UWF 2012: Past Raw Shows & Cards

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw November 27th Card

O! Mankind may have a few....thoughts.... after his...er....victory over the Rock! lol! (Great TT session btw, Slim! Let's do it again real soon!)

The Rock is gonna chill and think about how he coulda lost to a guy in a brown burlap sack :p

It was fun though. Gonna take Destiny from you next time :D


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw November 27th Card

Raw will be up within the hour. Just have to do the main event..

BTW, burnout is a bitch

Sorry I haven't sent a promo in, just got back home and was told I'm working in 25 mins, so I've had no time today. Sorry about that, but in this case it was all out of my control.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw November 27th Card

Sorry I didn't send a promo in either, I would have done it now but you're most likely putting show up so I will just wait for next week to TT and Promo.


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UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 27th Edition

As the feed opens in the arena there seems to be some sort of small table with a drape over it at ringside, the crowd is rustling when suddenly their non-distinct chatter turns into boos


Cody Rhodes emerges through the curtain, his hood covering his face from sight as he stands in the middle of the stage, flipping the hood off his face revealing a big smile underneath. Rhodes face after the initial wide grin turns serious as he looks around at the hissing audience, he begins to make his way down the ramp as he raises his microphone


Cody Rhodes:

Welcome Everyone…to our new tradition here on Tuesday Night Raw, one in which every month all of you disgusting and deplorable people find yourselves a new great white hope to achieve what no one else has...only to have me come out here instead…Do get used to it because that will be our routine week in and week out until you people start to realize that no matter who comes around…I will remain your only constant dream. I’ve defeated them all and at Survivor Series the man you people thought could not lose, was just another name jotted down on the list of people I’ve beaten in this ring…which brings me to something very important to me. If your eyes were not blinded by the mask of benevolence hiding away your malevolent thoughts, and if your minds were not as rotted and nonexistent as your hygiene you might notice that I am not wearing my UWF Championship.

*Rhodes opens his jacket open revealing his bare waist to the booing crowd, he then continues on*


And there is a very important reason for that, you see the UWF Championship was…a creation They made. They made that championship for whoever was their champion to hold, they made it so it can spin and ooh the crowd, they…they wrote the word “Champ†at the bottom of it. The championship represented everything that was taken away from me, and me getting it all back, but that Belt represented everything that is wrong in todays world. They made that belt so the kids can look at it shine, cry and moan to their distant fathers or mothers for them to buy them a toy version of it. The UWF Championship is NOT a toy, it is the one thing in our business that singles out who is the best in that ring. Which is why I went behind the officials back, I didn’t tell them about it and I went to great lengths to find a championship that will be worthy of my level of greatness…say Goodbye to the UWF Championship, and say hello to Cody Rhodes’ UWF Championship

*Rhodes grabs the drape and pulls it off revealing the old school winged eagle championship underneath, actually drawing a few cheers from the older fans*


This is a championship that represents prestige, honor, and greatness…all traits of Cody Rhodes. At Survivor Series I not only defeated John Morrison but I defeated all of you who doubted me, Morrison was the perfect wake up call but it turned out he wasn't capable of ending The American Nightmare just like so many before him...which means that tonight My Era has officially begun because now Cody Rhodes has nothing left to change…I changed who held this belt…

*Rhodes picks the belt up letting it unfold in his hands before climbing up the steel steps and into the ring, putting the championship on his shoulder*


I’ve changed the championship, and I’ve changed the pecking order. Now it is just a long road and a rude awakening for all of you as you sink into the place I was forced into for so long, I will do to all of you and them what they did to me and all you will be able to do is sit there and hope…blindly hope that someone comes around to Save you. When you fail to realize there is no salvation in my world, there is no hope, there is no fairy tale endings…No miraculous comebacks or new faces rising…There is no New there is no Old, there is no “Respect†given there is no damn false sense of relevance to the people in the back. No no no because in my world, in my era…in your American Nightmare there is only what you hate, there is ONLY what you despise more than your own meaningless little lives…There is only Cody Rhodes…There are two things you do when you have a nightmare, you scream as you wake back up into the pitiful existence that is your reality, or you remain in that nightmare wishing someone would wake you up…haha…This isn’t about your entertainment anymore…now I get to have all the fun. Cody Rhodes 6:25

This is where Raw heads to its first commercial.




Cole: Welcome back to Raw and it’s time for our first match of the evening. Last week, Curt Hawkins returned in a losing effort against the debuting Brian Kendrick. Now it’s time for Hawkins to turn his attention forward. Tonight, he’s facing Petey Williams.us

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Intriducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 215 pounds, "Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams!


The theme music of Maple Leaf Muscle begins to play and the fans give off a mixed reaction for Canada's favorite son. Williams maks hs way out onto the stage a poses and that mixed reaction soon becomes boos for Williams' cockiness. Williams shrugs it off and makes it way down the ramp, slowly sauntering so that all eyes are on him. Williams soon rolls into the ring under the bottom rope and poses once more as he waits for his opponent.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Queens, New Yor, weighing in at 217 pounds; he is "The Party Starter" Curt Hawkins!


The fans pop as "In The Middle of It" plays and Curt Hawkins walks out onto the stage. He looks to both sides of the stage, watching the fans cheer for him. Hawkins raises his cane is respect as he makes his way down the ramp.


Hawkins continues to make his way down the ramp before rolling into the ring under the bottom rope and posing for the fans. Hawkins sits and waits for the match to start.

The bell rings and Raw’s opening contest is underway. Hawkins and Williams locks up. Hawkins pushes Williams towards the near ropes, where Williams reaches out and grabs the top rope. This breaks the tie up and Hawkins holds onto one of Williams’ arm and Williams uses the other to hold onto the ropes. Williams quickly performs a standing backflip, which breaks Hawkins’ grip on his arm. Williams lands on his feet and quickly delivers a short arm clothesline to Curt Hawkins. This sends Hawkins to the canvas and Williams goes for the first cover of the night…



Hawkins kicks out!

Hawkins grabs Williams by the neck and lifts him to a knee. Hawkins throws a right hand into Williams’ midsection, which staggers Maple Leaf Muscle. This allows Hawkins to get back to his feet and he pushes Williams back onto the ropes. Hawkins grabs Williams by the arm and Irish Whips him to the far side of the ring. Williams runs the far ropes and as he comes back towards Hawkins, the Party Starter leaves his feet and delivers a standing dropkick right to Williams’ face. This sends Maple Leaf Muscle to the mat and Hawkins goes for a cover…



Williams kicks out!

After Williams kicks out, Hawkins sits him up before using the near ropes to gather momentum and take Williams down with a low clothesline. Curt Hawkins wastes no time going for another cover…



Williams kicks out again!

Cole: And Curt Hawkins is all over Petey Williams!

King: The Party’s just getting started Cole!

As Williams kicks out again, Hawkins gets back to his feet. The Party Starter watches as Petey Williams pushes himself to his feet. Hawkins quickly grabs Williams by the arm and throws it over his shoulder before snapping off a beautiful snap suplex. An aggressive Curt Hawkins floats over and goes for yet another cover…



Williams kicks out again!

Hawkins gets off Williams and decides that this match is over. He heads over to the ring ropes before exiting through the middle rope and stepping onto the apron. Hawkins quickly climbs from the apron to the top rope…

Cole: It may be heat seeking time!

Just as Hawkins makes it to the top, Williams runs towards him, leaping from the canvas to the top rope and performing a hurricanarana which drags Hawkins off the top to the mat below…

King: Frakensteiner! Just like his mentor!

After hitting the high impact move, Williams goes for a cover…



Cole: He got him!

Hawkins kicks out!

King: That was close!

Petey Williams gets back to his feet and rolls both arms, miming that it’s time for the Canadian Destroyer. Williams grabs the head of Curt Hawkins and places it between his legs. Williams motions to the crowd once more but it costs him as Hawkins is able to use his upper body strength and counter with a back body drop. Petey Williams is quick to get back to his feet and charges at Hawkins, who catches him and snaps his hips, bringing Williams onto the canvas with a powerslam…

Cole: What a counter by Curt Hawkins!

Hawkins gets back to his feet and points to the top rope to the delight of the fans. Hawkins once again exits the ring through the ropes and makes his way to the top rope. Hawkins holds his right arm in the air before leaping off and delivering the Heat Seeking Elbow right into Williams’ heart…

King: Heat seeker!

After hitting his elbow, Hawkins hooks the far leg, looking for victory…




Roberts: Here is your winner, Curt Hawkins!


The official raises Curt Hawkins’ arm in victory as his music plays. The crowd cheers for the victorious Party Starter as he basks in victory.

We head backstage where Josh Matthews is standing by


Josh Matthews: With me at this time is the man who defeated Batista last night at Survivor Series, The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels!

As HBK appears on the screen, you can hear the crowd cheering in the background


Josh Matthews: Shawn, last night at Survivor Series you and Batista faught one incredible match. The two of you threw everything at each other, but in the end you were the one victorious. Can I have your thoughts?

HBK: You know last night was game changer for me. My best friend, Triple H visits me before the match and tells me, I'm basically slacking and I need to step it up. It was the samething Roddy Piper was trying to tell me and I just didn't listen. But I listened to Hunter and he was right, like he always is. So I went some place I haven't been in a while and I threw it all out there. I took several risks in the match that I do not regret. I took a mid-air spine buster from Batista and I do not regret making that move because I was trying to get the job done. See the last few months that's what has been missing, the risk factor. Last night, I took many and some worked and some didn't. I went up against and animal last night and that animal was tamned by yours truly, The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels.

Josh Matthews: With that being said, do you think this is over between you and Batista?

HBK: Knowing Batista, I hope so for his sake unless he wants the embarrassment of losing twice to me. But I know Batista and I know he is going to try to get his revenge somehow and when he does I'll be waiting. Right now he's planning his next move and he isn't going to be satisfied until he gets the job done and gets one back on me. I've already said that I do not fear him and I still don't. I looked him in the eyes and I told him I was going to get the job done and I did just that. I will do it again and again.

Josh Matthews: Now as for tonight, it's fifteen plus years in the making when you take on, Mankind. What are you're thoughts going into this strange encounter?

HBK: Last night showed that I'm not your typical HBK anymore. I'm much more aggressive than I was weeks ago and I am more about taking the chances and giving it everything I have. I played mind games with Maknind last week. I counter acted his own trait because it's time Shawn Michaels got into his opponents heads. No more Mr. Nice Guy anymore from Shawn Michaels. It's been fifteen years since HBK and Mankind have been in the ring together and much like last time in 1996, I am still the quicker man and I still am going to be on my feet the entire match. Mankind is going to see the side that Batista saw last night and just like Batista, Mankind will be flat out on his back by the end of tonight. To succeed in this line of work, you have to take risks, you have to be ruthless and I'm going to keep on doing that until I've reached what I came back for and that's the UWF Title!

HBK smirks at the camera and walks off as Raw continues on

Cole: Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen. Now we have an interesting turn of events, we are going to hear from the man who lost the UWF Championship match and his undefeated streak at Survivor Series.


The music of the United States Champion John Morrison begins to play and out walks an irate John Morrison. He's fuming over what transpired at Survivor Series and it's written all over his face. Tonight, there is no slow motion entrance; Morrison walks down the ramp like a man on a mission and heads right for the ring. He soon enters and demands a microphone from ringside.


John Morrison: Survivor Series was a complete travesty. A complete and utter travesty. It was a bigger screw job than that incidnt in Canada a few years back. At the end of the day, when everything was said and done, Cody Rhodes had to cheat to retain the UWF Championship. In the weeks leading up to our match, I told all of you that there is nothing that I hate more than virgins. Allow me to correct myself. There is nothing I hate more than a cheating virgin. You see in this ring, John Morrison does a lot of things. He steals the show, he steals your girl and he makes all the guys in the arena feel a bit less like a man. But the one thing that John Morrison does not do is cheat. I've never had to because everything I desire, I obtain. And Cody, I desire the UWF Championship!

The fans being to cheer as they hear Morrison's declaration.

Morrison: Cody, if you thought that we were finished at Survivor Series, you are dumber than I thought. No, we are far from finished. This personal rivalry between us will not end until you're laying at my feet with the UWF Championship in my possession. Survivor Series was a mere setback. I am still coming for you Cody and I will not stop until you are no longer UWF Champion....



The music of the General Manager D'Angelo Dinero plays and out walks the GM. He quickly scats down the ramp befre ntering the ring and anddressing Morrison.

D'Angelo Dinero: Now John, Pope agrees with 'ya 100%. What happened to 'ya at Survivor Series was wrong. Pope knows that 'ya can beat "Dashin"" Cody Rhodes. But there's jus' one problem John. 'Ya won King of The Ring and that's how 'ya earned 'ya shot at Survivor Series. And at Survivor Series, no matter how it happened, 'ya lost. Pope doesn't have a justifiable reason to give 'ya a rematch daddy.

Morrison: You didn't come out here to tell me that did you?

Dinero: Pope came out here 'cause while Pope can't hand 'ya a rematch wit' Cody Rhodes, Pope can offer 'ya a deal.

Morrison: A deal?

Dinero: Yeah daddy, a deal. And it involves that right there.

Dinero points to the United States Championship sitting on Morrison's shoulder.

Dinero: Now, we all know that John Morrison is United States Champion. But what some may not know is that John Morrison is the longest reigning United States Champion in UWF history. And John, 'ya have been a great Champion. But John, in Pope's honest opinion, 'ya have out grown the United States Championship. It's doin' nothin' but holdin' 'ya back. So let Pope make 'ya an offer. If 'ya give up that Championship and forgo 'ya rematch, Pope will give 'ya another crack at Cody Rhodes.

Morrison looks at the title before looking back at Dinero.

Morrison: So I give you this and I get Rhodes?

Dinero: Yes! 'Ya hand over that title and 'ya will face Cody Rhodes for the UWF Championship at the Royal Rumble!

A smile forms on Morrison's face as he hands Dinero the United States Championship before exiting the ring. Morrison motions for the UWF Championship.

Cole: And it seems as if it's going to be Morrison versus Rhodes again at The Royal Rumble.

This is where Raw heads to another commercial.




Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Venice, California, weighing in at 180 pounds; "The" Brian Kendrick!


The theme music of "The" Brian Kendrick begins to play and the fans give off a mixed reaction for the very unique superstar. Kendrick walks out onto the stage, wearing his trademark white jacket and white wrestling trunks. With Ezekiel Jackson in tow, Kendrick flails his arm around rhytmetically, ignoring everything that's going on around him


Kendrick continues to saunter down the ramp. All the while, Jackson walks down stone faced. duo soon enter the ring, where Kendrock removes his jacket and waits for his opponent.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from the City of Angels, weighing in at 227 pounds; he is the UWF Hardcore Champion, "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels.


"Wings of A Fallen Angel" starts playing and out walks Christopher Daniels. The fans quite don't know how to react as Daniels looks out at them. Daniels poses one more time before making his way down the ramp. Daniels reaches the end of the ramp and walks up the steps and onto the ring apron where he poses one more time.


Daniels enters the ring and waits for his opponent.

The bells rings and Daniels immediately looks for a clothesline, Kendrick ducks under it and tries to sweep Daniels’ leg. Daniels sees it coming and hops over the leg. Both men get into a fighting stance after the dual counters and stare one another down. The two lock up and try to push each other back, but neither man moves. Daniels manages to get the upper hand, putting his left leg behind Kendrick’s leg and pushes his body down towards the canvas. Kendrick’s body bends backwards as his shoulders get closer and closer to the mat. As Kendrick’s shoulders touch the canvas, he gets some upper body surge and pushes himself off the mat and back to the original position. Kendrick then leaves his feet and delivers a double knee stomp to Daniels’ face. Daniels grabs his face obviously in pain and turns his back to Kendrick who runs up behind him and performs a running bulldog. Daniels’ head hits the mat hard and Kendrick goes for the first cover of the match…



Daniels kicks out!

Cole: And Kendrick won the first exchange between these two!

As soon as Daniels kicks out, Kendrick leaves the ring and heads to the top. He reaches his destination as Daniels gets to his feet. Once Daniels turns his attention towards his opponent, Kendrick leaps off the top, outstretching himself and landing on top of Daniels with a Crossbody…

King: Brian Kendrick with a beautiful move!

As Kendrick lands on top of Daniels, the momentum allows Daniels to roll through and grab hold of Kendrick by the back. Daniels has a firm hold of Kendrick and is able to get to his feet, holding Kendrick in a Fallaway slam position…

Cole: Look at the strength of Christopher Daniels!

Instead of falling backwards like normal, Daniels falls forwards, driving Kendrick back first onto the canvas with a front press slam. Kendrick yells in pain as Daniels hooks the leg and goes for a cover…



Daniels powers out!

As Kendrick kicks out, Daniels gets to his feet before turning his back to Kendrick and performing a standing moonsault, landing on top of Kendrick and covering him again…



Kendrick kicks out!

Both men get to their feet and Kendrick surprised Daniels with a step up enziguiri, ducks under and Kendrick hits the canvas hard. Daniels grabs Kendrick’s legs and jackknifes them for another cover…



Cole: He got him!


Justin Roberts: Here is your winner; the UWF Hardcore Champion Christopher Daniels!


Cole: And Daniels just proved that he can win at any time!

Daniels has his hand risen by the ref and is handed his Hardcore Championship before leaving the ring as Raw goes to commercial.

The scene cuts early in the night to a place outside the arena in what appears to be the slum part of town. Vagabonds muddle around muttering to themselves; some pushing grocery carts. As each of the homeless passes, we hear some of what they are saying.




The same numbers come rolling off each and every one of their tongues. As we continue on, we see a barrel with its contents ablaze. The camera pans up to it and looks over and behind it to find the huddled mass of Mankind clutching onto the golden urn and rocking uncontrollably. He too is rambling the same strange numbers until he sees the camera's 'eyes' upon him.

12-21-12! The combination to the end times. The date of the apocalypse. A day, after which, there will be no turning back and the world will be changed as we know it! Some say existence will end with a whimper. But we all know different....don't we?....BANG! BANG!


Mankind pulls the urn close and closes his eyes as if in a dream.

I'm coming for you, baby! I promise you! The Hardcore title is my delicate rose. I don't care who has you imprisoned; I don't care what I have to go through. And, Vince, I personally don't care what you do to block the way. I'm going to be reunited with the only love of my life. You know, my wife is quite distraught. Considering I started wearing the brown tights again and the mask. She knows what that means. She knows it's not a show. She also knows that unlike the family man, Mick Foley, Mankind can have only one love and will forsake it all to hold her in my arms again!! She belongs to me DANIELS! And me alone.

Mankind drifts off into what could be construed as thought.

I told you I wouldn't go down, Rocky. I told you that it wasn't about your Hollywood good looks or that sad excuse for a finisher, the Rock Bottom. It was Destiny. And Destiny is MINE and mine alone!! You can't have her...you can't have her...have a nice day...


Cole: And now it’s time for a Blast From The Past Match! In a rematch 16 years in the making, Shawn Michaels will take on Mankind!

The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from San Antonio, Texas, weighting in at 227 pounds; he is the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels.


Sexy Boy" plays and out dances the one and only Shawn Michaels from the back. Good Old HBK just like the fans love him. Men want to be him, women want to be with him, but none the less, they all cheer for him. Michaels dances about halfway down the ramp before dropping to both knees to say a little prayer before speaking loudly to the heavens as the pyro goes off behind him.


Michaels hops up off the steel and heads towards the ring where he enters and poses once more as his music fades.

Justin Roberts: . And his opponent, from the Boiler Room, weighing in at 275 pounds, Mankind!


The theme music of the very deranged Mankind begins to play and the light turn a shade of hue blue. From the back walks Mankind. Resembling something of a Notre Dame esque creature, Mankind walks down the ramp as the fans give him a mixed reaction. Mankind ignores them as he makes his way down the ramp with Paul Bearer in the background screaming "YES" the entire time. Mankind continues to stagger down the ramp until he reaches the bottom and rolls into the ring and waits for his opponent.

The bell rings and Michaels throws a right hand directly into Mankind’s leather face. The right staggers Mankind, knocking him backwards. Michaels delivers another, knocking Mankind onto the ropes in the process. Michaels grabs Mankind by the arm and Irish whips him to the far side of the ring. Mankind comes back towards Michaels and lowers his head. Mankind sees this and counters with a swinging neckbreaker, This takes Michaels to the canvas and Mankind goes for a cover…



Michaels kicks out!

Mankind gets back to his feet and goes right after Michaels. He grabs Michaels by the skull and tries to his lift him to his feet, but Shawn Michaels isn’t having it. Michaels meets Mankind with a right hand to the stomach, which forces Mankind back and then Michaels hits the deranged one with a knife edge chop. The crowd woos as Michaels quickly hoists Mankind off his feet and drops him groin first down onto his knee with an Inverted Atomic Drop. This give Michaels the space needed to charge at Mankind and take him to the mat with a clothesline. Mankind’s neck snaps back and Michaels goes for a cover…



Mankind kicks out!

King: What impact from that clothesline.

Mankind gets off Ryder and heads to the closest turnbuckle, he leaves his feet and heads to the second rope. From there, he gestures and jumps off, before dropping an elbow across Mankind’s throat. Michaels goes for yet another cover…



Mankind kicks out again!

Cole: And Shawn Michaels continues to show glimpses of the Shawn Michaels of old.

Michaels gets to his feet and motions that it’s over. He heads to the far corner and begins tuning up the band. With every one of his foot stomps, the fans get louder and louder…

King: And it may be over soon for Mankind!

Mankind begins to pull himself up and as he gets closer and closer to his feet, Shawn Michaels gets more and more excited. Mankind makes it to a vertical base and Michaels leaves his corner, leading with his right leg and kicking Mankind right under the chin…

Cole: Sweet Chin Music!

Mankind goes down and Michaels jumps on top of him.




Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, Shawn Michaels!


The sexy boy gets to his feet and has his arm risen by the official. The fans all cheer the Heartbreak Kid as his music plays. H gestured towards all of them and let’s them know that this steak will continue. Michaels drops down and leaves the ring. This is where RAW heads to commercial.




Cole: Welcome back to Raw. Right now, I'm being told that we will hear from our General Manager D'Angelo Dinero.

King: Dinero's got some explaining to do in regards to his actions at Survivor Series. Hopefully, we'll find out what is going on in his head.



"Catholi-Funk" begins to play and the St. Louis fans get to their feet and begin cheering. The gray smoke fills the stage and out walks the General Manager of Raw, the "Pope" D'Angelo Dinero. Dinero has a huge smile on his face even though all the fans saw what he did to The Rock at Survivor Series. Tonight is not Dinero's usual over the top entrance. Instead, Dinero simply walks down the ramp, slapping a few hands along the way before hopping onto the ring apron and entering the ring. Dinero motions for a microphone and is soon handed one from ringside. This is where the Pope begins his promo.


"Pope" D'Angelo Dinero

September 25th 2011, 'ya Pope walked away from this ring. 'Ya Pope walked away from this business. But most important, on September 25th 2011, Pope walked away from the congregation. Pope didn't walk away 'cause Pope couldn't do this anymore. Pope walked away 'cause there was nothin' left for Pope to accomplish. Pope's done it all. He's won Championships, Money in The Bank, Pope's made an unbelivable amount of money, so when it was time, Pope did not have an difficulty sayin' goodbye.

Flash forward exactly one year later, September 25th 2012, and 'ya Pope returns. But Pope had no intention of ever steppin' foot back into the ring as an active competitor 'cause like Pope said, there was nothin' left to do. No, Pope came back 'cause Pope missed his congregation, Pope missed the people. And in Pope's current position as General Manager, Pope has been enjoyin' every second. From hearing' the crowd to makin' matches to even watchin' the end of Stunnin' Steve's career, Pope loved it all. And throught it all, Pope never had an itch to get back in here and whoop some ass. That is, until last week.

Last week, Dwayne came out to Pope's ring and not only took out Mick Foley, but he took Pope out wit' a Rock Bottom as well. And Dwayne, let Pope tell 'ya somethin' daddy. When 'ya hit that Rock Bottom, it woke Pope up. It made Pope remember who he was. It made Pope remember that he is a two-time World Champion, a United States Champion, a Global Champion; it made Pope remember jus' how successful he was. And worst of all Dwayne, it made Pope want to get in this ring again. And that's what Pope did at Survivor Series. Pope got back into the ring and did somethin' Pope hasn't done in a very long time. Pope drove his knees into 'ya spine and Pope's not goin' lie daddy, it felt dmn good. It felt good to hear the people chant "DDE", it felt good to see the reaction from the congregation. And it damn sure felt good to cost 'ya a match Dwayne.

But Dwayne, Pope knows 'ya. 'Ya and Pope are very similar. Pope knows that this isn't over between us. Pope knows that at some point, 'yagoin' come out here, 'ya goin' try and get Pope. Understand somethin' Dwayne, Pope's not goin' sit back and wait for 'ya to come get him. Pope's goin' bring it right to 'ya. So, allow Pope to make an offer to 'ya Dwayne. The next time UWF Raw is on Pay-Per-View is January 20th at the Royal Rumble. What Pope proposes is that at the Royal Rumble, 'ya get in this ring and we finally settle our lil' issue. So what Pope's tryin' to say is that at The Royal Rumble, we give the congregation what they want. At the Royal Rumble, it finally happens for real. Pope's talkin 'bout January 20th 2013, we finally get The Rock versus D'Angelo Dinero!

The fans cheer at the proposed match. They all begin cheering "YES" over and over again, obviously showing where they stand.

Now Dwayne, Pope's made the offer. And Pope's goin' sit back and wait for 'ya answer. So this is what Pope's goin' do. Pope's goin' wait seven days, one week for an answer. And what Pope wants from 'ya Dwayne is for 'ya to chime in via satellite like 'ya always do and Pope wants his answer. Seven days Dwayne, seven days!

And with the match on the table, Dinero lowers his mic and holds up seven fingers, reminding The Rock of how long he has. Raw goes off the air with Dinero still holding up seven fingers.

Promos: Respective TTers
Everything Else: Cwalker

OOC: Another short show. My apologies. Hopefully by next week I can refind my mojo.​


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 27th Edition

As expected from a show this close to Survivor Series, a promo heavy show. Cody, Mankind and the JoMo Dinero promos stood out for me, all three are great. The right people won I believe. Next week the show is set out to be great. Looking forward to who is going to be in the United States championship picture.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 27th Edition

Understandable for a short show but it delivered.

Really loved Mankind and Rhodes promo, nice touch changing the design of the belt.

Good to see Shawn continue his run with HBK!

Rated R Superstar

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 27th Edition

Daniels picking up a win again! Fuck yeah! Sorry I didn't send in a promo Cwalker, something kind of came up.

Hot damn what an excellent show! Excited to see who's going to be in the US title picture. Also excited to see that JoMo is getting himself another shot at Cody. Can't wait to see how everything goes leading into Royal Rumble.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 27th Edition

Very disappointed I couldn't get a promo in, but obviously work comes first. Was really keen to whip something up as Christian, but now it looks kinda bad as most of the roster managed to get one in except me. So yeah, sorry about that.

Anyway, I don't think you have anything to be sorry for regarding the show, Cwalker. We all knew to expect a promo heavy show so soon after a pay-per-view and that's what we got. It was still great to see a show that has already etched a few matches in stone in the form of Rhodes/Morrison and Dinero/Rock, which should both be absolutely killer. Wondering if we'll see a Daniels/Mankind match as that should be great, but now the US title is vacated a new champ obviously needs to be decided there too.

I was hoping to force my way into the UWF Championship match as Christian, but seeing how the next pay-per-view is the Royal Rumble, I wanna win that bad boy so badly! Came third the last time I was in one, so now I'm going to go two spots better, this time with Christian instead of Jack Swagger. Btw, it was mentioned the Royal Rumble is on the 20th of January. Does that mean there's no December pay-per-view?


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 27th Edition

I believe December would be the turn of Smackdowns exclusive brand, as King of the Ring was Raws. But I don't know if this is set in stone, just guessing ha.

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 27th Edition

I guess I should mention that if Mankind wants his shot, he knows where to find me. :)


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 27th Edition

Pope Daddy wants his answer... next week the answer will be received... LIVE! via satellite? or LIVE LIVE!... we'll find out.

But for a promo heavy show it was good. CWalk is a beast at this sorta stuff. Doin it right man. Nice show.
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 27th Edition

I'm ok with this being a short show no matter what, especially after you were beasting the ppv. Plus having a show one day following the ppv, now that's beasting it. Whether or not if it was heavy promo or not, it still was a successful show. I'm very curious on what's going to happen with the US Title now that JoMo has let it go and is going back after the UWF Title.

I did catch one thing in my match, it said and I quote "Mankind gets off Ryder and heads to the closest turnbuckle" I think you meant HBK lol.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 27th Edition

I'm ok with this being a short show no matter what, especially after you were beasting the ppv. Plus having a show one day following the ppv, now that's beasting it. Whether or not if it was heavy promo or not, it still was a successful show. I'm very curious on what's going to happen with the US Title now that JoMo has let it go and is going back after the UWF Title.

I did catch one thing in my match, it said and I quote "Mankind gets off Ryder and heads to the closest turnbuckle" I think you meant HBK lol.

Lol good eye. I was watching Z Long Island Story while writing that. I guess my brain transfered his name into the match


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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 27th Edition

I guess I should mention that if Mankind wants his shot, he knows where to find me. :)

All I can say is THE END IS NEAR! 12-21-12-21-12-21-12-21-12-21-12-21-12! CWalker, Book it and THEY will come...


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UWF Tuesday Night Raw December 4th Card!


After another exciting edition of Raw, we are back live. Last week, RAW had its Main Event for the Royal Rumble Pay-Per-View announced as Cody Rhodes will defend his UWF Championship in a rematch aganist John Morrison. Last week, we also saw General Manager D'Angelo Dinero extend the challenge to The Rock for a match at The Royal Rumble. Dinero gave Rock a one week deadline to make a decision and that one week is up. What will The Rock's answer be? What else will happen as we get closer to The Royal Rumble? Find out on Tuesday Night Raw, live from Tacoma, Washington!



Batista versus "The" Brian Kendrick

The Animal has been very opinionated about his losses over the past month. Dinero has spoken to Batista personally and has told The Animal that he needs to give the same effort that made him the Beast he was on Smackdown. Can Batista answer the challenge? This week he faces "The" Brian Kendrick. Kendrick is coming off a competitive loss to Christopher Daniels last week, can Kendrick rbound? Or will The Animal show why he's the King of The Jungle?


Shawn Michaels versus Antonio Cesaro

In a move that has the Raw higher ups very excited, Antonio Cesaro has returned. The "Swiss Master of Disaster" is looking to pick up where he left off as he goes one on one with "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. Michaels has been on an inceredible hot streak as of late, winning his last three matches. Can The Heartbreak Kid make it four in a row and prove why he should be challenging for the UWF Championship? Or will Antonio Cesaro return in grand fashion?


Chrisopher Daniels versus John Morrison

Last week, John Morrison vacated the United States Championship in order to recieve another shot at Cody Rhodes and the UWF Championship. That match will take place at The Royal Rumble event, but tonight Morrison goes one on one with the Hardcore Champion Christopher Daniels in a non-title match. Morrison's undefeated streak may be over, but he's looking towards something bigger. Christopher Daniels needs to watch his back, as the deranged Mankind is said to be coming after him and the Hardcore Championship. Can Daniels focus on the task at hand? Or will the Tuesday Night Delight continue his dominance?

We Will Also Hear From
Cody Rhodes - The UWF Champion wil discuss having to defend his Championship aganist John Morrison yet again.
John Morrison - The Number One Contedner will discuss having another shot at what he desires the most, the UWF Championship
Christian - Captain Charisma will be given some in ring time to talk about how he should have recieved one...more..World Championship Match after his victory at Survivor Series.
The Rock - Last week, D'Angelo Dinero made the Challenge. And it's now time for The Rock's decision. The Great One will be Live, via satellite of course to answer the Raw General Manager.
Mankind - After his victory over The Rock at Survivor Series, Mankind has set his sights on the Hardcore Champion Christopher Daniels. What does Mankind have planned for the Fallen Angel
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