam. Dibiase doesn’t go straight for the covering knowing it isn’t going to be enough. Instead the challenger undoes his kneepad before attempting to drop it right on the champion’s head. The Champion moves out of the way however and Dibiase crashes to the mat and begins holding his knee in pain. Ambrose gets to his feet and grabs Dibiase’s leg before performing a leg drop onto Dibiase’s exposed knee. The Challenger lets out a cry of pain as Ambrose doesn’t let go of the leg and instead spins Dibiase around and puts him into a single leg Boston Crab. Dibiase is in serious trouble as not only does Ambrose have the leg torked in an unpleasant way but Ambrose begins punching Dibiase’s knee as well. The crowd wants Dibiase to tap out bad but somehow he manages to keep going, inching closer and closer to the ropes before grabbing it and forcing Ambrose to again break up the hold. Ambrose again gets up in disgust as it is now the challenger showing the will to never give up. Ambrose of course is not going to let it end like this and allows Dibiase to get to his feet. Dibiase turns around and is immediately dropped with a Knee Trembler that gets the crowd to go nuts. Ambrose gets down and goes for the cover.



3… NO

JR: At the last possible second Dibiase gets his shoulder up and after the beating the Challenger is taking here tonight he is somehow managing to survive, but Ambrose is not going to stop trying to destroy Dibiase much like Dibiase did to Zach Ryder earlier in the night.

Piper: I think Dibiase is finding that Dean Ambrose is a whole other level than that punk from Long Island.

“One Hitter!” Ambrose screams as he wants to get out with his championship now. He picks up Dibiase and sets him up for the vertical suplex, he sends Dibiase into the air but Dibiase’s weight shifts and Dibiase winds up landing back on the mat. Ambrose hits Dibiase with a European uppercut and Dibiase goes falling into the ropes. Ambrose rushes Dibiase but Dibiase gets down and flips Ambrose over him, Ambrose lands on the apron and the crowd can’t believe it when they see Dibiase nail him with a beautiful dropkick, sending him off the apron and to the ring floor. This gives Dibiase the moment to catch his breath he so badly needs.

Piper: Ambrose got a little too aggressive there and the challenger managed to find a way to use to get a must needed breather.

JR: Ambrose has been on fire for much of this match-up to the delight of this phoenix crowd, but right in that moment Dibiase may have just changed the momentum of this match.

Dibiase shakes the cobwebs out of his system as he slams his fists into the mat trying to get out of the funk. Ambrose meanwhile begins to stand on the outside of the ring before pulling himself back into the ring. Dibiase turns as Ambrose gets into the ring and attempts a clothesline but Ambrose ducks it, Dibiase turns around and gets a right hand, but Dibiase answers back with one of his own, followed by another, before Ambrose kicks Dibiase in the gut. Ambrose again bounces off the ropes hoping to build up more momentum only for Dibiase to catch him and send him to the mat with a side slam. Dibiase gets to his feet cold fire in his eyes as he motions for the match to be over. Dibiase brings Ambrose to his feet and without hesitating for even a second Dibiase nails Ambrose with Dream Street. Dibiase goes for the cover.

Could we be looking at a new World Champion here?


New Champ! New Champ!

3… NO!!!!

Ambrose gets the shoulder up and the crowd goes ballistic, but no one is more surprised than Dibiase who gets up unable to believe his luck. With a rage in his eyes Dibiase heads outside of the ring and grabs the World title belt much to the chagrin of the fans. Dibiase gets into the ring and begins waiting for Ambrose to get to his feet, Dibiase is almost begging him to get to his feet as the official begins screaming at Ted not to do it, but the million dollar son wants the prize his father was never able to take. Ambrose gets to his feet as the fans are trying desperately to warn him of what is going on. Dibiase launches himself and finds air as Ambrose is able to bring Dibiase to the mat with a drop toe hold, when suddenly Ambrose again latches on the Regal Stretch to the delight of the fans.

Another Stretch from Ambrose, Dibiase has been systematically beaten down by submission moves throughout most of the match up and now I think the Million Dollar Son has found himself in a situation he cannot buy himself out of Hot Rod.

The first time it couldn’t have been a treat JR, but now there is no way Dibiase isn’t at least thinking about tapping out here.

Dibiase is indeed thinking about tapping out as the pain of the past few minutes seems to all be taking a toll on him now. Dibiase silently curses himself for being so stupid as Ambrose adds on the pressure. Dibiase looks out and sees the ropes just a few inches away from his outstrecthed fingers, but can’t tell if he is going to make it. Meanwhile Ambrose has the move locked in and continues to add pressure, thinking about nothing more than retaining the World Title he’s fought all his life for. He does not want to lose it to a spoiled rich brat like Dibiase. Dibiase puts up his hand in the air and the crowd cheers hoping to see it comes tapping down, but instead it is to reach for the ropes. Dibiase’s finger tips are just centimeters away and again Dibiase tries and fails to pull himself closer. Dibiase again throws his arm out and can’t reach and hesitates looking like he is going to tap out before finally reaching deep into his reserves grabs a hold of the bottom rope. The sails in the crowd go out as a large sigh fills the arena as Ambrose screams in anger.

I thought for sure Dibiase was going to tap there. It has to be over soon now though because it looked like Dibiase used the last of his remaining strength to reach that bottom rope.

I don’t know how well that effort is going to work out for him JR, what now having nothing left to beat his opponent, the Million Dollar Son should be as easy to beat as his father was.

Ambrose this time does not bother making any showboat like maneuvers. Instead he just brings Dibiase straight to his feet and places him in a suplex position before lifting him up into the air, this time Dibiase does go straight up, and Ambrose holds him up there for several moments as the fans love what they are seeing, building up for his retaining of the World title.

The strength of the Worlds Champion is unbelievable Piper. I didn’t think we could top starrcade, but tonight I feel like we’ve outdone it.

It is because of the amazing and talented roster we have JR. Sure there are a few assclowns and jokes, but hell I sit next to one every week calling matches.

Ambrose has held Dibiase for too long in the air as suddenly Dibiase comes down and out of it before shoving Ambrose hard into the official. The official goes down in the corner and Ambrose begins checking on him and apologizing hoping not to get disqualified. Ambrose turns back to his opponent, pissed off now, and gets blindsided as the championship belt comes into his face with a nasty THUD! Dibiase throws away the evidence and the phoenix crowd begins an uproar as Dibiase yells at the official to get a move on. After several crucial seconds the official begins the count.

JR: Not like this, Ambrose’s reign can’t end like this.


I thought Ambrose had this in the bag.



Ambrose saves his title reign by getting his shoulder up.

JR: I am so sorry Champ, I keep forgetting Ambrose has the heart of a warrior and a champion and I shouldn’t be surprised to see him kick out of that.

I think Dibiase has lost all the tricks in his playbook JR. He’s in big trouble now.

Maybe but the champion is down and has to be hurting after that belt shot.

Ambrose is indeed hurting as the title belt has caused the cut from Starrcade to reopen and now Ambrose is bleeding which makes Dibiase smirk. His smirk quickly leaves however when he sees the official in his face shouting 2! Dibiase gets to his feet and grabs the official by his collar. “I have never seen such a pathetic excuse for a referee. Did you not see me have him pinned?” Referee Mike Chioda tries to make his case but Dibiase doesn’t want to hear it as he punches the official who goes down like a ton of rocks. Dibiase spits on him as well which really gets the crowd fired up.

How distasteful is Junior. Showing absolutely no signs of the rules and just breaking them as if they didn’t exist.

You have to figure any fine Dibiase would get for his blatant disregard of the rules will be paid off by the time he gets to the back.

Satisfied with his work Dibiase is about to turn around when he is instead spun around by the Champion. The champion kicks Dibiase in the gut before lifting him up into a vertical suplex, and this time Ted is unable to counter as Ambrose comes down with a One Hitter and the crowd goes nuts! Ambrose covers Dibiase but there is NO Official. The crowd begins counting themselves. 1… 2… 3… 4…

Dammit! We need an official out here right now. Ambrose should have retained the World Title by now.

I agree with Dibiase on one thing JR, the officiating around here is indeed shit.

Finally by the time the crowd has counted to 10 senior official Nick Patrick comes sprinting down the ramp to a decent pop but more jeers as he slides into the ring.

The hell was he doing? Sitting on the toilet reading the latest issue of playboy? Christ!

The official gets into position and begins counting.





Dibiase gets the shoulder up!

“Are you freaking kidding me!” Ambrose shouts out in disgust unable to believe the slowness of the officials. The crowd begins to boo the officiating loudly as he feels he should have won the match there. The crowd is with him as he grabs his hair in total frustration before turning back towards his opponent. Ambrose’s head is not necessarily on the right shoulders as he picks up Dibiase and doesn’t even see Deebs nail him square in the eyes with a dirty eye poke. The official yells at Dibiase and immediately begins checking on Ambrose. Dibiase seeing a moment of opportunity begins undoing the turnbuckle pad as he has does previously in the past few weeks that has led him to victory. The crowd begins booing and the official turns his head and sees it. The official shoves Dibiase aside and gets right in his face and begins yelling at him.

And finally the crowd and we are in agreement, the official is doing something right for once.

I still don’t think it makes up for all the things the officials have missed in this match. This should have been over minutes ago.

Dibiase throws his hands in the air in surrender and the official feeling he’s won the confrontation shakes his head before turning back towards the turnbuckle and begins fixing the pad Dibiase has screwed up. Dibiase gives off a big smirk as the officials back is turned towards him. He turns and Ambrose comes out of the corner rushing the challenger when suddenly Dibiase just kicks Ambrose square in the testicles. The Champion is easily taken down by the maneuver and hunches over in the ring. Dibiase uses the opportunity to grab Ambrose and roll him up.

Oh come on! What the hell was that? Dibiase just broke another unwritten rule in professional wrestling Hot Rod.

He can’t win the title like this JR, what a cowards way.

Dibiase yells for the official who turns and sees the cover. He is so shocked and not wanting to make another mistake immediately gets down, however the official is out of position and Dibiase knows it. He grabs Ambrose’s tights with one hand and the rope with his other to add leverage to the pin fall.


God Dammit! Not this way!


This is BULL SHIT!


The bell rings and the crowd begins booing as Dibiase is super quick to exit the ring.


Here is your winner and the NEW UWF World Heavyweight Champion: Ted Dibiase Jr.

JR: NO! What a crime? This is not the way I imagined in a million years this match ending.

It’s official Dibiase is the World Champion and dammit what a joke of a champion he is!

Dibiase slides back into the ring and throws the title belt up into the air unable to believe he has just done the impossible. Ambrose watches on from the corner arguing with the referee when suddenly…


The fans erupt as Desmond Wolfe's theme hits the PA system, and low and behold the General Manager of Smackdown emerges on the titantron, DiBiase is caught half way between the two as Wolfe speaks up.


Desmond Wolfe: Ted DiBiase, ya cheating little wanker; ya think I’m gonna let the World Heavyweight Championship match is gonna end this way? Not a chance Sunshine, ya better shift yer arse back into that ring because this ain’t how Smackdown works around ‘ere, so right ‘ere, right now; Chioda, ring the bell ‘cause Dean Ambrose is getting’ his right match, right now!

JR: Yes! Yes! Yes! Justice has been done by our General Manager. Dean Ambrose is going to get a rematch right here, right now.

I think the General Manager actually made some freaking sense for once though I can guarantee you Dibiase is not going to be happy.

Dibiase is holding onto his newly won world Title when official Mike Chioda grabs it out of his arm and rings the bell.


Dibiase begins arguing with the official saying he can’t do this when suddenly Ambrose comes out from nowhere and rolls Dibiase up. The ref gets into position and yet the crafty Ambrose still manages to grab the tights unleashing a little justice of his own.


Yes Yes Yes!


Talk about poetic justice JR.



Here is your winner and NEW UWF World Heavyweight Champion: Dean Ambrose!

The crowd goes nuts as the blood soaked Ambrose has just ended Dibiase’s reign in record time and has become a 2 time UWF World Heavyweight Champion. Ambrose doesn’t care about any of that though as he grabs the Championship out of Chioda’s hand and throws it up into the air screaming at the top of his lungs.

I can’t believe what we just saw. The title changed hands twice tonight! What a heatwave this has been. Things on Smackdown have really begun to heat up here tonight.

You gotta feel for Dibiase he was going to join Jeff Hardy, Batista, Bray Wyatt and John Cena in the scramble, but in a rare sign of justice, Wolfe gave Ambrose his rematch right now and the Champion is champion again!

Dibiase is protesting to the official when Wolfe begins speaking.


Desmond Wolfe: Congratulations, Ambrose, you are the first ever two-time World Heavyweight Champion! But I have to cut yer celebrations short, ‘cause sunshine, it’s time for me to announce me big plan for the Great American Bash! ‘Cause at the Pay-Per-View, it will Dean Ambrose versus John Cena versus Batista versus Bray Wyatt versus Jeff Hardy and I suppose I better give that muppet a rematch, Ted DiBiase in a SIX MAN KING OF THE MOUNTAIN LADDER MATCH!

That’s right yer wankers, we are gonna have our first ever Six Man King of the Mountain ladder match and John Cena, sunshine, I’m feelin’ sorry for ya and the fact ya won the Royal Rumble match, you’ll be free from having to score a pinfall or submission to hang the belt, you can do it from the off! As for you, DiBiase, ya ain’t so lucky, ‘cause of yer manner towards winning that World Heavyweight Championship, you’ll haveta spend the first five minutes of the match inside the penalty box, unlucky sunshine! Ya wankers, you better be in it to win it, ‘cause otherwise, it’s gonna be a long night for ya!

The fans go absolutely bonkers as Ambrose attempts to catch his breathe, DiBiase is absolute frustration but Smackdown comes to an end with Desmond Wolfe chuckling on the titantron as his genius plan has came together and Smackdown’s Heatwave has been a major success.


Daniel Bryan vs Triple H, John Cena vs Jeff Hardy & World Heavyweight Championship Match - SBS
Bateman vs Samoa Joe, Wyatt vs Sting, RVD vs The Miz, Royal Rumble Match, All Desmond Wolfe parts, Coding & Putting together the show - EffectsofRaven
Damien Sandow's involvements, Zack Ryder vs Jeff Jarrett & Updating Mysterio/Sandow - Rawisrey
Batista vs Shawn Michaels - Cwalker
Mysterio vs Sandow - Chris Dresden
Promos - Respective TTers

Confirmed Matches for the Great American Bash:

Six Man King of the Mountain Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Dean Ambrose (C) versus Ted DiBiase, JR versus Batista versus John Cena versus Bray Wyatt versus Jeff Hardy

Full Metal Mayhem For The UWF European Championship:
The Miz (C) w/ Paul Heyman versus Rob Van Dam w/Bill Alfonso

Effectsofraven note: Firstly, the World Heavyweight Championship did change hands officially, me and Michael spent an entire day trying to find the best way to book the main event match and this is what he eventually got and huge amount of credit to him! And as for the so many number one contenderships, well, so many of you guys earned it, there was two to three more we would of wanted but ultimately we chose those five and I want to congratulate everyone who TT'd hard for this show, I hope Me, SBS and the rest of the staff delivered a match to your standards.​
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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

Well, I'm glad you resolved the booking of the main event, it was well done and congrats to Prod for being a champion, and congrats to Bumout for being a 2 time champion!.

Whole show is immaculate, every match is well written, every promo is fantastic and the Royal Rumble had me excited as a reader. Not dissapointed to lose out in the Rumble... I GOT A SHOT ANYWAY HAHAHAHA (evil laugh).

I kid, congrats to Blizzard.

6 Man King of The Mountain eh?... looks like it's gonna be some TTing session. Bring it.

Oh and I beat Dresdon... that's great, he always brings the best out in me. We'll have to do it again some time yeah?.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

Wow, what a show, truly F'N epic. I finally achieved my dream of making DiBiase a E-Fed world champ, only it didn't last as long as I'd of hoped :p. Grats Bumout for getting the title back haha. Not sure if it's something to brag about, but fuck it, I have a unique record as one of the shortest world champs in e-fed history haha xD. Can't wait for KOTM.

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

Nigel, you have made a mistake....

Great show SD crew! I had a ball reading it and can't wait for the Dresden Dose of this show. That main event at GAB will be one hell of a slobber-knocker to quote our play-by-play man.


Apr 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

Holy F'n' s*it! This was fantastic read, it is maybe better than Starrcade and I see that you guys, put a lot of effort in this. Honestly our match (RVD vs Miz) was perfectly written, I wasn't able to breathe during reading od that match haha :p I'd like to thank SD crew, plus everyone who won their matches or even lost, because from what I have seen, there were some great TT sessions! Can't wait for GAB, because it will be EPIC! I finally won a match, but the title is still with Got_Swag! :p I'm comin' for that title at GAB buddy, I'm comin' for it!


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

Ha-ha, that was one hell of a show. You lose one, and then you win one, that Royal Rumble match was incredible EoR. Congratulations to all the winners, and The Great American Bash is certainly looking to be a classic. The King of the Mountain match is definitely going to be awesome, good luck to everyone in it! :)


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Mar 19, 2012
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Re: UWF Smackdown Presents UWF Heatwave 6/22/12

King of the Mountian match...without the MAN who made it...hmmm. Double J is NOT amused.

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