UWF 2012: Past Raw Shows & Cards

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Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 4th Edition

That Anderson is such an asshole, interupting people and the like.

Well done to the victors! Andrew got his win and I hope that spurs him on to bigger and better things. Sam is pretty spot on as Cesaro so I'm not surprised he squeezed out a win against Shawn even though it was a tough call. Promos were EXCELLENT, from Morrison to Mankind and Rock in between. The Rumble PPV should be quite a show all things considered.

Great to be back commenting on Raw.


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UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Card!


Be prepared for another exciting edition of Tuesday Night Raw. Last week, the rivalry between Cody Rhodes and John Morrison escalated when Rhodes cost his Number One Contender a main event match aganist Christopher Daniels. With the two scheduled to meet at The Royal Rumble, things will only get more tense between the two best stars on RAW. Last week, we also witnessed the return of Mister Anderson, coming out to interrupt Christian. Anderson claims that Christian benefited from Anderson's injury and Anderson is going to benefit from Christian. What's going to happen? Find out, live from the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas!



Batista versus Christopher Daniels


Curt Hawkins versus Mister Anderson


Christian versus John Morrison


Antonio Cesaro versus Mankind


Shawn Michaels versus Cody Rhodes

We Will Also Hear From
Cody Rhodes
John Morrison
Mister Anderson
The Rock
D'Angelo Dinero
Shawn Michaels​


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Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Card!

Andrew, you better bring your A-game! I don't plan on going easy on you.


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Card!

Hawkins will be Tapout iirc? Excellent, look forward to it my friend!

Oh also yeah I'm Anderson, like anyone who was around last time couldn't figure it out :')

You'll have a promo as soon as possible.

The card really is stacked, it's one of those weeks where if both parties show up each match could steal the show. Dod/Aniking, BDC/Sam, Shawn/Rey, all main event caliber stuff. Let's go Red.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Card!

Mankind's a little bummed that his best friend and tag partner, Goldust, is no more. But he's looking to take that and everything else messed up in his life out of this European's hide!
I REALLY look forward to this, SAM! ALways a pleasure!
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 4th Edition

Overall great show. I'll take the loss with pride because Sam is a tough competitor! I really enjoyed AK's and Slim's promos. Things are really starting to heat up here on Raw as we head towards the Rumble!
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Card!

Non-title match versus RIR, this is my opportunity here. The show as a whole looks amazing though!!


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Card!

Will have a response for ya tonight or, at least, by tomorrow morning, Sammeh! Sunday is a busy day for me! Mankind is going to squash the stereotype of the fat, ignorant American, once and for all! :p


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UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Edition!


Tuesday December 11th, 2012


The pyro to kick off the show explodes throughout the arena as the excited UWF Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The arena is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs. The cameras spin around the UWF arena showing a jammed pack arena, then go down to Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler!


Michael Cole: Good evening everyone and welcome to UWF Tuesday Night Raw. This is the longest weekly episodic show in UWF history. I'm Sir Michael Cole and as always to my right is Jerry "The King" Lawler

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Thank you Cole. And tonight, we have a jam packed show for our fans. We will see UWF Champion Cody Rhodes take on Shawn Michaels in our main event.

Cole: That match is going to be huge. But let's not forget the showdown between Number One Contender John Morrison and former Number One Contender Christian. That may steal the show!

King: But let's not forget the return of Mister Anderson as he takes on....

King is promptly cut off by...


… is cookin.

The fans start booing thinking that The Rock is just going to show up live via satellite again laughing at them but then…

The Rock walks out from the back and the fans are shocked to even see The Rock live. But once that initial shock is over the fans start booin the Rock. The Rock pays it no mind as he takes his time walking down the ramp. He walks up the steps and enters the ring walking across to the opposite side of the ring for his trademark pose.

As the music starts to fade the boos continue. The Rock walks towards the center of the ring with a smile on his face as the boos start to quiet down some as The Rock raises the mic high.


The boos start coming down harder than when The Rock first walked down to the ring as The Rock looks around and smiles.

The Rock: What you thought The Rock was going to say the name of your town? The Rock would much rather be in Dallas than this hick town. At least there the women look better than these buck teeth lookin freaks with stretch marks on their faces from opening their mouths too wide stuffing their faces. You see… The Rock doesn’t want to associate himself with nasty lookin crap like that. The Rock is much better than that and that is why The Rock would much rather say Dallas than … The Rock isn’t even going to utter that word. But by The Rock being here all of you are seeing what true greatness is. All of you are eye witnesses of what a real man is supposed to look like, what a true superstar looks like and what a true champion looks like. All of you are spectators of greatness personified… something that you will always aspire to be but will never even in your wildest dreams be able to accomplish. The Rock is on a whole nother level that none of you out there can match up to and none of the guys in the back will ever be able to come close to.

You see, all you wannabes in the back… all you wannabe stars back there look at The Rock and you gawk at The Rock. You are all jealous of The Rock. You all want to talk down The Rock thinking The Rock stole your spotlight. Well you damn right The Rock stole your spotlight. The Rock is here because The Rock is the absolute best in the business both past and present. And there is none of you back there that can come close to lighting a candle to The Rock’s talent. None of you can come close to shining as brightly as The Rock does. The Rock is the premiere talent and if The Rock was running Raw… that is exactly what The Rock would do. He would star The Rock in each and every segment to guarantee there would never be a dull moment. There would never be a slow moment on the show because The Rock is the most electrifying man in all of sports entertainment and all of UWF. You are looking at The Great One right here and The Great One demands respect.

The fans let out a loud boo at the disrespect The Rock has been showing.

The Rock: Oh boohoo The Rock is saying mean things about Raw, saying mean things about some hick town nobody wants to live in but only visit… the place smells like cow patties. The Rock could careless about your hurt feelings. Keep booing because that only further confirms everything that The Rock has said. Boo this show because The Rock isn’t in every segment. Boo this show because The Rock isn’t running it but instead some black version of Pippy Longstocking is running the show. Yeah The Rock is looking at you… The Rock is looking to stick this size thirteen boot straight up your roody poo candy ass. You want to come to Survivor Series and cost The Rock a match? Why? Because The Rock gave you a Rock Bottom? Well let The Rock tell you this… The Rock is going to be sure that you taste another Rock Bottom at the Royal Rumble. The Rock is going to make sure that you taste more than one Rock Bottom.

You want to drive your knees into The Rock’s back? You want to ensure that your burlap sack wearing freak wins the biggest match of his career against The Rock and think that you aren’t going to pay for it? The Rock is the hottest thing still going. The Rock could lose a match to a bowl of pudding and The Rock will still be the most sought after man in all of UWF while you will be just another guy hoping to one day match to the greatness that The Rock has. You will be one of those forgotten names and thanks to The Rock… thanks to The Rock you are now relevant. Thanks to The Rock… you are now a name that people want to see in the ring again. You are welcome you ungrateful selfish bitch.

The boos rain down heavy as they are not appreciative of Dinero being talked down in such a manner.

The Rock: This is exactly what The Rock is talking about. Nobody back there could garner a reaction even if they were out here for half an hour spilling their guts but The Rock is out here for a few minutes and all of you out there are alive and waiting to hear what The Rock has to say next. Waiting to see what The Rock is going to do. The Rock is going to tell you exactly what he is going to do. At the Royal Rumble The Rock is going to raise his right hand and smack the taste out of Dinero’s mouth. Gonna give him a bitch slap. The Rock is going to deliver the most electrifying People’s Elbow the world has ever seen that night. And then finally… FINALLY… The Rock is going to stand tall and The Rock is going to lay the smackdown on that candy ass and walk out victorious. Whether all of you wannabe Dallas fans but are relegated to being useless cow patty smelling pieces of monkey crap like it or not… The Rock is going to do what The Rock does best and that is win. And if folks stay out of The Rock’s business that is exactly what will happen.

So Dinero… you insignificant little nothing… The Rock is going to tell you this right now in front of the world so you can’t say that The Rock is scared because The Rock is here LIVE! The Rock is looking forward to this fight and The Rock is going to make sure that when all is said and done, when all the smoke is cleared, and when there is to be absolutely no doubt left in the minds of anybody… The Rock will end your suffering and The Rock will… beat your candy ass. The Rock is going to make sure that you never forget your place. The Rock is going to make sure that you know your role, shut your mouth, and stay in your place which is out of The Rock’s ring. If ya smell… what The Rock is cookin… bitch.




After the previous commercial, the Raw cameras cut backstage where So Cal Val is set to interview Raw General Manager D'Angelo Dinero.

So Cal Val: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time, Raw General Manager D'Angelo Dinero.


Val: Now Mr. Dinero, kicking off Raw tonight, we heard some very disparging remarks from your opponent at The Royal Rumble, The Rock. How you do care to respond to them.

D'Angelo Dinero: Let Pope tell 'ya the way he sees it lil' mama. Dwayne's got this whole beef between he and Pope misunderstood. Dwayne seems to think that this all 'cause of that Rock Bottom a few weeks back. Well that ain't it daddy. Pope's not goin' lie, that Rock Bottom played a part, but it ain't the sole reason. No Dwayne, this rivalry between 'ya and Pope dates back to the Showdown of Dreams. 'Ya remember that Dwayne? 'Ya remember how in the build to that night 'ya disrespected Pope and Pope's generation? 'Cause Pope damn sure does. 'Ya disrespected that generation of wrestlers 'cause 'ya were too busy livin' in the past. 'Ya were too busy tryin' to relive the glory days of "Rated R" Raw. Well, let Pope tell 'ya somethin' Dwayne, those days are gone. That company is dead! So it woul' be in 'ya best interest to let it stay in the past.

Dinero: But here's the real kicker Dwayne. 'Ya disrespect the new generation, but here 'ya stand wantin' to fight in this generation, in POPE'S generation! 'Ya wanna fight Dwayne? Fine. Pope's not goin' stop 'ya from fightin'. But let me ask 'ya Dwayne, how 'ya goin' feel when Pope's men fight back? 'Cause there's only one of 'ya Dwayne and Pope's got a whole locker room of this generation jus' waitin' to whip 'ya candy ass. 'Ya don't beleive Pope? Look at Survivor Series. From where Pope was sittin', he ain't need to get involved for Mankind to win that match. Pope was jus' lookin' for some payback. 'Ya losin' was jus' icin' on the cake pimpin'. And Mick Foley is only the beginnin' daddy. Pope's got an entire roster of guys that he can throw at 'ya and make sure that the entire world finds out that The Great One isn't so great anymore. But Pope's not goin' do that daddy. Pope's not goin' do that 'cause he wants that pleasure for himself. 'Ya see Dwayne, 'ya will never understand how good it felt for Pope to drive his knees into 'ya back. And in 47 days, in the biggest match UWF has ever seen, Pope's goin' do it again. But this time daddy, 'ya ain't goin' come back. The Rock will be put down once and for all by the man he referred to as "Pippy Longstockings". 47 days Dwayne. The Clock is tickin' daddy.

Dinero: Change 'ya gameplan daddy. Get smart, be cool. Do whatever it is 'ya gotta do to get Faster. 'Cause in 47 days, when the Royal Rumble is all said and done, Pope promises that 'ya won't be Walkin' Tall. And that's gospel bitch!!

Just like that Dinero walks off and we cut to the ring.

Cole: It is now time for our first match of the evening. Hardcore Champion Christopher Daniels will take on “The Animal†Batista!

Justin Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Washington, DC, weighing in at 326 pounds; he is "The Animal" Batista!



Batista's entrance music 'I Walk Alone' by Saliva hits the PA system and the big brute himself walks out on the the stage. He walks around the stage with great intensity before doing his signature machine gun pyro posturing. With the final bang Batista begins to walk down the ramp. Once ringside he grabs himself one of many chairs that litter the ringside area. He then jogs up the ring steps and steps between the ropes before heading up the top rope and flexing his guns. Batista steps down ready for action.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from the City of Angels, weighing in at 227 pounds; he is the UWF Hardcore Champion, "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels.


"Wings of A Fallen Angel" starts playing and out walks Christopher Daniels. The fans quite don't know how to react as Daniels looks out at them. Daniels poses one more time before making his way down the ramp. Daniels reaches the end of the ramp and walks up the steps and onto the ring apron where he poses one more time.


Daniels enters the ring and waits for his opponent.

The bell sounds and our first contest is set to begin. Christopher Daniels makes the mistake of wanting to lock up with Batista and when he does, the Animal shoves him to the canvas. Daniels gets to a knee and tries to lock up with Batista again. This fetches the same result as before. A frustrated Daniels gets to his feet and look at Batista, who flexes in arrogance. Batista motions for Daniels to run the ropes and try and take him down. Daniels does sun, running the south set of ropes and hitting Batista with a shoulder block. Batista barely moves and motions that Daniels tries again. Daniels then runs the north set of ropes and tries another shoulder block, this one having about just as much effect as the first one. Batista continues to have a chuckle at Daniels’ expense and tells him to try again. Daniels runs the west set of ropes and comes towards Batista. This time instead of trying another shoulder block, Daniels leaves his feet and wraps them around Batista’s beg, performing a head scissors that sends Batista to the mat…

Cole: And it looks like Daniels outsmarted the Animal right there!

The momentum from the head scissors is enough to send Batista through the middle rope and to the arena floor. The Animal isn’t hurt physically, maybe his pride is though. Either way, Batista gets to his feet on the outside of the ring and before he has time to react, Christopher Daniels comes running and dives through the middle rope, taking the Animal right back down with a suicide dive. Daniels gets back to his feet and dusts himself off as the fans cheer for him. He grabs the Animal by the back of the neck and lifts him off the floor before throwing him back into the ring under the bottom rope. Batista rolls far enough from the ropes that Christopher Daniels is able to hop onto the ring apron before performing a springboard leg drop across Batista’s throat. Batista grabs his throat as Daniels goes for the first cover of the night…



Batista powers out!

After Batista kicks out, Batista gets to a knee and Daniels looks to go back on the offensive. Daniels tries to throw a right hand to Batista’s skull, and it does little damage. Daniels tries to throw another right hand, but Batista uses his free arm to shove Daniels away. Batista’s shove creates enough distance between the two that Batista is able to get back to his feet and charges right at Daniels, hitting him with a vicious clothesline. The Fallen Angel goes to the canvas and Batista goes for the first cover of the match…



Daniels kicks out!

Cole: We’ve said it before, here is no substitute for sheer power!

After the near fall, Batista grabs Daniels by the neck and lifts him to his feet. Batista wastes no time hoisting Daniels onto his shoulder with the idea of a running powerslam. Daniels will not have any of that though as he slides down Batista’s back, spinning the Animal around and performing a step up enziguiri. Daniels’ boot cracks off the back of Batista’s head and the Animal goes to the canvas where Daniels goes for another cover…



Batista kicks out!

Cole: Daniels continues to stay away from Batista’s power!

Daniels gets back to his feet after the near fall and heads to the far side of the ring. Daniels exits the ring and climbs to the top. Daniels waits for Batista to get to his feet. As the Animal does, Daniel leaps off the top and outstretches his body, looking for a Crossbody block…

King: Look at the strength!

Batista is able to catch Daniels is midair and holds the Hardcore Champion horizontally before tossing him backwards with a Fallaway Slam! The ring shakes as Daniels’ body hits it hard and Batista crawls to him for another cover…



Daniels barely kicks out!

King: That was very close for Christopher Daniels!

Batista gets to a vertical base after Daniels’ kick out and heads to the far side of the ring. Batista gets into a crouching position. On the opposing side of the ring, Christopher Daniels begins to pull himself to his feet. Once Daniels makes it to a vertical base, Batista charges out of the corner that he’s in and goes for the Spear. Daniels is ready for it and as Batista lowers his head, Daniels uses the near turnbuckle to propel himself into the air and sunset flip Batista for a cover..



Batista kicks out!

Both men get to their feet and Daniels looks to strike first. Batista is ready for him and quickly lifts Daniels off the mat before slamming him back down with a ring shaking spinebuster…

King: What power!

Daniels seems to be out of it as Batista gets back to his feet and heads to the far side of the ring, looking at the hard camera and shaking the ropes in Ultimate Warriror fashion. Batista goes back to Daniels and lifts him to a knee, putting Daniels’ head between his legs…

Cole: This one looks all about over. Daniels did a good job avoiding Batista at first.

Batista has Daniels in the perfect position for the Batista Bomb. Batista wraps his arms around Daniels’ waste before lifting the Hardcore Champion off the mat in perfect positon for his finishing move…

King: Goodnight Christopher Daniels!

At the peak of the Batista Bomb, Christopher Daniels is able to shock Batista by snapping off another hurricanarana, taking the Animal to the canvas. Daniels stays on top of Batista and hooks the back leg, covering the Animal…




Roberts: Here is your winner, the UWF Hardcore Champion Christopher Daniels!

King: What?

Cole: Christopher Daniels just stole one from Batista!

Batista quickly kicks out after the three count and Daniels slides out of the ring in victory. Daniels’ music plays and he makes his way up the ramp as Batista looks on furiously. Batista pouts as the referee tries to explain what just happened. Batista doesn’t want to hear any of it and hoists the official off the canvas and hits him with a spinebuster…

Cole: What was that?

King: He just gave a spinebuster to senior official Brian Hebner!

Batista isn’t quite finished. He grabs Hebner by the neck and puts his head between his legs before lifting Hebner up and nailing the Batista Bomb!

Cole: Now that was just uncalled for!

After the Batista Bomb, Batista leaves the ring as the heat rains down on him. Raw then heads to backstage.

We cut to the backstage scene where Josh Matthews is standing by


Josh Matthews: My guest at this time Texas's own, The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels.

HBK appears on the video screen to a huge pop heard in the background

Josh Matthews: Shawn, tonight in your home state you have a huge opportunity as you go one on one with the current UWF Champion, Cody Rhodes. What are your thoughts going into this match?


HBK: First off, you said it correctly. We are live here in Houston, Texas. This is The Heart Break Kid's home state. Right in this arena Josh, I have faught against the very best. In this building I have faced the likes of, The Undertaker, Triple H, and that list goes on. But none bigger is tonights match as once again you said it correctly, I have myself a golden opportunity against the current UWF Champion, Cody Rhodes. This is my chance to show everyone why I deserve an opportunity at that UWF Title. It is something that has been on my mind since I came back a few months ago. To have an opportunity to be the man once again. Josh, I'm in my home state of Texas and tonight I have to Mr. Big Time for this match.

Josh Matthews: Does your loss against Antonio Cesaro last week have any doubts in your head going into this match though?

HBK: No Josh, they do not and I will tell you why. You see last week, I told Antonio Cesaro that if he beat me man versus man without any interference or cheating, then I would come out here and say he was the better man. So Josh, I am out here to say on that night, he was the better man. I am not ashamed to admit to it because he beat me fair and square. But like I always do, I bounce back from it. The one thing though is, where is Antonio tonight? He is not facing the UWF Champion like Shawn Michaels is. It is a reward for my effort as of late to be given a chance to face the champion. The way I see it Josh, is when I beat Cody Rhodes tonight I will have then earned my shot at the UWF Title. And I know the Royal Rumble is set with John Morrison to face the UWF Champion and that's great and all, but it just might not be just against Cody Rhodes. You may need to add in the Heart Break Kid into the mix.

Josh Matthews: Any final thoughts on tonight?

HBK: Yeah Josh, I do have one final though and it is directly for Cody Rhodes. Cody, you are in my neck of the woods. You are going to go out there and here thousands of screaming HBK fans who will be by my side. The question is, how much is it going to get to you when there going to be backing me up from the moment I come out to the final moments of the match. It all comes down to how much you can withstand thousands of Texas natives screaming their tales off for The Heart Break Kid. You're going to hear them stopping their feet in hopes of Shawn Michaels to tune up the band and be one seat away from getting to that ultimate opportunity at that prestigious UWF Title. Get ready because Texas is gonna get'cha!

HBK walks off as we send things back to ringside

King: And it’s now time for a special return. Last week, Ken Anderson made his return to Raw, interrupting Christian’s victory speech. And tonight, he takes on Curt Hawkins in singles action.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Queens, New York, weighing in at 217 pounds; he is "The Party Starter" Curt Hawkins!


The fans pop as "In The Middle of It" plays and Curt Hawkins walks out onto the stage. He looks to both sides of the stage, watching the fans cheer for him. Hawkins raises his cane is respect as he makes his way down the ramp.


Hawkins continues to make his way down the ramp before rolling into the ring under the bottom rope and posing for the fans. Hawkins sits and waits for the match to start.

Roberts: And his opponent, from Green Bay, Wisconsin, Mister Anderson!!



The stage begins to fill up with blue smoke and all the lights in the arena dim. A select few in the arena know just who is returning tonight, but everyone gets up out of their seats when the one and only Mister Ken Anderson makes his way out onto the stage. Anderson smiles as all the people chant "Anderson". Anderson motions for them to quiet down as he throws his right arm into the sky and down comes his trademark house mic. Anderson holds the mic to his mouth before throwing back in the air and hustling down the ramp as "Feedback" plays. Anderson soon enters the ring and waits for the match to begin.

The bell rings and this match is now underway. Anderson and Hawkins circle each other in the ring when Hawkins looks to go low and sweep Anderson’s leg. Anderson sees it coming and hops over Hawkins’ arm. Hawkins tries to sweep again, this time with the other arm. Anderson sees this coming and hops over that arm too. Both men return to a fighting position before locking up with one another. Hawkins is able to surprise Anderson with a swift hip toss. This sends Anderson to the mat where he sits in a seated position. Hawkins runs the near ropes and connects with a low dropkick right to Anderson’s face. This sends the asshole to the canvas and Hawkins goes for a cover…



Anderson kicks out!

After Anderson kicks out, Curt Hawkins is quick to apply a rear chinlock on the man from Green Bay. Hawkins applies as much pressure as he can, trying to get Anderson to pass out. The official checks the chinlock, making sure that it doesn’t become a choke. The referee asks Anderson if he wants to give it up and Anderson responds with “not on your lifeâ€. Anderson begins trying to push himself to his feet. Anderson makes it to a knee, and this worries Hawkins. The Party Starter applies more pressure, hoping to knock Anderson out before he makes some sort of comeback. This doesn’t seem to be in the cards as Ken Anderson is able to make it to his feet. Anderson steps to the side, so that he is partially behind Hawkins and lifts the Party Starter off his feet before dropping him on his head with a belly to back suplex…

Cole: Anderson was able to break the submission!

Both men lie on the mat before Anderson hops on top of Hawkins, going for a cover…



Hawkins rolls a shoulder!

Anderson gets to his knee and shakes off the effects of the rear chinlock. He then pushes himself to his feet as Curt Hawkins is getting to his. Anderson charges right at Hawkins, hitting him with a clothesline. Hawkins goes to the canvas, but the momentum is enough to bring him back to his feet where Anderson hits him with another. Hawkins doesn’t stay down this time either and gets back to his feet, swinging at Anderson. Anderson ducks under and performs a swinging neckbreaker. This takes Hawkins to the canvas and allows Anderson to float over and cover The Party Starter…



Hawkins kicks out!

Cole: And if there was any doubt of ring rust from Mister Anderson, it has to be gone.

Anderson gets back to his feet and motions for Hawkins to get to his. The former Hardcore Champion struggles to get up, but does so. Anderson quickly spins Hawkins around, draping his arm under the Party Starter’s neck…

King: It might be time for the Mic Check!

Before Anderson can hit the Mic Check, Hawkins counters with right elbows to the side of Anderson’s head. This breaks up Anderson’s attempted move and staggers the asshole at the same time. As Anderson turns his back on his opponent, Hawkins takes advantage and grabs Anderson by the back of the head and performs a neckbreaker of his own. Anderson grabs his head as Hawkins brings him to the canvas and Hawkins goes for a cover…



Anderson kicks out!

After Anderson’s kick out, Hawkins gets to his feet and heads to the far corner. He pushes himself to the middle rope and waits for Anderson to get to his feet. The asshole moves very gingerly, but manages to get up and stagger towards the corner that Hawkins is perched in. Hawkins doesn’t let Anderson get to close as he leaps off the middle rope and grabs Anderson by the head, performing a front flip snapmare off the middle rope.

Cole: Blockbuster neckbreaker from Curt Hawkins!

After hitting the high impact move, Hawkins goes for a cover…



Anderson barely rolls a shoulder!

Hawkins looks at the official with a look of disbelief. He thought for sure that would keep Anderson down. It doesn’t matter though because Curt Hawkins has one more big time move in his repotiore and it’s time to break it out. Hawkins exits the ring and heads towards the apron, where he makes his way to the top. Just as he reaches the pinnacle, Anderson dives onto the near ropes, causing them to shake and causing Hawkins to lose his balance. Hawkins falls groin first onto the top turnbuckle…

Cole: Not the best way to spend a Tuesday Night!

Anderson goes right after Hawkins. Anderson climbs to the middle rope and throws a right hand into Hawkins’ face, which staggers him. Anderson doesn’t let him fall. Instead, Anderson is able to grab Hawkins and put him on his shoulders…

King: What does Mister Anderson have planned?

Anderson delicately turns around on the middle rope so that his chest is now facing the canvas. Anderson bellows a warrior like scream before hopping off the middle rope and flipping in midair, driving Curt Hawkins straight onto the canvas with a middle rope Steamroller!

Cole: Oh MY! I’ve never seen Anderson utilize the Steamroller in that fashion before!

King: Maybe Mister Anderson has picked up a few new tricks in his time gone!

Hawkins’ body crumples under the weight and force that Anderson drove him into the canvas with. Ken Anderson goes over to a semi-conscious Hawkins and covers him, hooking the far leg for good measure…




Justin Roberts: Here is your winner….

Anderson waves Justin Roberts off before raising his arm into the air and having his trademark mic fall from the rafters…

Anderson: Here is your winner and the man who will not only defeat Christian but will also win the Royal Rumble match, MISTER ANDERSON!!

Anderson throws the mic back into the air and exits the ring as Raw heads elsewhere.



I hear the new Head Writer for this brand is pretty good.

2 Shows, 1 Man


Justin Roberts: The following bout is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from the Boiler Room, weighing in at 275 pounds, Mankind!


The theme music of the very deranged Mankind begins to play and the light turn a shade of hue blue. From the back walks Mankind. Resembling something of a Notre Dame esque creature, Mankind walks down the ramp as the fans give him a mixed reaction. Mankind ignores them as he makes his way down the ramp with Paul Bearer in the background screaming "YES" the entire time. Mankind continues to stagger down the ramp until he reaches the bottom and rolls into the ring and waits for his opponent.

Roberts: And his opponent, first From Lucerne Switzerland, weighing 108 Kilo, Mr. Antonio…Cesaro

Suddenly a familiar song fills the arena with immediate disdain.



'Amerika' by Rammstien hits the PA system. Before long Antonio Cesaro steps out onto the entrance stage from behind the curtain and has the sourest of expressions plastered all over his face. Seemingly infuriated, Cesaro wastes no time walking down to the ring. He walks up the ring steps and along the outside of the ring apron and does his signature pose before turning towards the ring.


The bell sounds and this contest between Mankind and Antonio Cesaro is underway. It’s not going to be a technical bout that’s for sure. Cesaro proves this to be true by immediately running up on Mankind and delivering several right hands to Mankind, backing the man of destiny into the near corner. Cesaro continues his onslaught with a European uppercut which almost knocks Mankind’s head off his shoulders. Cesaro then grabs Mankind by the arm and Irish whips him to the opposing corner of the ring. Mankind is able to counter and he Irish whips Cesaro instead. As Cesaro hits the turnbuckle, Mankind gathers speed and smothers the Swiss Sensation with an avalanche splash. With the 275-pound frame of Mankind crushing his midsection, Cesaro falls to the canvas in the corner, resting in a seated potion. Mankind notices Cesaro’s position before taking a few steps backwards towards the center of the ring and charging at the European, connecting with a running knee to the face. Cesaro’s neck snaps backwards upon impact and Mankind quickly pulls him out of the corner, covering Cesaro and hooking both legs…



Cesaro kicks out!

Cole: Mankind needs to keep this aggressive pace up! If he gives Cesaro an opening, he will get killed!

Mankind grabs Cesaro by the neck and lifts him to a knee. From the knee, Cesaro fights back. He delivers a right hand to Mankind’s midsection, which doubles Mankind over. Cesaro then follows this up with a headbutt that staggers Mankind and allows Cesaro to get back to his feet. Mankind may be staggering, but he’s still on his feet. Cesaro soon changes that by getting to his feet and performing a standing dropkick right to Mankind’s jaw. This sends the Hardcore Icon to the mat and Cesaro goes for a cover…



Mankind kicks out!

Cole: Now you’ve got to admit, that was impressive!

Cesaro gets off Mankind, before lifting him back to his feet. Cesaro wastes no time staying on offense and lifting Mankind over his head and slamming him hard with a scoop slam. The ring shakes as Mankind’s large frame hits it. Cesaro follows this up by heading to the corner and pushing himself to the middle rope. Cesaro does his arm pump for the fans who boo him before leaping off the middle rope and delivering an elbow right into Mankind’s chest. Cesaro lands down hard on Foley before hooking the leg and covering him…



Mankind kicks out!

Cesaro gets to his feet and heads to the opposite side of the ring where Mankind is lying. Cesaro motions at his leg before turning his attention back to Foley, who is starting to move. Mankind pulls himself up with help from the ropes before Cesaro rushes out of the corner that he was in and towards Mankind, looking for the bicycle kick. Mankind turns around and at the last second is able to duck under it. Mankind quickly spins Cesaro around before kicking him in the stomach and planting him with the Double Arm DDT. Cesaro’s skull bounces off the canvas and Mankind goes for a cover…


Cole: He got him!


Cesaro kicks out!

Mankind gets to his feet after the Cesaro kick out and throws his right arm into the sky. He’s calling for the Mandible Claw. Antonio Cesaro has no idea that it’s coming. Cesaro slowly pushes himself onto his stomach and then to a vertical base. As he does, Mankind waits patiently behind him. Cesaro turns around and Mankind attempts to put his index and ring fingers right down Cesaro’s gullet…

King: Mandible Claw!

Cesaro was ready for it! He catches Mankind’s wrist, stopping any forward movement and blocking the Mandible Claw in the process. Mankind struggles, trying to push his fingers closer to Cesaro’s mouth, but it’s to no avail. Cesaro counters this by using his free arm to come from underneath Mankind and deliver another European uppercut!

Cole: Good Lord! What a blow!

The European uppercut almost knocks Mankind out. Csaro goes right after Mankind, lifting him off the canvas and placing Mankind’s head between his legs. Cesaro then gestures towards the fans before lifting Mankind in a Piledriver like position…

King: Oh No! We saw this last week!

Cesaro places his arm between Mankind’s legs before dropping Mankind face first onto the canvas with The Neutralizer! The Swiss Sensation has successfully hit his finishing move and turns Mankind over before going for a cover…




Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, Mister Antonio Cesaro!

Cesaro gets off Mankind and has his arm risen by the official. Cesaro wipes himself clean of any American filth before posing to the dismay of the people..

Cole: And Antonio Cesaro continues to roll!

Cesaro soon exits the ring and heads towards the back as Raw heads elsewhere.

The camera cuts backstage, where Todd Grisham is stood with a microphone.

Grisham: I'm-

Grisham is immediately silenced by a hand being shoved in front of his face, the camera pans out to show John Morrison stood next to Grisham.


Morrison: Todd, usually the Guru of Greatness finds you tedious enough, but tonight I'm not even tolerating the sound of your dorky little voice. Shut your mouth and listen to what John Morrison has to say.

Grisham looks dejected as Morrison continues.

Morrison: Cody Rhodes, you've delayed the inevitable. For a sad and worthless virgin, it's commendable that you've got this far, but all that's about to change. At the Royal Rumble, John Morrison gets his final shot at destiny. All the talking, all the squirming, all the hiding; it all ends on that fateful night. The nightmare doesn't ever end for you. You may think that by escaping defeat at Survivor Series, you miraculously escaped the all-encompassing will of John Morrison, but you couldn't be more wrong. You awoke the colossal beast that lies beneath; you awoke a part of the Shaman of Sexy, that he'd forgotten he had. I'm not going to say what that is. Perhaps, if you had an IQ which wasn't equal to a that of a doormat, you'd be able to figure it out for yourself.

Morrison fires an uneasy look at Grisham, who is shuffling in his spot. Morrison then continues.

Morrison: The chemical romance that is your monotonous title reign will soon come to the crashing end that it should have done at Survivor Series. UWF will no longer be cast beneath the miserable crap storm that is your melodramatic demeanor, but beneath the imperious reign of a super-power in John Morrison. Look into these eyes, and ask yourself whether you see a liar. I look in your eyes, Cody, and I see a desperate, sad little sex pester who's holding a championship belt. I look in the mirror, and I see a champion. I see a man who's beaten you twice already, and will beat you again at the Royal Rumble. The boss is back, and John Morrison is kicking down doors and taking names en route to kicking your goofy little ass. Don't take that as some empty threat, take that is an absolute statement of intent. John Morrison lives and dies by the sword.

Morrison smiles, shoves his mic in Grisham's face and storms off, as the camera fades to black.

Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, for months Christian has been begging for one more shot at the UWF Championship. And he’s about to step foot in the ring with the Number One Contender to the UWF Championship. Surely, a win here elevates Christian into Championship consideration.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 225 pounds; John Morrison!


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion.


Morrison then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle. He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him. He steps down, and wanders over to the other corner of the ring.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 225 pounds, Christian!


"Just Close Your Eyes" by Story Of The Year can be heard bellowing out of the arena's PA system, signalling the imminent arrival of Captain Charisma, Christian. Although many UWF fans can be seen singing along with the theme music, it's not due to their enjoyment of the arriving Christian, rather due to the fact they just enjoy the song. Just five to ten seconds after the commencement of his theme music, Christian emerges from the back sporting a smirk on his face as he looks around at the booing audience. Christian only momentarily stands on the stage before choosing to make his way down the ramp towards the ring.


Fans can be seen hurling abuse at the charismatic man, but Christian doesn't acknowledge the jeers whatsoever, as he is focused on his objective. Christian reaches the bottom of the ramp, rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps, before approaching the ring ropes. Christian walks along the ring apron, wipes his feet and enters the ring, where he then proceeds to the opposite side of the ring and waits for the bell.

The bell sounds and Morrison and Christian lock up. Morrison forces Christian back onto the near ropes Morrison grabs Christian by the arm and Irish whips him to the opposing side of the ring. Christian comes back at Morrison, and the Number One Contender delivers a shoulder block which sends Christian to the mat. Morrison follows this up by delivering a standing leg drop to Christian’s throat. Christian grabs his throat in pain and Morrison goes for the first cover of the match…



Christian kicks out!

After the kick out, Morrison gets off Christian and watches as Captain Charisma rolls to the far corner of the ring. Christian pulls himself up in the corner as Morrison stands on the opposing side of the ring. Morrison runs right at Christian, leaving his feet and hitting a huge splash which drives all of the air out of Christian. Captain Charisma staggers out of the corner and just as he does, Morrison leaves his feet and connects with a jumping high back kick right to Christian’s face. Christian goes to the canvas once more and Morrison goes for another cover…



Christian kicks out!

King: Christian has been unable to get out of the gate here. He doesn’t seem like himself.

Cole: If he wants to prove that he deserves to be in the main event, he better get it together!

Morrison gets off Christian and takes a few steps backwards from Captain Charisma. Morrison watches as Christian pulls himself to his feet and when Christian finally makes it to a vertical base, Morrison goes right after him and delivers the Nitro Blast Superkick. The kick catches Christian right under the chin and almost knocks him unconscious…

King: Christian may be out cold after that kick!

Christian lands right under the turnbuckle and Morrison takes advantage of that. Morrison goes to the corner that Christian is lying under and leaves the canvas, performing a corkscrew moonsault in midair and landing right on top of Christian with the stupendous finishing maneuver known as Starship Pain…

Cole: Starship Pain!

After hitting his move, Morrison crawls backwards on top of Christian and covering him…




Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, John Morrison!

Cole: And Morrison doesn’t even break a sweat tonight!

King: If he brings this to the Royal Rumble, there’s no way he doesn’t leave as UWF Champion.

Morrison’s music plays as he has his arm risen by the referee. Morrison poses for the fans as Kelly and Natalya enter the ring. Morrison shrugs both of them off before leaving the ring and heading up the ramp as Raw heads to commercial.



This Sunday!


Cole: And now it's time for our main event. Shawn Michaels will face UWF Champion Cody Rhodes!

The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from San Antonio, Texas, weighting in at 227 pounds; he is the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels.


Sexy Boy" plays and out dances the one and only Shawn Michaels from the back. Good Old HBK just like the fans love him. Men want to be him, women want to be with him, but none the less, they all cheer for him. Michaels dances about halfway down the ramp before dropping to both knees to say a little prayer before speaking loudly to the heavens as the pyro goes off behind him.


Michaels hops up off the steel and heads towards the ring where he enters and poses once more as his music fades.

Roberts: And his opponent, from Marrietta, Georgia, weighing in at 225 pounds; he is the reigning UWF Champion; Cody Rhodes!



"Only One Can Judge" starts playing and out walks the current UWF Champion; Cody Rhodes. He's wearing his long jacket and has the UWF Championship firmly in his hand. Rhodes marches down the ramp as the fans boo him. Rhodes ignores all things around him and only focuses on the task at hand; successfully defending his UWF Championship for the first time.


Rhodes makes it to the bottom of the ramp and climbs up the steel ramp before entering the ring. Rhodes holds up the Championship one more time before handing the title over to the timekeeper and awaiting the formal introductions.

The bell rings and our main event is underway. Cody Rhodes and Shawn Michaels lock up and Michaels quickly grabs Rhodes by the arm and performs a hammerlock, going behind the Champion. Rhodes is quick to counter by throwing back elbows into Michaels’ face. This breaks Michaels’ grip on the Champion and allows Cody to run off the far ropes. Rhodes gains momentum and comes back at Michaels, who leaves his feet and delivers a standing dropkick to Rhodes’ face. This sends the UWF Champion to the canvas and Shawn Michaels goes for the first cover of this main event match…



Rhodes kicks out!

Cole: If I’m the UWF Champion, I wouldn’t underestimate Shawn Michaels. He’s been on a hot streak as of late.

As Rhodes kicks out, Michaels grabs him by the arm and lifts Rhodes to a knee. Still in firm control of the UWF Champion, Shawn Michaels raises his right arm before bringing it down hard on the UWF Champion’s shoulder. The agony is written on Rhodes’ face as Michaels raises his arm again and repeats the process. The Heartbreak Kid soon follows this up by bringing Rhodes off a knee and onto his feet before delivering an arm drag takedown and scissoring Rhodes’ arm between his legs, applying a cross armbreaker…

King: And right now, Shawn Michaels is just out wrestling the UWF Champion!

Michaels applies the cross armbreaker but Rhodes is quick enough to use his feet to drag himself to the ropes and force a break. Michaels doesn’t oblige initially, so the referee threatens to disqualify him with his five count…





Michaels breaks the hold.

Michaels releases the hold and gets back to his feet where he and the official exchange a few words. As this transpires, the UWF Champion crawls to the far corner of the ring and picks himself up with help from the turnbuckle. Shawn Michaels ends the conversation that he was holding with the referee before going right after Rhodes. The Champion is barely able to get to his feet before Michaels delivers a knife edge chop right to Rhodes’ chest. The UWF Champion clutches his chest in pain, which allows Michaels to follow up with a forearm to the face. Cody Rhodes tries to cover up his face, which allows Michaels to deliver another chop to his chest. Once again, Rhodes grabs his chest and the process repeats itself. Michaels proceeds to grab the UWF Champion by the arm and Irish whip him to the far side of the ring. Rhodes reverses the whip and puts some extra torque into it, causing Michaels to flip upside down in trademark Heartbreak Kid fashion. Michaels lands right side up with his back to Rhodes and the UWF Champion capitalizes by lifting Michaels off his feet and dropping him onto his head and back with a back body drop. Michaels immediately grabs his spine as Rhodes forces him onto the canvas and covers him…



Michaels kicks out!

Cody Rhodes gets off Michaels, and begins stomping away as The Heartbreak Kid lies on his stomach. Rhodes delivers a stomp to Michaels’ kidneys, then his back, followed by one to the neck. The last stomp causes Michaels to roll over onto his back and Cody Rhodes uses the near ropes to pick up some speed before leaving his feet and delivering a huge knee drop across Shawn Michael’s throat. The Heartbreak Kid gasps for air as Rhodes goes for another cover…



Michaels rolls a shoulder!

King: And this is where Cody Rhodes is at his most dangerous. When he can slow the pace down and make his moves a lot more methodical!

After the Michaels kick out, Cody Rhodes makes his way to the near turnbuckle and pushes himself up from the canvas to the middle rope. The UWF Champion waits patiently as Michaels get to his feet and when he does, Rhodes leaps off the middle rope and delivers a Missile Dropkick right to Michaels’ check. Michaels falls to the canvas and Rhodes goes for a cover…



Michaels kicks out!

Cole: And Rhodes is now in firm control of this matchup!

Rhodes gets his feet and grabs Michaels by the head. As Michaels sits on a knee, he throws a right into Rhodes’ midsection. This staggers the UWF Champion and allows Michaels to throw another right hand into Rhodes’ midsection. Rhodes doubles over and Michaels is able to get to his feet. He pushes Rhodes onto the far ropes and Irish whips him across the ring. Rhodes reverses yet again and sends Michaels towards the far side of the ring instead. Michaels comes back at Rhodes and leaves his feet, driving a flying forearm right into Rhodes’ face. Both men lie on the canvas and the referee begins a ten count on both of them…







To the delight of the fans, Shawn Michaels kicks up off the canvas and to his feet!

Cody Rhodes isn’t too far behind and as the Champion gets to his feet, Michaels delivers a right hand to Rhodes’ face. The Champion hits the canvas but gets right back to his feet, only to have Michaels deliver another big right hand. Rhodes is able to stay on his feet this time and Michaels proceeds to hoist him up off his feet before bringing him down onto his knee with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Rhodes grabs his groin and Michaels finishes the sequence off with a scoop slam. The ring shakes and the fans get to their feet. Michaels then exits the ring through the middle rope and onto the apron, climbing to the top rope. Michaels then looks out towards the fans before leaping off the top and driving his elbow right into Cody Rhodes’ heart…

Cole: Vintage Shawn Michaels!!

Michaels gets back to his feet and the fans get to their feet. Shawn Michaels has that look on his face and he heads to the far side of the ring and raises his right foot in the air, before stomping it hard on the canvas. The stomping becomes harder and more frequent as Cody Rhodes begins to pull himself to his feet. Rhodes makes it to a vertical base and turns around just as Shawn Michaels leaves the corner that he was in and raises his right foot in the air…

Cole: Sweet Chin Music!

Before the foot can connect, Rhodes is able to duck under. Rhodes quickly spins Michaels around, dropping to a knee and picking Michaels up onto his shoulders before throwing Michaels onto the canvas with the Alabama Slam! The ring shakes as Michaels’ neck whiplashes off the mat. Rhodes drops down and goes for a cover…



Michaels barely rolls a shoulder!

King: I can’t believe Shawn Michaels kicked out of that!

Rhodes gets back to his feet as Michaels rolls onto his side. Rhodes stares down on Michaels as the Heartbreak Kid tries to push himself up. Rhodes gets back behind Michaels and as Michaels tries to get to his feet, Cody Rhodes wraps his arm around Michaels’ neck…

Cole: It looks like Cody Rhodes is looking for Cross Rhodes!


King: What’s this?!

Before Rhodes can attempt Cross Rhodes, the music of his number one contender begins to play. Rhode releases Michaels and the Heartbreak Kid falls to the canvas. Rhodes stares at the stage and tells Morrison to come out and fight him. John Morrison is nowhere to be seen, so Rhodes gets closer to the ring ropes and begs for Morrison to come out as the music continues to play…

Cole: Where’s Morrison?

The music begins to fade and Cody Rhodes can only laugh. He knows John Morrison is afraid of him. Rhodes turns his attention back to the task at hand which is Shawn Michaels, and when he does, Michaels comes from out of nowhere and delivers Sweet Chin Music…

King: He got him!

Michaels hit the Superkick on the button which almost knocks Rhodes out. Michaels wastes no time falling on top of the Champion and covering him…




Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels!!

Cole: Thanks to John Morrison, Shawn Michaels has just defeated the UWF Champion!!

Michaels pushes himself to his feet and has his arm risen by the referee. Michaels rolls out the ring and onto the stage where he slaps hands with some of the fans. Michaels makes his way to the back just as Cody Rhodes is getting to his feet in the ring. Rhodes can’t believe what just transpired. He is handed his UWF Championship by a man at ringside and prepares to leave when the crowd becomes to come unglued…

King: Now what?

Running through the crowd is John Morrison, the man who will meet Cody Rhodes at the Royal Rumble. Morrison hops over the ring barricade and slides into the ring before tackling Cody Rhodes. Morrison delivers right hands to Rhodes’ face as the Champion tries to cover up…

Cole: The rivalry between these two men has become so personal!

Rhodes is able to roll and now he’s the one on top of Morrison. Cody Rhodes returns the favor by delivering several forearms to Morrison now. It’s not long before Morrison rolls back on top of Rhodes and begins to beat down the Champion again!

King: This is mayhem!

As the Champion and Challenger beat the hell out of each other, security runs down the ramp and into the ring. They immediately grab Morrison off Rhodes and separate the two. It takes three security guards to hold onto Rhodes, whole it takes five or six to hold back John Morrison. Both men obviously want to go at it. John Morrison is the first to go back for seconds as he snatches himself away from the security guards and runs across the ring, diving over the ones holding Rhodes and going right back after the Champion. Rhodes and Morrison continue to beat the hell out of each other as UWF Raw goes off the air for this week.

Promos: Respective TTers
Everything Else: Cwalker​


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Edition!

- Loved Rock's promo at the start

- Bummed I lost but it's ok Daniels is a good TT'r, no idea why I took Hebner out afterwards given my TT's of the past two weeks :/

- Nice short HBK promo, Anderson's on a roll here... I see it's Blizzard playing him.

- I seriously love Sam's Cesaro, could go very far.

- Morrison picks up a win, did anybody TT for it? Sucks the Champ didn't TT and Shawn picks up that win.

- Short show but understandable, hope people TT next week.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Edition!

SWEEEEEEEET I got to start the show :D And then Pope's afterwards... mannn this match is gonna be hot.

But the show itself... just flows so well. Cwalk is crip walkin through this and making it look stylish. Daniels walks out with a win. Mick Foley still lookin good, Misterrrrrrrrrrrrr Andersonnnnnnnnn is on the rise. HBK snatching a big win over the world champ, the feud tween Rhodes and Morrison is continuing to deliver and looking better and better.

Raw... YES!

Anderson is gonna be someone to watch in the Rumble for sure.


Sep 25, 2012
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Edition!

Yup, enjoyed that show. Rock/Pope and Morrison/Rhodes fueds are coming along nicely, bubbling up just nice.

Good work again CWalker, just don't burn yourself out over the festive period man!


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Edition!

Yo Andrew, Blizz playing Anderson do you mean? Nawwwwww son.

Glad to pick up the win, I think both Tapout and I had a bit of a busy end to the week but I'm still happy with what I managed to get up, think there's lots of scope for Anderson to kick on from here. Sorry I missed on my promo opp. but work and the girlfriend made up the bulk of my week unfortunately.

HBK picking up the win was some cool storyline set-up and makes the whole RAW scene extra interesting post-Rumble I'd bet. Especially if someone from Raw *cough* Anderson *cough* were to win the Rumble.

DOD still dominant, glad he's still kickin after coming up short last time out, looking forward to more developments.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Edition!

The end is near....have a nice day...

Rated R Superstar

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Ottawa Canada
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 11th Edition!

Honestly wasn't sure how the outcome of our match would go. Both Andrew and I only posted one TT and both were equally good. Hopefully I can keep this streak I've got, going.

Excellent show as always Cwalker. Can't wait to see what next week brings. Mankind will finally get his reply, I can promise you that. ;)
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