THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

K, I'll wait.
I was just contuing on with the theme that you were talking about. Honest! :shifty:
I was just contuing on with the theme that you were talking about. Honest! :shifty:
I hate shows that are just too long. Like, every show from CMS is longer than a PPV by me pretty much. I'm not that big of a fan of BTW anyway so don't think that's my shitty excuse. It's gotta have the three e's (which I just made up then tbh) entertaining, enjoyable and enteresting(shut up, I know).
On topic, I don't mind long shows, I just hate long matches. Sometimes, I just cbf to read the match and in the review I skim through the matches and review the concepts and feuds behind them. I like to keep my matches generally short but not recap.
I go by pages/paragraphs, I cbf to count words.