UWF 2012: Past NXT Shows & Cards

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Re: Monday Night NXT 12/3/12 Preview!

Wow this may only be the second handicap match in UwF history. First was when I beat Rhodes and he had to face Punk and someone else as part of a stipulation. Two new up and comers going after a former UWF Champion. Looking forward to face Criss. Punk and McGillicutty should be an awesome read. Champions vs challengers main event looks awesome. Another read I'm looking forward to. I'll try and get a TT up tomorrow.


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Re: Monday Night NXT 12/3/12 Preview!

This is the second time I'm facing Bumout's Curtis and Bateman. For sure will be interesting. I gotta get back on the track with Aries and Bumout is the one who can bring the best out of me. Good booking here.

Challengers vs. Champions match will be awesome as well.

If people show up and do what they have to this will be an awesome show.

Chris Dresdon

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Monday Night NXT 12/3/12 Edition

The scene opens up to what appears a backyard. The sounds of children playing, cars passing by and construction can be heard in the background. The sounds of someone behind the camera can also be heard as the camera starts to shake. Suddenly Rhino appears in the video. He is wearing a toque. He doesn’t look very happy.


I lost, I lost again! What is it with me? I haven’t had the best record since debuting on NXT. And now, now look at me. I’m literally a shell of my former self. I used to be someone people feared. Now everybody just brushes me off as a joke. It’s all because of Sting. It truly is. Since our last match, you can see him walking around as if nothing happened at Survivor Series. He brushes off any kind of anguish I made him suffer. He would have you believe that he wasn’t afraid of me going into that match. I’m going to call bullshit on that right now. He made it pretty damn obvious that he was afraid of me. I think he’s still afraid of me. He knew his mind games weren’t doing anything to me. He knew that I was walking into that match with one single thing on my mind. Destroying Sting and claiming my prize.

I’m not going to lie; I’m a little banged up. We went hard in that match, and my respect for Sting rose a little. The way he was able to take the punishment I unleashed on him and dish it out himself. That’s something only a handful of people can really do. But if he thinks for a damn second that he finished me off, he’s got another thing coming! In fact it’s really only begun. I am not even close to being done here. I think it’s time my name really meant something around here. And I don’t want it attached to no stupid gimmick either. I’m not the kind of guy who’s willing to sell myself out by having some stupid catchphrase. I’m not the kind of guy who’s going to change my appearance for the sake of some kid’s enjoyment. I’m going to be me! I’m going to be exactly what I’ve been since I started wrestling. I’m going to be ruthless, I’m going to aggressive. I am a War Machine, I am a Man Beast! Those aren’t things that some jackass made up for me.

Much like a War Machine, and a beast, I will stop at nothing until my prey is destroyed. I will stop at nothing until I’ve gotten the blood I so desperately craved. This isn’t something I’ve created for the sole fact that I’ll sell T-shirts or action figures. This is something I firmly believe it. I believe that in order to get ahead in life you have to be ruthless. I’m not talking about that crap that Paul Heyman goes on about though. No, I’m talking about being something similar to what a cutthroat businessman would be. Making decisions that could ultimately mean my demise, but taking that necessary risk. It’s all about what I’m about; it’s not what some rich guy made me out to be. So as you all pander to this joke named Layfield, selling yourselves out, I’ll be over here doing what I do. I may have lost any chance of getting any kind of title shot, but I don’t give a damn right now. I know that eventually my name will mean something again. Maybe even be considered the guy who surpassed any champion. Who knows?

Rhino pauses for a moment to adjust his toque. He seems to be panting, as if his anger has almost reached a boiling point.

I’m not going to sit here and feed you any kind of crap. This is all straight up. People have been asking me if I’m happy where I’m at. And to be honest, I’m not. I’m seeing jackass after jackass getting title shots ahead of me. What the Hell has Zack Ryder done to really prove he’s worthy of getting a shot at the championship? Why is it that Zack Ryder gets a shot at Sting? I think I’ve proven that I still deserve to be going after that Circus freak! We have unfinished business. But no! We have to give the jackass with a joke of a gimmick a shot. The fans are obviously going to eat that shit up. How am I supposed to take a guy who threatens to fist pump someone’s face seriously? This is really proving to me that it’s all about the money. Forget the guys who have been true to themselves since day one. I mean look at Sting! He’s probably got the biggest gimmick in this damn business. He wants everybody to believe that he killed Steve Borden and took his place in life. He wants us all to believe that his body doesn’t exist to Steve, but to the one they call Sting.

What has become of this business? And then you have Bubba, a guy who’s also been true to himself since day one as the most deserving champion NXT has seen, and his first title defense is against another huge walking gimmick. This Miz guy was a reality TV star folks. Don’t forget that. He’s so fake it’s unbelievable! It’s all about the money though, that’s exactly what it narrows down to. Everybody wants to make money, so they’ll come up with some sort of bullshit. I’m actually surprised Bubba won the belt. It’s very rare to see a guy who’s not so far up his own ass win the top championship of any wrestling show. I’m not a gimmick! I have no gimmick! This is all me, just under an alias. Do you really think I’d use my real name? You can find that shit on Wikipedia if you really wanted to. Sting isn’t shy with using my name. I’ve made a ton of enemies that if they knew my real name, it could mean some bad things for me. And yes, I can handle just about anything that’s thrown at me, but I just don’t feel like dealing with it all the time.

But I could let all that slide, if it wasn’t for all the bullshit that Sting caused. You see, Sting broke a rule while he was in office. He attacked me, viciously with a weapon. I’m pretty sure it’s under some sort of law that a boss can’t attack their employee. Now we had our scheduled match, but you decided to attack me well before that match. That’s something you weren’t allowed to do there Sting. You wanna know why Coach hasn’t been around? It’s because he’s been planning your downfall while I kept your sorry ass distracted. There is video evidence of you attacking me while you were Interim General Manager. You had a responsibility to ensure the safety of your employees, but instead you struck one down. You caused me physical harm. Do you think we’d let that go unpunished? Do you think we won’t retaliate? It’s time to face the music Sting. Time to own up to all you have done. You did a lot of things you weren’t allowed to do, and no you’re going to face the consequences. Normally this wouldn’t be my thing, but Coach has really taught me that not all battles are won with sheer strength alone. So I’ll see you in court their champ. Hope you grow a pair and walk through the door and not shut off the lights and attack me again.

With that final statement, Rhino reaches for the camera and shuts it off.





Pyro blasts out from the stage in every direction imaginable, lighting up the stage in a sea of yellow. As the pyro dies down the camera does a pan of the arena to show all of the excited fans. The theme music of NXT continues to play until the camera centers on the commentary table where Joey Styles is joined by an unfamiliar face as far as NXT goes, Matt Striker.


Joey Styles: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another exciting edition of NXT! I'm Joey Styles...

Matt Striker: And with Taz returning to the active roster, I am Matt Striker, taking over on commentary. Joey, what a great show we've got lined up.

Joey Styles: Right you are, Matt, and I can't wait. Let's get this show on the road!


“I Came to Play†hits as The Miz makes his way out to the stage. He’s positively brimming with energy and it’s clear for all to see. He stops at the top of the ramp, throws his arms in the air and puffs his chest out. He then makes his way down the ramp towards the ring, grinning from ear to ear.


He jumps on the apron and throws his shoulder back in his trademark pose. He then enters the ring and is handed a mic as his entrance music trails off…

The Miz: Well, well, well! Here we are fresh out of Survivor Series and you, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, loyal viewers, are looking at the NEW NUMBER ONE CONTENDER for the NXT Heavyweight title!

The Miz’s proclamation is greeted mostly with boos, but this time is also littered with cheers, perhaps an indication of a growing anti-hero status.

Okay, okay quieten down; yes I am now the number one contender but not only that, after two pay-per-views, after opponent after opponent, match after match, I am still undefeated in NXT. Lesnar, Curtis, Rollins, Ryder, Abyss, McGillicutty… all stepped up and all knocked down. I have earned my place in the championship match at New Year’s Resolution and you can be damned sure I’m going to make the most of it. And then we got my opponent, then… well then we got Bully Ray

The mention of Bully’s name draws a chorus of boos from the capacity crowd

Ah, so you’re familiar with him then? Bully Ray, hashtag dirtbag… the new “face†of NXT (He drops his arms to his side and looks at the canvas as he begins to chuckle) My God, just think about that for a moment. Let that sink in… Bully Ray, the face of the brand. The face only a mother could love and even she said there must’ve been a mix-up at the maternity ward. And it’s not just the face oh no, it’s the pedigree of the guy. I mean you look at the champion of Raw; Cody Rhodes, love or hate him he comes from a family steeped in wrestling history and not only that, he’s shown he deserves his place alongside his kin. Over on Smackdown you got Jeff Hardy, again no matter what you think of him on a personal level, Jeff Hardy is perhaps the greatest high-risk, high-impact superstar of our generation. Then on NXT, the brand I am determined to make the number one in UWF, we got Bully Ray. A great tag team wrestler- no doubt about it- and a… very decent singles competitor. Now that’s all well and good but… against Cody Rhodes? Against Jeff Hardy? All the haters out there, all the detractors, they call NXT a “third rate brand†and d’you what? With Bully Ray as NXT World Champion that’s exactly what we are! That’s exactly what we are and it IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

The Miz is uncharacteristically intense as he speaks, ignoring the crowd reaction and continuing to focus on his speech


Tonight I came out to this ring for one reason and one reason only, and that was to make a promise to everyone in this arena, everyone at home watching on TV and every single superstar in the back; I promise you all to defeat Bully Ray at New Year’s Resolution. I promise you all to bring his reign – which is already seven days too long – to an end. I promise you all that I will be the champion that this brand wants, nay needs. And I promise you all that I, the Rating Boost, the Awesome One, the worldwide, household name, stratospheric superstar, will propel NXT straight to the top of the UWF and finally give all of us something to be proud of… Now if you excuse me I have a match to prepare for. The NXT interim GM and the World Champion are next on my list… Time to cross ‘em off

And with that “I Came to Play†hits, The Miz drops the mic and makes his way back to the locker room looking as focused as he’s ever been.

Joey Styles: Things between Miz and Bully Ray are already heating up.

Matt Striker: And that volatile mix is going to be in the middle of that ring tonight!

With that, it's time for the first match as the camera pans to Christy Hemme in the ring, who is ready to introduce the participants of the first match.



Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...


"Next Big Thing" by Jim Johnston begins to play as the crowd erupts into boos. Paul Heyman walks onto the stage laughing at their voiced disdain, grinning from ear-to-ear as his client Brock Lesnar stomps out through the curtain behind him, stopping and looking down the ramp as he hops back and forth in the manner he's known for.


Matt Striker: Brock Lesnar looking to get back on the proverbial horse tonight after a series of losses.

Joey Styles: Interim General Manager Sting making this match after Brock Lesnar requested a transfer off of NXT due to unhappiness regarding his win to loss ratio in recent weeks.

As Joey finishes his sentence, the camera's focus returns to Brock and Heyman as Christy finishes the introductions.

Christy Hemme: Now being accompanied to the ring by Paul Heyman. From Minneapolis, Minnesota. Weighing in at two-hundred and sixty-six pounds, the "Next Big Thing", Brock Lesnar!

Brock stops at the bottom of the ramp and hops back and forth again and then leaps from the ground to the apron, stepping through the ropes and entering the ring. He looks across the ring at his opposition, hopping back and forth once more as he smiles at the thought of the havoc he's about to wreak.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...


"Veil of Fire" by Jim Johnston begins to play as the fans erupt into boos for the impending arrival of Sting's associate, the "Big Red Machine" Kane. He arrives from the backstage as the arena is bathed in a dark red hue, making his way towards the ring.

Matt Striker: Kane doesn't look too happy tonight, Joey.

Joey Styles: When does Kane ever look happy, Matt?

Christy continues her introductions.

Christy Hemme: From Parts Unknown. Weighing in at three-hundred and twenty-three pounds, he is the "Big Red Monster", Kane!

Kane enters the ring and walks towards the center of it, stopping once he arrives there. He turns to face the camera as he raises both arms into the air and drops them, causing fire to shoot from all four turnbuckles.


Kane turns to face his opponent as the ring bell sounds again, signifying it's time for it to begin.


The match begins with Brock Lesnar circling Kane. Brock slips around behind Kane and grabs him around the waist, but Kane breaks free knocking Lesnar backwards into the corner. Kane goes on the attack, but Lesnar quickly moves out of the corner and back into the middle of the ring, Kane moving to the center of the ring as they lock up in a test of strength. Kane wins and forces Brock down to one knee with an arm wrench, but Lesnar picks up Kane's leg and goes for the Brock Lock but Kane has already grabbed the bottom rope, forcing Lesnar to release the hold.
Kane gets to his feet quickly with assistance from the ring ropes as the two combatants lock up again, Kane taking the upper hand with a headlock, wrenching it, but Brock moves backwards and runs Kane off the ropes, but as he goes to throw him away, Kane keeps the lock held and takes Lesnar down to the mat with a headlock takeover. Kane keeps the hold locked in, but Lesnar gets his legs up around Kane's neck and forces Kane to break the hold by choking The Big Red Machine. Kane releases the headlock, but Lesnar is keeping the neck scissors locked in.

Matt Striker: This is an underrated hold, Joey, you could easily choke someone out with this.

Joey Styles: Especially when someone as strong as Brock Lesnar is the one applying it.

Lesnar changes the hold slightly into a figure-four neck lock as Kane tries to move his legs towards the bottom rope but can't. Instead, he leans backward, forcing Brock's shoulders to the mat as the referee counts.




Lesnar is forced to break the lock and get himself out of the pinning predicament. However, as Kane is still on his back, Lesnar quickly hits Kane with a few stomps. Kane gets to the ropes as Brock lays into him with the boot. Lesnar takes a few steps back as Kane starts to get to his feet, then moves forward again and goes to kick Kane in the gut, but Kane catches his boot and takes him down through the middle rope with a dragon screw-like maneuver as Lesnar falls to the outside and rolls onto his back.

Kane gets himself up to a vertical stance and begins to climb up to the top rope as Lesnar is starting to get to his feet, shaking off the cobwebs and using the barricade for support. Kane steadies himself up on the top rope and as soon as Brock turns around, Kane leaps off and goes to hit him with a flying clothesline to the outside, however Lesnar reverses and turns Kane into the barricade which collapses on contact!

Joey Styles: MY WORD! Kane just crashed right through that barricade!

Matt Striker: Things are getting crazy in this match-up!

Lesnar looks down at what has happened to his opponent and smiles, grabbing Kane by both shoulders and bringing him to a vertical base, rolling him into the ring. Brock follows after as Kane manages to get to his feet, albeit woozily. Brock rears back and connects with a thunderous right, Kane's head rocking with the impact. Lesnar held nothing back, firing punch after punch, Kane seeming to weaken with each one as Brock, getting cocky, runs backward into the ropes and launches himself at Kane with a cross body-esque punch attempt, who catches him as he comes off the ropes with a spinning side slam.

Kane grabs him by the shoulders and pulls him to his feet, throwing a punch straight into the abdomen, followed by several more in rapid succession. Brock sinks his finger nails into the collar bone of Kane in response, bringing him to his knees as Brock puts both hands on Kane's left arm and irish whips him into the corner, the Big Red Machine hitting chest first after tilting his body to avoid head contact. Brock turns him around and grabs him in a choke, both hands locking around his opponent's neck as he pulls him out of the corner and thrusts him back into the corner. This occurs about four times before Lesnar lets up, tearing the turnbuckle padding loose quickly as he grabs the top of Kane's head as if he were performing the Von Erich claw, places his own leg behind his opponent's, and sweeps him while rocking forward, slamming the back of Kane's head into the exposed turnbuckle as Kane falls onto his face, blood beginning to run from the back of his head, down both sides, and onto the mat.

Joey Styles: Someone needs to stop this, a man might be dying in there!

As Kane lies there, Brock isn't done as he lifts him from the mat and places his head between his legs. Brock locks his arms around the waist of Kane and hoists him into the air until Kane's lower back was on his shoulder, Brock changing his positioning so that his hands were under his opponent's arms. Lesnar stepped forward going for a cross powerbomb into the corner but Kane rolled backward over his head landing in front of him, positioned his leg, and connecting with a leg-hook STO into the corner.

Kane begins to push himself up with his arms, breathing heavily as the head wound and his earlier spill through the barricade are now catching up to him. Suddenly, Brock Lesnar gets to his feet and he doesn't look happy as he grabs an unsuspecting Kane and places his head between his legs, hoisting him up and planting him with a powerbomb. Brock keeps his hold as he lifts Kane into the air and plants him once again with a second powerbomb as the crowd gasps in response to the impact. Lesnar still has his hold as he hoists Kane up for the trifecta, slamming him as hard as he can against the mat as Kane's head rocks violently. Brock still has a hold of Kane as he lifts him up for a fourth, releasing him at the height of the powerbomb attempt and catching him on his shoulders, connecting with the F-5! Brock covers Kane.





Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, Brock Lesnar!


Joey Styles: Folks, tonight brawn has prevailed over brimstone, and Brock Lesnar is back on a winning streak.

Matt Striker: With the "Next Big Thing" making such dominating work of Kane, is it only a matter of time before the rest of the roster suffers the same fate?

Joey Styles: Time will tell on that one, Matt, but I'd say it's a safe bet that the path of destruction has more than this stop. Well folks, while Kane is attended to, we send you backstage where some of our other competitors have requested to share a word.

We head backstage to see Bateman getting ready for his upcoming match, Maxine coming into frame with Curtis hanging over her.


Derrick, glad to see you've been getting ready for our match.

Derrick Bateman
Yeah where have you guys been? I thought we all agreed to meet up and get ready an hour ago.

Johnny Curtis
Oh well we've been doing cardio for the past hour and we simply lost track of time.

Cardio. Right. Look Aries is no slouch, we need to come up with a game plan if we want to make sure we beat him tonight. As much of an asshole as he is, he can't take this lightly. The guys a former UWF Champion.

Who cares who he is. It's two against one. It's simple math. I'm pretty sure I've seen one of his matches before and the only thing he's got going for him is he's kind of slippery and fast but I'm smooth and you're super fast and not to mention we're both pretty powerful. The guy doesn't stand a chance. He'll lose to us and get fed up and leave like so many others have.

Yeah you're probably right. That chump better not try and pull a fast one on me or else he's going to get punched straight in the face!

Alright now that's the right mentality. After this I see nothing but gold for you two. Maybe the general manager can get his head out of his ass and give the only true deserving tag team here a shot at the gold.

Gold. That's the only thing we need to go from rookies to main eventers. We'll show everyone and prove that NXT is the number one brand here. Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Steve Austin, they're all names of the past. In the future when wrestling has it's own Mount Rushmore, Derrick Bateman, Johnny Curtis, Maxine and uhh.... no one else, just the three of us will be carved into the annals of history!

*chuckles* Anals!

And who knows. Maybe one day I'll just be right front and center in the real Mount Rushmore.

Derrick Bateman strikes his superman pose as Maxine and Curtis just stare at him.

Alright well we'll see you out there.

Curtis and Maxine leave while Derrick remains staring into the camera as we head to commercial.



Bummed to hear about Punk's injury but he's only expected to miss a few weeks, so hopefully we'll still get him and The Rock at Royal Rumble.


Back from commercial, "Cult of Personality" blasts throughout the arena


As CM Punk comes out, there is a heavily split mix reaction for him. CM Punk though doesn't look to be in the best of moods. Punk makes his way straight for the ring


As CM Punk gets inside the ring, he demands to be given a microphone. CM Punk paces back and forth for a few seconds until he finally puts the microphone up to his mouth to speak


CM Punk: I'm not in the best of moods tonight. There are a lot of things that I want to get off my chest and I do not care how long I take out here and whether or not if anyone likes it or not. One week ago at Survivor Series, I was not only robbed of my match, but I was also jobbed out of it. I may not have been the one who was pinned, but I certainly the one who was most effected by this because I'm the best in the world. I set a goal and that was to make all three of my opponents famous after Sunday's match and I did just that. Now I don't know who took out Seth Rollins, but nor do I care. If it wasn't for me, Seth Rollins would not have even been on the pay per view. The one thing that irritates me the most out of all of this is, Zack Ryder is the one who is getting the NXTreme championship match and not CM Punk. The only thing that Zack Ryder is better at than I am, is he the best ass kisser to each and every single one of you. Zack Ryder is almost as good of an ass kisser like John Cena is. But instead of seeing CM Punk versus Sting, we get Zack Ryder versus Sting. That's the sickening thing with this line of business, it's the politics that surrounds what's going on here. Trust me, this isn't sour grapes, but the fact is that Zack Ryder has this title match and I do not makes me sick!

A small "Ryder" chant breaks out which irritates CM Punk

CM Punk: You want the best wrestling there is, well I am the best wrestler in this company and in the world. It doesn't matter what show I am on, Raw, Smackdown, NXT. It doesn't make a difference because I am the best in the world at what I do. So instead of having two icons have one hell of a wrestling match, the fans are going to witness an ugly showing of arguably one of the best this business has ever seen going against one of the biggest jokes in this businesses history. With that being said, I can't blame for our interim general manager to have wanted Zack Ryder to get the win at Survivor Series because he knows that he can easily beat Zack Ryder which means he keeps the title longer. It's really smart thinking because Sting knows he could never out wrestle me in this ring. I've been the best since day one when I walked into this company and not just when I came back a month ago. I have always been the best, but I've been hated because people do not like it when they speak the truth. That's the reason Sting is scared to face me next. He knows it, I know it, everyone in that damn dressing room knows it. I am the best that this company has ever seen and it's too scared to see my succeed.

CM Punk takes a moment to pause and let what he has said sunk in for everyone


CM Punk: The only thing real in this company is me. For the last seven years since my name hit the marquee, day in and day out I have proven to everyone in the world that I am the best on this microphone, in that ring, and not even on commentary no one can touch me. No matter how many times I prove it I still do not get the recognition. I'm not promoted like the others are, I'm not in the video to open the show, hell I'm not even on the signature of NXT that starts the show off. The only time I have gotten promoted for this damn show, was tonight. NXT had the balls to actually come out and let everyone know that I was going to do a pipe bomb shoot tonight. It's not a pipe bomb if you announce it already, so the damn writers of this show screwed up on that one. I am the most over looked wrestler there is. I'll tell you a little story, the moment I stepped into this business people were scared. They were scared of a straight edge superstar that said what he wanted to say whenever he wanted to and at no costs. Paul Heyman was the guy who got me my big break and I will forever be grateful for him because unlike most people in this company and every other company, he knows real "wrestling" talent at its finest.

A big "ECW" chant breaks out in reference to Paul Heyman


CM Punk: I'm not done talking yet, not even close. When I'm done speaking, you all will know, so until then shut your mouths and allow me to speak because you're all also a reason why I'm so pissed off. You're the ones who will cheer for me, but then when a guy like Zack Ryder shows up, you get louder for him and forget about someone like me. You're the ones who where my merchandise, but if another guy you like more comes out and faces me, you are taking off my merchandise and putting on theirs. But at five in the morning you're the ones trying to get my autograph and then try to go sell it on eBay or Amazon to make a quick buck. You're all hypocrites just like this whole damn company is. You want a real company, then go back to 2008 with ETW. Now that was a real company who knew its talent to the best. Oops I'm breaking the fourth wall on that one. That company shit the bed though once I walked out of it. They didn't have an owner who could handle things so the company broke down much to likes of WCW did when it went down and under. Now I'm here in UWF and I'm still not getting the respect I deserve. Over on Smackdown, they have a so called "former" drug addict whose representing not only the Smackdown brand, but also the company as it's World Heavyweight Champion, but over on NXT they have a guy like me who lives his life straight edge sitting all the down in the dumps waiting for the chance to finally get some recognition. I said I wanted to help out other guys succeed, well I did that. I made three wrestlers become household names last week. Now I want my respect!

CM Punk lowers his microphone and then gets ready to address his match with Tazz


CM Punk: I hear all the booing you people are doing and I really don't give a damn. You can boo me all you want, but the fact is I am CM Punk and without me on this show, it sucks! So now moving onto tonight, I have to take on a fat old man who should still be sitting behind that commentary booth right next to someone who is worse than Michael Cole is. Hey Joey, how much does it suck being Vince's little bitch. You better call my match tonight with Tazz with some diginity or I am going to beat you down worse than I am going to beat him down. The fact that I have to go into that ring with a slob like him who is one injury away from being a crippled mess, is a joke! Tazz, you should of stayed behind the booth because once I am done with you when you wake up on Tuesday morning from your retirement home, you're going to wish you had listened to me. Shame on you Tazz for trying to steal my spotlight just like the other has-beens are doing in UWF. You making your comeback replaced Michael McGullicutty on this roster. A man who is young and has his future to look forward to, but because of your ego, you cost him his job. You are a selfless piece of leftover ECW trash!

The crowd gives major heat at CM Punk which prompts a small "Tazz" chant

CM Punk: Go ahead and chear for one of the most overrated superstars of all-time, if you even want to call him a superstar. If you thought it was embarrassing when I spat in his face, you will witness another embarrassment when I beat him like the bitch he is. I am trying to make my career better, not re-jump a has-beens career. Am I a hyprocrite for wanting more out of my career though, absolutley not. I'm not out hear to bitch about how I lost, my complaint is how it was done. It was all an attack on me and for what I stand for. I am the voice of the voicless. I still am going to help out the talent that's not recognized. I'm all for helping them out like I said, but I also want the respect I deserve. I should be the one who is getting the NXT Title match, but that won't happen until I do some major ass kissing in which will not happen from me. I'm not Shawn Michaels who will kiss Vince's ass, I'm not John Cena and I am certainly not Zack Ryder. I have the marquee name on this show. I am the best in the world. So now the question is, what am I to do. What do you have your best talent on this show do now. Do you throw him into a feud with someone fresh and new so I help them succeed. Do you throw me into a handicap match for speaking the truth. Do you fine me a lot of money and then suspend me. Everything is rather set, I mean Ryder has the title match, R Truth is busy worrying about an imaginary friend and the NXT World title picture is set. Oh wait I know and you may want to tune off the show if you don't want to be spoiled, but what's going to happen is I am going to be accused by Seth Rollins for attacking him. Then with that happening it's going to lead to speculation that I did it and we're going to start a feud. Like this storyline hasn't been done a thousand times, so what's one more time to add to the record books.

CM Punk lowers his microphone and looks directly into the camera

CM Punk: You wanted a pipe bomb, right there was your fucking pipe bomb!

CM Punk flips his microphone in a cocky way as his music hits.

Joey Styles: Wow.

Matt Striker: Couldn't have said it any better myself, Joey. Let's just get to the next match.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, from Chicago, Illinois. Weighing in at two-hundred and eighteen pounds, C.M. Punk!

Punk stands there with his arms crossed, ignoring the fans and watching the ramp as Christy gets ready to introduce his opponent.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...


The crowd burst into cheers as they hear a heartbeat throughout the arena. Everybody looks at the titantron where they see Taz emerge from underneath it with a black towel over his head, all the while the crowd cheer.


Joey Styles: The "Human Suplex Machine" is back, folks, and I can't wait to see him compete again!

Matt Striker: It's been about a decade since we've seen a Taz match, the hype is enormous but I know it'll deliver.

As Matt and Joey finish hyping Taz, Christy continues with the introductions.

Christy Hemme: From The Red Hook Section of Brooklyn, New York. Weighing in at two-hundred and forty pounds, he is the "Human Suplex Machine", Taz!

Taz reaches the end of the ramp and enters the ring, removing the sheet and throwing it to the outside of the ring. He turns to Punk as it's time for the match to get underway.


Taz and Punk meet in the middle of the ring and trade smack talk with each other before Punk takes a cheap shot with a huge right hand shot at Taz. Taz responds with a right hand of his own, then backs Punk into the ropes and tosses him into them and as Punk comes back, Taz grabs him and does a take down hip toss to him. Taz gets up and pumps the crowd up while Punk rolls out of the ring, gesturing "forget it" with his hands as he turns his back to his opponent and begins to walk to the back. Taz exits the ring and follows after Punk quickly, stopping him from leaving but Punk reveals he was playing possum as he delivers a right hand that knocks Taz to the floor hard.

Punk starts stomping away at Taz's midsection a few times before picking him up and ramming him into the barricade wall. Punk drags Taz close to the ring and then pulls him to a vertical base, looking for an irish whip into the steel steps but Taz stops himself and reverses the momentum, sending Punk into the steps hard as the top step flies loose and slides a couple feet. Taz walks over to Punk, picks him up, and tosses him into the ring. Taz follows after and picks Punk up again, wrapping his arm around his head and lifting him in the air, keeping him there for a few seconds before dropping back and delivering a suplex to him. heads inside and picks Punk back up and wraps his arm around his head and lifts him in the air, keeping him there for a few seconds before dropping back and delivering a suplex to him. Taz makes the cover.



NO! Punk kicks out!

Taz sits up and lifts Punk's head up and starts to deliver massive haymakers to the forehead, landing ten in rapid succession before slamming his head against the mat with both hands. Taz rolls Punk over and applies an ankle lock, getting to his feet as he wrenches the hold tighter than when he first applied it. Taz screams for Punk to tap out, but Punk just fights his way closer to the ropes. Punk is a fingertip away from the ropes when Taz pulls him to the center of the ring.

Matt Striker: CM Punk is going to tap out!

Joey Styles: I hope he does. Come on, Taz!

As Taz wrenches the hold tighter, Punk counters out of it as he turns his body around and pushes Taz off of him. Punk gets up to his feet using the ropes and he sort of runs at Taz, but Taz grabs him and delivers a massive powerslam. Taz goes for the pin again.



NO! Punk kicks out!

Taz gets upset as he sits up, but goes back to work as he gets up to his feet and picks Punk up along the way. Taz sets Punk's head between his legs and lifts him over his head looking to hit a powerbomb, but Punk grabs onto Taz's left leg and reverses into an STF. Taz holds his right arm out trying for the ropes, but in his position it is a mile away. Punk wrenches the hold tighter, which causes Taz to cry out in pain. The referee checks to see if Taz wants to tap out, but Taz says no, making a push for the ropes but when he gets close, Punk breaks the hold and pulls Taz away to the middle, but Taz turns his body and kicks Punk in the ankle, causing Punk to fall to the mat.

Both men get up to their feet slowly. Taz runs for Punk, but Punk ducks and bounces off the ropes and comes back hitting Taz with a flying shoulder block. Punk then waits for Taz to get up to his feet and as he gets up, Punk lifts him onto his shoulders and delivers the GTS. Punk goes for the pin as it seems to be over for the former commentator.



THR...NO! Taz gets the shoulder up!

Matt Striker: Taz refusing to stay down!

Joey Styles: It's been a long time since I've seen someone kick out of the GTS, Taz's months of training to get back into ring shape are paying off!

Punk gets to his knees and cannot believe Taz kicked out. Punk picks Taz up to his feet and sets him on his shoulders, looking for a second GTS, but Taz pushes off of Punk's shoulder and lands on his feet, grabbing Punk along the way and lifting him over his head, delivering a spin-out powerbomb. Taz makes the cover.



THRE...NO! Punk gets the shoulder up!

Joey Styles: You gotta be kidding me!

Matt Striker: These two mat technicians are throwing everything at each other, and both men just keep getting back up despite it all!

Taz heads over to Punk and picks him up but once Punk gets to his feet, the two begin trading jabs, Punk getting the upper hand with a kick to his opponent's midsection, but Taz avoids it and slips behind his opponent and applies the Tazmission! Punk immediately starts trying to fight out of the hold when Taz turns the submission into the Tazmission-Plex, dropping Punk onto his head as he bridges into a pin as the referee counts.




Punk rolls out of the pin and gets to his feet, delivering a stiff kick to the side of Taz's head as he gets up, knocking the "Human Suplex Machine" to his side and then onto his face. Punk slides out of the ring and flips up the apron, rifling through the contents before removing a steel chair and re-entering the ring with it in his possession. The referee tries to stop it but Punk pushes him down and goes after Taz, who's getting to his feet. Just as Punk goes to smash Taz in the head with the chair, Rhino rushes the ring!

Joey Styles: What the?

Matt Striker: Rhino's making the save for his former ECW family!

Rhino slides into the ring quickly, and shortly after getting to his feet runs across and cuts Punk in half with a Gore! Rhino grabs the chair and exits the ring as the referee comes to and Tazz walks over to Punk and covers him.





Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, the "Human Suplex Machine", Taz!


Matt Striker: Well, one can only imagine how C.M. Punk must be feeling after this turn of events.

Joey Styles: With his vendetta against Sting, no one was expecting Rhino to get involved here tonight. The explanation, and the inevitable pipe bomb, will both be must-hear.

Matt Striker: Until we get those answers, all we have are questions. Stay with us folks, more NXT after this!



Be sure to give your nominations for the Monthly Awards!



The Greatest Man That Ever Lived, Austin Aries:
Hello, members of the UWF Universe. I'm yours truly, Austin Aries. After a long amouth of time I'm back in Ultimate Wrestling Federation. I'm here to talk about what happened at Survivor Series. At Survivor Series I made my return and by doing so, I shocked just about everybody. Admit it...people in the arena were going crazy and I would bet my money that people watching at home on their TV and people watching illegaly on internet streams were shocked as well. That is a fact. Hell, even your dogs were barking at your TV, wiggling their tails when they saw me return. Everybody was all happy about it. There were no dirt sheets, no information on wrestling forums. That's what made my return so special. Nobody saw it coming, therefor when my theme music hit the arena speakers and I walked out, it was the OMG moment of the year, without a doubt.

People start clapping.

After I ended my what you people call return speech, Sting came out and informed me about Monday Night NXT. Like I'm living in a fantasy world and I don't know that there's a third brand and that made me a little bit angry because I'm Austin Aries and it's well known that Austin Aries pays attention to everything so he can be ready in every situation. Anyway...I didn't know why Sting would take his time to come out and inform me about something as irelevant as this brand. But then he made himself clear. He told me I'm the newest addition to the NXT roster. I don't blame him for that because let's be honest, everybody wants Austin Aries on his brand. The Pope would like to have me on RAW, Desmond Wolfe or even Y.E.S would like to have me on SmackDown but seriously? NXT? Ok, so I'm an NXT Superstar now. Hooray, right? You are all like „Ayyy, Aries will be on NXT wrestling against our heroes CM Punk, Zack Ryder and many more, hooray!“ But for the first time in a very long amount of time...I don't really care what you people think about me being on NXT. I don't care if you're excited for it because I sure as hell am not.

Boos rain down as Austin Aries makes a little pause.

I signed a contract which said I'm going to RAW and that I'm getting a UWF Undisputed Title rematch. I didn't come back to be an NXT Superstar. I'm a main eventer, I'm star, not a youngster who wants to make a name for himself and he can only do so by being on a brand with other youngsters because he can't match himself with major superstar who for the record are on RAW and SmackDown. I'm not like that, I never even was like that. Since the beginning I was swimming with all those big sharks and I proved that even a little fish in the ocean can get better and take on those sharks. I'm the one who proved that size doesn't matter in wrestling. Sidenote - only in wrestling...I showed everybody that you don't have to weight 300 pounds and you don't have to be 7 feet tall to be successfull...I showed everybody that what matters is skill, charisma, and will to be the best. Those three are the keys to success and I have all of them. That's the reason why I'm sitting here to night as a former 4 time World Champion and that's the reason why I'm not satisfied with being on NXT.

Austin Aries places his right leg over his left leg and makes himself more comfortable.

But don't worry, I will find a way to get back where I'm supposed to be. I will find a way to get myself drafted back to RAW so I can get my Undisputed Title shot but until then, I'll do what I want to. I won't jump as Sting tells me, I'm not a puppet. I will do my own thing. I will continue being the Greatest Man That Ever Lived although I won't have to put much effort in it as there are no big challenges in front of me. But don't worry...when I'll be booked to wrestle someone I won't refuse to. No...I will come down to the ring, steal the show like the great wrestler I am and I will make sure Sting regrets the moment when he decided to get me on his brand starting tonight when I defeat both Johnny Curtis and Derrick Batman, Batamen, Bateman or whatever his names is.

Aries chuckles as the scene fades to black and things return to the arena where Christy Hemme is in the ring, ready to introduce the next match.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a Handicap match! Introducing first...


"I Told You So" by Flatfoot 56, the theme of Johnny Curtis begins to play over the PA system but instead of either he or Derrick appearing through the curtain, instead Maxine is the first of the trio to walk out with an angry scowl on her face. As the rookie tag team walks out onto the stage, she moves out of the way as Johnny makes a suggestive motion towards her, causing her angry scowl to become a look of disgust as the trio begin walking down the ramp.


Christy Hemme: Now being accompanied to the ring by Maxine. From Westbrook, Maine and Cleveland, Ohio respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of four-hundred and sixty-two pounds, the team of Johnny Curtis and Derrick Bateman!

Matt Striker: Johnny Curtis and Derrick Bateman, two young men that are arguably the future of this business.

Joey Styles: You haven't even seen them wrestle yet.

Matt Striker: With a name like the "Modern Day Double Dragon", I don't have to.

As they arrive at the end of the ramp, both men enter the ring as Maxine remains ringside. They each ascend a turnbuckle and pose for the live crowd, clearly psyched about their upcoming match. They climb down after a moment and look to the stage, anticipating the arrival of their opponents.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...

People in the arena are having a good time watching UWF NXT when all of a sudden lights in the arena go off.


Lights Out by Hollywood Undead starts playing through the arena speakers and people automaticaly start booing the arrival of A Double, Austin Aries who emerges from behind wearing a cape.


Austin Aries
' cape is slightly shining when he turns around. Aries extends his hands as he walks down the ramp. As Aries is walking down to the ring pyros are exploding behind his back.

Christy Hemme: From Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Weighing in at two-hundred and ten pounds, he is the "Greatest Man That Ever Lived", Austin Aries!


When Aries is in front of the ring he lies down on the apron and puts his hand in the air. Aries then stands up and faces the ring. The camera angle focuses on Aries' cape.


Aries then uses the ropes to catapult himself into the ring. When Aries lands on his feet he turns around couple of times. Then he unclips his cape and faces his opponents as the match gets underway.


Derrick readies up for a charge, and sprints into Aries, forcing him back into the corner, where he goes for a collar and elbow tie up, but Aries immediately reverses, putting Bateman in the corner, choking him with both hands. The referee counts to four and Aries lets go, only to force his elbow into Bateman's shoulder. He takes a few steps back, but comes straight back with a dropkick into the chest of Bateman, both men falling to the mat for a moment before returning to their feet as quickly as possible. Bateman goes for the first punch but Aries ducks, and uses his momentum to pick up Bateman and dump him on the mat, very amateur wrestling like. From there he hits Derrick with fast fists from both sides before landing a huge right to the jaw. Aries covers Bateman arrogantly.


NO! Bateman kicks out!

Derrick gets up to one knee and Aries tries to kick him back down but Bateman avoids it, spinning his other leg and tripping Aries up. Bateman follows up with a standing moonsault and hooks the leg after making impact.



NO! Aries kicks out!

Derrick lets go of the leg and stands up, waiting for Aries to do the same. As he does, Derrick makes sure he's behind him, so that as Aries gets to a vertical base, Derrick grabs his head and forces it to the mat with a bulldog, Aries hitting with sickening impact and rolling over onto his back. Bateman runs into the ropes and on his way back, looks for a rolling thunder but as he comes down to make impact, Aries puts his knees up and Derrick connects with them instead.

Matt Striker: Austin Aries had him scouted perfectly!

Joey Styles: That may be true, but Austin needs to remember that even if he beats Bateman here tonight, he still has to contend with Johnny Curtis.

Aries makes it to his feet and smirks at Bateman, grabbing him by the hair to lift him to his feet. Aries talks a bit of trash before hooking Bateman's head as he goes for the brainbuster but Derrick uses his leg to block it and reverses into a suplex, the crowd cheering as Bateman returns to his feet, following up with a spinning leg drop to Austin's neck area. After making impact, Derrick grabs Austin's arm and pulls on it like an armbar, but instead uses his leg to push his opponent's neck in the opposite direction.

Aries starts to try and move to the ropes but none of his top half was budging, so he started swinging his legs towards the ropes. Inch by inch he moves closer, and Bateman can see this, so he tries to pull him back, but as he was moving back, Aries was able to break free, and he swung over to the ropes to stop him from trying to put the hold on again. Derrick lets Aries get up to his feet, and when he does he runs with a clothesline but Aries ducks, hitting Bateman with a swinging roundhouse kick as he turns back around. Austin picks Derrick up soon after he hits the mat and hooks his head, connecting with the brainbuster! Aries covers Bateman, making eye contact with Johnny Curtis as the referee counts the pin.




Christy Hemme: Derrick Bateman has been eliminated!

Curtis wasted no time entering the match as he stepped through the ropes quickly and struck Aries in the face with a right hand that brought him to one knee, and continued to unload. Aries swung with a right of his own but Curtis swatted his hand with a downward punch then connected with an uppercut that left Aries groggy against the ropes. Curtis continued to unload with punch after punch before connecting with a headbutt and following up with a hip toss and applying a chinlock.

Aries reached up and back with both of his arms and dug his fingernails into the back of Curtis' head, as Johnny pushed him away to the mat. Johnny's expression turned to one of rage as he charged and hit Aries with a big boot that leveled him. Curtis grabbed his hair and pulled him up, hooking his head under his left arm. Johnny delivered a clubbing blow to his back, then delivered another, then delivered a knee to the abdomen before unhooking his head and placing it between his legs. Johnny went to lift him, but Aries bit him in the thigh, causing Batista to throw him down and leap back holding his thigh. Aries pointed to his temple with his pointer finger as it has become apparent that he will do anything to win.

Matt Striker: Certainly an unorthodox way to block a powerbomb, but it's effective.

Joey Styles: Austin Aries with a lot to prove on his first night, Matt, he's pulling out any and all stops.

As the actions resumed, both men met in the center of the ring in a test of strength. Suddenly Aries broke the test of strength and punched Johnny in the back of the head with a downward angled punch that brought the "Thoroughbred" to the mat on his face. Johnny got to his feet quickly and taunted Aries, who punched him in the mouth with a hard right. He began changing it up with rights and lefts, leaving Johnny no time to react and defend himself as he was beaten silly. Thinking quickly, he managed to grab Aries around the wrist and stop a right, then stopped a left by blocking it with his hand.

Johnny bent Austin's wrist backward to bring him to his knees as Aries responded with a headbutt to the stomach then charged and lifted his opponent up, slamming him back first into the nearest corner. Aries wore down Johnny with multiple shoulder thrusts then pulled back to go for one with extra force and connected but instead of staying weakened long, Johnny kicked him in the groin and put his head between his legs, rolling over him and coming out of the corner with a Canadian Destroyer!

Joey Styles: Oh my word!

Matt Striker: I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't just seen it. Man, I love this place!

Aries lay there on his face as Curtis loomed over him, circling him like a vulture. Austin got to one knee and began to shake the cobwebs off but Johnny hit him in the back of the head with a big boot to plant him on his face. Following up on this, Johnny clutches Austin's head in his hands and began squeezing, beating it against the mat repeatedly, almost as if he were dribbling a basketball. Aries pushed up with his arms as this was happening, and managed to chop Johnny in the chest with his left, then turn and deck him with his right as Curtis staggered backward into the corner.

Aries ran over and connecting with a leaping headbutt to the abdomen, springing back to his feet as he follows up with a running knee to the abdomen. Winded, Johnny now lay against the corner defenseless as Aries hoisted him up, running and turning before planting him with a modified spinebuster.

Joey Styles: Ooh, what devastating impact!

Aries stood over Curtis, who lay there with his eyes closed, and placed his foot on his chest going for the pin as the referee came over to begin the count, when suddenly Johnny's arm came up and he grabbed him by the ankle. His eyes shot open, widening as his mouth opened and he began to laugh. He threw Austin backward off his balance and returned to his feet, walking towards Aries and backing him into the corner. Aries fired out of the corner with a wide right but Curtis ducked and the two switched places as Aries charged his opponent in the corner. Before Aries could connect with any attack, Curtis dove out of the corner at his leg and clipped the knee, bringing Austin to his face. As Aries got to his feet, Johnny looked to end things with A Bid Farewell but before he could set his opponent up for it, Aries reversed into the brainbuster and spiked Curtis against the mat, covering him.





Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, the "Greatest Man That Ever Lived", Austin Aries!


Matt Striker: Austin Aries has done it, folks, he has beaten two men!

Joey Styles: Sting can't be too happy about this, then again, neither can Maxine.

Matt Striker: Well folks, the hot topic since Survivor Series has been what happened to Seth Rollins and who attacked him.

Joey Styles: We now go to Todd Grisham who's sitting by with Seth.

We go backstage to where Todd Grisham is interviewing Seth Rollins.


Seth Rollins;

No Todd, you're going to let me speak for once. I don't give a damn about the questions you're going to ask me at all, you can wait until I'm done speaking before asking me anything. Do I make myself clear?

Todd Grisham;


Seth Rollins;

Just shut your God damn mouth! Do you see how pissed off I am? To not be able to compete at Survivor Series? Even though I suffered a couple of losses to The Miz who's actually quite impressive... I was mentally prepared for this match but I see my good friend Zack Ryder was able to secure the victory... Yet I don't have a clue who took me out. Could it have been Zack? Could my best friend have betrayed me because I eliminated him a few weeks ago? Was it CM Punk still trying to make me famous? There's so many questions, yet no answers. I'm just left for dead, not even Jimmy Jacobs was in the building at all. Speaking of Jimmy, everyone's probably wondering why he hasn't came back here at all... That's nobody's concern right now, people need to be concerned about me and what happened because it cannot be justified. As for Jimmy, he's got personal problems ok? There... I told you... But I was taken out, not one person came to my aide... NOT ONE PERSON! I was left battered like mashed potato... No medics, not one person alarmed anybody for me to receive help. After Survivor Series ended, I gained consciousness... The arena was empty, dark... much like my previous past-life... There were no lights, just pure darkness... I crawled... I searched for my bags... It took me forever, I lost count of the time but I managed to see a flashing light and that allowed me to find a phone. A phone that wasn't mine, it was unlocked but I managed to read what was on there... A message... A message that said the following

'Seth Rollins... Time's up
Do the job, allow him to follow us
He is the chosen one'.

The chosen one for what exactly? I managed to open the doors and escape the arena... but when I got outside, it was raining.. I managed to stumble across the road, luckily there was a taxi who took me to the hospital and tests were taken. But I'm fine now, luckily it wasn't too serious. So I suppose the saying could be 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'... Well, I do feel a bit stronger now. But I am more motivated than ever to deliver the beating of a lifetime... Do you think your actions were neccessary? Are you trying to include me with you? Honestly... I'm speaking to a brick wall right now because I have no clue who took me out... I could speak for hours but I still will not get an answer! But I know the person that took me out is listening carefully... Are you trying to convert me, are you wanting me to align with you? Do your dirty deeds? What is it? I demand answers... I'm going to go into the ring after this interview concludes and I am going to wait... wait until I get an answer!

Rollins stops speaking, he looks very agitated as Michael Cole thinks it's fine to speak...

Todd Grisham;

Seth... After what happened...

Of course, Seth isn't going to let Todd speak at all, Seth instantly cuts him off...

Seth Rollins;

I wasn't finished... I needed a breather Cole, where's my water? Why haven't you given me water? That's it... This interview's over!

Seth steps off from the chair as he kicks it, he begins tearing things apart... Damaging a few things backstage where the interview took place. The camera-man follows Seth but Seth turns around as the camera falls to the mat... We see a man on the ground as well but we do not know who it is... The camera pans towards the entrance stage as Rollins makes his way to the ring as he heads straight towards the commentary area as he snatches a microphone before sliding into the ring... There's a few things around the ring but Rollins of course is absolutely furious, he rips the thing apart! The crowd is a little confused but they can understand as a small 'Rollins' chant begins...


Rollins then raises the microphone so he can speak...

Seth Rollins;

I'm not leaving until I get answers... I'll wait all night if I have to!

Rollins waits until...


The camera pans the audience and everyone is looking around as if trying to look for those actually cheering when they realize what is going, the cheers coming from the speakers as you can hear over it a JBL chant sadly being attempted by JBLs own voice. The driver opens the door and JBL comes out with a seemingly impossible wider grin lifting up his hands one holding his hat as the crowd boo as loud as they possibly can to drown out the cheers playing through the speakers. JBL puts back on his white cowboy hat before he makes his way down the ramp, holding his title up in the air with a big grin on his face. Once at ringside he stops looking around at the booing crowd as if they are cheering he starts to do a little Texas two-step before walking up the steel steps and looking around at the crowd. He holds on to his hat before stepping into the ring and lifting his arms up, he is handed a microphone as he looks around his music and therefore the piped in cheers fading off, the boos taking over as he raises the microphone to his mouth.


John Bradshaw Layfield:

Let me tell you somethin' son, you might think that it's okay to come out here and demand things while Sting's running the show, but those days are over! The "Wrestling God" is back and let me tell you somethin' else, you don't come down to JBL's ring and demand answers. Do you expect me to apologize for you getting attacked at Survivor Series? Fine, I'm sorry, sorry that you aren't smart enough to know by now that this business is as cutthroat as it gets and you have to watch your back at all..times. You wanna know who attacked you? I know who attacked you, and I know who left the message for you too and what it's talking about! But, I'm not going to tell you who, because that would be too simple, what I can tell you is the attacker and the sender of the message are two different people. Now you must make a decision, which question do you want answered more? I'm giving you until next week to think about it, then we're gonna meet right there in the middle of that ring next week, and when we do, you give me my answer and you'll get yours.

JBL's music begins to play as he exits the ring and makes his way up the ramp, leaving Rollins in the ring both stunned and frustrated as NXT heads to commercial.





Darkness falls over the arena as well as silence, aside from the audible disdain the fans are expressing with their passionate booing. A theme music begins to play but instead of "No Reflection" by Marilyn Manson, it is a different theme, "Fear of the Dark" by Graveworm. The fans continue reacting as they normally would for about a minute and forty seconds, because at the minute and forty-one second mark, a screaming begins in the theme, bringing their booing to an end and shattering all silence that existed in the arena. But then the theme stops playing, and there is dead silence again. After a few seconds of this silence, the voice of Sting is heard.

In case you haven't noticed the pattern by now, when I say that something is going to happen, it happens, right down to the last detail. At Survivor Series, that pattern continued, as the man you all rallied behind in Rhino once again failed to succeed in his quest to capture the Extreme Championship. Terry was at last put out to pasture, look no further for evidence than his scheduled match against R-Truth this week. He foretold of no impending goring, he spoke of no intention to redeem his loss, he was nowhere to be seen. And you all look and sound so disappointed when I have told you every day from Terry and I's first encounter with each other that the stock you're investing in men like him is wasted time and energy. I try to warn you of the consequences and inform you that your "heroes" are going to do nothing but disappoint you, but you don't listen, and then when it comes to pass you blame me and villainize me.

The fans erupt into more passionate boos.

Typical moronic fodder. Why do you boo me, because you're ashamed that I'm your champion? I would be disgusted to be your champion but I'm not because I don't represent any of you, I wised up to the fact that pandering to you imbeciles will get you nowhere but down on your luck before I even became Sting. Look at the icons of this industry and tell me otherwise; Jake Roberts gave you people what you wanted in the ring and told you what you wanted to hear on the microphone night in and night out, and where did that lead him? Drugs, depression, and alcoholism.

Hulk Hogan gave you people what you wanted in the ring and told you what you wanted to hear on the microphone night in and night out, where'd it lead him? Back surgery after back surgery, scandal after scandal, just a gigantic downward spiral.

Stone...Cold...Steve...Austin gave you what you want in the ring and told you what you wanted to hear night in and night out, and where did that lead him? Through the canvas of the ring! Out of the building on a stretcher! Which, by the way, I took a very similar spill in the Steel Cage match that won me this belt and I'm still standing, what's your excuse, Stevie?

On the flip side of things, going into business for myself and staying there has gotten me this Extreme Championship and endless satisfaction from knocking off cartoon characters like R-Truth and bloated rageaholics like Rhino. And I will continue to do this with the Ryders and the Punks and the Seths that win the contendership and come knocking on my door until there is no one left to take out on this brand! Bring the lights up.

Sting is seen standing in the ring with a microphone in hand.


This that I'm standing in is where I operate, this is my...ring. It's a place that The Undertaker has called his yard, that Mankind has called his madhouse, that many men have called many things. But here in NXT, this belongs to me and Kane, and anyone that steps inside of it will be destroyed. Brock Lesnar, Zack Ryder, The Miz...

While Sting is in mid-sentence, he gets cut off by the theme music of another NXT superstar.


Boo's fill the arena as out walks onto the stage, the new NXT World Champion Bully Ray. Sting reluctantly keeps quiet as Bully appears, microphone in hand and a smile wider than the Grand Canyon. Belt on shoulder his music stops early and Bully starts to speak directly to Sting.

Bully Ray: I know what the next two words were going to be coming out of your mouth there Stinger, so I thought I would come out here and give the fans you are driving to sleep, a visual aid. Only, they should pay attention to what is on my shoulder here, which automatically proves that you are talk a big pile o' crap! You knew I had a new championship to come out here and show the world, you knew that the man has changed around here... But no, you couldn't let Bully Ray have his moment could you. "Look at me, I'm still champion of the minnows. I'm coming out to a new theme music but I'm still the same old Stinger!" It's pathetic. The question these does is not Who is Steve Borden.... it's who is Steve Boredom.

Bully walks down the ramp as the boos ring out for the new World champion.


And to be fair Sting, everybody knows the answer already. Steve Boredom is an absolute nobody. After our respective matches at Survivor Series only one of us was trending worldwide and you know why that is? Because A... You don't connect with fans these days, and B... The only fans you do have are too old to even fathom using Twitter and all they talk about is your hey-day, when you were squaring up to Bruno Sammartino and other men that are mouthed by people in the business as legends..... yet never competed in an era of such competition as I have. The field of wrestlers is at it's toughest right now, and I am the toughest of them all. Ever since I became champion., literally no-one has even heard from Randy Orton. From what I hear, he is not even interested in claiming his rematch with me because he is scared of Bully Ray. He is scared and I really cannot blame him. But for one clever man that decides to allude being in the ring with me, there's always another dumb son-bitch that is ready to take their place. Miz, your victory at Survivor Series you will find to be a loss. Whenever the decision is made about when you get in the ring will be too soon, because your pretty little ass just ain't ready, and it never will be. All you can hope for is you don't follow in the footsteps of the other guys that have fallen in the ring to me these past few months tonight, and it doesn't get followed up by a trip to the hospital.

And that goes for you too Sting; Just stay outta my business if you know what's good for ya.

Bully Ray goes to turn away but the sound of Sting responding stops him in his tracks.

If you know what's good for you, you'll stay where you're at, because trust me you want to hear what I have to say. JBL might be back but on my last night as Interim General Manager, I'm going to deliver on my promise to announce some matches for the next pay-per-view. For the Extreme Championship, we're going to appease to both champion and challenger, because the stipulation is going to be true to my desire to defend this belt under extreme circumstances but with a taste of home for my opponent. It's going to be me defending the belt in a Long Island Street Fight.

After what I saw and heard tonight from Rhino, it's going to be him versus C.M. Punk. The winner will get the next shot at the NXT World Championship, but that's not all. If Punk wins, Rhino can take no legal action against me, but if Rhino wins, I will see him in court on the edition of NXT following the pay-per-view. For the next shot at the Extreme Championship, it'll be Brock Lesnar versus Johnny Curtis versus Taz in a triple threat match!

Now for you, Ray. For the NXT World Championship, it'll be you versus The Miz, but not in any match. It'll be a Tables match! Now, if you don't mind, we have a main event to get to!

Christy Hemme enters the ring, ready to do the introductions.

Christy Hemme: Already in the ring; from Hell's Kitchen, New York and Venice Beach, California respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of five-hundred and seventy-six pounds. The team of the NXT World Champion Bully Ray and the NXT Extreme Champion Sting!

Both men raise their respective titles into the air and are met with vicious booing as Christy goes to finish the introductions.

Christy Hemme: And the opponents. Introducing first...



The crowd ignites as “Radio†by Downstait hits the PA system and the “Long Island Iced Z†Zack Ryder makes his way out from the backstage area. Zack is all smiles after his victory at King of the Ring against Brock Lesnar as he throws up the LI.


Christy Hemme: From The L.I. Weighing in at two-hundred and fourteen pounds. He is the "Long Island Iced Z", Zack Ryder!

Zack makes his way down the ramp, looking out at all of the girls in attendance. He spots one he likes and calls out to her “CALL ME!†He then hops up onto the apron and climbs the turnbuckle and again throws up the LI.


Christy Hemme: And the partner...



“I Came to Play†by Downstait begins to play as the crowd erupts into boos. While this is going on, the ever-cocky Miz makes his way out onto the stage and leans forward, standing up and extending his arms into the air as he does his trademark pose.


Christy Hemme: From Cleveland, Ohio. Weighing in at two-hundred and twenty pounds, The Miz!

The Miz makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, looking smugly at his opponents as the match gets underway.


Sting and Miz decide to start things off as Ray and Ryder step through the ring ropes and stand on their respective aprons. In the ring, Sting and Miz meet in a standard lock-up, each man with their arms forward, locking a grip on the opponent's shoulders. They push towards each other, but seem to be at a stalemate. Sting headbutts Miz and throws him to the mat on his face, then begins to stomp on his upper back, right between the shoulder blades.

Miz endured the punishment as he got to his feet and turned around, catching Sting's foot and flipping him onto his back. Miz rolled to his stomach and began to climb to his feet quickly as Sting ran into the ropes. Sting came off and leapt into the air, pulling his knees to his chest before extending his legs, hitting Miz in the back with his feet as Sting fell to the mat and Miz was sent flying out of the ring over the middle rope to the outside. Sting dropped down from the apron and began walking towards him.

Miz gets to his feet and slugs the oncoming Sting with a right hand, watching him fall to the ground before re-entering the ring where Ray was right there, attacking his back and shoulders as soon as he entered. Miz took the abuse as he got to his feet as quickly as he could and connected with a throat thrust, which bought him enough time to level the champion with a lariat and get to his corner where he tagged in Ryder.

Matt Striker: First tag of the evening. I've gotta say, that's always sound strategy in a match like this one Joey, because although we're still very much in the early goings, the man on the apron is still the fresher superstar. This buys The Miz some time and allows Zack Ryder to inflict some punishment.

Ryder entered the ring and slapped a sleeper hold on the rising Bully, applying pressure and jerking him from side to side, dizzying him so that he was less likely to be able to fight out. Zack finally thrust Bully into the air and fell forward, landing on his stomach and dropping Ray on his back and posterior. Ray cried out in agony as Zack pushed himself up with his arms and climbed to his feet. Ray crawled towards an empty corner to lean against the padding and give his back a rest but before he could get turned around, Ryder caught him with a running kick to the back of the head that knocked him flat on his face. Zack picked him up by the back of his pants and his shirt collar and threw him shoulder first into the turnbuckle a few times. Zack then pulled Ray back into the ring and brought him to the mat with a hip toss, then applied an armbar.

Zack wrenched back on the arm of Ray, but this only gave him an adrenaline rush as he sat up and turned over, hitting Ryder in the groin with his free hand. Ray broke the armbar as Zack got to his feet and dropped an elbow into his abdomen. Ray got up to drop another, but Zack sprang up from the mat and hit him in the abdomen with his shoulder, charging forward with a spear-like maneuver and pinning his opponent in the corner. He held it there as Ray began raining down on his back with punches and kneed him in the stomach. Ray hooked Zack's head as he walked up onto the top turnbuckle and began walking the rope.

He went for a spin-out DDT but after he leapt from the rope and spun, Zack pushed him off, so that the move didn't connect and Ray crashed to the mat in a sitting position in the opposite corner and Zack caught himself with his hands. Zack got to his feet and took off running, connecting with Bully's jaw with a swift knee. He grabbed Ray by the hair and pulled him all the way to his feet, throwing punches all the way, and whipping him across the ring once he was to his feet. Zack took off running after him and planted him with a bulldog. He walked over to his corner and tagged Miz back into the match.

Joey Styles: Miz and Ryder in full control of this one, so far.

Miz starts to pound on a grounded Bully. Miz attempts a falling knee, but Ray moves. Miz's knee crashes on the mat, and he holds in in pain. Sting slides into the ring, having remained the legal man the entire time, and delivers a running clothesline straight to Miz. Miz sits up on the mat as Sting runs to the ropes, he slings off and nails Miz in the head with his boot. Miz falls right back down on his back, as Sting makes the cover.



NO! Miz kicks out!

Sting and Miz lock up as Sting gets the better of the exchange by throwing Miz off balance, Miz falling backwards and tucking and rolling, his legs going over his head as he lands in a crouched position before returning to a vertical base. Ryder slaps Miz on the back and tags himself in, leaping over the top rope. Miz looks at him and asks, "What are you going?" with Ryder smiling at him and responding, "I've got this bro."

Miz steps onto the apron as Ryder charges at Sting, who grabs him by the back of the neck and throws him face first into the nearest corner. Sting leaps into the air and hits a picture perfect standing dropkick, making Ryder eat some turnbuckle as he came staggering out of the corner. Sting set him up for the Scorpion Death Drop but Ryder pushes him off into the ropes, taking Sting down with a lariat on the return.

Zack goes to the nearest turnbuckle and ascends it, throwing up the "L I" as he leaps from the top turnbuckle and connects with a double leg drop, one leg connecting across the throat and the other across the abdomen. Zack gets up and pulls Sting up as well, who's a bit woozy from the recent exchange. Ryder fist pumps a few times, emitting his trademark, "Woo Woo Woo" before hauling off and popping Sting in the jaw with a stiff right. Sting fires back with a right of his own but Ryder ducks and falls to all fours, scurrying cowardly to the corner and tagging in a puzzled looking Miz.

Joey Styles: What is he doing?

Miz leaps over the top rope but Sting catches him with a high knee to the abdomen as he comes down, grabbing the hunched over Miz and setting him up for the Scorpion Death Drop. Miz pushes Sting off and as he comes back from the opposite ropes, Miz attempts a jumping corkscrew roundhouse kick but Sting sidesteps it, grabbing Miz at the end of the execution of the move and turning him into position for the Scorpion Death Drop as he drives the number one contender's face into the mat. Sting rolls Miz over for the pin as Ryder enters the ring to break it up, but as he does, Ray charges in and cuts him in half with a spear, both mean sailing through the ropes to the outside. The referee counts the pin.



THR...NO! Miz kicks out!

Sting tries to lock up but Miz pushes him backward. Sting throws a kick but Miz grabs his leg and throws him off his balance to the mat. Sting charges him but Miz takes him down with a lariat. Sting gets up again and throws a kick at Miz's knee, but Miz moves his leg out of the way and raises his knee quickly so that it connects with the chin of Sting before he hooks his head and DDT's him to the mat. Miz grabs Sting by the hair and pulls him to his feet, before beginning to unload with a series of stiff lefts. He lifts Sting up and drops him with an atomic drop before slipping behind him and applying a full nelson.

Miz successfully executes the SCF as he rolls Sting over and goes for the pin.



THRE...NO! Sting kicks out!

Sting gets to his feet and Miz swings at him but Sting catches his punch and bends his wrist backwards, bringing Miz to his knees because of the agony. Sting kicked him in the groin and stuck his head between his legs, then lifted him into powerbomb position and slammed him to the mat. Sting hit Ryder with a big boot out of nowhere that knocked him off the apron then went to his corner to tag in Bully Ray. Before Sting could tag out, Miz got up and slapped on a sleeper hold. Sting seemed unaffected as he walked over to his corner, tagging in Ray, then threw Miz over his shoulder to the mat.

Sting exited as Ray picked up Miz and hooked him in a full nelson, placing his foot in front of Miz's. Ray connects with the SCF as he stood up and tagged Sting back in. Sting entered, picking up Miz yet again, and threw him onto his shoulders. Sting saw Ryder back on the apron as he began walking over. As Sting got close, Zack pulled back on the ropes and got ready to launch himself, but Sting suddenly executed a forward fireman's carry slam and dumped Miz onto him, knocking both men to the outside.

Matt Striker: Ooh, that's never a fun trip to take!

Sting tagged out to Bully Ray as Miz slid back into the ring as he and Ray locked up. Ray pushed forward, causing Miz to take a few steps back, then Miz pushed forward, regaining his ground as Ray took a few steps back. Ray pulled Miz into a side headlock but Miz reversed it into a suplex, dropping Ray directly on his head. Ray got up like it didn't phase him whatsoever and charged Miz, knocking him to the mat with a shoulder to the chest. Ray went for an elbow drop but Miz rolled out of the way and tripped him up, causing him to land on his face. Miz applied a crossface but Ray got an arm between Miz's legs as he stood up, maneuvering things into an Angle Slam.

Miz lay there in a daze, holding his head as Ray grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his feet and then to him as he connected with a belly-to-belly suplex that dropped Miz on his head. Ray popped up from the mat and connected with the back of Miz's head with an enziguiri and irish whipped him into the corner. He followed up with a body splash and then took Miz down with a German suplex. Ray kept it locked in and slammed him again, then connected with one more for good measure. Ray broke the hold after that and Miz got to his feet, clotheslining Ray to the mat.

When Ray got up, Miz charged him, but Ray threw a high knee into his abdomen, stopping him dead in his tracks. Ray slipped behind Miz and applied a full nelson, connecting with the Bully Bomb! Ray got to his feet and went for the cover but before he could, Zack connected with the Rough Ryder out of nowhere! As Zack got up from the mat, Sting hooked his head and connected with the Scorpion Death Drop! As Sting got to his feet, suddenly he was hit with a Clothesline From Hell from JBL! The crowd was speechless as NXT faded to black with this being the last image they saw.


Miz promo- BigGreenApple
Rhino promo- Rated R Superstar
Punk promo- Shawn
Aries promo- Chriss
Curtis/Bateman/Maxine promo- CaptainxBumout
Bully Ray part of joint promo- Lewb
Rollins promo- Andrew
Sting part of joint promo, JBL part of Rollins promo, and everything else- Dresden


NXT World Title
Tables Match

Bully Ray(c) vs. The Miz

NXT Extreme Championship
Long Island Street Fight

Sting(c) vs. Zack Ryder

World Title Contendership

CM Punk vs. Rhino

Extreme Title Contendership

Taz vs. Lesnar vs. Curtis​

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Monday Night NXT 12/11/12 Preview


Last week was full of surprises, and now that JBL is back, some people are going to pay.

Episode Twelve: The Boss Is Back


While Seth mulls over the ultimatum JBL gave him, he returns to in-ring competition this week against Johnny Curtis. Will the "Thoroughbred" pick up a win or is Rollins back with a vengeance?

, &
, &

Brock Lesnar, Zack Ryder, C.M. Punk, and R-Truth all have issues with Sting. The Miz has issues with Bully Ray. Brock Lesnar also has issues with Kane, while Punk also has a problem with Taz and now Rhino. What better way to solve these differences than by teaming up? In this five-on-five elimination tag team match, who will be left standing?

JBL & Seth Rollins- What will be Seth Rollins' decision?


Sep 25, 2012
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Re: Monday Night NXT 12/3/12 Edition

Lewb...... GET THE TABLES!

Great show, loved LOVED the Rhino promo at the start. Punk's promo was also great.

Didn't see the ending of the main-event coming, JBL back with a bang. Good show again Dresden, worth the wait as always.


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Re: Monday Night NXT 12/3/12 Edition

Doing a live post while I scroll and read;

- Really loving Rhino's promo before the show kicks off, I would have voted him for NXT Superstar of the month.. Came close to it. I'd love to see Sting/Rhino again.

- I honestly feel The Miz has what it takes to become the new NXT Champion, sorry Lewb but this guy plays a great Miz. Cannot wait to see you two tear it up!

- Lesnar getting a win, not sure if Dredsen posted or not... but either way, I'd like to see a match again between the two.

- Damn loved that CM Punk promo, you're the right guy to play him Shawn! I hope to see CM Punk vs. Tazz, that'd be a brutal feud! Really loved what you said!

- Rhino helping Tazz?! WOW! I honestly never expected that at all, do I sense veterans vs. new breed happening here on NXT? That'd be a sight to see former ECW Guys against some new guys :p

- I for one is glad Aries is on NXT, you play him really well and I see you going far on the yellow brand. Welcome aboard, already off to a winning start!

- Damn, I like how JBL came out... This is going to be interesting especially for next week's show... What are we seeing here folks? I ain't even sure myself!

- Liked the segment with Bully Ray & Sting. Tables match is a nice touch, can Miz beat Bully who has the experience with tables?

- No contest finish in the main event? This is very interesting with JBL's action... Now who the fuck took me out?!



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Re: Monday Night NXT 12/11/12 Preview

Holy crap. What a match!

I know right, me vs Andrew! Lol

Looks like Dres loved doing his 5 on 5 match so much, he wants to do another. Very much looking forward to next week. I'll comment on he show btw but I'm about to go to sleep and I only had a chance to skim it. Will post when I read the whole thing tomorrow.


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Re: Monday Night NXT 12/11/12 Preview


I get Curtis which will be tough...

Fucking 8 man tag! Then Sting vs. Tazz...

Damn this week will look epic!

Rated R Superstar

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Re: Monday Night NXT 12/3/12 Edition

This is going to be amazing! I honestly cannot wait to see the next show now. Everything about this was just pure awesome. JBL coming back like that was freaking genius! Tazz and Rhino working together has me interested in this story already. And for both Shawn and I to be facing each other at the next PPV? That's something I really wanted to do since I saw his HBK stuff. Seriously, I'm digging NXT more and more Dred!

Rated R Superstar

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Re: Monday Night NXT 12/11/12 Preview

Andrew, it's a 5 on 5 tag match. Sting and Tazz are part of the same team.

Looking forward to that TT sesh too! Damn! I wonder how the TTing will go. Gonna be EEEEEEPIIIICC!


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Re: Monday Night NXT 12/3/12 Edition

This show was really good. I'm a promo guy so seeing promos like Andrew's, RRS', Shawn's or Dresden's.

It was nice to see Brock Lesnar pick up the victory since this is his first victory.

Matches were also good. I loved, LOVED my match. Aries picking up the win? Sweet. I had a good time TTing against Bumout.

JBL is back? FUCK YEAH! I'm a JBL mark so this sounds really good.

Overall, good show.


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Re: Monday Night NXT 12/11/12 Preview

Everybody booked in two matches. Sad as Aries won't get someone to beat. :aries:

This looks pretty good though. The main event will be awesome and the Curtis/Rollins will sure make a good sesh.


Sep 25, 2012
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Re: Monday Night NXT 12/11/12 Preview

So... who's kicking it off? I'm heading to bed right now, hopefully there will be something to reply to by morning or else I'll kick it off :Ace2:

*I need a Miz smiley
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