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Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
I was just playing around with that BTB Survivor, Do or Die thing, that's what some of you guys' situation's with BTB's are now.

and that's a pretty impressive BTB list with Gards, maybe 7 is the magic number?

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

My BTB Rant ... in the Chat Room

Well when people first started doing these they all made their own threads. Now it has been forever since people have done any, and I think me making my own thread for one would make everyone do one. If you are reading this, please don’t copy me just for the sake of it. We don’t need another epidemic here in the BTB section. I just want to rant on a few things.

The Moderation

Well it has been a while since Levi stepped down, with CMS and xba taking over, so I thought I’d tell you guys what’s on my mind as far as the job they’re doing. I wasn’t here when Levi decided to step down (my computer had screwed up), and I was looking back at what everyone was saying recently. A lot of people were volunteering their services and saying how good they’d be when in actuality I can tell they would be terrible mods, as all they do is care about themselves in this section. A lot of people also said we needed two mods, which is what we got (as you can see clearly). I think the idea was pretty good, although I think CMS has shown that you only need one mod. To be honest I don’t think xba has done much at all, it seems like he has just let CMS do it all, and just been there if CMS disappears or something. Which I guess is fine, because we have had problems in the past with mods disappearing. But I still wouldn’t mind at all if CMS was the only mod, as he seems to be able to control the section well.


A lot of people bitch to one another on this forum, and it happens quite a lot in this section too, which I have noticed quite a bit of lately. A perfect example was a couple of days ago, nate757 bitched that CMS had closed his little e-fed whatever thing. CMS had stated in the thread that when things became a mess he would close it, which it did, with nate already being behind on the show, and the place just been spammed everywhere. When nate then complains it just looks ridiculous. If you want to whine and complain about something, think about it first. Because a lot of the time your whining/bitching/complaining is not logical in the slightest.

And yes, I do know I am writing about this in a rant, so if you are going to be a smartass and point that out, go for it, because I have already realised the irony.


I have a few suggestions for the section, although I feel neither will be implicated.

1) A suggestion thread would be handy if stickied in the Lounge. Infractions to those who post anything that isn’t a suggestion should be applied. That would include: “Good idea for a thread CMS!†or, “I really like that suggestion!†I think it would just help have people’s voices heard.
2) I think that faked reviews should be an offense that can result in an infraction. For example:

BM: Main Event.
WM: Squash.
BP: Opener.
WP: n/a
AC: Really good show, would you please check out *insert BTB name here*

I hate faked reviews, so giving people infractions should stop it, and therefore make me happy (which is what this whole forum should be trying to do :D). To report a fake review the creator of the thread could simply PM either of the BTB mod’s with the link, and which review was fake. It would then be up to the mod to decide whether the review is indeed faked or not. If the mod decides it is, then you receive an infraction. If not, then you don’t. If the reported person gets an infraction and denies that it was faked, then they obviously need to give a more detailed review to help the writer anyway. The mod’s decision should be final. I would also say that only the creator of the thread is allowed to report fake reviews. No other member, no matter how noble their intentions may be, should report it.

My NEW BTB (Pun Intended ... look in my sig if you don’t get it and it will come to you eventually)

Well I had to talk about myself a little. Basically I have taken some time getting into this latest BTB of mine. I have spent the time preparing thoroughly, and getting a few shows done just to make sure I’m ahead. The BTB should be up soon, so please look out for it. I have high hopes for this, and should it not succeed (by my definition, no one else’s), then it will be my swan song in the BTB section. This is a huge motivational factor for me.

The Awards

I love the concept behind the awards, and hopefully I will be able to win my first one this time around. But what has me ticked off is that there are over a page full of active BTB’s on IWF, yet we have had under half of those numbers nominate. People will probably win awards, then someone will say so and so was better, despite not nominating, and therefore leaving their voice unheard when it mattered. I guess my message is: GO NOMINATE! And please don’t copy the nominations that other people have put down. It is alright if you have the same nominations, but remember that this is your opinion, not the person’s who nominated before you.

Why I Love This Section

A lot of the people who don’t write BTB’s from IWF ask how I write a BTB and read other people’s shows without finding it boring. I guess it is just because I love that everyone has their own unique twist on things, their own opinions on what things should be like. And by writing a BTB, I want my own opinion to be heard.

Cheap Plugs

When I get NEW up, please don’t cheap plug your BTB. It is an annoyance I have. If I want to I will find your BTB. I will most likely not review your BTB show if you give a cheap plug.


Basically a few thoughts on every booker I can remember of the section. I’m pretty tired, so don’t feel bad if you’re left out.

GardsJr: Well I have to start with the guy who was my former partner, and a guy who I talk a lot with on MSN. Gards I think you are really talented, but everything you do is so rushed. You have a pretty lazy attitude in general I guess, and leave everything to the last minute. If you managed your time better, and didn’t rush everything, people would be able to see how talented you actually are. You don’t show that at the moment.

King Lennie: Another guy I talk to a lot on MSN. You are very good at match writing with the right talent. I think when you have people you aren’t as used to though, you seem to give them a more generic style. The same goes for your promos. Just dry to define each wrestler as an individual, and I think you will improve so much. You could be pretty big here one day.

The Leviathan: Levi is the best booker on the site overall. While he may be slightly behind xba or CMS for a shortened period of time, I am of the opinion that in the long run, he is the best here. I don’t think that any other booker would be able to do what he has one, with the roster he has. I tried something similar and I failed. I really couldn’t see anyone else do what he does. He’s also another guy I speak to on MSN (although both of our MSN’s do screw up), and is a real funny guy.

Andrew~Walker: When I need inspiration Andrew provides it. From what I understand, Andrew pretty much revolutionised this section. Some people may not like him, but he did a lot to change the way BTB is thought about here. Plus I can always attribute any little bit if success as a booker to Andrew teaching me when I started writing Anarchy.

Weebo: The other side of SWA, I never liked Weebo as much as I did Andrew. Weebo was a lot tighter, and didn’t really want to help with anything related, unlike Andrew. He does some awesome GFX, which goes to his head. As a booker I would say he is above average, although he was completely overshadowed.

CT Styles: CT is damn talented, reading his matches is so easy it is amazing. His promos are great to, as he keeps people amazingly in character. If CT really wanted to, he could stick with one BTB and be one of the best here.

xtremebadass: From a booking perspective on the past month or so, he has been the best, and well and truly deserves the BoB award. Some awesome storylines, mixed with his great promos, and very good matches (which he denies), should guarantee him the award.

The Quintastic One: You’ve made a good start to ABC Wrestling in my opinion, and it is most definitely something you should stick with. Both your matches and promos are good, and you are one to look out for in this section.

Diesel: I still don’t know whether to trust you or not, but whatever. As far as your BTB stuff goes, you look solid, although I haven’t taken the time to read a full show from you. That’s because I hate cheap plugs for the most part, and I see yours everywhere.

spiralshock: Once again, I can’t say I have seen too much of your work, but I hear good things about it. I have looked over it before, but I have never really taken the time to read it. I will try to remember to review a future shock of yours, as I remember looking at your roster, and liking that it is mainly indy guys.

-HBK-: You’re relatively new, but I think you have great potential. I must say that your Rumble match was a great read, as are most of your matches. Your promos are also top notch. You have a big future here, and could be one of the bigger bookers here in the future imo.

CMS: Probably the best known booker on the site, and I think besides being mod here, you are also the leader of the section, as many of the younger bookers aspire to be like you here on IWF. You are my target as a booker for the next three or so months. I don’t mean it in a bad way, I mean that I want my BTB to be looked on as up to the standard of yours, with people respecting my abilities on the same level.

nate757: I’ve never really read your work, and I doubt I ever will. You are one of the people that takes from the BTB section without giving anything back. You can’t expect reviews if you don’t give any yourself.

_-_-Magnus-_-_: Haven’t really read anything from you either, but you seem like a good guy. Gards has told me you write some really good stuff, so I’ll see what I can do as far as a review goes in the near future.

DX_3:16: I know when you started everyone thought you’d be gone in a matter of days. However you have stuck with the BTB section, even though you often find yourself in trouble. I will be looking at your thread soon.

Roxxi Laveaux Fanboy: You have a different kind of ‘gimmick’ to everyone else in this section. Writing with women defines you from the rest (apart from Echelon who recently joined).

Echelon: Felt I would keep the theme going. You’ve shown some good match writing abilities since you arrived, although that’s all I have seen.

Switchy: Writes some great shows, although from talking to you on MSN, I know you can struggle with some motivation. When you get motivated though you are one of the best here, and I’m not sure people realise that.

Dylanfsd: Well the amount of BTB’s you have had is countless. Maybe one will stick eventually, maybe it won’t. You do have decent abilities, and I think you could create something that would get you noticed if you really tried.

-TJ-: Pretty much the same as Dylan, although I do think he has you covered slightly in terms of ability.

xtremehighflyer: Continuing the theme with the three guys who generally stick together. I think you are the most talented out of the three, and if you chose to go alone it would do you a lot more.

Lethal Combination: You are decent as a booker, and I would say that you write alright matches and promos. They are solid but they definitely do not separate you from the rest.

Headfirst For Hardcore: One of the better guys at promos, and one of the best, if not the best at match writing. You are a great writer, plain and simple. As long as you keep PRIDE going you’ll be recognised as one of the main two guys in the section in no time.

If you aren’t on here, don’t worry too much, because well I did this off the top of my head basically from all of the members of this section that I remember well.

That’s pretty much it, just thought I had a few things to say. If you copy me I will neg rep you repeatedly.​

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
that sounded fun, it seemed like you let out all of your frustrations there on that. good analysis on everything, there's nothing that I can do about your opinions.

I'm sure someone will copy this. Anyways, I'm hoping -HBK- will post his BTB Column soon, I remember reading it a couple of weeks ago, and it was good. HFH's Truth and Reality is still coming soon, just because I like the name, which I stole from Teddy Hart.

Moonlight Drive

I dunno what happened with the column. I PMed CMs but he didn't reply, so it's still on my comp waiting to be posted. So yeah, it'll be up as soonas CMS gives a green light I spose

But nice little rant, thanks for the compliment. Except one thing I'd like to say, I belive fake reviews happen more than we can tell. I've seen it on other forums, it may be detailed, but they didn't actually review the show. Basically, they copied what others had said and put it in there review. I seriously bet if I did 4 reviews, 1 being fake, noone could pick which one it was.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I tried to stop people from copying by just posting in the chat room. If I created a seperate thread I have no doubt it would be copied.

I did get a few of my frustrations out here too. There are a few that pop up every now and then here, so I try to just release them.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
I was overflattered when you say I'm the best booker here eventhough HEW have lots of errors. I still think I am not, I am just maybe the most consistent one next to BTW.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Levi tbh you are always too modest, whether it is here or on MSN. Like I said, no one else could possibly do what you have done, and that impresses me so much.

Moonlight Drive

Lol BKB, I could definitely see you getting copied if you had made a thread. But yeah, it was a good read, you should make another one some time.

And maybe HFH will be the only who sees my column lol

The Rated R CMStar

Faking reviews rule proposed by BKB...most likely to be applied.

As for the suggestion thread, I recall that I made that thread as soon as I became mod, however for the lack of response I merged it with the Chat Room.

As for the Awards, yeah, I have been extremely dissapointed. People were asking for them a long, long time ago, and ironically those who weren't the ones asking for them are the ones who have voted the most


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
hey BKB..I didnt really bitch about the e-fed...i simple asked why the rule was my asnwer and that was it

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Diesel: I still don’t know whether to trust you or not, but whatever. As far as your BTB stuff goes, you look solid, although I haven’t taken the time to read a full show from you. That’s because I hate cheap plugs for the most part, and I see yours everywhere.

Thank's man for the words man.. I have stopped my cheap plugging because honestly I hate it when it's done to me. Well anyway's thanks again hopefully one day you can trust me.. Until then.. Good luck with your NEW btb NEW..

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

I have an Idea for ways to cut down on fake reviews. When someone reviews a show they should have to point out at least two aspects of the match they liked or two aspects of a promo they liked. As an example:

Best Match-AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle. This match was a mat wrestling classic. I liked how AJ showed Kurt he could go on the mat as well as from the air and I especially liked the the Pele counter into the ankle lock. Good job.

This would show that someone actually read the whole show and didn't just see that one match was longer than all the others therefore it must be the best. Which isn't always the case.


I think the idea was pretty good, although I think CMS has shown that you only need one mod. To be honest I don’t think xba has done much at all, it seems like he has just let CMS do it all, and just been there if CMS disappears or something.

Yea dude, I really admire how much CMS does for the section. I am not going to lie, I don't really do anything, I might do things here or there, but now that it's brought to everyone's attention. I think I was put in the position to help CMS and see if he was Mod worthy. He totally is. If anyone agrees with me, I can step down, I could be one of those "LEGEND" usergroup

EDIT: I feel like a complete dumbass, I accidently hit edit instead of quote on BKB's Rant and deleted it, I feel like total shit right now. I PM'd you, BKB, about it

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Whoa, good thing I got that quote out of there just in time!! XBA don't you have to be active in other places to be legend.. I mean don't get me wrong you are a damn legend to me.. But yeah I've only seen you active in here, the gfx section, and the flame chamber.. And don't say you don't do much as mod.. I mean you just deleated BKB's long ass post:34:


^^^I know, I am a dumbass. I am never trying to quote another member's post from this day forward, because I am so pissed off that I did that!

I have been here for like 2 1/2 years, I have done everything, been everywhere, I just recently settled down to mainly BTB. I'm HOF, multiple Mod, did the E-Fed, did 2 BTB's, and all other crap that I lost track of. My resume is quite up there on the ladder. Never did quite get SMod or Admin though, but I can't win them all.