I understand where you're coming from, but when I don't go through with what I have planned, it's not just that people think I can't last with a BTB, it's that I feel like I'm failing myself, by not being able to go through with what I set out to do.
Of course, I've known the feeling 11 times, but through those 11 times, I enjoyed what I did, and I knew it was good, and so did the people reading it, and it was fun. I go through cycles of ideas whereupon I can never stick to one thing, which is an unfortunate stigma in some respects, but it can also breath new and fresh ideas. However, you shouldn't be too hard on yourself if you fail, because as the old addage goes, it's not whether you fail, it's when you give up. Do you have fun while producing shows? Do you want yourself and others to be proud? If so, it should not matter whether a thread is long lasting or whether you pull through with your plans, because in the end, Being The Booker is all in the spirit of booking and enjoying what you're doing. There should be no pressure regarding the longevity of a thread, and I know there are bookers who pride themselves on long lasting threads, and look down upon those who stop their BTBs because of lack of motivation or wanting to go through other ideas, only for them to fail. Who cares, though? As long as you enjoy it, and this is the main focal point I'm trying to get across, you can thus go on with your life, doing what you like to do.
And before anyone tells me, "Oh, but you critique comicgeekelly on his shows, telling him to improve and so forth. I thought it was about having fun? Hypocrite." Of course I want him (comicgeekelly) to have fun, but I also want him to improve, so hr can see the progress of his shows and what he can do if he gets them up to that level, therefore enhancing his enjoyment of what he's producing. That's all. Have fun, you don't need to take my words to heart, they're only there if you wanna heed them.
And yes, I understand this is an Internet forum and people do not take things seriously, but you can apply my above words to anything you do in life, regardless of whether it's on an eForum or a situation in your life. Cliche, true and tried, exhaustive, and corny, I know, but that's why is a misquote. Thank you for listening.